tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 15, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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will be john stewart's guest on the daily show dontonight. a florida court could rule on the marriage equality as early as today. the ban is being challenged by a key west couple together 11 years. the all-star game is set tonight for target field in minneapolis and set at 8:00 p.m. and streamed online for the first time ever. tuesday edition of "way too early," that's it. "morning joe" starts right now! ♪ >> the supreme court's catholic men have ruled that a woman's right to contraception does not trump her employer's right to believe she shouldn't be taking it. and it's based on the sound principle that the government doesn't have the authority to force closely held corporations to violate their religious beliefs. oh, and it's probably not a big deal but they also ruled that corporations have religious
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beliefs. it makes sense. hobby lobby, obviously, christian. panda express is jewish at christmastime. and papa john's a atheist because their pizza makes you feel there is a god. >> good morning, everyone. tuesday, july 15th. welcome to "morning joe." with us on set with we have "morning joe" contributor mark halpern. hollow, halpern. >> hi, mika. >> ko host of "the cycle" ari melber. nice to see you. al hunt of bloomberg news. along with willie, joe and me. how is everybody? >> how is mika? >> all right. it's all right. we will start with political news today. with we have potential presidential candidates stumping for senate candidates and we are going to get to jeb bush. he was on the stump for scott brown but i think they went to the wrong state by mistake.
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get to that in a second. start with elizabeth warren. outside of washington in west virginia, senator elizabeth warren rallied a raucous crowd for senate candidate natalie n n tenant. >> if washington is sending somebody to fight or those who have made it out or what it means for west virginia to have a person who will get up every morning and go to work to absolutely work her heart out for the families of west virginia, i'm here because i believe in democracy, i believe in what we can do together, i believe in natalie tennant.
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>> while warren was welcomed, tennant has promised to fight president obama so save energy jobs in need be. in 2012 he lost every county in her state and panned an endorsement from the first lady. possible 2016 candidate paul ryan was already in the state campaigning capitoe and he went after warren as an enemy of the state. >> elizabeth warren is left of the left of the democratic part. elizabeth warren is a part of the united states senate blocking legislation to present coal jobs and blocking legislation to preserve energy jobs in america. >> okay, joe, what do you make of that? it feels like paul ryan is a little defense of the person who is supporting the competitor to his candidate as opposed to -- >> it might feel that way
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towards you but, mark halpern, when you're in west virginia, the war on coal is an extraordinarily important war. al gore, i think, was the first democrat in quite some time to lose it in 2000. i remember a lot of us being surprised, but it shifted republican on this key issue so let's talk about that first, and that i want to talk more about elizabeth warren and her populous message. this coal energy battle is big isn't it? >> it is. this is a race the republicans assume one of the three pickupses in their pocket to make a democratic seat and making it republican. no doubt the long-term trend there is toward the republican party. for mitt romney to carry every county is kind of unbelievable where not that long ago, michael dukakis carried every county in that state. you have more than kentucky and
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ohio, coal is a huge issue remain. the democratic party and the white house administration is not seeing it on the right of the issue. >> energy in general, willie, we hear about the koch brothers all the time but you hear about fracking, new jobs. i think we are going to keep hearing about it but let's focus also on elizabeth warren's message. that is a populous message. i know bill crystal has nothing in common with elizabeth warren but he would advise republican candidates to say every morning i wake up and fight for you and not wrelt. i think a populous message that they are relating to against big government and big business. the candidate that can brace that is a powerful candidate from the candidate. >> she has lived it and that is her message from the beginning. the places she has gone, west virginia, kentucky, these are
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coal states, these are states that certainly no one would mistake for deep blue states for a senator from massachusetts to go in and campaign for. so her message of closing tax loopholes of renegotiate student loans who go right down the list, these are things that are resonating with a lot of people and it's amazing to see, we are looking at pictures of allison lundergan grimes and calling in a progressive senator from massachusetts to campaign for her in that state, pretty remarkable. >> al hunt, jump in because, i mean, elizabeth warren is not against -- doesn't want people who work in the coal industry not to have jobs. she does want energy innovation and that doesn't seem like a very difficult argument, given some of the dependents this country has suffered from over the past several decades. having said that, back to what joe was saying, her populous
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message. >> she didn't talk a great deal about energy innovation while in west virginia or kentucky. all of those states, appalachian states used to either be competitive or lean democratic have switched. it's part of energy and a few of those states it's cultural conservatism. paul ryan's critique is so old school. she is so the left to the left to the left. barack obama would not be welcomed by west virginia by that candidate but elizabeth warren is and because of that populous message she is making. mark pryor in arkansas is running left of obama on social security and medicare. i think the fact she is there and welcomed there is really fascinating. >> we will get back to this and i think kasie hunt is on location there. jeb bush spent monday making inroads in new hampshire
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politics with senate candidate scott brown. he tweeted this photo. brown was once senator from massachusetts and tried to shed the brand of being a carpet bagger coming out of state to defeat shaheen. the photo was taken in boston. bush has endorsed a number of governors across the country with primary election implications including the republican governors set for re-election in south carolina and iowa. joe, jeb bush sort of getting out there for candidates as well and i wonder if there is a little bit on both of these stories where they are just testing the waters for themselves as well? >> well, obviously a lot of 2016 candidates, al hunt, trying to help out 2014 candidates. jeb has been a hard one -- just yesterday, we were talking about how his stock has gone down. chris christie is now talking more about going. but he's still out and i don't think he is out there to, you know, lose weight.
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i think he is out there for possible 2016 run. what is your reporting on jeb? what is the latest? >> are you asking me, joe? >> yes. >> yes, i am. >> first of all, i'd be losing a little bit of weight wouldn't hurt while he is out there. my reporting is very inconclusive. he is testing the waters and all that and my gut tells me he is not going to run. i just don't think he has got the fire but i must say that is not based on reporting, it's based more on people who know him and don't know whether he'll run but say they doubt that he will. >> what is your read on this in terms of jeb bush being out there, being in a northern state in massachusetts and should be in new hampshire. i guess they were earlier in the day. what does it mean for jeb bush beyond scott brown? >> we love reading the tea leaves. the folks who want to run either tend out to put out a book or money out there and go to out there more on the trail than we have seen previously. it shows some appetite because
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he can show back and it's rather early. if you deal with the carpet bagger thing you have to be careful where you uploading your photos. >> maybe don't go to the state where -- exactly. >> the data on the twitter pics, people can figure out where you posted it from so something he might need a little bit more web strategy on. i think an openness because he doesn't have to be traveling but not a deep hunger. >> let's take a look as the if i had terms approach. democrats holding on to leads in two key senate races. according to a new nbc news/marist poll. mark udall is leading and in michigan congressman gary peters is trying to help democrats hang on to the seat of retiring carl levin. both democratic candidates are getting help from female voters.
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udall has a lead among women and peters holds a 13% advantage. obamacare is unpopular in both states with a majority of voters saying the law is about idea and the president himself isn't doing much better despite carrying both states in 2008 and 2012. presidential races just 40% of voters approve of the job he is doing. halpern, what is your takeaway. >>? look. two races that democrats probably have to win to keep the senate and the untold story right now is how hard democratic senate workers are working, both incumbents and challengers. >> they are building great voter files and get out the effort. i think republicans have a good chance of taking back control but quietly democratic candidates are doing very well in these battleground races on the ground. >> senator rand paul is facing more backlash on his foreign policy views. yesterday, former vice president dick cheney, wife lynne and
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daughter liz, sat down with mike and of politico. a major wedge between governor rick perry and senator rand paul, two possible 2016 candidates. american foreign policy and how best to defend the country. >> obviously, senator paul leaves something to be desired with respect to national security policy. i've got some big concerns about the extent which senator paul thinks we can be safe if we just come home and try to build a fortress america. >> isolation is crazy. anybody who went through 9/11 who thinks we can retreat behind our oceans and will be safe and secure is, i'm sorry, but they are out to lunch. >> so they double down, willie, on iraq as well. take it. >> al hunt, there was a lot there if you watched that forum with politico there with the vice president and his daughter speaking there. what do we read into this
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conflict within the republican party? we have rick perry writing the op-ed in "the washington post" and rand paul firing back and now the cheneys coming out. what do you see in this rift right there? >> first of all, it shows how serious a candidate rand paul is. one cannot imagine four or eight years ago people stature of dick cheney and rick perry attacking his father, ron paul. rand paul is a formidable figure. secondly on cheney, democrats love it when cheney weighs in on iraq of all things. i would guess maybe rand paul does too. dick cheney and iraq doesn't resonate credibility. bernie madoff on investor protection or bill clinton on sexual abstinence is not the subject that republicans want dick cheney to be talking about. >> that's what he was tag about. go ahead, joe. >> no. i was just going to say, mark halpern, though, we have seen rand paul take some incoming over the past several days and there is a feeling from people like myself and other on
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republicans, and we talked about it yesterday, when somebody suggested rand paul might win the republican nomination, we instinctively said, no, he won't. of course, the same thing i said about barack obama in 2007 when he was running against the clinton money machine before i saw how much money he could raise, so maybe it could happen. but actually this issue that dick cheney is talking about, despite the chaos of iraq, is not -- i don't think it's great for rand paul because more republicans are closer to dick cheney than rick perry's view of the world than they are rand paul's. >> look. i don't think it's improbable that rand paul could be the nom nen i think he is creating a debate within the party that is probably good for the republican party but i think he is not completely coherent in his critique of the last few years. i don't think he is quite there yet. he building a critique.
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the republican party has to decide what it wants to be on foreign policy. dick cheney is longing for the days where the republicans had a huge advantage on national security issues and it's not there now. i think building towards 2016 they would like it to be there and the debate is pretty robust but, again, i don't see any clarity, you see rand paul when pressed observe becoming a little bit more moderate in his foreign policy views when some of the tougher questions get asked. >> but you look at the picture that we have in the lower third isolated. rand paul on one side and dick cheney on the other. there is -- there are 99 yards ideologically between those extremes. rand paul is an isolationist and perhaps running from where his father's positions were and dick cheney is a neocon, a neocon.
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i had somebody yesterday who worked for ronald reagan laughi laughing, he said neither one of these two are reagan's and represent an extreme in foreign policy. >> my instinct goes into a question at this point. is it possible that pundits and analysts and everyone who knows everything about these things are circling the clinton george w. bush jeb bush carefully because they seem like the anointed ones dancing around dick cheney and sarah palin because god knows the things they show up to might be upbet but frankly they are not talking mainstream thinking and they are are all potentially underestimating elizabeth warren and rand paul? >> i think the answer is probably yes and i think when we look at the public reception to some of these events they don't necessarily resonate with
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everyone in the public as much as the media. i'm not sure hillary clinton book is driving the conversation in the democratic base or that dick cheney is concerned about isolationist resonates. look at the politics for a second. i don't think dick cheney is hitting a resonant chord with the conservative base when he says anyone who wants to pull back from the world right now is a, quote/unquote, isolationist. when we look where we are with john kerry in egypt and involved in ukraine and figuring out the mess in iraq and what to do with afghanistan and other things. if you look at the export/import bank. you may be able to take down rand paul and mark's point rand paul has more position papers than a serious doctrine right new. i don't think it's a matter of politics to say this guy's problem he wants to pull back from the world a little bit. i think conservatives are there right now and what you're looking at in a conservative
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primary. >> joe, is that true? >> i think it's very true. i had said most of the republican party is not where rand paul is. well, you can say the same thing with dick cheney. most of the republican party is not where dick cheney is on foreign policy either because of the past 11, 12 years. the republican party was a party of restraint in foreign policy until after 9/11 and that's where it wants to go back to. "the new york times" editorial page and the "the washington post" editorial page spent most of the 1990s calling republicans isolationists. there is a middle ground, though, between those two and that is -- we will see what candidate is able to fit it, but there is no doubt, just as i said, most of the party is not with rand paul on isolationism. they don't want to go to war like neocons did over the past decade. >> we are going to get to major
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news out of the middle east coming up. also still ahead on "morning joe," bowe bergdahl has been back in the u.s. for a month now. and has been cleared for active duty. why hasn't he spoken to his family since his return. a new bipartisan plan to bring relief to our southern border on. the sponsors of the bill will join us. explaining what hillary clinton has to do to convince democratic voters. first, he has a lot of convincing to do. he's often, you know, out there. bill karins with a check on the forecast. >> out there studying the sky, mika. >> exactly. >> yeah. good morning, everyone. another rough travel day expected with torrential downpours and lightning with the storms on i-95. the storm responsible for this little weird july weather pattern is now right over the top of lake michigan. you can see the little spin there. that is bringing some very unusually chilly air to the northern plains. a record low in kansas city with
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the temperature dropping down to 54 degrees. it doesn't sound cold but for the middle of july this is typical one of the warmest weeks of the year throughout the country. rapid city at 47. you have the honor of one the chilliest spots in the country. the cold front is heading east and ahead of it a lot of moisture in place and humid morning. it poured yesterday and pour again today. 60 million people at risk of severe weather once again. maybe an isolated tornado but i'm more concerned with the torrential rain and flash flooding potential. flood watches from areas of maryland and delaware right through philadelphia, new york city, all the way up through central and southern new england and even portions of northern new england. how much rain can we expect? our computers are predicting up to 3 to 5 inches of rain. this is on top of yesterday's 1 to 3 inches and so that's why we have real concerns with flooding in this area. the rest of the country, we are still dealing with the heat out west. 103 in phoenix is normal, but
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midwest and areas of the intermountain west continue to be the very hot spot. we will talk about travel delays in washington, d.c. this afternoon. tomorrow morning dry that umbrella out. it's a very sunny start. you're watching "morning joe." ♪ when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta!
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not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? ♪ time now to take a look at the morning papers. we are going to start with the chicago sun times. according to new polling, chicago mayor rahm emmanuel may be in trouble if he decides to run for e election. the poll shows chicago teachers union president karen lewis leading emanuel 45% to 36%.
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against cook county board president emanuel is down by 24% from preckwinkle. >> sergeant bowe bergdahl has return to active military duty and he has failed to communicate with his parents since he was released from the taliban in may a decision that has caught the military off guard suggesting a deeper rift within the family than previously believed. meanwhile, the military says sergeant bergdahl has completed the reintegration process and assigned to a desk job with active duty status and the change means investigators may question him over the circumstances of his sdpance. >> volkswagen announcing plae i to expand its plant in
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chattanooga, tennessee. they plan to launch production of a new seven-passenger suv set to debut in 2016. volkswagen plans to hire 200 engineers for a new research center. the company hopes to boost sales up to 800,000 vehicles annually in the u.s. by 2018. women will allowed to become bishops in the church of england. it overturned centuries of traditio traditions. the arch bishop said it changes a process more than 20 years ago when women were allowed to be ordained as priests. the new york daily news. actor tracy morgan was upbeat after a car crash left him critically injured last month. he told reporters yesterday that he feels okay following the crash which left him with
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cracked ribs and a broken leg. morgan was pictured using a walker as he exited his home and got into a car. he also thanked everyone for their support. from our parade of papers, the "los angeles times." custom officials seize 67 live giant african sales at los angeles international airport earlier this month. the snails were discovered in two basks weighing more than 35 pounds on a flight from nigeria. officials say the snails are a serious threat to agriculture and public health in the u.s. the snails -- >> snails on a plane! >> it can cause meningitis in human and eat the paint and stucco off homes. "the new york times" it marks the end of an era wednesday when comic book icon archie. you remember archie? >> sure. >> archie, veronica and reggie. who is the blond girl? come on, guys! >> you forget jug head. >> jug head!
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exactly! archie is going to be shot. that's horrible! >> a hard turn there! he is shot and killed in the latest installment of the series "life with archie." who is doing this? this is horrible! archie, oh, my god, will intervene on an assassination team on his gay best friend kevin who is a senator who is pushing for gun control. >> are you seriously serious? >> tmy head hurts. >> this is not your father's archie. >> no. this is -- betty cooper! she was always so pretty and veronica, of course. why did they kill archie? this is weird. >> violent way to go. >> doesn't work. let's go to politico. >> it's comic. >> it's not comic book.
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riverdale high, right? >> a lot of issues there wrapped up into one. >> amazing. >> see if you can top that, willie. >> i don't know. it's mike allen's job to do that. he is the chief white house correspondent for politico and a look at the playbook. we have been talking a lot about elizabeth warren and her populous message. hillary clinton has work to do inside the democratic party if she wants to catch that sliver of the vote if she decides to run for president. >> she sure does and one of the most interesting conversations that is going on inside the clinton camp. ben white and maggie haberman reporting the story people who knew bill clinton was a great asset to her all along is realizing as she puts together a platform, she is going to have to account for the fact that since the clintons were last in power the party has moved a lot to the left and a lot more concern about inequality now. bill and hillary clinton now was
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highlighted again and again on her book tour are part of the .001%. in the '90s democrats were trying to prove they were business friendly. now democrats need to prove they are willing to hold wall street accountable. so a couple of the policies that she could use to do this would be expanding trade. some places to start. she has to do something more creative than that and that is what the clinton minds are working right now. >> we have heard the criticism she is a senator from goldman sachs and wall street. is it important for her to shake that? if she runs for president, is it going to affect her in a primary, if there even is one at this point and where does that hurt her exactly? >> well, she is -- they recognize the ghost of elizabeth warren, as you suggested at the top, even if elizabeth warren doesn't run, the fact that she
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is so popular as we have been seeing on the show, the fact that she could run, that there could be a challenge is part of why they are so concerned about this. it's also the ghost of barack obama. they were taken by surprise in '08. they don't want to be taken by surprise again. steve rattner has reported on the show over the months that they are very much worried about watching that and trying to be pro active about it out at cgi america by the clinton foundation out in denver, she took a first step toward this, talking about young people who are employed and how they could be helped. we are going to hear a done more about this from hillary clinton. >> let me ask about something else that caught our eye on politico reporting from new york city mayor michael bloomberg actually backing some republican candidates this election season. who is he going after? >> and why? >> michael bloomberg is up to
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750,000 to republicans and he is giving it to pacts that are twaeshl willi actually willing to reach across the aisle. his money to try to break party gridlock. the people he has given to are lindsey graham who won his primary in south carolina. congressman steve latorette. third, thad cochran down in mississippi. that 500,000 is being reported on politico this morning. >> seems like he has a strong position and able to use his money to support candidates on, halpern, on guns. are these candidates on the forefront of actually putting together legislation that makes sense on guns and magazine size and all of that? because that really was where michael bloomberg was trying to
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make a difference politically. >> one issue he cares about but he cares about climate change and immigration reform and other issues. he is not a single issue political activist and he feels it important to find a way to find republicans willing to work with democrats be successful. >> politico's mike allen with a look at the playbook. thanks so much. >> have a great week. coming up, major league baseball biggest hitters on hand last night for the league's annual slug fest. highlights from the home run derby. there were some bombs last night, mark halpern. that's next. >> bombs next. bombs. ♪ vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to.
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we start with major league baseball's home run derby up in minnesota last night. the american league's yoenis cess cespedes defending his derby crown on. he had to win a tiebreaker after launching only three home runs. jose bautista with a heavy bat in round one with ten balls out of the the yard. check out this from giancarlo stanton. in the upper deck and almost
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leaves the stadium completely. boy, he got close. they talked about him able to hit it out of that park. he almost got it out of there. stanton put up a zero in the semifinals and todd frazier was able to advance with only one. cespedes tops baugh ste sta tis home run that is the longest of the night. cespedes powers past frazier 9-1 and finishes 21 home runs and only the second player to win back-to-back home run derbies. ken griffey did it in '98 and '99. >> tonight is the 2014 major league baseball all-star game. seattle felix hernandez starts for the american leak and adam wainwright goes for the national league. night will be about derek jeter.
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>> what a collection there. jay-z and michael jordan and tiger woods. the full ad makes its tv debut tonight during jeter's final all-star appearance. the 14th time he has been selected. the future hall of famer will start at shortstop and is set to lead off for the american league one last time. with team usa out of the world cup sunday's final between germany and argentina was the third most watched world cup game in world cup history. the most viewed world cup ever on english language tv. while a record number will remember sunday's final, the same can't be said for german midfielder christoff kramer. he can't remember much of it. he took a shot to the head and likely concussed and took off the field for good after collapsing several minutes later. he told a german newspaper, i
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don't know anything at all about the first half. i thought i left the game immediately after the tackle and got no idea how i got to the changing room and i don't know anything else. in my head, the game starts from the second half. there you go. still ahead, first all eyes on lebron and now carmelo anthony. now the most prized free agent of the subject is eric cantor. >> what are you talking about? >> where will the former majority leader land? that is when we comeback with more "morning joe." ♪ baby won't be keep me happy baby please keep me happy ♪ [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality
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writes in "the new york times" magazine about eric cantor being on the market and writes in part this. in a national journal article headline eric cantor's loss may be the best thing that ever happened to him, one former capitol hill aide wondered the question is how rich does eric cantor want to be? cantor's loss was widely attributed to his growing out of touch with his richmond constituents and he had become too steeped in washington's imagination and beholden to the insider world yet that is precisely make him a prized recruit in his next career. cantor is in some sense living proof of the most voters loathe about washington the notion that membership and its political class guarantees a win for life lottery ticket. he seems so unapproachable, that
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i'm surprised. >> okay, mika. >> no. >> so, mika, thank you so much for reading that and thank you for reading it straight. let's go to mark leibovich now. mark, you know, one of my favorite sayings in washington came from the late senator paul simon in illinois in washington. sometimes when you win, you lose. and sometimes when you lose, you win. i've got a feeling two years from now eric cantor's family is going to be saying, daddy won big. >> oh, clearly. i mean, i think that is sort of part of the deal now. we have this sort of failing upward economy in washington, d.c. where, i mean, you can be completely humiliated at the voting booth and repudiated by your constituents and then for the re reasons they vote you out you are in very great demand on k street and whatever so eric cantor will be fine. >> at the same time, eric cantor didn't have any scandal about him. he was well enough liked by
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members. anybody that didn't like him, it probably had to do with ambition. that is out of the way now. i can't think of anybody that is in a position to do better on k street than eric cantor because, yes, he lost, but guys like me will even say he lost in a june primary and it was just sort of a freak incident of sorts. >> yeah, sure. no, he is going to be just fine. i don't think anyone is worried about eric cantor and his next move. look. that is part of the game now but eric cantor, i think if you look at the basic disconnect between why he lost and what he has in front of him now, i think he is in great shape. >> al hunt? >> yeah. mark, it was five or six years ago that the obama administration said they were going to change this culture. there wasn't going to be the resolving door and so forth. we talked about eric cantor. how has obama done on that promise? >> not terribly well.
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look. the culture here it's unclear how hard they really tried. if you look at, i mean, 50% of all u.s. senators going to lobby now. i think, look. it's a very compelling campaign strategy and campaign message. once you get in you always get swallowed up by a culture and it's a very, very compelling thing and becomes a set for life deal. >> mark, eric cantor is not unusual in washington he built relationships that helped him raise money and help him down the road. he seemed to do it more than the others if that is fair to say. he spent a lot of time in the hamptons hanging out with people like donny deutsche and building relationships that could help him and he knew would help him down the road. >> absolutely. look. nothing wrong with going to the hamptons and nothing wrong with hanging out with donny deutsche. >> yes, there is. >> maybe there is. >> you put the two together and suddenly you're wearing gold chains and speedos and it's really bad. >> i don't know.
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seventh congressional district of virginia loves that stuff. no. >> yeah, right. >> the image here is just like swimming in my head. no, look. it's about out of touchness and out disconnect and the thing that voters tend to punish especially in a republican primary in richmond, virginia compared to the world that eric cantor is perceived to have spent most of his time in and i'm guessing will spend most of his time in. cry out for lebron cantor. i love having a lebron/cantor reference in there. >> i want to explain why i sounded curious when i read part of your piece, mark, because it seems to me his loss was not a freak thing, mark halpern, it was because he was out of touch, totally disengaged with the people in his district, and kind of became something that they didn't want there any more. so i just wonder -- i find it
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quizzical that then he becomes actually more marketable and i don't get him out there. i'm curiously interested. >> well, look. republicans are going to control the house for the foreseeable future and eric cantor is invaluable for anybody who wants to have public policy now. he hung out with rich people and the clinton's are dealing with this as well. over time, when you hang out with rich people, you want the lifestyle that they have had and he's had it a little bit as majority leader and i think the trappings he brought to his district were a problem for him. >> joe, jump in. >> you know, willie, some people are far more comfortable in that area. the clintons very comfortable around fabulously wealthy people. tom delay, when we were around, very comfortable around really rich people. and eric cantor also very comfortable. there are some people that go up to d.c. as legislators and revolutionaries and have
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porcupines and others that pit right into it. i think the very reason eric cantor was rejected by his district is a reason why he'll be a really good inside player in d.c. >> yeah. no question. i can't read into eric cantor's soul. he is, obviously, disappointed that he lost. he would have rather won that race but, at the same time, this gives him a chance to step into a world he got a taste of and probably liked. >> to joe's point, a lot of the activists, conservative activists in that district say we thought you were working for the banks. good riddance. go work for them officially. a deeper mood here in the nation which is this real antipathy for folks who go to washington it runs back to the term limit movements where conservatives said we don't think you should be a member of that class. regardless of what you do we want you in there for five, six, eight years and out. i just think that is an interesting area where the left and the right actually have similar concerns about how long you spend in washington and how
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corrupted you become. >> i can't tell if this is a positive or a negative article. getting higher from your district and making money off of it. mark, is it positive or negative? >> everything i do is positive. >> exactly. >> no. look. >> disconnect. >> i think mark and ari make the correct points here. look. nothing wrong with hanging out with rich people and nothing wrong with making a very good living, i suppose, but, no, voters are allowed to resent the notion that once you get a ticket into this world, you are there for life and you do have to ask yourself when they are, quote/unquote, public servants, who are they working for? and i think that is the core of the outrage here that might have sent eric cantor to greener pastures whether in the hamptons or on wall street. not a single person in my reporting suggested the notion he would ever return to virginia's seventh congressional district and start a law firm or
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open a general store or volunteer in an orphanage or something like that. >> oh, darn. >> well, maybe he will. i suppose. thank you all. >> thank you very much. we will be reading your piece in this sunday's "the new york times" magazine. coming up at the top of the hour, let's play "hardball." chris matthews joins us with his very unique take on the top talkers. jimmy fallen says why he is the best in playing word games with michael strahan. we will have that coming up. ♪ it still won't work but there are dangerous levels of it ♪ kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not?
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here we go. >> ah, church. um, you put it over babies. um. >> a crib. babies cloth. christening net? >> yeah, what do you pour? >> water. holy water. >> yes. >> you put a crip over a baby? >> i don't know! >> this is a type of -- when people -- when some people pass gas. >> they fart! >> yeah, and when no one can hear, it's also called, three words? >> silent killer? >> something like that but three words. last one is not alive but
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you're. >> deadly. deadly -- i don't fart, man! >> no, no! >> deadly silent -- >> yes! >> this one happens when have you a can of, like, pinto or fava and they go on the ground. >> yea! we are the champs once again! >> that was funny. i liked it! thank you. you said you were just going to sit there and smile when i thank you? >> eye candy. >> that's what i said i would do. >> we liked having you on "morning joe" this morning, ari. we will be watching "the cycle" on msnbc at 3:00 p.m. still ahead, elizabeth warren's stock continues to rise as the democratic senator lends a helping hand to a candidate in west virginia. but remember she's not running for president in 2016. chris matthews and joy reed join the conversation. and luckily for two renowned historians nixon didn't take pat
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>> thank a cold blast coming straight from canada. >> this would be a great day in october but july, i don't know. >> i don't think he is cooling off any time soon! on his way to a two spot. yoenis cespedes has won the gillette home run derby. after more than 1,000 rockets launched from gaza, hamas claiming that a flock of drones would be deployed deep into israeli. the two sides locked in this deadly fight. >> the army says bergdahl has completed six-week reintegration process and is now back to regular active duty. at least ten states now directly affected by this border crisis. some lawmakers in the u.s. accusing the white house secretly shuttling immigrants into the u.s. >> i believe in natalie tennant.
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she will be your next senator. >> how about this feud? >> what dick cheney says about these two. >> isolationism is crazy and think we can retreat behind our oceans but i'm sorry, they are out to lunch. >> that went longer than i expected but get back, please, to the soup which i understand is quite good. thank you. welcome back to "morning joe." mark halpern is still with us. joining us from washington the host of msnbc's "hardball" chris matthews and on the set is joy reed. good to have you with us. along with willie, joe, and me. joe, we begin this hour on politics unless you want to go to something else. >> got a lot of politics but i want to go to chris. a lot of breaking items this morning. we woke up to the news that hamas answered egypt's call for a cease-fire with more rockets so, obviously, the administration wakes up to that
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crisis this morning when we went to sleep things would work out a little bit better there. a few minutes ago, it crossed the a.p. that it looks like the iran nuclear talks are breaking down. very real gaps according to john kerry. you, of course, have putin and the russians threatening ukraine yesterday. put this all into perspective for us. we asked dr. brzezinski a few days ago about the tumultuous times we live in. not exactly foreign policy meltdown but, my gosh, a lot of explosions across the globe at the same time. >> well, there is a lot of movement in the world and a lot of hatred. you burn a kid alive in the middle east, that isn't meant to end a fight, that is meant to ignite a fight. that is pouring gasoline on the fire literally in this case and people want a war. the hamas group hate israeli and want to kept fighting. we keep acting like peace is the norm. since when? maybe in europe after a couple
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of thousand years settle on the borders especially in the balkans. people are tribal in a lot of areas of the world and religious justifies their killing and the hatred. this is the norm now. we assume people the want to get around the peace table and settle things and i don't think so. no fact that we have a special ability to bring them to the peace table. i'm rooting like everybody is for kerry to stop the deal of the weaponization of the nuclear program in iran and still hopeful he can pull it off because the alternative is a war between the united states and iran and i don't know who wants that war. i don't think we do. >> i think there are some who might actually. when you listen to some who are weighing in on our foreign policy and saying that we are way too isolationists to the point -- >> they are not thoughtful nor truly nationalistic about our country's interest if he they want us to be at war on several fronts. we do not benefit from these wars ultimately. we may have to fight them but i
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don't know how we benefit in the long run having constant killing of islamic people on international television and creating more hatred. it just is. to politics now. the democrats are holding on to leads in two key senate races. according to an nbc news/marist poll. in colorado, udall is leading by seven points. in michigan, peters is trying to help democrats hang on to the retiring state of carl levin. peters is leading land by six points. both democratic candidates are getting help from female voters. udall a 12-point lead among women and peters holds 13-point advantage. a silver lining for republicans, though. obamacare unpopular in both states with the majority of voters saying the law is about idea. the president himself isn't doing much better despite carrying both states in 2008 and
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2012 presidential races. just 40% of voters approve of the job that he is doing. >> chris matthews, these are snapshots of what we will see be seeing across this country. two states both sidesed into to hang on to. republicans if they want to flip the senate need to grab these. let's talk about the president and what he means in these races. you saw he snolt popular particularly in these two states. obamacare not particularly popular. how much of a drag do you see him being there? >> it's all about the timing. it seems to me if people are slow to change their minds about the economy, even though the numbers are better, and even though the numbers seem to be better on obamacare, will they change their minds in time for the election? most people who study this stuff think decisions are made in the ving. i think joe may agree. the minds become fixed. i'm looking at the democrats probably have lost 3 of 6 seats and could lose control of the senate and i think they are on the road to losing three. they only have to lose three
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more out of a contest that i think is basically ten-state races right now. two republican-held and eight democratic held. the republicans need to just win five of those. they have the eight seat and pickup they need easily. i think it still looks like the republicans can win the senate. i would bet on them winning the senate right now. but a lot of time between now and november and there are senators like begich and landrieu who have family root in those states and they could withstand the tsunami if it comes and still keep their seats. but i still think a lot of chances for the republicans to win in states like michigan and iowa. states you wouldn't expect them to win in. i think the president is not going to help much. >> joy, you look at some of president's numbers. certainly those two states that he won a couple of years ago and you understand why senator begich in alaska was promising a few days ago to be a thorn in
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the president's -- well, you know what. that said, the president's approval ratings are lower than they have ever been but it's not a zero-sum game. the republicans numbers also very low. this seems as far as a popularity contest goes between now and november, a race to the bottom with republicans doing worse in many polls than the president. >> yeah. joe, i mean, i think pretty much across the board. the issue in the mid terms, when you get to this stage usually in a presidency, i don't know that people are really litigating this with the president of the united states at this point and i think a lot of things that supersede how people feel about the president specifically. i think women are a huge wildcard in this midterm coming up that have been very activated what we have seen by supreme court and i think that is on the table. i think the other big wildcard is both black and hispanic
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voters. you have seen activation of things like voter i.d. and also by this sort of notion of impeachment floating around which is probably no great motivator of people protective to the president of that the third is latino issue. republicans are getting speaker boehner specifically for talking about impeaching the president over these executive orders of which there have been less than the previous administration. so, obviously, they have been mocking the gop for the use of a lawsuit. harry reid as i just mentioned took the criticism to a whole new level. take a look. >> this is a phony trial that will come up. it's a show trial. it's what republicans want. i guess that's what they want. but if that is really what they want, they should go talk to
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judge judy. i think she would throw this case out in half a second. >> the response from the house speaker's office was fitting. boehner spokesman tweeted this picture of judge judy with a caption baloney. >> she would be an usa jurist for the separation of the powers of issue. often is the case that the politics of washington to people inside the beltway think what they are doing will matter to effect the mid terms and a lot of that going on. i don't think it matters. i think how people feel about the president and how they feel about obamacare and do the republicans have a message matter more than what harry reid and john boehner -- >> let's go to west virginia. 70 miles outside of washington in shepherds town, west virginia. elizabeth warren raucoused a crowd for senate senate natalie tennant. >> if west virginia decides to send a senator to washington who is going to be there to fight
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for wall street, for those who have already made it, or what it will mean for west virginia to have a person who will get up every morning and go to work to absolutely work her heart out for the families of west virginia. i'm here because i believe in democracy. i believe in what we can do together, i believe in natalie tennant. she is going to make it happen. >> while warren was welcomed, tennant has promised to fight president obama so save energy jobs in need be. in 2012 he lost every county in her state and her campaign
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panned an endorsement from the first lady. possible 2016 candidate paul ryan was already in the state campaigning capitoe and he went after warren as an enemy of the state. >> elizabeth warren is left of the left of the democratic part. elizabeth warren is a part of war on wall. elizabeth warren is a part of the united states senate blocking legislation to present coal jobs and blocking legislation to preserve energy jobs in america. >> joe? >> chris, you and i understand and i think a lot of people that watch this show understand that americans aren't overly ideological. if you're in central florida or central pennsylvania you're in interested in jobs and sending your kids to school and being taken care of. . i commented last hour that elizabeth warren, her statement that if you vote for such and such, you know, this candidate, you'll know she is working for you instead of wall street is a message that even bill kristol
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on the right is saying republicans should embrace, that it should be more of a populace message and stop defending the 1% and stop defending wall street. i just wonder whether we are going to see somebody nationally fill this populace gap on either side. you've been talking it bit for some time. >> it doesn't do good to say i'm a lefty and i'm for wall street, big surprise. if you're teddy roosevelt for washington it means something. if you are somewhere near the middle and you go after wall street, boy, that paxs a lot of power. i think you're right and i think it could be rand paul who i think could be hot in the next couple of years because of that and not being tied to the establishment and not an issuing cantor part and not part of that world. i think people don't like the establishment right now as such, but they do like the center. so figure that one out.
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oftentimes, the establishment types grab the center because they know where the money is and the votes are but i think people want a centrist. i think it's a notch or so right of the center and somebody willing to shake things up. i think people don't like the way things are. how do you have a 7% approval rating for congress and think people are happy? >> joy, to both of their points, if you look at bob costas wrote a piece today in "the washington post" about elizabeth warren's visit to west virginia and one resident saying we are sinking and barely treading water in west virginia and look for somebody to on stop the back straching and elizabeth warren is one of those people. west virginia is not cambridge or berkeley neither is kentucky where she has been brought in to campaign. she has a message that is cutting through into places you wouldn't expect a massachusetts senator to cut through. >> democrats have been on this
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long-term froj project project working class voters. you do have these states as one friend of mine said you have to eat your state to survive and keep on drilling coal no matter what happens to the environment but that is the survival mode people are in and why jay rockefeller is very liberal pro coal. i think elizabeth warren is a very interesting candidate, potential candidate. we shouldn't say a candidate. she is an interesting candidate and speaks to the bread and butter issues and the way she speaks. she is very sort of down home and plain spoken and i think is a good messenger for the idea of the common man sort of catching a break and i think that is what democrats are looking for. i know hillary clinton probably doesn't like hearing this but she is a potential to deliver on that message. >> joe is talking about her ability to tap into a populace message and really grab but i just wonder, halpern, take it to matthews, so this is a senator
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who wants to put a ban or halt temporarily corporate inversions and wants to crack down on the skyrocketing student loan rates and she wants to raise the minimum rage and swage and take street. tell me -- or is she tapped into exactly where people are frustrated and where this administration perhaps has fallen short by virtue of the things they have had to confront? >> i think willie is right. tons of people who find this to be a sympathetic message but millions who found deny it's kucinich message compelling and i think you need a broader message than she has and bigger ties to the establishment if you're going to influence national politics on. it's still a pretty conservative country. you see populace like bill clinton was a populace but he found a way to play in the center and even towards the right. so i just think, chris, what -- we have elizabeth warren, if she
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ran for governor of west virginia, how do you think she would do? >> it's a lot of about guns and religious and religious culture and it didn't help people that they cling to their guns and their religion. so what? get used to it. that is who we are at americans. we do have a culture and believe in it and at tough times we cling to it for our own good and the way it works in this country. i do think west virginia is a problem for the democrats. so is kentucky. i love allison lundergan grimes and think she is a hell of a candidate but coal is not helping her out there. the president hasn't helped her with the co 2 emission standards and it won't help her out there and i think she could throws that over this issue. abortion rights is not a good issue for democrats down south. you'll notice even emily's list of candidates are not talking about it this year. people -- culture matters, damn it! i think people care about what they believe in and they don't like being messed around with.
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i do think this guy begich is smart out there. i'm going to be a thorn in his ass. that is the word he used. he is going to play that card because alaska feels itself out there by itself and you better play that culture to your advantage or you're going to lose. i think begich can win because of sticking it to the president on the butt. >> okay. that's one way of putting it. joe, jump in. >> that's his way of putting it. not mine. >> i was just going to say -- no! if you want to cut through with alaska voters, that's a good way to do it or voters anywhere. chris, really quickly. joy was talking about how democrats have been trying for sometime to get white working class americans back on their side in larger numbers. is hillary clinton the candidate that can do that in 2016? can she do that in central pennsylvania and in west virginia? i mean, especially the book tour, i know a lot of people say it's great that she has gotten all of the bad stuff out there.
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but so much of it was about money. she makes more money in a speech than a lot of people in west virginia make in four years. if she is making $200,000. >> look. it's not going to help but it may not hurt either. it gets down to whether she is going to put together a first-rate democratic campaign, meaning somebody is going to go out there and talk about the issues that matter to democrat. first of all, she has to fire up the democrat irparty on the issue of jobs and getting the economy going again and the basics we grew up and they are never going to change. if she is seen as a bread and butter hubert humphrey democrat in southwestern pennsylvania and put the kids back to work so they don't leave the state and leave their parents behind and she is looking out for social security and marked aedicare an will never leave and not have a house in florida and if they come off as somebody who connects with them, she will win. she will win not just the
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democratic party nomination but win the election. it's about basics and we talk about abortion rights and all of those other issues and women's issues but including women are going to go for that. the young male voter has got to be brought back to the democratic party. if you look at the movie tickets, the young guy under 25 decides what movies we go to. either go with the guys or go with a date but he is going to go. these young guys are leaving, entering the electoral process. look at the numbers. mark knows this but they are leaving the democratic party. the democrats have got to get the young guys back into the party again. and hillary can appeal to them. but it's got to be kind after cat ballou i can do this. people want a fighter for jobs and selling books at 30 bucks a pop is not the way to get the regular people. it's a way to get the book buyers but not the same person will decide the election. the person decide the election probably doesn't have books in their house! they may not have newspapers!
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but they have a vote. that's the person you have to go for. >> chris matthews. >> and they want a job and they want a really good better job than they have and if she can promise that, and get to th infrastructure i sound like kennedy but that's what they want, the people. i think. >> chris matthews, thank you so much. we will be watching "hardball" at 7:00 eastern time. joy reed, thank you as well "the reed report" airs at 2:00 eastern time. ahead what 3700 hours of new audiotape tell us about how nixon's presidency fell apart. kaulgs from texas but on opposite side from the aisle. now the border crisis has them working together. congressman henry q urcue dllar senator john cornyn will join us
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when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch.
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♪ with us now from capitol hill, two texas lawmakers who were set to introduce bipartisan immigration legislation later today. we have got republican senator john cornyn and democratic representative henry cuellar. guys, great to have both you you here. >> thank you. >> i was going to with the senator first, but i think we will go with the looks instead. congressman cuellar, tell us, what are you guys working on? >> we certainly finding a bipartisan approach for a solution to this humanitarian crisis that has homeland security. we are trying to find a solution and we are trying to roll up our sleeves and basically how do we stem the wave of humanity that is coming over to the u.s. and how do we make sure we treat the kids with care, but, at the same
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time, stem this wave coming in. >> yeah. joe, basically, the components of this are, number one, we want to make sure all unainspected children are treated the same way as kids coming over from central america and canada and mexico. if they do have a claim to some immigration relief, let's say asylum, let's say they are a victim of human trafficking they have an opportunity if they want to present that to an immigration judge on a timely basis. right now, the biggest problem is the cartels have figured out this gap in the law which basically allows children and individual adults with children to get what is called a notice to appear, sometimes called a notice to disappear, it's actually been interpreted to be a per mixer, so in central america or permission to stay in the united states. we want to fill that gap and work with the president and work across the aisle and try to find
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a solution. >> mark halpern? >> gentlemen, this is a thoughtful piece of legislation but a lot of people are seeing this crisis as a test of whether washington can act quickly enough to address the crisis. let me ask you -- how quickly could this actually get to the president? and what are the barriers to getting it done? >> well, certainly on the house side, we going to try to do our best to move this quickly. we got to do this before july 31st when we take off for our districts. it's important that we work at this and what funding and what level. number two, we have to have a policy change. yet i was with secretary johnson. we met with him at the blue doin dogs. he said without looking at the proposed legislation he is going to review it but he said, quote, it looks like we are in the same page, one step ahead. >> so representative cuellar, this is thomas roberts. there have been reports because
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you've been outspoken on this subject that you've received some calls on the white house not too thrilled with what you've been saying. the 2008 law that was put in place by president bush and the republican congress at the time dealt with sex trafficking for unaccompanied immigrant children. and there are unintended consequences we are dealing with as a country because of that. do you think the president has done enough because of the law that is in place to help stem the tide and the crisis taking place at the southern border? >> well, i think certainly the president is trying to address this issue but keep in mind the only thing i was outspoken when he was 232 miles away from austin, i wanted him to go down to the border and why i was outspoken. we have to change that topic and talk about how to come up with a solution. working with secretary johnson, he gets it. even on mother's day he and his wife went to see the children on mother's day so there is a
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commitment from secretary johnson. we want to work with the administration and democrats and republicans to find a practical solution to a humanitarian crisis that we have that has homeland security implications. >> joe? >> senator cornyn, could you explain to all americans, but especially our conservative brothers and sisters who even got upset at glenn beck for taking relief down there, the scale of the humanitarian crisis on america's borders and how anybody that has seen what is going on down there would want us to do something for those children? >> yeah, joe, since 2011, this -- the number of children coming across has exploded and it's primarily because the cartels, these transnational criminal organizations that are in the business of making money with drugs, people, weapons, you name it, they have cracked the code and they figured out this gap in this 2008 law which allows children basically be released to family members in
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the united states and be served with a notice to appear. it won't surprise you that most of them don't show back up so it actually works. what henry and i is trying to do is fix that gap because, so far, from 2011, the number doubled to 2012, it doubled again from 2012 to 2013. so far there have been about 57,000 unaccompanied kids come across since october. the concern it's going to double against next year, unless we deal with this so it's going to get worse unless we solve this problem. >> mika, it's kids caught in the middle of it. >> the bottom line here. congressman henry cuellar and senator john cornyn, good luck getting anything done. thank you for joining us. can ghdiplomacy be the answ in iraq? the ambassadors to iraq will join us next. keep it right here on "morning
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iraq's ambassador to the u.s. very good to have you on the show this morning. we have some news breaking just moments ago from the a.p. that there has been a new speaker of the parliament elected in iraq, sunni, iraqi, so we will follow that. we are looking the onslaught of isis and whether it be beaten back or beaten down. do you think diplomatsy work? >> we need to have a cooperation between the political parties to work on the political side but we need security' military cooperation with international including the united states and regional players. >> go ahead, joe. >> i was just wondering. help us out, understanding how iraq has fallen apart on quickly
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on the political side of things. why have sunnis been led to believe they have no stake, no interest in the united iraq? >> joe, this is not the pure sunni or sick tearian. they are executing as much as they are trying to ethnically cleanse christians and shia. the problem we have is not partly sectarian but majority of it has to do with organizations such as isis or al qaeda and their affiliates. the issue we have now is we have a parliament which elected today so speaker, president will be elected within a couple of weeks. it will be talked about in a few weeks time as well. in a sense, we have a very strong move toward the political drive by the parties but we also need security and military cooperation. this cannot be dealt with along with diplomacy or with politics.
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>> mark halpern? >> you just laid out what might happen on the political or supposed to happen in the next couple of days or weeks. lay out the best case scenario in terms of military civil order and a resolution of the military conflict. what is the best case you see now over the coming weeks for your country? >> we have the government that is working with the people so we have no mobilization to strengthen the army. we have restructured the army and we are working with international partners regarding our military capabilities such as air and others. we know for a fact we need support elsewhere. we need better counterintelligence, we need better capability in the air. we have approached the united states for that and we expect more from the united states. >> was it a mistake for the united states to get out as quickly as it did of iraq? >> in reflection, i think everybody is now saying we should have looked at this
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better. however, we don't have the luxury of hindsight now. we have a situation in which iraqis and americans and everybody else says we should have been doing better on this, but, unfortunately, the situation is as what it is now. so we have to deal with that. >> how did the country fall apart so quickly? how did the defense fall, collapse as quickly as it did? and how do we ensure that doesn't happen again? >> joe, last year, our foreign minister, he was in the united states and asked for help in relation to attacks on camp at the syrian border. the situation in syria hard detroit ra deteriorating a few years. we are reviewing our capabilities. a collection of things. unfortunately, losing sight of that internationally has not helped us. and internally being too focused
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on the politics and let on the security has also not helped us. >> ambassador falli, thank you for being on the show. >> thank you for having me. up next, "vanity fair" fresh look at chris christie or what the magazine is calling one of the craziest political scandals in recent history. we will be right back. ♪ baby we were born to run have you ever looked at someone and right away thought you know exactly what they're like and what they believe in? well, odds are you're wrong. what's on the outside and what's on the inside can be very different. the more you know.
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first, the nixon tapes. >> right. what new information did "vanity fair" unearth from the nixon tapes, dana? >> nixon left this treasure trove of 3700 hours of tapes from the oval office. most people focused on the post watergate stuff and the cover-up. what they have done is gone back to the first term and 3700 hours is insane to go through. they have just pored through it and pulled out the best bits. >> what are some of the best bits? >> nixon surprised that women swear. he didn't know women are swearing. jesus, women swearing, how unattractive. he talks about the gays a little bit. >> you do a good -- i'm just looking at the exchange.
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let's compare your nixon to nixon nixon. here is the tape. hold on. >> why is it that the girls don't swear? because -- because a man, when he swears, people can tolerate it, girls swear? oh, they do now? but, nevertheless, a man drunk and a man swears, people will tolerate it and say that is masculinity. you show me a girl that swears. >> the question is why does anybody turn the tapes on? >> that's one of the highlights. there is a really funny moment. there is a lot of kissinger in there and a great moment where alexandra hague can called in to talk about sort of behind kissinger's back to talk about
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him with nixon. it's just a lot of -- i wish every president taped everything. >> oh, my lord! this stuff is rich. >> it's the gift that keeps giving. here is nixon on kennedy. kennedy was cold and treated his staff liking it dogs, particularly his secretary. reside a lot of books and that sort of thing pure creation of mythology. we have created no mythology. i guess he didn't like him too much? >> i think there was respect there. i think he was envious of this mythology that kennedy had created and wanted a bit of that. so there a little while back and forth with kissinger. he decided guts and boldness, i want to be, goddamn it, i want to be remembered for guts and boldness and wearing and kissinger pops in and says complexity. nixon thinks a moment, basically, no, just guts, guts.
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>> are these previously unreleased tapes or null released? >> i think it's stuff in the archives. i think the quality was very poor. i think they had to go back and digitize it and fix it up and make it, you know -- you couldn't hear a lot of it. it was early. in fact, him installing the tape recorder is included in there and him learning how to use the tape recorder is all in there. >> you also have in this issue of "vanity fair" full retailing of the bridge scandal of chris christie and i argue there might be another bridge that could cause some problems for him and get to that in a second or later. you talk about recounting the first day of the traffic jam and go through sort of the culture that led to this. what is new in this story? because some would argue it's been beaten to death. >> on a story like this, it's funny. sometimes you need to let the politics die down and sit back. >> right. >> brian burrow, a great reporter and great writer and long time new jersey resident
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sat back and waited until the desk settled and went back to the beginning. sort of gave it the game change treatment in a way. you know? it's just the minute minute-by-minute detail of what happened, the texts, e-mail and who is involved and who comos in comes into the story and who goes out. it's a fascinating read and a lot of fun. the investigation is still going on and who knows what is going to happen. but it's a really fun tight read. >> mark halpern, what do you think? >> in burrow's account, who are the big characters, the people he focuses on? >> obviously bridget kelly and david wildstein are the big players and merit is in there. >> in terms of bridget kelly, i'm pretty confident he didn't talk to her. >> no, he did not. >> what is it? did she act alone? what caused her to write that e-mail? >> that is the mystery. the mist are did wildstein and
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kelly act alone or did everybody else know? and, you know, they are the two, obviously, the texts came out so they can't hide from that. i think that is the big question were they from that. were they alone or did everyone know? she worked 50 feet away from his office. she was the deputy chief of staff. that's the mystery and that's what the investigation is going to find now. >> the bigger thing is about the perceived cover-up. not so much object who concocted the idea, although that's important, but what took place after the threads all started to unravel. >> when did christie find out and how much did he know? that's what the investigation is going to find out. >> there you go. the new issue of "vanity fair." david brown, thank you so much. you have kate middleton on the cover. >> i'm trying to get younger. >> first year of the prince. still ahead, senator corey booker is going for a selfie record. but who are his hard to catch
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photo targets? you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only a! la quinta!
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break. i tuned out, i chilled out. what am i going to miss in a two-week period, right? it's the summer! >> crisis on our border. the immigration nightmare. >> the spy scandal explodes. >> republicans just announcing plans to sue the president. >> toxic bombshell. >> tropical storm watches for the east coast. >> terrorists with nuclear material. >> standing on the brink of all out war. >> okay. >> it's a hard re-entry when you come back from vacation. >> standing on the brink of war. oh, my lord. >> never stood a chance. >> the world is coming to an end, thomas. >> it depends on what challenge you are watching. but senator cory booker is pretty social media savvy. he has 20 million followers and now the democrat has taken on a new mission. he wants to take selfies with every one of his senate colleagues starting the mission a month ago and is up to ten.
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so we see him here, senators rand paul, dick durbin, angus king, just to name a few. john thume. they will do anything to ease partisan tensions. >> i thought it was a little self-indulgent. >> i want to see the mitch mcconnell one. >> i want to do a selfie with mitch mcconnell. do you dare me? do you think he would allow it? >> if cory booker get there is first to soften him up. then you can go into the snap. >> i would love to get a selfie with mitch mcdonnell. >> you can photo bomb their selfie. >> that would be awesome. >> good. >> let's make a plan for the summer. up next, senator elizabeth warren is using her sizable star power on the stump for a democratic candidate in a very up likely place. and actor tracy morgan spoke for the first i'm about his car
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crash last month. what he told reporters about his condition. and the end of an era as comic book archie will come to and end tomorrow. >> he's a hero. >> you will not believe how it all ends. it is not riverdale high. it's not betty and veronica, it's not. it's just really messed up. we'll tell you more when "morning joe" returns. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for more 100% real dairy treats you'll 100% enjoy look for lactaid® ice cream and lactaid® cottage cheese. anoh hey there! (laughs)airy treats you'll 100% enjoy you're that grumpy cat. how about some honey nut cheerios? not even a smile? maybe someone should tell your face.
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we have "morning joe" contributor mark halprin co-hosting with us this morning. and in washington, columnist for bloomberg view, al hunt, along with willie, joe and me. how is joe? >> all good. how is mika? >> all right. i do like that we are starting with political news today and we have potential presidential candidates stumping for senate candidates. and we'll get to jeb bush. he was out on the stump for scott group, but i think they went to the wrong state by mistake. but we'll get to that in a second. first we'll start with elizabeth warren. just yesterday 17 miles out oh washington, senator elizabeth warren rustled a crowd for natalie tenant. take a look. >> if west virginia decides to send a senator to washington who is going to be there to fight
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for wall street, for those who have already made it, or what it will mean for west virginia to have a person who will get up every morning and go to work to absolutely work her heart out for the families of west virginia. i'm here because i believe in democracy. i believe in what we can do together. i believe in natalie tennant. she's going to be your next senator. make it happen. >> tennant is in an uphill battle against shelly moore capito. moore promised to fight president obama to save energy jobs if need be. in 2012 she had lost every county in the state.
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and paul ryan was also in the state campaigning for capita and tried to frame warren, so he went after warren as an enemy of the state. >> elizabeth warren is left of the left of the democratic party. elizabeth warren is part of the war on coal. she is part of the united states senate blocking registration to preserve energy jobs in america. >> okay, joe, what do you make of that? it feels like paul ryan is a little defensive of the person supporting the competitor to his candidate. >> well, it might feel that way towards you, but mark halperin, when you are in west virginia, the war on coal is extraordin y extraordinarily an important war. al gore was the first one to lose it in 2000. i remember a lot of us being surprised, but it shifted republican on this key issue. so let's talk about that first.
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then i want to talk more about elizabeth warren and her populist message. but first the war in coal is big in west virginia. this whole energy battle is going to be big over the next six months, isn't it? everywhere. >> this is a look that republicans assume they have in their pocket. but there's no doubt the long-term trend there has been toward the republican party for mitt romney to carry every county. it's kind of unbelievable that not that long ago michael decaucus carried it. and now the party is not seen on the right side of the issue. >> this is a sleeper issue. of course we hear about the koch brothers all the time and fracking, new jobs, but let's focus on elizabeth warren's
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message. that's a populist message. bill crystal has nothing in common with elizabeth warren politically, but he would advise republican candidates to say every morning i'm going to wake up to fight for you and not wall street. i think there's a populist message that both sides are starting to relate to against big government, against big business. and boy, the candidate that can embrace that is a powerful candidate. >> and she's opened that from the beginning since before she was a candidate for senate. so she's lived it. and look at the places she's gone, west virginia, kentucky, she's gone into -- these are coal states. these are states that certainly no one would mistake for deep blue states for a senator from massachusetts to go in and campaign for. so her message of closing tax loopholes and of renegotiating student loans. you can go right down the list. these are things resonating with a lot of people and is amazing to see pictures of her in a
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state like kentucky calling in a very, very progressive senator from massachusetts to campaign for her in that state. pretty remarkable. >> al hunt, jump in. elizabeth warren is not against, she doesn't want people who work in the coal industry not to have jobs, she does want energy innovation and that doesn't seem like a difficult argument given the dependence the country has suffered from over the past several decades. having said that, back to what joe was saying, her populist message hits perfectly with people if she can get out there. >> my guess is she didn't talk a great deal about energy innovation while in west virginia or kentucky. all those states, appalachian states from west virginia, temperature, kentucky, arkansas, they used to either be competitive or lean democratic and have switched. part of it is energy and a few of the states it is cultural conservatism. what is fascinating is that paul
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ryan's critique is so old school, she's to the left of the left of the left, barack obama couldn't go into west virginia and wouldn't be welcomed into west virginia by that candidate but elizabeth warren is. because of the populist message, it's what she's saying about fighting for the average family. mark pryor in arkansas is running to the agreement of obamacare. so the idea she's welcome there had is fascinating. >> jeb bush was campaigning for republican senator scott brown. the "concord monitor" reports that jeb bush's photo was take up in boston. he's also endorsed the republican governors up for
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re-election in south carolina and iowa. so, joe, jeb bush sort of getting out there for candidates as well. and i wonder if there's a little bit on both of these stories where they are just testing the waters for themselves as well. >> well, obviously a lot of 2016 candidates are trying to help out 2014 candidates. jeb's been a hard one. just yesterday we were talking about house his stock has gone down. chris christie is now talking more about going, but he's still out and i don't think he's out there to, you know, lose weight. i think he's out there for a possible 2016 run. what is your reporting on jeb in what's the latest? >> well, my reporting is very up conclusive. testing the waters, my gut tells me he's not fwhoung to run. i just don't think he's got the fire, but i must say that's not based on reporting but more on people who know him and don't
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know whether he will run but i bet he will. >> what is your read on this in terms of jeb bush being out there being a northern state in massachusetts. should be in new hampshire and were earlier in the day, but what does this mean for jeb bush beyond scott brown? >> we do want the folks who are going to run to put out a book, put a lot of money out or get out on the trail more than we have seen previously. so it does show him rather early. and i appreciate mika's point. if you want to deal with the carbon fiber, be careful where you are uploading the photos. >> maybe don't go to the state where -- exactly. >> if you put up a pic, people can figure out where you posted it from. that's something you need more web strategy on. but i think it suggests and openness because he doesn't have to be traveling, but not a deep hunger. all right. we'll take a look at the midterms approaching. democrats are holding on to
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leads in two senate has races. in colorado mark udall is leading cory gardner by 7 points. and gary peters is trying to hang on to the seat vacated by carl levin. both democratic candidates are getting help from female voters. udall has a 12-point lead among women while peters holds a 13-point advantage. but there's a silver line for republicans. obamacare is up popular in both states with the majority saying the law is a bad idea. and the president himself isn't doing much better despite carrying both states in 2008 and 2012. presidential elections are just 40% of those approving from what he's doing in life. >> those are two races democrats probably have to one to keep the senate. and the up told story is how
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incumbents and challengers are working. they are doing great voter files. i still think republicans have a good chance to take back control, but quietly democratic candidates are doing well in the battleground races on the ground. >> senator rand paul is facing more backlash on his foreign policy views. yesterday former vice president dick cheney, wife lynn and daughter liz sat down with politico's for a family issue becoming a major rift. american foreign policy and how best to defend the country. >> obviously, senator paul leaves something to be desired with respect to national security policy. >> i've got some big concerns as to which senator paul thinks we
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can be safe by building a fort for america. >> anybody who went through 9/11 thinks we can treat our oceans safe, i'm sorry, but they are out to lunch. we watched the forum with the vice president and daughter reading there. what do we read here? what do you see in this rift right there? >> well, first of all it shows how serious a candidate rand paul is. cup not imagine four to eight years ago, the statue of dick cheney and rick perry attacking his father, rand paul. he's a formidable figure. second on cheney, democrats love it when he weighs in on a rock. i would guess that rand paul does, too. dick cheney in iraq doesn't
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necessarily -- it's just not the subject republicans want dick cheney to be talking about. >> that's what he was talking about. go ahead, joe. >> i was just going to say, mark halprin, we have seen rand paul take hits over the last couple of days. and there's a feeling from people like myself and other republicans, and we talked to you about it yesterday when somebody suggested rand paul could win the republican nomination. we said, no, he won't. of course, it's the same thing i said about barack obama in 2007 when he was running against the clinton money machine before i saw how much money he could raise. so maybe it could happen, but actually this issue is talking about, despite the chaos of iraq, i don't think it's great for rand paul because more americans and more republicans are dictating to rick perry's
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view of the world that they are rand paul's. >> i don't think it is improbable for rand paul to be the nominee. he's creating a good rhetoric that is good for the republican party, but he's not completely coherent in his critique of the last few years. he's building a critique but is not there yet. and the department has to be there on foreign policy and people like dick cheney are longing for the days where the politics had a huge national issue. i think building toward 16 they would like it to be there and the debate is pretty robust, but again i didn't see any clarity in his moderate views when some of the tougher questions get asked. >> you look at the picture of the lower third. ran paul on one side and dick why kncheney on the other.
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there are 99 yards before those two extremes. rand paul is an isolationist. he perhaps is running away from where his father and his father's positions were. and dick cheney is is a neneo-c. he said neither one of these two are reagans. they represent extremes in foreign policy. >> so i just -- all right, try to weigh in on this. but my instinct goes into a question of is it possible that time did some analysts and who knows all about these things, but they are circling the duck dynasties carefully. god knows the base and the thousands of people that show up
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at things that they might go to, mibt be upset but frankly they are not talking main stream thinking. and are they all potentially underestimating me underestimatingment? >> they don't resonate with everyone in the public as much as the media. i'm not sure hillary clinton is driving the book to the democratic base. put aside the policy debate for a second and look at the politics. i don't think dick cheney is hitting a resident in court with a conservative base when he says anyone who wants to pull back from the videodisk an isolationist. with john kerry involved in egypt and ukraine. we talk about what happened in afghanistan. we look at dave pratt who says
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we are overinvolved at a political level. you may be able to take down rand paul. and to mark's point rand paul has more policy papers than the dock trip right ntrine right no. but this man's problem is he wants to pull back from the world. i think conservatives are there right now and that's what you are looking at in a primary. volkswagon is part of the debate on unions. why the company is doubling down in tennessee. plus, 35 pounds of african snails are seized at lax. some say they are damaging species. why are they a damaging see spe species while others say who cares. and first, i don't know, he changes the course of our day every day with lies. bill karins is here. >> sometimes it comes through.
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if you listen long enough i usually cover my track. good morning, everyone. the cool down in the midwest. a lot of us on the east coast love to see the cooler, dryer air heading our way. 56 in kansas city. a record low for the day. we made it to the 40s in many areas of the dakotas. so the well advertised summer chill has arrived. it will be cool tonight for the all-star game in minneapolis. here's a look at the temperatures across the midwest. open the windows, st. louis. annapolis, chicago, detroit, milwaukee. and heading for columbus, pittsburgh is going to wait until this afternoon. when you get an unusual weather pattern in the summer, you get a cons chemical weapons. we had big thunderstorms yesterday and now we are watching from west virginia where the rain will slide to the east. and we'll get a little bit of sunshine this morning that will add enough energy for strong storms. 60 million people at risk of severe weather that goes all the way from the raleigh area right up 95 through d.c., through new
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york up towards the capitol. that's where we'll be watching some torrential rain and lightning. not so much tornadoes or hail. and because of all the heavy rain, flood watches have been issued for the area. this will be the second day in a row of thunderstorms like this. if we get another two to three inches of rain, we'll be looking at problems on highways and roads and the airports in the east. otherwise the west is quiet but we are warm. 106 there today. the cold front is going through. if you look closely between thearm, you can see old glory blowing in the breeze with the cool air moving in. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. hey pal? you ready?
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can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not?
5:21 am
vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at
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♪ time now to take a look at the morning papers. we'll start with the "chicago sun-times." rahm emanuel could be in trouble if he runs for re-election. the poll for the political unit shows chicago teachers union president karen lewis leading emmanuel 45% to 36%. lewis is seriously considering running for mayor. and against cook county board president toni preckwinkle is worse, down by 25 points. the emmanuel camp has called the results, quote, laughable. i can hear that from him. >> the wall street journal says
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bowe bergdahl has officially returned to active duty. sergeant bergdahl has refused to communicate with his parents since being released from the taliban in may. a decision that caught the military off guard suggesting a deeper rift within the family that previously believed. meanwhile, the military says sergeant bergdahl completed the reintegration process and is assigned to a desk job with active duty status. that means the investigators may question him over the circumstances of his disappearance. "the tennesseean" volkswagon is looking to expand its plant in chattanooga, tennessee. they plan to lawn ch production of a new seven-passenger suv set today buy in 2016. volkswagon with add 200 jobs to the plan and will hire an additional 200 engineers for a new research center. they hope to boost sales of up to 800,000 vehicles annually in
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the u.s. by 2018. >> good news for tennessee. "the telegraph," for the first time ever women will be allowed to become bishops in the church of england. yesterday's historic vote overturned centuries of tradition. and it was one of the most divisive disputes. they said the change completes a process starts more than 20 years ago when women were allowed to be ordained as priests. "the new york daily news" says tracy morgan was upbeat when speaking per the first time since the car accident that left him critically injured last month. the "30 rock" star told reporters yesterday he feels okay following the crash which left him with cracked ribs and a broken leg. morgan was pictured using a walker as he exited his home and got into a car and thanked everyone for their support. from our parade of papers, "the los angeles times," customs officials seize 67 live giant african snails at los angeles international airport earlier this month.
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the snails were discovered in two baskets weighing more than 35 pounds on a flight from nigeria. the officials say the snails are a serious threat to agriculture and public health in the u.s. the snails contain pair sites powerful enough to cause meningitis in humans and eat the stucco off human homes. "the new york times" talks about the comic book archie, veronica, reggie -- who is the blonde girl? come on, guys. >> you forgot jughead. >> jughead, exactly. well, archie is going to be shot. that's horrible. >> that's a hard turn there. >> it's going to be shot and killed in the latest installment of the series "life with archie." who is doing this? it's horrible. archie will intervene in an assassination attempt on his gay
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best friend kevin who is a newly-elected senator pushing for stricter gun control. the publisher says it's a heroic end for the character and hope readers learn froma archie's bravery. my head hurts. this is betty cooper. she was always so pretty. and veronica, of course, right? why did they kill archie? this is weird. and it so doesn't work. let's go to politico. it's not a comic book. riverdale high, right? >> a lot of hot button issues. >> what the -- okay. all right. see you top that, willie. and we'll look at the playbook now. >> we have been talking about
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elizabeth warren and her populist message. hillary clinton has work to do inside democratic party to capture the sliver of vote if she diseases to run for president. >> this is one of the most interesting conversations going on inside the clinton camp. ben white and maggie are reporting the great asset to her all along. now if she puts together a platform, she has to account for the time that since the clintons for last in power, the party has moved more to the left. and bill and hillary clinton was highlighted again and again,le as part of the .001%. in the '90s democrats were trying to prove they were business friendly and now democrats need to prove they are willing to hold wall street accountable. so a couple of the policies that you can use to do this would be expanding trade, spending money
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on away the industry deduction. she has to do something more creative than that. >> is it her to report the president latest and what does that mean exactly? >> even if elizabeth warren doesn't run, the fact that she's so popular as we have been seeing on the show, the fact that she could run, that there could be a challenge is part of why they are so concerned about this. it's also the surprise that they
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don't want again. over the months they have very much worried trying to watch the flank, trying to be proactive about it out at cig. she took the first step to talk about young people unemployed and how they could be held. we'll hear more about this from hillary clinton. >> let me ask you about something to catch our eye on politico. reporting from michael bloomberg who is backing election candidates this season and why. >> michael bloomberg is up to $750,000 to republicans. and he's giving it to packs that are occasionally able to reach across the aisle. the people he's given to are
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lindsay gram, congress man steve lotorit in ohio. and the third has been reported before with cochran down in mississippi, but the half million dollars is being reported on politico this morning. >> mike, up next, president warren harding's steamy letters to the mistress. we'll talk to the map who knew about them before they were released. we'll be right back on "morning joe." [ male announcer ] every day, your mouth is building up
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layer upon layer of bacteria, so destroy these layers with listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than any other mouthwash. for a cleaner, healthier mouth, #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth™. #1 dentist recommended listerine®. my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom.
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[ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ welcome back to "morning joe." joining us, new york times best selling author steve berry out with the latest novel "the lincoln myth." i didn't know this about you, you're a member of the thriller writers, a group of more than 2500 thriller writers and you founded it? >> didn't find it but i was one of the founding members. pretty much 85% of the thrill
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writers write similar type of books across a wide birth of genres. >> tell us about "the lincoln myth." >>s the an interesting story. most national politicians at the time would have said yes, lincoln is the first national figure to come in and say no. you can't do that. the union is forever. it is indissolvable and cannot be broken. that's really his contribution to our -- to what we have. the question is, is he right? the question is, is he constitutionally right? and i spent 18 months when researching this book, and i'll tell you that i don't think he is. the founding fathers were clearly of the mind that a state could leave the union whenever it wanted to. we have accepted that since the civil war but that doesn't make it right. so i have explored it here in the novel. it deals with brigham young and
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aberaham lincoln. >> you know that abraham lincoln was the first one to leave the war. >> he's panicked and can't lose the west. most people think the civil war was fought in virginia and south carolina, but it was fought all over the country in every venue. he couldn't take troops and move them to the west. brigham young controlled the railroad and telegraph lines. if he cuts those in utah, lincoln loses the west. brigham young wanted the 1862 polygamy act not open forced so they made a deal. i won't enforce the act, you don't cut the lines. >> you were saying apart from the novel here, you were saying the emergence of lincoln is a 20th century phenomenon?
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>> very much so. after he died no one wanted to hear the word lincoln. it was not that strong then. it was not that prevalent. the radical republicans in the congress took over. everything kind of went the opposite. everything that happened after lincoln died probably never would have happened if he lived. it would have been a whole different recovery from the war. it was a 20th century phenomenon that began to catch on with lincoln and now he's into the realm of myth. but there's an epigraph in the novel that says the state has the right to leave the union from lincoln. >> he changed his mind. >> yes, he did. >> this myth of lincoln, this -- he's in the greatest three, four, five presidents, is it deserved? >> absolutely. the truth about lincoln makes him greater than the myth. he had a tough job now. he had a tough call and made the call and did it and kept the country together. and that makes him great. it doesn't necessarily make him
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right on the question of secession. doesn't make him right on that, but it still doesn't take away from his accomplishments. absolutely not. >> i don't know why we have to shield our folks in myth from the truth. >> it is like kennedy. i have to say on a totally different level, there are people who just idolize president kennedy in a way that is so unbelievably realistic. >> in the circumstances of both presidents' deaths, it just adds to their reputation, so to speak. >> if you are killed in office and you're basically martyred, yes, it's going to add to that mystique. >> is your next book about warren g. harding's love letters? >> have you heard of those? they are steamy. >> actually, i was looking at them. >> how did you find out about them? >> harding fascinates me.
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i would like to do something with harding one day and i played with that and have done some of that. the next book is interesting dealing with income tax. >> really? >> something with the 16th amendment that will surprise you. >> really? that's called a deep tease. >> can you give us a little look? a lot of people -- listen, i'm coming at this from the cnbc side, and a lot of people don't realize effectively 100 years a ago it was basically no taxes in america. >> no. none. >> and now there are 42 regular major taxes that we pay. >> the income tax came -- >> wait. >> the income tax came in 1913. the 16th amendment made it easier to happen, but there are some serious questions about that amendment. serious legal issues with that amendment. and they are very fascinating. i stumbled across this and it is very interesting. there's some serious questions of whether that amendment is legal or not. >> good lord. >> at this point i think it's
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probably too late. >> it may be but somebody is licking their chops for a refund. 86 years times -- >> of nonwork. >> this makes for a great novel because what if the tax was illegal from the start and the government knew it? and by the way, i'm not making some of that up. >> you are good at teasing stuff. march 31st next year. we timed it to come out at tax time. >> the book right now is "the lincoln myth." we'll talk about this one now and wrap up the segment selling it for you. it is really nice to see you, steve berry. thank you so much. he mentioned he has another book coming out in the spring. is this it, "the patriot truth"? >> that's it. >> i can't wait to read that surrounding very revealing. more on "morning joe" in just a moment. thanks, again. ♪
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welcome back to "morning joe." time for bettes before the bell with brian july vasullivan. now brian is going to fill us with joy. what is going on on the street, man? >> i love you better. >> i love you, too. >> so janet yellen two-day testimony starts today. this will be a big one. the senate today and the house
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will be tough tomorrow. the tight rope she's walking, this is a hard tightrope. if she talks up the economy too much, things are good, people expect higher interest rates. if she doesn't talk the level of the economy where it is, which is getting better, then people are going to get spooked possibly that we are in a retail funk or consumer slow down and that could spook people. so she's really walking the tightrope. >> you are saying this is like a goldilocks thing. her pooridge has to be just right. >> that's right. >> in 1981, did i get that right? >> it's about then. and there's a big fear with all the stimulus the fed has put in that eventually -- here's the reality, the government data is one thing, right? the reality of your viewers going to a grocery store with coffee, bacon, beef, wheat, gas, corn, all that stuff is up.
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i consider that inflation. the fed doesn't. >> well, you have young people like mika who doesn't remember inflation. mika goes to the grocery store all the time and she would not -- she's always telling me, you know, the price of bread. >> no, you know what i told you during the break. >> mika went to the grocery store for the first time. she's more out of touch than george bush with that scanner thing. she left -- >> she was caught squeezing charmin. >> worse, the red little basket that is you fill in the grocery store, so mika just took her bag and took that red thing walking down 6th avenue in new york city and people were like -- >> i did that yesterday. >> you took it home? >> the basket thing that you put stuff in with the thing -- >> you're so out of touch.
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>> homeless people take those. >> i didn't notice until i got back to 30 rock. >> is it true that this is where we are going? >> i got back to 30 rock and this guy says to me in the elevator, and someone said, is someone missing that basket? are we on the air right now? >> basket inflation is up. i doubt yellen is going to bring us back to sanity. >> she's supposed to talk about we are not coming back, but if we look at wall street, everybody is doing well. >> excellent question, counselor. the stock market is not the economy. i'll be the first to admit that. it's not. >> can i ask you a question, brian? so i asked mika and said, you don't really go out grocery shopping much. she said she goes to whole foods. and i said, that doesn't really
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count, mika. will you agree with me? shopping at whole foods, that's sort of an elitist thing in and of itself. >> i'm going to give the show some credit, okay? i flew into iron mountain, michigan, two weeks ago. a little town. they love you guys. honest to goodness, nobody cares about me. i don't get recognized anywhere. got off the plane, there is like one plane a day, so people getting off the plane were there watching those waiting, and those folks, they have a tough life. they know about inflation because every penny up there matters. >> of course they do. way to bring that back. and they love us at the piggly wiggly in alabama. quickly, there's political tracking but it is going to the next level and freaking thomas and me out. >> it's a little weird, guys. a real interesting story in
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today's journal." here's the bottom line, they are using data to target tv ads more than ever. in fact, they will know basically what show you'll watch at what time, what ad to show you. so if you watch a certain network, certain show, then they target conservatives to the home and garden tv network because that's a relatively up expensive ad buy. it was a fascinating piece. they are coming for us. big data has us all already. >> new tall ent we are bringing to our show is right here online. i'm going to explain this on sunday. it's this woman, just wait. she's amazing. uh-huh. it makes no sense but it will at some point. >> why don't you full screen that. >> i'm being schooled by her right now. >> check her out on youtube. mo miranda faith. oh, she's fantastic.
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all right. a serious turn here. still ahead, we'll be right back. in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at carmax is the best with a quick written offer, right on the spot. perfect for jeannine, who prefers not to have her time wasted. ...and time! thank you. your usual. she believes life's too short for inefficiencies.
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welcome back. it's time to talk about what we learned today. and for all you big archie fans out there, we learned archie gets blown away tomorrow. they kill him, i don't get it. why do they kill archie that way? >> you know what i have learned? i think this show needs an injection of life. and i'm trying to book miranda sings. just google her. >> okay. thomas? >> let's talk about "vanity fair." this is the mom on "parent trap"
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and she turns 94. >> what i learned is steve berry is a polite man and probably the only person that called you ma'am. >> yeah. that hurt. i've been called ma'am by some young people lately. >> it is nice. >> joe, it's way too early. >> is that hair blonde or gray? it's hard to see from here. i'm sorry, what were you asking? >> if it is way too early, what time is it? >> well, usually it is time for "morning joe." but right now you want to stick around for "the daily rundown" with chuck todd coming up next. midterm mojo. the president keeps taking hits. the big question is whether republicans can penetrate the democratic party's hold in its swing state blue wall. our new numbers show it's close in some key states and this morning we'll talk to a map who is trying to knock out michigan's self-proai
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