tv The Ed Show MSNBC May 29, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> former denver broncos tight end, nate jackson, always great to see you, nate. thanks for your time. >> thanks, alex. >> that is all for now. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is coming up next. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show," live from new york. i'm michael eric dyson in for ed schultz. as ed would say, let's get to work. >> i think you know my view on obamacare. >> republicans may have problems continuing to make the anti-obamacare argument. >> mcconnell will lose. >> if i had my way about it, we'd repeal obamacare. >> and you even fit in an obamacare reference. >> our top political priority. >> let's move on to obamacare now. >> there's only one escape hatch and that's full repeal. >> repeal the law of the land. is that clear? >> this is insanity. >> why are they so mad about the idea of folks having health insurance. >> our top political priority.
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>> no other reason than political spite. after years of constant trashing of obamacare, republicans are changing their tune. obamacare is working. and the law is here to stay. this has republicans caught in the middle. so far, over 8 million people have enrolled in obamacare. one of the biggest success stories is in senator mitch mcconnell's home state of kentucky. kentucky's state exchange has enrolled over 400,000 people in obamacare. the people of kentucky like their new health care. this has the republican minority leader in a tough spot. mitch mcconnell has done nothing but trash obamacare since day one. >> if i had my way about it, we would repeal obamacare and start all over and get it right. but there's only one escape hatch that will fully help those trapped by this law. and that's full repeal. >> well, it's time for democrats
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to stop trying to defend the indefensible and join republicans in wiping this colossal legislative mistake clear off the books. >> we are hoping to have a chance to vote on repealing obamacare again. we believe it's appropriate to have that vote again, and we'll be working to get that kind of vote in the near future. thanks a lot. >> oh, mitch, mitch, mitch. the fact obamacare is working has mcconnell scrambling. last friday, senator mcconnell gave a joint press conference with senator rand paul. at first, mcconnell started with this typical obamacare trash talking. >> i think you know my view on obamacare. i'll tell you again, the single worst piece of legislation that's been passed in the last 50 years. driving premiums up, deductibles up, killing jobs. >> then a short time later, a reporter asked him about -- asked him this question about kentucky's popular state-run
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exchange. >> should kynect be dismantled? >> i think that's unconnected to my comments about the overall question here. >> unconnected? mcconnell's claim that kynect and obamacare are unrelated is really absurd. without obamacare, the state exchange would not even exist. he gets federal funding and subjects to the guidelines of federal health care act. it's fair to say mcconnell is lying when he says kynect and obamacare are not related. after those comments, we got another lie. this time from a campaign spokesperson who said, quote, if obamacare is repealed, kentucky should decide for itself whether to keep kynect or set up a different market place. wow. that's quite the change of heart from the number one opponent of the affordable care act. mcconnell is now playing both sides of obamacare. hays no dummy. mcconnell knows residents of his home state like their new health insurance. if he runs on the full-blown
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repeal, he could lose his job come november. regardless of his flip-flopping, mcconnell's campaign is being dishonest by saying that kentucky can keep their exchange. kentucky governor steve beshear played a major role in the state's success. he released a statement saying, quote, eliminating aca means that folks with pre-existing conditions will struggle to find coverage. young adults won't with able to stay on their parent's coverage, women won't be treated equally by insurers, and federal subsidies for kentuckyians will end. senator mcconnell either doesn't understand what the aca is, or is just trying to mislead kentucky families for his political benefit at their expense. mcconnell is, without a doubt, misleading the people of kentucky. he's not the only republican running for the senate who has this problem. scott brown in massachusetts, terry lynn land in michigan, and tom cotton of arkansas have all refused to say whether medicaid
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spang should move forward in their states. there's no doubt obamacare is putting republicans in a tough spots for the midterms. we'll just have to wait and see if they give up their archaic, backwards ideology just to get elected. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, does senator mcconnell care about the people of kentucky or getting elected? text "a" for the people of kentucky, text "b" for get elected to 67622 or go to our blog at i'll bring you the results later in the show. for more, let me bring in congresswoman jan schakowsky of illinois. so good to see you, congresswoman. >> thank you, professor. >> are you surprised that mitch mcconnell was playing both sides of obamacare here, given his initial bitter opposition, but then reading the tea leaves to see that people in this state really like their health care? >> well, here's the thing i really like about what mitch mcconnell did, and that is, i think he has probably cleared up for the people of kentucky, and
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maybe around the country, that the kentucky program, kynect, is obamacare. because there are too many people who say, oh, you know, i like the affordable care act or i like kynect, but i really don't like that obamacare. and now we know for sure that he either doesn't get it or he's just making up a story, but i think now the word is out, that you cannot have kynect, the kentucky program, without having obamacare, because they are one and the same. >> well, isn't that interesting? a lot of states do this, though, right? a lot of states say, i like what's going on locally here, but i can't stand that obamacare. is it that they have to do a better job of marketing or is it that the disinformation that politicians put out there really has to be opposed by people who are in the know? >> well, we have work to do. because people like the koch brothers have spent millions and millions of dollars, trashing obamacare. the republicans have been relentless under mitch mcconnell's leadership in the
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senate and in the house of representatives. and so, certainly, we need to make that connection. and that's why, in a way, i'm kind of grateful to mitch mcconnell, because i think he has broken down the barrier in language that makes it clear that obamacare is what has given kentuckyians, 415,000 of them, health care, many for the first time. >> right. well, here's another conundrum, so to speak. mcconnell's opponent, alison lundergan grimes, is dodging questions on obamacare. she refuses to say whether she would have voted for it and she's running on fixing obamacare. now, is that really a good strategy for any democrat to be deploying in the election? >> well, i certainly think that she ought to be widely touting what they've done in kentucky and kentucky, i think, is a good model for the rest of the state, states that want to implement obamacare. but, look, all of us agree that there may be things that we want to fix about it.
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unfortunately, we have opponents who embrace the bad, who want it to be bad, in every possible way, and won't allow us to even fix those things that could be made better. >> well, you know, congresswoman, do you think obamacare will be a tough subject for all republicans in the midterms, given what you just said? because there's a sharp contrast between what obamacare has been sold as, and what local people see it as, that is, something to help them, especially fix a health care system that was in tatters. >> i think it's really a danger for them to continue with this campaign against obamacare. because more and more people are realizing its benefits every day. you know, it's open enrollment all year long for people that -- for people to enroll in medicaid. and as you've seen in kentucky, hundreds of thousands of people, and there could even be millions more, if the states would embrace obamacare and let lower income people join it.
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but, you know, mitch mcconnell was wrong on every front. they could not keep, if they repealed obamacare, they could not even keep the medicaid portion, because many of the people now eligible for medicaid would not be, if it weren't for the expansion under obamacare. so he's even wrong about that. >> right. well, you did give him credit, at least for trying to clarify that kynect, in the local form of health care, was obamacare. do you think house republicans are changing their tune on obamacare at all? >> well, i think that we're seeing less, you know. we've seen them kind of shift over to false scandals like benghazi and other things. and i haven't heard as much about obamacare. and so my thought is that they have realized, and i'm sure they're doing the same polling that we do, is that many people really appreciate it and like all the benefits that are part of the program, that the governor clearly outlined, as you quoted from him, and are
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embracing the idea that this, you know, i'm going to take another look. i think that obamacare may be able to help my family. >> yeah, no doubt about that. well, we like the benefit of having you on the ready to really explain this to us. congresswoman jan schakowsky, thank you so much for your time tonight. >> it's my pleasure, thank you. >> for more, let me bring in wendell potter, senior analyst with the center for public integrity, and dr. cory a. bear with the professional health sciences center. wendell, let me begin with you. is mcconnell being dishonest by saying that kentuckyians would be able to keep their exchange if obamacare is repealed? >> he's being very dishonest. because the state just could not keep its exchange if it were repealed. and here's the thing. if what mcconnell is advocating is repeal, which he does, then the insurance companies would once again be in charge of the health care system, as it was before the law was passed. the people who have gotten coverage in kentucky since the law was passed would simply lose that coverage, because insurance companies would go back to their
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practices of refusing to sell coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, canceling coverage to people when they get sick, kicking kids off their family's policies when they turn 18, and that's what we would find. you cannot have an exchange that works as well as it does in kentucky or at all if you repeal obamacare. >> well, dr. abear, why aren't we getting that message? because the republicans have been running hard and long on repeal. now they're trying to adjust their strategy to suggest that, yeah, well, there are parts of this stuff that really get complicated and let me explain what's going on here, between the local version versus what's happening with obamacare. why can't we get this message clearly articulated to the very people who need it the most? >> just because you're a congressman or a senator, it doesn't make you immune from being delusional. let's be very real here. i mean, we know right now that people are constantly getting health care now, they're constantly getting health insurance. people's lives are changing because of this. so when you're in the midst of all this politics, you have to
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realize that this is totally polarized, based on democrat and republican. tea partyier and left wing. i mean, it is totally polarized, and that's why the message is not getting out, because we're constantly making smoke screens, so that people don't really know the real deal. we know that you have to watch real hard-core news to find out what's going on. and most people in america, to be honest, just listen to their friends, listen to their cousins. but i'll tell you, every day in my practice, i see people that come to me and say, dr. abear, without this obamacare -- they don't even know what it is really called. they don't call it the affordable care act, but without obamacare, i would not get health care. i've not seen a doctor in ten years. thank god for obamacare. and as long as i have breath in my body, i will make sure that people get that message by being on programs like this and spreading the word throughout the country. >> well, smoke screens are proven to be dangerous for health care for sure.
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wendell, is it dangerous for democrats to run on fixing obamacare? after all, it's done a tremendous job in helping people, dr. hebert has just pointed out. so why are democrats running on terms of fixing it, rather than running on what's helpful for the people? >> i think they're running on fixing it because they've been spooked by all the propaganda that's been in all the ads. keep in mind that about $400 million has been spent opposing the affordable care act sips it was enacted, and just a tiny fraction of has been used or spent to support it. so that's why they're doing what they're doing. but i think they have an opportunity to try to explain to voters what exactly is in the law and how it benefits them. and to call out the lies. i heard you play that clip from mcconnell earlier. he was lying when he said that it has resulted in premiums going up and people losing their coverage and people losing their jobs. it's just not true. i would point out, if i were alison lundergan grimes, that
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between 1998 and 2008, health insurance premiums went up 131%. that's what was going on before the affordable care act was passed, and they were refusing to sell coverage to people who really needed it. that's what mcconnell wants us to go back to. >> in light of what dr. potter said, let's look at it this way. 8 million people have rolled in obamacare, but the polling is mixed. the latest gallup poll shows that 51% of the americans disapprove of the law and 43% approve. how do you account for those numbers? >> the way it looks, when you look at these type of polls, you can get a poll to say anything, first of all. and you can get a sampling bias by sampling the people that you want to really affirm what you particularly think. so the people that are actually polled in this particular gallup poll shows, it shows that the people that are wanting care and already had insurance are still against obamacare. and those are the people that
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they are polling. the people that didn't have health insurance, they initially didn't like obamacare because of the rollout, because of the glitch in the computer system. but now, you see a little bit of a dip, and now that's going up, which means that people are getting the care that they need, and so when you look at these polls, you have to look at them with a grain of salt. take it with a grain of salt. because i can make -- i can say that people in hell want ice water and they'll get it if i get the right poll numbers, you know what i mean? >> no doubt about that. that's a hot subject. so wendell, what can be done to improve public opinion on obamacare? given what hebert just said, how do you then fix the polling or at least the public opinion, so that people begin to understand what's at stake here and the real stuff beyond the smoke screen? >> well, the democrats need a broad communication strategy. and the candidates need to understand what they can say to set the record straight and how to say it. words are important. and i think that candidates need
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to understand they can use certain words and tell the truth and call out the lies and make sure that people are getting the messaging. and they can do it throw their advertising. i saw an ad that was done by a candidate in minnesota that was very, very clever. it was showing health insurance executives dancing on boardroom tables, just anticipating that the affordable care act would be repealed. you can do it with some humor and do it very succinctly and people will get the message. >> and take a page from the tea party book of strategy and figure out how to get more effective with the grassroots as well. wendell potter, dr. cory hebert, thank you so much for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter @edshow and on facebook. we want to know what you think. coming up, the rapid response panel joins me to discuss the life and legacy of my dear friend, dr. maya angelou. but first, a peaceful protest against republican policies ends in arrests. we'll talk to one of the organizers of moral mondays.
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my mom works at ge. ♪ time now for the trenders. keep in touch with the ed show on twitter @edshow and on facebook and you can find me on twitter @michaeledyson. "the ed show" social media trenders have voted. >> butterfly in the sky. >> the number three trender, a new chapter. ♪ take a look ♪ it's in a book ♪ a reading rainbow >> reading rainbow is back. >> burton and his team launched a kickstarter campaign wednesday in the hopes of raising $1 million. >> $1 million. >> reporter: plans to reboot reading rainbow take off. >> reading rainbow has always
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been made possible, as the saying goes, by viewers like you. >> whoo! >> join with me in having an impact on this next generation of children, the same way we may have had an impact on you. >> the number two trender. as if -- >> fox news is getting a little clueless. >> that was way harsh. >> "clueless" star, stacy dash, is in talks to join fox news. >> don't you want to use your popularity for a good cause? >> no. >> stacy dash clues in fox viewers as its new contributor. >> that's the same role sarah palin has at the network. >> oh, my god, i'm totally bugging. >> dash has made frequent guest appearances on fox news. >> there goes your social life. >> and today's top trender, moral argument. >> the people packing the legislative building in downtown raleigh, singing and going door to door to lawmakers offices. ♪ we shall not be moved >> these are people from all over the state, protesting some of the conservative policies that have gone through this
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legislature. >> moral monday protesters face arrest at the north carolina capitol. >> as police eventually arrested 14 demonstrators, who had been camped out in speaker thom tillis' office. >> the sit-in protesters were demanding that medicaid be expanded and the earned income tax credit be restored. >> i'm willing to stay here as long as it takes. >> and i want to be the voice for that person who's too scared to be sitting right here. >> we want people to see these faces. hear these voices. and change their heart. >> joining me now is reverend julie people, senior pastor at congregational church of christ in greensboro, north carolina. was one of the moral monday protesters who was arrested this week so we're grad to have her on the show here today. what do you think, reverend peoples, about the protest? what do you hope to accomplish with the moral monday protest, and how does raising the profile of that particular organization help drive home your point?
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>> thank you for having me. what we are doing in north carolina is helping people be aware of what is happening. we are hear, raising our voices, calling upon this legislation to repent, to repeal, and to restore, to repeal the harmful legislation they did last year, to restore our state to its health, its well-being, to put us back on the direction we need to be on. and so that is what we are here to do. we're here asking for the legislators to hear the stories of the people who are now being harmed by the policies and the regulations passed last year. >> what about people who say, look, you're using '60s-styles protests for 2000-some-odd style, you know, of legislation that needs to be resisted or social change that needs to be engineered. how do you respond to people who make that argument in the light of your kind of shoo-in leather
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on the pavement, right to the offices of the people who make the laws? >> we are using all sorts of strategies. we are working on a lot of different angles. and what we did on tuesday was simply to go and try to talk to speaker tillis. we wanted to speak with him, we wanted him to hear the stories of these low-wage workers, who are struggling just to make ends meet. who are having to make terrible choices between buying medicine or paying their rent. we wanted to talk with them, to have a conversation, and so we went and we waited. and we shared our stories with anyone who would listen. >> well, thom tillis wasn't in his office when you were demonstrating. have you had any response from the house speaker at all? what is the temperature of the room, so to speak, there? >> we've had no response thus far. we will continue to try and engage our legislators -- go ahead. >> no, no, you go ahead.
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>> our pastor, and like hundreds of my colleagues across the state, we are tending to more and more of the casualties of this train wreck. we are seeing the real harm done, and at some point, you have to go to the engineers of the train and ask them to stop, ask them to stop giving fuel to this train that is hurting real people, that is keeping people from getting health care. keeping them from providing for their children. >> sure. >> so that's what we're about. >> well, some of the passengers on that train, in fact, most of them, are the one who hurting and suffering. a lot of those passengers, the protesters that joined you were minimum wage workers. >> absolutely. >> are you encouraged to see these people getting out there and speaking up. i recall martin luther king jr. saying, you're employed, come and join our protests anyhow. >> i'm so encouraged. this is an incredibly diverse movement. and these students, these
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workers, they were so courageous. they were risking things to be there and to share their story. so they really and truly inspired me, the young, single mother who was there and spoke on the phone with her child, telling him why she was doing this. the young woman, crystal, from greensboro, my town, who works at a fast food restaurant and who has cancer, who can get no health care insurance because of the refusal to expand medicaid. these young people really are an inspiration to me. they are getting energized. they want people to know that this is beyond just a political issue or a one-party issue. this is a moral issue. they are working hard. and they simply want to be able to have the kind of life that all of us want to have. and when you're working full-time and trying to do the right thing or working two jobs, you should not have to worry about making those kinds of
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choices between keeping the lights on or getting the proper medications for your child. that's immoral. and that's what they were there for. >> amen. reverend julie peoples, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. still ahead, the world lost one of the most beloved and influential voices of our times, but her legacy lives on. i'll have some personal commentary about my dear friend, dr. maya angelou. and later, a big boost for manufacturing in america. congressman tim ryan weighs in on the administration new investment in middle class jobs. but next, i'm taking your questions. stay tuned.
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senator sander's v.a. funding bill? well, i certainly think so. first of all, senator sanders was trying to restore a very controversial cut to military -- to military pensions. so here was a man who was trying to speak out on behalf of those particular veterans whose pensions were being slashed. also, he wanted to take care of veteran benefits, including dental care and medical care. and he also wanted to do something that is only now applicable to post-9/11 veterans. that is, to take care of the caretaker benefits that are available. and then, finally, of course, he wanted to provide opportunities for all of these returns veterans. it was $21 billion over ten years, the republican said, oh, it's too costly. and senator sanders said this. don't send troops to war if you can't afford to take care of them when they return. i certainly agree them there. our next question is from ginger, "which is more important -- the power of the rich man's money or the power of
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the people's votes?" come on. of course it's got to be the votes. because despite the fact that the koch brothers and other people who are weighing in with their money, loose money, money awash in the market place that then washes over the political landscape, we know people who have been penalliless and people whose backs are against the wall have forged a connection and transcended their own economic straits to really express a movement that transformed the world. martin luther king jr. wasn't rich, sojourner truth wasn't rich, harriet tubman wasn't rich, susan b. anthony wasn't rich, but what did they have? they were rich in the spirit and opportunity to make sure that american democracy was on full display. and if you, the american citizen, go to that voting poll and you pull that lever and dimple that chad, you've got more power, ultimately, than multibillionaires who are out, in my opinion, to subvert the true process of democracy in america. stick around. the rapid response panel is
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here, root yourselves besides me. i am that tree planted by the river, which will not be moved. i, the rock, i, the river, i, the tree. i am yours. your passages have been paved. >> that lyrical spark helped change the political and social collective consciousness of so many people in this country. this week, we lost the legendary poet, activist, performer, and american icon, dr. maya angelou. but still, she rises. angelou not only defied adversity, she used it for self-empowerment. a feat recognized worldwide. i sat down with dr. angelou shortly before president obama awarded her the medal of freedom in 2011. >> my great-grandmother was born a slave. and i think when i step up to receive this medal of freedom from an african-american president, i will receive it in
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the name of everybody's grandfather and great-grandfather and great-grandmother. i will also receive it in the name of every italian immigrant, every greek immigrant, every irish immigrant who got on board some kind of rickety, rackety ship and came here, on a nightmare, searching for a dream. for everybody. >> by identifying with so many others who suffer in the world, she inspired a people from a broad spectrum of races and gender and sexual orientations. the hallmark of her legacy will be her tenacity for love. >> i know what it's like to be a black woman. but in truth, i know what it's like to be a human being. so i cannot have anybody minimize my life, because of somebody else's ignorance. this is what we have to do. we have to cease the polarization and include
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ourselves. if somebody draws a line, a circle and it excludes you, you draw a bigger circle and include him. >> angelou did not simply want to rise, she wanted humanity to rise with her. we celebrate her life and we remember her strength. hoping one day we can recognize her in ourselves. joining me now is our rapid response panel, dr. james peterson, director of afterkana studies and associate professor of english at lehigh university, and an msnbc contributor, and zerlina maxwell of zerlina, let me turn to you first. how does her activism and her legacy of vital commitment to so many disparate areas contribute to our understanding of what activists should be doing today? >> well, i think, so many years before the term intersectionalty was coined, she was doing that work of talking about being a black person, but also about being a woman. and someone who has survived abuse. and then moving along and
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feeling joy and living a joyful life, despite those obstacles that she overcame. so she was doing that work way before we actually had a label for it or it became popularized. and i think in this moment, you know, when we see the social media activism in the wake of the shooting in california, with yes, all women, i think she is someone who really gave us a blueprint for how to really advocate for ourselves, and you know, she says, women who stand up for themselves, you know, they're standing up for women all over the world. and i think that, you know, that message could not be more true than right now. >> right. dr. peterson, you know, another thing that she said is that, you know, you can be angry, but not bitter. so how do you talk about the necessity of using anger to inspire transformative social practice, but not being bogged down in bitterness that prevents you from really engaging in clarifying the very issues you find important? >> yeah, i mean, that's a charge
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and a challenge we all have to take very, very seriously, particularly in the 21st century, where political discourse is so polarized and so infused with anger and bitterness, right? but, remember, dr. angelou comes from a certain tradition. and the generation of people with whom she was interacting, i mean, direct interaction with dr. king, direct interaction with malcolm x., you know, jimmy baldwin talks to her about writing and focusing on her writing to publish her first book. direct interactions with giovanni. think about the cadre of people who were around her, who she worked, who she influenced, and who she was influenced by. these are folks who went through the crucible of the civil rights movement on both ends, so to emerge and live the long arc of the life she lived, to see a barack obama emerge, she really understands that quote, both implicitly, but also directly and sort of internally, which is to say that anger has its uses if it's applied to progressive,
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proactive, and sort of innovative change and change making. but as it becomes bitterness, and as it osifies, the capacity for activists, artists, scholars, and all folks to engage in progressive action gets diminished. so she saw that in herself, in her work, and in the lives of so many incredible people around her. >> that's a great point. zerlina, in light of that, the woman did so much. she's acting, she's writing, she's speaking, she's writing poetry, different generas. the intersectionalty that you referred to earlier. but i don't want to -- this is not about smashing millennials. there's a false comparison and false equivalence, but having said that, what does it tell us about how she used her celebrity to really highlight and underscore incredibly important issues that her fame could help point to, and therefore, eradicate some of the suffering she identified. >> well, i think that she's someone who's out in front in doing that. and i'm hopeful that the stars of right now will look at her and her legacy and say, you
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know, i'm going to model that, thinking about beyonce, who's right now going through that transformation and trying to be more political and make more statements about feminism and independence, and i think someone like maya angelou can be someone you can look to as a possibility model, to quote la verna cox, who is on the cover of "time" magazine today. but i think that this is a moment in which you are speaking truth to power, even as an individual, particularly with a tool like social media, that can, you know, propel your words all over the world, i think that there's so much power in that individual strength and action. and i was thinking about her legacy in talking to my mother last night when we heard the news, and she said, maya angelou taught me that you can forgive the unforgivable. so moving beyond that ibitternes that you were talking about and learning to love the unlovable. that's what she taught us. and i think we're going to live on being reminded of that and always looking to her as that possibility model, for how to be
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a better person. >> that's a great point. dr. peterson, she was born -- well you know, on april 4th, 1968 -- not -- >> april 4th. >> '28. but you think about the fact that dr. king then dies april 4th, 1968. so in one sense, her birth date is inelectably tied to an event of massive hurt and grief, and yet it's emblematic of her own giving of new life, new possibility, to our grievous situations. talk to us about how she was able to transform some of the most utter, despairing things she endured, rape as a child, didn't speak because the killer, after she named him, the raper, after she named him, was killed, and therefore she didn't speak for several years. talk to us about how she transformed that grief and that suffering and that chaos into something sublime and beautiful. >> absolutely. when you look at her work, not just her novel and her autobiographies as well as her
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poetry, you can see that she's had a set of experiences and she has the capacity to actually vocalize those experiences in a way that not only allow her to transcend the circumstances from which she emerged, but also inspires other people to do the same, which is a really incredible thing. when you think about a poet as a point of consciousness, maya angelou was able the to perform that role and live in that role in some incredible way. i think that her sort of connection in terms of her birth and the passing of dr. king, gives us a sense of how powerfully situated she is amongst these incredible figures of this particular generation. all the folk i mentioned before. let's also be clear here, doc, she's made direct overtures to the hip hop generation and younger folk. she's appeared in firms and worked with artists. she was deeply invested in rk wog across generations and that's also a part of her legacy. >> and it was my great fortune to know dr. angelou. i remember sitting at the hamptons home of susan taylor
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and ketford burns, around a table, and just she and i in conversation, and we regaled each other with stories about our favorite country songs, because we were both country music fans. and so i spit some word to her, like, you know, from some favorite country song of mine, like "all my exes live in texas, that's why i live in tennessee." and she came back, "if i would have killed you, would i have been in jail by now?" and we ended with hank williams and george jones, ♪ he stopped loving her today so i sing that song in remembrance of the great genius, one of the great poetists, the great prophets, one of the great storytellerers and narrators of our time. a woman whose beauty and soul was remarkable, whose mind was powerful, but greater than that, whose life story and journey are testimony of the great spirit of the people from whom she derived
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her meaning and being. god rest you, maya angelou, rest in peace. james peterson and zerlina maxwell, thanks so much for joining us tonight on "the ed show." coming up, pat robertson dishes his advice for hot and heavy romance. pretenders is next. stick around. d a low sex drive, d a low sex drive, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping
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in "pretenders" tonight, chore wars with the 700 club host is dishing out relationship advice. robertson says it's okay for a husband to expect a little payoff for helping around the house. >> do you want to have a loving, warm, sensuous, exciting marriage or do you want to have a partnership and would you like to have a business relationship with your spouse? >> andy, thank you for doing the dishes last night. i really appreciate that. >> you see that he's saying i love you. each dish he's saying, terry, i love you. you say darling, you're
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wonderful and i've got a treat for you. >> and so was i with each piece of chicken. >> wait until we get behind closed doors and you see the treat i have for you. you got it? >> is it me or has pat robertson been listening to beyonce. i've been drinking, my surfboard -- come on! pat robertson should keep his opinions behind closed doors. no one deserves compensation for doing their part in a relationship. if robertson thinks talking dirty is the key to keeping it clean, he can keep on pretending. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ]
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. today we have a big boost for american workers. the obama administration is moving ahead with its investing in manufacturing communities partnership, or imcp. the goal is to attract a manufacturing renaissance that will create good-paying jobs across the country. this week the u.s. secretary of commerce announced the first 12 imcp manufacturing communities. they span from the new york finger lakes to washington state's puget sound region. this initiative will bring job training, infrastructure and other investments to communities that are the backbone of this country. joining me now is ohio congressman tim ryan. congressman, the aerospace region in southwestern ohio was one of the 12 communities that were chosen. what will this money do for the community? >> well, it will help coordinate an area in southwest ohio that
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is between dayton and cincinnati. dayton has a really strong history in aviation going back to the wright brothers. cincinnati has a huge manufacturing base in aerospace, including a ge facility with about 8,000 people. what this will do is this will allow this area of about 27 counties to be designated to qualify for a federal liaison, for example, that will help them basically facilitate their interactions with the federal government. how to pull from different programs. how to build public-private partnerships which are the essence of economic development at the local level. >> we know there's been a tremendous shift from manufacturing to service industries. tell us beyond the manufacturing sector what impact will this investment have? >> when you're talking about manufacturing, you're talking about higher wages, better benefits, more pension as you
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grow older and retire. you talk about six, seven or eight jobs for every job that's on the manufacturing floor. this country has not had a manufacturing policy for a long time. i think president obama is doing more for manufacturing than any president has in a long, long time. between the innovation institutes like the one up in youngstown, ohio, or this particular program that's going to facilitate these communities to work together and draw down federal money, you've got to have a public-private partnership. this is why the argument of no government never really works, because anyone who does economic development on the ground, and i know the mayor of dayton and the mayor of cincinnati, and the dayton development coalition and wright pat air force base, all those people in southwest ohio know that it takes that delicate balance of public-private partnership. this new program, the president is smart enough to know, is going to allow those local communities to be able to leverage those federal dollars. >> sure. shortly because we only have a little time left, this program is designed to help make these
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communities more attractive to manufacturing companies looking to set up a place of operation. help us understand why that's important. >> well, we have to have ecosystems. that's the key to economic development. mega regions and ecosystems. if you can build a manufacturing ecosystem around a particular area like aerospace, you'll see the tier one, tier two, tier three suppliers want to be located. you'll see the bigger corporations be located in that area because inevitably you'll tie it into your job training program like you can at a local community college down in dayton or cincinnati. those community colleges will begin to train workers, work with general electric, work with the other tier one, tier two suppliers to make sure that the employees coming out of these one or two-year programs from the community college are ready, set, go. so you get that public-private cooperation, businesses want to invest in those areas because there's not a lot of waste. so this is really exciting for southwest ohio. couldn't be more happy for them. it's going to benefit the entire
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state. >> congressman tim ryan, thank you so much. >> great to be with you. >> that's "the ed show." ed will be back in the chair tomorrow. "politics nation" with the reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> thank you. thanks for tuning in. tonight's lead, the gop declares war on the first lady's help the eating initiative. today house republicans voted for a bill that would mean more salt, more sugar and less fruits and vegetables in our nation's schools lunches. it was a direct assault against changes championed by michelle obama. and the arguments offered up, they were just laughable. >> i would dare say that most of what you had for breakfast this morning would not meet that standard. you would -- you would be sent to detention for what you had this morning. you wasn't served s
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