tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 8, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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are facing issues with financing and secure iing suppliers. good morning! it is tuesday, july 8th. welcome to "morning joe" as the sun comes up over new york city. with us on set, with we have pulitzer prize winner jon meacham and msnbc contributing mark halpern. good morning, mark. >> good morning, mika. >> get on over here. >> 3-2-1. >> hello, thomas. how are you? >> great. thanks. >> you're very chipper on "way too early." i'm with you on that. it's nice. i like watching. in washington, senior political editor and white house correspondent for the huffington post sam stein, along with me and joe. good morning, joe. >> good morning, mika.
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how are you doing today? >> okay. let's get to the news. a lot going on. >> do you not like guys that wear pink? you don't even apt to talk to me? >> joe? >> comreg blowing me off there. i said how are you doing today? it's not planning. i asked you this yesterday. you came up with a response that an american would give back to me. you watched tv so i was wondering if, last night, maybe you went bowling or went to, you know, k-mart or whatever. i don't know. maybe you ent to olive garden. did you do anything american last night? >> no, i didn't. i exercised and i work hard. oh, but they tried to get me to watch more of that show and i wouldn't do it. >> the orange? >> i can't do it, no, because once i start, i can't stop. >> why can't you? you like it? is it good? >> i do. "orange is the new black."
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>> but i don't see why you think this is wasted time. >> because when you binge watch, you watch for hours. >> speak more slowly to me so i'll understand. >> can you enunciate things -- >> it's wrong to sit that long on the couch and watch television. i've been brought up differently. i'm sorry. my parents beat me when i watched television. what can i say? >> there is one sort of exception to this rule, though. >> what is that? >> if you sit on your couch for three hours from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on the east coast that is good for you and how you start your day. >> what i hear from my viewers, they are on treadmills and that is active watching. >> if that makes you feel better, that's great. let's go to the news. president obama will arrive in texas state of the front lines of the nation's immigration crisis. he is going for a two-day fund-raising trip and, at this time, the president does not
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plan to visit the border which is causing some controversy. it's where more than 50,000 unaccompanied children, many from central america, have crossed illegally since october. republican governor rick perry, who has criticized the white house over the crisis, is declining an invitation to meet president obama at the airport. in a statement, governor perry says, in part, quote, a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the crises enveloping the rio grande valley in south texas. i would, instead, offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue. the white house says the president is well aware of the situation along the border and last night, senior adviser valerie jarrett sent a letter to governor perry. they think president obama should see the crisis firsthand. congressman haenry quar says, in
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part, i'm sure president bush thought the same thing, he could look at everything from up in the sky and owned after a long time so i hope this doesn't become the katrina moment for president obama saying that he doesn't need to come to the border. he should come down. the white house is taking a tougher tone when asked what will happen to the undocumented immigrants apprehended at the border. >> once they go through the immigration system, it is our view that it's unlikely that most of those kids will qualify for humanitarian relief. if they don't qualify for the humanitarian relief they will be sent back. nobody should make no mistake about it. >> "the dallas morning news" there is a separate transportation system where buses line up each night waiting for the next group of migrants to arrive. joe, let's break this down. first, for the first time, start with the handshake issue, the political part of this with
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governor perry. what do you think about what he said? i actually don't have a complete problem with his statement. >> well, i don't either. when you first -- at first blush when you hear that a governor is not going to meet to shake hands on a tarmac, your immediate reaction is a negative one but you dig deeper into it and it is like the president wants the photo op and wants a quick and yaes handshake when democrats in his own party are saying there is a humanitarian crisis on the border and talking about katrina moments. at that point it looks like rick perry has the upper hand when he is saying the same thing democratic congressmen from the state saying which this requires more than a photo op. this requires more than a handshake. this requires more than you looking out from 30 thousand on thousand feet from your plane. of course, the optics of it, mark halpern, not great for the president of the united states because he is going down there and holding two fund-raisers,
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but not visiting the scene of a humanitarian crisis. but the president is taking a tough tone, mark. it's, once again, he is finding himself caught in between two factions, the left and the right. the left wanting him to do much more and the right saying he is not doing enough. >> i think his schedule will change in some way. i bet on that. katrina was a shared responsible of the state and local government. this is really a federal issue and it's a humanitarian crisis involving kids and i think governance matters here and the president needs to rise above the politics, the back and forth with rick perry, any talk of photo ops really just needs to get hands-on, and solve it. if he is in the state and not hands-on. not just the optics are bad but he is not doing the job we hired him to do, part of which is manage a crisis like this that, again, is not uniquely a federal responsibility but mostly is his job. >> it's not a responsibility, sam stein. the president has been getting
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criticized again from the left for not doing enough. from the right for not doing enough in another way. and there's some even suggesting that the president was responsible for this conspiracy of these poor children from central america coming to these refugee camps. i'm not sure they think he snap chats with impoverished children in honduras saying i got a great idea for you this weekend. it is silly but the criticism certainly is silly from the far right, but some pretty stinging words from members of the hispanic caucus for the president saying you just aren't doing enough here. >> yeah. and it extends to the options that he has available to him right now. there are calls for him to do mass deposteriortations or to quickly turn people back at the border. there is a law on the books that gives children who come here
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unaccompanied the right to a hearing essentially whether they stay or get deported. the president has to choose how much he adheres to that 2008 law versus what type of reforms he tries to implement and whether he can get those reforms through congress. so it's a very tough situation for the president. they requesting a 2 billion supplemental today to handle the case laws and border security elements of it. when you talk to the administration officials, even they recognize that that is just one step and that this is a humanitarian crisis that is going to last well beyond whether supplemental passed or not and no really good option at this juncture to deal with the influx of the children coming across the border. >> the president did visit the border in el paso in 2011. and also, i believe, in 2010, governor perry did greet the president at -- >> but that's kind of like saying -- i understand the white house is saying that, mika, and i don't mean to interrupt.
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that is kind of like saying, yeah, we visited new orleans two years before hurricane katrina. >> no, no, no, no. that's not what i'm saying at all. >> i know, but i'm just saying these children, right now, a humanitarian crisis right now. there are children massed on the border and the situation is getting worse by the day. 2011 just doesn't cut it for the white house. >> i know, but it's not like the president refuses to go to there and never has. the second thing i was going to say which is actually in rick perry's defense, he has tried to approach the president when he landed on the tarmac in the past and even tried to hand him a letter, i believe, and address this issue. sort of perry saying, i'm tired of the public stuff here. i want to meet with you, i think, makes a lot of sense and i hope they do meet and i think there will be a scheduled change and it would be great if the schedule changed and the president would go to the border too. we will see what happens. i think the fund-raisers are a
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bad optics. pope francis met face-to-face with six advisers much clergy sexual abuse and compromised of survivors. pope francis prayed with the victims at mass. the pontiff vowed a zero tolerance policy and pledged to hold accountable anyone responsible for abuse or those who cover it up. . the first time abuse victims met with the pope at the vatican. i have been saying this now ever since pope francis came on the horizon, i love this man. i think he is doing something for the catholic church that is so long overdue in so many ways. joe? >> yeah, thomas, there is, obviously, such a terrible long
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history. you see the words zero tolerance next to each other and that certainly seems to be a positive first start. what do you think? >> i think it's impressive that the pope is taking on this action to go ahead and meet with sexual abuse survivors. there are going to be people out there that say that, obviously, the church has not done enough and not enough for years. this is a good first start. some of the survivors who met with the pope said, obviously, the pope has come in contact with other sexual abuse survivors in the past whether through mass or other instances maybe he didn't know about it but he has had contact. this conversation they have started is it going to last and is it something that is substantial that is beyond more than the pr conversation that we are having now. i think it's a great first step and i encourage the pope to meet with american sexual abuse survivors and full disclosure on one of them. i agree with you. i think francis has done a great
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job stepping in to where benedict did a horrible job and did not to what needed to be done on the heels of john paul failing. benedict, at the time, when he was ratzinger hit on this and a lot of things. it's interesting to see francis to come in and make good where benedict failed. >> i think as a leader it's a very good sign because it was a failure, jon meacham, on a part of this church which has been losing followers and losing members. i think over years and years and years, and i think on a road to probably losing a generation at some point of young people who would just -- my opinion, as a catholic, changed when this crisis came to the surface and it became more difficult to defend the church overall and a lot of hits very rigid practices. >> absolutely. absolute power corrupts in many
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cultures and many parishes and many neighborhoods. the church is an absolute. generation upon generation failed. the most fundamental christian mission of all, which is to protect the least of these. >> exactly. >> and from the first moment, this pope, who is theologic the representative of christ on earth theologically. he has the potential here to be even more important than john the 23rd. the mississippi republican party said senator thad cochran is the bona fide winner of the state's primary. now an attorney for tea party challenger chris mcdaniel says voter fraud is as widespread,
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they have alleged the state may have to hold a do-over. >> as we have gob through this process, we are surprised at the amount of evidence that continues to come forward, that shows us that there has, indeed, been election fraud in this case. it's very easy to see the mississippi law holds that if there is the difference between the cochran camp and our camp, that difference, if there are that many ineligible voters then it's automatically a new election. >> mcdaniel's camp claims thousands of african-american voters who cast ballots in the democratic primary also voted in the republican runoff which is not allowed in the state. according to the state party cochran won by nearly 8,000 votes and last week, a spokesman for his campaign called for direct proof from mcdaniel. >> i just think it's sort of the time has come now for the mcdaniel campaign to put up or shut up.
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if there is something that's out there, let's talk about it and let's look through this. if they have got hard evidence, bring it forward, but quit talking about exaggerated numbers that they know are not true and we know are not true and you guys know are not true. >> joe, let's not spend too much time on this. give me one word that comes to mind when you think of this story. >> i have two. >> two, all right. that's all right. >> tin foil hats. >> i can do it in one. >> that works. it's amazing the lawyer's hair looked in place after he took the tin foil hat off and had a press conference. this is ridiculous. thad cochran is the next senator. >> halpern was one word. >> faulkner. >> can i just say what a transition from the pope to mcdaniel. unbelievable. >> i thought that's all you'd say. okay, new jersey governor chris christie is keeping up a
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whirlwind schedule across the country with stops in iowa and nashville and a conference for top republicans in idaho in the coming weeks. but yesterday he was put on defense while at home for not meeting with members of gun laws. he said meeting with the families would be hypocritical. he defended that veto as well. >> i've heard the argument so are we saying, then that the ten children on the clip that they advocate for that their lives are less valuable? if you take the logical conclusion of their argument, you go to zero, because every life is valuable. and so why ten? why not six? why not two? why not one? why not zero? why not just ban guns
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completely? i mean, so the logical conclusion of their argument is that you get to zero eventually. so, you know, i understand their argument. i feel extraordinary sympathy for them and for the other families, and all of the families across america who are the victims of gun violence. >> joe, what do you make of that math? >> whoa. >> no joe. oh, there you are. >> wow. first of all, you know, ted cruz met with families of the sandy hook victims when we were all talking about the massacre of those precious children, and at least ted cruz would sit down and explain to the parents why he could not support the gun legislation and i thought that was a really good thing for ted to do. i think it's kind of chicken
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something, which i won't say on the air. there is a second word. i'm into two words again. it's chicken, we will see salad for chris christie to not meet with these families at least for five, ten minutes, hypocritical. how about being humane? and explaining why. but the reason why chris can't do that is because the logic. the ten precious children logic is so convoluted that i don't think he could say that with a straight face. i think he would be embarrassed to say that to parents who lost their children. saying that if you support only ten -- a clip of ten rounds in a clip, that somehow you're saying those ten children aren't precious? again, when you start -- when
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you start going down this path, mark halpern, of having to defend the indefensible, these are the silly things that come out of your mouth. obviously, i don't want to get into a huge gun control debate here, but i haven't met a lot of hunters in northwest florida that need, you know, more than that. that's just absolutely ridiculous. you only need more than that if you believe that you have a need to have a semiautomatic weapon and kill members of the united states army, or government when they come to your door. there is no other justification other than going to the shooting range. you're not going to need more than that to defend your household. so let's have that debate later. what does this prove, mark halpern? this proves that chris christie still thinks he can win the republican nomination for president of the united states,
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does it not? >> well, look. there is no question those families have standing and for the governor of new jersey to refuse to meet with the families from a neighboring state, i think, probably not good politics and probably not great governance. i think his tone, not to be a theater critic that tone is not the right thing in terms of governance. i think he is thinking about the politics of gun control when he gives an answer on a question like that. my guess is the voters of new jersey are probably not in majority in agreement with governor christie on this. >> mika, what do you think? on a personal level, what do you think about him not meeting with these family members? and then that convoluted -- he talked about the math. that math distant add up that somehow those ten children. what about those ten children?
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i mean, what? >> no. it was painful. >> i can't fall within logical conclusion. it was painful watching him contort like that. >> exactly. politically contort is what he was doing. it was hard to watch and it isn't what he is about. he's about, you know -- there are those who think he is a bully and only gets in your face. in my opinion, he is about going there. he is about getting into the conversation. he's about getting face-to-face with people and even having the tough talk. so there's two things that was painful. number one, declining to meet with the families. i mean, this is your neighboring -- this is not some far away place he is disconnected from for random to meet but this is close to home, number one. and these are people who have a voice and deserve a voice and, quite frankly, are in the middle of one of the biggest debates of our time and he didn't want to
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meet with them? that is number one, that is painful. number two, to watch him try to do the math as to why he can't meet with them, just enough. just stop. you want to run for president, with we got it. >> to say somehow that you're showing care for more children, sam stein, if you're able to carrying around 300 bullets in a magazine instead of ten in a magazine or 500, where do we stop? that's just ridiculous because if you only have ten in a magazine, then what are you saying about those ten children? that's insane. >> not to get too into the gun control debate, but if you took his logic at its face, he is making a case for absolutely zero gun control whatsoever and that you shouldn't have any restrictions on clip sizes, you shouldn't have any restrictions on firearm because any restriction isn't enough or too much. it didn't make any sense. yeah, it was insensitive.
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maybe he could have done better rhetorically. i think his brand has been that he, you know, stands by his principles and isn't willing to stand up to constituent groups and outside pressure groups and maybe he would have benefited by standing up to the nra there more or perhaps listening to the sandy hook parents. >> again, i don't want to go back to this discussion of this argument but thing that struck me after sandy hook when we talked, obviously, about it for an awfully long time, some say too long of a time, but when we talked about it for such a long time, i got this hate mail on these side issues from -- well, people that lived outside of my district when i served in northwest florida. i've nto meet a hunter that say, yeah, when i go out, i need to, put it in and have like 300 bullets to shoot at deer.
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i just -- rank in file in nra members in northwest florida, in minnesota, across america, hunters, the people for whom the national rifle association was founded for, those people don't understand this logic and it's just -- i think chris christie, my only point is chris christie could have taken a chance and spoken his mind and trusted the voters of the republican party, and i don't think he would have been disappointed. george w. bush won in 2000 and 2004 supporting gun locks and supporting a lot of really -- well, supporting some things that are even more restrictive than the positions i would take. and george w. bush won in 2000 and he won in 2004. ronald reagan supported the
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assault weapon ban and of its passage by lobbying members of the republican party. i think members out there want to be president of the united states, they should trust their party a little bit more and not worry about three or four people in washington, d.c. that run powerful lobbying groups on k street. >> unless you're so damaged that you need something to get back into it. that is the thing about chris christie that we have always liked so much and i still do in a lot of ways, is that he stands his ground. if you don't agree with him, he'll explain why he has his opinion and he'll go there. but this just felt beholden. >> he is running scared is what he is. and, mika, in that clip, it's obviously, he is running scared and it's a sad sight to see. >> we will keep an open mind but that is what it seems like for sure. still ahead on "morning joe," stranded in airport for over three hours. a scary scene at a california
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amusement park when part of a roller coaster gets derailed. considering a career move? get your resumes ready. netflix is about to make binge watching a paid profession? >> you're making money while you're watching. >> call dr. brzezinski. >> i will get beaten. then kentucky's race for the u.s. senate heeds up. allison grimes takes on mitch mcconnell if her first statewide tv ad. you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. the cadillac summer collection is here. ♪ ♪ during the cadillac summer's best event, lease this 2014 ats for around $299 a month and make this the summer of style.
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♪ he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at!
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♪ all right. time to take a look at the morning papers. joe, look at this. this is the "wall street journal" and they put on their front page their very first issue, which is july 8th, 1889 and they have the stories! they are so fun to read the way they are written. mike allen pointed that out. i love it. i have to get to "wall street
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journal." >> just four pages and came in the afternoon. . doesn't look that different from today. >> from our parade of papers, the "los angeles times." 22 passengers were left hanging, hanging for nearly three hours yesterday, 40 feet in the air after a high speed roller coaster derailed in california. why do you even do this? >> don't do it. just don't do it. >> no reason. the ninja roller coaster at six flags magic mountain reportedly hit a fallen tree branch and sending several cars off the track. four people sustained nonlife-threatening injuries. park officials say the ride will remain closed, yes, pending investigation. joe? >> mika, do you do roller coasters? >> no. i told you i did the tea cup in hershey park. that was dangerous. that was wrong. i almost flew out of it and my children went flying. oh, my gosh. the most awful experience ever in my life.
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never! much amusement parks, no thank you. >> very good. how very french of. the dallas morning news. cleveland and dallas will learn today which city is select to host the 2016 republic national convention. dallas is a front-runner through the entire process with strong fund-raising options. officials are xexpected to announce their decision later this afternoon. binge watchers rejoice. netflix is hiring someone to watch, netflix all day long. a job posting in the uk and ireland says the company is looking for someone to analyze programs on its streaming service. this person would be responsible for tagging tv shows and movies and helping to organize its catalog into different categories. the job includes flexible hours and you can even work from home. but they are looking for someone
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with a degree in film or experience directing. >> t.j. >> joe, you can't lie on your bed with a bunch of chips on your stomach and watch tv all day and think that's a job. it's different. >> too late. too late. "usa today." for you and me, mika. two people that didn't crack triple digits on s.a.t. scores. hundreds of colleges across the u.s. are adopting a new test option. s.a.t. do not predict success, thank god and should not prevent lower income students who can't afford test prep classes from being accepted to their schools. 8 hundred colleges are now abandoning the traditional application process including american and wesleyan university. >> i have always loved wesleyan. a good school in connecticut.
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>> quad trouruple. >> mika, we can't reveal what we got here for national security reasons. >> my father already has. >> neither one of us got, like, a thousand, did we? if i did, i barely got a thousand on the s.a.t. what was your score, mika? >> i did not break a thousand. i did not. all right. >> i think i walked out so i was absolutely annoyed. why do you need to know this? i just walked out. i'm serious. >> i remember getting very bored. >> incredible bored. >> i think i was an add child. i definitely was. >> i find -- too small. >> oh, wait. let's not start the whole bubble conversation. never. with us now chief white house correspondent for politico, mike allen is here
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with the ploaybook. a look at new ads in two of the key races that will decide which party controls the senate after the midterm elections. here is the first ad from democrat allison lundergan crimes that will air statewide in kentucky. >> i'm allison lundergan grimes and this is done disney from clover lake, connecticut. he has a question for senator mcconnell. >> i'm a retired coal minor. ho how can you raise my milked costs for $6,000? how is my wife and i supposed to afford that? >> i don't think he is going to answer that. i approve this message because i'll work to strengthen medicare. not bankrupt seniors like don. >> okay. well, now. how is the mcconnell responding to this ad, if they are at all,
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mike? >> well, they are. >> what do they think about it? >> i love clover lick. that is the fire truck behind her he. she is trying to change the conversation. since mcconnell big big in the primary is about obamacare and coal and she is trying to throw in medicare of having the leader of the stakes be from connecticut. >> what did you think of the ad, halpern? >> it breaks through clutter and shows her as a good performer and that guy is a pretty darn good character. >> he is good. >> but she needs to run a sustained campaign as mike suggested on her issues and i think she has to build on building if she wants to keep the conversation away from obamacare. in a national year which is still shaping up right now to be good for republicans, she needs a real change in the dynamic. >> so a few weeks ago we showed you a hard-hitting ad from mike pryor attacking tom cotton. congressman cotton is responding now with an ad of his own.
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take a look. >> i'm tom cotton. i approve this message. the tornado that hit faulkner county was an awful tragedy but we are working hard to recover and despite what you've been told, tom cotton stood bus every step of the way. tom voted for disaster relief and full funding of fema. shame on anyone who uses our tragedy for their own political gain. it's just wrong. senator pryor, start focusing on the real issues. leave our community and our tragedy out of your campaign. >> wow. >> wow. >> effective? >> yeah. i don't think anyone around this table expected tom cotton to be on the defensive but he is finding the conservative principles can be tough at election time. he voted against the farm bill and voted against this disaster aid. there in that county sheriff, another central casting character and some of the -- what is tom pushed back a little bit and that line at the end accusing the other side of using the disaster for political gain, that will break through.
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>> joe, jump in. >> mika, when the ad first started, i thought, my god, why is tom cotton responding to another ad being on the defensive? by the end, it was clearly he pushed back really hard. again, another character from central casting, very, very effective. leave our tragedy, leave our disaster out of your politics. i thought that was -- those were two very strong ads and, again, like mark said about the grimes' ad, this one cuts through the clutter of politicians. those were two very effective ads. >> politico, mike allen, thank you very much. coming up, derek jeter's career may be winding down but, last night, he shows he still has a few tricks up his sleeve. "morning joe" sports is next. kid: hey dad, who was that man?
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dad: he's our broker. he helps look after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab.
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live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we're using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. the trucks are reliable, that's good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that's good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company. ♪
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thomas, a lot to talk about when it comes to the world cup. obviously, a couple of huge matches this week. first, we start in our hometown in new york city and derek jeter back in the news. >> yeah. big highlights to talk about here. we will talk about the world cup in a second. yankees leading the indians in the bottom of the eighth. looks like a routine pop-up in foul territory but cleveland's jason kipnis is doubled up
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trying to make it back to first here. derek jeter, yankees shortstop, bluffs the play at second base. kipnis by the time he realizes what is going on, it's too late and he is nailed. yankees win 5-3. the nats hosting the o's and tied up in extras and what a better time for baltimore chris davis to break out of his slump and smacks a two-run homer. j.j. hardy follows with a sew slow shot and nick markakis with another shot. the o's win it 8-2 after 11. the orioleses atop the second place jays and red sox ten games behind. the world cup picks up with first semifinal matchup brazil and germany. brazil without their star neymar or their captain silva who lost
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one game. so on who is your pick, joe, to take take all the way? >> i'm hoping the dutch. put on my dutch uniform and drank heineken a couple of years ago but it didn't work out. they are going for it without two of their best players for brazil and it's hard for them to get past germany. >> we will all watch today. up next the fight for the planet's future. dr. jeffrey sachs joins us what he is going to say to the united nations. he visits the u.n. later today. don't go away. much more "morning joe" after this. ♪
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joe." look at that beautiful shot of the white house in washington, d.c. the sun is up. it's time to get up and go to work, everybody. joining us now we have got the director of the earth institute at columbia university dr.ever sachs today who is developing a land mark report to u.n. secretary ban ki-moon. he handed me the latest edition of pathways to deep carbonization. that is hot. >> hard copy. >> beach reading? >> absolutely! >> joe. >> as of today. >> i'm going to have one sent to you. >> there is a reared's digest version of that, jeffrey? >> no cliff notes? >> it is a very big deal. jeffrey, break it down for us and tell us what you are delivering to the u.n. secretary-general today. >> so with the ban ki-moon will be launching this report to 193
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gover governments. this is a study of the 15 largest carbon dioxide countries in the world. that includes the u.s., canada, europe, australia, india and a number of other countries. what we did was put together expert groups that understand the energy systems in these countries and we asked a question which is, how can all of our countries sensibly, economically, by the middle of this century, move to essentially a low carbon economy that can keep us safe. in other words, using wind, solar, nuclear, other energy sources other than the coal, oil and gas which is wrecking the planet. >> so let's figure out the scope of the problem here and what we can control. obviously, we are talked about before the problems of controlling what happens in china and what happens in india and some of the developing countries. you've had yours and now we are
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going to get ours. out big of a chunk of the carbon e megs emissions in those countries does the united states emit? >> the u.s. is number two way behind china. china by far will shape the future of the whole planet. china is choking in polluted air. they use so much coal. they use it dangerously and it's taking years of life expectantsy away and the chinese leaders know it. >> china, in taking care of the situation, is the indispensable nation in curing this, along with the united states obviously. but we can't do it without them, right? >> that's absolutely for sure. it has to be china, the united states, european union, absolutely without anybody being missing from the table. and the hard part of what we find is that we're on such a relentless course of burning
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more oil, more gas, more coal. we have been told basic falsehood that fracking is going save us which is the opposite of the truth, that we have to move decisively to electric vehicles and nuclear energy and getting nuclear power safe and accepted in many places in the world and also the united states. this is pretty basic stuff. this year is going to be the hottest year in history most likely. we are in another one of these disastrous years. i was in india a couple of days. monsooning are absolutely failing and there is drought in brazil and drought in california. we have got crisis all over the world. people know it. they want action. this report says how to do it. >> mark? >> jeff, i know how passionately you feel about the science and the facts on the ground and how will you get it done? you say this needs to be the year. what needs to happen politically? >> one, the american public supports this. this is the elites, the campaign
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financing from the oil industry that has been decisive here. plus, the idea that the china won't do it so why should we? the united states and china have to make the g-2 agreement. two biggest emitters on the world and together we will shape the planet's future or not. we have to get it together and say we will go and the rest i think will join in. second, we need practical strategies. what to do. not just saying we are going to have these fancy systems that people don't understand. they want to know where is our power supply going to come from and what kind of cars are we going to drive? that is what this report helps to show. >> dr. jeffrey sachs, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up on "morning joe," crosby stills nash and young reunion on "the tonight show" covering one of the summer's hit songs. we will be right back. ♪ where are you going now here on will be compared to.
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♪ i'm so fancy you already know ♪ ♪ i'm in the fast lane l.a. to tokyo ♪ ♪ i'm so fancy can't help but go ♪ ♪ remember my name about to go ♪ ♪ trash the hotel let's get drunk on the minibar ♪ make the phone call feel so good getting what i want ♪ ♪ feel so good getting what i want ♪ >> oh, my god. >> wow. >> that is pretty good. >> that is a -- i got to say, neil young fan, that is a scary good imitation by jimmy fallon. >> pretty perfect. >> that is crazy good. >> pretty perfect. >> the first two seconds i sat there going, how did neil young do that? because neil young wouldn't do that. yeah, that's some good stuff. >> he is brilliant in his
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impressions. coming up at the top of the hour, what other skeletons does hillary clinton have in her closet? >> what? >> how is her legal career that may come back and haunt her in a big way? ezra klein joins bus that story. plus more than 70 people shot and a dozen killed. what is behind the surge in violence in chicago and what can be done about it? i read it that way for a purpose. reverend al sharpton on the conversations. "morning joe" will be right back. ♪, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only a!
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♪ a barrage of rockets fired by palestinian militants. israeli fights back. >> this confrontation is beginning to look a lot like war. >> palestinians and israeli parents still grieve for their children. >> mohammed's murder considered a revenge attack for those three jewish teens triggered wide clashes. >> turned out to be mohammed's cousin was beaten. >> when thousands attended mohammed's funeral, tariq couldn't go because he was in jail. >> more than 100 people got off the plane and taken to a border facility for processing. >> the white house said today most of the children coming across the border will be
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deported back to their home countries. >> there is a commitment on the part of this administration to enforce the law. if you do not have a legal basis for remaining in this country, you'll be returned to your home country. >> the gun violence is totally unacceptable to anybody from the city of chicago. >> at least 67 people were shot. the death toll stands at 11 making it one of the worst weekends of gun violence in decades. a giant neon pink gorilla in this room and we are going to deal with it! >> those rumors about sherri and i are leaving are not true! we are staying! >> wow. i think she is just kidding? welcome back to "morning joe." mark halpern and jon meacham and sam stein still with us. joining the table is nbc host of "politics nation" reverend al sharpton. >> good morning. >> mika! >> what? >> mika! i'm glad we brought reverend al
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on to talk about "the view." those rumors aren't true! >> you want to tell everyone right now? are you going to be on "the view"? >> i actually was offered to go on "the view" with joe and joe and i decided we are not going to do it. >> it just wasn't going to work out. >> it wasn't going to work out. we are going to stay where we are. >> looking at the split screen of the two of you, i can't believe it. >> maybe next year. >> editor of chief and msnbc columnist, ezra klein joins us as well. >> good morning. >> let's get to our top story this hour. chicago has a staggering problem on its hand. another round of gun violence over the weekend and testing the city's ability to stamp out the violence there. updated numbers show nearly one person was shot every hour over the course of the independence day holiday. of the 82 people shot, 14 were killed.
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chicago's police superintendent blamed gun laws, saying the punishments for those who carry illegal firearms are not strict enough. the city has passed legislation to crack down on weapons, but, so far, the measures are not cutting into crime. mayor rahm emanuel say police officers in chicago regularly take more guns off the street than in new york or l.a., adding most of the illegal guns in chicago were purchased out of the state. joe, when you look at these numbers for just that weekend alone, it's mind boggling. >> it's staggering. mark halpern, why can't chicago get their arms around this problem? rahm emanuel is constantly talking about new gun laws. chicago has some of the toughest gun laws and they can talk about guns coming in from other places but we had the same problem in washington, d.c. back in the '80s and 1990s. he can't just scream gun control, gun control, gun
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control. what is going on? i keep asking this question, what is the difference between chicago and new york city? >> well, the longer term problems cannot be addressed, i think, until the communities policing really takes effect over a longer period of time. reverend sharpton, what is the answer to joe's basic question, why chicago as opposed to every other big city right now? >> i think you touched on it with community policing. i took an apartment out there last year and would go out a couple times a month and talk to people. the politics is so divided in chicago that it's more of a blame game where you need a cooperative kind of relationship between the community, legitimate community leaders and city hall and the police, and it's not there. i think as long as you have this fight between the forces that should be together for the long term and the short term solutions, you're going to continue to see the problem.
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>> who is fighting, reverend al? >> everybody. i mean, there's a real, real disconnect between the community and the mayor's office. there seems to be a real, real entrenched kind of hostility. there is no coordinated efforts. yes, he is right about gun legislation, but where is the community policing? the community policing you referred to, joe, in washington and new york and other places is where community leaders and city hall and police say we may disagree on any number of issues but we must all come together and stop this because we are the victims. that is not happening at the level it should in chicago. >> it actually worked. i know, obviously, mika, leach may disagree on the level of gun control but it seems that is rahm emanuel's answer all the time is gun control. they have the toughest gun legislation in the country and yet this continues. as al said, there seems to be a
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re disconnect in that city and they are not able to come together the way d.c. has come together and new york city has come together and bigger cities than chicago have come together. >> we will broaden the conversation with this next story. new jersey governor chris christie is keeping up a whirlwind schedule across the country. this gets to guns. he stopping in iowa and nashville and idaho the coming weeks. yesterday he was put on defense while at home for not meeting with family members of the victims of the sandy hook shooting who were advocating for strict gun laws. chris christie said meeting with the families would be hypocritical. he had already decided to veto a gun bill in new jersey reducing the size of legal ammo clips from 15 to ten rounds and he defended that veto as well.
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why ten? why not six? why not two? why not one? why not zero? why not just ban guns completely? so the logical conclusion of their argument is that you get to zero eventually. so, you know, i understand their argument. i feel extraordinary sympathy for them and for the other families, and all of the families across america who are the victims of gun violence. >> i feel extraordinary sympathy for him but i will not meet with them for ten minutes when they have over 500,000 signatures they want to present to me. i said ted cruz in a much more heated debate after sandy hook still met with the parents and had the respect to say i disagree with you and i want to explain with you why i disagree
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with you. we can, obviously, disagree on issues like this. i said last hour, and i don't know. maybe you disagree with me. it was painful watching chris christie talking about somehow limiting clips to ten bullets means that you don't care about the ten children that would be killed by those ten bullets? that is just one of the stupidest arguments i think i've ever heard. but when you have to push yourself to defend extreme positions, these are the things i guess you have to do. because i'll tell you no hunters in northwest florida, in the red-neck rivera are going, boy, i need 15, 20, 30 bullets in my clip to shoot that deer this weekend. >> meacham? >> well, it's not hypocritical. it's democracy. even if you're the governor and made up your mind not to receive a delegation seems to me to be
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to use a word mark used a couple of times this morning, a failure of governance. another thing, as a gun owner and joe and i have talked about it before, don't need 15 bullets in a glock for any purpose other than killing a lot of people really quickly. >> yeah. >> it's not acceptable. >> reverend al? >> i agree. clearly, i would agree with the limit in terms of the amount of bullets, i would agree with that. but i think when you look at the fact that these victims, these family members have been on tour. they have come up to our weekly saturday rallies in harlem and for them to get to new jersey with all of these signatures and to be rebuffed by the governor, i just don't understand what he is thinking about. there would have been nothing wrong with a meeting with them explaining his position if that is his heart-felt position. i don't understand. >> if i can even be kind of
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crass or i don't know what the word is but, you know, thinking only of optics. i'll take a donny deutsche point of view here and not to jab at him when he is not here. you know what is going to happen. you turn down a meeting with the parents of the sandy hook victims and that is going to be the story. and i just, again, this politician of all, it surprises me he can't handle that meeting. it really surprises me that he can't handle that meeting. >> i think, mika, you know, i'm going to bring up ted cruz again. i think ted cruz could sit there and articulate. >> it makes it hurt even more. >> i think ted cruz can sit there and articulate why he would oppose this gun law. i'm sure he has thought about it a lot. and explain. i don't think chris christie can. it's completely expediency. this guy has been damaged by this bridge story and in a weak
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position and i don't think he was in any place to defend a veto that i personally don't think he agrees with but it dit for the purposes of primary politics in early republican states. >> certainly what it seems like. another controversy we have been talking about have updates for you. in a few hours, president obama will be arriving in texas, a state at the front lines of the nation's immigration crisis. he is going for a two-day fund-raising trip and, at this time, the president does not plan to visit the border. it's where more than 50,000 unaccompanied children, many from central america, have crossed illegally since october. the dallas morning news points out the crisis at the border is so extreme there is now a separate transportation system where buses line up each night waiting for the next group of migrants to arrive. joining us is miguel alma gear
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with the latest. >> it is called in this area the front lines of the immigration crisis. >> reporter: overnight, we found families released from the border patrol starting their second journey from a trolley stop to find relative living across the u.s. too scared to share their name this mother and son traveled 15 days. it feels good, the trip is over, he says. we are going to virginia. i can't wait to study and work. this is what many are trying to escape. nbc news on the ground in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, san pedro honduras. the parents of this 17-year-old say he was shot because he wouldn't join a diamondback. >> -- gang. >> we have to care for the
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children when they come. it's humanitarian care for these children is essential. >> what dodd now -- >> reporter: what to do now is the central of a national debate. monday from southern california to washington, d.c., rallies of support and vocal opposition to the flood of immigrants. >> the president has failed to act with urgency and competency and is required to ensure these children, as well as all immigrants, are treated humanly. >> reporter: so many of the children are arriving alone. back in texas, foster parents are waiting to help. this couple are immigrants themselves. >> we speak the language and we know the culture and we are, in some ways, connected. so we feel a very strong connection there that we can help these kids. >> reporter: but officials say not enough is being done. some 170 children per day are
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making the border crossing here alone. border patrol officials say they, too, are overwhelmed. mika? >> miguel, thank you. we have been covering the story about governor perry said he would not greet president obama at the airport for that handshake that would be seen by the cameras. now through valerie jarrett, the white house has sent a letter to governor perry inviting him to a meeting tomorrow with faith leaders and local elected officials and they point out the director of homeland security is going on friday, his sixth time there. the white house pushing back and saying we are dealing with this. a little bit of political rift as well. to other news. ezra, you are following a story on your website which is entitled, "hillary clinton legal career is haunting her." it highlights a criminal defense case she took on as a young lawyer drawing new attention today. according to the piece, ezra, 1975 when hillary was appointed
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to defend a 24-year-old man accused of rape. the prosecution also lost key evidence in the case and the accused ended up accepting just a plea deal of just one year in the county jail. "the washington free beacon" unearthed audio of clinton giving an interview in the '80s where she casual discussed the case and how she was ultimately able to get her client a plea deal.
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>> clinton pointed out in an interview last week she was just doing her job as an attorney. >> i asked to be relieved of that responsibility, but i was not, and i had a professional duty to represent my client to the best of my ability, which i did. when you're a lawyer, you often don't have the choice as to who you will represent and by the very nature of criminal law, there will be those who you represent that you don't approve of, but at least in our system,
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you have an obligation and once i was appointed, i fulfilled that obligation. >> a victim in the case said hillary clinton took me through hell saying i would say to hillary clinton you took a case in '75 and you lied on me. i realize the truth now the heart of what you've done to me and you are supposed to be for women? you can call that being for women what you done to me? and i hear you on tape laughing. ezra klein, you've been digging into this. what do you make of it in the big picture here and also her commenting on this case? it sort of shows maybe some bigger predictions about her choices as to whether or not to run for president. >> this is a really, really tricky case. >> yeah. >> our reporter lopez has been trying to follow this and it's hard. what clinton is saying there is true in our system of justice, we need to have lawyers and the
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court appoints lawyers to represent people. i think what unsernerving about that clinton tape she knew or at least believed that her client was guilty. and i think it's hard for folks to understand why you would go to the mat for a client you know is guilty. what she is saying there that was her obligation as a lawyer and that the prosecution had done a horrible job. if you have a system in which a prosecution can convict people without actually having the evidence there, having cut out the relevant part of the physical evidence, you have a very bad system. on the other hand, you have this tape come out which some people listen to and feel she is too light in discussing it and others don't have that opinion. you played a clip of that so people can make the judgment for on themselves and you have the woman who was raped or allegedly raped coming out and saying that clinton -- it does appear that part of clinton's legal strategy is pretty aggressive they
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discredited this man who had been much older than her. >> how old was the girl? 15. >> and the alleged rapist was 41. >> and i missed part of the story. was hillary clinton a public defender at the time? >> she was running a legal aid clinic out of, i believe university of arkansas but i can't remember exactly where it was and she said she was appointed by the court. she was court-appointed for this, no argument about that. >> and so, i guess, sam stein, what is so disturbing to a lot of people, obviously, is not what she did because lawyers, if they are court-appointed usually take that court appointment and do their best to defend their
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client. she sounded boastful. at least to me. she sounded boastful on the tape that she was able to get this 41-year-old guy who raped a young girl, a minor girl, and get him off and laughing about the evidence and laughing about the lie detector test and laughing about a lot of it. it's disturbing to say the least, isn't it? >> yeah, the audiotape is certainly disturbing and, you know, whereas she could have sounded regretful about the circumstances of the case and the outcome but still admitted this was her job and she fulfilled it. but to come back to ezra's point, we have a system of justice in this country that requires people and allows people to have a defense and lawyers are required to represent their clients. there has been, you know, i've noticed not just with this hillary case but is there a case where the south carolina democratic governor candidate was a public defender, where his clients are being used against
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him as if he believed in the actions that they did, as if he was -- >> i have to draw a distinction there, though. >> sure. >> sam, isn't there a distinction between when you are hired by a public defender's office and the purpose of the public defender's office is actually to give people the representation that they are guaranteed by the constitution of the united states of america? >> yes. >> and then you have hillary clinton's case where she was running a legal clinic. she may have been cour court-appointed but she had more discretion whether to take on a child rapist as a client. >> that's true. >> where you're working as a public defender, have you no choice. >> absolutely true. but if she is being sincere saying she tried on to get out of the case and she was court-appointed and couldn't get off the case. the fact remains that everyone is entitled to a defense' she did her job as lawyer in that sense she was there to represent a client as repugnant as that client was and we can't discount
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we have a system of justice in this country. >> i wonder if we are dancing around a bigger issue here? from the boastful tone, is that a problem for hillary clinton being dismiss sieve of a young girl who was abused sexually? >> i think it's a little bit off key given what her campaign will be about. for me, 30,000 feet, there is going to be so much more scrutiny of her, particularly if she doesn't have a democratic opponent. the vacuum is filled by stuff. we think we know everything about her? this story and others to come on out show a lot more to come. how she handles that is huge. how common is a -- >> it certainly when they get them off, what they will probably do is, you know, they will be talking -- they will be talking aggressively to a prosecutor and then they will be going back to their client saying, hey, this doesn't look good, i'm trying to get you the best deal i can get.
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they try to get the best deal. the odds are so stacked in the favor of the prosecution. from state by state by state, you have the d.a.'s office, state attorney general's office and they get all of the funding. usually you don't have a fair fight if you are an innocent defendant. because the odds are stacked against you. the court system is stacked against you. reverend al, you can speak to this, i'm sure. the system is stacked against you because you don't get funding so you try to get the best deal you can get. reverend al, i was an attorney. i know a lot of attorneys. i can't remember a single attorney going out to lunch after they left the public defender's office bragging about how they got a child rapist off. and that is jarring and i've hung out with a lot of lawyers
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in my lifetime and when the cameras weren't on and when the microphone wasn't on and i was having lunch and i said what do you do today? it would be this disgusting scum bag he plead him down to six months when he probably should have been sent away for good. i think that is so jarring to me about this tape. i don't know why she is bragging about getting a child rapist two months. >> i think she is going to have to deal with the boastfulness part of it as this story unfolds. the question that i'm sure people supportive of mrs. clinton is going to raise is she boasting about her acumen as a lawyer or is she boasting about the actual case? and whether the distinction even matters. i think that i would have to agree with mark, we are going to hear a lot of things about her that we thought we knew everything and i think that these are the kinds of things that are going to have to handle. but it clearly is not the kind of situation that she wants to
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have to defend when you're hearing your own voice taken lightly something that speaks to one of your core issues and that is the value of women. >> yeah. i think there's a bigger problem, but we will see what happens. ezra klein, stay with us. we are also be checking out the stories on sam, thank you very much. reverend al, stay with us, if you can. still ahead, president obama weighs in on the rising tensions in the middle east calling for a palestinian state existing side-by-side with israeli. a alive report from jerusalem just ahead. plus, the market is trading at historic levels. are we setting youourselves up the big let-down? where everything you look, things are so expensive. you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. ♪
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>> this is so interesting. the focus of the latest piece from "the new york times" the upshot is titled "from stocks to farmland all boominging or bubbling." it says nearly everasset class is expensive. stocks and bonds emerging markets and advanced economies and urban office hours and iowa farmland you name it and trading at prices high by historical standards relative to fundamentals. the inverse of that is low returns for investors. but frustrating as the situation can be for investors hoping for better returns, the bigger question for the global economy is what happens next? how long will this low return environment last? and what risks are being created that might be realized only if and when the everything boom ends? joining us now, the author of the piece "the new york times" senior economic correspondent neil irwin. great to have you back on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> well, answer the question.
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it is fascinating that the math that you're doing it seems to be happening across the board. >> yeah, it's true. you look around. there aren't deals out there. >> none. >> if you're an investor trying to save for retirement. spain a debt crisis a couple of years ago and spanish bond deals and the interest rates lowest since 1989. got knot a good deal out there if you're looking for a return on your investment dollars. >> you look at risks here. why is this happening? and what could possibly -- where could this go? >> two big factors driving this and related to ecach other. the federal reserve here printing money by trillions of dollars and trying to get the global economy on track and encourage growth through low interest rates. the result of that is to make asset prices go up and make interest rates go down. what that is related to more savings floating around the world looking for a home than
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there are good investment opportunities. businesses aren't saying i want to invest and borrow money to build new factories and why the economy still feels so soft. >> but they are still making money. ezra, jump in. >> so i think the question this raises, neil, whether we are seeing the result of an unbalanced recovery. the fed has done an enormous amount and continues to keep interest rates low and making sure a lot of money out there to invest. the other piece is the bernanke play where congress gets the money into the hands of everyday people and they can create demand hasn't happened. you have incredible moment for investors but there isn't the fundamentals of the economy of the economic engine being powered up such that they have investments that are all that worth making. >> yeah. i think that is absolutely right. if you think about it it, the u.s. stock market is up 30% over the last year. if you think the u.s. economy is 30% better than it was a year ago, i have a bridge to sell you. not the world we are living in. we have had this disconnect.
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all of this from the federal reserve banks and propping up financial market prices than creating real growth and real spending and investment by businesses and individual americans. >> but if i could just say one other thing that 0 that. it's true, isn't it? we could have had a world in which congress took low interest rates from the federal reserve and give them to give everybody $100 or $600 and could have moved that to everyday people but they just didn't? >> right. for example very low interest rates mean people have been able to refinance their mortgages and have more money to spend so not that there is no effect. wealth effects. higher stock portfolio you have more money to spend and more comfortable going out to the stories. not there is no effect. as you say the effects have all been through the financial channels and not through, say, congress cutting taxes or spending more money. >> jon? >> neil, is there any
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correlation between levels of taxation and the boom you've identified? >> you know, it's -- there's some things on the edges. you know, even though capital gains tax rates have come up, there are still low by historical standards. that said, what this really is a story about is a mismatch between the economic prospects, the willingness of businesses to invest in the future and the amount of savings looking for a home. that is the big disconnect shaping this world we are in. >> people aren't spending money, though. when you look at the stock market. everything else is rising but no consumer confidence. we talked about wages. mark halpern, you want to jump in? that is one of the primary problems here? it comes down to the individual spending? >> it still drives a big part of the economy but neil, what about cattle features and greek real estate? surely there must be someplace we can put our money to get a good return? >> greek real estate, yeah. >> that creates its own risk. certainly pockets of the world economy where there are some
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opportunities. that said you mentioned greece. greece after this horrible crisis they have been through, they just issued data to relatively low interest rate earlier this year. farmland prices are up. the real question is, you know, on the one hand that makes sense. you would think that all asset prices move in tandem but the questions are people going to take too much risk? are people going to say i desperately want to make more than that 3% to 5% and plow my money into speculative and risky and the danger for the world economy suddenly a return to the crisis environment that led up to 2008. >> reverend al, neil calls it welcome to the everything boom, or i would think everything is going to boom at some point, just blow up and explode. this is a bubble. >> and i think that is the problem with consumer confidence is that people are more concerned, more afraid. so they don't spend as much. i think that when you have -- even if you have a certain amount of income, if you feel like i don't know how long this is going to last. >> right.
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>> you see lingering unemployment in other areas. you see a congress and gridlock that can't even do a jobs bill. you tend not to go and spend what you want which affects the boom that he talks about in this article. and i think that this is also true all over europe, but it's particularly true here in the united states. >> neil irwin, your piece is online at ny thank you all very much. the violence in israeli coming up intensifies as the jewish state retaliates after another round of attacks from palestinian militants. we are going to go live to jerusalem next. keep it right here on "morning joe." ♪ this summer,now go get him. what we're up against. this mission will take precise handling.
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♪ 40 on past the hour. israeli is on high alert after palestinian militants fired dozens of rockets into the jewish state. israeli is retaliating with the latest rounds of air strikes overnight. video from the israeli defense force shows the destruction of a hamas targets in the gaza strip. fighting was triggered by the murders of three israeli teens and a palestinian boy. joining us now, nbc news foreign
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correspondent ayman mow yelleden. >> reporter: the israeli overnight mobilized hundreds of soldiers to the southern part of the country in anticipation of what could be a widening military operation. now prime minister benjamin netanyahu tolls the military not to hold back when it comes to dealing with hamas. at the same time, there is growing concern inside gaza. overnight political medical sources say four people have been killed as a result of those air strikes. some of the homes of suspected hamas militants have been targeted by the israeli air force and at least 30 palestinians, including women and children, have been injured. it gives you a sense how quickly the situation could spiral out of control and how it could worsen on already dire humanitarian condition inside gaza.
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for the time being it's not not only the southern front israeli is concerned about. there are growing pressures inside of israeli following the death of a palestinian teenager. as a result of that death, there have been a series of clashes inside east jerusalem as well as some of the other palestinian cities inside israeli. mika? >> mark halpern? >> ayman, is there any indication that there is from domestic pressure in israeli or international pressure, that show some restraint on the part of the israeli government, or is the assumption now we will see a prolonged protracted military engagement? >> we have lost him. very long delay, obviously, so it's hard to communicate. we will try and get him back. we have one more update on foreign policy news for you. in iraq, a political fix appears just as far off as any military solution to the violence that threatens to divide the country along sectarian lines. lawmakers in baghdad will meet again this coming weekend after
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initially delaying five weeks the next sex of parliament. the country remains largely deadlocked who to nominate for the top three government jobs. sunni militants continue to drive forward in their campaign to carve out an islamic state in the region. a suicide bomber killed a top iraqi general yesterday in fighting that came within just ten miles of the capitol. joe, it seems like almost inevitable that something severe is going to have to happen. >> i don't know, though. jon meacham, let's be hopeful for one moment. you look at what has happened in ukraine. it wasn't too long ago on this same set that we had people saying we were just going to have to deal with putin going to kiev. he was going to get kiev. well, you know, mark halpern's favorite bill clinton quote if you find a turtle on top of a
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fence post it didn't happen by accident. somebody put him there. will somebody put vladimir putin back on his heels? a reason why now the separatists and the rebels and ukraine are complaining bitterly that putin has abandoned them. we will get the full story and i'm sure that president obama had a big hand in that. i'm not so sure now with maliki being pushed off stage here that the president isn't quietly working and, who knows, we could turn around six months from now, a year from now by the time historians like you are writing about president obama's administration and his, quote, failed foreign policy, perhaps we may see positive movement in iraq and ukraine and some of these other areas that have all exploded at the same time. maybe this is the president's moment to respond and, who knows, it could turn out pretty well. >> well, foreign policy even more domestic policy is just incredibly difficult to judge in
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real-time as if it were a sporting event. it's incredibly complicated. people spend their lives trying to understand different forces. there's no more complicated region in the world than the middle east for reasons of religion, geography, ethnicity, tribalism. our own economic interests and security interests. so, you know, people have criticized president obama for saying people quite close to him have criticized him for saying hitting singles and doubles isn't always a terrible thing. and they say that shows a lack of vision or ambition. i disagree. i think that there's a lot to be said for trying to solve things in an undramatic fashion. >> mika, i could be very critical of the president's foreign policy over the past two, three, four, five, six years. a lot of things i've disagreed with, but moving forward, it's what your father said several weeks ago. we can't look back.
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we have to look forward. this crisis in iraq right now and syria is one of the gravest crises we have faced since september 11th, 2001. i woned if joe biden don't get him involved again. here is a man who backed a very long time ago was talking about the partitioning of iraq and it seems to me that may just be our best way forward, letting baghdad run the shiite-controlled parts of that nation and letting the kurds take care of the north, and giving the sunnis a part of the nation too and crowding out these terrorists. it can be done, but we are going to have to think, as jon meacham says, quoting other presidents, we are going to have to think anew. >> yeah. biden's idea had its costs as well but it definitely doesn't look so crazy in retrospect and
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a lot of people were critical of it. up next you may remember this man caught on camera sleeping at a yankees game earlier this year. joe s that you? he is now wide awake and he wants revenge over his unwanted 15 minutes of fame! that story is next. ♪ brian: 25 years. matt: that's how long we've been talking about the most important social issues. savannah: education. al: conservation. chris: uniting the nation. jim: with a bit of imagination. the more you know. i make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points
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can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. all right. so, you remember this guy, a fan caught sleeping in the stands during a red sox/yankees game. >> i thought it was joe. >> do you know who that reminds me of, thomas? >> who? >> tj in our control room. that's like the first 2 1/2 hours. he wakes up at 8:30 to start doing the crossword puzzle and checking the races at the
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belmont. >> what we're doing right now is probably why he's suing. go ahead. >> a little sleep. >> i this guy is suing, claiming he was mocked on national tv. >> see, and we're doing it again. >> just to tj this time. >> he seems very nice, the guy who was sleeping. >> a $10 million lawsuit against the announcers, espn, major league baseball and the yankees. and the suit claims that the announcers here found schulman -- >> what did they say? >> avalanche of disparaging words and caused substantial injury to his character and reputation, as well as mental anguish and loss of future income. >> $10 million? >> there's a job. wow! >> that's terrible. >> 10 million bucks. >> don't say anything more. >> allegedly sleeping. >> who says there are frivolous lawsuits? who argues that? >> i don't want to know what they said. tell me now what's coming up.
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with us now, the ceo of ogilve. i wanted to bring you on the show because what happened after that, you picked up a book, you read it. and a pretty crazy thing happened. tell us about it. >> i shoved it into your hands as you left the door. >> she did. she did. we had a conversation in the midst of my negotiations and it was around the brave and being unapologetically brave. as i was reading the book, going through my negotiations, you say to yourself, is this that moment that you've kind of been preparing for? and why not me? i think i am actually meant to do this. i started pondering the negotiations, people i met in my
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travel over to africa. the work that ogilvy has to do, the work that i'm meant to do, it's part that have mission. i grasped the opportunity and i saw mika and said thank you. >> i saw you a week ago. a lot of people come up and say it's been helpful. negotiations for like real normal jobs. you greet me at the door of the awards ceremony we're at. and i didn't understand the magnitude of your negotiations at the time when i handed you the book but you were like, yes, hi. i'm moving to africa, now the ceo of ogilvy africa. those were pretty big negotiations. >> yeah. >> what worked? what was it in the room that you had, that you were equipped with, that you didn't have before? >> i think sometimes for women there's a bit of -- there's humility that we're all taught growing up. but then there's a part of being brave. you begin to ask yourself, why not me? why not this time? i met a young woman in africa and you think about really
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empowering people but particularly women. she looked at me and said i really hope you come here. i really do. because there's so much that we can do. when i think about my mission in africa two-fold, in addition to helping our clients grow their business all across africa, it's really a human capital mission and investing in tomorrow's leaders, particularly women sbchlt having them look at me and my team and say i absolutely can do this and i will do this and together we're going to grow and help drive the business across the continent. >> in the process of getting that deal done, you stopped apologizing. i love that. >> stopped apologizing. stopped saying i'm sorry. >> nadja bellan-white, thank you so much. you move in a few weeks of the i want to stay in touch. >> we will. >> i'm writing a new book. i'm putting you in it? >> you have to put me in it. >> see? this is the new nadja. where did the old one go? >> i don't know. she's gone. >> thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you. >> we'll tell you how to get paid for watching your favorite
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tv programs on netflix. >> plus, president obama heads to texas. not to address the growing border crisis. that's what some say. but on the president's agenda is what they're criticizing him for. we'll cover that story. and then pope francis promises zero tolerance toward anyone in his church responsible for or covering up sexual abuse. we'll explain how this is truly a new era for the catholic church. all that and more when "morning joe" returns. really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans...
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it is 8:00 am on the east coast, 5:00 am on the west coast, as you take a live look at new york city. with us on set we've got john meachum, john halperin, thomas roberts and sam stein. >> good morning, mika. how are you doing today? >> i'm going to get right to the news. there's a lot going on. >> why is it? you don't like guys that wear pink? you don't even want to talk to me? completely blowing me off there. how are you doing today? >> well weerk need to -- >> it's not planning. you actually came up with a response and you would get back to me. you watched tv. i was wondering if maybe you went bowling or went to, you know kmart or whatever.
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i don't know. maybe you went to olive garden. did you do anything american last night? >> no, i didn't. i exercised and i work hard and i -- oh, but they tried to get me to watch more of that show and i wouldn't do it. >> the orange is the new black? >> i can't do it. no. once i start, i can't stop. >> why can't you -- do you like it? is it good? >> i do like it. orange is the new black. >> i don't see why you think this is wasted time. >> because when you binge watch, you watch for hours. >> speak more slowly so i'll understand. >> drowns out other avenues. >> my parents beat me when i watched too much. >> there's one sort of exception to this rule, though. >> what's that? >> you sit on your couch from three hours, 6:00 to 9:00 am on the east coast watching "morning jo joe", that's good for you.
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>> see, joe, i hear from our viewers that they're on treadmills and stuff. it's active watching. i can't do that with -- >> if it makes you feel better. go to the news. >> bad outfit. we clash. president obama will arrive in texas, a state on the front lines of the immigration crisis. this time the president does not plan to visit the border, which is causing some controversy. it's where more than 50,000 unaccompanied children, many from central america, have crossed illegally since october. republican governor rick perry, who has criticized the white house over the crisis, is declining an invitation to meet president obama at the airport. in a statement, governor perry says in part, quote, a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crisis enveloping the rio grande valley in south texas. i would instead offer to meet
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with you at any time during your visit to texas for a substantive meeting to discuss the critical issue. the white house says the president is well aware of the situation along the border and valerie jarrett sent a letter to governor perry, welcoming an opportunity for governor perry and the president to meet. some democrats say they think the president should see the border crisis firsthand and congressman henry cuellar says in part, i'm sure that president bush thought the same thing that, he could just look at everything from up in the sky and then he owned it after a long time. so i hope this doesn't become the katrina moment for president obama, saying he doesn't need to come to the border. he should come down. the white house is taking a tougher tone, saying what will happen to the immigrants apprehended at the border. >> it's our view it's unlikely most of those kids will qualify for humanitarian relief. if they don't qualify for that humanitarian relief and don't have a legal basis for being in
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this country, they will be sentd back. nobody should make any mistake about it. >> the dallas morning news points out it's so extreme there is now a separate transportation system where buses line up each night, waiting for the next group of migrants to arrive. joe, let's break this down. let's first start with the handshake issue, the political part of this with governor perry. what do you think about what he said? i actually don't have a complete problem with his statement. >> i don't either. when you first -- at first blush when you hear that a governor is not going to meet to shake hands on the tarmac your immediate reaction is a negative one. you dig deeper into it and it actually looks like it's the president that just wants the photo-op, just the quick and easy handshake when democrats in his own party are saying there is, in fact, a humanitarian crisis on the border. and talking about katrina moments. then at that point it looks like rick perry does have the upper
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hand, when he's saying basically the same thing that democratic senate -- congressmen from the state are saying, this requires more than a photo-op. this requires more than a handshake. this requires more than you looking out from 30,000 feet from your plane. of course, the optics of it, mark halperin also not great for the president of the united states, because he is going down there and holding two fund-raisers, but not visiting the scene of the humanitarian crisis. but the president is taking a tough tone, mark. once again, he is finding himself caught in between two factions, the left and the right. the left wanting him to do much more. the right saying he's just not doing enough. >> a schedule of change in some way, i would bet on that. katrina was a shared responsibility of the state and federal government. this is really a federal issue. it's a humanitarian crisis involving kids and i think governance matters here and the president needs to rise above the politics, the back and forth
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with rick perry, any talk of photo-ops, really just needs to get hands on and solve it. if he's in the state and isn't being hands on, not just the optics are bad but he's not doing the job we hired him to do, manage the crisis like this. again, not uniquely a federal responsibility but mostly is his job. >> let's move on. a lot of other news to get to. for the first time, the pontiff, pope francis, met face to face with six survivors of clergy sexual abuse. he begged them to forgive church leaders who failed for years to properly address the crimes. the group comprised of two irish, two british and two german sexual abuse survivors. pope francis also prayed with the victims at mass. the pontiff vowed a zero tolerance policy and pledged to hold accountable anyone responsible for abuse or those who cover it up. it was the first time abuse victims met with a pope at the
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vatican. i have been saying this now ever since pope francis came on the horizon. i love this man. i think he is doing something for the catholic church that is so long overdue in so many ways, joe. >> thomas, there is obviously such a terrible long history. you see the word zero tolerance next to each other and that certainly seems to be a positive first start. what do you think? >> i think it's impressive that the pope is taking on this action to go ahead and meet with sexual abuse survivors. there are going to be people out there that say that obviously the church has not done enough and not done enough for years. this is a good first start. some of the survivors that went and met with the pope, i was reading one interview yesterday, saying obviously the pope has come in contact with other sexual survivors in the past, whether it's through mass or other instances. maybe he didn't know of it. obviously, he has had contact. but this conversation that
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they've started, is it going to last and is it going to be something that is substantial that is beyond more than the pr conversation that we're having now? i think it's a great first step and i encourage the pope to meet with sexual abuse survivors. i agree with you, i think francis has done a great job, stepping in to where benedict did a horrible job. and did not do what needed to be done on the heels of john paul failing. benedict, at the time, when he was ratzinger, was in charge of all of this and hid a lot of things. so it's good to see francis come in and make good of where benedict failed. >> it was a failure, john meachum, on part of this church that has been losing followers and members, i think, over years and years and years. and i think was on a road to
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probably losing a generation at some point of young people who would just -- i -- my opinion as a catholic changed when this crisis came to the surface and it became more difficult to defend the church overall and a lot of its very rigid practices. >> absolutely. absolute power corrupts. and in many cultures, in many periai parishes, in many neighborhoods the church is an absolute. and generation upon generation failed the most fundamental christian mission of all, which is to protect. the pope, the vicker of christ, the representative of christ on earth essentially, he has asked us to pray for him, closed the apostolic palace. he has the potential here to be
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even more important than john xxiii. >> i agree with you. more politics this morning the mississippi republican party says thad cochran is the bona fide winner but now an attorney for tea party challenger chris mcdaniels says if voter fraud is as widespread as they allege the state may have to hold a do-over. really? take a look. >> we're surprised at the amount of evidence that continues to come forward that shows us that there has, indeed, been election fraud in this case. it's very easy to see the mississippi law holds that if there's the difference between the cochran camp and our camp, if there are that many ineligible voters it's automatically a new election. >> mcdaniel's camp claims thousands of african-american voters who cast ballots also
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quoted in the republican run-off, which is not allowed in the state. according to the state party, cochran won by nearly 8,000 votes and last week a spokesman for his campaign called for direct proof from mcdaniel. >> i just think it's sort of the time has come now for the mcdaniel campaign to put up or shut up. if there's something that's out there, let's talk about it. let's look to this. if they've got hard evidence, bring it forward. but quit talking about exaggerated numbers that they know were not true, that we know were not true and you guys know were not true. >> joe, let's not spend too much time -- just give me one word. what word comes to mind when you think of this? >> i have two. two words actually. i can't boil it down to one. >> that's all right. >> tin foil hats. >> okay. tinfoil hats? isn't that three?
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>> that's amazing. his hair was in place after he took the tinfoil hat off. >> you have a word, halperin has a word. >> faulkner. >> unbelievable. >> yeah. i thought all you would say is whiner. new jersey governor chris christie is keeping up a whirlwind schedule across the country with stops in iowa, nashville and a conference for top republicans in idaho in the coming weeks but yesterday he was put on defense while at home for not meeting members of victims of the sandy hook sho shooting who are advocating for stricter gun laws. christie said meeting with the families would be hypocritical. clips from 15 to 10 rounds. he defended that veto as well. >> i've heard the argument. so are we saying then that the
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ten children on the clip that they advocate for, that their lives are less valuable? if you take the logical conclusion of their argument you go to zero, because every life is valuable and so why ten? why not six? why not two? why not one? why not zero? why not just ban guns completely? i mean, the logical conclusion of their argument is that you get to zero eventually. so, you know, i understand their argument. i feel extraordinary sympathy for them and the other families and all the families across america who are the victims of gun violence. >> joe, what do you make of that math? >> wow! >> yeah. >> well, first of all, you know, ted cruz met with families of the sandy hook victims when we were all talking about the ma
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massacre of those precious children. at least ted cruz would sit down and explain to the parents why he could not support the gun legislation. and i thought that was a really good thing for ted to do. i think it's kind of chicken something -- which i won't say on the air. there is a second word. i'm into two words again. it's chicken -- we'll say salad. >> okay. >> for chris christie to not meet with these families, at least for five, ten minutes. hypocritical? how about being humane, and explaining why? but the reason why chris can't do that is because the logic, the ten precious children logic is so convoluted that i don't think he could say that with a straight face. i think he would be embarrassed to say that to parents who lost
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their children, saying that if you support only ten -- a clip of ten rounds in a clip, that somehow you're saying those children aren't precious? again, when you start going down this path, mark halperin, of having to defend the indefensible, these are the silly things that come out of your mouth. obviously, i don't want to get into a huge gun control debate here. but i haven't met a lot of hunters in northwest florida that need -- >> right. >> -- you know, more than that. that's absolutely ridiculous. you only need more than that if you believe that you have a need to have a semi automatic weapon and kill members of the united states army, our government, when they come to your door. there's no other justification other than going to the shooting
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range. you're not going to need more than that to defend your household. you know, let's have that debate later. what does this prove, mark halperin? this proves that chris christie still thinks he can win the republican nomination for president of the united states, does it not? >> look, there's no question those families have standing. for the governor of new jersey to refuse to meet with families from a neighboring state probably not good politics and probably not great governance. his tone, not to be a theater critic about every syllable and every tone, but if you're talking about this, a combative tone may not be the right thing in terms of governance. joe, clearly, he's thinking about the politics of gun control when he gives an answer like he gave on something like that. in the state he's currently the governor of, i haven't seen polling on that particular position but i would guess that
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voters in the state are not in majority of agreement. forbes magazine takes a look at the country's wealthiest citizens with their first-ever family billionaires list. more colleges than ever before giving up on standardized testing. yes! we're telling you why the s.a.t. -- yes -- may be a thing of the past. we'll find out whether cleveland or dallas may hold the 2014 cleveland or dallas. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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all right. time now to take a look at the morning papers. joe, look at this. "the wall street journal," they put on the front page their very first issue, which is july 8th, 1889. the stories are so fun to read, the way they're written. i like the way alan pointed that out. >> four pages. >> four pages and $5 a year. >> and came in the afternoon. >> good price. >> exactly. >> doesn't look that different from today. >> newspaper geeks, obviously. from our parade of papers, los angeles times, 22 passengers were left hanging -- hanging for nearly three hours yesterday 45 feet in the air after a high-speed roller coaster derailed in california. see, why do you even do this? >> don't do it. >> why do a roller coaster? there's no reason. >> stay away. >> six flags magic mountain reportedly hit a fallen tree branch, sending several cars off the track. four people sustained nonlife
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threatening injuries. park officials say the ride will remain closed, yes, pending investigation. joe? >> mika, do you do roller coasters? >> no. i told you, i did the teacup in hershey park, that thing almost -- that was dangerous. i almost flew out of it. and my children went oh, my gosh. it was the most awful experience ever in my life. never. >> wow! >> and amusement parks, no, thank you. >> okay. >> no. sorry. >> how very french of you. dallas morning news, cleveland and dallas will be learning today which city will be selected to host the 2016 republican national convention. dallas has been considered a front-runner through the entire process with strong fund-raising efforts that are supporting its bid but ohio remains a strong contender based on its status, of course, as one of the most critical swing states in america. they're expected to announce their decisions later this afternoon. >> all right. let's go to the independent.
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netflix is hiring someone to watch netflix all day long. job posting in uk and ireland says the company is looking for someone to analyze programs on its streaming service. this person would be responsible for tagging tv shows and movies, helping to organize its catalog into different categories. the job includes flexible hours and you can even work from home but they're looking for someone with a degree in film or experience directing. so, joe, you can't lie on your bed with a bunch of chips on your stomach and watch tv all day and think that's a job. it's different. >> too late. too late. >> what? >> usa today, mika, this one is for you and me. two people that didn't crack triple digits in our s.a.t. scores, hundreds of colleges across the u.s. are adopting a test option policy for new applicants. >> yes! >> sounds great to me. standardized tests like s.a.t. and a.c.t. do not predict
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success, thank god, and & should not prevent lower income students who cannot afford test prep class from being accepted to their schools. more than 800 colleges are abandoning the traditional application process, including wesleyan. >> i've always loved wesleyan. >> triple for signing your name. >> is that all? >> mika, we can't reveal what we got here. >> why? >> for national security reasons. >> my father already has. >> neither one of us got like 1,000, did we? if we did i barely got 1,000 on the s.a.t. what did you get? >> i did not break a thousand. no, i did not. >> all right. >> i think i walked out once because i was so absolutely annoyed by the stupidity of the
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question. like why do you need to know this? i just walked out. i'm serious. >> i remember getting bored. >> incredibly bored. i think i was an add child i definitely was. >> i thought the bubble was a little too small. >> let's not start the whole bubble conversation. never mind. remember that? chief white house correspondent from the morning playbook, was that you who spread that rumor about me and the bubbles? i think it was. >> no doubt. i blame mark halperin. two of the key races that will decide which party controls the senate after the mid term elections. the first ad from democrat grimes that will air statewide in kentucky. >> this is don disney from clover lake, kentucky. he has a question for senator mcconnell. >> i'm retired coal miner.
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i want to know how you could have voted to raise my medicare cost to $6,000. how are my wife and i supposed to afford that? >> i don't think he's going to answer that. i approve this message because i'll work to strengthen medicare, not bankrupt seniors like don. >> okay. how is the campaign responding to this ad, if at all, mike? >> they are. >> what do you think of it? >> i love clover lick and that's a great antique fire engine behind her. she's trying to change the conversation. the conversation since mcconnell won big has been about obamacare and coal. both bad for her. she's trying to throw in medicare, remind people of the stakes of having the leader be from kentucky. >> what do you think, mark halperin? >> it shows through her as a
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good character and that guy is good. >> he's darn good. >> i think she'll have to build on this if she wants to keep the conversation away from obamacare in a national year which is still shaping up right now to be good for republicans, she needs a real change in the dynamic. >> a few weeks ago we showed you a hard-hitting ad from senator mark pryor, attacking congressman cotton, who is now responding with an ad of his own. >> i'm tom cotton. i approve this message. the tornado that hit faulkner county was an awful tragedy. despite what you've been told, tom cotton stood with us every step of the way. tom voted for disaster relief and full funding of fema. shame on anyone who uses our tragedy for their own political gain. it's just wrong. senator pryor, start focusing on the real issues. leave our community and our tragedy out of your campaign.
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>> wow! effective? >> yeah. >> i don't know if anyone around this table expected tom cotton to be on the defensive but is finding conservative issues can be tough, voted against the farm bill, this disaster aid. there in that county, another central casting character and tom pushed back a little bit and that line at the end accusing the other side of using the disaster for political gain. >> mike allen, thank you very much. a look at the big stories driving the day on wall street. what you need to know before today's markets open. business before the bell is next. i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase.
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a new article. as a young lawyer hillary clinton defended a 41-year-old man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl. hillary was ultimately able to get her client a plea deal. she pointed out in an interview last week she was simply doing her job as an attorney. >> i asked to be relieved of that responsibility but i was not. and i had a professional duty to
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represent my client to the best of my ability, which i did. when you're a lawyer, you often don't have the choice as to who you will represent. and by the very nature of criminal law there will be those who you represent that you don't approve of, but at least in our system, you have an obligation. and once i was appointed, i fulfilled that obligation. >> at the time of the interview decades ago clinton said, quote, the prosecutor called me a few years ago. he said he had a guy who had been accused of rape and the guy wanted a woman lawyer. would i do a favor for him? interesting story. >> certainly troubling, too. not just because of what happened so many years ago but because mark halperin, on this tortured book tour that continues. a couple of corrections from a couple of hours ago, the girl was 15 years old. she was not. she was 12 years old. secondly, hillary clinton, we ran that clip where the suggestion was she was court
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appointed. she had no choice but to take this. very clearly, her own words from the time said that she did it as a favor for a friend. this accused child rapist said he wanted a woman defending him. obviously to be more sympathetic. and hillary clinton chose to do this. this completely changes the conversation. and, you know, in that position, you and i both know there are a lot of female lawyers that would say, no, i won't take that case. and, furthermore, i'm sure they wouldn't brag about getting this child rapist a -- >> plea deal. >> -- good plea deal where he only had to spend two months in jail where she said he also suggested that he knew he was lying because he passed a polygraph test. it's really troubling on many layers. >> on the bragging part, a charitable reading of how she says what she says is more about her talking about kind of the
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injustices of the legal system. i think that's a possible read of that. on the other thing, as i just tweeted, she's right. everyone has -- every defendant is entitled to counsel, but not every lawyer has to take every case that a friend asks them to take as a favor. and i think, again -- as i said before, the biggest implication of this to me in terms of presidential politics is that she's going to have a lot of things from her past scrutinized that have never come up before. as mika suggested before, some women, some men have questions about some of the decisions she's made in her life related to gender, in her personal life, professional life, not about her public advocacy. >> let's strip this down. we know what she said last week. we have tape of her last week saying something that does not appear to be truthful. when you compare her words of last week to what she said at the time, she wasn't court appointed. she did this as a favor for a friend. so we can make all the judgments
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of the position she was in 30 years ago and what lawyers are supposed to do the constitutional right for everybody to get, you know, adequate representation. but we can compare what she said it 30 years ago at the time with what she said last week and what she said last week does not appear to be truthful, does it? >> based on the facts we know them now, what some would call in a different era slick answers. it doesn't serve her well. if she remembers what happens and she has a story to tell, this will keep coming up and she needs to tell it. there will be other cases like this. i don't think it serves her well if she wants to preserve her political viability as a president wral candidate to give anything but fully truthful, well thought through answers, which this does not appear to be. >> by the way, this is not based on third parties. these are her own words, lined up next to each other. >> yeah. >> at the time of the defense
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and now, her words now don't square up. mika, obviously, this points to a bigger problem. >> it does. >> let's move on to business. >> i think we will for now. go ahead, thomas. >> okay. here we go. 39 after the hour. business before the bell. what we can expect from these markets. still that 17,000 benchmark on the dow is amazing. we see red arrows across the board. what are you looking at today? >> we saw a big drop yesterday. keep an eye on that. some people say maybe we've come too far, too fast i think the cupcake boom came too far, too fast. familiar with the crumbs bake shop and its employees, started in 2003, upper west side, more than ten states, ceasing operations as of last night rather abruptly. ceo saying basically we're out of options. they may still file for bankruptcy. the employees notified very suddenly they would no longer have jobs. cupcake craze, of course, swept
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in. apparently sweeping out as well. sad story there. a weird but kind of cool food story as well. ge apparently has develop a prototype microwave which will count calories of the stuff you're cooking. >> oh, wow! >> when you throw in nachos, 1:00 in the morning into the microwave, it will beam a signal to your smart phone about how many calories that juicy, cheesy, delicious treat you're making at 1:00 in the morning. that's interesting. we are getting to the point now where we will know more about our health. and health care percentage spending gdp is an issue. maybe all of these things will help if you pay attention to it, of course. >> crazy stuff. >> i don't want my microwave telling me that. >> if it's in the microwave it's probably not good for you anyway. >> if you have to put your pizza in a pocket in a microwave -- >> i leave food out of pockets. >> why did you single out nachos as a high-calorie food? >> i had some last night.
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>> have to talk about what you know. >> i had a nacho. >> another americanism. one nacho. >> actually it was more than one. it was two. >> it sounds like a discarded -- the rich get richer. now there are more than 180 families of billionaires, billionaires. who they are, how you can meet them, how you can marry them and much more when "morning joe" returns. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps look after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way.
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kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, shopping online is as easy as it gets. carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. since robert taira openedsion king's hhis first bakeryd, in a small hawaiian town. making bread so good, that people bought two loaves one to take home, and one to eat on the way. so good, they grew from here. to here. to here. but to grow again, to the east coast they needed a new factory, but where? fortunately, they get financing from ge capital. we not only have teams dedicated to the food industry,
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we're also part of ge, a company that's built hundreds of factories. so we could bring in experts to help king's hawaiian make sense of transportation routes, supply chains, labor pools, and zoning to help them make the right decision. and, i'd like to think, to make their founder proud. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. at ge capital, we're builders. and what we know, can help you grow. at every ford dealership, you'll find the works! it's a complete checkup of the services your vehicle needs. so prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump.
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definitive ranking of the world's most richest families. the numbers are just unbelievable. they're big. they begin with a b, right? >> b, billion. $185 billion family. we looked. we have the four 400 every year. we already rank all the billionaires but never looked definitively at these family whose have over a billion dollars in assets but most of them toent have any one member who makes the full 400. >> we'll go through the list. any real sprys or -- >> actually, i mean, the biggest surprise, people kind of take a look at the numbers. $ .2 trillion in wealth and people are taken aback by that. every single one of these families there's a big american business behind almost every single one of these. if you look at the brands we're talking about, mars candy or whether it's public supx
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supermarkets, there are great companies behind these fortunes. it's not like ne'er do wells sitting on the beach. >> almost double that as the family who comes in at number two. >> the richest family, richest fortune ever. >> walmart people. >> sam walton's heirs, $152 billion. one family. it's stunning. again, because it's split up, we have about six members. no one has ever totaled them together. it's the first time we've ever seen a fortune go over, what is that, how many digit? 12 digits. >> that's insane. >> even though it's a public company, this family still has a lock on this company. >> so number two, though, another well-known family.
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>> yes. >> but there's a big divide between the waltons and -- >> the kochs. it's funny. you see people talk about the koch brothers, this and that. i don't think people realize how rich and how successful these brothers are. and there are four brothers also. $89 billion. everyone knows charles and david. there's also bill and fred. there's a great moral there. 30 years ago, there was a family schism and fred took about $700 million. which 30 years ago was real money. they went away. now they're worth collectively a few billion. charles and david are worth, together, over $80 billion. it's the biggest sibling pounding since cain and able. >> walton makes sense to me, koch. mars? >> yum. >> makes nothing else but candy or have they diversified ? >> nothing but candy. >> $60 billion. >> never made a single
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profit-making asset? >> the asset, that $60 billion is the mars company, m & m's. people love their snickers bars. it speaks to a larger truth. the families at the top of the list that are still doing well there is a family asset at the core. if you dropped all that money on any family, you give it 50, 100 years, it will start flying away. the core of their wealth remains in this private company that's doing very, very well. candy doesn't cost much money, like a candy bar and people love it. >> we're going to be looking -- great pieces in here, by the way. looking for the new issue of forbes magazine. thank you very much. up next, jimmy fallon gets fancy with the help of "crosby stills and nash."
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can't you taste this gold remember about to blow ♪ ♪ trash the hotel let's get drunk on the mini bar make the phone call feel soes good getting what i want feels so good getting what i want ♪ >> i cannot get over that's jimmy fallon. that's crazy. >> so gift ed. >> go down the street doing it. >> you've seen me doing that, haven't you? all right. up next, what, if anything, have we learned today. vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand.
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welcome back to "morning joe." it's time to talk about what we learned today. >> i learned that i don't need to overenunciate binge watching. you know what that means. >> i learned that soon the microwave will soon tell you the calories you will eat and you once ate nacho. >> i learned you read a teleprompter like an artist. >> i do.
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really do. one way of putting it. >> artiste. >> sore loser. fall asleep at the game and then you can sue. >> that's why he's suing because you are making fun of him. >> joe, you have no problem taking a nap at a baseball game. >> i have no problem taking a nap any time. in fact, i'm napping right now. >> yes, you are. >> i'll tell you what i learned today. a lot of questions, not so much about what hillary clinton did 30 years ago but how she responds today. i don't think it's going to be seen as a huge issue that she defended a terrible human being. a lot of defense attorneys do that. but how she responded last week is an issue. she wasn't truthful. she wasn't straightforward. she's got to get better at this stuff or it will be a rocky road ahead fo her the next year and a half. >> if it's way too early, joe, what time is it? >> it's time for "morning joe," unfortunately. but stick around because chuck todd and the daily rundown -- >> thank god. >> -- straight ahead. borderline chaos, obama
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administration wants more money to deal with the migrant crisis. will the white house and congress find a way to a long-term solution? we'll talk to republican congressman tom cole, whose own district is housing some of these migrants. meantime, the results of the mississippi mess are now certified but that's not stopping chris mcdaniel and now none other than ted cruz is sounding off about the outcome. and in today's tdr 50 focus, is the yellow brick road paved with politics? why some scholars think william jennings bryant and the populous politics of the 1890s inspired one of our most famous fairy tales. good morning from washington. it's tuesday, july 8th, 2014. this is "the daily rundown." a look ahead at syria today and whether that country's faith could make or break
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