tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC July 1, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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by the ginsberg dissent. thank you. >> that is all in. good evening rachael. thanks for joining us. today at the white house they held a viewing party for the world cup. for whatever reason soccer is one of the sports where everybody feels better if we all watch together in a large group. not every sport is like that. today at soldier field in chicago and kansas city, missouri and piedmont park in atlanta and city hall plaza in boston and san francisco there were really big public groups of fans gathered together in the literal public square to cheer for the american team in their big historic match today versus belgium at the world cup. the big gatherings of people watching together included this rather buttoned up watch party at the white house. specifically, this was at the eisenhower executive office building. president obama himself walked
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over from the white house to the building where they were holding the watch party at one point today and dropped in unexpectedly on the federal workers there watching the game. before sitting down in the room there to watch some of the game himself president obama led the crowd in a round of i believe that we can win. i believe that we can win. which is apparently the american fan chant that you hear most often now at our international soccer matches including at the world cup. i believe that we can win did not start as a soccer thing. i believe that we can win was invented as a chant by a navy mid shipman serving in annapolis. he came up with as a way to support the navy football team. now it has become an all-american sporting chant
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including the one led today by the president of the united states. >> i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe that we can win. i believe that we can win. i believe that we can win. i believe that we can win. >> so the white house is hosting watch parties. the president is leading chants. he has been levining speeches with go team usa. the big watch parties all across the country. our country's support for the national soccer team at the world cup is a real thing. it is not forced. we feel passion for america's prospects at the world cup especially for a huge game like today's game against belgium. our sincere desire that our national team do well, our sincere interests in seeing them succeed is not the same thing as
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us having a deep organic national understanding of how the game actually works and how it is actually played. other than the american team being at the world cup we don't watch much international soccer as a country. so stuff that happens in international soccer which probably seems normal to other fans in other countries who watch more of it these things don't seem normal to us and have trans fixed the american public because we don't watch much of the stuff and some of it doesn't have a parallel in our sporting events. it has been a new national experience of moral outrage for americans to be watching american soccer right now and therefore be treated to the sight of players faking it, faking being hurt. this is part of how the game is played. it happens in professional soccer all over the world. it definitely happens in international matches in soccer. it is a totally normal thing they do in high level soccer and american fans are completely horrified that this is how the game is played.
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watch the guy in red here. that guy with the circle. he falls down. is he hurt? maybe he is hurt. watch the replay. so he falls down. looks around. am i hurt? i've decided to be hurt. this is another really good. this next one watch the guy in yellow. they are having words, upset, having a confrontation. i am deciding to fall down. the guy in the stripes is like what? this is my favorite. you watch this one unfold it looks like the guy in red might be hurt. you see the replay. watch what he does. he picks up the other guy's hand and uses it to punch himself in the face thus creating a very keen illusion that the guy in the yellow shirt might have punched him in the face. as non-die hard soccer fans when america's attention turns to the
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the world cup every four years we are shocked by this behavior. as international soccer players americans are not thought to be very skilled at this particular part of the game. the lying and cheating and faking that you are hurt in the hopes somebody else will get a penalty called against them that you don't deserve and the team get advantage from your acting skills rather than something you did on the pitch. turns out american players aren't that great at that. i feel kind of good about that. i know it would be better if we had beaten belgium. it is kind of a point of national pride that we suck at the cheating part. even if we are not good at the cheating part in soccer. even if we are not good at faking it for advantage it does not mean we are not good at that in life or at least in politics. we don't do it in soccer. we do it in washington. pretending to be grievously injured or insulted when you are not in the hopes of getting a penalty called on the other guy if you complain the right way
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when the guy has done nothing to you that is basic pee we league american political strategy. we are having a big national one right now. there was this telling moment in washington a few days ago when congressional republicans announced they were going to bring a lawsuit against president obama because he is so terrible. what specifically is so terrible about president obama? that is not really the point. >> are you planning to initiate a lawsuit against the obama administration and president obama? >> i am. >> can you explain why that is necessary? >> the constitution makes it clear that a president's job is to faithfully execute the laws.
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in my view the president has not. >> what specific executive actions are you planning to challenge in court? >> when i make that decision i will let you know. >> there is john boehner. i'm hurt so terribly. how are you hurt? what did this terrible person do to you? i don't know yet. i will get back to you on that but please aine that person a penalty. if you don't know what you are suing a person for it does sort of under cut the idea that that person has done something seriously worthy of outrage if you have to figure it out after you file the lawsuit. in politics this is kind of a classic strategy. in soccer it is a classic strategy. in this political case the single party most delighted about john boehner being caught punching himself in the face or
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falling down for no reason or trying to look injured, the party most excited about this which can't stop talking about this even though john boehner sort of hasn't talked about it after the press conference when he couldn't answer why he was doing it the person in washington most happy about this appears to be the man being sued. president obama seems to be delighted. president obama went back today to what is apparently his new favorite topic of his conversation, the fact that he is trying to act to make things better and change policy in ways he thinks is good for the american people and the republicans are suing him over it. president obama went back to that today even though republicans aren't talking about it anymore but he apparently could not be more happy to discuss the subject. >> it's not crazy. it's not socialism.
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it's not the imperial presidency. no laws are broken. we are just building roads and bridges like we have been doing for the last, i don't know, 50, 100 years. but so far house republicans have refused to act on this idea. i haven't heard a good reason why they haven't acted. it is not like they have been busy with other stuff. seriously. i mean, they are not doing anything. why don't they do this? >> president obama has now done some version of this for the third time in five days. since the republicans announced late last week that they were going to sue him for executive actions he is taking on issues
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that congress won't vote on the president has taken that issue which they started and he has tried to elevate it into a national daily point of discussion. they picked this fight with him but he is the one who is very happy to have it. he is more than happy to have it. he keeps talking about it and bringing it up unsolicited and seems to enjoy himself more and more. >> as long as they insist on taking no action whatsoever that will help anybody i'm going to keep taking actions on my own that can help the middle class like the actions i have taken to speed up construction projects and attract new manufacturing jobs and lift wages and help students pay off their student loans. and they criticize me for this. boehner is suing me for this. and i told him i would rather do things with you. pass some laws. make sure the highway trust fund
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is funded so we don't layoff hundreds of thousands of workers. middle class families can't wait for republicans in congress to do stuff. so sue me. as long as they are doing nothing i'm not going to apologize for trying to do something. [ applause ] >> that was president obama speaking today. that was right before the kickoff of the world cup game this afternoon. he started speaking in the 2:00 hour. kickoff was at 4:00 p.m. eastern. yesterday the president speaking at the rose garden at the white house where he announced he would be taking new executive action on the issue of immigration and made the point about republicans refusing to do anything themselves but threatening to sue him over his willingness to act. >> if house republicans are really concerned about me taking too many executive actions the
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best solution to that is passing bills. pass a bill. solve a problem. don't just say no on something that everybody agrees needs to be done. >> that was the president speaking yesterday at the white house. he keeps going back to the topic again and again and again with some evident if not glee, at least happy to be talking beit. it is like it put a spring in his step. i mean, the white house has a new focus now. watch this. >> now, some of you may have read so we take these actions and then now republicans are mad at me for taking these actions. they are not doing anything and then they are mad that i'm doing something. i'm not sure which of the things i have done they find most offensive but they have decided
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they are going to sue me for doing my job. you know, i might have said in the heat of the moment during one of these debates i want to raise the minimum wage so sue me when i do. i didn't think they were going to take it literally. if you watch the news you just see washington is a mess and the basic attitude is everybody is just crazy up there. but if you actually read the fine print it turns out that the things you care about right now democrats are promoting. and we're just not getting enough help. and my message to republicans is join us. get on board. if you're mad at me for helping people on my own why don't you join me and we will do it together? we will do it together. i want to work with you but you have to give me something.
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you have to try to deliver something. anything. they don't do anything except block me. and call me names. it can't be that much fun. it would be so much more fun if they said let's do something together. >> president obama speaking this weekend, speaking friday in minnesota. he says it would be more fun if they said let's do something together. i think it is clear, i think that is a good look for the president in terms of his public face. when he says that he thinks it would be fun if republicans said let's do something together i don't think republicans want to do something together. i don't think they would think that is fun. the fact that republicans have made it so clear that they don't
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want to do anything together not even the things that they would want to do alone, that does appear, i think, to have sunk in despite what the president said there. i think it appears to have energized the president and the white house like nothing else on the domestic front on this second term thus far. something is going on right now and i think the immediate political calculation is clear. i think the white house and the administration is proud of all of the things that the president has acted on through executive action at all of these speeches and events. the president lists all of the things he has done. he always starts with raising the minimum wage to the extent he could for federal contract workers, fair pay for women, making student loans more affordable.
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the things he has put on the list are all very popular actions so the white house is proud of them. to be attacked for doing those things reminds the country that the president has taken the popular actions and the republicans in congress haven't. they like that contrast so they are speaking with the president's agenda of taking executive action where they can and now are talking about it more than ever. they invited the press to see the president start a meeting with his cabinet today. the president went out of his way to say he was going to be asking cabinet secretaries to start talking about what executive action they could do on their own on things that congress could not act on. so the obama administration likes the way this looks. the republicans choosing to sue the president for trying to do so much the white house sees this as a gift. this is something they can work with. i believe that we can win. you can sense how they have grasped on to this and are running with it. there is another strategic part of this that is a much more open question. and that is, what effect is it actually going to have on congress for the president to be traveling around the country every couple of days getting big
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rounds of applause and big laugh lines and big headlines for mocking congress and teasing congress about how little they do? when the president travels around the country they don't do anything and the crowd goes they don't do anything what effect will they have on congress that that is what the president spends his time on now? there is the little house keeping matter that there is stuff that congress does have to do and that the president can't do. the reason for the president's trip today was to talk about the fact that the bridge is being repaired. federal highway funding is being spent to fix the bridge. that was the set piece for the back drop today because of this letter sent today from the administration to all 50 states. 50 of these letters went out today telling all states today is july 1. most parts of the country this is known as construction season. summer is when we do the most work to repair roads and bridges and fill pot holes.
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it is july 1 today and on august 1 one month from today unless congress acts every state in the country will see on average a 28% immediate cut in the transportation dollars they are getting to do their roads and bridges projects. there is more than 100,000 construction projects underway supported by federal transportation money right now. unless this -- this is a very short term problem. unless congress acts to pass a transportation bill now all of those projects are in jeopardy of basically being stopped mid stream. this is not some indefinite far off in the future. the funding is going to start being cut off a month from today, august 1. construction projects underway right now will be stopped because the money is going to go away unless congress does something in short order. what is the likelihood that congress is going to do that thing that only they can do
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especially given that congress doing nothing has just inspired the president of the united states to start a barn storming multistate tour raking in the political capital nationwide talking about how this congress won't do anything. does that make congress more likely to do something or less likely to do something to have the president capitalizing on their inactivity in such an over the top way? i will tell you i personally have bought three new tires int last six months and not because i like new tires but because i needed them. i don't know about you but i have an interest in whether or not they get the next thing done. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. we'll be here at lifelock doing our thing: you do your share spontaneous moments thing,
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so far house republicans have refused to act on this idea. i haven't heard a good reason why they haven't acted. it is not like they have been busy with other stuff. seriously. they are not doing anything. why don't they do this? >> president obama speaking today in washington. we are hearing a lot like this from the president now about how congress he says are not doing anything and i will. there is, however, stuff that only congress can do. what happens now with that stuff, some of which is rather important and rather pressing. joining us is sam stein. thanks for being here. does the white house actually love that congressional republicans are suing them?
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>> i think they do. i think as you mentioned it portrays the president as this kinetic political force and the republicans as recalcinetric political force and here president is getting things done and republicans are standing in the way. you under score the problem which is that what the president can do is largely temporary. if he does want to have a greater impact and pass larger legislation he needs the input of the congress. >> there is some stuff that is really pressing that is going to happen regardless of political wins. one of them is the transportation bill where more than 100,000 construction projects around the country may just stop in a matter of weeks. there is also the pressing matter of being between 700 and 800 u.s. troops in iraq and the president only having so much time there before the president needs congressional authorization.
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do you have sense from your reporting whether or not congress is up to the task of doing the stuff that they really need to do? >> on the highway trust fund it is clear that congress needs to pass a bill in order for the fund to be replenished. there has been talks in the senate greater than what is happening in the house but there is no real indication that anything is imminent in terms of getting it done. contrast that with what is happening in iraq. you get a sense of talking to people on the hill that they want nothing to do with authorization and say to the president you take it and put your fingerprints on this quagmire. i think that is the frustration that the white house has which is that they don't get a clean message all the time about when they need to have the legislative branch's input. >> in terms of the republican strategy here -- we were talking about the democratic strategy. i am mocking and will defend my
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mocking as kind of faking injury here if you don't know why you are suing somebody the fact that you are suing them seems to be a little bit silly. in terms of the republicans moving ahead with trying to force this confrontation, this constitutional confrontation with the president is there a sense that they have picked the thing in which they wish to sue the president? >> john boehner is the striker in the box who acts like a sniper has taken him out and falls down and gets the penalty. i think that was largely the case when he announced the lawsuit. you get the sense that the republican leadership in the house are coalescing around health care and energy and then immigration and then foreign policy. i am guessing they are going to look at some of the changing that the administration made to the health care law or potentially epa legislation as things to base the lawsuit. >> that would be hilarious. >> this is what the president wants.
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he wants john boehner to say we don't like that you delayed the employer mandate. we want employers to have to cover health care for workers. we don't like that you redid this thing. we want more cancelled plans. >> they are excited to have fights about the stuff that they have done unilaterally. fascinating times. senior political editor for huff huffington post. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪
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in the most conservative state in the republic this happened. if it can happen here it can happen anywhere and that is why we will never stop fighting. >> there has still been no concession in that fight in the most conservative state of the republic but no concession part is the least weird part going on. we have big news out of that state tonight and that story is coming up. spokesperson: the volkswagen passat is heads above the competition, but we're not in the business of naming names. the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that's been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought...
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if you think of the vietnam war who is the u.s. president who most comes to mind? richard nixon, l.b.j., john f. kennedy or gerald ford in 1974 after u.s. troops were out. the fall of saigon while he was in office. the legacies of these presidents were tied up in the long vietnam war. none of these four presidents is the u.s. president who started the u.s. involvement in vietnam. the names of american service members killed in that war are listed chronlogically. the first names on that wall are from the 1950s. we think the 1950s is when we fought the korean war but the
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vietnam war from the late 60s. the first american president to send u.s. forces to vietnam. the first americans who died in vietnam were under president dwight eisenhower. he resisted a full scale of u.s. intervention and did start what became a full scale u.s. military intervention when he deployed several hundred u.s. military advisers to not fight an american war there but advise and help with their own fight in their own country. that is how it started with the few hundred advisers. that is not how it ended up. military intervention has a way of starting small and getting bigger and hard to end. shortly after he was sworn in the new obama white house let it be known the new president and a number of advisers were reading this book guy gordon goldstein. it was a history of the war told
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through the lens of an adviser. the thesis of the book is that even though eisenhower had put the first few hundred military advisers in vietnam had president kennedy lived longer than he did we probably wouldn't have seen the same huge escalation as we saw under president johnson. kennedy brought the number from eisenhower levels up to 9,000 men but the thesis was that kennedy would have been more restrained and over time would have resisted a bigger war. after he died president johnson was basically too insecure about foreign policy and military issues to resist making the war bigger so l.b.j. slid down the slope into what turned into a huge war that would not end until the 1970s and until more than 50,000 americans were killed and our country was transformed by the accompanying trauma.
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more to help iraqi security forces. when president obama faced questions in that briefing room that day you could tell he knew exactly what was coming in terms of the questions. >> americans may look at the decision that you are making today as a preview of coming attractions that the number of advisers may be the beginning of a boots on the ground scenario down the road. why is iraq's civil war in the security interest of the united states? >> i think we have to guard against mission creep. let me repeat what i have said in the past. american combat troops are not going to be fighting in iraq again. we do not have the ability to simply solve this problem by sending in tens of thousands of
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troops and committing the kinds of blood and treasure that has already been expended in iraq. ultimately this is something that will have to be solved by the iraqis. >> always have to guard against mission creep says the president two thursdays ago. last week the pentagon press secretary announced the first batch of advisers arrived in iraq on a short term limited duration mission led to the right follow up question. >> when you say short-term limited duration of this mission, what is this mission? >> initially to provide assessments and then eventually to advise and assist. >> now, secretary kerry said today in iraq that the u.s. effort there would be sustained and intense. is there a disconnect between d.o.d. and state or are you talking about two different missions? >> i won't speak to secretary kerry. my impression on his remarks were talking about the sense of urgency and level of effort. this is limited short term
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duration mission. we have been saying that since the beginning. it's very clear the commander in chief couldn't have been more clear that this would be limited short term mission. >> so first 275 troops to secure the embassy and then 300 advisers to help iraqi forces and now even more. president obama notified congress late yesterday that he is deploying another 200 troops to iraq to further bolster security and also at the airport in baghdad. the most recent injection of troops brings total number of u.s. personnel sent to iraq between 200 to 800 people. president says american combat troops will not be fighting in iraq again. there they go and are combat equipped. congressional leadership taking no action to debate let alone vote. how slippery is this slope? how creepy is this creep?
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who is being listened to in washington on this subject? what is the level of influence in washington of those who are pushing for iraq war iii? joining us now from aspen of all places is steve clemons. editor at large for the atlantic. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> is there anyway to know if this is a start of upward and continuing trajectory here if we ended up starting the slide into iraq? >> we only have history to look to.
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in the obama administration he kept his word. libya was a case where a lot of us including myself were concerned about a slippery slope to a much larger engagement. they didn't happen. in other cases with president obama and certainly in the bush administration and back when we have seen these kinds of quick escalations in troop we see a much larger engagement follow. the slippery slope is more the standard than not when we see cases like this. >> what advice do you think that president obama is getting? what can you tell from your sources in your reporting who he is listening to and who has the advantage and the initiative on this issue right now? >> i think he is listening to commanders and certain advisers both in state but also cia who are telling him that they are
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worried about the quick moves of isis and the alliances of isis with other parts of the sunni establishment and the worry they have that the weakness of the troops that we trained combined with the incompetence of malaki. we are seeing the ones we are trying to help incompetent and without resolve. i think he is worried that baghdad could fall and iraq could turn into a much larger mess or turn into a haven for terrorists again. he is hearing that and worried he doesn't want that to happen on his watch. >> trying to stop baghdad from falling is something 300 american troops is not going to make a difference in and training iraqi forces and you are talking about sending 300 elite troops when we left we had thousands there and we saw what happened with the iraqi military after we left. the idea of american military capacity being determinative for what happens in iraq, if that is the discussion then there's no
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way out. the camel's nose is under the tent and the tent is almost gone. >> this is a reactive move. we are moving close for potential capacity. we are looking at vietnam-like scenarios. i think one of the larger issues is there is still no broad strategic plan for how we knock this up and bring the saudis and iranians and those driving these interior issues together to talk about what is happening. there is this bizarre view that if you deploy power and deploy drones and air power in certain cases and discussing that in aspen that somehow that will move the needle. i find it naive when you look how large the tectonic plates are grinding against each other. they definitely have the day at the moment. >> knowing if the analysis is about how bad things are and the solution to things being bad as american military power then we are at the start of something here and not the tail end. i think it is a very fraught
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time. washington editor at live for the atlantic. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. lots more ahead including the will of the electorate versus alleged envelopes full of cash. >> i think the that you have to be careful spending special forces because it is a number that has a tendency to grow. but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. (vo)cars for crash survival,ning subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet.
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programming note. right around 3:00 eastern time yesterday afternoon president obama emerged from the oval office to deliver an unexpected statement. the president announcing he was no longer willing to wait for republicans in congress to act on our broken immigration system. he would plan to act himself. specifically the president announced he asked his attorney general and homeland security secretary to report back to him by the end of the summer basically by next month about what he can do as president without congress to try to fix the problem. right after the president wrapped up remarks in the rose garden a few moments later the homeland security secretary held his own press appearance in texas where he had been visiting a border patrol station, his second visit to that facility in the span of ten days. that was yesterday afternoon in washington and texas. this was earlier this morning,
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jay johnson fresh off the trip to the border sitting along side president obama in the white house cabinet room. as the president, for the second time in as many days, announced if congress will not act on immigration and a host of other issues, he's not afraid to act alone. jeh johnson tasked with helping the president circumvent congress for immigration reform. he was with the president a few hours later, today and tomorrow night he will be right here sitting at this desk with me. tomorrow night we'll be joined by homeland security secretary jeh johnson, who does not do very many interviews. that's tomorrow night. we'll be right back.
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happy july 1st. today is day one of the second half of 2014. but today's news made it clear that maybe the second half of 2014 is going to be as crazy in mississippi as the first half of the year was. the big picture mississippi headline, republicans long-time incumbent senator thad cochran fended off a tea party challenge to hold on to his senate seat. that offered perhaps the best chance anywhere in the country for the tea party to turf out an incumbent senator, but it didn't happen. but then came the amazing stuff. chris mcdaniel had been a featured speaker for neoconfederates who want the south to break off from the union again for all the same reasons they did the last time, as well. in may, four supporters were arrested in connection with an alleged scheme to take photos of senator cochran's wife in a nursing home to use against him in a political video.
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one of those suspects who was arrested in that case co-hosted chris mcdaniel's conservative radio talk show. another of those suspects committed suicide. june 3rd, two supporters slipped into the heinz county courthouse after hours on election night. got themselves locked inside with the completed balloted. they had to call for help to get out of the courthouse that night. after all of that, they ended up in a runoff. senator cochran finished second in the primary. to try to win the runoff, he started courting votes from mississippi's african-american voters. he ran ads in black newspapers in mississippi. he mounted a ground game in heavily black counties. as unlikely as it might have seemed, the strategy worked. he grew the overall turnout by courting black voters, beating chris mcdaniel by 6800 votes. chris mcdaniel said the republican party had lost its inner reagan and commitment to
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its principles, that conservatives no longer had a home in the republican party. and ever since then, supporters have been going over the poll books in the heinz county courthouse, the same place where staffers got themselves locked in on the night of the primary. they say they have sound 1500 fraudulent votes in that county alone. really? seriously? i don't know. neither do you. they're just allegations at this point. it's not as if this campaign hasn't been full of bizarre allegations from the beginning. on friday, the local republican chairman explained to reporters most of what were being called fraudulent votes were clerical mistakes and had been mixed already. but because this is mississippi, the day after saying, ah, those
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were just clerical mistakes, that republican party chairman got arrested for dui. mississippi republicans have thrown themselves a senate primary for the ages. today, a right wing blog posted allegations that senator cochran's campaign paid african-american voters $15 apiece to vote for cochran. obviously, that would be really illegal. that said, the website that posted these allegations admits that they did pay a local minister to give them that story. they then posted this telephone interview of themselves asking the minister how many votes he brought in for that $15 reward?
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>> the cochran campaign denied the report, saying they paid that guy whose voice you just heard a few hundred dollars for a legitimate get out the vote operation, but didn't include paying any voters for voting. the cochran campaign is threatening to sue the conservative website. and the leaders of the mississippi republican party met today so the counties could report in their vote totals and come up with an official winner. this is the scene outside that meeting where reporters were told they could not attend. the mcdaniel campaign said they're still considering whether to challenge the vote legally. they claim to have evidence of 3300 irregularities, plus or minus. they say they have not gone over the poll books from the heavily black counties along the mississippi river but say they will. also today, a national right wing poll watcher's group filed a lawsuit against mississippi's republican secretary of state and the mississippi republican party. they're demanding access to the
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records from that runoff election across the state and claiming evidence of voter fraud. apart from this 18-ring circus of a race, i should mention that mississippi right now this second is in the middle of celebrating the 50th anniversary of freedom summer. a summer of activism that led to the voting rights act. tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the civil rights act in this country. a local paper in mississippi pleaded to an end to what they called the mcdaniel kookfest. if african-americans in mississippi voted republican for the first time, maybe they'll vote republican again. that would be good for the republican party. maybe. but for a large and vocal win of the mississippi republican party and for their conservative supporters around the country, voting by large numbers of black people remains suspicious enough to be considered illegal from the get-go. we are 50 years on now from the civil rights act almost exactly. that is still the confidence about mississippi in politics today. amazing.
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and it's not over. that does it for us tonight. now time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." soccer has now reached 100% of its potential audience in the united states, because even i watched the game today. and i believe that makes it 100% of the possible audience. >> i watched, too, so we might have hit 101%. >> thank you very much, rachel. in a relentlessly dramatic world cup game today, i guess i mean match, team usa showed sports fans once again that there can be nobility in losing. breaking news, the united states soccer team just beat ghana.
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