tv News Nation MSNBC July 11, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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jay johnson who is visiting the border this afternoon, told the senate yesterday it's anticipated that as many as 90,000 unaccompanied minors will be caught crossing the border this this fiscal year which ends september 30th. another 145,000 could come next year. the u.s. border patrol said it stopped sending central american children and families to the san diego area after their arrested in south texas. the experiment sparked a backlash in in california. nbc mark potter has been reporting for years. he joins us from the u.s.-mexico border. good morning to you. i heard you report yesterday there's been a slight downturn in the number of people crossing the border. you see that today? >> yeah. that's what the border patrol agents are saying.
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we saw it last night. we were over here about a half mile away to the east called devil's corner. right along the rio grande, and with the rain coming down and mud everywhere, it was a messy situation. families were coming across the rio grae rio grande. they're carried across in rafts and present themselves to the authorities on the american side. and we saw several groups being picked up by the border patrol. we have some pictures we shot there last night of families and children turning themselves into the border patrol and being processed and taken away. it continues. for the slow down, we're hearing there is a slight slow down maybe about a quarter to a third down from a couple of weeks ago when they were getting 14 to 1500 a day. now it's about a thousand a day. sometimes less sometimes more. the question for the agency is
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this a trend or a blip right now? there's a lot of speculation about whether the fact that train from central -- bringing central american residents through mexico called the beast which derailed a couple of times in the last week is the reason that not so many are coming to the border right now. there are some thoughts that this is july which is typically a slower month. the smugglers were selling trips to the passengers telling them they had to be here by june 30th to meet a deadline for entry into the u.s. a false claim. it may explain why in july the numbers are down. the biggest question being asked is the messaging from washington. the get tough messaging you'll be detained and sent back is that reaching central america. we're hearing some indications perhaps it is now. all of those are questions. they're being studied in central america and here to see why this slow down is occurring and whether, because the train is up
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and running, we'll have another busy weekend. we'll have to see. things are going on on the border. >> can you put in perspective the overcrowding at the detention facilities. we talked about how the border patrol will stop sending people to southern california. remember, they were turned around in marietta. what is like there? if not southern california, where are the vast overcrowded population, where are they going to be housed? >> the official explanation being given for the stoppage in california is that because of the law they don't need to send them right now for processing. it was a processing move. they weren't staying there very long. they were being process there had and moved to other facilities after that. the explanation is because of the law that's being done. there's the other fact that there was not exactly a warm welcome in that area for the people arriving. there was a lot of controversy. so we'll see, you know, where they go next. i don't know what they're going to do. but they have a system in place
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now where the kids are taken to nogales, families y s ties to e others to california. flights are continuing but the numbers are down now. so perhaps that explains why they can take a little bit of a breather with numbers that are more easy to manage than the ones they had before a couple of weeks ago. >> okay. mark potter. thank you very much. on the heel was that bring in the former democratic governor of new mexico. thank you for joining me. as governor of new mexico to 2003 to 2011 you dealt with the issue of undocumented immigrants crossing the border. in that fiscal year about 6500 children were apprehend there had. the number grew to 10,000. 20,000 in 2014. nearly 0,000 so far this year. if you were still governor, sir, how would you handle the surge? >> what i would ask the president to do is what he has
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asked the congress. you needs more funds for detention centers and immigration judges that speed up some of the issues of deportation. i would crack down more on the traffickers and smugglers. the law passed on to protect the kids from central america on sexual trafficking by the bush administration was the right thing to do. the problem is that this kind of loophole took advantage -- was taken advantage by a lot of these illegal traffickers that are exploiting these kids. these kids are not the villains. that's a first thing i would do. i would also, alex, try to find more flexibility in the law so that the homeland security secretary can deal with some of these deportations more easily. i would not try to change the law. i think the law on sexual trafficking for these kids protecting them from repression in el valve door is the right
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thing to do. you clearly need the resources to deal with the immediate humanitarian crisis. >> what about the president not visiting the border during the trip to texas on wednesday and thursday? there are some democrats that include texas congressman who critical of the decision. a representative of texas supported his not going. what do you think? >> i don't think he should have gone. it was a photo-op. the symbol shows the disfunctionality of the government. the congress has been unable to pass a comprehensive immigration bill that deals with the problem, that deals with the issue of securing the border. putting more technology and funds on the board for border protection. that deals with a path to illegalzation for the 11 million here. it deals with having more
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skilled immigrants come into the united states. you know, immigration reform is an economic issue. you know, i've joined the group called american competitiveness that find ways to make the message that comprehensive immigration reform creates more jobs, reduces the deficit, is good for this country economically. so, again, it's a symbol that we don't have if the president went down there. i agree with him not going down there. somehow we can't get anything done in washington, which is the reason for this crisis that we have at the border right now. >> what about the crisis with regard to housing these people? you heard talking about homeland security johnson. he's going to put them in a temporary facility in new mexico. ironically, it's at the federal law enforcement training center. the same facility where all of these border patrol agents are being trained to keep illegal immigrants out the u.s. the white house is saying that the undocumented immigrants are
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going to be sent home. governor, is the only course of action for the white house? >> well, i think there's got to be a legal process. they have to have the deportation hears. we're a nation of laws. but at the same time we have to recognize that this is in need of a comprehensive solution. and had we had comprehensive immigration reform, we would have had the issues related to the rules of the road on the issue. on securing the border, on more technology, on more detention centers, on more judges. we would have had the funding to do that. but since we don't have that, this crisis was caused by some smug lers, bad people that are exploiting children. the children that are escaping, that are coming to our boarders are not the villains. they're the victims. but we need to find a way to address this problem on a
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comprehensive basis. thank you very much for your time. new dees about the man police say shot and killed four children and two parents. he appeared in court a short time ago. as you can see here, he appears to be faint. he had to be taken out of the courtroom. our utah affiliate report he's has a history of domestic violence in that state as part his divorce. the judge ordered him to undergo psychiatric evaluations. his own mother was afraid of him, it appears. >> alex, 33-year-old ron lee ca haskell had a court appearance today. he is charged with killing six members of his ex-wife's family. six different colored balloons released into the air. symbols of the lives lost in a deadly shooting in the houston suburbs. late wednesday night, police officials in harris county say
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ron lee haskell forced his way into the home of his ex-wife's sister, cay city stay and her husband stephen trying to find out where his ex-wife and children were live. the stay's five kids were the only ones home. haskell holding them at gunpoint until their parents returned and opening fire on all seven members of the family. the sole survivor, 15-year-old cassidy stay, bleeding from a gun shout wound to the head called police to tell them where haskell was headed. >> we were able to dispatch deputies to the location. he was >> he is armed and dangerous. >> after a slow speed pursuit and a 3 1/2 hour standoff haskell surrendered to authorities. this, his latest run in with the law. in 2008 a guilty plea to domestic violence for assaulting his wife. >> he had been hurting her and she decided to leave at that
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time. >> haskell's wife filed for divorce a year ago agreeing to a mutual restraining order with haskell only having supervised visits with their four children. then just last week, haskell's 61-year-old mother filed this restraining order. saying her son had duct taped her wrists and choked her until she passed out, then he told me he was going kill me, my family, and my office who stops him. this morning back in texas, a community mourns the loss of cassidy's family. the lone survivor is being hailed a hero. cassidy's grandfather released a statement last night. it reads in we are in ah of her bravery. she may have saved our lives. alex? >> thank you so much. coming up, another crisis for the obama administration. one of america's closest and important allies germany expels a top american spy.
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up next i'll talk with a former obama administration official on how sensitive this is for our relationship with germany. plus house speaker boehner unveils his lawsuit against the president. the target is the president's health care law. and george clooney is taking his feud with a british tabloid to a new level. he's refusing to accept an apology. we'll have report from dlon on that. you can join our conversation onli online. you can find the team on twitter @"newsnation" [ female announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
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kill there had continues to rise. israel conduct the a fourth straight day of terror targets. palestinian officials say more than 100 palestinians have been killed since israel began the defensive earlier this week. rocket fire from gaza continues with some aimed at tel-aviv. gaza militants fired more than 550 rockets at israel this week alo alone. for the first time today rock rocket fire from lebanon struck israel. president obama called netanyahu and helping to help broker a crease fire. to major embarrassment for u.s. intelligence which is causing another crisis. germany expell eled america's t spy from the embassy in berlin. that after two germans working for the cia were allegedly caught spying on chancellor
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angela amerian angela merkel's government. only two months ago the president was apologizing for the that. >> 2 pained me to see the degree to which the snowden disclosures have created strains in the relationship. >> translator: we have a few difficulties yet to overcome. >> what is even worse why does officials claim the cia didn't warn president obama that he had been caught by the germans. when the president called he didn't apologize. she's now the president of the german marshall fund she's a
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nonpartisan policy institute. welcome. glad you're here. my first question, how could is it happen again in the wake of the snowden's revelations. didn't we learn our lesson. is it standard operating procedure all the time? >> as you pointed out, this has been an extremely sensitive issue in the german american relationships since last spring when the nsa disclosure broke. the first chapter had to do with meta collection and we had a second chapter when the news came out with reports on spying on the cell phone. and now we're in a third chapter with these alleged double agents having been expose. the u.s. has a no spy agreement the germans asked last year it's not been negotiated. the administration has been firm in saying they will not negotiate on such an agreement. >> interestingly, in terms of timing, secretary of state kerry has a previously scheduled meeting with germany's foreign
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minister. any concerns about tense relations over that. >> what the meeting shows us is how deep the relationship with germany is. germany is one of the most significant partners and allies of the united states. and while the spying issue is clearly a very sensitive one in the relationship, we worked closely with germany on a whole host of issues from ukraine, as you mentioned, to iran which we'll be discussing in coming days. >> of course. i'm curious the timing and not informing the president. literally being blind sided by the cia that this top american spy the berlin station chief had been expelled from the country. then he calls the chancellor and doesn't know about it. that's not cool >>well, it's clear that this issue is extremely sensitive for the german side. and i'm certain that the obama administration is committed to i are solving it and will work closely with germany in doing so. >> the fact that the cia didn't inform the president about this? wasn't it their duty to do so?
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>> i've seen the news reports on that, but i have no inside information as to who informed whom. that i can't speak to. >> we appreciate what you did speak to. thank you very much. thank you. big development in the controversial sexting case against a virginia teen after police reportedly wanted to take a sexually explicit photograph of a 17-year-old to help prove their child pornography case. they decided chase course. the setback in the case in the baby thought to be cured of hiv. it's one of the stories we're following around the "newsnation." here is a look what is happening today. a federal judge will hold a hearing on a conservative group's request to investigate the missing e-mails of former irs commissioner lois lerner. secretary of state john kerry will have dinner with hamd karzai. and acting veterans affair secreta
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police in virginia investigating a teen sexting case now say they will not serve a controversial search warrant. this after the story gained national attention. back in january, 17-year-old trey sims was charged with creating child born after sectioning a video to his then girlfriend who was 15. the boy's lawyer said prosecutors wanted a picture of the teen in an an aroused state to compare to the text. and even got a warrant to do so. the lawyer also said cops told them they would get the picture by taking him to a hospital and injecting the boy with some sort of chemical that would cause an erecti erection. the police chief told our washington, d.c., state yesterday when i found out we determined we will not proceed. the teen faces two felony charges of manufacturing and distributing child pornography. they feel it should be char
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charged -- >> he's being treated like a predator. he's being treated like a criminal. >> i think it's effectively child abuse. that's what it is. from my perspective. >> so joining me now is legal analyst lisa green. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> this seems incredible this case. t they're using a statute that was designed to protect children from being exploited in a sexual manner to take a picture of this young man in a sexually explicit manner. the irony is incredible. >> this is going to down in the evidence history as one of the great overreaches. it's clear that authorities have backed away from what they originally seemed to have planned. nonetheless, alex, what this case is about is that, you know, we've seen it before. the intersection between law and technology with law lagging behind. what teens are able to do to each other, with each other because of technology. how do you prosecute these cases
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and how do you persuade teenagers to stop? >> how do you gather evidence? his aunt said the police took pictures of trey not in an aroused state but his genital ya. they have that. police are denying that, i might add. what about taking nude pictures of a minor? he's 17 years old. should that be allowed? >> what about getting the ex-girlfriend's phone and seeing what was on the phone records. it seems like a case in which prosecutors would have had plenty of evidence to prosecute this young man. remember, alex, while the evidence gathering part of the story goes away, he's facing two serious charges, felony charges, that's what his lawyer and guardian are talking about. they're saying could it be possibly appropriate to relegate this young man to a lifelong status as a sex offender, possible jail time for sexting with his former girlfriend. is that appropriate? >> and here is something else. apparently the 15-year-old
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former girlfriend is the one who sent nude pictures first to him. my question, since she's not facing in i charges, should she be and how does what she did at 15, a minor, different from what he did at 17. >> under virginia law, which is strict on this point, either, you know, any person with a nude photograph of themselves, someone els faces two or three felony charges. one lawyer liken it is to having a kilo in your house. all teens who sext should know that. i guess a silver lining is might raise awareness. a more important question is should we tweak the laws and adjust the laws for these situations? >> how these teens don't know they could face charges like these two felony charges that are still up against trey.
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let's listen to what his defense attorney and legal guardian is saying about this. here it is. >> it's my belief that the legislature intended to target child predators. >> this is a felony charge for minors that can potentially ruin their life. they will be sex offenders if they are found guilty. >> is there a way to get this information to these teens, like, don't sext, you'll be lookingat at issues. >> when parents with get a word in edge wise would be create. some states created new laws, georgia, that makes it a misdemeanor if the teen didn't intend cause harm. you can understand why some legislators would be reluctant to weaken the laws when they realize the potential danger of having the photographs on the internet for your lifetime with no control. if you look at it from a point of view of the kids whose images are circulated, you begin to
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understand why legislators might be reluctant to criminalize. it's tough. >> lisa green, thank you for your expert analysis. up next house speaker john boehner announces his lawsuit against the president will target the health care law. up next the pros and cons. also, ahead. >> may seem wild and almost to a point you would probably say irresponsible. >> new comments from a friend of the father who is accused of leaving his toddler to die in a sweltering car. a programming note. jose diaz-balart premiers live from miami on monday. in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving.
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are about to sign the work force invasion and opportunity ability. it seeks to update and improve various programs. legislation received overwhelming bipartisan support from both houses of congress. president obama, of course, expected to sign the bill into law. it's time for the "newsnation" political postscript. the obama administration urged lawmakers to act quickly to deal with the crisis of children at the border asking nearly $4 billion in emergency aid. they dismissed calls for the president to visit the border while in texas. congress said no to fixing our broken immigration system. the guys still can't get their act together. >> they're going to continue to send child after child. >> if they don't qualify for the humanitarian relief and don't have a legal basis for being in the country they'll be sent back. >> he's shown playful, drinking a beer and he can't go 42 miles
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to the texas border. >> how can you have a humanitarian crisis, as the white house called it, and not want to see it for yourself. >> the border land deserve a presidential visit. >> we have compassion for the people. we care about a humanitarian crisis. i cannot vote for a provision which will then just perpetuate an unacceptable human crisis. >> the many impeachable offenses can no longer be ignored. >> sue him and impeach him. really? you're going so sue me for doing my job. joining me now is kari dan. welcome to you. we showed a synopsis at the border crisis that dominated the washington discussion this week. yesterday you had john boehner announcing the lawsuit against
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the president. do you think republicans feel return together health care law will pay off for them this time around in the midterm? >> what it focussed on the aca in the lawsuit does is allows john boehner and house republicans to talk about obamacare again. it's fallen out the news cycle a little bit. there was positive news about the law. it is something that animates the republican base and something that gets republican voters out to the polls. it does allow them to say we're focussing on the specifically. before when boehner announced the lawsuit they haven't focussed on any particular executive action. it was a vague we're suing the president but we're not sure. now they have something to hold on to. it's a legislative thing that makes a big difference to their base. >> okay. thank you, short and sweet but we appreciate your time. pentagon officials say free taliban prisoner bow bergdahl
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i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. disappointing blow for the hiv research community tops our look at stories around the "newsnation" today. doctors in mississippi have discovered a 4 year-old girl thought to have been functionally cured much hiv virus is now infected again. they treatsing her immediately after her birth. test results showed she was clear of the virus. new tests show an active hiv insei infectii ininfection. a long time friend of the georgia father is speaking out. 33-year-old ben said she was shocked to hear about the child's death and the allegations justin ross harris
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researched hot car deaths prior to his son's death. >> he knows how law enforcement works, he nows how computer works. it blows my mind that ross harris is capable of doing any of the things i've heard. an unfortunate sight seeing. they were sprayed by prank steers in an open fire hydrant. a bystander filmed the thing with the cell phone and captioned welcome to new york. it was a hot day. each day this week we have brought you a wide variety of american business success stories. our exclusive series, born in the usa. today we have proof there is truth to the old adage about the sweet smell of success. the company was started by sean, a criminal defense lawyer who decided to quit his job to pursue his passion for chocolate. sean wanted his new venture to
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have a social conscience. it shares the profits with cocoa farmers around the world. it gives back to the local community chocolate university a business education program for local youth. lauren has been involved in the family business since she was in high school. she's director of sales and marketing. it's a cool family story. it's been ten years since your dad started the business. what made him give up the lucrative job as an attorney to make chocolate? >> he was searching for a new passion. he loved his career, but he began praying and thinking what kels i do and stumbled on chocolate. he spent some time in the amazon. told my mom and i he was going to buy a building in the blighted area of our town and buy equipment. we produced our first chocolate bar. >> i tasted one, by the way, the one that has spice at the end of it. a kick to it. stayed with me for awhile.
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it's really good. part of what makes your company unique the way it shares the profits with the people that grow your chocolate. that would include, there's a farmer in tanzania that heads up female farmers how does it work? the payback? >> sure. well, we practice what is called direct trade. it's unique among other american craft chocolate makers. so not only do we travel to the cocoa bean origins and meet with farmers. we work with them on post harvest techniques. we teach them even more about cocoa. we work with small farmer groups. we profit share with them. so we actually bring cash in addition we translate our financial statements and share the profits with them. >> can you tell me about chocolate university? sign me up. what is it about? >> sure. chocolate university is actually
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an experience learning program for local students in springfield, missouri. we're aiming to inspire students to become global citizens and recognize that businesses can actually be a positive solution to the world's problems >>well, it's an inspirational story. thank you for talking with us. thank you for samples. the whole team appreciated it! up next our "newsnation" gut check. britain's daily mail is apologizing for george clooney for false claims about the upcoming marriage. clooney seems to be doubling down. is the apology enough? but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love, purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy, and definitely part of the family.
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brian: 25 years. matt: that's how long we've been talking about the most important social issues. savannah: education. al: conservation. chris: uniting the nation. jim: with a bit of imagination. the more you know. developing now just moments ago israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu held a news conference and it will continue until palestinian rocket fire in israel ends. he also accused hamas of using
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civilians as human shields. palestinian officials said today more than 100 palestinians have been killed since israel began launching air strikes four days ago. there is a lot going on this morning. here are some of the things we thought you should know. the pentagon said bow bergdahl is in the final stage stages. affiliated with the taliban and al qaeda it appears to show bergdahl smiling there along side the leader of the terrorist network. the pentagon is calling it 100 propaganda. the feds are suing amazon claiming the company makes it too easy for kids to spend money without approval. the federal trade commission said come kids are able to make a purchase by closing a pop up window and amazon made millions.
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plus. president obama made a surprise stop to a famed texas barbecue restaurant yesterday. he apologized for cutting the line at track lynn barbecue. he paid for lunch. he put a huge order in to take on air force one. the total came to over 00 which he put on the credit card. you can call it the pope playoff with the world cup playoff. #holywar is on. pope francis of argentina and german pope benedict will most likely not watch the match together. it's going to be too late for pope francis. he goes to bed early. he said he would ask for devine intervention for his claiming he'll remain neutral. it is time for the "newsnation" gut check. george clooney is not backing down in the criticism of the daily mail.
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he's rejecting their apology for the pea the piece. several outlets are coming to his defense including slate which said the daily mail doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. and the guardian is applauding clooney for standing up to the paper. once again taking to the pages of usa today overnight, clooney e vis rates the daily mail declaring their apology just another lie. there is one constant when a person or company is caught doing something wrong. the cover-up is always worse. clooney wrote, yesterday the mail pulled their article claiming my fiancè's mother was unhappy marrying outside their faith. his scathing response forced the apology. but the daily mail maintained the story was not a fabrication. now this morning clooney is firing back again with not just
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another condemnation, but evidence. further more they knew ahead of time they were lying, he wrote. citing a mail article from april describing the celebrity's future inlaws alamuden's father ramzi married outside the druze faith and is believed to have met amal's mother in a nightclub in berate. a family friend has said they believe she is not druze. >> calling them the worst tabloid ever because in their apology they said they didn't fabricate the story and he found evidence they did fabricate the story. >> reporter: clooney is no stranger to being a tabloid target. alamudey in's mother is a broadcaster. he's familiar with the news business and hasn't made a habit of responding to mere rumors. >> he'll brush it off when they say downton abbey is the wedding place.
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>> reporter: clooney says it's a bigger issue and more serious issue because they are lying and exploited religious and cultural tensions and that he says is dangerous. we did reach out to the daily mail but so far they have not returned our calls or e-mails. >> katy, thank you. what does your gut tell you. do you thing "daily mail's" apology is enough? go to to vote. here's what the "news nation" is saying about yesterday's gut check. we asked you about lebron james' looming decision over his next move and whether he'd return to cleveland. you were pretty much split. 45% saying yes he should return to the cavaliers. 55% saying no, he should not. and we got a lot of responses about this. many against his return. no, not with the way he was treated by the owner and then blasted by the city. of course there are those completely over it like mike robinson who writes, this is getting very old. either stay or leave. it is moving into the who cares arena. ouch. the music industry is reacting to a surprising new
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report from nielsen sound scan which tracks music sales showing a 40% jump in vinyl record sales. you heard right. in just the first six months of this year, more than 4 million vinyl records have been sold. it represents a growing trend that's been going on for the last several years. as many wonder what this means, it's a sure sign of how the industry continues to evolve. that subject is outlined in a fascinating new book "cowboys and indies." joining me is the author gareth murphy. nice to see you. and i want to ask you about this book which goes all the way back to the origin of music. you take it from there to contemporary artists like adele. this is a wide ranging topic. what made you want to take it on? >> well, i think as your subjects just said, it was interested in the future. obviously, it's a history book
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but i was interested in the future. and there's a lot of noise at the moment. a lot of opinions and predictions about where the music industry is going to go. it seemed logical to get to stand back to see the entire story from the very beginnings until today and to get a better picture of where we are right now and where we're probably going. >> how long did you take to research this book? >> i took the best part, well, 3 1/2, 4 years between the very beginning and the very end. it was an absolutely huge, huge project of researching, a lot of reading, obviously. a lot of interviewing. i interviewed nearly all the big characters in the record industry and just tried to basically lift up every stone and rock and see what was underneath. >> you have a lot of great insights. you talk about these just big cats in the record industry. how did you get such access? >> well, to be honest it was very difficult. as you can see, i'm in france and trying to get the likes of
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rick rubin on the telephone. you know, wasn't easy. but i think the breakthrough for me was when i found out that there was a record crash before in the 1920s and 1930s, the radio provoked an enormous industrywide record crash the last time and how similar it was to the recent, you know, crash with the internet. when i found that out, i think then suddenly people wanted to talk to me. people wanted to listen to me at least. and it became a lot easier because i had information that i think would help them with their jobs. >> and again, indie record labels, and you discuss the okay record label, also the controversial term of race records across this country. can you talk a little bit about how that influenced the later sound which, of course, came to be known as rock 'n' roll? >> of course. this comes back to the theme you were just mentioning with vinyl records. the marginal -- the record industry has always been driven
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by what's on the margins. it's like that old phrase, it's an old french phrase that, you know, the margins bring form to the page. and that's always been true with the record industry. and what was then called race records, in other words, black music, jazz and blues, was -- began in the 1920s with this record label run by a german guy of all people. okey was the name of the label. they broke all of the early jazz and blues. it was very marginal at the time but look what it led to. so i think what's interesting about all these case studies is it shows what happens on the fringes, what may be timely now but what's bubbling away really is where things take off tomorrow. >> all right. gareth murphy, thanks so much for joining me. i appreciate it. "cowboys and indis," the epic history of the record industry." that does it for "news nation." i'm alex witt in for tamron
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hall. monday the villainous queen bee from "orange is the new black." the big buzz. will she return next season. and you can catch me tomorrow here at 7:00 a.m. and noon eastern time. but up next, "andrea mitchell reports." have a good one. dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at right now on "andrea mitchell reports," border disorder. the surge of central americans making their way to our central border shows no sign of slowing down and the possibility of legislative progress here in washington slim. we'll talk to a leading lawmaker in the immigration debate about the next steps for congress to deal with tens of thousands living in limbo. fighting words. president obama's response to getting sued turned house republicans into a political punch line. >> let's be clear about what the problem is. i am just telling the truth now.
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i don't have to run for office again, so i can just, let her rip. >> the strategy isn't striking any fear into speaker boehner. staying the course as both leaders cast a dark cloud over any cooperation in washington this year. and under fire, israelis and palestinians living in fear during constant threats of air strikes and rocket attacks. and today a new strike to israel. this time from lebanon. you'll hear from our team reporting from both sides of an unstable situation. >> at least we're safe in the bomb shelter with the prosecute mature babies. does that sound close?
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