tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 10, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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issa himself. that's all for now, i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" all of the way from new york. i'm michael dyson in for ed. let's get to work. ♪ ♪ >> let me talk about the spanish speakers, get your butts and turned around and point to the enemy. don't tell me they don't have better family structures than most of us. it is a culture that's illegally coming in here, not we the people. >> immigrants they love families. >> there is a potentially deadly outcome of having this influx. >> deport them. >> it has to do with diseases they're bringing with them. >> it is the disaster that's the direct consequence of president obama's lawlessness. >> he's been president for five and a half years. when is he going to take
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responsibility for something. >> >> secure this border, mr. president. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> not many americans take texas governor rick perry seriously. the homophobic governor has provided america with lots of laughable garbage over the years. this time his anti-obama lies are reaching a whole new level with the immigration crisis. perry recently cooked up a conspiracy theory in which he said president obama planned the current immigration mess. earlier today perry was pressed on his wild idea. >> do you really, honestly believe as you said in the interview last month that the administration might be in on this somehow? i mean, you're suggesting there's some kind of conspiracy here. >> no. what i'm suggesting is that this administration and their words and their actions are or the lack thereof are part of the problem. i think you're putting the words of conspiracy in my mouth which i did not say.
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>> no, you actually did say the word, i hate to be conspiratorial, and how do you move how many -- >> i hate to be conspiratorial. i did not say i was. >> how can you move that many people from central america across mexico and into the united states without a fairly coordinated effort. i'm just asking, governor because words do matter. >> i totally understand. >> boy, it's a horrible thing when your words come back to bite you right where you sit. he cares about one thing, trashing president obama. on wednesday president obama met with governor perry in texas, dallas, to be exact. both attended a roundtable with local leaders about the current crisis. after the event, president obama came out and called the meeting constructive. meanwhile, rick perry ran over to sean hannity and slammed the president. perry said president obama is responsible for the immigration crisis. >> do you think he sent the message to come? is he responsible? >> i think the nuances of the
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policies when it's catch and release, when it's -- when if you're from another country outside of mexico then you're going to be treated dintly and you can stay here for up to two years, of course, those are messages that very quickly get transported back to central american countries. >> governor, the only problem is the policy perry was talking about was signed by george w. bush in 2008. next perry had the nerve to compare the president's handling of the immigration crisis to hurricane katrina. >> i think about the criticism that george w. bush received when he didn't go to new orleans, katrina, this is no different. he's president --? did you ask him? >> absolutely. the first thing i asked him when i got on to air force one, i said, mr. president, i really want you to come and see this because this is important for you to absorb. >> do you think he's making a mistake by not coming and he talked about, you know, i sent this guy, jay, whatever his name is down six times. jay johnson. >> i'm pretty sure that if
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george bush had said i sent my fema director down multiple times that he would have still been criticized greatly because you need to go. that's what governors do. that's what presidents do. >> dude, i wrote a book on hurricane katrina. this ain't no hurricane katrina. president obama made clear he's not interested in a photo-op. as far as the katrina comparison, hurricane katrina was the costliest, natural disaster in the history of the united states. over 1800 people lost their lives. to compare the border crisis to katrina is a stretch, to say the least. meanwhile, the scene playing out near the border could get dangerous. we all saw this last week in murrieta, california. an angry mob stopped busses full of immigrants headed for processing. this scene is part of the larger anti-government movement started by free loading racist rancher cliven bundy. >> i want to tell you one more thing i want to tell you. >> just this week, federal agents should be pointing out their guns at immigrants.
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>> those federal agents they're pointing their backs against the line to mexico and pointing their guns at we the people on this side of the line. that's exactly what's happening in the bundy case. get your butts turned around and point the guns at the enemy, the enemy is the encroacher that's illegally coming in here, not we the people. >> he doesn't know the negro, and he doesn't know the constitution. there's absolutely an element of racism and fear coming from the anti-government right on the immigration crisis. the same person who jammed up support for cliven bundy is now supporting the murrieta protesters. on tuesday sean hannity put an activist on his show who claimed immigrants were spreading diseases. >> we're not out here for some racist reason. we're trying to protect our community. in the last load, a third of them had skabys. we've had had one report of a border patrol agent being tested
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positive for tube earn lowsis and we have these poor people who are coming across the border and they're still in the same clothes and processed and put into a facility not designed to hand emthem. >> just last night, hannity said militias may be headed to the border. >> we have health issues. we've got gang members and militia members doing the job that the federal government is not doing. sure that's not something you want to have happen, is it? inny no, it's not. >> the last thing we need is lawless militias on the border. you would think hannity learned his lesson. in april, two of the bundy suspect porters went on to murder two police officers in las vegas. they were screaming of a revolution. one shooter placed a revolutionary war era over one officeray body that said don't tread on me. enough with the anti-government militia talk and it's dangerous and fueling hate and racism in this country.
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bundy, the militia, and the group of protesters if murrieta need to be held accountable for breaking the law. not paying taxes and using federal land for free is illegal. pointing sniper rifles at federal agents is illegal. closing a highway to prevent the federal government from processing immigrants is illegal. to prevent lawless militias from heading to the border. one can only imagine the mess that would ensue if cliven bundy's militia started pointing their rifles at children crossing the border. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, do conservatives need to cool their rhetoric about refugees trying to cross our border? text a for yes, b for no. 67622 or go to ed.msnbc.dom. i'll bring you the results later in the show. for more, let me bring in congressman stephen horsford of nevada. how does it play into the
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immigration crisis we see unfolding on the border? >> as you rightfully point out, dr. dyson, that this issue is about elected officials who, unfortunately, stand by individuals like cliven bubbedy who are law breakers and they're not folk heroes who should be held up as some type of patriots and that's why i implore public officials throughout this country to not be part of this rhetoric that is against our federal government. these are federal officers who are trying to do their job according to the law and there's a process that they're following and elected officials and other people should not be enciting our militia to stand against their federal government. >> well stated. do you think legal actions should be taken against bundy and his supporters? >> yes. i support mr. bundy as any other american who has broken federal
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laws or who has refused to pay upwards of $1 million in federal fines and fees to the federal government to be held accountable and the fbi is now doing an investigation of mr. bundy and others and its and it's now moved from a civil issue to a federal one and should be held accountable by anyone breaking a federal law. >> do you think the scene in murrieta has anything to do with racism? >> you know, what is so frustrating when i watch the video in murrieta is again, those federal officers who were driving their bus were taking these undocumented individuals, doing their job according to federal law to a detention center. they weren't taking them to release them to the public into the community, they were taking them to a detention center and for people to stand in the way of federal officers, law enforcement officials who were
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commissioned to do their job, those individuals are breaking the law and should be held accountable. >> what about this talk that hannity featured last night on the show that there are militias headed to the border. do you think, are you worried about that? ? i'm worried any time these armed militia are being encited to come and take up arms against the federal government. it's what i saw in my district where we had 200 armed separatists and i don't give them the credit of calling them militia because that is a term of the men and women in the military and these are armed separatists and they're against the federal government and they are trying to take stands against the federal government against federal law and that's what's happening, not just in my district, but in places across the country. >> given what the president has staked out, what do you think about his plan to fix the border crisis? >> i think it is a good step, but to be clear, we have a
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proposal that passed the commit unanimously and it's called the thompson bill that would address the full needs of our border security and i think that that's the proposal that the president should take action on while also adding the humanitarian component so that we can move these children out of detention and into more appropriate settings where they can have their rights and the due process and ultimately whether they're allowed to stay here on asylum or whether they're deported back, under the law, those individuals should be afforded that right. >> congressman, you know, obviously it it appears that the republicans are intent more on trashing the president than fixing the border crisis. >> what do you think about that? >> we have many people here in washington. house republicans, speaker boehner. it's not that they don't like the president's policies. they just don't like the president and so any time the
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president makes a proposal they're automatically against it. we need congress to take action based on what is necessary and what's right. we as members of congress have a responsibility to act and it's time for them to stop blaming the president. this was a law that was passed under george bush. many of these members voted for this law that now they don't like the president following and it's time for them to come to the table, work with us, offer some more compassionate, thoughtful, and bipartisan proposals so that we can both address our border security feeds and address the humanitarian needs of these children who are stuck in very violent and dangerous situations from their home countries. >> congressman, thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you, dr. dyson. good to be on. >> let me bring in colombia professor kimberly crenshaw. you are a renowned law
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professor. any is it setting a precedent for people that are patently breaking laut? >> it points to the way that this particular constituency is creating a crises trying to put the president in a catch-22 and blaming him for exactly what they created. let's not ignore the fact this is really a distraction from a couple of basic realities. number one, these are the very people who have prevented immigration reform bill from even being voted on. >> right. >> so they're extending the crises and now they're contributing to it by whipping up hysteria and stereotyping immigrant people and bringing the posse com as it to come and create what might be the equivalent of a civil war at the border and then on top of it they blame the president for it. so we've seen this before. let's just whip up as much controversy as we possibly can,
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make the president appear to be responsible for it because he's not going to go in and barnstorm, he appears to be weak on one hand. >> the republicans are trying to push back, and say oh, my god, leading up to the executive action president that they want to then sue. do you think he's within his legal rights to do so? >> you know, that's a very difficult area of law. i think the more important question is is he within his political rights to step in and resolve this in a way that tries to maintain order and at the same time continue to press what we know we need which is immigration reform. >> right. right. >> look, you are famous for a theory of intersectionality. there is a lot going here. race, class, even gender at a certain element and region and geopolitics. tell us how that plays out here because there's good stuff and bad stuff.
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>> one thing, let's just take off the table the effort to blame the president for this entire situation, but the president does have some liabilities, some of his own making. he speaks movingly about the need for immigration reform. he speaks movingly about the need for many things applying to many of his core constituencies. let's take what he talked about at the pham le summit and he talked about any policy that will advance the interest of women and anything that children need has to put women -- working women at the center. that's what he says to us women. african-american, when we're talking about family policy there, that sensibility about the importance of women kind of drops out of the equation, right? so the idea that women are important to the advancement and the security and the health of children doesn't seem to apply so much when he's talking to african-americans. we know that this is personal driven, right? we know that he deeply feels from personal experience that the family is the source of upward mobility.
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it's what makes children secure. that's been contested for a long time since daniel patrick moynihan basically said we'll never do away with racial inequality until the black family is fixed. i don't want to go for that. i want to go to the immigration piece. we had a webinar where women of color were talking about how to expand my brother's keeper and expand the racial justice program that at the moment only focuses on men and boys of color and so we women of color try to make the case about why to expand it. what one woman pointed out was, what they said about the importance of boys and my brother's cooper is not being said about immigration is every day children wake up in america and worry that their parents will be sent home and he's the deporter in chief, they say and if we want to talk about healthy family, we have to talk about immigration, too. >> when you talk about the fact and very briefly here because we've got to go, but the racial
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issue, besides the stuff you just talked about here, a lot of people are trying to avoid it, but it seems to be front and center of what's going on. >> it's absolutely front and center. he needs to have a policy across all of the racial areas. >> as always, thank you for your time tonight. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen on ed show and on facebook, we want to know what you think. still ahead, suz, in, where would we be without her? first, the bible border fence defense and why it's full of holes. "trenders" is next. stick around.
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taken to... stolen from... our room. the hotel manager was clearly behind it. he was such a... kind man. con man. my husband wanted to... hug him. strangle him. and to this day we're still in contact with... the manager. the police. i wish we could do that vacation all over again. don't just visit paris. visit tripadvisor paris. [ male announcer ] with millions of reviews, a visit to tripadvisor makes any destination better. [ male announcer ] with millions of reviews, worried shampooing might damdon't new pantene brings new repair & protect. clinically proven to make hair healthier with every wash. new hair. new you. new repair & protect... ..from new pantene. time now for the trenders. keep in touch with us on twitter @edshow and facebook and find me on twitter at michael e. dyson. the ed show social media has
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decided and we're reporting. here's today's top trenders voted on by you. >> lebron, what's your decision? >> the number three trender, the heat is on. >> uncertain future for one of the biggest sports stars. >> will king james stay with the heat or will he take his game back home to the cleveland cavaliers? >> we're waiting. >> basketball fans wait for another announcement from lebron. >> is there a timetable for a decision here. >> there is at least one report out there that lebron james may be heading back to cleveland. >> there is no place like home. >> i don't know if you can if you're lebron james. >> would you like to sleep on it a little longer or are you ready to make this decision? the number two trender, weeded out. mike moyer showeded up almost a full day before you can buy pot at this store inec spokane. >> a washington worker gets canned after buying cannabis on camera. >> someone saw him on tv and complained to his employer. >> i will take two grams of your
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sour -- >> he said his boss sent him a text to take a drug test. >> i'm unemployed from that company. he is the first person to buy marijuana. >> i am number one and nobody can take that. >> which is nice. >> and today's top trender what would jesus do? >> yes, jesus loved children, but he also respected law. >> my son. >> yes? >> i'm not touching that with a 60-foot pole. >> so we need to do both, show compassion, but secure the borders. >> a fox friend uses the bible to push for a border fence. >> some have said that you're cold and callous and unchristian if you think these kids needs to go back to where they came from. >> they are people. these kids are human. >> what we're doing by having these unsecured borders, we are enticing children and mothers to make this dangerous journey. >> they believed that they couldn't access any protection from their own governments and
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their only choice to survive was to actually leave. >> i think the most compassionate thing we can do for these children is to secure the border. >> joining me now is america's preacher, the reverend dr. freddy haynes iii, senior pastor from dallas, texas. >> dr. haynes, how does your definition of compassion differ from his definition. >> my colleague, i pray for him, unfortunately. it seems as if he is to quote shakespeare, citing scripture if are his own purpose. his christology is being used to justify a right-wing idea ol joe in order to protect america, i guess, from these refugee children. i've even moved from calling them immigrants, unaccompanied children to refugees who are fleeing a context that is violent, that is dangerous and i guess i would ask my dear colleague have you forgotten about the jesus who was a child
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escaped into egypt, crossed a border, as it were, in order to escape what was going on there in his homeland of bethlehem with harrod. have you forgotten about moses who was put in a basket by his mother so that he could escape the genocide that was taking place right there in egypt? and so i'm hoping that he will come and check out the bible, the jesus of the bible who in the real sense was not about building fences, but about building bridges. >> yes. beautifully stated. conservatives love to quote leviticus when it comes to social issues. >> yeah. >> it seems they skipped over leviticus 19 which says this, when a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. the stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself for you were the aliens in the land of egypt. do they use it to their advantage? >> i think they like to use an
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edited bible because that is edited out of their bible and then they come back and say what would jesus do? jesus said as much as you do it to the least of these, my brothers and sisters you do it unto me, included in those least of these are foreigners, strangers from another land and so in the real sense it's almost as if they like to cherry pick exactly what fits their right-wing ideology in order to justify what it is they believe. >> absolutely. i teach at georgetown university with a strong social justice tradition there, and the catholic church tries to strike a balance saying prosperous nations are obliged to welcome foreigners seeking security, while also acknowledging the nations to keep their border secure. can the right balance these two childrens? >> i hope they can can, because i'm hoping that they will at least think about the fact that right there in honduras, i read earlier today, one in seven murders take place in that
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country. that's a dangerous state and if you think of a home that is on fire, people are going try to escape that home that's on fire. unfortunately, my colleagues want to throw the children back into the fire as opposed to providing them with some kind of haven and a hope. i'm hoping that they will provide some balance and quit using jesus or misusing jesus in order to abuse people who are in need of hope and haven. >> sure. so has the president made the right move so far in asking congress for almost $4 billion to address the crisis or should he go above congress and make an executive move? i think he has to do both. unfortunately congress has made up their mind and perhaps they hear robert jefferies as their pastor telling them what to do and justifying what it is they are not doing and so i think the president must use the power of his pen and office in order to do what's necessary, to offset this humanitarian crisis while
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at the same time trying to work with congress. we need comprehensive immigration reform which will cover so much of what many of the right wing are trying to fight, but many of them believe as long as the president is not the author of it. >> all right. the reverend dr. freddy haynes iii, thank you for joining us here tonight. >> thank you, dr. dyson. >> a critique of expressivism. the response panel go head to head. another devastating oil pipeline spill hits north dakota. jane kleb joins me to discuss the damage. stay tuned. ups is a global company, but most of our employees
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border? >> you know, i wish i could have confidence in this congress, but they are more interested in obstructing president obama than working with him in collaboration to make sure that this crisis is addressed. the problem is that the president puts his stamp on it, he says one thing and then congress wants to do the next thing. we know that there are some progressive members of congress who understand what this crisis is about. the convergence of a whole host of things including ethnicity, including race, including gender and class and how we treat people, xenophobia is the fear of the other especially those that are immigrants and then jamming up this kind of nasty tension between, say, african-american people and latinos in specific storm around this issue of immigration when we should be looking at the entire nation and our relationship to others and that's what we have to work out and i hope the congress will be doing something in the meantime. our next question is from allen.
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now that even clergy members are coming out in favor of doing something for the refugee children, what will republicans do now? i wish i could say they'd pitch in. i wish i could say they'd dig deeper into their pockets to come up with some resources, but unfortunately these children will be used as political footballs and tossed around in the advance of the ground game of republicans to again, defeat president obama's legislation and to, if you will, repel him. i think the problem is there's not enough compassion and not enough understanding and regardless of what you think about how these kids got here, now that they are here, are you going to feed them? the horrible deezes to which they're subject and the striking traditions of want and vulnerability that they're facing makes not a hill of beans of difference to the republicans. unfortunately, i don't think much is going to get continue. stick around, the rapid response panel is next.
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i'm mary thompson with your cnbc market wrap. the markets closed lower with the dow falling 70 points. the s&p dropping 8 and the nasdaq closing off nearly 23. it was a tough day for discount retailer family dollar. it missed its third-quarter earnings forecast. it plans to close 370 stores nationwide amid fierce competition. apple launched a feature that would change the way people use their iphones and ipads. 75 billion downloads later, happy anniversary to the app store. that's first on cnbc, first in business world wide. ed a lift?
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ideological differences that make his work so discussed. the new film "america" imagined the world without her. >> this idea that america is based on theft is never effectively answered. and in fact, many of its premises seem undeniable. didn't we, in fact, take the country from the indians? didn't we, in fact, steal the labor of the blacks and so on. so in this film "america," i want to take this progressive, leftist critique head-on. i want it to be articulated by its best spokesmen and i want to effectively answer and debunk it. >> through interviews including one with yours truly, de souza seeks to challenge the liberal view of how we look at the nation's past and present. let's see how he did. joining me now is the rapid response panel and the filmmaker himself dinearn de souza.
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d dinesh, part two, here with us, i suppose. you seem to challenge the theft of america's history. how do you decipher the land grab of native americans. >> first of all, you have storm, the ethic of conquest, the idea that you get land by grabbing it from someone else has been occurring since the dawn of mankind. we talk about the native americans as a single group, but they're as diverse as the people of europe. when the europeans got here every piece of land that was occupied by a native american describe, that tribe had taken it from some other tribe, like the strong tribes like the apache, navajo and com afternoony had been conquering the pueblo and the hopi. so when the spanish came here they were doing basically the same thing and this was all, by the way, 200 years before america. we condemned christopher columbus in 1492, but america was started in 1776, so the distance between columbus and the founding is about as big as
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the distance between the founding and today. so sometimes i think what the left is doing is blaming america for a conquest ethic that is universal and to which america came up with the very innovative solution which is the idea of wealth creation. >> but, look, the point is that when we do comparative analyses, for instance, when we talk about slavery, when you talk about books as you make in your film the argument that there was indigent servitude and slaved their people, and not until america when christianity was involved was the sanctification of the process of slavery in relationship to divine intent made slavery such a heinous act. each though we have comparative analysis they weren't equally as savages as what happened in america and there weren't dehumanizing impacts that slavery has. even though there's truth to what you're saying, greater truth is there was much more in slavery than in other forms.
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>> there need to be important qualifications. you've seen the film so you know that i admit there was a racial dehumanization in american slavery that was, in fact, unique and yet even though there were exceptions, there were approximately, for example, 3500 black slave owners, free blacks in the american south who owned more than 10,000 black slaves? small percentage. >> that's a wrinkle that undermines the idea that slavery was purely a black and white issue, but for me the more important point isn't that, it's that slavery was a universal institution, but only one nation, america, fought a great war to end it. so anti-slavery, abolition, that's the unique achievement of the west and of america. >> of course, the alternative could have been america could resolve the issue without resorting to war. the argument could be made that the incredible and unique barbarism that accompanied american slavery occasioned the necessity for a war where other nations can say, look, we have to stop doing this because this
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is problematic, but i don't think it to be a conversation between me and you, let me bring in the other guests who are here wanting to engage you. zerlina, when you look at what dineshd souza is doing here, what's your comparison of slavery and the way native american peoples and tribes are having the tribal differences versus what he says is universal. >> part of the problem here is we're trying to make the response to the black-white narrative fit in that narrative and you're missing all of this intersectional space. you had professor kimberly crenshaw earlier in the show. it doesn't belie the notion that slavery was this inherent evil, if you say well, plaque people owned slaves. something that maybe people do not know, but that doesn't necessarily diminish the progressive argument that it was one of the greatest evils and native americans and there were certain seks that also owned slaves and that's something most people don't know either. when you're trying to fit it
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into this black-white dynamic you're missing most of the points and i think he's off the mark. >> what do you think about this? what do you think about the framework that says comparatively speaking there were other offenses that we view in the history of the world therefore what america has done is not necessarily as uniquely egregious as one might think. >> well, that's an interesting argument you could make. my bigger problem is dinesh is want a very good spokesman for what liberalism is and my bigger problem with him and his work and this movie that's part of this is the onslaught of portraying liberalism of what it's not. he painted barack obama and hill reclinton as these monsters of the left who are trying to lead america down a dark path and i don't think that's true and from what i understand i haven't seen the movie. i've read about it and he certainly gets into that in the movie. >> i did see it and let me give him a chance to respond.
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what he's arguing is is that saul had a know impact on president obama and hill reclinton and hillary and barack obama have much more in common than hillary and will bill, but you respond, dineshe. >> part of what we do is we show rare footage of olin see that hasn't been seen by anybody. he learned a lot of the tactics at the hands of the mafia. he would hang around with the capone gang and hes they would admire the way they extorted money from people and the question for him is how do i do that politically. obama never met olinski, but that's why he kept going back to chicago. >> hillary has had close ties with olinski. she had a continuing relationship with him through college. she wrote her thesis on olinski, and the idea of using him as a bridge between obama and hillary is perfectly legitimate and one that the american people should know about. >> i think eric bowler is
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boiling over here. let me give you a chance to respond very briefly. >> i thought we went through all of this in 2009 andy all of these right-wing sites. we're going back to high school term papers and this is ridiculous. barack obama and hillary clinton are basically centrist democrats. >> right. >> this sort of radical notion, 9 million new jobs and the stock exchange. if president obama romney had done that, they admit on mt. rushmore. let me ask brother de souza and capitalism and greed are synonymo synonymous. do you think the top 1% of americans are unfairly criticized? >> i think the progressive attack always pretends to be against the 1% and it's against the immigrants because when you look at this critique, you stole the country from the indians. you stole half of mexico in the
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mexican war. wait a minute, that wasn't the top 1% and they were living in handsome mansions and cottages and it's poor settlers who went out west and they defeated the indians and the mexican war. i think progressive is launching its attack. >> so you want to respond for that? do you think it's a kind of bait and switch here that the real object of progressive idea ol joe is to take down immigrants. many progressive leaders who happen to be immigrants would disagree with his statement, too. the bottom line is hillary clinton and barack obama are the worst of the worst when it comes to the radical left then they are the worst radicals that have ever existed in history because like you said, eric, they're centrist democrats. barack obama has a book where he talks about his political ideology. it's very centrist. he's praising ronald reagan. what radical is doing that? >> thank you so much for your
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time. >> thank you. >> still ahead, breaking details about house speaker john boehner's lawsuit against president obama. stay tuned. vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours.
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we are following breaking newses tonight. we have new details on john boehner's lawsuit against the president. house republicans released details of the lawsuit. you won't believe the level of obstruction we'll bring you. this newly released resolution to sue the president after the break. keep it here. worried shampooing might damdon't new pantene brings new repair & protect. clinically proven to make hair healthier with every wash. new hair. new you. new repair & protect... ..from new pantene.
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this is a problem of the president's own making. he's been president for five and a half years. when is he going to take responsibility for something? >> breaking news from capitol hill. the details of speaker john boehner's lawsuit against president obama have been made public. it appearses to be focusing on president obama's executive actions related to the employer mandate of the affordable care act. a short time ago, speaker boehner issued a statement announcing that the house would initiate legal action. he said in 2013 the president changed the health care law without a vote of congress effectively creating his own law by literally waving the employer mandate and the penalties for failing to comply with it. that's not the way our system of government was designed to work. no president should have the power to make laws on his or her own. the rules committee is expected to hold a hearing on the
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legislation next week followed by a mark up the week after that. i'm joined now by jane clebb of bold nebraska and zerlina maxwell of the does this signify in a serious way -- not thats there was a chance -- that the president will not work with boehner, that the house and the executive office are not going to see eye oh eye for the rest of the term? >> this puts the last nail in the coffin. nobody else was under the illusion that this house was able to pass legislation that helps people in their daily lives. i think this is one of the things where you read it and you can't believe they will spend three weeks on a show trial and waste time and money when they could be spending on infrastructure or fixing student loans or doing something to help people in their pocketbooks on a daily basis. >> no doubt. jane, the lawsuit is likely to draw out into the fall. close to the midterm elections. can democrats use this to their
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advantage? is there a way to gin up their support and appeal to their own base? >> yeah. this is a legal loser but a political winner, especially for the gop. representative boehner is literally suing the president for not implementing a portion of the health care reform law which the republicans asked them to do. so this is amazing. because representative boehner can't do his job, wrangle his disgruntled base in the republican party, he's instead turning focus on a legally losing thing that's going nowhere. can the democrats use this? of course. the democrats can use it because representative boehner is a good target for boehner to use saying you are not going to work on climate change or immigration. you will look at this legally losing case. >> another contradiction, they want the president to use executive power on some thingses but not on others. they want to use him for the very thing they claim he should
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be using at the border and other places. she said legal loser and political win wither. is it more of the same? >> it's disingenuous. they always say he's doing too much but not enough. leading from behind, a dictator. right? i think the number one thing we have to focus on is getting out the vote in 2013 and ignoring the right wing. what they are going to do is distract us from now until the mid-term elections and they are going to trump up scandals and impeachment to distract us from democrats who exist in larger numbers than republicans, certainly younger democrats in particular, we can take back the house of representatives. at least hold the senate. i think the media is quick to say that it's all lost. you know, they are good at distracting us in the meantime. >> given that distraction, whether the white house stay on
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message, on focus? we know bill clinton even in the midsts of impeachment went about his work which is extraordinary. this lawsuit promise ares to be more pomp and circumstance about the right wing agenda. will they have the ability to create a tunnel and not yield to the distraction? >> i absolutely think they will. the white house is going to use this to their advantage. they are going to use this and focus on things like climate change which the president has been talking about. we have a crisis when it comes to climate change of our country not moving forward on clean energy. that's what the white house will focus on. those things will bring out the democratic base to keep the senate to win house races like omaha. we can use this to our advantage. i cannot believe that representative boehner lost his work ethic. when he talks about sweeping the floors and the work ethic, here we go. he doesn't have a work ethic.
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>> is this going to fuel impeachment talk? >> they have wanted to impeach him since he was elected. it giveses legitimacy to the extreme right argument. >> how about you, jane? >> absolutely. there is a senate candidate in iowa who used to talk about, you know, cutting off hog balls, et cetera. she's talking about impeachment. this shows how crazy some senate candidateses on the right are. now taking the president through the court system. it's crazy talk and not where americans want to be. >> obama said, hey, sue me. so what? i was dreaming when i wrote this so sue me if i go too fast. i'm sorry to prince. what do you think he says after this? >> i'm going to do my job. later for y'all. >> how about you, jane? >> i think he'll do this, right? the president will say, look, brushing it off my shoulder. i'm going to do my job. >> these are lawsuits on their
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shoulders now? >> no, no, no. >> he'll see the tour and get beyonce and jay-z to certify what he's doing. so the reality is the president is in the fix. the right wing is attacking him but he's in serious shape here. thank you so much. that's "the ed show." i'm michael eric dyson. "politics nation" starts now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, dr. dyson. welcome to the show. let me give you breaking news. we have with just learned that the talk of suing president obama that we have heard from speaker john boehner for weeks, he has now unveiled the legislation and is going forward, going to the congress toet
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