tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC June 10, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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thanks to all who voted. you can join the conversation by heading to our facebook page to make your predictions. we want to hear what you think. well, that's it for tonight. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. book report, let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. a huge crowd greeted hillary clinton at the barnes & noble at yuan yor square in new york. some waited until 2:00 a.m. the first person in the line was there from 2:00 p.m. the afternoon before waiting in line. anyway, tonight, we look at the best questions she's been asked
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by a trio of top journalists, about the book "hard choices" that could launch her to the white house and also stir up the old anger at the democrats' control of the presidency, at the clintons and hillary herself. so let's get to it. this publication someday, the biggest political book in memory, perhaps the biggest ever. joy reid hosted the reid report on msnbc and joan walsh is an msnbc political analyst. let's start with cynthia mcfadden's question, hillary clinton about the advice she might give to her younger self. this was clever. let's listen. >> i would be very interested to know if the hillary clinton who sits here today were to be able to give advice to the hillary clinton who was first lady of this country, what would you say to her? >> wow, that's a great question, cynthia. i would say that what i have learned and really incorporated
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since, to take criticism seriously but not personally, not to be so anxious and worried about everything that everybody says and try to figure out how to incorporate into your thinking. >> joan, i love that question. because it really does -- in a way it sort of asks you, or hillary clinton in this case, to show how your wisdom as grown over time. you're actually, let's face it, a golden opportunity to say how you would be a better candidate, a better president because of this eight-year delay. your thoughts about the question and what her answer was. >> first of all, i thought it was a good question and i thought the answer was great. there's not a woman in america who wouldn't say the same thing to her younger self. that's something women struggle with probably more than men, taking criticism personally and being rocked by it. >> i take criticism great. i just love it myself. i hate it!
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>> you're uniquely sensitive, my friend. >> i am, maybe. go ahead. >> it's a good thing, chris. i'm giving you praise. >> unpack that, as david gregory would say. taking criticism as she's certainly taken a lot of it. seriously, but don't become a porcupine about it. i'm mad at you for saying that or asking you the question. >> or i'm racked with self doubt and thrown off my game by it. uh understand the truth of criticism and you don't tune it out. we know people who don't tune it out, that can't think of a mistake they've ever made if they're asked a question like that. she's not saying that, but she's also, i think we saw on the campaign trail, once we dropped the script, once she stopped trying to be perfect, once she stopped trying to be the inevitable restoration of the clin tom presidencies and she was kind of the underdog and running for her own
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self-respect, she was connecting to voters much better and she was much more compelling and genuine candidate, articulating some differences with barack obama that at the time in 2008 that resonated sometimes. and she was a more human candidate. and that's largely why she's the front-runner today, i would argue. >> one of our brilliant producers here pointed out, an example of her living the advice from herself if she was younger, her older herself, was iraq where she's very plainly laid out in the book that she wouldn't have done that again. that vote authorizing the war in iraq. not saying she's for it, but authorizing it, she would not do that again. >> it's interesting. i don't know if you have to be a clintonologist to read the subtleties of everything she said. but she was asked about her time as first lady. she could say there were a lot of things that hillary clinton took things personally. she coined the phrase, a vast
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right wing conspiracy who's been trying to get my husband since arkansas. he was leaning forward to push back in the lewinsky stuff. but during the 2008 campaign, hillary clinton and bill clinton really did seem to fall prey to this tendency to take what is normal politics, hardball tactics from the obama campaign and really get really small ball with it. they made a lot of unforced errors, particularly in south carolina. she made a lot of unforced errors when she was questioned about her comments about lyndon johns johnson. they didn't respond in a smart way. i feel like yes, hillary clinton was answering that question about herself as a first lady, but i almost feel like she was answering it about her 2008 campaign self. >> now that we're all being honest here and we're all trying to get to the truth and not flaking for anybody, none of us are. what i want to get to with my more recent friend, a lot of that sensitivity among
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african-americans, this is just -- what is it? this is a fantasy, that kind of thing, which can be taken as a general assault and dismissal of barack obama. he's going to be way back in the pack. that was taken as a general attack on african-americans, aspirations in this country. and i learned in the whole campaign the hard way, every time i took a shot at hillary clinton, every single time, it was taken as a general assault on the aspirations of women. you learn these lessons the hard way. and bill clinton learned them, i learned them. i'm not in the same league. well, mentally maybe sometimes. anyway, diane sawyer, and last night's abc interview asked hillary clinton about benghazi. let's watch this exchange. >> you famously said whether it's a protest or a group of y guys walking up, trying to kill some americans, what difference at this point does it make? >> that's right. >> does it make a difference? >> in the moment, it did not. in the moment, what we had to be
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focused on was saving american lives. >> does it make a difference now? >> no, i don't. the point of what i said at the time was, you know, if you're going to stay fixated on things like talking points or fixated on whether or not everybody was affected or not by the video, you're missing the larger picture. >> diane sawyer then brought up that house republicans have announced yet another investigation into benghazi. and asked secretary clinton was all of this another reason not to run herself for president. mrs. clinton leaned in and said actually, it's more of a reason to run because i do not believe our great country should be playing minor league ball. we ought to be in the majors. and i view this as apart from, even a diversion from the hard work congress should be doing about the problem facing our country and the world. but a new washington post poll shows among independent voters today, there are still unanswered questions about benghazi. 52% of the sup reposupportered
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supported a benghazi investigation. even though weeks and months almost a year now. can she do what she's been doing in these interviews, saying play serious baseball here and stop wasting time with minor leagues. >> let mess take that in two parts. >> i loved her answer to that question. i loved her answer on, i'm not going to take back what i said to ron johnson when he was being an idiot to me. and i think that's great. >> what did he say, what was that context? >> the context was basically, you know, chasing down the talking points and the issues of what susan rice had said on the sunday shows. but here's the danger. you know, she's gotten very good at deflecting those kinds of questions and calling them the political circus that they are.
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where she i think fell down a little bit in that interview is answering the real policy and practi practice. when i read that report, it did exonerate her. the things she was accused of were awful and ridiculous err skur louse. there were management flaws. i think she has to get a little bit more in the weeds in terms of what the security situation was and what might have been done differently. if she doesn't, those questions will dog her. >> when she admitted in that interview, the last 24 hours, i think it was diane sawyer, that it was a systemic problem out there in the state department. a systemic problem would cost shinseki his job. my view is get with it, guys.
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it's the third world, a country like libya that doesn't have a government. we're rely on the local militia to protect us. it's a late night over the weekend. the ambassador who she really liked personally took a risk and went out there and it was a bad move. you can't control the universe. the idea that you somehow have to blame it on some systems fault always seems to me like an overreach op confession. i wish somebody out there could say on hillary's behalf, dam it, it's a real dangerous world out there. sometimes you have to take risks and you get killed. that's part of the business. just be tough in talking to people about the real world. and stop playing games with little people like oh, we have to protect everybody out there. we have soldiers killed every hour. go ahead, your thoughts.
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>> they're going to mainly focus on her time at the state department in the book. she can't avoid altogether the benghazi thing, even if it's something being trumped up on the right, but it's also the sum total of her most significant experience to be president of the united states. what she doesn't want to do is fighting this packing away. that testimony was one of her finest moments. it showed her in demand saying back to the republicans, let's talk about the real issue here. which is not whether or not we're not fantasy things happen like hillary clinton watch on the close circuit tv, but whether or not the united states wants to be engaged in deep micro detail in the middle east anymore. and americans don't.
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the idea, as you said, that we're in a dangerous country where look, we helped get rid of the dictator there. that was the win. and chris stevens was a brave man. she should defend him and herself. she better have a defense because that's going to be a lot about what this campaign is about. >> joan, go ahead. >> i would ask if there's a populist impulse in the democratic base and she's perceived as the candidate wall street and goldman sachs. i asked if she would have signed the repeal of glass stegall like her husband did. >> those are the hard questions. you said wait a minute a mistake was made.
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prete pretend, hit me. >> if yyou're the head of the s department on foreign policy. if you were president right now, would you go into syria. how deeply invested would the united states be in countries like syria where you still have very dangerous people in the world but the united states s--i think the temptation is going to be what difference will it make to have a woman president. but if she was the second stair of state, ask her about the world. >> you're middling her. forcing her between what she knows is the popular view, don't go into another country. i love the way you asked that question. it's a real s.o.b. question. thank you so much, joy reid. and thank you joan walsh. coming .uup, chris christie's escape attempt. putting a smile on his
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predicament with jimmy fallon. is christie looking to whip up a circus to distract everyone from the legal specter awaiting him in the months ahead. and do you have to sell your soul to survive the tea party? let's watch lindsey graham go nasty on benghazi, threaten impeachment. is there anything graham won't do to save his seat in the u.s. senate? and another school shooting. this time in oregon. just two days after that horrific ambush in las vegas. i want to know why these shootings keep happening here in the u.s. and not in other countries it seems. finally, let me finish in my prediction. in an unpredictable world, that hillary and bill clinton aren't going to stop their quest. this book tour is the start of something big. seeing the world in reverse, and i loved every minute of it. but then you grow up and there's no going back. but it's okay, it's just a new kind of adventure.
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and really, who wants to look backwards when you can look forward? [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. >> take a look at this new pugh poll on the public's opinions on the prisoner exchange for bowe bergdahl.
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43% say it was the wrong thing. only 34% said it was the right thing. but here's the but. a majority of voters out there, 56% say america has a responsibility to do all it can to bring its captured soldiers home no matter what the circumstances. just 3 in 10 said that because bergdahl left his post, the u.s. was not obligated to secure his release. you see the problem? l about pri. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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>> is chris christie attempting an escape? yesterday we told you how the state investigation into christie was accelerating. christie's own chief of staff testified yesterday that christie basically sat on his hands for four months before directing him, his chief of staff, to look into the growing scandal. we also heard testimony that back in december christie was shown evidence indicating that bridget kelly knew about both the lane closure and allegations of political payback. but he, the governor, told reporters at that time that no one on his staff had any
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knowledge of what had happened. and that's just the latest. in this movement surrounding one of the five active investigations ongoing right now into the governor's office, two of which are criminal. now it appears that christie's response to the legal circus going on right now is to whip up a pr circus, a political circus. this week he's set up to appear on "the tonight show" with jimmy fallon. he's making a trip to mitt romney's utah summit and the conservative faith and freedom coalition and he's scheduled rga pit stops in new hampshire, iowa and of course, south carolina. completing the trifecta. and in interview after interview, governor christie remains defieant that he can escape this mess in trenton. >> i am what i am. when i travel around new jersey, hayer from most people that's the thing they love the most. >> and what about iowa? >> oh, well, i think they love me in iowa, too, diane. i've been there a lot. i think they love me there, too. i'm not the first chief executive who had someone on
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their staff do something they didn't know of and they had to fire them. i don't think it hurt anyone's career and i don't think it will hurt mine. >> are you still thinking of running for president and when will you make a decision on that? >> yes and later. i have people all the time say you wouldn't play well in the south or iowa. it's all garbage. >> he's got a good radio voice. michael steele is a political analyst and rnc chair. i want to start with you here. i get the sense that he's -- not to take anything away from him, but just like anthony weiner tried to do, face the public, be cleansed by public opinion, and hopefully be cleaned by it. the trouble is, he still has to face all these legal hurdles to survive legally. now, there's no reason to presume him guilty except a lot of people around him are learning they're going to be indicted the way this is going. can he walk away from indictments? if any of his people get indicted, any of the people in his office, can he run for
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president effectively? >> i think he can run for president, but the question is how much blowback there is from those around him who -- if they are indicted, how much of that falls to him. if it's one of those things that they acted without his knowledge completely, or he was just totally out of loop on it, and they hid this from him, yeah, i think he survives it. but yeah, i think he's got to be concerned about exactly what the federal prosecutors are looking into and how they come out on that. we give the democrats and what they're doing in the new jersey legislate tour, but even there -- >> do you think they've behaved well in the investigations? the democrats? they're seriously trying to find out what happened. >> that tends to fall more on the partisan -- you could bush that to the side as the more partisan play. the federal play is the one i think a lot of people are -- >> i agree with you. >> they're really concerned about that. and i think chris christie is as well. but to his great credit, he's going on, he's moving upon he has responsibilities at the rga and he has responsen'ts with reh
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a budget over his head in new jersey. >> what i'm waiting to hear is some direct testimony that he put together a ring, an operation, an enterprise to get re-elected where he said put out the word to every mayor in this state you're going to pay if you don't back me. and somehow that message got to bridget kelly and stepien and everybody. your job is to be tough here. i want to get reelectriced with 60-something percent and you better do your jobs out there without saying close the bridge. nixon, all the evidence we have so far, he was never caught saying, you know, hit the democratic headquarters at the watergate and go look for larry o'brien's papers, but everything else, break into the republican headquarters, break into brooking, all that is on the tape. soo it seems there's two questions outstanding on the legal front. do his people go down, does he get tied into it? >> we don't know the answer to that, chris. but i tell you, already there's been a significant amount of
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damage president to the extent he's out there trying to prove his -- >> why is he only four points behind the front-runner this en? >> sure, but that's -- largely that's name i.d. if you look deep into some of the polls that's been taken cently, his approval rating has suffer popped. >> why is he four points within hillary clinton in pennsylvania where i believe hillary clinton is really, really strong? why is he within four points of her there because he's tainted? i'm stunned at his endurance here. >> obviously, he's trying to carry this on personality. but i agree with michael, that if the u.s. attorney gets involved in a serious way, and it looks like he's going to, he's got more issues now to worry about just than whether or not he gets the nomination. he's got real legal issues. and the problem is, all that stuff, those five investigations that you ear talking about, they're not on his time frame. he can be out there raising money and demonstrating political prowess and that's really what he's trying to do now.
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why he's traveling is trying to show he's viable. he can push through this and take a punch and get back up. that's all well and good, but the problem is, the facts and the legal issue will drive this. not to mention it felt that the economy in new jersey is imploding. so his argument, his argument for why he could be a competent president is imploding all around him at the same time. >> back that up, michael. why is he gaining by going on jimmy fallon and shows like that. i guess i think i know. why do you think he's doing all this? his biggest problem is legal. >> his biggest problem is legal. and he doesn't need us to focus on that. so let's focus on my strengths. my strengths are my ability to communicate, mix it up with folks, to be seen in a relaxed setting. to play the role of the candidate running for office. and the candidate, or the governor in office who's dealing with a lot of complicated issues at times.
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as much as he wants to do that, he has to be concerned about what investigations are going on. why he's behind hillary clinton in pennsylvania, i think a lot of that is name identification, folks not certain exactly how this thing is going to play out. they would make a good matchup. >> do you want that one? don't you want that fight? >> absolutely. i love that fight. >> just in terms of i think hillary would beat him, hillary clinton, but it would be two heavyweights. >> and he's fun to watch. but that's a fundamentally different criteria than whether or not he's got the portfolio to be president of the united states. and he has a huge -- that need that will he has to thread to both get the republican nomination and then swing back
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and have an appeal in the general election, the eye of that needle has gotten really, really small. this whole bridgegate thing has made it tougher for him. the general electric rat that used to love him and love his personality are now looking at him and thinking okay, does he really have what it takes? >> part of the reason he's doing well is the hob bbits he's runng against. >> i wouldn't say hobbits. >> do you think it's tough to beat rand paul? >> i think rand paul is going to be a credible challenger in the prima primary. ted cruz. because of what michael just said. the eye of the needle has narrowed so much now. there's a very thin space you've got to work your way through. and the ability of a jeb bush or a chris christie or others to do that is going to be the first hurdle.. >> you're trying to tease me. the idea of ted cruz running for president. i will sleep soundly at night thrilled at the prospect of hillary being the better candidate. it would be the easiest call in
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the greater the curvature, the bigger the difference. [sci-fi tractor beam sound] ...sucked me right in... it's beautiful. gotta admit one thing... ...can't beat the view. ♪ introducing the world's first curved ultra high definition television from samsung. >> back to "hardball." time for "the side show." i told you about scott fistler in arizona who to win hispanic votes switched parties and legally changed his name to cesar chavez. well, the real cesar chavez was a famous latino labor leader.
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however, steve colbert thought fi fi fistler's idea was so good he devised a similar plan for republicans running in 2016. >> folks, senior chavez's strategy shows how the republicans can win the white house in 2016. just field a slate of minority candidates. there's lots of choices. poncho villa, martin luther king, gandhi, harriet tubman, sitting bull. >> sitting bull has a real chance, well, unless hillary clinton decides to run. >> next up, the cia got a lot of attention friday when it officially joined twitter. a decision they announced by saying, quote, we can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet. well, what if every government agency followed their lead and tried to be funny on twitter. here's what that might look like courtesy of jimmy fallon.
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>> several other agencies recently joined twitter as well. and their tweets are even jo jokeier. sorry to bug you. hash not sorry #we see everything. >> wow. >> the irs tweeted oh, no we didn't. seriously, you owe us a lot of money. they got serious towards the end. finally, the census bureau voted if you live in america #finished #done. you're making us do the work. >> is there anything lindsey graham won't do to save his senate seat. in today's republican party, it seems to be working for him. ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ don't stop now, come on mony ♪ come on, yeah
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a gunman open fired earlier at an oregon high school killing one student and injuries a teacher before killing hips. during the evacuation process, another gun was found on a student who was then arrested. charges have been fired against a 26-year-old accused of fatally shooting one person and wounding two others at a seattle pacific university. and five american troops killed by friendly fire monday in afghanistan was special operation forces working with the afghan military. back to "hardball." welcome back to "hardball." if there are any republicans out there running scared of a tea party challenger and looking for a playbook victory, he or she might be tempted to take a page from lindsey graham. he's expected to crush his opponents in tonight's primary
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in south carolina and get perhaps over 50% of the vote, avoiding a runoff all together. his cardinal sins according to the tea party with co-authoring the immigration bill. he's pushed if for real immigration reform. supporting climate change cap and trade. voting for two of the supreme court nominees. opposing a government shutdown, and just how far did lindsey have to go to get to safe territory and tarnish his reputation for being a reasonable republican? he opposed the bipartisan budget agreement brokered between paul ryan and patty murray. embracing the gop's obsession over benghazi. hurling insults at the white house, calling them scum bags who lied about the benghazi attack and putting impeachment in play, the word, in fact, by merely uttering the word saying it might just come to the president. graham has been so draggeded so far to the right by the red hots of the party it's hard to recognize the guy.
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gene, you start. i have been watching lindsey and i always liked the guy from the beginning way back when he was in john mccain in that very difficult campaign in south carolina. do you remember having spaghetti at some little restaurant. i always thought he was a regular republican conservative. t the coming out from him lately is not the lindsey graham i have known. toe tonally, substantively, he's that anti-government attitude, against the government, as opposed to being proud of having worked in the government and a really important senator for the south. >> i do think the rhetoric will calm down once his primary is over. >> you mean, the way it was with john mccain against j.d. hayworth when he went crazy to
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beat hayworth? >> right, exactly. this is rhetorical change but not substantive change. even down on the campaign trail, he still talks about immigration reform. he has stayed substantive -- >> how does he stick with the old -- well, most of the old lyrics and go to this new music. how does he send the idea that he's one of the tea party types? >> well, he increases the rhetoric on their side. these are words they want to hear, they want to see him fight. and that's -- he will give them, he will show himself fighting. with benghazi, he probably would have been in this fight in this same place under any other circumstances. he's there now, the rhetoric is ratcheted up. but he would always -- that was -- those are foreign affairs, that's in his wheel house. >> we're going to be filled with people who begin to talk like tea party people. >> i think actually the tea party is gaining a lot more than that. i think they are pushing
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candidates to the right. when mitch mcconnell lost, the tea party people said well, he won on our values. and with the threat of -- >> when did mitch mcconnell lose? >> i'm sorry, when mitch mcconnell won and the tea party lost, they said well, we did sort win because he was running on our values. the tea party is having some success in moving them policy wise further to the right. >> i see lindsey as a guy i used to be comfortable listening to. now i hear a vitrl out there. he doesn't hate hillary clinton. he doesn't hate the democrats. but he's asking like -- acting like he hates them. >> the lindsey graham that you see in south carolina is really different than the lindsey graham you see when you watch the sunday shows here in washington. the rhetoric is, as she said, him fighting. >> you're telling me that the tea party watches "meet the
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press" and "sunday nation." >> he's running against the tea party in south carolina. he's down there saying i'm fighting for my brand of conservatism. i have laid down a gauntlet, my challenge is very clear. >> why did he use the word impeachment about clinton? why did he do it? >> i can't answer that question. >> do you think he did it on purpose? >> what i think freed him up to be able to do this, to be able to walk this line to win this is he's a masterful politician and he cleared the field early. there's not a challengener this field who's able to rise up and pose an aggressive challenge. the third party group, club for growth, they were dying to beat him. >> is he a tea party memory now? >> i don't think he would if if you asked him to say if he's a tea party member. what i heard when i was down there with him was the opposite of that. he was essentially saying we cannot have people in the republican party -- >> here's my difference with
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him. what i hear is the difference between a guy i knew growing up as a congressman, a guy in the military, to want to be a southern united states senator. a great tradition of those guys. they were democrats in the old days, now they're republicans. they love the institution. they love working in the united states goth. they love the honor of serving in it. they believe in the body itself. the tea party people hate all that stuff. he's starting to sound like one of the haters out there. >> but he has to do that in order to protect that institution. from the tea party itself. he has to win first and that's the first accept step. and if you look at his record, he has acted like those southern representatives, democrats and republicans alike. he's very much into constituent service. >> we have 50 or 60 republicans doing what they have to do to appeal to the right, they're going to end up being a right-wing party. >> if that's what it takes to get through the primary, but then he can vote differently in the senate. he can talk about global warming in the senate, if that's what he buys. isn't that what you want?
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>> thank you. up next, another school shooting. it depresses me to do this. this time in oregon. the 74th shooting since the newtown massacre. it seems no other country seems to have this pattern. ♪ ♪ ♪ abe! get in! punch it! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! thanks, g. i tr ied depend last weekend. it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. unlike the bargain brand, depend gives you new fit-flex®, our best protection. it's a smooth and comfortable fit with more lycra strands.
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mississippi could put that senate race in play this november. looks like that could happen actually. chris mcdaniels in a runoff against republican senator thad cochran. mcdaniel has three-point lead over cochran. mcdaniel 51. cochran 48. that runoff is on june 24. ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ don't stop now, come on mony ♪ come on, yeah ♪ i say yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ 'cause you make me feel ♪ like a pony ♪ so good ♪ like a pony ♪ so good ♪ like a pony [ male announcer ] the sentra
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teacher was injured. ed police say the shooter likely killed hymn. it was only two days ago, of course, sunday, a police officer and a good samaritan were gunned down by a husband and whief duo. today's shooting was the 116th mass shooting incident in the country this year. according to a website that tracks them. it was the 74th scoot shooting since the massacre at sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut, according to the new group, every town for gun safety. virginia teg, sandy hook, ford hood, come lull bien, the washington navy yard, the aurora movie theatre back in 2012 that killed 12 people. the tucson shooting where congressman gabby gifford was shot and six people were killed. what accounts for this horror
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and why is this such a uniquely american phenomenon? shannon watts is the founder of moms demand action for gun sense in america. anyway, this afternoon, president obama was asked about the recent mass shootings. he said his biggest frustration as president so far has been the fact that, quote, this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who do unbelievable damage. here he is. >> we're the only developed country on earth where this happens. and it happens now once a week. and it's a one-day story. there's no other place like this. the country has to do soul searching about this. this is becoming the norm. and we take it for granted in a ways that as a parent are terrifying to me. >> why is this so american?
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and those of us who love this country, which is everybody watching pretty much, we wonder why is it -- i know it's part t house, life, total independence, but that part of it, the gun part, and the use of the availability of guns to people who shouldn't have them is now manifest and known to everyone watching. and they're going to treat it like groundhog day and ignore it and laugh it off, not laugh it off but dismiss it or think about why the president is thinking about, why us, why here? >> when voters' real fear of having their family slaughters at the mall, college, cops going down to the pizza parlor, when the voters' real fear eclipses the phony exaggerated fear of a tyrannical government coming to confiscate your guns, then we'll have change. i've seen you say it and you're so right that people ought to
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blame the gun lobby or the nra, but those supporters in the nra support the nra's position. it's up to the voters of america to vote for the representatives, senators, congressmen, and state leaders that will make the necessary changes, not gun confiscation but the necessary steps like the moms demand action ideas and mental health issues that would make us safer, make our kids safer, make america safer. >> shannon, i grew up watching cowboys on television. i love gunshomoke and all those shows. and wyatt upperand all those shows, there were gun ordinances. check them at the city line. there was a notion you just didn't walk around with impunity shooting each other and the sense there were local laws to protect too many people prom too many laws. and now the idea that any restriction on a gun, anything short of open carry in any barroom in america, we're somehow unconstitutional.
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i think this has gotten crazy. by their theory, you should have a buzooky walking around, blowing away anyone in front of you if they cause your trouble. your thoughts? >> i do blame the gun lobby and the nra for this. they created a monster who no longer obeys them. if you look at school shootings, what the president said, the country needs to do soul sho searching. it's not the country, it's congress. we support background checks, 90% of us support -- >> why don't people vote on this issue? >> we are. >> no, no, i want to explain something to you. you know the difference as well as i, but i want to reiterate this. if you're like some people and all you vote on is gun rights, it's your only issue, you beat the people who think about it once in a while. until gun control people go in the voting booth with nothing else on their mind, not benghazi, not anything else but stopping the crazy availability of guns in this country will they be able to stand up to the gun lobby. >> you're right.
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we're going to make it one of the top issues for women in this country. we're getting at least 1 million people to committing with gun sense in the 2014 midterms. >> your response to that, jim? >> you're both right. shannon is right and you're right, but you're saying it from different angles. lot me put it together because you're both saying the same thing. the people feel this way, but the people don't tranls mitt that into action. when we say not one more, what that means is you need to register to vote and you need to vote. you neat to vote for a candidate that will make the changes. whatever party or independent, it doesn't matter, if they will support to block the violence at some level, reasonable restrictions on mental health issues, then you'll have the change. >> i like the old argument of the nra, or the people who support gun rights which is guns don't kill people, people do. okay, go with that, and top those people from having guns, the ones you're talking about. the guns don't just fire by themselves. some nutty person goes out there
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with some political attitude using those guns. thank you. we'll be back on this issue a lot, i hate to say, because of the news. shannon, thanks for joining us. great points. we'll be back after this. ♪ ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ [ birds squawking ] my mom makes airplane engines that can talk. [ birds squawking ]
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politics. i wrote about them in my first book. when someone breaks the rules, you can almost hear someone saying, it just goes to show, and then how to deal effectively with people if you want to get ahead and stay there. then there are the unpredictables, the game changers, the events and people who pop on the screen and squirm free of expectations and change the course of mighty rivers. i'm thinking of fdr who came back from polio, and harry truman who came back from the political dead. i'm thinking of ronald reagan who came back twice and picked up the pieces or barack obama who came out of nowhere to win a term in the white house. the success of the clintons is dare i say the obvious, impossible to predict. bill got beaten for congress in his first raand then got elected arkansas governor, then got booted from office and then came back and won multiple terms. he got to give the key note address at the 1998 democratic national convention, ended up
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delivering a bomb. came back with a saxophone to make himself a star on the johnny carson show. the next time around, he got himself elected pres only to lose control of congress. he got impeached to end his term with high approval. he had a mark rich pardon, but ended up hugely popular in the country. hillary's forjectory is almost as unpredictable. she survived the impeachment mess by maintaining her dignity. ran for and won the senate seat in new york, ran for presidential and fell short in the delegate race, and is clearly positioned now to run for president again. no one can say what the future holds in politics. the one sure bet is that the clintons will carry on to the finish line. they ran initially as two for the price of one and then stopped saying that. does anyone truly believe they have stopped thinking that? the clintons are clear of
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winston church hill's thought, there are two forms of success. in ultimate, i put my marbles on bill and hillary clinton. if you haven't noticed, quitting isn't in their game plan. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for joining us. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. we have a full show for you tonight, including my interview with elizabeth warren coming up shortly. first, this was the scene near portland, oregon, earlier today. >> okay, we've confirmed now there's an active shooter. the sheriff's office confirming there is an active shooter at reynolds high school. >> there are a lot of people out here, even students, who hadn't quite gone into class yet, who are crying with tears in their eyes, on their cell phones, trying to find out more information.
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