tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC June 26, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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fringe elements so i'm going to just pretend like i don't know. i can't read. >> if others want to take things out of context or try to create some caricature -- >> but it sticks sometimes. ask mitt romney. >> that's a false equivalency. >> right before the usa/germany crucial game. crucial. huge game. the eyes of the world are watching. let's do this. >> let's do this. hello and welcome to "ronan farrow daily." we begin with breaking news out of the supreme court today which unanimously limited the president's power to make recess appointments. though case arose from a political dispute between president obama and senate republicans who claimed that he had no authority to put three people on the national labor relations board in january 2012. the senate was out of town. the court also ruled unanimously on a massachusetts law that
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requires protesters to stay at least 35 feet from the entrances to abortion clinics. they decided that that law, too is unconstitutional. and we also learned the last day the supreme court's term will be monday. and we are expecting a major decision on the legality of an obama care mandate on contraceptive coverage to come down at that time. so make sure to stay tuned for that. we have nbc's justice correspondent pete williams with us to help us understand these latest decisions. and, pete, you know, the recess appointment's decision. it's relatively technical, relatively complicated. when is a recess appointment not really a recess appointment? >> you know, i hesitate to say it's complicated. i think it's pretty straight forward. here's why i say that. the constitution says the president has the four fill up vacancies that may arise during recesses of the senate. the first question was, when is the senate in recess? as you know in recent times, both parties, both republicans and democrats, when the opposite
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party is in the white house, when they leave town for christmas or the sumsummer, theo these pro forma sessions. they go in for three days, gavel into business and then gavel out of business so they say we were never recess so the president can't use the recess authority. today the supreme court blessed that practice. they say a recess has to be at least ten days before the president can use this power and the senate has been doing this every three. so it was a practsical matter. what it means is when the president and the senate are in opposite parties, you aren't going to be able to do recess appointments. of course, you are only going to want to do recess appointments and they won't confirm your nominees. as a practical matter, it's a vast reduction. doesn't eliminate it completely but it's a reduction in the power. that's why i say it's pretty straight forward. >> on the second decision regarding those abortion buffer zones. unanimous decision there. ruling that law
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unconstitutional. but it was a relatively narrow ruling. so tell us, what are the implications of what one? >> it striked down the massive buffer zone laws. the 35-foot no protest zones around clinic entrances in that state. what the court said, that's too much of a limitation on first amendment expression on the public sidewalk, which the court said is the sort of ground zero for political free expression in america. the ability to walk up to somebody on the sidewalk and say whatever you want. hand them to a leaflet, tell them what you think. so it certainly stops that law in that state. and it probably affects local city ordinances in about five other cities. and it's going to restrict what cities can do in response to abortion protests, which in some cases in the past can become rather violent. it still leaves intact a different ruling on these -- what are called these floating bubble zones that they protesters can't approach
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someone, say, closer than six feet. >> thank you pete, for that insight. now to the political implications of all of this and in particular of the recess appointment ruling we have rodell mollineaux and john feehery. gentlemen, thank you for being with me. and, john, i wanted to start with you. it will not surprise you to learn that republicans have an opinion on the ruling that came down with regard to recess appointments. let's take a listen to what senate minority leader mitch mcconnell had to say today. >> it represents a clear, clear rebuke to the president's brazen power grab. today's ruling is a victory for the senate, for the american people and for our constitution. the administration's tendency to abide only by the laws it likes represents a disturbing and
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dangerous threat to the rule of law. that's true whether we're talking about recess appointments or obama care. >> how much of a blow to the president do you see this as being? >> this is a significant victory for the legislative branch and the power grab -- power tussle twoon the legislative and executive branches. i think it helps the senate make its case. it helps john boehner. he'll be filing a lawsuit in the next couple of days against the -- what he calls the president's overreach. also the most fascinating thing about this, the ruling was 9-0. so all the liberals on the supreme court agreed that the president was trying to overreach his power and i think that for republicans, that is a very good sign about future rulings. >> yet, i think it's important to remember the context of where this case and this decision came from. the national labor relations board has five seats on it. republicans were blocking that board from having enough members to even be able to meet and make
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decisions. really this came, this president's actions came out of a frustration that he could not get the government, get his people in place to make the government function on a basic level. >> you are absolutely right. this starts and ends with senate republican obstructionism. and it's not the first time you see it. the thing that's the most galling for the president and also for senate democrats is that republicans were not opposing these members of the board for any one thing that they might have done or said. it's just because they don't believe in a national labor relations board to protect the rights of workers. same thing with the consumer financial bureau. the republicans will say off the record that they like richard cord ray. they just didn't necessarily like the fact there's a new bureau protecting the rights of consumers that came out of wall street reform. so, you know, this is a win for obstructionism and also for the legislative branch. i'm not sure, you know in the short term i'm not sure how much
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this is going to hurt the president. but long term this is definitely a win for the legislative branch. >> one of the reason yes this isn't such a huge blow to the president is because the senate has already changed filibuster rules to require just a majority for senate nominations to be confirmed with the exception of supreme court justices. as long as the democrats are in power in the senate, this isn't going to have such a large impact on the president direct ly. >> this just wasn't with president obama. there's always been this game play on recess appointments between, no matter who the president is. for the from the have rules about what a recess appointment is more than ten days, you know it means the senate doesn't have to play all these rules of these games of keeping people in the chair for every three days or so. so i think that, you know, there's long-term implications as the legislative branch has more power and the president, no
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matter who is the president is, can't sneak things through. the rules change with senator reed makes it easier for the president to appoint someone with 51 votes. and that might happen. we'll see what happens. >> rodell, we see republicans already lumping this decision into a broader theme that they've been talking about with executive branch overreach. sort of ties into the fact that john boehner is planning on suing the president for taking too many executive actions. does this give them another talking point in that narrative? >> it does. overall, it's nonsense. i've never seen -- john and i have worked on the hill, or used to work on the hill for a long time. i've never seen the level of obstructionism of both speaker boehner and mitch mcconnell doing everything that they can to thwart the president. not just on major policy issues. on everyday things that should be -- that should be rather simple. we shouldn't have this court
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case in the first place. it should have been easy for the president to nominate people to the national labor relation board. >> thank you both. and we will be coming back to you in just a few minutes. now we want to go to another major decision by the supreme court. not this morning but actually one year ago today. today is the first anniversary of the court's ruling to strike down section 3 of the defense of marriage act which in effect gave gay spouses legal standing. the ruling set off a flurry of lawsuits across the nation as partners fought against states same-sex marriage bans or pushed to have their marriages recognized in states where gay marriage is currently illegal. and now, 19 states allow same-sex marriage. support for legalizing gay marriage nationwide is now also at an all-time high at 55%. and the tide is changing across party lines. yesterday maine senator susan collins backed marriage equality, becoming the fourth
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republican senator to do so. joining me now to discuss what is next in the fight for equality is the lawyer who successfully argued to overturn part of doma. we're delighted to be joined by roberta caplin. >> it's a pleasure. >> on that historic day a year ago when you got the decision striking down section 3 of the defense of marriage act, could you imagine how much progress we would have made just a year later? >> in a word, no. i certainly thought that we would make this kind of progress and i gave a speech, i think it was in august, where i explained the windsor decision was in a lot of ways the functional legal equivalent of the battle of normandy. but i never thought that we would conquer, to use that analogy, that we would conquer the rest of europe so quickly. it's truly been extraordinary. >> one of the things that was so interesting about that decision is scalia writing in the dissent, very conservative
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justice, obviously, antonin scalia, essentially predicted that that ruling by the supreme court would be used successfully in further lawsuits he wrote, the airjity arms well every challenger to a state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition and that future suits would be a shoe to be dropped later. so in a lot of ways, he was right. and that supreme court decision really has paved the way for further successful challenges. >> yeah, you know, i like to joke, but it's not such a joke that there are at least two things, probably more. there are at least two things that justice scalia and i completely agree about. the first is that supposedly chicago-style pizza isn't really pizza. totally agree with him on that. and the lodge nick the language of the windsor decision will lead to marriage in all 50 states. i think he was right about that last summer. >> we're seeing that movement already. this latest decision was by the
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circuit court and thoughts are that that could potentially be heading to the supreme court. correct? >> no question it will head to the supreme court. there's a lot of people out there speculating and taking bets on when. i had given up on trying to get involved in that timing game because i can't read the justices' minds. and i don't know whether anyone else can. this tenth circuit decision is going to put pressure on the supreme court, particularly since there's a stay in utah and the other states affected so gay couples cannot get married in those states. i think that's going to put a lot of pressure on the supreme court to take a case, probably sooner rather than later. >> who would be the key justices? justice kennedy who is sort of the typical swing voter on the court if we had that sort of a big marriage equality decision? >> justice kennedy was the fifth vote in the windsor decision. and he wrote the majority decision. he's actually written all three major supreme court decisions about gay rights.
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romer, lawrence and windsor. when we worked on the case, i had a post-it on my computer, to remind me, taking off from the clinton presidential campaign that it's all about edie, stupid. but in this case it's all about kennedy, too. so his vote will be very important. >> roberta, thank you for your work and thank you for joining us. >> it's a pleasure. up next on "ronan farrow daily," crossing party lines and making new friends. what the mississippi republican primary is telling us about how we can all get along. and right now, you might know the u.s. is playing germany for the right to advance in the world cup. it's got people glued to tvs all around the globe like in chicago where we'll have a live report. that's later in the show.
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the fallout continues from tuesday's republican primary run-off election in mississippi where black voters helped senator thad cochran to beat his tea party challenger by over 6,000 votes. and new analysis of the election is proving that cochran's strategy to recruit black voters and expand the electorate really worked. according to data crunchers at 538, cochran may have lost by about eight points and, instead, won by two. now that the african-american community helped cochran, will the 76-year-old senate work in washington to continue to earn that support? joining susbenjamin jealous from jackson, mississippi. also former editor of the "jackson advocate." and back with us, rodell. i'm hoping you can help me understand something. i seem to recall after the 2012
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election republicans went through this whole autopsy where they were trying to figure out how to expand their potential electorate, how to appeal to minority voters to black voters in particular. senator thad cochran did this very successfully in this last race. and yet there seems to be a significant section of the republican party that is none too pleased with it. >> what they were trying to do, their issues, they were trying to ride a tiger called the tea party and make friends with the villagers all at the same time. and at a certain point you realize, hey, if i keep riding this tiger i'm going to end up inside it. that's what happened to eric cantor and that was what was about to happen to cochran. at that point you say it's time to get off the tiger go make friends with the villagers and survive. and that's what he did. >> john, i love that analogy. and i love this strategy. i think it's really exciting and i love that african-american voters in mississippi said, you
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know what? this primary run-on is where the election is likely to be decided and we want to have a voice. it's also quite ingenious and revolutionary for a republican candidate, challenged from the right to actually move left and win, rather than running as far right as he can. is this a model that could work in other races? >> well, it all depends on what kind of primary you're running in. i agree with you that thad cochran did the right thing because he wanted to win. it's fantastic he did that. i also think that you have to understand the democratic party did not necessarily want this to happen so that african-american voters voted for thad cochran because they wanted to for their own interest because they thought thad cochran was better for the state given his position as a possible appropriations chairman. so, you know if you have a closed primary, this probably wouldn't work. if you have an open primary or if you have what they call a jungle primary where everybody kind of runs at the same time, i think that this is a good strategy. the fact of the matter is if you
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are a good member of the senate who can get things done for your state you should appeal to all members, not just conservatives but also moderates and, yes, in mississippi, african-american voters who think that you are doing a good job. that's what thad cochran did. >> i think -- >> go ahead, ben. >> there's two big things going on here. one is that black folks are using the open primary in this instance to our benefit. historically been used to exclude us from statewide politics here in mississippi. but this is -- things sort of coming home to roost with the open primary system. let's not get too excited. it's not like the entire black community thinks that thad cochran has really done a great job. >> certainly. >> in general. but relative to his far right wing opponent, in this state at this time, this was a wise thing to do. the second thing is not only black voters getting smarter, we're getting stronger.
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and folks are saying, look. the future really belongs to us in this state. so let's begin to operate in a way -- when i say to us, i mean a true mississippi. where black folks have a significant role. working class whites have a significant role and we can work together. so this is the beginning of that. but let's be real clear. the real test will come in 2014 and 2015. right now, they are pushing to put on the ballot a measure that would guarantee education as a right in this state. make sure there's full funding for every school. a lot of poor whites, a lot of poor black folks and the test is going to be in 2015, do we see them vote together to actually take back this state for working people because part of the problem in mississippi is we've had these politicians who have pitted both communities against each other for a long time. you see an olive branch from the black community saying we'll help get the guy that will be
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more sane for everybody. now the real test will be do we come together and we start to assert our self interest and say poor white kids, poor black kids, time for you guys to have good schools, too. that's what we're building towards as we look for the big race for this state. >> the other real test here is, does senator cochran feel pressure from this new coalition that he has forged to vote in a way that is more representative of the folks who allowed him to keep his seat as ben is pointing out. he's hardly been a liberal hero. i think the naacp gave him a dismal 4% rating on issues of important to their members. so do you think that thad cochran is going to feel pressure to work in a more moderate, more bipartisan way? >> i'm not sure he will, but he should because he owes his job now to african-americans in mississippi. and there's an irony in this. if the gop would do nationally
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what thad cochran did in this election, they probably wouldn't be as doomed as they are nationally. and, you know, i'll tell you what. i don't think that cochran is going to run again after this. he got a scare from the tea party. i hope he spends the next six years, should he win in november, which i think he probably will, that he spends the next six years doing what's right for the people of mississippi, not what's right for the republicans or for the pate party. he got a gift here, and he should do whatever he doon pay that back. >> john, quickly, does thad cochran feel pressure to be a more moderate senator? >> i think thad cochran has always been a good senator from mississippi. he's looked out for its interests. if you look at the different programs he's brought back to mississippi -- >> he voted for the shutdown, so i don't think that was particularly great for mississippi. >> let me tell you, from his position, as the ranking member on the ag kultsure committee and also as appropriator, he's done a great job for mississippi
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widely. i think he'll continue to do that as chairman looking out for the best interest of mississippi. >> ben jealous, rodell and john feehery. just ahead -- how are these guys stirring up international tensions with jokes about dolphins and kim yojong-un. the details on that after the break. it will make sense. i promise you. ing as well
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north korean state media has called the movie undisguised terrorism and has vowed a merciless countermeasure if the film is released. seth rogan responded on twitter saying, people don't usually want to kill me for one of my movies until after they've paid 12 bucks for it. hiyoooo. no reaction yet from the white house. we also wanted to put out the call for this week's rfd under. we ask you what story you think is underreported in the media and we report out the winner for you. send your thoughts on twitter or facebook with #rfdunder. we'll have coverage also of last week's winner, the story of children farming in the tobacco fields some of states. we'll have that very soon. ahead on "ronan farrow daily," what will it take to get traction for gun reform on the hill? one congresswoman is putting out a plan for exactly that. take a look at this. it's a huge crowd of soccer fans in chicago's grant park watching the world cup match between the u.s. and germany where the u.s. is, unfortunately, down 1-0.
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but they also reduce emissions, and that's good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company. ♪ here is a shocking fact. gun violence has killed more americans in the past 50 years than in every single american war. that is just one alarming tidbit from the new 2014 kelly report on gun violence in america. the author of that report is congresswoman robin kelly of chicago. and her defining issue of gun reform propelled her into congress last year. with an assist from then new york city mayor michael bloomberg's anti-gun superpac. 1,051 people have been victims of shootings so far this year in chicago alone according to the "chicago tribune." the city is taking major steps to quell the problem.
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the city council just yesterday approved tough gun shop restrictions, including videotaping of sales. for more on all of this, let's bring in congresswoman robin kelly author of the kelly report. take us through some of the main findings of this report. there are some really common sense suggestions here for how we can start to reform our gun laws. >> i think you mentioned one that astonished me that we lost a million people to guns over the last three decades, actually. more than all of the u.s. wars, as long as the united states has been in existence. and that's domestic violence, homicides and suicides. and with homicides, that's the number one killer for our men between 15 and 31. particularly african-american. suicides, it's white men that die more from suicides. and people who die from suicides, they have guns around them. so people who have guns around them are more likely to die from
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suicides and then, of course, domestic violence. and we're trying to deal with, you know, expanding background checks. we're also looking at new stalking laws to help mainly women who suffer from domestic violence and then issues of mental health. it's a multifaceted problem that's going to take multifaceted solutions. >> that's right. >> congresswoman, one of the other things it points sout gun violence is not just an urban problem. it's a problem that plagues all of our communities. urban, rural and in between. >> definitely. and it's interesting because you only hear about mass shootings which don't typically take place in urban areas but then what people like you are saying that it's more than just an urban problem. but when you hear the sympathy or the empathy, it's more from the mass shootings than what occurred in our urban areas. >> i wonder if you are discouraged about the possibility for action at the federal level. it was such a blow and so
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depressing that even in the wake of the horrific tragedy at sandy hook, we couldn't even get the manchin-toomey bill passed in the senate which is background checks, bipartisan. there was broad support for it from the population across the country. and even with all of those winds at our back, we still couldn't get background checks passed at the federal level. does that make you discouraged at the possibility for progress? >> not discouraged. i was frustrated n disappointed, but also sometimes it takes good bills a long time to get through. and it was bipartisan and we did have the majority of the senate just not enough votes. so i'm not discouraged. we have a bill in the house. the king-thompson bill. and i believe we've gotten to 190 co-sponsors of the bill, bipartisan. so i still hope and we just have to work hard. and also the public cannot be
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silent. that's part of it also is not just congress. we have to hear from the public. congress folks that voluntary signed on have to hear from the public also. we need your help. >> that's one thing that i think has been really exciting in the wake of the horrific tragedy at sandy hook is that we've seen sustained public pressure trying to push congress in the direction of passing some sort of sensible gun restrictions. we've also seen pressure at the state and the local level. do you see that movement of popular support for reform as being sort of the game changer that over time will make a difference? >> i definitely believe that and want to applaud the states that aren't waiting for us and they are moving on and doing the right thing. and also for the community groups. gabby gifford's group, the brady group for what they've done. the mayors group for what they've done to keep this issue going. and that's what we want to make
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sure what the report that the issue doesn't die out until another shooting or another mass murder. we want to keep it on the forefront of the minds of the public as well as congress. >> yeah, i thought this report was so important for bust something myths and just laying out the facts about gun violence in the country and some possibilities for what we can do about it. congresswoman robin kelly, thank you so much. >> thank you. up next -- a mother's heartbreaking decision that sparked a national correspondent and how it plays into our call to action after the break. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation.
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visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. it says here that a woman's sex drive. increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disease. it seems that 80 is the new 18. grannies, bless your heart, you are bringing sexy back! eat up. keep heart-healthy. live long. for a healthy heart, eat the 100% natural whole grain goodness of post shredded wheat. doctors recommend it. look at child care. in most countries, it costs -- or in most parts of the country, it costs thousands of dollars a year. in fact in 31 states, decent child care costs more than in-state college tuition. at a time when women are nearly half of our workforce, among our
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most skilled workers, are the primary bread winners in more families than ever before, anything that makes life harder for women, makes life harder for families. that makes life harder for children. >> child care is often the number one challenge for women who are looking for work. when parents cannot find child care, many times they are in a no-win situation. take the case of shanisha taylor. this is her heartbreaking mug shot. she's the homeless, unemployed mom who out of desperation left her kids in her suv for 38 minutes while on a job interview. no babysitter was available. she left that interview in good spirits, thought she might finally be in a position to dig her family out of poverty only to leave and find police surrounding her vehicle. instead of getting the job, she was arrested and charged with felony child abuse. there's no question here that her decision to leave her kids in the car was the wrong one. but her story also illustrates
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the brutally tough choices that working moms can face. how do they get a job and keep a job while also making sure their kids have the care that they need? joining us now to help us understand all of these challenges and choices is ann o'leary, vice president and director of the children and families program at next generation. ann, thanks for being with us today. >> thanks so much for having me. >> in the case of shanisha, she obviously made the wrong call, leaving very young children in the car unattended by themselves on a hot day. but what sort of options, child care options are available for a mom like her who is trying to get herself back on her feet and trying to find a job or keep a job. >> what happened to her is heartbreaking. and i think so many moms see that story and just really feel for her. but i think it's a larger situation where in society, we have sent a message that when you have a child care breakdown, it's your own private problem. we are not here to help you.
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but the fact of the matter is there some are solutions. they just aren't very widespread. one of them is how might we think about having 24/7 drop-in child care. so if you were looking for a job interview you'd have a place to go. here in san francisco, where i'm located, there's an innovative organization called tipping point that's trying to solve poverty right here in san francisco. they've been doing some ino vagus around 24/7 child care so they can use buildings that are open and available and provide child care for just such situations. we need to do a lot more innovating in this space and make sure low-income mothers have these opportunities. >> that sounds like a fabulous example of a city that is taking initiative and doing something really good to help unemployed parents be able to get back to work. but i know the pushback would come from the other side. how such that going to cost? is there an argument to be made that there would be a huge return on investment in fact from making sure these children are cared for and their mothers can fully particinate the
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workplace? >> that's exactly right. you look at the divide in our country between how professional women are treated and how low-income mothers are treated it's stunning. for professional women there's oftentimes services where you can call for backup babysitting or care if you have an important meeting and yet your child is sick. for low-income women, if they have a child who is sick and they have a job, they have to decide, am i going to call in sick to work and potentially lose my job or do i go in? so there's a tremendous amount of opportunity that we have in this country to really look at how do we fully support low income working mothers so that they can fully participate in our economy, thus supporting their families and providing more income into our economy and ensuring that their children grow up to be fully participating in our society. >> this isn't just an issue for women. this is a family issue. it's an issue that involves men as well. the president spoke to this. let's take a listen. >> when dads say i've got to
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leave early to go to the parent/teacher conference everyone says, oh, isn't that nice? and then when women do it, serve all like, you know, is she really committed to the job? right? so there can be a double standard there. >> there is a real double standard there. i think working moms have definitely seen that no matter what their career is. is that a cultural issue or is there something we can do about that from a policy perspective? >> i think it's a real cultural issue that we have to address. i think we have to address it from the top and all the way through our society. certainly professionals face this every day. my husband and i split up both our child care duties and our income duties. and we often have faced what president obama just talked about. the fact of the matter is there are two of us earning the income and two of us taking care of the children. many families in america no longer have the opportunity to have two adults working and taking care of kids and earning the income. so we have a lot of work to do from both a cult our 7
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standpoint of what does it mean that we have a really different family structure in our society today? what responsibility does that mean for our society? what does it mean for families? how do we support families who have those issues? and i think there's a lot of big conversation that president obama is sparking in our country and it's so critical. >> absolutely ann o'leary. our call to action this week focuses on the challenge 21st century workers face at work when they can find work. we want you to go to our website and tell us what workplace policies are most important and most helpful to you and to your family. and please keep sending us your tweets using #rfdworkingfamilies with your choice. also include a photo of your family some breaking news just in. former senate majority leader, howard baker has passed away. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell made the announcement moments ago on the senate floor. here's what he said. >> senator baker truly earned his nickname, the great conciliator. i know he will be remembered
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with fondness by members of both political parties. >> howard baker served 18 years in the senate between 1967 and 1985. he is known for asking what president nixon knew about watergate at the 1973 hearings. he was 88 years old. e chex cere. so we made our own commercial to tell you why. chex makes seven gluten free flavors. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we love chex! and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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team usa is down 1-0 in its match today against a highly touted german squad. it's not over. they may still advance to the second round in the world cup. that will come as constellation to the millions who are tuning in to watch the match. there was concern this morning the match would have to be postponed due to heavy flooding in the region. officials took to the field and declared game on. nbc's katy tur joins us now along with rob simulcare and luke russert. let's start with katy who's watching the game in chicago's
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grant park. what is the vibe? how are people feeling about the game so far? >> reporter: i don't know if you can see me. i'm short. they're down. there are a couple minutes left in extra time. if we lose this and portugal still wins 2-1 we should advance to the next round. mathematically it will happen because of the goal differential. even if we lose. it's looking really good right now. it would be great if we got a goal. something is happening at the moment, and -- >> katy, tell us what's happening. >> reporter: i'm not good at play-by-play. they had a good chance down the field to put pressure on the goal but didn't make it noup it. now it's close to the goal again. >> usa! r >> reporter: i can't see the numbers because my eyes are terrible. >> katy tur, a great play-by-play for us in chicago. i want to bring in nbc's luke
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russert, other than being our capitol hill reporter, of course, used to host a sports radio show. i learned that today. and rob from nbc sports who followed the game very closely. luke, let's start with you. what do we need to do to get out of this match? we're down 1-0. how's the team been playing? how are you feeling about it so far? >> reporter: well, the team has been playing i'll say fine. they've been trying to go for the draw. germany is a much better team tactically. we've seen that so far today during the match. the heavy rain benefited us. it cut down on the german's team ability to move the ball. they're quicker than we are. the whole eyes of the united states, crystal, are on portugal versus ghana. ronaldo who killed us last game, amazing setup kick that allowed his teammate to get the header which tied our game put portugal up 2-1 which inevitably puts us forward if that stays 2-1.
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we might lose against germany. but if the portuguese can beat ghana, we move on and that would be great news for not only america but everyone on capitol hill. i'll give you this quickly. everyone on the hill is watching this game. there's absolutely no work getting done. congress is at a stand still. much of them gone. there is such a rush to watch this game. i literally saw these old members of congress, guys in their 60s, 70s, 80s running off the house floor screaming, hold the elevator, i have a skoccer game i have to watch. people are fired up here, all around america. >> i think you misunderstood them, hold the elevator, we have to watch "ronan farrow daily" is what they were saying. to luke's point, they with watching, we got great pictures there. the game against portugal on sunday was the highest rating of any u.s. soccer game ever. so people have really fallen in love with this team. what is it about this team? is it their grit?
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there's no real huge star here. what do we find so compelling about this u.s. soccer team? >> well, crystal, we have some news to give you right now. hearing in my ear from your producer that both games are final right now. so the u.s. has lost but portugal did defeat ghana 2-1. they will advance. the united states will advance to the knockout round in the world cup which is a huge deal for u.s. soccer and everyone who followed the team. they'll play again in the tournament. who they'll play is to be determined. right now if things hold as they are in the other groups, the u.s. will probably play belgium in the round of 16. >> okay. >> so not sure yet when that game will be but the u.s. has advanced to the knockout round. that's a huge deal. >> how does the belgium team look? >> they've played really well in
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this tournament. if you told anyone on the u.s. sound they'd have a chance to play belgium in the round of 16 for a chance to get to the quarterfinals, i think anyone would have signed up for that because that is not among the tougher matchups the u.s. could have drawn in this tournament. belgium is playing well, but they're certainly not considered among the top, top teams in the world. so it's really, it looks like a pretty good chance for the u.s. to advance to the quarterfinals against a tough team, but, you know, the u.s. also has a lot of injury issues to deal with, krystal. still nursing a hamstring from the first game against ghana. other players dealing with some injuries. health will be a big issue for the american team going into that game. >> luke, quickly, how do you like us if belgium is who we're going up against next? >> reporter: krystal ball, we're america. >> that's right. >> reporter: usa all way. >> usa. >> reporter: we're going to beat them all. america, baby. >> rob simmelkjaer and enthusiastic and patriotic luke
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russert. thank you both for joining me. that wraps up things for "ronan farrow daily." i'm krystal ball, of course. "the reid report" is up next. ass ass to another new stylist. it was a total embarrassment. and not the kind of attention i wanted. so i had a serious talk with my dermatologist about my treatment options. this time, she prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred.
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a hundred percent bump in efficiency. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we're builders. and what we know... can help you grow. okay. it's still a happy thursday, reiders. check out the reaction from u.s. fans in chicago as germany scored on the u.s. now, the good news is the u.s. still advances to the next round in the world cup. that's very good news. now, it was not the prettiest match. it was not the game that creates football fans out of nfl fans. but the u.s. men's team will advance to the knockout round despite a loss to germany. and thanks to another loss, ghana to portugal.
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nbc's katy tur is live at a world cup party in chicago. okay, katy, so is it bedlam? looks like people are actually feeling it. they're not upset about the gore scoring. >> reporter: it's so hard to hear you over these guys. >> i think you should just jump up and down with them because we can't hear you. >> reporter: i already tried that and got elbows in the head. they've never been more excited for a loss. even though they did lose, they're still advancing to next round because portugal beat ghana by 2-1 and with the goal differential, that means we what? >> we won! >> reporter: we didn't win, but we get to advance. are you guys ready for the next match? >> yes, we are! >> yeah, we are! >> reporter: have you ever been more excited to lose a game? >> no! >> reporter: even though the germans played a lot better than we did. >> that's right. we still won, we still won. evenug
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