tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC June 27, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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>> wrap it up. >> if it's way too early, it's "morning joe." as always, thank you so much for your patience. >> good-bye, john. >> and have a great weekend. and right now stick around because "the daily rundown" is coming up straight ahead. >> have a good one. you know that road to 1600 is getting shorter by the day, but some recent notes for the duo of presidential politics, it doesn't look so hot right now. an exclusive chat with the famous ex-conmayor, buddy cianci wants to head back to city hall and he's coming on to tell us why. and on the heels of a supreme court law, a lawsuit by speaker boehner, president obama speaks out about his executive actions. >> you know, the sult suit is a stunt. what i've told speaker boehner
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directly is if you're really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, why don't you try getting something done through congress. >> good morning and happy friday right here from washington. we know it's getting close to one of those get out of town early fridays, the way summer sets here in d.c. june 27th, daily rundown. let's get right to my first reads of the morning. it's time for a friday daily rundown roundup of all things 2016. this morning boosters of wisconsin governor scott walker are breathing a little bit of a sigh of relief. an attorney for the special prosecutor that has been investigating possible illegal fund-raising coordination between walker's 2012 recall campaign and conservative groups made it clear on thursday that he has reached no conclusion on whether there is enough evidence to charge anyone with a crime. randall crocker, the attorney for the special prosecutor, francis sh smit, said contained in the documents is a reference for production of documents that
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relates to an alleged criminal scheme. it is wrong for any person to point to this sentence in a legal argument as a finding by the special prosecutor that governor walker has engaged in a criminal scheme. it is not such a finding. the statement follows the unsealing by a judge of court documents from the investigation. in the statement he also noted significant media coverage of the release. democrat mary burke is already running an ad pegged to the investigation. the statement doesn't address whether walker's campaign has been a target of the investigation and subpoena, but it does give credibility to walker's defense that he personally has not been singled out in the probe. still, it doesn't make walker's e-mail to karl rove go away and his personal involvement may give some republican donors pause that he was that careless. by the way, this week an anonymous group launched an
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website called iowans for walker. rarely do you find a battle tested politician that can unite all factions of the republican party. scott walker happens to be one of those rare politicians. another governor in the middle of an ethics scandal is chris christie. he has a second bridge controversy. this time it's the pulaski skyway, that connects newark and jersey city. the d.a. and fcc are investigating violations of securities law related to a 2011 deal in which christie successfully lobbied to use port authority money to rebuild the skyway. investors were told it was for lincoln tunnel improvements but the pulaski skyway is miles away from the tunnel. moving on to a few other developments. in the republican side of 2016, former governor jeb bush will headline a major fund-raiser in september for at least four republican senate nominees. guess what, he's not going to them, they're come to him.
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cory gardner, joni ernst, monica webbe and tom cotton will fly to tampa. the fund-raising may also benefit the winner of the august 26 republican primary in alaska. this week was not so bright when it comes to jeb bush's iowa prospects. he was tied with christie for the highest negative rating of any republican tested in a new quinnipiac poll. his positive rating was even lower than christie's and he fared the worst against hillary clinton, trailing her by double digits. it's pretty clear, though, that jeb has a tough time. speaking of florida republicans, let's move to marco rubio. it's pretty clear these days that he's putting together the issues section of his presidential website. i'd argue no potential 2016er has been more methodical about delivering policy speeches than rubio. started in january, february and march. rubio gave six big foreign policy speeches. in may he laid out his social security plan. this week his focus was economic policy and his pitch wednesday.
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the one issue rubio hasn't spoken about in these six months, immigration. here we are one year after the senate passed that immigration bill with his help. still trying to regain the ground he lost with conservatives during that debate. finally on the republican side, it wasn't a great week for texas senator ted cruz. he packed two high-profile candidates that lost. he went on tv for the one in oklahoma. so we'll see if that cows him at all. turning now to the democratic side, of course, all things have been about the clintons and finances. in an exclusive interview with david gregory which will air in full on sunday on "meet the press," bill clinton also picked a popular target to go after with democrats, and that is criticizing former vice president dick cheney on the issue of iraq. >> mr. cheney has been incredibly adroit for the last six years or so attacking the administration for not doing an adequate job of cleaning up the mess that he made.
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and i think it's unseemly. and i give president bush, by the way, a lot of credit for staying to stay out of this debate and letting other people work through it. >> cheney fired back in a speech in montana saying this, according to the billings gazette. if there's somebody who knows something about being unseemly, it's bill clinton. i guess it got kind of personal. speaking of doubling down on his criticism of the president's foreign policy, here's a little bit more. >> when i was secretary, we had basically a two war strategy. we had to have sufficient forces. he switched that. and that's all being done as rationale to justify further cuts to the defense department so we can allocate that money to food stamps or whatever else he wants to spend it on. >> but this week has been dominated by the clintons attempts to explain away those comments made by hillary clinton
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which have become a staple of late night now. >> woe came out of the white house not only dead broke, but in debt. >> i still get emotional just thinking about it. >> we learn a little bit more about the clinton finances. "the washington post" went through all of those disclosure reports and put together this, that bill clinton made over $100 million for 542 of those talks that bill clinton talks about between january, 2001, when he left the white house and january, 2013, and when hillary clinton stepped down as secretary of state. we don't know more because she hasn't had to file any public disclosure forms since she's been a private citizen. joining me now, msnbc chris cillizza, shara center and perry bacon. let's start with scott walker, perry. an important moment.
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if you're scott walker you've been complaining about media coverage. hey, there's nothing here targeting me, don't pretend there's an investigation that i'm in the middle of. he had a little backup from the prosecutor's attorney. >> he did. scott walker did get this very important legal finding of sorts that he's not involved. it's going to reassure republican donors and makes it easier for him to win to re-election campaign. the republicans have to nominate somebody to be their president and this helps him as a candidate. >> chris christie hasn't gotten something like this. there is sort of this idea of the two guys that everybody in the republican donor world thinks can unite the party, both were having something that dogged them. but walker did nothing that no campaign in the country does, it's just that wisconsin, they're more hypersensitive to it. >> and walker i think especially is under a huge, huge spotlight. democrats put a huge target on him since they lost the recount battle. he's under renewed scrutiny in a
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way chris christie isn't. >> you know, the other thing about this week i thought was the jeb bush news, because it is -- you know, it's funny, people saying hillary clinton hasn't had a good book rollout. jeb bush hasn't done anything and yet everything is not -- you cannot -- everything has gotten harder for him to run for president. immigration, common core. he hasn't done anything and his numbers have gone down among republicans in iowa. >> a guy who works for me named philip bump, we're trying to figure out who's the most conservative on policy stuff on things that matter to republicans, common core being one, immigration being another. >> things that matter to one half of the republican party. >> the two people at the bottom of his rankings are jeb bush and chris christie and jeb bush is last. that's sort of the problem. if his name was jeb cillizza, i think we would say that guy is way too moderate to get elected. he's a bush and so we say, oh,
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well he's the front runner. if you look at his positioning -- it's not the whole republican party but it's not 2% of the republican party either. on things like common core and immigration, he's not close to where a ted cruz, for example, is and he's not even all that close to where scott walker frankly is. >> or marco rubio. much more conservative. i'm going to throw this out there and it's sad that i'm going to say this. bob corker admitted what u.s. senator hasn't thought about running for president. i'm sorry, every four years there to be should be a tennessee republican thinking about it. it's always been that way. isn't there always a tennessee republican. and yet just with his description just now about the way primary politics works in the republican party, bob corker, is he too much of a guy who tries to get stuff done in congress and, therefore, will look too compromising, too moderate? >> i remember him in '09 being
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one of the republicans who was thinking about maybe working with the white house on the health care bill. can you imagine if he's running in a primary, that would be a big problem. >> he's calling for raising the gas tax because he's trying to solve a problem. and yet you could argue he is exactly what supposedly the middle of the country is looking for, which is a less partisan problem solver. >> right. but bob corker on many issue has worked across the aisle, especially on foreign policy. he's on the committee, he worked on the s.t.a.r.t. treaty and all of these things that are not to his credit back in iowa. >> in the '90s, boy, he's worked across the aisle. that wouldn't have been a negative. that would have been a positive. >> because of his ability to accomplish things. >> it's like i did, i looked at the corker and thought that's not going to happen. i'm thinking i'm ashamed to say that and it's because of where we are. >> this is the problem i think that republicans have, which is the base of the party, okay,
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which isn't the whole party, but the base of the party has moved significantly more to the idea logically right. the problem is gay marriage. they want to talk about gay marriage. that is not what the center right of the country wants to talk about and so you're right. jeb bush, jeb bush is underwater. why is that? because there's some perception out there that he works together with people. he's not pure enough. and you nominate a pure candidate, i'll give you two words, barry goldwater. that can happen again if you go down that road. >> let's talk the clintons. so we're now at the end of this road of these book tours. it seems that, look, she didn't know now to deal with this money issue, it caught her off guard. it is dogging her, and now you get the sense that this wealth issue is never really going to go away.
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it's always going to be simmering somewhere with her. >> it's become the new way to think about her. we thought of this book tour when she started with benghazi as a big issue. we're not talking about that anymore but everyone is talking about this wealth issue. she said something on wealth that people can remember. like the late night shows, it's very easy to think about. it's not the same thing, but the bridge thing with christie, easy to remember. hillary clinton, the gazillion air said she is broke. that's the problem. at the end of the day she's still the overwhelming favorite for the democratic party. >> and let's remember how she created her wealth. they just acquired wealth for being the clintons. >> right. >> why is he earning $100 million because people want to hear bill clinton speak. he worked very hard to build a track record to make him attractive to donors, but this is not like shoveling coal. this is not like building a factory. and so there is that aspect too. it's not like they have acquired
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their wealth from hard work. >> true. and i know this isn't the popular answer. there's sort of a double standard with presidential candidates. mitt romney was judged for his wealth. she'll be judged for her wealth as well. but the reality is to run for president. you have to have a certain level of comfortability. >> but it's not the wealth that's the issue, it's being in touch. >> it's not even now that you have to have a certain amount of wealth. if millionaires can't run for president, we have about five presidents, right? but i think it's how you talk about it. look, she should say -- same thing, mitt romney's problem i think was not his wealth, it was how uncomfortable he was talking about his wealth. this is the same issue. just say, look, we've been very blessed in life. we have tremendous means now. and you know what, we -- i've never -- even though i've achieved all these things, i've never let my eye off of the real question. don't try to convince people that you're poor, because you're not. >> i actually think it exposed
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what she's the most nervous about as a candidate. this issue of income inequality is real, this middle class anxiety is real. it is her vulnerability on the left. >> and she is not a populist in any way, shape or form. >> chris, perry, shara, thank you very much. that was fun. coming up, a political power struggle involving all three branches of government. plus providence, rhode island's ex-con, ex-mayor wants his old job back. that comes up after the break. first a look ahead at today's politics planner. president obama starts in minneapolis again. later he'll meet with the new acting va secretary and then he'll stop by the marine barracks which is one of the great things to see any friday night here in washington, d.c. we'll be back in three minutes. s above the competition, but we're not in the business of naming names. the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that's been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought... it also has more rear legroom than other midsize sedans.
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well, he jokingly calls himself the two-timing mayor. how he wants to make it a third. buddy cianci, the twice convicted felon is running to get his old job back. he announced on wednesday just before the 4:00 p.m. filing deadline that he will indeed run for a seventh term, this time as an independent. >> today with a sense of humility, contrition and confidence, i announce to you my candidacy for mayor of providence. >> in 1974, cianci was first elected mayor as a republican, just 33. he was the first italian american to win the office after 150-year-old hold on city hall by irish democrats. he won his campaign on an anti-corruption platform. >> i will support measures to guarantee that city employment is no longer used to control the ballot box. >> but things went south for him
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and in 1984 he was convicted of using a lit cigarette and a fireplace log to assault a man he believed was having an affair with his estranged wife and resigned for the first time. >> i respectfully submit my resignation as mayor of the city of providence to become effective at 7:59 p.m. on april 25th, 1984. then, though, in 1990 he won a comeback bid and over the course of the '90s he won the nickname the prince of providence. transforming the city from urban blight to an upcoming center for arts and culture. he was at every ribbon cutting joking that he would attend the opening of an envelope. there was an nbc tv series called "providence" that he used to make cameos in. but his second stint as mayor came to an abrupt end after he was indicted as part of a federal investigation into widespread corruption in city hall. at the time it was called operation plunder dome by the fbi. >> i didn't do this stuff.
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i'm not guilty of this stuff and i'm going to fight it as long as i can and as far as i can and i will go all the way to the supreme court, the hague, wherever they want to go. >> cianci was convicted of racketeering conspiracy and sentenced to five years in prison. >> you have two days of freedom left before you turn yourself into a federal prison for some five years. how are you feeling about that? >> well, i've had better wednesdays and thursdays, i guess, and fridays. when you go to prison and get sentenced, it's almost surreal. it's almost like dying without dying. >> in 2007, cianci was released and he's rebuilt his life. wrote a book, hosts a popular radio show, selling his trademark pasta sauce to benefit providence's public schools. became eligible again to run in 2012, thanks to the so-called buddy amendment to the state constitution which says a candidate can run for state or local office three years after they complete their prison sentence, including parole or probation. the wording was added to the constitution after his 1984
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conviction. all candidates have to fulfill a signature requirement, at least 500 registered city voters. by running as an independent, he will bypass the primary. in 1990 he won with just 35% of the vote but plenty of questions do remain. >> you resigned twice as a felon. how do you convince people that you can be trusted. >> that's up to them. i am the most -- i am the most vetted person running for office probably in america. what you see is what you get. >> is that two strikes? >> well, you get three, don't you, before you're out? >> joining me now, the former mayor of providence, who's running to get his old jub back, buddy cianci. he's also radio show host, author and pasta sauce maker. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning, chuck. how are you doing? >> i'm okay. let's follow up with that question you got there. do you have regret about either of your stints as mayor on how they came to an end?
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do you have regrets about the investigations, your actions, any apologies you feel like you owe the city of providence? >> well, everybody has regrets i guess in life. i certainly have mine and i maybe would have done things a little differently if i had life to live over again, but we all make mistakes. but i don't think elections are about the past, i think they're about the future. and would i have done things differently? yeah, i think i would have. i would have had maybe some different people around me. basically all in all i wouldn't have changed the results for the city of providence, because the city of providence became a nationally known center for the arts, for culinary arts and for education and for all kinds of things that make cities great today. >> do you think there's anything you can do to reassure voters that, you know what, if i'm elected mayor, it's not going to end the same way. what new reassurance would you put in? there is new transparency you're going to do, new people, new vetting of staffers? >> all those things can add into
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it. when you're in office you always want to do the things you just mentioned. but the fact of the matter is i think i'm older, i'm wiser. i certainly have been through a lot of life experiences that i think have made me a better person. i want to run not for redemption or because i want to correct something, mistakes i might have made in the past, i want to run because i feel that i have the leadership abilities to bring the city back to where it should be from where it was. you know, rhode island is a great state but we also are enduring some tough times, highest unemployment, highest taxes, all those things of the and i think that i respect the people running against me or i'm running against them. the fact of the matter is who's been through it, who can hit the ground running and who has the solutions to make providence a better place to live. that's the reason i'm running. >> we were chatting yesterday and you had a pretty clear five reasons or sort of five pieces of the job description that you think all mayors should follow if they want to be successful and those are? >> yeah. i was -- well, five reasons.
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five things that mayors should pay attention to. first of all, two don'ts. don't get involved in foreign policy and stay out of people's bedrooms. get involved in five things. number one, make sure your city is safe because no one wants to be part of it if they can't we guaranteed safety. number two, you have to have an educational system that's going to work and kids can learn and no one is left behind, as they say. i think we all can improve ourselves in that area. number three, you have to have an affordable house for someone to live in so they can enjoy life and be clean and dignified and have a place to live. number four, there has to be a job for someone so they can afford those taxes. and the fifth thing is to make the city culturally and recreationally pleasing and acceptable. if you pay attention to those five things, you'll be a good mayor. that's what i tried to do over six terms. i think we were very successful in a lot of those areas. >> you know, providence has changed. the demographics of providence has changed from when you first ran to what it is today.
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higher hispanic population, just a more diverse population. how are you going to connect with that new set of voters? >> well, you know, it's amazing you ask that question because i remember when i first became mayor back in the '70s, the latino population was just arriving. i paid a lot of attention because in those days i was a republican. and a republican was about as popular as the ayatollah. remember, i took pictures of all those kids when they were in little league 8 years old, 9 years old, 10 years old. they're all 35 years old now. in recent polling, i do very, very well in latino community and also the southeast asian community, which also came here to make a home many years ago. >> let me ask you this. your health, i know that you have been battling colon cancer. >> yes. >> what is the latest? is your health going to impact your ability to run for mayor or
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be mayor? >> chuck, i would never have elected to make the decision to run if i thought health were a factor. i've got a clean bill of health from the doctor saying i can run. and one doctor told me you're going to die but not from this. we have great doctors and great medical care in the city of providence and the state of rhode island. that's one of our benefits and it's been a benefit to me. no, i wouldn't be running if i thought that was an issue. it wouldn't be fair to the people, fair to my family and fair to me. >> why are you running as an independent? you've been a republican sometimes, you've been an independent sometimes, been supportive of democrats once in a while. why as an independent? >> i've never met a fence i couldn't straddle. there's no republican way to clean snow and no democratic way to build a park or fix a zoo. it's a formula that's worked for me. i ran twice as a republican and four times as an independent. the last time i ran i had republican and democratic backing even though i ran as an independent and i had endorsements by the city committee from both parties. look, as i said there's no republican way to do things in a
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city. you just want to get things done and put people to work and get the potholes filled and make sure the garbage is picked up. >> there it is. you may have the quote i will quote you on at least all day today. i never met a fence i couldn't straddle. mayor cianci, good luck, stay safe on the campaign trail and keep battling that cancer. >> okay, thank you. >> you got it. coming up, an executive power double blow. a supreme court loss and the boehner lawsuit. does this help the president or hurt him politically? plus joe biden's political future is uncertain. but his past is quite a story. we'll end our tdr 50 look at maryland and delaware this week with a flashback to his first race for the u.s. senate. but first, today's tdr 50 trivia question. what is the only state currently being represented by lawmakers whose last names all start with the same letter? first person to tweet the correct answer will get the on-air shoutout. the answer and more is coming up on tdr.
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former republican senator howard baker is being remembered today as the ultimate statesman. a political nice guy who became known as the great skill yater. when people talk about the good ole days, they mean howard baker. he put his name in the history books as vice chair of the watergate committee. posing a simple question that came to define the scandal. >> and the one thing i've tried to put to every witness that has unique information in addition to their own personal information and knowledge, is what did the president know and when did he first know it? >> baker seemed born to be a legislator. he was the son of seven-term congressman howard baker sr. in the 50s he married joy dirksen.
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baker put skills to use when his home state of tennessee first elected him to the senate in 1966. he was described as affable, friendly, courteous and popular with lawmakers in both parties. he ascended to the position of minority leader in the late '70s. first he launched a bid for the presidency. >> i'm going to redouble my efforts to become the republican nominee and i'm going to do everything that i possibly can to accomplish that purpose. >> baker wound up dropping out early on, but took the position of senate majority leader after the republicans took over the senate post-1980. as leader he continued to use his power to try to bring the two parties together. >> unless we can arrive at a full bipartisan consensus on how to address the acknowledged problem of social security, that it will be the most contentious. >> in 1984 president reagan awarded baker the presidential medal of freedom and three years later he named him white house chief of staff. baker is credited with helping
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reagan weather the i ran contra scandal. baker retired from politics to take care of his ailing wife, who passed away in 1993. three years later baker joined another political family of sorts, marrying nancy cakasseba. he served as a u.s. ambassador to japan. two members of the group, tom daschle and trent lott sat down with me earlier this week to discuss efforts to encourage current lawmakers to spend a little more time together to work on problems, much like baker did in washington's good ole days. on thursday lamar alexander who worked as baker's legislative assistant in the late '60s remembered his old friend and mentor. >> we honor his life, we'll miss him greatly, and he stands as a great example for all of us who are a part of public service. >> alexander, of course, was one of just a host of lawmakers who have chimed in over the last 24
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hours praising howard baker as a towering figure in the senate. some of these people should be asking themselves if baker would be pragds their work. president reagan described the type of person we don't see much of in washington anymore. >> as a member of the united states senate, one of the country's most powerful and influential citizens and an individual whose character shines brightly as an example to others. howard baker has been a force for responsibility and civility on a generation of 34eramerican. in his almost 20 years of service, he has earned the respect and admiration of his fellow senators, regardless of their political persuasion. >> responsibility and civility. howard baker was 88 years old. so you can enjoy your favorite music. mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! hi mom. and a multi-flex sliding rear seat, for your passenger's comfort and your own.
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things to bypass congress and take actions on his own. on thursday the supreme court ruled unanimously in part that president obama had violated the constitution when he bypassed congress to make a few political appointments. despite the fact that recess appointments had been made for years, the court established clear limitations. no appointments unless the senate has been out of session for at least ten days and the senate can use pro forma sessions to restart the clock at any time. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell who submitted an amicus brief praised the decision. >> the supreme court unanimously rejected the president's completely unprecedented assertion of a unilateral appointment power. a power that the framers deliberately withheld from his office. >> but recess appointments have been used for years. one of the reasons the supreme court was uncomfortable scrapping the power altogether. president obama's record is tiny. reagan topped his number by 200. and he had a republican senate
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for six years. these lawsuits aren't about the high-mind id fight to uphold the constitution, they're for partisan reasons but that doesn't mean they don't have an impact for years to come. all this comes on the heels of speaker boehner's threat to sue president obama for abusing his executive power, something the president has now reacted to in an interview with abc. >> i'm not going to apologize for trying to do something while they're doing nothing. >> even if you get sued? >> you know, the suit is a stunt. but what i've told speaker boehner directly is if you're really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, why don't you try getting something done through congress. >> at the end of the day there's some insight the white house that think the lawsuit actually helps them more than it hurts them because suddenly focusing on what president obama is doing, it will bring more attention to the executive actions he's been taking, demonstrating that the president is trying to get something done while congress, and specifically house republicans, are not. we'll see how that plays out.
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joining me now pete williams and amy hough. let's go back to the recess appointment decision. pete, what was interesting is there were two decisions. explain. >> well, the court said three things. number one, they said that you can have a recess appointment not only between sessions of congress, but within sessions of congress. secondly, you can appoint people who are -- when the vacancies arise before the recess. the constitution says the president can fill up vacancies that arise during the recess of the senate and what the supreme court said is that means vacancies that exist, not that occur. and thirdly they said a recess has to be at least ten days. so for all practical purposes, when the white house and the senate are in opposite parties, the recess appointment power is dead. >> completely dead because they'll do these -- they said specifically these fake sessions, which harry reid started back in '06 and '07 to prevent judge packing in his mind, something that the republicans want to keep up.
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amy, what was interesting here, though, there was sort of two different things the nine justices were saying. they decided to be unanimous on one part of the decision but then they disagreed on another part. explain that. >> exactly. they agreed that these particular recess appointments were unconstitutional. >> the particular ones -- >> the three appointments to the national labor relations board. but the nine justices split pretty sharply on exactly what the scope of the president's recess appointments' power would be. so this was a really unusual occurrence in which you had justice scalia who agreed with the result still read from the bench for 20 minutes why he thought the theory of recess appointments was actually wrong. he and the three other justices, kennedy, thomas and alito would have read it even much more narrowly than the majority did. >> he would have basically thrown it out completely. >> yes. >> pete and i have been discussing this the last six
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months. we were both very excited about this case and realized harry reid did the nuclear option. who cares anymore. the 50 plus one, if the party -- now they don't have to worry about blocking appointments and things like that. pete, talking to your legal beagle friends, i assume there's been some chatter with your supreme court pals about the boehner lawsuit because it could some day make it up there if it does get traction. the only place it will get decided is by the guys at the supreme court. what's your sense of where this is headed and how it -- its path to getting there. >> it's a little hard to say because he haven't seen it yet. we don't know what shape it's going to have. i will say this is the kind of thing that the courts hate. they don't like to be called in to referee disputes between the other political branches. and particularly when it's hands on hips, nanner nanner kind of thing, that's when they hate to come in and blow the whistle. >> and look for any way to throw it out. >> absolutely. and it's happened before. the courts can say, you know,
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this is a dreaded political question, we don't do those, never mind. >> and there is recourse for the house. it's called impeachment. >> that's true. >> that is really what maybe this is about. boehner trying to keep the impeachment guys from going haywire. thank you both. coming up, a look at the rising stars of our tdr 50 states of the week. as we head to break our tdr soup of the day comes from the -- miss shirley's. cucumber gazpacho with poached shrimp. that's in baltimore, maryland. we'll be right back.
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...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. delaware, of course, is one of our two tdr 50 states this week and our week wouldn't be complete without a closer look at one of delaware's favorite sons, vice president joe biden. he's been a fixture on the political landscape in delaware for decades. while we don't know what the next chapter will be in his political biography, it's worth
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remembering how biden got his start. you go back to 1972. biden was a unique candidate to begin with. a member of the newcastle county council. the state democratic party encouraged him to run against caleb boggs. he was a world war ii veteran who had served for three terms in congress, nearly eight years as governor and another two terms in the senate. at 29, biden was only qualified to run because he would turn 30 before the next congress began. it was an uphill climb. nixon was cruising to re-election on the national stage and boggs was seeking his third consecutive term. at one point boggs had opted against a run. it wasn't until nixon himself urged him to seek re-election that boggs changed his mind. biden respected his opponent, even pinning a boggs campaign button to flash at boggs supporters. at the same time he ran a relentless campaign. his family was right by his side. his sister was his campaign manager. she's actually been that many years. his brother jimmy did finance and both parents campaigned regularly.
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biden said his issues included voting rights, civil rights and opposition to vietnam but he kept his message from sliding into liberal talking points. biden didn't want to attack his opponent, he just wanted to convince people that he was a viable alternative. quote, if joe could just get boggs on stage, he wouldn't have to say anything about him. there they'd be, in the glare, joe and old cale, and joe was 29, graceful, eager and strong, friendly, funny, smart, well dressed, well groomed, well versed. people would see the difference. biden got that difference during a debate to slam boggs when he slipped up. biden took a pass. in the end biden was boosted by some factors beyond his control, including good weather on election day, new rules that let 18-year-olds vote and delaware's abandonment of straight party voting. it helped biden from getting buried by voters supporting nixon. biden upset boggs by just over 3,000. it was a thrilling moment for the new senator. but biden's election victory was overshadowed by a tragedy on
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december 18th, 1972. while biden was in washington, his family was out shopping for a christmas tree. when their station wagon was hit by a tractor-trailer. biden's wife and his baby daughter were killed in that crash. his two crash. his two sons were seriously injured. the newly elected senator nearly abandoned his political career all together until senator mike mansfield convinced him to stay. biden was worn sworn in at his son's hospital bedside. >> a number of plans for the swearing in day and, my children were -- i felt that i should be sworn in with my children. >> throughout his time in the senate he took the train home every night to be with his sons in delaware fulfilling his promise that politics would never take precedence over his family. >> i hope that i can be a good senator for you all. i make this one promise if in
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six months or so there's a conflict between my being a good father and being a good senator, which i hope will not occur, i fought with it. i hope it won't. i promise i will contact governor earlier and tell him we can get another senator but they can't get another father. >> always had an impact on him. as you know, the man became among the most famous amtrak passengers on the east coast. trivia time. delaware is the only state currently represented by lawmakers whose last names start with the same letter? senator koontz, carper. congratulations to the winner. we'll be right back. care what age you are.
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we start with the delaware democrat state senator. first elected in 2012. she's a big advocate for special education. next up wilmington city council woman. first ever hispanic woman on the council. she's focussed on combatting gun violence through community outreach. over to the delaware republicans. we begin with greg lavelle. his focus has been balancing the state's budget, government accountability, and transparency. our second is state senator vernon lopez. focussed on education, health care, and child and family services. let's move over to maryland. we start with the democrats. state attorney nominee. on tuesday she knocked out the incumbent state attorney. she had a conviction rate of 83% during her career as a prosecutor. howard county executive. the nominee for lieutenant
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governor. 2008 he launched a health care access plan that made his county one of the first in the nation to offer affordable coverage for the uninsured. the republican side we start with the 30-year-old the city's first republican mayor in more than a decade. he won by making the city budget the top priority. running on promises by removing wasteful spending. the last rising star here two-term delegate defeated the incumbent. focussed on protecting the chesapeake bay. that's it for "the daily run down." i'll see you monday. e you the mt free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and e-trade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments,
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democrats. she's delivering a speech in minnesota. this is part of what the white house is calling the day in the life tour the president will spend part of the summer getting to know regular americans across the country. shaking hands, stopping by diners to show he understands the hardships of the middle class. >> sometimes it must feel discouraging because it doesn't feel like what is being talked about in washington has anything to do with your lives on the day-to-day. >> it's a calculated strategy as the white house realize the president's poll numbers, they are going down. joining me now is managing editor of and staff correspondent for the national journal. good morning to both of you. what is the idea here? what is the strategy. he's getting out. we've seen the tour here. he
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