tv News Nation MSNBC June 3, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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what it was like over there and that is when he started to drift. >> the biggest problem is the publicizing of the possibility of him being a hero, and it is also upsetting to me that after being in afghanistan, having detained other high value target thes and things like these commanders, and you know, it was really hard for the unit and not easy to do, and you let them go for somebody who you are saying that you know that walked away, it is not right. >> and the mayor of bergdahl's hometown of hailey, idaho, issued a statement saying that the people should not pre-judge this young man and our celebration is focusing on bowe bergdahl's release and the family and the careful facts reveal that bowe bergdahl should face consequences in a united states courtroom, then the united states should do what it believes is necessary. also, making headlines today, a
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tweet that has been deleted from bowe bergdahl's father's twitter account. four days before the announcement that bergdahl was being released, his father tweeted this. it says -- i am still working to free all guantanamo prisoners and god will repay for the death of every afghan child. ameen. and meanwhile, he still remains in landstuhl, germany. first, ayman that there were tall ban members w tal talliban members who were freed and now some pushback from the government? >> yes, there is a downplay of suggesting that these men were somehow free. according to the agreement between the united states and the taliban that was brokered by
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qat qatar, they were going to be transferred, but no agreement to be put in jail or detention facili facility, so that the understanding is that these men would have serious restrictions imposed on them meaning they could not travel from the country, and the activity would be closely monitor theed and not allowed to rejoin any activity with the taliban, but at the same time, there are concerns that perhaps just being free inside of qatar itself could be alarming, but the qatar government is insisting it is not about where they are, but what they do, and that is heavily restricted and they are going to try to push on the notion that they are walking simply free to do whatever they want whenever they want. >> and ayman, at a hospital, a statement said no predetermined amount of time involved in his reintegration progress, but any update since that time? >> well, the only official update that we have gotten since he has been here is that he is
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in stable condition, and the condition e requires him to remain hospitalized and that they are following the nutrition and the dietary needs very closely now. against that backdrop, there are some, you know, unconfirmed and if you will unofficial reporting that he is aware of what is happening around him. there is some communication taking place between him and the doctors and why that is important is because it raises questions of whether or not if he is capable of speaking english or he has not spoken english in a while and the language is foreign, but at least in their eyes the overall well-being and the health, and that remains to be the focus, and in terms of everything else, they say that is going to be determined by the recovery, and that it is physically and mentally that it is going to be transferred to the next stop which is san antonio, texas, at the medical facility there. >> and thank you, ayman, in germa germany. and now let me bring in democratic congresswoman lois
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frankle of florida, a member of the house foreign affairs committee the. and congresswoman, thank you so much for your time. >> good morning. >> obviously, we are learning more about sergeant, the details regarding bowe bergdahl and his h disappearance, but as you well know, and you have heard, that a number of members of his platoon are now speaking out, and they say that, many of them, that this is not a hero, but this is a man who abandoned his post and they e question why this deal was struck. where do you stand right now? >> well, tamron, involving iraq, i have a different perspective, because the casualties of war are not just the men and women in the military. it is also their families. and i can tell you this, when my son went to go off to war, yes, i feared his death and his losing his limbs, but what i feared most was him being held
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in captivity. i can tell you that probably, that is the worst nightmare of parents whose children go off to war. and so this principle of leave no man or woman behind is one that i stand by. i don't know the bergdahls, and i don't know the circumstances of why this sergeant left his troops, but i do know that the principle that this country will stand behind the men and women that we send from the military is a good one. >> and as you mentioned the worst nightmare and we thank your son for his service would be your son captured, but as you well know, there are a number of family members who lost their loved ones and far worse to some nightmare, and six individuals reportedly lost their lives searching for bergdahl. so to your point, no person left behind, but we have seen the ultimate loss of life according to platoon leaders and family members searching for bowe
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bergda bergdahl. >> well, you know, i don't want to make it a judgment on the circumstances of why he left. i think that is a judgment that should be made, but that is after he returns, and after he has an opportunity to speak for himself. there's also, i think it is disputed as to whether or not these other military men and women or men lost their lives looking for him. i think that if it did happen, it is tragic. my hearts go out to their families, also. >> but congresswoman, the pentagon concluded in 2010 that bergdahl walked away from his post. >> yeah. >> and so, even though we just noted that nbc has confirmed a new investigation, there was a conclusion in 2010 from the pentagon. >> well, you e know, i asked this question, and i think that the question should be asked, why did he walk away? but it does not really take away from the principle that we leave no soldier behind.
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we leave no man or woman behind. and we allowed him to come into the military, and we, i do not know what stresses were put on him, and we know that so many of our military men and women have suffered from the post-traumatic stress disorder, and i don't know what stresses were on this young man. i do know that if we go to the principle, every man and woman for themselves, and if that is what we want our soldiers to go off to war believing, then we will have chaos. it does not mean, listen, but the principle of leave no man or woman behind in the military is a good one. yes, there may be cases where, hey, listen, wish it would have been a different outcome, but i have standing by the principle and it is a good one for the country. >> if the facts play out and the allegations are accurate, that bowe bergdahl deserted the post, do you believe that he should face a punishment if those facts prove true? >> well, i definitely believe in
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due process of law. i believe that whatever the process is appropriate for whatever should be followed should be followed. it is going to be left up to someone other than myself to make that judgment, and then, if he is found guilty of some type of crime or he's broken in the military law, then it will be up to the judge to determine what his the outcome should be. some may say that five years in captivity is enough punishment, but i don't know what the result is going to be, but getting back to really why i felt that strongly about talking to you, today, is because this principle of leaving no man or woman behind is a strong one. we have to stand behind and i can tell you this, when my son went off to war, i believed that the government was always going
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to be behind him, and always going to have his back, and i think that we have to continue with that. >> congresswoman, thank you so much for your time and again, thank you son for his service, and we appreciate your joining us. and now let me bring in roger simon, the chief columnist for politico and nbc news and military analyst and retired four-star general barry mccaffery. and let me start with you, general, that you know that many of the members of the platoon and including one former army specialist jeremy sutton who said that he should face court-martial for desertion, because that is what he did, and it is premeditated and what is your thought today, general, as we know that there is an investigation and a lot to be hashed out here, but we know that in 2010, the poentgon con clulded that he was walked away, and a lot of of the mental details we don't know, but a lot of the members of the platoon are outraged. >> well, let me say that i'm proud of nbc news in the way they have handled it to bring
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out the correct side of the story. last night miklaszewski and the "today" show and your questions were objective and dead on target, and needed to be said. look, this is not a question of whether we leave somebody behind, but it is a question of whether it was an outrageous misjudgment by the president to publicly seem to embrace this soldier. he should have stayed out of it. we had the chairman of the jcfs, general dempsey issue a written statement today and he is not in the chain of command, but a senior serving military off se, and they should not be involved in the case publicly, which is appropriate for national debate, and then finally, what you have brought out, there is no question about misconduct in walking away from the post, and the face of an armed enemy. and desertion and this sort of thing has legal definitions.
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did he intend to stay gone? did he intend to join the taliban? was he using drugs when he left? those are appropriate further questions, but this guy was a di sas ter. he did contribute to a major problem inside of the military forces. people were killed and injured trying to the recover him. so, bravo to nbc news for the way that you have handled it. >> well, roger, let me bring you n and michael hasting who has pass passed away reported on this for some time, and two the stories i believe were the details and the questions regarding bowe bergdahl and the disappearance were made clear in hastings' writin writings. i read one of the blogs for example from one of the platoon members, roger, and he said that the media is talking about it now, but for the past five years they have been very vocal despite being told otherwise to remain silent until he is rescued and making these details public, and roger, what is confusing to me, and jgeneral
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mccaffery said it, a lot of people don't debate the issue of leaving no person behind and we don't want to leave and nor should anyone be left behind but when we ask the question, why was he there or what general mccaffery said, did he intend to be rescued, it turns into a political battle where online right now, my twitter account, a lot of the liberals are furious that we are even asking this question. >> well, i agree with about 100% of 50% of what general mccaffery says there. are so many circumstances around sergeant bergdahl's disappearance that deserve more scrutiny and investigation, but i don't think that we should make any judgments of sergeant bergdahl and the decisions he
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made under great stress. and as to the administration, you can't release five major prisoners from guantanamo on a prisoner swap and not have the president of the united states involve himself. now, the president of the united states is involved in everything these days. the white house has changed its talking point. yesterday, the talking point was that sergeant bergdahl served with honor and distinction, and that is gone. today, the talking point is that regardless of the circumstances under which he disappeared, whatever those circumstances were or might be, the united states wanted him back. that is said by the president, echoed by hillary clinton, and the fact remains that he is back in the arms of the u.s. military. they could still try him if they want. i think that there is going to be little public appetite for that, but certainly the military
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justice system could continue to function in this case. >> and as i mentioned, nbc news says that the army is preparing to launch a full high level inquiry and why do you believe that there is not going to be a public appetite, especially, roger, when you have, and their memories are their memories and that is why it requires an investigati investigation, but when you perhaps hear from these individuals who might testify in great detail about what happened in his disappearance and the alleged loss of life searching for him, don't you believe that the public wants to know? nobody wants to see bowe bergdahl hurt or injured, be you want to see him with the family, but you also, i think that the public would want to know what happene happened. >> there is no parent in america whose heart does not go out to the bergdahls, and not saying that if the circumstances involved my son or daughter, i would want them back. >> right. >> and there is no spouse who doesn't say that, but i think
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that once he is back, and you know, we have not heard from him, a him, and we have not heard him claim to be a hero, and i doubt that he will claim to be a hero. the opportunity exists for the justice system to work. i am old enough to know that when the vietnam p.o.w.s came back and same thing, this guy was collaboration with the enemy, and treason, and try the p.o.w.s and there was very, very little appetite among the american public for that to happen. >> and general mccaffery, and roger makes a great point when we look at history. >> well, yeah, but i think that firps oft all, it is not five year-old memory, and no question he walked away and not abducted and not left behind on the patrol. if we don't take a hard look at the circumstances, bergdahl will be a medically retired staff
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sergeant and getting a couple of hundred thousand in back pay and we will pay for the him for the rest of the life as fruits of his own misconduct. so, again, it is inappropriate in my view for the president and the chairman of the jcs or anyone in public life now to comment on it. it is not inappropriate for us to have a debate about this issue, so, you know, the president risks massive loss of credibility inside of his fighting forces. 2.3 million men and women who are going to be watching this pretty closely. >> and general mccaffery and roger, thank you so much, and i hope the have you both on to explore more as we learn more. thank you so much, gentlemen. >> good to be with you. >> thank you. >> and we want to hear from you today in the gut check. do you think that bowe bergdahl should face a court-martial if these allegations are proven to be true? go to the website at "newsnatio "newsnation." to let us know what you think. and today, eight states are holding primaries and
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mississippi's tight senate race is the tea party's last chance to topple a republican incumbent. >> i want to keep working and fighting for mississippi. >> if we can unseat 42-year incumbent, it is going to be sending shock waves through the system. >> and the team says that a lot of is ride on the primary fight for the tea party and of course, for the establishment, and we will take you live to mississippi and new resistance today after the seattle city council unanimously approved the highest minimum wage in the nation, and some business owners say it is going to put them out of business, but we will talk to the other side as well on it. and hall of famer dan marino joins the multimillion dollar concussion lawsuit against the nfl. i will talk to a sports attorney about what this means against the case growing against the league. and the dramatic ending of a plane nearly landing, and look at that, how did that happen?
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that is one of the stories that we are following around the "newsnation." and joining the conversation and a lot of you v and i have read some of the interesting tweets, you can find me@tamron and my team @newsnation. try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that game show hosts should only host game shows? samantha, do you take kevin as your lawfully wedded husband... or would you rather have a new caaaaaar!!!! say hello to the season's hottest convertible... ohhh....and say goodbye to samantha. [ male announcer ] geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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welcome back. right now a big primary is under way in mississippi in what is called the tea party's last chance this year of knocking off a republican senator. the race of six-term incumbent thad cochran and state senator chris mcdn yell is coming down -- mcdaniel is coming down to t the wire. there were allegations of mcdaniel photographing cochran's
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wife in a nursing home. he has been on the defensive since. >> and joining us is kasie hunt from nbc, and this is one that made the headlines for the scandal, itself, and as i pointed out, it did impact the polls, at least the polls that we have seen. >> yes, tamron. the polls here have gotten extre extremely close. the scandal did affect the race, and could be that some of mcdaniel's supporters are more energized because they feel like he is being unfairly attack ed, but at this point, the candidates are both out there and making the final arguments. >> ladies and gentlemen, i believe barack obama is the worst president this country has ever had. >> yes, yes. >> and with that being said, can any of you name a single fight, even one that thad cochran has led against barack obama? >> no, no. >> and his campaign has tied you to a nursing home break-in, and is that politically motivated
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and do you think that the charges may be dropped after this election? >> well, who knows. what matters in the race are the issues. and it is another distraction and something else that he wants to talk about. >> is this a sign that you are very concerned about losing this race and asking democrats to vote in the primary to cross lines? >> no, i am not asking them to do that, but asking them to go vote. >> well, it is a group supporting you in the ad. >> no, my position is that mississippians should turn out and vote and vote for whomever they want to vote for. >> so, tamron, as you can see, s senator cochran is very concerned about getting out all of the last-minute votes. there is a republican ad running in the newspaper in jackson that is talking about the s.n.a.p. food stamp program and the earmarks for his historically black colleges and it is not an
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ad run by his group, but outside group, but fit is to bring out the democratic votes, it is an indicator of how nervous they are. it is clear that cochran campaign and the allies know that he could lose this race which is a marked shift from when i was here in march and mcdaniel was struggling to come up from behind. >> all right. kasie, thank you, and we appreciate it. we will continue to follow president obama's new comments including the controversial swap of guantanamo detainees for bowe bergdahl. and we could learn who a man is targeting with an apartment allegedly filled with explosives. to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. ♪ developing now, the fbi is about to hold a news conference on the capture of ryan chamberlain and he is a media consultant who has been the subject of a three-day
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nationwide manhunt. agents say they found explosives in his apartment saturday. nbc's joe fryer has the latest. >> the search for ryan chamberlain sparked a nationwide manhunt and yet he was arrested at a park in the city he lives in san francisco. >> the guy was getting cuffed and yelling at him to get the arms behind the back. >> and morgan manno shot the video on his phone as the authorities brought the three-day manhunt to an end. >> the police saw that i was filming and he saw that i was filming it, and said, help. >> reporter: and the manhunt started saturday after the fbi said that it found explosive materiels inside of his apa apartment. it is unclear why they were investigating the media consultant in first place, but monday morning in the middle of the manhunt, posts appeared on his own social media sites, and one said that i explored some
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ugly websites a year-ish ago and i was depress ed and didn't go into detail, but he said i did enough for the damage to be done. and the manhunt came to an end here at crissy field near the golden state bridge, and the officers spotted a car that looked like the suspect's, and then the license plates matched. he was take then peacefully in custody. >> that is joe fryer reporting from san francisco. >> coming up, seattle workers will soon earn the highest minimum wage in the country, $15 an hour, and some critics call the plan unfair and discriminatory, and we will talk to one of the activists who have been calling for the hike. and this -- >> we don't leave our men or women in uniform behind. >> president obama's new words on that swap with the taliban for sergeant bowe bergdahl. but is this story overshadowing the president's real mission in europe? up next, we will go live to the
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president in poland. >> and plus, a florida judge challenge and attorney to a fig fight during court. you will not believe this video. wait until you see it and hear it. it is one of the stories that we are following in the "newsnation." [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ over 150 years of swedish coffee experience.xists that's 150 years of experience in refining and perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it all for this very experience. this very second.
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well, that was close! you ain't lying! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! we are back with more developing news. president obama's three-nation tour through eastern europe was expected to include a heavy focus on russia and ukraine, but instead, it is the controversy surrounding bowe bergdahl's rele release that is looming over the president's first day. in fact, his strong defense of the decision to release the five taliban prisoners in exchange for poibergdahl came in a bilatl press conference with the president of poland this morning. >> whatever those circumstances may turn out to be, we still get an american soldier back if he is held in captivity, period. >> nbc's peter alexander is traveling with the president and
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join g joining us from warsaw, and peter, how does the administration, i guess, get back on track and get the focus back on track with the new developments in the bowe bergdahl situation? >> well, certainly the situation with bowe bergdahl is getting a lot of the headlines right now, but the administration intended for this trip and this stop in particular to be one of the announ announcements that the president made in the calls this morning to bolster the security of the u.s. allies in eastern and europe specifically with more deployment of troops taking place more frequently here, and joint exercises and president obama said that our relationship with our poland allies and the european allies are sin crow
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singt, and this is the first of the series of stops that the president will make in three countries total. it wrapped up a short time ago a meeting with leaders of the eastern countries here, bulgaria, and estonia and many more, but he may deliver a address to a large public rally in celebration of this country's, poland's, first partially free democratic elections before he meets with ukraine's newest elected president poroshenko, and we have learned that vice president joe biden will be in yukraine fr that event. >> thank you, peter alexander. and the city of seattle has taken a historic step, and they will have soon the highest minimum wage in the country.
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that was a little bit of the celebration as the supporters cheered at the seattle city council meeting last night where the members unanimously voted to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and the increase is phased in over several years, and here is the front page of the "times" in seattle. seattle makes labor history, but one group is saying that it will sue. joining me is kristen rofink biner who is the director of an opposition group. >> in this, they say that the wage is unfair and aimed to make a political agenda at the expense of small franchise business owners by picking the win losers among the seattle businesses, and this policy flies in the face of all legal precedent and defies common sense and is going to be hurting
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small biz usiness. as you and i know this is the debate of republicans and seeing the same line from the people in seattle, and what is your reaction? >> well, first of all, the step that seattle took is a historic step forward and giant win for women, workers and families and for the economy. importantly, we have moved from a manufacturing economy to consumer economy. and 72% of the gdp is on spending and when consumers can't spend, the entire economy suffers. looking at seattle right now in 1 in 4 workers which is over 100,000 people are making less than $15 an hour, and right now. with the increase to $15 an hour, that will put $150 million into the economy fairly immediately and in the next ten years, it is going to be putting $3 billion, and that is "b" for billion into the economy so that people can spend money at the low cal stores and in businesses
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and open up businesses and spend it in the communities and boost the economy together. and it is a win for business, economies, families and particularly for women, because two-thirds of the minimum wage workers are women. >> and some of the details involve i involving the wage increased businesses with more than 500 employees nationally will have at least three years to phase in the increase. those providing health insurance will have four years to complete the move, and smaller organizations will be given seven years, so this is incremental, and it is not, you know, a waking up next week or in 30 days, and you will see the increase, and that is designed to the help these businesses and obviously, help those who cannot live on current minimum wage. >> that is critical, because right now, moms in particular and women who are under age 44 are struggling. college is more, and it costs over $100,000 to raise children. people are work hard and playing
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by the rules and they can't make ends meet by the current minimum wage. what is happening in seattle is part of what is happening across the nation. and we saw president obama pass an increase in minimum wage for all federal contractors and seeing 26 states move forward such policies, so this is an important step forward and not just for the moms, but the economy and we can't forget that we have a changed economy and consumer fuels everything that we do. >> a big victory there and we will see what happens with the thre threatened lawsuit, but nevertheless, seattle has made history last night. thank you so much. greatly ap preepreciate it. and the former miami dolphin quarterback dan marino and 14 others are joining the concussion lawsuit against the nfl. marino says that blows to the head had a long term effect on his life. up next, we will break down the claims with with a sports attorney and what marino joining might mean for the momentum in
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...can't beat the view. ♪ introducing the world's first curved ultra high definition television from samsung. hall of fame quarterback dan marino has joined a high profile lawsuit against the nfl. marino along with nearly 5,000 former nfl players are accusing the nfl of misleading players about the long term dangers of concussion concussions. the nfl agreed on the $765 million settlement last august, but a federal judge rejected that settlement saying that the money may not be enough to pay all of the claims of the players. and joining me is sports attorney steve olnick, and before we talk about this, the presence of dan marino, one of the greatest players in the nfl coming on board, does it add,
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but not discourse, but the public opinion and legitimacy of the lawsuit, does it help? >> yes, an icon has opted to go against the nfl. this is just the beginning in terms of a lot of the marquee former players opting into this. it is opening up pandora's box. >> and $765 million settlement rejected last august and what happens now especially when as you pointed out if pandora's box is opened with marino joining and if $765 million was not enough then, what happens now? >> well, divide up a greater pie in terms of getting more money into the door, and the key here is in terms of qualifying the participants in terms s plaintiffs. so getting more money allocated from the league owners and getting the sign off and so you will start to see more and more money, and more and more money associated with the claims being used to pay out the plaintiffs. >> so then does it mean that the league would be prepared for a brutal fight against some of the
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most notable players if this dollar figure is ticking up from the owners? >> this is just the beginning. 100%, you will start to see more and more people coming out of the woodwork and more and more guys opting in, and because ofms the ring leader to get some of the buddies to take on the lead. >> marino played in 1993 to 2005 and not commenting on the age, but he is a young guy, and some of the other players are older, and here he is so verile and out there today, and impacting his life today. >> and that is where the litigation is calculating the damages, whether it is lou gehrig's disease, or the post-traumatic stress syndrome or the parkinson's, and where they will put the monetary
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benefit to the claim. >> and in the terms of the lawsuit, it does not specify for marino what he is suffering from, but says unspecified damages, and some are saying parkinson's, and some of the effects of football, do they have to prove that it is the result of football and not something that they would have naturally developed in life? >> well, it is a great question, and that is why this is coming, you know, in terms of the litigation, because if you are the league, that is exact ly th question that they are asking. in terms of the actually justifying that you opt ed in t play, and there is no one, and no privilege and you know, in terms of go g ing to play in th nfl. so in terms of the lot of this, that is exactly what they are looking for. >> and the counter is the league covered up some of the things. >> correct. >> and some of the sports doctors and trainers did not tell the players of the injuries that they had suffered, broken bones and others alleged in the recent list of allegations that we just talked about last week and that is a different ball game as well. >> yes, absolutely.
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that is the basis of the game. you covered it up and you did not have qualified people actually, you nknow, putting ou the right in terms of the diagnosing a lot of the people, and so that is where a lot of the injury actually comes from for the players. >> all right. incredible saga that continues to hover over the nfl, and now marino is in it. thank you, steve, for coming in. >> nah for having me. >> if a florida judge and attorney allegedly almost came to blows. that happened when judge john murphy was hearing a case. he reportedly got angry when an assistant public defender argued with him over the client's case and he asked the attorney, do you want to take it outside? take a listen. >> i said, sit down. if you want to fight, let's go out back and i will just beat you [ bleep ]. >> you want to fight me! do you? >> so the public defender's office said that the judge punch
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ed the attorney in the head and court bailiffs had to pull them apart. no charges have been filed. and take a look at this one. a man was almost hit by a plane coming in for a landing, and this is a beach in germany and the plane barely missed the guy's back and hit a fence before touching down, and the pilot is apologizing saying that he did not see the man lying on the beach, and he also admitted that he was flying the plane too low. coming sup going to be the infamous character on "breaking b bad" sharing with us his life on and off of the stage. (whisperins of data to share and unlimited talk and text. (whispering) oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. (whispering) yeah really good (whispering) yeah and for a family of 4 it's a $160 a month. what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or? (whispering) o! sorry! yes yes!
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bad", massively popular show saw 9.1 million people tune in for its season finale last fall. according to twitter, an average of 6 million tweets were read during each episode of the final season. and joining me is one of the stars of the show, the man with a long list of acclaimed screen performances and veteran. john car lo he is poe seesposit >> i told our executive producer what happens to your character in the "breaking bad", can you believe how loyal they are? >> they went gus on you? >> she went gus on me. >> it's been my third rise to stardom with this particular show and interesting just to walk down the street and people hit the wall when they see me coming and go, how are you guys?
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i'm afraid. >> one of things i think also people love about you, you don't take your journey lightly. this is the third rise of your career. when you look at breaking bad, what is it that appealed? i'm sure there are things that say, i can't do this because it's a script and they are paying, i can't do it. >> very true. this particular show was about the meth trade and i didn't want to particularly support that. but i do know that in america we have a meth problem and i wanted to be a part of that solution. i decided that what attracted me was hiding in plain sight, how many of us hide from ourselves and hide from our neighbors and doing something else on the side. maybe in a large way or small way, we're not being truthful to who we are. that attracted me to this character. >> when you look at gus and his life, are there any parallels in your own life, not meth dealing, but parallels about the struggle in identity? >> absolutely. one line that really blew me away was a man provides.
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and i have a family and four daughters and with the economy the way it's been in the last five to seven years it's been a struggle to keep everybody afloat. that resounded for me in regard to what wonderful things have been written for this character. >> in april 29th, you discussed your career and said i'm half italian, half african-american and my dream was always to be a communicator and artist. the performances were always without color, he had such dignity and passion and car ris ma. to reveal these intimate details and struggle as a man taking care of your family, what prompts you to do that? you could easily go into a shell in your acting and go on? >> i feel we're all one. our lives and careers and professions and what we take as a vocation should be linked up
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and for me i want to bring people to the best selves, including me. i had great actors growing up, one was sidney portier, when i saw him on the screen, i realized i could be truthful to myself, didn't have to be a color or race but could be a human being and move that to the forefront of my being and show people how to respect themselves. >> we talked about theater and making it more inclusive, whether there's people of color, young people, women, bringing in a wider audience and not just the new york crowd to understand that theater is there and broadway is there for us all when you can afford the tickets because it can be pricey. how do you believe we are doing, meaning people who love theater and bringing in and showing the inclusive nature of what it can be? >> i think we're doing quite a bit better. i grew up on the broadway stage at a time where pippen and
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victorious and all of the shows as we as african-americans could do but weren't allowed to branch out. four or five years ago i did an all black version of cat on a hot tin roof. i think it's very important that we keep growing the theater because it's an extension of story telling. in our lives we want to have people hear and really be involved in those stories and it's important part of our history. >> every word you say sounds so beautiful, everything, you just articulate it in an easy but it will way. >> thank you very much. >> it's an honor to meet you. >> i've had my dream day, hung out with morgan freeman and now -- >> was morgan here? >> i have arrived, momma. that does it with this edition of "news nation." i'm tamron hall, the daughter of mary. up next, "andrea mitchell reports." it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain.
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little things, anyone can do. it steals your memories. your independence. insures support. a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like... ...sooner than you think. die from alzheimer's disease. ...we cure alzheimer's disease. every little click, call, or donation adds up to something big. alzheimer's association. the brains behind saving yours. honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work!
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but with less energy, moodiness, myand a low sex drive, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron.
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right now, too high a price? on the first leg of his european trip president obama today defending his decision to cut a deal with the taliban for sergeant bowe bergdahl. even as the army now launches an inquiry into how he left his post. >> regardless of the circumstances, whatever those circumstances may turn out to be, we still get an american soldier back if he's held in captivity, period, full stop. we don't condition that. >> but is bergdahl a hero or deserter. questions about whether he cost american lives by going off post? being raised by former members of his platoon and families. >> we all served together and in it together over there and he broke that bond by leaving us. >>
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