tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 11, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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welcome back, everybody, let's welcome back, everybody. vice president jo biden address the national governors association this afternoon and attend a fund-raiser taking place in nashville. dawn the planet of the apes supposed to be the top movie at the box office. that does it for "way too early." a payday friday! check your bank accounts, everybody! check your bank accounts! ♪ put it in your hair baby you can find it in yourself ♪ >> i was wrong. >> you're wrong now! >> six years, it's going to be ms. president! >> ovaries in the oval office! >> you were changing every third
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minutes who grandpa has been drinking me for years because he loves me and thinks i say funny things when i'm buzzed. >> i'm too upset and emotional now to contribute anything to the conversation. >> leave me alone! a vicious one! >> hunt or be hunted! welcome back. ♪ >> the good news is i have actually seen some of these programs! good morning, everyone. it's friday, july 11th. i'm sure all of you have. welcome to "morning joe." with us on set "morning joe" contributor miark halpern. >> good morning, mika. >> are you fired up? >> i screwed up this outfit. >> he was having a fit back stage, thomas, about obama and everything. the speech that he made yesterday so why he is a little rumpled so we will get that. thomas roberts is here. we will do the emmys and you'll
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lead us through that. "the washington post" and msnbc contributor, jonathan capehart is here! >> hello. >> i haven't seen you in, like, a decade. >> about that. >> good to have you back. >> in washington white house correspondent for the associated press, julie pace, along with joe and mooe. good morning, joe. >> good morning, mika. you are excited you've seen one emmy nominated show. you are such an american now, you know? >> i feel connected. also a i'm a little charged up because it's carly's last day, my daughter, intern here. she just threw the scripts at me in a huff and walked away. so i think it's time. it's time she goes. >> i think she is actually become acclimated. she now does what all interns do after they get to know us well. >> that's what they do to you. starting with the news and the emmy nominations. should we go through them quick? >> outstanding comedy series.
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we got "louie" "modern family" orange is the new black. that is under comedy series and caught me off-guard. it's kind of funny. "silicon valley." and "big bang theory." >> i don't think it's in the "modern family." or "big bang thorough. >> >> comedy drama. >> going on to drama. i think that is where "orange is the new black" would fall but it didn't. here is what is up for outstanding drama series. that is a tough category because those are all great shows. >> it's missing the best show on television. "the americans." >> it is a great show and "orphan black" bbc is a great show and show or act dress did not get nominated. >> is "veep" in there?
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>> it is not. >> but she was nominated again. >> she was? >> actress in a comedy series. guys, to the last graph on that. melissa mccarthy for her role in "mike and molly." and julia louie dreyfus. >> joe, any predictions? we will save it. >> "breaking bad" and i'm going for that. the one with the gnomes and war locks running around. >> joe, will you join me in a hunger strike unless john hamm wins? his second to last chance to win. >> i'll join you. i'm not sure who he is, but okay. let's get to the news. house speaker john boehner is going forward with his lawsuit against president obama.
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the suit hinges -- i'm supposed to just read it straight. the suit hinges on the president's action delaying the employer mandate of the affordable care act in 2013. speaker boehner says the president created his own law by doing it without a vote from congress. stop giggling, okay? it is the latest pressure placed on the president who has faced calls for impeachment. he shot back yesterday from texas. >> you hear some of them? all right. assume. impeach him! really? really? for -- for what? you're going to sue me for doing my job? okay. >> the president once more put the blame on congress for failing to take action on everything from the minimum wage, how hard is that? to immigration.
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that's difficult. drawing a sharp rebuke from the speaker. >> so when folks say they are frustrated with congress, let's be clear about what the problem is. i'm just telling the truth now. i don't have to run for office again so i can just -- you know? let her rip. >> listen. this is a problem of the president's own making! he's been president for five and a half years! when is he going to take responsibility for something? >> wow. okay, joe, take it away. >> well, mark, i don't know where to begin, actually. that speech by the president of the united states would have been fantastic had it been in 2008 or 2012. we're in 2014. maybe it's campaigning, but it's depressing as an american. we are not going to get anything
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done listening to these guys talking and i'm just -- i'm still struck by the tone. the president's constantly blaming republicans. you know, i guess ronald reagan could have constantly blamed democrats and bill clinton could have constantly blamed republicans, but they didn't. they actually realized they had to work with the other side. this is dumbfounding. he listens to his base that tells him you'll never get anything done any way and it's self-fulfilling prophecy and it's sad as an american. >> i couldn't agree more. you trying to win inside game or outside game to pressure boehner? if he wants to get stuff done this term, i understand the mid terms are coming but i just don't get what that tone will buy him in terms of trying to get something done on immigration. he is staying get the politics out of it and then he is on these fund-raising speeches that are very political. i think a lot of what he said has a done of merit, a ton, but
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the tone and the strategy just don't get it. >> all right. i want to bring jonathan in in a second. i big to differ just a bit, guys. they are suing him. it's ridiculous. i'm not sure what tone you want to take. here is more of the president. at this point, he makes a reference to a movie "departed." take a look. >> there is a great movie called "the departed." a little violent for the kids but a scene in the movie, mark wallber wahlberg. they are on a stakeout and the guy loses the guy they are tracking and wahlberg is upset and yelling at the guy and the guy says who are you? wahlberg says i'm the guy doing my job. you must be the other guy. sometimes i feel like saying to these guys, i'm the guy doing my job. you must be the other guy. >> so it's weird. i see it completely different. jonathan capehart, i see humor.
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i see patience at this point in the midst of kind of a ridiculous set of actions by speaker boehner. >> i see humor. i see frustration. >> what else is he supposed to do? >> exactly. >> he is getting sued now. >> i mean, the president has been trying to work with republicans since he got into office. >> you could make that argument. >> we seem to forget that the president had a lot of problems with his base in the first term because he bent over backwards to work with republicans. democrats who were demoralized because the president would always go to the negotiating table and giving away things rather than negotiate to try to, in a good faith effort work with republicans. i think in the second term, the president has basically decided when seeing the american jobs act go nowhere and immigration reform go nowhere. immigration reform they told him stay away, you'll poison the well and let us work on this and let us do this. he stays away and nothing happens. the president has tried
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everything possible to work with republicans to do something for the american people and it goes nowhere. so now he is being sued because he did something with the affordable care act that they voted more than 50 times to repeal. i'm with you. i really -- yes, i agree with joe. i am frustrated as an american that nothing is getting done. >> and disappointed. >> and disappointed. >> with all sides, absolutely. >> with all side, but i have to say, though, when it comes to fight between the republicans and the president in terms of who shares the blame for nothing getting done, i put a lot of the blame on the republicans. >> totally, but how does this lead to a solution? >> i don't know. you know what? speaker boehner needs to figure out how he is going to not only work with the president but work with his caucus to get something done. it's not like there aren't problems to solve and, yet, we are talking about suing the president, which i think is a prelude to impeaching the president. we are talking about a benghazi special committee that is going to be set up, yet, nothing
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about, you know, what are we going to do about the veterans affairs administration and what is happening there? there used to be a time when the american people sent people to congress who worked on issues that were important to the country and came together and compromised and they are not doing that now! >> joe, you were a member of congress. is there anything to what jonathan is saying? >> of course, jornathan is brilliant and so good to have him on his show. i'll say whatever. you're brilliant. >> thanks, joe. >> there has been an attitude with this white house, i think, mika, from the very start and the attitude has been, and we actually saw it the second day he was in office where he turned to jon kyle and then senator of arizona and said, "we won and you lost." that has been his attitude. i remember the associated press
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saying so much for the velvet touch. you see the difference between just managerially a president who has spent his political career actively engaged with an active opposition. ronald reagan had it in california for eight years. he had democrats that wanted to kill him. bill clinton had it in arkansas for 12 years. with president obama, you have a man who has spent his adult life around democrats, around liberals and na position where he believed he was right and the other side was wrong. and, julie pace, he has found himself actually confronted by republicans that not only disagree with him, but think he is terribly, terribly wrong, and we have gridlock. i have to say, on the other side, you got a lot of republicans in the house of representatives that haven't ever gotten out of their
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ideological shells. the results are disastrous and when you have disastrous results, americans usually look at their president to lift everybody up a bit. here it sounds like he is giving a pep rally to the harvard law review. >> sure. i was on this trip with the president over the last couple of days and one of the things that i was so struck by is that there was almost no difference between the speech that he would give when he go to talk to donors when he was raising money for democratic candidates and the speech he would give in the so-called official events when he is supposed to be talking to the american people as a whole. it's basically one idea that emerged and that idea is that he is the president and putting ideas on the table. as he says, republicans have voted down or failed to vote at all on every serious idea he has put forward this year. now, republicans would, obviously, dispute that characterization but it's just this frustration that we all know has existed in the white house privately to some degree just playing out in public right now. you just get the sense that this
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is where we are going to be for the next two and a half years with both sides talking past each other and just nothing really getting done and no sign that it's going to get done. >> mika, that's what we have been talking about for six years. so many times he has been going out giving speeches when he should quietly work behind the scenes. i know you'll get pushback from the white house that will say we invited so and so to this event and that event. >> and they didn't show up. >> mika, it's a sustained daily battle. bill clinton, even on the day he was being impeached, was working the phones, talking to newt gingrich and talking to chair of the republican party who were voting to impeach him to try to move forward on iraq legislation. there just has been no sustained effort by a man who i just still don't think knows how washington works. let me ask you. what good does giving this sort of speech do for the president, what good does it do for
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washington? most importantly, what good does it do for americans who want washington to work over the next two and a half years? i'm not saying it wasn't a good speech, but as far as getting things done, moving the ball forward, how does this move both sides together at all? what does it do? >> it's what the president does behind the scenes and i will say there have been times we felt like he hasn't reached out enough. we have even asked him about it. the point you made earlier about the point saying the president saying we won. around the same time, the top republicans said our sole function is going to be to undermine him so both sides are completely, you know, equal on that in terms of their vows to sort of not work together from the get go. look at this. if you talk about whether or not the president has tried hard enough or is trying hard enough to engage with republicans on thin things, you can look at pieces of legislation where he has tried to give a little. look at an example of recent. for example, governor rick perry
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would not shake his hand at one point and would not meet with him. they sat down and worked it out. the president has been able to accomplish this with people willing to work with him, even republicans. even republicans who might run for president against him. he is not completely incapable. i think he does need another side to actually work with them instead of trying to undermine literally everything. even a law that is the law of the land and endorsed by supreme court. i mean, there's still hammering away at this while we have got problems with wages, while we have got problems with the economy, while we have massive problems with immigration. they will not work with him. they will not work with him. >> the thing that we have to keep in mind jumping off what you were just talking about, there are two books out, one by robert draper and the other by michael grunewald. what the president was doing before the president was
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inaugurated. they said they would not work with the president at all as part of a strategy to win back congress in 2014 and take the presidency in 2016 and oppose him on everything. >> it's totally accurate history. huge merit to the president's case but as john boehner said he has been president for a long time. kids are suffering on the border. this is a huge immediate problem. he's the president. how -- >> what is john boehner's plan? the president has a $4 billion bill. >> he does and "wall street journal" editorial page likes it too. why doesn't he focus on getting it through rather than trying to win the midterms? i'll say what joe said. how does that speech, that tone, how does the confrontation, given all of the history, i totally accept that but how does this solve this or deal with what kind of country are we that the president can't figure out a way to lead to get the situation with the kids solved? >> joe, we are all complaining. what is the way forward then? >> i just want to say i think the way forward for the president is to drop the
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self-pity. you know, around the white house, they thought for six and a half years they were the first white house to ever be attacked like this. they were adults when bill clinton was president of the united states. i will still say you can look back day in and day out at what republicans did to bill clinton over his first six and a half years and even before impeachment we were harsher on bill clinton in our tone and rhetoric and the actions we took in the government reform and oversight committee. day in, day out it was a constant hammering and constant barrage. this president hasn't gotten half of what bill clinton got and what we gave him six and a half years yet bill clinton found out a way to pummel us with a larger republican majority and more republicans in washington, d.c. this is not the first president of the united states who has had an opposition that has tried to finish him off politically from the very beginning. it happened with george w. bush. it happened with ronald reagan. it happened with bill clinton.
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it's happened for 220 or 230 years. i'm just saying, at some point, go ahead, let off steam, quote the departed. at some point it's time for everybody to roll up their sleeves and grow up and stop feeling sorry for themselves and get to work. you know what? if the republicans aren't cooperating, find some that will. >> thomas? >> work around boehner. >> president obama is making no secret that he prefers to be out of washington, d.c. sharing some face-to-face time with so-called ordinary americans. in fact, his schedule will take him away from the capitol nearly every week this summer. he has been referring to himself in the third person as the bear which is a reference to a campaign nickname when break away from the planned itinerary. the white house is playing it up with hash tags and tweets and "the washington post" points out breaking free can look like running away.
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the article describes the president's effort to, quote, free himself from the constraints of office noting his relentless and desire to, quote, get out. he shook plenty of hands at a barbecue joint in austin. take a look. >> i feel a little bad, but -- what is your name? >> i'm daniel. >> daniel, my name is barack. >> how are you? >> the food is pretty good here. let's try it. i'm paying for those two. >> one, two, three. 1.5. how are you today? >> i'm great. no, it looks like i have to pull out the credit card. >> don't worry, brother. >> two pounds of rib. >> half pound of sausage. >> how many folks y'all feeding? i'm joking. i can afford is. >> he has been speaking of a time he could walk around without the secret service. he brushed off calls to visit the border as a photo op and
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lyle attract more complaints from critics when heads to marria martha's vineyard at a 2 million dollar mansion. some people will criticize the president and say he is trying to run out of washington, d.c. other people that like to go rogue and off script are heralded for their gumption but what is the president, the line he has got to walk here? especially trying to get through the different tone of the battle when it comes to immigration or ace mark points out, it's all about the kids at the border? >> sure. there was a particularly tricky trip for him to walk that line because he was in texas. texas is the state that is at the center of this border crisis. what the president's aides say when he is out there talking to, you know, so-called regular americans, real americans that he is more energized and it helps him connect better with the problems that they are facing, understand better what is really at stake in these debates in washington. the one thing i would say, though, the president is never
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really on the loose. you can see in those videos that he has got secret service around him and he's got all of us in the president around him. these are essentially photo ops and designed to show the president acting like a real regular guy, a person who can go to a barbecue joint and play pool. there are a lot of politics behind this as well. you do wonder, though, is it more effective him to be out even if it energizes him personally is that a most effective strategy or should he have gone to the border and in washington negotiating with republicans to get the supplemental done? >> joe, this is definitely something that is not new to a president being criticized for on going on vacation. >> right. >> having said that in light of this conversation, i guess it's worth asking you about. >> well, presidents are never on vacation. >> right. >> they are never on vacation. it doesn't matter whether
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they -- the president of the united states especially in 2014 is never on vacation. it's a moving white house and so my personal feeling about presidents and vacations has always been the same. whatever puts them in the best state of mind to be the most effective leader is what they should do and anybody criticizing the president for going up to martha's vineyard, i think, has it wrong. i think it's in the best interests of the president of the united states and the people he serves that he can get away with his family a little bit, get out of the hot house of washington, d.c., and that white house where a lot of feel captive after four, five, six years and go away. so, yeah, i think any complaints are unnecessary. the president needs to get out. >> we have so much more news to get to. still ahead on "morning joe," though, kitchen queen rachael ray joins us with a project very close to her heart.
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the rumors are true. rosie is back on "the view." people having a visceral reaction. here is rafael miranda with the weather. >> sunshine and clouds in new york city today. down to d.c. maybe a pop-up storm later on, especially off to the south but otherwise comfortable and warm. taking a look at the rest of the country. chicago will be stormy. the midwest, minneapolis also some severe weather possible there for this friday. as we head into the weekend it's going to be a nice start on saturday. sunshine in the northeast. nice beach weather here but the midwest does turn stormy. severe weather possible from chicago, minneapolis and down towards the southeast. unfortunately we are locked into that pattern so sunday, more severe thunderstorms for places like chicago and the ohio valley. it's going to be hot and stormy eventually in d.c. and maybe storms here in the northeast by the end of the day sunday, but they should be gone by sunday
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night. you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. ♪ see the paper laying on the sidewalk a little music from the house next door ♪ you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is, why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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♪ time to it look at the morning papers. "the boston globe." four adults and three children were killed yesterday after a fast moving fire tore through an apartment building in lowell, massachusetts. several residents were trapped on the top floor after the building's roof collapsed. one reports seeing a baby dropped out of a window to a person on the street. police believe fireworks may have sparked the blaze. it's called massachusetts's deadliest fire in two decades. how terrible. a judge ordered the irs to
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explain how it lost two worth of e-mails from the irs retired official lois lerner. her computer crashed in 2011 and then they threw it away. the officials say technician were unable to restore the hard drive. the irs has until august 10th to submit their explanation to the court. "the new york times" a child previously thought to have been cured of hiv is showing signs of the virus again. a 2013 reports the mississippi child was cured after an aggressive treatment plan but appears not to be true. doctors are now re-evaluating their plans for a worldwide clinical trail. a physician working with the patient calls it a punch in the gut. pennsylvania men are reminded to register for the u.s. military draft. the only problem? all of the recipients were born between 1893 and 1897. spokesman says this is, quote,
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never happened before and is blaming the mistake on a computer error. the agency uses a two digit code for birth year which is why the years 1993 to 1997 were mistaken for 1,800 counterparts and apologies have sent to families. amazon, get this, is being sued by the ftc over an app purchased by children. the lawsuit alleges the company willingly allowed kids to download apps on mobile devices without their parents' consent. charges range from 99 cents to $99 per consumer but that added up to millions of dollars in profits. earlier this year the ftc settled a multimillion dollar suit against apple over similar charges. they shouldn't be able to download things and have it go on their parents' bill.
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>> are you talking to a young child or a teenage girl? >> i was just looking over there. my daughter, just funny. she is right over there. time now for politico. >> we all have children who have done that. with us is the chief white house correspondent for politico, mike allen and here with the world famous morning playbook. say it, mike. >> good morning and happy friday! >> happy friday to you too. start our happy friday with none other than miss sunshine herself sarah palin. mike, does all this have some democrats feeling a bit more optimistic about their chances in 2014? >> of course. as republicans are worried. we talked over the months of the republicans increasing chance of itting the senate in september and we give the caveat unless the republicans mess it up and over the years they have shown
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plenty of ability to do that. a lot of the republicans we are talking to are worried that is happening. you listed a bunch of the side shows in the news now. eric cantor effect has given a lot of people uncertainty because they say we can't real trust our polls. we don't know what is going on out there. democrats who have a bad environment and bad senate map are hoping that republican wonders and the freak show will give them an advantage. so more and more, these democratic campaigns, you see them trying to tie republican candidates to sarah palin, todd aiken, glenn beck and the other characters who are suddenly popping up in the summer news. >> that is 2014. thomas, 2016, some absolutely fascinating news coming out of new hampshire. >> really is. call it the romney effect. brand-new polls on 2016 coming out of the granite state are in strong support of mitt romney hoping he will launch another bid for the white house even
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though he has insisted he won't be running in the next election. when his name was not included as a possible candidate we have governor chris christie in the lead among republicans with 19%. followed by senator rand paul and then jeb bush. but there is a big difference if romney gets included in this he holds a commanding 32-point lead over christie and paul. for the democrats hillary clinton is still in the lead but may be losing steam here. ahead of vice president joe biden but that is a six-point decline for hillary clinton since april. so, mike, let me ask you, is there any chance that romney reconsiders and is it the fact he says, no, no, no. it's not going to be me is the reason why he is so popular? on the other side should hillary be worried to see a decline she is experiencing? >> well, you're point about no, no, no, is right. we always want what we can't. we are told that's not where governor romney's head is now.
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but with a bunch of these guys and includes governor jeb bush doesn't look like he is running they look in the mirror and say it needs to be somebody. we see in this poll proof there is no front-runner, no one with a psychic hold on this field. over the decades again and again, almost everyone who has lost a national election goes on to run again. so people around mitt romney certainly want to keep him in the game. he would have more money than anyone if he jumped. on the democratic side, to take that poll one step further. over six months, hillary clinton has lost 15 points. that's a real number, a real change. thomas, a fascinating number in this poll. 77% of democrats tell the wmur granite state poll that they haven't decided. so she has no luck on the field either. there is no one right after her, elizabeth warren is the closest but is super far down. >> mark halpern, mitt romney, a
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32-point lead. i mean, that even surprises me. i expected him to be five, ten points ahead. but this really shows what a massive opening there is in the republican party and i'm sure you're also stunned by a 32-point lead by mitt romney. i know what he said publicly and privately but you start seeing numbers like that, he's got to start thinking a little more seriously about trying this again. >> there is just a huge vacuum in the party, joe, as you know. jeb bush, chris christie, paul ryan, none of them stepping up as the establishment choice in the new hampshire republican party traditionally goes for an establishment candidate of some sort and governor romney, a lot of affection for him. i don't think he needs to do much. he can just wait it out and see but i think it's four years ago he didn't really want to run four years ago, yet, he saw a vacuum and saw absence of a
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strong candidate. unless some establishment candidate really steps up and really becomes a big force, i think governor romney's numbers in new hampshire and a lot of other places will stay like that and awfully attempting for him. >> let's talk specifically about the state senate race. we have democratic senator jeanneshaeen having a lead in the u.s. senate race in new hampshire. everybody waits for the decision 2.0. we're going to tell you where the cleveland zoo al thinks lebron james is going to be going next. we have got a clam that's on the record and an owl on the record. we are going to all of the hottest psychic pets. >> go with the owl. >> the owl? wise owl. ♪ vo: this is the summer.
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annual lebron james skills academy in las vegas. he plans to head to brazil for the world cup final but everybody is wondering what his plans are for next season. we have no hard leads so we looked to psychic friends for an answer on this. we have this clam who gained attention after some accurate world cup predictions. it predicts james will take his skills back to cleveland. >> what are you doing? >> the only news i have here. check out this app that mike is ready to set his number 6 jersey from the heat ablaze if that happens. we have owl saying james will remain in miami. we have the clam going one way, the owl going the other. >> i'm going with the owl. >> cavs continue to make moves to attract king james. kyr kyrie irving signed an extension can the cavaliers.
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that's a lot of money. we switch to baseball. yankee pitcher has a attorney ligament in his elbow and he won't need season ending tommy john injury but the bombers have to do without their ace the next six weeks. in los angeles, clayton kershaw on the mound for the dodgers. chase utley belts a homer in left center field and with that kershaw's pitching streak ends at 41 scoreless innings. the two time cy young award winner still notches a win as the dodges take it 2-1. look at this from cincinnati things heated after the reds pitcher aroldis chapman throws a pitch up and in. he gets out of that inning but not before back and forth between him and the chicago dugout that clears the benches. the umpires get things under control before any punches are thrown. the cubbies go on to win this
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6-4 after 12 we had to show you this. one player taking the term head-first slide a bit too seriously. check out this dive into third. >> he goes face-first! >> chin scraping across the ground and crashes into the bag. yeah, just ouch as it is in slow motion and fast motion. we want to show you the noisy reaction in boargentina after the win. the echoes through the streets there and while they are certainly excited the same can't be said for the vatican. so hopes for the papal soccer party, they have gone down the drain as the argentina pope. the game is after his bedtime.
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argentina and germany square off in the world cup final on sunday. however, on saturday, the netherlands will play brazil to decide who gets third place honors here. joe, what do you think? how has this month gone for the world cup and who is your pick for sunday? >> it's been an incredible world cup. i think i have to go with most everybody else and go with germany. they looked about as good as anybody could look against brazil. and they are extraordinarily efficient, and i think it's going to be a good match, but certainly going to go germany's way. and mark halpern, you were talking about predictions before the show. mika said you went on a tear about predictions and one in particular that you found interesting. >> well, just on any given sunday, any team can win predicting this stuff as yogi berra will tell you, prediction is difficult especially about the future. on the internet a lot of criticism of the good folks at 527 and nate silver for tripling
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down on their brazil over germany pick. >> hard to predict sports with statistics. >> what was the percentage -- like, brazil have, like, what? >> i think 63.285 chance of beating germany according to 527. variables there aren't amenable to 527. >> sport and politics. human beings. >> human beings. >> don't always behave rationally. >> that game is talked about 50, 60 years from now and keep comparing the stats with that. an incredible game. coming up next, mika's must read opinion pages. she is going over it right now. cu don't go away. we will be right back with more "morning joe."
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♪ welcome back to "morning joe." time now for the must read opinion pages. michael gruson writes this in "the washington post." the tea party risks scaring aware votes. the tea party movement has developed a characteristics tone in approach and apocalyptic. the country is on the verge of tir nen those who don't share a preference for solutions, those who talk of compromise are granted particular scorn because president obama's progressivism is exhausted and discredited. americans will give the gop another look and they will either be impressed or frightened by what they see.
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a party that is genuinely excited about consecutive and child tax credit and other reforms might even be judged worthy of the presidency again. the most urgent requirement for conservative success is the recovery of a conservative temporament. joe, i feel like i've heard this before from you, maybe. no? >> that is what i've talked about for about 800 years. i don't know. you know, i love michael gerson. i just feel like this op-ed may be about six months late. i think the republican party is coming together. a lot of people talk about a civil war inside of the party. i see you have that look. i think this tea party establishment divide is over, except in places, you know, like chris mcdaniel in mississippi. there will continue to be the
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battle. there will continue to be people like myself who are opposed to a gop establishment that loves spending as much money as big government liberals. >> rimt. >> we will have that battle. and there will be -- continue to be people that will hold up bills in the senate that spend too much money and there will be people like me who think that is just a great thing. but the key is that you're conservative ideological and i think we are moving in that direction. i don't see the great divide that i saw six months ago or a year ago. >> like what republicans are we talking about who have influence in washington to try and come together on legislation or ideas, who are the ones showing the temperament to be able to do so? >> well, you brought up john boehner. >> he is so --
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>> the president should be sued. a lot of people believe that the president has acted unilaterally and you've said that like a democratic talking point over and over again, like that validates absolutely everything you've done. the president passed a law and the president has decided unilaterally that he was going to change that law without consulting with congress. now, whether you agree with the president or disagree with the president, i guarantee you, there are judges in the d.c. circuit, there are judges on supreme court that would actually find this to be a fascinating question. so if john boehner decides to sue the president so he is undercut talks of impeachment, which we discussed a couple of days ago, to sort of let the steam out and leave this up to the justices, i think that's not a bad idea. but you got to say when i served with john boehner, i didn't think john boehner was too
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conservative. i didn't think he was conservative enough. so this whole tea party thing, mark halpern, as i've said for some time, it doesn't come down to ideology, it comes down to resentment and temperament. there are small government conservatives that don't go around talking about impeachment or setting their hair on fire or don't act like birthers. >> i hate when you make me choose but i'm totally with mika on this. i think the republicans are nowhere near you say they are in terms of coming together with a positive agenda and the right temperament and i don't think it won't hurt them in the mid terms but the long time brand of the party i don't see it right now. >> can we say quickly what is going on with this lawsuit? john boehner throws it out there. it's like here is broccoli. you'll eat your broccoli. no, i won't. i dare you to eat your broccoli. okay, i'll see you. this is the mandate of the aca which the republicans were
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against, 50 votes. didn't like the mandate to begin with and goes to the supreme court. the supreme court says the mandate is okay. the president delays the application of the mandate which the republicans didn't want any way and now the republicans are suing the president over what they wanted which was not to have the mandate and a delay for the mandate? >> final thought, joe? >> it's not just one thing. the president has made multiple changes to this law. julie pace, it's happened time and again. i've lost count, in fact. but they didn't go to the capitol. it's not like they thought they could unilaterally do this without getting pushback from chill. >> true. but i would say that the white house loves this lawsuit because they think that is really illustrates their point which is that the president is the only one in washington who is actually doing anything, even though he is doing it on his own and that all republicans do is push back at him and don't put forward any of their own solutions.
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>> yep. okay. >> i'm outnumbered here 27-1. i think i'm just going to have some coffee. >> i'm going to drill the final nail and say 20 million americans have gained health insurance are enrolled under the new health care law so the new numbers are showing out there are far fewer uninsured and i'm sure you're happy about that, joe. we will be back in a moment.
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and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. ♪ >> i'm going to take my talents to south beach. >> will he stay or will he go? >> the post breakup city of cleveland is going on about its life and seeing other people. >> cleveland cavaliers fans were
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enraged. this week some of them were in a more forgiving mood. if lebron now doesn't come it's like a second slap in the face. israeli's fury stoked again. rockets launched instantly and with interest by massive air strikes. the strikes are pinpoint accurate. but the system doesn't always work and a rising civilian death toll is stoking palestinian anger. >> germany said today it has ordered america's top spy in berlin to leave the country. >> white house officials claim the cia didn't warn president obama that an american agent had been caught by the germans more than a week ago. >> i am concerned that we are sending the wrong message. >> the political fighting continued today. >> president obama's nearly $4 billion request to cope with a surge of illegal immigrants. >> i don't have to run for office again so i can just, you know, let it rip. >> he has been president for
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five and a half years. when is he going to take responsibility for something? >> the governor of texas, as he has a solution to this crisis. >> put a thousand national guard troops on that border and they are going to hear very quickly this border is secure. welcome back to "morning joe." mark halpern and julie pace and jonathan capehart still with us and joining us from washington is sam stein. we missed sammy's birthday yesterday, joe! >> we certainly did but the good news is one more. he just needs one more and he'll be official drinking age. congratulations, sam. happy birthday. that is fantastic. >> i'm so excited to drink legally. it will be amazing! >> what do you do for your birthday? >> what did i do? >> yeah. what do you do? >> i worked! it was a really depressing sad birthday. i wish i had a more exciting birthday to tell but i went to work and that is it.
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>> i'm sure arianna will give you a present. >> my wife sent me cupcakes which was nice of her but beyond that, that was it. we are getting to the point my birthdays don't matter much any more. >> i thought 18 was a big run wr at the table is editor of k cosmopolitkos ma policy taken, joanna cole is here. a lot of news to get to. we are bringing into the conversation a piece put together in "the new york times" by sheldon addleson and warren buffett and bill gates. get to that in a second. house speaker john boehner is going forward with his lawsuit against president obama. the suit hinges on the president's action delaying the employer mandate of the affordable care act in 2013. speaker baoehner says the president effectively created his own law without a vote from congress. the latest pressure placed on
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the president who is facing calls from impeachment. he shot back yesterday from texas. >> you hear some of them? all right. assume. impeach him! really? really? for -- for what? you're going to sue me for doing my job? okay. >> the president once more put the blame on congress for failing to take action on everything from the minimum wage to immigration. drawing a sharp rebuke from the speaker. >> so when folks say they are frustrated with congress, let's be clear about what the problem is. i'm just telling the truth now. i don't have to run for office again so i can just -- you know? let her rip. >> listen. this is a problem of the president's own making! he's been president for five and a half years! when is he going to take
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responsibility for something? >> all right. joe, jump in first and then we will go to sam. >> when are they going to figure this out? the president has his lowest approval ratings ever. congress has its lowest approval ratings, this congress does. the republican party's approval ratings are still very low. when are they all going to figure out that they will be rewarded at the polls. they will be rewarded in their popularity and their approval ratings when they actually start getting things done for us, for americans. when are they going to figure out the talking past each other is a short-term game, that talk radio extremists may love it. extremists in the blogis atmosphere may love it but the rest of the americans are
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frustrated with this political system. they want people that will work together and get things done. apparently none of our leaders in washington, d.c. from barack obama to john boehner to harry reid get that. >> it's frustrating. sam stein, you note in the huffington post several republicans are warning members of their party about a bill capitol hill risk in doing nothing but opposing the president, particularly over funding to stem the flow of undocumented immigrants. and if i could add to that, i'll let you chime in and then go to joanna. here is what the three of us vary in our politics. the americans deserve better than this. we vary in our politics and would differ also in our preferences about the details of immigration reform bill. but we could, without doubt, come together to draft a bill acceptable to each of us. we hope that fact holds a lesson. you don't have to agree on everything in order to cooperate on matters about which you are
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reasonably close to an agreement. it's time this thinking comes to washington. joe, let you take it to the panel. we believes it borders on insanity to train people in our universities subsidizing their education and deport them when they graduate. that is one of the many points they make. joe? >> yeah. and, sam, that s of course, a big part of immigration reform. republicans would like for people that get advanced degrees here to be able to stay here. i know a lot of business leaders would like that. that is being held up, though, as part of a much bigger plan and a much bigger deal. immigration reform, when you have sheldon addleson and warren buffett and bill gates coming together on something like that. the chamber of commerce and other organizations coming together you can't help to believe there is some deal struck in the center that
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lieutenawill not be so offensive to the general public. >> and you left out evangelicals. this is what you were talking about earlier. what kind of price is there to pay for an action? when do people in washington actually feel the pressure to get something done and put their differences beside them? to be honest, it seems like they don't get it. the only -- i think the only representative who has lost his election this year, this primary cycle has been eric cantor. i might be wrong but i think that is the case. that that is going to be the case then a lot of elected officials who will play it cautious and that means not going no for a compromise. in the senate there has been a compromise on immigration reform. >> that's true. >> they passed a bill. in the house, there is a bipartisan consensus on that bill but it's house republican leadership that won't bring it to the floor. i don't want to say a pox on
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both houses because i do think with immigration there has been from house republican leadership about getting things done. one more point. what is happening on the border. there is room for republicans to crow about the fact that obama's policies may have contributed something to this, although i think a lot of the 2008 law. but inaction in this case will backfire. a lot of republicans said to me because people want to see something done and don't want to see this crisis linger at the border. >> joanna coles, jump in. >> i'm thrilled that people are addressing this. i wonder if the children situation what seems to be an impending humanitarian crisis will sort of act as a catalyst for people actually to come together and you had john mccain yesterday saying we have to fix the backlog of judges. the numbers is incredible. i think 375,000 cases. now in the system and only 245 judges actually dealing with it.
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that is disaster. you see john boehner going completely off topic with this new legal case against the president and you can just see at home thinking i am completely disengaged at this point. when are we going to do something? if you cut the to the president i guess you could argue he is off topic too. >> i thought he was on a comedy tour yesterday. he was sort of enjoying himself. he was having fun with a crowd and looks like he is working the room and look disengaged. >> julie pace, you cover the white house. i don't know. i don't even want to stay strategy. but, i mean, i'm looking at optics here and there is a humanitarian crisis along the border and i actually think the president has tried really hard and did a great job in texas and, no, he did not go to the border but he tried to come to common ground with governor rick perry and shed light on the
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issue. but, yet, he seems to be able to do optics on other issues like firing back at the republicans. what is the strategy? what is the thought and the mood inside the white house in terms of how to handle and get things back into where they are actually engaging and trying to do something to together? >> the thinking on the border, the texas trip, was basically they felt like they were doomed if they did and it doomed if they didn't do it and going to the border would have created some awkward optics in and of itself. >> i get it. >> because the president can't exactly meet with these children when he is trying to push policies that could speed up their deportations. at the same time, it doesn't look good to be working the fund-raising circuit in a state like this and not be taking a firsthand look at what really is a humanitarian crisis. the broader strategy, though, with this emergency spending for the border is so interesting because you do have people like john mccain who are saying, yes, let's put more immigration judges into the system.
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the president's supplemental actually would help do that and john mccain seems to oppose the supplemental. again, even when the president and republicans can agree on what might be a solution, they actually can't seem to get themselves to the point of actually passing anything. >> is there anything on the schedule in the next couple of days per tainting to this, immigration? >> at this point, no, not officially. you'll certainly see the white house calling for the supplemental to be passed. you're going to have conversations between the white house and the hill but, at this point, not a trip to the border or anything like that. >> let's turn now to entertainment news. some big entertainment news. it's official. rosie o'donnell is returning to "the view." there are reports that she was offered a one year, seven-figure contract. you probably heard her former co-host and nemesis elisabeth
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hasselbeck not happy. there were incredible moments during rosie's first stint. >> so you believe you think our troops are terrorists, elisabeth? do you believe that, yes or no? >> excuse me. let me speak! >> you're going to double speak. it's just a yes or no. here is why i don't like to do it. here is how it's spun in the media. big fat rosie attacks innocent pure christian elisabeth. >> it's easier to fight donald trump because he is obnoxious. >> he announced a press conference whether or not he she is going to retain her crown. his hair is like this and under the circumstances i will give her back her crown! he is the moral authority. let the fir left the first wife had an affair and left the second wife and had an affair and had kids but he is the moral compass.
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>> the donald wouldn't be the donald if he didn't have something to say about rosie's return. i'm trying to take this seriously. he told the new york daily news i think it's a good news on abc part, with that said, it will have a short term positive impact but a long term. rosie always self-destructs. >> this is rosie post-heart attack. >> joe, please, analyze. >> i think it is a brilliant tv move by abc. you have "the view" that has been getting a little long in the tooth some would say and it's a formula. people may be tired of it. rosie is just one of these people that make people turn on their tv whether they love them
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or whether they feel towards rosie the same way donald trump does. she stirs up controversy. she is fascinating. and it's a brilliant move by abc, whatever they paid her, it's worth it. >> they have more seats to fill. >> they do. more people. joanna, are you going? >> capehart? >> capehart? halpern? halpern. >> thomas touted capehart earlier and twitter has gone crazy. a lot of support. >> really? >> i think you'd be great. >> while you're here, this is incredible. icon of the american fashion industry has passed away. eileen ford who cofounded her own agency ford models with her husband introduced us to some of the most recognizable faces in american beauty. nbc anne thompson has the life of this fashion pioneer. >> reporter: she put an american face on fashion.
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chris christie brinkley, lauren. eileen ford the brains behind the beauties. the new york native built one of the most successful modeling agencies with her husband jerry. he ran the business. she was in charge of the talent. a powerhouse spawned from necessity in 1946. >> i couldn't get a job because i was pregnant. >> reporter: so ford took bookings at home for two models who paid her $65 a month. by the 1990s, the ford modeling agency took in $40 million a year. a big business with a family touch. many of their young clients moved in with ford and her husband as she explained in this hbo documentary. >> i forget how many models lived with us. they had to live by my rules. it was like having a bunch more children. >> you had to be in the house by a certain time. >> reporter: ford's idea of beauty long neck, long limbs and wide set eyes stretched all the way to hollywood. actresses candace bergin and ali
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mcgraw found their first work in front of cameras as ford's models. ford's client list acquired an international flare with el lep. her influence on models was a lasting legacy. >> i do think eileen ford was allowing models to come into their own as women who were making a substantial living. >> reporter: eileen ford always claimed that she, herself, had no talent. but as the world can see, she sure knew how to find it. >> first of all, on her legacy, joanna, your insight. >> what is so interesting is when you look at the models of the eileen ford era, they were strong looking women. these weren't the thin white wasted youth you see on the runways. they were sort of substantial women and there was a reflection in the way she should the
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modeling business which was this sort of grubby rub unprofessional business and got hold of it by the scruff of its neck and turned it into an industry actually. the women that she mentored and had live with her reflected her strength and her direction, and, you know, if you look at people like jerry hall, you know, even naomi campbell they were stro presences. these were strong models that doesn't want to disappear and she was an extraordinary woman and amazing entrepreneur. >> a lot more to get to. julie pace, thank you, by the way. sam, stay with us. joanna, you'll join us later in the hour when we ask the question as to whether casual fridays hurt women's status in the workplace. a new book argues that case. the author is going to join us as well ahead. fame and celebrity chef rachael ray will be here to shed
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light on her big new initiative. the key word is shed. ground invasion of gaza. insurgents in iraq may have gotten their hands on new nuclear materials and afghanistan is mired in a bitter dispute over their elections. a day for dad. zbigniew brzezinski will join us next on "morning joe." we will be right back. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪
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because there was word this morning that as many as 30 soldiers and border guards may have been killed by a rebel missile attack. that is according to reuters who is cited interior ministry officials. so things are brewing, bubbling over in ukraine once again. you have written recently about some options looking forward in ukraine. can you tell us about that? >> yes. it seems to me that in the case of ukraine, as well as in some other cases, we can't lead simply by following. we are waiting for our european friends to agree to sanctions on russia to destabilize and intimidate ukraine. to me it seems time is overdue for acting on our own. the united states should simply go ahead and impose sanctions. we know from experience of the sanctions against iran that the united states imposing certain kind of sanctions encourages
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others to emulate that eventually out of self-interest. and we should do the same in the case of ukraine. otherwise, it is quite possible that in spite of the progress made so far, the russians will succeed and putin will succeed in destabilizing ukraine. >> dr. brzezinski, if you had the year of the israeli leaders what would you recommend they do regarding hamas? >> i would recommend that they follow the mood of the israeli people in israel and also the majority of the american jewish community which is that peace is preferable to the use of force and to the creation of more and more settlements which prevents a territorial promise between the israelis and the palestinians. we have had a well-meaning policy for israeli, palestine.
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with the president asserting his leadership personal. the fact that hamas joined the fatah coalition in a palestinian joint effort means they were in effect the ferring to the position doptadopted by the palestine. the prime minister of israeli who is a right winger and who the first of the right wing seems determined to prompt, to precipitate a direct military division with gaza would result in a lot of people being killed and probably the palestinian mood becoming more radicalized. >> so what does israeli do, though, when missiles are being fired at them? and what do they do when they have an organization like hamas
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that, obviously, still calls for the destruction of israeli to somehow move the palestinian people further away from an organization that many consider to be a terrorist organization, hamas? >> hamas doesn't recognize the existence of israeli and it's absolutely true and it's not tenable in the long run, but hamas is prepared to join a coalition of palestinians who do recognize israeli and are prepared to adopt a compromised solution which results in the emergence of two states. there are elements in gaza which are extremists and which are doing the firing. hamas has not had an all-out attack on israeli except after israeli has attacked gaza more indiscriminately. i have absolutely no objection whatsoever to discriminating israeli attacks on the extremists and israelis know pretty well where they are.
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they even know where they live so they can actually do that quite effectively. right now, i think mr. netanyahu and the dominance of israeli, not necessarily supported by the military in this regard, are preparing an all-out assault on gaza which will precipitate hundreds of casualties, hundreds, and perhaps some effort to overthrow the regime which means the radicals have the field left to them. >> the "wall street journal" earlier this week, not surprising to people who don't like the "wall street journal" editorial board, suggested that israeli destroy hamas, go to war with hamas and destroy them. my position has always been, as pro-israeli as i am, you have to deal with hamas one way or another. you either have to destroy them or sit down at the table and negotiate with them because there will be no peace without having some hamas leaders involved there.
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can hamas, in the foreseeable future, be moderated and brought to the table to negotiate a two-state solution with the israelis? >> by becoming a member of the coalition palestinian government, a minor member of that coalition, hamas, in effect, is endorsing the position adopted by abbas, the leader of the palestinians, which recognizes israeli, which recognizes the notion of ko existence between two independent, but friendly states. this is a big change. they don't have to say it because it would be a humiliating rejection of their past. >> is that coalition falling apart between the palestinian authority and hamas? >> i don't know. but israelis pulverize gaza, it will not force the enhancement of the palestinians including on the west bank. this is a lunatic policy which has been tried over years and years, but it has a purpose, to
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prevent a peace settlement and, unfortunately, the coalition in israeli doesn't want this. >> as you say, many of the israeli people are exhausted by war fare and exhausted by occupation and they want peace. >> the majority of israelis want peace. majority of israelis are very sensible, wonderful people. and i think we should build on that. but if the president is silent or simply lets things develop on their own, we are not using our influence intelligently and we have enormous influence with israelis if we use it. >> sam stein, jump in. >> yeah. i was going to ask about a totally different issue, but i'm fascinated by this conversation. the news broke yesterday that president obama has told benjamin netanyahu he is willing to help negotiate a cease-fire between israeli and hamas. i'm wondering, one, do you think it's wise for this administration to try to insert themselves at this point in
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time? two, what would a cease-fire as negotiated by the administration actually look like in your estimation? >> well, presumably it would mean relatively free hand still for the israelis to deal with extremists and they do no, by and large, where they are. it would mean presumably some reinforcement of stability in the palestinian coalition which would then include hamas, which by participating in the coalition, accepts the view that emanates from ramallah that there have it would be two states coexisting with each other but it would be a long process. i'm not so sure the president of the united states should do that on his own. i think he has a secretary of state for that. i think the president should ashe assert himself on a much larger issue what should the peace be like and i think there is absence on the part of the white house. >> doctor, we have been talking all week about the immigration
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crisis here with international implications, iran, iraq, afghanistan, middle east, china, lots of other hot spots. just put in perspective where we are now in terms of the crisis portfolio of this administration and national security, international matters. is this a particularly hot time, particularly complicated time or you wouldn't say this is exceptional? >> i really do think it's an extraordinarily complicated time. i think we are living in a situation where any sort of -- by single state, each as powerful and as rich as the u.s., is no longer feasible. a lot of fragmentation all over the world. just not in the middle east, but more broadly. and the immigration crisis here is one small symptom of it but it's particularly painful because it involves human beings, children, and so forth. we are under pressure. no doubt about it. but that is all the more reason for evidently a presidential
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leadership in foreign affairs. >> we didn't even get to iraq and afghanistan. dr. zbigniew brzezinski, complicated times for sure. thank you very much, dad, for coming on. call you later. >> good to be with you. a new photo of bowe bergdahl smiling with a top taliban commander. is it terrorist propaganda? that story next when "morning joe" returns.
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♪ there are more questions today surrounding bowe bergdahl after a null released photo by the taliban on twitter. nbc peter alexandra has more from ft. sam houston in texas. peter? >> reporter: mika, good morning to you. today marks four weeks to the day since army sergeant bowe bergdahl arrived back home in san antonio with the brooke army medical center. bergdahl is in the final phase of his reintegration process as he faces yet more scrutiny. a few more weeks, is how much longer u.s. military officials sabo bergdahl may still have ahead of him at ft. sam houston in san antonio. the army says the former p.o.w. has been easing his way back into the public and allowed to go with supervision to restaurants, shopping centers and a library. but again this week bergdahl's five years in captivity are
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raising new questions. this photo posted to a twitter account associated with the taliban and al qaeda appears to show bergdahl smiling alongside a former lead of the h organization. jim miklaszewski was told hits 100% propaganda. >> we have to certainly understand this photo when bergdahl was under duress so we have to take it from that perspective. >> reporter: as bergdahl, who is now 28, prepares to leave military care, experts warn that his new freedom will be both liberating and scary. >> he is going to be exposed to an intense media burst of publicity and a lot of it with will not be positive. >> reporter: from his capture to afghanistan post in 2009 to the circumstances of hi release in exchange. bergdahl officials say he has been receiving some training on
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interaction with media but weont be assigned an escort. according to one pentagon official he is on his own. >> it will a critical factor how he does not just short term but long term. >> reporter: the question that all of us are asking right now is whether bergdahl has seen or perhaps just spoken to members of his family, specifically his parents. the pentagon officials have not given us any new updates on that and won't say irnl way. they said last month he had not communicated with his farmer. i asked the former army psychiatrist if that would be unusual. she said that would be unusual but, mika, she said there is a lot that is unusual about bowe bergdahl's case. >> exactly. peter alexandra, thank you very much. jonathan capehart, thank you. very good to see you. we will be watching up this weekend because you're sitting in for the host of steve kornacki. very nice. coming up you may have the
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skills and the experience but are you leadership material? columbia school sylvia van hulewett will join you on that. you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing
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hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at
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here with you now is the the founder and ceo for talent innovation and codirector of the women's program at the columbia business school sylvia ann hewlett. a missing link between merit and success. also with us editor in chief of "cosmopolitan" joanna coles who is mentioned in a book as a woman with executive presence, you have it.
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you have it! >> i will tell you i didn't always have it. i remember being called in by a boss the editor of "the daily telegraph," where i was working for at the time and told me i looked like a wreck. i was wearing a jacket and i thought i look at fabulous and it was a bad day. but he was right, actually. he was totally right and i'm so glad he pointed it out to me. i think that is what this book does. it's a very good, very good sort of course on how to actually present your best self. >> joe, sylvia is bringing to the table some of the concepts we have talked about a lot here in the knowing your value conversations but she takes it to the next level as we always should. everything from dressing to presence. executive presence, define it for a guy, joe. >> i don't know. i'm just very glad, sieve ylvia there is often great divide between merit and success.
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can you explain that? >> i can. we went out to 4,000 leader and managers across this country to find out what they were looking for. and there is tremendous good news here. for instance, you know, how you project competence, credibility, grace under fire. these are incredibly powerful things and there are tactics that can enable you to do that. that is the biggest thing. the second thing is communication skills. can you be compelling and concise? and abandon the safety blankets of that hundred page power point which is the kiss of death these days in the workplace. and bring that voice down so that you are actually heard. that is a big thing for women. and then, finally, and this is the third thing, is the appearance stuff. and there it's figuring out how your work clothes can make you invincible and not vulnerable in the workplace. >> so, joanna, you've seen
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probably some of the do's and don't's of this. women that come to you looking for jobs, promotions, raises, deals, maybe even consultant fees, whatever. what are some of the don't's? like the train wrecks that walked in your door? >> i -- first of all, definitely no flip-flops. >> oh, my god. >> no one at this table has flip-flops on. i've checked. >> i am anti-flip-flop in so many ways. >> i think a no-no for me is the but the floss shorts. >> excuse me? >> the but the floss shorts. like i can see your fallopian tubes. not a good look. >> you're saying -- >> one girl who come in and had a very low top on and these incredibly short shorts. and i remember saying, goodness. you put a lot of thought into your outfit dripping i hope -- she said, yes, i spent two hours on this. you're like, you look a disaster. i'm now very frank with interns who come in and who, i think, a
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very invested and, obviously, it's a fashion magazine at cosmo and expressing they are in style and wanting to be an individual all i appreciate but there has to be a sense in which you are depicting yourself as a serious employee. >> yes. and that you have polish. >> yes and taste. >> coming back to managers the worst mistake is to dress in a sexually provocative way. it strikes you off the list for the next job. but, more importantly, understanding that dressing for the job you want to get and not perhaps the one you have implies a level of put togetherness and polish that works in all environments. silicon valley. famously difficult for women because the nerdy slumpy hoodie thing simply doesn't work much for women. it's hard to look like a leader. and dress that way as a girl. >> i love the point in your book where you talk about casual
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friday's which are fantastic for men but if a woman turns up in the equivalent of khakis and a polo shirt she is more likely to be asked to make the coffee and you have actual data showing that on friday's, women are more likely to be asked to do menial tasks because they are not dressed with the uniform and the authority of a blazer or whatever it is in your particular industry. >> i get what you're saying and i agree with it at all. it's amazing we are talking predominantly about clothing right now. it's just the reality. thomas? >> the presence that you talk about. the executive presence and i know when we had the graphic up and we talk about different categories. gravitas is a word i heard early on in my career i was lacking and i hated that word. now that i'm older i like the word. i feel i've achieved that sense of graphvitas.
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how do women want to have that out of the gate but it's not there with that time in the barrel? >> two amazing pieces of data from this data. first off, make sure you are three questions deep in terms of your field of expertise, that you can at a drop of a hat demonstrate you know your stuff cold. secondly eye contact, huge. you know, don't hide behind those notes or that podium. again, square your shoulders, have the courage to actually engage directly with people, and make sure that comments you make at a meeting are value-added. it's not value-added, not redundant, new, valuable points. this requires a whole bunch of work, so it's not this comes easy to anyone, and the communication piece i often see as the way into confidence. i grew up in the coal mining valleys of south wales. when i arrived at cambridge, my
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tutor told me this, i was seen as unkut because of the way i spoke. my grammar wasn't great, but i had this thick working-class accent. i remember careerly the albatross. i spent two years listening to the bbc world service, trying to get my speech down so i wasn't letting myself down, so that i could get my points of view across. looking back on it, it's a mixed story. i needed to fix the grammar, i needed to learn to speak this language well. >> but don't lose your authenticity. >> but don't lose your authenticity. i don't think i needed -- this is tension between authenticity and confirmity. the book is executive presents, sylvia ann hewitt, thank you so much, joe ana, you so have it. thank for coming in. coming up, a rude awakening
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he's got a rabbit. oh, yeah, the rabbit, oh well -- that guy is a son of a [ bleep ]. that was really good. can you imagine the pressure you're under to spin the while? >> we're going to give all wheel of al gores. >> talk about any topic up as al gore. take a look at what happened to poor visitors riding around the -- they got sprayed by pranksters, and you say welcome to new york. >>. >> something to do. >> what's up next, thomas. still ahead -- >> are you going to "the view"? >> no. >> i think you should. you are, aren't you?
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>> am i? >> i think you are. >> if so, you're my agent and i want you negotiating for me. what's later. yawn boehner revealing his plan to sue the president as the president breaks out a line from the movie "the departed" as a response. plus, house on fire. it's how one internal e-mail describes the situation at amazon after parents started complaining about charges made by their kids. >> that's bad. uncle sam wants you, by apparently if you're only 120 years old. what the what? we're going to explain the note that the government sent out. and business woman, chef and talk show host rachael ray will be on the set. i need to pronounce my rs. >> that's okay. i love rachael. vo: this is the summer.
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it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, 5:00 a.m. on the west co-, alls take a live look at new york city. with us on set mark hall paren, thomas roberts, jon thain capehart and julie. sdwraun boehner is going forward with his lawsuit against president obama. the suit hinges -- i'm supposed to sdwrus read it straight. the suit hinges on the president's act delaying the
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employer mandate. speaker boehner says the president effectively created his own law by doing it without a vote from congress. stop giggling. it is the latest pressure placed on the president to calls for impeachment. he shot back yesterday from texas. >> you hear some of them. all right. sue him, impeach him -- >> yeah. >> really? really? for what? you're going to sue me for doing my job? okay. >> the president once more put the blame on congress for failing to take action on everything from the minimum wage -- horrid hard is that -- to immigration -- that's difficult -- drawing a shark rebuke from the speaker. >> so when folks say they're frustrated with congress, let's
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be clear about what the problem is. i'm just telling the truth now. i don't have to run for office again, so i can just lit it rip. >> this is a problem of the president's own making. he's been president for 5 and a half years, when is he going to take responsibility for something? >> wow. okay, joe, take it away. >> well, mark, i don't know where to begin, actually. that speech by the president of the united states would have been fantastic had it been in 2008 or 2012, we're in 2014. maybe it's campaigning, but it's depressing as an american. we're not going to get anything done listening to these guys talking. i'm still struck by the tone, the president is constantly blaming republicans. now, i guess ronald reagan could
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have constantly blamed democrats, bill clinton could have constantly blamed republicans, but they didn't. they realized they had to work with the other side. this is dumbfounding, and he listens to his base that says, oh, you'll never get anything done anyway. it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, and it's very sad as an american. >> i could not agree more. is he trying to win an inside game? an outside game to pressure boehner? i understand the mid terms are coming, but i don't get what that tone will buy him in terms of trying to get something done on immigration. he's saying getting the politics out of it and then he's on these fundraising speeches that are very political. i think a lot of what he said has a ton of merit, but the tone and the strategy, i just don't get it. >> i want to bring in jonathan in just a second, but i beg to differ just a bit, guys.
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they're suing him. i mean it's ridiculous. i'm not sure the tone you want to take. at this point, he makes a reference to a movie "departed". >> there's a great movie called "the departed" a little violent for kids, but there's a scene in the movie where they're on a stakeout, and somehow the guy loses the guy that they're tracking, and wahlberg is upset and yelling at the guy, the guy looks up and says, who are you? >> and wahlberg says, i'm the guy doing my job. you must be the other guy. sometimes i feel like saying to they guise, i'm the guy doing my job, you must be the other guy. >> it's weird. i see it completely differently. jonathan, i see humor, i see patience at this point in the midst of a ridiculous set of actions by speaker boehner. >> i sue humor, i see
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frustration. >> what else is he supposed to do? he's getting sued now? >> the president has been trying to work with republicans since he got into office. >> you could make that argument. >> we seem to forget that the president had a lot of problems with his base in the first term because he bent over backwards to work with republicans. there were democrats who were demoralized, because the president would always go to the negotiating table giving away things rather than negotiate to try to in a good faith effort work with republicans. the democrats has basically decided when seeing the american jobs act go nowhere, immigration reform go nowhere, immigration reform, they told him stay away, you'll poison the well, let es do this, he staying away, knolls happens, the president has tried everything possible to do something for the american people and it goes nowhere, so now he's being sued, because he does manage with the affordable
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care act that they voted more than 50 times to repeal. i'm with you. i really -- yes, i agree with joe, i am frustrated as an american that nothing is getting done. >> and disappointed with all sides. >> but i have to say, though that when it comes to the fight between the republicans and the president in terms of who shares the blame for nothing getting done, i put a lot of the blame on the republicans. >> how does this lead to a solution? >> i don't know. speaker boehner needs to figure out how he's going to not only work with the president, but work with his caucus to get something done. it's not like there aren't problems to solve, yet we are talking about suing the president, which i think is a prelude to impeaching the president. we're talking about a benghazi special committee going to be set up, but nothing about what will we do about the veterans affairs commission an what will happen there. there used to be a time when the
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american people sent people to congress that worked on issues important to the company and came together and compromised. >> joe, you were a member of congress. is there anything to what jonathan is saying? >> of course jonathan is brilliant. it's so good to have him on our show. i'll say whatever -- you're brilliant. >> thanks, joe. >> there has been an attitude with this white house, i think, mika, from the very start, and attitude has been -- and we actually saw it the second day he was in office where he turned to jon kyl, then senator of arizona and said we won and you lost. that has been his attitude. i remember the associated press saying so much for the velvet touch, there's an iron fist in front of there. you see the difference between just managerially, a president who has spent his political career actively engaged with an
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active opposition. ronald reagan had it in california for eight years. he had democrats that wanted to kill him. bill clinton had it in arkansas for 12 years. with president obama, you have a man who has spent his adult life around democrats, around liberals in a position where he believed he was right and the other side was wrong. and he's -- jewel write pace, he's found himself actually confronted by republicans that not only disagree with him, but think he's terribly wrong and we have gridlock. on the other hand you have a lot of republicans in the house of representatives that haven't ever gotten out of their ideological shell, so two sides talking past each other. the result is disastrous. when you have disastrous results, americans usually look to their president to lift everybody up a bit. here it sounds like he's giving
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a pep rally, you know, to the harvard law review implts sure. i was on this trip with the president the last couple days. one of the things i was struck by is there was almost no difference to the speech he would give when he would talk to donors when he was raising money for democratic candidates and the speech he would give in the so-called official events when he's supposed to to be talking to the american people as a whole. it's basically one speech, one idea merged. the idea is he's the president. and as he says, republicans have voted down or failed to vote at all on every serious idea he has put forward this year. now, republicans would obviously dispute that characterization, but it's just this frustration that we all know has existed in the white house publicly to some degree playing out in public. you get the sense this is where we'll be with both sides talking past 'em other and nothing getting down and no sign it's
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going to get done. >> mika, that's what we've been talking about this year, so many times when he should quietly work behind the scenes. i know you get push-back from the white house saying we invite sod and so to this event or that event -- >> and they didn't show up. >> mika, it's a sustained daily battle. bill clinton even on the day he was being impeached was working the phones, talking to newt gingrich, talking to chairman of the republican party who were voting to impeach him, to try to move forward on iraq legislation. there just has been no sustained effort by a man who i just still don't think knows how washington works. let me ask you. what good does giving this sort of speech do for the president? what good does it do for washington? most importantly what does it do for americans who want washington to work? >> i wasn't say it wasn't a good
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speech, but as far as getting things done, how does it move both sides together? what does it do? >> it's what the president does behind the scenes. i would say there have been times we've felt like he hasn't reached out enough, but the point you mayeredier, joe, about the president saying "we won" that's about the time the republicans said our sole function is to undermine him. so both sides are completely equally on that in their vows to not work together from the get-go. whether you talk about whether the president is trying hard enough to engage with republicans on things, you can look at pieces of legislation or places where he's tried to give a little, but look at recent. for example, governor rick perry would not shake his hand at one point, would not meet with him, they worked worked it out. they met at the airport.
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the president has been able to accomplish it, even with republicans who might have run for president against him, so he's not completely incapable. i think he does need another side to actually work with him instead of trying to undermine his rally anything, even a law of the land endorsed by the supreme court. well, we've got problems with wages. we've got problems with the economy, well, we've got massive problems with immigration. they will not work with him. they will not work with him. >> the thing that we have to keep in mind, jumping off what you were just talking about, two books out, one by robert draper, that talks about what the republicans were doing before president obama was inaugurated. they were meeting to discuss how they were not going to work with the new president at all as part of a strategy to win back congress in 2014 and take the presidency in 2016. >> what, mark?
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>> it's totally accurate history. age huge merit to the president's case, but's john boehner said, he's been president for a long time. kids are suffering on the border, this is a huge immediate problem, he's the president -- >> so what's john boehner's plan? the president has a $4 billion bill. >> and the "wall street journal" editorial page likes it too. why didn't he focus on getting it through rather than winning the mid terms. how does that speech, that tone, the confrontation, given all the history -- i totally accept that -- how does that solve this? what kind of country are we that the president can't figure out a way to get the situation with the kids solved? >> we're all complaining, but what is the way forward? >> i think the way forward for the president is to drop the self-pity. you know, around the white house, they have thought for 6 1/2 year that they were the first white house to ever be attacked like this.
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they were adults when bill clinton was president of the united states. i will still say you can look like day in and day out about what happens did to bill clinton, and even before impeachment, we were harsher on bill clinton in our tone, or rhetoric, in the actions we did in the government reform and oversite committee. it was a constant barrage. this president has not gotten half of what we game him for 6 1/2 years, yet bill clinton figured out a way to pummel us with a larger republican majority and more republicans in washington, d.c. this is not the first president of the united states who has had an opposition that has tried to finish him off politically from the very beginning. it happened with george w. bush. it hand with ronald reagan. it happened with bill clinton. it's happened for 220 or 30 years. i'm just saying at some point, get, let off steam, quote "the
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departed" at some point it's time for everybody to roll up their sleeves, grow up, stop feeling sorry for themselves and get to work. you know what? if the republicans aren't cooperating, find some that will. >> thomas? >> work around boehner. >> listen to this, president obama is making no secret that he prefers to be out of washington, d.c. in fact his schedule will take him away from the capitol nearly every week this summer. he's referring to himself in the third person as "the bear" which is a campaign nickname. as today's "the washington post" points out, breaking free can also look like running away. the article describes the president's effort to, quote, free himself from the constraints of office noting the relentless desire to get out.
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they shook plenty of hands at a barbecue. >> what's your name? my name is barack. >> how are you? >> i hear the food is pretty good here. >> yeah, yeah. >> i'm paying for those two. >> how are you today? >> i'm great. it looks like i'm going to have to pull out a credit card. >> don't worry, you're covered. >> how many folks are we all feeding? i'm joking. i can afford it. >> there he is interacting with the folks in austin, speaking finally of a time when he can walk around without the secret service, also and will likely attract more complaints when he heads off to martha's vineyard next month for a two-week vacation at a $12 million mansion.
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still ahead on "morning joe" the first lady gets political by saying she'll, quote, fight until the bitter end to make school lunches healthier. celebrity chef and television host rachael ray will weigh in when she joins us in just a bit. then a cia agent mysteriously dies jump-starting a series of events that leads the u.s. to a brisk of war. a look at the thrilling new novel by brad theory, but first rafael mir renda. >> happy friday, everyone. nice and quiet. low humidity, temperatures in the 80s. it feels good outside, some sunshine and clouds. there could be a few pop-up shores and storms hear today. otherwise, not too bad here. for the rest of the country we'll watch places like minnesota, some strong storms expected there, the southeast as well. 98 and sunshine? dallas, the southwest also hot,
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106 in phoenix, 87 in seattle. good weather for new york and boston, d.c. looking good. it's the midwest which is or trouble spot. chicago and minneapolis, severe weather possible there. still roasting out west, 100 in boise, 89 in seattle, the heat continues on sunday. unfortunately the storms continue on sunday for places like chicago and the ohio valley. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms...
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let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business. can you fix it, dad? yeah, i can fix that. (dad) i wanted a car that could handle anything. i fixed it! (dad) that's why i got a subaru legacy. (vo) symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 36 mpg. i gotta break more toys. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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time now to look at morning payments "the boston globe" four adults and they're children killed after a fast-moving fire tore through an apartment building in lowell, massachusetts. several residents were trapped on the top floor after the building's roof collapsed. one witness reports seeing a baby being dropped out of the window to a person on the street. officials believe illegal fireworks may have sparked the blaze. it's being caused massachusetts' deadliest fire in two decades. "wall street journal" from the now retired agent official lois lerner. the irs a claiming the e-mails were lost after her computer crashed in 2011. officials say the technicians were unable to restore the hard
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drive. irs has until august 10th to submit their explanation. a child previously thought to have been cured of hiv is showing signs of the virus again. a 2013 report suggested the mississippi child was cured after an aggressive treatment plan, but that appears not to be true. doctors are now reevaluating their plans for a worldwide clinical trial. a physician working with the patient called these findings, quote, a punch in the gut. from "the washington post," 14,000 pennsylvania men have been reminded to register for the u.s. military draft. the only problem -- all of the recipients were born between 1893 and 1897. a spokesman said this is, quote, never happened before and is blaming the mistake on a computer error. the agency uses a two-digit code for birth year, which is why the years 1993 to 1997 were mistaken for the 1800 counterparts.
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apologies have been issued to families who mistakenly received the letters. "the seattle times" amazon is being sued by the ftc over an app. purchased by chirp. the lawsuit alleges the exude willingingly allowed kids to download app.s on mobile devices without their parents' consent. charges ranged from 99 cents to $99 for a consumer, but that added up to millions in profits. earlier this year, the fdc settled a multimillion dollar suit with apple over similar charges, yes they should not just be able to download things and have it go on their parents' bills. >> are you talking to a young child or teenage girl? >> i was just looking over there, and my daughter -- it's just funny she's over there. >> yeah, we all have children who have done that. the chief white house correspondent for politico, mike
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allen is here with the world-famous morning playbook. say it, say it. >> good morning and happy friday! and we'll start our happy friday with none other than miss sunshine herself, sarah palin, of course she's calling for president obama to be impeached. mike, all this have democrats feeling more optimistic about their chances in 2014? >> of course, and as republicans worried, because joe, when we've talked over these months about the republicans' increasing chance of taking the senate in november, every single time we give the caveat "unless republicans mess it up." over the years they've shown plenty of ability to do that. a lot of republicans we are talking to are worried that's happening. you listed a bunch of sideshows in the news now. the eric cantor effect has given people uncertainty, because they say we can't trust or polls, we
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don't really know what's going on out there. democrats who have a bad environment and bad senate map are hoping that republican blender and the -- will give them an advantage, so more and more these democratic campaigns, you see them trying to tie republican candidates to sarah palin, todd aiken, glenn beck and other characters that are sort of popping up in the summer news. >> tom, for 2016, some absolutely fascinating news, thomas? >> call it the romney effect. brand-new polls out of the granite state say they are in strong support of mitt romney, hoping he will launch another bid for the white house, even though he's insisted he won't be running in the next election. when he name was not included as a possible candidate. we have governor chris christie in the lead among republicans with 19%, followed by senator rand paul and then jeb bush, but there's a big difference if
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romney gets included, he holds a commanding 32-point lead over both christie and paul. hillary clinton is still in the lead, but she may be losing steam here. that is a six-point decline for hillary clinton since april. so mike, let me ask you, is there any chance that romney reconsiders? and is it the fact that he says, no, no, no, it's not going to be me is the reason why he's so popular? then on the other side, should hillary be worried to see the decline she's experiencing? >> your point about no, no, no, is we always want what we can't have, we're told that's not where governor romney's head is now, but with a bunch of these guys, and this includes governor jeb bush, who doesn't look like he's running, they're going to look in the mirror and say it needs to be somebody. we need again in this poll proof that there is no front-runner, no one with a psychic hold on
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this field, and over the decades again and again, almost everyone who has lost a national election goes on to run again, so people around mitt romney certainly want to keep him in the game. he would have more money than anyone if he jumped in. on the democratic side to take that poll one step further, over six months hillary clinton has lost 15 points. that's a real number, a real change. thomas, a fascinating number in this poll. 77% of democrats tell the wmur granite state poll that they haven't decided, so she has no lox. there's no one near her. elizabeth warren is the closest, but still a ways down. that lead even surprises me. this really shows what a massive opening there is in the
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republican party, and i'm sure you're also stunned by a 32-point lead by mitt romney. i know what he said publicly, i know what he said privately, but you start seeing numbers like that, he's got to start thinking more seriously about trying this again. >> there's just a huge vacuum in the party, joe, as you know, jeb bush, chris christie, paul ryan, none of them stepping up as the establishment choice. the party traditional goes for a establishment -- and i don't think he needs to do much. he with just wait it out and see, and now he -- four years ago, he didn't want to run four years ago, yet he saw a vacuum, an absence of a strong candidate. unless some candidate really steps up and becomes a big force, i think governor romney's numbers in new hampshire will stay like that, and it will be awfully tempting for him. mike al lynn, thank you. shelter cats are beautiful,
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and our next guest is making sure everyone knows why with a 16-city feline makeover tour. rachael ray is standing by. we may ask her a thing or two about food as well. more "morning joe" when we return. snoox i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. the summer of this.mmer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand.
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and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. oh hey there! (laughs) you're that grumpy cat. how about some honey nut cheerios? not even a smile? maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast... for almost everyone! you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!!
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. who here wants a dog? who here wants a dog? uh-oh. >> we know how important healthy animals are, so in your honor -- >> oh, look at all the babies. >> we know how important it is that you help animals everywhere. in honor of your 45th birthday we're going to help find homes for all 45 pups. itches -- >> yay. >> it's a smorgasbord of cuteness here. >> rachael ray is known for her tips on making quick and healthy meals, but also making big strides outside the kitchen, raising awareness about pet adoption. have you ever been on the show before? >> never. i'm excited to be here.
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i was joking today, i'm usually running and climbing stairs watching you guys for hours. >> so you know the show. >> i watch every morning. >> you know joe, the colonel. >> and emma. >> and she's a pretty avid viewer, joe. >> yeah? you've got quite a few rescue cats. emma is a bad cat, no doubt about it. >> she's bad. she mocks joe obvious when joe is in emma's presence. >> my mom has a lot of rescue cats, and they have big personalities, let's just say. >> they do. they do. so she's a bit of a "morning joe" fan. you're all read in. >> shelter cats are beautiful. this is the main reason you're on today. we're going to talk food and stuff, and carly's instagram account in a mom. your mom has a lot of cats. >> my mom has actually 15 rescue cats. >> what? that makes her a cat lady.
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>> some live outside, some live inside, they have all been fixed, they go to the doctor and all that, but we are finally launching nutrish for cats. a few years ago we started 100% of the proceeds from my animal food, we've raised over 6.5 millions for or kibble and dog food, and finally we have cat food. every nickel goes to animal rescue. not only is it great quality food, you can read it like a menu. i care very much about the ingredients, because my own child is a red-nosed pitbulls that weighs about 65, so having quality food that would do good for other animals. >> she has chicken purr-cata, tuna purr-fection.
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>> and ocean fish-alicious. >> i think the colonel is licking her lips at home. >> the colonel is going to dig it. >> yeah. markhalperin? >> so i guess it's made in china? what? i'm just kidding setting you up. >> it's all made in america, and the wet food comes from thailand. i started a line of dog food, because i wanted a high quality product for my own animal. we based or model for our nutrish organization for what we did for our kids. theium initiative. there's constantly revenue coming in from -- >> a market base. >> this is already for sale? >> yes, the cat food.
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the dog food has been out for a few years. >> everyone on the set is trying to get me to eat it. >> the ingredients you can read. >> yes, you can. i have not tried the wet food, i have tried the kibble. i don't know. >> let's make the transition to people food, is she? first lady michelle obama is working with congress, trying to get a school lunch program. what is your sort of insight on this, and -- >> our children's initiativiumo has been working on improving school food and kids' nutrition, lowering obesity rates and trying to help with the next-door neighbor to obesity, hunger. i think the only level playing field for battling hunger among american kids and the obesity rate at the same time is through school food. it makes great sense to improve the quality of our school food. it's the only way to control health care costs in the future,
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and it's just a good thing. i think it's very concerning to me that that's something that everybody can't seem to come together on. >> you've been in the conversation. why is it so difficult? >> you know, you would think this is a no-brainer that everybody could get behind. i really don't get it, especially how much we fight against insurance costs. this is the only way to attack it, attack it in our school food programs. there's a lot of debate rolling back some of the progress we've made, some of the kids aren't making the health care choices. well mash we should make all the choices healthier choices. mayor de blasio just secured free meals for our middle school. that's big news here in new york. >> isn't the biggest barrier the power of the tater tot industry? >> you can make smart choices
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and still make money. vending means are now selling water, natural juice drinks, healthier choices, nobody is saying we want to put large food service companies out of business, just let's make healthier choices. >> you make a great point about when it comes to our kids and teaching them those healthy choices. we reap what we sow. i was just reading that you're coming back with rachael advise guy. >> this is so exciting, getting kids into the kitchen. improving the nutrition for our nation's kids really lives and dies with the kids, of course, so by doing this this fun food network show where you're seeing children empowered in the children. these are young chefs between 10 and 14, it really gets whole families excited to get into the kitchen together. you know, if you're cooking your own food, you're making a healthier choice. >> how long has your show been
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on the air? >> the daytime show eight years, going into our ninth season. i've been at food network, 13 years? >> how are you liking it? we're at seven years here. >> i love it. >> good. >> i have such joy when i go to work every day. there's always different food and different people. it's a wonderful conversation. i just love it. >> are you able to take a lot of what you have learned in your conversations with the white house and the work you've done with new york city schools and the show you're doing with guy, in terms of learning about the quality of food? do you fold that into the messages in your show as much as possible? >> absolutely. we try to always bring up, you know, farm to table, the importance of taking children out when you go grocery shopping, the importance in making it a conversation. you know, we try to do it like an next-door neighbor, try to make it conversational, put a
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sense of humor to it, attach a fun recipe or message, you know, so it is more like a conversation rather than finger point. >> we certainly know where you stand when it comes to animal nutrition, but we need to figure out your point of view when it comes to animal transportation. when you look at mika's bag, what you might find. >> what? >> and i find i'm going to give it back to you. >> what? >> a cat? oh, dear lord. >> thank god joe didn't -- >> c'mon, stop it, what are you doing? >> you need to get her spayed. >> where did that come from? >> hello, colonel. you just pulled that darn cat -- >> that was -- i was so stunned by the reaction. >> you pulled the cat out of the bag. >> you think you can align your brand with transportation for pets now, properly outfitting. >> i had never thought about this. we need to have pet and food carriers combined.
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fabulous. >> they kept the zipper open an inch. guys, you all were so uncomfortable. did you see the men? >> yes. they were -- >> i was just surprised. >> i'm bringing emma in next. that's a long cat. like a ferret or something. >> it's amazing how they can get in and out of everything. exactly. >> can we try this cat food, rachael? >> i guess. let's go to break and -- i'm going to have some sardines and mackerel. >> i'm going with checking purr-tata. >> rachael is pulling money where her mouth is. >> oh, o. -- >> it's good. rachael did it, too. >> nice big bite. >> we did it, and a little
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joining us now is his brad thor, with his new novel. "act of war. "this is lucky number 13. >> lucky number 13. >> explain what happens, even though it's a series, you can pick up at any point. i've been watching international politics, particularly how we are fighting the war on terror. i thought what kind of a curveball could i throw into a great summer beach read. what i came up with is the united states discovers a plot, a cia operative dies mysteriously overseas, we discover a plot, but we don't know if it's true.
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the only way to find out if the plot is afoot is to teak two very covert operations. and i thought what would that be like. that's what i brought together. >> when putting this together, hoe deep and dark places did you need to go to get creative? >> if it wasn't for great men and women who work in the communities, i wouldn't be able to do what i do. i went deep, a lot of dark stuff. i also have to let these people read the books before they come out, so they can sake we told you a and b, and b's got to come out of the book. i will take it out if they ask. >> i really believe a thriller writer's job is to beat the headlines so, for instance the
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nsa scandal with snowden, i had done that two years before, the five taliban prisoner swapped out, i did that in my novel "the first commandment." i think that's part of the reason why i got invited by the department of homeland security to participate in an analytical unit, where they brought in creative thinkers to say this is where we think the next attack might be coming from. >> dan brown writes -- as current as tore's headlines. the when you hear blurbs like this, what do you think? >> extremely complimentary. as an author -- that's my job. i'm an entertainer first and foremost. if you want toes in the sand book in the hand, that's -- these books are perfect for
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that. what i really find special about my novels is when you close them -- and they're packed with action and intrigue, but you close them smarter, actually knowing more about what's going on, but it's wrapped in that fiction. >> these are stand-alones, so people can pick up at any point, though you probablily highly encourage that. what's the idea of potentially optioning these to bring these to the small screen or the big screen? >> i'm excited to say one of the novels, called "the athena project" based on the fact that delta force is recruiting high athletes, it would star ron derousie. they just attached a great screenwriter to do the adaptation, and the scott horvath books, i am very proud that i have had a group of private -- actually it's three private equity companies come to us and say they want to make hurl smile novels are put on the screen, be the american james bond and we are walking into
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hollywood with financing to do the first movie. that would be a big announcement with the names attached coming up this summer. >> that's fantastic. >> sorry things are so rough for you right now. >> yeah, i did just move, thanks to you, i moved to nashville. john is a great ambassador for nashville, and we moved down there just three weeks ago. >> sounds like you can move anywhere you want. we'll be right back right after this.
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oh, my god. that really happened. that really happened. they ate cat food. time to talk about what we learned today. thomas? >> that rachael ray's cat food is edible by humans. it wasn't bad. john tower kept asking if the taste is still in my mouth, but it's okay. i've had water. she was lovely, though. i like that rachael ray a lot. >> he's a combination of red buttons and red foxx. >> that is it for us. luke russert picks things up in "the daily rundown" after a quick break. have a good weekend. do you have himalayan toad lilies? spotted, or speckled? speckled. yes. he has to have it. a cubist still life of rye bread...
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get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. border lines in the sand? the president and the speaker are making the frustration very clear to anyone listens, but is there hope for some kind of deal? also this morning, new poll numbers show surprising news for challenger scott brown and jean shahin. we'll have that and more. today could be the day it's official -- lebron james is head to do brazil to see the world cup final. but could he echo this week's republican recommendations to say cleveland rocks, like the old drew carey show? >> this is the daily rundown.
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