tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC June 27, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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rebels. >> congressional critics and some administration officials say the aid is long overdue. >> but sometimes the news that's coming off is just -- these are just washington fights. phonies, scandals that are generated. it's all geared towards the next election or ginning up a base. it's not on the level. >> legalizing recreational marijuana in oregon is one step closer to being voted on. 145,000 people signed the petition. 87,000 signatures are needed to qualify. >> they said it could not be done but we dug down deep and lost our game! but, we also had portugal win in a different game by not by a lot so we're number two! we're number two! we're number two! whoo! we're number two, everybody. welcome to "ronan farrow daily." two of president obama's most
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pressing foreign policy headaches. violence continues to rage in iraq and syria as isis militants continue their offensive. many are asking whether iraq can even be put back together as one nation. syria, isis has now kidnapped nearly 150 students, some as young as 10 years old returning home from aleppo after taking their exams. human rights watch located pictures and disturbing satellite video from tikrit showing isis conducted mass executions after seizing control of the city, killing about 200 people just two weeks ago. meanwhile, the political fallout in the u.s. is continuing. the big news here, former president bill clinton striking back directly against former vice president dick cheney. his argument that president obama is to blame for the chaos in iraq. >> we've now got a terrible, difficult situation on our hands, but i think it's primarily because both maliki and obama, we're not close. >> he doesn't call you for
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advice? >> no. i'd be happy to give it if he cared to call. >> mr. cheney has been incredibly adroit for the last six years or so, attacking the administration for not doing an adequate job of cleaning up the mess that he made. and i think it's unseemly. >> joining me now, "time" magazine's michael crowley. good day to you. we're going to get to the politics. we've got karen finney coming in in a minute for that. let's start with the foreign policy what you cover here. syria, doing air strikes into iraq, which iraq welcomes. the u.s. right now saying apparently we're not going to do air strikes. where does that leave this conflict on the ground? >> boy, you know, where to begin. it is just a scrambled egg of problems right now where you have this civil war in syria. has bled into iraq. you are even seeing violence in lebanon now. there's concern about the
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borders of jordan and saudi arabia. i think what's interesting is the president announcing this $500 million to fund to step it up the arming and training of the rebels in syria. president obama has been very reluctant for years to wade into this conflict in syria. he doesn't want anything to do with it. and now you have two -- the iraq crisis has changed it in two ways that run against one another. all of a sudden you are thinking these isis guys are really out of control. we better support the moderates to create another, you know, center of power that can fight isis, that can beat them back. that can keep isis from essentially taking over all of syria. the other hand, maybe we're thinking, you know, bashar al assad is a wicked murderous dictator who whose demise we've called for for the long time. the moderates are not that strong. we'd have to train them up. there's a very cold-blooded calculation that assad is the nmg of our enemy, maybe we don't
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want to see him get toppled. maybe we don't want the moderates to knock him out. obama is still trying to figure out how to walk this line. >> assad is a murderous thug helping get rid of people even scarier to u.s. interests. >> these aren't like no-label moderates here. you mentioned the president's stance here. let's take a listen to his discussion with george stephanopoulos on the type of threat isis has been and is becoming. >> i think we have been under serious threat my entire presidency and we have been under serious threat pre-dating 9/11 from those who embrace this ideology. >> but they are gaining strength, aren't they? >> they are gaining strength in some places, but we've also got a lot better protecting ourselves. >> the president speaking there from a strong record because the white house argues they have killed a lot of terrorists, they've dismembered parts of al qaeda. and isis is scary.
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a lot of things are scary. does this carry the day if this group begins to really control more territory and make it some sort of terrorist haven? >> yeah, i think so. the real nightmare when you think about counterterrorism is a big safe haven and particularly one run by a group that has a lot of money. carrying out these plots is a lot easier if you have the cash to do it. you can get the sophisticated technology. you can buy plane tickets for training runs. you can hire people who have skilled skills to help you. as scary as isis is, al qaeda on the arabian peninsula that did nearly conduct some successful attacks, including the underwear bomber, christmas day 2009, they are still really scary and really capable. it's not like all or nothing with isis. >> it's not the only place we're having problems. >> stay with me, michael. i want to bring in on the politics karen finney and former rick santorum adviser.
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karen, former presidents often do stay out of the day-to-day political sniping. bill clinton was very ready to rebut dick cheney. i want to play the full context here in his forthcoming interview with david gregory. >> if they hadn't gone to war in iraq, none of this would be happening. >> it wouldn't be happening in syria? there wouldn't be -- >> it might be happening in syria, but what happened in syria wouldn't have happened in iraq. iraq would not have been in effect drastically altered as it has been. but mr. cheney has been incredibly adroit for the last six years or so attacking the administration for not doing an adequate job of cleaning up the mess that he made. and i think it's unseemly. and i give president bush, by the way, a lot of credit for
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trying to stay out of this debate and legislate other people work through it. >> karen, this is the politics of history books here. >> yes. >> and the president is making claims that the former president making claims that are very understandable and people don't give dick cheney a lot of credit. and yet david gregory, try to push back that you can't put all of syria on the past administration either. walk us through the historical politics here. >> i think there's a couple of things. given that dick cheney so clearly is the republican who wants to take this on and as president clinton mentioned, president bush has kind of stayed out of this. and president clinton saw some of these threats. we had a transfer of power and part of that is a transfer of conversation about where all of these threats stand. so i can see from president clinton's standpoint, a frustration that there may have been things that he may have tried to warn them about that they chose to ignore. instead, decided to go into iraq. and i think the point the president was making on the politics of this, and i do think that for president obam athe
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challenge is that syria kind of is where it is. you can debate whether or not he should have done more earlier. don't forget. isis is an offshoot that grew out of the war in iraq. we shouldn't forget that. i think the point he was really trying to make here is one of the biggest mistakes, thanks to dick cheney and that decision to go into that war that we made, when you talk to people who served on the ground, they'll tell you this. we had very little idea or understanding of what we were really getting into in terms of the different groups and the politics within those different groups. i think a lot of that is what you are now seeing play out because the vacuum that was created in iraq during the war. >> hogan, your take? >> she's right on several points. but if i'm not mistaken, hillary voted for that war so it kind of lies with her to some degree. i don't like to criticize presidents during wartime for a myriad of reasons. i don't like old presidents getting involved with the current situation either. they need to be quiet. this president has enough to worry about without other
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presidents nipping at his heels, much like president bush did with jimmy carter nipping at his. he's the president of the united states. regardless of how we got there or are now out of there, we still have this problem we have to address. the only thing i would say -- >> let me ask you a question on that on this problem. we took a look today when you look at republicans on the foreign affairs committee. three of them have talked about direct air strikes. most of them have not. does the republican party want to say the solution here is direct air strikes or something else? >> i'm not sure where they want to go as a whole. this notion is absolutely war weary. there's no desire to put boots on the ground for sure. but karen was right in the sense that we're not really sure what's going on here. there's so many factions fighting each other. none of them are allies of the united states. we're talking to iran about potentially being a partner over there? we know they're not our ally. the whole region is in steep decline, in disarray and turmoil. for people to sit over here and say this is what we should do,
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what we've got do at this point. no one is really sure yet. let's take a look. send some people on the ground, figure out what's happening. the only thing about barack obama as a criticism at this point, he tends to see the world as he wants it to be as opposed to how it actually is. and this instance -- >> your response that barack obama is interested in fiction only? >> obviously, i disagree. look. i think the president is responding to the polls that show how dramatically americans now don't even think the war in iraq was worth it. how much they don't want to have boots on the ground. so i think he's trying to find a way to protect our national interest while not getting us sucked into another war like the one that bush and cheney got us into. >> karen finney, hogan gidley, thank you for being here. you can catch more of president clinton's speech on "meet the
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press." anger is boiling over on capitol hill over the pressing issue we've talked about. the prospect of immigration reform. could them pass and the crisis of those undocumented children we're seeing at the border cross republicans in future elections? stay with us. that's next. spokesperson: the volkswagen passat is heads above the competition, but we're not in the business of naming names. the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that's been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought... it also has more rear legroom than other midsize sedans. and the volkswagen passat has a lower starting price than... much better. vo: hurry in and lease the 2014 passat s for $199 a month. visit today.
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hi there. it's been a year since the senate overwhelm league passed immigration reform and republicans are making it clear that bill will die in the house. now they want to sue president obama for his approach to the border. in a new interview with abc, the president dismissed speaker boehner's attempt to take him to court. >> what i've told speaker boehner directly is if you are really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, why
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don't you try to get something done through congress. the majority of the american people want to see immigration reform done. we had a bipartisan bill through the senate and you're going to squawk if i try to fix some parts of it administratively that are within my authority while you are not doing anything? >> obama and boehner fight this out. it's boehner's new deputy kevin mccarthy who has left everyone more pessimistic about immigration reform. the california republican has been hardening his stance on immigration which many argue is the cost of that promotion he got after eric cantor's defeat. for a view from the house we turn to congresswoman judy chu. good day. >> hello. >> let me start with kevin mccarthy, the new majority leader. he can play a key role here. seems like these recent tactics by some of the pro-reform groups, he says have angered him. i want to read from one of his statements. he says i can't go anywhere in the community without being
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protested. i don't see how that's productive. if they continue their tactics, it's less likely they are helpful in solving the problem, less like three have my ear. what do you make of your colleague's view of those protesters and that part of this movement? >> well, i would hope that kevin mccarthy could listen to the passion of the advocates who really want immigration reform done. and i think that we still have a chance to have immigration reform. it's not dead until the speaker says it's dead. and the speaker has not said that it's dead. in fact, we have until july 31st which is when we take a break for the recess. there still is a chance, maybe a slim chance, but there still is a chance. and the consequences of failure are far too great. >> i hear you on the failure. you are saying there's a chance. on tv we have a banner below you that says no reform this year. and the reason for that, it's a prediction, it could be wrong, but not just republicans but now some of your colleagues in the
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house, many democrats, have said this isn't going to happen. is there anything specific that supports your optimism? >> i still feel that there is a chance because there is a broken immigration system that has so many consequences. there are millions of families waiting to reunite with their loved ones. there are businesses that can't find workers, particularly in the agricultural industry. there are 11 million undocumented that are already a fabric of our society. and yet they are living in the shadows. so there is a pressing need. of course, the main thing for the republicans, well, john mccain said it best this week. he said if they don't pass immigration reform, their chances for the presidential nominee of 2016 to win is absolutely zero. >> and the politics of that don't look good for them. you mentioned senator mccain. his old senior adviser steve schmidt spoke about this.
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just the demographic math to this. take a listen. don't think we have it. i will give you my best steve schmidt impression, which is basically, he said the republican party is doing better among all the parts of the electorate that are shrinking and the democratic party is doing better among all the parts of the electorate that are growing. what do you think of that analysis? >> i think it's spot on. it is very true. asians and latinos voted for president obama in rates of over 70% in the last election. and i believe it was due to immigration reform. >> when you see this lawsuit that's getting some attention, although as a lawyer, looks to me like a stunt from speaker boehner and then you also see other colleagues, candice miller in the house saying we need to cut off aid to mexico or secure the border despite this president having such a high deportation rate.
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do you take those kind of objections on this issue seriously or do you think those are just republican excuses? >> those are excuses. in fact, they are just sources of rhetoric. actually, the best way to deal with the problems that we have are not -- that we have right now are immigration reform measures. they are the things that will ensure that there's a clear message to central america about the unaccompanied minors and the fact they actually cannot get legalization in this country after -- because after december 11th, according to the bills, nobody could become legal if they enter after that time. >> congresswoman judy chu for a view from the house. thank you very much. >> thank you. just ahead on "ronan farrow daily," world cup fever boiling over from yesterday's victorious loss. check out the reaction here as the usa made it through the group of death.
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you have to love any sport where after you lose you are still in the game. what's next for america's new dream team? we'll hear from the star goalie just ahead. thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. take the next step. talk to your doctor. this is humira at work. time to bring on the belgians. the u.s. men's national team is facing off tuesday, 4:00 p.m. eastern against belgium in the quarterfinal knockout round of the world cup. that's despite yesterday's loss, they did survive the group of death to fight another day. 35-year-old goalie tim howard was the star for the team. eight saves for the day compared to the single shot on goal the u.s. team got. he made the rounds of talk shows this morning mean was all over the place. savannah guthrie here at nbc "today" show asked him what the team is feeling after making it through to the group. >> excited. i think we're all pretty
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drained. it's been as intense as you can imagine. just excitement. really proud of each other and it's a special moment when teams advance through the world cup. because that's your first step. >> soccer mania reaches a fever pitch here in the u.s. what are some fans doing to show their dedication? that wonderful american means of tribute. i'm talking about carving your hero's face into your hair complete with a multicolored american flag. rob the original on instagram posted that. you might want to follow him on instagram. that's got to be worth a follow. and the winner of the classy sports league award today goes to the nba after baylor senator isaiah austin announced his diagnosis of marfan syndrome on sunday, his chances of playing in the nba were shatter 37d adam silver had other ideas for austin. >> it gives me great pleasure to say that with the next pick in
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the 2014 nba draft, the nba selects isaiah austin from baylor university. >> what you are seeing there was a ceremonial gesture, but austin has also said his coach at baylor offered him a position at the school after graduation. austin has also said he wants to share his story and educate people about everything that he's overcoming. a wonderful story that it is. now ahead on "ronan farrow daily," the hidden side of campus sexual assaults. we've heard some of these disturb league high number of women being attacked. men can also be victims. we'll talk to one when we come back. in the nation, it's not always pretty.
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and then physically grabbed nvd restrained me, not letting me leave his room until i told him i loved him. three months later during my first week back at school for my sophomore year, he raped me again. >> difficult testimony from tufts university student. >> it's a national epidemic on national college campuses. one study found that 1 in 5 women report falling victim to some kind of sexual assault on campus and 4% of college men report having been sexually assaulted during their college years as well. that's according to the american association of university professors. joining me now is melissa harris perry and professor at wake forest universality and john kelly, a tufts university student and sexual assault survivor who we just heard from in the video. why was it important to deal with this at not only the local level but also to come out and
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testify and speak to our senate about this problem? >> well, thanks so much for having me on. i think what was really important to me was letting everyone know the rates of sexual violence in the queer community as a whole. studies show that around 43% of lesbian or bisexual women are sexually assaulted during their lifetime n around 30% of gay or bisexual men are assaulted. as well, 30% of all same-sex relationships involve domestic violence and these statistics are staggering and hold steady when you look at college campuses. i think this is one of those issues that's oftentimes overlooked and something we need to be talking about. >> why do you think it's overlooked and when you look at the politics of this, when we talk about a lot of these issues in terms of what's important to lgbt community, we talk a lot about marriage equality, we talk about rights. we talk about places where the government needs to be more fair. you seem to be talking more about the way people within the community, some of them, are treating each other.
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>> well, yeah. i think what's really important is that in the queer community there is rampant sexual violence. and oftentimes, yeah, we're talking about larger societal change that needs to happen for same-sex, you know, marriage and i think it's also really important to be talking about safety within the community. and oftentimes we overlook issues of masculinity that face queer men or issues of femininity that face queer women. and these very pertinent issues end up having sort of a horrible result in some relationship dynamics that occur. something that colleges don't really know how to deal with and it's something we're trying to get them to be better about. but it's an uphill battle. >> go ahead. >> john is making an important point here that i don't want to miss. that interconnection between the stigma and the marginalization in lgbt communities and the sexual assault. it's similar in african-american
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communities. for example, we know african-american women are much less likely to report being sexually assaulted because, like all communities, except for indigenous women, we are most likely to be assaulted by men of the same race. and because we are often in an attempt to protect, for example, black boys on campus, young black men who we see as having a future as wanting to, you know, potentially be there in college and do good things, we often won't report our own sexual assault in an attempt to protect community problems. similarly, in lgbt communities on campus, often because there's so much shame and so much stigma already associated with the identity, so much confusion associated with the identity that victims of assault, survivors won't report because they don't want to increase stigma of their community. >> john, do you think that's part of a dynamic? the idea of being already an out group or marginalized and this coming in as a protective instinct, however misplaced? >> yeah, absolutely. i think melissa makes a really good point about some
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similarities that occur between all marginalized groups when we're dealing with sexual violence. we see such high rates in these communities and then there's this fear prove tecting sort of your brethren, right? this idea of queer solidarity and that means maybe not reporting who assaulted you even though they might be a repeat offender on campus. and something like that. >> i want to go -- i want to jump in and go to the white house as well on this because there's a larger effort here for accountability. take a listen to what vice president biden said when they were putting out some of their task force findings. >> only 13% of college rape victims report crime to campus police or local law enforcement. they don't report for a number of reasons. they fear that they'll be shamed. they are embarrassed. they are scared that they won't be able to be safe on campus. >> melissa, this goes to what i mentioned before. the numbers themselves are hard to pin down because so many are not reported directly up through law enforcement. you are on a campus a lot of
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times of the year. talk to us about that. >> so a couple of things. i myself a sexual assault survivor. my assault occurred before my time in college, but it was really through the experience of college and becoming sort of activated politically around campus issues around sexual assault that i even began to understand how broad this problem is. and over and over again we see on college campuses from 20 years ago when i was there as a student to being there now as a professor is that students want it to go away. these are meant to be the best years of your life. they listen have a great deal of a sense that somehow they are responsible or culpable. we don't do a good job of explaining to survivors that no means fundamentally that you are not responsible for this. and as john pointed out, it means that you may have one in five women assaulted but it is often because there are repeat assaulters on campus. we get so little support because we're so often disbelieved that
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these offenders are allowed to reoffend. >> that idea that you are not alone, that is not your fault and we as a society have to do a better job to deal with that as the structural level. people understanding it and the accountability level of enforcing it. melissa harris perry, john kelly. thank you for being here and speaking out. >> thank you so much. catch more of mhp on msnbc weekends at 10:00 a.m. eastern. check that out. up next, flex time. it is not a new gym routine. it's a way for parents to spend more time trying to balance some of their personal lives with some of their obligations at work. but does it actually work? we'll take a look at that after the break.
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doing. and i know it drives you nuts that washington isn't doing it. and it drives me nuts. >> president obama on his summer road trip. can't seem to get out of washington enough these days. we don't blame him. spending time with what the white house calls ordinary americans focussing on the challenges that families face every day. one of those challenges is balancing time at work and time at home. five days a week, 9:00 to 5:00 was once the typical work schedule for many americans. for many decades. according to one set of statistics in 1995, the average workweek was 39 hours. today it's down to 34 hours for many reasons. and for many people, it doesn't feel like they are working less despite the number of hours at work. employees are finding a traditional workweek does not fit a normal schedule. businesses, some of them, are trying out a more flexible work schedule. 40% of business owners say flexible hours are key to retaining employees. other companies most notably yahoo! recently in the news have recalled their policy of working from home.
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why should workplaces offer flex time and is it a good deal for employers? we have alan galinsky. worked with helps to help better flexible, even more human schedules. thanks for being here. first of all, when people think about their workweek in a lot of industries, they feel like they working a lot and are demanded to do a lot outside of work. not as flextime but as extra e-mail, extra response. what is important to understand here for a work schedule that's good for employees and good for the economy? >> there has been the assumption of working 9:00 to 5:00 and that's no longer true because, as you say, technology, we can be linked to work any time, any place for those of us who have knowledge jobs. so people do feel that work has become more demanding. and in the recession, most employers have cut back employees, but -- and fewer employees because you still have to stay competitive.
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we've been looking at flextime or all kinds of flexibility for more than two decades. and what we see in our latest study is that flexibility around full-time work has gone up despite the yahoo! statistic that you cited. in 2008, we found that 50% of companies offered the ability to work at home. and that had gone up to 67%. >> and who was that good for? >> it depends on how it's designed. it can be good for employers. for employees. what we try to do is to look at programs and policies that are good for both. so if you never know when you are going to work, that's good for the employer but not so good for employees. if you are on call all the time. >> what if you are an ambitious working mom? >> the notion that if you work flexibly you're less committed, you are not there when people need you, et cetera, we look
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about 30 different types of flexibility. it results are what matter. so it's what you do. sometimes you need to be present or -- but coming in late, leaving early, working more flexible schedules, doesn't affect productivity. in fact it improves it because if you feel your employer is there for you when you need it if you have a child, an aging parent. >> it's also much more family oriented for a lot of people which is important. the only other question looking over all of this is, is there a way i can get flextime and guest host from home? i'm not sure if that's possible. >> if i could anchor a television show from home. if we can look into that. >> we can look into that. >> thank you very much. ellen galinsky. and our call to action this week focuses on the challenges 21st century workers are facing every day as they are employed. we asked you to go to our website and tell us what workplace policies are most important to you and your family. 34% said equal pay for women is the most important.
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makes sense to me. next, 30% said paid family leave. a related issue. and 17% went right for what we've been talking about, the flextime. that was followed by paternity/maternity and adoption leave and lastly, paid sick leave. you are a diverse bunch and that's why it's a multicolored pie chart there. up next -- he had it all. money, prestige and a nasty addiction to pain pills. we'll hear from a former hedge fund millionaire about his struggle with prescription drugs. usb connectivity, so you can enjoy your favorite music. mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! hi mom. and a multi-flex sliding rear seat, for your passenger's comfort and your own. start your summer off right and get this 2014 chevy equinox ls for around $199 per month. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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i'm good with water for now. thank you. >> it's his first day on wall street. give him time. >> you are able to do drugs during the day and then still function, still do your job? >> [ bleep ] else to do this job. cocaine and hookers, my friend. >> "the wolf of wall street" reminded everyone money is not the only addiction on wall street.
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it not only fit the current conflicting feelings about wall street. america the movie also served up the obsession with drugs and partying as a metaphor for the mindless greed that helped tank our economy back in 2008. we'll talk about addiction and greed on the street today, including a report about a former goldman sachs trader who sued the company for underpaying him. no one likes to be underpaid. after an $8 million bonus, he argued he deserved 50% more. wait until you hear how he made all that money. michael daley wrote about this story. how are you? >> i'm fine. thanks for having me. >> the most interesting part wasn't that the banker is greedy. >> i don't think that's any great surprise. >> the magnitude of the greed is stunning. >> and also, what they were making their money on. what they were betting on. >> his argument, he only got an $8.25 million bonus. he wanted $13 million bonus. and his argument was, i deserve
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it because i made so much money for goldman. i made billions gr goldman. then where did the billion comes from? all of a sudden you start -- you go back to the senate hearings in 2010 that people didn't pay much attention to, and what they were doing was they were -- they helped create this whole crazy market in mortgage related securities. they helped create it. pushing their customers to buy at the same time they are betting against it. they made money by betting against their own customers. >> you put it in a very clear way that i think bears some emphasis. this wasn't a think that was automatically fully happening that people were just taking bets on, right? you are saying they created the market, right, and then grew the market and then as you reported in the story and as carl levin's committee explored, they didn't say we're on both sides of this deal, buyer beware. they found the senate investigation found that these goldman trades were being offered to their customers who had no idea the bank was on the other side. >> and they even went, when they
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sold one couple billion dollars worth of this stuff, they said, we invested in it, right, to make the customers think that they had a stake in it. they put $6 million into it but bet $2 billion against it. so, i mean, it's -- >> when you say they bet against it, what they were doing is betting on the housing market crashing. >> that 's exactly right. once they put the entire economy in precarious situation, they bet that it was going to be a disaster. >> so why aren't people in jail for that? >> i mean, everybody talks about too big to fail. it's really too big to jail. goldman, one little hustle, they kind of paid a $500 million fine but it was one of those deals where you don't have to say you really did anything wrong. you are willing to pay $500 million but you don't have to say we did anything untorrid. >> and those have been controversial. judge raycroft in new york rejected some of those deals by
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the doj. the fines aren't as big as what they made. i want to go to this piece and get your reaction on it. another part of our report today and one i was promo'ing is the mixing of money of money and dr addiction. our partners at vocative tell the story of a trader who had it all. >> i would give doctors big checks. you know, $2500, $1500 checks for their research they were supposedly doing. it was just to get more prescriptions. >> kenny says he missed out on the extraordinary life he created as a big money wall street trader because he was a zombie for most of it. >> i don't feel good being here right now. i used to be this was -- you know, this was my paradise. this is where my kids grew up. this was ours.
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i used to stand outside on the basketball court looking up at the house in disbelief that this was actually my house. i was probably spending $10,000 a week at the end. you know, just to get some more pills and paying for people to go get them. i would send, you know, some of these drivers, some of the black-car guys, you know, up to harlem to some people i'd met to buy, you know, drugs i have no idea how they got them. >> this was not the bebauch ri of leonardo di cap ri row in "the wolf of wall street," but there was a lot of money around. >> you know, always had nice cars. after 9/11, the private plane thing for a while. life was great. perfect, actually. >> kenny became addicted to
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painkillers while undergoing a series of surgeries on his back and elsewhere. >> my wife, she used to write my eulogy every day. i took away the trust and the security that i would be there as a father, husband. it was terrible. percocet, cocaine, adderall. if i didn't have more, i'd be in major withdrawal every two hours. >> kenny was in rehab seven different times before he got sober. now he takes only suboxone, a relatively new drug that's become increasingly popular for treating opiate addiction. >> blocks the brain receptors that can be activated by those drugs. >> this doctor says the opiate epidemic has escalated in the last two years on wall street and in the suburban tax havens where many hedge funders seek refuge.
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>> we have people come in and say that, you know, wall street is just hell. and they, by the morning, before they go for their breakfast meeting, they need to take their oxy. they wake up and got to do it because it's so bad they just can't get through the day. >> kenny has been clean for several years, but his wife has left him and he doesn't see his four children as often as he would like. >> now being here, you know, the house is for sale because we're getting divorced, basically liquidating. i guess we're liquidating our life. i don't know. that sounds terrible. the hardest part for me is it was all self- -- i destroyed it myself. people look at an addiction as an illness. i partially accept it, but i
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really don't. everywhere i go, there's stuff that is a reminder of what i threw away. >> we're back with michael daly. your thoughts? >> seems like he had it all except for self-respect. and what struck me is he said he looked at that house and couldn't believe it was mine. if he'd been working legitimately for it, he would believe it was his and feel solid about himself. i think there's a kind of disparity down there, wall street, between what you actually do and how much you make. and i think that in between that sometimes people fill it with drugs. i other thought i had is a lot of the younger addicts now say that the reason they're taking heroin is they couldn't afford the pills. well, this guy could afford the pills, and he apparently was paying doctors to illegally get pills, but i didn't see him
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getting arrested. >> yeah, didn't get arrested on either side. we were talking about the financial improprieties. we know the drug war is a war on certain people but certainly not on all people. >> he said he sent black cars up to harlem to get drugs. you know those kids are getting collar ed right and left. >> yeah, michael daly spitting truth. that wraps things up. i i'll see you later today 3:00 p.m. eastern for "the psycycle." krystal ball is filling in today for joy on "the reid report." >> how's it going over there? nice job. up next, immigration frustration. democrats and the president push the gop for more movement on reform. plus, african-american democrats helped push republican thad cochran to victory earlier this week. now they want to know what he'll do for them after helping him
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win. and water wars in detroit after thousands of people who didn't pay their bills get cut off. "the reid report" is next. there are cameras,, police, guards...ds us. but who looks after us online, where we spend more than 200 billion dollars a year. american express can help protect you. with intelligent security that learns your spending patterns, and can alert you instantly to an unusual charge. so you can be a member of a more secure world.
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eat the 100% natural whole grain goodness of post shredded wheat. doctors recommend it. happy friday, everyone. i'm krystal ball in for joy reid today. this is "the reid report." and we begin with immigration frustration. >> speaker boehner refuses to call this bipartisan measure because he knows quite simply it would pass. >> they're afraid of the tea party. >> the senate has acted long overdue for the house to do so. >> and if he does not, the president will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration. >> i'm not going to apologize for trying to do something while they're doing nothing. >> but the big question, is the president ready to act?
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then, didn't republicans learn their lesson 40 years ago? we'll explain the virginia republicans' heist and how it will affect health care for virginia's most vulnerable. and, i scratch your back, you scratch mine. thad cochran beat back chris mcdaniel with a lot of help from black voters, but will cochran remember who helped him keep his seat once he's back in washington? we begin with that question that encompasses the will of the american people. a pending lawsuit against the president and how much that threat could hamstring any presidential action. is the president ready to act without congress on immigration reform? president obama's own frustration was on display during an interview this morning. >> the majority of american people want to see immigration reform done. we had a bipartisan bill through the senate, and you're going to squawk if i try to fix some parts of it administratively that are within my authority while you're not doing anything? >> but
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