tv Politics Nation MSNBC July 14, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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africana studies at lehigh, thank you very much for your time. >> thanks, dock. >> that's "the ed show." "politics nation" with the reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening, dr. dyson. thanks oh you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the next gop shutdown. house republicans forced a government shutdown less than a year ago. but they have already forgotten how badly it backfired. because right now they are playing another game of bri brinksmanship. refusing a deal to finance the highway fund which pays for projects to keep roads and bridges safe. the white house says if congress doesn't act by august 1st, they will have to cut highway and infrastructure spending by 28%. that would put 112,000 infrastructure projects in
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jeopardy and 700,000 jobs at risk. today, former vice president dick cheney brushed the whole crisis aside saying we only really need to worry about the military. >> turn around the whole trend with respect to the united states military. that ought to be our top priority for spending -- not food stamps, highways or anything else. your number one job as president is to defend and support the constitution of the united states. he's the commander in chief and he's devastating the united states military. >> forget about keeping the bridges and highways safe. who cares as long as pay for more wars? the truth is the republicans could derail our economic recovery. one economist told the washington post, quote, 2014 has the potential to be a breakout year for the u.s. labor market. to get there though we need a
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quick and painless solution to the shortfall in the highway trust fund. things can be great if republicans don't mess it up. and is that really something we should count on? >> the best thing you can say about this congress, the republicans in congress and particularly the house of representatives. the best thing you can say this year is so far they have not shut down the government or threatened to have america welch on our obligations. and ruin our credit rating. that's the best you can say. of course it's only july are. who knows s who knowss what they may cook u in the next fews months? >> the best you can say for them is they haven't caused a shutdown this year. we might not even be able to say that for much longer. joining me you, jared bernstein
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and krystal ball. thank you for being here. >> thanks for having us. >> 700,000 jobs at risk and congress doesn't do anything on the highway trust fund? how dangerous is it for the economy? >> as dangerous are as anything i can think of for the economy. we're talking about a job market that's really gained mo men the item in recent months. i was talking about it with krystal and her colleagues when the last job report came out. over the last three months we are generating 270,000 jobs a month on average. a year ago it's 200,000. why was 2013 so much weaker than this year so far in the economy? a lot of it has to do with this kind of fiscal drag. that's when fiscal policy pushes the wrong way, creates headwinds against economic growth instead of tail winds we need. you teed it up this the introduction. if congress won't help the
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economy, at least don't hurt it. >> you know, krys, the white house is starting to push this week to make a deal on the highway trust fund. the president made the case this month. listen to this. >> it's not crazy. it's not socialism. it's not the imperial presidency. no laws are broken. we are just building roads and bridges like we have been doing for the last -- i don't know -- 50, 100 years. so far house republicans have refused to act on this idea. i haven't heard a good reason why they haven't acted. not like they have been busy with other stuff. no, seriously.
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>> what is the republican argument? they are so busy suing the president that they can't find time to do this? >> that's right. what's interesting here is the republican party on this issue, as on many issues is deeply divided. you have the wing that wants to sue the president and the wing that wants to impeach the president. here you have a wing that wants to sort of kick the can down the road, do some accounting gimmicks to replenish the highway trust fund for now. then you have the wing that essentially wants to get rid of the highway trust fund and give everything back to the states and not have the federal government involved at all, which is an extreme position. >> very extreme. >> what the president is pointing out is things that used to be business as usual -- right? raising the debt limit, keeping the government from shutting down. passing is basic bills and funding we need to keep the country going, those things are no longer business as usual. that's how far out the republican party has gone.
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>> there is something interesting to note. the group heritage action which pushed the government shutdown is also bashing plans to pay for the highway trust fund. on their website it says, quote, the highway trust fund has been completed and lawmakers are now seeking $10 billion to bail it out to continue transportation spend i spending at current unsustainable levels. they are calling infrastructure spending a bailout? will anyone buy this? a bailout? >> the exchange you had with krystal was interesting. the idea you would deinvolve highways down to the state level it's called the interstate highway system. >> thank you. >> we have all been there. >> unless you tell everybody to stay in their particular state, you can't go anywhere. >> there's a solution.
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>> i think the thing folks need to remember is that trust fund is mainly support ared by a gasoline tax, a federal gasoline tax, 18.4 cents a gallon that hasn't been adjusted for 21 years. you have a fleet getting lower mileage. does anybody in their right mind believe we can maintain a world class interstate highway system on a 21-year-old federal gas tax? i don't think so. >> the uncertainty of this highway trust fund is affecting projectses all over the country. look at this. >> hot lanes won't be extended. improvements to ramps along 285 will have to wait. the state's entire transportation wish list will be on hold. >> that's what people go through every day here. the narrow lanes. the danger of it.
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>> secretary fox called the bridge the worst he's seen. turning it from this to this will take work. >> o-dot plans to repave this freeway, but that project and others could be put on hold. the problem -- there are no more federal funds to pay for road projects. >> these are real problems. this has nothing to do with bailouts, handouts. we are talking about the roads and bridges that we drive our children across that people need repaired. >> that's right. >> we are talking about necessity here. >> we are also talking about, you know, roads businesses need to get their goods to market. keep us and help us rebuild and sustain our status as a world class economy. the really sad thing here is the best case scenario that it looks like we'll get out of this congress is a short term deal. states can't plan. they can't do the sort of long-range project, the
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rebuilding of the bridge that needs to be done. they can't do that when they can't count on the next congress to restore funding again, as jared is alluding to. we need to change the funding mechanism or up the gas tax. there is just absolutely no way that republicans are going to stomach any sort of actual real solution to this problem. the best we can with hope for is kicking the can down the road. >> to keep kicking the can down the road, you're kicking americans' opportunity, not only for safety and not only for maintaining jobs, but, jared, you're really messing with the economy. >> well, yes. that road has a lot of potholes in it. you're going to get that can stuck. >> it's a bridge to nowhere, jared. >> look, the investment in infrastructure of the type that you and krystal are talking about is as low as it's been as a share of gdp. to me, this is what happens when you have a dysfunctional
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congress. we can tell all kinds of intriguing political stories about one side fighting with the other. really, the end result here in economic terms, and in foreign policy we have another discussion, the end result in economic terms is a considerably weaker economy. precisely in the spirit of what krystal was sayingment less productive. an economy where gdp growth is slower because we are disinve disinvesting in our political goods. >> i'll leave it there. jared bernstein and k are rystal ball, thank you for your time. >> thanks, rev. >> watch "the cycle" weekdays at 3:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. coming up, attorney general eric holder has a response to all of sarah palin's impeachment talk. i think you will like it. plus, are rick perry revealed why republicans aren't serious about fixing the border crisis.
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we'll talk about that with my new colleague, msnbc's colleague of mine jose diaz balart. that's a must see interview today he also had. the fbi links police officers to the ku klux klan. it's an unbelievable story. it's ahead. stay with us. it was the biggest decision king's hawaiian had faced, since robert taira opened his first bakery in a small hawaiian town. making bread so good, that people bought two loaves one to take home, and one to eat on the way. so good, they grew from here. to here. to here. but to grow again, to the east coast they needed a new factory, but where? fortunately, they get financing from ge capital. we not only have teams dedicated to the food industry, we're also part of ge,
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pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. big show ahead tonight. we have heard all kinds of anti-immigrant rhetoric from are the right. tonight, a human face on the border crisis. why this shouldn't be the latest political football. and attorney general eric holder takes on the gop's impeachment circus. that's coming up. but first, we want to know what you think. please head over to our facebook
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page to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. g plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health.
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age? who cares. we are facing a major humanitarian crisis at the border. we learned late this afternoon the at the present time of homeland security is starting to send undocumented migrants back to their home countries. today 40 adults with children were flown back to honduras. this is being described by an official as, quote, just the initial wave.
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president obama asked congress for $3.7 billion to address the situation. but republicans are dragging their feet, playing politics with the crisis. texas governor rick perry has been at the forefront. he's pounding his chest and demanding the national guard be sent to the border. he received unexpected pushback on that plan yesterday. >> national guardsmen and women. they are not under the law allowed to apprehend any of the children crossing, are they? >> well, the issue is with being able to send that message. it's the visual of it that i think is most important. >> the visual is the most important thing? what about the lives of these children? what about finding a solution. isn't that the most important thing? earlier today, my new msnbc
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colleague jose diaz balart had an emotional interview with this undocumented immigrant from honduras. she went by the name maria because she's a minor and it puts a face to the crisis happening right now. >> what would you say to people who say you should be sent back, no ifs, ands or buts? [ speaking spanish ] what would you tell them? [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> in my case, it's horrible. because i went through a lot. to deport me would be too fatal. i don't deserve this. i don't deserve it because i have suffered so much. i have suffered so much need and so many problems along the way. the only thing i would beg is
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please give me a chance to stay here. so i can fulfill i my dreams. so i can take care of my family. >> that's what this issue is about, not visuals or optics. it's about real lives. there is no easy answer here. no simple solution. but politicians on both sides of the aisle have to work together on this crisis. that's one visual. them working together would be a welcome sight. joining me now is new msnbc host jose diaz balart. jose, first of all, congratulations on your new show. >> thank you, reverend. it's a pleasure to be here. what a privilege to have the opportunity to have a show on msnbc. >> well, you know, everyone is talking about the show. everyone is talking about this emotional interview today.
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what would you say to politicians who want to play politics with this crisis? >> reverend, i would say that it's very easy to be in your offices in d.c. or maybe some different state across the country and your office protected and comfortable in many, many ways and to discuss this issue with a certain level of detachment. i think it's important to let the voices be heard. maria is just one of the many voices and each one of the statistics we read, this amount of hundred kids crossed the bord border. this many tens of thousands have crossed since october. every one of the numbers is a person, a human being with the life story that many times are extremely tragic.
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i think it's important to put into the national conversation those voices of people who are risking their lives to be here. why are they leaving their country? nobody wants to leave their country. they are not coming here to go to disneyworld. they are coming because they for their lives. >> that brings me right to e.j. dion's piece in the washington post today. he writes, quote, instead of dealing with this problem in a thoughtful way reflecting shared responsibility across party lines, president obama are's critics quickly turned to the business of seeking political gain. i mean, for example, jose, governor perry talked about the visual of the national guard being important. isn't seeking political gain exactly what republicans are trying to do here when they are talking about the visual and not really dealing with a solution
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to the problem? >> you know, rev, the if anybody thinks -- take the example of maria, a 17-year-old young lady who lives in honduras. her brother was shot by gang member who is later came to her house and said, you know what, your time is coming soon. you will become property of ours shortly or you can say no and die. do you think for maria who decided to leave her little village and go through mexico where she was subjected to some of the most horrific things a human being could imagine, that could happen to another human being. do you think that seeing more or less guards on the border in the united states is going to deter her? do you think that message after these people have decided to leave everything they know behind for fearing their lives
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are going to be worried about the optics and political message? >> you know, the language of some on the they use to talk about the kids is astounding really. listen to this. >> schools cannot handle this influx. we don't even know what all diseases they have. >> along with the kids comes some sickness. >> we are thinking these are diseases we have eradicated in our country and our population isn't ready for this. for this to break out and be an epidemic or pandemic, as you mentioned earlier, would be unbelievable. >> the government spreads illegal immigrants across the country and the diseases spread across the country. >> i mean, diseases, jose. these are kids. how can these people govern? how can these people solve the problem when they are talking about kids like this? >> i didn't take down the names
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of the people you put thereupon. i wonder how many of them are doctors, how many of them are disease specialists. i wonder how many of them have spoken to anybody who is dealing with this humanitarian crisis. you know what? this is a judeo-christian-based nation. oh, what those principles would mean for someone if they are able to say something like that with not one iota of information. >> well, i'm going to have to leave it therement tha. thank you so much, jose diaz balart, for your time tonight. be sure to watch jose diaz balart weekday at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on msnbc. coming up, attorney general eric holder has something to say about sarah palin's impeachment talk. and the florida police
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boehner's lawsuit. between that and impeachment, they don't have time to talk about anything else. >> we do believe the president is not enforcing the law. that's why the speaker and many of us in the congress are getting ready to take legal action. >> others could make a determination about whether it is impeachable or not. >> i wanted obama to fail at what he has done. i wanted him to fail at growing government. >> the one tool they have are articles of impeachment. let's get going on that. you don't bring a lawsuit to a gunfight. there's no place for lawyers on the front lines. >> so sarah palin is now the gop's expert on constitutional law. attorney general eric holder had thoughts on that this weekend. >> she wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. she's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.
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>> he's right. it's ridiculous. it feels like a circus, a carnival side show. and you know what? it is. so tonight, we are unveiling the official "politics nation" obama derangement scale. your guide to measuring how kooky the right wingers have become. let's start with a simple question. how many republicans think president obama has exceeded his constitutional authority? the answer is 89%. according to a new poll out today, that's pretty close to peak derangement. look out. let's try another question. how many republicans think impeachment could be justified? 68%. that's not a joke. two-thirds of republican voters
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are jumping into the impeachment clown car. do you know what? maybe it's time gop leaders stopped catering to the worst impulses from their base and started working on things that actually matter for all american people. joining me now are joan walsh and dana milbank. thank you for being here. >> hi, reverend. >> the attorney general hit back at sarah palin hard. do democrats know all the impeachment lawsuit talk is a big loser for the gop? >> i think they do. i think that's why you see a lot of the republicans like boehner trying to push back. the lawsuit was with basically a way to try to inoculate them from the political damage that would come with impeachment. the inoculation seems to be a live virus. it only seems to have fired up more impeachment craziness.
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that's the danger in trying to head off the craziness of the base they have seemed to encouraged. >> you know, joan walsh, you wrote in an article about speaker boehner's lawsuit. he's throwing table scraps while the wing nuts want red meat. boehner boehner's stunt is impeachment light or impeachment for cowards. >> i don't think he liked that. dana make as good point. all the talk has served to gin it up. it makes certain sense to me. if you think about it, once you say john boehner says the president has done something that exceeded his power, people who believe he's a tyrant and all of that say, why not impeach him?
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you do have the power to do that. when john boehner said others can decide whether this is an impeachable offense, that's crazy. he's abdicating that decision to somebody else. he's the speaker of the house. say it is or say it isn't. he won't do either. >> you know politico reports that sarah palin's call for impeachment caused a spike in fund raising for the democrats. >> the result was a flood of grassroots donations. the democratic campaign committee claimed it received nearly 10,000 donations in just 24 hours. the response to impeachment has been well over six figures, spoke man josh shwerin told politico. don't republicans realize this talk is backfiring?
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>> i think they do. that's why we had the effort by boehner and others to tamp it down. i think part of the reason is you have members of the republican establishment, elected officials and prominent people like sarah palin though she doesn't hold an elected position anymore, giving voice to this. republican voter saying, oh, heck, i didn't vote for the guy. sure, i'd like him out. we saw a similar thing late in the bush presidency when a lot of the democratic voters wanted him impeachedment the office holders, the people in a position of responsibility, you have several members of the house. several republican members of the senate, candidates elsewhere who brought up peeimpeachment. it's taking it to a different level and giving people the sense it's a plausible thing.
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>> the attorney general says some people -- not all -- race is one of the factors in the opposition to president obama. you have written about this. listen to the attorney general. >> yes. >> there is a certain level of vehemence pointed at me, at the president. people talk about taking the country back. it seems to me this president has been treated differently than otherses. there is a certain racial component to this for some people. i don't think it is a main driver. but for some there is a racial animus. >> the right wing went nuts. surprise, surprise. all of the signs and the cartoons and the kind of racial design. none of that's racial. they never thought about race
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until yesterday when eric holder said really. >> the attorney general was sober and careful and used careful words. didn't describe all of it or most of it. just some. when you see some of the signs -- and i won't describe them -- you know some of it is racial. a lot of constitutional scholars said this standing by john boehner, he doesn't have standing to bring the lawsuit. yale's akil amar said it remiebds him of birtherism. nothing like this has succeeded, won't succeed and it is an attempt to play to the ugliness of the base. i agree. >> dana, what's the democrats' opportunity here? >> it's a difficult year for them. this has been essentially a gift. the overplaying of the hand by the republican party. as you mentioned there is some fund-raising advantage here. as candidates go out like the republican senate candidate in
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iowa, as they get out on board the impeachment bandwagon, that may give voters pause. it may at the margins help at the polls. certainly will help with fund-raising. >> the overreach in terms of impeachment talk or even lawsuits, couple that with the infrastructure money they are blocking. all of this could begin to turn around would look like a bleak year for the democrats. >> it could begin. democrats have a lot of hard work to do. but the highway trust fund is a great example of something that used to be a bipartisan concern. it used to be routinely renewed. this is now something that's become controversial in the republican party. so democrats know this. i think when they treat the president with disrespect they personalize is election. it helps with their base and the democratic base as well. >> joan walsh, dana milbank, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend. >> a florida man shoots and
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ground law where a man who shot and killed someone over some movie popcorn is out of jail on bond. the shooting happened at this movie theater in january. navy veteran chad olsson, seen on the left, was in the theater when he got into an argument with 71-year-old curtis reeves, a retired tampa police captain, seen on the right. it started over a text olsson was sending to his 2-year-old daughter's babysitter. what happened next was unthinkable. reeves killed olsson with a single bullet to his chest. he claims he shot in self-defense, that olsson hit him with something. but in sur say lance video from inside the theater, you are see what appears to be olsson tossing a popcorn box at reeves. then reeves grabs his gun and shoots. reeves is charged with second
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degree murder and was held without bond since january. on friday evening he was released on $150,000 bond after an appeals court tossed out the earlier order. nicole olsson's lawyer said the news was, quote, difficult pill to swallow. >> this man who ripped a family apart and tore them to pieces is now able to be home in his own bed, see his family, see his daughter, his son, and his grandkid. it's just unbelievably unfair. i believe he is an absolute danger to society. there is absolutely no question. he went from someone throwing popcorn in his face to murdering someone. what's to say that can't happen again? >> the big question tonight, should curtis reeves be held in jail? joining me now, criminal defense attorney kim patowitz and former
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prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst faith jenkins. thank you for being here. >> thanks, rev. >> thank you. >> ken, why was reeves released? >> well, reverend, in this country we are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. the florida constitution actually echoes this in article 1, section 14 which says basically there is a presumption of pretrial release. so initially the bond hearing where there was a lot of evidence presented that this man had no prior record, was not a flight risk and was not a threat to society, the judge basically thought once the state had met its burden of proof, the court basically felt its hands were tied and could not allow the defendant out and could not allow him to post bond. the appellate court said, no, new york city you have discretion, judge and there was
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evidence to release him on bond. so the judge made a decision using his discretion to release him on bond knowing there was a lot of evidence that suggested he should be released. >> faith, in their ruling the appeals court said it had no reason to deny mr. reeves's bond. quote, he presented several character witness withes whose testimony went largely unchallenged by the state. he is an older defendant with no prior record. the court said mr. reeves had a long and distinguished career as a police officer. >> right. >> the appeals court wanted the trial court to reconsider his initial ruling of not granting bond. the appeals court said he's not a flight risk. if you are concerned about his danger to the community then do the things you said you could do if you were to grant bond which is have him on house arrest essentially. he can only go to the garros ro store, to church.
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>> he can leave home only to attend church , court dates, medical appointments, and go to the grocery store. he must surrender all firearms to the sheriff's office or his lawyer and must wear an electronic ankle monitor. >> they were saying those things would address the danger to the community aspect of him being out on bond. the other issue of presenting all of the character witnesses at his bond hearing. the ape lat court when you take these factors into consideration, we think this is someone who bond should be granted to. we'll let you have are the decision, trial judge. >> ken, in the real world, and i understand what the paper says. there are a lot of people held in jail with no bond for a lot less than murdering somebody in a theater. >> well, again, we have a court and a set of rules that go with the courts. we are a nation of laws. it may appear to be unfair to
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people or to the victim's family, we are faced with an individual charged with a crime. not yet convicted of a crime. he is presumed innocent. >> you have many circumstances where people have only been charged with a crime, nothing near this serious and they are held without bond for a longer period of time or until trial. does the fact that this man was former law enforcement in your opinion have any weight with the appeals court? >> it clearly had weight. they put it in as a reason. he served as law enforcement. he had a long, distinguished career in law enforcement is how they described it. this is someone who's charged with the most serious crime which is taking the life of someone else. this is somebody who went from 0 to 60 in seconds and took somebody's life. we know he did it.
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the question is did he act in self-defense? the danger to the community aspect for this man being out among the public is concerning to me. >> let me get to the case itself. back in january during an interview with police, reeves claimed oulson hit him with a cell phone. listen to this. >> he hit me with his fist or with something. i think he had a cell phone in his hand. when he turned away if me, i looked down and a cell phone was laying at my feet. >> reeves didn't have marks on his face after the altercation. all the witnesses say they saw oulson throw popcorn. could he use this as a self-defense claim? will this fly? >> clearly they are going to try self-defense, maybe the stand your ground law and they will try to bring it to a jury and let a jury of his peers make the decision. i'll tell you what, as you are alluding to, it sure does look
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like somebody over reacted and fired a weapon and killed someone based on very little aggression. i mean, throwing a cell phone or popcorn is really not good enough to kill somebody or fire a gun. clearly it's not up to me. it's going to be up to a jury and a jury will hear all the evidence in the case and have are to make the decision. >> you know, ken brought up the term that gets me going. stand your ground. and the possibility that it could be invoked here in florida as you know it is something that's in 25 states now. you might have a stand your ground defense here. the law allows people to use deadly force if they just feel threatened. even if it's a box of popcorn. the judge has warned reeves's attorney they need to provide at least four weeks' warning if
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they plan to use the stand your ground defense. is it likely they will try to use it? >> so far his attorneys have been careful. they have not said anything about stand your ground. they have said, this is self-defense. even if they don't instand your ground, it will come up. it will be a part of the case. >>s as it was with zimmerman. >> it will be part of the case. when you look at factors they consider for the bond hearing, 71 years old, ties to the community, former police officer, as positive thing, reasons he should be released on bond, i think those things will turn around and have a detrimental impact on him. it means this is someone who should know better and know how to react in circumstances he was in. >> i will leave it there. we'll certainly be watching this. kim padowitz and faith jenkins, thank you for your tile. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ da-da-da-da-da, bum-da, bum-da ♪ ♪ bum-da, bum-da
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kla klansmen. >> these are disturbing allegation allegations. especially as the same issue came up in the same department five years ago. in 2009 a different officer had to resign after it emerged that he was in the kkk. that's him there in the klan hood and striped shirt. this year, a local kkk leader actually bragged to the a local tv station that they had members in positions of authority. >> what you've seen is just the tip of the iceberg now. we have police officers, paramedics, judges. they're everywhere. >> klansmen judges and police officers? this warrants further investigation, especially since the kkk in central florida has a long, violent history. in 1951 klansmen were suspected of bombing the home of civil
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rights activist harry and harriet moore. they both died. just this year, kkk flyers were spotted near their home, now an historic site. america has come a long way. it's easy to forget that groips like the kkk still exist. today's news is a sober reminder that we have a long way to go and we must remain vigilant. [male vo] inside this bag is 150 years of swedish experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia.
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>> it's impossible for you to have been more wrong, rick. your call for inflation, the destruction of the dollar, the failure of the u.s. economy -- >> i'll tell you what. i wasn't brought on -- i didn't think they could have policy so bad -- >> every single bit of advice you gave would have lost people money, rick. lost people money. every single bit of advice. there is no piece of advice you have given. >> they need a better strategy. wait until next year isn't the way to go. >> there is no piece of evidence you have given that's worked, rick. >> yes, there is. >> not a single one, rick. >> -- do her job or his job -- >> higher interest rates never came. the inability of the u.s. to sell bonds never happened. the dollar never crashed, rick. there isn't a single one that's worked for you. >> i have nothing against mr. santelli, but the tea party has been wrong over and over again. on the deficit, it's about to dip below $600 billion for the first time since the recession.
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they were wrong. that big bad affordable care act, it is working. even 74% of republicans like their plan. they were wrong. on jobs, 52 the straight months of private sector growth, they were wrong. so we heard all the dire predictions. but the reality is they were wrong. i'm sorry, tea party. you can have your opinions, but facts do not lie. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. oops is not a foreign policy. let's play "hardball.." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with a big civil war that's broken out in the republican party. i'm talking about the iraq war fight.
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