tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 30, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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♪ waiting is the hardest part ♪ every day >> one kick away and he gets it! destiny at his feet -- or in his hands. he scores! the graet adventure continues! >> what a weekend of football as they call it. the world cup. costa rica winning on penalty kicks against greece. an incredible game in many over the weekend. good morning. monday, june 30th. i'm willie geist. joe and mika are off this morning. that is incredible kick. with us on set mike barnicle. pulitzer surprise winning
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columnist of "the washington post" eugene robinson. the great donny deutsche and lee gallagher. her book out the end of the suburbs" out in paper back today. congratulations on that, lee. >> thank you. >> daily columnist for the week, matt lewis. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> gene, you've been dialed in on this world cup. >> totally, totally. >> i'm not a crazy soccer guy. nothing against it but never been into it but you can't avoid it now. >> i'm a fanatic soccer fan. i love international soccer and the world cup. club soccer, i don't have a scarf or anything like that that a friend of ours has. >> affections. >> it's fabulous. brazil needed penalty kicks the
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other day to get past chile. that was incredible. columbia looks like a world beating team. looks like they could wipe out the host in their next game. it's just been a phenomenal world cup full of surprises. great. >> what really been interesting about it is almost immediate fever here in the united states about it. people talking about it and watching it. i'm like you, willie, i never played it as a youth because they never had rubber balls back then. the athleticism of these guys. i was catching clint dempsey in the u.s. game last week. i can see like a great center fielder in addition to, obviously, being a great soccer player. >> the revolution of this world cup is hamas james rodriguez but he pronounces it hamas as it was
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spanish, from columbia. he is potentially a star on the level of maradona and paille. he is incredible and scored a couple of fabulous goals that will be on every highlight reel of this world cup forever. >> write it down. something happened this year. i don't know if it's just over time. the globalization of sports in general, u.s. advancing? abc, nbc rushing up all of the above climbed into watching it in every bar, every restaurant. >> it was on at the nail salon for me on saturday. everybody was going crazy. it was the columbia game. >> it was nuts. >> were you there? >> yes. i got my nails done on madison. >> your cuticles look great. >> they do. i'm not a huge sports fan but i
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love the show of emotion and the dances and crazy antics everybody does on both ends of the spectrum when they win and also writhing going on in pain when anybody falls and takes up a lot of time. >> yes, it does. >> matt, first of all, are you watching any of the soccer? secondly to donny's point, do you think this intensity, and it is out there, do you think it lasts? >> first, i think we need to have that manny cam on the show where we can look at our cuticles. i have been watching. i attribute some of this to the technology of, you know, everybody has a big hd tv now and for the casual fan, i think it's much easier to get kind of sucked into it now with the visuals being, you know, so amazing. but here is my thing. i think that we shouldn't be worrying about being real fans. like, let's worry about that five years from now. i compare this to like a summer
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fling and i'm okay with that. i know what it is. soccer knows what it expects to me. we have fun together this summer and what happens, happens. >> wow. >> i don't think we should worry too much about whether or not this catches on. let's just enjoy the moment. it's great. >> speaking of quickly before we move on. the "new york post" every day they show a girlfriend or a wife of a soccer player and let us go on record soccer players, by far, have the most beautiful women. "the post" was on this. that is why "the post" is "the post" today is mario goats. >> i can guarantee you the daily caller will be on that momentarily. a good beat. >> full soccer highlights coming up a little bit later in this hour. also look ahead to tuesday, tomorrow, when the u.s. plays belgium in the round of 16.
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did you hear about this nanny story in california? a california couple is locked in this bizarre show down with their live-in nanny. the couple hired a 64-year-old woman off craigslist in march to care for their kids but soon the nanny would not leave her bedroom unless she was getting something to eat. the couple fires her but she refuses to leave the house. the place said they would have to evict her to get out of the house. eventually she did leave only reportedly to drive by and look at the reporters camped out on the front lawn. the nanny says she is willing to pack up for good over the july fourth weekend precisely when the family is out of town. the couple believes it's a ploy to lock them out of their home. i don't have a lot to say about this. >> it's like tenant's rights in new york are very strong but i don't know how it applies to nannies. >> i'm a superprotective parent by i wouldn't be going on craigslist to find a nanny. >> exactly!
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>> you looked in the "new york post" to find your name! i know where you go, donny. they say the eviction process could take a long time so a woman living in their house and won't leave and three kids around. >> how long would the eviction process take if you were the owner of the house? >> exactly. >> like that. >> exactly! boom! get out! >> they might just move. they may have to sell the house and move! >> wow! >> i think that's a california only story. southern california, i bet. >> that should be in the contract, the feeding process. >> we will keep you updated as developments become available. the oscar pistorious murder trial back in session after a month-long hiatus. psychiatrists say pistorious does not and did not sump from any mental illness when he shot and killed his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. they say he had the full understanding between difference
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and wrong at the time of the shooting. pistorious said he mistook steenkamp as an intruder. decision day for a closely watched case at the supreme court involving women's reproductive right and right to religious region. the judge is expected to rule on hobby lobby's case. they say the mandate forces it to go against its christian beliefs by providing contraception to female employees or risk fines. members of both parties are weighing in on this case. >> the government will not violate anyone's religious beliefs but no one has the right to discriminate against a woman because of her own beliefs. no business should be allowed to discriminate against women. >> i think the statute itself, as flped by the violepresident,
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violates the first amendment. >> it's two years since supreme court rejected a challenge to obama's individual mandate which requires americans purchase insurance or pay a penalty. matt lewis, this amounts to the owners of hobby lobby say we don't surrender our religious freedom when we open a small business. the other says you don't have the right to deny women their reproductive rights. >> when you frame it like that, both sides have a compelling argument. i think supreme court will side with lobby lobby. . i'm guessing they do so. the decision is so narrowly defined as not set a huge precedent. obviously, on this one, as a conservative, i'm very concerned about religious liberty. the freedom of religion is the first freedom in the first phrase of the first amendment and so i think that when you, you know, my guess is that supreme court justices are going
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to sort of lean heavy toward that but, again, i would be surprised if they have some sort of a sweeping decision that would set a huge precedent. i think they sort of narrowly define it in favor of hobby lobby. >> hobby lobby says they will provide 16 of the 20 available contraceptives. there are four including plan b that they are opposed to because they believe they amount to abortion essentially. >> it brings up this issue of business and religion. we have seen this before where the ceo or the corporate culture, really the ceo, has strong beliefs one way or another and infuses that across the organization. it's one thing to ban -- this came up with chick-fil-a a couple of years ago. ban them as a consumer and boycott if you don't believe with those believes. when you talk about emposing those beliefs on your employees it gets murkier. >> i'm far from a conservative
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and i think anyone would know where i stand on a woman's right to choose but having said that nobody is forcing anybody to work at hobby lob onny. there is free enterprise and if individually privately held company has a value system, a belief system they believe is part of who they are as a culture that is their right and i think it's a person's right to say i do not choose that culture and go to another culture. it's a gray area no matter where you stand on either side of these issues, i think. >> long, long ago, there were segregationists who made a religious argument and said they found something in the bible and a justification for racial segregation in the south and, obviously, that did not hold water. this is perhaps a bit different. it deals with employees of the company as you said, nobody has an obligation to go to work for hobby lobby but there is another side of this and there is case law on the other side of this.
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i'm not sure which way they are going to go. >> the one thing i sort of feel compelled to point out, a lot of times this issue is kind of framed as hobby lobby seeking to deny birth control to employees. and, of course, they are just saying we don't want to be compelled to pay for, you know, things that we believe are certain drugs. but anybody, of course, is free to go buy whatever they want. it's a matter of should i have the right to say it goes against my core values as a person for my business to provide this. again, that's a debatable question and i guess we are going to know in a couple of hours how it shakes out. >> you know, i have no clue how it's going to shake out. not just with this case but with a series of cases over the last decade, 10 or 15 years. my concern as a parent is that
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we have become rapidly the most gn th what happened to an employee over birth control. sitting down with an employer, let's work this out. what is your issue? let's try to work this out. everything! >> hobby lobby would say to this employee we are not covering that. >> to donny's point, i'm out of here. >> mike, look. this is an instance where this does belong in the courts. it's interesting. five people very strong opinions and pulitzer prize winner, like to point this out but it's all gray here. mike, you applied to pulitzer winner and you were the first to sent in an application. i applaud that. >> this guy has won. >> no way.
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>> well, it's a group thing. >> i love that. >> that counts majorly. >> we digress. this is big news today. president obama will announce his pick to clean up the department in the veterans affairs. the white house says robert mcdonald will be the next secretary of the v.a. a west point graduate and former ceo of proctor and gamble. he spent five years in the army and reaching the rank of captain and spent 33 years with household products company and led p&g from 2009 to 2013. house speaker john boehner seemed supportive of the pick saying bob is a good man and veteran and strong leaders with experience in the private sector. is the kind of person implementing the kind of dramatic systemic change that is badly needed and long overdue at the v.a. if confirmed he will replace
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sloan gibson who took over for eric shinseki who resigned amid allegations of long waits at v.a. hospitals and secret waiting lists for patients. >> key words -- years in the private sector. >> right. >> he brings both things. he's got the credibility of being a veteran. he served. and he is also a fix-it guy and come in and take private sector experience and apply it to the v.a. >> one more thing. he is looking for redemption. he left p&g after a tenure that was embattled. he was, you know, failed to deliver on a number of indicators and resigned under, you know, tremendous pressure from investors and analysts and the like. but, you know, he has this background that is arguably really exactly what you'd want. i have said before i feel like the person to run the v.a. is a ceo. this is a management problem. the dysfunction that is calcified there. we know it's an incredible challenge. i do think it takes a ceo with a
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sensitivity to military and veterans needs, and i think this is a great, you know, he's got the perfect background for it and he is looking to prove himself and i think so is the v.a. i think it's a good pick. >> we haven't got onnen a confirmation yet but the initial response seems to be pretty positive from both sides. >> that's right. look. i think this will probably sail through barring some unforeseen event. my concern is that it's window dressing, that he very well may be incredibly capable but with the v.a. you have a situation where bureaucrats can outlast the head of the v.a. i don't think it was necessarily fair that shinseki -- i think he might have been sort of a scapegoat. i hope a new leadership will change it. you basically have the bureaucracy that has been around for decades. it's operating in a 20th century mode when combat survivable combat injuries were very
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different and life expectancy was different. i'm worried that bureaucracy will prevent that. >> this is a monumental problem. >> that's a legitimate concern the bureaucracy as matt just pointed out. oddly enough, you talk to veterans who receive care. once they get into the care system, they are very satisfied with it. >> the care is good but this goes to a bigger issue in our medical system which is a shortage of physicians. that is everywhere. the government decides how many residents graduate each year and it's not enough. this is why the strain on the system when it comes to quality of care, not just the v.a. but particularly at the v.a. because the quality as you mentioned is very good. they have actually inovated in many things related to combat injuries. >> there is that and the v.a. has a severe problem. if you live in oklahoma or texas or montana the drive to receive
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care is often two or three hours so they have to deal with that as well. access to care is critical. >> the problem is growing. you have many more veterans who are going to flood into this system now the next fee years and decades so it has to be hit. john carney tries to recapture the magic again. keira knightley will join us in our 8:00 hour, the star of that show. tupac like you've never seen him before. a broadway play using his music takes on gun violence and racism. coming up next, is facebook toying with your emotional state? how the social cuba experiment has users outraged. a zillion air sounding the alarm that pitch pork mentality is coming. i have no idea what that means. >> we talk about the next trillion dollar thing but don't
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talk about zillion airs. bill with a check on the forecast. >> an interesting forecast for the eastern seaboard all week long. the topics a quiet june but could be dealing with arthur throughout this week. right now a storm off the coast but it's not strong enough to be designated as a tropical storm at least not yet. right now disorganized. it's all about potential and what could happen. let me show you on radar. you can see off the florida coast the spiraling bands. the center of the storm right in there north of the bahamas. it's slow moving. over the next two, even three days it's going to meander near florida and then start to take a turn up to the north. if it's over land it will be weaker but over the water it could be a little bit stronger. regardless this does not look by any way to become a big hurricane but a threat of waves and rip currents and ruin some of your problems on the beaches too. we track this up the coast we are watching thursday, friday.
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that's when it will accelerate up the coast. it should be somewhere thursday near here. friday, right here. of course, friday is the fourth of july. the other story this weekend with all of the horrible flooding we have been dealing with throughout june and saturday morning. memphis picked up 6 inches of rain in a short period of time. we had a lot of problems with water. look all of the damage that was done here in west memphis. that's just a ton of rain. in omaha where they have been dealing with one thunderstorm complex after another, they did have some amazing pictures. they had a fireworks show with mother nature's fireworks show directly behind it. unfortunately, for this area of the country, you have one more day today of stormy weather and chance more flooding and slowly improve things. look at the radar from omaha to sioux city more thunderstorms are tracking across this very flooded area of the missouri river and where the mississippi river goes. taking a look at new york
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city. looking down, a beautiful shot there on the hudson. you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. ♪ life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition.
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♪ welcome back to "morning joe." let's take a look at the morning papers. "the new york times." one man is lucky to be alive after pulled from the rubble after collapsed building in c a india. 19 people were killed. 39 people rescued. six people have been arrested in connection with that collapse. president obama will ask lawmakers for more than $2 billion for the response of the surge in children in central america illegally entering the united states. the president will ask modifiers
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to modify the law. children are staying with sponsor families until their deportation has been held had hearings. from nbc a new study suggests that people consider their phone is more important than their daily cup of coffee. 9 out of 10 said their phones are as important as their car and wearing deodorant. 81% of americans between the ages of 18 and 24 say their phones are more important than the internet and their toothbrush. >> i took a cab the other day and that guy was on the other side of the deal. >> i'm sitting next to willie. >> really? is it that bad? i've been away for a while. "wall street journal" facebook is under fire for allowing researchers to pay with people's emotions.
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the social network says it altered the number of positive and negative people saw in their feed and tracked any changes in tone in their posts. that's weird. >> really weird! >> out of the privacy facebook thing, this is kind of creepy. >> yes! >> i'm part of the emotional tests and i don't know? i'm going to alter your mood? that is yuck. >> exactly. if you're going to do a psychological experiment on somebody, you get a consent form. how can you just, like, do this? >> this is what facebook does. they break boundaries and wait for people to erupt and break back and move forward again. >> it's like liability if somebody sees all of this negative stuff and gets depressed and does something? >> they should do what we do. we bring them in here and call them guests and sit them down
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and depress them. >> right, right. >> you're in that seat today, gene. >> what would happen to a tv network, a broadcast network if they individualized said we are going to send out certain signals to certain people to see how that affects them? they would be taking people out in handcuffs right now. >> sounds like a science fiction movie. >> facebook has done things not exactly like this but pushed the boundaries before and don't really suffer from it and people are reliant on facebook that they stay with it. >> they think they are taking us by the hand and leading us into the brave new world which a lot of apple and facebook has done it. it wasn't so long ago we weren't connected to everyone. >> it's all gone by me. people are so reliant on facebook. it's all gone right by me! >> you especially. how about the "los angeles times"?
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transformers age of extinction pulled in $100 million in its debut. 22 jump street rounding out the top five and how to train your dragon 2. >> you know you're not in anybody's demo when you look at every movie and say not a chance i'd go see that! nobody is making anything from me any more. >> you haven't done malefi maleficient"? >> too scary. >> mike allen has a look at the playbook. i read this cryptic tease about a zillionare with a pitchfork. a self-proclaimed zillionaire writes the following. wake up, people. it won't last if we don't do something to fix the glaring
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inequities in this community. no society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitch forks didn't come out. there are no counter xamps. it's n it's not when, it's if. >> nick hanauer is a adventure capitalist in seattle and early investor in amazon. he said i saw the future when i was selling pillows as part of my family business. my customers were department stores. i saw department stores were about to get rocked by amazon. he says now i see the future again and it's retaliation against his fellow zillion aires he says in this memo. he says i have a plane.
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i own a bank and i see trouble. he has always been a little bit of an outlier and argued in the past for 15 dollar minimum wage. you don't see a lot of zillionaires arguing for that. he says it would be in the interest of the rich to reduce some of this inequality. he says we, like our customers, rich and our employees poor doesn't make much sense. he uses the henry ford example. look at your workers as customers. and he says in here that revolutions like bankruptcy come slowly and suddenly. you think the tipping point you're going to be able to get ahead of it but you won't. >> the pitchfork rhetoric is interesting. he goes after the minimum wage and singles out walmart saying a lot of companies could certainly afford to pay their employees a
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living wage and don't. >> yeah. i think these are the same arguments we really heard rise to the surface lately and i think he's getting attention, rightly so and good. this is a huge issue with using pitchfork. go for it. this is a huge issue and we are seeing more and more ceos, people in positions like his. howard shultz is trying to send his employees to college. we are hearing the word destabilizing a lot from ceos. people at the upper edges of 1% are starting to say we got to do something about this. the economy doesn't do well when there is no middle class. a piece in "the times" saying we need a war on poverty but also a war on rebuilding the middle class. >> gene, this is something the president has talked about. we hear about it here in new york city from our mayor bill de
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blasio. >> one the big problems is the policymakers who live in nice upper manhattan and d.c. and the suburbs they don't see what is going on. >> that's true, that's true. >> in small and medium-sized cities around the country. where the gap is evident and shocking, frankly. and you can go to places not that far from here where where is the middle class? you look and try to find it and you can't. >> it's funny you mentioned that. one day last week i spent the entire day in a medium-sized city working on something, having to do with exactly what you were talking about, gene. high unemployment in the city. there is no more -- very little middle class in this city. on the main street of this city, 3 out of every 5 stores boarded up and shut down and out of bounds. the few people who are walking around were almost narcoticized
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and looking hopeless. >> that is where the heroin epidemic is happening. >> it's historic right now. it's epic. >> mike allen good to see you, mike. >> have a great week. a "duck" star apologizing for diving into this play. you questionable call and full heights next in "morning joe" sports. we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york.
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♪ time for some sports. we begin with the world cup's round of 16. costa rica with a population 4.5 million people, about half the size of new york or the size of connecticut, played greece. both teams trying to make it through for the first time ever. costa rica first to strike after a scoreless first half and red card drone by costa rica gives greece one man advantage and they capitalize. a late equalizer sends the game to extra 30 minutes but grease can't get it done. shoot-out. the teams even until an incredible save there by costa rica. then costa rica boots in the winning shot, moves on to the
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quarterfinals. they are in the final eight. that tiny country in central america, a great story. the greeks actually turned down a bonus for making it to the knockout round for the first time. instead, they asked for a new facility to house the national team hoping it will pay off in four years. netherlands and mexico. another great game. dos santos gives mexico the lead in the 48th minute. kept control most of the match but fell apart the last couple of minutes. wesley snider evens it up in the 88th but a controversial penalty here draws a yellow card. was it a dive or a foul? mexico fans think it was a dive. it was called a foul. injury time we go. netherlands score off that play and they win 2-1 in extra time advancing to the quarterfinal stage. mexico coach miguel herrera
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fuming after the results of the match and going after the ref for that call after the game and pushing one of the dutch players and arjen robben calming him a cheater. he told the reporters after the game if the referees were fair the second goal would not exist and robben would be ejected. today, france and nigeria. how about baseball last night? the big rivalry continues in the bronx as mediocre yankee host the mediocre red sox. david ortiz a three-run home run. he still getting it done. his 19th of the year. 450th of his career. boston's dustin pedroia a hot bat and he finishes three rbis and two-run single in the and and boston bats wake up and they win taking the series 8-5. los angeles. clayton kershaw is the story of the baseball season. incredible month.
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he struck out 13 in 7 innings of 5-hit ball with 6-0 win against the cards. he has thrown a career best 28 consecutive scoreless innings. >> struck out 36 his last three games. >> unreal. after he puts the team in a comfortable position the dodgers played a little hot foot. an old dugout prank. you bundle up matches with gum and stick them on the cleats with a lot of gum and you you blame on. it takes van slyke a moment to figure out what is going to on before something smells funny. he realized looking at at his hat. it's not your hat. there it is. >> you are on fire. >> you are on fire quite literally. >> that is funny. >> i haven't seen the hot foot in a while. >> i haven't heard that before. is that a thing? >> the mets used to do it in '86. >> what does it smell like? >> matches. >> not gum?
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>> no. updates in the off-season. knicks carmelo anthony will meet with the bulls in chicago last week after the off-season market officially opens on tuesday and then he'll meet with the rockets and mavs on tuesday. >> go! >> take off! >> chris bosh joins lebron james and dwyane wade. bosh's agent alerted the team of his decision. james will stay with the heat. the big three will discuss the financial terms of their potential new contracts before they officially negotiate with the team on tuesday. >> i didn't realize. lebron james has never been the highest paid player on that team. >> on that team? i didn't know that. >> i read it. everything in the paper is true, right? >> that's correct. in the nba, that's surprising. a strange story here. jason kidd's tenure might be the end after one season as head coach of the brooklyn nets. milwaukee bucks have offered a
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second round pick for kidd. the nets want a first rounder. he retires, gets a head coaching job and now going to leave brooklyn to go to milwaukee. >> they are trading the coach? >> a buddy of mine -- >> one of kidd's friends? >> yeah. >> want to go to milwaukee? your call. >> i just want to apologize for our milwaukee fans out there. >> milwaukee is saying you're in brooklyn. whatever. still ahead on "morning joe," is new york city the new place for people to hide their millions? how real estate in manhattan is becoming the new swiss bank account. plus, b.e.t. awards host chris rock takes a big elevator smack down between jay-z and saloge.
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cadmium, mercury, lead. all on the periodic table. all inside these, too. now the last thing we want is for all that to mix with water. so recycle. you'll keep your planet clean, t-m-y-k. (vo)cars for crash survival,ning subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight.
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♪ >> welcome back to "morning joe." a beautiful morning it looks like over the united states capital in washington. before donny made this ugly milwaukee issue, i was talking about the team milwaukee bucks and not the city. jason kidd says it's a young rebuilding team and let's go to must read op-eds. politico magazine, the irs, stuff happens. lois lerner managed to contain her disappointment when she learned in 2011 she had lost two years worth of e-mails forever. after being told that her data was being sent to the hard drive cemetery never to return, lerner
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replied sometimes stuff just happens. yes, the irs is incredibly susceptible to stuff happens so much stuff happens at the irs that the top officials must routinely break mirrors and open umbrellas and doors and spill assault. they spread out to fix the tax laws and through a series of bad breaks applying them lopsidedly against their enemies and intended to cooperate with investigationors through circumstances beyond their control they have not pulled it off. >> she has, i think, provided freedom to a lot of americans because when you're audited now and they insist on knowing what you did on november 12st, 2006, i'm going to just send back stuff and say, well, stuff happens, i don't know. >> it was on my hard drive, you know? it absolutely is gone. stuff happens. >> matt lewis, what do you make of rich's piece? obviously he is using the stuff happens to make a larger point about the irs and the kind of
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throwing up its hand and saying, my dog ate the homework. >> it is unbelievable, isn't it? depending on how you look at this. the best case scenario is that this is an utter indictment on government, that big government is utterly incompetent and can't even manage to preserve e-mails, something like everybody else has to do. i think, obviously, the much more dangerous idea is that the irs is covering this up and, you know, it does seem quite coincidental, doesn't it? here they were kind of targeting their enemies and, all of a sudden, multiple computers, hard drives crash and lois lerner, it's really boggles the mind and i think one way or another, it will destroy your faith in government, whether it's you sincerely believe they are uncapable of managing this or whether you believe that they
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are just fundamentally corrupt. >> i find interesting obviously, this smells quite nasty but this is not caught with the american public. i know, joe, has been talking a lot about not getting enough media coverage. the media coverage is there and the american public is not biting. i don't know if we assume all of these bureaucracies are frought with this. but for some reason not infiltrating the culture. >> to your point, donny, i think people separate the irs from big government. i don't think they necessarily think of those as the same thing. the irs is a special case, right? everybody has feelings about the irs or deals with the irs, nobody particularly likes dealing with the irs. but the rest of the government is the rest of the government and i don't think people make the generalization. >> doesn't it feel nixonian?
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i wonder if, you know, if watergate happened today in a different media environment and if richard nixon were a democrat and we had this more fractured media environment where you couldn't have had a couple of reporters beating the drum every day, i just wonder, maybe we are more apathetic but this should be outrageous to people. the possibility that a president is using the power of the irs -- >> it is a big difference here. >> nixonian was nixonian because nixon had his handon. i don't think people think president obama is picking up the hot line in the oval office. >> wh for white house written in howard hunt's little notebook in this case and then you might have a point, matt, but, in fact, that's not the case. that's never been demonstrated, and some bureaucrats at the irs
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doing what they were doing is a big dump from that to any connection to the white house or, you know, the political appointees in the notion. >> the notion a white house would have its enemies be the target of the irs, the power to tax is the power to destroy. and then to this notion all of a sudden the evidence -- the tape is missing or whatever the missing however many minutes off the tape? i don't know. maybe it's just me. it seems a little frightening. >> where is the link to the white house? >> to the point you raised, donny, it hasn't caught on as than issue, all of us here at this table, in new york, in the media, in washington, matt, i think we totally underestimate the level of exhaustion and indifference out in the country to us, to issues like this, to
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politics, to politicians. it's -- >> how will i pay for my huggies? >> and let's go to "sportscenter." >> how much is our fault. we talk about facebook manipulating emotions. that's what they do. go to any website that is getting traffic and the screaming headlines make every story out to be the apocalypse. we are really pushing buttons to get people's emotions and then when there is a real scandal, of course -- >> matt, you are absolutely right, matt, but the key word is that's what we do. but we are not out there. we are not in the country. no one can live their lives as combatively as we do in the media on a day-to-day basis, on a moment-to-moment basis. you could not live your life that way. >> the fact is whether the white house was not connected as far as we know, but it should be an outrageous story. whether it's a democrat or a republican, if they are targeti
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targeting groups that pose them, that should be an outrage of people. don't you agree? >> i do agree. we should correct the record there are also indications that liberal groups were -- >> that's what i'm saying. >> -- extra excrescrutiny. i think the underlying assumption the irs are a bunch of mean people who target -- anybody who has ever dealt with the irs. >> there is a competency here. it's not newsy for most people and, you know, the fact that they misplace all of these e-mails, if after deglitch in obamacare should have seen easy to roll out a website, maybe people are more incompetence related to this stuff? >> the fact that people are not as interested doesn't mean it doesn't deserve coverage and shouldn't deserve coverage on the same level. we will be right back with more "morning joe." [ female voice ] yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it's milk without the lactose.
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still ahead on "morning joe," was hillary clinton, has she done enough to win over democrats and secure the nomination before she even declares a candidacy? chuck todd breaks down the latest data. also a new report of threats and intimidation inside iraq but this time a private security firm that could be behind the wrongdoing. the film making technique for "begin again" that caused everyday people to yell at the actors on the streets of new york. actress keira knightley explains
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when she joins the "morning joe" table when we come back. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪
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own reinforcements to tikrit and they are fighting in the middle east but its ambition are far greater than than that. >> they are gaining strength in some places. we have seen europeans who are sympathetic to their cause. they have european passports and don't need a visa to get into the united states. >> do you believe this president is going further than president bush did in exercising his executive power? >> absolutely. >> president obama is moving forward on filling the top job at the v.a. the president is set to nominate bob mcdonald and comes 48 hours after president obama received a scathing review recommending a total restructure. >> i'm wondering if you think it's time to give pot a chance. >> rocky mountain high? >> they fired their nanny diane strutten three weeks ago sbut se refuses to go. they have put a lock on the refrigerator. >> i pull it tight so she can't stick her hand in there and pull things out. >> nanny gate!
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>> our producer john tower is obsessed with the nanny story. top-to-bottom there. welcome back to "morning joe." mike barnicle with donny deutch and lee gallagher and with us is political director and host of "the daily rundown" mr. chuck todd. we are talking the world cup and celebrate the way they celebrate after we do our jobs. >> just after you do something. >> send an e-mail. >> put up the arms and run around the studio. >> they end of this segment dog pile of five of us over there. amazing. >> i want to see you on the white house lawn. >> rip the shirt off? after filing? >> brian, back to you and just go, yes! rip off the shirt! >> maybe? >> no. >> you could see john karl is thinking about it over at abc and we do it or i get a yellow card or something from him. >> i think that might be red card worthy actually. let's talk a little business
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in washington. a lot going on. talk with supreme court. a closely watched case there. the justices expected to rule today on hobby lobby's challenge to the birth control man ddate the affordable care act. they say it goes against their christian believes by providing contraception to female employees or risk hefty fines. members of both parties are weighing in on this case. weighing in on this case. >> the government will not violate anyone's religious beliefs but no one has the right to discriminate against a woman because of her own beliefs. no business should be allowed to discriminate against women. >> i think the statute itself, as interpreted by the president, violates the first amendment of the constitution and i hope the court will uphold the rights of individuals for their expression of their religious freedoms.
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>> it's two years since supreme court rejected a challenge to obama's individual mandate which requires americans purchase insurance or pay a penalty. >> i think if you don't want to go to work for hobby lobby, you don't have to go to work! >> yes! >> there is the celebration. >> that was a smart comment! >> we shouldn't have done this. that was chuck. >> that is your free kick. free kick celebration. >> i thought you were leaving. >> i think any time -- >> that was fantastic. >> what was really funny during the break, maybe just times. >> that's why we rehearse. if we can bring it back a little bit, chuck. supreme court, hobby lobby, a lot of people are waiting to see what happens today. >> let's remember, by the way, hobby lobby is objecting to certain contrasepceptionontrace.
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specifically having to do with morning after pill and a couple of other specific things having to do with contraception, more controversial contraception measures. it will be interesting to reach this because it is, to use a phrase, our corporations people. do they get the same right as people? and that is the whole point of sometimes incorporating is to make sure your own personal -- you take yourself out of your company, right? that's the reason why this family incorporated. they don't want to have their own personal liability here and by doing that, did they also give up their right to religious freedom? i think that is one of the questions. what is the point of incorporating in some ways if you aren't sort of having a different set of rules. >> they have, in fact, said that explicitly over and over again saying we don't give up your our right to religious freedom
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because we started a business on our own. matt, if you boil this down to people watching in today who may just be tuning in on the day of the decision what does this case amount to for you? >> i think chuck has a valid argument. that's one way of looking at it. the other way of looking at it is that the freedom of religion is the first freedom in the first phrase of the first amendment. so this isn't something that the founders when they came up with our constitution thought was no big deal. the freedom of religion is, obviously, very important because it came right there, part of the first amendment. and so really you have a conflict of visions about what, you know, what is america going to be about? so i think it's a big deal. my guess is, though, that the way -- sort of reading the tea leaves of the way the roberts court comes down with decisions, my guess is that what they will do is find some way to have an accommodation made that's narrowly crafted for certain
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people to exercise rights of conscience but wouldn't make a large precedent. so it may be very exclusive to hobby lobby, but, again, this is a huge, huge debate and i think, you know, going forward, it really will determine, like, is obamacare going to be something that is oppressive and actually has real long-term implications of people of faith who can't exercise their right of conscience? >> stop! how do you draw the line between this court case that we are talking about and obamacare being oppressive? how do you make that jump? >> well, look. i mean, i think there's a question of whether or not when the law says that everybody has to kind of have an across the board policy, do you allow for on car -- for people who might have special concerns or special exemptions? >> there is no legitimacy what you just said.
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the fact that obamacare is oppressive which is provided health care for millions of people who never had it versus an issue which is a gray issue that we can intelligently debate on both sides. >> look. i think i'm agreeing with you when you said if people don't want to go to hobby lobby to work, they can go somewhere else. >> that is separate argument. >> hobby lobby is not saying you can't have birth control or even the morning after pill. they are saying we don't believe it's right that the government would compel us, force us to pay for it because it violates our moral principles. >> you take that as a swath against the oppressiveness of obamacare is absurd. >> forget the obamacare part then. >> forget the obamacare part. >> i'm agreeing with justice taught on this. what sels on t what else is on the docket? >> you're moving us along? >> yes. hillary clinton kicked off her book tour amid speculation
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about whether or not she will run for president. david gregory sat down for a long interview with the president clinton in colorado. we showed you the former president's answers on iraq and de dick cheney. hillary looking on the audience, talk turned to 2016 and president clinton was coy. >> most formidable person to run for president in your opinion? >> if i knew, i wouldn't say. >> you're good at handicapping that side. >> unless i thought it would cause that person to lose the nomination and i would announce it in a heartbeat. >> you're a bit player as to whether secretary clinton runs? >> exactly what i am. i'm a foot soldier in the army. i will do what i'm instructed to do. >> hillary clinton's opponents
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in the left could be obstacles to the president. elizabeth warren's message could provide a stark contrast to clinton. this is the front page headline in today's "new republic" inevitable. the shift details a shift among the progressives who view her more positively now than in 2007. according to gallup her favorability at 90% is higher than ever among democrats and she is up on a variety of issues. this among democrats. despite recent questions about her wealth a new nbc/"wall street journal" poll shows 55% of americans believe hillary clinton can relate to the problems of average americans. chuck, this already feels like her book tour alone a long slog. every day she is answering the questions every day. >> this is just the book tour! >> this is the book tour! >> ten years, man. we have ten more years of the
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clintons, by the way. >> take a step back a few weeks and how has this rollout gone? it's more than a book tour as we all know. >> this wealth thing was a gaffe. a perfect definition of it and she struggled with it. we thought the beginning of the book tour was about benghazi and what would she say about president obama or would she start distancing herself and hugging him? she tripped up on her own, totally self-inflicted but she handled everything else pretty well, right? >> yes. >> benghazi. the day she does her brett bair interview the day they caught the guy. you think, clintons a little wile e. coyote feeling. i think the wealth issue is more concerned with them than we are. >> you hit it.
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i love your opinion on this. >> ten years? >> ten more years? >> forget the gaffe. this was all to me the top page of are people ready to turn the page? no competequestion of her compe. i'm a big hillary fan but as a media watcherer, the cnn ratings told me basically a lot nobody tuned in. >> i think the think she has to fear is fatigue among the media. the media is going to have clinton fatigue before the country. i think the media has clinton fatigue. you can sort of feel it sometimes in the way the coverage. >> so what do we do? do we go to elizabeth warren? >> this is what i don't get about where the left is with hillary clinton. she is more to the right on obama on foreign policy. the clintons have been more pro business than you would look at obama or at least the perception but certainly bill clinton's tenure as governor and president and you would assume that she
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would have some tendencies there. it is surprising to me ma she is just getting a total pass on the left when you could argue she's a little bit to the right of obama and the party has moved further to the left than where it was eight years ago. >> where does elizabeth warren fit in the scheme? >> open up a natural place? >> i think it's amazing to me. i think democrats are sort of rallying around her in a way. we saw it in our own poll ratings we did of her. she's in the 75s and 80s. the vulnerability that was there eight years ago is not there and elizabeth warren, i don't think, can get the traction. >> no, no. >> in order to do this. >> not even. >> no. i think money is overrated now. right? it's very easy. the internet, cable. i know money -- i think money is overrated in politics it will. chris mcdaniel almost had no money and almost won a senate seat in mississippi.
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money is overrated on that front. you do need a group of activists and i don't see they will suddenly flock away from her. >> matt lewis play the parlor game that david gregory tried to play with president clinton. if we take it that hillary clinton is the nominee for the democrats. as you look at the republican list of candidates, who gives her the best run for her money? >> by the way, is bill clinton not amazing? so good in that interview. the problem is, it's funny. a parallel problem on the right. we are talking about how hillary is sort of maybe not the best ideology cal candidate on the left of advancing the diagram doctri doctrine. on the right a different situation. i really believe two candidates who would give hillary a real run. one, i think, is marco rubio. i think there would be a stark history. arguably the first hispanic
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president running against the first potential female president. i also think age would become an issue, a subtle issue. wouldn't be used overtly but you'd have sort of a bridge to the past versus a bridge to the future. i think rubio could appeal to the middle with his uplifting inspirational rhetoric. if it wasn't for the bridge scandal i think chris christie because of his authenticity. i really would love to see a debate with hillary and chris christie. that would be must see tv. >> chuck, speaking of the age issue, i mean, wouldn't you agree that one of the things they have done with hillary is sort of push that aside or at least prove she came off as vibrant? she looked great and looked refreshed. this is not someone you look at saying they are too old to consider this. i thought that felt -- >> it always felt a little
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bit -- again, i think if the right has to be careful here. she's the same age as reagan was when reagan was in 1980 and if you start messing around there you have to start then somehow claiming well, maybe reagan wasn't all there for his two terms and to throw ronald reagan under the bus to make that point against hillary clinton and it doesn't make sense, especially a generation later and women live longer than men in general. it goes in her favor on this. look. i think tend to agree with matt in this respect. i think the republicans want to find -- need that contrast. how did obama beat hillary? it was a contrast. you don't ever want to say it but you want to show a contrast of new, fresh, anti-washington. now, we may be in an environment the public says we don't believe some new fresh face can work. we tried that and we don't like it right now and we are going with more grizzled veteran who knows how to grind it out.
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>> doesn't it say something to you, chuck, there isn't right now, you got to declare next year basically, right? >> uh-huh. >> that there isn't a clear-cut favor on the right side? not a guy people say behind the scenes it's that guy? >> six months ago was, right, christie? >> right. >> if not christie, it was scott walker and nobody feels comfortable saying either one of those names now. you're right. so then who? >> romney. >> like i hear people talking mike pence and that makes a lot of sense on to me. a governor of indiana, a conservative governor who comes from the more conservative wing of the party. you could picture him being a fresh face on one hand, little anti-washington but has some experience here. he is the one new face i'm waiting for him to take off. >> is there a definition, chuck, and then matt, is there a definition? can you give me a definition of a moderate republican? what would a moderate republican be? >> i think it's somebody who
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comes in and says i want to on get things done, it's george w. bush 2000. that's what bush 2000 ran on is a conservative version of bill clinton. did you like the way bill clinton governed but you didn't like his personal life? that is what george w. bush promised to be. i'm going to be that version of it. it's a republican and work with democrats and bill clinton pushed himself as the southern democrat who could work with conservatives. >> we are inflated ideology with toughness. it's not about philosophy but if you're willing to work with the other you are a moderate and that is unfortunate. but thad cochran if you want a definition of a moderate, he would certainly be one. >> matt, thanks. chuck, get ready for that celebration. >> can i go in? feel like a free kick. >> do it! >> as you go out here. >> a degree of difficulty. >> see you at 9:00 for "the daily rundown." we might get to you early today.
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keira knightley teams up with "begin again" she will join us in the 8:00 hour. later this hour, ibm watson has showed its superiority to mankind and now wants to make amends and it starts in the kitchen. i don't know what that means but it's going to be great. you're watching "morning joe." we will be be right back. more violence in the middle east. and more chaos over there usually means higher gas... prices here. but we can take control with clean, renewable fuels... like ethanol we're growing right here. it means more jobs and more security... less pollution and less pain at the pump. because it's time to stop letting chaos decide our...
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♪ welcome back to "morning joe." it's a beautiful live picture of the hudson river here in new york city. joining us now is contributing editor for "new york" magazine andrew rice who writes with new york city's real estate market. if you've recently been outdone by an bid for an apartment a decent chance behind a corporate
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name a foreign buyer and offshore bank account. new yorkers with garden variety affluence who require mortgages are facing disheartening price wars as they compete for scarce ininventory with investors who may turn on the light switch. between fifth and park avenues are vacant at least ten months a year. andrew, good morning. to see you. >> good morning. >> if you live in new york this is something you know about an dote kalli. >> when i started working the story i didn't know. we always heard that he stories. but there is -- it's really difficult to quantify. we set out to try to figure out how to quantify it in the way we did it as we looked at data and
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determined that about 30% of all sales in large scale new manhattan buildings since 2008 have been to these sort of foreign type investment entities. >> take, for instance, a building. 157. that tower going up. nobody who has a family or -- is buying in that building. so describe, let's take that building, describe what is going on there. >> you have a mix of people 157 a great example. about more than half of the sales that have closed so far have been to llcs, to unidentified entities. we really don't know who those buyers are. i was able to find out that a couple of them -- one was from greece, a couple of from hong kong or china it appears. but we really don't know who is buying the very, very high-end properties. some other people, lower point
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price are buying under their own names and many do appear to be of foreign extraction. people buying either as an investment, as a status item, or just one unit in the building which is bought by an llc for some 30 some million dollars a couple of weeks ago is put back on the market for 41 so a nice return to their investment. >> nice paint job. >> gene, one of the things i find so on interesting about this, you see different buildings attract different people from different places and it becomes an epcot center of the sky. all of the russians go to this building and all of the chinese go to this building. is it dividing like that? >> it's the same way the neighborhoods in brooklyn were settled at the turn of the century where one guy says to one guy says to the other guy, you know, at their swiss ski
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chalet, oh, i've got a place at this place 157 and then -- and then soon enough, they are living upstairs our downstairs from each other. i do think that, you know, the russians very much concentrated on sort of this area around mid-town. you see a lot of chinese buyers coming in at sort of the million dollar, 2 million, 3 million dollar price point. oftentimes they have soaked up inventory in buildings left over from the condo -- >> i think a distinction i'd like to hear. a big difference between a wealthy foreign buyer who is plunking down 30 million for a place they want to come to once or twice a years, versus somebody doing it as putting it into a hedge fund and that is the scary part and that suggests the bubble that is not real real estate in effect. distinguish between those two. >> you know, i talk to a lot of people who sort of serve as brokers and middle men in this community, often time lawyers
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who are a foreign extraction. they tell me a lot of high net worth clients are the same people. the people who buy in 157 if you have a hundred million to spend you can buy one pent house at 157 or spread it around and buy smaller units in buildings around the city. they say what they have been seeing is high net worth individuals buying up sort of in bulk 15 units at a time. >> they are obviously not living there is my point. >> they are typically renting. the rental market in new york is as ridiculous as the sale market, so you buy one of these condos and you can rent them out. i heard about one russian investor who was buying pent houses with the eyes of renting them out a hundred thousand dollars a month. >> mike, put that down. >> this completely prices out any notion of a working class in new york city. i mean, it just completely does. in manhattan and increasingly elsewhere. brooklyn too we were saying no artist left in brooklyn. it's sort of like -- it's
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happening everything. >> it's a really interesting piece. it's the new issue on the cover of "new york" magazine. worth a read. andrew rice, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> "new york" magazine have done a great job and interesting pieces. >> they have a great website. coming up, inspired by the music of rapper tupac, the new musical holler if you hear me is winning over critics and fans. up next extremist militants saying they have success phfull saying we will erase the borders. keep it here on "morning joe." >
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joe." insurgents in iraq and syria say they have officially established a new islamic state in the region. muslims around the world including other militant organizations must swear allegiance what they call a islamic state with a supreme leader. more infighting could be triggered battling for power. iraqi forces trying to take back territory from the sunni extremists and no shortage of outside influence as well. russian experts are on the ground in iraq training pilots on how to fly.
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recently acquired war planes from moscow. special forces teams are helping iraqi troops size up the enemy. earlier episode from the u.s. led war there three years ago only now coming to light. report in "the new york times" details actions in iraq by the private contracting firm blackwater whose guards were known for heavy handed tactics. when they looked into the company's actions in 2007 they were met by threats and intimidation. one government official said blackwater's project manager told him, quote, he could kill me at that very moment and no one could or would do anything about it. the probe faulted contractors on several fronts from weapons violations to heavy drinking with women visitors. despite reporting the episodes and the threats, the embassy
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sided with blackwater and state department investigators were removed from the country. blackwater has changed its name and continued operations there. four blackwater guards are currently on trial in washington for carrying 17 civilians in baghdad in 2007. matt lewis, a lot to wade through here and everybody should read "the new york times" piece about this. what is your initial reaction, though? >> well, first, i think it's clearly an indictment on the notion of having contractors that are outside the normal chain of command involved to this degree. i do wonder about the american embassy officials who sided with blackwater, though. i'm very curious why they did that, if they were intimidated or if they felt blackwater was performing a service that was desperately needed or if there is more to this story than we have been led to believe based on this report. >> i would take a shot at answering your question, matt. the blackwater contractors were
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providing security for the state department officials in the green zone in the embassy. they were with them every hour of every day and you become dependent upon your life for the contractor. you eluded to what i feel, just from people talking about it anecdotally. one of the biggest stories of our involvement in iraq and subsequently afghanistan to a lesser extent is the number of private contractors under the pentagon's budget. an enormous dollar amount and enormous amount of people. >> that is absolutely right. you know, those operations could not have worked without these contractors too. so we did become dependent on them. i think this is a huge issue and this is something we ought to be talking about and something the government ought to take much broader look at than just these 17 -- just these blackwater guys who are on trial for killing civilians. i think it's a big deal. we have privatized war and used
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41,41 and two day total of 77,147. >> watson bets big too. that is my take away from that. riverboat gambler. the ibm super computer watson winning "jeopardy" in 2011. here with us is a distinguished engineer of the watson group, steve abrams. good to see you. adam, what is this thing? >> a smart guy you have to ask him what it is. i'm just a coach here! come on, willie! >> what does it do? >> you think about to the segment watson wing in "jeopardy" it could read natural language text and tremendous quantities of information and process and understand questions and provide correct answers. this project is going beyond answering questions and see if we can build a computer system to help people discover new things and the idea is have it
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invent new recipes never been seen before and what the system is doing. it's read, thousands of represent peas from the bon appetite recipe and what goes to making the dish and works with the chef to create a set of never before seen recipes. >> watson, to my knowledge, does not have taste buds. how do you get past that, right? how does he sample? >> i'll take this one. the point you, as a cook, have taste buds so a degree of trust. home cooks will get a recipe based on the 9,000 recipes in the database that watson creates. i like the sound of that, that spiciness goes with that sort of sweetness and i'm going to try this but you probably would not have thought those combinations had watson not suggested them first. >> how does this work? i'm in my kitchen. ipad is open. what do i do here?
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>> first thing you do is give it ingredients you'd like to cook with. maybe something you have in your pantry and maybe you have chicken and salmon and herbs and maybe things you don't like. you don't likonoe onions or bac. you tell it what you want to make. maybe a sandwich or something on the grill. third thing you give it what styles you want to influence your cooking and these are taken from the tags. i want italian influences or japanese influences or something good for a sunday brunch. it takes all of those inputs and synthesizes it and produces a never before seen set of dishes for you to choose from. >> it's not pulling from a list of recipes. combining different elements from different recipes? >> we have 9,000 recipes tested and we know the recipes working. watson is drawing these new ideas from it. like i said i have to think of
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it more as a kitchen assistant. watson is not telling you what to do. watson is saying this could be kind of cool. >> suggesting. >> what if you put in this sauce and it's chinese hot mustard and that makes sense in barbecue sauce. >> i have my ipad and i put in peanut butter and jelly. what would watson do for that? >> you could make brownies. >> see how that works? >> bam! watson is not taking my job. >> that is never the idea. as adam said it's a partnership. this is exactly the way we see this pulling out in many other industries. when watson is working with physicians, it's certainly not trying to take over the job of the physician. it's trying to help the physician, you know, understand the vast amount of data and helping this case discover new ideas and while we're testing or demonstrating this in the kitchen, think about the same thing for coming up with a treatment plan. if watson has been able to read treatment plans for similar
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patients, thousands or hundreds of thousands of similar patients, maybe it can see the same kind of connections in the treatments that have worked and not worked and make creative suggestions to the physician he might not have come up with otherwise. the ultimate decision making authority lies in the hands of that doctor or the financial analyst or, in this case, that chef at home. >> this is downloadable now, the chef watson app? >> you can go to the site and register for the data and it's available as a web app right now. >> very cool. >> bon and sign up for it. >> we start with a limit beta available. it's a host of web app served out of the koued and that will open up over time. >> very cool. i can see myself doing that. even by the grill. i apologize for asking you the smart guy question first, matt. >> i heard this was a softball show. i get the easy ones. >> i know you better than that. that is not your wheelhouse.
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♪ never give up on a good day i remind you bring the noise ♪ ♪ all in the boys hustle like focus this ♪ can you hear me nobody yells or give a damn ♪ we live like this kill me i love it when they kill me ♪ >> that was a scene from provide a"ho willer if ya hear me." the star of that music is with us, saul williams. >> great to be here. >> let's talk about this show isn't and isn't. it's not the story of tupac's life. >> it's about an ex-con who moves back to a neighborhood and ends up changing his community
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it was just todd spending a lot of time with tupac's music and weaving through it. >> it's not about tupac's voice or delivery, you know. it is about his words but as an actor, you know, we have to own and what we deliver as a character and what have you, so by no means am i trying to emulate this sound of tupac. however, the spirit of tupac is present, you know. as his mother told me when she was there on his birthday and she said you'll encounter saul williams when you get back home tonight but from the time you started singing "holler if you hear me" i saw and heard my son onstage. >> saul, help me sell this to
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mainstream america. oh, tupac, oh, wait, that was a rapper. that's not for me. broaden this out because it really is a very, very broadened appeal play. >> you have to understand that tupac was a poet. tupac was an sbeintellectual. he's really like a young shakespeare. that's what the play feels like, shakespeare with music. if you want to see your kids enjoy a musical and yourself, it's entertaining, it's the backdrop of the last 20 years in music is tupac, dr. dre, all this stuff. it's the first time hip-hop is on broadway, it's super exciting. kids and families have loved it. >> it's so interesting that you call him a poet because there's this cultural impression of tupac as a gangster. he had the thug life tattoo. he died the way he died. as you were reminding us in the break, this is a drama club kid. he's an actor and a poet.
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>> exactly. >> he was in that world before he was rapping. >> that thug life tattoo is an acronym. the hate you give little infants, fs, everyone. he was always thinking of the community. always thinking of what he could do to make a change in people's lives. there's a letter of something that he wrote to chuck diehl when he was in prison. he was always focused on how he could make changes in his community and his work. so prolific. over 300 songs that have been released. dead at 25. how did he have time to be a gangster if he's writing and recording that much. >> if you look at the bulk of his work, a lot of people will think of tupac shakur and think of dan quayle attacking him, but the reflection of his reality, of a reality that is a vital force and a powerful force in american life was reflected in almost all of his work. >> in all of his work, especially considering the fact that his parents were direct subjects of -- his mother was a
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panther and she was imprisoned because of her activism and tupac was practically born in prison as a result of what happened there. he grew up really enlightened about the criminal justice system in america and ended up writing about it and about injustices in america and wanting to change that. he was a kid with a dream. like you had, he studied ballet, he was in theater, he grew up to do great films. he wrote prolifically and dreamt of broadway. he did "a risen in the sun" when he was 12 years old playing the role of travis. >> and he grew up listening to the "les mis" soundtrack. >> his brother told me his passion at home was to listen to the "les mis" soundtrack. >> so much for thug life. >> i dreamed a dream. >> families would love this. they'll find themselves dancing, singing along. it's brilliant when you hear his lyrics coming out of the voice. we have a cast of 25 so there
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are tupac's songs where the lyrics are coming out of the voices of women. not many rappers can you take their songs, put it in the mouths of women and it feels like it was written by women. that's how connected he was and to the community at large. >> i'm going to go out and get a tattoo across my stomach now. saul williams, congratulations on the show, it's incredible. "holler if ya hear me" at the palace theater. check it out. saul, great to meet you. still ahead on "morning joe," a nanny nightmare in california. plus president obama goes corporate as he selects his next pick for the secretary of the va and even house republicans rallying around this one. and big brother may not only be watching but also playing with your emotions. how facebook is using your news feed to collect even more data about your behavior.
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if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. make it matter. it's 8:00 on the east coast, 5:00 a.m. out west as you take a live look at new york city. with us on set mike barnicle, eugene robinson, donny deutsch, leigh gallagher and matt lewis, of "the daily caller." you've been dialed in on this world cup. >> totally.
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>> i'm not a crazy soccer guy, i must confess. i have nothing against it but i never played it growing up but this is great this week. >> i am a fanatical soccer fan once every four years. i love international soccer in the world cup. club soccer, i don't have like an arsenal scarf or anything like that. all these liverpool affectati s affectations. but brazil needed penalty kicks to get past chile. colombia looks like a world-beating team, looks like they could wipe out the hosts in their next game. it's just been a phenomenal world cup, full of surprises. it's been great. >> what's really been interesting about it is the almost immediate fever here in the united states about it. people talking about it, people watching it. if you watch it, and i'm like
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you, willie, i never played it as a youth because they didn't have rubber balls then. but the athleticism of these guys. i was watching clint dempsey in the u.s. game last week. i can see like a great center fielder in addition to obviously being a great soccer player, but the athleticism is incredible. >> the revelation of this world cup so far is james rodriguez but he pronounces it hames as if it was phonetically in spanish. he is on the level of pele. he's incredible and scored a couple of fabulous goals, including one that will be on every highlight reel of this world cup forever. >> write it down, this is -- something happened this year. i don't know if it's just over time, the globalization of sports in general, u.s., you
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know, advancing, espn, abc, all of the above has climbed into the culture where every bar, every restaurant, whether you're a soccer fan or not, it just -- it just popped. >> what was that? >> i said it was the nail salon for me on saturday. everybody was going crazy in the nail salon. it was the colombia game. >> i was doing a mani-pedi, it was nuts. >> your cuticles look great. >> they do. one of the things -- i will admit i'm not a humongous sports fan but one of the things i have loved about this is the show of emotion and the dances and the crazy antics that everybody does on both ends of the spectrum. there's where they win and all the writhing in pain when anyone falls and that's taken a lot of time. >> hey, matt, first of all are you watching any of the soccer? and secondly, do donny's point, do you think this intensity lasts?
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>> first i think we need to have that mani cam on the show. i have been watching. i attribute some of this to the technology of everybody has a big hd tv now and it's just -- for the casual fan, i think it just -- it's much easier to get kind of sucked into it now with the visuals being so amazing. but here's my thing. i think that we shouldn't be worrying about being real fans. let's worry about that five years from now. right now i compare this to like a summer fling. and i'm okay with that. i know what this is. soccer knows what they expect from me, i know what i expect from soccer. we have fun together this summer and what happens happens. >> wow. >> i don't think we should like worry too much about whether or not this catches on. let's just enjoy the moment. that's great. >> very quickly before we move on, "new york post," "morning joe" paper of record, every day they show a girlfriend or a wife of a soccer player. let us go on record as saying
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that soccer players by far have the most beautiful women. and "the post" is on this. that is why "the post" is "the post." today they have the girlfriend of germany's mario gotes. did you hear about a california couple locked in a bizarre showdown with their live-in nanny. the couple hired a 64-year-old woman off craigslist in march to care for their three kids but soon she would not leave her bedroom unless she was getting something to eat. the couple fires her but she refuses to leave the house. the police said they would have to evict her to get her out because she was then living at the house. eventually she did leave only to reportedly drive by and look at the reporters camped out on the front lawn. according to latest reports, the nanny says she's willing to pack up for good over the july 4th weekend, precisely when the family is out of town. the couple believes it's a ploy to lock them out of their home. i don't have a lot to say about this. >> you know, it's like tenant's
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rights i know in new york are very strong but i don't know how it applies to nannies. >> i might not go on craigslist to find my nanny. just saying. >> exactly, exactly. >> you look to that page in "the new york post" to find your nanny. i know where you'd go. but i guess they're saying the eviction process could take a long time so they have this woman living in their house who won't leave and three kids around. >> let me ask you a question. >> yeah. >> how long would the eviction process take if you were the owner of the house? exactly. boom! >> it's california. they might have to just move actually. they may have to sell the house and move. >> wow. >> i think that's a california only story. >> southern california. >> it should be in the kracontr, the feeding process. >> we'll keep you updated. the oscar pistorius murder trial back in session. a psychiatrist who conducted an
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evaluation say pistorius does not suffer and did not suffer from any mental illness when he shot and killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. a panel of psychiatrists say he had a full understanding of the difference between right and wrong at the time of the shooting. pistorius said he mistook steenkamp for an intruder. so that trial is back in session. that development just came about this morning. let's get to the big news out of washington today. decision day for a very closely watched case at the supreme court involving women's reproductive rights and the right to religious freedom. the justices are expected to rule on hobby lobby's challenge to the birth control mandate in obamacare. the arts and crafts chain store says the mandate forces it to go against its christian beliefs by providing contraception to female employees are risk fines. members of both parties are weighing in on this case. >> the government will not violate anyone's religious beliefs, but no one has a right to discriminate against a woman because of her own beliefs.
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i believe that the supreme court will find that no business should be allowed to discriminate against women. >> i think the statute itself as interpreted by the president violates the first amendment of the constitution. i'm hoping the court will uphold the rights of individuals for their expression of their religious freedom. >> it's been two years since the supreme court rejected a challenge to obamacare's individual mandate which required americans to purchase insurance or pay a penalty. matt lewis, so basically this amounts to the owners of hobby lobby say we don't surrender our religious freedom when we open a small business. the other side of that says you also don't have the right to deny women their reproductive rights. where do you think the supreme court comes down on this today? >> well, and when you frame it like that, both sides obviously have a compelling argument. i think the supreme court will side with hobby lobby. i'm guessing that they do so. that the decision is so narrowly defined as to not set a huge precedent. obviously on this one i -- you know, as a conservative i'm very
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concerned about religious liberty. the freedom of religion is the first freedom in the first phrase of the first amendment. and so i think that when you -- my guess is that supreme court justices are going to sort of lean heavy toward that. but again, i would be surprised if they have some sort of a sweeping decision that would set a huge precedent. i think they narrowly define it in favor of hobby lobby. >> what's interesting about this story is hobby lobby says they will provide 16 of the 20 available contraceptives -- we're not against them across the foboard but there are four they are opposed to because they believe they amount to abortion essentially. >> and it brings up thissish you have business and religion. we have seen this before where the ceo or the corporate culture -- really the ceo has strong beliefs one way or another and infuses that across the organization. this came up with chick-fil-a a
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couple of years ago. boycott it if you don't agree with those beliefs but when you're talking about imposing those beliefs on your employee, it does get a lot mercuryiurkie. >> obviously i'm far from a conservative. having said that, nobody is forcing anybody to go work at hobby lobby. there's another side to that argument. there's freedom of choice on all sides. and if a company, if a privately held company has a belief system, a value system that they believe is part of who they are as a culture, that's their right and i think it's a person's right to say, well, i do not choose that culture and i will go to another culture. it's a very gray area no matter where you stand on any of these issues. >> long, long ago there were segregationists who made a religious argument and said that they found somewhere in the bible, for example, you know, a justification for racial segregation in the south. obviously that did not hold water. now, this is a bit -- perhaps a bit different.
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it deals with employees of the company. as you said, nobody has an ablgs to go to work for hobby lobby, but, you know, there is another side of this and there is case law on the other side of this. and so i'm not sure which way they're going to go. >> the one thing that i sort of feel compelled to point out, you haven't done it here but a lot of times this issue is framed as hobby lobby seeking to deny birth control to employees. and of course they're just saying we don't -- we don't want to be compelled to pay for, you know, things that we believe aar are -- certain drugs. but anybody of course is free to go buy whatever they want. it's a matter of should i have the right to say -- it goes against my core values as a person for my business to provide this. again, that's a debatable question. i guess we're going to know in a couple of hours how it shakes out. >> you know, i don't know how it's going to shake out.
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i have no clue as to how it's going to shake out. but not just with this case but with a series of cases over the last decade, 10 to 15 years, my concern as a parent is that we have become rapidly the most narcissistic, litigous culture ever in the history of the world. everything goes to court. everything. whatever happened to an employee -- over birth control or anything like that, sitting down with an employer and saying let's work this out. i have an issue. what's your issue? let's try to work this thing out. no. everything goes to court. everything. >> hobby lobby would say to that employee we're not going to cover that. >> then to donny's point, you say, well, i'm outta here. >> this is an instance where this does belong in the courts. it's interesting, five people with very strong opinions, pulitzer prize winner, and it's all gray here.
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mike, you are the first person that sent in an application. >> several times. >> i applaud that. i applaud for raising your hand. >> this guy has one. >> well, it's a group thing. >> i love that. >> that counts majorly. >> but we digress. this is big news today. president obama will officially announce his pick to clean up the troubled department of veterans affairs. the white house says the president will nominate robert mcdonald to be the next secretary of the va. he is a west point graduate and former ceo of procter & gamble. he was in the top 2% of his class at west point, spent five years in the army reaching the rank of captain, then spent 33 years with the household products company and led p & g from 2009 to 2013. john boehner seemed supportive of the pick saying bob mcdonald is a good man, a veteran and a
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strong leader with decades of experience in the private sector. with those traits, he's the kind of person who's capable of implementing the kind of dramatic systemic change that is badly need andy long overdue at the va. if confirmed, he will replace sloan gibson. gibson took over for eric shinseki who resigned amid allegations of long waits at v hospitals and secret waiting lists. >> key words, years in the private sector. >> he's got the credibility of being a veteran, he served and he's also a fix-it guy. he can come in and take private sector experience and apply it to the va. >> and there's one more thing. he is looking for redemption. he left p & g after a tenure that was embattled. he was, you know, failed to deliver on a number of indicators and resigned under tremendous pressure from investors and analysts and the like. so -- but, you know, he has this background that is arguably
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really exactly what you'd want. i had said before i feel like the person to run the va is a ceo. this is a management problem. the dysfunction that has calcified there, we all know it's just an incredible challenge. and i do think it takes a ceo with a sensitivity to military and veterans' needs. and i think that this is a great -- he's got the perfect background for it and he's looking to prove himself and i think so is the va. they have that in common, so i think it's a good pick. >> we haven't gotten any confirmation yet but the initial response seems to be positive from both sides. >> that's right. i think this will probably sail through, barring some unforeseen event. my concern is that it's window dressing. that he very well may be incredibly capable, but with the va you have a situation where bureaucrats can outlast the head of the va. and i think that -- i don't necessarily think it was fair that shinseki -- i think he might have been a scapegoat.
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and i hope that a new leadership will change it but you basically have a bureaucracy that's been around for decades, that's operating in a 20th century mode. when survivable combat injuries were very different. life expectancy was different. and you have entrenched bureaucrats that really can't be fired. so i'm hopeful that a new leader can implement a new system but i worry that bureaucracy will prevent that. >> this is a monumental problem. >> that's a legitimate concern, the bureaucracy has matt just pointed out. oddly enough, you talk to veterans who receive care, once they get into the care system -- >> they like it. >> -- they're very satisfied with it. >> but this also depose goes to bigger issue and that's a shortage of physicians. the government decides how many residents graduate each year and it's not enough. and this is why the strain on the system when it comes to quality of care, not just at the va but particularly at the va, because the quality, as you mentioned, is very good.
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they have actually innovated in many things related to combat injuries. >> there's that, and the va also has a severe logistical problem. if you live in a state like montana or oklahoma or texas, the drive for a veteran to receive care is often a couple of hours, two or three hours. so they have got to deal with that as well. access to care is critical. >> and the problem is growing. you have many more veterans who are going to flood in over the next years and decades so it's got to be fixed. still ahead, actress keira knightley shows us she can go toe to toe with mft biggest acts singing a bunch of songs in the new film "begin again." ♪ are we all lost stars ♪ trying to light up done. what do you think? >> i think i'm angry. i think i'm mad at you because it's so good that i hate you a little bit. >> keira knightley joins us just
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ahead. plus anyone skeptical of the web is not going to want to miss this next story. how facebook experimented with 700,000 users' time lines. and then could you make it one day without using your phone? which products and activities people ranked less important than their cells. but first, bill karins with a look at the forecast. >> i could go a day, no problem. all eyes this week, fourth of july coming up here. we have a system just off the florida coast. we've gotten through june with no named tropical systems yet. this one, though, will be a close call. this could be arthur in the days ahead. it's spinning just off the florida coastline. it's not developing fast. there's a lot of dry air. conditions aren't particularly favorable for it to develop. you can see on the radar there's not a lot of rain over florida at this time. that will change this afternoon. what makes this forecast interesting is that it lingers down here over the bahamas and florida monday, tuesday, wednesday. by the time we get to thursday, it starts to drift north and
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then possibly thursday right through friday, up the eastern seaboard, right along it, in other words, a lot of rip currents at the beaches, possibility of some large waves, kind of windy and breezy. it's not going to be a big hurricane or anything like that, but it could be enough to ruin some of your plans. also the flooding in the middle of the country continues to be a huge story. more tragic pictures out of the memphis area with 6 inches of rain over the weekend. we're still dealing with additional flash flooding this morning in areas of iowa. the mississippi river is still extremely high and in major flood stage coming down from minneapolis to the davenport area. as you see more rain this morning. it's the last day of this, by the way. tomorrow you will dry out for an extended period and hopefully will get rid of all of our floodwater. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. spokesperson: the volkswagen passat is heads above the competition,
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welcome back to "morning joe." let's take a look at some of the morning papers. "the new york times," one man is lucky to be alive after being pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building in india. at least 19 people were killed when the 12-story building collapsed late saturday afternoon. 39 people have been rescued but many others are believed still to be trapped under the rubble. the structure was under construction. officials have arrested six people in connection with the lapse collapse. "the washington post," president obama will ask lawmakers for more than $2
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billion in response to the surge of children from central america illegally entering the united states. the president will also ask lawmakers to modify current law so the administration can speed up deportations. currently children are allowed to stay with family members or sponsors until their deportation case is heard. more than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been caught entering the united states since last fall. from, a new study suggests many americans consider their phones more important than their daily cup of coffee. a bank of america survey finds 47% of americans say they could not last a day without their smartpho smartphon smartphones. nine out of ten said it was just as important as their car and wearing deodorant and 81% of americans between 18 and 24 say their phones are more important than the internet and their toothbrush. >> i'm sitting next to willie and he's -- >> really? is it that bad? i've been away for a while.
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"wall street journal," facebook is coming under fire for allowing researchers to play with people's emotions. the social network admits it manipulated the news feeds of more than a half million random users in 2012. facebook says it altered the number of positive and negative posts people saw in their feed and tracked any changes in tone in their posts. that's weird. >> i have to say -- >> really weird. >> out of all the privacy facebook thing, this is really kind of creepy. >> it's beyond creepy. >> i'm part of an emotional test and i'm going to alter your mood? that's just sgl-- yuck. >> exactly. if you're going to do a psychological experiment on somebody, you get a consent form. how can you just do this? >> this is what facebook does. they break boundaries and wait for people to erupt and then pare back and then do a little more. >> is it like liability if somebody seize all this negative stuff and gets depressed and
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does something? >> they should do what we do. we just bring them in here, call them guests, sit them down and depress them. >> right, right. >> and you're in that seat today, gene. >> what would happen to a tv network or broadcast network if they individualized and said we're going to send out certain signals to certain people to see how that affects. they'd be taking people out in handcuffs right now. >> it's kind of a science fiction movie. it's sounds like something out of the future. >> but as you say facebook has pushed boundaries before and don't really suffer from it. people are so reliant on facebook that they just stay with it. >> they are. and they think they're taking us by the hand and leading us into the brave, new world. which a lot of these tech companies have done. apple has done it, facebook has done it. manl, it wasn't so long ago that we weren't connected to everyone. >> it's all gone right by me. people are so reliant on facebook. it's all gone right by me.
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"transformers age of extincti extinction" pulled in $100 million, easily taking the number one spot. the strong debut makes the fourth installment of the franchise the biggest opening of the year, passing "captain america" which opened to $95 million in april. rounding out the top five, "22 jump street," "how to train your dragon 2," "how to think like a man too." >> nobody is making anything for me anymore. >> you haven't done maleficent? >> too scary. >> mike allen has a look at the playbook. >> good morning, guys. >> a few minutes ago i read this cryptic tease about a zillion air with a pitchfork. so the pitchforks are coming for us plutocrats. he writes in part i have a message for my fellow filthy
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rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds. wake up, people, it won't last if we don't do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy. the pitchforks are going to come for us. no society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. in fact there is no example in history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn't eventually come out. you show me a highly unequal society and i will show you a police state or an uprising. there are no counter examples, none. >> nick hannah wrote this piece as a venture capitalist in seattle. he was an early investor in amazon, and he says here i saw the future when i was selling pillows as part of my families business. my customers were department stores. i saw the department stores were about to get rocked by amazon. and he says now i see the future again, and it's retaliation
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against his fellow zillion airs, as he says in this memo. the other people in the 0.01%. he said i have a plane. my friends and i own a bank and i see trouble. now, he's always been a little bit of an outlier. he's argued for a $15 minimum wage. but he says in here that it would be in the interest of the rich to reduce some of this inequality. he says we, like our customers rich and our employees poor. that doesn't make much sense. he uses the henry ford example. look at your workers as customers. and he says in here that revolutions like bankruptcies come slowly and then suddenly. you think it's the tipping point you're going to get ahead of it, but you won't. >> mike allen, thanks a lot. still ahead, coach jurgen klinsmann was skeptical of the
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united states' chances of making it out of the group of death. but now he's telling his players to book their trip home after the final. plus actress keira knightley shows off her musical side in the new movie "begin again." what singing advice her co-star adam levine gave her for that role. she joins us next. thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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♪ searching for me then ♪ but are we lost trying to light up ♪ done. what do you think? >> i think i'm angry. i think i'm mad at you because it's so good that i hate you a little bit. >> really? >> yeah. what's it called? >> i don't know. "lost stars"? >> i love it and i think it's incredible. is it about -- is it about me? >> i don't know iit's about you but it's definitely for you. >> i'll take it. >> it is actually your christmas present. >> this is the only christmas present i want. >> happy christmas. >> thank you very much.
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>> i love you. >> i love you. >> that was a clip from "begin again" and here with us now academy award and golden globe award nominated actress keira knightley. you sound good singing. >> thanks. >> you're singing. >> i am singing. >> you're singing, adam lelivin is acting. i read somewhere adam levine was so helpful. you asked him how do you do this singing thing and his advice to you was -- >> oh, you'll be fine. >> that's it? >> that was it. >> he was not helpful at all? >> no. he's a lovely, lovely man. but he was like yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. he was right, it turned out all right. >> i hope you didn't give him any acting lessons. >> no i said the same thing, oh, you'll be fine. >> so singing for you is new. >> it's new. it was an interesting one. it was sort of -- i didn't
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actually have -- the songs weren't written until about two days before i got into the studio so i didn't know what they wanted or what it was going to be. we just got into the studio and tried some stuff out and i kept going until people stopped wincing. >> so you've spent your life expressing yourself in one way and now you have to express yourself in another way. >> that is it. >> how hard was it the first time you were standing in front of the microphone and you had the headphones on and everybody was staring at you. oh, god, i can't do this old trick that always gets me through. >> you're getting me to rely the entire thing. it's pretty much exactly like that. it's kind of panic that just sort of hits. you always hear about the music industry, wow, there will be alcohol, it will be fine. the only thing that i was offered was water and green tea which made me more caffeinated and a bit more worried about the whole thing. >> it's not 1976 anymore. so tell us a story about -- give
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us the basics of this story. it was originally called "how a song can save your life." and explain to us why, the opening scene. >> well, i think it's a story of -- it's a story of friendship, the story of the love of music and the love of new york but it's really about people who suddenly find themselves having fallen down. they think they know where they're going and they think they know what life is and all of a sudden everything completely falls apart. >> mark ruffalo walks into a bar and hears. >> and he hears me sing. >> and you're singing a song about? >> i am singing a song about killing yourself. standing in a subway and thinking about killing yourself. because my character -- i don't think i'm giving too much away. >> by the way, they all die in the end. you don't want to see it because -- anyway, so you're singing this song and he immediately has a risen to
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leave. >> well, he immediately -- he suddenly goes -- i think mark's character is playing a washed-up guy who's trying to do a business side and has forgotten the creative side of what he does. he hears somebody and remembers actually he likes doing what he likes doing and maybe there's something they can do creatively together and that gives him a reason to go on, which is fair enough. >> talk more about the new york part, we all new york. how is this a love letter to new york? >> how is it? >> what's special about new york that plays in the film that makes new york the right place to do it? >> i think new york has a very specific energy and it's one of the only 24-hour cities. it's a place where people famously come to reinvent themselves, so it is very much a love letter. and it was very important that we were out and about in new york as much as possible shooting in the city and being among is it that city. which also meant getting shouted off by people to get off the sidewalk. >> how did you go about doing that?
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>> get in a really little van and you drive around and quickly jump out, like in times square at 3:00 in the morning and sort of dance around a bit and hope you can get enough before people start recognizes us and we have to jump back in the van and get back out there. >> you're serious? >> i am serious. >> it's fascinating. you have all these big stars in it, you expect it to be slick and beautifully produced and yet it has the feel of downtown new york because you filmed it that way. it's brilliant. >> we actually were there jumping in and out -- >> is it more fun to do a film like that than a big production film? >> i like doing a low budget where you have to hit the ground running. >> did you get to keep the van? >> no, i wish i got to keep the van. i can't really drive. >> so you have to answer a question for me. we often have tony scott on, "the new york times" critic, and he says the great debate is whether one of my favorite movies that makes me weep every christmas, "love actually" is either the greatest movie ever
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made or the absolute worst movie ever made. i always thought that everybody agreed with me, it was the greatest movie ever made, but i go out and ask people and it is about a 50-50 split. so break the tie. is it not the greatest movie? >> break the tie? me? because i'm not biased. it's obviously the greatest movie ever made. >> should it be on cable more than it is? >> absolutely. is it on cable already? >> it's on every other day. >> it is incredible. >> it's the "love actually" of this decade. >> it is. only to music. >> i have a wife, she loves that movie. >> and you don't? >> i like the movie. what can i say. >> i liked it the first 11 times. >> there's something about that movie and as i always told nora ephron, "you've got miail."
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>> this is quite the program. >> this is quite the program. >> i think that's great. >> and he's not afraid to say it. >> i said it. >> oh, no. you had to use your wife as a cover. forget it. >> you can watch "begin again" in select theaters right now and nationwide july 7th. >> we'll be right back. okay, movie night.everyone wins.
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what's going on in the market? what's going on with general motors? >> well, general motors is going to be a big day today. it's the last trading day of june. even though we're limping to the finish line here towards the end of the month, we are looking at the fifth straight month of gains for u.s. stocks. they're holding near record highs, despite the fact that we've had some mixed economic data. and there is a flood of economic data this week. even though it's a hall kay-shortened trading week, friday the markets are closed which means we get the big jobs report, that monthly look at how many jobs were created in this country on thursday as well as the unemployment rate. we get some manufacturing data earlier in the week. today we'll get a read on pending home sales. the question is can we continue to see gains in the stock market for a sixth month in a row. you mentioned general motors. i'm glad because ken feinberg is set to hold a news conference a little later this morning announcing how much the victims of the gm recalls will be given.
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general motors has hired ken feinberg to do this. he handled the 9/11 victims funds and a number of these kind of cases. he'll lay out his methodology and just how much gm will have to pay. it could be billions of dollars. that doesn't exactly alleviate everything for general motors because it's still facing some criminal inquiries and that could be a huge overhang for this company and for the stock. speaking of fines, i also want to mention france's biggest bank which today is set to get a $9 billion fine for allegations related to breaching u.s. sanctions laws with sudan. so the u.s. government getting really tough on these banks, especially foreign banks related to sanctions. >> that's crazy. you go through the papers, $9 billion, $8 billion, you know, slap on every bank and it's like matter of fact. >> the cost of doing business. >> yeah, just amazing. sara eisen, thank you so much. >> good to see you. up next, your soccer team faces off against a belgium
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squad that may be the most talented team in the tournament. and star brad evans who has played against this very team will be right here in the big house next. we're movi our compay to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. carmax is the best place to start your car search.e, great for frank, who's quite particular... russian jazz funk? next to swedish hip hop. when he knows what he wants... - thank you. do you have himalayan toad lilies? spotted, or speckled? speckled. yes. he has to have it. a cubist still life of rye bread...
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the seattle sounders, brad evans. brad, you played against this team last year. how tough are they? >> extremely tough. it's the up and coming team in europe right now. their top players are playing at the top leagues in europe. as we know, that's where all the top players are playing in the world, are the european teams. so it's a young team, physical, athletic. like you said, played against them last summer. it's going to be a battle. >> what's your reaction been to the level of intensity among just your average sports fan, average american watching soccer for the past ten days, two weeks? >> it's phenomenal. being involved in the sport, it puts a smile on my face. the red, white and blue. you talk about the olympic effect and this is kind of the world cup effect. if we can get the casual follower, 30 million people plus probably watched the game last week. if you can get a small percentage of that to come out and support their local teams in mls, then you see the cultural shift start to raise. >> i think it could be happening this world cup. obviously doesn't all happen at
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once but i've seen much more intensity about it than usual. so look, the u.s. team, jurgen klinsmann, i think, is a great coach. he should have kept you on the team. but beyond that, i think he's really motivated the players. but we don't have messi, we don't have cristiano ronaldo, we don't have the greatest players in the game. how do we get past that? is it strategy, is it tactics? how can the u.s. play to get past these great players? >> i think as americans we're used to having the best player in every sport, whether it's olympics, whether it's u.s. basketball team, whatever it is. and now we start to see a real team come together. in my mind clint dempsey is one of the best players in the world. luckily i get to play with him in seattle. i think any defender will tell you that same exact thing. it's all going to be about the team coming together. we know as americans when our backs are up against the wall and it's an elimination process,
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we're going to fight tooth and nail to make sure we give it everything we've got. >> is that the identity of the team? never give up? >> it's work horse. you've got a positive coach pushing you in the right direction. you've got a lot of work horse guys and that's the m.o. >> explain to me because i'm now one of those casual fans getting pulled into it, where you hear if the u.s. would play brazil, we were 200 to 1 odds, when you watch the games because it's such a small margin of error, that you almost think on any given sunday more in this sport than any other sport, i don't see -- even when i see a team dominating and getting 30 more shots on goal, it's like it's such a small sliver that to me the underdogs always seem to have a real fighting chance. >> that's the best thing about soccer. you've seen costa rica making it to the round of eight. the odds of that are astronomical. >> do you think there's been so much attention to all the
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melodrama, do you think some of that will translate to the mls? is that contagious at all? >> we feel this way all the time. this is a sport that i've given my life to and something given back to me. every time i score a goal i'm staring at the crowd -- >> what is it about soccer, what makes it different? >> for me i don't think it's a beautiful game. we don't have set plays, we don't have time-outs. everything is thought of on the fly. for me that's a true sport in my opinion. obviously i've been raised with the sport. >> in defense of soccer, have you ever seen an end zone dance in the nfl? come on, it's not like we don't have histotorrionichistrionics. >> let's say you've got 45 minutes each half. that's the designated time of a game, 45-45. if i foul you, if i kick you in the leg and you're on the ground grabbing your ankle, i'm thinking that you're faking because i don't think i hit you that hard but you're saying i hit you harder so the ref will
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say, okay, here's 20 seconds here. the ball goes out for a throw-in and somebody has a cramp. here's 20 seconds added on so you add that extra time at the end of the game. >> and if the ref has some money on the game, he puts another five minutes on. >> we've got to go, man. up next, not only what have we learned, we're going to show you a personal side of the great willie geist you have never seen before. ladies, do not tune away. trust me on this one. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is, why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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okay. we have learned quite a bit today. the first thing we have learned is rush out to your book store or go online and get leigh's book out in paperback today. the second thing that we learned today and critically important for the july 4th holiday weekend, willie geist has a taco recipe that you can find, i think, in "people" magazine. it's incredible. >> a taco recipe? wow. >> and he put so much care and love into the tacos. >> that's willie. that's our willie. >> what did you learn? >> i learned that donny deutsch does a great soccer end zone dance. it's amazing. i would have given him a yellow card personally, but that's a matter of taste. >> what did you learn, leigh? >> speaking of food, first of all it's my fault for mentioning willie's nachos. they are great, they have avocado in them and i can't wait to try out the ibm food app. in next month's "redbook,"
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mike has a recipe. >> that's what people call me, flaming fondue. is chuck there today? of course he is because he was here with us. chuck todd is up next. great guy, great show. take it away, chuck. today is the day, the final decision day for this supreme court term and the big one all long is the one they waited until the end. hobby lobby, it could undo part of the president obama's signature health care law. meantime, today marks the halfway point of 2014. believe it or not, we started the year with a tiny, teensy bit of optimism something was going to get done in washington and then we woke up. also this morning, a new chapter begins for one story that dominated in recent months. the president plans to nominate a former ceo of procter & gamble and a west point grad, robert mcdonald, to lead t
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