tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 26, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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my sensitive skin. new venus embrace sensitive. more than a strip. an entire ribbon of gliding gels surround 5 comfort-coated blades for less irritation. venus embrace sensitive. a perfect match for sensitive skin. ♪ >> usa! usa. you can hear the chants coming from the skies over new york city. >> it's going to be fun. good morning. it's thursday, june 26th. welcome to "morning joe." bus on set "morning joe"
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contributor mark halpern. the chairman of deutch incorporated, donny deutsche. >> look at that. you wasp, you! wasp outfit. why do you keep trying? stop! >> and steve rattner. >> from capitol hill, "the new york times" reporter jeremy peters. >> jeremy! >> good morning. >> i mean, come on. >> usa. >> we are talking about one thing today. i was wearing my three-piece suit but i said, wait, i need to wear my team usa jersey. >> that is what you slept in. i know it. >> it looks like you slept in it. >> if our viewers want to do that. >> why do you do that? >> i think you be like a blarney stone. >> undisclosed. >> i can tell you our team, four years ago, went out and we went down to warren 77. mika kicked the table and we won. i was going to watch the show at
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home with a lot of friends. but decided i would much rather watch it with the "morning joe" friends and "morning joe" team. it's good luck. we do it every four years. >> i'm going to flip a table. >> we go at an undisclosed location in manhattan. look at this. "the daily news" just win, baby, just win. a lot of that depends on whether michael bradley finds himself. i hope he does. is everybody going to watch? "wall street journal" has helpful tips how to lie to your boss and get out of work and watch this at 12:00 today. >> lots of ways you could get out of work today and find another reason to do something. you could start by thinking of random things to do like soothe the president. house speaker john boehner confirmed he is planning to take president obama to court. setting up a showdown between two branches of the federal government. the ohio republican says he will sue over president obama's use of executive actions.
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well, this is getting really good. congressman boehner says it's not a political ploy or an attempt to lay the groundwork for impeachment but to stand up for the legislative branch and makes sure president obama follows the law. >> not only does the president regulate and ignore the law he brags about it and his willingness to change it unilaterally. first, this administration makes the wrong decisions. then won't give the american people the straight answers. instead it's arrogance and incompetence right down the line. >> president obama has used -- >> let me ask you something. do you think he you can read the rest of the news story straight or would you like me to do it? >> i've been dripping with sarcasm obviously with every word. it's so stupid. >> let me try this. president obama has used executive orders on issues ranging from immigration and gun control to delaying parts of
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obamacare. they say lawmakers failed to act. >> fa a long time, we have seen republicans block progress in congress. a range of bills that would promote economic strength. but in this case, it seems that republicans have shifted their opposition into a higher gear. frankly, it's a gear i didn't know previously existed. >> how did the president's executive order back up against other recent commander in chiefs in chief? president obama has 168 executive orders this year. george bush had 291 during his two terms and bill clinton 364 and ronald reagan had 381. mark halpern, a lot of this goes to obamacare, the affordable care act. talk about why this issue is important to republicans and whether john boehner has a point or not. >> not all executive orders are
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created equal and the number may not matter as much as the magnitude. it is a clear sign that despite thad cochran's victory and despite the establishment of the party having some electoral victories there is still divisions that create good men. john boehner and barack obama turn the clock back and look at their resumes you thought they could do business together. this is kind of the low point of their relationship in some ways. boehner said not only can i not work with the guy but i want to stop him from doing what he wants to do. >> what is new about that? >> some people had the fantasy they could be legislative progress. if boehner is now going to do this, it's hard to imagine them getting anything done. >> i don't think boehner had that fantasy as well as key republicans. i think they had that from the get-go and doubled down on it. >> i think it's a critical issue
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for conservatives now. "the new york times" will be stunned when a republican power sees power this much. we have passed the affordable care act and this president has unilaterally time and time again issued executive orders that have fundamentally changed the very nature of this significant law. whether you're a republican, a democrat, conservative, or liberal, if you are interested in the law, if you're interested in the executiconstitution and interested in the separation of powers and what powers the executive branch should have versus the legislative branch, this is a pretty critical issue that needs to be changed. steve rattner, i mean, i don't want to belabor this point, but the president has made very significant sweeping changes unilaterally to the affordable care after the past few months, has he not or am i reading it wrong? >> if it's unconstitutional or
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illegal, let boehner litigate it and we will find out and all for the courts deciding. for someone who spent time in the executive branch and sympathetic to the desirability to execute a congress not doing anything and they have not passed any laws. this president would like to at least try to have a legacy in the second term. he wants to do stuff on clean air. he wants to do stuff on immigration. and on the affordable care act. the argument that the administration would make is under the president should execute the laws. he has the ability to make decisions as to how to execute those laws. >> he is not executing the laws. he is changing the laws. >> he is making up new ones. >> he is not. >> he is. >> he is if you would changing provisions of the law and clearly a violation of the intent of congress how the affordable care act would work. i sympathy for his frustration. >> he has delayed provisions because he doesn't think they can be implimtemented. >> that's not what the law calls for.
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>> insurance companies have said you've asked us to come into this law based on all of these conditions. and we have made all of these changes based on all of these conditions. you've had, you know -- again, we are talking way too much about this. we have so much work to do. >> can i just say one more thing? >> i'm just saying he has made fundamental changes here and made them unilaterally. i understand the frustration but there is a reason why james madison drafted the constitution the way he did. so executives would be frustrated by congress. congress would be frustrated by the supreme court when they overstepped bounds and there would be checks and balances. here a president is unilaterally making decisions on the most important piece of legislation. >> your argument it's a bipartisan argument. not a obama argument. >> this is a bipartisan argument that "the new york times" editorial page will write about when a republican is elected in 2016. >> i'm not going to sit here and say this doesn't go on both
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sides. my having served in the executive branch we have a ceo who does not have the power to be a ceo. i'm make ago general comment. i think the president needs the authority to actually do stuff. he gets constrained to the point he cannot do stuff. >> we will revisit this. we have a segment around it as well. i thought the news conference was really disappointing at this stage of the game. let's go to mississippi. a real division. talk radio yesterday was on fire about what happened in mississippi. a lot of people talking about a third-party. i think somebody went on hannity's show. who went on hannity's show? was. sarah palin? it was sarah palin? talking about the need for a third-party. other people talking about cheaters. others using the phrase uncle tom for african-americans who voted for thad cochran. it was really quite a display, to say the least.
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it's actually, speaking of the law, called the law in mississippi. and is actually the law. i don't quite understand the over the top hyperbolic reaction but, i don't know. >> the shock waves of yesterday's republican senate primaries have left some members feeling like they hardly recognized their own party. maybe another way to put it. the mississippi tea party conservative chris mcdaniel lost in large part because supporters of incumbent thad cochran turned out african-american votes. mcdaniel say has splintered the party. >> can you imagine how corrupt the republican establishment was when the kind of race baiting and nasty tactics that were used against you? did you expect that? >> no, no, not in a million years. these are people that always talk about party unity and party cohesion and talk about how we
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are supposed to stick together and they did some of the most despicable things to me and others around me that i've ever seen. >> you know, mika, tactics in mississippi and anger groups like a fund who backed mcdaniel and called out the national republican senatorial committee for spending public money. it shows that the groups have gone to great links spending $23 million on spend tours in primaries alone. we are going to get to sarah palin in one second and what she had to say. i'm just, you know, i'm tough on democrats when i have to be tough on democrats. i'm tough on republicans when i have to be tough on republicans. i can just tell you if these people were my children, i would be laughing at them calling them the biggest whiners. they cheated! no, they didn't cheat. they followed the rules. they followed the law. you lost!
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when you lose, you lose because you're too stupid to figure out how to use tactics to adjust! laura ingram gaed thsaid this yesterday. they followed the rules. they were smarter than mcdaniel! as laura ingram gaesaid, mcdani was running a tea party race. if you're too stupid to win an election don't whine about it the next day and say the other side cheated. as for me, i'm a strange guy. >> correct. >> i was excited as a republican when african-americans supported me. i was excited when i would go to precincts where there were african-americans and i would get 50% of the vote. as a right wing republican with a 96% acu rating. i thought that was a good thing.
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to actually expand the party base, for whatever reason! we republicans have been averaging 8%, 10% among african-american voters in presidential elections, donny deutsche. that is dismal. richard nixon the last republican president to get a high percentage of african-american voters. and we have people freaking out that there was a candidate in the national republican party that was actually able to get republican voters. i mean, get african-americans to vote in republican primaries. i tried to get african-americans to switch over in republican primaries to vote for me and the response to me and every other republican was, are you kidding? i'm not going to vote in a republican primary. this is actually positive. we are expanding the brand. we got a large number of
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african-americans to do what a large number of african-americans haven't wanted to do for good reason over the past 30, 40, 50 years, vote in republican primaries. these whiners are the past. they lost. they lost. i'm sure sarah palin when her children lost in hockey didn't go it was the referee's fault. it's the officials' fault. that is whining. you don't let people whine if they lose fair and square. >> donny, speak. >> i hate whiners. i really do. >> i wasn't very good in math. so you can't take what i'm going to say with much credence. >> can i just say what it has to do with math or anything, we don't -- thank you very much. >> we look the way the world is going the next ten, 20 years, and see red states like georgia that will be shifting to blue states with hispanic and black numbers increasing. this is not even a philosophical
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discussion. if the republicans do not understand this is not a white country any more, that this is a country of mixed racism. this is a country you will not be able to win elections on the next two, three, four decades unless you understand this point. >> can i just say that republicans understand this. there are people fighting on islands in the pacific in 195 think the war between japan and the united states is still going on. this is a fait accompli. george w. bush in 1999 was talking about this. karl rove, for all of the problems i've had with karl rove through the years, he drives me just berserk at times. karl rove was saying this in 1999. the country is changing. the republican party has to change with it. i don't think karl changed exactly the way you would want to get more hispanic voters and more african-american voters but i think this is a positive development. >> that is one way to look at
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it. >> >> i'm saying getting african-americans to vote in republican primaries. as i have said thad cochran is a type of republican that drives me crazy. he is a big spending appropriator but i'm not stocked shocked and stunned and sadly stunning we got old white american voters. >> the people that voted for you maybe to perhaps demographics you didn't get in the past. you could be like sarah palin and cry foul and be so upset about the results of losing that you talk about abandoning ship and cut the party in half and leave. >> if the republican party doesn't get their act together you would consider moving third party. explain. >> well, if republicans are going to act like democrats, what is the use in getting all gung ho about getting more republicans in there? yeah, if republicans aren't going to stand strong on the planks and our platform, then it does no good to get all enthused
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about them any more. >> well, i can't disagree with what she said there. maybe the context. i've always said the government republicanism is just as bad as the government liberalism. >> jeremy? >> but in this case you know what? i get enthused about candidates and i want them to be smart enough to win. mcdaniel wasn't smart enough to win. you're in a stupid race and he need to stop whining about being too stupid to expand his base. jeremy peters, what is the talk on capitol hill? do you hear republicans running around with their hair on fire saying we are going to start a third party because chris mcdaniel people were too stupid to win an election they should have won? >> i do not. i was surprised to hear rush limbaugh and eric ericsson say the third party route is not the way to go. sarah palin is clearly in the minority here on splitting the republican party. but do you remember that scene in "citizen caine" his editors
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is standing up. one cases caine wins and the other says "fraud at the polls"? this is kind of where the trouble that chris mcdaniel's people risk in pursuing any type of legal strategy after the election. but i think to understand why they are doing that is to understand a deeply ingrained sentiment inside many in the conservative movement that elections are often ripe with frau fraud. this is a deeply held belief by a lot of conservatives. >> jeremy, the suggestion is that thad cochran cheat because he got black people to vote for him. >> exactly. >> go back and look at what they were saying on some talk radio shows yesterday. that is the definition of cheating. if that is the definition of cheating, i want my candidate to
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cheat every time. >> right. that is what upset some republicans on capitol hill. i had a long conversation with lindsey graham yesterday who just beat back his own primary challenges from the right and one of the points he made to me is, you know, if the republican party can't celebrate the fact that african-americans turned out in large numbers to support a republican, then we're toast is what he said. the party is toast. and i think is really the most common sentiment right now on capitol hill. i think there are a lot of republicans right now who are looking for ways to reach out to african-american voters. rand paul doing this and marco rubio doing it and rob portman. a lot of republican senators who realize this is broken. the party has a huge branding problem and they are not going as as far as some of these guys in mississippi saying this is crazy. >> i'm excited. very excited. we expanded the base and let's keep expanding the base and let's get voters to vote for
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conservative republicans next time and expand the base. we have tons to talk about. did you see hillary? >> i did. >> and what she had to say about her money and her husband and he she doesn't need bubba defending her? >> hillary clinton's media blitz continues with more questions about her financial status. the former secretary of state recently said she was dead broke after leaving the white house and despite making millions since, insists she truly is not truly well off. her husband came to her defense but clinton argued yesterday she can stand on her own two feet. >> i shouldn't have said, i think, five or so words that i said. but, you know, my inartful use of those few words doesn't change who i am, what i've stood for my entire life, what i stand for today. bill and i have had terrific opportunities. both of us, you know, have worked hard but we have been grateful for everything we have been able to achieve and sadly
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that is not true for most americans today. if others want, to, you know, take things out of context or try to, you know, create some caricature. >> but it sticks sometimes. ask mitt romney. >> well, there's -- that's a false equivalency. people can judge me what i've done. if you came from where i have came from and where i have always been, i've always been reaching out and, you know, whether it's talking with our neighbors or, you know, going shopping or standing, you know, talking to people in these book stores and hearing what is on their minds, or even the work i did for eight years as a senator. so i -- my husband was very sweet today. but i don't need anybody to defend my record. i think my record speaks for itself. >> all right. i don't think it's a false equivalency with mitt romney. he was vilified and put horneds on him and made him unrecognizable. that is, unfortunately, part of the tough game. let's talk about this some more.
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a fascinating discussion. the irs. >> oh, my gosh. >> we find out that lois lerner now targeting another republican senator? >> we will have that coming up. still ahead senator tim kaine is telling he needs congressional approval before taking action in iraq. house's chances of passing immigration reform. a questionable tweet they sent out. we will explain what it had to do with the movie "bridesmaids" and a look at how creative people come up with their ideas and what john lennon and paul mccartney tell us how genius happens. first, too easy. >> i could tell you. >> lsd? what? >> what is too easy? >> bill karins, what can you
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tell us? >> about the genius part? >> yes. >> someone with my intelligence we don't have time to extrapolate on this topic. >> the green blobs are the radar. rained pretty good in philly last night and in new york. a little bit of rain are rhode island. boston another hour or so and your rain is over and same for cape cod. we may mark spark a few storms in new england today but warm and dry from new york to d.c. we are calling it upper 80s with a shot at hitting 90 today and feeling like summer and you want to have the ac on. in the middle of the country it's all about flooding. pictures continue to come out of minneapolis area. southern minnesota. heavy rains the last week or two caused late june flooding. usually from the snow melt in the springtime but they are
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drenched there. one amusement park under water. another amusement park in arlington got drenched. localized flooding throughout the summer and throughout this week, the heat and humidity shifting to the east as we start july, it looks to be very warm throughout everywhere east of the rockies. so today's forecast, the strongest thunderstorms will be in the northern plains. west coast is looking just fine and your typical afternoon storms from dallas to ft. worth and houston and san antonio down there into florida. washington, d.c., the clouds are clearing. get ready for a sunny, warm day. you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. ♪ ♪ taking a dive because you can't help the flak floating down stream ♪ ♪ i'm taking a dive don't spoil the show i'm a bad dream ♪ e. but at ge capital we also bring expertise
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let's take a look at the morning papers. "the new york times" sergeant bowe bergdahl will speak to army investigators in about two weeks about his decision to leave his post in afghanistan. this week he began outpatient treatment. he has not been read his legal rights nor has he asked to speak to a lawyer. the senior military official says nis conversation with bergdahl have focused on his time in captivity by the taliban. the army expects their formal investigation to conclude in argue. "the washington post" an aide is apologizing after a tweet backlashed on tuesday evening. he tweeted out a memo of christian wig in bridesmaids saying, help me, i'm poor. they say the line in the movie when she tries to get first class on a flight. the tweet added if this is you you better fill out your fafsa. >> what? >> insinuation that student aid
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is only for low income students. yesterday, the office apologized for the quote insensitivity of our previous tweet and our goal is make college a reality for all. we are sorry. that is how you deal with it. when you make a mistake. the "los angeles times." 91% of tv watchers admit to bin watching television shows that is viewing three or more episodes of the same show in a single day. the survey found "breaking bad" was the most binged watch show, followed by "house of cards." an official says binge viewing is, quote, the new normal. south carolina treasurer and bravo tv star thomas ravenel trying to unseat lindsey graham. he unsuccessful ran in 2004 placing third in the republican primary that saw jim demint win
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the general election. he has served time in federal prison since then for binge watching and cocaine charges and stars in "southern charm" about high society life in charleston. >> craig says he had sex with three women. >> do you believe that? do you believe that? >> she's like any girl that age. you know? they do some stupid things. when it comes to the hard of the head what is more important in these decisions? really? >> lindsey is a little nervous. from the "des moines register" a new twist in the investigation of the irs targeting of conservatives and it involves a sitting u.s. senator. e-mails appear to show that lois lerner, the retired irs official at the center of the scandal, wanted to audit republican senator chuck grassley. house republicans say lerner
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accidentally received an invitation by senator grassley speaking at the event and it was to pay for his wife to attend. another e-mail to another irs employee lerner allegedly wrote, quote. perhaps we should refer to exam. the other official disagreed saying, quote, not sure we should send to exam. i think the offer to pay for grassley's wife is income to grassley and not prohibited on its face. critics say the e-mails are additional evidence that lerner who was in charge of the agency's tax exempt unit allegedly attempted to target republicans and e-mails are missing and irs say they are not recoverable. grassley calls the new developments troubling and added in part, quote. this kind of thing fuels the deep concerns many people have about the irs. the irs said it could not
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comment because of transexempt confidentiality agreements. the democrats on the hill, i would have to believe, at some point, are going to start aggressively trying to distance themselves from lois lerner and the clowns who were running the irs right now. >> i don't know that any democrats were are rushing to embrace the irs or lois lerner in particular. if you listen to some of the testimony from democrats during these hearings, they have been pretty hard on her and for good political reason too. i mean, the irs is not exactly the kind of agency that any politician wants to wrap their metaphor cal arms around. i think that this issue is -- there is going to be a drip, drip, drip, as more of these e-mails are scrutinized there are more instances like that
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involving mr. grassley that are revealed and this could make for an interesting summer. >> mark halpern, this doesn't go to the president. nobody has suggested that and nobody is suggesting that here. perhaps an investigation will show that while he was watching "sportscenter," he laughed one night and went, ha, ha, let's target republicans. i don't think that is going to happen. >> give me the lerner line! >> give me the red phone to lois lerner! i don't think that is going to happen. that said, it is his administration and it is his treasury department and it is his irs. any talk that this president is considering firing somebody over there? how can he sit back and allow this to continue to happen? >> well, i mean, he has spoken out about his concern and expressed some outrage early on and then he shifted to a posture saying we know the facts and there is nothing here that is political. it's more bureaucratic and accidental.
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i think it would be smart for the president to revisit it. >> but revisit it after he found out the chairman of the ways and means committee conducted, sent over a letter saying we are going to be conducting investigation and we need information from you all and ten days later, the e-mails were destroyed and they destroyed the hard drive? has he spoken out about that? >> i believe he needs to speak out about it again in a way that shows his concern about it and explain to people where things stand with the current leadership there and in terms of the facts of what happened. i think it would be a good government to do that even though i recognize i'm sure the white house think it is political and they have to act political in response. >> i think we are debate ago story that doesn't add up. i don't know how she got this e-mail and it was mistakin e-mailed to her and if grassley's wife get paid, i would say, to me, that is interesting. i don't understand what she did wrong here in this story given what we know. >> there is reason --
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>> i'm not tag the side of the irs. >> i think it's reasonable to question lois lerner's conduct now across the board. >> sure, absolutely. but the story i just read? >> i was kind of going how is this part of the -- >> it would be a different story if lois lerner said we should investigate elizabeth warren or a democrat. >> she didn't talk about elizabeth warren's husband getting paid for an event. >> i'm explaining a hyperfocus from lois lerner's office on republicans and on conservatives. she gets an errant e-mail and she immediately decides she is going to use the power of the internal revenue service to investigate? i'm just -- let's -- you know, i know that a lot of liberals like to say, they did this to liberal groups too. the preponderance of it were to republicans and conservative groups. coming up, a pair of beautiful -- >> you're not buying that? >> no. >> you're not buying that?
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>> this one seems like we're at this point grasping and we will see. i'm not taking the side of the internal revenue service. beautiful goals by argentina messy is one of the dynamic players. big match. "morning joe" sports is next. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery.
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♪ now listen. six hours. less than six hours. >> it's going to happen. it's going to be good, right? >> let's go. come on. >> it has to go well. let's start what happened with yesterday first. not a ton of drama but nigeria and argentina group f. lionel messi had a great world cup. he has four goals already in three matches. that is marco rojas. he netted the desired for argentina. they win 3-2 and on opposite side of brazil. could technical look at brazil and argentina. >> argentina probably top to bottom the best 11 men in the tournament. messi is always disappeared during world cup play. this year a notable exception. he was injured earlier this year and able to rest his legs. we are seeing lionel messi at his best in the world cup when he is usually at his worse. >> if that is the final, it would be -- >> it could be a great final.
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other group f matchup, bosnia and iran. iran loss means nigeria advances despite losing there against argentina. good for nigeria. >> i guess i'm a communist. i always cheer for iran. a great society. a great history. no. they have an incredible history. i feel sorry for the players. >> who is your all-time iranian soccer player? who is your favorite? >> no. i'm sorry for these guys for the great athletes for living under the stooges they live under and i always -- i mean, it's a great culture. it's a great society. it's a great people. they have just been run by lunaticed since 1979. >> there is that. let's go to my dark horse.
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group e. sheridan a hat trick. >> going to liverpool. but he's had a hat trick yesterday, bill karins. he probably earned another $10 million from liverpool. >> by the swiss? >> the swiss are the sixth ranked team in the world. >> they go through winning all of their matches and i believe the only european team to do that. >> the swiss lost to france. they got crushed. france went through without a loss. >> don't try that. this is a dull conversation. >> the surprise out of this group is france who, of course, talking about basket cases. they had -- i think they all left south african handcuffs and went back, remember that four years ago? they were fighting each other. >> would you have bet france instead of italy? >> not in a million years. the french, their best player, uribe not each on the field.
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one example, especially in football. sometimes it's not the teams with the most superstars that wins. it's the teams that have the best team -- >> that's what we are hoping for today, right? the final four group matches are today. group h, contrary against belgium and ghana squad group g they won't boycott the match against portugal. they needed mayor money and they wanted it now before the match. i don't know why. but they actually requested it be delivered in cash to brazil. a plane left ghana with $5 million and landed in brazil yesterday. like a big brinks truck pulled up to the runway. they got their money and they are going to play. we have interest in that match because of the different scenarios but the big match today is u.s./germany. could be a record number, noon is tougher for a true tv rating. >> break it out. really quickly, what we need.
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>> win, we are in. a draw, we are in. if ghana/portugal tie. the games played at one time that way one team doesn't cheat and not play as hard. as ghana and portugal 0-0 than 1-1 hon or about 2-2. if portugal wins by two or three goals we are going home. >> i don't think we can lose because will farrell is on our side, right? >> he is part of our little pep rally team in brazil. he was at the headquarters with these encouraging words yesterday. >> i'm here at fan hq and right before the usa/germany -- a crucial game. eyes of the world are watching. let's do this. >> he is dressed. >> as only he could do. >> by the way, where was the funny part in there? >> the payoff? >> i didn't get it.
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>> they said it was funny. we are playing germany in the world cup. >> you go will farrell, you're expecting funny. >> maybe a hangover tomorrow. coming up next, how one of the prolific music duos in rock 'n' roll were able to make it happen and what their collaboration can teach you and me about genius. we will be right back with the beatles story when we return. here at fidelity, we give you the most free research reports,
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creative tension. >> yeah. exactly. >> you know something about that? >> a little bit about that. >> i have no idea. >> john and paul instead of just looking at, like, the lone genius you all focus on the creative tension, sort of the rubbing and how that friction creates genius. >> right. so people love to talk about who is responsible for what hits from the beatles and, actually, there is an anecdote how much each contributed to the overall beatles. he says that john was ultimately the winner. in this piece by joshua wolfshank it sort of takes on that idea that you can actually at all separate the contributions of the two of them but even with when they were seem to be at odds and battling with each other, they were actually heavily influencing each onch's work. >> oh, yeah. >> a story when mccartney wrote, "hey jude." and a line he didn't like.
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by '68, they didn't like each other. john said the best line of the whole song! paul felt validated but they did. it is that -- it is sort of that rubbing. what are some other examples that create friction? >> sometimes the two of them would contribute to each other's songs. there is an example where john lennon was working on this song "help" which is a blue moany song andfa paul said it be a bi more accessible to a whiter audience. >> what is important for the advertising world, you wanted friction and where the great creative comes from. is there any debate on the other side? to me that is almost baked into any creative process. >> debate on the other side? >> of that, you know, how friction does not -- to me, that
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is -- i've never seen anything creative endeavor. i've never seen any business endeavor where friction equals better. >> is there a reference in the piece to the term co-opion which is a business turnabout two partners being at once at odds and working together. yeah, it does seem to be kind of essential in a lot of cases through the process, even though they we love to talk about people as lone jean united states, that these creative pairs are a common way that creative ideas come together. >> steve? >> so this deference in your piece apparently to a leading neuroscientist who tried to look at the question of genius versus this creative output. what did he find? >> right. so that is another story we have in the issue by nancy and dreesen who is one of the pioneers it researching the neuroscience of creativity. chef especially interested in the question whether creativity
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is her reeditary. >> having that sparks sometimes extraordinary creativity. >> right. in a lot of cases highly creative people have members of their family who suffer from mental illness. einstein had schizophrenia in the family as did james joyce and posited in the piece maybe a fine line between madness and creativity i you need looseness of the individuals to create a relationship which is create creativity but not so much that you lose focus. >> where does mushrooms come in all of this? >> it's ideas from all people and if you have exposure with people with mental illness you can connect and understand the value of a person no matter what
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their status is. >> and being a little unbalanced. i remember my mother. i wrote songs and did music from the time i was 13 and i would always, the people that i would bring home, my mother would be, like, why? i said, mom. finally after about three years, i said, mom, let me help you out. this is where lawyers are over here. and this is where artists are over here. and i drew two lines. and i said, the closer you get to the lawyer side of it, the less i'm going to get out of them when i'm recording a song. and it really is true. that a touch of madness goes a long way in a creative -- >> yeah. >> at least you're hoping. >> that idea. you have aristotle talking about how a lot of very intelligence statesmen have medicalloncholy.
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>> lot a lot of good looking people that live in sunny climates that have created, you know, in loving relationships for 70 years that have created great pieces of art. it just doesn't happen! >> sarah jaeger, thank you so much. fascinating piece. >> it's true. >> he is light. we will be back with much more "morning joe." ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon.
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coming up at the top of the hour, seeking a seventh term in the u.s. senate. thad cochran is now the poster boy for a new republican party? >> i don't think so. in fact, we are going to tell you what a talk radio show type said. oh, boy, about that victory and how it's going to divide the republican party and how there is going to be a third party and how african-americans who dared to vote republicans are, quote, uncle tom's close -- >> plus, after her husband's defense, hillary clinton is saying, thanks, but no thanks. the economy shrinks by a huge amount. the largest in five years. so why are some economists still optimistic about the outlook for the rest of the year? we have got a big hour straight ahead on "morning joe." raus! raus and asked for less. because what we all really want... more. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet. and not a "have just a little buffet". that's the idea behind the more everything plan.
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♪ messi! nigeria will be in the last 16 but this was messi's day once again. >> tim lincecum has done it again. no-hit against the san diego padres. >> john kerry warned countries to stay out of iraq's war. but they are not listening. syrian war planes bomb targets in iraq. the iranians are sending in drones and weapons. >> loy business lerner targeted a sitting u.s. senator.
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lerner referred chuck grassley for. >> it's about the phones we all carry. >> to search one police said the police must get a warrant. >> what we have seen is an effort to erode the power of the legislative branch. >> republicans have shifted their opposition into a higher gear. frankly it's a gear i didn't know previously existed. >> your husband was forced to defend you at his own conference. >> my husband was very sweet today, but i don't need anybody to defend my record. all right. welcome back to "morning joe." mark halpern and steve rattner and jeremy peters are still us. joining the table is joe klein and in houston senior national correspondent for blickberg business week, josh is with us. >> we are going to talk sports.
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first of all, same pitcher. no-hitter against the same team for the first time since 1908 yesterday. >> it's amazing and it's also amazing that it's lincecum because he has become more of a craft pitcher than a power pitcher and not throwing as hard as he used to. >> mark halpern knows this off the top of my head who is 1908 pitcher? >> has haddy toyota against the white sox and did that again in '08. >> i'm not an exaggeration on your part. a couple of years ago when the show started, more than a couple of years ago. i actually thought you were making this up put actually people are use it now. they are seriously use it and very exciting. let's get to politics. the shock waves of tuesday's senate republican primaries have left some members feeling like
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they hardly recognize their own party. mississippi tea party conservative chris mcdaniel lost, in large part, because supporters of incumbent thad cochran turned out african-american voters. mcdaniel has still yet to concede is considering other tactics and votes he says has splintered the party. >> could you have imagined how corrupt the republican establishment was and the kind of race baiting and nasty tactics that were used against you? did you expect that? >> no, no, not in a million years. you know, these are people that always talk about party unity and party cohesion and talk about how we are supposed to stick together and they did some of the most despicable thing to me and others around me that i've ever seen. >> tactics in mississippi angered groups like the conservative group fund who backed mcdaniel and called out the national republican
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senatorial party. groups have gone to great lengths to protect their preferred candidates spending $23 million on independent spend tours in primaries alone. >> joe klein, it's not like mcdaniel didn't know what the rules of the road were when he got in his car. so to say that they were cheating, it's just -- it's absolute whining. it shows why this extreme fringe, the resentment fringe of the far, far, far right of the republican party is now getting kicked around so much, not only by the establishment republican party but also by main street republicans. they have had a dreadful year in 2014. the only big race they won, the cantor race is where these groups stayed out. >> they had a dreadful year in 2012 as well. this is a classic american splinter movement.
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it's always been there. it's the, you know, anti-integration, isolationist and protectionist and they lose in the end. the fact they have gained so much traction within the republican party at this point is the larger question that people like you have to answer. >> i don't think i need to, actually, because, jeremy, they are not winning elections. i'm finding a lot of people who were late, jeremy. and i'm curious what you see on the hill. a lot of people would be, quote, called, quote, tea party members who were tired of stupid candidates getting the nomination and losing the general election. hell, i agree on the small government aspect of the tea party platform. i just don't want stupid people that just run on resentment to get the nomination and then get kicked around in the general election. >> what is really dividing even the tea party at this point. forget about the divide in the
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larger republican party but among tee party activists right now is how far they want to take a challenge to the election results. you have supporters of chris mcdaniel talking about going to court. they think they have this obscure law in mississippi on their side say you can only vote in a primary if you're willing to support that candidate in the general election. legally that is very cloudy. how do you prove something like that? meanwhile, you have other republicans on the right talking about even getting behind the democrat in this race. thad cochran's opponent. that just shows you how angry they are, that they are willing to punish thad cochran that severely by voting for a democrat! >> the race is over. thad cochran is going to be senator. >> josh green in bloomberg business week you say the gop races that follow the cantor loss are a good sign for john boehner. you write in part this. tea partiers couldn't flop up
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any plausible candidates. remarkable that a surge could not field viability replacements. the failure of the hard right to extend its influence to republican leadership races ought to liberate boehner and mccarthy to do more, not less. that might entail relying on democratic votes but after the latest tea party flop the idea that this might cost them their job should seem less like a threat than a punch line. >> josh, i was really surprised that mccarthy won by act cl acclimation. >> i'm surprised. >> well, they didn't just get pounded. they keep getting pounded. i think one of the problems is the fear of a tea party challenge has been exaggerated in the mind a lot of congressional republicans. you look at the record, we are
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four years into the tea party insurgency. when it comes time to mount a challenge to a boehner or a mccarthy they like the three stooges. they can't agree who is going to run and they can't pick a candidate. ultimately you can't really threaten john boehner's job if you don't have somebody that you can prop up to replace him. >> mark, what happened in those leadership races? i was -- i was on a radio show and they asked him who i supported. i know kevin and like kevin but i said, well, pete sessions, i came in with him. he is a small government conservative. i like him. they talked about jeb. he is a small government conservative and i think he has a good shot. next thing i see, kevin mccarthy they place a crown on him. it's not anti-kevin but i always, when i was there, always wanted -- sort of -- to the small government conservative. and i was shocked that supposedly right wing harsh
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extreme republican in the house they laid down and basically got established republicans running the operation there. >> as you know, the house leadership races on both sides are an inside game that are often always based on loyalty and favors on the past than idealology. two things about the tea pear that suggest strength and not weakness as they are losing all of these races. one thing is the mid terms are shaping up to be great for the republicans. the splinter within the party does not seem to be a short term problem for november. look at the legislative agenda. the chamber of commerce what do they want? immigration reform and infrastructure. the tea party agenda on talk radio and in congress is still calling the shots.
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boehner, josh says she should be liberated but i don't see it right now. >> let's move to hillary clinton. >> how is it going for her? >> her media blitz continues. with more questions about her financial status, the former secretary of state recently said she was dead broke after leaving the white house and insisting she is not truly well off. her husband came to her defense but clinton argued she can stand on her own two feet. >> i shouldn't have said, i think, five or so words that i said. but, you know, my inartful use of those few words doesn't change who i am, what i've stood for my entire life, what i stand for today. bill and i have had terrific opportunities. both of us, you know, have worked hard but we have been grateful for everything we have been able to achieve and sadly that is not true for most americans today. if others want to, you know, take things out of context or try to, you know, create some caricature. >> but it sticks sometimes.
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ask mitt romney. >> well, there's -- that's a false equivalency. with you but you know? people can judge me what i've done. if you came from where i have came from and where i have always been, i've always been reaching out and, you know, whether it's talking with our neighbors or, you know, going shopping or standing, you know, talking to people in these book stores and hearing what is on their minds, or even the work i did for eight years as a senator. so i -- my husband was very sweet today. but i don't need anybody to defend my record. i think my record speaks for itself. >> so what do you think, first of all? talking about her financial situation, gwynagain, which peo are pounding out. i take it fair game. is she taking the most of the opportunity to deal with this? >> no, no. the second quote, interesting where she said they pay full
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income taxes was a reference to mitt romney who was paying at a 14% rate. no one has really brought that up. she was referring to the amount she and her husband pay compared to mitt romney. >> right. >> but the fact that this is what we are talking about and not the substance of her book, which i've actually read. >> right. >> is a disaster for them. >> so i want to get to how you feel about the book in a second. is she missing an opportunity as a woman to talk about money in a way that could be ground breaking and interesting and extremely attractive? >> i think that talking about money at this point is one thing she does not want to do. when the campaign comes, she is going to have to talk about money in a domestic household sort of way. >> right. >> and she is going to talk about, you know, the income and equality in a way that doesn't put off the left wing of her party, but also remains kind of sane in the middle. that's going to be a real challenge for her.
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but at this moment, this is just a diversion from what she really wants to talk about which is the fact that she has the patience to negotiate comma by comma every treaty and agreement that she has come across and that she also makes long-term personal relationships, which would enable her to negotiate with republicans in a way that obama hasn't. >> is that her book's message? >> that is her book's message. that is it. >> you know, i've never made a secret on this show. personally, i like hillary clinton a lot. >> yeah. >> and anybody that meets her personally and doesn't see -- >> she is extremely nice and fun and engaging. >> i remember when my hair was on fire in '95. one of the big shocks. first time you meet the president and the first lady. president clinton is all over
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the place and i met hillary. people said what are they like? i said don't tell anybody, any of those a town hall meeting, but i really like hillary. she is this midwestern woman and she believes in this and but, joe, every time she puts on that politician's heart, sat, she st being the hillary we know personally and she sometimes gets clunky and less likeable. not to us personally. >> is that because she is a woman? >> no, no. it's because she's not -- i mean, her husband is the ultimate politician. i've covered in 45 years of doing this, he is absolutely the best politician. she's not. and she is an advocate, especially for women and children. she has a temper on her.
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as a result, she will make mistakes and what you see, what this -- the hat you're talking about where the visible protective shield is her way of protecting against making mistakes. i think that if she is going to go ahead with this she has to embrace her mistakes. as laguardia laguardonce i make mistake, you just rebuke it. >> i think it's consensus her book tour is not great and expose rustiness. does this have any implications as far as you see now for 2016 if she runs shall. >> i'm not sure it does, except that the problem she seems to be making in her book tour is the last time she met as a presidential candidate. so much caution and calculation and she won't really say anything new and interesting. the book looks like it had been
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scrubbed by a team of a lunn lawyers until you create a vacuum where you can't have a gaffe about your line about wealth explode and suddenly you're a candidate defending yourself against charges you didn't want to talk about. if that is going to happen continual going forward, yeah, i think this could be a snapshot what is to come. >> you look at what barack obama did in his book. i did cocaine. i had a crazy life. i made mistakes. it kind of lowers the bar and tells everybody, i'm human. i've been angry. i've done coke. you're human. >> her problem is she didn't do coke and she didn't do marijuana. she admitted to that in some tv interview. >> in 2014, former "rolling stone" writer joe klein, she, quote, admitted she never about
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marijuana! what world do we live in? >> a good world. >> as my grandmother would say, this world is not my home. >> look. it's not gone great. i agree with that. but you could make the argument she is getting this stuff out of the way and dealing with her wealth. none of this i think will matter. she is still the democratic candidate, the only democratic candidate and see what the republicans do. >> we are discussing all of this and the stuff that she would like us to be discussing are, like, this 20 exciting pages in this book where she is negotiating for the release of a chinese dissident while having a summit meeting with the chinese. that is the kind of thing she wants us to know about herself and none of us are talking about it. >> exactly. really, steve, the specifics of what we are talking about right now, they aren't going to mat in a week, two weeks, a month. what does matter here, though, is the bigger question of how is hillary clinton going to respond
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in a general election campaign and if she is going to be nimble as her husband or as barack obama's team? the answer right now seems to be no, that she still hasn't figured out how to play this game after being in it since since 1978. >> nowhere to go up and you can be that surprised again. there much time ahead for her to sort of show that part but we will see if it happens. i'm still convinced and very curious, though, whether she can navigate this and if she should. joe klein and josh green, thank you. up next, senator tim kaine splits with the white house whether the administration meets congressional approval to take action in iraq. the virginia democrat is our guest. plus u.s. soccer hall of famer tony meola is here ahead of today's big match against
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germany. you' you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge.
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there are new reports isis militants have joined forces with al qaeda extremist group and doubling their numbers of forces potentially. could be further pressure on the obama administration to carry out air strikes and something the white house says can be done without congressional approval. joining us someone who sgres. senator tim kaine, a democrat of virginia and member of the armed services and foreign relations committee. >> start with you, senator. >> also with us is wes moore. >> senator, if american intel has the isis group within their radar, would you like the president to pick up the phone and ask congress to pass a resolution before he can pull the trigger? >> joe, you know, the issue isn't what i'd like. the issue is what the law is.
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it's very, very plain that congress is the body that gets to declare war. it was set up that way by a great virginian james madison for a reason. the president once declared the president manages it but congress has to get involved. >> nancy pelosi says since you guys have already approve force in iraq that the president still has authority from prior approvals. do you agree with former speaker pelosi? >> i completely disagree with it. if you look at the two authorizations on the table you're right there was an iraq authorization in 2002 to topple the government of saddam hussein. that government is gone. we finished combat operations in iraq in 2011. even the white house has said that authorization, the iraqi authorization is obsolete and should be preled. to tell the american public we can revive it and go wage a different war in iraq with the
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hussein regimen long gone is i think long behind what congress authorized. i still didn't get informed until 2003. the administration has said, okay, you can get against al qaeda or its affiliates. isis is not al qaeda and in syria isis and al qaeda are slaughtering each other. >> lightning round and 27 people on the set and they would like to ask you a question. >> taking a step back and up 30,000 feet, what is your biggest concern? >> two concerns. the intermediate concern is a circumstance where the president can act unilaterally to defend american lives. the framers of the execution understood that would be the case. the president has the power and we need to be concerned about
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n that. if isis takes hold and is a haven for jihadist and imposes a threat to europe and the united states and other allies and we are going to have to figure out the strategies to contain it. but it's not the kind of eminent threat that allows the president to act without congress. the right way to deal with it is probably take a look at the 2001 authorization and revise and update it which the president has been calling for a year but that dialogue between the president and congress really hasn't started. now is the time to start it. >> jeremy peters, jump in. >> senator, this is a position that puts you at odds with the democratic leadership in congress. you got harry reid and nancy pelosi have told the president, in effect, don't you care come to us with war resolution right now. this is the last thing we want to be debating politically in the middle of an election year. so i wonder are democrats telling you one thing privately, like, they are supportive of you
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in principle but can't be with you publicly? and do you think more of them should be speaking out and taking a position similar to yours given how central opposition to the iraq war was to the democratic party? >> jeremy, i'm seeing actually colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the senate say, no, the president has all of the authority he needs. he doesn't need to come back to us. we are getting kind of, frankly, mixed signals out of the white house. sometimes they say they have the authority and sometimes acknowledge there are limits to it. whether you're a democrat or a republican, i don't care what the politics of this are. the most sober power we have in government and the most important power that congress has is that power to determine whether we initiate military action or not. >> all right. >> the notion of, oh, well, don't bring it to us because we are nervous about it, it just makes my skin crawl. i come from virginia which is the most militarily connected state in the country, the notion that congress would voc responsibility makes me crazy. >> i want to shift on a personal level.
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an army vet, wes. you see the lives lost over there, 47,700 lives and now as we sit and chat around this table and all of the pundits say it was -- not only was it for nil, we have gone backwards in terms of what is going on with isis now. as a guy who put list life on the line, how do you react to all of this? >> it's very personal because all of us know folks who sacrificed everything to go over there and to fight and to watch this unraveling is heart breaking. and particularly watching the debates around it about what exactly next step and becomes very frustrating because regardless of legal authority, another question just becomes basic become efficacy. we can talk about air strikes all we want but the fact when we talk about air strikes we are talking about air strikes melanie in western iraq and sunni areas and saying one end we want maliki government to be inclusive government and all parties involved but say we are targeting air strikes against sunni it's sending mixed messages to iraq and the entire region and we know it's going to
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be our brothers and sisters in uniform who then have to come clean that up. >> you have a personal stake in this because of the buddies that you fought with and lost. what do you think we should do? >> i don't think there is a military solution particularly taking sides military solution to this. >> let the sunnis and shias figure it out? >> the iraqis have to sort this and you've done a good job debating this. we have to understand the history of iraq and the tribal structure of iraq. i remember when i was overseas in combat and granted it was afghanistan versus iraq but the tribal elements are similar in the way the tribal areas in a physical geography has no relevance to on the other. we would go on missions where we would ask people and bring out, you know, as part of special operation civil affairs unit bring had you gifts to afghan leaders and one of the things you'd have is flags with a cutout of the country in different colors.
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then they would look the flags and say, so what is this? our answer was it's your country. this is the challenge that we have here. we are trying to piece something together that isn't pieced together. >> we are at square one. >> exactly right and no military solution to it. >> senator tim kaine, thank you very much. wes moore, thank you as well on many levels. still ahead, how the house you live in can make you calmer, safer, richer and healthier. what? >> plus the u.s. men's national team and jurgen klinsmann changed the culture of soccer in america. >> i think they did. >> what happens today? >> former goalkeeper for the national team tony meola will join us to on tell us what needs to happen today for the u.s. to beat the germans. keep it here on "morning joe"!
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joining us now former goalkeeper for the u.s. national team team and u.s. soccer hall of famer tony meola. first of all, can the united states win? can it? >> they can, but keep in mind they don't have to today. >> what? >> today, they only need a tie to get through to the second round. >> right. >> unfortunately, there's really no way to prepare for a tie. and we are playing the second best team in the world right now. the highest ranked team is still playing in the tournament. >> what do we have to do to
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perform today? how important that bradley who some people have criticized have a good match? he's had a rough two games. >> a couple of rough games. i thought it was better in the portugal game than the ghana game for sure. our man from toronto right now needs to be the best player on the field for us, michael bradley, if we are going to be successful today. >> uh-huh. so for team usa to advance, win against regimegermany and tie b ghana and portugal. >> americans think we got to win. >> win/lose. >> but that is not it? >> in this tournament it's about getting to the second round. it's about getting to the knockout phase. you have to do enough to get there. so far, listen. two weeks ago, the amazing thing if you had told us that the u.s. would have had four points, they would have been second in the group and destiny in their own hands, have beaten ghana, tied portugal, you would have been happy but i think the way it
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happened against portugal in the last 30 seconds that kind of still stings a little bit for u.s. fans. >> stings a little bit but in the fars game we played a miserable 80 minutes against ghana and still won. a sign of a great team. we played a great 80 minutes against portugal. were you as surprised as many of us, i remember calling my son, joey, we are controlling midfield. we are moving the ball like a european power. were you surprised how good this team looked and where klinsmann brought us? >> when the selections of many team came out we were wondering if jurgen klinsmann made all of the right choices. he pushed all of the right buttons. he brings sporting kansas city graham zusi in.
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my guess he is going to make a couple of changes in this lineup based on the fact that they played there a few days ago. one day less rest than germany has had. in this tournament, i believe it's four or five teams have played them their following game they did not win a game so it's important for the u.s. to be physically ready today. >> that is a disadvantage that one day difference where the u.s. played. in general what makes the germans better? we are the best athletes in the world and compete in every other sport almost in the world than this. what makes the germans on paper better than our team? >> well, the experience of this group. >> can i help you with that? they are faster. >> i don't necessarily agree they are faster. i think they have more international experience than this group and play week in and week out in leagues around the world we are lucky in the u.s. the reason we are competing against portugal half play
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overseas and majority started their careers here. it's a process and seven world cups ago i was in that team in 1990 we hadn't qualified in a world cup for four years and germany has been doing this forever. >> tony, this is a breakthrough year for the world cup in this country as far as how it's infiltrated the country. as a guy that grew up in soccer do you think this will carry in the soccer leagues or is it still stay participation or anticipation when the world cup comes along? >> i think the biggest jump between '90 and '94 is that it continues to grow. and if my numbers, if i read them correctly, 25 million viewers for the portugal game. >> is this now spilling over on an ongoing basis? >> we hope so. major league soccer's test is capture some of those people. every world cup we continue to capture more and more. i hate to put the weight of the sport on 23 guys because i think that is unfair but unfortunately
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in this country -- >> tony! >> and a german coach. >> i didn't get to the but there was a but there. >> yeah. >> they have done a great job. they represent us very well and, hopefully, they can get through today and we can build more excite and continue to grow. >> tony meola, thank you so much and thank you for the scarves. great to have you here. we love the scarves. after the director of homeland security visited arizona yesterday does the administration have a plan to deal with hundreds of uncompanied children crossing the border with no place to go? "morning joe" will be right back. this is a view...
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a beautiful shot of washington, d.c. secretary of homeland security jay johnson visited arizona to monitor the influx of unaccompanied children crossing the southwest border. here bus now to weigh in on the situation from capitol hill democratic representative from texas, congressman joaquin castro. >> good to have you here, congressman. >> thank you, joe. >> we hear immigration reform dead in the house this session but what is going to happen with these young children that seem to be trapped? >> well, the first thing with immigration reform, you know, i was somebody who thought last year would have gotten it done and it is going to be very difficult. if you look at the calendar we are only in session 26 days the last five months of the year. not only immigration reform but anything like tax reform, any big bill is going to be difficult to do after july 31st. as far as the kids, you know, if you saw those photos a few weeks ago, the young children strewn out and laid out on concrete
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floors and sleeping at that time with no pillows or blankets and something you would see in a war zone. so i'm glad that the administration has taken steps to make sure that the kids are better accommodated and is also working with central america to make sure that we stem that tide of folks who are making the dangerous trek. >> has it changed the dynamic of the conversation at all trying to actually get something really significant done? >> well, as you all know, there has been a lot of finger points and a lot of folks are blaming the president but i blame the house of representatives. you know? if we had passed either the senate version of immigration reform or the house version, there would have been billions of dollars in resources for international cooperation, for board security, more board security and also there would have been a more clear line of delineation about what it takes to immigrating here legally. congress can't push off the responsibility for passing legislation and taking action. we got to accept responsibility
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for that. >> congressman, do you ever strategize with your republican governor rick perry or other top republicans to change the dynamic within the house? >> you know, i talk to rick perry a few times and met with him a few times when i was in the texas legislature but i can't say we have been best friends since then. he has been somebody who has been very much against doca, for example, and comprehensive immigration reform and i think he felt stung during the presidential primary in 2012 when he mentioned texas one of the first states to pass a version of the dream act. since then he has been fairly rit se reticent on the issue except to criticize the president. >> you're working 26 days the last five months of the year, that stocked me. will you explain that to me? >> donny, believe me, i'm
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stunned. >> that is twice as long as donny works a year. >> and donny gets paid more. >> you're absolutely right. one thing about the house of representatives and the senate, as joe remembers, the schedule is published before the next year. in november, the schedule for 2014 was published last november and i looked at it and i saw that we're only in session 103 days this year. 26 days, the last five months of the year. surely, we owe the american people more work than that. >> all right. congressman joaquin castro, thank you so much for being on the show this morning. >> i think most americans would agree with the congressman. we deserve more. we deserve better. >> still ahead, nearly everyone owns a smartphone but now the must have might be the smart home? how the home of the future has become the home of today. stay with us. we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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interesting, ooungd it's the wave of the future or is the future already here. >> it is fun and interesting and also valuable, we hope. you have your smartphone, you know about certain smart gadgets like the nest thermostat that responds to people's heating and cooling needs and tries to make things more efficient but we really tried to blow out all of the developments and innovations going on in this industry which in the next five years is going to command $12 billion. and it's not just about making your life more convenient. you know, brewing the coffee the minute you wake up, it's about solving for problems. so some of the things we highlight, for example, are a new community of floating homes in amsterdam that could provide a solution for cities facing rising sea levels, which is a huge issue. pop-up homes for refugees. people building all different kinds of structures to cope with the problems we have now. >> so in the past couple of decades, especially recently, a lot of people focusing on building green lifestyle, sustainability, but that takes a lot of money, doesn't it?
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are smart homes for only the uber rich who can then have the luxury of being practical? >> well, it's interesting. a lot of the homes that we feature in this package have to do with saving money. there's a page, for example, about a woman who built herself a tiny home in idaho. she just realized that she was spending a lot of money on rent for more space than she needed. she rented a smaller amount of land, made a 200 square foot home and she says at the end of the piece i didn't need a lot of space. it turns out this is what she's needed. she's now saved so much money she's able to work part-time and spend more time with her daughter. >> give us the biggest wow factor in ten years that people are not thinking about today. >> that's a good question. one thing. we're so preoccupied with our use of energy and i would say there's a piece in here about a community in austin, the whole community is having their energy use tracked. the fact that really stood out
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to me that i think could make a difference for people is that it's changing the way we even think about how we install things like solar panels. the conventional wisdom was you have been facing south where you get the most sunlight. but peak air conditioning usage is in the afternoon when people get home from work. so pointing them west is a smarter thing to do. >> the concept of the tiny home, it's so interesting. look at this. she had been through -- she had been through times in her life that had encumberred her, including having a big home. i think americans went through a stage where we thought we had to have the biggest houses ever, the whole mcmansion period. do we see a trend in the opposite direction happening? >> i think insofar as you could find a trend in this package, it has to do with efficiency. that's going to mean different things for different people, depending on where they live and what their lives are like. but certainly there's a priority on creating efficiency in your personal life, also in your
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energy use and in the ways that we live as communities, which is really interesting. >> you mentioned a few other countries. who are the world leaders now in creating the homes of the future with efficiency, particularly on the energy side? >> i would say that the scandinavians have also been pretty good at this. >> how big is the cd collection of that woman in the 200 square foot -- >> exactly. >> and she lives alone. >> she's got a giant dog. >> she's got a great dane and a baby. >> wow. >> the healing home, the pop-up home, fascinating. radhika, thank you so much. the new issue of "time" is out today. up next, is a courtroom showdown brewing between two of the most powerful men in washington? we'll explain. speaker boehner's latest plan to take on the president. plus the latest gdp numbers were not very good, but if wall street's reaction was any indication, there may be a silver lining. and what this hollywood blockbuster has to do with a government twitter faux pas, a
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major faux pas. we'll explain ahead. all that and much more when "morning joe" comes right back. ♪ ♪fame, makes a man take things over♪ ♪fame, lets him loose, hard to swallow♪ ♪fame, puts you there where things are hollow♪ the evolution of luxury continues. the next generation 2015 escalade. ♪fame i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪
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and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. call or click to open your fidelity account today. good morning, everyone. it's thursday, june 26th. welcome to "morning joe." with us on set we have "morning joe" contributor, mark halperin. the chairman of deutsche, incorporated, donny deutsch. >> look at that, you wasp you.
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>> economic analyst steve rattner. and from capitol hill, "new york times" reporter, jeremy peters. >> jeremy, good morning! you know, i was wearing my three-piece suit but then i said i need to wear my team usa jersey. >> don't pretend, that's what you slept in. i just know it. look at you. it looks like you slept in it. why do you do that? >> joe, where can our viewers find you? >> i can tell you our team, the "morning joe" team four years ago went out and we went down to warren 77. mika kicked the table and we won. it's a good luck charm and i was going to watch the show at home with a lot of friends, but decided i would much rather watch it with the "morning joe" friends, "morning joe" team because it's good luck. we do it every four years. >> i'm going to flip a table.
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>> we'll be at an undisclosed location in manhattan. look at this, "the daily news," huh, just win, baby, just win. a lot of that depends on whether michael bradley finds himself today. i hope he does. is everybody going to watch? >> oh, yeah. >> "the wall street journal" has helpful tips, by the way, on how to lie to your boss and get out of work and actually watch this at 12:00 today. >> there's lots of ways you can get out of work today, find another reason to do something. you could start by like thinking of random things to do like soothe the president. house speaker john boehner has confirmed he is planning to take president obama to court. setting up a showdown between two branches of the federal government. the ohio republican says he will sue over president obama's use of executive actions. this is getting really good. congressman boehner says it's not a political ploy or an attempt to lay the groundwork for impeachment. he says the goal is to stand up for the power of the legislative
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branch and make sure president obama follows the law. >> not only does the president regularly ignore the law, he brags about it and brags about his willingness to change it unilaterally. first, this administration makes the wrong decisions, then won't give the american people the straight answers. instead it's arrogance and incompetence right down the line. >> president obama has used executive -- >> let me ask you something. so do you think you can read the rest of this news story straight or would you like me to read it straight for you? >> no, i've been dripping with sarcasm obviously with every word. >> let me try this, let me try this. president obama has used executive orders on issues ranging from immigration and gun control to delaying parts of obamacare. the white house says that's because lawmakers failed to act. >> for a long time we've seen republicans block progress in congress, a range of bills that
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would promote economic strength, but in this case it seems that republicans have shifted their opposition into a higher gear. frankly it's a gear that i didn't know previously existed. >> so how did the president's executive orders stack up against other recent commanders in chief? according to the american presidency project at ucsb, president obama has 168 executive orders this year. george bush had 291 during his two terms. bill clinton 364, ronald reagan had 381. mark halperin, a lot of this goes to obamacare, the affordable care act. talk about why this issue is so important to republicans and whether john boehner has a point or not. >> not all executive orders are created equal, and the number may not matter as much as the magnitude -- >> the kind. >> yes, and the significance and the obamacare ones clearly bother them a lot. it is a clear sign that despite
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thad cochran's victory and despite the establishment of the party having some electoral vic toers, there's still bitter divisions between two good men, john boehner, barack obama. we turn the clock back and look at their resumes, you would have thought they could do business together. this is the low point of their relationship that boehner said not only can i not work with the guy, i want to stop him from doing what he wants to do. >> what's new about that? >> some people had the fantasy there could still be legislative progress. if boehner is going to do this, it's hard to imagine them getting anything done. >> i don't think boehner ever had that fantasy as well as some key republicans. i think from the get-go they felt that way and they doubled down on it. >> i think this is a critical issue and it's a critical issue to conservatives now. "the new york times" editorial page will be shocked and stunned when a republican president does this.
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the affordable care act, obamacare, this president has unilaterally time and time and time again issued executive orders that have fundamentally changed the very nature of this significant law. whether you're a republican, a democrat, a conservative or liberal, you -- if you are interested in the law, if you're interested in the constitution, if you're interested in the separation of power, if you're interested in what powers the executive branch should have versus the legislative branch, this actually is a pretty critical issue that needs to be changed. >> the shock waves of yesterday's republican senate primaries have left some members feeling like they hardly recognize their own party. maybe that's another way to put it. the mississippi tea party conservative, chris mcdaniel, lost in large part because supporters of incumbent thad cochran turned out african-american voters. mcdaniel, who still has yet to concede says he's investigating thousands of democratic votes and other tactics, he says, have splintered the party. >> could you imagine how corrupt
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the republican establishment was and the kind of race baiting and nasty tactics that were used against you? did you expect that? >> no. not in a million years. these are people that always talk about party unity and party cohesion and talk about how we're supposed to stick together, and they did some of the most despicable things to me and others around me that i've ever seen. >> you know, mika, tactics and mississippi groups like the fund who backed mcdaniel and called out the national republican senatorial committee for spending republican money. a politico analysis shows that the establishment republican groups have gone to great lengths to protect their preferred candidates, spending $23 million on independent expenditures in primaries alone. we're going to get to sarah palin in one second and what she had to say. i'm just -- you know, i'm tough on democrats when i have to be tough on democrats. i'm tough on republicans when i have to be tough on republicans. i can just tell you if these
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people were my children, i would be laughing at them calling them the biggest whiners. they cheated. no, they didn't cheat, they followed the rules. they followed the law. you lost. when you lose, you lose because you're too stupid to figure out how to use tactics to adjust. laura ingraham said this yesterday, they followed the rules. they were smarter than mcdaniel. as laura ingraham said, mcdaniel was running a tea party race in an open primary. that is stupid. and if you were too stupid to win an election, don't whine about it the next day and say the other side cheated. now, as for me, i'm a strange guy. >> correct. >> i was excited as a republican when african-americans supported me. i was excited when i'd go to
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precincts where there were african-americans and i would get 50% of the vote as a right wing republican with a 96% aclu rating. i thought that was a good thing, to actually expand the party base, for whatever reason. we republicans have been averaging, 8%, 9%, 10% among african-american voters in presidential elections, donny deutsch. that's dismal. since richard nixon. richard nixon was the last republican president to get a high percentage of african-american voters. >> and we have people freaking out that there was a candidate in the national republican party that was actually able to get republican voters. i mean get african-americans to vote in republican primaries. hey, i tried to get african-americans to switch over in republican primaries to vote
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for me and the response to me and every other republican was are you kidding? i'm not going to vote in a republican primary. this is actually positive. we're expanding the brand. we got a large number of african-americans to do what a large number of african-americans haven't wanted to do for good reason over the past 30, 40, 50 years, vote in republican primaries. these whiners are the past, they lost. they lost. i wonder -- i'm sure sarah palin when her children lost in hockey didn't go, oh, it was all the referee's fault, it was all the official's fault. that's whining. you don't let people whine if they lose fair and square. >> okay, donny, speak. >> i hate whiners, i really do. >> i wasn't very good in math so you can't take what i'm going to say with much credence. >> can i just say whether it has to do with math or anything, we
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don't take -- >> anything you say. >> thank you very much. >> when we look the way the world is going the next 10, 20 years and see red states like georgia that will be shifting to blue states with hispanic and black numbers increasing, this is not even a philosophical discussion. if the republicans do not understand that this is not a white country anymore, that this is a country of mixed races and this is a country you will not be able to win elections on over the next two, three, four decades unless you understand this point -- >> can i just say republicans understand this. there are still some people fighting on islands in the pacific in 1953 that think the war between japan and the united states is still going on. this is a fait accompli. george w. bush in 1999 was talking about this. karl rove, with all of the problems i've had with karl rove over the years, he drives me
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berserk at times, karl rove is saying this in 1999. the country is saying the republican party has to change with it. i don't think karl rove changed exactly the way you would want to get more hispanic voters and more african-american voters, but i think this is a positive development. >> well, that's one way to look at it. >> i'm saying getting african-americans -- >> yes! >> -- to vote in republican primaries. as i said, thad cochran is the type of republican that drives me crazy. he's a big spending appropriator. that said, i'm not shocked and stunned and deeply saddened that we got more than old white people voting in our primaries. >> there's one way to look at it like that, to be excited that you were able to get people to vote for you or you could be like sarah palin and cry foul and be so upset about the results of losing that you talk about abandoning ship, just cut the party in half, leave. >> let's see. >> if the republican party doesn't get their act together, you would consider moving third party. explain.
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>> well, if republicans are going to act like democrats, then what's the use in getting all gung-ho about getting more republicans in there? so yeah, if republicans aren't going to stand strong on the planks in our platform, it does no good to get all enthused about them anymore. >> i can't disagree with what he said there, maybe the context. i've always said the government republicanism is just as bad as big government liberalism, but in this case, you know what, i get enthused about candidates and i want them to be smart enough to win. mcdaniel wasn't smart enough to win. he was stupid. he ran a stupid race and he needs to stop whining about being too stupid to expand his base. so jeremy peters, what's the talk on capitol hill? do you hear republicans running around with their hair on fire saying we're going to start a third party because chris mcdaniel's people were too stupid to figure out how to win an election they should have won? >> i haven't. i was surprised yesterday to
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hear rush limbaugh say a third party is not the route. sarah palin is clearly in the minority here on splitting the republican party. do you remember that scene in "citizen kane" when his editors are standing around and holding up the different headlines. one says kane wins and the other says fraud at the polls? this is kind of the trouble that chris mcdaniel's people risk in pursuing any type of legal strategy after the election. >> still ahead, paul newman's daughter is carrying on his legacy. we'll explain how when she joins us here on set. plus the shows you love to watch, even if that means neglecting any other adult responsibility you have for days at a time. we're talking about america's new addiction -- >> i've done that twice actually. >> binge watching. >> binge watching. you never do binge watching? >> i'm old-fashioned. one a week. >> in "breaking bad" or "sons of
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anarchy." ? >> in order. >> you still do them in order. you just do them together. >> binge watching is watching them all at once. >> never in my life. >> i don't have the time to watch every week so i try to get like binge watching. i did it with "breaking bad," like five seasons in four days. >> it's like too much cotton candy, it's just too much. >> this is called a tease. we're promoting the conversation. so speaking of bingeing, although this is not the kind of bingeing we need to talk about on television, but bill karins is a binger. tell us the forecast, bill. >> first couple of seasons of "24" was fantastic to binge. that was my highlight. let's talk about the weather today, get you out the door. what do we have in store for the upcoming weekend? numerous areas of rain this weekend. one spot we don't need any more rain is minnesota and a few spots in texas too. but the minneapolis area, the flooding on the mississippi
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river continues. it's a slow-moving river so we've got the flooding around minneapolis and st. paul, down toward the border with iowa. it's just going to take a while for the water to recede. give it another week or so and we'll be able to open up that amusement park. you can see where the river should be and where it is now. louisiana, mississippi, eastern texas, the houston area all the way down to the border of mexico we've got rain. out in the west we had a storm come through yesterday. oregon was very cool and cloudy with on and off rain. this morning it's been on and off rain for portland. we're still on an amazingly dry path right through the summer in california. so here's how we're looking in the days ahead. the heat and humidity is really starting to build in the east. it's going to get very warm. we're looking at a very warm start to the first week of july, including the fourth of july. many areas east of the rockies so we'll watch that for you as we head to the holiday. as far as the forecast today, airport travel. again, it's summertime.
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it's possible in the late afternoon to have thunderstorms. a lot of the big airports east of the rockies we get get a thunderstorm or two. we leave you with a shot of the flooding that continues in minnesota, st. paul, minnesota and you can see the mighty mississippi ranling pretty fast in the back ground. another couple feet to go before it drops below flood stage. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge.
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♪ my mom works at ge. and now you get hit again.asis. this time by joint pain. it's a double whammy. it could psoriatic arthritis a chronic inflammatory disease that attacks your joints on the inside and your skin on the outside. if you've been hit by... find out more about psoriatic arthritis. take the symptom quiz at
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let's take a look at the morning papers. "new york times," sergeant bowe bergdahl will speak to army investigators in about two weeks about his decision to leave his post in afghanistan. this week bergdahl began outpatient treatment. he has not been read his legal rights nor has he asked to speak to a lawyer. a senior military official says any conversation with bergdahl have focused on his time in captivity by the taliban. the army expects their formal investigation to conclude in august. "the washington post," the government office in charge of student federal aid is apologizing after one of the tweets sparked an internet backlash on tuesday evening. fafsa tweeted out a memo of kirsten wiig in "bridesmaids," saying "help me, i'm poor." the tweet added if this is you, you better fill out your fafsa. people criticized the post that
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student aid is only for low income students. >> yesterday the office apologized for the insensitivity of our previous tweet. our goal is to make college a reality for all. we're very sorry. the "los angeles times," according to tivo, 91% of tv watchers admit to binge watching television shows. that's watching three or more episodes of the same show in a single day. the survey found "breaking bad" was the most binge watched show followed by "house of cards." an official declared binge watching is, quote, the new normal. state newspaper, former south carolina treasurer and bravo reality tv star thomas ravenel will run in a bid to unseat lindsey graham. this isn't the first time he pursued a seat in the u.s. senate. he unsuccessfully ran in 2004.
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since then ravenel has resigned as state treasurer and served time for binge watching on cocaine charges. he now stars in a show about high society life in charleston. >> craig said you can have sex with three people at the table. >> do you believe that? do you believe that? >> she's like any girl that age. they do some stupid things. when it comes to the heart or the head, what's more important in these decisions? really. >> yeah, lindsey is a little nervous. >> and from the "des moines register" there is a new twist in the investigation of the irs' targeting of conservatives and it involves a sitting u.s. senator. e-mails show that lois lerner, the irs official at the center of the scandal, wanted to audit chuck grassley. house republicans say lerner
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accidentally received an invitation for senator grassley about speaking at an event. the invitation also offered to pay for his wife to attend. pay. in an e-mail to another irs employee, lerner allegedly wrote, quote, looked like they were inappropriately offering to pay for his wife. perhaps we should refer to exam. the other official disagreed saying, quote, not sure we should send to exam. i think the offer to pay for grassley's wife is income to grassley and not prohibited on its face. critics say the e-mails are additional evidence that lerner, who was in charge of the agency's tax-exempt unit intentionally targeted republicans. years worth of e-mails are missing and the irs says they are not recoverable. in a statement senator grassley called the new developments troubling and added in part, quote, this kind of thing fuels the deep concerns many people have about political targeting by the irs and by officials at the highest levels. the irs says it could not comment because of taxpayer
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confidentiality provisions. >> of course not. so, jeremy, obviously republicans on the hill are only going to become more inflamed by this latest development. democrats on the hill, i would have to believe at some point are going to start aggressively trying to distance themselves from lois lerner and the clowns who are running the irs right now. >> well, i don't know that any democrats were really rushing to embrace the irs or lois lerner in particular. if you listen to some of the testimony from democrats during these hearings, they have been pretty hard on her, and for good political reason too. the irs is not exactly the kind of agency that any politician wants to wrap their metaphorical arms around. but i think that this issue is -- there's going to be a drip, drip, drip as more of these e-mails are scrutinized. there's going to be more instances like that involving
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mr. grassley that are revealed, and this could make for an interesting summer. >> mark halperin, this doesn't go to the president. nobody suggested that. nobody is suggesting that here. perhaps an investigation will show that while he was watching "sportscenter" he laughed one night and said let's target -- i don't think that's going to happen. >> get me the lerner line. >> i don't think that's going to happen. that said, it is his administration. it is his treasury department. it is his irs. any talk that this president is considering firing somebody over there? how can he sit back and allow this to continue to happen? >> well, he's spoken out about his concern and expressed some outrage early on. then he shifted to a posture of saying we know the facts and there's nothing here that is political. it's more bureaucratic and accidental. i think it would be smart for the president both politically
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and substantively to revisit it and speak out with it. >> did he revisit it after he found out the chairman of the ways and means committee sent over a letter saying we're going to be conducting an information, we need information from you all. ten days later the e-mails were destroyed and then they destroyed the hard drive. has he spoken out since then? >> i believe he needs to speak out about it again in a way that shows his concern about it and explain to people where things stand with the current leadership. up next, how will the markets continue to react after yesterday's big revision of the first quarter's gdp? cnbc's sara eisen is on set. plus the ceo of air france joins the table with a big announcement for his airline. we'll be right back. you probably know xerox
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♪ >> was the worst in five years. the nation's gross domestic product shrank by a severe 2.9% annual rate. it was a major downward revision from the previous estimate. cnbc's sara eisen joins the table. steve rat kntnerrattner, donny here as well. >> sara, so what happened? >> a lot of temporary factors. >> temporary?
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>> well, the weather was brutal. we saw it in data across the board. we saw it in earnings reports that were just released. there was also obamacare with the enrollment going through in january halted some spending on health care. also a sharp drag on our nation's economy. the biggest debate right now on wall street is does that mean that we lose momentum going into the next quarter because economists are actually really optimistic about the next quarter. >> donny deutsch spent the first half of this show counting his cash. every time we talk about bad economy, he says let me count by s&p cash. >> it doesn't make any sense. you've got what's going on in the middle east, you've got these numbers and the s&p at an all-time high. it's like the market is just desensitized to any of this stuff. >> well, you have this massive quantitative easing, super low interest rates and a federal reserve chairman, janet yellen, who isn't worried about raising rates and getting back to normal and that's just that free money
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you guys talk about. >> you have the economy shrinking at 2.9%. if it were growing at 3% or 4%, wall street would be worried, steve, that it wouldn't be like the old dire straits song, money for nothing and your chicks for free. >> i don't know if wall street knows that song. >> i think they probably did when they were younger. let's talk about the first half of it, money for nothing. i mean that is driving wall street, but what's happening on main street where we have a 2.9 drop in the first quarter? >> well, i think a couple things. to donny's question about why is the market not reacting. sara laid out what happened in the first quarter but if you look at what economists are projecting for the rest of the year, in fact what they did yesterday was they actually increased their projection for the second quarter on the theory that some of the stuff that happened in the first quarter would get picked up in the second quarter. so you see these very optimistic projections for the rest of the year and that is a lot of what's
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driving wall street. but there are many things but two things to worry about and i think they have political implications for the elections and one of them is wages. that wages are still not going up and so if you look at this chart, it looked for a while like they were going to start to go up when you adjust for inflation. lately they have been minus. and so i personally am a little skeptical about what might happen in the rest of the year because if consumers don't have money, they can't spend money. consumers don't know money, they're not happy voters. it has a lot of implications for the election. lastly as it relates to the question of the fed and janet yellen and free money, what is also starting to happen is a little inflation creeping into the economy. you had a consumer price number last week that was up. it's getting close to the point where the fed has said we would start to raise rates or pull back and that also has scary consequences for the economy and for politics and for how the electorate is going to feel about it. >> on this question of wages we
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just got some breaking numbers at 8:30. in may personal incomes were up 0.4 of a percent. it's not the kind of wage gains that we need to see in this economy to get people spending a lot, but they're positive. they're on par. spending numbers up 0.2%. that was a little less than expected. >> so i personally am a little doubtful that we're going to have these 3%, 4% growth numbers the rest of the year. and then the question is underlying all the stuff we've been talking about all day, all week, i think as the electorate goes into the fall they're looking at an economy that is still not going to feel great to them. their incomes have not gone up a lot. where the fed may be pulling back. i don't think it's a great set of facts for the democrats. >> sara, what do you think about the rest of the year as far as the economy goes? >> well, investors are certainly more cheerful. the key will be two things, businesses spending, that's going to be a big deal. whether businesses will actually invest in their companies. we've seen confidence as a major problem throughout this economic
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recovery, whether it's government policy, whether it's not knowing what's to come on the economy, geopolitics. business spending is going to be absolutely key. we're starting to see that pick up a little bit. and obviously hiring and jobs. and this economy, it's been frustratingly slow to get that unemployment rate down and to get the quality of jobs that we need to see in this recovery. those two things are going to be the factor. consumer confidence is at a six-year high so there are plenty of positive signals. >> the wages are what we have been talking about because they haven't moved in how many years? >> they haven't moved since the recovery started, five years ago. >> the divide is bigger. >> it is bigger. the average american is no better off. >> sara was hopeful. >> the energy revolution, give people that are watching this show right now that may be out of work for, you know, six months, nine months, some hope. >> the hope would be we've been adding jobs, over 200,000 a month. consumer confidence is high. we have the energy revolution going on.
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manufacturing is coming back a bit. look -- >> housing is back a little now. >> housing prices are up 10%, 11% year over year. >> that's good. >> that's good. >> and if you own stocks, you've got to be happy. >> that's a gilded class. if you have people that come around in red vests and sweep off your porch. >> really? >> you made money if you were in the stock market. >> that s.w.a.t. team is only during the snow days. >> sara, stay with us. the rest of you i'm not so sure. the ceo of air france joins us next with some big plans for his airline and what it will mean. >> this is big news for you. a nonstop to the south of france. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps look after all our money.
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i can assure you that your bag will be placed safely below deck with your other luggage. >> oh, yeah? how do you know my bag will be safe. are you going to physically take my bag? are you going outside with the guys with the earmuffs and put it in there? >> no. >> okay. then shut your pie hole and listen to me when i say that i am finished with the checking of the bags conversation. >> sir, we have a policy on this airline that a bag this large -- >> get your scruffy little paws off of my bag, okay? >> i think i did, i saw that. ben stiller's very unpleasant flying experience in the 2000 comedy "meet the parents," air france is looking to make things a little more pleasant, perhaps. even as pleasant as possible for your flights. >> all those flights to paris for you. >> joining us the chairman and
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chief executive officer, alexandre de juniac. welcome. this is a big announcement and i wonder in this economy where you think the good news is and if you think that this is going to be a good business move, but you're making an overhaul to some of your planes. >> we're investing more than $1 billion euro, $1.3 billion, to make our cabins the most comfortable in the world. >> and what is that -- that's a lot of changes, because often these flights are not very comfortable. i'm looking at some pictures of what you're doing here. this is a complete change. >> complete change. >> complete overhaul. >> what are we talking about? >> a flatbed for business travelers with total privacy, new access, new meals, new wines. basically not too far from france and then exceptional service. so we think that people now are requesting comfort, efficiency
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and the flavor of a french touch. >> and you think people will pay for this? >> they do, provided everything is perfect. >> provided everything is perfect. >> exactly. >> steve rattner, yesterday we were talking about the airline industry and you said that the airline industry is actually starting to turn a profit right now. is that -- steve, are we talking about -- how much international flights feed into this? >> i was actually speaking more about domestically in the u.s. where we've had so much consolidation and so much less competition. i think internationally it's tougher because every country has an airline, they all want to compete and they all want to have the best cabins. so it would be interesting to hear from our guest is it trying to differentiate itself from the others. my impression is that the other airlines are doing similar things. you have singapore, emirates, cafe pacific all trying to offer this super luxury service.
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so how does yours differ? how is yours better than theirs? >> other than you end up in paris when you get off the plane. >> that's a very good question because we have strong competition from gulf couriers, from asian carriers, so what we think is two elements. first of all, there is a coach service and we try to bring the french touch in our service. the right distance between the crew and the passenger. not too close, not too far, but the right distance. >> that's so true. >> that's not only very french, that's very business traveler. it's like thank you for being nice just don't be too nice. >> first of all, we ensure our passengers recognition when they fly a lot, they want to be recognition. personalized service, because they -- whu travel a lot, you are so sensitive to any detail
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because you spend hours in aircraft or in lounges or in airports or in taxis going to the airport, so you are very sensiti sensitive. we think secondly what we have to provide is a worldwide network everywhere. you can connect in paris, amsterdam, everywhere in the world from everywhere in the world. >> i'm laughing because i've traveled where you before where you certainly don't want people to be rude to you but when you have a flight attendant that keeps coming up every five minutes and trying to be your best friend, kind of like i'd kind of like to -- >> i just need some space. >> i've seen your reaction to it and you're very much your mother and father at this moment. >> i'm just curious about whether you're seeing more growth in business and in the frequent traveler and that's why you're doing it and more sluggishness in the regular coach seats. >> i understood from your previous subject that in the u.s. you have a contraction for the gdp. in the eurozone, the gdp is very
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slow, very flat. so it's a difficult time for airlines, for flight economy and for airlines. what we see coming from emerging countries, more and more passengers are sensitive to good service, good product. when you fly whichchinese passe or arabic passengers they ask for a good service but it has to be absolutely perfect. secondly, we have also invested in the coach. we have probably the most elegant coach cabin. >> mika makes me sit back in coach. that's very good. >> will they have more leg room? >> more leg room, high definition screen. plugs for your smartphone and your tablet. >> you'll be fine. >> so speaking of perfect, i hope you're a football fan. the french 3-0 through group play. it's pretty exciting considering the catastrophe that was 2010. >> you're absolutely right.
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we were not expecting such a result and it's a sympathetic team. they're humble and they play well, so we hope it will continue. >> just like the "morning joe" crew. >> alexandre de juniac, thank you so much. sara and i need to learn more about these cabins and need to fly to paris as part of our research. >> you are more than welcome. >> all you have to do is buy the ticket. >> and you test the coach. sara, thanks for sitting in. up next, the power of taking fun seriously. how paul newman's daughter, clea newman is keeping his legacy ali alive. she joins us next on "morning joe." hispering) sorry (whispering) hi, uh we need a new family plan. (whispering) how about 10 gigs f data to share and unlimited talk and text. (whispering) oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. (whispering) yeah really good. (whispering) and for a family of four, it's $160 a month (impressed, breaks whisper mode) what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing?
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♪ >> here with us now, director of special initiatives at sirius fund children's network and daughter of paul newman, clea newman. really good to have you on the show. >> she said she watches every day. >> every day. >> you need a life. >> and what do you think when you watch, clea? >> i love you guys. i'm not kidding. >> mika wants you to say that you're disturbed by me. >> no, i just -- >> well -- >> okay. >> i don't agree with everything you say but i appreciate your
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opinion. >> i said that for you. we want to know, there's a family issue here, family problem. >> what's that? >> she's very angry at her mother. >> why? >> we're going to let you air it out, why you're very angry at your mother. >> just say it. >> my mother is perfect in every way. >> i have one of those. >> perfect skin. >> perfect everything. >> yummy and warm. the best. everybody wants to be adopted by my mother, and i'm not kidding. you can join. you can join the whole community. >> very nice. serious horseback rider since the age of 2 and you still ride now? >> i do. i've been doing show jumping almost my entire life. i'm addicted to horses. >> let's talk serious fun because who would want to be the initiatives director of serious fun. that would be me. >> that would be me. >> but you're working on a number of ways of keeping your
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father's legacy alive through this. tell us about it. >> well, serious fun children's network is our global community of camps and programs. we serve 75,000 children and their families, completely free of charge, and it is a truly extraordinary place. it allows these children a chance to have some of their childhood back. >> and tell us where the children come from, how many you're able to serve, how you'd like to break out and grow more and also some of the ideas that you've brought to the table with this. i'm looking at pictures of you, i guess, here, it's fantastic with these kids. >> well, to be honest with you, we're growing in a pretty extraordinary way. we're now -- we're now -- we have 30 camps and programs all over the world. we have a new camp in japan. we have a new camp in michigan that's about to break ground any minute. but the most important part about camp is the fact that
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every child goes there for free. we even will help support their transportation if they need it. and so it needs support. >> if people are looking at these awesome photos and decide they want you to help you grow farther and faster, how can they contribute? >> go to our website, there are so many different opportunities. and because we are located everywhere, you can get involved in any way you are capable of doing, whether it's financially or you have a lot of time on your hands or you have a company that can donate t-shirts. >> you grew up in a home, obviously very well-known parents and incredibly philanthropic. what is your earliest memory of both or either of your parents instilling in you giving back? how did that seep into your system? >> it started at a very young age. my parents were so devoted to
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the fact that we had a really nice life, and my -- i remember my mother sitting down with me when i was about 11 years old and saying, you know what, sweetie, if you're having a bad day, the best thing you can do for yourself is to actually do something nice for somebody else. and reach out. because it takes a community, you know. life is not so easy. and there are people who are struggling, who are having a hard time. >> and your dad, i remember reading about the hole in the wall gang that your dad started. that's how all of this began. >> 26 years ago. and it's extraordinary. i mean i -- i have been devoting so much time and energy to expanding our program because there's -- long term our vision is that there will never be not a place for these children. if we have to build 50 more camps, we'll do it.
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>> you know, your mom and dad, you talked about before they tried to keep your feet on the ground. you said your mom was perfect. your dad seemed pretty cool from a distance too. like they instilled the right values in you, that it wasn't about hollywood, it was about, you know, giving back to the community and trying to live as stable and balanced a life as you could. >> it was a big -- you know, i appreciate the fact that they really focused on creating a beautiful family life for us. i mean i'm very lucky, and i know i am. and so long term it's a gift for me to be able to do this. >> clea newman, thank you so much. best of luck to you. you can get much more with clea today in the afternoon mo joe section of our website. thank you so much.
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he was a matted messiley in a small cage. ng day. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at welcome back. it's time to talk about what we learned today, donny and the scarf and the wasp outfit. >> that paul newman and joan woodward, very cool parents. nice to hear. >> what great work she's doing. what did you learn? >> the usa will win if they score first. >> okay, very good. steve, what have you learned?
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>> house of representatives, 26 work days until the end of the year. >> let's sue the president while we're at it. >> what did you learn? >> the world stops at noon. >> joe, tell the audience where, if they want to watch it where they want to go. they're texting me, they're tweeting me. >> manhattan. i'll see you there. if it's way too early, it's "morning joe." go usa! stick around. right now we've got chuck todd and "the daily rundown." orders in the court. does a house plan to sue the white house mean that all hope is over for getting anything done for the next two years? we'll get reaction to the latest this morning from the new white house press secretary, josh earnest, in his first tv interview on the job. meantime a shocking gdp shrink shakes the economy. we'll dig into why the white house is well aware that their legacy is on the line, just like it was f
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