tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 4, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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i'm ready to go! let's get to work! >> more trouble for the obama administration because of the taliban negotiations. >> we still get the american soldier back. he's home from cap activity. >> they've seized upon the american prisoner of war for political gain. >> orchestrated, smear campaign. >> obviously, this is incredibly -- >> this entire deal is extremely troubling. >> more trouble. >> orchestrated smear campaign. >> young man, whatever the circumstances, wasn't american -- is an american citizen. >> no forces should be left behind. >> this is not going well for this administration. >> are you kidding me? >> and that's on top of the benghazi stuff? >> safe return of american soldiers should not be used for
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political gain. good to have you with us tonight folks. thanks for watching. well, this republican freak-out over the release of sergeant before. o burgdahl it's all about one thing and one thing only. impeaching president obama. they're looking for something. republicans are hell-bent on taking out the president of the united states no matter the cost. this goes way beyond policy differences. outage over sergeant burgdahl's release is the latest chapter in the republican playbook to impeach president obama. i believe that. look at the facts. first the debt ceiling. then obama care. then fast and furious. then the irs sandal. and don't forget benghazi let's have more hearings. and now it's bchl urgdahl. >> the question going forward is, have we just put a price on other u.s. soldiers? what does this tell terrorists? if you capture a u.s. soldier
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you can trade that soldier for five terrorists? >> there are legitimate questions about these individuals who are being released and the conditions under which they will be released. these are the hardest of the hard core. the highest of the high-risk people. >> the methodology we used is very troublesome. >> the methodology you mean -- >> negotiating with terrorists. >> i think they have, in fact, negotiated with terrorists. and i don't think they got a very good deal. >> i think what the republicans need to do is give us an update on the rest of the detainees in gitmo. are they all nice guys? are they ready to be released? are they the worst of the worst of the worst? you mean to it will me we just happen to negotiate away the absolute worst people on the face of the earth and this is such a bad deal for america? wait a minute. it doesn't matter who was in the swap. the fact is, an american soldiers is coming home and
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they'll play it to the tirlt. is something wrong with president obama? it's his fault. high crimes and misdemeanor. should have gone to congress. didn't follow the legal pathway, time to get rid of him. republicans are now saying, investigation into bergdahl's release, they're on their way. they're coming. >> this has caused tremendous concerns and questions from those that served with the sergeant and from those who have been involved in this process in some of the military families that their sons lost their lives in search for sergeant bergdahl so as we go through the investigation we'll be able to answer that but the point is, the president chooses to take unilateral actions through executive orders and he's determined to empty out gitmo and the questions will lead us to many months of hearings and investigations and trying to get an answer. >> does marcia blackburn think
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that she can do a better job than the united states military personnel in determining whether this guy was awall or not? are there actually republicans out there who think they have the military experience to make the judge, jury and competetioner and attitude in front of the american people that they actually know more than the military generals? as -- this is an insult to our military. the republicans are running around saying basically to be the military doesn't know how to deal with this. they have to have hearings. how many hearings and investigations are these guys going to have. there's absolutely nothing to investigate here. outside of military judgment. president obama had the authority to make the deal. okay, let's have the argument. an investigation into bergdahl is all about doing one thing and that's tarnishing and trashing president obama. former congressman allen west of military experience, of florida, the one termer, he's already
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calling for the impeachment of the bergdahl deal. he wrote a post on his website called "the case for impeachment for barack who is saying "obama." he accused president obama of high krooims and misdemeanors. gosh! how fitting coming from a tea partier who couldn't win the second term. and there's a reason why this guy was a one-term congressman because he comes up with stuff like this but it's enough to plant the seed where other also follow. meanwhile, impeachment talk, nothing new for the republicans, they've been doing it all for a long time. in 2012, sthort kiem said president obama could be impeached over his immigration policy. >> if it's bad enough and if there are shenanigans involved in it, then, of course, impeachment is always a possibility but i don't think at this point anybody is talking about that. >> don't think at this point but the seed is planted early on. up next, texas congressman bouie
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and he says the president could be impeached for defaulting on the debt. >> would you allow us to default on our debt. >> no, that would be annism peachable offense. >> someone should tell him, the republicans were the buns who didn't want to raise the debt limit and pay the bills. then we have michigan congressman bentivollio. he said it would be a dream come true to submit impeachment articles. >> if i could write that bill -- >> do it. >> do it. >> excuse me. >> it would be a dream come true. i went back to my office and i had lawyers come in and these are lawyers, well -- in history, i said, tell me how to impeach the president of the united states. >> and, of course, we have utah congressman, jason chavez, a cable favorite. this guy's benghazi fever has him saying impeachment, no doubt, is on the table. >> jason of utah joining us now
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and among other things he suggested that perhaps, president obama's hanging of the benghazi terror attack could be an impeachable offense. congressman, tell us what you mean by that. >> look it's not something i'm seeking. not the end game or not what we're playing for. i was simply asked, is that within the realm of possibilities and i would say, yes, i'm not willing to take that off the table but that's certainly not what we're striving for. >> planting the seed. constantly. to matter what the issue is, if there's just a ray of hope that it could get to that, that they could get enough republicans to do it. if they had the political power, you're damn right they'd do it. finally, senator of oklahoma, talking impeachment over benghazi. the expert pilot who couldn't find the right runway gave away the game plan if republicans take the senate in november. >> i would use the word before too long. >> okay. the "q" word meaning
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impeachment? >> yeah. >> but you live in the world of the senate. there's no way they're going to impeach this guy over anything, is there? >> oh, no, i understand that. i'm talking about enduring this to the after the '14 election. >> that was it. just a coincidence that all of these republicans just seemed to just kind of, you know, drop out that "i" w0rd now and then? after the collection of republican garbage it should be very clear. the republican mission is to impeach president obama. they just need the power. their game plan clearly is to hold the house and take the senate and impeach the. . these guys are ruthless. outrage over sergeant bergdahl's release is the latest card in the phony deck they have. obstruction isn't cutting it anymore because the economy is growing jobs every single month since we let the bush tax cuts expire, especially 52 months of vat sector job growth. obama care working.
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saving millions of people when it comes to getting them health care. the american people are for it. where's the march against it? there's a lot of good things going on be but you see, the republicans are afraid of the liberal agenda. they are afraid that if the next president would be a progressive, could be really if you have the liberals are out there saying that president obama is not progressive enough. we could have that conversation. that's their mission. >> the republicans are going for broke? hopefully the democrats were reemsed that the days in which we played nice when there were liberals in this country who were screaming for the impeachment of president bush when nancy pelosi and the democrats took over the house. nancy pelosi says, we have other business tend to. that statement made in 2006 after the mid term when the democrats took the house. their only mission is to take
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down president obama. i want the republicans to temperature us how many bad guys are at gitmo and who is eligible for release in the next prisoner swap if there is one? what would they approve? the answer is, nothing. get out your cell phone. tonight's question. do republicans want to impeach president obama? text a for yeah and b for no. you can go to our blog at ed we'll bring you the results later on in the show. i could not do this story tonight or i couldn't have this take tonight if there were not a bunch of republicans about there talking about it. for more let me bring in congressman george miller of california. congressman, good to have you with us tonight. this outrage over bergdahl, is it all about president obama or is there really something
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flagrantly wrong here? >> there's something something very, very wrong. we know that they've spent the last six years trying to make sure that president obama can never hit his stride. his message to the country is always interrupted and they can mask the fact that this is the least productive congress in history. the tragedy is it's the least productive on behalf of the middle class working people in the country. we've seen the median family income drop $4,000 while the top 1% is skyrocketed. we see the sales of middle class housing falling off, while sales of housing to the 1% soar in prices and the number of houses sold. we see no effort to move the minimum wage bill overwhelmingly supported by the republicans and democrats all across the country. to help put wages -- money into people's pockets and get them a livable wage and get the big companies off of the welfare system as they underwrite the ask the taxpayers to underwrite
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health care for low wage workers and underemployment insurance and food stamps to underwrite housing for -- so they have a plan. to have the federal government subsidize their businesses and not pay people that are going to work every day but congress doesn't want to address that or address the idea of refinancing student loans. to take students who have been unable to find jobs or starting out in new careers and let them refinance their loans and have the government stop making the outrageous amount of money we're making off of student loans. but the republicans don't want to deal with that so they have an impeachment idea a week and an investigation a week. what they've usually done is they've so abused the investigative process that the american public walks away from them on these issues and then the american public says, what about swrobs? what about the highway bill? and they're scoring zero on jobs in this congress. >> so i don't want to put words in your mouth but i believe they're out to impeach the
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president. do you believe they're out to impeach the president? if they were to win the senate and hold the house this is what they would do some. >> i think clearly some of the people you interviewed that would clearly be their strategy. after the election they would have a shot at impeaching the president. we know that these people are so extreme in their thought patterns and so extreme in their view of the obama administration, that that's very compatible goal for them. but the fact of the matter is, again, if they can get people talking about impeachment instead of about jobs before the mid-term election, instead of about the minimum wage and instead of about fair pay for women and equal pay for women they're winning every day they can do this but thefr access to some of the media that will repeat this over and over and over again. >> they certainly do. there's a lot of cheerleaders on the right jumping all over this. this heightens the intensity of the bergdahl issue. some white house advisers are
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saying, reportedly, they were somewhat taken by the reaction of the republicans on this. i want your take on that. >> well, the republicans would have a negative reaction no matter what. when our final combat troops come home next year. if bergdahl was still in captivity by the taliban they would be outraged at the idea. outraged that we left that soldier behind so they can have it either way. they can argue this either way. that's what they're prepared to do because they know it flows throws off all the rest of the messages about what the republicans are doing in the congress and their failure to work off of the families in the country and to keep the president from hitting their stride. it's been a strategy from day one. when mitch mcconnell said he wanted to see this president fail, that told you all you needed to know. >> exactly. congressman george miller of california, good to have you with us, tonight, sir. >> let me bring in our democratic strategist. bob, your reaction to what's unfolding in the way the
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republicans are handling the berggdahl situation. >> the first question was whether or not we leave this guy behind not just next year be whether he was going to die because he was apparently in bad health. i think the president felt it was the right thing to do to get him out and whatever questions people want to raise can be resolved after that. but one of the difficulties here, and i think george miller is right. it doesn't matter what the president would have done. he would have been attacked. john mccain, senator quelly, they were on television demanding we arrange a swap to get him back. the president did it the. they probably couldn't have done it and as soon as he did it they turned on him. part of the politics of serial opportunistic smear that now drives the republican party, whether it's benghazi, obama care or bergdahl. >> it looks like they don't need any legal grounds. they just need the political
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power that they're trying to grab in the senate and hang on to the house. do you think they will impeach the president if they had that kind of political power. you know, i'm tmpbted if i cared only about politics and not about the country, to say, go ahead and try to do it. the country would completely outraged by it. people would see this is a congress that didn't care about jobs or didn't care about health care or education. didn't care about highways. it was consumed with hatred for the president. i do think it could happen? i think there's some chance it would happen. look at mich in the primary. thad cochran, a very conservative guy but he's willing at least on occasion, to compromise and try to govern and he now faces a runoff which he's likely to lose and the guy that could conceivably defeat him would, i think, in a second, be willing to impeach the president. the last time the republicans tried this, it did them a lot of
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damages. i think it would do them a lot of damage if they do it again but they're prisoners of their base and their base hates the president. >> i don't believe they have a mind. i believe that thr just idealogically driven and they hate this president. and i think that they'll take any issue whatsoever, bergdahl just happens to be the story of the hour, story of the week and they're going the try to it up into something it isn't. i find it interesting that all of these members of congress are second-gaesing the military. the military doesn't know how to handle this guy if he was awall. and there's no confirmation that he was. what about that? >> i'm struck by the fact that and here i'm exempt mccain who did fight in war and served all those years as a prisoner of war. you got a lot of arm chair warriors in the gop who are going out and trashing this guy, you know, 20, 21 years old, fighting in afghanistan. we don't know the facts and we ought to find out these facts but no matter what the facts
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are, the idea that you would leave him behind in taliban hands for an indefinite period of time and it probably wouldn't have been indefinite because his health is clearly precarious. that idea is prepost rouse. if the president had followed that course, republicans would attack him. >> they'd attack the man no matter what. >> yeah. exactly. no question about it. that's their mission. bob, good to have you with us on "the ed show." appreciate your tile. answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter and "the ed show" and like us on facebook. appreciate you doing that. we like to know what you think. coming up, tea party darling, won a big primary in iowa last night. rapid response panel weighs in on how far right her agenda goes. but first, why republicans now want to shift attention away from the v.a. scandal? senator bernie sanders joins me next. right back with "the ed show."
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time for trenders. and you can check out our daily pod cost. you can get it 24/7 rights there. our seshl media has decided and we're reporting here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> if number three trender, minnesota nice guy. >> minnesota vikings chad greenway is more than just a football player. >> the vikings by definition, they know their way around water. >> a series of events led to greenway jumping into the icy water and rescuing two people on the lake. >> the viekings linebacker gives an mvp performance off the field. >> we were looking at the beautiful houses and then all of
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the sudden the mill wouldn't churn. >> superman to the rescue. >> i heard the guy was a bears' fan. >> the bears. >> and if you knew that before would you still have saved him. >> yes. >> just kidding. >> stranded him. >> just kidding. >> the number two, batter up. >> wind, rain, hail, a little bit of everything kind of the heart sfloond this unique storm we've seen it travel almost 300 miles from south dakota right down through omaha. >> mother nature left behind her fair share of damage. >> strong storms bring baseball-sized hail to the midwest. >> it was horizontal baseball-sized hail. >> smashed windshield blinding facing drivers. >> it was a loot of fun on the causeway swirling around. >> it just littered the coast. >> just a bit outside. >> and today's top trender, budget busters. >> how we care for these that risk everything for us is the most important test of a nation's character. >> republican refusal to fund
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the v.a., shifts the scandal spotlight. >> these republican senators have always stood up for our veterans. >> $21 billion bill brought by independent bernie sanders and it was supposed to improve veterans' access to health care, veteran education and job training. >> dekent care for our veterans is one of the most sol ledge obligations the nation incurs. >> 41 of 4r5 republicans voting against. >> the republicans say the $21 billion price tag is just too high. >> we'll be judged by god and history by how well we discharge ours. >> joining us tonight, senator bernie sanders, independent of vermont, chairman of the senate veterans affairs committee. senator, great to have you with us tonight. i think the old saying is pretty apra po in this situation. it takes money to buy whiskey and i don't think this v.a. thing can be fixed unless your bill is passed and is properly resourced. where are the republicans on the all of a sudden? they say great things about the
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veterans and wrap themselves in the flag but were they on the? >> well, ed, you're quite right. we introduced a bill a couple of months agoed that the support of the american legion, the vfw and virtually every major veterans' organization in this country, it would have helped significantly veterans in terms of education, in terms of health care, in terms of employment, it would have helped their families. i was really surprised and very disappointed that when we brought it to the floor, we had all of two republicans who were supporting it. right now we're working on another piece of legislation. i just spent part of the morning talking with senator mccain. we're trying to see if we can get an agreement right nowing that win widespread support. >> does the gop want to privatize the va? >> that's a very, very good question. and there is no doubt that some of them certainly do. if you are the party that wants to end medicare as we know it
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and convert it into a voucher program, if you voted 50 times in the house to end the affordable care act, obama care, if you made massive cuts in medicaid, it seems kind of likely that you may not be enthusiastic about the v.a. which is a government-run health care system. i want to say a word about the v.a. everybody is aware of the very, very serious problems in phoenix and in my view we're going to punish those people who have lied and manipulated data. but overall, if you talk to veterans, ed, if you talk to the veterans' organizations. if you look at independent studies it turns out that the v.a. is providing by and large, high quality care to veterans, mostly if a timely way. so we have to improve the v.a. we do not want to dismantle it or privatize it. >> and senator, are you convinced that what unfolded and what happened in phoenix is an isolated incident and it is not
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a signature of the v.a.? >> it is not isolated. what happened in phoenix was terrible. there may be other facilities where similar types of activities took place. but bottom line, today, ed, over 200,000 veterans walked that v.a. facilities all across the country, most of them got good quality health care. and most of them got it in a timely manner. our job is to go to those parts of the country that do not have enough doctors and do not have enough dentists and do not have enough nurses and provide them the staff they need. because one of the serious problems we have is lack of staffing in parts of the country and a burn jouft rate. we have primary doctors being overworked in some cases. they're quitting the system. we need to support our veterans and the va. >> but, senator, you're dealing with the same people that want to abolish the minimum wage. dealing with the same people that voted to get rid of health care. dealing with the same people
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that when offsets every time there's a disaster in this country, when it comes to, say, storm sandy as an example. i mean, what is going to change the heart of republicans to give the v.a. the sources they need and the administration they need to make sure that phoenix doesn't happen again? not in phoenix or anywhere else. are they committed to the dollars? >> i think the answer to that is the american people now, in a way i've not seen in many years are focused on the v.a. the american people by and large, are very supportive of the needs of the veterans. and if republicans choose not to provide the v.a. with the resources that they need, you know i think all over the country can people will say you guys talk a good game but you're not really delivering the resources. >> and finally senator, i would be remiss if i didn't ask you about the bergdahl situation. your take on what's unfolded and moving forward. the best i can say we need more
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information right now. the family is happy to have their son back. we don't leave people on the battlefield. on the other hand we want to make sure the people released don't end up on the battle field tomorrow. >> senator bernie sanders, good to have you with us on "the ed show." thank you very much. still ahead, rapid response panel breaks down the extremist views of tea party darling joan any earnst in iowa. and the republicans accept defeat in their fight to repeal obama care. howard dean joins me to discuss, where conservatives will aim their next attack and what's round two of health care? but next. i'm taking your questions. ask ed live next on the ed show right here on msnbc. we're right back.
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well, they do. it's just that it's so easier to be against something, which is the signature of the republicans right now. it's so easier to be against something than it is to advocate for something. you have to realize the democrats are actually trying to get something done. our next question is for brian. is there anything president obama can do that republicans will not criticize him for? there hadn't been. and there won't be. and it's the climate we live in. stick around. rapid response panel coming up next. we're right back on the ed slow. i'm sue herera with your market. modest gains for stocks today. the dow added 15 points. the s&p is up three but that was good fluff for another record cloets. the nasdaq ends at 17 points higher. private sector job growth was weaker than expected last month according do payroll firm adb and companies added 179,000 jobs in may but economists expected a
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gain of 215,000. and the feds latest page book survey was released. the report on regional economic activities showed growth improved in all of the fed's districts. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. ed is back after a quick break. (whispering) yeah really good (whispering) yeah and for a family of 4 it's a $160 a month. what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or? (whispering) o! sorry! yes yes! (whispering) we'll take it.
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>> welcome back to "the ed show." thanks for watching tonight. iowa state senator gets her shot at the democratic seat held by tom harkin as he retires later this year. the hog-kass straighting and tea party favorite, she garnished over 56% of the vote. in last night's republican primary she's one step closer to becoming the first female elected to federal office from the state of iowa. she may have pull add head of the pack as a result of her gimmicky campaign commercials. behind the folksy rhetoric, all you have seen what you really have to see is how far right she is. ernst would vote for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. ernst has spoken out against amnesty of any form, immigration reform and she said the federal government shouldn't set a minimum wage. and she called the clean water act one of the most damaging laws for business.
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earnst embraces privatizing social security and she's going right from the koch playbook. she wants to abolish the department of education and the environmental protection agency. industry's going to love that. the self-proclaimed farm girl said she would have voted against the farm bill? joni erns eechlt is an extremist. she may have won the support of some, maybe even sarah palin and the tea party. it may have won her the republican primary, but the question is, can she go on to win the general in a purple state like iowa? a state like iowa that's loaded with independence? an independent thinkers. joining me tonight on our rapid response panel. political tv host and sarah slayman, field director for the fort ben democratic party in ticks. great to have you both with us tonight. this is interesting because the standpoint that all of the
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things that she is against is what tom harkin has been for. now, john, can she win the general election with such extreme views as iowa going to be able to accept this and will they be motivated by these commercials where they're firing guns at a target? >> you're very right about the extremism. she does make chuck grsly look like nader and i enjoy the pig kass straighting commercials as much as the next guy as her promise to do that to d.e.m.s in disasters emergency committee. a lot of democrats have already had that procedure done to them however, she can only win if people don't show up to vote for the mid terms. she's so far outside of mainstream american thought. you were right to say she supports a federal constitutional ban on marriage equality yet she also thinks the state should be able to decide, which doesn't really make sense. that's like saying you support the troops but think pow should be left to die in afghanistan.
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she's so far outside the mainstream on marriage equality, women's productive freedoms. mainstream america doesn't seem very excited to go out and vote this. >> sarah, when i see what she has to offer her policies, all i can think about is, we've got another michele bachmann on our hands. what do you think? >> absolutely. yig bruce brayly is sitting pretty for. when you look at the issues' page it's a laugh. she's anywhere from a decade to two decades behind and her message about repealing obama air, the affordable care act. americans are tired of the pandering and obstruction. they're tired of republicans with no solutions. john's right that our side we have to come out and vote. she's not offering anything new or maverick or independent to those iowa independent voters. she's offering more of the same and leaving a juan families behind and a juan farm iowaian farmers behind so she can sit around and talk about guns and obama care. it's old news. >> i don't think there's ever
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been a senator from iowa that's opposed the farm bill before. that, to me, is the most extreme of them all, john. >> how do you come from iowa, and o'potion the farm bill? that's like running for mayor of amsterdam opposing weed. and she wants to dismantle the epa and thinks pollution laws should be voluntary. that makes no sense. not to disparage her service in iraq, she's another one saying she -- before we invaded. overall plot was to get killed. again, i enjoy all of her imagery aboimage ry kass trags of pigs but at the end of the day this lady is all squeal and no bacon. >> what's her appeal to women if she drives a harley which a lot of women don't and she fires a hand gup in a commercial which a lot of women don't do that either. what's the appeal here? >> there's no appeal. you're seeing same old same old.
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joni wants to be the first iowaian congresswoman to be elected when all she's doing is marching around in the same old white male conservative policies the gop has to offer? they did their 2012 autopsy. they've done their 2013 autopsy as a party. they can't get it right. they can't appeal the minorities and women. if she cared so much about children and talks about protecting the lives of the unborn what about the 16% of iowian children that live in poverty and half of those live with working poor parents? what will she do about those kids. the children with birth certificates out in this world. all pandering. she's not going to speak to iowian women. this whole pistol in the burst, i guess she wants to join her conservative sister and leslie cohen who's gun went off. this does not impress female voters. we want to hear about jobs and equal pay and children's education. we don't want you to hear about
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abolishing public education. we're not one of the greatest equalizers. >> most women in america do support expanded background checks. she called the shootings in santa barbara, accidental. like dan marino suing the nfl. >> an unfortunate accident. >> a what has said a few extremists to washington. one of them is steve king over on the house side. we'll see how it all plays out. great to have you both with us tonight. thanks so much. coming up, keith blows a gasket over sergeant bergdahl's ballet hobby. the pretenders is next. e is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now that's a pill worth taking.
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bo bergdahl back to the united states is proof. >> barack obama does not have the will of the american people -- americanism in his soul and this swap, somebody who may not feel very american for five people who definitely don't, is symptom @ic of that. it was bound to happen when you have a leader who doesn't fill update can pete tichl. >> he wants out of america, my friend. >> all right. >> he tried to link his incohere rent theory to bergdahl's ballet hobby. >> what i think we have here is somebody who captain really serve ebb the nation, necessarily and again, much more exploration has to conclude this. can't serve because he's serving himself. i think front and center on any stage, is this guy's m.o., unless it doesn't feed him narcissistically, you can't give him a job. >> well, openly admitted his
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analys natural lacks conclusion. you need facts and logic for any kind of rational breakdown. he has neither. if keith thinks he can make rescuing a he thinks rescuing a soldier un-american, he can keep on pretending. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place my mom works at ge. where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall
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of tearing down obamacare, well, it has failed. more than 8 million people have signed up in just eight months. what a turn around. what a second half, huh? republicans who have been trying to repeal the law, well, they are kind of changing their tune, aren't they? six-term mississippi senator thad cochran, well, he is now in a run-off election after he framed his whole political platform on voting down obamacare. >> only one candidate for u.s. senate has been endorsed by the national rifle association. only one candidate has voted against obamacare more than 100 times. that conservative candidate is thad cochran. >> how come that's not working? he shouldn't be in a fight, right? you see, he's not conservative enough. mitch mcconnell in the same boat. he is also been struggling to express his position on the affordable care act. recently, kind of changing his old tune. >> if i had my way about it,
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we'd repeal obamacare and start all over and get it right. >> but there's only one escape hatch that will fully help those trapped by this law, and that's full repeal. >> mcconnell laughably said connect, which is kentucky's state exchange, more popular than the hated obamacare. voters in that state know that connect is the state's rebranded version of obamacare. so it's a word game going on. more than 413,000 kentuckians have been enrolled for health care coverage through the state exchange connect. mcconnell can't have it both ways. republicans are left with nothing. the negative stories have disappeared. the mainstream media for the conservatives, they are not doing any obamacare stories. that's because it's working. former governor howard dean, former chair of the democratic national committee and cnbc contributor joins me tonight. governor dean, good to have you
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with us here on "the ed show." it looks to me like they are running out of steam to throw dirt at obamacare, and when you look at it, the affordable care act's good for business, pharmaceuticals are making money, they are putting out more drugs, they've got more customers, the insurance industry's making money. more people are covered. what's behind mitch mcconnell's reversal all of a sudden? >> well, the problem is that steve bashir, who's the democratic governor of kentucky, has been the most able governor in the country in getting this thing to work, and obamacare, the obamacare exchange has been the most successful exchange by far of any of the 50 states, so here you have a not very popular republican, mcconnell, who hasn't cracked 50% for a long, long time in kentucky, who's led the national effort to kiln obamacare and is going home to the state whose people have benefitted the most from obamacare. he's got a big problem, and i think there's a pretty good shot that allison lundergan grimes is
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going to be the next senator from kentucky. >> well, are benghazi and bergdahl the new obamacare for the republicans? >> no. the more they say benghazi, the better the democrats do. whatever the merits of benghazi are, the republicans have so little credibility on all this stuff that they just -- benghazi makes -- it's like obama's a muslim and has his birth certificate is kenyan. people think there's a fair segment of the republican party who's crazy, and this is the kind of thing that makes them crazy. they see darrell issa, who is not a stupid guy, but he runs his committee and makes an idiot of himself and the committee every time they have a session, so benghazi is going to hurt them, bergdahl is not going to help them any, it's hard to convince veterans we should leave people behind, regardless of what this guy did, unless he gave information to the enemy and there's no evidence of that whatsoever. so i think the republicans are in a lot more trouble than they
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think, and i must say we owe steve bashir in kentucky a great deal for making this thing work. >> he has proven it can work, and there are a lot of republican governors, obviously, that have rejected it, but on that theme of the merits of obamacare, the affordable care act working, should it be the democrats to be talking about round two of health care? and in your opinion, dr. dean, what is round two of health care? >> well, round two, i think, is getting this thing to work exactly the way it's supposed to work. there are going to be problems, insurance rates are going to be going up and we're going to have to jawbone them down. we've been doing that for a long time. that is not a problem because of obamacare. that is a problem in the health care industry that needs to be fixed, and some states are going to go to a competitive regulatory method and some are going to go to a straight-out utility method when the costs come up, but that's to be expected. what the president did and what
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the congress did, is opened up the private sector to include everybody. there are countries that works, holland and switzerland, for example, and i think it can work. and it is working, and a lot of people are going to like it. by the time the election comes around, there are going to be an awful lot of americans who know someone who's benefitted from obamacare. >> so, the steam that the republicans had eight months ago about attacking obamacare, clearly, has reversed on them, and where does it leave them in the midterms coming up? what can they get out of obamacare between now and november? >> the republicans? >> yes. >> not a lot. in conservative states where people dislike obama intensely, it's a way of connecting obama with the democratic candidate, but the truth is, this is how everything changed. this is how the gay rights movement changed. once you know somebody who you care about who's benefitting from something that's going on in washington, your view starts to change. there are a hell of a lot of people in mississippi, i think
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childress has a good shot, especially if mcdaniels beats cochran in the runoff, which he might. we could pick up a democratic seat in mississippi. i know it's outlandish, but a lot of people in mississippi being helped by obamacare. >> howard dean, thanks so much. that's "the ed show," "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the gop's hypocrisy on sergeant bowe bergdahl. today, the taliban released video showing bergdahl's handover to american special forces. after five years as a p.o.w., we know this video's being closely examined by intelligence officials. we know there's still a lot that we don't know about how bergdahl was captured, and whether
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