tv The Cycle MSNBC June 26, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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thursday in "the cycle." team usa survives the group of death. this was the post-game scene moments ago in washington, d.c. bethlehem, pennsylvania, and chicago. jubilation when it became clear -- despite a hard-fought 1-0 loss to germany. now to the tape. a nonstop downpour all day made for a sloppy field. the germans controlled the ball for much of the first half. but thanks to big plays by the "d" and huge saves by my favorite u.s. goalie tim howard, the first half ends in a 0-0 tie. the second half was looking a lot like the first until the 55th minute. howard came up with yet another huge save. it doesn't clear. germany right there for the follow-up. thomas muller puts it back in the back of the net. so frustrating. u.s. threatened in extra time, though.
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two close shots in the final seconds of the game. but unable to convert. germany, of course, gets the win. thanks to portugal's win over ghana, the u.s. gets to advance, making believers out of american soccer skeptics. katy tur is at grant park in chicago, one of the viewing parties across the country this afternoon. all of work has stopped this afternoon. president obama caught the game aboard air force one. tell us about the energy in the president's hometown during the game. >> reporter: it was a pretty decent crowd out here. a lot of younger people, actually. it was like a sea of humanity out here with guys without their shirts, usa painted on their body, stale beer, b.o., it was fantastic. like a frat party in college. they were excited. very excited. they were very excited when there was no score. once germany finally got a goal through the net, then the crowd kind of started to deflate a little. you really felt bad for the team because you could tell that they
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were just exhausted playing through that rainstorm. you could feel it out here. as time went on and as portugal scored then as ghana scored, then as portugal scored again, pretty much assuring us a way through the group of death, as long as we didn't lose by a massive amount, and as long as portugal didn't win by a massive amount, the crowd started to pick up and realized that we finally made it through. we had a win in this round. we had a draw and had a loss. yet we are advancing into the next round. and they are very excited about it. the people here were screaming. they were cheering. for all those that say that soccer is not an american sport, and nobody cares, you should take a look at the viewing parties across the country. people in their office chairs at work sneaking peeks on the computer or on their phones. it's becoming a much more popular thing to do nowadays. i got to tell you, i have soccer fever. i enjoyed it a lot. i got a jersey. >> the president should declare this a national holiday. katy tur, thank you so much.
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we had him here yesterday for the pregame. back with us, of course, for the postgame wrap-up, jordan schultz, sports columnist at "the lhuffington post." what a day it has been. you're talking so much about how talented the german team is. this game could have ended much differently if my man, tim howard was not on the field. >> tim howard comes up big. it speaks to the resiliency of the u.s. team. see the possession was absolutely dominated by germany. nearly 70%. shots, shots on goal. like the ghana game, though we won that game. similar resolve. u.s. keeps things close. interestingly enough, ronaldo who helped tie the game against the u.s. a few days ago now comes in and scores the big goal against ghana. because if this result holds and ghana wins that game, u.s. is out. >> this game, though, is endemic of what the u.s. team is all about. strong defensively. this game could have easily been
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3-0 germany and our defense kept it from getting out of control. but we are weak offensively. and we don't have that firepower. those people who can really stick it in the back of the net. >> first time in world cup games, toure, we did not score a goal. so my counter is we're going up against belgium, number 11 in the world. u.s. number 13. belgium, not only are they a really good team, they are an incredibly talented offensive team. one of the top strikers in the world from chelsea. this is a big-time performance we're going to need to put on a in a few days. >> you have to wonder what the rankings mean when the number with one team in the world is pain. >> portugal in the top five. u.s. didn't play great, did what they needed to do. give them credit. this is first time in u.s. soccer history to go through in consecutive world cups. >> i appreciate how your data undermines the premise of toure's question. >> why you're always invited back on the show.
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>> in our offices, msnbc or c-span on today, it went over to world cup. learning experience for a lot of us. here i'm watching, seeing us down. i'm keeping an eye on twitter. game ends. we lose by one. and then i learned from abby and others, we're advancing. so this is obviously a great tournament or great sport where you can lose and continue. a shock to some people. >> a little bit un-american. >> walk us -- >> i watched the game with ari in our office. >> was ari yelling, why aren't the players picking up the ball? why does the goalie have a different color shirt on? what is a 4-4-2 formation? >> he was tweeting. >> we didn't take it that far. >> did you bite, and that was okay? >> well, that's another big piece of news is apparently biting is really frowned upon. >> yes. >> in world cup. >> that's not good. >> something we learned today. >> that's not good. absolutely. i think the biggest thing in the next game, i mentioned the u.s. today trying to come out attacking. i thought they were tired
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playing in the amazon a few days back. germany didn't have that. >> do you think the field conditions -- >> it rained for 11 hours straight. it was incredibly wet. the game in a few days will be in a warmer climate. i expect that's a positive for the u.s. one of the biggest problems with the u.s. in years past, especially four years ago against ghana, they concede a quick goal then have to fight back. you can't do that against belgium. >> yeah. >> this whole situation is unique for americans because in every sport pretty much, we assume we are globally dominant, right? even like we call it the world series, the super bowl, whatever. then we come here and we are puny globally. >> a lot of fun to be the underdog. >> i like it, though. >> i like being the underdog. >> do you? >> that's why toure is once again rooting against the u.s. >> i'm not against the u.s. don't put words in my mouth. >> toure the antagonist. he'd love for me to come on and say, like florida didn't win the -- >> are you rooting for germany, though though?
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>> rooting for the usa all the way, however stwrermny was my pick to win it all. >> what we saw today, german citizens playing on the u.s., jones and johnson, you see it there, that's another story line to watch for. a lot of pressure has been on the u.s. because he didn't pick the american-born guys and they've played a big role. john brooks in the first game has the go-ahead goal. >> yeah. watching it, i'm not a soccer expert by any means but i follow it closely. seems like a challenge we have is getting the rhythm of things. taking control of the ball early on in the game. it takes us a while to get going. >> the ghana game, when dempsey scored in the 30th second that's the first time i can remember where the u.s. had a quick goal in a world cup game. you saw it against portugal, they go down. they go down against germany. they did not come out good. you have to come out against belgium. by the way, when the pressure is on, there's no ties against belgium. it's the knockout round. if tied after 90 minutes, it's a goal, goal, a shootout.
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maybe tim howard will play another -- >> eventually you do have to win some games. >> eventually you've got to win some games. going forward -- >> we learned that yesterday, right, about winning. >> knockout round after this. no more ties. >> still no hands and no biting. >> the u.s. team is a bit banged up. are injuries a factor going forward? >> jozy altidore very unlikely to play against belgium, assuming we play belgium next tuesday. unlikely. however, you start to see guys getting a little bet healthier. the biggest thing is altidore. i expect him to play in the quarters if they advance. no question about it. that's a big deal in that game. >> when is the next game? >> would be tuesday at 4:00 assuming it's against belgium. >> right after "the cycle." >> exactly. >> what is the furthest the u.s. has ever advanced? >> in the modern era, which is all we care about, the quarterfinals in 2002. ironically lost to germany. >> i remember that game. >> you know what, if they can
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beat belgium and get through, that would be a huge success. it's already a success. i think what you've seen in terms of the -- >> that's a loser's attitude. >> really? >> it was a group of death. a lot of people didn't think -- we had an under 35% chance. >> you're one of these trophies for everyone kids, aren't you? >> third place ribbon. ninth place ribbon. >> he's an optimist for usa as am i. >> in 2002, that was back before everyone was pretending to care about soccer. >> there was a lot of caring about soccer. >> was it real or pretend? >> i think it was real. i watched that game -- >> all of a sudden everyone loves soccer. >> marcus beasley, now starting. otherwise a completely different team. might as well throw that out the wind window, and beat belgium. >> you'll be back with us very soon for the next game. >> i am. >> we appreciate having you. coming up next, president obama's sprint to the midterms in november takes him to minnesota. this hour.
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if i was a rirri, i would quote cube right now. life ain't a track meet. it's a marathon. >> abby huntsman! >> since we're all about sports today, watch as i take on america's favorite pasttime. i hung out with the washington nationals which you can watch if you hang out at thecyc >> that was good. don't just visit san francisco.
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place that might exacerbate the sectarian divisions that are already at a heightened level of tension. and so it's very important that nothing take place that contributes to the extremism or could act as a flashpoint with respect to the sectarian divide. >> those comments coming as the syrian government bombed isis strong holds on the iraqi side of the border today. prime minister maliki says he supports the air strikes. meanwhile, iran is sending military supplies and intel assistance to baghdad. maliki's security forces were tested again today when isis militants attacked a university in tikrit. joining us now, a rare appearance at the table, michael crowley, chief foreign affairs correspondent at time. great to have you with usual officially in person. welcome to "the cycle." >> did you think i was a hologram? >> let's start with the big news, john kerry making a statement to iran and syria, stay out of this thing.
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seems with the syrian strikes, you look at the syrian crisis and iraq crisis and both are sort of merged together with the common factor being isis. >> they absolutely are. what's happening here is not one country, syria, is unstable, having a civil war, and another country, iraq, is falling apart and they're sort of -- this is the same thing. what is happening is a sectarian growing spreading sectarian civil war throughout the region. and unfortunately, you know, this -- it's a classic case i think of people maybe hear john kerr kerry and tell people in the region what to do, what is america doing about this? there's not much we can do. to tell people in this region who are so fired up, where the religious passions are running so high, calm down, don't let this become sectarian, stay in your lane. i mean, that's just a really -- it's -- he has to say it, but i don't think it's going to have a lot of effect and to use a cliche, it's hard to put the genie back in the bottle.
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>> maliki has spoken to foreign press really for the first time since this hasesquesq escalated. let's play that. >> translator: yes, they did strike inside the syrian side of the border. there was no coordination involved, but we welcome this action. we actually welcome nassirian strike against isis because this group targets both iraq and syria. so we welcome nassirian striantt isis. both countries welcome these actions, but we didn't make any requests from syria. they carry on their strikes and we carry out ours. the final winners are our two countries. >> of course we don't know who the final winners will be for some time. obviously somewhat unusual for a leader of a state to welcome air strikes from another country inside his state, but it refl t reflects fact we put the map up on the screen, it says iraq and syria. no, there's a middle area in between which is much less iraq or at least his control over iraq and is much more these rebel breakaway groups.
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walk us through what iraq is doing here and saying they're not requesting syrian air strikes but they do welcome them. >> right. again, it's less about sovereign territory right now and state borders. if you're maliki, it's more about stopping isis. isis is presenting an existential threat to his government and to the unity of iraq. he would in the long term like to have iraq remain a unified nation state with the borders it has right now. but in the moment those borders aren't that important. questions of sovereignty and whether the bombs are falling on one side of the border or the other are less important than we've got to blow these guys up before they come get us, come get me, if you're maliki. basically maliki is more or less supporting and aligned with bashar al assad, the leader of syria, who is an alowite which is an offshoot and an ally of iran. so maliki, iran, assad, all have
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the same interest here which is this fight against sunni radicals which is isis. from the perspective of maliki, if you're a little bit on our side of the border, that's fine, we're going to kind of let it go. as long as you're hitting isis because the near-term imperative for maliki is to stop isis before they take more territory, before they acquire more power or before they threaten his government and frankly at some point his own life. i mean, there's a way in which maliki has to be remembering what happened to saddam. >> that's a good point. >> we saw the frightening video where we fell in the news. >> maliki is also under a great deal of political pressure. the iraqis have to form a new government. maliki said he wants to have that new parliament seated by july 1st. that is tuesday. for those who aren't looking right at a calendar. and he's also facing pressure from within his own side. today an influential iraqi shiite cleric, muqtada al sadr came out and called for a national government with new faces. is nuri al maliki going to
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remain as prime minister of iraq, do you think? >> well, i think it's hard to say, but that is a bad side for him. sadr is extremely influential. he commands large numbers of shiite people, also shiite militiamen. he's a guy who's got muscle. his followers did a lot of damage, killed a lot of americans when we occupied the country. he's not the only prominent shiite who is essentially saying that maliki can't form and lead a government that's going to stabilize the country. the long-term solution here, and the one that washington wants, is a new iraqi government that brings in the kurds and sunnis who felt they were pretty much disenfranchised, kicked out of the process, and shows them they have a stake in the future of a unified iraq and, therefore, the sunnis in particular end this rebellion, stop supporting isis. and that is the only long-term way to kind of bring stability back to the region. so, it does seem that other
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shiites are coming around to this idea, and that is what will cause maliki to go is if he loses support of shiites. we're not quite there yet. he's not showing a lot of signs of accommodation. so it will be some time before we see how it works out. >> there's one other way to possibly get to a long-term solution in this region, in this situation. what about a three-state solution? right? because these people are stuck in these tribes are, ethnicities are stuck in one country because of borders drawn by europe decades ago totally ignoring their tribal histories to make them be together and have to fight each other. what if the kurds get their own plot of land, shiites, sunnis, so everybody control themselves? >> yeah, by the way, you raise an important point for people trying to follow what's going on here. we keep talking about how the borders are not as important. this is about sectarian fights. this is because these countries were drawn by europeans who drew them largely among other things for economic interests. >> right.
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>> and they didn't really care about what were the prospects for harmony, for these people living together? so in iraq in particular, you have kurdish north, sunni kind of west and middle, then the shiites in the south. joe biden, i think, in 2006, proposed essentially having an extremely fed raerated system. >> he was mocked for that. >> there was not a lot of support for it at the time and i think you're having people now take a second look at this idea. i do think that the obama administration's policy is still a unified iraq as we know it now. i think that they feel that dividing up the country will cause new problems. it's not going to settle all the grievances here. you will have fights on the borders between these new blocs. it will introduce a whole lot of new issues about how you divide things up. sunnis in particular don't get that much out of that kind of deal because they don't have oil. the kurds have a lot of oil in the north and shiites have tons of oil in the south. you'd have to find a way where
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the sunnis were bought off and got some of the oil. it's a complicated hard thing to do. the main point i would make is in general, we like we, american policy, stability and borders like they are. once you open that can of worms, that whole region as we said is somewhat art officiificial and their own breakaways and becomes the pandora's box. >> time will tell until tuesday. crazy how quickly it's going to come back around. >> great to be here. up next, president obama is about to speak in minnesota. we will, of course, take you there live as "the cycle" rolls on. the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that's been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought... it also has more rear legroom than other midsize sedans. and the volkswagen passat has a lower starting price than... much better.
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already on the row. gm's ceo mary barra insisted they're not representative of the systemic problem in the company. >> with what we had, it was covered in the report, there were silos of information. people had bits and pieces and didn't come forward with information or didn't act with a sense of urgency and it's simply unacceptable. now to sports. watching the u.s. and germany this afternoon, you know the other story out of brazil is also the weather. in fact, the refs made a game time decision as to whether the match could be played after 17 straight hours of torrential rain. streets were left under three feet of water. so fans had to abandon their cars and try to walk in some cases 17 miles to the stadium. >> wow. nothing like that is coming here. but parts of the u.s. will be keeping an eye on the sky this afternoon and tomorrow. severe weather is expected today throughout the plain states including strong winds and hail. the risk of tornadoes increases tomorrow. and we'll be watching all of
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that. many people are concerned about next weekend's forecast for the jouly 4 th holiday. it doesn't appear the rising gas prices are going to stop people from hitting the road. aaa predicts 41 million americans are likely to drive during the three-day weekend, a seven-year high. right now, president obama is about to hear from middle class americans at a town hall in minneapolis. you see him there. the first stop of his summer tour to meet with ordinary americans, that includes rebecca erler, a mother of two who wrote to the president this spring detailing her family's hardships to make ends meet. she is an accountant. her husband a carpenter. and they pay more for childcare than they do on their mortgage. >> wow. >> also dominating today's trip is news that the u.s. economy shrank nearly 3% in the first quarter. let's go ahead and listen live to the president. >> all across the state. i know some folks here are probably affected by it as well. we made sure that fema is already on the ground here. the army corps of engineers is
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helping to build up a levee. i told the governor that we will be there as we get some clarity about the damage and what needs to be done. and you're going to -- you should feel confident that you're going to have a strong partner in fema and the federal government in the process of cleaning up. and you can also feel confident because if we didn't help out, then i'd have mayor coleman and mayor hodges and congressman keith ellison giving me a hard time. they're going to hold me to do. pay do a great job on behalf of their constituents every day. i also want to mention that up the road, there's a memorial service for a person that many of you knew and loved and that's jim oberstar who served so long
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in congress. i had a chance to know jim. we overlapped before he came back home. he was a good man. he was a good public servant. he was somebody who never forgot the folks in the iron range that he was fighting for. and in a lot of ways what he represented was a time when folks went to washington but they understood that they were working on behalf of hardworking middle class families and people who were trying to get into the middle class. and that fight continues. we've made progress, and the one thing that i always remind people of is, just about every economic measure, we are significantly better off than we were when i came into office. unemployment is down. the deficits have been cut in half. housing markets improved. 401(k)s have gotten more solid. the number of people who are
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uninsured are down. our exports are up. our energy production is up. so in the aggregate, when you look at the country as a whole by pretty much every measure, the economy is doing better than it was when i came into office and in most cases significantly better. we've created now 9.4 million new jobs over the last 51 months. the unemployment rate here in minnesota is the lowest it's been since 2007. but here's the thing. and i'm not telling you anything that you don't know. there's still a lot of folks struggling out there. we've got an economy that even when it grows, and corporate profits are high and the stock market's doing well, is still having trouble producing
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increases in salary and increases in wages for ordinary folks. so we've seen wages and incomes sort of flat line even though the costs of food and housing and other things have gone up. and so there are a lot of people who work really hard, do the right thing, are responsible, but still find at the end of the month that they're not getting ahead. >> we've been listening there live to the president speaking at a town hall in minnesota. and talking about economic challenges facing americans. in addition to those town hall participants there, the president heard big news today from the supreme court. another rare unanimous judgment. the justices limited president obama's power to make recess appointments and rejected three of them. joining us at the table, buzzfeed's washington bureau chief, john stanton. we would never reject you no matter what kind of booking appointment got you here. >> that is correct. >> this is a long case that i was reading through today.
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it's got a lot of history in it. as we mentioned, unanimous in its conclusion. although the conservatives wanted to do an even larger limitation. but you can actually boil this case down. this is not true of all cases. boil this down to one sentence. he said the senate is in session when it says that it is. the senate is in session when it says that it is. what he meant there is forget democrats and republicans and this particular president, the court is going to defer to the senate's definition of a recess even though everyone knows the little dirty secret is these were fake sessions to prevent recess appointments. >> yeah, you know, it's funny, for years, for decades, frankly, there was sort of this unspoken agreement that the definition of a recess was something over, like, a week. and during the bush administration, democrats started to make some noise, maybe we will -- or the bush administration, rather, started saying maybe a weekend might be or four days or something like that. that's what we started to get in this process of having these sort of proforma sessions that go on for 30 seconds then shut
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back down. you know, i think the white house, you know, st frustrated with the lack of movement on its nominees and they decided to basically call the bluff of everybody and do this. i think, you know, this is part of a broader movement by the supreme court to try to rein in administrative power we've seen over the last three, four years. >> seems the court is actually aiding the obstruction strategy the right has been using for quite a while now and appears yet again they're behaving in a partisan fashion. we have legal professors now who are saying these look like politicians in robes. but it is a 9-0 decision to be fair. so are we right to look at this and look at the rest of the things that the court is deciding right now and say they are behaving in a very, very partisan fashion? >> i'm not so sure. i think, you know, they clearly have a libertarian streak to them. even the liberal justices clearly have this notion that the government has gotten to be too expansive in its powers. the executive branch has taken on too much control of what goes
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on. if you see kagan and sotomayor coming along on something like this, it's harder to make the case. you know, nominations have always been very political, and the conflict between the judiciary and executive, particularly this goes back to andrew jackson when he was sort of pushing people through quickly over the protestations of the senate. so there's a long, long history of this in this country. >> yeah. another decision we got today was regarding abortion buffer zones specifically around a massachusetts law requiring 30 feet buffer zone, 35-feet buffer stone from a clinic for the health and safety of patients coming in. also that was ruled to be unconstitutional. but a relatively limited narrow ruling here basically saying that the problem was that this was happening on public sidewalks, public highways, et cetera. so shouldn't have too broad impliatiimp imply cases on that. >> you're not going to see a wholesale dismantling of the
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safe zones around cluninics acrs the country. they'll continue have to private spaces and things like that. this does go back to the idea that this court is looking very skeptically at executive branch and executive actions, whether by the states or by the federal government and leaning much more toward sort of civil liberties and protecting people. >> on the point of reining the administration's powers, i know you love a good lawsuit. i'd love your take on john boehner now suing president obama for executive orders. the issue, itself, i find to be very serious one and one that we've seen as you said happened under both president bush and president obama. but the partisan debate, to me, has become a complete embarrassment. i think it is hypocrisy at its best. actually there was a clip i wanted to play. yesterday neil cavuto went at it with michele bachmann. let's take a look. >> you're conflating issues and being silly. where was your wage and democrats, when democrats were going after president bush on the same use of executive orders? because i think you knew then that was a waste of time then.
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i think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now. there are far more important things that you guys have to be addressing than filing lawsuits past each other. >> what we need to do is defund the executive branch, number one and impeach -- >> defund the executive branch -- congresswoman, if democrats had said we're going to defund president bush, defund the -- you would have laughed him out. so you should have then. i think democrats will be in their right mind to laugh you out now. >> john, this is where our politics is at today. instead of looking at the bigger picture as a whole, it's the other person's fault. let's just impeach them, that's going to solve all the problems. >> it's funny, i think there's an argument to be made that some of the signing orders and executive orders done by both administrations sort of go beyond the bounds of what people traditionally thought of as acceptable. but republicans have turned this into it's a bit like the bush tax cuts at the beginning of the bush administration. any problem that was going on at the time, they'd say, if we had
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the tax cuts, everything would be fine. and with the executive overreach by the administration, that's very much become this thing that republicans have used to sort of camouflage everything else that they're trying to do. whether it's immigration or nominations or really anything else. they can say, well, the president has gone way beyond what he should be doing. so we're not going to play -- >> we don't trust the president. so we can't have immigration reform or can't have x other issue. >> the democrats did similar things when bush was president. >> true. >> maybe not to this extent. >> i think what you're hitting on that's important here is a lack of seriousness among the republicans. a political search for a scandal, be it the irs, benghazi and look at the most controversial things this administration is doing that aren't being tested in the court. what are the limits on drone powers to kill americans? that's not politically popular. i argue legally some of the biggest questions are untouched because of politics. both parties in that case i think have some explaining to do. john stanton, buzzfeed, here on
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eat up. keep heart-healthy. live long. for a healthy heart, eat the 100% natural whole grain goodness of post shredded wheat. doctors recommend it. 72,410 families ripped apart. that's the number of parents deported just last year from the united states. parents who told immigration officials that they had u.s.-born children. "the huffington post" obtained the figures required to be sent to congress each year, and this number, 4.5 million, the estimate of how many american children have undocumented moms and dads. there is clearly a crisis at our borders. and it's creating many innocent young victims. >> mommy. >> come here. come here.
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come here, baby. i have to go with this policeman, okay? >> going to need child welfare services. >> no, mommy, don't go. don't go. >> sorry, baby. give me a hug, okay? >> don't go. >> it's going to be okay. i'll be right back. i'll be back soon. okay. you stay right here. promise me, okay? >> mommy. >> that short film was for the non-profit group, welcome dot u.s. which is dedicated to sharing. jamie lynn sigler starred in the film. you may remember her as meadow soprano. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> this is like activism through acting. >> absolutely. >> what inspired you to get involved with this project? >> i'm a daughter of an immigration. my mother's situation is different than what we're talking about. she was a political refugee from cuba and was separated from her
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family and didn't know when she'd see them again. our government helped them at that time. my grandmother was able to come over. they were allowed to apply for citizenship. that's what this country is built on, immigrants and our diversity. attributes much of this country's success. especially being a mother now, and seeing that even though i acted in it, i can still react watching it. it's devastating. and there's something i think that needs to be done about it. the numbers are staggering. >> you're absolutely right. talk about how you prepared to play this undocumented person. did you speak to people who were undocumented to get in touch with the fear that they live with every day? >> to be honest, the simplicity of the script, how short it was, it was all there. i did my research and i've read people's personal stories and struggles and people that have gone through this, and i think being a mom, too, it's just -- it puts you right there.
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so this was probably one of the easier acting jobs i've ever had. >> it's easy to connect with that emotion of you can't fathom how it would be to lose your children and be separated. >> in a moment. you don't know when you get to talk to each other again because of all the legalities. >> you don't know where she's going. >> yeah. >> look at the policy background of this, as krystal mentioned, an i.c.e. report of families broken up. many others had smaller convictions. in politics you hear people talk about family values. having worked on this project, what do you think about this part of our policy here which seems not to prioritize families or a second chance? >> i think there's something that needs to be done about it. i understand no matter where you are on this issue, the commonality here is that people are just trying to give their families a better life and better opportunity and i think that, you know, to separate a family and a young child and put
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them in foster care system, and, you know, these parents were just trying to give their kids a better chance. you know, it's unfair. >> yeah. you did a lot of research, as you were saying, for the film. but watching that scene, when you're being separated from your daughter and you're crying, it's so real, as if that was actually happening to you. how did you emotionally get into that character? did you imagine yourself actually going through that? >> i did. i did. i worked with tremendous actors and our director and writer was unbelievable. and i just -- i was able to really live in that moment. >> jamie-lynn, one of the things in the gay rights debate as people have gotten to know families with same-sex marriages and kids, they've gotten a sort of personal perspective on it. i think that's what you are doing so well here in this film is putting a really human face, really relatable face on this tragedy. >> absolutely. that's what i was saying, i
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think no matter where you stand you have to traerealize at the the day teahese are human being young children. >> it's absolutely incredible. jamie-lynn sigler. thank you for being here. up next, the new children's book on death that has a lot of adults talking and by a guy who knows a thing or two about dying. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food.
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so the other day i took home a book called "everybody dies" which the author said would be received better by kids than by adults and i wanted to adults and i wanted to see it for myself and i sat on the couch and read it to my kids in my cycle t-shirt. your pet cat won't be around forever, neither will mommy and daddy. my mom yelled out from the other room, why are you reading that? but the kids liked it. my son said there is cool. at the end of the book there is a will. a children's book for grown-ups by ken tanaka and our next guest david murray who you may recognize as the guy that died in breaking bad, charmed and justified. why do you think that kids respond to your book and this message that everybody dies
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better than we adults who experienced more death. >> i think death is so far removed generally from a child's life that they're not afraid of it like we are. adults tend to think, oh, no, we have to shelter children from the idea of death, but really we're the ones who are afraid of it. >> you've played a number of roles in which you've been killed including my favorite show "breaking bad" where you were literally squashed by an atm machine. how has that impacted your view of death? what is your relationship now with death? >> well, yeah. i've been dying in television and theater and, you know, movies since i was 15. so death has always sort of been in the back of my head had, and i tend to play sum bags on tv who have a very short life span. so i guess going through death like that over and over definitely just makes me think about my own potential demise. >> you're ready. when it's coming you're read.
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>> well, i'm not ready. i know it's going to happen and i figure i have to make the best of -- of my life on earth while it's happening. >> amen. >> i read the book and i was wondering whether there was going to be any sort of grappling with the harder parts of death. what happens after we die or why is it that people who have some sort of brush with death often feel like life is precious or sacred or changes sometimes their outlook and you don't get into that stuff at all. was that a conscious choice or the limits of a picture book or what about those issues? >> i wanted to deal in the book with the facts that you're going to die, we're all going to die. i didn't touch on dealing with death so much or questions about what might happen after death. >> david, i don't really want to come to terms with the fact that i'm going to die. it helps me get through the die to live in this bubble that i'm
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never going die and neither are the people around me. why do i need to come to terms with that? >> the flip side is if you can accept your own demise and its inevitability then you know you have to enjoy your time on earth. you have to make the most of every second you have while you're alive. >> that's absolutely right. >> when you are fully aware that you are going die, that your time here is finite it makes you get out of bed and says let me spend my day in a way that i didn't waste my day and i moved forward a little bit today. >> for me, it's, like, let me spend another day dying on television. >> let me live the most of my life. >> nice spending my time dieing on television. >> i hope that never happens to you guys. >> i would never want that to happen to any of us, but i have to say and we've all read the book. it's unlike any other book i've read. it's an unusual one. why did you write it in the first place. i'm going write a book about
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death, and i want it to be towards kids. >> i guess, it's just that death is such a taboo in our culture and talking about death is so difficult, and i thought, you know, this book could be a conversation starter and help people just start to feel more comfortable talking about it, and that, you know, that might -- just acknowledging that we're all going to die might help us all through a little -- >> i have a 6-year-old daughter. she is very interested and very concerned about death. she asks me questions about it all the time. she wants answers about what's going to happen and when am i going to die and how am i going to die and how old will i be when you die and all of this and that being said, i'm not sure that i would actually read this book to her because i'm concerned that it would make her -- give her even more questions about death than she already has. what's been your response from
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parents and feedback from children who have read the book? >> you know, i think it's really the parent, i think, know best whether their kid can handle it or not or whether it would be good for their kid or not, but the best response that i've got or the one that touched me the most was a woman whose husband passed away leaving behind a 7-year-old and i got a letter saying that they had gone through all of the children's books about death and nothing really got through to him until he read everybody dies, a children's book for grown-ups and that was the book that really helped him understand what had happened. >> wow! i mean, you write a book and you hope to impact people and then you do, and you know, reading the book you're, like, is it actually for children or is it actually for grown-ups and the title is in between those two things, but it's really for adult, isn't it in.
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>> that was the intention, but then, you know, it turns out that a lot of people do find it useful to read with their kids and a lot of kids seem to enjoy it. so, you know, maybe we should change the name or just add a sticker at the bottom that says a children's book for grown-ups and kid, too. >> david, congratulations on the book. it's very interesting. thank you for coming by. that does it for "the cycle." "now" with alex wagner is up next. and if i tap my geico app here i can pay my bill. tap it here, digital insurance id card. and tap it here, boom, roadside assistance. on'tday ooklay, it's axwellmay. the igpay? otallytay. take an icturepay! onephay, onephay! really, pig latin?
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