tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC June 20, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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involving -- >> wisconsin governor scott walker. >> could impact a potential run for president. >> prosecutors allege that walker was at the center of a criminal scheme. >> in other state this might be a smaller deal. in wisconsin it's a big deal. >> we understand the sewer that is money in politics. >> an e-mail walker allegedly sent to karl rove. >> you already have one potential 2016 candidate for the republican party under a cloud of investigation. >> are they trying to do to you what they did to chris christie. >> there's no doubt -- he has not shown a great ability to handle national xrut sunscrutin >> does scott walker have a lot to worry about? >> this isn't a document released kaudsed problems for walker. >> some of the left spin this. >> it's not over adds long as it's there. it's a potential headache for scott walker.
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>> if you think you cannot wait for this week to be over. take a moment to consider the case of wisconsin governor and potential 2016 hopeful scott walker. governor walker got to start his day looking at headlines like thez heralding news of a alleged criminal scheme for readers in madison and milwaukee and across the entire nation. those headlines were written after documented unsealed by a federal appeals court judge jed shed new light on allegations of said scheme to illegally coordinate spending and funding between walker's campaign and conservative groups two years ago. it is important to note this is not a new investigation. it has been going on for some time and no charges have been filed against walker. instead, prosecutors are asking the court for permission to use the evidence to build their ongoing case. a case that is being investigated under wisconsin's unique john doe law, allows many
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of the proceedings to be kept secret. the 268 pages of documents just released reveal prosecutor's more detailed account of their probe yet. including an e-mail that walker allegedly sent to gop strategist karl rove during the state senate recall elections in 2011. that e-mail highlights walker adviser r.j. johnson's role in leading the coordination effort. bottom line, rj helps keep in place a team that is wildly successful in wisconsin. it will be like running nine congressional markets in every market in the state. even if a state without wisconsin's strict campaign finance laws, an e-mail like that took karl rove presents at the very least a perception problem. on wisconsin radio, governor walker insisted keep moving folks, there's nothing to see here. >> there's nothing wrong with that e-mail and what we did. again, that's why i probably have to be the most scrutinized
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elected official in america today and yet, again, when people look at the facts, they'll realize despite all of that scrutiny, time and time again the facts come back and show that we've done the right thing. >> the right thing? or just the thing that is not so far resulted in criminal charges? because voters particularly in a presidential election, they know that there's a difference. joining me now is former rnc chair michael steele and no two better guests to have to discuss this story. chairman steele, i like scott walker's -- i think that belongs to chris christie, i can see. >> he's got some there. >> this is not a good thing for scott walker. >> no, perception you'lly it's not a good thing. legally, my thing is have they filed charges? no. the prosecutor is basically gotten access to documents that were sealed as part of an ongoing investigation. and now it's out in the public. the governor has to do radio and
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tv to sort of clean it up or at least give it context. the laws as we found in the chris christie matter and other matters state finance laws are a myriad of complications and things you can do and can't do within the state which are perfectly fine. outside the state, the perception could be something different as we saw in the state of virginia. for example, so the reality for scott walker, he has to define the sweet spot where he can define better. >> criminal scheme is not the word you want after your name. this is not the first republican governor who has had major problems supposed on on the bench for 2016 and mcdonald in virginia and now scott walker. if you're a republican, is it john kasich next? >> like following this race is like sopranos episode. this guy is going to the can and this guy is being bugged by the
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prosecutors. you have the board where they are all being taken off. >> yes, they are like brackets basically and only -- of course it's like that for any election. but no one is even announced yet, jonathan. i guess that's both good and bad. no one has announced and all of this stuff is coming out and no one has announced, which means maybe there's enough time between now and when someone would actually announce that people forget about this? >> there's plenty of time and they've got plenty of good candidates. if there's an upside here for the republicans, it's that all of the people getting taken down are from the mainstream wing. and the crazy wing is populist as ever. >> now -- >> we won't use per juror tif crazy but far -- >> it will be easier for the establishment to coalesce because there are fewer and fewer available. >> i think he's absolutely right about that.
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>> it weirdly makes it easier. >> setting aside the effort by individuals like rand paul who has laid out a 50-state strategy and implementing that strategy in a real way, i think in terms of the money interest within the party and establishment types and the grass roots, they are both looking around at who's left standing and going, okay, we can see where the momentum is going to ultimately wind up and it's going to be with the more conservative members, those activists getting behind guys like rand paul and ted cruz. while you see the battle. you're talking about prosecutorial efforts ongoing in new jersey and in wisconsin that will certainly bleed into 2015. at the worse -- the best you can hope for stooimys your announcement date. that's the upshot. in other words, there's nothing as scott walker said in the radio interview but because we're still talking about this in first quarter of 2015, i
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can't announce until maybe second or third quarter. that's best case scenario. >> the true sort of scandal here without any sort of criminal charges being filed is campaign finance laws. that's -- and makes the point that there's a world in which this particular case ends up at the u.s. supreme court because it can go to wisconsin state supreme court and asend from there. i guess, jonathan, given the havoc that has been wrougt, how likely is it do you think that there will be some bipartisan call for change to campaign finance laws? >> the republican party is kind -- >> none. >> there was bipartisan support but it was all john mccain and power and he's kind of given up on this idea. it's become a real republican line to be completely and totally -- >> not just republicans.
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democrats are discovering their own set of billionaires and millionaires who want to play and will play. >> or they have their own set of advisers. and super pacs, neither party to be honest want to get out there and lead the charge on campaign finance reform, particularly as supreme court seems to be deconstructing the current reform in place. >> the court is going to strike it down so it sort of takes the fun out of it. >> there's no sense of remorse on the part of the court. it is so ludicrous that you could basically run a campaign ad but if you don't say vote for scott walker it's not a campaign. >> the laws are a joke. evading them is ridiculously easy but scott walker may not have done the easy thing you need to do, not send an e-mail to karl rove saying we're running this campaign that's separate. a few basic fictional steps are all you need to do. he may not have done that which
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is weird. >> the introduction of karl rove into this and that e-mail. >> sweetens the pot. >> it does actually sweeten the pot. >> nothing bad would be going on if karl rove was involved. >> we'll save that for one second. chairman, you know, walker's defense and we played the video, i've done the right thing, okay, brother, you may not have done the wrong thing but doesn't look like the right thing. refuses to comment on the e-mail he wrote saying he's not familiar with it. thatsincerity. >> in the context of anything we know or don't know. you're right, the minute you inject an karl rove e-mail into any conversation, it takes on a whole other level of nef fair yus activity, if i'm scott walker, have the lawyers looked at this? >> can i recall that e-mail?
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>> i think broadly speaking the governor is right to say under the law, under state finance laws, that i'm within the law in that regard. that's kind of what the state court will ult natalie decide should this prosecutor decide to pursue this thing any further. a judge has already said there's no there here. >> except what judge also left the door open to the appeals process. there is a life for this. >> there's a thread of life. >> the first ruling to quash this was by a conservative judge who said there's no such thing as campaign finance laws. you can do whatever you want and it's totally unfair to prosecute on that period. now, it might hold up like you say may go to supreme court and get five votes for that but that's -- again, that's a very partisan interpretation of the law. >> said judge was also a frequent attend ee at koch
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brothers funded getaways and -- >> that means absolutely nothing. >> until there's an e-mail from that judge to karl rove. >> there you go. >> thank you so much for your time. happy friday, guys. >> after the break, back to baghdad but what about damascus? christopher hill, the former u.s. ambassador to iraq and julie pace join me next on "now. "
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says more needs to be done but the move was a positive step. politico reports that war weary democrats are also rallying around the president but both reactions beg the same question. what exactly is the president proposing? today nbc news reports that the first mission of the military advisers will be to assess the strength of isis forces and iraq military and quote, use that assessment to determine how many more special forces troops to send and where to deploy them. this as foreign policy reports that intelligence collections in iraq grew exponent shally and 300 advisers amounted to the strongest signal yet that u.s. air strikes against isis may be likely. even previously skeptical democrats are openly discussing air strikes. >> i believe that air strikes on our part should only be consider ed if three specific conditions
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have been met. if the military leaders believe that we can identify high value targets that striking them could have a measurable impact on the situation on the ground and that we can strike them with minimal risk civilian casualties and without dragging us further into the conflict. >> any decision on those air strikes will be tied to advances made by isis militants on the ground. that progress has slowed in the past 24 hours. militants were still battling for control of the country's largest oil refinery and seized a former chemical weapons facility just 36 miles north of baghdad. it isn't just confined to iraq and neither apparently is this administration. president obama sted he was prepared to take targeted and precise military action, a campaign of air strikes that a senior administration official told "the new york times" could be extended into neighbor s
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syria. in fact the "washington post" reports that the white house is beginning to consider conflicts in syria and iraq as one single challenge. everybody here recognizes that you can't silo what is happening from iraq from what is happening in syria. there is no doubt the border is melting away. joining me now is dean of international studies at the university of denver and former ambassador to iraq, christopher hill and white house correspondent for the associated press, julie pace. ambassador hill, if i can start with you. in terms of iraq and syria, do you think that it is no longer even a question that whatever we do in iraq must also be mapped on to syria? >> absolutely. i mean these conflicts have been related since the get-go. and the fact that isis is very clear about wanting to have a caliphate not only in iraq but syria. no question they are related. what is good to see the administration looking in terms
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of policy. for example, do you really try to arm moderates in syria when clearly arming the iraqi army doesn't seem to do much in praek, or are you going to trik targets in iraq then not strike targets belonging to the same isis in syria? people have started to take a hard look at this and there's no question this is a broader issue and does involve these two places. in lebanon, just today, there are signs that isis has been active in terms of attempting assassination of shia leaders there. clearly this is an overall conflict and it's high time we look at it with an overall policy. >> i think a lot of folks will say finally there's a sense -- a selective sense that this is not just about one country. charles krout hammer did not have kind words. i'll read an excerpt, the rea vifal is a result of the double
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obama abdy indication and speech f fied during the early days of revolution. they thrived on massive outside support while the secular revolutionaries waited vainly for american help. is there a sense of regret or that the white house must somehow -- i won't say atone for its sins but make up foreground from when the president declared red line crossed and today? >> certainly not publicly. if you ask advisers in private moments if they would have done things differently, they probably would say yes. certainly they look at the situation in syria and understand that this has become more of a regional problem. this isn't something contained in syria's borders which as one of the stories you referenced notes, the borders are blurring with iraq.
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for most americans, iraq is the country we know and familiar to them because of the long war we had there. this is a much broader conflict and perhaps for people pushing for the obama administration to do more inside syria, this could end up being the catalyst. >> ambassador hill, so many geopolitical dynamics at play here. one of the most curious -- i won't even call it an alliance, the cooperation between the u.s. and iran. what do you think is the play here? is president rowhani a stable player to be negotiating with? >> well, first of all, we have a lot of differences with iran in these particular places. iran's continued support for hezbollah and frankly iran's continued support for radical shia militias, those are the same radical shia militias that maliki went after a few years ago because they were a threat to him. it's not been easy with iraq. all of that said, it's important in the context of moving ahead or trying to move ahead on the
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nuclear side that we have a political dialogue with the iranians. deputy secretary bill burns has done that over recent months and i think over recent weeks. and this political dialogue has extended to a more focused discussion on the situation in iraq. it is not in our interest that the only foreign influence on maliki is iran. so it's been important for us to reach out and talk to the baghdad government but also have some kind of signals checking with the iranians. however, i think thil will stop well short of some kind of careful mapping out of what military strategies there are. at this point it's very much on a political ax is. >> to the point of nuri al maliki's future, the president has not spoken to maliki in two years and all outreach is going basically channelled through wpt biden. the president did not give a
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full throated endorsement of maliki's leadership when he announced a plan. do you have a sense of how hard the white house or this administration is pushing closed doors for its ouster. >> it is a fascinating dynamic between maliki and biden and obama. he has a pattern of doing this when he doesn't want to have direct conversations and leaves to to vice president biden to have those conversations. there has been frequent contact between white house officials and maliki but not necessarily at the presidential level. behind the scenes we're told not only are those happening with maliki but conversations happening on the ground in iraq between u.s. officials and iraqi officials beyond maliki. and there was certainly a sense in the president's remarks yesterday that they do not have confidence that maliki is the leader who can put iraq on a path to a more inclusive government. they are going to be reluctant to say so because they don't feel it's the u.s. position to
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be telling iraqis who to make their leader. also, there's a fear if they push too hard publicly, maliki may dig in and align himself more closely with the iranians. the sense is that maliki will not be the guy to achieve political reforms that the u.s. is seeking. >> ambassador hill, i want to ask you one question based on breaking headline this afternoon, which is that iraqis under isis control are reporting that their lives have gotten better and that ipsis has effectively outsourced local governments to clan leaders but the outcry, we knowisis was imposing sharia law in mosul but there is not resistance as such as those in the west and those seeking peace would like to see. how distressing is that news to you? >> isis proved itself pretty
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adept at social media and otherwise sort of putting out messages to the world that make it sound kind of reasonable. the fact of the matter is they've shot a lot of people and executed a lot of people. and it's pretty brutal stuff. but it does go to the greater complexity of has isis taken over northwestern iraq or has it been together with some kind of participation of sunni tribal leaders. this goes to the question of whether the sunnis in iraq can really in the long run live with a country that is not only majority shia but then shia run. that has been a real problem. so when we talk about talking to maliki or talking to other shias to come up with an alternative to maliki, we also have to be in touch with a sunni community to make it clear to them, if we are all successful at another -- at someone besides maliki, they really need to kind of support baghdad on this. >> former ambassador christopher
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hill and julie pace. thank you both for your time and thoughts. >> thanks, alex. coming up, 19 states and counting. and now the u.s. government is stepping in to ensure marriage equality. the new rules for a new age coming up next. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born.
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gay and lesbian couples could be blocked from receiving federal benefits in states that don't recognize their unions. president obama vowed to make the change after the supreme court struck down the defense of marriage act last year. it is the latest move by the president to affirm equally for same sex couples since he ee voflged on the issue two years ago. in the presbyterian church which voted at the general assembly to allow its ministers to perform same-sex marriages in states it is legal, the number of those states, it just keeps growing. just ahead, governor rick perry steps in it in the most rick perriest way possible. "the new york times" magazine discusses his grounddog day coming up next. much like these majestic rocky mountains.
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rick perry may not have announced whether he's making a run in 2016 but still getting the talking points nailed down. at an event in san francisco, governor oops addressed the topic of homosexuality. >> i may have the genetic coding that i'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but i have the desire not to do that. and i look at the homosexual issue as the same way. >> san francisco audience playing right to him. the governor followed up on those comments yesterday. >> whether you're gay or straight, you need to be having a job. and those are the focuses that i want to be involved with. and instead of getting -- which i did and i've readily admit, i've stepped right in it. >> i stepped right in it. and yet, this is what governor perry said at that very same event. >> preparation is the single
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most important lesson that i learned out of that process, and offer the last 18 months, i have focused on being substantially better prepared. >> if risk perry's preparation seems like an oxy moreon that may be because it is or because america simply doesn't understand the texas governor. in a new piece for yts the new york times magazine, mark explored the lessons he's learned about embarrassing stage fails. one think he has learned the hard way is that running for president requires an inhuman level of mental and physical stamina. perry said he lacked both last time. the strutny is brutal and getting worse with every election cycle. i won't tell you the company but i had some people come into the office recently perry told me to his chagrin, he learned later the visit had been videotaped. every meeting you go to, he
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said, you have to operate on the assumption that it's being recorded. joining me now is chief national correspondent and author of this town, not our town, mark lebowitz. >> thank you for setting the record straight. >> the waters have been muddied. >> you need inhuman levels of human stamina to be copy editor -- >> apparently so and also to be rick perry. i wanted to believe on your excellent piece in which you ate passtrami sandwiches. >> rubens. >> and proceeded to say he was very jewish, close to the jewish people. >> it was the gays in san francisco and jewish reporter for new york times rng we were perfect. >> this exemplifies the point, rick perry says he's improved but but it doesn't seem he's improved or prepared in any way or maybe understands america to be a different place than the rest of us do. >> maybe, he's kind of goofy, i
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found him somewhat refreshingly real. i do think what you're seeing now in a lot of different people who might run for president, hillary clinton, whoever, is a kind of quasirealness. i got that from rick perry. will the notion of stepping it or oops become the thing that hangs over everything he says? >> i also wonder, when you talk about preparation, presumably some of that involves developing a platform. and the position perry is staking out on the subject of homosexuality, which at the faith and freedom forum today in washington gay marriage was not brought up because republicans seem to have basically seated that ground. why if you're rick perry, discussing where are we going to be on this issue, why go out there and say that? does he have the right people around him? >> i don't think yet. this is him. he thinks this is a mistake. he said he wished he hadn't said it or in so many words. frankly jobs, jobs, creation would be the thing he wants us to emphasize.
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frankly, gay marriage is actually -- opposition to same-sex marriage could be a hot button in the base once it ramps up more and i wouldn't be surprised if they fight to be more family oriented -- >> just to be the other -- >> let me ask you how perry changed. >> he's got terrific glasses. >> there may be a break between the american public that recognizes him from 2008 and 2012 and 2016. >> different guy. >> he has -- have you seen setting the policy aside, which is not an unimportant thing to set aside. in terms of his physical and mental preparation, is he further along than he was a couple of years ago? >> he seemed terrific. in the course of our lunch, i didn't get a chance to test his physical or mental preparation. >> there wasn't like a -- >> no fetes of strength i put him through much he did finish only half of the sandwich and
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asked for the rest to be boxed then he was speaking to a group of jewish republicans in beverly hills. he says he's working at it. presumably it's because he might want to run for president. he also might want to improve his earning power outside of the office. he moved to california, which is also implied it might be something he thinks about in his future. >> with comments like those in the city of san francisco, i'm sure california would openly embrace him. i want to read another quote about second chances. perry's next campaign if he pursues one would be as much about the willingness of the electorate to grant second chance as anything he himself would bring. republican voters have been generous to second timers in the 356789 mitt romney, bob dole and ronald reagan among others all ran for president and lost before securing their party's nomination. americans don't spend all of their time looking backward. americans may not spend all of their time looking backward, but youtube is an awful lots about looking backwards. >> yes.
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i will say this speaking as an over 35 american -- >> we're an ageless -- >> but i have had those lapses before, forgotten very simple things said and there for the grace of god. i do think there is a human quality if he would play it right. he's been pretty self-dep pri indicating but that will live in viral per perty. >> he's filling with other viral videos that live in perpetuity. >> author and "new york times" magazine's mark lebowitz. author of this town, not our town. always good to see you. >> great to be here. >> coming up, record highs on wall street today. more on that coming up next.
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plus, hitting the reset button through the world's game as u.s. gets set for major wrk match against portugal. the captain joins me to talk about soccer just ahead. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. because what we all really want... more. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet. and not a "have just a little buffet". that's the idea behind the more everything plan. it's more of everything you want. for less. plus, get the droid maxx by motorola for 0 down. get more with our best plans on the best network. for best results, use verizon. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪
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for most of the 20th century the u.s. had an indifferent attitude towards soccer or football while the rest of the world received in the frenzy of the world cup, the u.s. was busy enjoying its own sporting life. we preferred things we thought of ourself but we did not invent soccer so we are suspicious of it. >> my first job as a sports writer for "new york daily news", the editor called me in, don't waste your time on soccer, kid, it's a game for pansies, i don't think that is heard too much anymore. >> this century the attitude towards soccer is changing mostly because america itself is changing. martinez argues it is destroying american exceptionalism and the sport has captured the interest of afluent white suburbanits and
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immigrant groups and american teams wear the jerseys of barcelona and munich. soccer offers american sports fans a sense of global, not just national connectedness. >> soccer is particularly strong in television ratings with two groups, 12 to 24 and lat inamerican. now those are the groups that there are going to be more of those people in the coming generations. >> as is detailed in the atlantic, millennials and his spanishes are those likely to believe america is exceptional. the u.s./ghana match may have set a ratings record, but also up 23% from 2010, a sign that not only is american interest in the world's game rising but the u.s. may be coming more interest in the world, period. joining me now is senior editor,
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julia yaffi and former captain of the u.s. men's national soccer team, claudio reyna. as someone who knows firsthand about america and our love for soccer, do americans think we are worst for soccer than we actually are? >> i don't think so. we've certainly improved. i think that the passionate soccer fan knows we're not amongst the best in the world but the casual one thinks we're probably worse than we are. it depends who we're talking about here. but certainly the sport is massive. it's growing. the age demographics and the growth and hispanic community, this is the sport that has incredible potential and growth and this world cup is not -- i don't think a huge step for the growth of the sport but another big forward step that will continue to trend in the coming
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years. >> julia, when you look at soccer, i have talked more about this world cup than any other world cup and maybe that's because i talk more now than i used to do you think it's something more broadly at play? are we becoming increasingly more connected as a globe? >> i think two things are happening. one the demographics in the u.s. are happening, a generation like mine who grew up playing soccer at the rec league level at school coming up, after the '94 world cup held in the u.s. and kicked off the mls and people grew up watching domestic soccer a little bit and the game itself is changing. you see locally based european teams also becoming globalized. this is not longer just liverpool or barcelona but have fans all over the world as well. stephen colbert compared soccer to a match between watching
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paint dry in a manila envelope. a lot more goals are being scored, it's a more dynamic game and people are getting more into it. >> let me ask you, one of the things that i think if we're talking about gee toshio politics and the internationalism of soccer, it's one of the games where big major teams from super powers can be totally upset. you need to look no further than this afternoon, italy was beaten by costa rica. the unpredictability of soccer and small countries can upset much bigger ones, i think probably has a lot to do with the appeal. >> yeah, i mean, it's certainly a lot of surprising results. this is similar to march madness here in the states when there's bracket busters everywhere, and you can't predict this. there's certainly in this world cup in brazil, equalizers, the weather, the conditions and see in the north american and south
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american teams being able to cope with it. so the european teams have a lot of star players that have long european season and struggling. it happened to spain and italy today. there's a lot of factors and soccer is unlike any other sport where the team is the most important thing. so where in basketball you can have a star plauer take over and win everything. in soccer you need a team, defenders and goalies and you have to understand that's the way soccer works. it's so exciting and been an amazing world cup. >> julia, just before we go, the notion of american exceptionalism which is decreasing lsh it is not something people even say anymore, right? but soccer in that way, it is hard for americans to take the bitter pill that we do not dominate in this sport. at a time when there's a lot of uncertainty about america's role in the world, not saying they are completely interconnected, one is a sport and other is
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foreign policy, there is something in the air there about that. >> yeah, but you see it happening with other teams as well. even sports like baseball which is quintessentially american, other countries dominate as well, japan or cuba. it's changing. >> a global community. surprise, news flash. >> that's not a bad thing. >> not at all. >> thank you so much for your time and thoughts. >> thank you. after the break, the faith and freedom coalition holds its annual con fab in washington. while the speakers talk about tolerance, some attend ees are demonstrating anything but that. a live report coming up next. if you've got copd like me... ...hey breathing's hard. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours.
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and we should no longer sit around and allow ourselves to be punching bags and have those phrases used about us when it is the other party that excludes differing ideas and not the republican party. >> that was governor chris christie speaking at the faith and freedom coalition earlier today. speaking specifically about abortion but comments seemed particularly galling in light of this picture taken by a huffington post reporter taken in the men's bathroom where the coalition is taking place, it's a figurine of the president of the united states of america at the bottom of a urinal. msnbc received this response regarding the picture. we doubt this was done by any of our attend ees, we strongly condemn these actions no matter how anyone may feel about the president's policy iz, the man and offer deserve to be treated with respect. we're outraged by this disgusting act. joining me now is nbc news senior political reporter perry bacon.
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tolerance may not have been what was happening in that men's urinal but what about the rhetoric today at the faith and freedom confab? what's being said? >> reporter: this was not a conference about tolerance. i'm surprised christie said that. a lot of democrats and republicans are ready for hillary. here this is a serious very intense obama bashing session. every speaker spoke about how much they dislike him. you think about social conservatives and tea parties are considered different groups but they've become the same bloc. people not just complaining about abortion but also like the irs and obamacare and iraq even. this is pretty much a -- shows republican party, not sure where they want to go but they know they agree on one thing, that they don't like aboobama. >> there was a glaring owe mission, which was the discussion of same-sex marriage.
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you noted that the topic hadn't been broeched. tell us more about that. >> reporter: we've had a lot of speakers here. we've had five potential republican candidates and a lot of those speakers, tlfrp only two people whose names i didn't know before i came here that spoke about gay marriage. rick santorum didn't and that was striking because we had rulings across the country that legalized gay marriage. and republicans here when i talk to them, we feel like we've lost this issue. gay marriage will become legal in the country and we need to move to a different ground. we're not going to win the gay marriage battle. which is a striking concession. ten years ago george bush was running for president on a gay marriage ban and they put all of these gay marriage bans on states to turn out conservative voters. ten years later we have this event, the signature social conservative event of the year, no mention of gay marriage at all. >> in a room filled with a lot
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of partisan rhetoric, one actually may be small corner of tolerance which i guess is the silver lining. senior political reporter perry bacon, thank you for the update, my friend. >> thanks, alex. >> that is all for "now." i'll see you back on monday at 4:00 eastern. >> good evening americans, welcome to the ed show. i'm ready to go. let's gets to work! >> we're going to have to counter this sort of attack all over again. >> scott walker's hopes for white house may have just ended. >> there's been some legal objection in wisconsin. >> we have a major smoking gun. >> look at the facts. >> court documents revealed thursday. >> prosecutors say walker's aides tampered with campaign finances during the 2012 recall election. >> walker and his staff were illegally with conservative groups. h
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