tv The Reid Report MSNBC June 10, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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just as classes were beginning in troutdale, oregon, police received reports of shots fired within the school. >> a gunman entered the school this morning, shot one student. unfortunately that student has died. the gunman was located and the gunman is also deceased. >> we'll be pushing out updates so you have information as we get it and are able to release it. >> right now police are combing through the school room by rim. this morning students were patted down before exiting the building with their hands over their heads the kids were then loaded on to buses and reunited at a near mall with their parents. some kids are still trying to get in touch with their parents. >> i'm glad i missed the bus. my sister is in there. i called her a bunch of times
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and she hasn't picked up. >> you get a message they're huddled at the end of the hallway. it's just scary. you just wait. >> pete do, we have any further was in about who did the shooting and what was behind it? >> not much. it's believed to have been a student, we're told. we're not sure what weapon the student was carrying. some said they saw the student with what they thought was an assault rifle, an ar-15-type weapon. what we're told about some of the shell casings found near the scene would be consistent with that. there are still no confirmation of either of these facts. what we know for certain is that the shooter is dead. one official says that the shooter died of a self-inflicted wound. secondly, that a student shot by the shooter has also died. and, thirdly, we've confirmed that a track coach, todd
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whistler, was wounded, had a graze wound on his hip. but friends of his has been saying that he's fine, it's just a minor, very minor i guess would you say flesh wound or scratch-type wound from one of the rounds apparently that was fired. it may seem surprising to some people that so little has been confirmed this far out but you tipped your hat to the reason for that and that is you've got the second largest school in oregon, about 2,800 students, not all of them there today, most of the seniors were not there. this did happen fairly early in the morning around 8:00, so not all the students who attend were there. but the ninth, 10th and 11th graders were supposed to have class today. there were a lot of students that had to be searched to make sure there was only one gunman and then the police had to go
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room to room in the entire school to make sure there were no other people involved in the shooting and no other victims. that's why this is taking so slowly -- taking such a large amount of time. that's the best information that we have. >> i wish we didn't have to keep doing these stories. i certainly appreciate your help in getting out the facts and information. pete williams, thank you so much. joining me is jim cavanaugh, a retired special agent, hostage negotiate and msnbc analyst. >> there was lots of nices in, tweets saying there were multi- shootersers. does all that information help or hurt law enforcement while trying to respond to a situation that's in progress? >> joy, it's a great question. it really helps. law enforcement officers are
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trained and experienced in dealing with a lot of information and able to assess it quickly. they know they get sometimes erroneous information. we always receive information from witnesses that was not correct or often times you see receive information that is not correct. columbine, you had had two shooters, you saw the terrorist situation in pakistan. so don't discount there could be multiple shooters. social media can help to us reduce the killing because it can help police to get to the shooter quicker, thereby stop him, isolate and take him so he can't hurt anybody else. >> we are looking at live pictures right now of parents and their students reuniting, parents looking for their kids. as a parent, this is the nightmare. this is not something that unfortunately is unheard of. a lockdown situation or other situations where you know your
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kids are in danger or have been. and a lot of relieved parents, i can imagine, that we're looking at right now, looking for and looking to reunite with their kids. jim, we don't know a lot about who this person was, who this alleged shooter was, but is there -- is there a danger that the more that these things happen that it triggers copycat behavior maybe among other young people who are depressed, looking for a perverse kind of fame? we have to report on these things, it's our responsibility. is this becoming a trend or are we just noticing it more and this is something that's always happened a lot? >> both of those things, joy, i think are true. you're correct about that. what used to be the news in your city or town growing up is now the national news so we are one city or town so we see everything occur on the media. but secondly, when you have school shootings, in this case if the facts hold true that it
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may be a student who did the shootings, students can't purchase at a gun shop, a gun. they have to be 21 to buy a handgun, 18 for a long gun. often times in school shooting cases, they've acquired the gun from the home, they stole it from the parents on grandparents or maybe's home or parents or grandparents. you'll see that often times in school shootings. how did the juvenile get access to the gun? did they own the gun? it could be a gift from a parent. it could be from the home of a relative or friend. as far as the copy cats, i agree. people, especially young people, have to understand that life is about setbacks and picking yourself up and going again. it seems that we see so many people that once they have a setback, they think the answer is mass murder and suicide. and there's so many stories of successful people -- all people who are successful have had major setbacks, been knocked down, picked themselves back up
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again, they were fired, they failed in school, they were kicked out of school and they go on. i think we're missing something with people, young people especially, to think that the answer when i have a setback is to shoot people. it's certainly not the answer. >> indeed. a lot of times there's a suicidal aspect to it as well. there have been 74 mass shootings since sandy hook. i remember when the sandy hook, you know, massacre of those little kids and their teachers happened, people said this is the tipping point, we cannot a lou this to continue to happen in this country, and yet it has happened 74 more times. is there anything -- i mean, at nount i think people have almost thrown up their hands and felt like there's almost nothing that can be done. is that true? isn't there something that we should be doing that we can do to try to stop this from happening again and again and again? >> yes, there's -- i think there's a lot of things we can do. we're just not as a nation, as people and as voters mobilized to do it.
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we have to elect people in the congress especially to want to make the change. for example, we should have a law that you cannot purchase a firearm from a gun dealer if you're the subject of a mental health restraining order. now, most states doesn't even have a mental health restraining order. this would not necessarily go to the oregon shooting, we'll have to see what develops there. for example, santa barbara would be an example. you know, the police, local police and local courts could get a restraining order, flag the national insta-check system so someone couldn't buy a gun. we see rerepeatedly mass killers in virginia tech, tucson, aur a aurora, they buy the gun at a gun shop with a pallet of ammunition. why would we want that? >> jim, can you stick around? and then, just what is behind
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the wave of unaccompanied minors risking their lives to cross the border into the u.s.? that, too, coming up. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. introducing new steve! it's been a while. you've... got a beard. (laughs) come on in. i've been shaking these bounce bursts into my washer, they bring all the bounce freshness of the outdoors indoors, so... (laughs) i guess i just forgot i wasn't outside. here! see for yourself. (harp music) behold! i love being outdoors. i love bark.
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he became anti-government, anti-police. he was talking about killing cops. >> she hugged me, he hugged me and he said that he had to do what he had to do and the revolution has just begun. >> those were two of the names of jared and amanda miller, the couple suspected of carrying out the las vegas shooting free spree on sunday. they took the life of three people, including two police officers in an apparent murder/suicide. today we're getting a clearer portrait of the vegas suspect. two people who apparently hated
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the government so much they made comments to family, neighbors and on social media about the need to violently overthrow the government. today the "l.a. times" quotes amanda miller's father on the topic of his son-in-law jared, who has a rap sheet dating back to the early 2000s. he said "he was into all this patriot nation and conspiracy theory stuff. and the next thing i know, her phone was getting shut off and she was getting isolated from us." one of bundy's sons has said the couple was booted for being too radical. before that an nbc affiliate spoke with jared miller during the standoff. >> i feel sorry for federal agents that want o come in here
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and push us around or anything like that. i really don't want violence to come to them but if they want to come bring violence to us, well, if that's language they want to speak, we'll learn it. >> they draped the bodies in a swastika and a gadsden flag that reads "don't tread on me." and, mark, i want to start with you first because these guys tick literally every box. a look at their facebook page reads like a who's who of conspiracy theories, the alex jones stuff. they were sort of into every particular facebook -- or every type of conspiracy theory. jared miller wrote on his facebook page on may 2nd the
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following: "i will willingly die for liberty." and on june 7, "the dawn of a new day, may all of our coming sacrifices be worth it." shouldn't someone have known about this self-radicalized individual, mark? is there any way to know that these individual are out there and to know the difference between someone who is just talking and who is actually viole violent? >> it's incredibly difficult. there are thousands of people, maybe tens of thousands of people who think in very much the same way as jared miller thought, who think the government is a tyrant, is a fascist government, is oppressi oppressive. looking at jared miller's facebook postings, he's not really very specific about what his complaints are, about what his ideology is. he's on and on about liberty, on and on about being willing to die, to sort of throw off the
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chains of our tyrannical government, but the issue really that he comes back to again and again is guns. the post i remember in particular from miller is him saying that if people disagree with the second amendment or very liberal interpretation of the second amendment of the right to gun ownership, they ought to deport themselves or be hung from the nearest lamp post. so it seems to me that was really his core issue. as opposed to white supremacy. i really don't think there's anything to that. i think the swastika was simply about saying police are fascists, police are nazis, that kind of thing. >> the difference, jim, is jared and amanda miller actually did something. they traveled to nevada and were on the bundy ranch. they were part of that weird militia group that was gathered around and in some cases i think still are gathered around that ranch. i'm wondering as a matter --
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since some of the people who were part of that group did point guns at federal agents and there really hasn't been any follow-up to that, would law enforcement then start to look into the backgrounds of who the people were or try to determine who was actually on that ranch? they would have found out this guy had a rap sheet. >> exactly, joy. i think federal law enforcement agencies are doing that. obstruction of a federal court order is a federal crime. armed obstruction of federal court order is a crime, obstruction of justice is a crime interstate travel with firearms to commit a felony is a crime. so there's all sorts of crimes that surround the bundy ranch obstruction of the federal courts and i'm sure law enforcement's looking into that. you mentioned, joy, the attorney general was going to reinstitute some domestic terrorism intelligence unit, but he needs to throw the a.t.f. and the
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f.b.i. back into infiltrating people in these groups who want to commit violence. let's take miller, for example, and his wife. these are exactly the kind of people we've seen over the years and mark and his team down there know it very well that we all try to sort out. they were the very few percent of the ku klux klan or the militia, who could not take the defensive sentiment, they had to go offensive. timothy mcveigh is the same example. they talk defense, they plan offense and there's a percentage of them that do that. and a.t.f. as a unit and f.b.i. have infiltrated those groups to discover those plots and to take people just like the millers off because he was a convicted felon, transporting firearms across the straight lines,
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illegally possessing firearms. it would have been great if we would have got him beforehand but we have to really work to do it. >> indeed. back in 2009, mark, the department of homeland security put out a report on right-wing extremism that got a lot of people angry because they felt it was unfair to even talk about right-wing extremism. they said the historical election of an african-american president and the prospect of policy changes are proving to be the driving force for right-wing extremist recruitment and radicalization. this was john boehner commenting on what happened, the killing of these two police officers and a civilian in las vegas. this is how he responded when asked if this can be classified as domestic terrorism. take a listen. >> i'm not sure how i would describe it, but clearly we had a couple of sick individuals who
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engaged in a horrific crime and our hearts go out to those families, especially to the families of those two officers who went down in there. >> mark, what is behind the reticent of want og classify this as domestic terrorism. >> this is boehner wanting to classify this as mental illness. that is not is what is driving this movement. what we are seeing, as many of us understood back then, is a response, a reaction to the many social changes that are going on in this country. in particular the loss of white majority, the kind of demographic browning of the
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population that barack obama really represents. so the d.h.s. report accurately looked at what the factors were out there, did not, in fact, defame conservatives as all potential timothy mcveighs as a whole lot of critics on the right suggested and really should have been paid attention to. and what happened in the aftermath was that the whole union t fell apart. they were being dissed by their own supervisors, by janet napolitano so dhs is working in a crippled fashion. >> a lot of lessons here. if you see something, say something. those neighbors who thought oh, we thought they were just talking. maybe people should pay attention when people are talking like this and talking like this on social media. >> now to one of the worst incidents of friendly fire in more than a decade of war in
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the clippers. rather than go along, he's now determined to fighting going through with his original plan to sue the nba for $1 billion big ones and fight the sale. you can't stop tweeting about his unwillingness to take $2 billion for an answer. "nba, donald, here's $2 billion to go away forever. sterling: never!" one of you tweeted "does he think any black athlete would ever play for him? insane." >> now from mind to body. bikini body, that is. miss indiana has been trending on session media since competing in the miss usa pageant on sunday. thee she strutted the stage in confidence in her figure. today you're sending tweets like this one, "way to represent,
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miss indiana, with a healthy looking body yet still stu stunning." now "game of throne thrones." here's his first tweet. not as good as the cia tweet but there you go. >> and season four is set to wrap up this sunday and they promise it's going to be the finest hour of television ever. quote, "i'm not sad, i am just trying to prepare myself for ten months without
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thrones. and here's three facts about the world cup. we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪ tuesday means primary day for six states tonight in in south carolina and virginia, both heavy tea party angles. meanwhile, in virginia house majority leader eric cantor is having to fend off charges that, well, he's just too liberal on immigration and in general. cantor is expected to went. however, the race comes one month after his hand-picked candidate for gop chair of the
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district, an incumbent, lost to a tea-party backed challenger. >> the other big political story today is the release of hillary clinton's memoir, "hard choices," basically a series in the drip, drip, drip indications that she may indeed run in 2016. the memoir clocks in at a whopping 650 pages give or take and in it she writes about her impressions of vladimir putin, the arab spring, benghazi, the 2008 campaign and, yes, even sarah palin. >> the day she was nominated, the obama campaign did contact me and ask me if i would attack her. i said attack her for what? for being a woman? attack her for being on a ticket to draw attention? there will be plenty of time to draw distinctions.
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karen finney is a former dnc communications director and my pal. i'm going to start with kiki first. there's an interesting sound bite about sarah palin. one of the things i recall from the end of the 2008 primary is that there was a good number of call being themselves pumas, women for hillary who decided they were voting for mccain and maybe couldn't there have been a little bit of hillary clinton at the time that didn't want to anger her supporters who had switched sides? >> no, i have to tell you, i was actually in denver at the convention that morning, i think karen was, too. >> yeah. >> it was just one of those moments where as secretary clinton said herself in what you just heard in the tape that she showed, which was really she had a thought about how to communicate about the issue there and that she wasn't going to attack a woman for being a woman. i think that's pretty straight forward. >> what else seems pretty straight forward, karen, is that unlike in 2008, if i may say, it
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appears that hillary is embracing sort of the core run as a woman. it did seem that in 2008 she was trying to do other things, like get her national security creds out there, sticking by her vote on the iraq war, that kind of thing. she she does now seem to be very as you sten tashsly -- and i'm just assuming she's running, embracing the woman factor and how that would help her. >> i also worked for hillary clinton in the white house during the clinton days and i think part of what you're seeing is the natural shift that's happened in our country that we're having these conversations about sexism in the media and about what it is to be a female candidate. for some time we didn't have that many high-profile women candidates. i do remember in 1992, the year of the woman, one of the comments people made was how colorful these women looked on stage. i do think you're hearing former secretary clinton talk about it more openly, but i think part of that is reflective of, again,
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our culture, where we're having a more open conversation about sexism in the workplace and sexism and what women candidates actually say. >> absolutely. another sort of issue, and i guess we have to touch on it, kiki, is there has been this uproar over the part coming out of the white house, saying that when we came out of the white house, we had to work really hard. i worry about people in our country who don't have some of the same opportunities we were given. i do think it is amusing for pundits who make a lot more money than the president of the united states making comment on the clintons made like $200,000 in the white house. that was the salary of the president. with that said, what do you think of all that? >> i don't think she walked anything back and i think you're right to quote her that she's a person who just put the facts
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out there that they were broke when they got out. but anyone who would think that anyone else would believe that bill and hill hi didn't understand what it was like for bill clinton to be born into a poor family, for hillary clinton to be raised in a home with a dad who started his on business and spent their whole lives fighting to expand the middle class and giving other people a chance to get there, well, they're dead wrong is what they are. i think the secretary answered a question and she did it well. >> the other thing she's going to have to answer, karen, is going to be benghazi. let's listen to hillary clinton answering the big "b" question. >> what i do not appreciate is politicizing this at the expense of four dead americans. that's not what we used to do in this country. 258 americans were killed in beirut in two separate attacks. people mourned. people were shocked. decisions were made, bring them out, strengthen the embassy. >> that was an abc news interview, karen. is this going to be the center of this campaign, hillary
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clinton answering question after question about benghazi? >> i think it's clear the republicans aren't going to let it go. i was thinking about the benghazi special select committee that hasn't even been selected yet. it's clear they're not going to let go of that because i think they see it as a way to damage president obama and damage secretary clinton. i agree with her and i agree with the president that what we should be focused on is what do we do to make sure that shouldn't happen again. we know that's not going to be the conversation. the conversation is going to be talking points and who was talking to who and that wall and this wall. >> and i like the way we assume this is going to be a presidential campaign. >> it's a good point to remember that right now secretary clinton is on a book tour that's a
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terrific book about a look at history and a look at the path, you look at what economic shape we were in and really where we are today. a lot of that is due to the work that she did to really restore america's standing around the world. and that's a great read for anybody. >> well, kiki, you do a good job at what you do. that was well played and she's still running for president. my assumption. thank you kiki and my pal, karen finney. thank you both. >> and you can hear more from hillary clinton tonight with brian williams on your local tv station. >> we are continuing to follow breaking news developments where a gunman went into a school and shot a student. and just moments ago governor
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john kitzhaber asked to please keep students, staff, the extended reynolds community and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. students who were evacuated are now being reunited with their parents at an off-site location. >> there was a lockdown so everybody went running. we thought it was just a drill and then they announced it was real. they turned off the lights and everybody had to get on the ground and then we all got evacuated. the cops came in with their guns and evacuated us all out across the street. >> we're expected to get an update from officials coming up at the top of the hours. when kevin knight left the army, he decided he wanted to help other veterans assimilate into civilian life. so he started knight solutions. the contracting firm hires returning veterans to maintain and renovate military cemeteries. if i can impart one lesson to a
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and what we know... can help you grow. and i'm his mom at the dog park. the kids get trail mix, and here's what you get after a full day of chasing that cute little poodle from down the street. mm hmm delicious milo's kitchen chicken meatballs. they look homemade, which he likes almost as much as making new friends yes, i'll call her. aww, ladies' man. milo's kitchen. made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. the best treats come from the kitchen. officials in arizona are raising more questions about the border crossing crisis that president obama is calling an urgent humanitarian situation. over the course of a few days, border patrol officials have transported over a thousand children from texas to a processing center in arizona. the mayor of that city toured
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the former produce plant where the children are being held. after the tour, the mayor told the a.p., quote, the warehouse is very nice comparing to a lot of what we've heard -- what i've heard, i'm very comfortable with it." but in response to immigration authorities dropping off women and children at bus stations in phoenix last week, not everyone is convinced that children are safe. >> we have seen people who are shell shocked, women and children who are dehydrated. >> those volunteers and advocates are not alone. on monday, "potential violations of arizona's law prohibiting child abuse, montgomery warns that at this time of year phoenix metro area experiences average daily temperatures in excess of 100 degrees and such conduct may be guilty of a class four felony.
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he goes on to add this is not the america we strive to be. most of these minors are fleeing increased violence in their home countries of guatemala, el salvador and honduras. the question is what kind of hope is there for a long-term solution for these children and their parents when immigration reform appears to be going absolutely nowhere fast on capitol hill? jose antonio vargas publicly disclosed his grandparents illegally snuck him over the border at age 12. jose, it's always good to see you. >> i'm sorry, i was just looking at some of the stuff and i really just don't think we should be referring to these kids as illegal. i still can't believe that happens in the america. but, yeah. as you were saying, my border
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was the pacific ocean. i got here on a plane. i didn't cross the u.s./mexico border. not all undocumented people are from central america. >> indeed. a lot of people come from the caribbean, people come from canada, all over, ireland and everywhere. >> i have met so many british and canadien people tell me how guilty they feel, whenever this issue is talked about, they never talk about undocumented white people. >> this doesn't feel like 2014 to have children alone, in some cases being dropped off at bus stations, children being housed and put together in military bases. it is a crisis. it has to be being stemmed from something that's going on back in their home countries. >> the root causes. >> but is there -- are there families here that might not be able to come out of the shadows
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but want their children and maybe are sending for them? could that be happening? >> there was a "new york times" article that underscored that fact. people that want better futures for their kids are saying, hey, follow me. this is, again, the cost of family separation. immigration has always been about family, right? >> what do you say to people who say, well, that is the crux of it, that if we give what conservatives are calling amnesty or if we allow people to become documented who are already here, that's what they're going to do. they're going to do what my mother did. she sent for her brothers and sisters once she immigrated to the united states, they're going to seasoned for their kids and their mom -- >> just what we said when the italians and eastern european u jews moved here and the irish after the potato famine, is that
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what we said? don't come here. is what what we said? you've seen these photos. to me the question is this -- what about the humanitarian crisis that is happening with the 11 million undocumented people in this country who have grown up here, call this country their home, who contribute to this country? what about that? what i find really interesting is we have to figure this out. i'm so glad that the president's administration is calling this what it is, an urgent humanitarian crisis. the same thing is happening to the 11 million people of us. that, too, is a humanitarian urgent crisis that is stuck in political football. >> i want to play some of your movie. the irony is if we carry out of logical policies of some immigration reform, we'd be sending people back across the border. but let's play a clip from your film. >> i'm an undocumented immigrant from germany. >> we mow your lawn, work at
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your houses, we may be your doctors. we're not who you think we are. >> i'm a conservative and hard core republican but i don't agree with them on this. >> do you think films like this can start to change sniends. >> the culture is shifting. health insurance what we're about. there's this immigrant heritage month. the woman that you just saw, there the undocumented nigerian woman, the executive director of a group called i do feel that the american public is ready, but what we have are a relatively small, very loud minority, especially within the house republicans, who don't want any kind of solution to happen. we got to get politics out of this issue. for me the question has always been where is this fierce urgency of now when it comes to this issue? >> yeah. >> right?
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>> hopefully you'll continue to speak out on it and calling out the issue because it is a very important issue. children were sort of the theme. when it comes to this and comes to this, even that doesn't some to be working. always great to see you. >> thank you. >> coming up next on "reid between the lines," how accidents like this one can become more frequent if washington fails to act. the clean air act stops polluters from... poisoning his air with arsenic, lead and mercury. now the loop hole that lets them pump unlimited carbon... pollution into his air is closing too. if polluters and their friends in washington don't interfere. hoall we do is go out to dinner. that's it? i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great...what? he's using you. he probably has a citi thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants.
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so he's just racking up points with me. some people... ugh! no, i've got it. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out and entertainment, with no annual fee. to apply, go to it says here that a woman's sex drive. increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disease. it seems that 80 is the new 18. grannies, bless your heart, you are bringing sexy back! eat up. keep heart-healthy. live long. for a healthy heart, eat the 100% natural whole grain goodness of post shredded wheat.
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in the early morning hours of march 12, 2011, a bus pulled out from the mohegan sun casino in connecticut, carrying 32 passengers home to new york city. the driver had arrived at the casino around 11:00 friday night. after spending much of the day driving around new york and talking on his cell phone. he took a nap in the parking lot until a casino worker woke him up at around 3:00 a.m. to start
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the 3:45 a.m. trip. less than two hours into the drive, as they reached the bronx, the bus hit a guardrail, hit a stanchion and knocked the top off the bus, killing several people instantly who were asleep. he initially claimed he was side swiped by a big rig. it was found that he had dozed off several times during the trip. he was eventually acquitted of manslaughter and negligent homicide, even though prosecutors portrayed him as being so sleep deprived at that his reflexes were affected fas f he had been intoxicated. his lawyer argued the trial represented a misguided of the
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to file someone to blame. it wasn't long before a similar this evening happened again. >> the commuter train derailment in new york city this weekend has thrust the topic of worker fatigue into the news. the investigation, as you may now, is now focused on the engineer and whether he fell asleep two weeks into a new shift and a 5:00 a.m. start. >> there are plenty of other stories like that, a tired driver with impaired reflexes, a tragic loss of life. this weekend the crash that injured tracy morgan and killed his friend and fellow comedian james "jimmy mack" mcnair had all the familiar elments, too. police say the driver that failed to react hadn't slept in 24 hours. you have to wonder why. just days earlier the senate appropriations committee led by senator susan collins of maine added a provision to the
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transportation spending bill that would roll back regulations requiring drivers to get more sleep and bump the number up to what trucks are could drive back up to 82 from the 70 hours. according to the federal motor carrier safety administration, nearly 4,000 people die in large truck crashes each year and driver fatigue is a leading factor. if you ever use the road or take a bus or take the train, this might be a good time to contact your congressman just to check in. and that wraps things up for "the reid report." i'll see you back here tomorrow at 2:00 eastern. "the cycle" comes up next with live coverage from oregon, where police are expected to give an update on a deadly shooting at a portland area high school. [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there.
11:56 am
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a shooting breaks out at a school. authorities will update us on the aftermath. five americans die from what's initially being investigated as friendly fire. but is there more to this story? when it comes to the broader war on terror, there is certainly more to the story. where should these guys be tried? all that plus "say what?" hillary clinton's latest words are a real page turner and they're not even from her brand new book. >> we start with breaking news. any minute police in oregon will release new details of this morning's deadly school shooting
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at reynolds high school in troutdale, oregon. one student and the gunman are dead. a teacher is hurt. this is all happening on the second to the last day of school. let's start with nbc's pete williams, who has been working the phones. what is the latest you can tell us? >> we will get some more details out of this news conference, but it does appear to be basically as we have known it for the last couple of hours, that there were three people shot today, two of them killed, one student, the person with the gun and a teacher, todd, a track coach and health teacher, who received a very slight, superficial wound on his hip. he was not even transferred to the hospital. his friends say that he's otherwise okay. the shooting took place according to several witnesses and law enforcement officials in a locker room or at the -- near the gymnasium of reynolds high school, which is the second largest high school in oregon. so it's
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