tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC July 2, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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>> mike barnicle. >> that it's impossible to pin bill karins down in a individualized weather forecast. >> and also along your lines, i want to go with tim howard. what a great guy. i also learned that jen litman wants to be jen litman howard. so we don't know if there is a female counterpart but jen loves him. she wants us to wrap because she is embarrassed. anyway, if it is way too early, it is "morning joe." time now for chuck todd and "the daily rundown." as this nation of immigrants gets ready to celebrate the fourth of july and officially welcome aboard thousands of new americans, a special look at the drastic demographic change across the country and the politics of the protests that it's now provoking. also this morning tropical storm arthur gets set to rain on much of the east coast holiday weekend. we'll have the latest on how serious it will get and how long
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it will last. plus, the midterm matchups that are mostly flying under the national radar right now. find out the top ten races that you should be paying closer attention to but you simply haven't, and i don't know why. good morning from washington. it's wednesday, july 2nd, 2014. this is "the daily rundown." the day that john adams thought we'd be celebrating as our independence day but, you know, some bureaucratic mess made it the 4th. let's get right to my first reads of the morning. immigrant rights groups are pushing the president to extend his executive order that he signed for dream act kids more broadly. that's the big executive action that many of these groups would like to see the president take this summer. two years ago, of course, he gave legal status to a small group of undocumented immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the united states before they turned 16 years old. with no prospect for comprehensive immigration reform this year, hispanic groups would like the white house to do something similar to essentially
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grandfather in the parents of those dream act kids. that's a minimum. perhaps even more than that. maybe all 11 million. meanwhile the separate, but related surge of unaccompanied children on the border mostly from central america is building. yesterday hundreds of protesters in california blocked three bus loads of detainees. these detainees, many of them women and children from central america, had been flown to san diego from the texas border by the department of homeland security to prevent overcrowding. protesters met the buses saying go home and we want to be safe. just how complex the immigration issue is for our country. this week nearly 9,000 new american citizens will be sworn in. in fact today ceremonies are being held at turner field, home of the atlanta braves, at the uss midway museum in san diego and of course at mt. rushmore. these naturalization ceremonies have become a staple of the
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fourth of july holiday. the president in fact will hold one on friday at the white house for members of the military who are undocumented. now, according to the u.s. census, the foreign-born population in the u.s. is at an all-time high of 40 million. nearly 13% of that population up from 31 million a decade ago and 19.8 million in 1990. but taking a look inside those numbers explains a lot about why the immigration debate is where it is. our friends at the american communities project at american university examines different types of communities across the country. they have divided them into 15 county types. three of those county types big cities with 23% foreign born, hispanic centers with 20.5% and urban suburbs with 17.6% foreign-born citizens. stand out when it comes to the immigration debate. take a look at this map. the big cities and the urban suburbs are densely populated, diverse places that tend to be on the coasts and lean
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democratic. that's the green. the hispanic centers, all that green west of the mississippi river, are mostly in rural places that tend to vote republican. in 2012, the president won the big city counties, which represented 73 million people, 23% of them foreign born and he won those by 31 points. he also won the urban suburbs, those close-in suburbs that have a foreign-born population of 17%. he won those by 16 points. but in the hispanic centers, counties that are 56% hispanic on average, romney actually came out on top by about 3 points. these counties are the ones that are changing rapidly. now, they are younger than average with 30% of the population under 18 and increasingly divided. that's not good news for republicans but it explains why many of these areas, particularly in midterms, republicans do well there. another interesting number, these naturalization numbers are much lower in the hispanic centers than in the two other county types, with higher
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foreign-born populations. only about 33% are naturalized compared to more than 45% in the big cities and urban suburbs. and then take a look at this drop-off. in eight of these 15 county types, which includes more than 85 million people, less than 6% of the population is foreign-born. this is not spread out. it is in pockets in this country. those numbers drop to 2.5% in the working class country, which are counties that stretch from appalachia into the upper midwest and the south. 2.5% are rural middle america, which runs across the northern half of the country, starting up in maine through the great lakes and across montana. and another 1.6% are in what's described as the aging farmlands, counties of the great plains. those places, immigration reform is just not an immediate crucial issue and more importantly it becomes a what are you focusing on it at all for and that's why there is no motivation by the lawmakers that represent those areas to do anything about it.
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joining me now, dante chinny and usa today's washington bureau chief, susan page. i got the little thing here so we can mess around here a little bit. but it's sort of two different greens here when we're talking about these hispanic centers that you talk about here. the sort of what's happening on the mid-atlantic is in one place and what's happening in the deep south. >> yeah. and when you talk about what's happening west of the mississippi, over here, what you're really talking about is places that are large hispanic populations, lots of foreign born. again, 20% foreign born. but it's -- again, you talked about in the lead-in, the naturalization, most of these people aren't citizens, can't vote. >> look at these counties here. it is amazing. parts of louisiana -- >> you've got to be careful, the greens get a little mixed up. some of these places are african-american south but the dark green over there, that's native american. once you get west of the mississippi a lot of that you're
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talking about, that's hispanic centers. again, lots of foreign born. huge numbers of foreign born. >> susan, what's interesting about these areas is they're almost all represented by republicans. >> that's the base of the republican party, that swath that goes across the south. >> and let's not beat around the bush. why are they succeeding? they're subbicceeding from sort fear of the white population. the white population is concerned about what's happening at home, right? it's not the america they remember. they use phrases like that. >> so it goes to the whole intensity factor. sort of like the gun debate. both americans support a path to citizenship for people who have been here illegally for some time, but the places where they don't, they feel about it really strongly and that pushes republicans to make this a prime issue, something they focus on. a secondary issue for a lot of the rest of the country. >> in the texas, kansas places, the native population is very conservative. they know that that immigrant
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population is not. >> right. >> you're talking about things changing and losing -- it's not just like the changing face of america. it's you're threatening to change the politics of the place i've lived in my whole life. >> you're losing control. i think we took the steve scalise district. we know john boehner is cincinnati, kevin mccarthy is out west. here's a southern district, the scalise district and where it goes. but it is one of these districts in the south, here it is, it's an exurb district, just 3.5% foreign born. >> right. >> this is not an incentive for him to deal with this problem. >> no, it isn't. and again, you talk about louisiana in particular, large african-american population, that's really -- that's really what drives a lot of the concern down there. again, if you're a republican, you're really focusing not even on -- you're focusing on the people that are voting for you, which is not the african-american population, certainly not the immigrant population, which there isn't much of. it's exurb and whites who tend
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to be very conservative. >> and so there is a need to get it done. >> there's a short term versus a long-term factor here. short term all the pressure on republicans to take a firm stand against big immigration reform. over the long term, more and more of these foreign-born people are going to become citizens. they're going to be able to vote. wait till you have much more significant hispanic voting populations in those places. >> and that's the thing. let me go back to the map here and i just circled georgia in particular. that most of that green is part of the black belt, african-american population. we also know georgia is among the fastest-growing hispanic populations. you're going to have a majority of that state be minority probably 2050? >> it's coming pretty fast. the thing to keep in mind for a lot of these districts, though, is that it's short term versus long term but also my personal situation if i'm a republican versus the republican party situation. i need to get re-elected. >> susan, i want you to help me with some historical perspective. these protests in california, i
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was reminded -- growing up in miami, i remember the cuban influx, the boat lift where you brought over 100,000, florida was flooded and there was a sense the federal government was like we've got to move some of these cubans to other places because we don't want a humanitarian crisis. a democratic governor by the name of bill clinton was called by the white house. will you do this, will you accept, a guy who's going to help a democratic president, democratic southern governor, and bill clinton said yes. it's among the reasons that he has even said he thought he lost the last election he ever lost. >> it's one of the reasons he and jimmy carter have never gotten along. >> and carter asked him as a favor as a young governor, as leader of his party, he said yes. >> you look at other pictures, pictures of kids getting off that plane in san diego, some of them being carried down, infants being carried down, you know, the boat lift was -- >> was adults. >> these are mostly kids, some of them little kids. i mean it makes the politics
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complicated. it makes the humanitarian issue here i think much more complicated for everybody to deal with. >> it does, and it's like on one hand the president's politics on this, he's going to have to be tough on this. if he's going to ever succeed in trying to sell the public on basically easing this 11 million undocumented into the population legally, he's going to have to be tough on this. it's tricky. >> and it is -- when you talk to people in these different places about how they feel about this, again, you have no problem winning over these big cities and urban suburbs, they're democratic. >> culturization happened there 20 years ago. >> absolutely. loudoun county has flipped. it's gone from 11% foreign born to 22% foreign born in 14 years. >> and now they're becoming a reliable democratic county, which by the way gets to the whole power issue. which is what's the real fear here? the longer the republicans look like they're the anti-hispanic
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party, okay, the harder it's going to be for them to deal with this issue. >> that's right. and i think as we say 2014, not a big problem. 2016 big problem if you're running for president. maybe not so much if you're running down the ballot. look ahead a decade or two or three, the nature of this country is changing. the characteristic is changing. the hispanic population is just going to get bigger. that is the new electorate. >> it is. >> dante, susan, thank you both. always fun to get all of your colorful maps out there. of course we hope to be doing a lot more with you as the summer and campaign season heats up. susan, always a pleasure. happy real independence day. more on the border crisis later in the show. a republican lawmaker who is going come to us live from the u.s./mexico border. plus new details on the hurricane watch that's just been issued ahead of the holiday weekend. good luck if you're going to the outer banks. first, a look ahead at today's planner. a d.c. court appearance for the
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suspect that's in custody in the benghazi attack, and the president and the veep will talk with economists and the treasury secretary today, but for the most part washington is in the yeah, yeah, yeah, we know, you guys are already on weekend duty. you're watching "the daily rundown," only on msnbc. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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as the fourth of july weekend is approaching, so is tropical storm dudley moore -- i mean tropical storm arthur swirling around fleas southeast coast. hurricane watch is now in effect for parts of the north carolina coast. here's a look at the first named storm of the atlantic hurricane season. vacationers all along the eastern seaboard are watching arthur, which is predicted to become a hurricane by thursday. the question is, does it actually touch land. joining me for the latest on the
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storm track is our friend, bill karins, mr. meteorologist sitting up there in new york. >> arthur doesn't sound very scary, does it? >> no, it doesn't. you figure it's a storm that's probably a little drunk, doesn't know which way it's going, is it going to stumble into the coast or is it going to stumble out to sea. so what do you say, bill? >> that's a pretty good way of summing this storm up. hopefully it won't do too many wobbles out there. the forecast path looks pretty straightforward. the biggest question is in the next 48 hours how strong can the storm get before it gets near cape hatteras. that's the bottom line with this storm. it's going to create the rough seas regardless and rip currents from florida to the cape which is going to make your beach travels and beach day a little more treacherous than normal. but i don't think a lot of people have to cancel their beach plans. just got the new update in from the national hurricane center. overnight it got a little stronger and more organized. it still has 60-mile-per-hour winds. it's moving to the north now.
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it's starting its journey up the coast. this is as close as the storm is going to get to florida and everyone in florida is wondersing what storm. it's a little breezy, only a few bands have hit the coast. florida, you look fine, just stay out of the beaches there, especially around daytona beach up to the jacksonville area. as far as the forecast path goes, it kind of skims the coast. of course north carolina sticks out like a sore thumb out there into the atlantic. that's why they always get hit by so many storms in the outer banks. this one is no different, it's going to be a very close call. the new update may inch this a little closer to the outer banks and we may get a direct landfall by a hurricane. the outer banks gets hit by a hurricane once every two, three years. but it's the millions of tourists that will make this interesting. imagine that you're an emergency manager and you have to make the decision whether you want to evacuate and tell all the tourists to go home or not. a category 2, that's kinds of
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iffy if you want millions of people that don't typically go through these things -- >> they don't know how to do it. >> then again, if they tell them to leave, do you know how much money they're going to lose from the holiday weekend? so a big decision for the people out there in north carolina. >> they shouldn't be thinking about the pocketbook on this one. let me ask you this. look, i'm no expert but growing up in florida i play one on tv. i find it fascinating that this storm path is staying the way it is. why isn't it doing its usual when it misses the east coast take the sort of the half circle and make the hard right turn for bermuda? >> the reason this one isn't, and you know it today, you stepped outside in the d.c. area, it's hot, it's humid. we're actually going to get some really big thunderstorms over the next two days on the eastern seaboard. a cold front is coming. it's going stall and let the storm come a little further to the north. that front is not going to blow through and kick the storm out towards bermuda. even up around cape cod, they have already canceled the
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fireworks on the fourth. cape cod at any location come 9:00 p.m. friday night, that's the one area that could be a little dicey with rain and winds so they're being extra careful. nova scotia will get hit pretty hard, a lot harder than maybe even the outer banks so our friends up in canada will deal with this come saturday. >> all right, my friend bill karins, a busier holiday weekend for emergency personnel all up and down the east coast. thank goodness they're not trying to take holiday weekends. >> i'm sure their plans were already cancelled. >> thank you, sir. it's time for the first number in today's data bank and that's 33. it's the percentage of americans who believe that president obama is the worst president since world war ii according to a new quinnipiac poll. president george w. bush was the second worst, according to this poll, with 28%. the poll just out this morning. also found ronald reagan is viewed as the best president since the war with 35% support. bill clinton was second with 18%. jfk was third with 15%.
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it's always a reminder to both presidents obama and bush, just remember over time eventually americans have a renaissance about you. moving on, booze, guns and smokes. there are just a few things impacted by thousands of new state laws. they started this week. there's even an 80 miles per hour speed sign in montana. also we're on the campaign trail where this blast from the past just rolled onto the scene. when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious campaign gimmicks. but first today's tdr trivia question. who was the first wyoming governor to serve more than two terms? the first person to tweet the correct answer will get the on-air shoutout. the answer and more is coming up on tdr. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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the fourth of july weekend isn't just a holiday, it's also the premiere weekend for thousands of new state laws that kicked in on july 1st. here's a quick look at some of the new rules that are out there. we'll start down south where the focus is on guns. a new law on july 1st in georgia lets folks carry weapons in all kinds of public places, including schools, churches and bars, as long as the owners of those establishments agree. >> here a bar indicator has already posted a no-gun sign. the new law gives bar owners that option. >> it's my opinion that alcohol and firearms don't mix. >> while in kirkwood, they welcome guns. >> we're still in the city and there are still some elements that want to do folks harm. >> it's like the wild west now in georgia. leave your guns at the door. anyway, in kansas, you can openly carry guns in more public
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places ar the state replaced various local restrictions with a single state law. in tennessee, it's legal to carry and sell switch blades because we need more of those. over in virginia, a major new voting law kicked in that says photo i.d. will be required to cast ballots from now on. attention november. in new jersey, penalties for texting and driving are going to be harsher and hand-held devices are banned completely even if you're stuck in traffic or stuck at a light. meanwhile a number of states are trying to put their stamp on the sale of e-cigarettes. florida and iowa say they have to be treated like regular cigarettes. that means no sales to minors under 18. minnesota, they have banned sales to minors too, and in most public places, you can't smoke them anymore. in maryland, they're going after drinking. the sale of grain alcohol, like ever clear, is now banned. a new law in new hampshire will hit folks in the wallet. the gas tax is going up a little
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more than four cents a gallon, the first time it's gone up in more than 20 years. meanwhile there's likelihood the gas tax federally will go up. if you're working in d.c. or california you may have a little more money in your pocket, not less. in california, the minimum wage has been raised to $9 an hour, in d.c. up to $9.50. all of that taking place on july 1st. in tennessee, farmers are now allowed to grow hemp. boy, kentucky is going to be wondering there. we have the bourbon fight between kentucky and tennessee and now a hemp fight between those two states. in iowa, they're trying to phase out greyhound racing and in florida they have enacted a state g.i. bill that will give tuition waivers to veterans with the goal of bringing more veterans to the sunshine state. so that's just a touch. i can tell you, by the way, montana will be the first state in the nation where they'll actually have a posted speed limit in some places of 80 miles an hour. all right, let's turn to some 2014 trail mix. first we are heading up north to
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new hampshire where this afternoon mitt romney is set to officially endorse scott brown in his bid to unseat first term incumbent senator jeanne shaheen. this comes just a day after the brown campaign announced they had raised roughly $2 million over the past three months. numbers a bit smaller than the $5 million brown raised in the second quarter of the 2012 race when he was running for re-election in massachusetts against democrat elizabeth warren. the rally will be in stratham, new hampshire, at the same farm where romney announced his presidential campaign in 2011. romney hasn't had to travel in new hampshire, he's just hanging out at his summer home. let's head down to arkansas where the race has already been pretty heated up. politico reports this morning that a pro-cotton super pac is set to launch a brand new $1.1 million tv ad later this month. the same group the government integrity fund that spent close to $2 million on a positive set of ads back in april highlighting cotton and his time in the military.
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this time, though, could be a little different type of ad campaign. just another sign that the november race between the two, cotton and pryor, will be one of the haudest fought, most competitive and one dominated by outside groups instead of inside because arkansas is a cheap media state. in mississippi, chris mcdaniel not giving up yet. his campaign not only is not conceding the runoff loss to thad rocochran, he's stepping things up again. mcdaniel offered his support of a lawsuit filed by the conservative group true the vote over last week's election saying in part, quote, the voters should be able to know that the manner in which their elected officials are not compromised and the rule of law is adhered. to it is vital we be allowed to examine election data. mcdaniel's camp has found more than 3,300 instances of voting irregularities since the election. mostly they're focused on folks that voted in the democratic
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primary and then voted in the republican runoff, which is supposed to be barred. finally, our next number in the data bank, it's not 1.21 jiggawatts, it's miles per hour. we doubt a pennsylvania house candidate will be hitting a high enough speed to activate the flux capacitier. he wasn't even born when "back to the future" hit in 1985. he's using this gather signatures. he is running as an independent in pennsylvania's tenth district trying to unseat two-term republican tom merino. a bipartisan group of lawmakers trying to find unity at the texas border. texas congressman blake will join me live from the border next. so, your site gave me this "credit report card" thing.
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well, the battle over a long-term solution to the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants is growing nowhere. members of the house judiciary committee are headed to the border today to see the current crisis close up. it's true the surge of unaccompanied children from central american countries is having an impact on whatever remote chance there is on getting something done on major immigration reform, but critics use the current crisis to tell you, i told you so. while there's not going to be a vote on broader immigration reform this year, there will be one this summer on the $2 billion request the president has made to deal with the influx of mostly central american migrants. he wants to beef up enforcement and speed up deportations. we've gotten the power of nimbeism after protesters in california blocked three busloads of these immigrant
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families being transferred from a texas facility to a facility in california in riverside county. the attempt by the federal government to house these immigrants in an empty college in virginia also prompted a backlash. this is tough politics and it's not true. remember the cuban refugees that were transported from florida to arkansas in 1980, a big part of the reason why bill clinton lost his re-election bid that year for governor, because he went along with it. and the relationship between the president and house republicans right now is at an all-time low, so what can get done? yesterday the president said he's not going to be backing down when it comes to immigration. >> middle class families can't wait for republicans in congress to do stuff. so sue me. as long as they're doing nothing, i'm not going to apologize for trying to do something. >> republican congressman blake farenthold of texas joins me now.
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congressman, good morning to you, sir. >> chuck, good morning. >> i want to talk to you about this issue, number one, of trying to ease the burden a bit on texas and arizona when it comes to this current crisis and try to transfer some of these migrants to california, oklahoma and virginia. it's being met with huge protests. what do you say to those communities in those other states? make your plea as to why they should be helping out. >> listen, we've got such a flood that all of the facilities in texas are busting at the seams. we're housing them at lackland air force base, we're housing them at all sorts of facilities. anything we can find, we're using. and it takes time to get these children processed and reunited with an adult that will eventually take care of them. >> it's funny you put it that way. do you understand -- obviously you've been getting some -- probably hearing from your own constituents. do you understand why there are protests or do you think that these protests are a bit
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uninformed? >> i think the protests are uninformed. there's a facility that houses several hundred of these children four blocks from my home in corpus christi, texas. it's not a problem for the community. this is a humanitarian crisis. the whole country needs to step up and help out. >> so i take it that the request from the president, he's estimated and i think it comes from jay johnson at homeland security, a need of about $2 billion. more border patrol agents, more facilities, speeding up the process of making these decisions about deportation. i take it in general you're going to be supportive of this? >> we've got to speed up the process. they're going to keep coming until the word on the street in central america becomes you're not going to be able to stay. but right now any of these kids that get here, they are processed, reunited with an adult and it takes years before they get their hearing. so if we can come up with a procedure to expedite the deportation procedures, it would definitely help.
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>> let me ask you about the impact this is having on the broader immigration debate. you represent a district that's basically 50-50. 50% hispanic, 50 fact nonhispanic. do you believe that this current crisis has made it much harder to get any sort of larger immigration reform done, even though they technically don't have anything to do with each other? >> i think politically it may, but this needs to be -- this needs to be and can be addressed on its own. if the problem with these children is lumped into a comprehensive immigration reform package, the kids are being used as pawns by hard core zealots that are pro-amnesty and pro open border. i don't think you'd have any problem getting legislation through the house to have expedited deportation procedures, getting more judges down to prosecute -- or hear these cases. i don't think there would be a problem with that, but i think these kids are a pawn in the bigger immigration debate. >> let me ask you before this, it's been interesting, i've seen some statistics and some of this
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is loose now because they're still seeing it, but it looks like that the increased amount of border patrol agents had a good impact, for instance, on the ability to stop -- to slow down the pace of drugs coming over the border, but all of a sudden now these border patrol agents are basically being distracted from their current job to deal with this crisis. before this crisis did you feel as if the border was more secure today than it was, say, ten years ago? >> it was -- the border is relatively secure, but it's not secure enough because we are having all of these folks come across. and we've completely stretched the border patrol. the texas department of public safety is working on either end of where these children are typically coming in because these children are being used as a distraction. they flood the border patrol with the kids that they have got to take care of and then a few miles up the border, across comes the truck full of marijuana or other drugs. >> let me ask you a couple of political questions having to do loosely with the immigration debate. number one, are you for
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eventually -- can you support any immigration legislation that would have a path to citizenship, maybe it's 12 years, maybe it's 15 years, for the undocumented, the 11 million undocumented? >> i think there's no problem getting through the house a pathway to legal status, a pathway to citizenship is going to be tougher, but i think it is potentially doable if we can show the american people that the border is secure. my constituents feel betrayed by the promise that reagan made that if we grant amnesty, we'll then secure the border. we obviously didn't do that, and the fear is we'll be ten years down the road and there will be another 12 million folks here if we don't do border security first. >> it's interesting you said you think it could get through. it sounds like you would be supportive of it under the right circumstances but you didn't want to speak for the entire house republicans. >> i think that there's a hierarchy there. as people have been here for a while, there is a possibility certainly for the children that
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were brought here by their parents at very young ages. that's a very sympathetic crowd. we've educated them in our schools and they have become a burden on society if they can't get a job. >> and very quickly, are you supportive of speaker boehner's efforts to essentially sue the president over these executive actions? >> i think the president has gone too far. we saw in several supreme court cases just recently that even the supreme court agrees he's gone too far, so i think this is one of the few options we have for reining in a president who has taken way too much power, much more than the constitution granted him. >> so you plan to vote when that legislation comes to the floor, you plan to vote to authorize it. >> i will vote to proceed with the lawsuit. >> all right, congressman farenthold coming to us live from the border this morning. appreciate the time and appreciate your views. >> it's my pleasure. thank you very much, chuck. >> thank you, sir. all right, another number here in the data bank. it's $1. that's the yearly salary that
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former new mexico governor and libertarian president candidate gary johnson plans to haul in as president and ceo of the marijuana product company. the nevada-based business plans on selling marijuana products in states like colorado, where recreational use is allowed. johnson says he's used the company's marijuana lozenges and they're pleasant. he will receive equity in the company but clearly there are some other perks as well. today we mark a significant step forward in the fight for equality. 50 years ago today, it's today that president johnson signed the civil rights act into law, a bill that president kennedy had called for a year earlier. after kennedy's assassination, johnson argued for its passage in order to honor his predecessors. nearly 100 years before this nation addressed civil rights, one lone state gave women the right to vote. up next on this anniversary, we're going to look at that. we're going to go west to
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wyoming, the unlikely pioneer of women's voting rights. before our break, our tdr 50 soup of the day comes from eggington's in casper, wyoming. today they're serving up french onion, one of the world's greatest soup, because you melt cheese on it. we'll be right back. ♪ it elicits pride... ...incites envy... ♪ ...and unleashes wrath. ♪ temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus. don't just visit new york visit tripadvisor new york with millions of reviews, tripadvisor makes any destination better.
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plus an agent! and safe drivers can save up to 45%. call now and see how much you can save. just a few more ways, allstate is changing car insurance for good. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. now a tdr 50 look at wyoming and its frontier past and how it helped pave the way to become the first territory and eventually the first state to give women the right to vote. congress created wyoming in 1869 to accommodate thousands of americans that were moving west with the transcontinental railroad. after president grant appointed a republican governor, the territory's first elections were held that september. in its very first session, the new all democrat legislature got to work on a measure for women's suffrage. some said the goal was simply to bring publicity to the new territory. others said it was to draw single women and a handful were
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getting pressure from bill. the sponsor of the bill was influenced by his wife, another by his mother. the governor signed the bill into law that december and in 1870 when louisa swain voted her choice for laramie town council, she became the first woman to ever cast a ballot in an american general election. esther morris was appointed justice of the peace making her the first female judge in the country. as a tool to encourage western migration, suffrage paid off big time. the estimated population of 1869 wyoming was about 6,000 men and 1,000 women. by 1890 the total population had increased tenfold to about 62,000. that same year, congress nearly denied wyoming's bid to join the union, both because of its relatively small population and because its constitution included equal rights for women. but with pressure from the local governor, congress finally did approve statehood. in july of 1890, president harrison made wyoming the 44th member of the union and the
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first state with full women's suffrage. no surprise that today wyoming is known as the equality state. final note here, while we typically think of women's suffrage as an experiment focused on the east coast, wyoming was not an outlier. the next eight states to grant full suffrage to rwomen were alo western states. new york didn't actually approve, give women the right to vote until 1917. 50 years after wyoming. joining me now to talk about this, renee, associate professor of history at the university of wyoming. she joins me on skype. she's co-editor of the book "women on the north american plains." renee, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so this was the movement -- it was interesting, the movement had to do as much with essentially trying to get population, they didn't have enough, they thought, to make a state. but what else? what else did we miss in our intro there? >> i think what's really important is to look at really the origins of the women's
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movement and how it got started. i'm going to do a little bit of backtracking for you. around the turn of the 18th century, the u.s. started shifting gradually from an agricultural to a market economy. we didn't get into the industrial revolution until after the civil war. but with this economic shift, women had more responsibilities at home. as the middle class grew, developed, a status marker for the middle class was to have your wife and children educated and not working to support the family economy. so by the 1830s, there's a growing number of educated middle class women who were expanding their interest in the domestic sphere, taking care of their children, their family, health issues, and they're expanding this into the public sphere, taking care of public issues that seemed related to home issues, like child welfare, sanitati
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sanitation, these sorts of things. in 1830 it really began to get organized with the anti-slavery movement. and this connection of women reformers with anti-slavery moment is kind of important for the women's suffrage movement, because women started adopting the same mantra that the slaves used. they want to have full control of their person. they wanted to have the ability to control their lives. and so reform -- middle class reformed women became very active in trying to lobby for rights, for voting rights for all women so they could have great control over their lives. >> let me ask you this. a few things, i know you studied this. why was it simply pragmatism that basically the western part of the country moved quicker on women's right than the eastern? >> it was easier.
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most of the women suffragist that.tood that. the passage of suffrage would happen in the territories. in order to get a law passed all you needed was a majority of the legislature and the signature of the governor. for states like, for example, new york, where the suffrage movement was so strong. you need to to have two-thirds majority, approval of the governor, plus a special election. and, i suppose, as you know, suffrage was strongly opposed by quite a few people. fifigure ed civilization would to an fend women had the right to vote. in the territory there was a greater possibility for the reform efforts to pass. >> renee from university of wyoming there, i appreciate your time. this is very -- a good reminder for our folks. wyoming has a lot of things that they were first on. but in this one, probably the biggest one of all. here we are, maybe on the
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precedence of electing the first woman president. trivia time. democrat ed hershler. congratulations to today's winner. we'll be right back. need to sper fraud resolution department. ugh, we don't have that. what should i tell him? just make that super annoying modem noise... ( ee...dong...shuuuhh...) hello? not all credit report sites are equal. classic. members get personalized help plus fraud resolution support. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker. where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at
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takeaway times. the top five races that you aren't following this midterm season that you should be. we came up with ten but we only have five. minnesota's senate between al franken and likely opponent mike mcfadden. it could become more competitive in the fall. if it doesn't become competitive it's pretty amazing. consider the fact that al franken won his race by 300 slots in 2008. number four the three-way fight in south dakota for the u.s.
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senate. it's arguably the republican's top senate pickup opportunity and national democrats have been all but ignored their nominee. the reason it bears some watlar is running as a independent candidate. it could make things interested in the fall. number three is kansas governor. much closer of a race than you might think. a recent poll showed the governor trailing his opponent. we know it's close. the house minority leader paul davis is running a competitive race here. the problem for brownback his party is split inside the state. lastly, let's head to the state of hawaii. they make up number one and two of the overlooked races. hawaii featured the most devicive democratic primary in the country. central conflict of the race is
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the fact that governor selected shatz to fill the seat of the inouye. instead of the preferred choice. poll back in february found him trailing republican duke iona who the republican beat in 2010. i'll see you tomorrow. stay with us. we have more, next. i may not look it, but i'm pretty tech savvy. i just saved 15% on car insurance in 15 minutes. don't live in beatrice's world. live in the modern world where 7 and a half minutes could save you on car insurance. esurance. click or call. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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