tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC June 18, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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this is "now." >> a political solution is the only viable solution. >> major developments in iraq. >> militants are continuing their campaign to try to topple the iraqi government. president obama meeting with congress at leaders zpl he needs to outline and overall strategy. >> give me a scenario as a snow ball's chance of hell of succeedi succeeding. >> to see if there's a political solution -- >> where the battlefield turns our way without u.s. air power. >> one option off the table, air strikes. >> empty threats, meaningless red lines, leading from behind. >> being on the right side of history. >> we hope you will join us in a hard but necessary task of restoring american strength and power. >> already tried it your way and
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it was the biggest foreign policy blunder in the history of the country. >> as he develops his strategy on iraq, president obama is getting counsel on all corners. moments ago the president met with congressional leaders. with the fight raging across that country, the political fight is roaring right here at home. there is the battle over what exact little the u.s. should do in iraq. senator lindsay graham is fixing to start with some bombing. >> give me a scenario where political reconciliation in baghdad has a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding as long as they are losing on the battle field. give me a scenario where the battlefield turns our way without u.s. air power. >> then there is the fingerpointing about what just led to the latest meltdown in iraqi security.
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john mccain suggests that everything was going great until president obama pulled out american troops. >> iraq was largely under control thanks to david petraeus and the surge in 2011. if we left -- and it's a fact, if we left that residual force behind history would be very different. >> the reimagining of an alternate history is not at all fact based nor is it a fact. but in the confounding revisionist history department, no one can challenge the dominance of former vice president dick cheney who had the sheer audacity to co-author an op-ed in the wall street journal in which they assert, rarely has a u.s. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. >> here's the amazing part. cheney is not talking about the u.s. president who led america
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into a blood bath based on faulty intelligenceance sanctioned torture and savaged the representation around the world and then left the american economy in tatters, he is talking about president obama. just to drive home audacity and absurdity, in a cowboy hat. >> we stand at a critical moment in the life of our nation. the policies of the last six years have left america diminished and weakened. our enemies no longer fear us and our allies no longer trust us. >> the weakened america, the kpro miz eed trust about there,t was not a reality confessional about the bush administration. he is saying in a u tube video with a totally straight face and cowboy hat that the iraq mess is all president obama's fault. joining us now from washington is democratic congressman from new york's 16th district elliott
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engle, the ranking member on the house foreign affairs committee. thank you for joining me. i am still in disbelief that dick cheney recorded that video and made that op-ed. what was your reaction to it? >> well, in new york we have one word for it and that's called huts ba. >> i guess that's a word for it. >> i gets that's unmitigated gall would be the translation. you said it right, the incursion in iraq has been the worst strategic blunder since world with a ii and predicated on a lie, false information and it took the lives of thousands of americans, blood and money beyond belief dick cheney thinks he can now give advice or point fingers at this president makes me scratch my head. it's absolutely unbelievable. >> congressman, we know the
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president is meeting with congressional leadership about the very issue of what to do in iraq. while there does not seem to be a good option, there seems to be a consensus that something needs to be done. what do you think that thing is? >> that's what the president is trying to put together now because there's really no easy choice here. this is something that's very, very difficult. some people have suggested we make an alliance with iran. i think that would be a foolish thing to do. iran is making mischief in syria. what's happening in iraq is essentially a spillover of the civil war in syria. so i think that probably some action by the united states down the line to try to prevent isis from overrunning iraq is warranted but what that should be, we don't quite know. the reason why we have to interrupt isis and i'm not in
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favor of boots on the ground. what happened in afghanistan after the russians were thrown out, we walked away and afghanistan became a no man's land where al qaeda and terrorist groups could could plot attacks and if we allow them to keep swaths of iraqi territory, they would be plotting against the united states and we have to disrupt that. you don't just go in and drop bombs and do things, they have to be coordinated and make sense. the president is assessing what makes the most sense. i think he needs some time. i don't think he needs a lot of time but the very people that are criticizing him for doing nothing would criticize him if he did something in saying that's not what should be done. something else should or shubt be done. >> congressman, sorry to rupt you. i think a lot of people gloss over the fact when the president drew the red line on syria, he kicked it to congress to make a
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decision as they should and lawfully must as to whether we were going to do anything in syria. and congress basically said no. there was a lot of enthusiasm for doing something at that moment too. do you think this time is different? do you think congress will actually vote to do anything or support anything the president would like to do in terms of intervention in iraq? >> in terms of syria, there were a lot of us who believed the president doesn't have to come to congress, he had 60 days in which to act then come to congress. i guess some would argue the same as well. that's pretty much up in the air. the reason why the president never really got the vote in terms of syria, was because quite frankly, there was very little support on the republican side and it almost to me seemed like a political thing. then the democrats were really divided. so i think this is a very, very touchy thing. this is a spillover from what happened in syria. and i think we cannot look the
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other way in syria and we can't look the other way in iraq. we've got to find out what's the most effective and it's got to be also the international community. they cannot just be the united states. the middle east is a lot closer geographically to europe. our european allies have a stake in this too. >> congressman elliott engle, thank you for your time and thoughts. >> thank you. >> joining me now is the president and ceo of new american foundation and editor susan glosser. ann marie, can i start with you, we're going to talk a lot about what the president should or shouldn't do i'm curious to get your thoughts on it. you were at the state department when the drawdown of troops occurred. john mccain con tends if we had just left some american presence in iraq, none of this would be happening. do you agree with that? >> well, i agree with that but i
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don't think there was any way president obama could reach that result nor could george w. bush have reached that result. the iraqi government simply said no. and now we know that the iraqi government said no because they are backed by iran, prime minister maliki is backed by iran and iran had said absolutely not. it's not as if president obama didn't try very hard to do what had been envisioned by both george w. bush and president obama. but it was not in fact possible. that's really just a cheap shot. >> let me follow up on that. if you -- if the president didn't get to do what he wanted to do, was there a sense internally or at the state department that something -- a situation like this could arise or would be an inevitable outcome? >> well, we certainly worry very deeply about leaving completely but in the end as it became clearer that the force we were going to be able to leave was
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going to get smaller and smaller and ultimately was nothing, we also knew that that really ham. erred our ability to do the kind of development work and diplomatic work and on the groundwork that we thought iraq needed still to become a stable representative democracy of any kind. so we were aware of the dangers, but we had committed to ending the war. we tried to leave soldiers behind. the iraqi government simply would not agree on terms that we could accept. >> susan, let me go to you now to discuss -- this is a multidimensional crisis. on one hand it's a foreign policy issue. it also -- we have new polling numbers out and president is facing zsh does not have a huge amount of support when it comes to the american public in terms of his foreign policy chops and whether he can get it done to put it in terms dick cheney would understand. as he decides what to do on the foreign policy front. i wonder how much you think at
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this point domestic policy and domestic climate is informing if not completely determining the next steps in foreign policy. >> i think that's an important question. i mean, let's be honest. this is had a horrible quality of watching a slow motion car wreck happening here, ann marie had an important piece in the new york times making a point this is basically a regional war and very much connected to the civil war in syria next door. i think i'm reminded listening to this political debate of how much this seems familiar back to the political debate we had in washington in september of last year about whether or not to do anything more significant to intervene in the syrian civil war. i think there's a very similar process playing out right now. what's happening is both parties are out there positioning themselves and making noises because of the uncertainty what obama will do. we don't really know what his foreign policy is right now when it comes to iraq. >> ann marie, let's talk about
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the op-ed. you i think rightfully point out the interlinkage between iraq and syria, they are one in the same to a certain degree. >> they are. >> and the white house post tour of not doing much in syria has been greatly complicated by the fact they seem willing too do something in iraq. are you confident it will be a multipronged approach, they with do something about syria too? >> no, i'm not. that's why i wrote the op-ed. let me start with what president obama is doing right. he's telling the maliki government we are not going to lift a finger to help them unless they have the power sharing agreement with the sunnis and the kurds that is the only hope of a representative government that will in fact be able to achieve what the whole iraqi people want. he's talking to iran and i think he's right to talk to iran. those are two good things. what i'm very worried about,
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that we would act and use force in iraq and ignore the fact that this is a civil war in western iraq and eastern syria that the civil war in syria, the ongoing brutality by the syrian government is fueling this, so if we just act in iraq and don't act in syria, we're not going to accomplish anything. >> susan, beyond the actual foreign policy next steps, which remain highly unclear, there's a bigger question about where each party goes in terms of a foreign policy, in terms of articulating a foreign policy position. the neocons if we can still call them that, hawks from the iraq war are flapping back around. i wonder how much you think dick cheney's very vee memt disavow
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has more to do than it actually does criticism of this democratic white house? >> i think that's a really smart point. my own reading of it is that is obviously an op-ed and argument that's designed to appeal to the republican base. he's not going to be winning any converts in the white house to his preferred policy in iraq by taking such an approach to criticizing the president. i do think it probably tells you a lot about republican politics right now. i think the bottom line is polls are very consistent on this. this sort of america needs to focus on nation building here at home sentiment is actual little widespread across the political spectrum right now in both democrats and republicans. that's the predominant mode of thinking, there's very little stomach in the part of any american for getting back involved in a military way in iraq. you have this elite debate playing inside the beltway whether our national interest requires us to do something. but politically speaking,
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arguably the hawks and republican party have become a marginalized force in their party and this is them reasserting their voice. >> thank you both for your time thoughts. >> thank you. >> after the break, first it was dick cheney in the cowboy hat and now john mccain wants to throw people in gitmo. is this amnesia? is it neither of those things? dana milbank joins me to discuss the extraordinary reaction to the latest on benghazi
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. if you thought the chapt tour of khattala would bring cheers or thumb's up from benghazi obsessors you would be wrong. >> he's been doing television interviews and we could have taken him any time, even six months ago. >> took us 19 months to take him into custody at a time when we knew where his residence was and doing interviews with the president. >> many can't help but question the timing. what took so long? >> this guy has been drinking strawberry frap pays for 642 days. >> tonight when that interview hits there will be a twin narrative, the hillary clinton interview and capture of this terrorist. i don't think it's a coincidence. i think it was planned. >> all too neat and too cute. i want to give -- be grateful, give the pen fit of the doubt to authorities but it feels too neat. >> hillary clinton's campaign for president or hillary clinton's book sales or maybe just a burning white house desire to be cute. this is the confusioned logic
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conservatives are explaining away what should be a totally positive development, the capture of ahmed abu khattala. today all of this misguided reasoning seems to have taken a turn for the worse. in a statement released after khattala's capture, rather than rushing him and telling him he has the right to remain silent, i hope the administration will focus on the intelligence necessary to prevent future attacks. we hope they are not following the laws of the criminal justice system here. that was echoed by the senate minority leader. >> there has been a tendency in this administration to treat this like a law enforcement matter and read them their rights and get them a lawyer. i hope they are not doing that. >> the administration is not doing that, chkhattala is being
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questioned on the mediterranean. no miranda rights, no lawyer, none of that american criminal justice system nonsense. all good, republicans? maybe. senator lindsey graham told reporters, we should have some quality time with this guy, weeks and months. don't torture him, but have some quality time. not torture, but quality time. and then -- and then send him to gitmo, that was the course of action from rubio and cruz and even john mccain. the department of justice has announced it will try khattala in the u.s. corps system. conservatives are not happy about this at all. >> why exactly are we bringing this terrorist captured abroad here on to american soil to try him in the criminal courts? >> well, megan, again, because president obama is going to make
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matters worse once again. >> joining me now is political reporter, david weigel and political columnist dana milbank. between dick cheney resurfaces in a cowboy hat and people talking about throwing other people in gitmo, i don't know what quality time is, about that as a sinister ring to it. have we learned nothing? have we learned nothing in the last 12 years, 13 years? >> well the short answer is yes. we have learned nothing. i think what you have here is a situation of the dog that finally catches the car. now what? these guys have been saying for the last 20 months or so it's a disgrace for the families that they haven't caught these guys or brought the perpetrators to justice. this shows the administration doesn't care. okay, they got the guy. now what do they do? then you say, all right, then they are going to read them the miranda rights and not going to
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take them to gitmo, you play down the news which is what other outlets are doing. the whole scandal industrial complex needs to keep going and find somewhere else to go with this. >> dave, i was shocked to hear john mccain, someone disavowed g gitmo and called for its closing saying we should throw khattala in gitmo, the doj has an 87% conviction rate in civilian terrorism trials of the 779 detainees who pass through, only seven of them have been convicted. there's a massive difference in wait times between military tribunals and civilian courts. why then argue for gitmo given what it represents and the practical reality of it? >> this gets to what you were saying before, what his cowboy hat was saying before, in the absence of foreign policy consensus, it's easy to take
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whacks at the president and saying he's the wrong and weak one. i heard gitmo referred to by senator mark kirk as a place he wants to see as a black hole for terrorists. all you have to do is argue the president is doing the wrong thing. it's talk that when republicans are running for president, you're not seeing rand paul run to the front of the line as somebody who polls better and say, yes, throw him in chains forever. >> tantalist -- >> that was a gaffe. >> as far as poking a hole on benghazi and twitter and fund raising campaign, can you show the graphics, they are so outrageous. look at those graphics and fonts. what happens to this house select committee? >> they are certainly tied
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themselves in knots here. you would think that bringing this guy into the american criminal justice system would be exactly what they want because would you get all of this information out in public. so consistency has never been the strongest point here. you would think these guys, daryl issa would be cheering for getting this trial and getting the information out. it raises the question, is this in fact not about getting an answer on benghazi and getting somebody to click the button to make the 50 or $100 or higher -- >> or the purchasing power of the potential voter. >> dave, i think brian boiler made an important point in the difference in the way each party reacted to terror and the death of americans. brian points out democrats did not make a big show of calling for scalps over allowing nef9/1
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but rally with republicans against the people who actually did. dems major response was to pass the 9/11 commission recommendations and republicans use 9/11 in campaign ads for themselves. the way the republican party has reacted to not just the aftermath of benghazi but the capture of the man who may be principlely responsible for it has been dramatically different. i think in some ways inexcusable giving all of the rhetoric around supporting the president and supporting the country post 9/11. >> well, the scale of the two attacks, it's incredibly different. but the shift of the discussion, the shift of the acceptable bounds of the debate is interesting when you see how republicans do it versus how democrats did. after the fox news, the last people you quote who was saying on tv, that this capture might have happened in order to distract attention from hillary clinton's fox news interview. that was pete, who was for years a powerful republican up and coming republican operative and lost in the primary, now running
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concerned veterans for america, which is the group that kicked off the anger about the va system in arizona. this is a mainstream position being advanced by mainstream republicans and democrats were unwilling to talk when george bush was president. that has an effect. it has an administration that in this case, in the case of bergdahl was ready to celebrate something being shocked at how politically difficult everything can become when you have republicans assigning the weakness to them. >> assigning the motives of book sales for someone who is not even announced she is running for president. thank you both. >> thank you. >> coming up, four states, four executions in 24 hours. the equal justice initiative's brian steve venson joins me to discuss all of that just ahead. sfx: car unlock beep.
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by about 7:00 p.m. this evening, three hours from now, the government will have carried out four executions across four different states in less than 24 hours. these are first executions to take place since oklahoma's botched execution in april. that execution an excruciating 43 minutes of writhing and grimacing on gurney appeared to haunt courts across the country because before yesterday nine executions in a row were eej stayed on postponed. that period ended officially last night at 11:56 p.m. when an inmate in georgia was put to
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death. another in missouri was executed early wednesday morning. and in less than two hours, an inmate in florida will be executed by lethal injection. 60 minutes later, another prisoner in pennsylvania faces the very same fate. since oklahoma's messy execution, more attention has been paid to the secrecy surrounding the drugs use in lethal ingestion. in the face of drug shortage, 13 states have forced to keep that a secret. despite dozens of challenges from the media, the supreme court has to not decided to hear a full case on secrecy laws, not yet at least. joining me now, director of the equal justice initiative, brian steve venson. let me start if i may with you first. given all of the work you have done at eji and bringing it to the high court, do you think it is a matter of time before the
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supreme court hears a case involving the legality of these lethal injections? >> i do. i think the court was clearly unnerved and deeply vexed by the lack of execution. this is a court that has been very attentive to what thinks look like when it comes to administrating the death penalty. there's no mistake it looked like torture and cruelty in a very stark way. i do think the court will have to take this up. i think a lot of people were relieved that there was no dramatic evidence of torture and cruelty in the georgia execution, missouri execution, but the fact we're going into these executions with no real confidence, whether we're going to see something horrific or something that looks less horrific speaks to the real serious nature of this issue. >> we've talked about this numerous times on the show, the secrecy of cocktails, what has become clear is that in the botched execution, it seems and sounds as if the cocktail of
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drugs was not the issue but rather they were injected incorrectly which raises a whole series of questions about who is executing these people and what kind of training do they have. from your work, what do we know about the efficacy of these systems? >> i think -- first let me start when it comes to the drugs. we still need to question the drugs because states are keeping a secret, basic information about the drugs as well as the source. the secrecy is not just limited to the drugs, it's limited to what might be called the execution team on the death squad. these are people where we don't know their names or who they are or to what extent they've been sort of equipped to administer an iv -- >> or a lethal cocktail. >> to avoid an inmate's vain from exploding, from blowing out. so this is evidence that the american people do not stand
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behind the death penalty because if the american people did, why are states so committed to keeping everything a secret. it just proves just how cruel the death penalty is. >> and drug makers no longer want -- nobody wants to be associated with the death penalty, brian. and yet, these 24 hours that we are currently witnessing, they -- it's clear that the appetite for execution still exists. and i wonder if we can wax foll philosophical for a minute there is something about vengeance that seems deeply engrained in the american imagination or identity. do you wthink we will see an en? >> i think we will. the fact we've seen such movement on the death penalty over 20 years. we've had six states abolish the death penalty through legislative procedures. the state of california in 2012 came very close to ending the
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death penalty through a public referendum. i don't think there's no question the movement is away from executions but the politics of fear and anger are deeply rooted in america. you can't disconnect our love of the death penalty with the having the highest rate of incarceration in the world. but i do think there's growing pushback. the recent poll suggests for the first time in the last 50 years, more americans favor life in prisonment without parole over the death penalty. that will begin to change the politics of execution. and as we have more evidence that states are adopting things like state ee krets to carry out death penalties and engaging in cruel and wrong convictions of innocent people, i think you will see more retreat from the death penalty. it becomes a bigger burden than the so-called political benefit of looking tough. >> just the optics, whether the secrecy or suffering as exhibited in clayton locket's
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execution, we find ourselves in the company of china, iran, iraq, saudi arabia and somalia, the countries, the top six for executions among -- we are on that list as well. it seems that it is to brian's point, the american public seems to be distancing itself from the procedure. if they want to keep it available, perhaps with increasing -- not with frequency but with huge amounts of time perhaps between these executions. >> i think that your point is right about what does it mean for the u.s. to be the top five -- one of the top five executioners in the world. i think what we're seeing is that the american people are uncomfortable with the idea that something like a clayton lockette and what happened in oklahoma's death chamber could happen again. the more the american people learn what happens in the death chambers, when they hear about the correction officer that passed out three minutes before
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this individual was declared dead. when they hear about the impact -- i said a long time ago and i'll wrap up, martin luther king jr. said returning violence with violence only magnitudes or contributed to more violence. but i think with the american people is starting to really ask themselves is, what is justice? and the capital punishment in america is not justice. >> brian, real quick before we go. the other part that can't be ignored is the racial component. and that when we talk about justice as she says, it is about color blindness too and this part of our justice system is not at all color blind. >> that's right. we have a very racialized criminal justice system. no greater evidence of that than the death penalty which follows a legacy of torture and terror. it raises very serious questions about our commitment to racial justice. we allow these kind of executions to take place with these kind of features. >> let me say to everybody
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watching, these are two great organizations, amnesty international. it is great to have you on pt show. thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> after the break, the washington reagans? how about the washington department of football? whichever one you choose, the racist days of the redskins are numbered. details on that are next. at ag. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born.
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namely shutting down the government over epa rules. bertha coombs has a cnbc market wrap. >> the dow gaining 98 points and s&p 500 up 15 and nasdaq up more than 25 points. the fed cut its forecast for economic growth to 2.1 to 2.3% sees unemployment falling to 6.1%. that's a lower forecast as well. job growth will continue. back to you. defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. calcium citrate plus d. highly soluble, easily absorbed. at&t introduces the rugged galaxy s5 active drop it in a pitcher, no problem drop it in a wood chipper, woah that's don't oh! that's bad yupstands up to most everything... within reason get it for zero down from at&t
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cheese. >> president obama this weekend took on science deniers. how did science denying republicans take it? today they effectively said no, the moon is made of cheese. >> many scientists question the level of certainly behind specific climate change scenarios, others have shown gaps in knowledge of climate sensitivity and others have raised questions regarding the reliability of climate models. i'm not a scientist -- defined so broadly, that virtually all of the republican members of this committee would be among the 97%. >> the science denial does not stop at new rrhetoric. they are threatening to shut down the government over the newest pollution standards. senior house republicans are considering using a must pass government funding bill to block
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the new rule to limit greenhouse gas emission from coal fired power plants. on tuesday, numerous republicans expressed strong support for the idea. shutting down the federal government again one month before the midterm elections isn't the only reason this may not be a super great idea for the gop. according to a new nbc news wall street journal poll, 67% of americans strongly or somewhat support the president's new carbon emissions standards. joining me now is the director of the earth institute, dr. jeffrey sakz, it's great to see you. the polling numbers are dramatically good thing for those who thought the american public didn't care that much about pollution and a healthier planet. but why then would republicans threaten to shut down the government over something that has such broad support? >> because they are bought.
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they are bought by oil industry, pure and simple. they are not as dumb as they look. it's a close call, perhaps what they really know. but they are not as dumb as they look. they are paid by big oil. it's so corrupt -- it is completely outrageous, they will not win this. this in the end will be -- >> did not know -- that is a very short game to play. other poll numbers in the same poll, 69 in states where a majority of electricity is produced by burning coal, 69% support. to your point it's clear the only folks who support being a climate change denialist are the companies that profit off of it. >> basically no other country in the world has what the united
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states has which are politicians who are -- present themselves as real serious people having this kind of nonsense. and actually the world is moving to negotiate right now a major climate agreement next year. this is the last ditch effort of the oil industry to block that. it won't work in the end. >> let me ask you about al gore who has a distinctly bullish assessment in rolling stone. he writes in the struggle to solve the climate crisis, a powerful unnoticed shift is taking place, the forward journey for human civilization will be difficult and dangerous but it is now clear that we will ultimately prevail. do you agree with that? >> i love the vice president's attitude in this article and i think we will prevail, but the power of the fossil fuel industry and the inertia of the world economy is huge. in other words, we grew up as a fossil fuel based civilization
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worldwide. >> now we're understanding it can wreck everything. we have to make a transition. but the oil industry is out there and drilling everywhere, drilling in the artic, in the deep sea, it's fracking. and it's not technologically standing still. it's advancing a lot, finding new ways to xraktd and burn resources against all of the evidence in the world that says stop, this is so dangerous, we have to be putting our efforts on the new technologies. so we're not home free yet by any means. but the science is clear and public support is clear. the worldwide realization is clear. i was just at the u.n. and a. ambassadors all over the world are saying, every country is being hit by droughts and floods and extreme storms. this isn't news anymore, it's the daily reality of desperate places in our own country also. >> it's a geopolitical issue and economic issue. >> human survival issue. >> to couch it in those terms is
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not an exaggeration. >> dr. gregory sachz, thanks so much, dairlt issa subpoenas lois lerner because 365 e-mails is not enough. that's next. keeping a billion customers a year flying, means keeping seven billion transactions flowing. and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler...
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daryl issa, the chair of the house oversight committee may have been been shut out of a seat on the select committee on benghazi but that has not stopped him from waving a flaming torch in the other witch hunt, the irs. issa issued another subpoena not for lois lerner but her e-mails but for her hard drive. according to the irs back in 2011, her computer crashed wiping out thousands of her
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e-mails. issa said the said computer crash is a part of a highly orchestrated cover-up. >> i think back to the old black and white series with lucille ball when ricky would say, you have some splaning to do. we believe the e-mails could be found unless in fact the irs and lois lerner make thur they can't be found. indeed, some 'splaining has been done. e-mails provided by the irs technicians said they sent the computer to a forensic lab run by the criminal investigations unit but to no avail. for the record, the irs turned over 67,000 e-mails both to and from lois lerner, including
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24,000 from the period in question. subpoenaing a hard drive. seems more like daryl issa has some 'splaining to do. that's all for now. the ed show is coming up next. good evening, americans, welcome to "the ed show." i'm ready to go, let's get to work. >> i was elected to end wars. >> now we're in a position where adversaries no longer fear us and allies no longer trust us. >> dick cheney is the man who took us into war in iraq on false pretensions. >> he was wrong every time. >> simply stated, there is no doubt -- >> you think the american people are prepared for a long costly and bloody battle with a significant american casualties? >> i don't think it's likely to unfoldt
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