tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 19, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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good evening, americans and welcome to "the ed show" life from new york. are we ready to go? let's get to work. >> here at home, iraq sparked vigorous debates. >> do you think that president obama is dangerous? >> yes. >> the white house has known for months about this situation in iraq. >> we will be prepared to take targeted and precise military action. >> what has the united states of america done? >> president obama's withdrawal, regarding iraq has proved deeply harmful. >> american combat troops are not going to be fighting in iraq again. >> barack obama has stated repeatedly that terrorist threats are gone. >> we have counterterrorism interests. we will remain vigilant and we will continue to do everything in our power to protect the security of the united states and the safety of the american people. >> the spread of terrorism has increased exponentially under this president's leadership.
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>> rather than try to play whack a mole wherever these terrorist organizations may pop up, what we have to do is to be able to build effective partnerships. >> a president who refuses to recognize that there is such a thing as a war on terror. >> you look at this presidency and you can't help, but get the sense that the wheels are coming off. >> what's clear from the last decade is the need for the united states to ask hard questions before we take action abroad. ♪ ♪ >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. just so we're all on the same page as we start this "ed show" tonight, we're spending more money on iraq. we don't have money for a jobs package. we don't have money to build roads and bridges in this country, in fact, we don't have money for anything. in fact, the middle class has to take more cuts, medicaid, medicare, social security, you name it, but we have money for iraq. doesn't that kind of make you boil just a little bit?
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this is 2014. did you believe back in 2003 that there would be a press conference at the white house exclusively on iraq? it's been a long time since president obama has had to do this one, but you know what today was? today was mop-up. that's what today was. today was the mop-up for america. this is mopping up iraq. he didn't have anything to do with it. he became elected, re-elected, he's dealing with it and here's what we've got to do. you know what was interesting is watching the president today i thought about previous press conferences when the last -- within the last 11 years. bush used to come out and say it's hard work. everybody accepted it. he'd go to another press conference. it will take a long time. it's hard work and then romney over at the pentagon used to interview himself. do we think we'll be there for a long time? i don't know. are the iraqi people in favor of
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this? i think they are. he'd get so frustrated he'd interview himself. so today from the president we didn't get any alibis and president obama didn't come out today and interview himself. he came out, i thought, in total command of the situation with the soundtrack of hecklers. so we have to start tonight with this major situation in iraq, but i think if you go to the middle of the country i'm not sure everybody's thinking about this. because they're sick of spending money on iraq. earlier today president obama came out and he mopped up, he outlined the new united states plan of action to take care of the iraqi government, get them a fighting force, get them back together so they can fight the terrorist group isis. it's pretty clear the president, as i saw it anyway, has a really good, academic understanding of what's going on, and i think he has command of the issue. today, you could say, was the end of cowboy diplomacy.
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someone is actually thinking about what we're going to do. meanwhile, the hecklers in the stand, well, they just can't keep their mouth shut. john mccain came out this morning as quick as he could after morning coffee and gave his expert opinion on national security. >> and what has the united states of america done? today we see on the front page of "the washington post," u.s. sees risk in iraqi air strikes. the president of the united states goes for fund-raising and golfing and now is fiddling while iraq burns. we need to act, mr. president, but we also need to understand why we are where we are today. >> of course, bush never played golf, did he? next, john boehner also had to jump in. when was the last time you've seen boehner really comment hard on iraq or ever show any real concern about what was going on in iraq?
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he's just been running around saying where are the jobs? where are the jobs? he jumped in today and he slammed the president for not taking care of iraq sooner. >> and with terrorists marching toward baghdad we've asked the president for a strategy to reverse the momentum and spread of terrorism. i heard a little bit about iraq yesterday, but the white house has known for months about this situation in iraq, and when you look, it's not just iraq. it's libya, it's egypt, it's syria. the spread of terrorism has increased exponentially under this president's leadership. >> now what's interesting is that this guy right here forgot to mention how much golf this guy plays. it's like they want the president to fail. they're looking for any opening they possibly can find. the whole mission in congress is to make president obama look bad and weaken the democrats for the
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next election, that we don't know what's going on when it comes to national security and we can't protect the country. you know, nothing stops at the water's edge anymore, have you noticed that? later in the day after meeting with national security advisers, president obama came out with a clear plan of action. this is how it's going to unfold. first, the the president said the united states is working to secure our embassy and personnel that's working in iraq. kind of an important thing. there are a lot of americans working right now. second, the president of the united states announced that this country will increase its intelligence and surveillance assets in the region. the president says the united states would keep a close eye on what is happening with isis and if you read between the lines on that one, folks, these guys, isis, they're not going to be able to mach make a move without us knowing about it. securing american interests,
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that's got drones all over it. third, he would increase support to iraqi security forces. he said joint operation centers would be created in iraq and up to 300 military advisers will be headed to iraq. so increased military support, and the security centers and 300 people over there making sure that when we start using drones on isis, we'll be hitting the right targets. that's what's coming. fourth, the president said additional military assets have been reposition said in the region and positioned in the region. mr. obama said that he is prepared to take targeted and precise military action if and when the situation on the ground requires it. stop there. think about that. where have we heard president obama talk like that before? if the pakistanis are unable or unwilling, we will get osama bin laden. i think what he said today parallels exactly what he said in that debate with mitt romney
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being crystal clear to the american people if we have a shot at him, we're going to take it. if military action is needed the president will consult the congress. this is where it gets sticky. we'll see how many of these republicans will line up with the president when the shooting starts. finally, president obama made clear that there will be a strong diplomatic effort, obviously, but here's the bottom line and the president made it crystal clear that the iraqi leaders, they need to step up and do their job. >> above all, iraqi leaders must rise above their differences and come together around a political plan for iraq's future. shia, sunni, kurds, all iraqis must have confidence that they can advance their interests and aspirations through the political process rather than through violence. national unity meetings have to go forward to build consensus against iraq's different communities and now that the
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results of iraq's recent election has been certified and a new parliament should convene as soon as possible. the formation of a new government would be a new opportunity to begin a genuine dialogue and forge a government that represents the legitimate interests of all iraqis. now it's not the place for the united states to choose iraq's leaders. it is clear though that only leaders that can govern with an inclusive agenda will prubl truly bring the, rack i people together. meanwhile, the united states will not pursue military actions to support one sect inside of iraq at the expense of another. there's no military solution inside of iraq, certainly not one that is led by the united states, but there is an urgent need for an inclusive political process, a more coinable iraqi security force and counter terrorism effort that deny groups like isil a safe haven. >> there is no military solution in iraq. does that make you feel a little
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bit easier about the situation? not if you're a conservative. see, the president also made it very clear that there would be no u.s. combat troops on the ground probably because we can'ta, ford it. iraq is a sovereign country. it is up to them. the question is how do you get somebody to fight for themselves? and what if they don't fight for themselves what is your responsibility, meaning our responsibility? this is where the american people are and this is where the majority of congress is, although house foreign affairs chairman ed royce said the president of the united states says his plan underestimates the seriousness of the threat. i'll bet he picked that one up from cheney. now these hecklers in the stands, i think, need to show the president just a little bit of respect. this is the reason john mccain was not elected president. it's shoot from the hip mentality, that's over with. we have to think about this. i think the president had a solid command today of what he
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wanted to do and he's got democratic support on capitol hill and he's got a hold on the situation without overreacting to what could be, could be a threat. it hasn't gotten to that point yet, but you could easily make the case that this man right here has done one hell of a job on counterterrorism. we haven't been hit. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, who do you trust more to handle the situation in iraq? john mccain or president obama. text a for mccain and b for president obama. leave a comment there and we'll bring you results later on in the show. what is the reaction to the president on capitol hill? is this enough? let me bring in msnbc news capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell. thanks for your time tonight. what is the chatter on capitol hill in the wake of this press conference today? >> there has been a change across the day.
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some of the republicans that you pointed out spoke this morning in a very coordinated way. senate republicans on the floor before it was known that the president would be coming out and making his statement and are answering questions. so that was a structured argument that they were trying to sort of pre-butt whatever decision would come from the white house knowing that the president had telegraphed would be a period of days and knowing that leadership up shiship that house and the senate would be meeting with the president. that was part of the day. since the president has come forward there's been a limited response from dechl democrats. only a handful of formal statements coming out and most of them focused on the president's decision of the political solutions required from within iraq. really pointing sort of the next steps to iraq itself and the malaki government. they're supportive of the idea of some limited military advisers, but really wanting the focus to be on a political solution.
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the democrats do not believe it's in the purview of the american military to resolve. from republicans, some different responses. there is some positive statement from both mccain, graham, marco rubio and others saying that this is a good first step. it shows the president by sending those 300 military advisers is beginning to take this threat seriously, so to speak, to pick up on the point you had made from the earlier comments and yet there are still some concerns. i would say that republicans are still concerned, is this going to become something bigger and will more action be needed? late today ted cruz gave a lengthy speech on the floor talking about his concerns that iran is a part of this conversation with president obama and others saying that perhaps iran could play a constructive role being a shia nation with the dominant shia population of iraq. could there be some partnership there? ted cruz very flatly saying iran is an enemy of the united states
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and it would be foolish to suggest they could be a part of the solution. so there is some affirmation for the president's position, some criticism and a lot of wait and see here on capitol hill. ed? >> kelly o'donnell, nbc news correspondent. great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. let me bring in former navy admiral joe sestak. thanks for your expertise on this. how do we know that this isn't the beginning of escalation? i have to ask the question. how do we than this isn't going to spiral out of control? >> because we have a president that has made it very clear, ed. this isn't going to be combat troops that we're sending in, tens of thousands of them. he has set the end limit of what we're going to do and there are two things he's done. he's made a prudent decision that we'll have 300 advisers in there, that they'll provide the intelligence and the reconnaissance that only we will give our own people coming from satellites above in order to
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hand over to the iraqis and second, he's recognized that isis, this rebel force is almost out of gas. it's stretched with 11,000 fighters from all of the way in middle syria all of the way down to close to baghdad, and now they're up against a military force of baghdad itself. these are the best troops they've got, special forces. so what he's doing is putting our ability to provide intelligence and if necessary, very limited air strikes in order to be target ashgsd proep atly, prudent and the right decision. >> so do you think that our military expertise, our intel and these resources that are being allocated could really make a difference that would turn the tide and maybe turn these terrorist groups back that isis would be second thinking about the security of maliki? >> well, i think there is a probability that now that they've started to besiege, so
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to speak, baghdad that maliki's forces along with the shia militia that's standing up would be good enough to keep them where they are. this is not a great force that's coming in against these well-trained american forces because the forces that were routed already were ones put into sunni forces, areas and they weren't even liked by the populous out there. so my take is, yes, this is going to be able to stop them and help roll them back. >> okay. and the president today talked about how maliki's run his country. we're not going to do it for you or prop anybody up, but the fact of the matter is that he's got to be inclusive. how much of a wake-up call is this to maliki and how much time does he have? >> i don't think he has a lot of time, but i can tell you, ed, this will be a great wake-up call based upon my meeting with prime minister maliki in 2007. five people were in the room. i was there with now secretary
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of defense hagel. i watched this senator tell maliki almost word for word what we're telling me now. you have got to get a hold of your government and you have got to be inclusive. a 15-minute meeting went to an hour and a half and the man didn't change, but i'll tell you this, ed, if this isis, the isis force were to take over baghdad and were to take over the government, it would be a heck of a lot worse. this is not worth one american life, but there is a very low possibility we will lose a life because of our unique capability to do things from the air and special forces and i think why i think this is a prudent decision. >> i want to play this clip of ted cruz earlier today on the senate floor and i want your reaction to this, the accusation being made about the president. here it is. >> has the obama administration ever armed isis? has the adhministration, we are
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doing so to rebels fighting along isis in syria and it's an obvious question to ask whether we have in fact, armed these radical islamist terrorists as well. >> your reaction to that, mr. sestak? >> well, as you know, ed, many of these isis forces left iraq to go into syria, and they left with arms that under the bush administration as well as the obama administration they had been given and they already had arms. that said, i do think, ed, that if we had been a bit more quick of arming with small arms and the moderate forces there we may not have given this isis force the ability to grow to where they then felt they could come back into iraq, but i think that we cannot permit our ability to not be used to make sure that this very harsh, islamic rule doesn't take over that country. >> all right.
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joe sestak, good to have you with us tonight. >> remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter on edshow and facebook. we want to know what you think. here it is, prosecutors in wisconsin tie scott walk tore an alleged criminal scheme. this is huge. big development. we'll have all of the details ahead, but first, new movement on the keystone excel battleground. we're right back on "the ed show." but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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decided, we are reporting. top trenders voted on by you. >> i say it's duck season. >> flock party. >> we're used to traffic jams. ♪ >> but not ones that are caused by ducks. this duck dynasty rules the road. >> 100,000 ducks flooding a rural road in thailand. it's kind of like the rung of the bull it is. it is unclear where the ducks came from or the reason for the stampede. >> wave after wave. the ducks never seem to end there. >> quack, quack. >> the number two trender, fumble mouth. >> it's not exactly a guy that will split atoms. >> he is called america's favorite dumb blond. >> i highlighted my notes and i even read this stuff. >> the blond bomber drops a few expert opinions on fox news. >> do you trust hillary clinton? >> um -- >> well?
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we're waiting. >> not really. if you tell the the truth you don't have to worry about covering up the story. >> if she's going to decide to run for president she'll have to answer for the benghazi deal. >> don't give up your day job. >> that's it. >> in today's top trender, slick politics. >> it was a win for senator mary landrieu. the senate energy committee passed a bill to force keystone approval. this pipeline is ready to go. the energy committee sends keystone approval through the senate pipeline. >> our republicans on the panel voted to clear the pipeline chaired by chairwoman mary landrieu. the cleanest barrel of oil produced in north america. >> all we're looking for is a source, senator. >> senator mary landrieu says her top priority is getting the keystone pipeline built. >> they would have to bring the bill to the senate floor for a vote. >> it's hard for us to understand why there r is a question as to whether this
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infrastructure is in the national interest. >> joining me tonight by phone, jane kleb. jane, good to have you with us today on short notice. this is interesting the timing because the permit in south dakota runs out within a week and yet the senate energy committee is taking a vote leaving the impression that we're just so close. what's the situation and what's the dynamic here? >> yeah, you know, this is clearly a political move by senator landrieu. she needed another talking point for her latest web ad or tv ad and so that's what this is. it's never going to see the light of day on the senate floor, but you're right, it's very interesting timing. candidates facing another barrier to getting a barrier for the keystone excel and they're without a permit in nebraska. they'll be without a permit in south dakota so they're further behind than when they first started. >> should harry reid bring this to the floor for a vote in the
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senate? >> no. harry reid should not. he would be playing right into the koch brothers, axp and the republican hands on this. the pipeline's not in the national interest, and you know, they followed the policies and procedures under george w. bush with the state department and all federal agencies having weighed in. we should continue that process under the president, as well. >> oil prices are going up a little bit in the last few days because of the tensions in iraq. i would assume that the keystone conversation we're not far away from hearing how the pipeline has to be built to give us more energy security. are you prepared for that one? >> oh, yeah. representative lee terry is already out of the gate talking about how we need the the keystone excel pipeline because of the disruption in iraq and, i mean, it's a silly and uninformed argument for anybody who tries to make that. we have keystone one in the ground already and that obviously did not stop any disruption in iraq and it won't stop another oil pipeline and another pipeline won't stop all of the crisis that's happening in iraq and in the middle east.
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the only thing that can help start to transition is to actually get off oil and fossil fuels and start transitioning to a clean energy which is exactly what the president's policies are making us do. >> finally, back to the south dakota permit for a moment. how hard will will it be for th get re-permitted. >> transcanada doesn't want to go through the process of recertification and they're doing that because they know the tribes and the land owners are much more organized and have very strong facts on their side. one of the things transcanada has not done proper travel consultation so when they go to recertification and they'll have to face that by tribes. they're crossing the sand hills of south dakota and they go into the southern part of south dakota and that will be a challenge by land owners. they know they're facing an uphill battle to get the permit recertified which is why they're trying to say no problem here.
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just a paperwork issue. >> just an update from jane kleeb from bold, nebraska. we'll stay on the story for sure. >> coming up, big developments in the investigation into governor scott walker and his campaign. prosecutors are calling it a criminal scheme. rapid response from wisconsin weighs in coming up and later, ice cream with a sprinkle of politics on it. ben & jerry's own jerry greenfield joins me live here on "the ed show." next, i'm taking your questions. ask ed live coming up next on msnbc.
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conservatives had their way they'd do the same thing all over again and they don't give a damn about detroit. that's the sin of it all as i see it. the next question from facebook user sherry. she wants to know what single question would you ask cheney about the iraq war? well, instinctively i have no desire to talk to the man. none. but since you ask me, since it's well documented, mr. cheney, the waste, fraud and abuse, does that bother you at all? stick around, rapid response panel is next. >> i'm mary thompson with your cnbc market wrap. the dow closing up 15 points and the nasdaq falls three. oracle shares are lower after hours and the company's revenue and earnings missed estimates. filings for first-time jobless claims fell more than expected last week dropping 6,000 to
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. welcome back to "the ed show." wisconsin governor scott walker's hopes for the white house may have just ended today. prosecutors in wisconsin today are now alleging governor scott walker personally oversaw what they are describing as a criminal scheme to illegally coordinate fund-raising and campaign activity among conservative groups. the milwaukee journal sentinel is reporting a federal judge received documents where state prosecutors described a criminal scheme to skirt state election laws by walker and his campaign during the 2011-2012 recall
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elections. prosecutors allege governor walker, con serving tiff groups and campaign allies of the governor were working in coordination. one of walker's campaign allies is named r.j. johnson. in the newly released documents the prosecutors cite a 2011 email sent by governor walk t oo none other than karl rove. the email reads bottom line, r.j. helps keep in place a team that is widely successful in wisconsin. we are running nine recall elections and it will be like nine congressional markets in every market in the state. r.j. johnson is a top adviser to the wisconsin club for growth. this could be the beginning of walker's downfall. what democrats have been accusing walker of all along now has prosecutors alleging walker broke the law. for more on this, let's turn to our rapid response panel tonight. wisconsin state senator.
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great to have both of you with us tonight. ruth, you first. the state law in wisconsin is very clear on this. tell our listeners tonight what is walker up against? >> well, we haven't got a conviction here, ed, but we have a major, major smoking gun. this is what didn't happen and the first john doe investigation which ended with six convicts of walk earn's closest aides and walker was never implicated in this illegal coordination and today we have this email from walker that he himself as the milwaukee headline says is at the center of this illegal scheme and that's what prosecutors are alleging and it's walker's own words. so that is a major, major deal. that is a smoking gun and it shows that he was talking to karl rove about coordinating the whole state of wisconsin, bringing in these millions of dollars from outside groups into the state in these little tiny races around the state and these
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nine districts that he lays out and this will benefit rove and the entire nationwide, right-wing republican apparatus to pour money into wisconsin to get involved in these races and that coordination is illegal and that's been the subject of this investigation all along. >> on page 144 today, it says prosecutors argue that this scheme, quote, prehave aeded nearly aspect of the campaign activities during the 2011 and 2012 elections. say, senator taylor, what's your response to that? >> i'm not surprised, ed, of the allegations. in some sense i'm surprised maybe that the journal sentinel has said something that is not favorable of scott walker, but i'm not surprised because this is a pattern that has plagued him and his campaigns, frankly, since he was in college. it's the same kind of behavior that we've been stating consistently that he's been slippery and been able to evade
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and in the end it really means that he's doing everything other than trying to really hear the voice of the people. he's trying to drown the voice of the people by outside dollars and coordination that is inappropriate, illegal based on our laws here. so i would suggest that people might want to listen to what we've been saying, you know, since way back in 2011. what's your anticipation, senator of republicans? are they ready to stand, do you think, with scott walker? >> oh, they've been standing with him the entire time. i mean, the fact that individuals who were 20 feet away from him, you know, got convicted for inappropriate, illegal behavior at the county level, but he says he didn't know. you know that people have been taking a fall for him or bullet for him or whatever you want to for him and covering him for a
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long time. i actually believe. i don't know, ed, whether or not it will end and the amount of money pouring in in this state mary brook who wants to bring the transparency and the confidence that people can have not only in their governor, as a leader, but also for our state as a whole. we don't want our elections to be tainted by this type of behavior. >> yeah. >> that our governor continues to be tainted with. i would hope that republicans would stand with him, but it looks like they will. >> prosecutors pointed out on page 126, even the national club for growth raised concerns about the coordination. if that is the case, ruth, what does this do to the governor's race? what does this do for mary burke? >> i think this is a huge blow to scott walker, and i think the important distinction to make here is between republicans, particularly republican voters in the state of wisconsin and these big-money groups like the
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club for growth in wisconsin and the wall street journal weighed in with an editorial telling scott walker and essentially threatening him and saying do not cut a deal in this investigation to save yourself and sell out these interests that have been supporting you. it was a stunning admission, basically by the wall street journal on behalf of the right-wing groups. remember who you're working for. they have no desire to see these massive interests coming to the state and take control of it. that's an important distinction to make, and i think people will pay attention to this and it looks really bad for walker. >> senator, isn't this a time for the state democrats to go for the jugular here? what about impeachment? what about a real call for scott walk tore come clean on his involvement and to see if he has the character to fess up to these emails? >> i question ftc governor has the character to step up and take responsibility, but i will say this, during the recall
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people wanted to let him have his moment. he hadn't done anything illegal, well now, the rubber is hitting the road, and i think ruth said it best in the sense that in the end both republican and independent voters across wisconsin will not want to stand for this type of leadership, this type of cloud. not only over republican, but frankly, over wisconsin as a whole, and i would hope that individuals are going to stand with us as we continue to stay that what this administration has done has not been appropriate and the kind of coordination that has happened and not just with the governor's campaign. i frankly believe it's happened across the board in other ways and it's one of the reasons why it was so hard to get the computers and so hard to get collect data and collect information. now that it's coming out, i'm hoping that the people will see and we will continue, ed, to share that story, knock on doors
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and go to every county in this state and tell individuals what has been happening and hope that people say enough is enough and we'll take back wisconsin and move ourselves forward. >> well, the republicans -- >> with transparency and integrity. >> the republicans now have two governors that have seen better legal days and that might be the guy from new jersey coming up next, who knows? i don't know. this is definitely a real dynamic that will be one to watch playing out in wisconsin. great to have both of you with us. ruth conif of the progressive magazine and ruth taylor. still ahead, a win in the fight against genetically modified food. jerry greenfield of ben & jer jerry's ice cream joins me live with the scoop. any other way. any other way. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready.
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florida senator has gone off the deep end. rubio says president obama's time in office, well, it's done. >> i saw a commentator today say that these polls what they reflect is that the obama presidency is over, and i agree with that. i think it is in sdren ral. rubio quoting the media. interesting. rubio tried his best to water down president obama's legacy, didn't he? >> whether it's foreign policy or the issue on the border or the va or the irs losing its emails or benghazi before that, it seems like every day now every other day there is a new crisis almost like we're overwhelmed by the number of crisis and conflicts that are arising as a result of the incompetence and in some instance, the design of this administration. >> oh, yes, manufactured crisis. i hate to rain on rube iorubio' parade, but he is drowning in misinformation. rubio is one president behind when it comes to the foreign policy problem, don't you think?
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sent a message out loud and clear that no company, no matter how big, no matter how rich, no matter how powerful, can deny you the right to know what is in your food. >> welcome back to "the ed show." we finish with a story that doesn't get a lot of attention but i believe a lot of people care about it. last month the state of vermont scored a major victory in the fight against gmos, genetically modified organisms by becoming the the first state to pass a law requiring food and drink manufacturers to label genetically modified foods. when vermont governor peter shumlin signed it into law, ben & jerry's chief executive was with at his side. the vermont-based ice cream maker is a vocal proponent for transparency and gmo labeling. on may 30th, the company announced its intention to remove all gmos from their ice cream flavors.
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for example, no more hershey's heath bars? that hurts. this is the way it is. which commonly has genetically modified corn and soy. so ben & jerry's is doing what it can to help raise money to defend the vermont's labeling law. they think it is important. just last week the grocery manufacturers association and others sued to block the law, which is due to take effect in 2016. in response for the month of july, ben & jerry's are will rename fudge brownie ice cream food fight fudge brownie. ben & jerry's will contribute a dollar from each purchase at burlington and waterbury scoop shops to the state's food fight fund. they established the fund to defend the law from expected challenges in court by food producers. . no doubt there is a long legal battle ahead. all eyeses will be on vermont as
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it becomes ground zero in the fight against gmos. joining me tonight, ben & jerry's cofounder jerry greenfield. good to have you with us. as i said at the top, this is a story a lot of people don't get coverage on. but a lot of people are concerned about genetically modified organisms and exactly what's in our food. why did you do this? and how important do you think it is? >> well with, for us it's simply about a consumer's right to know so they can make a choice what's in their food. it's not about do you love gmos or not. it's should you know what's in your food. it's kind of crazy that these enormous food companies are trying to block people's understanding of that. >> unilever bought ben & jerry's in 2000. they are part of the grocery manufacturers association and trade group representing monsanto and other big
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companies. they sued the state of vermont over this. how does it all work out? >> you know, it's interesting. we don't always agree on issues like this. but to their credit, unilever supports ben & jerry's ability to talk about the issue. i have a lot of respect for their ceo paul palm. the idea that they are willing to have ben & jerry's screaming prosecute the rooftops about an issue like this is great. >> do you think other states wills follow vermont's lead on this? do you think it will gain legislative strength throughout the country? >> oh, absolutely. there is activity on this in 30 states right now. it was narrowly defeated in the last couple of years in ballot initiatives in california and washington state. there is an upcoming ballot initiative this year in oregon. it's supported by 93% of
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americans. there is gmo labeling in 64 countries around the world. this is not some crazy idea. it's just something that's going to happen. vermont just happens to be the first state. what's interesting is this provision that vermont put in to have crowd funding to support the legality of it. the fact that people around the country contribute $1, $2, whatever to have the voice of the people be up against the millions of dollars of these enormous companies is fantastic. >> this is a risky move. you know, consumers are used to products like heath bar crunch. why did your company go ahead, regardless? >> well, we want to be nongmo. we are going to fully transition by the end of the year. we are about, oh, 70% nongmo now. about 40% of the flavors by
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volume are nongmo. it's something the customers want. something we want. as i said, it's simply about a consumer's right to know. for ben & jerry's, we're going to be able to use essentially all the same suppliers. heath bars are an exception to that. >> yeah is. >> we're going the to transition and not raise the price of pints to consumers at all. it's something you can definitely do. >> what kind of response do you expect from the consumers? and your distributors? >> oh, our consumerses are thrilled. oo . you know, the idea that people are thanking us not for going nongmo but for telling them what's in their food. you know, it's crazy to me that any food company wouldn't want to tell people what's in their food, that they shouldn't be inare credibly proud of the ingredients they use and
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screaming it to people because we are proud of it. >> ben & jerry's, ahead of the curve. good to have you here. i can attest that your ice cream tastes really, really good. i love that ice cream. i think folks can tell. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed! thanks to you for tuning in. we have a big show tonight. the president made a big statement on what he will and won't do in iraq. and we'll are have my exclusive interview with the queen of soul, aretha franklin. we start with developing news about one of the gop's top contenders in 2016. prosecutors claim wisconsin republican governor scott walker is at the center of what they say was a nationwide criminal
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