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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  June 12, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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70 miles outside of baghdad and are on the move. iraqi television also just broadcast pictures allegedly showing iraqi warplanes bombing insurgent positions in and around the northern city of mosul which the insurgents captured tuesday. the offensive come as iraqi troops on the ground, many of them trained by the united states abandoned their posts, leaving their american weapons behind. the iraqi government is canning the u.s. to consider intervening with air strikes. why is this all happening thou? sunnis ruled iraq for 13 centuries until the u.s. invasion toppled saddam hussein, ushering in a shiite regime. the sunnis want their country back and they oppose the shiite government of prime minister nuri al maliki which has excluded them from power. new york times correspondent sudad alsucceahi joins us live baghdad. what are you hearing from the
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ground? >> we are -- they control two military bases, western tikrit. one of them, the air forces and the other one is the air force base and, of course, over the last few days they let soldiers leave, took hundreds of shiite soldiers and captured them and other places. and they already are in the northern part of samarra city, just away from samarra. they took control of a city 70 miles north of baghdad and then nothing happened since then in the last few hours. it sounds like they are trying to rebuild the local government
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as our sources suggested and to nominate a new governor who is an iraqi army officer and also nominate a military commander for what they call the military council. he is also a former iraqi army officer. now they are negotiating to get into samarra. they are expecting that they a bandzonned everything as they did in mosul and tikrit, but in samarra everyone knows that everything can't be changed. it won't be just about the troops. there is someone else that will get into the picture and we are expecting a big setback that maybe could erupt in any minute
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in samarra. >> also, people are remarking at how quickly the insurgents have been able to infiltrate and make these gains in the past two days. we know that this has been simmering. there have been many, many casualties, beyond the simmering point here, but the significance of the past two days and the rapid speed the insurgents have moved to secure key cities here has been astounding. >> actually, it was not expected and not what militants did and what was an early shock and surprise was the -- the city is collapsing with the security forces, and they didn't even show -- that was a shock for everyone, for the officials and for people, everyone looked like they shocked and they didn't expect this alongside that loss
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in 11 years and the leaders happened and military and policemen and the soldiers and policemen abandoned their weapons and vehicles and their uniform on their positions and just left. it wasn't expected for everyone. this was really a big shock. >> suadad al salhy, thank you very much. let me bring in jim miklaszewski and nbc news terrorism analyst evan coleman. i'll start with you because the united states has been asked to intervene with air strikes here. what has been the the response? >> well, so far the white house has said no at least twice, as we understand it, to requests from nuri al maliki the iraqi leader. to launch air strikes against those militant encampments particularly in the west and the
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northwest in an effort to drive them back, but i can tell you there are a number of different reasons why this is very complicated. first, you know, some here even in the pentagon feel that it would then drag the u.s. back into the iraq war, but there is an operational concern, too because too effectively launch air strikes you have to have good intelligence. so to do in a short order or without american boots on the ground you'd have to rely on the iraqis and then you have to wonder are they just settling scores -- >> i'm sorry to interrupt you. i want to take our audience to the senate floor. john mccain is addressing the latest crisis in iraq on the senate floor. let's listen in. >> strategic disaster assisted by withdrawal from iraq. iraq's terrorists are becoming a full-blown army. one of the smartest guys that i have encountered side this guy
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named dexter fillkins with great experience. he has an article in the the new yorker and i quote, extremist iraq's rice america's legacy. when they invaded in march 2003 they destroyed the iraqi state and he goes on to say, he said -- um, the negotiations between obama and maliki fell apart in no small measure because of a lack of engagement by the white house. today many iraqis including some close to maliki say a small force of american soldiers working in non-combat roles would have provided a crucial stabilizing factor that is now missing from iraq. a maliki confidant told me for my article this spring, quote, if you had a few hundred here, not even a few thousand they would be cooperating with you and they would become your partners. president obama wanted the americans to come home and maliki didn't particularly want them to stay. the trouble is, as the events of
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this week show, what the americans left behind was an iraqi state that was not able to stand on its own. what we built is now coming apart. this is the real legacy of america's war in iraq. and if i sound angry it's because i am angry because during this whole period of time, for example, "the washington post," in an editorial will this morning, quote, iraqi quote, "success." i quote dennis mcdonogh, then deputy national security adviser and now white house chief of staff told reporters in 2011 that mr. obama, quote, said what we're looking for is an iraq that's secure, stable and self-reliant and that's exactly what we've got here. so there's no question that this is a success. you know, sometimes we're going to hold people responsible for their policies as well as their
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words. to declare that a conflict is over does not mean that it necessarily is over. there's a great piece by daniel hamminger this pomorning in "th wall street journal" jen titled while obama filleds. it is turning into a second syria or b, a restored fate, the world's wildfires are going to consume the obama legacy and leave his successor a nightmare mr. president, what needs to be done now? well, every hour the options become fewer and fewer. >> we are listening to senator john mccain on the tsenate floo. i have with me evan coleman, jim miklaszewski and his anger at
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unfinished. let me go to bobby gosch here to respond to different things said by senator mccain including that this is the legacy of president obama and actions taken. nuri al maliki turned down, as you pointed out obama's desire to leave troops behind in iraq. >> yes. look, there are questions to be asked about the quality of training that these iraqi soldiers got from the u.s. military and it affects the leg cease of both bush and obama, but let's not forget that obama wanted to leave just as he's doing in afghanistan, some soldiers and up to 30,000 at some point there's up to 30,000 soldiers in iraq and nuri al maliki and the iraqi government turned him down. i wonder how he feels about that this morning. it was not so much that the united states voluntarily withdrew all of its soldiers. we wanted to keep some there. we were told thanks, but no thanks. >> again, this is also about the partnership. who is in charge of that
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country. the prime minister of that country has been accused of excluding sunnis from power. so what we are seeing here, even if those troops were properly trained by u.s. troops, and that could be debated, i'm sure. even if that was the case, when you are looking at a leader eliminating or excluding an entire population of people, what possibly could come from that of good, evan? >> look, there's no doubt that al maliki has alienated sunnis in iraq, but let's not confuse two things. maliki created things for this. and you have to think about this as a balloon with air in it. you squeeze one side of the balloon and the air goes to the other side. what's going on in this group and the islamic state of iraq and syria, their backs are up against the wall in syria right now. they're fighting with al qaeda and they're getting killed by al qaeda and other jihady groups there. they're fighting and disagreeing and quarreling with everybody.
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what happened? they came home. the leaders of this group are all iraqis. and the islamic state of iraq in syria were actually a militant group that american forces fought previously. >> this is al qaeda in iraq. it took a new name, it split from al qaeda and it expanded into syria, but what's happened is over the last year it has gradually gotten into a very catastrophic fight with al qaeda, with al asham and other insurgent groups and now they're going back home because most of the leaders of this group are, in account fact iraqis and theyg back to where they came from. >> and this resulting in the taking over of mosul, tikrit. >> mosul, tikrit, samarra. let's remember this is occurring because of the fact that they are losing in syria, that they are suffering defeats and losses in syria. that's what's causing this. so there's no doubt that al will maliki deserves blame. there's no doubt in my mind that i think the u.s. should be
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involved in air strikes targeting these camps. that may be a mistake we make, but let's not mistake what the cause is here. the cause is what's going on in syria. >> i agree with that. that's completely true. we can't take much joy in the fact that they're losing in syria when now in iraq they're gaining control of entire cities. they're gaining control of enormous amounts of military hardware, american-made military hardware and access to banks to where they're able to take out $500 million worth of cash as we heard yesterday. yeah, they may have been pushed out of syria and have come back to iraq and they're much more powerful in iraq than they used to be. this gives them a new prestige in the world of jihad and this gives them more ammo to take back to the fight. >> i want to bring in mick in on that point and the iraqi soldiers abandoning their american equipment and you heard bobby gosch make the point this makes them more powerful and more well armed to go back into syria. again, what are we anticipating
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even hearing raps todperhaps to? >> when you talk to officials about the fact that those forces were overrun very quickly and they abandoned their uniforms and their weapons and all their equipment and as one person told me, look, you can train them to shoot a gun. you can can train them tactics, but you can't instill allegiance in any of them, and according to officials here there appears to have been a total abandonment of their -- of their post and their weapons because they are sympathetic with the cause. so it's a very complicated situation, and back to the fact that maliki is now asking for air strikes by the u.s., manned aircraft and drones, there's not much enthusiasm for exploring that avenue because they say to do it effectively you would have to put american boots on the ground to capture the intelligence, to figure out who it is exactly they're attacking
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and there's no stomach here. >> absolutely. >> certainly at the white house for putting american troops on the ground. so temporarily, they'll send more ammo, more advice, but no troops, at least for now. >> that same ammo can fall into the wrong hands again. >> right now we're seeing on al qaeda messaging forms, people from the islamic state putting out calls saying we've got aircraft now. we've taken over helicopters and aircraft. we don't have pilots. if you're a pilot and you support us come to us now and help us. that's scare. >> realistically, bobby. iraq cannot forever be the u.s.' problem. we know what happened. the loss of lives and treasure. we know the great divide, that war created within politics here, but when you see an elder statesman like senator john mccain yet again saying a country, another country now needs the intervention of the united states and blaming this on the current administration,
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knowing that this president all along disagreed with the war and was largely the reason he was elected here. this then drives it back into the domestic politics of its obama's fault. >> mccain is blaming mcdonogh for saying everything was fine. it wasn't just mcdonogh. it wasn't this president who declared mission accomplished. the iraqis were saying a cup overall years ago the democratically elected iraqi government was saying everything is okay. americans can leave. we have confidence in our military and we know how to take care of our problems. once people tell you they don't need you, you can't impose yourself on them and that's the position they were -- >> and despite the daily reports and if people were paying attention with the number of casualties in iraq, this has not been the headline, but the numbers have been staggering as the world watched the crisis in ukraine and watched the crisis in syria without, i think,
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awareness of what it it said for iraq. >> this is not new news, unfortunately. >> yes. >> they did just take mosul and tikrit, but they've taken over large parts of iraq and have been holding them for a while. >> so what's next here? what do you anticipate next, evan? >> the u.s. has to make a decision as to whether or not we want to get involved and i don't think we have a choice because there are individuals fighting with the islamic state of iraq and they have the area to try to carry out attacks in europe and the united states. it's not a theory. it's not a question. it's a fact and it's not one person and it's not two people. there are a number of different people who we picked up that are doing this. this is a question of u.s. national security and i don't see much choice we have, but to get involved. >> and that's exactly the problem. the problem doesn't stay in iraq and we don't take comfort that it's happening there and there are at least 70 americans who joined the fight in syria. hundreds of europeans and these people will be coming home, bringing home with them the lessons that they've learned and
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the anger that they're experiencing and that's going to be a problem. >> we'll continue to follow the breaking news throughout the hour. mick, thank you so much for your information from the pentagon. bobby gosch and we'll continue to bring you the latest information from the senate floor. >> developing now these are pictures from sao paulo, where there are police clashes ahead of the most expensive world cup in history with threats of workers walking out, the nation of brazil is facing huge expectations. we are just learning republican congressman jeb hensarling from texas will not run for majority leader and we'll get a look at the other republicans jocking for that position as eric cantor reflects on his stunning loss. >> i was in my district every week. there is a balance between holding a leadership position and serving constituents at home. we'll take you live to capitol hill, virginia and this. suspect may be driving a light or white-colored ford
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bronco. suspect is possibly armed. use caution. today marks 20 years since the double murder that set off the infamous o.j. simpson bronco chase and the trial of the century as it was called. we'll preview a new film looking at the impact on race, justice and society and you can join our conversation on twitter. you can find me @tamronhall and my team is @newsnation. r ] there's a gap out there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. ♪ let's close the gap between people and care. the was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley.
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within the last hour texas congressman jeb hensarling, he will not run for house majority lead are. he was considered one of the front-runners and his statement says after prayerful reflection, i have come to the conclusion that this is not the right office or the right time for me
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and my family. the debate is over over why he lost his job in the first place and how it could impact the party's overall message coming into the midterms. in a press conference yesterday, cantor addressed his stunning defeat by relatively unknown tea party candidate dave brat and while he did not weigh in specifically on why he thinks he loss, he did address the speculation that he did not spend enough time in his home district in virginia. >> i was in my district every week, so i -- you know, there is a balance between holding a leadership position and serving constituents at home, but never was there a day did i not put the constituents of the 7th district of virginia first, and i will continue to do so. >> meanwhile, the vote on a new house majority leader is set for a week today and luke ruser joins me now. you heard developing news regarding congressman hensarling and many other names are on the list there. what are you hearing? >> this news from jeb hensarling
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is significant, tamron, because he was shaping up to be the conservative alternative to house whip kevin mccarthy who said would run for the position. kevin mccarthy is now the number three and looks to have a clear pathway to the number two. the conservative will run for that spot. he doesn't have the same poll that jeb hens arling has. from what we're hearing from leadership sources, he has the support and he has the votes and they'll move on that next week. the one to look at is the number three. that's the establishment versus the tea party wing. this is scalise from louisiana. he's from the conservative wing of the house gop conference. he's really tight with leadership and that one can come down to the wire and a lot of folks i've been talking to have been saying they think they give an edge to scalise simply
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because the leadership would mind inoculating themselves by having a more cob are conservative member in the top three especially after what happened to eric cantor tuesday night. >> let me bring in republican strategist ellen stewart and director of the university virginia center of politics and the author of the book "the kennedy half century." let me start with you and what mr. cantor said yesterday regarding the criticism to why he lost which included lack of attention being paid to his home state and district. >> well, that may be his view, but i can tell you for sure that it is not the view of many of his constituents in the 7th district. i've been bombarded with emails and tweets and last night had a long talk session with richmonders in that district and they felt that he had essentially abandoned them. a number of people mentioned that he rarely, if ever, had town halls and when they saw him
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at all he was kind of surrounded by a pretorian guard and of course, he has security because of his leadership position, and they sensed, and i think they're correct. i've known eric since he was elected to the state legislature in his 20s. he's changed a lot. he's become much more ambitious, much more calculating. he was looking for the speakership. he was a national power. he was known internationally, and you know, the folks in the 7th district didn't mind his notoriety, but they did want to be remembered and taken into his calculous. they felt they were abandoned. >> what about his team around him usually? yes, people become more ambitious especially in that town, but his team around him, how did they not see this seeping from their fingers, perhaps maybe not the national media and people conclude things all of the time especially someone so high ranking and was there no one around to pull his
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coattail about the possibility that he could be facing the loss of his seat? >> apparently not. >> gosh. >> he's had challenges before and he's always managed to fend them off fairly easily. he got some truly awful polling. >> yeah. >> that's been examined thoroughly now and has been found to be wanting to say the least. people in that kind of power and position do tend to attract yes people. i think we all know that and it's not just politics when that occurs. >> allison, let me bring you in regarding this issue why he lost. you heard him address the notion that he'd not been attentive, but yesterday's headlinesal northwest dominated by the thought that it was his belief that some type of dream act should pass where children who were brought into this country for no reason of their own, they did not do something illegally to be brought into this country, should have an opportunity to live here. this armchair quarterbacking
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now, two days, do we have an answer? >> well, hindsight is always 20/20, and of course, he's going to say that he always had the interest of the 7th district of the highest priority, but the fact of the matter is as larry said he was a loofr and his staff was aloof and distant and we had a runoff tuesday night in arkansas and there were d.c. folks here for that and they agreed he wasn't in touch with the people for an elected d.c. congressman, living so close to his district. he should have spent much more time there and any -- this is a lesson for all elected officials. when you're in d.c., if you're an elected official and you ignore the electorate you won't be re-elected. >> the larger issue -- >> let me ask you the larger issue for the party, though, overwhelming since, at least the day after that this was about immigration reform and you had a number of people that this means immigration reform is dead, will we see members of the republican
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party take the same steps that eric cantor took regarding even the dream act. >> i think what we're going to see is no more movement on any kind of immigration reform. clearly, brat did a good job of making that a key issue and certainly cantor's support for amnesty for dreamers was a big focus, but he also highlighted the fact that we can't have wall street politicians and we need to do away with big government and we need to focus on the constitution and this right here, my view is symbolic of we're not going to hear anymore about immigration reform and that was one of many factors that led to cantor's defeat, but it was certainly one of them at a time when we're having an influx of these illegal immigrants coming across the country and the problem where we have an immigration problem. it's going to be a concern for the administration. >> lastly, larry, quickly. the leadership battle that is ongoing right now, what do you see is the takeaway ultimately
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for the body. you have reports that speaker boehner was almost in tears after the conversation he had with cantor yesterday at reflection. >> well, you know, after a good cry, i think maybe the speaker and the other leaders and the republican party should think about how they broaden their coalition. they can get through a midterm election and do reasonably well because of low turnout, but the real challenge for them is taking that party and broadening it so that they can compete in a presidential election. >> all right, larry, alice, thank you both for your time. we appreciate it. thank you. developing now the first match of the world cup kicks off in just a few hours and police are clashing with protesters right now, but after billions of dollars and years of planning many are worried brazil cannot live up to the expectations. we are going go there live with the latest as well as the clashes with police happening with protesters. if i can impart one lesson to a
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these are live pictures right now in from brazil where the world cup is set to kick off in a matter of hours. despite the excitement there have been a number of clashes today between riot police and protesters in sao paulo where the opening games will be played. police used tear gas against demonstrators near the access road to the stadium. the protests come amid serious concerns that the country is not properly prepared for the massive event. at $len 1/2 billion, this is the most expensive world cup in history costing twice as much as the previous tournaments combined. joining us is los angeles times brazil correspondent vincent v bevins. we have live pictures up right now. what is the latest on the ground that you're hearing? >> the protest wasn't very large. it was only a few hundred people, but the police seem to have got it down very quickly and very forcefully and we have reports that five people have
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been injured including three journalists. one producer from cnn has reportedly been hit with a tear gas canister. she is okay, but she has sustained injuries. while these first are looking for a way to reconvene somewhere else in the city. it is not clear if this will happen. >> the president of brazil has said in a prime time speech, she has no doubts that the counts of the cup are meticulously analyzed if there exists any irregularity, those responsible will receive the maximum punishment, this is her refer to allegations of mismanagement of money and that is why the protests have taken place. we've run into some technical problems during our interview with vincent. as you well know, skype does not always work out as we would like.
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nevertheless, we will continue to follow the dweptevelopments. several stadiums are not done it will host the games. three people have died while building that stadium. there were threats of workers walking off the job as well, but i think we have vincent. vincent, are you there? >> i can hear you now, yeah. let's just quickly talk about the stadiums. as i mentioned, several of them unfinished and many asking how is the show going to go on when one of the main stadiums which will host today's opening game was one that was not complete. >> it's not going to be complete. the roof was not finished and the last match that we had for the stadium which was the sunday before last, one part of the bleachers was not approved by the fire department for being safe and for people to sit in. this will be the first time that the stadium has ever been full of people. the fire department has put
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sand -- >> we've lost vincent again. we do apologize. so we're going move on, but we wanted to get you as much information as possible as the world is watching brazil in what is a situation certainly that is not the most desirable, to say the least, for that country. coming up, why texas governor rick perry compared homosexuality to alcoholism. it is one of the things we just thought you should know this morning and amare stoudemire from the new york knicks will join us live. we'll talk about his new cookbook and how he juggles being a father of four. and tomorrow on ronan farrow will daily, ronan sits down with angelina jolie to talk about her crusade to end sexual violence in war. that is tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. eastern. drop it in a wood chipper, woah that's don't oh! that's bad yupstands up to most everything... within reason get it for zero down from at&t
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within 70 miles of the capital of baghdad. its warplanes bombed insurgent positions near mosul, iraq's second largest city which the insurgents captured on tuesday. the iraqi government is asking for u.s. airstrikes and something senator john mccain just urged on the senate floor. mccain blasted the administration's national security team. >> i say to the president of the united states, get a new national security team in place. you have been illserved by the national security team and the decisions that you have in place now and the decisions that you made. and have that new national security team come up with a strategy. a strategy to do whatever we can to prevent this direct threat to the national security of this nation. >> we'll continue to follow the latest developments including any response from the white house today with the crisis ongoing in iraq and we'll update you on what the situation is there as we get more details in.
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today marks 20 years since nicole brown simpson and ron goldman were murdered, touching off a trial that gripped and divided this count row. who can forget where they were when they saw o.j.'s white bronco sailing down the freeway in a slow-speed chase that had 95 million americans glued to their tv sets and the trial according to crime, the u.s. industry lost more than $25 billion as workers turned away from their jobs to tune in. at one point 74% of americans could identify kato kaelin, but only 25% could identify the vice president. 142 million listened to the radio and watched tv as the not guilty verdict was read. its two-hour documentary, o.j., trial of the century and it relies on archival material alone to tell the story.
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>> in america we have the presumption of innocence, not the assumption of guilt. >> the fact that the case has been filed means that we do have sufficient evidence to convict him and prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. >> i read on the way over here the summary of the findings by their criminologists. they are not conclusive. >> i think with all of the questions that we've been getting about the public sympathy for mr. simpson we should not forget the fact that we have two victims who were brutally slain. >> joining me now is nicole meyer, the documentary's executive producer. thank you for your time. >> thanks, tamron. >> i am so intrigued that you decided to use the archive interviews as opposed to new interviews i'm sure you were able to get. what's the theory there? >> sure. sure. well, the idea is there's going to be tons of interviews happening, re-visiting the case 20 years later and people offering their opinions. what we really wanted to do was
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provide the experience of watching the case unfold. so we actually don't have any sitdown interviews, per se. what you see is all the outtakes and additional footage of the whole crime unfolding in front of you like a movie. >> like the raw emotion of what we were all feeling watching this. >> that's right. that's right. >> 20 years later i often hear people say there's new information uncovered or new details. do you believe we know all there is to this case? obviously, except for whether or not according to the courts, o.j. simpson did it. >> do we? i think someone has all of the pieces, i think we know enough to be able to make judgments to know about his relative guilt or innocence. >> regarding some of the players. kato kaelin was on the "today" show. if i worked people said i wasec mroiting the case.
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if i didn't work people said i was lazy and a freeloader there. how this impacted these individuals and even how they've changed. when we look at that video to know that johnnie cochran is no longer with us and kato kaelin is still trying to explain his life is intriguing, as well. >> that's the cool thing about watching this this way is that we're bringing all of that hindsight, 20 years of, you know, everything. knowing what happened with johnnie cochran afterward, knowing what happened with o.j. going to prison afterward, but we are re-living the moment at that time as it unfolded. >> like the president of i.d. who is also my boss, i should point out said o.j. represented a watershed moment for this country's perception of the legal system and indeed a transformative event in the racial and social history of our nation as the person who put this documentary together and obviously like the rest of us who watched it all along, do you
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remember where you were when even the chase itself happened or the verdict? >> sure. sure. the verdict, in particular because that -- talk about a watershed moment. i was sitting in a room with a bunch of white people. i was in graduate school, and i remember, you know, having the sense of, like, how did that happen? that's one of the things that we wanted to revisit. hopefully you can watch this and see and come away with an understanding that -- that you might not have had at that time because -- just because it was too much. >> all right. it's an interesting documentary, and i will be watching. i'm sure along with a lot of other people. thank you so much for your time, nicole and congratulations for getting the project on the ground. we appreciate you joining us to talk about it. >> thanks. amare stoudemire is just in time out for the summer heat, with a cookbook, and come o nba finals and his new head coach. i love that just washed freshness,
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there's a lot going on this morning. rick perry is comparing being gay to alcoholism during a speech last night in san francisco, someone asked if he thought homosexuality was a disorder. he said, quote, i may have a genetic coding that i'm inclined to be an alcoholic but i have the desire not to do that and i look at the homosexual issue the same way. and these are pictures of how former president george h.w. bush is celebrating his 90th birthday. this is the helicopter taking off last hour, carrying mr. bush for a skydive over maine at the age of 90. he jumped for the retired member of the golden knights, that is pretty spectacular. those are things we thought you should know today. as nba finals heat up, there have been a number of shake-ups
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within the league. among the latest has been the selection of derek fisher, and one of the players on his new team is also shaking things up from the court to -- getting people to eat heg healthier amar'e teamed up for 100 recipes for pros in the kitchen. . amar'e joins us now onset. cooking, did that come natural to you? where did you learn to cook? >> growing up in florida, we always barbecue and family comes over and music, and the atmosphere brings the family together. bringing in my personal chef, i started to now a new skill for the skill for the culinary world. >> you have four kids in the house, can't always go out and have fast food. they need something delicious and healthy at home. were they part of the reason?
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>> no fast food in night household. >> no mcdonald's. >> no mcdonald's, nothing, state farm to table food. so having four children you want to instill in them great eating at the young age. when they get our age it won't be as much of a strug. >> what's your favorite thing to cook? i hear the kosher barbecue is amazing. >> it's great. i eat kosher, nothing but clean animals so -- >> for people who don't know your background, you research your family's lineage -- >> and went back to hebrewic lynn yaj, it was great to know that and eating kosher is great for the body and healthy and great for the children. >> let's talk about your new coach. are you ready for that? >> yep. derek fisher is going to be good for us. i played with him when i played in phoenix. >> when you play against a guy and then he's now your coach. >> it's my first time dealing
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with this. it's going to be new. with having him as a coach, it's going to be great. we have phil jackson who can help skill him and i'm sure he'll put together a nice staff to support him. >> what was missing from the knicks this year? >> we didn't buy in from the start. >> what does that mean? >> meaning, you know, coaching staff gives you a certain philosophy to follow, the season will go up and down. so i think next season we've got to buy in from the start and try to perfect it before the playoffs and once the playoffs hit, now you're rolling. >> how does it feel when you're watching the heat and spurs play, i would imagine you want to be in the finals. >> it's tough. every year i compete for a championship. to miss the playoffs this year, the second time in night career, it's hard to deal with. on the flip side of that, if you'll be open tis mystic, it
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gives me more time to train and prepare for next season. >> one way to look at it. i don't know if i'm buying it -- but meanwhile, who womill take heat or spurs? >> spurs are playing well but i think miami is going to take it. >> come on, man, spurs, you're talking to a texan. >> is that right? >> you can still get his book, by him, i mean this knicks player. anyway, thank you amar'e and happy father's day. >> thank you. >> amar'e is feeding the entire crew kosher barbecue. we're going to tweet out pictures. are you in? >> i'm down. >> up next "andrea mitchell reports." [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills.
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estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. and go to this is worth talking about. and i'm his mom at the dog park. the kids get trail mix, and here's what you get after a full day of chasing that cute little poodle from down the street. mm hmm delicious milo's kitchen chicken meatballs. they look homemade, which he likes almost as much as making new friends yes, i'll call her. aww, ladies' man. milo's kitchen. made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. the best treats come from the kitchen. right now, the uprising, major cities in iraq are overrun, falling to an al qaeda
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linked militant group, including many of the same insurge enlts the u.s. fought during nearly a decade of war. as the militants set their sites on baghdad will the u.s. intervene again. >> if i sound angry, it's because i am angry. to declare that a conflict is over is it not mean that it necessarily is over. it's time that the president got a new national security team. it's time that he got a group of people together that know what it is to succeed in conflict. >> this is not just a syrian problem anymore. i never thought it was just a syrian problem. i thought it was a regional problem. i could not have predicted, however, the extent to it which it could be seizing cities in iraq and trying to create boundaries. >> defeated in the primary,


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