tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 9, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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the one thing. pain killers -- that would be the one thing. >> lawrence, great to see you. not just the lighting. your spirit seems whole. you look great. we cannot -- >> that's the acting. >> fine, fine acting. great to see you and we look forward to your happy return on "the last word" in the very near future. >> that's all for thu. see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is coming up next. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show", all the way live from new york. i'm in for ed schultz. >> i don't know whether we're going to get to it this year or not. >> immigration officials are moving more than a thousand undocumented children to this makeshift detention center this weekend. >> the appetite amongst my colleagues for doing this is not
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real good. >> put a little bit of wire on top to provide a disincentive. >> nearly 50,000 children have crossed the border alone since october. >> we can also electrify this wire. >> children were sleeping in plastic containers under foil blankets. >> there are kids brought into this country with their parents. >> some as young as 8. >> there's another hundred out there that weigh 130 pounds and they have cans the size of can't hope. >> we see the dark side what happens when we don't have a policy. >> for anything else, there's border security and implementation of the law. my fellow americans let's be honest. republicans throw around terms like "illegal alien" hoping to sterilize the issue of immigration. they focus on fences and drug moose and say amnesty like it's a bad word. trust me, it ain't a mistake. republicans anti-immigrant rhetoric makes their refusal to
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address comprehensive immigration reform an easier pill to swallow glossing over the fact that we're talking about real human beings. like the ones seen here. these photos were leaked last week to conservative website bright bart news. they allege to give us a look inside a customs and border protection processing center. these are the victims of republican obstruction. as you can see, many of them are just children. crammed into overcrowded cells, sharing blankets and sleeping together on whatever floor space they can find. nbc news' mark potter reports on the hundreds of undocumented immigrant children held in detention centers in arizona into the unfaened children are being bussed to the u.s. border patrol station in arizona after overflowing detention facilities in south texas. more than 700 children from the central american yeses of el salvador, honduras and guatemala are housed together in a converted warehouse where they are screened by authorities.
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with even more kits en route, federal officials are scrambling to provide enough portable toilets, cots, water, food and showers as the state supplies vaccines for children, some very young, who have been through a rough ordeal even after they were caught. >> children that haven't had a bath in nine days. >> since last october, more than 47,000 unaccompanied children, mostly from central america, have been apprehended trying to enter the u.s. illegally. just this morning, this group from el salvador, ages 9 to 18, was picked up by texas police after crossing the rio grande in search of their parents already here. >> this girl is skaing that their journey, we all took care of each other. the little ones we would send up front. they're part of a surge in central american immigration that began a few years ago as many fled the violence, poverty and drug gangs there. >> we perceive that the journey is frightening, traumatizing and
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probably will scar them for the rest of their lives. >> last week, president obama declared a humanitarian crisis and ordered fema to care for the children. moving kids to arizona, though, further strained relations with governor jan brewer who is still angry over federal authorities dropping off undocumented families at bus stations in tucson and phoenix recently and blames the current surge on border security lapses. >> and here, central american kons lar officials say they beliefth children are being treated well given the circumstances. as u.s. officials try to get ahead of this border crisis, that shows no sign of letting up. my friends, witnessed an unprecedented spike of undocumented children attempting to enter the u.s. so far in the 2014 fiscal year,bility 47,000 children have been apprehended at the u.s./mexico border. that's a 92% increase over the previous year. according to the "new york times", federal officials
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predicted at least 60,000 unaccompanied minors would try to cross into the u.s. this year. and interagency memo from a border patrol official reveals that number has been revised up to more than 90,000. at this point we've been conditioned to expect dysfunction in washington. and at this point, it's hard to imagine republicans and democrats working together to find common ground on practically any issue. sure, there's reason to be cynical but even the most hardened cynic should be outraged and demand action. when a humanitarian crisis like this one happens right here on our soil. we claim to be religious and we claim to be christian and we claim to love god. how can you love god whom you've never seen, and yet not love the children who you see every day? get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question -- will the story wake america up on immigration reform? text a for yes and text b for
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no. go to our blog at i'll bring you results later in the show. for more, let me bring in associated press correspondent. what are the latest developments since the story broke? >> well, white house officials said today that they are preparing for three military bases to open up and handle some of these children. lackland air force base in san antonio, has room for about 1200. a base in ventura, california, a room for about 600. fort sill, oklahoma, 600 to 1200, something like that which still won't be enough to handle the massive number of people crossing. right now as of yesterday, there were 700-plus children as you said, mostly from central america who had crossed in texas that were in this converted warehouse and that number homeland security official told
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us is spegted to double to about 1400. the flights are just coming in whenever they're free and the department of health and human services trying to locate -- place these children in shelters but i think 60 left sunday and 40 on friday and so it's -- they're leaving slowly. the military bases aren't expected to open until sad. there's a certain 14-day waiting period required for the children to be screened. that will be a big relief when it opens. it still probably won't be enough. >> i was going to ask you. are we realistingly to expect there will be a ramping up of attention here and these children will be treated and then processed or do you think it's going to be a kind of quagmire? >> you know, it depends on how much more people cross. that's always hard to know. i mean, the obama administration announced on monday that they had asked kwoeng for an
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additional $1.4 billion to deal with this issue. appointed fema to oversee the efforts and i think, it's reached as they put it, a crisis situation. you know, this was not what anybody would want as your report said. it's getting better. central american kons lar officials say so. the border patrol facility is luke the one here is not designed for custody. border patrol in general, keeps people for two or three hours and turns them over to imgrag and customs enforcement to make a decision as to what to do. put them in a detention facility or in the case of children turned over to health & human services to be put this a shelter. border patrol is not designed for this. this was a warehouse. it was never used for detention. it was used to house a few years ago it was used to house people for two or three hours while they waited for flights back to mexico. there were kids sleeping on plastic boards for a while. the first arrived a week ago on saturday in may.
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so some mattresses were i'ving. toothpaste and toothbrushes were supposed to arrive today according to a kons lar officials. i think the honduran officials told me four showers in the facility. so it's getting better but it's still not where anybody thinks it should be. >> sure. so who are people on the ground at these detention centers blaming for the crisis? they have to find some kind of justification going on here for the activity or the lack of activity. what about the frustration level? it has to be high there? >> the explanation, the common explanation of the administration gave today in his given before is that this is all about the turmoil in central america. and i should say. the problem is that these people are mostly coming, these children are coming from central america. if they were from mexico which for decades has been the main sending area to the u.s. for people in the country illegally, they would be turned around in
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mexico and it would really be mexico's problem. in mexican shelters and it would be the mexican government's responsibility to deal with this. but because they're in central america we don't have an adjoining border they have to be flown back and that gets very complicated and it takes time dealing with consulates to verify the identities and to get the spaces on the flights. so you know, to your question, it's problem in central america and violence in honduras has the highest murder rate in the world. a lot of drug-fueled violence pushing the children here. and the point of view, also, that some republicans, lawmakers and other critics to the administration emphasize the word is getting out in central america that you're going to get released if you come -- the administration, obviously, is very eager to discourage that talk. today, emphasized that they will be placed -- the children will be placed in remove value proceedings. so they're eager to get the word
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out this is not a free ticket to the u.s. >> no doubt. >> elliott, thanks so mch for your time tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> let me bring in "washington post" columnist and msnbc contribute and may fellow georgetown professor. how you doing tonight? >> good to be with you professor. >> all right. let's get to the point. this is your -- do we have a moral obligation to address this issue? >> i think we do have a moral obligation to address the immigration issue, even if this particular flood of child immigrants here, is, in fact, generated internally by development in this latin america, we have been breaking up families with our umm grags policy and we're supposed to, as a country, care a lot about family values. we have a lot of people here as we keep saying, in the shadows of whose situations are uncertain and can't exercise their rights at work or elsewhere. and i think that there is a
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consensus in the country on this. the polling is quite consistent that roughly, six americans in ten, at least, believe in a solution to this problem. >> would give people a path to citizenship if they met certain requirements and i think what's happening is that the republican leadership in congress, is very reluctant to split their own caucus. i think it's pretty clear from things he says on some days that speaker boehner wants to do something about this. he's criticized his own members on occasion. and, yet, on other occasions he wants to say we can't make a deal because president obama can't be trusted. and when democrats say, all right. we'll pass something and it won't take effect until after president obama leaves office, that doesn't seem to work either. but we have an obligation to fix our immigration policy and lots of religious leaders, conservative as well as progressive, in our country, have been saying that for quite some time.
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>> yeah. it would help if that sense of obligation translated into some political policy and some public policy that might help. as you've already indicated many republicans are blaming the president for the still mate. they say his denvered action for childhood arrivals or daca has caused undocumented immigrants to believe women and children are allowed to stay. can you explain that? can this roomily be blamed on a rumor like that? >> i suppose you can blame anything for these days, especially if it involves president obama. i mean, the fact is, under president obama, we have had more deportations than we've had in the past. and i think the president has started to give indications that he has moral problems with our sort of our deporting so many people which, again, raises the problem of breaking up families. and he has done this, partly, to show good faith to say, look, i do not want illegal -- i don't
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support illegal immigration. but i do want a solution to this problem. and i think if congress continues to sit on its hands if the republicans keep blocking something. i think he's going to have to revisit that deportation policy. one quick thing. chuck todd said something interesting on his show. eric cantor, who faces a tea party primary this month, has been talking about how he has blocked amnesty for illegal immigrants. i think he may even be larger on tackle for now, to immigration reform even though on the other side, he, too, like speaker boehner talks about finding some solutions doets problem. >> it's a political mess. even the moral position here has to be take. the ethical imperative to do good-bye those that are vulnerable what about all this familiar values discourse we put out here. the rhetoric of the right to say they're concerned about the family. doesn't this suggest to us
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there's a gap between the ethics that are beings spoused and the practices undermining those ethics here? >> the short answer is -- yes! absolutely. as i said earlier, i agree with you totally. the family values issue in terms of what we're doing to break up families, is one of the most important issues at stake here. that's why the roman catholic bishops have been so active. about a month or so ago they had mass on the border and actually the cardinal in boston passed communion through the mortar fence to someone on the other side and again, this transcends i had yolg among catholics. very conservative as well as very progressive catholics say if you care about the family as well as the well being of the least among us, you can't let our immigration situation stay like it is. >> e.j., a well-known preacher as well as a moralist. >> you're the preacher. >> thanks so much for your time.
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>> good to be with you. >> all right. remember to answer tonight's question. they're at the bottom of the screen. and share your thoughts on twitter at "the ed show" and on facebook. we want to know what you think. coming up, more details are emerging about this weekend's deadly shooting rampage and the killer's possibility motives. the rapid response panel weighs in. plus, a tribute to the life and legacy of my dear friend, maya angelou. poet and actress krek jessica c joins me. , or even the coast of california. the new ram 1500 ecodiesel. with 9,200 pounds of towing and 28 highway miles per gallon. west will never end. guts. glory. ram.
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of violence was committed by anti-government activists. now, just take a minute to think about that. we are living in a nation where there has been a steady drumbeat and constant commentary about how horrible this nation is. those who claim to be patriots are leading the charge. right wing media and conservative politicians have drummed into the unconscious collectively of the nation, that this is not a country worthy of being led by the man who's been chosen to lead this nation. so when you attack him, you really attack all of us. even those of us who oppose a political candidate, should not subvert undermine, destroy, distort or otherwise circumscribe the flourishing of democracy, in other words, you and i are still american citizens, let's not beat up on the nation, even as we disagree with one another! when we delegitimate eight the president and we dejait eight the authority of government and
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we delegitimate may it the state. what we're doing is challenging the legitimacy of sworn officials to up hold that law. and we negotiate the difference, not at the polls where we should. not in common civil discourse where we should, but we end up engaging in, especially our right wing brothers and sisters and those conservative politicians, in some of the most nefarious and vicious assaults upon the humanity of our opponents and we end up making the state look as if it's the greatest enemy in the world. and when the state is seen as the greatest enemy in the world, those officials like our police people and others, who were sworn to up hold the law, are seen as the likely marks for those who are vulnerable to such vicious rhetoric. if you are american and you love this nation, you must stop the banter. you must stop the constant drum beat of negativity that rolls so easily and glibly from the tongues of conservative
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politicians and right-wing media. and guess what, you are not the most vulnerable victims of such virs assault. it is common, ordinary american citizens who up hold that law. so i call upon you in the name of our common, civil and if you will, engaged democracy. stop the viciousness. so let's review the story here. shortly after 11:00 a.m. on sunday, suspected shooters jared and amanda miller entered a see see's pizza outside downtown las vegas. the couple allegedly shot and killed las vegas police officers allen beck igor soldo and they said this is a revolution and we're freedom fighters. the clarke county sheriff's office released details on the shooting. >> they walked past our officers who were eating lunch in one of the booths and immediately upon passing them, jared miller
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pulled a handgun out and shot officer saldo one time in the back of his head. officer saldo immediately succumbed to his injuries and at the time, officer beck immediately began to react. when he was confronted with lethal gunfire from jared, miller and he was shot once in the throat area. what happened after that, very quickly, was that amanda miller then removes a handgun from her purse and both jared and amanda miller fire multiple shots into officer beck. >> suspect jared miller covered officer beck's body with a revolutionary war era flag which read -- don't tread on me. he put swa swats city can on hi body and it read -- the revolution has begun. the suspects then fled o'a
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nearby walmart where they killed another person before killing themselves. a neighbor of the miller's told nbc news the couple's anti-government views intensified after they attended the stand-off at cliven bundy's nevada ranch. >> after a while, after the bundy thing was going on over there, they went over there for a couple of days and then they come back and, i guess, after that, jared become anti-government and anti-police. he was talking about killing cops. he didn't want nothing to do with the government. he had his wife quit her job that she's had for a while and -- hell, he wouldn't even let her collect unemployment or food stamps on anything. >> anti-government? >> anti-government. >> there's reports that jared miller was kicked off the bundy ranch for having a criminal record. a reporter from our local affiliate knsv, actually caught up with jared miller at the bundy standoff and here's what miller had to say -- >> my name is jair jerad miller.
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the federal government is an all my mighty god. they can't push people around doing whatever they want. i feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come in here and try to push us around or anything like that. i really don't want violence towards them but if they're going to come and bring violence to us, if that's the language they want to speak, we'll learn it. >> my friends, my brothers and sisters, look at the relationship between the vicious anti-status rhetoric we hear pouring out of the mouths of right wing politicians and conservative idealogs and the kind of thing repeated here and look at the violent consequence. had there been a rapper saying such violent things and somebody acted on his words we'd beat up on it. >> if a hollywood actor said such things we'd beat up on the hollywood actor. it's time to hold conservative politicians and right wing idealogs accountable for the the deadly, deathly consequences of their vicious rhetoric.
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police say they are investigating any connection between the bundy standoff and the millers. >> as you all know, there was a convergence of not only militia, but white asupremacists and sovereign citizens to the bundy ranch. we continue to look at any connect activity that jarad or amanda miller may have to that previous action. >> the miller's neighbor went on to say jerad miller made threats against law enforcement. >> later on, he started talking about killing cops. and i told him, you can't be doing that. you know? that's not right, man. my mom is a retired police officer. you can't be doing this. >> why did he say he wanted to kill kwops? >> i think it was his [ bleep ]. i thought he was looney. i thought he was talking ought of his -- hot air. >> you didn't take it seriously? >> hell no, i didn't take it seriously. if i thought they were actually going to do something like that i would have called metro. >> he's not looney.
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this is a culture that reproduces a pathology. anti-statist retd rick leads to these vicious consequences. yes, i said it. there's a correlation between the two. until we take it seriously all of this vicious rhetoric we hear out here and all of this assault upon the president and the state and the legitimacy and the authority of it, it has to be taken into consideration here before we engage in such actions that will then really contradict the very country we claim to love. i'm not saying we can't be critical of the state and we can't be critical of officials i'm suggesting that criticism should be couched in terms that are respectful of the humanity of our opponents, even as we vigorously argue against their particular position. another neighbor said jerad spoke of overthrowing the government often. >> he was a very controlling man. always juaned to talk about overthrowing the government. how obama is -- he's disgusting
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and -- >> see what i mean? you ain't got to be a genius to figure out the correlation between the two. at this point the motive of the shooting is not entirely clear to law enforcement. officials said they believe the swats ci swa skik can. we they equate government and law enforcement and those who support it what nazis '. >> that constant drum beat from our neighbors to the right who consider government the problem and not the solution. who are constantly delegitimate eighting and vilifying elected officials who are constantly holding those that they disagree with in the kind of most ridiculous and disrespectful light? this is the consequence of your behavior and your belief. reports show this shooting may have been a show of violence against the government. i think it's fair to call this event an act of domestic
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terrorism. had it been a muslim person, we would have rushed to do so. because as an american citizen, we're loathe to do so. this, my friends, is an unmistakable act of domestic terrorism. don't go anywhere. next, the rapid response panel weighs in on the anti-government activities of the las vegas shootings rampage suspects. later, president obama speaks out against climate change deniers as he makes his intentions on environmental policy clear. jane claire joins us. ♪
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and basically stated this was the beginning of the revolution. >> let's get right back into the story of the shooting in las vegas and it's clear connections to anti-government activists. joining us is richard cohen. president of the southern poverty law center and former montana governor and bri swiets is. your reaction to the shoot something. >> i think it was first reported by the washington times and then other yesterdayable sources that these folks had actually been out to the bundy ranch and as as early, ed and others warned a month and a half agoing these comfort radio and television hosts and some of these republican politicians, they were calling these people that were showing up at the bundy ranch pointing guns at law enforcement, patriots. and ed warned us and many people said, you've got to tone this down. we're a country of laws. we can't encourage people to point guns at law enforcement. and there's another thing
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happening in the republican party and in the tea party and that's a dog whistle to bring these racists in. i need to hear from tea party leaders. it was the flag they have as their symbol. the gadsen flag placed on they officers. i need to hear some leaders if there are, in the tea matter, condemning this action. condemning racism. and i certainly should hear it from some of these republican politicians, who called these people patriots. >> it's time to come together as a country. this rhetoric is not helpful. >> richard, the governor makes a powerful point in terms of correlating if kindtion of views that have been relentlessly processed and promoted from the right wing, especially some elements of the tea party and what we saw going on in this tragic shooting. do you think anti-government views played the role that so many of us obviously feel they did? >> i think it's without question, true. i don't want vil fie everybody in the tea party.
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there's lots of reasons to be angry at our government but we have to rouse that they're crazed consmir si theories running through it and crazed racism running through it. and since the president has been elected, there's been a tremendous increase in the number of these anti-government groups, these number of militias. about 149 groups we counted in 2008, last year we countsed over 1,000. and their u reacting to the presence of an african-american president. they're being whipped into hysteria by these crazy conspiracy theories that one hears on talk radio and on certain television programs. a real combustible mix. >> no doubt. richard a nad said she was not alarmed by threats. so have threats become so common people are immune to their meaning? i ask you that first before i ask the governor? >> i hope not. you know, the supreme court, some cases are pending right now that might give us more definition of what's a true threat and what can be prosecuted and what not.
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i think it's incredibly important for law enforcement to be vigilant. i think it's important to train police officers for the signs of kind of radical anti-government groups. there have been some officers killed because they didn't understand who they were dealing with. it's important that law enforcement share information. and important as the governor said for responsible people not to lionize the bundys of the world but recognize them for what they are. >> governor, one of the shooters was at the ranch. could the situation there have sparked the shoot something we're trying to figure out that all of that vicious assault upon and dooley elected officials and the government at large, has led to this kind of punitive and damaging consequence in a guy who takes up a arm literally and thinks i'm doing the right thing here because i'm doing what i'm doing as an extension of what i heard in many other places? >> when you bring on a lot of people together. that are disgruntled for all kinds of separate reasons and
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then they watch while some of them point guns at federal officials. it's sort of emboldens the rest of them. i've talked to some people that have returned from the bundy ranch here in montana that are militia people and they have wild ideas. it's because they've been just talking to each other and it doesn't have to be factual anymore. if you have everybody that's surrounding you believes the same thing it becomes an alternative reality for you. since obama was elected, there's been such a run on ammunition and to a lesser extent, guns. it hadn't happened this way since the last time we had a democrat in the white house. part of i it is the gun manufacturers themselves are ginning this rhetoric up and using the nra and people are buying bullets. you can't even buy bullets now. the warehouses say, we're out. we don't know where all the guns and bullets are going but they're anti-government people and there's a democrat in the white house. >> no doubt about that. richard cohen, governor, thanks for you time tonight. >> thank you.
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>> there's a lot more coming up on "the ed show." stay tuned. i'm hampton pieshson with your market wrap. the s&p is up by 1. nasdaq gaining 14 points. netflix shareholders voted against a resolution to split the ceo and chairman positions founder reed hastings has held both titles since 2002. oil prices jumping on positive economic news out of asia. oil settling at a three-month high just over $104 a barrel. amazon is taking on papal and launched a new service to allow customers to pay recurring bills like phone and digital music subscriptions. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide.
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syrian shuffle. >> two years ago a the e-mails leaked and all of the sudden the world had a fascinating glimpse into his music tastes. >> assad downloaded video games, movies and apps and tunes. >> john oliver and right said fred sound off on assad's play list. >> you're too awful for his purse. so awful, it hurts. >> do you even know who sings this? >> the spice girls. >> >> someone with the political instinct of a young joseph saw the lin and the music tastes of a 14-year-old girl. >> stop downloading our tracks. here's your money back. >> and today's top trender, phenomenal woman. >> a tribute for one of the generation's greatest writers and poets. >> remember me. ♪ as a sunny day >> hundreds gathered to remember dr. maya angelou. family and friends gathered to
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celebrate the life of maya angelou. >> there's no mourning mere. >> she didn't just want to be phenomenal herself. she wanted all of us to be phenomenal right alongside of her. >> she called her attention in thousands of way to way, life is a gift manifest in each new day. >> and i am the woman i am today because she was. >> we have added to the population of angels. >> joining me now is founder of black woman rock and author of "sunlight through the bullet holes." jessica, thanks for joining us. >> thanks so much for having me. i appreciate it. >> yes, ma'am. look, let's get right to the point. you're a phenomenal poet yourself but obviously maya angelou broke the mold. tell us what you think made her so powerful, so engaging to so many millions? >> well, i was introduced to dr. maya angelou's work when i was a little girl growing up in
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detroit. i was probably 9 or 10 years old when i learned phenomenal woman and i heard the words of -- i rise, still i rise." and those words became a part of my dna. i wouldn't have been able to be the poet that a am today or the woman that i am had she not existed. she's a part of my subconscious. like, young black girls in particular when you grow up and see magstein covers that don't look like you and you read her work, you understand that you are beautiful. so i walked in that light and i took her into junior high and high school with me. and because she was possible, i was possible. and that was long before i even did the apollo and that poem i wrote "black statue of liberty" that couldn't have happened if "phenomenal woman" hadn't already happened if i wasn't given the tools by dr. maya angelou saying you are beautiful, it's in the curve of your back. the way you come into a room. she's so important, still, and will continue, to be an
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important part of the literary cannon and to young gurls everywhere all over the world. >> when you think about her work, as you've so eloquently described it there, how does that translate to a new generation that has a different sensibility when it comes to poetry and as you've proved by the success of your books and your performances, is still relevant to the lives of young people. >> what's beautiful about poetry is that it's timeless. good poems don't go bad. they don't go out of style. you might put out a rap and 10 or 20 years later been remember that record? yeah, tool for a moment. be poetry, well-written, is truly timeless. something that you can pick up. i reread books at my house. my home is covered in poetry and books i read. raw dri lord, i go back to these women writers constantly for re-election, necessary understand separation, so i can remember how to write good poems so that's the beauty of it. a phenomenal woman isn't going
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anywhere. who doesn't need to hear that? our daughters need to hear that. our babies in kindergarten and first grade need to recommend rides recall of maya angelou's work. it's the beauty of poetry and we studied modernism and the romance, elliott, whitman, those poems are still here and shakespeare. i don't think those writers are going anywhere. >> all right. we'll add you to the cannon as well. thanks for joining us here tonight. >> thanks for having me. i appreciate you. coming up, janet porter tries to rain on disney world's pride parade. pretenders is next.
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wow! isn't it beautiful? your sweet peppers aren't next to your hot peppers. [ gasps ] [ sarah ] that's my tide. what's yours? there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours >> in preternds tonight, the mickey mouse snub. the conservative faith to action group condemned gay day at disneyworld. it welcomes lgbt individuals to the magic kingdom, but porter
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says the teacup ride has no room for hoax sexuals. >> if your vacation plans include disneyworld next week, you may want to rethink them. they will expose your children to far more than mickey mouse and space mountain. while disneyworld isn't warning families, the florida family association is among the groups flying airplane banners to warn families about the upcoming day when cross dressing men will be among those parading public displays of perversion at disneyworld. >> janet porter doesn't need to bring her small-minded bigotry to the it's a small world ride. if she thinks she can spread hate to the happiest place on earth, she can keep on friending. ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ don't stop now, come on mony ♪ come on, yeah ♪ i say yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah
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i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. welcome back to "the ed show." this is a story for the folks who take a shower after work. president obama has taken a firm stance on the environment. last week, the epa unveiled an ambitious new plan to reduce pollution. president obama says science is science, and in an interview with new york times columnist tom friedman. progressive groups are calling out the climate change deniers. a new ad show cases footage of republican politicians disputing the validity of scientific claims about global warming. >> the new fad thing that's going through america and around
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the world, it's called global warming. >> i do not think the signs clearly supports the global warming theory. >> i think this is the biggest scam since the teapot bill. >> the science just simply doesn't back up the issue of global warming. >> there is no such thing as global warming. >> there is a lot of shenanigans going on with the data. >> i don't see the data. and i have not sat there with pages and pages of data. >> the data are not supporting what the advocates are arguing. the last 15 years, there has been no recorded warming. >> can these people listen to nelly. ♪ it's getting hot in here the real work is going to be to try to shift policy. the director of bowe, nebraska, joins me now. do you think the president is doing enough to really bring this issue to the fore and really to try to fight these deniers and what they claim to be true? >> i think he's starting to.
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you saw that last year with the georgetown speech where he actually really laid a very clear line in the sand saying that this is science and he made the case actually for denying keystone xl i would argue at that point. and he made a really good point to thomas friedman in the piece. he said we, as voters, have to start keeping politicians accountable and making them talk about climate change in a serious way and having honest discussions about energy policies. for too long, including democrats, we just didn't want to talk about it. too complicated sients. we don't want to go there. we have got to start having those conversations. >> no doubt about that. a recent washington post says 70% of the americans support limits on greenhouse gases. but why do you think republicans are still in denial about this. they're asking like the polls don't exist and greenhouse gases is not real. >> their money, a vast majority of the political do nations come from big oil and big gas and big coal. we've got to start realizing nay ear not talking for their
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constituents, not for carbon pollution that's kind of con suling their communities in their areas. they're speaking for people lining their pockets. >> existing power plants must reduce carbon die oxide emissions by 2030. do you think that's enough? >> it is not enough to solve climate change, but it's a step in the right direction. keystone is a step in the right direction. people say it's inevitable, tar sands is inevitable. neither one of those is inevitable if we take the right steps. weave got to diversify our energy sources. and 30% is not going to mean all coal plants are getting shut down or that even coal industry is going to lose their share of the market. it just means we're going to diversify our energy base. this is where we need to be. >> each state will come up with his own plan to meet the goal under the apa proposal. do you think that's a good thing? >> we'll see, right? we saw some good and bad with obamacare.
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that was our first state experime experiment. if republicans are serious about state rights, he will take president obama up on his offer. >> that's "the ed show." "politics naigs nati s nation" d al sharpton starts now. >> thanks. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, republicans crossing the line on sergeant bergdahl. day by day, the gop story on bergdahl is collapsing. as we learn new horrific details about his captivity. "the new york times" says bergal told medical officials his captors locked him in a medal cage in total darkness for weeks at a time. bowe bergdahl was beaten and tortured by his captors.
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