tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 30, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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an agreement in conference with the house. there might be changes on pt numbers of dollars devoted but i won't be so pessimistic. >> the eternal optimist. that is all for "now." i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00. the ed show is up next. good evening, americans, i'm ready to go. let's get to work. >> a major supreme court decision. >> it is definitely a ruling that's against the union. >> could be a big headache for big labor. >> i guess you could call it a financial blow dealt to labor uni unions. >> governor quinn was wrong when he signed an executive order naming the state employees solely for the purpose of unionization. >> public sector unions cannot collect fees from workers who object to be being affiliated with a union.
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>> but that doesn't deal them the death blow. >> they are calling you the union destroyer. >> we're going to deal with collective bargaining for all public employees. >> political thugs. >> divide and conquer. folks, thanks for watching. we have talked about it time and time again but now the supreme court is in on the act. there is clearly an attack on workers on this country. let me start by asking you a question tonight, have you ever considered yourself in your job a partial employee? this is an outrageous ruling by the supreme court brought to us by conservatives who don't respect workers in this country, that's the quick take. here's what happened, today the supreme court dealt a crippling blow to unions in the country. the decision is the culmination of decades long attack on
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working class americans. the court ruled that partial government employees can't be required to contribute to unions. justice alito pointed by bush wrote home care aides who work for a disabled person with medicaid are partial public employees. really? the person at home getting that care, did they think that they are being provided partially? the justices basically said that collecting fees violates workers first amendment rights. no, actually just took them away. the case was brought by a group of illinois health care workers who objected to union membership and didn't want to pay. the financial impact to unions could be devastating down the road. this means middle class americans going to be hurt in the long run. these people need a voice. no doubt about it. we have shown you this. this is about income inequality as well. we've shown you this chart many times here on the ed show. the top 1%, income is through
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the roof while of course middle class wages have flatlined. why is that? the reason the vulture chart exists because of the attack on unions and workers in the country which has been effective. unions are the back bone of america and give a voice to worker who's don't have one. this would have been the case in the situation with home care providers. unions keep workers safe and wages competitive. as union membership drops, so does the share of middle class income in this country. since the early 1970s, union member shl has decreased dramatically. the conservatives are winning this battle, folks. there's a coordinated right wing attack to move that chart even lower. for republicans, it's all about political power. and of course it's about the money. if republicans can kill unions there will be fewer democratic voters, it's a fact. this is the mission of the conservative movement in the country, destroy the infrastukt tour of the democratic base. before the 2012 election, karl
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rove revealed the republican master plan. >> if you look at it in 2009, the unionized workforce made up 12.3% of all workers in america. in 2010 it had dropped to 11.9% of the workforce, they lost 612,000 union members in 2010 alone. think about it, every one of the people had literally perhaps several hundred dollars worth of union dues going into the political coffers of their union to spend on politics. you keep having a couple hundred thousand people each year, if a half million leave every year and pretty soon you start having crimp in the political budgets of these unions and has a direct effect on presidential election. >> it's all about the money. you know, republicans hate unions because of boots on ground, organized social networking taking place, they are a driving force in getting
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people out to vote for democrats. if it weren't for the union vote in this country, president obama would have lost to mitt romney. you could talk about organizing for america all you want, you leave the union folk home and leave the folks not going door to door and boots on the ground gone and leave that social networking out, obama loses. after citizens united, republicans got the money, but democrats have the people power and this is what's being attacked here. they are trying to put the last nail in the coffin. in recent years, we've seen an assault on unions an organization, from scott walker as radical anti-union law to right to work states across the country. it is real and coordinated by big money republicans in special interests. it's your voice, folks. 24 states have now passed right to work legislation. tell me how that helps workers it doesn't. these states don't require public sector union workers to pay dues. the court made the big step
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towards nationalizing, right to work legislation today. the ripple effect from this decision will be felt for years to come. it could kriple unions politically and will impact every american worker. now, in this particular case, it's the home care workers in illinois. have you ever been associated with a home care worker or ever seen them at work? maybe some day someone is going to be providing for you. and i guarantee you, you're going too think, they are damn important but they are only partial employees according to the conservative supreme court. the pay is lousy. the representation is very weak except in some parts of the country. they need a voice and today a conservative court made sure that their voices are going to be a hell of a lot harder to hear. they have said it infringes on the right to free speech to make sure that they are organized and
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pay union dues. it's about the money and it's all about what karl rove was talking about. this also underscores that george w. bush was one of the most defective conservative presidents this country ever had. tax cuts for wealthy, blow up the federal budget deficit to the point of no return and now we're fighting over entitlements. we have to have offsets and he put two conservatives on the supreme court. you saw the action of those conservatives today. we'll have the story on war on women a little bit later on in the broadcast tonight but the fact is, about workers, and about depressing wages, this is a big blow to union organization and workers and in this case the home care workers. in some states it's different and we'll get to that. we want to know what you think, tonight's question, does this ruling convince you conservatives want to destroy workers rights in america, a for yes and b for no.
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you can go to our blog and we'll bring you the results later in the show. i want to bring in keith ellie son from minnesota. home care workers are organized and paid better and have a voice and well represented. i appreciate your time. give us your thoughts on this ruling by the supreme court today? >> well, it's certainly a bad ruling and violates i believe precedent and but it's not going to stoop us from organizing and not going to stop us from reaching out to people working people all over this country and build a stronger voice. as you know, ed, they may have more money but we got more people and organized people beat organized money. but disorganized people do not beat organized money. we've got to organize people and the clip you ran on karl rove. thank you for doing that. people have got to know this is a part of a larger plan.
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there was nothing legal or fair about this decision. it simply was a little nugget in the plan to disempower american workers so they are at the mercy of the corporate powers. the fact is -- >> bottom line -- >> we're not going to be stopped and not going to be slowed down. >> well, this is a classic example of chip away, chip away, chip away until you get exactly what you want. today was a big chip off the old block that the conservatives are trying to destroy. this is about income inequality and this is about workers in illinois that should have a voice that should have a proper opportunity. go ahead -- huge chart, declined over the years, you can track the decline and stagnation of wages on the exact same chart
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and track together. this is a blow to working people but not just an economic blow. it is an economic below but more than that. it's a political blow. it's trying -- parlay the economic damage of suppressing wages and pushing recollective bargaining. they know they can't win in a fair fight. what are they doing? they are trying to suppress the vote and damage unions and organizations that elevate the voice of working people. >> congressman, we've got to get a reinrig vags. we can use this. >> congressman, is this an activist courts, a court that has gone overboard against workers? >> well, you and i both remember well when people were accusing the supreme court of being activists and judges and any judge that help working people or any judge that was fair on
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issues of discrimination was an activist judge. these are the most activist judges we have ever seen. whether it's citizens united or hobby lobby, which also came down or doesn't have much regards for president at all. in fact in this case. justice alito, mr. alito, actually took a swing, a case of many years of -- thank gooded in it is still the law. >> congressman, i want to switch topics, earlier today, president obama noungsed a major move on immigration reform. the president of course is convinced that republicans will not pass immigration reform this year. so in regard, the president said today he's using an executive order to move resources to the border. here it is.
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>> the failure of house republicans to pass a darn bill is bad for our security. bad for our economy. and it's bad for our future. so, while i will continue to push house republicans to drop the excuses and act, and i hope their constituents will too, america cannot wait forever for them to act. that's why today i'm beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as i can on my own without congress. as a first step i'm directing the secretary of homeland security and the attorney general to move available and appropriate resources from our interior to the border. protecting public safety and deporting dangerous criminals has been and will remain the top priority but we're going to refocus our efforts where we can to make sure we do what it takes
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to keep our borders secure. >> this is a very interesting move by the president. i think he's basically saying boehner, you want to sue me? okay, i'm going to prove to america that you're not getting anything done on immigration reform. so i'm going to have to move by executive order, moving resources from internally in the united states now down to the border. congressman, what's your take on this. what do you think of this move? >> well, the house speaker, mr. boehner has left the president with very little other choice. i mean, the united states of america is a country that needs a new path on immigration reform. the senate has passed a bill a year ago. the speaker has told us that he's not going to take any action to help improve the situation. so the president has to. so i support the president's effort to try to do what he can to alleviate the pain and pressure and the problems associated with the republicans' refusal to act on immigration reform.
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by the way, ed, immigration reform would certainly help our economy. the congressional budget office has studied this issue as many think tanks have and the verdict is in. immigration reform would improve our economy would help put money in our nation's coffers and help improve the social life of america's families and do a lot of good. but we're just not seeing any action by the house majority leader -- house speaker. so the president needs to step up and i hope that the president does take bold action because even if speaker boehner tries to sue him, what it will show is that it will reveal even more clearly that the republican majority is more into obstruction than they are progress for the american people. >> well, the president's approval rating obviously is not as good as it has been in the past. but the facts are that this is an obstructionist congress, boehner won't bring things to
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the floor for a vote. the american people want immigration reform. so the president who said this was a year of action is taking action. but is this -- what do you think boehner's reaction is going to be to this? will this move republicans at all? >> i certainly hope it will move republicans but when i think of all of the things that the american people want an overwhelming numbers that republicans have not acted on, i wouldn't hold my breath for their action. 90% of americans believe we need gun background checks. house majority won't do anything. upwards of 90% of american workers say they would join union if they can or they believe workers should have a voice on the job, yet we see anti-davis moves like that. there are so many things the american people want that they are not getting. quite frankly, this republican majority does not represent the will of the american people. >> all right, congressman keith
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ellison, i appreciate your time so much. have a great fourth and enjoy the week. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen, share your thoughts with us on twitter and also on facebook. like us on facebook at we got he had as well. we want to know what you think. coming up, a major blow to separation of church and state opens the door to workplace discrimination. the rapid response panel weighs in on today's supreme court ruling for hobby lobby. but first, karl rove's imperial accusations and selective memory. trenders is next stay with us. more violence in the middle east. and more chaos over there usually means higher gas... prices here. but we can take control with clean, renewable fuels... like ethanol we're growing right here. it means more jobs and more security... less pollution and less pain at the pump. because it's time to stop letting chaos decide our... energy future.
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on facebook and you can get my podcast at and in the tenth year and ring of fire the ed show social media nation has decided we're reporting. here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> there it is. >> the number three trender, flight fright. >> an emergency landing for united airlines flight. >> ladies and gentlemen, please calm down. >> after an emergency escape slide opened while the plane was in the air. >> a mid-air mishap leaves passengers grounded in kansas. >> a big bang and a his. >> passengers thought maybe the door had opened. it was actually an accidental deployment of the slide. >> first thought i had, i hope it was no one in the restaurant. they are not getting out for some time. >> the number two trender, go fish. >> have you made plans to go fishing this summer? >> going fishing?
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>> yes, we're going to need a bigger vote for this fish. >> will you quit it? i'm trying to swim here. >> north of the border. >> you're going to need a bigger boat. >> today's top trender, empty suit. >> not only does the president ignore the law but brags about it. >> we take these actions and now republicans are mad at me for taking these actions. >> executive orders are part of the job for the president of the united states. >> this is imperial power, george iii. >> karl rove -- >> can you honestly say you believe this president is going further than president bush did in exercising this executive power? >> absolutely. >> president obama has issued the least amount of executive orders in recent history. >> the constitution says article one, the legislative branch is the congress. >> i want to work with you but you've got to give me something. >> it does not say the legislative power is shared between the president and the
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congress. >> but they've decided they are going to sue me for doing my job. >> this is some monarch to say, i am the law. >> joining us tonight is america's lawyer, mike papantonio. mike, in fairfairness, you haven calling balls and strikes on president obama since day one. you hold him accountable. i think i've been -- in that neighborhood as well. going all the way back to the public option. but on this one, isn't it clear cut that the president has not used executive orders as much as other presidents? and obama's use of executive orders, why is it under so much scrutiny by republicans when he has used fewer than previous presidents? >> your thoughts on this? the numbers don't lie. >> the guy out front on this is rove. karl rove is really the out front guy. he used to have enough polish to separate himself from the
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republican riffraff but something happened to karl rove. that's why we're hearing rove out front on these talking points on places like fox news. something happened after of the tell viced meltdown. we saw firsthand on camera he became unhinged and almost became derespondent about being wrong. people that observed karl rove that night came away saying, karl rove is different now. he's willing to put himself in the same class as palin and ted cruz. he's the go guy talking about the imperial presidency, the mouthpiece. even though ronald reagan -- i used 380 executive orders, you had bush use 291 executive orders and in here you have obama with about 180. rove and the people who surround rove have always had a problem with the truth. but right now on this issue, it's hard to tell a lie because
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the numbers speak for themselves. look, bush's executive orders were absurd. bush went as far as trying to shut down stem cell research with an executive order and used it to side step the geneva convention by way of executive order. he used it to destroy the possibility of having a look at presidential records. this was the most active republican group we had ever seen. so this talk about imperial presidency is something that even karl rove can't tell a lie about. and when he's out front talking like this, you have to say, something is different. he's just not right. rolled himself into that same kind of talk that just seems so crazy. >> and into the detail of it, rove explained away bush's use of executive orders by saying that the president has a broader authority when it comes to waging war. now, he, of course, was picking
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on the president for that of immigration. using war as the excuse, what about that? >> well, i mean, it's not just -- the attack on obama right now, ed, is broader than any one specific issue. it's an attack getting ready for hillary clinton. the next thing we're going to hear is that hillary clinton is one of the loyal enforcers of this imperial presidency idea, that the democrats have moved towards this notion that they want a king rather than a statesman. so we're going to start hearing this with hillary clinton. look, there's no talking point right now, ed, that is too sophomoric for fox news to deliver or sophomoric for the gop to embrace this talking point. the problem with this talking point is it's too easy to see through the lie. because all you have to do is look at the numbers. and the numbers are startling when you make a comparison. >> well, let's go to today's action. today the white house said that
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the president is going to take executive action on immigration after john boehner said there would be no vote on immigration reform this year. so the president took him at his word. do republicans have any cirighto criticize a president on this when they are clearly standing in the way of progress, if you poll this, the american people want something done on immigration reform and now the president made the move today? what about all that? >> very smart move by the president. obama is saying, he's shedding a light on how dysfunctional this republican congress is. he's saying, they won't do it. they won't do their job and so we have to have grown-ups come in and handle this problem. it's like home alone -- leadership position and immigration frankly, ed, is the perfect issue for him to take some leadership on. >> all right, mike papantonio,
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america's lawyer, good to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. what today's supreme court decision on hobby lobby means for the separation of church and state. rapid response panel weighs in on that. louisiana science farce, a local candidate for the united states congress is testing the temperatures on climate denial. but next, i'm taking your questions. ask ed live just ahead on "the ed show" on msnbc. we are right back. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here
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medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. welcome back to the ed show. we appreciate the questions. tonight in our ask ed live segment, first question comes from dave, has the supreme court lost all legitimacy? coming up in the back half of this show we'll talk about the war on women and i would think that women in this country would think, gosh, did they understand birth control and fairness? yeah, i think progressives and
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fair minded americans that some supreme court has been a real eye opener to a lot of americans. they clearly are agenda driven. they are bent to the right big time and they are not fair to workers. they proved that today. our next question is from jeff. interesting question here. do you take a shower after work? yes, i do. in this home studio here in detroit lakes, i've got high intensity lights right here. we turn the air conditioning to 66 degrees because it gets hot in this room. but i end up sweating pretty hard at the end of this program. so eastern time at about five at 6:00, if you're really concerned about that, big eddie is taking a shower just down the hall. stick around, rapid response panel is next. markets end highing forethe month and quarter but mixed on day. the s&p off a fraction and nasdaq though adding 10.
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general motors finished lower after it announced another set of recalls affecting 7.6 million vehicles for faulty ignition switches and is aware of three deaths and eight injuries and seven crashes. pending home sales jumped more than 6% last month. that's it from cnbc, we're first in business worldwide. are of getting shingles? those odds are high enough.
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the supreme court. welcome back to "the ed show." people laugheded in his face when he tried to convince a crowd corporations are people. today the supreme court ruled businesses have the right to religious freedom under federal law ks extending first amendment protections to corporations. today corporate personhood is no longer a laughing matter. in burwell versus hobby lobby, closely held corporations cannot be required to provide contraception coverage for their employees. hobby lobby, a christian owned craft supply store had challe e challenged the affordable care mandate on the grounds that it violated the religious freedom by requiring them to pay for contraception methods they find morally objectionable. conservatives are out in full force this day calling this a win for religious liberty. don't be fooled. this ruling isn't a victory for the millions of americans who practice different faiths. their right to religious freedom
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is already protected by the first amendment. this is a victory for people of faith privileged enough to own and operate a for profit corporation. this is a victory for conservatives in the war on women. which is now being fought by some of the members on the highest federal court in the united states of america. as the final interpreter of federal constitution law, constitutional law, the supreme court set a dangerous precedent today. no matter how narrowly this decision was written, it opens the flood gates for litigation enabling employers to deny other forms of health care to their employees on religious grounds. our founding fathers sought to create a government with a wall of separation between church and state. today, some of that wall came crashing down. joining me tonight in the rapid response panel, president of the national organization of women and syndicated columnist connie
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shultz. great to have both of you with us tonight. are you surprised? what was your reaction at today's ruling? clearly most americans think this is a move of discrimination. >> it's absolutely discriminatory, ed, it's very important to remember, that unintended pregnancy kills. it is literally deadly. unintended pregnancy ahighly correlated with infant mortality and it's a significant risk factor for domestic violence homicide. the men on the supreme court who ruled against women in the hobby lobby case simply disregarded the welfare and lives of women and infants. so to suggest that there's somehow religion can be used as a justification to block women from accessing birth control, which is basic health care for women, is absolutely outrageous and my prediction is that having taken the supreme court down the road of being simply another
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activist political organization, john roberts is not going to have very much influence over the long run of the constitutional law of this country. >> connie shultz, certainly want your thoughts on this. but isn't this a slippery slope? i mean, where is this going to ends? is this just the beginning? inju your thoughts. >> we don't know just how far reaching this decision could be. i've been reading a number of stories this afternoon, including the "washington post" that outline how many companies we're talking about when you talk about these closely held companies. when you look at the long-term, ed, i must say i'm ever hopeful that this is nudging ugs in the direction of single payer because that is going to be the way to prevent this sort of discrimination against women. and let us not forget that what -- hobby lobby family, what the owner was opposed to based
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on his beliefs was forms of birth control that do not form abortion. we start with that fallacy, false rendering of what the medication does. then we make it his closely held belief, whatever that's supposed to mean and we're depriving women of birth control. and if you -- if you make it harder for women to get -- to have access to affordable birth control, you will have more abortions because there will be more unplanned pregnancies. >> yeah. you know, terry, doesn't this put the government between you and your doctor? >> you know, it puts women's bosses between them and their doctor, ed. and it's very difficult to see as connie said and others have said how this is not a huge deeply troubling decision for employees all across the spectrum. it does not protect employees from their boss deciding well, i
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don't like blood transfusions or boss deciding, i don't like the lgbt community, i'm going to withhold health care from them. it is very troubling because it is a slippery slope in that way. it is really important to remember. >> the court -- >> go ahead. >> apartheid in south africa was justified on religious grounds. southern baptist convention justified slavery and later jim crow and segregation on religious grounds. there are some religious beliefs that we no long honor in our government and the supreme court is wrong to honor gender bigotry that hobby lobby stores and conestoga wood are promoting. it's bigotry to keep women from having basic health care. >> you know, obviously the court deciding that religious freedom restoration act applies to private commercial enterprises, i would imagine there would be a flood of objections and lawsuits coming forward. what about us, you know, every
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company is going to be sitting up saying that now. no other court has made that determination, connie. what does this mean for the future of separation for church and state? >> i think that's an excellent question. i have to tell you as a christian, i'm so offended by the notion to be a christian means you want to harm women. as much of the polling has shown, the majority of americans who identify as religious americans people of faith, also oppose this ruling and opposed it before it came down. i want to make it clear here, they are not speaking for all christians, hobby lobby, when you decide to go after this essential woman's right to her reproductive freedom and to basic medical care. look at the options now. if you're not covered by private insurer, if you've enrolled in the exchange or going to be dependent on organizations like planned parenthood, i talked to a number of people today and hopeful a lot more contributions
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going in for this very purpose, to cover the health care of women who will not be able to afford it. >> and of course, what is does this mean for women employed by corporations who deny contraception on moral grounds? it means that women are going to be hurt. >> this whole -- >> go ahead. go ahead. >> i'm sorry, ed, i apologize for interrupting, i don't think we ever seed an inch to them on the notion of the moral high ground. that would be the point of this in part. i consider myself a very moral person and part of my morality means taking care of america's families and that has to mean taking care of america's women. >> and for this supreme court to allow ideology to get in the middle of all of that, i think is repulsive. >> yes, it is. >> i think it's going -- you know, this really, if it was any question about whether there's a bunch of ideologues on the right sitting on the court, this one
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certainly answers it, doesn't it? >> you know, ed, i think it does. the supreme court has jumped a full fledged into the war on women. they are now waging war on women. if the equal rights amendment were part of the constitution of the united states, the supreme court, i don't believe could have decided hobby lobby the way it did and wouldn't be able to decide the buffer zone case the way it did, not for women seeking reproductive health care or abortion care but yes buffer zones protecting supreme court justices themselves at the supreme court building. with an era they wouldn't have been able to do that. >> science lost today and so did women in a big, big way. great to have both of us with us tonight on this important subject, no doubt. coming up, the effects of the bp deep water horizon spilg are still being felt on the gulf. no one is talking about the resource because we're seeing
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imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. and in pretenders tonight, climate shame, the raging climate denier wants to win in her latest television commercial, whitney says she's blown the lid off climate change. >> in my announcement speech for congress here in louisiana, i said something provocative, that global warming is a hoax. any 10-year-old can invalidate their these sis with one of the simplest scientist devices known to man, a thermometer. a specter is haunting america, it is perhaps the greatest deception in the mystery of mankind. energy security is real. global warming is not.
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it is merely a strategy assigned to give more power to the executive branch while increasing taxes in a progressive's dream to regulate every aspect of american life. >> >> well, she'll be a star on "duck dynasty" soon, don't you think? saying you can disprove climate change with a thermometer. that's like saying you have seen the cleanest barrel of oil. >> a critical, in my view, piece of infrastructure that will transport safely the cleanest barrel of oil produce ared in north america. >> must be a louisiana thing. either way, denying science hurts louisiana's environment. if lenora whitney thinks waving a thermometer will ease the facts she can keep on pretending. latte or au lait?
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. an oil spill shut down a major interstate highway, causing traffic issues for residents in illinois today. officials say a leak occurred in one of the lines at the holding area for half a dozen mayer juror oil refineries who process crude. this highway closure is an immediate impact of a spill, but an environmental impact can be long-lasting. a perfect example of that, of course, is happening in the gulf of mexico. four years after the deep water
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horizon disaster, bp has been running television commercials saying the gulf is open for business. these ads are very misleading, at best. bp officially ended its cleanup from the spill in june of 2013. the condition of the gulf coast is far from clean. in 2013 alone, 4.6 million pounds of oiled material was collected out of the gulf. that's right. 4.6 million pounds. bp didn't clean up after itself. now it is trying to get money back. get this. now they are trying to get money back from businesses who claimed losses. bp wants a federal judge to order restitution for what the oil company says are hundreds of millions of dollars in over payments. the greedy oil giant thinks it is owed money when businesses in the gulf are still suffering. the largest shrimp buyer in louisiana explained just how bad it is.
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>> it's ridiculous. i mean, you've got stuff like on "60 minutes" showing that people are collecting money. we haven't collected nothing since 2010. what they are not showing, they have documentaries like "vanishing pearl" that will show that they paid people $5,000 that made their living off the gulf. it's a shame what they dichltd there are a lot of people suffering down there. every day we've got to see it. bp ought to be ashamed and the government ought to be ashamed for allowing it to happen. >> of course, the situation hasn't changed. oil companies are trashing the environment. and they are not cleaning up their messes. what other conclusion could we come to? brent kuhn, attorney, joins us tonight on "the ed show." good to have you with us. this is amazing that bp, record profitses, money offshore go right on down the list. they are the corporate world. they are claiming overpayments when businesses in the gulf are
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still suffering financial loss because of the spill. capitalize what is unfolding for us here. >> you know, ed, good question. first there are two or three point there is. first from being on the show a number of times and the commentators, they should change the name to b.s. because we know in this case and many cases we have been involved in before, bp has lied to the courts, lied to congress, lied to the claimants and victims and lied to the press about what's going on. because they have so much money to ebb gauge in those practices and lie to the press, most people do not know what's going on because they tend to believe what has been reported by bp and what's bought and paid for advertising. so we do know bp announced a settlement two years ago. they have not paid 75% of the claims sub hitted in the process two years later. they have appealed those to the
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very supreme court you were talking about earlier which is offensive and which is sympathetic to big business. while they have paid a small portion of the claims they have filed motions with the original trial court to get the money back from the people they have paid. they haven't paid many people. to the extent they have, they have filed a crazy motion asking for their money back. in addition to that, there is a separate settlement program that bp wants. of the cases submitted there, tens of thousands. what do you to when our govlt continued to allow them to operate while they are a convicted felon. they were convicted felons of manslaughter for quilling the folks in texas city. they were on probation when they blew up this rig. the government allows them to drill even today while the department of justice is uh suing them. they are allowing them to produce oil and make money.
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>> so finally, what we are seeing here is a big corporation and multinational saying, we'll show you how deep our pockets are at the end of the day. we can beat the working guy. we can beat those families. it will take time. we'll starve them out. is that what's happening? >>sure. they have warn out the court system. they have worn out the claimants and discouraged them from trying to pursue claims. when you look at the mess they left, we know there is more than a billion pounds of this core exit mixed emulsified oil still in the gulf of mexico. most of the oil by bp was deliberately driven down into the sub sea and the bottom of the ocean so they could lie about how much was spilled. when they were testifying in congress they swore only a thousand barrel as day spilling. it turned out to be over 50,000 barrels a day.
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>> the story will continue. the environmental impact is a show in itself. we are going right on down that road. this is the next big story that has to be uncovered. what is happening to our environment and the gulf. brent coon, appreciate your help telling the story. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politics nation" starts now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, president obama tells republicans to drop the excuses. it's now been over one year since the senate passed a sweeping immigration bill to secure the borders and create a pathway to citizenship. in typical fashion, speaker boehner and the house gop have done nothing about it. today, president obama said he's acting on his own in
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