tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC June 25, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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challenger, but in new york with the race too close to call, charlie rangel is already taking a victory lap. >> i want each one of you to go home and know that this was your victory. this is your congressman, and you can rest assured all i will be doing is thinking about you and bringing these resources home. and money talks, as hillary faces backlash for being out of touch after tripping over comments about the clinton's wealth. bill now offers his two cents. >> she's not out of touch and she advocated and worked as a senator for things that were good for ordinary people. and before that, all her life -- and the people asking her questions should put this into some sort of context.
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very good day to you. i'm kristen welker live in washington. andrea is on assignment. we begin with breaking news from the supreme court, two critical rulings, one with big implications for law enforcement across the country and the other for millions of americans like you. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams is live at the supreme court. i want to start with the ario decision. we note msnbc's parent company, nbc universal was among the broadcasting companies opposing ario. break down this decision for us. what are the implications? i know broadcasters are cheering the ruling. it could mean ario is out of business. >> this is a decision that really is an arrow into the heart of aereo. what aereo is a system that
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allowed people in certain cities that had the service to pay a fee and be able to watch broadcast tv signals on a mobile device, iphone, ipad, smart phone. you did that by aereo, when you logged in, assigning an individual tiny antenna to you and video recorder to you. aereo said that worked just like you do at home, it was just being done remotely. the supreme court didn't buy that today. they said aereo is violating the copyright laws. when the tv station broadcasts a signal, that's a public lick performance and no one else can transmit it without paying aa fee. aereo designed its whole system around the copyright law hoping to evade it. today the supreme court said that didn't work. aereo can say, okay, we'll charge a copyright fee and continue to offer the service. we haven't heard from the company yet. they told us before the case was
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argued, that was not likely to happen. one of the goals here was to try to break the monopoly that cable companies have and try to get at sort of a new approach for delivering signals. the supreme court said that's not going to happen. the court rejected aereo's claims that a defeat for them would doom the cloud, where people can remotely store things. the supreme court went out of its way today saying we're not saying anything about that. the whole cloud thing is an entirely separate question. now, the second issue today here involves smart phones which almost every american now has. indeed the supreme court said today in its opinion that 12% of americans even say they take their smart phones with them into the shower. the question here was can the police search the contents of a smart phone when they arrest someone. can they rummage through all the data on a cell phone. a unanimous supreme court today said the answer is no.
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this is a very hip decision. the justices seem fully aware of all the stuff you can have on a smart phone. all the data. they talk about apps. the apps a person have could reveal their political after phil fill asians, whether they're searching webmd for a diagnosis. it requires a real break from what the court has said in past cases. in past decisions the supreme court said when the supreme court arrests someone, they can search everything that person is carrying. they can search the contents of pockets, briefcases, purses, anything else. in one case the police arrested a man, found a crumpled up cigarette package in his pocket and opened it up and found elicit drugs. today they say cell stones contain so much data that no one could possibly lug around on videotapes, pictures, documents, all the stuff that's on a cell phone. indeed, the supreme court said the police could find out more
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from a cell phone than they can even find by searching many people's houses. the supreme court said when they make an arrest, they can't search the cell phone unless and until they get a search warrant. they did say there could be exceptions in emergencies where someone's life is at stake or it's clear that evidence is about to be destroyed that a cell phone might have. it says those will be by far the exceptions. the routine run-of-the-mill case. what this means is police stops someone for careless driving, they can't look at the phone to see if they were texting. they can't go through geo locating thing to see if they were speeding. they can get a search warrant and search the phone, but they have to have a warrant. >> lots of fast-moving developments. is this the first time you've ever called something a hip decision? >> reporter: probably, yes. there was a lot of concern when this case was argued because there was a lot of head scratching by some of the justices about how cell phones work. well, this opinion shows a complete familiarity with
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phones, even going into the fact that, for example, some of the stuff that may appear on a cell phone is actually not scored on the phone, it may be stored in the cloud, and they said that's another thing that makes a search of cell phones different. so for all those reasons they say the police need search warrants. it's a real divided line here i think in the supreme court's approach. full recognition that the digital age is different, and it may be a real touchstone for future cases about the whole world of digital privacy. >> fascinating stuff. pete williams, thank you for breaking it all down for us. appreciate it. >> reporter: you bet. a funny thing happened on the way to washington for mississippi state senator and tea party darling chris daniel. six-term incumbent thad cochran used every option to squeak by the same opponent who picked up votes three weeks ago.
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>> there were literally dozens of voting irregularities reported all across the state. you know why. you read the stories. there is something a bit strange, there is something a bit unusual about a republican primary that's decided by liberal democrats. >> fighting words there. joining me now for our daily fix, chris ill lizza, manager of post nbc political reporter kasie hunt. "washington post" report nia-malika henderson and steve kornacki, host of "up." this is what we call a monster panel. thanks for joining me. i'm going to start with you, chris. you said something i just loved. you said cochran pitched a political perfect game. how did he do it? what did you mean? >> if you looked three weeks ago
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yesterday, there is no one who spends time following politics who is not being paid by thad cochran who would say thad cochran is going to win. he had been in the senate, kristen, for 36 years and got less votes, as you pointed out, than chris mcdaniel did. if on june 30 he got less votes, why would he possibly get more on june 24th. we would assume everybody sort of knew who he was. what he did was expand the electorate. he did that i think most notably among the black community, someone who works for me, phillip, a really bright guy, i want to make this point because it's really important. in the areas where the african-american population is up, it went up 40%. in every other county, it went up 16%. that's all you need to know. >> almost unprecedented, right? >> a six-term incumbent winning
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a runoff after losing the primary is pretty unheard of. the way in which he expanded the electorate, i would say even more unheard of. >> kasey, you are on the ground there. you heard mcdaniel. he didn't concede last night. >> reporter: he did not concede. the mood in the room was one of intense anger. the people who have been driving the mcdaniel campaign from the beginning are very angry about the establishment. they feel alienated from the republican party. they feel left out. they feel like the establishment has sort of ignored what they've been concerned about for a long time. you know, to go back to a little bit of what chris was talking about about cochran, i think there was also an element of people were just shocked and stunned because there was no expectation three weeks ago that cochran would pull this out. his team really went in and spent a lot of money on the ground and they really changed
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the mood. when i was talking to them three weeks ago, they were privately saying they thought they were going to lose. the runoff was maybe best case scenario. when i came back for this runoff election, the mood in the campaign had shifted dramatically. we went into the poll closing times last night, not really knowing who was going to win. the cochran campaign very much knew they were in this. they spent more than a million dollars knocking on doors, doing the basic mechanics of politics. it really paid off. >> kasie talks about the establishment, nia. we saw the establishment hold on, charlie rangel poised to win his third straight tough democratic primary. what does this say about his resiliency. a few years ago -- >> many of us including me have prematurely written his political obituary. i was there four years ago
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saying the same thing. he wouldn't eke it out. he obviously was able to. i think we draw the same conclusions from his ability to pull it out that we draw from thad cochran's ability to pull it out which is they know their communities. >> candidates matter. >> they know where to call on favors. you saw that from each of these these candidates. >> steve kornacki, i have not forgotten about you. we want to turn to the clintons now. hillary clinton got criticism as she said she and president clinton were dead broke when they left the white house. president clinton defended those comments to david gregory at cgi yesterday. take a listen. i'll get your reaction on the other side. >> you have to live in the moment, not with memory. it is factually true that we were several million dollars in debt. everybody now assumes that what happened in the intervening years was automatic. i'm shocked it's happened. i'm shocked that people still want me to come give talks. i'm grateful. >> when you say you pay ordinary
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taxes. secretary clinton said unlike other people who are really well off who pay taxtion maybe just off capital gains, can you understand as a political matter that could strike people as being out of touch? >> yes, but she's not out of touch. >> in a followup interview hillary clinton said my husband was very sweet today. i don't need anyone to defend my record. i think my record speaks for itself. >> didn't clinton help or hurt hillary clinton there? >> one way of looking at it, if she wants to be bill clinton's -- barack obama's political heir having bill clinton explain things for her puts her in that company. the flip side as you see from that statement, she doesn't want to make it look like she needs somebody else fighting her fights for her. to me this is just sort of -- the book tour itself was sort of a transition moment in terms of hillary clinton sort of -- she's not going to actually say it for a while, but hillary clinton rolling out as a presidential candidate. now we're sort of seeing, this
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is what political life is going to be like for the next two years assuming she goes ahead and runs, where everything is going to be parsed like this. we've never seen -- we said in 2008 we had never seen a front-runner like hillary clinton today. really we've never seen a front-runner like hillary clinton for 2016. she was running 48%, 50% against barack obama in 2008, now near 70%. that's unprecedented. >> chris, pick up on that point. she certainly is ahead. yet does former president clinton, do they need to find a new way to answer this question? >> you bet. this is now what day -- i've lost count. we're roughly a week, ten days into her not really talking all that well about the fact that she, in fact -- she and her husband are significantly more wealthy than the fast majority of america. that is not in and of itself
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something that disqualifies you for the ballot. if it did, we wouldn't have no precedents of the united states. it's how do you talk about it. she has to say, yes, we've done extremely well, but i've never forgotten where i came from and the people i'm fighting for. that's what bill clinton is getting to. i think she'll get to it. it's much better to have a problem talking about your wealth in june of 2014 rather than in june of 2016. yes, she has to find a better way to talk about it. >> steve, i'm going to switch topics now. let's go to chris christie. there's potentially a newbridge scandal, manhattan d.a. and sec are looking into whether the governor's office pushed for the illegal use of funds to renovate the pulaski skyway. we're getting new details about the old bridge scandal. >> how much time do we have here? talk about a granular -- >> just a few minutes. >> i'll go as quick as i can.
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this is an ultra granular transportation funding story, but it has potentially -- at this point now potentially criminal complications to it. it goes back to an event i think a lot of people remember four years ago when chris christie made a big show of canceling this tunnel project, a rail tunnel project connecting new jersey and manhattan. there's a big pile of cash for that money that the port authority of new york and new jersey was holding. chris christie does not control the port authority money. he has appointees there. he can influence how the money is disbursed. he looked at the big pot of money that was supposed to be for the tunnel and said, hey, i've got this giant transportation project in my state called the pulaski skyway, this elevated roadway that connects newark and jersey city, almost two-mile-long bridge. it's decaying, crumbling, it will cost $2 billion to bring it up to speed. he eyes that pool of money and
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says i want to get that money to fix the pulaski skyway. the only other way to do it is to raise the gas tax. i'm not going to be the republican governor that raises the gas tax. this has to do with how did they get the money from the port authority to pay for this project. what they did is they classified the skyway as an approach to the lincoln tunnel. the pulaski sky way is closer to lower manhattan. they don't connect. >> but that's important. they don't physically connect. >> right. this is where it builds to the legal thing. the district on the new york side has something called the martin act which is a 50-year-old statute that's on the books in new york that gives huge, tremendous wide latitude to prosecutors to go after securities fraud. what they are looking at here is that this decision to redirect that money, to have the port authority classify the pulaski skyway as an approach to the
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holland tunnel, it can basically constitute fraud. this is something that was in the bond documents that the port authority put out. the martin act gives the power to prosecute securities fraud. potentially that would be the fraud. i don't know if that's clear. >> that was good. >> there were a lot of details through to get through, and i know there's more coming out about the old bridge scandal, there may have been an uptick in phone calls between the governor's office and the port authority. nia, there seems to be a drip, drip, drip going on. christie was really moving forward with trying to rehabilitate his image for a potential 2016 run. do these revelations bring him back? >> it's difficult. nobody understands this better than kornacki does. i think whatever damage that's been done to chris christie has been done, not only have things changed around him in terms of
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what people think about him, things are changed around him in terms of different candidates who are eyeing 2016. he's got a lot of things to juggle, and it's not -- probably not going to help him doing the dancing on late night tv. >> this has been a monster panel that lived up to its billing. chris cillizza, thank you to all of you. appreciate it very much. you can see more of david gregory's exclusive interview with bill clinton on "meet the press" this sunday only on nbc. a federal judge has struck down indiana's ban on gay marriage calling it unconstitutional. the judge ruled the state's ban violates the state's equal protection clause. this could make it the 20th state plus the district of columbia to recognize same-sex marriage. the ruling did not make clear when same-sex marriages could begin. the indiana attorney general's office says it will appeal. up next, u.s. special forces
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are begin to arrive in bagdad. congressman ed royce joins me as it heats up here at home. >> the president is fond of saying only the iraqis can solve this problem. we can't pretend that this isn't our problem as well. retreating from the world stage in my view is not an option. nde? that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet?
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president obama has also asked me to travel to saudi arabia on friday in order to meet with his majesty king abdullah and to discuss regional issues including the situation in iraq and how we can counter the shared threat that is posed by isil as well as to discuss our support for the moderate opposition in syria.
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none of us need to be reminded that a far-away threat can have tragic consequences at home. in the most unexpected way, the most unexpected moment. >> that's secretary kerry at nato today on the impact of regional threats on the world. this as reports that syria launched air strikes into western iraq on tuesday to slow the advance of insurgent group eye sis fighting against both the syrian and iraqi governments. the state department did not dispute the reports saying, quote t solution to iraq's security challenge does not involve militias or the her der rouse assad regime but the strengthening of iraqi security forces to combat threats. congressman ed royce joining us. thank you for being with us. >> good to be with you. >> secretary kerry at nato earlier. he met with maliki trying to
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convince him to move forward with creating a more inclusive government. we got a wire saying that maliki rejected calls for an interim national salvation government. at this point, what is your level of confidence that there's a political resolution to this, congressman? >> well, clearly maliki has helped bring this crisis on. i mean between maliki and this obsession which this al qaeda offshoot has for a caliphate. if maliki had included sunni and kurdish elements in the government, if he were willing to compromise, clearly he could pull the company behind him. he has not been able to do so. his comments "today" show again that rather than a statesman, what we have is someone who is destroying the possibility in his country of uniting the country against this attack coming out of syria by this al qaeda offshoot. >> so given that, congressman, do you think the united states
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needs to move forward with air strikes? >> well, we don't want to see -- we don't want to see u.s. boots on the ground in that -- in iraq. what has been requested by the government in iraq, but also by our embassy in bagdad, is that as these columns of al qaeda offshoot soldiers move, that we use predator drones above them in order to look down and you can see the ski masks and the black flags and to hit these columns and take these columns out because that has proved to be a pretty effective strategy in the past when you're dealing with al qaeda offshoots like this. so that has been the critique. should we have done this, should we do it now? in the past the administration has said no, but now we've got this organization on the border
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of jordan, and, of course, if they go over the border and begin to attack in jordan and their plan is one caliphate, israel, jordan, syria, iraq, that is part of their scheme. what do we do? do we at some point order these attacks because there's a relatively small number of them, 7,000, let's say, of these fighters. >> congressman, just to be clear, are you saying we should move forward with ordering those attacks? >> i do think in terms of drones, i think we should have accepted the request of the government in iraq, but also our embassy in iraq who suggested we take this course when these columns were on the move because that's the one thing that really, really is effective against al qaeda. >> we should say there's a new poll that is coming out today, new nbc news "wall street
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journal" poll which shows that 71% of people now say the war effort in iraq wasn't worth it. i want to switch gears, congressman, and ask you about ukraine. there is a ceasefire, but clearly the violence has continued. we've gotten mixed messages from president putin who called for an extension of the ceasefire, but also asked russia's upper house on tuesday to revoke the right it had given him to order a military intervention in ukraine. secretary kerry seems to be very skeptical of that. do you share that skepticism? can putin be trusted on this? >> i was in eastern ukraine and i talked to many russian speaking ukrainians in that region including the local governor in the main city there and many of the women's groups, minority groups, civil society, jewish groups, all of them felt that it was very unhelpful, that
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what moscow was doing was bringing in agents and creating upheaval. now, certainly there are some in the society in do netsing that support that activity. but at least where i was it was uniformly condemn ed by those i civil society. they said he's keeping them in a state of unrest so the country can't heal. it's not as though people think russian troops are going to come over the border, but it's the fact of the on going acts of provocation, shooting down helicopters, assassinations and so forth. that kind of thing in the east on the ground, it's very unfortunate. we wish russia would cease and desist with these actions. >> congressman ed royce, thank you for your insights.
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we appreciate it. now to something you just don't see every day here in washington, getting a lot of attention online. it was a rare demonstration of togetherness, you can call it that, as politicians from both sides of the aisle prove they could over come their differences, at least for a brief moment or two. this video quickly went viral on twitter, some calling it more than a little awkward and dubbing it a kumbaya moment, but the hearts were in the right place. the song was to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the civil rights act of 1964. earlier today democratic leader nancy pelosi responded to all of the attention. take a listen. >> well, what's to think? you mean that i was smiling and singing. >> you were smiling and singing but the others didn't seem to be smiling. >> maybe they were being pulled too tightly. i don't know. anyway, i just loved yesterday. i just thought it was the best
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world cup mania is in full force, but one soccer star is leaving his mark for all the wrong reasons. uruguay striker luis suarez considered one of the best in the world has been officially charged by fifa for assaulting an opponent for this incident yesterday where he apparently bit an italian player near the end of a tight match. the referee didn't see the incident during the play and didn't punish suarez despite the italian player's best attempts to show the evidence on his shoulder. minutes later your gray would show the knockout round of 16. they could be without suarez who faces up to a two-year ban. on a more positive note, team usa's run has been a hit in
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start your summer off right and get this 2014 chevy equinox ls for around $199 per month. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. are you tired of the gridlock in washington? so are leading lawmakers and cabinet officials who served during a time when compromise wasn't a dirty word here in d.c. it's not just talking, they're out with a new report with dozens of recommendations. olympia snowe is a senior fellow and co-chair of the organization commission on political reform. she joins me now. senator, thank you so much for joining me. >> thank you, kristen. >> let's run through a few of these proposals. you say we should increase the number of voters in primaries,
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create one national primary date, disclose all political contributions, which i think a lot of people would agree with. five-day work weeks for house and members of the senate. >> very basic. >> very basic. >> two-thirds vote needed for senate rule change. monthly meetings between the president and congressional leaders. these seem like very common-sense suggestions. what type of response are you getting? >> actually it's been very positive. i know in speak across the country, people embracing a number of these initiatives, and some of them i had proposed as well. so we worked as 29 members of the commission to come up with the recommendations based on the town meetings we had across the country, four of which engaged the public. they embrace them. so now it's working on cap hole hill and beyond the public to put pressure on members of congress to enact some of these procedures internally. >> let's talk about that. i just read a pretty long list.
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of the ones i just read, and there are certainly several others, is there one or two that you're most optimistic you're actually going to see happen, you're going to sebring about change and the way things are done? >> first and foremost is internally in congress is to have that filibuster reform so they can break the logjam and deadlock that's occurred in the institution of the united states senate. >> that seems like one of the toughest ones. >> yes. but they can be established in the first day of the session, as we know, with adopting and embracing the congressional rules of the senate with two-thirds as the senate report. having two majority leaders, senator lot and senator daschle, having embrace those proposals, advance them. to remove the filibuster on the motion to proceed. that doesn't mean you couldn't have a filibuster on the legislation stuff or amendments, but also guarantee amendments. the amendment process has broken down internally in the united states senate which is supposed
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to be the greatest deliberative body in the world. it's nothing of that kind today. >> senator, i want to play you what you said right here on this show back in 2012 when you decided to retire. i want to play it and get your response on the other side. >> i made the decision not to run for re-election in the united states senate and pursue other opportunities outside the senate, that perhaps i can give voice to the frustrations that exist with the political system here in washington where it's dysfunctional, and the political paralysis has overtaken the environment a detriment for this country. >> are you still feeling like you're having the impact that you wanted when you made that decision? >> absolutely. it's been confirmed, because the polarization has become exponentially worse even since my departure. hard to believe, but it is. and also traveling the country with the commission on political
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reform, my own speeches and book, i discovered it's almost virtually universal among the american people, the despair, anger and frustration they feel towards this polarization. we all have to work on it together. >> senator snowe, thank you for joining us in studio. really appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, holding up hope, judy gross visited her husband alan gross in a cuban prison. she joins us with the latest on his condition coming up here on andrea mitchell reports.
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his mother evelyn lost her battle with cancer a week ago today at the age of 92. cuban officials refused his request to visit his mother before she passed. judy gross is in havana and joins us for her first interview after meeting with alan in prison. i first want to extend my condolences to your entire familiar limit i know you've just met with alan. how is he colding up? >> thank you for having me. i saw alan yesterday and he's the worst -- in the fours years i've seen him, he is absolutely the worst. he's normally a gregarious funny guy but i could not even get a joke out of him yesterday. i'm very worried about his emotional health. he has said he's going to do something drastic. seeing him yesterday makes me believe that, hopefully not, but it might be true. >> i know that alan had gone on
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a hunger strike. he had lost a considerable amount of weight. his mom actually convinced him to start eating again. can you talk to me a little bit about his physical health right now and what did he say to you. he obviously requested to go visit his mother before she passed. >> not being able to see his mother before she died really made his mental health state much worse, and i think that's why i'm seeing him the way he is. physically he's in chronic pain. yesterday he got out of the chair and almost fell on the floor because his arthritis is so bad, his legs are barely supporting him. yes, he's lost 100 pounds. he's lost teeth.
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>> is he'ding? >> he is eating, yes. his mother begged him to go off the hunger strike. he had a very close relationship with his mother. they spoke every day. when he heard her voice and her begging him, he decided to stop the hunger strike. >> i want to talk to you about the administration's response. cuban officials said they would be willing to negotiate with the administration. there are obviously three cubans being held here. the administration says that's blackmail, these are separate matters. alan was not working as a spy in cuba. do you think the administration has done enough to bring your husband home? >> i think the answer to that is he's still in prison, and i think that the united states needs to get into negotiations with the cuban government and get him home, get him back on u.s. soil. he is an american citizen.
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he was working under u.s. contract when he was arrested in cuba, and the united states, president obama need to do whatever it takes to bring him home. >> when was the last time you were in contact with the obama administration? did they give you any assurances that they're still working to try to bring him home? >> i haven't really been in contact with the administration at all. i just hope and pray that they see how serious the situation is and that they're working hard for his freedom. >> i want to get your reaction to bowe bergdahl. these are two very different situations obviously. he was being held by the taliban, but he was released in a prisoner swap of sorts. what was your reaction to that? did it frustrate you given that your husband is still imprisoned?
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>> i was happy for the bergdahl family. i think it's wonderful that they're reunited. i think it was an incredible feat trading five taliban to get him back, and i think that if the u.s. government is capable of doing something so complicated, surely they can find a way to bring alan home as well. >> in april alan eastern said on this program that alan wasn't going to spend another birthday or year in cuba. did he express that same sentiment to you when you met with him yesterday? >> yes, he did. he would not be specific. >> did you give him any encouragement? what did you say to him? you said that was the lowest point you have ever seen him at. were you able to offer him any words to keep him holding on?
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>> it's very hard. he's been there so long. he's had so many disappointments that it's hard for him to believe anything positive that i s say. part of what he's dealing with now is griefment we talked about his mother's death. honestly i don't think there's much anybody can say to him at this point except when he lands on u.s. soil. >> judy, have you given up? >> no. at times i feel like it, but i keep fighting. but i will be honest, it's a very difficult fight. >> i'm sure it is. judy gross, thank you so much for joining us. we know it's a difficult time for you. again, our condolences to your entire family. >> thank you. we have breaking news now.
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for the first time a federal appeals court has struck down a state's ban on same-sex marriage. pete williams will join us when we come right back. stay with us. ♪ thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily.
9:54 am
we want to go back live to nbc justice correspondent pete williams. in the last half hour we've seen reports of major judicial actions on the same-sex marriage issue. in two traditionally red states, first indiana and now in utah. that seems to be the more significant one. that's the first time a federal appeals court has struck down a state's ban on same-sex marriage. is that right? >> you said it kristen. that's the important thing. this is the tenth circuit court of appeals ruling very quickly on the utah ban. as you recall, the trial judge in utah struck the ban down. the state appealed. now for the first time a federal appeals court ruled a state ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. we expect to hear from the same
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court about the ban on same-sex marriage in oklahoma. it was argued a week after the utah case was argued. it was a 2-1 decision by this court of appeals panel. the state has the option of asking the entire tenth circuit to hear the case or coming here to the u.s. supreme court. the tenth circuit today put a hold on the effect of its own ruling to give the state time to appeal the ruling. for now, same-sex marriage cannot resume in yau tao, depending on what the state does. it's certain to appeal. so presumably the ban will stay until the supreme court disposes of this case. if it takes this case -- it's not a slam dunk certainty that the supreme court will take these cases if all of the appeals court cases go in the direction. normally one of the big reasons the court would take a case is if there's a split among the circuits. if there isn't, it might not take the case. it might consider it important enough to weigh in. i'd be a little surprise fd the
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supreme court reaches out to grab the same-sex marriage case that comes its way. what it means is theoretically the supreme court next term and the term that begins in october could hear the same-sex marriage issue, but not necessarily for sure. >> pete williams, it has been a busy hour for you. thank you for staying on top of all of those fast moving developments. >> reporter: you bet. >> that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." ronan pharaoh daily is up next. have a great day everyone. we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive.
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9:59 am
we've got a lot to chew on today. we're really sinking our teeth into the news. we've got taste-making guests. yes, we're covering the world cup bite. >> they say there's no crying in baseball, but apparently there is biting in soccer. >> remember this is a repeat offender. >> suarez is a sneak, he says, and he gets away with it.
10:00 am
celebrate a great victory. this is your victory. >> it was the most nasty negative campaign i've ever seen. >> who'd of thunk it, reaching out to the african-american voters to be determinative in the outcome of the race. the supreme court ruled that aereo violets federal law by retransmitting programs without paying a fee. she's not out of touch. the real issue is, if you've been fortunate enough to be successful, are you now out of touch and insensitive to the agonizing struggles other people are facing. >> they're very active on social media, facebook, twitter, instagram. >> oh, they are huge on instagram. they got one filter to make all the photos seem like they're from the 1970s and another filter that makes all their ideas seem like they're from the seventh century. we have got the latest ton so-called next bin ladenin
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