tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 11, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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when one party spends considerable time maligning and ostracizing people of a certain faith, they tend to flock to the other party and leader of it. the big e question is this. does all the republican fund-raising around religious freedom and tolerance, does all of that evaporate when the god is a muslim one? that's all for now. "the ed show" is next. good evening, americans, welcome to "the ed show." live from new york, i am michael eric dyson in for ed schultz. let's get to work. >> maybe it's just me they don't like. >> getting sued right now by mr. boehner. >> house speaker john boehner made official what he's threatened for weeks. >> laying out his lawsuit against president obama. >> there's some irony. republicans have opposed the
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employer mandate. >> i want to repeal the law of the land, is that clear. >> you won't believe the level of obstruction. >> sue me for doing my job. >> listen, i think this is a battle between the two branches of government. >> let's repeal this failure. >> others can make determination about whether it is impeachable or not. >> you don't do your job. >> how's this for a metaphor, capitol hill, specifically the republican led house, is recovering from an industrial waste containment issue. a so-called industrial spill shut down the house chamber thursday morning. all staff members were told to clear the area. the building reopened later thursday. meantime, speaker john boehner and house republicans had another waste containment issue of sorts. they released details of their lawsuit against president obama. republicans have made an art of
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wasting time and not getting anything done. you would think getting lebron back to ohio would put boehner in a better mood. the lawsuit is focused on president obama's executive actions related to the employer mandate of the affordable care act. >> it is not about executive actions. every president does executive orders. we are talking about where the president is basically rewriting law to make it fit his own needs. >> oh, they're skerd. obamacare is working and working well. boehner accuses president obama of not implementing employer mandate and obamacare fast enough. republicans are taking obstruction to a whole new level with this one. this is the same party that did everything in its power to overturn and delay the passage of obamacare. here is a little reminder of what happened one night back in september. >> i intend to speak in support of de-funding obamacare, until i am no longer able to stand. would you eat them with a fox.
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green eggs and ham has some applicability as curious as it might sound to the obamacare debate. when americans tried it, they discovered they did not like green eggs and ham, and they did not like obamacare either. >> ah, the deconstruction of theodore guise he will. the amount of time spent on obamacare was a waste. millions spent in television ads may have back fired. the ads may have led to increased enrollment. who would expect people wouldn't respond to ads like this. ain't nobody opting out but
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lebron and carmelo. hypocrisy is apparent. they're trying to prevent obama from getting credit for doing something great for the american people. the president himself addressed this in austin, texas, thursday afternoon. >> you hear some of them. sue him, impeach him. >> yeah. >> really? really? for what? you're going to sue me for doing my job? okay. >> boehner's lawsuit comes after the obama administration delayed the provision requiring employers with more than 50 employees to pay a fine if they don't offer affordable, quality coverage. firms claim they wouldn't be ready to meet the requirement by 2014. at the time, republicans didn't seem to have issues with the delay. last summer, speaker boehner sent a letter to president obama, admitting the employer mandate cannot be implemented within the current time frame.
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republicans also called on president obama to delay the individual mandate. they wanted to take another vote on the matter. it is clear the lawsuit is fabricated nonsense. republicans were never concerned about delays in the first place. conservatives changed their strategy and started referring to obamacare as a jobs killer. >> when obamacare was debated in congress, we screamed from the rooftops that it just wouldn't work, that it would be a job killer. >> obamacare is the biggest job killer in this country. >> let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. let's not do that. let's love people. >> there's only one escape hatch that will fully help those trapped by this law and that's full repeal. >> in my opinion obamacare is the biggest job killer we have in america today. >> oh, how wrong they are.
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the june jobs report shows the economy added 288,000 jobs, longest growth streak on record. 9.7 million jobs added since early 2010. 1.4 million added in the first half of this year. it is the most in any first half of the year since 1999. many of the jobs were added under obamacare. all of the claims republicans made about president obama and the affordable care act have been baseless. they've got nothing. now they're filing suit. even if boehner wins this challenge, it is unlikely the supreme court will reach final decision until june, 2016, months after the employer mandate is supposed to go into effect anyway. just enjoy lebron. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question. do republicans have a waste containment issue? text a for yes, b for no.
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i will bring you the results later in the show. professor at lsu health sciences center and john fugue he will, political commentator and tv host join me now. doctor, a new survey by commonwealth fund shows this. 9.5 million gained health coverage in the first marketplace enrollment period. why are, therefore, the republicans still trying to make this a darn issue? >> well, you know what, i think john boehner would do better trying to sue the president for having a pretty wife or having two children because the outcome is going to be the same. we know in history there has been no precedent for congress to sue the president for not executing the law. he will lose in the first round of federal court, that's over. but we know the uninsured rate for age 19 to 34 is down from 28% to 18%. i see new patients coming into my office every day, saying they had not been to the doctor for
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ten years. and now they're actually getting health care. you know what that means? that's good for everybody. that means they're not going to be in the emergency room, that means they're getting preventive health care, they're not on the rolls trying to get these exorbitant surgeries because of not caring for themselves. it is all a political ploy we have seen once again, over and over and over. they will not win and obamacare will reign supreme. >> john, the border crisis dominated the headlines this week. are they trying to bait and switch? >> this is impeachment like. i am a bit appalled you two brilliant gentlemen are trying to use logic when discussing john boehner. these are people that say obama is -- there's one thing being missed. it is all about john boehner trying desperately and cravenly to make the tea party like him. that's all this is about. let's not forget, after the 2012 election, louie gohmert himself voted for allen west to be
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speaker of the house, after he left congress. allen west is crazy as authorize a sean flesh itself. john boehner knows how the tea party despises me. he does as much work a day as the human appendix, like frank underwood from house of cards if he did nothing. this is all trying to make people like him. if bachbz led, the tea party wouldn't respect him. this is theater. theater creates jobs. >> close to mid term elections, can democrats use theater to their advantage? >> absolutely because that commonwealth report that you mentioned earlier, remember, i just bring the facts, showed 74% of all newly insured republicans, republicans are happy with obamacare, the affordable care act, so it is going to play right into democratic hands. we have to keep our noses clean
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to not put our foot in our mouth to do something we will regret. we just need the medicaid expansion, states to accept it. in this country where 37% of all minority, of the country is minority, 37%, and 77% of all preventable death is that same minority population. we've got to do something. medicaid expansion is key for the obamacare thing to work. it is a key. >> absolutely. you're the town crier. but you wince. >> the medicaid expansion, you say you're a christian and deny health care, free care to people in the state that need it. what i think is this is not necessarily going to be enough to help the democrats in the mid term elections. the president is the only one i see that's fighting. why aren't democrats calling the gop socialists because let's be frank about this, this is not single payor, this is republican
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plan, conceived by republican think tank, implemented by republican governor in massachusetts, upheld by republican supreme court, and terrified it is going to save republican lives. their alternative is to do nothing, which means local taxpayers pick up the tab when uninsured folks show up in the er. that's socialism, that's what the republicans are fighting for and i would like to see democrats call them out on it. >> given that socialist reinterpretation of documents of the republicans, do you think republicans think trying to bring attention back to the health care law will pay off for them at least this time around? >> i think they do because we are going to have a second roll out. the second will be more difficult than the first roll out. fear of the known versus the unknown. it is going to be a hard second rollout. they're going to nitpick every thing that didn't go right with the initial roll out. we have to remember that 60% of
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new coverage, people that have gotten coverage, 60% of them have been to the doctor. they didn't go before, and 60% have gone to the doctor already, that means it is better for us. they're going to try to nitpick the whole thing. >> is it fundamentally the fact that they're addicted to obstruction? that's the cycle of therapy that they need on the couch to lay down and get psycho analyzed, to figure out what's going on with the republican psyche. why are they against something that can be good for their own constituents? >> exactly. you think if you care about capitalism, if you're a favor of public option and competition, stop calling yourself capitalist, and if you don't want to save american lives, stop calling yourself patriots. i think what the president is up against is a party at war with itself. i think there's a great chance for the president to step in and remind the american people, especially socially conservative republican voters, these guys shut down the government and
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cost you billions. these guys had over 50 attempts to repeal this. now a lawsuit we all know is not going anywhere. if you're not a millionaire, why are you still supporting the gop. i don't call it obamacare. if you call it obamacare, we should call -- i would like to see them shift the language quite a bit on this. >> the president doesn't mind, he wants to reinforce the fact that he does care. i do care for you, i do love you, i do embrace you. i don't think obama is opposed to that at all. >> he's classier than i am. >> look, the reality is dr., you're on the ground, you're a physician besides being a professor. what do you see in terms of the impact of obamacare's law on those who are most vulnerable and those that need health care the most? >> this is the bigger problem, because you know, doctors have had to be altruistic for a long time now to make sure people
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that don't have care get it and people that are poor get the care they need. what we found is that once we opened up the rolls and let people enroll so they can get health care, they understand they can prevent illnesses that are causing problems not just in their health but actually causing problems in their lives. you have to remember, if you're unhealthy, you can't go to work. if you're unhealthy, you can't earn money for your family. if you have a toothache, you can't go to work, can't go to the dentist. all of these play into the issue of us having a great country and being able to thrive. so all these things, people that are not on the ground don't sometimes understand ramifications of you not feeling well and you getting cancer and not being able to pay for your health care and then what happens, then you go bankrupt. people that are on the ground, they don't understand that.
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that's what i'm trying to get through to our senate and congress right now, through the united states and in the local areas. >> all right. he is at the head of the class. thank you for your time and insight. have a great weekend. >> thank you. nice to see you guys. >> answer tonight's question and share thoughts on twitter. we want to know what you think. coming up, king james reclaims his throne in cleveland. rapid response panel will weigh in. ben cohen is a person, jerry greenfield is a person. their corporation ben and jerry's is not a person. hope they brought ice cream. trenders is next. of the services your vehicle needs. so prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump.
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twitter @edshow and on facebook. the "the ed show" media nation has decided. here are the trenders voted on by you. the number three trender, texas takeout. >> i love austin. i love the people. i love the barbeque. >> the president made a post speech stop at franklin's barbeque. >> president obama picks up the tab at an austin barbeque joint. >> i'm buying, whatever they need. >> owner stacy franklin says the barbeque legend got about a half hour notice they would soon be serving the president. he walked out with about $300 of barbeque. >> the number two trender. bernie story. >> remember when president obama made that hilarious appearance
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on funny or die. >> you heard of >> here we go. let's get this out of the way. >> that plugging may have helped the government program surge towards its 7 million enrollee goal. but wait! >> that appearance earned between two ferns and an emmy nod. >> when i heard people actually watch this show, i was surprised. >> only the executive producers were nominated, if the president were, it could have been his third entertainment award. >> what an honor. >> and today's top trender. people power. >> 14th amendment, left out the word natural before the word person. corporations use that vague re. >> they're now a super person. >> the hobby lobby case renews the fight against corn personhood. >> they learn that corporations have a right to exercise their
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religion. >> the most famous use was citizens united which opened the door to corporate people spending lots of money to sway elections. >> not to be used for bribing politicians. >> corporate personhood is no longer a laughing matter. >> joining me, ben cohen, co-founder of ben and jerry's. was that hobby lobby decision a sign the court is moving the wrong direction when it comes to corporate personhood? >> you know, michael, a lot of us have been wanting corporations to get religion for a long time, but this isn't exactly what we had in mind. yeah. i think this is a horrible precedent that the court has set. when the founding fathers talked about endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, believe me, they did not have
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corporations in mind. >> i agree with you on that. you're the owner of a corporation. do you think it should be treated as a human being? >> absolutely not. a corporation is a legal construct, it has no resemblance to a human being. >> yeah, so what do you think is behind the kind of intense push to humanize corporations? we want them to be humanized in terms of treatment of constituents and clients and employees, but what's the push to make them human beings? >> i think corporations would like to have all those rights that are in the bill of rights. they would like to have all of the freedoms that people have. you know, what we need to remember is that a corporation, being a corporation is not a right. being a corporation is a
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privilege. and corporations are chartered by the state. and they're chartered to exist for the public good. and you know, the reality is that corporations are just interested in maximizing how much money they get, their profits, and that's not the type of animal that you would want to give all of those rights to. >> absolutely right. a fine philosophical argument for those that are not aversed on such distinctions. what is that thing in front of you there, what do you have, that contraption in front of you? >> you know, i run the stamp stampede. a project, stamp money out of politics, and this is how it works. we use paper currency to essentially send a message and a protest. and this stamp says corporations
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are not people. and you know, since this hobby lobby ruling, we've kind of been swamped with people wanting to get these stamps to make their voice heard on currency. i mean, you know, if the supreme court ruled money is free speech, let's use our free speech rights to decorate our dollars. and this is actually a petition on steroids. when you stamp a dollar bill, every dollar bill is seen by 875 people. so it is an amazing way to make your voice heard. >> free advertisement at the same time, so to speak. what can average citizens do to get corporate money out of politics? >> well, i think what we need is a constitutional amendment that makes it very clear that corporations are not people and
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money is not free speech, and by having that amendment, that's the way we can get money out of politics and we can end once and for all this idea that corporations have all of the same rights as people. >> all right. >> it is interesting when you talk to a lawyer about corporations being people, they call it a legal fiction, and that's exactly what it is. >> excellent use of the legal theory against those that deployed it for nefarious ends. one further question. can you hook a brother up with some ice cream, when i go into the ben and jerry's, my slot is there. >> you know, i'll tell you what, not just for you, but for your viewers, the next 100 viewers that go to the
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site and get a stamp, i throw in a free pint coupon good at the local super market. and i'll throw in two for you. >> thank you. you might not be a corporation, but you're a hell of a human being. thank you for joining us here tonight. all right. still ahead, the president enlisted new allies. tempers flare over the border crisis. saul williams joins me to discuss the intersection of reality in the broadway show, holler if you hear me. plus, i am taking your questions next. stay tuned. the cadillac summer collection is here.
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[ jackhammer pounding, horns honking ] [ siren wailing ] visit tripadvisor miami. [ bird chirping ] with millions of reviews, tripadvisor makes any destination better. welcome back to "the ed show." we love hearing from viewers. tonight on ask matt live, can u.s. citizens sue john boehner for not doing his job? don't i wish. one of the ways we can sue john boehner for not doing his job is not voting for him. one of the most effective ways
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to express outrage, disgrunted he willment, and dissatisfaction is not to elect him. look what happened to eric cantor. take this stuff for granted, you're riding high one day, the next day not so high. one day you can be in miami, the next day you can be in ohio. there is change afoot. register your opinion. that's as close to suit as you can get. the next question is from chris. speaking of which, what do you think about lebron returning to the cleveland cavaliers. i think it is a remarkable turnaround. dan gilbert is shameful, the letter he posted on the website until a couple days ago shows he is not sincere in his change of affection for lebron, it is u 'til tarn. i have to get him back here, show i changed my mind. i would love to see dan gilbert
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apologize. having said that, lebron has proven to be the bigger man. here is a man that overcame nastiness and fussiness of this boss of his, dan gilbert, owner of the team, but he said to cleveland i understand that if i were in your position and way a fan of an athlete and he changed my life and he left, i'd be disappointed too. lebron proved to be a bigger man, he is a christian, talks about forgiveness, faith, loyalty, talks about his family, talks about being a better man. talks about being a better parent. he is an extraordinary figure. not only is he an athletic genius on the court, he proves to be a superior human being off the court as well. i say to the cleveland cavaliers, go get it. lebron, hope you get a championship and chip after kobe bryant retires. stick around, the rapid response panel is next.
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others are putting militia, who leaders are prepared to provide manpower to secure the border. interim sheriff in texas explains why he believes militias are heading to the area. >> this whole influx of unaccompanied minors and family units has drawn so much media attention, i think the message that's getting out there is that we're having this invasion of people coming into the country and you know, that's not true. >> it might have something to do with media attention like this. >> special interest aliens, other than mexican aliens that have links and ties or that country has links and ties to terrorist organizations. >> this new entity of islamic
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state is of great concern using the border to penetrate here. >> to the president it's not a problem. this is not a problem. he's okay with it. >> one houston suburb passed a law that would ban any facility from processing illegals, including children. >> open the school up for them, really? is that right? does anybody think that's right? it's not right. now billions of dollars want to be borrowed from the white house to help feed and house them. what about the [bleep] kids here in our neighborhood, in our country? not just in this neighborhood but in our country! >> joining me, our rapid response panel, professor mark anthony neil, monica miller from lee hi university. and dr. hendricks from kol om
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bea university. >> how can we combat misinformation, the information between blacks and latinos? >> what's important, michael, the conditions of children, regardless of their origin cannot be seen as some sort of national security, homeland security issue. i give the obama administration credit for giving, putting the face of american humanity forth there, bringing in the catholic church to tap down the rhetoric we're hearing of what's going on. for me, the larger question is what kind of policy, what kind of u.s. policies are destabilizing some nations that create conditions where kids have no other choice, to risk life and limb and everything else to come across the boarders. >> professor hendricks, how can politicians that often profess their face not see it as humanitarian crisis, what's the biblical, ethical position here? >> well, this is terrible. they're so far off, it is so
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anti-biblical, anti-christian. you know, hebrew bible, one of the basiceth imcompetents, give to the immigrant stranger. they overlook the good samaritan, love your neighbor as yourself, and that's because this libertarian right has it all confused, thinking the biblical ethic is about freedom and liberty when it is more about responsibility for your neighbors. what kills me is the malicious call themselves christians, what kind of christians spit at children, yell at children, and threaten children, and call themselves some kind of christian. it's terrible. it's horrendous. >> dr. miller, picking up on what dr. hendricks talked about. dealing with the consequences of the activity, what do you make of militia activity on the border, what kind of christian or religious implications does that bear? >> it is extremely scary. one of the things for me, religion and the space of the
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church can cut a variety of ways. what he said is right, what we have to keep in mind and what we have to keep at the forefront of the conversation is the long history that religion and theology, religious rhetoric played into what we're experiencing now. precisely this turn to the church, right, turn to the catholic church as a space for help, we have to recognize that traditi tradition, recognize that history, but also have to recognize the large dangers that have come with leaning on religion and theology. it is a little scary. help is good, as long as the church doesn't start pros they will advertising, we will be okay. >> think about what karl rove had to say. >> the difference between bush and obama, president bush went to new orleans within several days after the crisis began. president obama has yet to go to the border. the power of the president of the united states on the rio
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grande river, saying to people of central america, do not send your children here, do not spend them on a dangerous, expensive journey, if they're able to live through the journey, we will catch them, return them, all will be for naught. don't even try. that would be a powerful message. >> goodness gracious. ten seconds a piece. >> george bush was there in katrina after neglecting folks there for days. it was pure theater. the president said it best. he is not going to play into those kind of politics. >> professor hendricks? >> i agree. it is just these ideological christians keep pushing on -- they equate christianity with their own interest, make any excuse for anything they want to do. karl rove should be ashamed of himself. you don't send children back like that, you don't talk about sending them back like a
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package. >> absolutely insane. i think one of the things we have to keep in mind is that we as a nation, as a culture, we have yet to fully embrace obama as fully documented, right? so the religious fundamentalism and rhetoric, we have to keep gender and class and -- also recognizing we have groups and demographics of people, south side of chicago, we have yet to recognize. they're illegible. we have to be really cautious with the conversation and keep in mind just how multi facetted, how intersectional, complex questions are. religious fundamentalism is extremely scary. >> take a slight turn here, talk about the social implications of a monumental event. this is lebron james decamping from miami, heading home to cleveland. beyond the majestic, magnificent
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athletic consequences, there are more social and cultural consequences. professor neal, tell us about implications for parenting that lebron's decision made today. >> well, let me drop in there first, i am happy, his point guard now is a duky in irving. we are happy about that. >> can't hear you. >> kind of wish the cavaliers drafted jabari parker instead of wiggins, but that's for another day. but you know, the thing about lebron james' brand, you go back to the samsung commercials, he always made clear his family was part of his brand, and there's no way to replace what it means to be on the road all the time as professional basketball player, but to be able to get up in the morning when you're home, be able to drive your children to school, that's a moment you can't replace that, no matter
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how much money you make, how much prestige you have. so lebron, he weighed in on family in this regard to be able to have extended family, to have his mother around, close friends. not just folks that are hanging on helping him raise the family, bring them forward. >> get in professor hendricks. what do you think about the faith consequences, this document was religious in many ways on tell us what you think. >> he took the high road. he spoke of forgiveness, spoke about importance of community. he spoke about responsibility to community. in that sense, it was fully consistent with biblical ethics, about responsibility to community and to family and also love and forgiveness. i think he is a stellar figure here, he used to be really applauded for taking the high road so publicly. >> you're a well known
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interpreter of religious sense abilities. what stands out to you. >> so many things. first off, his letter was incredibly courageous, right? he's not just concerned with the craft and with the sport and with winning, but has already been articulating, he has family on his mind, he has children on his mind, and he also has this imagination. he's interested in being a social entrepreneur, right? he has so many things. maybe even a little more politicized. all of it took place underneath this sort of strategic use of theology and religion. he talks a lot about home. it is interesting we're even having this conversation about immigration. the concept of home, those that are here that want to be here, undocumented, right? really knowing where to go and having nowhere to go, right? so in the midst of this national crisis that we find our self in, he's going back home, he's talking like he's the prodigal
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son coming out of exile, having learned something. beyond sports p and the craft, he has something bigger in mind. it will be interesting to watch it unfold. >> let's pass the hat after that. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. coming up, a clueless role model inspires the next generation of conservatives, pretenders is next. stick around. bers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today.
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>> but dash didn't stop there. as if. dash revealed she's already teaching her 11-year-old republican a debate staple -- when you have nothing else to stand on, you can always resort to add homonym attacks on the president. >> my 11-year-old is a conservative as well. she has traditions and things she believes in that i hope i have had input on. she's referred to the president as gollum. i think that's clever for an 11-year-old. >> the saying goes children are great imitators. give them something great to imitate. if dash thinks name-calling is clever conservativism she can keep on pretending. be fearless! [ female announcer ] volume without fear of clumps. covergirl clump crusher.
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welcome back to "the ed show." over the fourth of july weekend, 82 people were shot in chicago during an 84-hour stretch of time. 16 of them died. the appalling numbers climbed throughout the week. on monday night at least nine people fell victim to gun violence in the city. for one 19-year-old woman the shooting was fatal. tuesday a man was shot and killed on chicago's south side days before his college graduation. a pregnant mother of five was shot to death wednesday morning on a chicago expressway. as national attention focuses on the president's $3.7 billion request from congress to aid immigrant children detained at the border. critics asked why congress isn't pushed to act similarly to help
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the american youth in crisis as well. as chicago's communities seek answers and solutions to the wave of violence are, i want to look at one of the most notable figures to address the struggles with street violence -- tupac shakur. a new musical "holler if you hear me" infuses his music and poetry into a message about the roots and possible solutions to home grown warfare. it takes the struggle of the street to the stage. the key to tupac's examination is its breadth. community violence isn't the sole struggle of a few blocks. we need to take ownership of the struggle as a nation. here with us now is a remarkable musician, poet, star of "holler if you hear me" saul williams. brother williams, thanks for joining us today. >> it is an honor to be here today. >> listen, man. i came to see that performance. it was extraordinary. >> thank you. >> you know, you have worked as an activist. you supported occupy movement. you spoke out against the war on
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terror. so give us your thoughts on the state of youth now and the extraordinary violence that our young people are faced with on a daily basis. >> well, i mean, i think it has a lot to do with just, you know, the disenfranchised youth of this nation and the home grown sense is of abandonment that, you know, kids feel they have no choices and in "holler if you hear me," for example, we are addressing questions of how do we stop the cycles of violence? it's been going on for a long time. it's not only in the urban areas. it's in the suburbs as well. it take as different face in the suburbs. it's the same thing. our relationship to guns, our relationship to violence are. our relationship to ourselves and to finance. >> yeah. >> and that, you know, hand to mouth reality brings certain circumstances that we have to find a solution for.
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if schools aren't there for that, if the police are only there are instead of the schools -- >> right, right. that's a huge obstacle. when you think of it, especially in urban america, meager resources, declining participation in the employment sector there, a lot of young people have never worked and will never work for a while. when you think about the density of violence in the neighborhoods and how people are stacked up on one another, what's the role of art in at least highlighting and underscoring the vicious character of that existential situation for young people? >> art sparks the imagination to offer solutions to perhaps, you know, kids short on solutions may not be able to find in the urgency of the moment. when they sit back and watch or listen to something, they can imagine an alternative, a different possibility. that's what we are doing in our play. we are offering an alternative. same thing in "slam," my first film.
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i'm in a prison. people are gathering, about to attack and i recite a poem which stop it is violence. the other day a kid outside selling his cd outside of times square stopped me and said, i was in reichers, i was about to get attacked, i started rapping and it didn't happen. >> wow. >> through the arts we offer alternatives or we can. not every artist takes advantage of that potential of the stage art offers. some feed into it. some conform to what's out there. tupac was someone, i think, who was really exploring the role are of art, the role of empowerment. he knew art was a way to counter the injustices he faced, that he saw his family face. he spoke up through art. >> that's right. >> it's a legacy. >> so does this man.
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jean are ygenius is an over use saul williams is a genius. >> thank you very much. >> that's it for "the ed show." "politics nation" starts now. good evening, re. >> good evening, dr. dyson. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the gop's lawsuit impeachment hysteria. house republicans are have now set a date for the first hearing on their lawsuit. the lawsuit against the president. they will go at it next wednesday. today, the leader of the republican party couldn't be happier. >> i wanted obama to fail at what he has done. i wanted him to fail. at growing government. obama is doing it by himself and he's bragging about it. he's promising to do even more by himself. [ imitating obama ]
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