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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  June 25, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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one involving aereo. internet service that streams local broadcast tv channels. we should note msnbc's parent company among the broadcasting cable companies opposing aereo and the copy right claims before the high court. the other decision whether police need search warrants to look at suspects' cell phones. pete williams standing by for us at the high court. pete, let's start with that aereo decision. >> and craig, good day to you from the supreme court. can you hear horns honking in the background. in is not somebody getting married. this is some kind of demonstration by the city's cab drivers. just going on in the street between me and the u.s. capitol. but back to the business at hand. the supreme court ruled that aereo, the internet streaming service that allowed people to watch broadcast tv on a mobile device like an ipad or cell phone violates federal law by retransmitting copy righted programs without paying a copy right fee. aereo claimed the way it was set
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up where each viewer gets the antenna and space in a rack of digital video recorders was like recording programs at home using your own dvr. but the supreme court rejected that by a 6-3 vote. it's probably a death nail to aereo which said before the decision that if the supreme court went against it it, would probably not stay in business. aereo is something like 12 cities right now. waiting for the decision had stopped the spread to other cities. now it seems likely aereo will go out of business or vastly rejiggering the way it does business. we haven't yet heard from the company. a surprising decision 8-1 vote. the supreme court said the police must get a search warrant when they search -- when they make an arrest in order to search someone's smartphone. this is a change from the past practice, because up until now the court said when the police arrest someone, they can search anything that is on that person. empty out the pockets, rummage through the purses or
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briefcases. the court said cell phones are different. they hold so much data that can be highly personal to the supreme court. the decision written by the chief justice said all but emergencies the police must get a search warrant before searching someone's cell phone. if the cops pull you over for speeding they can't look through your cell phone without getting a search warrant. today we got three decisions those two plus another technical one involving a matter of finance. we'll get more decisions tomorrow and possibly on monday as well. >> pete williams, always unflappable. we'll let you get back to the taxi demonstration. >> you need a cab i know where you can get one! >> in d.c. that's saying a lot. and politics and the surprise in mississippi. six-term republican senator thad cock ron unexpectedly survived a tea party win. he defeated mcdaniel, in
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yesterday's runoff getting some 51% of the vote to mcdaniel's 49%. the latest numbers there. some 99% of all precincts reporting. mcdaniel refuses to concede. >> we have a right to be proud of our state tonight! thank you very much! thank you for the wonderful honor. >> before the race ends we have to be absolutely certain that the republican primary was won by republican voters! there is something a bit unusual about a republican primary that is decided by liberal democrats. >> state senator mcdaniel referring to democratic voters especially african-americans turning out in the republican runoff to vote for senator cochran, which is allowed in mississippi. nbc's casey hunt joins us live from hattiesburg. at this point, any indication
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whether state senator mcdaniel is going succeed or plan to officially challenge the results? >> everything that we see so far says they're going challenge it somehow. we're not clear yet on the details what that might be. whether it would involve a court challenge or him trying to run in some other way. but the reality is, that the third party groups that were supporting him seem to be or at least the ones that have a lot of money in clout and organizing power like the club for growth are congratulating senator cochran and pafbly moving on from this. . how was he able to do it? tell us how senator cochran was able to pull off the victory. we should note, a guy, you know, a lot of folks that he was done after the runoff. >> so three weeks ago i was down here for the primary, you could tell that the cochran campaign was not in a good place. they were privately saying they thought they were going to lose. if anything, the runoff was almost a best case scenario for them. they said that night when i
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asked them how are you going turn it around. they said they are going to in and build ground game and organize and win the election. that's exactly what they did. they did a few things. first, they upped the ground game. as you noted, they went to expand the e lek trait. they went to democrats, african-american democrats. they went to republicans who may be weren't worried that senator cochran was going lose. they said, hey, we need you. they put lot of money behind that ground game. there was help from outside groups like the national republican senatorial committee like the u.s. chamber of exercise. they shifted the strategy on tv. they were airing a lot of ads that portrayed cochran as someone going to help mississippi. they focussed on the hundred he brought home. it was a little bit of change from the ads they were airing emphasized how he was conservative, opposed to obamacare. between those two things, they were able to pull it out. it goes to show a campaign can make a lot of difference.
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senator cochran himself strug old little bit on the campaign trail. he hasn't been outfront. they didn't change too much about the way he was putting themselves out. but they changed the mechanics behind him. >> haas how you lose a primary and win a runoff. how is that race shaping up? could mcdaniel also mount a third-party challenge come november? >> it's not clear what mcdaniel might do at this point. as for childers, he was convinced to get into the race because they saw the possibility of having another todd akin, another christine o'donnell. another republican who was too conservative might be broken to say things to offend african-american democrats in this state. at this point, the numbers haven't been showing behind the scenes that childers is particularly strong against cochran. the question is how much are democrats willing to stick with him. are they willing to sacrifice
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others to help in the long shot race. it's not clear they're willing to do that. >> all right kacie hunt. another hard fought high profile primary considered too close to call. 22-term democratic congressman rangel declaring victory even though his opponent conceding. leading espaillat by about 1800 votes. absentee ballots are left to be counted. >> there was your victory! this is your congressman! and you can rest assured all i will be doing is thinking about you and bringing these resources home! >> we have reviewed the results as they continue to come in, and we feel this race is too close
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to call! this race is too close to call! congressman rangel joins me live now by phone. congressman, do you think you might have been a bit premature in declaring victory last night, sir? >> no. i wasn't -- [ inaudible ] believed to be -- that there is change at all. people said -- >> no doubt at this point that lead is going to hold up with the absentee ballots are counted? >> well, i think if they split i will. so i'm not even going that way, craig. i got -- [ inaudible ] and so much mending to do to
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make certain that whatever resulted from this primary that we move forward united as we've been over four decades. so i have a lot to do. i'm pretty happy that. congressman, really quickly. you made some news yesterday. you said this is it. this is win or lose you said you were done. 23 terms in november this is going to be your last. what are you going do in retirement? >> well, it was very emotional for me. i intend to take the --
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[ inaudible ] all right. charlie rangel. congressman, we'll leave it there. i would congratulate you but it may be a bit premature. we're following several developments in iraq right now. the first congretingent u.s. advisers are in baghdad now. another group is expected to arrive in the next few days. also, an iraqi official claims isis insurgents have withdrawn most of their forces from that country's largest oil refinery after a heavier attack over the past couple of days. iraq's prime minister called for all political forces to unite saying they needed a united nation to beat back terrorism. all comes as united nations announced this morning before 1,000 people, mostly civilians
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have been killed in iraq this month alone. a federal judge rules that the no-fly list is unconstitutional. saying people can never find out why they're abandoned from flying in the first place. what happens to the list now? plus. >> it is true we were several million dollars in debt. she's not out of touch. >> president bill clinton defending his family's wealth in an exclusive interview with david gregory after hillary clinton said they left the white house, quote, dead broke. also, the bite seen around the world. lewis suarez appearing to sink his teeth into the opponent at the world cup yesterday. he could be banned. we'll talk about that. you can talk about it as well. you can join our conversation online. you can find the team on facebook and twitter. @"newsnation." [ mom ] hi, we're the pearsons, and we love chex cereal.
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so we made our own commercial to tell you why. chex makes seven gluten free flavors. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we love chex!
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and this morning the justice department said it's reviewing a ruling by an oregon federal judge at the procedure by which one is placed on the government's no-fly list is unconstitutional. and her decision yesterday u.s. district judge anna brown said the government's practice of placing passengers on the list violences their constitutional rights saying, quote, international travel is not a near convenience or luxury. indeed for many it's a necessary aspect of liberties sacred to members of free society. the case was brought by the aclu in 2010. filed on behalf of u.s. muslims four of whom happened to be u.s. military veterans. they were only aware they were placed on the list when they were blocked from boarding a
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plane. first of all, what exactly does this mean going forward for the no-fly list? >> well, the big question is how do you find out, you know, whether you're on the list, and if you are you feel like it's a mistake how can you get off the list? up to now, if there's a mistaken identity, you can get off fairly briskly. there was a big case in 2004, senator ted kennedy found himself on the no-fly list because somebody was using the alias ted t kennedy. they tried to resolve the mistaken identity cases quickly. what is tougher when they have gotten information from perhaps a source overseas, signal intelligence that suggests to be on the list. they don't want to say what the information is. it's very difficult for people to challenge the designation. >> the no-fly list, of course, established in 2001 right after the attacks.
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according to the fbi there are some roughly 20,000 names on the list. 500 of whom are u.s. citizens. are there that many people that pose an imminent threat? 20,000 seems like a lot. >> it does seem a like a lot of people. it's difficult to describe what it is that gets them on the list. the fbi keeps a larger list of everyone who there is a reasonable suspicious they might be a terrorist. and no-fly list is a subset of that. they maintain the list. they say they keep it up to date, then the department of homeland security with the transportation security administration they consult the list and find out whether somebody trying to travel is on it. but it does seem like a large number. >> what did do we know about the paragraphs in the particular case and how they wound up in the no-fly list on the first place? >> well, they are -- as you said 13 u.s. citizens, four are military veterans. the case is tended to be
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international travel. they say, you know, it wouldn't be that easy to drive or take a train, as you could across a country. so they were people that, for instance, one person was in cairo trying to return to the united states. another person had gotten married in columbia and rejected for travel. in both cases they were told veterans. they're not told why. the people locally are telling them they're on the no-fly list. as they try to challenge it. the department of home land security won't acknowledge they're on the list. they won't say specifically why they've been rejected. it's very difficult for them to fight it. the aclu, the group that represented these folks called it -- >> why is the justice department insistent on not explaining why the folks are on the list? >> well, the federal government considers fighting terrorism one of the top priorities.
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they say they can't just reveal how they get their secret information to fight it in open court might reveal secrets they don't want to reveal. >> all right. we'll leave it there. thank you. a mormon woman takes a stand against her church. >> for me it's important to keep in mind that i'm not just doing this for myself. a young girl can't leave the church. >> kate kelly advocating for women to be ordained. she's been excommunicated. the all-male panel said she undermines the church's teachings. i'll talk to her right after this. ♪ oh, that's a picture there! this congressional singing of capitol hill is just one of the things that we thought you should know about. here is a quick look at what is happening wednesday, june 25th.
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homeland security is in nogales arizona, visiting the facilities. overwhelmed by the surge at undocumented border. chris christie is holding a town hall meeting. we'll be streaming the event live. and during the hour, president obama will lunch with israeli president at the white house. they grew up traveling on a bus with their gospel music singing families. knowing a thing or two about what makes a good bus ride, they started hemphill brothers coach company. their clients include justin timberlake, lady gaga, even the president. there are cameras,, police, guards...ds us. but who looks after us online,
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members to your point of view and your course of action threatened to erode the faith of others. kate kelly joins me live. why is it important for you and other women to be ordained? >> it's important that women are ordained in our church because the entire leadership structure of the church reinvolves having the priesthood. in our church, the women are not given any leadership opportunities over congregations or in the leadership of the church based on their gender. >> somehow the excommunication? how has it affected you? >> it's hard to express the sorrow that i feel. it is as if i were being forcibly evicted from my spirit yule ho spiritual home. >> your dad said you have never been, quote, one to put up with
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baa l baloney. why didn't you search out another religion? >> that's a question i'm getting a lot. i have to remember it's not just for me. i'm doing it for so many young girls and my nieces and other people who participate in this religion because we love it and because they love it. but they grow up thinking that they are less than or they can't fully achieve things their male counter parts can. and so what i'm trying to do is invest in this institution and make it a better, more inclusive place for everyone. >> here is a thing, have you thought that if this is a church that subscribes to this kind of mind set, i mean, if this is the push back you have gotten. some might say, well, if that's the kind of club maybe i don't want to be a member of the club. maybe i want to find a better
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club. no? >> i think, for me, i don't think the gender party will be achieved in society unless all major faith traditions become more inclusive places. so that includes mormonism, c catholicism, judaism, muslimism. they need to be inclusive. they affect policy and. and so i don't think we can just walk away and say, you know, it's fine. you can discriminate as you wish. i think it's important for everyone not just mormons to be invested in this cause. >> with that letter you received from the bishop, said, quote, i invite you to strive to come back to full fellowship. it's a opportunity to begin to take anew.
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to qualify for the blessings of the temple. are you willing to do that? >> i'm unwilling to stop telling the truth that men and women are not equal in our church. i'm unwilling to step down from the organization i founded because it's what is in my heart. i can't go to church every sunday living a lie and saying i think something i don't. >> are you going appeal? is that next? how do you do that? >> i'm going appeal. even the disciplinary process in our church reflects the disparity between the way men and women treated. in my case, i was excommunicated by a panel of three men. if i were a man, it would have had to be a panel of 15 men. it would have been a much more formal process. because i'm a woman, i'm able to be arbitrarily excommunicated by a single person, a bishop. my appeal, as a woman, can only go to the regional level as the
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next step where as if i were a man, it would be able to got first presidency of the church. >> kate kelly, we'll leave it there. thank you very much. keep us posted on this. okay? >> thank you so much. the republican-lead house is looking at suing the obama administration over the president's use of executive actions. how would a lawsuit like this work? we're going look at that next. we're live on capitol hill. captures capture a tornado tearing a 2-mile path of damage near indianapolis. it's one of the stories we're following around the "newsnation" today. a virginia man is getting a vasectomy. it's part of his plea deal to reduce his prison sentence. it's our "newsnation" gut check. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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all right developing right now. we are waiting to hear any minute from house spiker john boehner. gop aids confirmed to nbc news
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that discussions are underway about legal action that the house could take in response to president obama's administration's use of executive orders. the president used executive actions to bypass a deeply divided congress as he pursues the second term agenda. in a statement he said, quote, the president has a clear record of ignoring the american people's elected representatives and exceeding his constitutional authority. which has dangerous implications for both our system of government and our economy. that cardiolo coming from michael steel. nancy pelosi talked about the issue a moment ago. >> he hasn't come anywhere near what republican presidents have come done on executive orders. he will act within his discretion for whatever it is. >> luke has been following this back and forth. luke, good see you. first of all, what would a
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lawsuit look like? i mean, would it be boehner v obama? >> they don't want that to happen specifically. because they think it's bad opt optics. you're seeing boehner and others having discussions with constitutional law experts about what would be the best vehicle for them to move forward. one option is the bipartisan legal advisory group. if you remember when a president instructed doj to no longer enforce the defense of marriage act a few years back, the house bought a suit against the doj using the vehicle of divide partisan of legal advisory group. that's certainly an option they have. craig, i have to tell you. we were doing research it's very interesting unprecedented legal ground. this is never really happened before in this magnitude, at least recently regarding a lawsuit over executive actions. there's a lot of discussions why boehner and the house gop leadership are pursuing this
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route. the main answer is a lot of folks who are the more conservative side of the house gop conference this is read meat for them. they believe the administration is engaged in a lot of overgrabs. you hear word of impeachment from some of the more far right guys. boehner perhaps pursuing the path to give them a little bit of red meat to chew on. >> quickly, which executive actions might they cite if they were to bring the lawsuit? >> they haven't mentioned it specifically. they're keeping it close to the desk. from my sources, i would expect it have to do with the president's health care law. especially the one pertaining to giving businesses more time to comply with the employer mandate. things of that magnitude. they think that's probably the most pertinent area to move on it. it's unknown legal ground. we'll see what happened. for constitutional law people, it will be a fascinating legal
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case. >> all right. luke russert. thank you. >> bill clinton played the role of explainer in chief for president obama in 2012. he's apparently at it again. this time for his wife hillary clinton defendi ining comments made about the former first couple's financial status. during her recent book tour she said they were, quote, dead broke when they left the white house. david dwrgregory asked the president about the comments and critics who say the potential presidential candidate is out of touch with voters. >> it is factually true we were several billion dollars in debt. she's not out of touch. she advocated and worked as a senator for things that were good for ordinary people. if you don't give the most in-depth answer to a question because you immediately remember what you felt like the day we left, as opposed what it looks like everybody else now who is having trouble, you have to say
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i have to clean it up. which she did. joining me live nbc senior political editor mark murray. you said before on-air that being wealthy has rarely been a problem in american politics. the roosevelts, the kennedys, the bushes. why has this become an uncomfortable topic for the clintons right now? >> you're right, craig. normally politics money is a big advantage. it helps you have name id and self-finance candidate to pay for tv ads. the potential danger for hillary clinton if she decides to rub for presidency, the longer you've been involved in politics the more money you end up making. sometimes there's the situation in which you lose a common touch with your average voter, their struggles, their concerns, and being able to have that type of relationship, know what is on people's mind is an asset for anyone who is seeking office whether it's the presidency,
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congress, or rubbi inrunning fo governor. that's the teenager fdanger for. he was changing the subject back to policy matters. one thing he talked about in the past since they've been making money since he left the white house. we have been blessed to make a lot of money since leaving the white house. what we sympathy more of our money should be taxed and the more they focus on policies expanding the social safety net, taxing the well-off more. they're on safer ground. when they're trying to explain and defend how much money they made, it's been a little bit more of a problematic situation, as that hillary dead broke comment turned out to be. >> there's another interesting dimension bill clinton and the role he could play in advocating for his wife. how do you think he handled that particular line of questioning from david gregory? >> you know, craig. it's interesting. i thought he was more effective during the 2012 democratic convention for barack obama than in the sit-down interview.
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of course, it's two completely different formats there. as we saw in the 2008 presidential election, sometimes bill clinton was an asset for his wife. and sometimes he wasn't. i think it's a little bit when you try to defend your wife versus somebody in your own party it's a little bit more difficult and complicated. i wouldn't be surprised if she's runni inning barack obama becom bigger ally and asset in big audiences to be explainer in chief for her than her husband. because it's a little too personal when you're a husband defending your wife. >> although it will be, of course, for the first time in modern political history that you have not one but two -- one former president and the next president all potentially stumping for that president's wife. it's amazing. potential story, i guess. >> it will be fantastic. the question is who the republicans end up having as their candidate and validaters. >> mark murray, good to see you.
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you can catch the full interview this sunday on "meet the press." coming up nba hall of famer dominique wilkinss talking about how he tackled type ii diabetes and what we can learn from him. the search is on for a convicted murderer who broke out of arkansas prison. he's considered armed and dangerous. it's one of the stories we're following around the ne "newsnatio "newsnation." rilled shrimp... or the new! lobster-topped lobster. and now for lunch, try our new lobster tacos, just $9.99.ends soon so hurry in. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them.
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timothy buffington is his name. he escaped during a work detail. he fled armed with a stolen shotgun and a back of ammo. he's considered armed and dangerous. students who survived the south korea ferry tragedy returned to their high school today. around 70 street students, many weeping were greeted by parents of the 300 dead or missing. fifa is investigating suarez after he appeared to have bit him. i saw, the guy bit him. it's the third time he has bitten someone during the game. he was us is spend ee e-- suspe last year for making racist opponents. they could ban him up to two years. he'll certainly miss the rest of the world cup. time for "newsnation" gut check. a virginia man accused of child
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endangerment agreed to an extremely unusual plea deal in order to get a lighter sentence. jesse lee harrold reportedly fathered at least seven children by six women has agreed to undergo a vasectomy in turn getting five years knocked off the prison time. quote, he needs to support the children he already has when gets out. not everyone thinks it's a good idea. the past president of the criminal deal. sentencing conditions are designed to prevent future criminal behavior. fathering children is not criminal behavior. lisa green is a legal analyst. she joins me. have you ever heard of anything like this? is it unprecedented? in it's outrageous, almost unconstitutional. it happened before. for whatever reason judges and
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prosecutors look at defendants and think i shouldn't they be a parent and i'm going to exercise my authority. outrageous. >> shouldn't that be up to a judge? should it be up to a jury? should it be up to a prosecutor? >> many people argue it has nothing to do with the criminal justice system. most especially here, craig, where the underlying crimes were not of a sexual nature. if the purpose of criminal punishment is to prevent this man from driving recklessly again, sky you whether a vasectomy is going to help with the driving skills. >> if we want to get in the business of encouraging people or forcing people to get vasectomies that's a lot of vasectomies in this country. >> where do you draw the line? what is interesting in this case. it's a guy. more often than that not, women stand before judges who say, you ought to have a contraceptive implant. i'm going to order you not to have more children. not all the women have the ability to appeal the ruling.
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>> he has a rap sheet. hit and run, possession of drugs. it would be, quote, in the commonweal commonwealth's best interest for him not to have anymore. would the prosecutor would have put the same offer on the table if the guy were wealthy? >> you know -- that's the problem. i think the people with the means to express outrage don't take them. put yourself in the shoes of this guy. he can save five years of breathing fresh air by agreeing to the terms. while a plea bargain is supposed to be voluntary how voluntary is it? >> a judge has to approve plea bargains in virginia. it'll be interesting to see what happens. thank you. what does your gut tell you? do you think a vasectomy should be a mart of a plea deal? you can go to "newsnation" to cast your vote. take a look what the
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"newsnation" is saying about yesterday's. an app that auctions off public parking spaces should be legal? 20% say yes. 80% said no. i'm guaranteeing they have never tried to find a spot in san francisco. a major mix up that put president obama on a world cup souvenir. it's one of the things we thought you should know. ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. because what we all really want... more. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet. and not a "have just a little buffet". that's the idea behind the more everything plan. it's more of everything you want. for less. plus, get the droid maxx by motorola for 0 down.
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get more with our best plans on the best network. for best results, use verizon. say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew.
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. this month the cdc released an alarming new report showing more americans than ever, nearly 10% of the population now lives with type 2 diabetes, and the costs of treating the disease has now topped some $245 billion. now as researchers point to a number of different factors fortin crease, one legendary basketball star is taking his own experiences with the disease in launching a full-court press to help others. former atlanta hawk and nba hall
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of famer dominique wilkins known to many as the human highlight film is kicking off dominique's diabetes dream teamed aimed at helping people tackle the challenges of living with diabetes. wilkins was diagnosed himself at the age of 40, not long after he retired from the league. he also lost his father and grandfather to diabetes. dominique wilkins joins me live. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> what made you launch the initiative? >> behind the launch, being a diabetic for over 14 years, i've seen the struggles with diabetes, more importantly in my family. so i'm here in new york to launch the dominique wilkins diabetes dream team in conjunction with nova nortis. the goal ultimately is to help type 2 diabetics work with their dream teams in managing diabetes
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each and every day. >> you have your own dream team. you're a doctor, certified diabetes educator, a fitness trainer and your family. a lot of the folks who have type 2 diabetes out there, they don't have a team like that. what can they be doing? >> well, this is the thing -- we basically develop a diabetes coach's clipboard to help people get insider tips on what i do each and every day with my team of professionals and experts. the diabetes coach's clipboard will give information on how to build their dream team. if you go on to the website,, you will find the clipboard and see the things i use each and every day to manage my disease and what i take to manage my disease. it's about building people who you're very comfortable with, building those people around you to build your dream team. >> as you've gone around the country and talked to folks who
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have type 2 diabetes, what are you hearing from them? what are they saying to you about their struggles to manage the disease and how they're handling it? >> i think people go through the denial stage. they know they're die bet irk, but they ignore the problem. all you're doing is prolonging the inevitable. you have to take control of this disease and accept it. once you accept it, you can manage it. it's not a curse. it's not a death sentence if you take control of it now through diet, exercise and medication. it's the diet and exercise that's really important in managing the disease because those are some of the things that will keep the disease at bay. but you've got to be willing to make those lifestyle changes. >> how did you find out you had it? >> well, it's funny because a year after i retired i stopped training, i still eat the same foods. i found i had the same problems a lot of americans have. when i went to check to see what was going on with my health, the doctor said, the good news is you're not dieing, the bad news is you're diabetic so you have
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to have a lifestyle change right now. that lifestyle change consisted of diet, exercise, medication. i hadn't had orange juice in over 14 years. i drink over a gallon of water every day. >> i'm curious about the name. you're calling it the diabetes dream team? any specific reason? does that go back to 1992 and that snub? >> well, probably some of it. but for me it was just a great way to really engage people, get them to do something fun, creative, but more importantly give them information, options out there that they desperately need. we encourage people to go to the website and download that clipboard and find the options that 345i work for you. >> it's a great cause. i recently lost my grandmother to difficult bee tease. it's great to see guys like you out there that have taken this on. good luck to you.
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you look good, sir? >> thank you. here are some of the things we thought you should know. a british company looking to cash in on their country's world cup success may end up losing a lot of money, not because their team was knocked out. they mistakenly used the face of president obama instead of one of the players. no one seemed to notice until it was too late. back on this side of the pond, as congressional leaders commemorate the 50th anniversary of the civil rights act, one moment in yesterday's festivities is getting a lot of attention. a rare, very rare moment of bipartisanship as house and senate leadership held hands, singing "we shall overcome."
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quite an image. those are a few of the things we thought you should know. that's going to do it for this edition of "news nation." tomorrow i'll talk live to pastor frank schaeffer whose defrocking has been overturned after he presided over his son's same-sex marriage and said he would perform more if i asked. i'll talk to him tomorrow. up next ""andrea mitchell reports"" with kristen welker anchoring today. ♪
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this is interesting. it says here that a woman's sex drive increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disease. it seems that 80 is the new 18. grannies, bless your heart, you are bringing sexy back! eat up. keep heart-healthy. live long. for a healthy heart, eat the 100% natural whole grain goodness of post shredded wheat. doctors recommend it. (the 2014 chevy equinox) comes with great features... usb connectivity, so you can enjoy your favorite music. mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! hi mom. and a multi-flex sliding rear seat, for your passenger's comfort and your own. start your summer off right and get this 2014 chevy equinox ls for around $199 per month. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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and now you get hit again.asis. this time by joint pain. it's a double whammy. it could psoriatic arthritis a chronic inflammatory disease that attacks your joints on the inside and your skin on the outside. if you've been hit by... find out more about psoriatic arthritis. take the symptom quiz at and talk to your doctor. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," pulling the plug. two big decisions from the supreme court including one that stops internet startup ario from broadcasting tv on mobile devices. justice correspondent pete williams will break down the details for us. hanging on. mississippi senator thad cochran fends off his tea party
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challenger, but in new york with the race too close to call, charlie rangel is already taking a victory lap. >> i want each one of you to go home and know that this was your victory. this is your congressman, and you can rest assured all i will be doing is thinking about you and bringing these resources home. and money talks, as hillary faces backlash for being out of touch after tripping over comments about the clinton's wealth. bill now offers his two cents. >> she's not out of touch and she advocated and worked as a senator for things that were good for ordinary people. and before that, all her life -- and the people asking her questions should put this into some sort of context.


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