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tv   Melissa Harris- Perry  MSNBC  June 21, 2014 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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this morning my question, what are the coke brothers hoping to buy for $25 million? plus, 50 years after freedom summer, the fight for the vote continues. and legendary organizer bob moses is coming to nerd land. but first, all bets are off when it comes to what happens next in iraq. good morning. i'm melissa harris-perry, and this morning we have these dramatic new images out of baghdad. a military parade of thousands of shia mill ib yeah marched through the streets of the city raising second ttarian tensions fighting between extremist sunni militants and the iraq government threatens to push the country into civil war. on thursday we learned how the united states will be getting
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involved in the conflict in iraq when president obama made this announcement. >> we have had advisers in iraq through our embassy and we're prepared to send a small number of additional american military advisers, up to 300, to assess how we can best train, advise, and support the iraqi security forces going forward. >> this conflict that has cast iraq into the deepest uncertainty since the end of the u.s. occupation in 2011 has pitted those iraqi forces against a group that translates to the islamic state of iraq and syria noun as isis or you may have heard the president refer to them as isil. isis is a militant he jihadist group of muslims whose stated goal is to redraw the boundaries of sovereign nations in the middle l east in order to establish an islamic empire across the region. the group, which has its origins in al qaeda, is so extreme in its tactics even leadership has
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severed ties n. fact, some have called isis a rival to al qaeda as the most powerful of jihadist groups and has been flexing that muscle in a series of victories against the iraqi army which has failed to stop isis from seizing control of city after city in iraq. by some estimates is is is has already laid claim to up to a third of the kcountry. and that includes iraq's second largest city of mosul, which last wednesday came under isis control after 800 of their fighters were able to defeat nearly 30,000 iraqi soldiers who reportedly backed down without putting up much of a fight. for now helping those struggling security forces in iraq is the only job president obama is sending those 300 u.s. advisers to do. the scope of their role includes assisting with intelligence gathering and planning military operations against the isis militants and not, as the president made a point of saying, revisiting a 2014
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version of the u.s. war in iraq. >> american forces will not be returning to combat in iraq. the there's no military solution inside of iraq, certainly is not one that is led by the united states. >> what the united states will be leading, however, is the diplomatic effort to promote stability in the country. president obama is launching that effort about by sending secretary of state john kerry overseas to meet with u.s. allies in the middle east and europe. he also stopped short of taking military action including the air strikes requested by the iraqi government by taking them completely off the table. >> because of our increased intelligence resources, we're developing more information about potential targets associated with isil and going forward we will be prepared to take targeted and precise military action if and when we determine that the situation on the ground requires it. >> so with those not completely off the table, we need to look no further than the decade long u.s. occupation that ended barely two and a half years ago
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for a remind er of why u.s. military might is no easy solution to conflict in iraq. the invasion and okay 0 persuasion of iraq cost nearly $1 trillion. the lives of more than 4,500 u.s. soldiers and an estimated 100,000 iraqis. but to fully understand the complexity of the conflict requires we look back a bit further in time. members of isis, hike most of the world's billion-plus followers of islam are sunni muslims except in iraq where sunnis are outnumbered by shia muslims. the division between these two largest sects can be traced back to the death of the prophet mohammed when sunni and shia split over the fundamental disagreement about the prophet mohammed's successor. sunnis controlled politics in iraq from the end of world war i up until the last time they held power it in the country when the united states ousted the sunni-led government of saddam hussein in 2003. the in the new iraq envisioned by the u.s. after the invasion a democratic state that upheld
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civil liberties would allow for a sharing of power that would include poet the sunni minority and shia majority except things didn't work out quite as well as the u.s. had planned. instead saddam's successor and iraq's current prime minister, a devout shiite, maliki, has ignored opportunities for political accord with the sunni community, monopolized power and used aggressive military force to tamp down on political opposition. the it's left many moderate sunnis feeling politically and economically shut out and has made for an easy recruitment pitch for the sunni radicals and isis looking for support for their insurgency. now once again the united states is tiptoeing a fine line between the two groups as it wades yet again into the middle l of a struggle for political power in iraq. for more now we go live to iraq. we are seeing images of a show of force in baghdad. how stable does the official government of iraq seem to be, and is isis being pushed back from the gains it made last
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week? >> reporter: well, right now the iraqi government faces two challenges. one, the external political pressure on prime minister maliki coming from a whole host of countries like saudi arabia, qatar and the united states and owes that are starting to see him as being an inefficient leader, that has led the country astray and created sectarian division. there is mounting international pressure on him to perhaps step aside and have somebody else come into power. this country held elections and, in fact, although his party won a large share of the parliamentary seats, he has yet to actually form a coalition government. he has yet to actually form a new cabinet. and that is why he's coming under internal pressure as well to perhaps step aside and to perhaps give the chance to somebody else. in terms of the isil or isis group coming from the military
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government, isis is definitely fight i fighting. the they are still taking over territories, including towns and cities of the the they so far have not made that significant advance onto the capital baghdad. overnight, though, they did score a strategic victory. they managed to take the border crossing of the town on the border between syria and iraq and have one more entrance point to bring in weapons and fighters and have obliterate that had border between syria and iraq. it's completely under their control and a lot of people are afraid that means this fight is going to get a lot uglier. in terms of their territorial expansion towards baghdad, that has yet to happen. i think the iraqi army has started to regroup, starting to carry out air strikes. they're getting help in the north. about but for the time being, though, they still have the momentum on their side unless the iraqi government can launch a counter offensive to retake that territory. >> ayman in erbil, iraq, thank you so much for that report.
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at the table with me this morning earl katagnus, assist apt professor of history at valley forge military college, and also at this point nerd land's sort of voice on what we are doing in eye rag and a journalist who has reported extensively in iraq and is senior editor. thank you both for being here. i want to start with some of what we heard from ayman. let's begin with this question about the leader. is it can -- taking your class by going back and trying to read and thinking about how old these divisions are, is it unreasonable to expect that any given leader through sheer force of personality or will could bring together these groups? in other words, is partition inevitable at this point? >> it's a great question. when i was there in '06-'07 the leadup had been the number of elections and i interviewed a number who preceded maliki and spoke of themselves as founding fathers. equa
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equated their actions to that of george washington, john adams. a lot see them as shia sunni or kurds. political leaders saw it as a game they couldn't compromise too much. couldn't demand too little. it was a struggle for power. and out that have emerged maliki who was a compromise candidate. he really wasn't someone that inspired the iraqi people or even inspired any confidence among his party. he was just everyone's second choice. and when they couldn't decide on a top choice, he stepped in. he then took that role and grabbed it and become an authoritarian l, almost, political ladier. as we left, he politicized the military. he promoted a lot of shia generals who otherwise wouldn't have had that authority. and that's part of what disenfranchised the sunnis. he left them out of a lot of decision making. so he set the table for isis to be able to come in and do this sort of brazen assault that we've seen. the and what is working for isis right now is what ayman
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mentioned, there's no real government in iraq. the they're in a transition. they have to certify the election results, put in place a new president and speaker. it's a void right now and you have an ineffective leader trying to manage a void and a growing civil war. >> you took us back to 2006-'07. we remember that that man who is now or vice president, joe biden, in 2006-'07 during that civil could be flikt, suggested that partition was, in fact, the likely outcome. could we see db now vice president biden. so there he's seeing the idea is to maintain a unified iraq by decentralizing it giving each religious ethnic group room to run its own affairs while leaving the central government in charge of common interests. does that, earl, sound like a reasonable way -- there was a laughter about that at the time. is that precisely where we're going now? >> no, absolutely not. and one is the arrogance of the
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west to actually suggest that we're going to partition again this sovereign kcountry. i find it offensive to even suggest it. as opposed to saudi or to turkish or to iran iian that yo can tell them you can't handle or manage conflict so the u.n. is going to come in and partition you like we did after the second and the first world war. i don't think the u.n. has, one, the clout or the political backing and i don't think they have the people's will of the world or even in that region. and i don't think that the tribal leadership will allow that to happen. if you have a smaller sunni al and bar prove incompetence, sunni tribes there and the shia and the kurds, well, now you have iranian influence that is going to take over the shia partition, saudi influence over the anbar partition and the
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kurdish region, everybody hates the kurds because of their turkish population in turkey and iran. so there's going to be a fight there in between. i don't think it's in anybody's interests. now i think federalization or more autonomy, more inclusive government as it's definitely a situation that will happen. sunni tribal leaders are going to -- they're stepping up now because they're seeing this, the way that isis has moved, and the way that their extremist view on religion on islam and they're going to step up and stop in their particular regions of power, so it won't allow it to happen, but they're going to use this scare to gain political influence. >> when we come back i want to ask you how isis is using not only the military power but also the power of hearts and minds to try to win over and to try to think a little bit about these identities. i also want to talk about this arrogance of the west and the notion of our role and whether
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you said that the war was ended in iraq. you said al qaeda was des nated. you said it was stable. >> it was. but just because something is stable two years ago or four years ago doesn't mean that it's stable right now. and what we have is a situation in which, in part, because of growing mistrust between sunni and shia, some of the forces that have always possibly pulled iraq apart are stronger now. those forces that could keep the country united are weaker. it is ultimately going to be up to the iraqi leadership to try
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to pull the politics of the k country back together again. >> that was president obama speaking with "morning joe's "mika. one more thing the president said during his presser about the idea of an american interest and then ask you a question about it. let's listen to that. >> but what's clear from the last decade is the need for the united states to ask hard questions before we take action abroad. particularly military action. the most important question we all should be asking, the issue we have to keep front and center, the issue i keep front and center, what is in the national security interests of the united states? >> is sending 300 advisers in the national security interests of the united states? >> i think absolutely. i have to mention this about the 300 and what the significance of that number is, it's symbolic.
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the movie now 300 with the 300 spartans is an east versus west fight. i don't know if this is where the sophistication -- why the president chose 300, and i don't know but it signals maybe to iran because we see that because the movie was a big downer and iran wasn't allowed it to be played but it shows in this barbarus state. if it's an unintended cons qu s consequence and you're thumbing your nose what that means, 300 military advisers, american spartan warriors that are the special forces and, again, i don't know if that was intended or unintended but it will signal a message to iran. >> is it a euphemism? are they really advisers or are they troops? >> they're advisers. they are advisers. they will have clear orders not to get -- not to engage.
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their mission is not to engage. they may eventually turn into terminal air controllers where if they do initiate air strikes they will control the air at the point of impact, but that's the only engagement that they will. even in afghanistan when the special forces went in, they were never really engaged during the invasion of afghanistan. they were actually controlling air. so at the same time, these -- this shows support and it gives the iraqi army the necessary ba backbone to really push forward with had this. and it gives them, the sunni people -- and i just heard this again from a sunni retired admiral that said, america, please help the people of iraq. not our politicians. the people. >> but the people. clearly, you bring up the politicians at the end, i'm thinking clearly there's a politics to sending advisers, to talking about air strikes, but not talking about boots on the ground. here in the u.s. there is simply no appetite for a reinvasion.
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the on the other hand, we are not the only political sort of feature in this. what i was listening to ayman say about what is going on at the border of syria and given isis' sophistication about their interest in a broad, regional, p potentially even governing relationship -- because they're not just blowing things up, doing a variety of things to win hearts and minds, how concerned should we be regionally? what should we be thinking about in a broader, regional sense? >> we had a great piece by the former deputy director of the cia and he argues, one, p partition, even if it doesn't happen in a formal way is the unformal reality that will take root in iraq and concern for the u.s. is regional instability. the mideast is on fire. and when you look at, a, iran is an interesting country it to look at. i did a bunch of trips in there. the iranian government loves crisis. what they love more than crisis is sectarian crisis, when had they can rally the shia cause.
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you have a hugely young population there that doesn't connect with the iran/iraq war that gave a lot of credibility to the iranian government. that divide has been deepening. this gives them a new in, a new way to rally the country. you're going to he see them be very aggressive about not just trying to be players in iraq but use the iraq volatility to play back at home in domestic politics. syria, an open border. this idea of isis even planning for governance which we've seen, not just taking territory but thinking about how they're going to run these areas because they're not really fearful of people coming back. >> i really, really want to emphasize how important it is we not just sort the of write off isis as, you know, sort of frightening in a military sense but unsophisticated. they really are quite sophisticated. >> just their timing of their assault came as we spoke about with ayman as this transition, this moment where there's parts of the iraqi government krcrippd because they don't have leaders that are in office. and so i think generally in the region there's one country i say we should look at in nerd land that other people maybe aren't. one of our writers, emily, did a
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great piece about jordan. the jordan is probably one of our last stable allies in the arab wore. jordan has seen an influx are from the palestinian torts, of syrian refugees, influx from iraqi refugees. those refugees are weighing down on the economy during the arab spring, growing calls for democratic reform in jordan. the king has put forward some reforms. unclear if they're enough. the vast majority of fighters, foreign fight eers in syria, we coming from jordan and they're going to come back at some point. and so jordan, i think, is a really key country for us to watch. >> i appreciate you setting the table for us, so all my producers, start gearing up your jordan research. that's what we're going to be on. aneesh says so. thank you both for being here today. up next here in nerd land we also thought there was a compelling point in the article for the case for reparations. we didn't think they would take it quite so seriously in texas.
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in texas they did something is amazing this week and it may all have been an accident. tuesday john wiley price, the only african-american member of the commission introduced a resolution simply known as the june teenth resolution. the resolution was approved unanimously by the commission without comment. after all, the title seemed innocuous as much as the other proclamations endorsed by the commission that day including one supporting men's health month and the american kidney fund, but the resolution was a bit different and went much further than just celebrating june teenth, price says he was inspired after reading the article "the case for reparations" in "the atlantic" which we featured here on "the
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mhp show. "he read it to his fellow commissioners ending with these words. the dereliction that has caused suffering, the descendents of those who built this country should be satisfied with monetary and substantial reparations to the same the his fellow commissioners approved the resolution though some didn't seem to realize exactly what they approved. the lone republican later changed his vote after claiming he hadn't read it. some complained they didn't have a chance to read it with before hand. now the resolution is nonbinding, so it's unlikely that any money is going to be doled out. but it does mean that support for reparations is now the county's official position. good job, dallas county commissioners whether you meant it or not. up next, huddleds masses here at home. i could trust.
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for the past two weeks we've been bringing you the story of the surge in migrant children making their way from mexico and central america. since october of last year more than 47,000 children have arrived alone at the border. the influx of children, most of whom are from sevcentral americ has overwhelmed the u.s. government. that by law has 72 hours to send children from nonbordering countries to temporary shelters to wait deportation proceedings and reunions with parents or guardians. but the shelters have been overwhelmed for months, leading to a back yum of children waiting in crowded detention centers operated by the customs and border protection agency. on wednesday following reports of unsanitary living conditions inside the center, border patrol opened the doors to two of those centers to the press. this facility in arizona is currently home to 840 children from honduras, el salvador and
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ga guatemala. those three countries are the source of the vast majority of migrant children. yesterday vice president biden traveled to guatemala to meet with the leaders of those nations as part of the obama add mgs's effort to deal with an urgent humanitarian situation. in addition to an effort to ramp up detention and deportation processes, the administration also announced millions of dollars in funding to el salvator, guatemala and honduras to stem the tide of migratiomig. the children who are fleeing brutal violence and extreme poverty in their home countries. joining me from washington, d.c., is someone who has heard firsthand the stories of these children. leslie is senior protection officer of the united nations high commissioner for refugees. it's very nice to have you this morning. >> thank you, melissa. it's good to be here. >> let me just ask this very clearly, is this an immigration issue or a humanitarian crisis? >> this is certainly a humanitarian crisis. what is driving the children out
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of their home countries in central america is, as you have said, extreme violence and threats to their lives and to their safety. it's playing out as an immigration crisis as the crisis over there has reached u.s. soil. but certainly the situation on 0 the ground is something worth really looking into. and understanding the threat under which these children are living on a daily basis. the. >> so help me to understand that a bit because there's obviously international law, rules, guidance about what counts as the kind of threat that would allow for an asylum seeking situation. so is it simply -- not that this had is a small thing -- but discord in a nation or does it have to be an eminent threat to this particular child or this particular child's family? >> yes, so the refugee convention and international law protects individuals from any state returning individuals to a place where they fear for their
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lives and freedoms. the so, in particular, under the refugee definition when individuals are targeted and threatened and persecuted on account of protected grounds, race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or a particular social group, then they would certainly waqualify. these children we found in our report after interviewing 404 of the children from these countries that many of them presented these exact types of concerns. so 58% of them, almost 60% of the children are in this situation. >> okay. let me take you to senator john mccain who visited the nogales detention center we were just talking about had this to say afterwards. let's take a listen. >> right now over radio and television in these sevcentral american countries they're telling them that they can get here and stay. >> so senator mccain is saying that there is information going to these home countries saying
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if they come, the children can stay. "usa today's" headline says that media in central america is actually saying don't go to the united states. is media messaging in these nations responsible for the movement of these unaccompanied children? >> when individuals who fear for their lives and they're in the mode they're trying to survive, information like that might be an impetus to start to move but this is typical of what the u.n. refugee agency sees all over the world. so the first to leave, it's a slow start like the exodus leaving syria. it's a slow start. the arc then begins to sharpen with the first people leaving are usually children and women. >> and why? why are children traveling alone so frequently in this case? >> it's really sad. we spoke to one 15-year-old kid who came and he said i actually didn't want to leave. i didn't want to leave my mother alone. the but he felt that he was
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forced to do this trip because he wanted to protect his little sister, who is only 12. she had already been sexually assaulted by criminal armed groups in their area. and so he felt really bad about abandoning his mother but felt compelled to protect his sister on what he knew was a dangerous journey. >> you have more than 400 stories of having interviewed these young people. you told us one. do you think it will change the decisions made by policymakers or potentially the minds of americans as citizens who might then bring a different kind of pressure on our elected officials? >> yes, absolutely. it changed us as we saw this. back in 2006 when we did a similar study and a much smaller percentage of the children had these types of concerns but then for 404 stories to come at us with such graphic detail and such heartwrenching -- it was so compelling for us, which is why the u.n. refugee agency as the
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humanitarian agency mandated to protect has been activate. we stand with the governments in solidarity. this is a challenge regionally. it's a regional problem that requires regional solutions. the u.s. has already made some very positive steps. but there's a lot more work to be done in order to protect these children. >> leslie velez in washington, d.c., i appreciate your work and for keeping our eyes on not only the immigration politics here but specifically on the humanitarian crisis. thank you. >> thanks so much. up next, when is giving a $25 million gift controversial? well, when it comes from the coke brothers. instead of mailing everyone my vacation photos,
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"essence" has since become a household name expanding its reach into music with the essence festival and digital media with essence studios. do you know who helped get the magazine on its feet financially during the first few years of its founding? none other than "playboy" magazine creator hugh hefner. that's right, the magazine mogul whose publication was mainly known for showing naked or nearly naked women was an early investor in the magazine dedicated to empowering women of color. in fact, "playboy" had the largest private investment "essence" had seen at the time, a $250,000 check from mr. playboy helped essence stay afloat after its first copies hit the stands. hef isn't is the only wealthy benefactor who has diverse interests. the coke brothers, the tycoons are best known for their endorsements of conservative causes like their new super pac called freedom part fers action fund. the super pac plans to devote
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more than $15 million in support for 2014 midterm contenders who oppose big government. but outside of politics, the coke brothers have also made a number of sizable charitable donations. in 2007 david coke, a prostate cancer survivor, gave m.i.t. $100 million for cancer research. in 2013 the same coke brother gave new york presbyterian hospital $100 million to create a new ambulatory care center. here in new york you'll see the coke name inside of the museum of natural history and at lincoln center. whatever you think of their politics, there's no denying the cokes are huge benefactors. the charitable coke donation that really has people talking now is the $25 million skrix to the uncf, united negro college fund, announced this month. the donation, the fifth largest in uncf's history, will help fund a scholarship program n. a statement charles coke said increasing well-being by helping people improve their lives has long been our focus. our partnership had provide
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students with new educational opportunities that will help them reach their full potential. we have tremendous respect for uncf and we are hopeful this investment will further effectiveness in helping students with their dreams. but the donation has sparked something of a side eye or at least a raised eyebrow with critics citing the public support for cause that is have negative cobnsequences like votr i.d. laws. are political causes that can hamper a voting bloc and charitable contributions that might aid it virtually inclusive? one of uncf's mainly black colleges. are you going to take that dirty coke money? >> yes, and i'll tell you why. let's put it in perspective. in 2011 we started to see this perfect storm for all of higher education. the we lost summer pell grant money. in the sum earp of 2012, no money for summer pell grants. the department of ed changed
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parent plus loans and that has had an impact to the tune of $150 million a year that families don't have access to. the on my campus that's $200 million that we've lost. we've lost all of this money the last few years and i'm sort of like tlc singing, what about my friends? no one else is coming to our aid. >> so this is not a small thing. what you have just laid out in the obama administration's parent plus loan policies, and these are both obama administration and the current congress' policies, you are saying this has had a negative impact and coke is coming in with money. now that really does sound to me like potentially a political -- like, in other words, if obama is bad for hbc and coke is good for them, why shouldn't i go vote for the candidates that are supported by the cokes? >> there will be people who will make that distinction. in the beginning of obama's administration, though, he did add a new program, a title three program, that has provided a great deal of money for our
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institutions in particular. one of the things i've always questioned, we have to make sure and continue to hak sure we have the right people around the president so he hears the true stories and not the stories that will create policies that hurt these institutions as well. that wouldn't be the intent. then these other things that are happening, we have to continue to do our work to make sure everyone knows what our needs are and that the president gets the right information. >> it also seems to me there is a long tradition that are under resourced for a variety of reasons. often it was nurses, teachers, that we were able to educate because those were the jobs open. those are not the kind of folks who have tons of alumni dollars. >> exactly. >> does that mean then there is a necessity to look beyond sort of in community folks for giving? >> right. and that's always been the case for hbcus. there have been a large people
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who supported our causes. we haven't had a political litmus test of who can give to us. you go back and look at people who have been involved in essence and other organizations that people don't even really understand the histories of, there have been people whose politics we might not agree with but in terms of advancing young people we are all on the same page. so let's focus on that. >> let's take it to a real moment right now. i want to listen to mr. leon jenkins, the head of the -- an naacp chapter that was taking some gifts. let's listen to this for a moment. >> the revelation that mr. sterling may have made comments in a phone conversation that was reminiscent of the ugly time in american history that contains elements of segregation aberration discrimination demands that the los angeles p naacp honors mr. sterling for a lifetime body of work must be withdrawn and the donation that he's given to the los angeles naacp will be returned. >> the former head of the los
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angeles naacp saying, all right, now that we know these politics, we're going to have to given the money back. was that because there was media pressure to do so or a reasonable way for an organization to behave? >> i think for them there was a direct correlation in had terms of mr. sterling's actions. there was a lawsuit settlement because of some of his direct actions. it's not that he's giving money to campaigns. even though the coke brothers have given a lot of money for campaigns, people still have the right to vote. they spend a lot of money trying to defeat obama in 2008 and 2012 and they wasted a lot of money. now they finally decided let's invest in something, so we'll invest in these young peep. >> it's a tough one. i know there are commercials that run on the network that pays my salary who we are also then critical of some of their policies and practices on the show. and so what i want to ask, can you still be in the classrooms and in the administration of the hbcus critical of the kinds of poll six that coke money represents politically even while taking coke money for the
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educational aspect? >> if there were some kind of written statement that i would have to sign to prevent me from being critical of those policies, not of them as people, i don't know them as people, i wouldn't take the money because i have to be true and i have to make sure our students are doing that. but i still understand the big picture. in the future our enemies aren't going to be poor whites, or people who were for segregation. it's the concern with people who are for desegregation but not full integration. it's not going to be george wallace and lester maddox as our enemies but the subtleties of our liberal friends who wine and dine with us and take us to the swankiest hotels but implement it via power and money. we're going to have some allian alliances with folks that ideologically we might have issues with, but in the end those are the folks that continue to step up for us. my students are saying, hey, we need the money. >> walking a tough line is a hard job to be the president of the university where resources
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are a real thing. i appreciate you being here today. coming up, a deep dive on the deep south and the primary that seems like a prime time soap opera. mississippi, golly. next. i spent my entire childhood seeing the world in reverse, and i loved every minute of it. but then you grow up and there's no going back. but it's okay, it's just a new kind of adventure. and really, who wants to look backwards when you can look forward?
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do you want to hear about the most edge of your seat, out-of-control, most unexpected political race of 2014 so far? let me take to you mississippi where these two guys are vying are for the republican nomination for u.s. senate. on 0 the left six-term senator thad cochrane, supported by much of the state's gop establishment. on the right, state senator chris mcdaniel, supported by the tea party set and sarah palin types. and tuesday they go head-to-head in a primary run-off. now there was already a primary on june 3. but neither man won a majority thanks to a dark horse third candidate who took home less than 2% of the vote. so accord iing to mississippi l,
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they have to go another round. and because this is mississippi, whoever wins the gop nomination will be the heavy favorite to win the whole thing in november. this is juicy stuff, people. mcdaniel led cochrane by about 1,400 votes in the first primary. the run-off issen ti entirely unpredictable. about 319,000 people voted, that's about 17% of all registered voters. it is anybody's game. exhibit a, brett favre. the former green bay packers quarterback and likely future hall of famer was born and raised in mississippi. he cut an ad for senator cochra cochrane. >> i've learned through football that strong leadership can be the difference between winning and losing. and when it comes to our state's future, trust me, mississippi can win. and win big with thad cochrane in washington. >> which led the conservative
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blog red state which has endorsed that it has something to do with his relationship with former mississippi governor h l haley barbour who cleared charges for favre's brother. barbour denies any involvement with the advertisement. then there's the bestiality of it all. no, seriously. the suggestion of bestiality, the misconstruing of a nonsexual harassment of animals into bestiality. the okay, let me explain. last week senator cochran tried to connect with his audience by reminiscing about childhood christmases spent at his father's family in a rural area near hattiesberg. and he said, quote, it was fun. it was an adventure to be out there in the country and see what goes on, picking up pecans and all that kinds of indecent
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things with animals. now they said it was clear he was joking about harassing livestock or wildlife but that didn't stop the now or never pac supporting mcdaniel from airing this radio ad. >> tell thad cochran you're no farm animal and you're not going to take being on the end of this so-called funny longer. >> senator cochran is asking african-americans, who typically don't vote to come out. the mississippi conservative reportedly is paying leaders like ronnie, the senior pats pastor and founder of the new who are 0 eye done church to encourage fellow african-americans to vote for senator cochran. another pac linked to the church has put advertisements for
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cochran in african-american newspapers and black democrats who support cochran say african-americans have a vested interest in keeping him in the senate seat because over his 35 years in the senate, he has delivered federal money for african-american districts including funding for health centers and historically black colleges. the so to understand how bizarre this is, consider the party lines are also so stark that they become racial lines probably more so than any other state. 89% of white voters voted for mitt romney in 2012. 30 points higher than the national average. according to 2008 exit polls 96% of mississippi republicans are white while 75% of the state's democrats are after rican-ameri. only 2% of republican primary voters in 2012 were black. 2%. that racial divide goes way, way back all the way to jim crowe and beyond.
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and the madness that is mississippi is something we're going to talk about next as we talk about the summer 50 years ago that helped bring an end to the jim crowe era of the there is, as always, more nerd land and bestiality at the top of the hour. we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better
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welcome back. i'm melissa harris-perry. fewer than 7% of african-americans were registered to vote and that was no accident. white democrats built an effective machine to keep them away from the polls despite being guaranteed the right to vote in the constitution nearly 100 years to vote. after african-americans had to pass nearly impossible literacy tests. they had to pay annual poll taxes out of reach for many. and the state disenfranchised those convicted of certain crimes, crimes chosen because they were considered to be those most likely to be committed by
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aft african-americans. civil rights workers had been trying to chip away at this disenfranchisement through the early 1960s. they were led by a civil rights legend. and they met with great resi resistance. activists were murdered for their efforts. but slowly activists were drawing the national spotlight towards mississippi. cue freedom summer. 50 years ago when 1,000 volunteers, many of them white northern college students, converged on mississippi to help black voters overcome those obstacles and register to vote, they were largely unsuccessful. although 17,000 people attempted to register to vote only 1,600 were actually added to voter roles. from freedom summer did was prove a crucial point that literacy tests and l poll taxes were not to be met. that no matter what you did to circumvent the means to that goal, the goal it self of total
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black disenfranchisement would remain constant. fr freedom summer proved you could not give people a voice in the political process just by teaching them how to pass literacy tests the. it proved you could not play by rules and win. instead you had to change the rules. one year later thanks in part to the national spotlight freedom summer showed in mississippi, thanks to the mountains of evidence generated by those activists trying and failing to register people it to vote, congress passed and president johnson signed the voting rights act. the voting rights act abolished literacy tests and those to suppress the black vote and sent federal officials to observe elections. it would be difficult to overstate the importance of the vra and what a civil war and constitutional amendment could not do that vra did. in 1964, 6.7% of african-americans in mississippi were registered to vote. five years later 66.5% were
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registered. in addition to abolishing literacy tests the vra granted power to the federal government to prevent state and local officials from putting new discriminatory practices into place, a power known as preclearance. under the vra the u.s. attorney general must approve any changes to election laws in states, counties and townships that had history of disenfranchisement before those changes can go into effect. preclearance was key because suing states after they discriminated didn't work. before the vra the justice department had sued states and jurisdictions repeatedly for voting rates violations after the fact including 30 lawsuits this mississippi alone between 1961 and 1965. to very little effect. the vra laid out a formula for determining which places could not be trusted to maintain fair voting laws based on their history. the and as of 2013 nine states were covered including, of course, mississippi. those are the states in bright yellow on this map.
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and as were counties and towns in six more states shown here in a darker yellow. it is it is that crucial part of the voting rights act, that formula that the united states supreme court struck down one year ago. the supreme court ruled the formula had become unconstitutionally outdated and without the foreign -- without a list of jurisdictions that would require preclearance, well, there's no preclearance. but there's a solution. congress can replace the formula. who would have guessed that? nearly an entire year later congress has failed to do so. yeah, everyone would have guessed that. okay, in that year of inaction states that were once covered by preclearance have practically clamored over each other to impose voting restrictions. texas announced it would immediately implement a voter i.d. law that had been blocked by a federal court, north carolina enacted a mind-boggling series of restrictions that reduced early voting, eliminated same day and preregistration and added strict voter fphoto i.d.
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requirements. alabama and mississippi enacted voter i.d. laws. florida has cut back early voting days. virginia requires voter i.d. these states joined a tidal wave started in 2010 of mostly republican state legislatures putting restrictions on the vote. that's not to say there hasn't been an effort to plug the dam, bipartisan group of legislators has proposed if they have five voting rights violations in the past 15 years. four states would require preclearance right off the bat. you guessed them, georgia, will you will you, mississippi, and texas. despite bipartisan support, the bill has not budged although its sponsors are hoping to break through. senator patrick leahy will hold a full judiciary committee hearing on the bill this coming wednesday. the bill's future remains uncertain. house speaker john boehner has been noncommittal at best. majority leader eric cantor, remember him, he was said to have been working closely behind the scenes to bring the bill up
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for a vote. but now cantor is out. and even if the bill were to pass in its current form, it leaves a gaping hole. disenfranchisement as a result of voter icht d. laws would not count as a voting rights violation. joining me now two individuals working feverishly to protect and restore voting rights across the country, judith brown and dale ho of the . so nice to have you here. judith, in this past year this tidal wave, is there any hope congress will come could up with a new formula to stem this tide? >> the problem is the voting rights act really served as a deterrent, so that's what opened the floodgates and so now we're in this moment are where this bipartisan effort has to happen, right? we have a dysfunctional congress. but talt this is the voting rights act. next year marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the voting rights act.
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so i think we're very hopeful this is the first step, this hearing. and, look, we have a lot of evidence that voting discrimination still exists and that's going to be before congress and there have been hearings across the country. so we think we're building the record and we're going to get something passed. >> one more second before we move on, cantor, my first thought when i heard about that surprise loss, there might be lots of reasons to be pleased for some folks on the left that eric cantor will no longer be in the house of representatives. i have heard from multiple members of the cdc that cantor was working towards getting a new formula. >> that's right, he was. we'll have to find somebody else. there are other republicans who are stepping up to the plate, who have been at the plate for a while. the we're going to have to rely on them because, again, this is as american as apple pie. this is democracy. we're making sure that everyone is equal. and so we think they'll come along. >> tell me, dale, particularly
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from a kind of litigation sta standpoint, if we know that preclearance was serving as a e deterrent but at the moment is basically toothless because we can't figure out where preclearance would apply, why can't section two to the work that preclearance did before? immediately in texas the attorney general came out and said, all right, we got this. the we're going to take texas to court. is there a reason we're in a '61-'65 moment where the lawsuits won't be effective? >> we do not have the same kind of tool we had with preclearance, but we've been remarkably effective, i think, fighting back against these voter suppression mechanisms. also state constitutional law challenges to the advancement project of the aclu, litigated, knocked out pennsylvania's. we used section two again together in wisconsin to knock out wisconsin's voter i.d. law. so we are, i think, pretty successful right now. the thing is wisconsin, even
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before that decision came out -- >> preclearance. >> absolutely not. to your point about the necessity of preclearance, everyone who saw that trial knew wisconsin had no shot, no evidence of voter fraud and we have hundreds of thousands of people who would be disenfranchised by it. they talked about changing the i.d. law, exactly what places like mississippi were doing between 1961 and 1965. you start to win a lawsuit. and then they change the law and you have to start all over ag n again. that's why we needed preclearance. >> it stopped discrimination before it happened. which can impact the outcome of an election. we can't wait until the end. >> can i just tell you i am moving to north carolina from louisiana, for goodness state. >> we need more progressive voters in north carolina. >> i may not get to vote because -- can i tell you when i went to get my driver's license the list of things necessary to get my driver's license is, and i am not exaggerating -- >> we will represent you. >> it's more than what it took
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to get a passport to travel around the world, to drive around north carolina. it was the first time that i felt in a very personal way just how high that barrier is because obviously i have all the resources in the world to find my original birth certificate, my original social security card, my passport, my driver's license from another state. are judges looking at this and saying, come on. this is not about protecting the vote? >> i think they are. the stories of people impacted is what wins the day. in north carolina our lead plaintiff is rosenelle eaton, one of the first african-americans to vote, to register to vote in the state of north carolina in the 1940s. she had to take a literacy test where she had to recite the preample to the constitution. she had a cross burned on her front lawn and here she is again fighting for voting rights. she is someone who will be disenfranchised under this new law in north carolina.
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those are the kinds of cases because we can't -- we have to take it away from the law and get back to regular everyday americans that want to have a voice in our democracy. >> i know the politics side is less your side, do you think americans -- because part of what turns the tide and gets the vra is americans see bloody sunday. americans see what happens in freedom summer with the death of the civil rights workers and they just say this is not us. we might want to win our side but we're not going to win in this way. have we started to turn a corner where ordinary americans will say, look, these kinds of restrictions are just not who we are as a 21st century people. >> i really hope so, melissa. ten years ago i think when the voter i.d. issue started percolating, i think a lot of people just didn't understand why that would be a problem because a lot of people, most people, have some form of i.d. so for them it doesn't seem like a big burden. and i think courts when they first started hearing about the
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issues thought to themselves, judges who were pretty privileged people think i have one of these i.d.s in my pocket right now. there's been a successful education process, the litigation has been really important for that to showcase these individuals like miss eaton who, you know, for them it actually is a significant burden and they're a significant portion of the population. >> nevada just won this among the voters, right, the turning back of the nevada proposal wasn't a legal fight, right, it was a voter fight. >> that's right. and the thing is that americans believe in early voting. the they believe that voting should be easy, it should not be hard. they believe in free, fair, and accessible elections and here you have these legislatures trying to make it harder and you have no evidence of the thing that it was supposed to be solving, voter fraud. in fact, the president's election commission came out with a report saying that fraud really did not exist. all these court cases say there was no reason for this. so we're starting to pull back the cover on the motivations behind it. >> yeah, it's a solution for a
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problem that doesn't seem to exist, and when we have tom tillis, running in north carolina, having said in 2012 traditional voters by which he meant white american voters in north carolina losing population to those who are african-american and latino, it does feel as though it is rac l racially motivated. stick with us. we have more on this. when we talk about legislators trying to reduce the vote, it is time to go to ohio. so stay right there. up next the state that may be ground zero in the voting rights battle. we'll take you away from mississippi, up the river to ohio where an important campaign is under way right now. what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. ♪ yeah ♪ don't stop now, come on mony
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let me read to you a letter to the editor. it is from june 13, "new york
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times." it comes from ohio, secretary of state john houston who, according to his own website biography is, quote, responsible for oversight of electionses in one of the most hotly contested swing states. in ohio husted writes, we make it easier to vote and provide many options to accommodate all ohioans equally. his letter ends with ohio is a leader in voter access. we will it continue to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. as secretary of state i will spend my time encouraging ohio voters to use their many options to vote rather than trying to scare people into believing that it's hard. that's the real voter suppression. nope, nope. the real voter suppression is things like cutting early voting and ways that dramatically impact african-american vote, things he fought all the way to the supreme court where he was rejected weeks before the 2012 elections. can cuts that a federal court the rejected just last week, this time permanently ordering
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early voting to be restored in the three days about before election day. but ohio activists are not sitting idly by relying solely on the courts to protect them. they are taking action trying to get a voter bill of rights added to the state constitution by way of a ballot measure this november. to do so they need to provide 385,000 signatures to the board of elections by july 2. joining me now from cincinnati, ohio, the woman leading that grass-roots campaign, ohio state representative alicia rece. so nice to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> all right. so start by telling me what this voter bill of rights provides. >> well, the voter bill of rights takes our current rights that we had before secretary husted started messing with early voting, before the republican-led legislature started trying to reduce access to the ballot. what it does is put the voting rights in the constitution so that we don't have to worry about who is in office.
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it's not term limited. you know, the same person that you just talked about was in the legislature who, after the bush debacle when ohio had a black eye, was part of a bipartisan group that said, yes, we need to have early voting. yes, we will count provisional ballots. yes, let's make it more accessible. after the election of president obama and the re-election of president obama where large groups of african-americans, latinos, and low-income families and working moms came out to vote, all of a sudden they said, well, we want to change the rules. and so that's why we want it in the constitution so that it's protected, it's put there by the people, and you can't change it unless you go back to the people. so we have started a people's movement that starts in ohio, ground zero, as you talked about, with something that can go across the country just like we started in selma, but we ended up around the country with the voting rights act. >> speaking of the people, as you've been out there working to get these hundreds of thousands
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of signatures together, tell me, what are people saying on the ground about it? what husted is saying in that "new york times" editorial is that conversations about voter suppression somehow keep people from the polls. are you hearing that sort of, oh, it's too hard to vote so i won't go? >> that's not what i'm hearing. right in my district we have a polling location. my polling location, actually, that took two years and $1 million in lawsuits in order for people's votes to be counted. what i'm hearing from people and the message they've been saying all along is that there is a disconnect between the state house and your house. so what we're hearing on the ground is not what we're haeg at the state house. and because they have drawn the lines, they kind of rule it. and that's why we have to go to the constitution. the group alek is out and they are dismantling voting rights state by state. we need a state by state strategy and we believe the voter bill of rights could could be a model that could be across the country because it allows
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now every day people. you determine what your voting rights are and the elected official officials have to check in with you, the people, before they start to take those things away. so i'm hearing frustration. i'm hearing people wanting to fight back. and this is an opportunity for them to have an opportunity to have a voice and to fight back. so i'm hearing that definitely the secretary of state is not connected with the people. and certainly, you know, we've got nina turner and hopefully will win that election as secretary of state. more importantly, also, have voting rights in the constitution so we're protected by the constitution. >> stay with us. the don't go away. this question of voting rights in the constitution, i think many americans don't know that it's not in our constitution at a federal level either. i want to listen for a moment to former speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, talking about the political problems of getting the vra formula renewed. >> under the current leader ssh
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on the republican side we've had a shutdown of government. we have not passed immigration. we have not passed the voting rights act, which has always been bipartisan. we have the votes for the immigration bill. it passed the senate in a bipartisan way. so i don't know how things could get worse than the obstruction that is already here. >> is this the only way to get around those kinds of politics? >> well, i think we're going to be able to get the voting rights act amendment done because, again, this is just fundamental. we should not have discrimination in our democracy, right. now getting to a right to vote constitutional amendment. that's where we need to be. we need to make sure we have national standards around voting, americans support that. 88% of americans support national standards. we need to make sure that the courts understand that it should be protected just like we protect free speech and gun
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righ rights. but that's going to take a long haul because the right to vote has always been a political football. it's been about restricting the voice of people who those in power don't want to hear from. that's how you maintain power is to keep other people silent and that's why it's been manipulated. >> let me ask you, are you surprised that i am sitting here talking with someone who holds office in ohio as ground zero because we started with our, like, mississippi is kind of the obvious place where you would expect this. given that it has now moved to ohio, as you said to pennsylvan pennsylvania, should the new formula, whatever it is, move away from and look at the former confederate states and towards where the new politics are owe can kurg? >> it's definitely all over the country now, right. so we do need a strong bill that will attack voting discrimination wherever it takes place. but until we get that legislation done, we have to take this out in the courts. that's where we're fighting. that's why we've sued ohio over
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early voting cuts. the judge did the right thing restoring the last three days of early voting but it doesn't solve all of the problems that we've pointed to in our lawsuit. they got rid of the same day voting registration and got rid of all evenings during the early voting period, right? and all other sundays other than the sunday before election day. even though state statute requires early voting to be possible on those days. secretary of state husted is not finished yet. we're not finished with him either. >> thank you. also thank you to the state representative in cincinnati, hi ohio. thank you for giving us kind of another way of beginning to think about how this will be addressed. now judith will stick around with us for a bit. but coming up, the civil rights icon who 50 years ago brought us freedom summer. bob moses is coming to nerd land. i did a dance about this earlier in the week. up next my letter of the week. i'm m-a-r-y and i have copd.
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republicans scrambled to figure out just who would take his spot. and thursday they voted for his successor. it seems like an opportune time to send a letter to the newly minted letter. it's me, melissa. your first words out of the gate seem promising. >> i'll make one promise. i will work every single day to make sure this conference has the courage to lead with the wisdom to listen. and we'll turn this country around. >> okay. so i actually kind of like the sound of that because courage is exactly what this conference needs, as in the courage to do what is right and lead, which is exactly what the american public wants right now especially when it comes to the issue of comprehensive immigration reform. according to a recent joint survey by brookings and the religious institute, 62% of americans are in favor of finding a way for the undocumented immigrants already
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here to become citizens providing that they fulfill certain requirements. and 17% support them becoming permanent legal residents but not citizens. not only do everyday citizens want congress to lead on the issue of comprehensive immigration reform but so do key organizations and leaders. in fact, the u.s. chamber of commerce, one of the biggest lobbying groups that represents business interests and also generally supports republican candidates not only lifted passing immigration reform as one of their agenda priorities this year but the ceo of the u.s. chamber of commerce, thomas donahue, said if the republicans don't pass immigration reform, then they, quote, shouldn't bother to run a candidate in 2016. i mean, think about that. think about who the voters are of the yikes! but the u.s. chamber of commerce is the least of your worries because now the big dogs, the influential republican donor class and leaders are weighing in and telling the republican party you must lead on this issue. sheldon adelson, the man who
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dough vated $93 million to republican aligned pacs in the 2012 election the. let's deal with reality and pass immigration reform which said as a republican it's my view efforts to complete immigration reform should be led by our party. some on the outer fringes of the gop may disagree but the truth is we are humans first and partisans second. frankly the democrats don't have a monopoly on having hearts. now if you thought the influential republican figure supporting immigration reform ended with him, think again. rupert murdock had a thing or two to say in his recent article entitled immigration reform, can't wait. he went right at what people are looking for when it comes to immigration reform writing people are looking for leadership. those who stand for something and offer a vision for how to take america forward and keep our nation economically x
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competitive, the most immediate ways to revitalize our economy is by passing immigration reform. leadership, congress and mccarthy, leadership is what americans want on this issue. and as the newly elected house majority leader, you are the second most senior official in the house and are uniquely positioned to help make that happen versus your previous job as majority whip where you specifically served to communicate the majority opinion and create consensus. but now you develop the calendar as the chief scheduler for the floor and decide when to bring which bills to a vote. you serve as the lead speaker for the majority party during floor debates. and you assist the president or speaker of the house with program development, policy formation, and policy decisions. in other words the power is in your hands when had it comes to setting the agenda for a vote on comprehensive immigration reform. there are nearly 12 million lives hanging in the balance as they wait for you to act on their behalf. come on. do us a favor, congressman mccarthy, lead.
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♪ [ click ] 50 years ago today, june 21, 1964, three young men, volunteers from the freedom summer movement to register voters and educate youth in mississippi disappeared. >> there is some mystery and some fear concerning three of the civil rights workers, two whites from new york city and a negro from mississippi. police say they arrested the three men for speeding yesterday but released them after they posted bond. they have not been heard from sin since. >> james cheney, andrew goodman and michael, all under 25. the men had been pulled over for a traffic violation and arrested, then released in the middle of the night. the car the three men had been driving was found two days later burned. an nbc news broadcast described it as gutted by fire. president johnson called mississippi senator james eastland to see what could be
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done. >> jim, we have three kids missing down there. what can i do about it? >> well, i don't know. i don't believe there's three missing. >> we've got their car down here. >> i believe it was a publicity stunt. >> the bodies were found 44 days later about buried beneath a 15-foot earth en dam. eight men were convicted including these two men. the on the right county sheriff deputy cecil price, the man who had arrested cheney, goodman and michael and who alerted the kkk to their whereaboutses and held them in jail just long enough for the klan to arrive, follow the men as they left jail and make sure they never made it home. on the left is local preacher who wasn't convicted until 2005. on this day, june 21, exactly 41 years after the crime. the deaths shocked the nation.
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the three men had been participating in the 1964 freedom summer when nearly 1,000 students, mostly white and college educated, came to rural mississippi to help register black voters and educate youth for the summer. part of the strategy of the freedom summer was to open up mississippi, to show the world what was happening there. and local organizers real liesed they could do that by bringing in white young people. in a recent piece for the blair kelly writes freedom summer then was a calculated effort to get the nation to pay attention to what was happening in mississippi when more than 1,000 college-aged children of elite white northerners were called on to come to mississippi, the nation took notice. for freedom summer volunteers in mississippi, the murders drove home the risk of their work were real, that the work was dangerous. the phrase voter registration in our con ttemporary moment may evoke rock the vote rallies or college students with clipboards, but in 1964
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mississippi voter registration was direct action. it was political protest directly defying the systemic denial of political power even at the level of one vote, to black americans. defensemen that was exercised through law and enforce d throuh acts of terror. the director of the freedom summer of 1964 was a young man named bob moses. he had spent the past three -- the previous three years living in mississippi, listening to members of the community. in the process he was imprisoned, shot at and brutally beat beaten. people he worked with like local farmer herbert lee who drove moses around to find have volunteers were murdered. there were 30 bombings in mississippi, 35 church burnings, 35 people were shot but the constant and unwavering threat of terror did not halt the mission of the freedom summer.
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17,000 black citizens attempted to rengs ter to vote. they offered education and political empowerment to black youth and rural mississippi communities and the imperative political participation of black citizens were put in the national spotlight. joining me next here is the man who directed the freedom summer movement and whose civil rights legacy continues today. i'll be talking to bob moses after the break. our credit report site and i have a problem. i need to speak with your fraud resolution department. ugh, we don't have that. what should i tell him? just make that super annoying modem noise... ( ee...dong...shuuuhh...) hello? not all credit report sites are equal. classic. members get personalized help plus fraud resolution support. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker. [meow mix jingle slowly andright on cue.ks.]
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creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. we hope to send upwards of 1,000 students from all around the country who will engage in what we are calling freedom school, community center program, voter registration activity, and in general a program designed to open up mississippi to the country. >> that was a scene from the upcoming documentary "freedom
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summer" premiering on pbs june 24. the person in that scene is bob moses, then just 29 years old, leader of the 1964 freedom summer campaign. in the 50 years since moses has continued his civil rights work and i am honored to welcome bob moses to the show. also with us is judith browne-dianis. thank you so much for being here. >> thanks. >> i want to ask you about models of lead ership that move from the bottom up, the idea of king based leadership is often what we think of the civil rights movement, the big speeches on the big stages. talk to me what you learned in the context of bottom up. >> so really the person who first defensemen monstrated tha ella. ella baker. so what she did was provide a space for the student sit-in leaders and she helped them
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become the people who owned their movement. so what was happening, remember, there was the nacps and those organizations would have preferred a youth wing of an adult organization. but ella really held off wilkins, king, and insisted that the students had the right to make their own mistakes, so to speak. >> that's pretty formedable, the idea of baker -- the names that you give are folks who helped to chak the country and yet the idea that she holds them off to develop a different model of leadership. >> right, exactly. it was really crucial. and we learned something about what it meant to be an organizer, namely that part of the work of organizing was that you create a space for leadership to emerge, a space for something to emerge that you are not going to be the leader
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of, right, so we took that idea into mississippi, the big example of that, of course, is the freedom democratic party. >> talk to me about when you say that you're going to create something that you will not be the leader of because i do -- when i think about the mississippi freedom democratic party, i think about fannie lou talking to the credentials committee of the dnc. you say that was different than who was leading that? >> in order for her to emerge as the media person, then the media space had to be open. so part of this issue of organizing is that there are a lot -- so, for example, if you look through "jet magazine" from 1961 right up to 1964, right, you don't see pictures from mississippi of people who are leading. the you see pictures of people they are working with who get
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projected, right? so keeping the media space open so there were a lot of little decisions. the so actually there was a space there because there's only so much media space, right. >> yes, sir. >> and so there was a space there that mrs. hamer walked into. >> so help me then to think about that. if i'm connecting that, for example, to the work that judith browne dianis is doing and moral mondays is doing in north carolina right now, has this model of leadership, a baker, hamer, moses model of leadership that says we go in and we build community, we make space but we don't become the leaders, has that been lost or is that still happening? >> so that's a big question, right? so we have a lot of media figures. there's only so much media space in the country. i mean, when i think about it, we only had three television stations, right, during the ' s
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'60s. so king occupied one media space. and then malcolm occupied the other media space. and when malcolm was assassinated, of course the question was, who was going to occupy that space, right? so eventually stokley car michael and black power, right, occupied that space. and you can trace from then to now who has occupied which spaces, right? for some extent obama occupies the space that king occupied then, right? >> an interesting way of putting it the not that president obama is king. obviously he's the president but the way in which that version of leader in african-american man body is a space that has to be filled. >> it has to be filled, right, yeah. so my only experience now is with the algebra project. so we've been using algebra as an organizing tool just like we use voting as an organizing tool. >> and that's exactly what i
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want to kcome back and talk to you. i think it's going to take a moment to explain to people were algebra is a civil rights issue and how the algebra project constitutes part of a long tradition of organizing. stick with us. i'm going to bring you in on this, judith, as soon as we come back. yup fine thats cool eww, um, no sure yes get it for zero down from at&t that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. ♪
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in bob moses' book, "radical equations," he writes, we were organizers. keeping that in mind, it wasn't always easy, kept us on course. local folks might not be paying us but we were working for them. and so that is that model of a different kind of leadership. explain to me how -- the equations part of radical equations. what is the algebra project? >> what we're looking at is a transition from industrial to information age technologies. so industrial technologies brought reading and writing, as
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literacies that you needed to access, right. so computers bring quantitative literacy on the table just like reading and writing. so algebra now, while the planet is transitioning, while it's transitioning, is available as an organizing tool. so we're using algebra as an organized tool for educational and economic advancement. just like we use the vote for political advancement. >> just as the freedom schools were connected to a sense of it, this is about math literacy. i wanted to connect this education. because living as i do in new orleans right now, before my move to north carolina, i am watching what looks to me like a closure of certain kinds of basic civil rights around public education as the recovery school district in new orleans goes to an all charter system. i understand you have a suit about this.
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>> sure, we filed a title 6 complaint in new orleans. but with local comment folks out front who have been fighting this fight. because they see the collapse of the public school system. and what that means for children of color in particular is they will be closed out of the opportunity to learn. in fact, we're just talking about, in mississippi, what is being launched this summer by the mississippi naacp is an actual ballot initiative to get a constitutional amendment for a right to education in the state of mississippi. so i think we are seeing this kind of organizing that mr. moses is so well known for. and ella baker. we're seeing it across the country where communities have decided to take on the civil rights issues of this decade, of this generation, on their own. >> and yet there are still basic resource questions. i know as we were researching here you're still working on getting just $5,000 in order to get the algebra project to
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mississippi this summer. we talked with walter kimbreaux who's the head of hbcu in new orleans earlier about funding. part of the movement is having the resources to do it. where are the contemporary resources for building a sustainable movement? >> yeah, so for education, we need a national tax on education. right. and i think roberts said it. he said in terms of the health care, congress has the right to tax, right. so we need -- i mean, the states don't have any money. the cities don't have any money. i mean, so we really need people to understand that's what's at stake in the 21st century, that the young people in this country have to be elevated to a constitutional status for purposes of the education. otherwise, they are not going to make it. we were looking at the serfs of
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the 20th century in the deltas. we're growing serfs in our cities. any kid who lives high school with the equivalent of an eighth grade education is bound for serfdom in the 21st century. >> bob moses, i am honored by you being at my table. thank you so much for being here. thank you for your continued -- and for your decades of work. thank you, judith, for spending time with us today. that is our show for today. thanks to all of you at home for watching. i will see you again tomorrow morning. 10:00 a.m. eastern. tomorrow, we'll do something a little different. we're going to talk about the politics of parenting, from policies impacting parents to pressures on new moms to lose the baby weight, to the billion dollar baby business. and dads, we're not going to forget about dads. come on back tomorrow. it's going to be different and a lot of fun. the politics of parenting. right now, it's time for a preview of "weekends with alex
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witt." >> we parent two kids each, right, we know this. anyway, now i'm going to get to the news. i'm going to introduce you all to a little girl who could become the new face of immigration reform. she's asked the pope and speaker john boehner for help. i'm going to talk to her. after the i-pad, comes the i-watch. early word on what to expect from apple's next big invention. the case of the handsome felon whose mug shot went viral. now why his mother is asking for your help. plus, the american fan frenzy in brazil as the u.s. gets ready to face off against portugal in the world cup. don't go anywhere, because i'll be right back. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list.
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players. we'll look at america's new fascination with an old game. summer's here. we'll try to find the biggest slide to celebrate the season. a live report from one of america's busiest parks. it's high noon in the east, high noon out west. the isis terror group continues its violent assault across iraq in a bid to overthrow the government. officials say the group has seized a border crossing about 200 miles west of baghdad, after killing some 30 iraqi troops and another town on the euphrates river. at this time, isis has released a chilling new propaganda video featuring three english-speaking jihadists. fighters make a reference to a term used to describe syria and portions of neighboring countries. meantime, president obama is


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