tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC June 25, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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that does it for "the cycle." "now" with alex wagner starts now. >> bitter party of one. it is wednesday, june 25th and this is "now". >> surprise in mississippi. ♪ >> the incumbents strike back. >> mississippi senator thad cochran fends off his tea party challenger. >> shocking result. >> cochran largely has democrats to thank. >> daniel still refuses to concede. >> there is something unusual about a republican primary decided by liberal democrats. >> he sounded like a horrible sore loser. >> conservative activists are frustrated. >> it's really hard to overstate the anger that mcdaniel headquarters. >> what he did was expand the electorate. >> he got black voters. >> and cochran win is the most successful outreach to voters of
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color for years and years. >> we can't have that. >> it was a bad night for conservative and tea party groups. >> campaigns still matter. >> after a wild campaign, the establishment made mississippi a tea party waterloo. thad cochran beat back chris mcdaniel delivering a defeat to the tea party in a runoff race that just monday mcdaniel deemed unstoppable. in his not exactly a concession speech, mcdaniel's bluster spun rapidly into sieging resentment. >> there is something a bit unusual about a republican primary that's decided by liberal democrats. so much for bold colors. >> amen. >> so much for principle. i guess they can tape some consolation in the fact they did
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something tonight by once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by one against abandoning the conservative movement. >> reaching across the aisle, oh, no, to be clear, what mcdaniel and his supporters consider compromising and abandoning the conservative movement is anything that resembles constructive governance. mcdaniel and his people are also peeved to put it you've mystically that thad cochran had the audacity to ask for support from black voters and actually got it. the nine counties were heavily african-american. something that has mcdaniel supporters deeply suspicious. including sarah palin who wrote on her facebook page, irregularities must be fully investigated and any gop architect behind these abhorrent voting shen nan gans should be ashamed for this victory for the establishment. she is so mad she is besting out
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the $10 words. not so much rush limbaugh who trawled the usual depths of racially charged rhetoric. >> i wonder what the campaign slogan was in mississippi the past couple days? uncle tom's for thad. >> he never disappoints but perhaps chris mcdaniel himself, a former radio host who blamed morally bankrupt hip hop for gun violence. the basic necessities of life do not include big screen plasma tvs and air jordan sneakers or any type of bling-bling. maybe that guy, chris mcdaniel ought to consider his own role in getting out the black vote against chris mcdaniel. joining me now is former rnc chairman, michael steele and contributor to the daily beast, patricia murphy. chairman steele there is a lot of finger pointing at thad
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cochran. shouldn't there be a self-reflection among the chris mcdaniel campaign? >> god forbid we should do that and try to figure out exactly what happened. the what happened was that thad cochran went back to a space where he should have started and been comfortable with all along, that's with the voters. this is a man who has had a long career, built a relationship with the african-american community. surprising he's a guy who's out there talking about and fighting for hcbus in the state of mississippi and talking about the poor and forgotten in terms of how we make federal dollars that come back into the state work best for them. now, for a lot of conservatives today, that's an enaj ma but it wasn't in the bygone era of the early 1980s and early 1990s. he remembered that. and he went to that well and guess what, the black vote was there for him because they remembered the thad cochran who
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had been there for them. that should be the lesson taken from this race, for african-americans and for the republican party to rel lies, hey, there is a synergy in which we can actually work together and quote, cross those party lines. how dare anyone say that, you know, this was a bad thing that black folks actually supported a republican candidate for the united states senate. i'm ashamed to hear the words leave the mouth. forget about it if that's the attitude. >> the chairman sums it up perfectly, the fact people are outraged that black voters may have come out in support of a republican senate candidate, that is a bad thing for the party, cochran's appeal to black voters was simple. we may not agree on much, but at least you can work with me and that succeeded. i mean, it is a memo to establishment republicans that hey, guess what, democrats are
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kind of logical and you don't necessarily need to cater to your base to survive. >> well, yeah and listen, i total gri with michael steele. what cochran did this time is run an actual campaign and went back and relied on fact that maybe half of the state only voted for him before but represented the entire state for more than 40 years. they played such a smart game this time around. i don't think it wasn't -- it wasn't to me as cynical as so many republicans said it was, it was basically saying i've worked for you and can you work for me. they had yard signs they didn't have, walk lists and call lists and democratic african-american elected officials in mississippi driving around with vote for thad signs. that's what he should have done before. he's done a lot for that state and everybody in that state. i think the voters in mississippi were smart enough to recognize that. we've seen so many republicans dedefeated when those have done a lot for states that they
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represented. this time mississippi i think sort of kind of woke up and realized thad cochran was in danger in losing and showed up to the polls in the way they did first time around. >> chairman, i have a thesis, that eric cantor's defeat, it's not news to say it was a wake-up call. i'm not sure there would have been this amount of interest from both the national republican party, the strategist and democrats to some degree had eric cantor not been defeated. it was a real sign there is danger here and real kind of crisis in the republican party. one that is so pointed that it has already toppled the number two republican, the stakes are legitimately high and it is time to ensure that the insurgents do not win the day. >> i think there's some truth and logic to that, alex, to the extent that if cantor had one,
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it would have forestalled any legislation that we have a problem. it would have hastened the reality and gined up energy for tea party conservatives. but when you draw the wrong lessons from losses as well as victories, that's where we run into a problem. i think we have to appreciate in context what's thad cochran meant to the state of mississippi in the first place. number two, that was secondary in the primary and it was noted he woke up to that reality. and played the card. one final point for me at least on this. this idea that for some -- that these were liberal democrats. mississippi democrat black mississippi democrat is not a northeastern liberal democrat. trust me. these are folks who voted for thad cochran in the past and won statewide elections, there are strains of conservatism that resonated with voters. that's what we should tap into and figure out how to harness that in future elections.
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>> patricia, i want to go back to the point you were making earlier about good campaigns win elections. john didderson is wroted, thad cochran has one lesson, political consult aenlts and pollsters and cut throats are more important than ever. you map this up to lindsey graham's win, the fact that james langford won in oklahoma. this is about -- politics ain't bean bag. politics is really truly about having a good campaign and pouring everything you can in terms of strategy to win an election. i think we've sort of lost that a little bit in the last two months and really brought that lesson back to the floor. >> i think -- i totally agree with that. it's such an interesting case study in the role of outside groups and elections today. what we saw in south carolina and we sloabsolutely saw in
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mississippi, once they realize they have a fight on their hands, the best place they can go is home. the best place they can go is to their own voters and re-establish that relationship and say we've got outside groups coming in. you have to come here for me. what else i think was so dangerous in mississippi was when the senate conservatives unironically sent poll watchers to mississippi. that also woke up the black vote to a situation that had very pernicious outside influences coming in and trying to influence that election or even influence their own behavior. i think when incumbents go home, they are doing the right thing for themselves and i think in the future we're going to see a real limit to the power of these outside groups in the house and senate. they can't threaten anymore with this much credibility. if you don't do what we want, we're going to beat you. that's just not what's happening this year. >> going home is actually where the votes are. michael steele, yes? >> just real quick on that.
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the other piece that campaigns are adaptation. thad cochran's campaign adapted to its new situation in reality and they won. adaptation was the key here. >> yes. >> evolve or die. >> that's it, baby. >> thank you both for your time. >> thank you, alex. >> already, alex. >> after the break, the supreme court hands down a major victory for privacy. scotus blogs goldsteen explains the landmark decision for justice reform means. coming up on "now." hey. i'm ted and this is rudy. say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth?
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the supreme court when all nine justices ruled u namly that the police may not search the contents of a cell phone during an arrest without a warrant. until today, for the past centu century, the court held it was legal for police to search a suspect if he or she was placed under arrest and police can found any evidence against the suspect. hold every detail from bank account information to family photos, the court adapted the rule of law to the 21st century. >> chief justice roberts wrote, they hold for many americans the privacies of life. although the court allowed exceptions in cases of extraordinary danger like the threat of a terrorist attack, all of the justices ruled in favor of digital privacy. wrote reports, the fact that tech noej allows an individual to carry such information in his
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hand does not make the information any less worthy of the protection for which the founders fought. our answer to the question of what police must do before searching a cell phone seized incident to an arrest is accordingly simple. get a warrant. joining me now the co-director of the liberty and national security program at the brendan center for justice. and supreme court expert and publisher of scotus blog, tom goldstein. let me start with you. the u.n. nimty on this decision, given what we heard about the deep decisions on this court seem shocking to me. were you surprised? >> we were all shocked. the court had been deeply fractured in a similar case involving gps tracking the most recent attempt to deal with privacy in the modern age and unexpectedly they have all come together to broadly recognize the importance of privacy of digitally saved information. >> and fisa, in 2013 the court
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voted 5-4 to find they could take dna samples from arrestees without a warrant. from your position, how optimistic are you that this will lead to later decisions down the line on a host of issues we are debating in terms of privacy, wlz it's nsa or metadata or beyond? >> it sends a very strong signal that the court isn't going to just agree that old rules apply just as they did in the digital age. and that's precisely the question that's presented by the metadata issue, right, there's an old case smith versus maryland, which allowed one pen register and that's been the basis of the government's assertion that they can collect all metadata. and the court is clearly saying, this is different. and we're going to adapt the law to take account of the privacy concerns that the new technologies raise. it does send a very strong signal that the court is going to look at these issues very
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carefully. >> tom, we had seen so many headlines about how untech savvy these justices were. i'll read a few. business insider, scalia does not know you can't get hbo for free. new york magazine, supreme court justices do not e-mail each other and still communicate by writing each other memos on ivory paper as if white paper would be too 21st century. in roberts opinion today, he writes, modern cell phones, which are such a pervasive and insistent part of daily life, the proverbial visitor from mars might conclude they are a important part of human anatomy. do you think their lack of familiarity actually -- privacy advocates actual little got the benefit of the doubt perhaps because of that? >> i don't actually. i think this was a time where they did get the technology. this is something they do have. they have cell phones and pictures on them.
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they do communicate with family members thousand them and also have law clerks who have extensive electronic devices, i'm sure. this was a time where they thought, gosh, i do understand that rather than this being a question of looking through my wall let if you arrest me as a police officer, this is you get to look through my entire life. that's completely different. >> when you talk about the nsa debate, it seems that roberts has carved out a very specific position on these sorts of things, given what we were talking about at the beginning of the segment. i wonder how much you think this leads to a further kind of shift in a much broader sense with the american public on these -- given the fact that the supreme court is leading on something like this which to tom's point is relatively small in the broad every spectrum of privacy or i guess if you have a phone it's not a small thing at all. but, how much this shifts public opinion on the subject of data collection and privacy concerns. >> well, i think that the
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supreme court is moved like everybody else by what's going on around us. and certainly what we've seen in the last year with the nsa revelations is that the issue of privacy and technology has really risen in terms of profile and people are much more concerned about it. there's a lot of polling that shows that people have started taking steps to protect their data and being much more careful in their internet use. surely i think that must affect what the court is thinking. at the same time, you have to remember that the nsa is sort of only a piece, a very big piece of surveillance issue, but what we're also seeing is that police are increasingly using sophisticated technologies to try to track people. ae a lot of times, people more uncomfortable with that than with the nsa. this is your local police department, right? >> that's a huge part of this that remains under discussed, the power of local police departments to surveil citizens. tom, let me ask you in terms of where the court goes next, there
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are a number -- every day actually, not every day but wednesdays and thursdays and mondays we're particularly on our toes because we're expecting big decisions indeed from the supreme court. do you have any sense of where we are in the calendar? are they going to extend it? we know we have the acs con tra septemberive mandate, which is a huge decision, recess appointments, whether or not they are constitutional and hobby lobby case, the buffer zone law around abortion clinics. can you give us any timetable here? >> we're going to hear from the supreme court xbrufss two more times before the summer recess tomorrow 10:00 a.m. eastern and monday at 10:00 a.m. eastern when we'll get the remaining big decisions and they'll be gone. >> that will be a big next several hours. thank you both for your time and thoughts. >> thank you. we have breaking news to report. congressman charlie rangel has won his democratic primary in new york. according to a vote count by the ap, the harlem incumbent faced
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an uphill climb and tough challenge frommetss pal late. he'll face his 23rd term. as the first group of military advisers arrives in new york, there are new reports of syrian and iranian aircraft in the skies. the latest details on that are coming up next. try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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military equipment and supplies to baghdad. 70 tons per flight for iraqi security forces. the involvement of iran and syria comes as isis continues its seizure of northern iraq and northern and western iraq. the group bombed two shiite places of worship today alone. according to the daily base, isis is moving to take control of iraq's largest air field in an attempt to maintain its own air force. in a meeting with nato officials in brus sells today, john kerry warned countries in the region against taking military action. kerry also said prime minister maliki was standing by his commitment to build a new government. the facts on the ground told a different story. as maliki told reporters that any attempts to form a unity government would be a coup against iraq's constitution. just ahead, nearly a year after the senate passed an immigration bill, capitol hill is virtually nowhere on comprehensive reform but that does not mean that things aren't happening on the
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ground. congressman luis gutierrez joins us for part three of our series "the invisible us." that's next. spokesperson: the volkswagen passat is heads above the competition, but we're not in the business of naming names. the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that's been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought... it also has more rear legroom than other midsize sedans. and the volkswagen passat has a lower starting price than... much better. vo: hurry in and lease the 2014 passat s for $199 a month. visit today. it says here that a woman's sex drive. increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disease. it seems that 80 is the new 18. grannies, bless your heart, you are bringing sexy back!
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...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" i believe we will deal with this situation but until we deal with it we've got to continue to process these kids in a safe, lawful and humane manner. and nogales is part of that exclusion. >> that was jeh johnson talking about the flood of uncompanied children crossing the border. the chances are congress improving america's immigration laws grows dimer by the day. one year ago this friday, a bipartisan majority passed a broad immigration reform bill,
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363 days later, house republicans have yet to bring that bill to the floor for a vote. this morning, democratic congressman louis gutierrez announced the waiting period is over. >> having been given ample time to pass legislation, you failed. the president has no other choice to ensure that deportation policies are humane. >> as part of our week-long series on immigration. we spoke with hispanic leaders using power of the grass roots to bring change from the halls of congress to the streets of their communities. >> i'm a fourth generation american. my great grandfather was in the civil war on the inside of the army. yet my grandchildren and great grandchildren face discrimination because they happen to be mexican-americans. >> half a century after dolores co-founded the united farm workers she still sees prejudice and still sees pain.
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>> young one young man in our community committed suicide after they deported his family. >> national reform is stalled, the next generation of organizers are moving forward at the local level. >> we basically organize a community to fight for their rights and make them understand that they don't have to live this way. >> one of those communities is in hidalgo county, south texas. >> we have national relations because we're working on immigration reform and state issues working on getting a driver's license around undocumented workers and county, which are very local issues. >> juanita cox grew up in a family of migrant workers and spent years working in the fields and joined the united farm workers, ufw. >> when i grew up in a colonia, we didn't have water and they were organizing and that's exactly what he told us, at the
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end of the day i have to go back to california and who's going to live without water. it's you, right? so therefore we're here to train you and my dad and uncles and everybody, got together, organized and they even developed their own water system. that's the power of people. >> valdez-cox is now the executive director of lupe, a group that began as an offchute of the ufw. they help communities find their voice. >> we have what we call a summit of colonia residents coming together every two years. >> none of these neighborhoods have residential lighting. they also want better drainage. >> no drainage, no street lights, basic services for most american neighborhoods but not necessarily all of them. even if residents are paying taxes, if they aren't legal, there may not be lights. >> let's say they may not have papers and they are old enough
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now they have probably kids that are american citizens and have grand kids that are american citizen. by them grouping together and asking for stuff that most people have, i mean how can you not want to help these people? >> to have a huge group of people in this united states is sometimes struggling to get street lights? [ applause ] >> the one thing is that we find in organized the immigrant community, they are ready to be organized. but we have to somehow try to translate that power at a national level. >> in the 1960s, she famously galvanized the country by calling for a grape boycott. on the issue of immigration -- >> i guess we could boycott the republican party -- >> she blames house republicans for stonewalling reform both in the halls of congress and back in their districts. >> in our case, congressman kevin mccarthy, they actually have kept their doors locked so people can't even get in to talk
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to the congressman. i'm talking about keeping them locked for months at a time, completely and totally deaf, the suffering of the people that don't have documents. >> in the coming months, kevin mccarthy and his party are likely to face even steeper stakes when it comes to immigration reform and immigrants themselves. >> joining me now is a democratic representative from illinois's fourth district and the chair of the immigration task force and the congressional hispanic caucus, congressman luis gutierrez. thank you so much for joining me. on what should be a momentous anniversary, the passage of immigration reform, of course it is not. you heard dolores saying that advocates and community members try to get to kevin mr karnlgthy's office but the door is locked. how much longer can kevin mccarthy's door remain locked? >> we're going to unlock that door one way, either because we reach a compromise with him and
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do it legislatively or go to the ballot box. look, i know a lot of people look dimly on the 2014 prospects but the 2016 prospects are huge. and greatly enhance our opportunity. look, we're going to do this one way or another. let me just say, we've done everything that kevin mccarthy and republican leadership has asked us. alex, they said they wanted to do it piecemeal. we said okay. they said no to the senate ball, we'll craft a house bill. we want to make sure -- everybody can't go straight to citizenship. let's keep talking even like that. it doesn't matter how many times we have set up and no one more than i have sat down with republicans to sit down and to say let's discuss a final way. you know what we're doing right now, we're having a hearing. criminalizing children and exploiting politically a hue man taken yan crisis at our border. we have daryl issa circulating a
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dear colleague letter in order to revoke the deferred action where 600,000 dreamers today have the ability and the speaker of the house meets with the president of the united states and his aides tell all of the reporters he's getting ready to sue him for using his executive authority. look, it is time for the president of the united states, he's our champion, the one i voted for. he's the one that we galvanize a community and support in in re-election to stand up for our community. i think barack obama has been wonderful with the republicans and patient with the republicans. but, look, it's time to consider that no is no. how many times do they have to say it's no before we recognize it. it's time for the president to take action and stop deportations and stop crippling effect of the immigration system has on our families across our country. >> congressman, i've got to ask you, i've been following this issue for a while, for a long time -- in the seconds time of
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this administration -- going to be patient and they would wait for the white house to take up the mantle and it could be on a timetable mutually agreed upon. that patience seems to have worn thin. you said it today on the house on the floor of congress. which is the waiting period is over, it's time for the president to take action. >> here's what i think. for three months, we have been stating as a community i as part of a broader community as activists, we'll give you to july 4th to bring a proposal forward. if not we're going to demand the president take executive action. let me tell you things have changed. you probably remember back in may when they were going to pass a resolution condemning the president on 2 million. he said to me, luis, i've instructed jhe johnson to review all of the deportations proceedings to make them more humane. that's a step in the right direction.
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last week secretary johnson said he is preparing executive type actions that will help the immigrant community if the republicans don't act by the end of july. i say let's stop waiting. there's no reason to believe that the republican party is going to do anything but exploit the issue politically. 20%, the most extreme part of their party is just -- has a strangle hold. and that's unfortunate. i believe there are many, many good men and women in the republican party that want to do comprehensive immigration reform and want to resolve our immigration system for a variety of reasons but unfortunately the leadership is never going to let them. it's ashame. alex, finally in my 22 years in the congress, more than 218 votes exist for comprehensive immigration reform to reform our immigration system and they won't give us a vote. >> let me follow up with you a little bit on the white house, given the humanitarian crisis happening at the boardser.
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jeh johnson is down in nogales, jeh johnson is saying this is a huge piece of this. it seems that the white house is scrambling to deal with what is completely unpredicted situation on the border. nonetheless, how do you grade the efforts thus far in terms of interfacing with the governments of guatemala and honduras and el salvad salvador. they have been pushing back against the american government and saying, you guys got to deal with the problem too. what's going on there? >> well, let me just say, that i think secretary jeh johnson, when he called this a humanitarian crisis and brought in fema, which is what we do when we have a crisis, brought in the red cross and health and human services, to treat and put the children in the safe place, you know what i said, i'm proud to be a democrat. i'm happy they put him in that place because that is the response. i'm not sure that if republicans given their response in the judiciary committee and talking
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about ending relationships with mexico and just jailing children, which has been the response for many sectors of the republican party, i think he's done given the unexpectedness of the situation, a great job now. we need to continue to protect the children. we need to continue also to work with el salvador and honduras and guatemala and work with those three countries. let's face it, they are turning into almost failed states in which these children are coming from because there's no one there to protect them. let's protect the children and let's let democracy, let's let it thrive and be strong in those countries so the children don't need to make the treacherous road here to america. >> congressman luis gutierrez, always a pleasure, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> this afternoon, senator marco rubio gave what was billed as a major address. i'll tell you all about the majorness up ahead. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics...
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former president bill clinton tries to fend off the critics by taking a stroll through the grocery aisle. new york times amy chosic joins me to talk about the defender in chief. ham pton has the cnbc market wrap. >> the dow up 49 points and s&p up 9 and nasdaq gaining 2 points. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too.
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it is factually true that we were several million dollars in debt, everybody now assumes that what happened in the intervening years was automatic. i'm shocked it's happened. i'm shocked that people still want me to come give talks. i'm grateful. >> that was former president bill clinton standing by his wife in an interview with david
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gregory. amid the swirl of criticism surrounding the clintons and their dead broke status, the campaign to prove normalcy has officially begun. >> we go to other local grocery store on the weekend and talk to people in our town and we know what's going on. >> it may not help the argument that their town is chapaquan new york, the fifth richest zip code in the united states and two thirds of house helds make $250,000 a year. when you are a republican facing the prospect of a hillary clinton 2016 bid, every mole hill is a mountain. democratic dismay begins to mount after another shaking week for clinton's campaign. clintons troubles are eliciting panic among democrat leaders and activists. she's an overrated politician conservative phillip klein concludes.
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the right wing and clintons for that matter are implying a false contradiction between having money and caring about the plight of those less fortunate. hillary can learn a thing or two about how to publicly grapple with the contradiction between being wealthy and speaking to the concerns of the poor and middle class. joining me now is national political reporter with "the new york times", amy chozick. there's an interview in which hillary clinton says my husband was very sweet today but i don't need anybody to defend my record. i think my record speaks for itself. i got to say, i'm kind of surprised that team clinton is showing signs of slight fracturing on this issue and not better prepared. >> i completely agree, alex. i found it really interesting to watch this because it's simple for hillary clinton to say bill and i were not wealthy when we started out.
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we've bb very fortunate and now i'd like to make sure every american has the same opportunities we've had. it's pretty simple and americans don't begrudge politicians for wealth. i felt like there was a very sort of simple, political response to all of these questions about personal wealth. for some reason we've seen kind of defensiveness and just not directly addressing it. >> yeah, and it's like political messaging 101 the clintons excelled at and that's the thing they are supposed to be really good at. i wonder if you think any of it is the fact the clintons have not been the completely unee laid champions of the poor and working class. there is the fact he repealed glass stooegle, the lower of the capital gains tax he oversaw. i wonder to what degree the
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clintons have internalized some sense of apprehension around some of the economic policies they oversaw. >> that's the argument that the progressive wing of the democratic party is going to make. if hillary clinton runs and she has a challenger to the left, i think bill clinton has been somewhat defensive against accusations that he somehow now embracing a populist or progressive agenda and says he's been talking about income inequality since the 1970s and they base their life work on this and very defensive about those policies that you named and now that they are kind of framed in this new conversation, it is very much about rich versus poor. >> i will say, in the broader defense of the clintons on the democratic ticket, because it is two for one, when you put policies toe to toe, there's a clear difference between what republicans are proposing and democrats and what even clinton democrats would be proposing. ezra klein quotes katherine
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miller at buzz feed who theer rises about this whole media rollout and says if you weren't sure you were running for president, you could artificially create the conditions of a presidential run. you could get a taste of the changed media environment and the new young voters. ezra makes a point this is like a luxury that clinton has and ultimately all of this kind of dress rehearsal for scandal will help her in the long run. do you think they could be even conceiving of this period as such? >> i mean, i always thoughts of the book tour as a way for her to make up her mind. she's talking to voters all over the country in this relatively safe environment but also this period reminded her of the scrutiny that's going to come her way. this is not even a tenth of what would happen if she was a candidate and we're in the heat of a campaign. in that sense it does. at the same time, it also puts her in front of a lot of media outlet's, getting back in the swing of being pur seef as a politician, she had a blissful period when she wasn't
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scrutinized in that way and her approval ratings were sky high and he sh great coverage. now she's back in the eye. >> she is indeed. it's always great to talk to you. >> good to talk to you, thanks. >> after the break, marco rubio cries wolf, or anything marco rubio cries major. the senator's latest oversold speech coming up next. ♪ ♪fame, makes a man take things over♪ ♪fame, lets him loose, hard to swallow♪ ♪fame, puts you there where things are hollow♪ the evolution of luxury continues. the next generation 2015 escalade.
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the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today. today marco rubio delivered what was billed as a major address on pt economy. a major speech from marco rubio. where have we heard that before? maybe it was six months ago when rubio delivered a major speech
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on bilateral u.s. england relations or maybe it was in april of 2012 when rubio delivered a major speech on foreign policy. or maybe it was in december of 2012 when rubio delivered a major speech on also yes, the economy. in fact, there have been so much major marco rubio speeches that we had trouble counting them all. yet somehow, marco rubio speeches always manage to be not that major and all happen to be really pretty similar. >> i consider myself to be from a background of great privilege. >> i've always considered myself to be a child of privilege. >> all people have a god given right to go as far as their talent and effort will take them. >> they made it very clear because we were americans we could go as far as our talent and hard work would take us. >> we put more money into unsustainable programs that were designed in the 1930s. >> the leading causes of our
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growing future debt is the way currently designed for the future. >> this new century can also be an american century. >> we'll either bring on another american century or we are doomed to witness america's decline. >> notice any similarities there? for all of rubio's speech fiing, it is not clear that republican voters are even looking for anything major. because as it stands, the gop cannot agree on the basics of immigration reform, tax reform, national security, foreign policy, replacement for the affordable care act or even gay marriage. for marco rubio, perhaps a better way to sell himself back into the good graces of his party is to bill his ideas exactly as they are, really, really minor. >> that's all for now. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. the ed show is coming up next.
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good evening, americans, i'm ready to go. let's get to work. >> it's about jobs! >> where are the jobs? >> there's a place in northern minnesota that's kaulds the iron range. >> we will not sit back and let you turn the domestic steel industry into walmart. >> rallied on monday against alleged steel dumping, those imports undermine our american made products. >> the illegal dumping of steel in america, which is gutting our infrastructure. >> international trade commission decided to stop imposing tariffs on imports of steel products from korea. >> they want the federal government to impose tariffs. >> unfair imports threatening our jobs here. >> where
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