tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC July 10, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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appetite for the president's plan within the house gop conference. >> when is he going to take responsibility for something. >> president bush spending a second day in texas. >> the day after the president met with governor rick per. >> do you honestly believe that the administration might be in on this somehow? >> you are putting the words of conspiracy. >> no, you actually did say i hate to be conspiratorial. >> the volume of misinformation. >> secure the border. >> they're talking about securing the border. >> it's not a question of the border not being secure. these people are turning themselves in. >> it's a refugee crisis. >> a parent looks at a child, it's either flee or die. >> these illegals -- >> the volume of misinformation -- >> let's go after the crooks, but let's not point the guns at the kids. >> i'm like a lioness, just don't mess with the children, okay? ♪ ♪ thousands of undocumented,
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unaccompanied children remain in emergency detention facilities across the southwest. tens of thousands more are awaiting legal proceedings, part of a backlog of more than 360,000 immigrant detention cases. federal agencies and courts are drowning, and republicans in congress are being, well, republicans in congress. this morning house minority leader and lioness, nancy pelosi urged her colleagues in washington to authorize the money needed to deal with the crisis. >> whatever you think of it, there is a humanitarian need. >> this supplemental is what everybody knows is needed. hopefully it will dawn on the republican leadership in the house. when it comes to children, from my standpoint i'm like a lioness. just don't mess with the children, okay? >> pelosi may have been acting the part of the lioness, but house speaker john boehner was the one roaring.
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>> i can tell you this, though, we're not giving the president a blank check. this is a problem of the president's own making. he's been president for five and a half years. when is he going to take responsibility for something? >> although the most theatrical, boehner was not the only republican voicing opposition to the president's $3.7 billion request. >> we're taking a hard look at the proposal the president sent over. what he appears to be asking for is a blank check, one that would allow him to sustain his current failed policy. >> we can't just vote for more money or the cause of the problem that needs fixing remains unfixed. as long as the whole in the 2008 law remains unfilled, we'll keep spending billions of dollars and continuing to see the surge of unaccompanied minors continue to go up. >> but even in the face of
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opposition, the white house is pressing on. just hours after boehner's dramatics, homeland security secretary jay johnson and silvia burrwell appeared before a senate hearing on the president's emergency appropriations request. secretary johnson said doing nothing was not an option, but unfortunately for the administration and the thousands of children at the border, discussions over money must start in the house of representatives. a legislative body where the gop leadership killed any hope for broader immigration reform this morning when they informed republican congressmen and reformed champion mario diaz that his overhaul bill would not be considered this year. editorial director, howard feinman, and luke russert and washington bureau chief for buzzfeed howard stanton. let me start with the cockamamie notion that it's a blank check.
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it's money being used for very specific purposes. >> the administration could never spell out in sufficient detail. >> right. >> to satisfy the republicans in this case as in almost every case. you have to understand that the republicans are pursuing basically the same strategy they've pursued through the entire obama presidency which is to handcuff him and then complain that he can't conduct the orchestra. this is a classic example of that. they would complain no matter what and it's pretty clear to me that they want what they regard as a hot issue for them to complain about and you know that because they really have -- first of all, they said no to one of their own members' proposal. >> yes. >> just today and they don't really have a comprehensive proposal. >> or piecemeal. >> on the hill or anywhere and they want to complain and blame the president. i saw harry reid and i asked him what he thought the prospects of the bill were and harry reid as usual was kind of grimly
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determined, but he didn't sound all that optimistic. >> that's an ader haveb that goes with harry reid. >> john, is there an expectation that there will be some horse trading to get this done? >> you know, i think it's pretty unclear right now. yesterday the republican his a conference meeting and during it i was told that mostly what was described to the me as unhelpful commentary from the members of the gop, they were sort of talking about this in broad terms. they weren't really talking specifically about the president's request or what they might want in return. i don't think anybody realistically expects that what the president asked will make it through congress. there will probably be some sort of policy, proposals added to it and the asylum law for children and maybe other things in term its of the border. i think it will come down to whether or not the republicans in the house want to come up with something that they think is a legitimate proposal that
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the white house might be able to live with and if they want to come in higher than that in the hopes of having a negotiation with the senate and the white house. >> john boehner was as fired up in several months. are we going to see a riyder to repeal thea, fordable care act to deal with the humanitarian crisis? >> it's interesting. john boehner is saying the president's bill is, quote, dead on arrival in the house of representatives and that's what they said to me and they're not going to move on that. >> i think what john said is quite interesting that deals with the human trafficking law in 2008. this is an issue that's splitting democrats, the more progressive democrats don't want to change that because they see this as a bargaining point and they have in the immigration fight where if the child does not come from mexico or canada, they can't be just sent back. they have to deal with the court process which means why there is a hold up right now. she said she personally opposed
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that, but that would be something she'd be willing to give up in return to perhaps large-scale funding and that's something to keep an eye on, but i want to reiterate the point i made to you, since it's an inception now. two things at play here. number one, the talk of border security and we still cannot quantify what border security means. number two, you only have 40 house republicans that have 20% or more latino districts. >> they like this, surprisingly or not. this is beneficial to them so they don't want to help the president. >> does kevin mccarthy play a role or is his district 35% latino? >> i think where he is right now is becoming majority leader at the end of the month and i don't think hes tos muddy his tires. >> the white house has taken a pretty clear position on this. i asked cecilia munoz, with domestic policy and i asked her if they're going to be deported?
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she said yes, it is. there are a lot of people when you actually look at what's happening to these children in the places where they're coming from think deportation is not necessarily the answer here and there are democrats, including dick durbin who said any changes to the 2008 trafficking law, i don't know about that. >> i was on the hill all of yesterday and that was certainly what the democrats were subtly at that point arguing with each other. that gives the republicans another excuse, not that they need one to go slow and/or go nowhere with any kind of broad proposal because if they not only think they have the issue as luke was pointing out in most of those districts that they control that don't have many hispanics and if they get the added political benefit of sowing divisions within the democratic party then they'll do it and they'll be glad to have a big debate on that, if they were the democrats debating with each other? >> i think the short term gain
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is the republicans in that respect, but the long-term liabilities given the fact that the republicans refuse to move on a bill that is sitting on the house side that would really resolve this on the long term. i just think the longer republicans stay on immigration, the longer they have the divisive rhetoric that is directed at legal and legal migrants to the united states. >> i agree with that, but people look at politics in the short run and what these people are looking at right now is the 2014 mid-term congressional elections and the republicans are looking at picking up gains in red states and other states based on fear of immigration and the pictures that you see from the border that they helped create by not going for a comprehensive bill. >> john, the root of this problem is in large part in central america. i know that buzzfeed today has some of the ads that the state department is running in guatemala, el salvador and honduras discouraging people from sending their children thousands of miles north.
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my question is do you think that we are directing enough resources? is there concern in congress that there should be more appropriated to deal with the situation at its root? >> yeah. i think there's a minority of people, certainly in the house and senate and mostly the latino members that look at this and say, look, the real problems, the violence and the drugs and all that in central america and you know, these are things that these children can't get asylum for anyway in the long run and they'll have to go back to that and we need to address that problem. you know, that is a very long term problem and it's a complicated one given our relationship with central america which pretty much the founding of the country. and you know, the notion that we'll be able to dump money at that and somehow that's going to fix it is being questioned not just by conservatives and republican, but even by some who are sympathetic to the notion as opposed to just trying to stop the flow of kids into the country. >> luke, i thought nancy pelosi
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was right to focus on the fact that these are children you're talking about. these are not the -- the -- what is it? those with cantaloupe-sized drug mules that they would to characterize undocumented workers. they're just trying to seek a better life and perhaps be reunited with their parents in the united states. that would seem to be a very potent line of arguments for democrats and actually for this white house if they're trying to have a more nuanced discussion over what to do here. >> i think that's the saddest thing about this, alex is it's turned to 2014 mid-term election politi politics. when you see those ammages they're horrific. you literally have children sleeping in the prisons of the borders. that pulls on the heartstrings of the members of the caucus. the issue is that as emotional as that gets that doesn't pull on the heart strings enough that they would abandon the politics
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on the republican side and they also do believe that this is the president's problem, he owns it it and they want to let him own it. i do think, though, politically, this is a real black eye, because emotionally if you're a latino voter who is coming into their own right now, you're 18 to 25 and 30 and you see these kids basically sitting there, many who are dying crossing the border and elected officials are doing nothing and i would say both parties are guilty to some degree and many are here more so through the 2018 elections and that sticks with you long term as a voter and that is something that's very difficult. last thing on john's point. you know what is one way to fix all of this, alex? when people stop doing drugs when they go out every freakin' weekend, if america would get its act together and stop fuelling this and understand every time you take a drug you're feeding narc owe terrorism, then we'd be better. >> just say no, luke. just say no.
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>> howard, really quick. white house, in terms of their response to this, we know this is a crisis in the making. the white house has said that and they've been on top of this for months now. the president did not need to go to the border. he's gone to the border before, as we discussed. >> yes. we have a piece in huff post today about the fact that in 2011 the president went to the border and spent a lot of time with the border and met with people all along there and senator john cornyn and governor rick perry said what a waste of time. we don't need photo-opes, what are you doing there, mr. president? it just shows you how much politics is involved in this thing right now. >> hypocrisy, thiy name is republican. >> thank you guys all for your time and thoughts. >> take care. >> after the break, a new bombshell in the benghazi investigation that just might spell the end of the benghazi investigation. >> congressman adam schiff joins me coming up next on "now." ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn?
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new testimony from military commanders has revealed for the first time that the 2012 attacks on the u.s. consulate in ben gassy and in nearby cia annex may, in fact, have been separate attacks conducted by two different groups. as the a.p. reports, the second attack showed clear military training, retired general carter hamm told congress in closed-door testimony. it probably was the work of a new team of militants seizing on reports of violence at the diplomatic mission and hitting the americans while they were most vulnerable. also in the testimony, one defense official confirming that, quote, was there never an order to stand down. that testimony poured decidedly
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very cold water on charges made by republicans and especially this republican. >> when the secretary of defense had assets that he could have begun spinning off, why there was not one order given to turn on one department of defense asset? i have my suspicion which is is secretary clinton told them to stand down. >> the latest definitive reputtal of darryl issa's suspicions led congressman schiff to proclaim it's my hope that the select committee on benghazi will choose not to tread the same ground, but focus on more productive areas. indeed, it is all of our hopes that this select committee will hope to not tread on the same ground and will produce something useful. the whole select committee, seven republicans and five democrats met yesterday. they will continue to meet this month with public hearings, week, if not month away. its chairman trey dowdy has
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promised a very robust july, while at the same time reassuring skeptics that this will not be, not be, what people on the left fear it will be. joining me now is democratic congressman adam schiff. thanks for joining us on this monumental day on the benghazi investigation. nancy pelosi said these transcripts prove that the republicans select committee to exploit the benghazi tragedy is nothing more than a circus to inflame the most extreme and conspiracy-obsessed elements of their party. congressman would you agree with leader pelosi's assessment? >> i think that the select committee, yes, was formed for political reasons and it was formed to excite the republican base to get them to turn out in the midterm elections because al alex, as you know, we've had seven investigations already and the accountability review board work product which was probably the most comprehensive.
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there's not a lot of new ground to tread here and the armed services committee helped shed light on that. a lot of these committee members and we heard the excerpt from darryl issa and just about all of the republicans on the select committee at one time or another have said military assets could have been brought to bear. we have to get to the bottom of this, the committee did get to the bottom of that. they found no merit to that, and i hope that they'll read these interviews now that they're widely available and recognize this is one area that's been thoroughly exhausted and let's not spend taxpayer dollars to go over this all over again. what was the reaction in the room when rear admiral brian losi said certainly, without a lot of nuance, was there no standdown order. was there surprise? was there any discussion? >> i don't think they were surprised. i was on the intelligence committee and this was done by the armed services committee and that was consistent with all of the other evidence and testimony that the armed services committee did.
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so there can't be a lot of surprise to that, but nonetheless, this has been an area, benghazi, where not withstanding all of the evidence to the contrary, people continue to cling to these conspiracy theories, so my guess is the response from some of the hard core on this was they just don't believe him that he must have some ulterior motive because that could be the only possible explanation. >> that must be disconcerting to say the least. this will not be what people on the left imagine it to be. people on the left and americans in general imagine this to be basically a witch hunt with no end especially when you get information like that and it seems to sway no one on the republican side of the aisle. i wonder how confident you are in trey gowedy's assurances. we've had word that elija cummings has a tremendous amount of respect. >> i think he'll be under imes pressure to produce something to
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justify the expenditure that we now know will be over $3 million on this repetitive investigation. i think he's saying all of the right things and we had a very collegial meeting yesterday of the committee. i hope it stays that way, and i propose that one area that might be productive is to look at how we are doing and implementing those very sound recommend takes by that review panel in improving security at facilities around the world. that could be helpful. we may do that, but if we get into the business of calling in high-profile witnesses to have a political impact or going over the same old ground that we've gone over before, chasing conspiracy theories then he won't have lived up to the promise he's making. >> a worth ambition, congressman schiff. good luck and god speed. thank you for your time? you bet. coming up, the justice department finally weighs in on allegations that the cia spied on members of the senate. its stunning conclusion is coming up next. a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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turning from things that don't seem like they need to be investigated, but will the benghazi, to something that should be investigate, but won't be. today the justice department announced it will not investigate competing claims made by the cia with each accusing the other of potential krim fall wrongdoing. in a statement a doj spokesman said the department carefully reviewed the marys referred to us and did not find sufficient evidence to warrant a criminal investigation. to recap, the controversy began in march when senate intelligence committee chair dianne feinstein accused the cia of spying on the staffers as they investigated the
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promightary of the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques during the bush administration. >> i have grave concerns that the cia search may well have violated the separation of powers, principles embodied in the united states' constitution. >> that sparked say very public confrontation. the cia fired back and accused senate staffers of improperly accessing files at the cia's longly headquarters, prompting both sides to call into an investigation into the other's activities. today senator feinstein appeared willing to accept the statement that there was nothing on either end. i'm delighted to hear that. i think it's the right thing and i gather they have dropped both investigations, so that's that, and i couldn't be happier. when we asked feinstein's office for clarification they issued a statement reading i am pleased the justice department has decided not to open an investigation into intelligence committee staff. and yet, not all democrats were
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quite as satisfied. just hours ago another minute of the intelligence committee, mark udall called it troubling, adding it draws a false equivalency between congressional staff fulfilling their constitutional obligations potentially breaking the law. just ahead, the latest chapter in the makers versus takers saga, that great feeling you get from making $7.25 an hour. mia wiley schools ed gillespie on the harsh realities of the minimum wage. that's next. ♪
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the u.s. senate. ed gillespie apparently thinks minimum wage jobs are pretty awesome. >> i don't support a federally mandated minimum wage. a lot of them are second earners, and first-time workers and the minimum wage job is where you learn to get the to work on time and getting the paycheck and knowing that you get an honest's weeks work. it's where you learn the social aspects of work. >> the great feeling of spending your hard-earned dough on a beer after work. a beer which if you're making the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 might cost you exactly as much as your hourly take-home pay, but ed gillespie's condescension is only to be outdone by hissing forrance. to begin with, minimum wage earners are not a whole bunch of teens working their first jobs. they are grown-ups with medical bills and often families to
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support. nearly 90% of those who would benefit from a minimum wage increase are age 20 or older. the majority of them, 53% work full-time at these minimum-wage jobs and they contribute almost half of their household's annual income. it is, on some level, probably quite difficult for mr. gillespie to relate to the struggles of the minimum wage owners, because for most of his career he's been a lobbyist for the failed subprime mortgage giant, washington mutual, the lobbying arm of big oil, the american petroleum institute and the coalition of defense contractors seeking to lower corporate tax rates. gillespie's firm also lobbied for one of the leading opponents of the minimum wage increase, the u.s. chamber of commerce. joining me now is counsel to bill de blasio, maya wiley. >> good to see you, alex. >> your minimum wage job is your
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first job and it allowious to have a beer after work and play softball. this is a narrative that has found quarter in republican circle, but it's a totally false narrative, is it not? >> it's completely false. i wish the woman, for example, who have children working at kentucky fried chicken making $8 an hour which as we know is 75 cents higher, more than the minimum wage and trying to figure out how they're going to feed their families at the end of the month would feel about that comment since they're worried about putting food in their children's stomachs and not a beer to their own mouths. >> just think about the economic impact that people have a living wage in this country and there's also a stimulus ask an economic benefit for everybody when you raise the wage of minimum wage workers. >> that's right. one of the things we have to remember is and a lot of politicians, by the way, are running on platforms in which they say they'll support small and medium-sized businesses and those are the mom and pop shops and neighborhoods and who are
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their customer base? people who need to earn enough money to go into that store and buy that store's products and that's called an economy and workers earn enough to actually buy somebody else's product in order for it to -- i mean, remember ford motor company. ford's big innovation was my workers have to be able to buy my cars. >> and that would seem to be a basic principle of business in hiring employees. >> 55% of those who would would benefit from a minimum wage are women and that's something you brought up in the beginning. it is sort of hand in hand with the rest of the republican platform which seeks to unduly target women for all sort of various pieces of legislation and red tape. here is a way to get in good with women and support small business and grow the economy and yet it falls on deaf ears. have women -- i mean, what is the way to communicate this message better as someone that has dealt with this issue for a long time? >> do you want to win? it's that simple.
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women are 53% of the population. 53%. women are active, not just in the economy, women are active in politics and in policies. >> yeah. >> so as we're seeing all over the country, women are a large part of the front that is saying we need to be able to take care of our families. we need to and want to participate in this country and that means we need to be paid a fair dollar for a fair day's work. in terms of this issue which is creating a living wage in this country, do we see this sort of future as companies deciding independently of the federal government, okay, we're going to make laws like seattle has, for example, or other companies, deciding on their own. is that how this wage is going to increase and eventually that there will be such a gap between the federal minimum wage and what most americans won't be paid that is won't be as much of a big deal. there's this wonderful man named bill de blasio. >> i've heard of him. >> just recently at the congress
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of mayors from dallas, he announced standing with am pooh like the mayor of boston and the mayor of houston and important cities that we are launching a task force of mayors who are going to get done now what the federal government is not because cities can't wait. people can't wait. we've already seen seven states across the country pass higher minimum wages, four of which passed $10.10 which the president has been trying to pass. there is absolutely no question that if congress won't get it done, we will. >> you what is interesting to me? the far right wing of the republican party is very anti-establishment, but there has been no sort of parallel movement or outcropping of that movement that is pro-worker. we have seen a major turning of the tide in terms of corporate personhood and freedoms given to business, but in terms of taking care of the minimum worker, and
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the employer -- the unending advocacy to repeal the acia in the halls of congress. it's long-term unemployment benefits which are now affecting the expiration of those ui assistance is affecting nearly 5 million workers at this point. are you surprised at how much the conversation has a tro fat o feed on that side of the aisle. >> we've seen republicans trying to take back the conversation to their own party. the argument is who has the biggest microphone. increasingly, republicans are recognizing that it's a bipartisan constituency that wants reform. so the fact that the party may not be paying attention as a collective doesn't mean people aren't starting to hear that, you know, these issues are crossing party lines. if you look at seattle, for example, the highest minimum wage in the country right now. $15, and 74% of people polled
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support that minimum wage increase. what that tells -- 74% of respondents. that's not just one party. >> no, not at all. seattle, as far as i know is a metropolis that's still standing and it hasn't been crushed by the socialist uprising. maybe it's a good idea. it's a good thing that mayors are taking it into their own hands. counsel maya wiley. always good to see you. >> thank you. coming up, he may not have benghazi, but darryl issa will always have the irs. the issa man cometh once again. once there was a girl who put her own personal style into everything. she always mixed and matched, even in her laundry room. with downy unstopables for long lasting scents and infusions for softness, her mix was like a fine fragrance for her clothes. mmmmm. (discreet)
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todd akin is sorry that he said he's sorry. rising like a phoenix from the ashes of his failed missouri senate bid, akin is out with his new book "firing back," if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. regrets? he's got a few. mainly that he aired an ad apologizing for that remark.
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quote, by asking the public at large for forgiveness, i was validating the willful misinterpretation of what i said. that is correct. two years later, todd akin is still standing by the accuracy of his insanely inaccurate conclusion, and he's got the google search to prove it. quote, my comment about a woman's body shutting the pregnancy down the impact on stress of fertilization and this is something fertility doctors debate and discuss. doubt me? google stress and you will find a library of research on the subject, except it was never about stress and infertility. it was about what kinds of rape were legit and what kinds of rape were illegit. if you google legitimate rape you will find a lifetime of articles about todd akin. they may be not enthused with the timing and it allows to refresh republicans' female
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troubles right after the hobby lobby decision put access to birth control right back in the spotlight and as democrats fight to keep this in it they are seeing opportunity, announcing fast track legislation to trien count and counter the court's decision it was mike udall in colorado, a man who happens to be fending off a republican challenger in colorado. >> america's women have let us know that women's health care is not your boss' business. >> nor, for that matter s it todd akin's. joining me now is citizen jane politics, patricia murphy and correspondent for the guardian at the university of chicago institute of politics, ana marie cox. patricia murphy, ana marie cox, the camera wasn't on me, but i had to laugh through parts of the todd akin explanation. it's the reverse of a mea culpa, i don't know what the latin for that is. patricia, in the book akin
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writes, taking my comments in order, when a woman claims to have been raped the police determine if the evidence supports the legal definition of rape. is it a legitimate claim of rape or an excuse to avoid an unwanted pregnancy? you know, patricia, that old rape excuse when you get knocked up. >> i -- what i find most is the word bizarre. most bizarre about todd akin's entire popping his head back out of his hole, he thinks he was misconstrued and mischaracterized by the media. that's not what happened. we know what he said and we know when he meant and we know -- legitimate or illegitimate cases of rape, i think i believe what he says, he was saying legitimate claims of rape and that is just as offensive and i don't know how he can't understand that, for him to raise this this again is republicans' worst nightmare if it's the summer before the midterm and todd akin is talking and they are doing nothing, but
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wanting, it's not a good day to be a republican when todd akin has a book coming out. he thinks we all misunderstood what he meant to say. it is offensive, it's wrong. it's actually dangerous. it's the reason a lot of reason don't come out and report that they are raped and more than half of rapes are not reported because women don't want to be put in danger. they don't want to be made fun of. they don't want to be accused themselves of lying. there are a whole host of reasons not to report a rape and it's not because it wasn't a legitimate rape. >> ana marie, the defense has dug him even further into a hole if one can imagine that. at one point in the book he talks about how he wishes he could have done more to end abortion and it easily trumps slavery as the greatest moral evil and here you've alienated an even larger section of the american politics. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say, i don't know what the latin of the opposite of mea culpa is, but we
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used to call him the baxies. there are a lot of people that work to end abortions and they work at planned parenthood. they have access to birth control among poor women who don't have as much access to birth control the rates have gone up. these are the women that might benefit, for example, of having their birth control covered by their employer. if todd akin is really serious about ending abortions in america, and i don't doubt that that is a sincere passion of his, i mean, he needs to look at what's causing the abortion rate to go up among the poor women who don't have access to birth control. >> shaming women does not actually cut down on abortions. patricia, the book is also against the establishment wing of the republican party which you pointed out, it's not a convenient or good time to be a republican when todd akin is
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something -- someone who is in the national news media, but what's weird to me is he roped mike huckabee in on this sort of cannibalistic adventure. huckabee writes in the book, we can sit on the back -- we can sit in the bus on the back, but they don't want us to drive the bus. he goes on to say the establishment still broods that they didn't beat todd in the primary and they select more someone palatable to their tastes. i understand why todd akin wants to sell book, but why is mike huckabee getting involved in this. how does that behoove him? >> we know that mike huckabee is thinking of running for president again and we know that mike huckabee wants to be embraced again by the christian right, but i don't think this is the way to go about it, and i don't think r the christian women are any less offended than non-christian women when they talk about legitimate rape and legitimate claims of rape, so i don't think it's a good move for
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mike huckabee to attach himself to the sinking rock of a book. i don't know why he's doing it, but i do think the establishment republicans want to win elections. that's why they distanced themselves from todd akin last time and that's why they're trying to distance themselves this time and i talked to a republican pollster and he said, you don't need a hundred todd akins and every candidate has to talk about it. so they do not want him out there with his book and they do not want him to win the primary, but this is the problem when you let todd akin back out. i don't know what to say about him. there's not much else you can say. >> mike huckabee makes interesting choices. >> ana marie, the other part of this is what you alluded to, the position that the republican party finds themselves in are not just legitimate and illegitimate rape and the contraception. the hobby lobby case has drawn a very clear line between the party that would like women to have safe and reasonable and
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affordable health care coverage including contraception and those that don't which apparently is the entire republican party. there is now a bill that has been fast tracked in the senate by democrats to allow women to gain coverage for their contraception by their employer-sponsored health insurance. it is going to be something that democrats litigate in these midterm november elections. >> i think the hobby lobby position does have potential to backfire on the republicans, but i want to say, mike huckabee and todd akin in '16. please, please, please, please. >> please, if you can hear us. please run together. please run for national office again. patricia murphy and ana marie cox, thank you both. >> thanks, alex. after the break, another republican who cannot quit his strange obsession, darryl issa. the issa man's latest smoking gun. there are so many of them, is coming up next.
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expedia. find yours. it is a random thursday on a random month in the calendar year so that must mean that darryl issa has a new scoop about the irs. this time it is alleged hard evidence that former irs official lois lerner was engaged in a cover-up in the alleged targeting of conservative groups. in reality it is an email from a manager wazing awareness about employee email scrutiny. dated april 9, 2013, it reads in part i was cautioning folks about email and how we'd had several occasions where congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for emails and we need to be cautious about what we say in emails. pretty reasonable counsel given that the irs has submitted given
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the demands of one darryl issa. too much is not enough, and for him an email cautioning folks to be cautious, it's a -- >> a smoking gun. this is lois lerner, clearly cautioning people not to say things on email and being delighted to find out that the local instant chat that they have, this microsoft fraud wasn't tracking what they said. she didn't want an audit trail of what they were doing and what they were doing was targeting conservatives for their views, no question at all. issa didn't stop there. indeed, this cautionary email has been inwhenned up into a terrifying tale of an evil administration, one involving the anatomy of an octopus. this is an ideologically driven administration that all of its tentacles are targeting against what they don't like and it's scary. an ideologically driven octopus that confirms instant messenger. scary or hilarious?
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probably both, much like darryl issa himself. that's all for now, i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" all of the way from new york. i'm michael dyson in for ed. let's get to work. ♪ ♪ >> let me talk about the spanish speakers, get your butts and turned around and point to the enemy. don't tell me they don't have better family structures than most of us. it is a culture that's illegally coming in here, not we the people. >> immigrants they love families. >> there is a potentially deadly outcome of having this influx. >> deport them. >> it has to do with diseases they're bringing with them. >> it is the disaster that's the direct consequence of president obama's lawlessness. >> he's been president for five
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