tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC July 9, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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rick perry on the escalating border crisis, but no tv cameras are being permitted so far. the president will give a speech about the economy this hour, but he will not address the elephant in the room, the immigration crisis. >> caught in the cross fire, the death toll mounts, including a rising member of women and children in gaza as israel and hamas exchange hundreds of rocket strikes. what is the end game? i'll ask israeli ambassador to the u.s. ron dermer. >> what do you think the united states, the american people would want their government to do if three quarters of the population of this country, well over 200 million people, would come under the threat of rocket fire. what do you think they would demand from their government and military to do? that's the situation we have in israel. >> the fix. senator patty murray joins us with more about her new bill announced today to reverse the supreme court's hobby lobby
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contraception decision. pushing the issue front and center ahead of the elections. will the voters have the last word? >> we are here to insure that no ceo or corporation can come between people and their guaranteed access to health care, period. >> and no mercy. brazil is picking up the pieces today after germany delivers a crushing blow, defeating their team on their home turf. >> and good day. i'm andrea mitchell in washington, where democrats have unveiled legislation to override the supreme court's hobby lobby decision. but is this all for show, given likely opposition in the republican-head house? patty hurry is a co-sponsor of the new bill and joins me now.
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great to see you. thank you very much. is this dead on arrival? you know, you can get it through the senate, but it's not going to get through congress. >> look, i think women across the country and men are outraged by a decision by five supreme court justices that all of a sudden says your boss has an opportunity to decide for you what your health care choices are. that outrage is being transmitted to everyone, and i think we have a very good chance of rewriting the law so that the justices can't take away women's ability to make their own health care choices. >> at the same time, the hobby lobby decision was based in part on a law that was passed by congress and signed by bill clinton, the religious freedom act. and your bill would circumvent that or go around it. are democrats and the democratic president partly responsibility for what's ensued? >> the supreme court, in my
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opinion, the five justices, turned the freedom of religion act upside down in their interpretation. so what our legislation does is make it very affirmative that a ceo, a corporation, cannot interfere with their employee's health care decisions. we have done the same kind of thing with lilly ledbetter when the supreme court interpreted laws in a different way. we rewrote the law. we have done that. that's what we're doing with this legislation today. >> of course, with lilly ledbetter, which was the first law i think president obama signed, you had a democratic house, and now you don't. >> i mean, obviously, we all know that there are some who are going to take this in a partisan way. that's the way the country is. but i think that as i have heard from women and men, this is not a democrat, women's issue. it is not just a republican women's issue. this is an issue that affected 99% of the women in this country who say they have or will use contraceptives.
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it's caused great confusion, disarray, and an outrageous response from people saying who's deciding ? it used to be that me, my partner, my fate, my doctor make decisions, and now you insert the guy who signs your paycheck into that decision? it's just outrageous. >> switching topics, i want to ask you about the immigration crisis. the president is going to texas today. he is finally going to meet with rick perry. they sent a letter the night before last that that is going to happen. he's going to have an immigration roundtable, no coverage, we're told, but why not go from dallas to the border and see for himself? >> obviously, i don't control the president's decisions on that. i do have to say that i think many of us are concerned about the refugee crisis at our border. we're tonging about very young children. parents don't just send their
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children away on a whim. they do it because they're in life-threatening situations. clearly, we have to deal with this. our country has to deal with this. we're having important discussions about it. i'm saddened we have not been able to pass immigration reform so we have a way to deal with this more effectively than we have today. >> do you agree with the white house which would like to change the 2008 law which excluded the central american countries from the rules that apply to mexico and canada? >> i have not seen their language. they have sent over to us a supplemental request for additional funds. we're having a hearing on that tomorrow in congress. it's extremely important discussion. i think all of us are looking very carefully at the details of all of that. >> thank you very much. thanks, senator. thanks for being with us. and texas congressman harry represented a district that stretches from san antonio to the mexican border and he's the vice chair of the democratic
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policy committee. thank you very much. the same question to you. should the president be going to the border today? he's bein texas. >> absolutely. he'll be 500 miles from dallas and 242 miles from austin, texas, for the other fund-raiser he'll be having. he's so close to the border. let me say this, when i saw, and i hate to use the word bizarre, but under the circumstances, when he is shown playing pool in colorado, drinking a beer, and he can't even 242 miles to the texas border, and plus, if he doesn't want to go down to the border, there's the air force base where hhs is holding some of the young kids from the border, he could at least make that trip to san antonio, but again, border community leaders wants to see him down there on the border, and i think the optics and the sepsns of it is he should show up at the border. >> why do you think the white house is so dug in on this? >> i don't know.
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they are dug in for sure. if they worry about putting a face, the president's face to this human crisis, huh manitarian crisis, i think it's worse if he doesn't show up. either way, he's going to be tied into this humanitarian crisis. he can roll up his sleeves and go down to the border, or he can just look aloof and detached and not go to the border, send surrogates down there and say he's got everything under control, but the month of may, 48,000 people were detained at the border. in the texas border. the month of june, 47,000. so you don't see a change of people coming in, this wave of humanity coming across. and by the way, 9,700 of them are young kids without parents. >> congressman, this did not erupt overnight, as you point out. now, are we seeing a pattern here with the administration?
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a white house that was late to the game on the fixes for obamacare, didn't see the computer problems, the website problems coming. late to the game on the v.a. problem. you know, it was a continuous problem that people were warning about, but it didn't get to the president. is the white house to insuler, is cabinet government not working? what is going on here? >> apparently, it's a pattern i'm seeing here. we saw that with the v.a. with this humanitarian crisis, it didn't happen overnight. if you look at one of the cbb reports, it came out a year ago, and if you look at the numbers, these numbers have been going up. in fact, lax year, there were 25, 26,000 kids without parents coming over. now it's a larger number. it didn't happen overnight. those numbers have been increasing and they have far advanced notice there was a humanitarian crisis and homeland security issues happening at the border. >> congressman, what would you
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say to the president if you could talk to him today? >> well, the first thing i would say is go visit the border, number one. put a face to this humanitarian crisis to show that you care about this issue. and not look detached. number two, change the 2008 human trafficking law. and in fact, i'll be filing some legislation pretty quickly, but if he wants to do an executive order, this is a perfect executive order he ought to look at. and the other thing is work with congress so we can help you fund the moneys. i know he put a request at $3.7 billion. we got to look at it. we have to work with him in a bipartisan way. >> and finally, bringing it back to what you suggested at the top. what were they thinking when they did that photo opportunity with the colorado governor hick hicken looper shooting pool and drinking beer? >> when i saw that, it really floored me because if he's saying he's too busy to go down
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to the border, but you have time to drink a beer, play pool, the optics, just the appearance means that he's not paying attention to this humanitarian crisis. if you ask, and i have talked to some of my border community lyders, they're very, very upset he can drink a beer, he can play pool, but he doesn't have time to travel 242 miles from austin down to the border, or 500 miles from dallas down there. after he finishes the fund-raising, and i thank him for that, but he can get on air force one and be down there at the border pretty quickly if he wanted to. if he wanted to, but if he's going to say we're not going to do it, he's the president. he can decide not to go, but he really should go down there. >> let's see whether they're listening. we'll will, of course, be tweeting this out as well, and thank you very much. let's see whether they change the game plan, even though they say they're pretty dug in.
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meanwhile, severe weather ripped across the east coast. we sure had it here with deadly results in madison county, new york. at least four people were killed when a tornado swept through and destroyed homes there. more tragedy at a summer camp in maryland near baltimore. eight children were injured, one was killed, when a fast-moving storm tore through the camp last night, leaving little time for more than 100 kids and adults to rush for cover.
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the congressman. i can recap it for you, but he said the president looks like he's disengaged. he decroyed the optics of him shooting pool and drinking beer when he's not going a couple hundred miles from austin or the border to visit with border or which children held in military centers. >> the president has engaged the entire federal government in may when it became clear the pattern of migration would be very different compared to previous years. on june 1st, he announced he would be asking fema to get the fema department, the department of defense and hhs to step up an effort to make sure we were managing the situation properly. there's a whole host of activities that have taken place since then to stay ahead of the situation. >> but you're not ahead of the situation. with all due respect, the reality on the ground is that the administration did not stay ahead of this. it should have been before may,
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before june. there were months where this was building up. and the impression -- the reality is that the white house has been slow to react. and that there is something to be said for presidential optics, if you will, for presidential appearances, that's part of leadership, is it not? >> well, so the leadership is really about making sure that we're being effective in managing the situation, engaging all across the federal government and engaging with our international partners. while the president was in denver, his secretary of homeland security was in guatemala making sure they're collaborating with us. the vice president was in the region on june 20th, also meeting with leaders from the central american countries to acknowledge that everybody has a shared responsibility to mag sure that we are stemming this migration, stemming the tide, making sure that we make it clear to parents who are considering putting their children in the hands of smugglers because the smugglers are misleading them and telling
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them that they can expect the ability to stay once they get in the united states, that this is false. and that this is an incredibly dangerous journey. that we're only seeing the kids who survive this trip. we are, of course, making sure to take care of them properly. these are children who have gone on a harrowing journey th themselv themselves, but at the end of the day, most will be sent back. the whole federal government is engaged in this effort from the president on down. >> the reality, though, is according to our own reporting from stephanie gosk in honduras and then guatemala is the message getting through to the kids in some of the most darjts places on earth is that if you get to the states, you can stay. you can stay at least long enough to go through the deportation process. it can take a year, two years. i know today that the justice department, the deputy attorney general has taken steps to try to speed this up, to throw more money at it, but at the same time, that's not the message that's getting to them south of the border. and you've got a crisis on the
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border. let me play what a democratic congressman from texas just moments ago told me. >> the optics and the sepsns of it is that he should show up at the border. he can just look aloof and detached and not go to the border, send surrogates down there and say he's got everything under control. >> i mean, i know the white house can say he's not going to just play politics with this, but leadership does involve showing the concern. he went to -- with hurricane sandy, he went and met with chris christie and showed his concern for the jersey shore. and people are asking, including this democratic congressman, one of your own members, why he is looking so aloof, and why ever he decided to play pool last night in colorado. >> so, the president spoke in the rose garden about the situation more than a week ago. he has spoken about the situation on national television, and he's mobilized all of the federal government. at the end of the day, he's less
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concerned about optics and more concerned about substance and impact. making sure we're properly ho e housing the kids, we're surging our resources to the border to make sure we can put kids through the removal proceedings as quickly as possible. it's not in their interest for the process to take a year, two years or longer. that's why the president sent request for supplemental appropriations to congress just yesterday, asking for more resources so we can have more asylum officers, more immigration judges, more resources to help our partners in latin america send a strong message and a strong deterrent and build repatriation centers for the children being sent back to be integrated safely into the communities they came from. >> so far, the politics aren't working and the substance isn't working, so somebody has to revisit this. your unfortunate job is to say what has been done, but what has been done so far has not stemmed
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the flow. you can say it, the white house can say it all they want, but at some point, people are going to ask and right now your own democrats on the hill are asking why this was permitted to happen, to get to this stage. >> we're sending a clear message in central america as to the parents in the united states who may be making the decision on false information spread by the smugglers that this is an incredibly dangerous journey, and that the expectations that once you get to the united states you'll be allowed to stay is not true. for example, we have stepped up the detention of adults coming with children across the border. and are speeding up the removal process as well for those folks. so there's a clear government-wide response. it is both to make sure we're applying the law and making sure we're addressing the humanitarian claims properly, but at the same time, the clear message is central america is know that what the smugglers are telling you is not strew. the majority of people coming will be sent back.
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we will honor humanitarian claims, but in the majority of cases, those are unlikely to apply, and people will be sent back in cooperation with the countries they come from. >> thank you very much for joining us from the white house today. >> thank you. and now to the world cup, where brazil is reeling from yesterday's stunning loss gen z against germany. after the shocking 7-1 defeat, players and fans were overcome with emotion. so was twitter. the official score, 35.6 million tweets, setting a record as the most discussed sports game ever on twitter. and the hashtag, things tim howard could save made a comeback, but he couldn't save brazil. germany will play the winner of today's marge between argentina and the netherlands for the championship. it's time for the your business entrepreneur of the week. jennifer beal is the founder of l.a. based clean bee baby. an ecofriendly cleaning service
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left israelis huddled in bomb sh shelters. let's go to amen mohuh te hdine ratest. >> andrea, the situation in gaza remains very dire right now. during to palestinian medical sources, at least 49 people have been killed in the first two days of air strikes on the gaza strip. now, according to the sources we've been speaking to on the ground, it seems israel's strategy at least in the last 24 hours has been to target the homes of some of the senior militant commanders of the military wings belonging to the palestinian factions behind the firing of rockets into southern israel. as a result of that, several times now we have heard homes that have been destroyed with families still inside of them. that's why there have been women and children in the fatalities we're getting reports from gaza out of. here in tel aviv, the sirens have not gone off in a few hours, but definitely, it is a city very much on edge.
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earlier today, one of the sirens did go off. the israeli military said the iron dome system to shoot down the rockets hahad about a 90% success rate so far. they're very happy with that record. nonetheless, they're not taking chances. the bomb shelters have been open. hospitals have been put on high alert, and some of the country's southern cities have canceled summer school programs and day care programs. at the same time, there is growing concern this situation could spread into an all-out war. the israeli military has called up about 40,000 reserve soldiers. they're now around the border on the gaza strip. and the president hinted a ground invasion could happen quite soon. at the same time, the lead er o hamas said his forces are prepared to fight. no side is backing down at this point. >> thank you. and israel's ambassador to the united states, ron dermer, is marshaling support today in
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congress. a short time ago, i spoke to him from capitol hill. thank you very much for being with us today. first of all, prime minist stis netten yeah ha has called up the reserves, 40,000 reservists, is there a ground invasion of gaza now planned? >> look, the goals of the mission are very clear. we have to restore quiet to the south. we have right now about 6 million israelis who have been in shelters, who have been under sirens that have gone off. this has happened in our capital city, jerusalem, tel aviv, that's our washington, and new york. you would imagine what it would be like for your population, for millions of people to be running to bomb shelters when missiles are coming in and they have 30, 40 seconds to get to where they need to go. that's what's happening in israel the last two days. 250 rockets fired at us in the last two days alone, and the prime minister has made it clear lee will do everything possible
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to restore quiet to the southern part of israel. and throughout all of israel because right now the rockets are landing on the center and beyond. we need to end the rocket attacks against izally. >> what is the end game? this is asymmetric. you have iron dome, provided in part by the united states. you have air defenses against these rockets. so far, they have worked. in gaza, they don't. you may be targeting hamas suspects, but you're hitting civilians as well, including children, and the toll is rising. what is the end game? how do you take out hamas's long-range rockets and take out the hamas leaders or the suspects without killing women and children? >> well, it is asymmetric, but it's for a different reason. it's not because we have the capability to defend ourselves. that's something that the jewish people didn't have for a very, very long time. israel provides people with the
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ability to provide people against attacks. what makes it asymmetric is we're facing an enemy, a terrorist organization, hamas, who has fired thousands of rockets at israel. they deliberately target our civilians, our women and children. the difference with israel is we don't deliberately target civilians, we target the terrorists. unfortunately, in those actions, there are civilians that come into harm's way. we do everything we can as a government and a military to keep palestinian civilians out of harm's way. we take action i'm not sure any army in the world, including the american army take, to keep palestinian civilians out of harm's way. do do everything to achieve that objective. every single loss of life of any innocent is obviously a tragedy, but we do not deliberately target civilians. that's the moral difference between us and the terrorists. >> that may be a moral difference, but with all due
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respect, given the density of gaza, and i know they give five-minute warnings, calls homes and says get out of the house, we're about to send rocket attacks. that said, you're hitting women and children inevitably because of the density of gaza. that's the reality. >> we have to defend our population. what do you think the united states, the american people, would want their government to do if three quarters of the population of this country, well over 200 million people, would come under the threat of rocket fire? what do you think they would demand from their government and military to do? that's the situation we have in israel. we don't seek any conflict with hamas. we didn't want this conflict with hamas. the prime minister said last week that quiet from hamas, the end of rocket fire, will be met by quiet on israel's side. we don't seek confrontation with hamas, but we have no choice but to defend our civilians and our population. we cannot tolerate rocket
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attacks. we appreciate that the president of the united states through the white house yesterday, they issued a statement making clear that the united states stands with israel as it's defending itself. >> where did these long-range rockets come from that hamas has gotten. as you pointed out, their range is almost the entire israeli nation. >> they come from two sources. first you have the problem of smuggling. that largely starts in iran and went up through sudan, through the sinai and into gaza. fortunately, the current egyptian government is taking action to reduce that. one of the long-range rockets fired came from the smuggling operations. few months ago, israel interdicted a ship on its way to sudan through gaza to deliver about 40 of these long-range rockets you're seeing fired at israel in the last couple days. and hamas has built a domestic
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manufacturing cape blability fo these rockets in gaza. we're targeting the missile batteries, the missile-making factories that hamas has set up. the problem we face in doing that is hamas actually puts those factories and those missile batteries next to schools, next to hospitals, in private homes, underneath mosques. that's the enemy we're dealing with, who has no respect not only for the life of israeli civilians, for palestinian civilians. we must take action in order to protection our population. >> ambassador, briefly, what's the end game here? and what's your message to congress? >> the end game is to restore quiet to the south. after the last confrontation we had with hamas at theind of 2012, november 2012, it went on for about eight days. afterwards, in 2013, we the the longest period of relative quiet
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that israel has had in about a decade. only in 2013, only 75 rockets and mortars were fired. that should be intolerable for any country, but for us, it was a relatively long period of quiet. we want to get back to the period of quiet from before. we need to end the rocket attacks. my only message is to support izally. i believe the support is very strong. i think it's bipartisan, to support israel in doing what is necessary to defend itself against the rocket attacks fired by a terror organization. there's no symmetry with israel and hamas. i have no doubt there is strong support in congress for israel's right to defend itself. >> thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you. and now to a very scary discovery at the national institutes of health where employees stumbled upon six vials containing samples of smallpox in a refrigerator.
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the deadly disease was eradicated 35 year uz ago. the vials appear to date back to the 1950s and should have bing destroyed. because the virus is so dangerous, international law mandates it can only be stored at two world health organization depositories. it is now being destroyed. i've helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening.
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when you book at well, the crisis on the border is not going away. we're get aglot of reaction to our interviews so far today. here to talk about all of this and our daily fix, washington post editorial columnist ruth marcus and molly ball, political writer at the atlantic. great to see you both. ruth, henry is a democratic congressman on their side, so the fact is that he was shocked at the president's decision to shoot pool and drink beer with the governor of colorado, governor hickenlooper last
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night. if you're not going to go to the border, this is not the moment to do that photo op. >> or if you're going to be in the neighborhood, you have to do that kind of photo op. any way you look at it, the polite way to see it is it's a little mystifying that the president obviously does not want to be seen assessing the situation, meeting with some of these children and families that are streaming across the border. and it's a little bit weird because it seems like he is already in the hole and he's keeping on digging. >> this is what -- a little bit of what the congressman said to us, molly. >> the optics and the sepsense of it is he should show up at the border. he can just look aloof and detached and not go to the border, send surrogates down there and say he's got everything under control. >> this is a white house that is usually very good at photo opportunities. that's why it's all the more
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surprising. >> it is really amazing how little political capital the president seems to have with this own party. privately, a lot of democrats are saying what the congressman said, which is they just don't understand it. apparently, the white house does not want to take ownership of this crisis. but you know, when you're the president, you own things whether you like it or not, and to seem like you are running away from something that is politically toxic is not a very good look for a white house that should be seeming in control. >> let me stipulate, as i think everyone here at the table would agree congress has doneness. the senate passed immigration. the house has refused to take it up, haven't had any negotiations, so congress is at fault for the bigger problem, not the current crisis, perhaps, but the bottom line is when you're in the white house, you end up taking the hits. >> two really quick points. this nonappearance, this decision to stay around colorado and shoot pool came on the very day they sent request to
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congress for emergency aid. the second is the optics of it are to some extent the least of the president's problems. this is a really intractable situation. he's caught between two constituencies, immigration constituencies and hispanic groups that are pressing him to be more humanitarian in his approach here and to be more aggressive in his broader changes, executive changes and immigration laws and republicans, you know, we heard sarah palin calling for impeachment. so he is very much in the middle in the optics may be the least of it. >> which, by the way, john boehner very quickly today shot down, saying we don't want that. we want to talk about hillary clinton. the book tour continues. she has gone where barbara bush had gone. i guess this was an answer to a question. it was the german news magazine, and molly, let me read the full screen of what hillary clinton had to say. because everyone, of course, focused on what her aspirations
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may have been. >> we had two rose velts, two adams. it may be that certain families have a sense of commitment or even predisposition to want to be in politics. my last name did not help me in the end. fascinating. how do you begin to take that apart? >>ish rr a difficult thing to take apart. she's sort of playing analyst here. while skirting the very obvious issue of whether that would be a help or a hind rnls to her if she were to get back in. i have always said it's not quite proper to call the clintons a dynasty unless and until chelsea runs because they're related by marriage, not blood. the baby may be president-elect in 37 years or so, but she's also seems to be edging closer and closer to being a little more frank than she has been over the last year. about what she may be planning to do. >> and it does bring us back to
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barbara bush, who tried to keep jeb out of it. jeb probably most likely has decided he's not going to run for personal reasons. >> as for the hillary argument and the barbara bush argument, i'm on the barbara bush side. i don't think it's necessarily healthy for our democracy to be dominated by the adams and roosevelts or by the bushes and clintons to be dominated by various families, but i do think it may be a little bit late in the game, and hillary clinton may have a point that all of a sudden now we're concerned when the wife of a former president is running and we get worked up about dynasties, maybe this isn't the right moment to do that? >> i have a fix. change your name to rodham. just kidding. thank you very much. great to see you. thanks for being here. and former new orleans mayor ray nagin has been sentenced now to ten years in prison for corruption. nagin was convicted in february for accepting hundreds of
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reports of sexual assaults on college campuses across the country have risen dramatically over reason years. today, the results are in for a survey of 440 colleges and universities across the country. on how sexual assaults are treated. the headline is there is a major lack of any procedure to report, investigate, or prosecutor campus sexual assaults. it's a problem that the white house recently acknowledged with its own initiative. claire mccaskill has been leading the way. a former sex crimes commissioner, and she joins me now. thank you for joining us.
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thank you for dressing the problem. what is the nature of the problem, and how does it relate to other social behaviors? the alcohol problem, which creates side effects that can lead to some of these instances? >> well, i think obviously the culture on campuses is part of the problem. but that's about education. and that's about making sure that victims understand that you don't have to have perfect judgment to be a victim. and it's about having protocols and processes in place. what this survey shows is we've gau got major work to do. we had 41% of colleges and universities in this country have not done a single investigation on a sexual assault case in five years. clearly, that means they are not addressing the problem that we have. so it was really an eye opener, what we learned on the survey, and it will now be the framework for legislation we're going to draft. >> what kind of legislation? what can you do? >> well, i think we have to be careful not to overlegislate. we have lots of different kinds of universities and colleges,
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different sizes, different types, but we need to make sure we have consistency as to due process. we need to make sure that they're doing the basics. i mean, we have 30% of law enforcement personnel on college campuses have never been trained on any kind of issues surrounding sexual assault. why is that important? it's important because there's a lot of myths. there are still too many students, and frankly too many law enforcement officers who believe if it's not a stranger, assaulting someone behind a bush, it's not a rape. the issue is whether or not there was consent. and whether or not that consent could even be given under the circumstances, particularly if you have serious drinking going on. >> and senator, is this a case where there's more publicity so there's more reporting, or do you think there were more incidents, or is it a combination? >> there's less reporting. i think the reason that we're understanding this problem is we're really looking at whether or not these colleges and universities are following the
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black letter law. when you have as many institutions that we found out in this survey are reporting more incidents than they're investigating, it's very clear the law says you have to investigate every incident. so i think, and frankly, andrea, one of the things that upset me is we still have 1 in 4 campuses that are letting their athletic department do the investigations when the accused is a member of an athletic team. well, no wonder a victim doesn't want to come forward. that gives the perception it's not going to be a fair process. so we've got to make sure the victims get good information, have support services, understand what the law is, and clearly, we've got to get more training on the campuses, and we're going to work on all those issues in the legislation. >> what jurisdiction do you have? do you only have jurisdiction over campuses that take federal funds, or do you have jurisdiction over this issue through the criminal justice system? >> the federal government does not have jurisdiction in the
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criminal justice system. this is about title ix and the violations of title ix, and people get confused about title ix. they think it's about equity in sports. it's also about stalking, harassment, sexual assault, and discrimination. >> basically a civil rights procedure under title ix. >> it is. and the schools have obligations under title ix to adjudicate the cases administratively. that's why it gets complicated because so many of the victims who are willing to come forward are discouraged from going to law enforcement, and they end up in an administrative process in the campuses, and we found in the survey that many of those are lacking many of the basics in terms of protocol and process. >> if there's one take away from our interview today, it's what i'm trying to get my brain around, which is that the athletic departments are involved in many of these cases in investigating what their athletic team members allegedly have done. that, you know, is a big takeaway indeed.
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you should not ask him who won. no, no, really, don't ask governor hickenlooper who won at pool. and it's a great time to be in this beautiful park with my friend. >> well, he's still joking about it, just moments ago, that's the president, of course, in denver. which political story will be making headlines in the next 24 hours? ruth marcus is back with us. i'm betting it's going to be a bank shot. >> pool jokes. i'm betting it's going to be two things. that clip or something like that. and pictures of children on
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buses. not good. >> you know, we've been really reporting this intensively on msnbc and nbc news. stephanie gosk has been everywhere with her producers in these horendess, dangerous situations. riding the train, watching the train, the off loading of the buses, the cross fire of the gangs. this kids are desperate. many of them may be refugees. some of them may perhaps not be. maybe they're looking for economic opportunity, which puts them in a different category, but the detentions and the trial status, you're a lawyer, you know this, and today, there deputy attorney general put out a statement as if this is going to happen overnight. let's hire more immigration judges, open more courtrooms. that isn't going to happen overnight. >> the system is overwhelmed. the administration itself, the president himself has described it as a humanitarian crisis. so whatever you think the right result of that humanitarian crisis is, and i think, you
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know, you cannot have completely open borders. you cannot accept all of these people, even children, who come. they need to be dealt with huma humanely, sensibly, following the law. but even if that is your point of view, you cannot simultaneously have this humanitarian crisis on your hands and seem at the best to be acting flip about it and joking about your pool game. and is that man competitive or what? >> unbelievable. thank you very much. >> thanks, andrea. >> and that does it for us for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports" on a very busy news day. tomorrow on the show, a lot more on the president's trip to texas and his meeting with governor rick perry. follow the show online, on facebook, and on twitter. ronan farrow daily is up next.
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low point for the american people's relationship with germans. which is, you know, forgetting some history. >> the israeli military launched air attack s against nearly 200 sites in gaza. >> hamas is firing more rockets into southern israel. >> the call-up of about 40,000 reserve soldiers has people thinking there could be a ground invasion. >> president obama arriving in texas today. but won't visit the border. >> the white house doesn't like to present optics. >> the optics of that are bad. >> they feel, you know, we're all about substance, we're not about optics. >> it's not a good image. >> i think optics do matter. >> impeachment is a message that should be send to the president. let's get going on that. you don't bring a lawsuit to a gun fight. they don't have the cajones to do it. >> dropped jaws and left an entire nation in tears. >> look at the crying. >> the last tie they hosted the world cup,
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