tv Lockup Raw MSNBC June 7, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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follow lockup producers and crews as they go behind the walls of america's prisons and jails. the scenes you've never seen. "lockup: raw". the cuyahoga county corrections center in downtown cleveland, ohio, is just like other jails, in that most of the inmates are only charged with crimes and are awaiting trial at the resolution of their cases. and jail's located in big cities
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also share a common challenge -- managing gangs. during our extended stay shoot in cleveland, we covered theivity cth thetivities of a homegrown gang known as the heartless felons. ramall was regarded as one of the heartless felon's highest ranking members. >> how high up were you? >> i'm ignc. >> it means that he can delegate, that put him a little bit above a boss. >> jail officials say hammond was the heartless felon's shot caller and targeted other inmates for theft, assault, and extortion, so they segregated him from most other inmates. >> i'm housed in the gang pod, 23 and 1, because they say i've been fighting too much. >> the first day we met hammond,
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he was petitioning gang investigator sam clarion to release him back into general population. >> finally get out of 23 and 1. how you trying? >> i don't got no right. >> you was knocking out people, man. >> i'm not knocking out people, man. all right, man, but, listen, but -- >> you can't even look at me and tell a straight face -- >> you right, you right, you right, you right. >> we got those around now who are either scared to come out of their room, can't use the telephone, can't get a tray. they're being persecuted by individuals wanting to put their will on them. ramon hammond, give him his props. he's, he's for real. he's a fighter. and he don't mind fighting. but he has a rule. if you go against his principle, you will pay. i will beat that ass, that's how he used to put it. that's hammond. >> i'm a nice dude.
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a lot of people don't think so. a lot of people think i'm a grimy person and they can't trust me, but i'm a good dude for real. if i mess with you, i mess with you. if i don't, you might see the other side. >> he was brutally honest. he was very honest about his love for the game, which was his drug dealing career, as well as being a gang member. >> i sell crack cocaine. i've been selling drugs since i was like 13. if i don't sell it to them, somebody else is going to sell it to them, so why not? that's how i look at it. >> a lot of the heartless felons had no real family support. it was obvious that they came together in order to create their own family as a gang. but with ramal, that wasn't the case. he had a lot of family members. in fact, he told us that he was the oldest of 12 siblings. >> hammond's gang family, the heartless felons, and his biological family were about to intersect. ra ramal's youngest brother was
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next door in the juvenile detention center. we were there the day paris became an adult, and his life was about to take a dramatic turn for all of the wrong reasons. >> today, i'm going to take inmate paris hammond, who used to be a juvenile and is now 18, turned 18 today, he's going to be moved from our juvenile pod into our general male population. he's not going to be with the kids anymore, he's going to be with the -- as we call them, the big boys. he's graduating today. >> did you think you'd spend your 18th birthday like this? >> yeah, i already got time. >> paris had recently pled guilty to two counts of felonious assault with a firearm, for shooting a 15-year-old boy during an argument and leaving him paralyzed. when we met him, he was only days away from being sentenced to a prison term that could range from 5 to 18 years. despite his guilty plea, paris told us he's innocent. >> i didn't shoot him. >> so you're convicted of a crime and you're saying you didn't do the crime? >> yes, ma'am. >> you took a plea to something you didn't do? >> yeah. >> why? >> i was going to take it all the way to trial.
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if i would have went, i probably would have went home, but if i lost, i was getting 42 years flat. and my mom says she doesn't know how long she'll be living, because she's getting older, so i did what my mom told me and what my brother told me, and i took it. >> for paris, the advice of his older brother, ramal, meant a lot, because ramal was more to him than just a sibling. >> like i said, i never had no brother, i looked up to my brother. he taught me how to be safe in the streets. he taught me how to go to school. he taught me how to dress. all types of stuff. i always wanted to be like my brother. i love him so much. >> i tried to influence him to go to school. i used to hear about him breaking into people's houses and stuff, but a lot of people was getting killed for that type of stuff, you feel me? so i'm like, you don't got to break -- i was like, you should learn from your big brother, i don't break into people's houses, i sell drug. >> ramal at times told paris, hey, this isn't the life, you're not cut out for this, but as soon as he decided, yeah, i'm
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going to follow ramal, he was like, hey, you know, i tried, i did what i could, but he's going to follow and that's just the way it's going to be. >> i started making him sell dope with me. we got to take care of the family together. >> he sat me down, he taught me the game. >> like i said, i don't want him to be in this, but i love to hear that he's excelling and he's doing good. >> in his own odd way, ramal thought he was actually helping paris. but really, i think he was more interested in how -- what paris could do for him. >> my little brother, he a juvenile. if you a juvenile and you're selling drugs, man, you're not going to no jail. now, if they get me, it's probably three years, five years, but he get it, probably six months, you know? so anytime i don't feel comfortable with something, that's what i have my little brother for. >> i know my brother wasn't just getting me to sell drugs. what he couldn't do, he wanted
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me to achieve better. that's love for me. >> all right. turn around and face me. open your mouth. stick out your tongue. turn your head left. turn your head right. rub your hands through your hair for me. >> ramal did something else for paris that later contributed to his current problems. >> i gave him his first gun when he was 11. >> why would an 11-year-old need a gun? >> the streets, people make money, people starting to hate, they try to rob you and all type of stuff. my brother just told me, you know, be safe at all times, so i just took it from there. >> coming up -- >> i'm serious, why -- i'm on 23 and 1. we separated from that. >> come on! >> i'm for real! >> ramal hammond appeals to staff to let them see his brother. and when another pair of brothers drop out of their gang, all they have left is each orr. the clean air act stops polluters from... poisoning his air with arsenic, lead and mercury.
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location, the alameda county jail, which primarily serves the city of oakland, california, could easily be mistaken for a prison. and with 3,000 inmates, it's one of the biggest jails in the west. that translates into a lot of stories for our five-person production team to cover. finding them involves meeting as many inmates as possible. >> everybody is cool with being on? you guys -- just kind of, just sitting here, just like this. just like this, at the window. >> at the window? >> yeah. >> wherever you went, you'd meet one person that was completely different than the next. oftentimes, the deputies will tell us about certain inmates, and one inmate that was brought up was gabriel taylor. >> this is what we got right here, y'all. we got 14 cells of depression, exactly. >> gabriel taylor had been charged with burglary and vehicle theft, to which he had pled not guilty. he was housed in the protective custody unit, or pc, because he
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had dropped out of his gang. and in jail or out, that made him vulnerable to attack. >> let's protest, y'all. >> protest? >> yeah. >> see where that gets you. >> yeah, pepper spray and a taser. >> yewhen i first met gabriel, was taken by his charisma. he was very funny, he was very honest, and he just had kind of a vibrant personality. >> we bet on "american idol," all that. who's going to be the next pope. everything's a competition, you know what i'm saying? and i'd already heard the tale of the misspelling of his tattoos and i knew there must be a funny story about that. >> on the lower portion of my stomach, it was supposed to say something, and it don't say it right. i don't even want to talk about it. i don't want to embarrass myself. >> what was it supposed to say? >> it was supposed to say danielle, but it don't. i'm going to leave it that. it's so [ bleep ] embarrassing,
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it's [ bleep ], all right? >> who was danielle, that's my daughter's mom. but, yeah, i mean, just for [ bleep ] entertainment purposes, i'm going to tell you, it says daniel, and it says, "daniel's world." >> and where is this located? >> oh, man, right above my [ bleep ]. >> gabriel had a lot of tattoos, but one he had on his back, and that was his brother's ezekial name, because ezekial always had his back. he constantly told me about him and spoke about him as if they were best friends. >> i can't say he's my everything, he's more than that. i don't know, man, he's my mom, my dad, my brother, my son. he's everything that i got in this world. he's my reason for being. >> it's a "lockup" show, msnbc. >> we got to the jail one morning and we had a plan in mind of what we were going to do and a deputy comes up and tells us that gabriel, his brother, ezekial has been booked in. so immediately, our plans had changed for the day. we went into a holding cell
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where he was at and started talking to him. and he basically was just the person that gabriel described him to be. >> what's up, bro! >> ezekial was back in jail due to a probation violation on his original conviction for burglary. he was assigned to the same protective custody unit as gabriel, because he, too, had recently sworn off gang life. >> we tell each other every day, if i walk by here, point at me and do a little heart to me. i'm like, my girlfriend. >> we've been together my whole lives. we can probably count on one hand how many things i don't know about him. that's my brother. >> we grow up together, through the foster system and group homes, both our parents are deceased. it came to a point where if he couldn't stay at the group home i was in or foster home i was in, we would meet each other in the same spot. we will sleep in a stolen car together or, excuse my french, i won't tell it on camera, but we would be sleeping, and he would give me some food and every
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night, we would make sure it was all right. i raised him, he raised me. and we all we got. >> you're his older brother. does that make you feel a little more responsibility? >> it does, but at times, he's been my older brother. >> more often than not. >> nah, but in a way, i've been struggling with an addiction, like crystal meth, man, that is a hell of a drug, man, and i'm new to it, and you know what i mean, and i've seen my brother crying, looking at me like, you're a dope fiend. at times, he plays the big brother role. but there's times he would still clothes and put them on my back. >> addicted to heroin or whatever, my brother's going to take care of me, period. that's my brother. >> take care of my back like his. i named two of my kids after him. one has his first name, ezekial, and one is justin. i've got his name across my back, the only tattoo on my back, and i leave that for a
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reason, he's the only man who's got my back. i am my brother's keeper. and we've lived by that motto since we was kids. >> the last blood relation to my father. i'm my brother's keeper. i'm my brother's keeper. >> before i met ezekial, the way gabriel used to talk about him, i just assumed the two were twins. and then when i actually saw them together, the way they were together, they would finish each other's sentences, they knew each other's histories, they just had such a bond together, that i was very surprised when they actually told me they were a year apart. >> "keeping up with the kardashians" ain't got nothing on us. i tell y'all. >> both brothers have had a revolving door relationship with the jail since they were juveniles, growing up in oakland foster homes. >> i just did the math the other day. and so far, i've done 8 years and 2 months. i've been in jail over 20 times, from juvenile hall time as well.
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first time i was in juvenile hall, when i was 12 years old. >> the first time i went to jail, i was 11 years old. we're not even going to count how many times i've been in jail. let's count how many times i've been out of jail. from now to when i was 26, i've been out of jail totally three years and 9 months. >> one thing that had kept the taylor brothers coming back to jail was also a source of division between them. coming up -- >> my daddy ain't raise no dope fiend. why all of a sudden do you want to start using drugs? and -- >> i start making red velvet cake, peach cobbler, strawberry cheesecake. >> only days from his sentencing, paris hammond reveals his passion. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home...
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gotta admit one thing... ...can't beat the view. ♪ introducing the world's first curved ultra high definition television from samsung. growing up on the streets of cleveland, ohio, paris hammond followed his older brother, ramal, into a life of gang banging and drug dealing. we met them inside the cuyahoga county corrections center in downtown cleveland. at the time, paris was only days
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away from being sentenced after pleading guilty to shooting the a 15-year-old boy, leaving him paralyzed. >> shooting at people, robbing people, hustling. bad stuff always, like, is going to come back to you. it's called karma. >> i would characterize paris as pretty emotionless. he rarely showed any kind of reaction to anything. >> but we would soon learn, there was something that paris was passionate about. >> i did the main interview with paris, so then i got up and tracy, our segment producer, sat down, because when she asked the questions that are a little lighter, you know, anything about their life that has nothing to do with crime. >> so, i just wanted to chat a little bit about fun stuff. do you have any hobbies or anything like that? >> well, my mom taught me how the to cook. >> suddenly, paris said he loves baking. that kind of sparked my interest. i think off-camera, i said -- >> what would you dream becoming? if it wasn't on the streets, did
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you ever dream about a different life? >> i wanted to be a pastry chef. >> i think everybody kind of paused for a moment and thought, wow, we didn't see that coming. and it was actually one of the first times where we felt like we had a breakthrough with him. >> i just started like making cookies and making red velvet cake from there, peach cobbler, strawberry cheesecake, apple pie. >> you made all that? >> yeah. >> was it any good? >> oh, yeah. >> we met paris on his 18th birthday. he had just transferred from the jail's juvenile detention center to the adult facility. and though it seemed he had little to celebrate, paris decided to make a birthday cake. >> it's going to be called layer cake. >> do you know about his baking skills? >> he only had the ingredients that one can get in commissary, and it's just this potpourri of cakes, fudge, candies, the whole thing. >> see, i ain't never seen no cake this tall.
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it's a monster cake. >> how'd you come up with the idea to do this? >> being incarcerated. you learn a lot of new thix when you're around different people. >> i filmed so many of these shows and usually they just take their ingredients, they throw it together, they mic it around, put in some spices, put in some different candies or whatever, and it's done. but in this case, he was so methodical about each item and how it lined up on the cake. and 45 minutes, an hour had lapsed and he was still adding ingredients, precisely. >> you know you've spent an hour on this thing? >> what's that for? >> i wanted to make the icing, we don't got milk, so just nutter butter and water. >> paris made the most elaborate prison concoction i think i've ever seen. >> look how thick that is. >> personally, i thought the thing looked pretty delicious. i think that was the most delighted i've ever saw paris become. he really seemed to focus on it.
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he seemed very serious about creating this cake. and then wanting to share it with others. >> but for paris, the experience was bittersweet. >> i don't know if i'm going to have a pastry shop when i come home. >> why? >> too much time already lost. >> under the terms of his plea deal, paris would be sentenced to between 5 and 18 years in prison. the final decision is up to his judge. >> it's crazy. just everything just going so fast. life is just passing by so fast. i think about it every night. >> did you know he had dreams of becoming a pastry chef? >> i know he liked baking. i know he would go in the kitchen and cooking cake or cookies or something. so, yeah, i knew he wanted to do something. >> paris hammond's older brother, ramal, a high-ranking member of the heartless felons gang, remained in lockdown. ramal, like many other heartless felons, joined the gang during his stay in juvenile detention.
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>> that's the future i want. i want to be the biggest that evening on the streets. i want this stuff to go from ohio to 40 other states. you feel me? >> what are you? >> what you mean? >> gang wise? >> hf. ain't going to lie to you. >> what's your rank? >> ain't got no rank. >> he is a heartless felon and we'll call him a young felon. he loves his brother. he loves his brother. because he knows his brother stands tall. he knows his brother is well liked in the family. he knows his brother is well known in the family. he knows what his brother stands for and that's what he wants to be. he wants to be like his brother. >> my brother, like, he's a veteran, he's been through all the stages. like anywhere he go, people know him. >> if i see my brother right now, of course i'm going to hug him, yes. that's my little brother. i'll tell him, i love you, for real. >> ramal hopes the jail will
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reunite him with paris by putting them in the same housing unit together. >> you haven't been down to see your little brother yet? >> are you going to see him? i'm serious, we on 23 and 1. we separated. >> no, we don't put felons in together. >> this situation right here, i can't help my brother, that's the scariest thing i can honestly say. not being able to help my -- my family member when they really need me. that's scary. >> coming up, the younger hammond siblings and their mother arrive at court to support paris on the day he is sentenced. and -- >> i'm telling america before i'm telling gabriel. >> what? >> that i'm about to have a kid. >> ezekial seemed on a very clear path. a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief,
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his tractor-trailer allegedly rammed the limousine bus that morgan was riding in. ukraine's new president used his inaugural address to call for dialogue with the country's east, calling for amnesty for the rebels who, quote, don't have blood on their hands. now back to "lockup." we've covered dozens of gang stories on "lockup." but the ones that really stay with us are about the young men who have tremendous potential, that they've squandered away by joining a gang. the story of two brothers in oakland struck us that way. and their story had a deeper impact on our crew and our staff than possibly any story we've ever told. >> gabriel and ezekial taylor both happen to be at the alameda county jail during our extended stay shoot there.
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>> he's in a pissy ass mood today. he's starting to piss me off. >> they had a lot in common. they grew up in oakland's foster care system. they had both joined a gang, but dropped out shortly before we met them. and they both told us they were finally ready to give up their revolving door relationship with jail. >> one of the things about both gabriel and ezekial was their honesty. and i appreciate it. they were pretty honest about their lives. and when i asked ezekial how he made a living, how he used to make a living, he was very forthright and he told me he made a living robbing drug dealers. >> i only rob dope boys. what you're doing is illegal, so chances are if i do something illegal too, just going to chalk it up to the gang. >> there's a dangerous aspect to that. do you have any problems with that? >> i've been shot. i've been shot in my face, in my thighs, my back, my ass.
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i've been shot a few times. but, i mean, it's the cost of doing business. >> i was struck by ezekial's loathing of drugs and drug addiction. i mean, drugs seem to surround ezekial in my ways. i mean, i think i caused a deprivation in his childhood. his brother, who he adored, had a drug addiction, and that really bothered ezekial. >> my daddy ain't raise no deep fiend. why all of a sudden you want to start using drugs? you going to let somebody else convince you to pay them your money, take out of your children's mouth, so you can poison yourself? that's just stupidity. that's beyond stupid. >> ezekial can't stand me. if you see somebody sitting there, cutting on theirselves, basically, cutting theirselves and cutting their throat, and you keep stopping them, but he keeps trying to cut himself, it's the same thing as ezekial watching me get high.
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and i've watched him sitting there crying, and i'll be like, why the [ bleep ] you crying, bro. and he's like, look at you. >> all right, i need you to clap your hands. >> up high. >> that's how you get the levels and all that? got it. >> during the course of ezekial's interview, i was asking standard questions about marriage, children, that sort of thing, and he kind of sadly said, you know, i've been locked up so much, i've never had the chance to have children. but then he stopped himself and said, but, actually, that's changing. >> and actually right now, i do, i got one in fact works. i told you before i told my brother. i'm telling america before i'm telling gabriel. >> what? >> that i'm about to have a kid and my kid is due in june. june. yeah. >> world series of chess. what's going on? >> i had very high hopes for ezekial. gabriel knew he was struggling.
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gabriel was honest saying he wasn't sure how he was going to do. but ezekial seemed on a very clear path of having a better life. >> and this piece goes like this, right? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, yeah. >> becoming a father was a big deal to him. he already had a solid job. he knew he wanted to pursue education. and he also mentioned that, you know, he was done with robbing drug dealers and had been for a while. he didn't want to touch a gun again. >> i can tell you what i want to do. i can't say what's going to happen. if i can get released from here and get hit by a car, you never know. but my intentions, i'm not robbing nobody no more. i ain't touched a gun in years. and i won't touch a gun. you know what i mean? i don't got to look over my shoulder anymore, all that [ bleep ] is done and over with. i don't got to worry with the street life. the street life is the farthest thing from my mind. so what can i focus on?
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my child. >> and down goes frazier. >> got it. you know what it was? the glare from the camera got in my eye. [ bleep ] happens, right? you know what i'm saying? >> we were interviewing both brothers at the same time, and by this point, i knew them pretty well. we'd spent a lot of time with them. and i thought they both had a lot of potential. and they both expressed the desire to change when they got out of this latest jail stint. so i asked them, where do you guys see yourself in five years. and gabriel expressed that he wanted to move to louisiana, so he could get a fresh start. >> right now, i've got to take a break for me. i've got to go out there and work on my character, because i'm not going to succeed out there. i'm just too weak. i came here and wanted to change so much, but as soon as i get out, put the plan in motion. so i need to go out there and go back to the drawing board, work on myself. >> and then ezekial had this very clear idea. he would only give me a year.
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>> a year from now, i'll be collecting my tax return from working my two jobs, one under the table and one on the books, and i'll take this and i'll buy cars. you buy a car for $1,000 and put a price tag on it for $1,300. sell all five of those cars, you just made, what, 12? $1,200 profit. and keep doing it. it's just like selling dope, but you're smelling a commodity. everybody needs a car zp. >> a lot of the guys i talk to, a tax-paying citizen is a good citizen. someone living on the right side of the law. and he was one of the rare people that referenced that as a goal. >> a year from now, that's where i see myself. and talk to me in a year and we can talk about five years. >> as i spoke with him more, i found out what he liked to read. >> a lockup sound mixer shares an interest with ezekial taylor. >> and the judge hands down his sentence on paris hammond.
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it was at the cuyahoga county corrections center in cleveland that we met 18-year-old paris hammond. he said he once had dreams of becoming a pastry chef, but instead he followed his older brother ramal, a known shot caller in the jail's largest gang, the heartless felon. we were with paris on the day he was sentenced on two counts of felonious assault for shooting a 15-year-old boy and leaving him paralyzed. his plea deal called for a sentence between 5 and 18 years in prison. outside the courtroom, the hammond brothers' mother, tanya, had just arrived with several of ramal and paris' younger siblings. >> i'm here with my children and a nephew and a family friend. i'm hoping that the judge will
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give my son leniency. >> how you feeling about today with your brother here? >> mad. mad. >> why? >> because they're trying to give him a long time and take him away from us. >> how you feeling? worried? scared? >> i don't know. >> i'm going to cry. >> paris, he wanted to become a pastry chef. that was his dream. i hate that he did follow his brother. i really do. we had other goals for him and instead, he wanted to be like his brother. it was devastating. as a parent, to have not one, but two in jail. >> you're the next little brother in line. so how do you stop this? >> i'm going to college. i ain't doing what they do. i'm scared. >> of what? >> going to jail. >> all rise. >> let's go on the record. we are here in open court, court's criminal docket, this is
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case 558346, entitled state of ohio, versus paris j. hammond. mr. hammond, you put in your form here that you filled out that you were the member of a gang. >> i was a heartless felon ogys. >> is that what you told the folks in the jail, you were a heartless felon and don't want to be a part of them now. >> yes, your honor. >> anything else you want to tell the court? >> i'm sorry for what happened. i take full responsibility of my action. i'm sorry to him and his family and just hoping that i get a second chance. i want to come home and change my life and be able to do right. >> i've looked closely at your prior criminal history. now that i know and you admit that you're part of a gang and this is what heartless felons do. and for that reason, you need to be punished, you need to be separated from society. this is the life you chose.
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this is the consequences you must accept. so the court's going to impose 18 years at lorraine correctional institution. >> watching paris in that courtroom, his face, when he heard his sentence, that he got the maximum, he did seem a little shocked. i don't think he even knew how to deal with it. >> all rise. >> step out. >> i love you, mom. >> i love you too. >> they give him the maximum time. >> 18? >> maximum time. >> 18! >> i don't know what to say, where to go, because i really can't believe it. >> they was devastated. i mean, i reacted, i couldn't believe he got 18 years. but he handled it -- he didn't cry in the courtroom, did he? he tough. so i, mean, he handled it better than i thought he would have. 18 years, that's a long time.
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>> i ain't thing i deserve all that time, because i didn't do it. so i really don't think i should have got that much time. >> what do you mean you didn't do it? when you got up there, you were apologizing, like you were taking responsibility, and saying how sorry you were. >> they said, you going to take this plea, you've got to cop out and say you did it, so i had to say i did it, but i really didn't do it. >> he did it. he did it. tell him i said he can quit denying it. he done already got time for it. he might as well just say he did it. he did it. >> he felt no remorse, no guilt that his little brother was going to be going away for 18 years to prison. >> you know, i seen the downward spiral he was going, but at the same time, it's his life. it's what he wanted to do. >> he was 11! you gave an 11-year-old a gun. >> i helped him get here, but he made these decisions hisself. >> ramal had been so open about how he brought paris into the drug dealing world, i had to
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ask. i said, you have an 18-month-old son. is this the world you want for him? >> honestly, if that's the life he choose, i cannot stop it. i mean, i will hope that he -- my son don't sell drugs, but if he grew up and sells drugs, i mean, i just want him to be the best drug dealer he can in the world, you feel me? so, i mean, that ain't what i want him to do, but if he does it, be good at it son, man, for real. that's all i can say. >> how you been holding up out there? >> a few hours after sentencing, paris made a call to his younger brother, with a very different message. >> don't follow me in my footsteps. i already know you ain't, though, but i'm just telling, i love you, though, you already know that, right? >> i want him to do something better in life. i wa i don't want him to be like me. coming up, the "lockup" extended stay team receives tragic news.
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this is your cameraman locking himself in the cell. >> what i won't do for the shot. what i won't do. >> depending on their position, each member of a "lockup" field team has his or her own unique take on day after day working inside correctional facilities. michael st. claire or punch, has recorded audio on dozens of "lockup" shoots. >> in jail, you're listening to someone's stories, listening to someone explain how they killed somebody, you know, in stereo, it's a pretty intimate way to get to know somebody. you can hear everything, you know, from time to time, you can hear a heartbeat, you can hear if they're hungry. when the camera's off, you know, they'll often tell stories about something they wouldn't want to say when the camera's on. >> some of that. >> but even when the sound is not rolling, paunch finds other ways to connect with the
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inmates. >> did we do -- >> most of the time, when i'm interacting with an inmate, it will be over something i can find in common with them. usually sports or you know, joking around, just about anything. >> my new favorite inmate. what's up, man, i'm paunch. nice to meet you. a lot of times books. i'll notice what an inmate's reading. if it interests me, i'll talk to them about that. paunch developed a bond with ezekial taylor while filming at the alameda county jail. >> we were interviewing ezekial and he was kind of an easy dude to joke around with. we kind of got along good right away. >> i'm a professional at this now. >> i know, you make it easy. >> and as i spoke with him more, i found out what he likes to read. >> i've read a lot of books about, like, the rwandan holocaust over there in africa. i'm just real interested in history and in genocide. i mean, like, why would hitler
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want to do that? why would hannibal ride clear across the globe to go conquer rome when you live way the [ bleep ] over in africa. like, you come in way in the hell over -- like, why? it all boils down to greed and it helps you understand people. because, me, i'm really into sociology too. >> i just finished a book that was called "king leopold's ghost," about leopold ii and his exploitation of the congo. seemed like it was right up his alley. i was done with the book and figured i would just give it to him and help him kill a little bit of time while he was in jail. but i couldn't give it to him because of jail rules. >> paunch would have to wait until ezekial was released from jail to give him to the book. he was housed in the protective custody unit with gabriel. >> i'll be out the day before my birthday. happy birthday. >> how you feeling about that? >> ready to go back to work. ready to go back to work. >> every time, right off the
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center of that square. it ain't got to be pretty, as long as it go this, right? it ain't got to go in. see what you got? don't want it? can't get hurt on the job? >> ezekial said he had traded in a job of robbing drug dealers for a job as a roofer. >> i make pretty good money. >> better as robbing drug dealers? >> it's not as fast or as easy, but at the end of the day when you get home, when you take your boots off and you just feel like you accomplished something. >> that's how you got to do. >> with his first child to be born shortly after his release, ezekial said he had a new motivation to do well. >> i never had nothing to lose. that's always been my opinion. but now, a child changes the game. i mean, i have something to lose. >> but as ezekial's release date approached, gabriel feared for his brother. he was afraid their former gang
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affiliations could bring harm to ezekial. >> they don't play games in oakland. that's the little taliban. we live in al qaeda. they see my brother and try to make an example out of him and i just see his name plastered, i don't know what i would do. >> make this, so i can finish my card. >> just days before ezekial was due to leave, we covered the taylor brothers interacting with other brothers in their housing unit. >> ezekial was making what they call a spread, take a number of commissary items and turn it into a feast for a number of people who want to participate in it. >> what do you call this? >> goulash. the same thing you call it. goulash. jailhouse goulash. how about that? >> so the spread was finished, ezekial called some of the inmates over, so they could all eat. and they were going to say their prayers first. >> one of the inmates who came over to share the meal is michael souter, a friend the taylor brothers knew from the outside. >> dear heavenly father, may you
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bless this food we are about to receive, may it nurse our body and strengthen our souls. in jesus' name we pray, amen. >> amen. >> down the assembly line. go ahead, self-serve. >> this was just a routine part of the shoot. the kind of thing we do all the time. i had no idea how significant this would become. >> we don't belong to no game, ain't no politics over here. we just partners, all friends in an unfortunate environment, making the best of our situation, you know what i mean? >> two days later, we followed ezekial as he left the jail for his home in oakland. >> thank you. >> good luck, okay. >> paunch, where you at, man? i want to read "king leopold's ghost." >> when he got released, we happened to be filming him, and i went to give him a book, hopefully to keep him out of trouble a little bit. i thought he would like it, it seemed right up his alley. i hoped he would read it. i left him my number and told
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him to look me up if he ever got out to new york. i don't know if he read the book. >> did you say good-bye to your brother? >> yeah, i kind of teared up. i hate that he's leaving. i used to sit in here every day and get the paper and we would go straight to the local section and you'll find in briefs, shootings in oakland. and i always read to see if i see my brother's name there. i don't know what i would do. that would devastate me. i'd probably lose my mind. >> while i was on the road, working out in grand rapids, i was in bed one night at the hotel and my phone started going off. and i woke up and i grabbed my phone and i had gotten a text message from a deputy in oakland telling me the news that ezekial had been murdered. i immediately grabbed my computer and started searching for news articles online and,
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unfortunately, i was able to pull one up that confirmed that it was, indeed, true. and after that, i figured i had to reach out to the rest of the people that had worked on the show and people back at the office. so i was up the rest of the night, writing e-mails and just trying to process this. >> i was filming at the tulsa county jail, and it was the middle of the day, and i get this e-mail from jake. and he was telling all of us that ezekial had been shot and killed. and i was shocked. i actually think i started to cry a little bit, but because i was in the midst of this other shoot, you know, i had the to stay professional. but it just haunted me. >> a few days later, an article had been written that actually named a suspect, and i read this article and right after that, i received a text from the jail saying that the suspect had, in fact, been an inmate at the jail while we were filming. once i heard that, i decided to
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look at our release log for all the inmates that we had signed, and lo and behold, his name was on there. >> two months later, police arrested the prime suspect in ezekial's death, michael souter. he was charged with murder and pled not guilty. >> we had known this man. i watched this man holding hands with the brothers during a prayer circle. >> y'all ain't brothers. >> home video we were able to acquire showed ezekial and souter together on the day of ezekial's death. they were friends. and according to witnesses, they got into an argument later that day. >> i think finding out about ezekial, particularly being shot and killed, was so disturbing to me. i have to be honest, my initial reaction was, he must have gone back to his old ways of robbing drug dealers. i was able to reach out to one of the taylor brothers' close
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friends and he was the one who told me what supposedly happened to ezekial. and when i learned that, in fact, it was over an argument, over something insignificant like a card game, i was even more devastated. it just seemed like such a horrible mistake and a true tragedy. he was so empowered by becoming a father. his whole motivation for changing was because he was going to have a child. that this just, just, just seemed like such a tremendous loss and a tremendous waste. >> it's been fun, but i gotta run. right? give you guys a mic. >> i need to get a parting shot of you leaving. >> all right. no problem with that. >> this is the kind of bull [ bleep ] that happens, you know? you know, i can't really understand it, because it's not an environment that i ever grew up in, but, yeah.
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>> i don't want to be one of those oh, yeah, he's a good dad when he's around, when i get ahold of him, when he'll pick up the phone or he's not in jail. and the way to do that is wake up in the morning, take a shower, each your breakfast, go to work, come home, sit down, and enjoy being a father. sit down and enjoy your life, period.
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angry inmates express their rage by flooding the segregation unit. the targets of their discontent include the prison's sex offenders. >> it's not the neighborhood that's so bad, it's the neighbors. >> it's my duty to put the fear of god into this man. >> the special response team is called into action. and another inmate nears the end of his sentence.
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