tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC July 9, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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of my college television set. >> all right. joe, if it's way too early, what time is it. >> time for "morning joe". the daily rundown is straight ahead. thank you so much for watching. take the money and run. president obama gets an earful about a texas trip that is essentially about fundraising. no plans to visit the border. but he has added a meeting with governor rick perry on the crisis amid mounting pressure. meantime, wash cycle as in the washington, d.c. crisis cycle. trying to understand crisis management in the age of obama, a do nothing congress and the new media. plus, is it a tax cut rut? governor sam brownback and how he's making the case his budget move was good.
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but why are some republicans still simmering about it. this is the daily rundown. a busy day here. let's get right to my first read of the morning. and we stick to the topic at happened which is immigration. last time president obama talked about immigration in texas, he was in campaign mode and he was on offense. he was attacking the republicans in congress for stalling immigration reform. >> all the stuff they asked for, we've done. they said we needed to triple the border patrol. we're now -- they say will we need to quadruple the border patrol or they will want a hire fence. maybe they will need a moat, maybe they want alley gators in t alley gators in the moat. they will never be satisfied. >> he'll be in texas again today. this time it's for fund raisers.
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austin and dallas. but today, the confidence is gone and the white house is definitely in a defensive posture. yet another event appears to be controlling them rather than the other way around. this week was supposed to be about him talking about the economy by the way in denver and even in austin. on tuesday, in dallas, emotions were high as people told county commissioners what they think of the plan on bring 2,000 people from the border to north texas. >> citizens cannot be forced into allowing undocumented kids from central america to be housed in my blighted community. >> you just took the bull by the horn and started to do what you wanted to do with this. >> that's not only immoral, ungodly, unkind, unfeeling, untexan, unforgivable. we will be judged.
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>> president obama being criticized for not going to the border. and the president did hastily add an immigration round table this afternoon with local leaders in dallas. and republican governor rick perry was also invited. he of course has been using the border issue to hit the president on this. he's also thinking about his own 2016 run. meanwhile josh earnest said yesterday that the schedule change was not made out of defensiveness. but he sounded defensive saying that. >> the president would not travel to the border and he's not going to do that. the steps this government has announced not just today, but over the last week or so, are indicative of our proactive approach to dealing with this situation. the president has already directed resources be moved from the interior to the border region. we're seeking greater resources from congress. >> on tuesday, the white house formally sent its $3.7 billion
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emergency request to congress, about double what they said they were going to ask for. it includes $1.6 billion for additional border agents, stepped up detention efforts in processing, another $1.8 billion for care for the unaccompanied children, and about 300 million for outreach and public media campaign in central america that is aimed at telling parents not to send their kids for america. republicans, though, on the mill already claim not to be sold on the request. >> they have asked the congress for a blank check, an awful lot of money that comes to tens of thousands of dollars for each one of these children, and no plan, no accountability in terms of how that money is going to be spent, $3.7 billion is a slap in the face of the taxpayers of the united states. >> after a little reality check here on what $3 billion is these days or $4 billion, it's a drop in the bucket of a $4 trillion budget. let's go here, though. even republicans who weren't
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immediately opposed did suggest they may insist on some spending cuts to either offset the bill or frankly bring the price tag down itself. michael steele said the speaker still supports deploying the national guard to provide humanitarian sport. asked whether will he believes the funding request will pass, marco rubio saying no, given the mood here in washington, i don't have confidence it will happen. talk about a nightmare for republicans if this thing doesn't pass congress. endangered red state democrats have been very quiet about the border crisis. but members from border states are speaking out. yesterday arizona democrat ron barber saying it is way past time for the federal government to get serious about securing the border. it is unacceptable that it has taken a massive humanitarian crisis in which tens of thousands of children have entered our country illegally to get the president and washington to take notice and act. and this morning, a member of
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congress that is becoming this week's thorn in the side of the white house, henry quar piled on. >> these will be 500 miles away from the border that which makes it even worse when you're so close and you can't take air force one down to the border. last night i got calls saying who are the local leaders. certainly not the local leaders from the border. >> and by the way it in about an hour, administration officials will be facing questions on the border crisis. as well as this new spending request. fema administrator, among the witness at the senate homeland security committee hearing speaking to. and speaking of that, senator coburn of oklahoma joined me a few moments ago it talk about what he wants to hear from those witnesses today.about what he wants to hear from those witnesses today.
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>> how long have we known this problem has existed. my intel tells me we've known it since january. thumb two, the request that the president whether ill be making about $52,000 per child per year which seems excessive. number three is what laws to we need to change so we can actually stop the flow and how do we do that. why was it not part of the request. basically to give the chance to -- i sent all my questions to the witnesses ahead of time to they could give me answers. >> let's talk about the funding request. they did send up two different requests. sounds like you would like to see the 2008 law changed, administration says they want it changed. sounds like you believe it should be linked to the funding request. correct? >> i do.
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i think it should be. look, there is no question there are problems in these three countries where the immigrants are coming from, but our analyss the mobs are less than what they were two or three years ago. we've seen a promotion based on false data by smugglers and transferrers to cause this. and the way to stop this is to have the first plane load of children return to their home. and for $500 a child, we can give them a first class seat back to their home. and we can't do that under the law of 2008, under the trafficking victims act. so we ought to be changing that and the first determent is to send them back and then we break the fault signal that the -- they're paying anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 per child. >> on the funding request itself, this feels like one of those the administration put
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everything and the kitchen sink in their request assuming that the number gets trimmed. i'm just playing the washington game here. that's what it feels like to me. i take it you could be supportive of some increased amount of resources just not this number? >> not this number. and not on an emergency basis. this isn't an emergency based on what they're saying. they have known this since january. and the fact is that if we handle it properly and change the 2008 statute, then for less than $1,000 a child, we can send these children back and send the signal. and it's not that -- we can care for them and we should, we should do everything we can while they're in our custody. but we ought to make sure we send the signal. if you don't solve the real problem, the false idea that you can come here and stay here, and the way the administration's handling it now, vast majority will never show up for a hearing and we know that by the history.
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it's less than 3%. >> which is why you you can't have that delay. you have to have the ability to just send it back. >> that's right. >> you identified the real problem, which is this issue of these drug smugglers. what do we do about that? mexico is not a partner in this. i'm trying to think about to what we did with columbia. that took a while. that was rough, but over time, columbia's government became a partner in dealing with these drug cartels. the new mexican government, do you get the sense they're a real partner this trying to deal with the issue? >> i can't answer that because i am not privy to the conversations. the fact is that they're not doing what i think they could be doing to control their own southern border when they're allowing these bus loads to come right through with kids on. they can stop and say you're going back. the question is, i can't be
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critical of the administration because i don't know what they have done there yet. but there certainly needs to be pressure applied to mexico to help us with this problem. but if you want to solve this problem and you want to stop the flow, first airplane to get there the sooner with kids coming back will solve this problem. and most of these are not small children by the way. most of cheethese are teens and orderer that are coming. so we can solve this problem by returning them to their home country.that are coming. so we can solve this problem by returning them to their home country. that sends a greater signal because now you've wasted $3,000 on something somebody sold and you bill of goods on and it will really stop the flow. >> i want to ask you about something. people have been asking you about your legacy on various things both conservative and democrats can get along with. what is your advice on some of the conservative fire brands? you were identified as one of the you're not getting along
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with anybody fire brands, but that isn't the case. you've been a conservative and you're a friend of the president. how do you explain to ted cruz and mike lee that you can do both? >> knowledge is the way that you gain esteem in the senate. ed a whand when you accumulate knowledge people respect, they will actually listen to you. we can scream and yell all we want. but having the knowledge and i've had a wonderful staff that has enabled me to do oversight the way it should be done. and i think if you do oversight, it's the skills act that was modified and went through the senate, it wasn't what i wanted, but certainly an improvement over job training programs that we had. and we have a long ways to go still, but it takes time to move things, it takes time to move people. and i think you're going to see long after i'm out of the senate a lot of things i worked on that will come to fruition. >> senator tom coburn, always
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with interesting views and thoughts. thanks for your time this morning. >> good to see you, chuck. we'll have reaction from the other side of the aisle, senator john tester will be here after the break. and with him, a little toucher on immigration reform than most of his democrats. we'll ask about that. but first, a look ahead. president obama of course wakes up this morning in denver before he heads for texas. former new orleans mayor ray nagan has a sentencing hearing today. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is,
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today's senate hearing kicks off a series on the border crisis. tomorrow jay johnson and sylvia matthews burwell will face questions on capitol hill. the way the law works, they do get handed over to hhs.face que. the way the law works, they do get handed over to hhs.matthews questions on capitol hill. the way the law works, they do get handed over to hhs. senator jon tester is a member of the committee and he'll have an opportunity to grill them. good morning, sir. >> good morning. good to be here. >> so where are you on this request from the white house, the cost, what they're asking for? are you inclined to be supportive of it or have you not decided? >> i'm open to it. it's a lot of money. i think it's unfortunate we did not get comprehensive immigration reform passed. i think probably wouldn't be here today if that was the case. but we are where we are. i think it's going to be up to the folks in hope land securime
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and appropriations to ask how the money will be utilized, make the administration justify every penny. and then either modify the number or pass it out. >> do you expect the number to be modified? the white house asked almost twice what they hinted. do you think they almost asked for more than they wanted because they knew there would be a trim? >> occasionally that happens. i think it's up to us to make sure the proposal goes out lean and mean and it's effective. >> do you want to see it linked to a change in the 2008 law which right now of course delays the amount of time that you could be deporting these children back to their home countries? >> i think we need to have a discussion about that because to be right straight with you, chuck, we have to figure out if it that's a problem, we need to change it. but we also need to give these folks their due process. and, look, personally, i can't
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imagine what it would be like as a parent or grand parent to put your kids on a bus or train and ship them 3,000, 4,000 miles. things have to be pretty tough to do that. that being said, give the folks their due process. if the law needs to be changed, let's look at it. if it doesn't, tom coburn was right, we need to figure out how to get the kids back to their country of origin as soon as possible because that will shut down the flow rather quickly. >> there are a lot lot people concerned about these kids. do you think at the end of the day the message has to be sent that a majority of these kids will get sent back? that is not the history. history offugee influx, a majority end of staying. >> i think there is $300 million in this roam for getting that message out. and i think that message is very important to get out.roam for g
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message out. and i think that message is very important to get out. these drug cartels and folks who are making deals with these families to take their kids north aren't particularly reputable people. and we need to make sure folks have the right message so they know this is the wrong decision to make for their kids. >> when it comes to immigration reform, your views have shifted a bit. you were inclined to be against the idea of comprehensive immigration reform in general. what changed your mind on this? >> i was against the bill in '07. i didn't think it was near as good a bill as the gang of eight worked on that we passed a little over a year ago. i think that bill was much better when it came to border security. and i thought it was much better as far as getting in line to get your citizenship and no cuts. all that being said, businesses in montana spoke pretty loudly to me about the fact that this
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problem isn't going to go away unless we deal with it. and the problem hasn't gone away because congress hasn't dealt with it. >> you said something in '06, you said you did not support amnesty, that you wanted a process followed. does that mean -- i take it you're not in favor of the president's executive order back in 2012 that essentially gave amnesty to the children of up doi undocumented immigrants? >> i'm not trying to skirt your question. i think it about we do not -- i wish the house would take up the comprehensive immigration program. if we don't deal with the problem, it's 60,000 kids today, something else tomorrow. the president did what he had to do whether i like it or not to help get our arms around this program, this immigration problem, why, because congress
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has refused to act. we say no to everything. so when you talk about $3.7 billion to solve the problem, i won't say no, but let's ask the tough questions. this is what we need, let's do it so we can move on to other things we need to do in congress. >> very quickly, you are always one of the straight talkers that i like dealing with on capitol hill. the president and this sort of back and forth on the border, do you think he should be going to the border? >> i don't think it's necessary. i think it would be nice, but there are security issues, there are all sorts of issues you have to deal with when you're the president of the united states. these trips just don't happen in 24 hours. it takes a lot of planning. all that being said, i thinkhe media, he should know what is going on and think he has a good grasp of what is going on. the problem here is that we need to act, give him the tools that he needs to soft probl s ts to . these kids are between 14 and
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18. we need to treat them right. but ship them back to their countries those that are there illegally. >> senator jon tester, appreciate you coming on. up next, trying to understand why every major issue facing our nation brings washington, d.c. to a grinding halt. from immigration, iraq, ukraine, v.a. or peeling back the layers of crisis mismanagement. but first, the trivia question. can cluding thomas dewey and wendell willkie, name the four republican presidential nominees to lose the state they called home during the general election. [ kevin ] this is connolly, cameron, zach, and clementine. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye.
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$70,000 is how much money the senate conservative fund reportedly wired to chris mcdaniel's legal fund yesterday. the wire will be used to help offset the cost of his campaign investigating whether there was any illegal voting in last month's mississippi senate runoff race. the fund raising push is one of the first big moves for ken cuccinelli. they plan to intend the rest of the money to aid mcdaniel next week. coming up, how cleveland is trying to get its gruf baoove b. plus the republican governor of kansas is in a much tougher fight for re-election thank you think. for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you
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another weeks another crisis in washington. this time over immigration. the late nestest in a string of crises and another lesson that how the powers that be and us in in the media come together to bring the gears of government to a grinding halt abo. tuesday they asked to nearly 4 billion and this is yet another example of events controlling the administration. first a problem gets a lot of media attention. we call it a crisis. next congressional republicans point fingers at the white house. lastly the white house after a little bit of rea reacts. in the last minute, immigration round minute round table that has been set up during his trip to texas, an example of white
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house reacting. thoir respon their response is either we didn't see it coming or it's much worse than we anticipated. responses that leave the impression they don't have their arms ash tround the government they run. is this a new normal or is it unique to obama's presidency? that's just one layer to the story. another layer is congress and its inability to legislate and its preference to politicize any issue. pointed out yesterday republicans should support the latest emergency question as well as the gang of eight legislation. that is probably dead for the remainder of the presidency. so this is congress' crisis, too. hard to imagine either party wants this legislation staring them in the face after labor
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day. one has to assume it either gets done in the next 7 weeks or it doesn't get done at all. but the third layer suis us, th media. we sometimes add fuel to the fire along the way. but here is the rub. notice how quickly some of the older stories have disappeared from the front pages. remember ukraine? what about the v.a.? a week later, it knows the media will be devouring another story. of course what matters most politically is what the public is digesting. the collection of these stories clearly reaches crisis. what else explains the president's job rating or congress. joining me now, anita done and michael gerson. welcome to both of anita, let me start with you.uo
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michael gerson. welcome to both of you. anita, let me start with you.nn and michael gerson. welcome to both of you. anita, let me start with you.ned michael gerson. welcome to both of you. anita, let me start with you.e michael gerson. welcome to both of you. anita, let me start with you. a michael gerson. welcome to both of you. anita, let me start with you. it does feel like white house particularly in the last six months that has been in nothing but reaction mode. >> chuck, there is a real difference between the work of governing, which is these are complex issues and the immigration issue is a very good example of significant issues in the countries that are driving a lot of this. and obviously the administration's been working with those countries, vice president biden went down to the area. so you have a foreign policy set of issues that nobody in washington wants to pay attention to or at least not on the level where you're talking about. >> latin america, we only pay attention to for the negative. >> in the foreign policy debate between the two presidential candidates in 2012, latin america wasn't initially, neither was mexico. so you have that set of issues. you have secretary burwell who has been making pretty heroic efforts for a while to deal with
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increasing problem and then the announcement that there was a crisis in the political piling on. so government is a much more complex thing than the coverage of government. having said that, i think the administration has fallen into a pattern, but it's a pattern that allows them to deal with the immediate thing while they're actually doing the hard work of governing. and that is their job. >> michael, i guess the thing is, it does seem as if washington can't crisis manage. can't speak with one voice. the last time it spoke with one voice was right after 9/11 and we haven't seen it since. >> i think that's fair. but i do think that there is a broad impression here, a pattern, maybe it is part of modern government, but the administration sometimes -- >> maybe we won't know for five years. is this unique to the obama white house or unique to this polarization or this -- >> i looked at a few examples. in the after mamath of the navy
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shooting where the president went on with a press conference attacking republicans. partisan press conference after the shooting at the naval base. or the v.a. scandal where he talks about really incremental steps. i think he's made some missteps. you have 54% of americans who say that the obama administration is not competent in running the government. that is a serious problem for him, an impression that is hard to unmake. >> and it happened to george bush. >> exactly. once these impressions are set, they become part of the leadership challenge and i think the president has fed that unfortunate unfortunately. >> there is a cycle of in, but i have to -- i think there is a broader issue. congress has never had lower
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approval ratings. it's now tweens ap he s and hea toddler. yes, it is quite appropriate. and here is the problem. i think it's a problem on sdlt going for any administration. is that i think it is too easy to pick out anything on any given day and announce that there a crisis. the reality is that government big, unwieldy, anybody who knows in the government knows that. >> a lot of government that works all the time. >> a lot of government that works all the time and frankly a lot of government doing a very good job and at the v.a., there are a lot of doctors and people performing heroic things for an agency that is overburdened from two wars. and congress didn't want to fund it the level it needs to be funded at. so i think it will be a problem for the next president, too. >> republicans need to look line they want to govern, so what is
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the risk of them not offering anything back to the president as far as aid is concerned for deal with this crisis? >> there's a serious risk here. one is that republicans are not reacting with appropriate urgency to a massive political problem. they lost the hispanic vote by 40 points. >> that's a political crisis. >> but there is also a real moral risk of looking lying you're blaming children, displaced children, instead of the administration and coyotes. republicans really need to balance this. but we do have a divided government. and obama's not particularly good at appealing to either republicans in congress who have been alienated in many negotiations, but also not been good at that, and many democrats in congress don't think he's particularly good at dealing with the congress. it's not a strength. he's not a linden johnson figure when it comes to influencing a difficult congressional environment. >> i have to say one thing, eric
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cantor just lost a primary because he was seen as cooperating too much. so look at your own party first. >> no, i have a problem there, too, so i don't want to -- >> we didn't get into the other problem chr problem, which is us. we all look in the mirror. thank you both for coming on to talk about this. up next, is it a tax cut rut in kansas? republican governor sam brownback will join me live to talk about his toucher than expected bid for re-election. but first, our soup of the day comes in from the blue goose. smoky bean soup. i'm only in my 60's.
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for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. this week the tdr 50 focus has been on kansas and nebraska. kansas is a red state whose most
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powerful republican is facing a tough re-election bid because his party is fractured over an issue, unprecedented tax cuts. biggest income tax package in state history. despite some protests of moderate republican, brownback's 2012 tax plan eliminated income taxes for about 200,000 small businesses. unemployment is at the state's lowest level in five years. but the tax cuts have also sparked some protests. teachers criticizing for cutting taxes while schools aren't being funded at constitutionally mandated levels. and the state will face a shortfall of about $213 million in fiscal 2017 because of the tax cuts. and days after brownback signed the tax plan, 55 former legislators decided to create a group called traditional republicans for common sense. among them, former chair of the kansas republican party who
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called the plan, quote, a tax bill that only a deficit-spending politician who has spent his career in washington, d.c. could love. republicans up for re-election in kansas like tom sloan are disavowing the tax cuts. he voted against the plan and now supports either freezing the cuts or restoring the taxes to pre-brownback levels. and the tension has spilled across state lines to spark jabs from fellow republicans. a few weeks ago, oklahoma state treasurer said sometimes ideological experiments bring unintended consequences. it serves as a reminder for the rest of us. and in n from then nebraska neb proel something we can't want to rush into. paul davis is seizing on the separation among some republicans. a recent poll showed davis with
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a slight lead over brownback. davis talked about what he believes is the boost he's getting from republicans. >> i'm getting a lot of support from republicans. and i think there is certainly room to grow on that front. but i think you'll see this growing coalition of moderate republicans, unaffiliated voters and democrats gravitating forward our campaign. >> brownback says they will recognize those of will recognize the differences. and i'm joined by sam brownback. good morning to you, sir. >> how are you doing today? >> i'm okay. and i set this up with a lot of criticism having to do with your tax cut plan, so let me start with that. any regrets on your plan, the
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size of it, the scope? >> i don't have any regrets. it's not the actual plan that we put forward. what we put forward was basically a flat tax. and going through the legislative process, some of that changed as it went through, but it's really stimulated investment, stick lated people coming into the state. we have a record number of new businesses, a record number of people working in the state of kansas. so it's really starting to work the way that we had hoped it would. and this is a state we haven't seen growth and we've seen o outmigration and now we're seeing in-migration except colorado. so it's working overall. just these things do take time and it's moving us on forward. >> it seem there s there are tw issues. one has to be the funding issue for schools in kansas.
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now, you seem to have shifted your position a little bit now. are you -- clarify something. are you for full funding of pre-k by chthe statement government? >> we put that forward and there was a lawsuit brought under the prior administration. every year i've been in office, we've put more more in k-kre12 education and literacy programs. another $20 million into literacy program to get 15,000 kids struggling reading additional work. so we've invested heavily in education. at the same time, we've cut taxes to try to create more growth which is taking place in the job market. >> where will you get the revenue to deal with the shortfall of $213 million? i know you don't have to deal with t
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with the numbers at the federal government. but that's a lot in kansas. are you thinking about freezing, delaying some of your cuts? >> growth. and think we'll be able to get there. plus, chuck, when i first came into office, the prior fiscal year, they had $876.05 left over in the checking account for the state. this fiscal year, we have about $400 million. plus we were facing a $500 million projected deficit that year. they're proceed correjecting th in 2017. we can deal with it with growth and the key part of growth is keeping those taxes down. we've been losing people to texas for too many years. bob dole when he was first leakleak elected was elected to the 60sth. we now have four, headed to three it we don't change the ta trajectory. but these things are starting to
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woub. work. >> what do you say to some of the criticism? you have a former chairman of the republican party, it does seem like your party is divided. the only way you lose in a state like kansas is if moderate republicans leave you for the democrat. >> well, i think what i say to them is, look, you have to choice. an election cycle produces a choice. i'm a reagan style republican, my opponent is a obama style democrat who supports tax increases, who supports obamacare, his running mate was the obama compaco-chairman. so you have a choice. it's about a choice between these two. when you give that choice to ka kansas republicans, they will say i don't agree with you on everything, but i sure agree
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with you a lot more than i do president obama. >> what raised the ire of some is that they felt your political operation targeted them for you of change your style. try to reach out to the moderate republicans? >> i've supported moderate republicans. they're ones that opposed me on different things, and so i don't -- i don't know i'll support those who have opposed me in different matters. >> could you support any of the republicans -- let me ask you this. can you support anybody that voted against your tax plan? any of the republicans that voted against your tax plans? absolutely. absolutely. what we're trying to do is get things moving forward near here in the state we've had a lot of job loss. we've lost private sector jobs last decade in this state. lost them. now we have a gain of 52,000. we're moving it in the right
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direction. and we haven't been able to get any of this information really out. the media has been very negative over all in this state. now we gate chance to advertise and put those things. >> let me ask you the basic question you ask anybody running for another term. what is the big accomplishment you want to make in the second term if you get one? >> hit the accelerator on what we're doing. more job creation, more effort and successes in education that is moving forward. >> you propose more tax cuts or are you done with that? >> we've got a series already in place. the overall top rate goes down in 2018 and the lower rate goes down the next couple of years. i want to continue to get the income tax down. that holds back so many states. we started as a high tax state. i want to get us further to create jobs and opportunities. the government is going to have plenty of money. it's the people i want to have
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more money. >> former u.s. senator, i'm sure you don't miss washington, d.c., these days. governor, thank you for your time. >> thank you, chuck. trivia time. hoover, mitt romney they all lost their home state in the general election. congratulations to today's winner robert. we'll be right back. but they don't yet know we're a family. we're right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. so wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we're already there. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at
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time for today's quick take away. tension sween israelis and paradise valley is growing again -- israel has attacked more than 400 sites in gaza since tuesday reportedly killing at least 41 people in response to the more than 160 rockets that have been fired into israel. now the fighting, of course, was triggered by the kidnapping of three israeli teens.
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senator mccain has been urging secretary kerry to travel to the region to do a little shuttle diplomacy. on tuesday after the violence began, the president put an a bet -- in the newspaper. the president wrote this we remain determined to work with prime minister netanyahu to pursue a two-state solution. when the political will exists to recommit negotiations the united states will be there ready to do our part. this is small gesture. remember back in 2012 sec -- secretary hillary clinton was dispatched to the region. this response is likely just the beginning. we've consistently done in the past. the u.s. will probably have to play the role of mediator between the israelis and palestinians that is getting a lot hotter this morning. that's it for the edition of the "daily run down."
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coming up next, my man, craig. i'm meteorologist with the business travel's forecast. more hay city and hot humid weather. showers and storms possible for new york city, washington, d.c., also across the southeast places like orlando, miami. monsoon showers and thunderstorms across the southwest. dry and hot in dallas. a better day in chicago 78 with sunshine. the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta!
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at this moment we have our eyes and ears on several things happening in washington, d.c. right now the homeland security committee is taking up the crisis on the border. what more can be done to deal with the children. tens of thousands who are coming here many alone and was there any way to see the crisis coming? they'll be answering those questions or looking for answers to those questions. we're waiting for speaker john boehner and house republicans as well as house democrats, both, are expected to hold news conferences any moment from now. we're watching those. we'll keep you posted. good morning. i'm craig -- we start with the ongoing border crisis. president obama will tackle the controversy head on later this evening in dallas, texas. he'll meet with local officials and republican governor rick perry. one of his fiercest
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