tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC June 4, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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a number of lawmakers criticize the administration. >> did the white house think this was going to be a celebratory moment. >> they were flat-footed. >> i heard about it this morning. >> what are you going to do to the president? >> but it's gone in part of the hyperdrive. >> why does he think he can work outside the law. >> there were so many republicans on capitol hill urging him -- >> the exchange was one of them, i think that would be something we should seriously consider. >> the safe return of american soldiers should not be moved to political points. >> is it ever appropriate to leave a soldier on the battlefield? >> until we gets the facts it's
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not in the interest of anyone to presume anything. >> whether he was a deserter or not, we leave no one behind. >> we don't do that in the united states. we rely on facts. we're a little over an hour away from a closed door briefing by the white house for the entire senate a briefing expected to be heated coming as the administration faces growing outeye of the faith for sergeant bobergdahl and secretary chuck hagel is appearing next week on a hearing about his transfer and something we're now seeing for the first time. new video released today from the taliban shows the sergeant in a truck surrounded by armed taliban fighters in the rugged hills of afghanistan. bergdahl is in afghan dress waiting for his guards and over the hillside u.s. special forces arrive aboard a black hawk helicopter. and then the drama of the handover. the two enemy forces meet face-to-face and exchange
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handshakes and bergdahl is whisked away from those that held him captive for five years, patted down twice before boarding the american helicopter. i had a momentous transition from kwapt activity to freedom and one that takes place in the span of about a minute. while the video may have been released as taliban propaganda the white house said it served as evidence of the administration's meticulous planning. this morning, the depth national security adviceer is said we didn't tape a video to release ourselves but this was a very transparent exchange, carefully negotiated so it went off without surprises in terms of how it was execute cuted. perhaps more important the footage serves as a powerful reminder of the delicate and dangerous nature of negotiations, the complexity of the capture and release and how much remains on the line as america's longest war winds down. joining me now, reporter that covered the war in iraq and afghanistan, from "the new york
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times", author. and jamie rubin. thanks for joining me. jamie, i'll start with you. i find the video riveting in terms of the subject matter, the brevity and the human to human contact. it was released by the taliban,s ostensibly because it shows the talibans a functioning opposition party, if you will. they are handshaking with american special ops and i guess, conveys the veneer of legitimacy. how did you view it? what was your take-away when you saw it? >> i think that's a fair take. the taliban would like to be seen as the legitimate representative for afghanistan. and playing with these great superpower, sending a message, don't come back to afghanistan. and certainly fits their propaganda. the sad part, of course, is that the taliban don't represent afghanistan. there are, i don't know how many, but huge millions of afghans who don't want to see
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the united states leave because they're afraid that those people who committed such atrocities when they rule afghanistan the last time may be coming back and i'm worried they may be coming back. >> when you looked at the video as someone that's covered the iraq and afghanistan knows well what happens to men in the field of battlemen and women, what was your reaction to bergdahl and the transfer and his physicality. he seems incredibly present in this video this notion that he needed to be released eminently that the whouts couldn't go to congress because his mental health was in such jeopardy. there's not a lot of evidence in that. now, it's always dangerous to try to make a psychiatric diagnosis from a distance on a 30-second video but he doesn't look like a guy that's about to collapse. that's what hurts the administration's case. i would disagree with jamie a little bit in that certainly in southern afghanistan the taliban represent -- i don't know if they represent a majority but they represent the wishes of a
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lot of people in what we -- i guess you could -- >> to that point in terms of representing the wishes of the american people some say, this was the opening -- this was an overture to broader negotiations with the taliban. something you know well about. this is something that the taliban has had on the table from the beginning if there were were to be broader peace negotiations. i think a lot of us want to see this prisoner swap as something larger. because. >> it looks so awful and it seems so awful in its own terms that there has to be some larger purpose that it must serve. >> yes, quite frankly, yes. >> i think there probably is a larger purpose that's not been communicated so well to the public, the common wemt and the american people. my sense of this is that this prisoner exchange, regardless of who would be on their side and who would be on the american side, was a precurse, a prerequisite to any real
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negotiations over the role of the taliban will play in the future in afghanistan. those negotiations are critical. because we have an afghan-trained army. we have america leaving. if the civil war starts up all over again, we're going to feel even worse than we feel today. negotiations are inevitable. this will have a political solution. so if this trade, which wasn't fair on its own terms by very, very senior taliban if i gurts in exchange for one probably decertainer on the american side, seems unfair. hopefully, it will serve a larger purpose, which is american policy and the world's objectives in afghanistan. >> alex, it seems to me there are several areas in which you can find fault with the administration. the first is, you point out in your op ed today in the new york times, and i'll read it. the white house clearly erred by pretending that czar jaent
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burrgdahl was an ordinary prisoner of war. and he would get a rose garden photo op. and to have the commander-in-chief there with burgdahl's parents and the other area that we're focusing on now is his back browned. and whether or not he was a decertainesercertain they should know this. >> i sort of disagree with jamie. >> that's good for this kind of show. >> yes. >> trading five senior taliban who were probably going to be let out eventually, anyway, is a bad trade. the israellys traded a thousand prisoners for one prisoner of war. edon't leave men behind. that's not what upsets me. what upsets me is that his disappearance may have been desertion or maybe absence without leave. it needs to be investigated. it was a giant mistake for the
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administration to sweep that under the rug and why they did that i don't know. >> i don't know how to make the calculation of how many is worth how many. but the arrangements under which the taliban senior officials get to go back to qatar and live a relatively easy life for a year right-hand return to afghanistan and reaplay their trade, those arrangements it seems to me were not made very well and could have been bargained much better so the sense of not a fair trade is not just about 5-1 and who they are it's about who happens and who these people are and what they get to do afterwards. >> the provision that qatar basically oversees these guys who effectively, sort of house-arrest in qatar for a year, hillary clinton was -- according to the daily beast, she knew of these terms and pushed for much more stringent oversight of these guys and we ended up in this place that it's not a great mystery that this is not a very good deal if you're
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trying to isolate or monitor these guys and make sure they don't return to the field of bottle. >> it's a wink and a nod for them coming home from afghanistan. no question. >> so what happened? is it literally -- when you read the situation and you look at what wred and where we are now, way is decidedly wrors than where we were two years ago, is this because the president is -- knows that this war is quote/unquote ending at the end of the year and sees a limbed amount of time and to alex' point, these guys are theoretically going to get -- >> alex and i may have different views ant what america's policy in afghanistan should be and should have been, but it's clear what it is now and what it is now is we're getting out as quickly and as completely as we can. we go down to a very small number and cut that in half and we stay on bases. and then we're out of there. so in the context of losing all of our leverage in any negotiation where the taliban because our leverage is a
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function of our power in afghanistan, we have no power left, or very little left in afghanistan and it's tough to negotiate from a position of strength. >> when you don't have boots on the ground you don't have the ability to negotiation. >> how much of an issue -- there's the briefing that's happening right now on capitol hill. chuck hague sl testifying next wook. how much of an ongoing issue do you think this is for the administration, given the fact we'll be talking about afghanistan for the next six months? >> i think it's a pretty serious issue. and i think we said before we went live, it's pretty amazing we're five days into this and interest is only growing, it seems. there are more revelations coming out every day and part of it is the sort of strangeness and literally home landiness of it. i got interested in this a while ago. it's not unlike my first book, the faithful spy where there's a guy, the hero, john wells, is in afghanistan for all these years
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so there's this mystique to somebody that's been with the enemy for five years and comes home and who has that guy? especially when it's possible that he intended to walk off the base and intended to make contact with with them. his story is a fascinating story. and the way the administration has handled it and miss handled it makes it much more interesting. if you look at this compared to benghazi there's a lot more meat here for the republicans to actually beat the president where and it puts them in the uncomfortable position to say potentially arguing themselves into a corner, you should a pow behind, which is not a comfortable place. >> the hard thing is, i don't see how they can get out of this unfortunate simple calculation. if it turns out that all we have read and seen is true and this he left voluntarily and he deserted his post and there's no reason to deny that right now, what possible reason would the administration have had to have
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the highest possible presentation of his release? to invite the parents into the rose garden with the president? this could have been done a thousand different ways without that. and so it's clear that the right-hand did not know what the left hand was doing and those kinds of scandals and those kinds of controversies are much easier for people to grab on to than styles, the substantive ones. >> and we have not yet heard from bo. this saga continues. alex and jamie, thanks so much for spending time with us. after the break, the old guard versus the new guard in mississippi. dana and jess mcintosh will discuss the latest grand ole miss. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust
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joe last night in mississippi, six-term incumbent senator, thad cochran, fighting for his political life a result of his power to surf the populist anti-government tidal wave that's swept the gop. he's had the audacity to tout his 41 years in the senate and the millions of dollars he brought his home state, completely unaware that that stuff was the last thing today's gop primary voters want to hear. in 2006, "time" magazine called him the quiet persuader. a title he got by earns $21 billion in katrina relief funds
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for the people of mich. today he's being labeled the last of the naive republicans. unwilling or unable to learn the new folk ways of a party that's shifted under his feet. the falling of the old guard has benefitted a tea party challenger more willing and able to play with fire and brimstone. >> for too long we've been silent. for too long we sat still. for too long we let them have their way with us. we're not the type of people that surrender or retreat. ant rest assured, washington, d.c., we never will. >> we shall never surrender! that's paraphrasing. according to the "washington post", cochran faces very tough odds ahead of the june 24th runoff outside groups, groups that have already poured $5 million into the race will be emboldened to do everything in their power to claim the biggest scam this cycle but the largest thing is once you kick out the
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guys that actually like to participate in government, what does it mean for the party that's supposed to gof ven. this is our communication's director for emily's list, jess mic into be and political columnist. let me start with you. some part of me is saddened by the fact that a 41-year career and getting money for the people of your state are liabilities. they are -- >> it is a little sad that he didn't realize that his party had changed so very, very much. i feel like the story of the 2014 gop is, if you can't beat them, become them and sometimes, get beat by them anyway. so all over the country we have seen these so-called establishment picks win but they have won by adopting the positions of the tea party. in mississippi, thad cochran just didn't do that and he got beat by the guy who is saying things that we saw, nominee, tom untilson from north carolina and
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jackie kingston and purdue in georgia say. it's not like a different ideology. it's one guy saw the writing on the wall and switched it up and this guy didn't. other republican senators have the same problem. mitch mcconnell has a thad cochran problem. his best case to kentucky is he's brought home the bacon and's been there a long time and kentucky doesn't want to hear that either. >> that's ironic because mississippi leads the nation in terms of depend dense on federal aids. that is nearly half the state's revenue and somehow this is a liability for the man who ensures that. >> right. it's not just mississippi. if you look at the states that most complained about the volume of taxes they send to the washington, they're the ones who get much back from washington than they pay in. so while mcdaniel is pointing his finger at washington, perhaps i should point one right back at mississippi for taking
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all of other americans tax dollars now. yeah, cochran was an old fashionfashion proper ray -- old fashioned aappropriate rater. he's extremely conservative. he's not as conservative as mcdaniel in the sense that he says outrageous things about immigration. about gay people. that he plays footsie with white supremacists. this is why in an otherwise successful year for republicans in getting decent candidates, they're worried they're going to get into some of or a todd a achen problem and this guy will be a totally ho hospitable race into he referred to them at mamasitas. he blames hip-hop culture for the violence in america. the problem with electing people like this to the u.s. congress
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is then you've elected them and they're representatives of your party. and as the republican party is faced with a demographic, electoral crisis in the next decade. >> absolutely. how this plays out in a southern -- deep south state like mississippi, like mich where we all understand it to be ruby red, a lot of these ruby red southern states are really just nonvoting purple states. what happens when you elect a guy like this who is so willing to use out landishly racist rhetoric. the thing he says about katrina victims in mississippi, is really outrageous. air jordans and bling-bling, this is so above and beyond what your average american wants to hear from somebody that's running statewide. so what happens in a state that doesn't typically turn out for mid-term elections. when you have a guy so against improving life for them and their families it's going to be really interesting to watch.
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>> she has a good point. there's plenty of people in mississippi who would not like to see chris mcdaniel in the u.s. senate and won't do anything because they don't vote in mid-term elections. but the question of the electorate and who the gop doubled-down on in terms of their voter, the guy they want turning out for them, is the 23u7bdmental issue here. not the candidate, but i had who they're speaking to and what that voter has said they want. >> right. and this is why the national republican party faces an interesting question. they go to this runoff. are they going to pour more money into propping up thad cochran to keep him on the ballot in november because it's a much easier guy to defend? or do they want to be in the position of having to spend money in a competitive race in mississippi where there shouldn't actually be a competitive race, pulling money from the other races. pulling away their reasonable chances of taking the senate and risking the mcdaniel tarnishes them all with the
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neoconfederate. >> they've already spent so much money in mississippi. >> $5 million. >> second only to north carolina where they're spending against ap democrat. every dollar they spend in mississippi is a dollar that doesn't go to defeating a democrat and they're already putting that mississippi race in number two with this map in 2014. >> this is what happens when you invite the tea party in for dinner. jess mcintosh and dana mill bankbank thanks for your time. >> as america's cast ballots, voters went at the time polls in war-torn syria in an all-but rigged election featuring a new round of bloody violence. details on that are coming up next. okay, movie night.everyone wins.
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zero. they're meaningless. and they're meaningless because you can't have an election where millions of your people don't have an ability to vote and they don't have the ability to contest the election and they have no choice. >> that was secretary of state john kerry earlier making clear his stance on yesterday's elections in syria. something critics are calling a blood election. according to new reports this afternoon, president assads, won all assad won 89 berz of the victory and he's expected to use that as a mandate to secure his hold on power even though his country is in its fourth year of civil war. yesterday's election was tightly held only in the regime and pro government rallies were staged at polling places by u workers bussed in. and as were ballots were being cast the war was being fought. warplanes bombed rebel held neighborhoods in damascus yesterday killing scores. calling these election a great
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big zero secretary kerry arrived in beirut on a surprise visit to announce another $290 million in aide for u.n. agencies in the region working on the syrian refugee crisis. although the administration has been trying to strengthen its policy in syria by providing increased training to the opposition criticism continues to mount. yesterday the white house received perhaps, its most searing indictment yet when robert ford, the former u.s. ambassador to syria, under president obama, when he explained why he left his post last month. >> i was no long her a position where i felt i could defend the american policy. we have been unable to address either the root causes of the conflict in terms of the fighting on the ground and the balance on the ground. and we have a growing extremism threat and there's really nothing we can point this to that's been very successful in our policy. the regime simply has no
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credibility. and our policy is not addressing the syrian crisis as it needs to. >> just ahead, the father of the year is -- chris christie? main justices explain whether the christie recovery tour is working. that's next. [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts, ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪ but add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance...
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governor chris christie received the father of the year award from the national father's day council. >> i was asked how did your children react? >> the response was universal. they just blankly stared back at me and said, really? >> well the new jersey governor is steered clear of politics in his acceptance and the speech was one of many stops in this summer's chris christie recovery tour, a.k.a. the campaign to talk about anything other than bridgegate. last week he was in roswell to campaign for north carolina governor and then off to nashville and humble bragged about 2016. >> a lot of run about talk of president since 2010. the people keep talking about it and that's fine. i said to folks, i'm thinking about it. but i won't make any decision until 2015. >> later this month, politico reports that christy will go to
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washington to court christian conservatives at the annual conference of the freedom and faith coalition but all the traveling and self-propotion haven't really paid dividends back home. a new poll released yesterday finds for the first time in over two years more new jerseyians think the state is on the wrong track than the right one. perhaps that has something to do with the state's multibillion dollar budget gap. it's abysmal job creation rate and it's jobless rate which is among the nation's highest. this is the editor and chief of "main injustice." thanks for joining me. can chris christie continue to burnish his national reputation as his reputation at home atrophies and deteriorates even further? >> yes, he can continue to try to burnish it but ultimately he'll have to run based on his record in new jersey and he's also extremely hard for him to burnish his national reputation right now because he has an enormous cloud over him no matter how many father of the year award he gets or speeches he gives. >> let's talk about the latest
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in "bridgegate." we know christie's former chief of staff was subpoenaed to appear on monday which is a very tight turn-around as these state super subpoena have gone. why the subpoena so close to the day that they want him to testify? >> well, i can only speculate that trying to actually get him to appear because they need some witnesses to answer some questions and as you know, the u.s. attorney in new jersey, paul fishman, who runs the office where kevin o'doud used to work under christy has his own investigation going on and he asked pat foye, not to testify. he has a lot of reason not to have people that might be key witnesses not testify. so we'll have to see whether o'doud, in fact, is able to testify or not but that could be the reason why they sneaked the subpoena out. >> do you think that broadly speaking, do you think the super committee has been ham strung by
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the federal investigation at all? >> absolutely, it has been. it can't hear from vital witnesses. the u.s. attorney is a federal prosecutor and they are really the uber person in this whole investigation and they like to proceed cautiously and carefully without publicity and their request, carry a lot of weight because they're working on criminal charges. there's a lot of deference given to the criminal investigation and it is definitely, i think, hampering the legislative committee's ability to air the issues. >> it seemtion like "bridgegate" has opened up a pandora's box of potential scandals in the christy administration. i wonder if this corruption allegations may be more damning. we have news the christy they awarded a $1.6 million nearly to a property venture that involved a close friend and big christie donor. the governor's office has pushed back on the saying the program funding is awarded based on
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objective review. it has nothing to do with the governor's offers but it sounds like the governor's office was actually involved in amending the law or the requirements by which this money is handed out. >> right. there's economic development authority and where he's got a key ala aal aally, also in the attorney general's office with him. good family question. the economic question, the parent and possible prid prid kuo kuos and the regulatory actions and the business development and the donations that come back in to the christy campaign or presidential campaign would have you, that ultimately, i think is the most interesting area where possible criminal public corruption allegations might stick. interestingly, though. this is harder for the public to understand. if -- this is been out there for sometime. people have known about these deals.
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there have been other things like the brown fields issues where there's been pressure put on big companies that have to clean up environmental destruction. it's been known that christie is steering business somehow through the government to people who are his supporters. and ultimately, the theory is that the money comes back to him through political support. that is really harder to understand. if it hadn't been for bridgegate, that incident that captured the public imagination, probably the rest of the stuff which i think is more serious, wouldn't be examined. >> one thing's for sure. there's no shortage of allegations relating to yupgs in the christy administration. main justices mary jacoby, thanks as always, for your time. coming up, save money, live better! ha heirs to the walmart fortune may take the company slogan a little too seriously. more ahead on that. ♪ yeah ♪ don't stop now, come on mony
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a new study finds voter i.d. laws are racially motivated. some republicans don't need proof unless it's proof of a claim that voter fraud exists. "the washington post" and jamel buoy join me but first, sue with the market wrap. it was an upside day so here's a lock at how stocks stand going into tomorrow. the dow up 15 points. the s&p eeked out a new record high up about 3.23. and the nasdaq up 17.5. all right, that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. alex is back of a quick break. we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs.
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you and i must decide the part we're going to play not in the night that's struggled and not one but today's right to stop the efforts to stop voter suppressing rights and deal with incomend inequality. let us act like the civil rights movement was something back then. there's still a civil rights movement needed now. and you and i must help lead it. for years, as some 30 states across the country have enacted
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voter i.d. laws critics accuse law enforcements of being motivated not by a desire to curb voter fraud bye-bye racism. eric holder compared this to poll taxes that expressed the vote under jim crow and this week there's evidence to back the claim that voter i.d. legislation is rooted in racial bias. according to a new study from the university of southern california there's strong evidence that, quote, discriminatory intent underlies legislative support for voter i.d. laws. to arrive at this conclusion researchers sent e-mails to over 1800 state legislators in 1400 states. in order to measure racial bias the researchers e-mailed the legislators using two different names and in some the sender was jacob smith. in others, the sender was santiago rodriguez. so the senders were different but the next of the message itself was the same. jacob smith or santiago rodriguez was writing to tell his representative he kinlt have a driver's license and jacob smith or santiago rodriguez
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wanted to know if he could still vote in. the researchers found that legislators that supported voter i.d. laws were much likely to respond to jacob smith than to santiago rodriguez. most crucially as "the washington post" points out, in each state in the study, legislators could have simply responded with a "yes" driver's licenses were not required in any of the states in order to vote. but they didn't respond with a simple "yes." they responded differently depending on who had e-mailed them. this result, the researchers conclude is fairly strong evidence of bias by legislators that may be rooted in personal attitudes. and the myth-making around voter fraud continues. in alabama, a state with a brand spanking brand new voter i.d. law republicans offer a $1,000 reward to anyone who helps find evidence of voter fraud. so far, there's been no evidence worthy of the prize. joining me now is national political reporter for the
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"washington post" malika henderson and staff writer, jamel buoy. nia, does this study do anything to dampen the fervor for voter suppression, voter i.d. laws? >> no. probably not. if you look at what the rnc is saying they just sent out an e-mail a couple of hours ago saying that black voters are just likely, the majority of black voters support voter i.d. laws and i think, i think they sent out a statement saying -- see, african-americans are on the same page as republicans when it comes to voter i.d. laws. so i doubt this study will do much in terms of curbing what we've seen in terms of a trend of people voting for these voter i.d. laws and putting them in place. >> which black voters was the rnc talking to? >> this was a fox poll. 51% of black voters polled, said that they supported voter i.d. laws. we had a poll in 2012 that said 65% of african-americans supported these laws.
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the breakdown comes in black voters think these laws do express suppress the vote and they have a concern about this over this idea of these laws fighting voter fraud. the odd thing is people do that there is some voter fraud. in this sort of the reward that they're offering in alabama. this thousand dollar reward. it plays into the idea but as is wisconsin, i know jamel wrote about this but this was that the decision, there isn't much evidence that voter fraud exists at all. but still, this idea persists that it does. >> jamel, this is a case where say it enough and maybe testimony be true. maybe you can give away that thousand dollars. you look at the numbers from 2003 to 2007 and the doj identified 120 cases of voter fraud. voter impersonation. there were ten voter impersonation cases out of 2,068 alleged election fraud cases. that's 1 of every 15 million
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perspective voters. >> it's not a real problem. it's a nonexistent problem. i think the fact that you see the gop legislators came to push the laws by nowing it's a distant problem and i think that's a sign that they're playing the game and the game is do reduce the people who would vote against them at the polls. a couple of months ago i think at the beginning of the year research came out showing that when you look at the states that passed the voter i.d. laws a state was most likely to pass the law if it had two things. first, it was a competitive state in a presidential election year and it had just gotten a republican governor or rush legislator. and second, if the state had a large proportion of african-american voters. right? so the combination of those two factors, which you know, is it's clear, they're trying to keep that group of voters from voting i don't think because they're black but because they're going to vote for democrats. that's, you know, we saw that in
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indiana and we saw that in north carolina and we saw it in texas. texas, in fact, the attorney general said outright, i'm doing this where we want these laws to keep democrats from voting. >> but, jamel, i wonder when you -- the dance around voter fraud is usually done on the territory of fact. this doesn't exist. and conservatives or whoever is instituting these lessons, it exists enough that we need to be concerned about it. when you add the element of race into it, i wonder what that does to the conversation? because i feel like, then it gets back night h into this dichotomy of conservatives -- the racial question has not brought us together in any way and the conversation around it has gotten so heated and so dispeptic, if you will. it's almost -- it almost is sort of a conversational roll-down game. you won't get any further on the discussion if you're calling me a risist. >> right, i don't think there's
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any way to bring up this study and have it further the conversation. to have it created a situation where everyone is willing to say listen, these laws aren't doing much. i think for that to happen. what that would take, is republicans, republicans who aren't easy about these laws. republicans who oppose these laws. republicans who are seriously interested in outreach to nonwhite communities and to younger communities, for those people to go to their colleagues and say, we can't support these laws, the problem is that by doing so, it risks a backlash as we saw with reason palm and kind of jichb gingerly suggested that maybe the voter fraud thing is overblown and quickly walked it back. >> i wonder, this isn't the end of the conversation on systemics sort of racial preferences, determining policy. and the supreme court we know is going to -- today or this week said it would consider an
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alabama case where to determine whether alabama violated the constitution by alleging packing minority voters into certain districts. this is a big deal in terms of how we vote and where we vote and how much our votes count. do you have any sense that given the rapidity with which certain states have adopted voter i.d. laws the supreme court may have second thoughts about what they did last summer on the voting rights act? >> i would not want to be in the position of guess what can the supreme court is going to do and getting whether or not they're having buyer's remorse in terms of the decision they've handed down but it is clear that these are conversations we're going to keep having. jamel raises a good point about republicans as they think about rebranding their party. is someone like rand paul in a position to turn the tide in terms of the way the republicans have traditionally talked about this issue. and we'll have to see. if the supreme court asks if at some point, even congress is ready to do something in terms of the voting riot's act in the
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coming weeks. >> thank you both. this is a conversation that will be ongoing, my friends. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you. after the break, the four heirs to the walmart family forge have $140 billion in wealth. do not think that means they intend on supporting charity, even their own charity. details coming up next. (music) defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. calcium citrate plus d. highly soluble, easily absorbed.
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beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. walmart workers protesting low wages plan to strike in 27 cities today ahead of the meeting on prid. the family behind walmart, the second-generation waltons who own roughly half of the company are making headlines for another reason. despite the fact the walton family is worth a staggering $140 billion, more money than
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the combined wealth of the bottom 40% of american families, despite that fact, they do not seem to care much for charity. a new study finds the four heirs to the family fortune have given almost none of their riches to the family's own charitable foundation. take a look at this chart. the kbrel low line shows the dividends payed to walmart heirs in billions. the blue line, the one sitting above zero, tracks their contributions to the walton family foundation. the four heirs over their entire lifetime have given less than $16 million to the foundation which equates to less than .4% of their wealth. the report compares the walton's charitable giving do that of warren buffett who has donated nearly 27% of his wealth of charity and bill gates who has donated 36. the waltons have given just a fraction of what the average middle class earner donates which is 6% of his or her disposable income. the report was paid for by labor
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groups that have been calling for walmart to raise its wages and the ball on the family foundation responded in a statement. since 1987, the walton family has contributed more than $5 billion to charitable organizations and causes. the family has planned for the continued growth of the foundation and intends for grant making to progressively increase over time. but nearly all of those $5 billion dollars cited by the foundation have come from first-generation waltons. all but 58 million from those who inherited the fortune. it appears those walton heirs took the slogan for the family business to heart -- save money, live better. or rather -- hoard money, live extravagantly. that's all for now. the great richard wolffe fills in for me tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is coming up next. good evening, americans and welcome to the ed show, live from detroit lakes, minnesota.
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i'm ready to go! let's get to work! >> more trouble for the obama administration because of the taliban negotiations. >> we still get the american soldier back. he's home from cap activity. >> they've seized upon the american prisoner of war for political gain. >> orchestrated, smear campaign. >> obviously, this is incredibly -- >> this entire deal is extremely troubling. >> more trouble. >> orchestrated smear campaign. >> young man, whatever the circumstances, wasn't american -- is an american citizen. >> no forces should be left behind. >> this is not going well for this administration. >> are you kidding me? >> and that's on top of the benghazi stuff? >> safe return of american soldiers should not
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