tv The Ed Show MSNBC May 28, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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good evening, americans and welcome to the ed show live from detroit lakes minnesota. i'm ready to go. let's get to work! i spent some time around ohio last week. you know, people kept asking me the same question. where are the jobs. >> the steel industry has been playing a is your value game against unfair trade now for close to 45 years. >> where are the jobs. >> agreement after agreement we're pitting the united states workers against lower paid and lower-paid workers. >> what americans are asking are where are the jobs. >> you want to do something about this economy growing? >> and wage inequality then you have to stop sending our jobs overseas. >> we're broke. america is broke. >> so why is that? >> the middle class is being offshored. >> the steel industry is product but its having to fight for its life every day. >> where the jobs. >> middle class jobs. manufacturing jobs.
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>> you can't have a manufacturing industry if you don't have a steel industry. >> where are the jobs? >> it doesn't have to be this way. just a little help. if we can get this place going aga again. good to have your with us tonight folks. thanks for watching. john boehner has been running aren't the country asking -- where are the jobs? all he has to do is look at his own back yarpd and maybe he'll have the answer. the jobs are going overseas. it seems boehner and the republicans are only concerned with how much time off they have and what time is their tee time? and in the meantime we have a job cry cigarettes in this country and i question the administration as well. do they'll really know what's going on? the united states steel industry is facing a major crisis. folks, we're talking about thousands of middle class jobs that are at risk right now. and i know benghazi is really, really important. all thanks to bogus free trade
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deals that have been done by the congress. can't pin it on wall street. tonight we'll show you why republicans could care less about middle class jobs. there's a new report out from the economic policy institute and i'll tell you it's very alarming. in 2012, the steel industry supported 583,000 jobs in this country. because of cheap steel imports these jobs are simply at risk. meaning they're going to go away. the top states include texas, with over 59,000 jobs. where is ted cruz on the? is he even concerned at all? california, with over 5,000 jobs. they're at stake. pennsylvania will have over 35,000 jobs at stake and ohio, over 33,000 jobs. do these numbers mean anything to our elected officials? so far over 4,000 steel workers are lost their jobs since 2012. the job loss is, you know what? they'll continue to rise. if the united states doesn't take action on the korea free
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trade agreement. we have diplomats running around saying we got to do more. more for trade. really? ask these families how they feel about these trade deals. the impact on local communities is going to be devastating. and we sit here and do nothing about it. south korea is dumping massive amounts of cheap steel on the american market. hold it there. there's a lot of folks that say, we got to do infrastructure. we got to rebuild these bridges and roads. really? whose steel are we using? china's steel? korean steel or american steel? we figured that out? i'm not for any infrastructure project anywhere to fix any bridge unless it's done with american workers and american steel. let me tell you in the first two months of 2014, the united states imported over 6 million net tons of steel. gosh, that's a lot of shipping, isn't it? that maersk a 24% increase over the first two months of 2013.
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korea and china are basically cheating u.s. steel producers. workers, producers, plants. china is producing loads of cheap steel that's unfinished. china then sells the steel to south korea. korea, in turn, produces steel tubes that is in the oil and gas industry now. south korea then turns around and dumps these products on the united states' market. see ya, job workers! overall, 78% of import growth over the past decade has come from south korea and china. this is causing major losses for middle-class families in the steel industry in this country. and we basically sit by idle and want to do another deal. in 2012, the united states steel industry had net losses of $388 million. what's shouldering that? american workers. in 2013, losses rose 1.2 billion. you can change republicans for
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their bogus free trade agreements and to be fair, the democrats have got their hands on the, too, but at least they're willing to stand up and say, let's reverse this and at least do buy american. make it in america. i don't hear the republicans saying that. house speaker john boehner's home state of ohio you could argue was ground zero in this fight. meanwhile, boehner, he has the nerve ebb to go around the country ask -- where are the jobs? >> americans are still asking the question -- where are the jobs. >> the american people continue to ask the question -- where are the jobs? >> where are the jobs. >> the american people are stilling can where are the jobs? >> where are the jobs? >> where are the jobs? >> the american people are asking where are the jobs 1234 not asking where are the tax returns 123450 you spempbd time around ohio last week and you know, people kept asking the same question. where are the jobs? >> did you go to lorraine, ohio, mr. speaker. did you go to a steel mill where these jobs are in jeopardy? the answer is "no."
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i'll tell you where the jobs are. they're moving to china and korea thanks to trade deals and you do nothingbility it and your state of ohio is starting to suffer because of it. not one single free trade deal has ever created u.s. jobs. boehner support free trade. in fact he once fast-tracked authority for other bad trade deals like the tpp. >> we can start by standing markets for american companies to export their products and their services. that would be good for american jobs. and republicans and the president agree on this. listen, trade promotion authority is ready to go. so why isn't it done? it isn't done because the president hadn't lift aid finger to give the democrats and congress to support it. >> that is absolutely fraudulent. the bottom line is -- are we exporting a little bit more? a little bit more, compared to the imports? it's not even close powerpoint i think boehner needs to speak to the people of ohio and get that answer. he has to look these folks in
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the eye that are laid off and aren't working. he has no idea what's taking place in his own state and he says, where are the jobs? i recently visited ohio weeks ago, they told me south korea steel is a major threat. >> 2008, we saw the chinese dumping steel into the united states. we found a solution and it's put into place to regulate the system. basically, to make it so everyone was on a level playing field and as soon as that happened american steel started to -- we were down basically, most plants in the united states were under 30% production at that points and almost everyone was laid off here in lorraine and all around the country. all these milless we saw everyone was laid off. few people skeleton crews. now what we're seeing is -- it's the exact same situation six years later and now it's korea instead of china so we need to look at what we did then and do the same thing. >> since that story, congress
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has done nothing! they talked a little bit about it but no action. none whatsoever. not even an acknowledgment from the republicans who were so focused on the benghazi and the irs, it's about jobs. they have nothing on the table. 33,000 jobs are at risk in speaker boehner's state of ohio. he seems to could care less. i have one final chart for mr. boehner. this chart couldn't be more clear. this redline is u.s. steel employment in the united states between 1990 and 2014. in 1990 the company employed 258,000 people. today it employs 149,000 workers. the green line is steel imports in the united states. it's as clear as day. the more steel imported, the less jobs in the united states. the steel industry is in trouble. thousands of middle class jobs are at risk. we know free trade and imported steel is to blame. our elected officials don't do a
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damn thing about it. we know how to fix this problem. but then again, you might have to go against the money grubbers out there who line the pockets of these politicians that want nothing but deregulation. import everything. no tariffs or fair trade. it's free. have at it! the low ball wins. the only thing standsing in our way is the republican speaker of the house who won't bring any initiatives to the floor for a vote whatsoever so deal with this issue. and yet they say they care about jobs. mr. boehner. when you went home to ohio, did you meet any of these workers? that's the first question. yes or no? very simple. mr. boehner, when you went home did you even talk about free trade? with any of your constituents whatsoever. did you go to lorraine, ohio, where a crisis is unfolding? no. he didn't do any of that. our politicians are bought and paid for and they don't give a
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damn about middle class jobs. the democrats, of course, are not in power. if they were, i'm confident they'd do something about it. the democrats have been jet streaming about make it in america for years. they get no help from the republicans. the republicans want the free market to take over. do you want your kids' school bus going across that newly-reconstructed bridge with china steel or american steel? do you even care? do you even care about american jobs? we have some real fundamental issues in this country that need to be addressed. we could talk about investment. but what we need to talk about, really, is trade agreements that are getting our entire economy and it's going to get to every sector of the economy. this steel that's coming into the united states is going to end up in the energy sector in a big, big way. this steel that's coming in will end up going through solar and going through wind power in a
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big way and we don't have to do it. we can do it here. we can help our economy. we can do so many things but we refuse to do it because we chase the bottom line. so a few will benefit at the top. it's not the america i grew up in. and i don't think it's the america you want today. the best thing to do is to ask whoever is running for office in your neck of the woods, do they know anything about these trade agreements that gut american jobs? and start to make your decision from there. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question -- does john boehner care about steel-based jobs in ohio? text a for yes and b for no. go to our blog and a comment at this report out underscores everything we covered in lorraine ohio and in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, several months ago now the numbers are out in hard numbers. for more let me bring in robert
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scott of the economic policy institute. the co-author of this report. and we certainly appreciate you being with us tonight. robert, if we didn't address this esh, how many jobs are going to be lost? what does america have to do to turn this around? >> well, we have hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk. as you mentioned we found in our study that the steel industry supports over 580,000 good jobs in the united states. jobs with good wages and full benefits. and it's hard to say exactly how many we'll lose but the last time we had a major crisis in steel was in import was the early 2000's following the asian financial crisis. at that point, 33 u.s. steel companies were pushed into bankruptcy. and over the course of the next three or four years we lost, i think, about 55,000 direct jobs and overall, perhaps a yoik of a
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million jobs supported by the steel industry. >> you know a look at the national climate estimate that came out and gave us some pretty horrific numbers and forecasts of what we're looking at when it comes to climate change, to pair legal that i look at this report and i see, where are american jobs going? how long can the united states steel industry survive with these kinds of losses? >> not for long. for four of the last five years they suffered major losses. as you pointed out, they've lost over a billion dollars last year alone. and so, pretty soon we're going to start to see bankruptcies and companies being scrapped or restructured and that's when we lose permanent jobs and that's what the risk is today. i don't think it will be very long. >> not very long. the next five years is a very critical time for the united states and especially in 2016. whoever is going to be president is going to have to reverse this. i'm convinced that president obama wants to do more of this
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kind of stuff. the administration needs to wack up. is congress doing anything to address this issue? >> well, this particular set of issues is -- can be addressed under u.s. fair trade laws. we have rules that make it illegal to dump production here, below cost or to subsidize steel and that's really the core problem today. we've got governments around the world, subsidizing steel production. there's far too much steel being produced in government subsidized steel plants. we have half a billion tons of excess steel production capacity and the united states is a number one market being targeted for that steel production. what we need to do is implement the laws that we have on the books and that depends on decisions back made at the commerce department and the u.s. international trade commission. they need to enforce the rules. congress has jumped in to help. >> some have. some have. >> some have. some members of congress have
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come and testified. >> yeah. robert scott, good foef you with us tonight and we appreciate your time. thank you for the good work on the report. we want to bring in scott paul who's the executive director for the alliance of american manufacturing. scott good to have you with us. this is not a level playing field. you heard him again. we heard numerous sources saying china and, korea, is state supported. this is not the free market. this is a manipulated market by other governments that want to take down this country's steel i have industry. what's the few whur as you see it? >> so people understand, what we're facing here. half of the world's largest steel companies are owned by governments. they're not private sector firms and they're owned by china. chinese government rf 4e6 live supported by the nations in which they operate. of course, here, it's the private sector. we have the most opened border when it comes to trade.
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it really burns me up when we allow other countries to, as rob scott said, either subsidize their steel or dump it into our market and our workers lose their jobs. this is really the only country where that happens around the wrorld. it doesn't make us exceptional. it makes us exception alley stupid. we have trade laws on the books but we got to enforce them. >> how inferior is the steel being i believe ported compared to united states steel. >> it's really ineffect. steel making in the united states is less carbon sben sif i so there's less carbon output. there's less shipping costs. yourself close to the market. you can guarantee the quality because you know where to track down the company 'rather than finding them some place in china or korea. what's at stake here is reciprocity. we don't have this access to their markets and we don't
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manipulate our kumpx si and we play by the rules and we have labor regulations and environmental regulations and those are, i think, good things and things that working people need in this country. but what we don't have is a government that continually looks after our backs. i will say on this particular steel issue, this is an issue that actually, sharon brown, rosh portman, the former bush administration ustr, 57 senators signed a letter say we got to look out for our pipe and tube makers. ted cruz, john cornyn didn't sign it. texas is the number one state. i'll be in loan star texas where they make good pipe and tube on monday and we'll rally support and get texans to say no matter what party you are you got to in american jobs and you got to support american manufacturing and wrap yourselves in the flag to support american workers. but you got to sign your narm to a piece of paper to show you really mean it, i think.
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>> where are the elected officials in texas. nowhere to be found on middle class jobs and the steel industry. scott paul, alliance for american manufacturing. good to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. coming up, a strong cup of texas tea. the tea party sweeps primary runoff in a conservative stronghold. first, they call it quits with the republican party. trenders is next. stick around we're right back on "the ed show." mom! awesome! dad!! i missed you. ♪ oh... daddy. chevrolet and its dealers proudly support military appreciation month. with the industry's best military purchase program, for all that have served. sweets become salaries. an oven heats up a community
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bundy bounces. h leaves the gop for a more fringe independent party. >> they seem to be the new choice. >> let's go. come on. >> this is me. sit finally going to go away? >> independent leaders hope one day he'll throw his hat in the ring for governor. >> let the door knob hit you where the good lord split you if. >> the number two trender. >> presidential pause. >> a white tiger shares his name with a man in the white house. >> the zoo says this is the first known case of five i white tiger cubs born in a single lit
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her europe. >> they're great. >> and fade's top trender. stamped out. >> a friendly door-to-door mailman has been someone neighbors have been accustomed to for decades. >> speedy delivery. see you around the neighborhood. >> could a bill in congress knock mail carriers off their feet for good? >> republicans wants this american institution to fail. >> republicans make a move to end door-to-door mail delivery. >> with the tlifrry act of 2014, it's a common sense wage to help them -- converting to community mailboxes could save the u.s. post office 2 billion a year. >> since 2006, the postal service has used its total workforce by more than 200,000. >> there is all i've done for 20 years is walking routes. >> those who want their door-to-door service to continue would have the pay for it themselves. >> postal service cannot cut its way. >> joining me tonight, vermont senator, bernie sanders.
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senator, good to have you with us. this is a story talked about a lot. it seems to just keep getting worse. this is nothing but an assault on the postal service. who's against the postal service? the republicans. the and now the story is out, about how they're going to go after the fun that's out there. senator, what's going on here? this bill is an assault on the postal service. how else can we read it? >> well, you can't read it any other way, ed. this ties into the koch brothers and the right wing republicans' vision of america. these are the guys that want to privatize social security, medicare, medicaid, the environmental protection agency and the united states postal organization. they're very clear about this. a few years ago, their plan called for ending and doing away with 15,000 rural post office sers and saturday mail delivery. year after year the republicans have been waging a fierce attack against the postal service and the people who work there.
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the bottom line here and here's the most important point. if the postal service today did not have to contend with this absolutely oppressive burden of funding 75 years, a future health benefit for retirees in a ten year period. 5.5 billion every year, the postal service this year would make about a billion dollars in profit. you want to save the postal service, you get rid of that burr again, not prevent people from getting door-to-door delivery. >> and to follow that angle, senator. there's over $60 billion right now in that fund that is supposed to be and is set aside the take care of health care and retirement obligations for people that aren't even working at the postal service yet and now there's a story out by bloomberg saying house republicans are look at using this fund to close the gap on
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the highway trust fund. what do you know about this? this is outrageous. it's beyond outrageous. here's the point. in 2006, the bush administration came up with this plan to put this unprecedented burden on the postal service. ed, no other entity at the federal, state and local level that has anything like this burden. there's no corporation in the america that has anything near this burden. bottom line is, without this burden. giving the postal service flexibility to do things radical revolutionary things like, copy documents like notarize papers. shich wine and beer. like, maybe getting into the banking business. help low-income people finally get decent banking service. you do that and you'll have a strong around profitable postal service that will continue to deliver mail to every household in the united states of america. the idea that they would take
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away the about of people to get door-to-door delivery in order to fund our infrastructure is totally crazy. what we need to do is in fact, rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. the way to come up with the money is you ask the one out of four major corporations in america that pavo in federal income tax to start paying their fair share of taxes. you don't tell old people that they can't get mail on saturday or they can't get door-to-door delivery. is this is crazy. they say this will run a lot of people out of work unnecessarily and it will hurt a lot of veterans because the postal service hires more veterans than anybody else. senator, i appreciate your work on the. you're one of the few voices willing to step up and go after this issue. this is privatization on steroids and i've said all along
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on the program they were going to go after that fund and try to use it for something else. it's turned out to be nothing but a slush fund and this is -- the republicans have got their hands all over this. and my final question to you is, senator, are there any republicans that think this is just a bastardation of the postal service? >> i think there are. there are republicans that appreciate the significance of these small town post offices for their people. there are republicans who understand that we have a strong postal service and getting goods and products out to people in a timely manner, it is good for the business community. so to answer your question. yes, i believe the republicans who do not want to decimate the postal service and i promise you this. i'm going to do everything i can and i have a lot of allies in the senate to make sure that nothing like this happens. >> senator bernie sanders, good
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to have you with us on "the ed show." still ahead texas tea party candidates win big. the rapid response panel weighs in. later, the new gop can't shake its old ways. "duck dynasty" patriarch back at it? he's tapped to give a big and h address to the republican leadership conference. next, taking questions. we're right back on msnbc. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans
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welcome back with our first live question from sandy, what is congress going to do for the long-term unemployeed? >> nothing. remember the deal the democrats did with the republicans saying, let's do the deal. we'll play ball? the republicans never gave in and they called them a bunch of takers. long term unemployed, this is an issue that's off the table. you're not going to get the republicans to go any further
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than what they've gone so far without name-calling and broad brushing workers who really have been displaced in our economy. it's really sad. our next question is from david. are you afraid of where the republicans are taking this country? yes. if you look at the first two stories that we just did on the program, for instance, the steel industry. take for instance, the way they want to privatize everything they can get their hands on this is what these folks want to do. they have no core value about doing something for the middle class. they do not believe in a thriving middle class. they don't believe that a rising tide lifts all boats. this is about concentration of the wealth and concentration of the government and only a few are going to benefit and let's everybody work for free! that's the republican way! stick around, rapid response panel is next. we're right back. i'm hampton pearson.
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movement. polls show a steep decline in tea party support among republicans since their peak of influence in 2010. one state where far right tea partyiers can still find refuge. the lone star state of texas. on tuesday, tea partyiers won big in the state of texas in the primary runoffs. john radcliffe, unseeded congress's oldest members with 91-year-old world war ii veteran, ralph hall, lost by six percentage points. the tea party keystone victory came from state senator dan patrick who used to be a sportscaster in houston. the conservative radio talk show host beat republicans incumbent david brewer by over 30 percentage point dewhurst. he attacked him and spewed
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anti-obama rhetoric. >> i understand why obama thinks he can change the weather because he thinks he's god. he thinks he is the smartest person in the country. he thinks he knows better in washington. what we do in texas. he thinks he'ses the one through all his executive orders that congress isn't even up to his level. so i'm not surprised he thinktion he can also change the weather. >> oh, yeah. wear the plaid shirt and go after the president. folks, those are the words of a man one step closer to the second highest office in the state of texas. proof that the tea party is still very much alive and well in the lone star state. joining me fora pid response panel on this. sarah slayman. a field director for the democratic party in texas and also, professor mark jones, chair of the department of political zriens political
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science at rice university. can you give us a description of the political climate in texas if tea party is not showing very much strength nationally but in texas, it seems to be very strong. what gives? >> well, the tea party in texas is stronger than ever. we've seen the tea party not only win elections but pull the entire center of gravity within the texas republican party further to the right or even establishment republican candidates like lieutenant governor dachd dewhurst felt compelled to compete on the tea party's own turf and out conservative the stae party leaders which was a few until as the -- futile task. >> in many ways these candidates are following the ted yuz playbook. catering to the very small number of people who turn out to vote in the republican primary and little all the red meat, hot button issues. hammering in on border security
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and anti-obama and hammering in on abortion and gun yol and all those things together mobilize the small number of people they need to vote. overall it's important to remember dan patrick will most likely be the lieutenant governor for 27 million texans come 2015. >> sarah, what is this signal about what 2014 is going to be about in texas. >> about the fight for political conscience of texas. when i hear sound bites when they say the pare party is stronger than ever with less than 4% of the turnout. these decade-long efforts at redistricting and radical voter suppression agenda it's been working for the gop. but organizations like the texas democratic party and other organizations in texas, we have something for them this year. we're working on a radical outreach program of our own and we'll empower the voters and let
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them know they have a choice. >> there's speculation over whether texas could flip blue in the near future. in the wake of what we've seen, is this the key for the republicans to maintain their power? they want low voter turnout? what does that signal for the progressives? >> you know, i wouldn't compare the primary runoff to what you see the general in this year. the choice could not be clearer at this point. you have have people like greg abbot and dan patrick at the top of their ticket. these people that brag about closing down clinics for poor people. people in charge on their side, calling mention kwanls and mexican americans invaders. on our side, we have the chairman and they are inviting latinos into the process with a lot of vigor for the first time. these folks have no imagination. they're talking to the same small group of voters and they're not motivating them by talking about obama and abortion.
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they're motivating them by talking about racism and masogany. >> what do you think of that answer, professor jones, is that true? >> particularly the candidacy of dan patrick will provide an important test case of is there a point on the spectrum that the republican party can cross? can it present a candidate that's so conservative that many voters who generally vote republican in november, or don't turn out actually do vote for a democratic candidate, in this case, his opponent 37 that said, yank it's very unlikely any democrat is going to win statewide. in 2014. barring some epic collapse or epic gaffe by one of the candidates. 2018, that might be a different story but for 2014, i think texas will still stay red. >> so you think, wendy davis, democratic choice to run for governor has an uphill battle at
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this point? >> it's a very uphill battle. i think something that's recognized by naeshl democranats well. and the candidate most likely to have the narrowest margin of despeet is la tee shall. she's a stronger candidate than wendy davis and is running against a weaker republican candidate, dan patrick, who i think is quite rightly located on the very right edge of the republican idea lodge kwhal spectrum here in texas. he's the most conservative senator in the texas senate and that's among a group of very conservative senators. >> sarah, your response to what the professor said about wendy davis. is us that far of a reach in your opinion? >> i don't think it's that far of a reach at all. had a successful vote by mail initiative in the texas democratic party and if you look at local races where we won, we're kicking butt with that and bringing people into the process for the first time.
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a lot of people -- a lot of people had interesting predictions in twren about the presidential race and they were wrong. for now texas democratics were not used to being alone and we'll fight this alone. >> all right. it's a state to watch. no doubt. thank you both to have you with us. 245i7x so much. coming up, shaean hannity gs called out for spewing oil industry lies. that's next. stick around clam you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. we know you do so much more. peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians.
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. and mr. intellectual honesty. sean hannity. the fox news host came to my side of the town to talk oil in north dakota. not long ago, he says politicians stand in the way of america's success. >> the rest of america wishes they could join you but apparently they can't. barack obama's our president. >> i was brought up and believed in all my heart that we're here to serve other people.
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politicians with are all too often about serving themselves. what they're doing by denying access to our oil and gas and our energy, they are a detriment. they are obstacle to our success as a country. >> hannity is referring to regulations set in place to keep the environment and workers safe. on his show, hannity has blamed environmentalists for spills resulting in deep water drilling. >> problem is, environmentalists pushed us out there. we couldn't go to anwar, shallower waters in the pacific. >> not so fast, hannity. pointed out the real story, oil companies moved out to deep water because of their own greed, no one pushed them there. they are not listening to politicians, they are listening to the sound of money in the till. he can keep on pretending. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans
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performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. you can't teach an old dog new tricks. republicans are trying to rebrand themselves as the new gop. but a move they are planning for tomorrow certainly isn't going to help. phil robertson, the controversial father figure from the tv show "duck dynasty" will address the republican leadership conference on thursday night in new orleans. in case you need a reminder, back in december it was robertson who made a series of
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clearly offensive remarks in a "gq" article about homosexuals and black americans. one of the remarks was about the black community being happier during the pre-civil rights era. remembering robertson saying, "i never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person, not once. where we lived was all farmers. the blacks worked for the farmers. i hoed cotton with them. i'm with the blacks because we're white trash. we're going across the field, they are singing and happy." well, that was offensive to a lot of americans, no doubt, americans don't want to hear from a bigot like robertson. it shows in "duck dynasty" ratings as of late. according to estimates, the fifth season finale had 6 million viewers. good number, no doubt for a show, compare that to the show's third season finale in april of last year with 9.6 million viewers. somebody's not liking it. down roughly 28%.
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robertson isn't the only speaker scheduled to address this new republican audience. the republican national committee chair reince priebus and bobby jindal are also scheduled to speak tomorrow night. sounds like the new gop is still represented by the same old ideas and the same old faces. goldie taylor, msnbc contributor and columnist for the grio joins us tonight. goldie, what's going on here? was this new gop talk just a bunch of hog wash, what's happening here? >> you know, ed, what's old is new again, and so when we're watching phil robertson speak before the republican leadership conference tomorrow, it's because it's something the gop really can't push itself away from. it's certainly not under the leadership of someone like reince priebus, who unfortunately to me, is one of the biggest political quacks this country has ever known. he understands, certainly, that
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his outreach to african-american communities, communities of color in general, lgbt community, certainly, that in order for them to rise and remain as a national party, to win elections in state after state, to recapture the white house, to do the meaningful things that it takes to really re-examine their political platform and craft messages that reach out to communities in a meaningful way, that that was his job at hand, instead he harkens back to someone like phil robertson, who believes that african-americans were happier when they were sharecroppers who were being cheated at market, who were having their land stolen from them, that they were second class and no-class citizens back then, really says more about reince priebus than it will ever say about phil robertson. >> i mean, is this what they want to be known for? can't they separate themselves from the likes of a guy who made comments like this? it was not an apology situation, this is what the guy believes.
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>> you know, unfortunately not. the tea party represents an increasingly small wing of the republican party, but they still seem to control the party's platform and control, you know, what the party will do or say in terms of gun rights, immigration, any host of issues. you watched it happen last tuesday night where the tea party candidates may well have lost, but their platform, vision for the future of that party, it won the night because they are able to push candidates further to the right. that's what phil robertson represents, you know, he really is the embodiment of that extreme faction of the party, who controls the rest of the party. we've seen a grand sort of decentralization of the republican party. well, the establishment is really pretty irrelevant today, that the grassroots, that 4% to 10% of people who really subscribe to this stuff, they are running the show. they are driving the car. >> it is amazing that they really need the likes of a phil
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robertson and his appeal to get people to vote and understand who they are. it is amazing. goldie taylor, good to have you with us tonight, appreciate your time on "the ed show." thanks so much. we end our program tonight with a very special tribute. roland holm, the father of executive producer ed holm of "the ed show" passed away after a fight with cancer. mr. holm was a small town public school teacher from minnesota who reached the lives of thousands of students and families across the country, so when you hear me talk on this program about public school teachers having an impact, i want you to remember roland holm, because there are thousands of public school teachers like roland out there who are trying to change this world just one student at a time. and i can guarantee you one thing, roland holm, he helped raise one great son, and we're proud to have him on our team. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz.
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"politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and give our love to james and the holm family for the loss of roland. >> will do that, reverend, thank you. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, republicans tying themselves in knots over the health care law. for years their position was clear, it was all repeal all the time. but now the law's taking root and the campaign trail things are getting more and more complicated. just ask kentucky senator mitch mcconnell, who's in the fight of his political life. here's what he said about the health care law on friday. >> the single worst piece of legislation that's been passed in the last 50 years. it was a big mistake. we ought to be pull it out root and branch and we ought to start over. that's how i feel about it.
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