tv Lockup MSNBC July 18, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. an inmate finds himself on the wrong end of a vicious attack. >> i got hit with a tray and that's all that happened. >> another inmate with a reputation for violence keeps staff on constant alert. >> i ran in another kid's cell and i stabbed him. >> there was blood on the walls, floors, all over the inmates.
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>> while a young man with a seemingly bright future awaits trial for first-degree murder. >> wednesday is my 20th birthday. >> and the jail takes steps to keep youngsters from joining the ranks. >> boston, massachusetts, has long been a city associated with higher learning. but many of the residents find themselves on a less productive path. every year more than 12,000 people are brought through the doors of the city's suffolk county jail after being arrested.
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>> all the way up, lift your tongue up. >> the intake center is located at one of the jail's two facilities. the nashua street jail. >> this ain't wall street. this ain't bourbon street. it sure ain't rodeo drive. this is nashua street. >> the new arrivals have not been convicted of the crimes for which they were arrested and considered innocent until proven guilty. >> step in. >> those who are not quickly released or bailed out will be housed at nashua until their cases are closed. and every year, thousands of men and women undergo a demanding application process to secure and manage inmates while they're in jail. less than 1% will make it to the final stage, cadet training. >> there was 40 people, 40 candidates that were brought into this academy class. there were upwards of 10,000 applications for the job. >> the cadets must pass a series of difficult tests to become suffolk county jail deputies. >> we teach them everything from
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combatives which is defensive tactics to firearms, to first aid, fire safety, approximately 40 different components of what they do. this morning, we're going to do some defensive tactics training. they have some ground defense where we've brought in some ground defense experts from another county along with our own people. >> you have to be back here. it's imperative. >> you don't want to wind up on the ground. you want to be in an altercation, but when that happens, you want to be able to deal with it and be able to come out in the end and go home and see your family. >> that's what's going to get you out that thing. the explosiveness allows your hips to get through there. ready? explode. recover. >> among the current class of 40 cadets is 23-year-old abrianna spagnolli. >> there's only five, including
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myself five women right now in the class. there isn't very many women working for the department right now. but, you know, it isn't too much pressure, but you do want to, you know, stand proud and do everything the men can do even better if possible. obviously. >> 27-year-old caree mallard is also a cadet. >> i never thought i'd once be a correctional officer. i always knew i wanted to help people and try to rehabilitate people. growing up in a neighborhood where i grew up, i've seen a lot of friends go take the wrong road in life. i always wanted to do something to be a positive role model. >> three seconds to get out. >> trying to keep people prepared, being able to deal with situations that may arise. >> three, two, one. >> i look at it as keeping your sword sharp. >> ready? explode. recover. >> by the end of their training,
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the cadets must be prepared to deal with the jail's most dangerous inmates like 25-year-old deven gallop. gallop is housed four miles away from the nashua street jail in the house of correction. a facility that holds up to 1,900 inmates who have been convicted of their crimes and are serving sentences of 2 1/2 years or less. >> deven has been coming to our building since he turned 18 years old, and he's been with us pretty much for most of that time. >> attempting to strip search the inmate. he did turn around and come at staff with a pair of eyeglasses that are sharpened to a weapon. >> he's one of those inmates that when he comes back into the institution, he's basically don't pass go, he goes to right to segregation until we can speak with him. and to see where his head is at and what he wants to do. >> placed on the floor, placed in restraints. was making several threats to the staff at that time. and was put in restraints.
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>> gallop's behavior has prompted several cell extractions from the sheriff's emergency response team or sert. for legal reasons, they are required to videotape all interactions with inmates. >> he is very angry and aggressive toward staff. but the main thing that makes him dangerous is he makes weapons. he makes weapons all the time. he'll make weapons out of anything he can get his hands on. he had contraband that includes the plastic dinner trays that we give him when he's had seg. he pulls it apart. turns them into plastic shanks. >> we identified that his fingers were extremely long in length. they were shaped into arrowheads. we told him his nails were going to be cut. and he refused to allow us to cut them. i explained if he did not comply and allow us to cut his nails to a reasonable length, then we would have to do it manually. he decided he was not going to comply and allow us to do it, so we had to place him on the
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ground and manually cut his nails one at a time. >> i don't always use weapons, but when i do use them, it's like i feel good sometimes. feel like i got my point across that i'm not playing with you. i'm not here to play with you. fighting doesn't get the job done. you heal up, i don't want you to heal up that way. i'd rather you not just fight and you can live with the bruises. i like to rather just leave you scars. >> gallop is housed in the administrative segregation unit. in order to minimize his contact with other inmates, he's in a single-man cell and even takes his recreation time alone. gallop is currently serving two years for the distribution of narcotics.
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he also has an open case for assault with a dangerous weapon, to which he has pled not guilty. but his reputation at suffolk county stems from a prior conviction for attacking another inmate during an earlier stay here. >> one day i was sitting down and i was like maybe i could take the mirror off. i started playing with it and i learned how to take it apart. i ran into another kid's cell and stabbed him. >> the inmate was stabbed 19 times. >> myself and the staff responded. as we entered the unit, we observed the cell door was wide open. and when we got down there, he was inside the cell and stabbing the inmate that was inside the cell with a manufactured weapon that he had made. there was blood on the walls, on the floor. all over both inmates. >> the victim survived the attack. >> i believe that he enjoyed the notoriety that came behind what he had done. it gives him a little bit of a reputation. it sends a message to the staff as well as other inmates.
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>> i'm not the nastiest. i'm just a regular person like i said. you're going to hear from other people like i'm some different, but i'm just a regular person here trying to maintain. but you know, sometimes things go the opposite way. coming up, deven faces a shakedown. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> just let us search your cell, all right? >> and a group of youngsters face the harsh reality of jail life. >> open the door! open the door! open the door. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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convicted and are here awaiting the resolution of their cases, tensions can still run high and a calm day can turn violent without warning. a fight on the six two unit has landed 20-year-old alex gonzalez in the jail's infirmary. >> i got hit with a tray. i fought back and that's all that happened. >> but after reviewing surveillance footage, jail staff learned just how brutal the fight actually was. >> what we see here is mr. alex gonzalez. mr. gonzalez has just received his food tray and he's ready to sit down and have dinner. and what we also see is this is detainee darrel couch. he's entering the food line here. one of the interesting things with mr. couch, you notice the
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routine has been to grab a cup of juice along with the food tray. mr. couch doesn't grab any juice because his intention is not to sit down to a meal. >> took the tray and rammed it right into his face. right into the orbital socket. and was immediately punching him with everything he could get, several times slams to the ground. one time had him in a reverse head lock and drove his head into the floor. >> what our protocols in the suffolk county sheriff's department calls for is the officer waits for backup before breaking up that fight so as not to endanger him. as soon as he sees the entry of the team, he's moving to break up that fight. there they do, and they remove the combatants, separate them fairly quickly. >> gonzalez who is awaiting trial on an armed assault charge to which he's pled not guilty was immediately taken to the jail infirmary for treatment of injuries to his right eye and head. >> did you get any good swings? >> i don't know. i tried. i was hurt. he got me good with the tray. >> while the attack on gonzalez
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was severe, it was prompted by a seemingly minor matter. >> that fight actually occurred because alex gonzalez owed darrel couch money for chess losses. apparently they were paying chess, alex lost, owed money for the losses, refused to pay, started a fight. >> the jail's medical staff is determined that gonzalez' injuries are serious enough that he should receive additional treatment at a nearby hospital. he will be handcuffed and escorted by sheriff deputies to the emergency room. >> this is what happens in jail. this is what happens. i didn't do it, so you've got to expect it to happen. >> gonzalez recovered from his injuries, and his attacker was given 17 days in segregation for starting the fight. finding themselves on the wrong
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end of such a brutal attack is usually the biggest fear of inmates who have just arrived in jail for the first time. >> there are some inmates who come here that they've never been locked up before and they come here, and it is a scary place. and it's those individuals that you tend to be more concerned about because they're sort of lost and they are so young. >> such is the case for 19-year-old sherman badgett. >> i know i'm a good kid. i do what i got to do. go to school, had a job out there, take care of my family. >> he was arrested as a high school student and has been detained without bail at nashua street for nearly a year while he awaits trial. >> never thought i'd be in a position like this. i missed a lot. i missed a lot. my girl's birthday, my mother's birthday, grandmother's
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birthday. i'm about to miss everything. >> if convicted, badgett faces a 25-year-to-life sentence on charges of first-degree murder. he has pled not guilty. >> sherman badgett is torn between two worlds. do i want to do the right thing? do i want to excel academically? make my family proud? or do i want to do what my peers are doing in the neighborhood? what's right and what's wrong? he seems conflicted between the two worlds. >> this is where we live. we ain't got much in this room. >> badgett is accused of shooting and killing another student during a high school dance. he denies being the shooter. >> fight broke out, somebody was waving a gun in the gym. basically everybody started running from the gym. then you hear three shots. the friend in front of the door, he got shot once, it only took one shot. that's all it takes.
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>> authorities could not immediately identify the shooter. badgett was arrested nine months later while he sat in a high school classroom. >> it was the u.s. marshal that came and picked me up. brought me to the homicide unit, started questioning me, saying you're being charged with first-degree murder, then i came here. >> sherman was attending a special magnet school for gifted and talented children who excelled in math and science. sherman's school was very concerned that he wasn't going to be able to finish out his school year and they wanted him to graduate and get his diploma from their school. so i worked closely with the headmaster. we brought work in for sherman. he did it thoroughly and rapidly without any help. and we sent the work back to his school and shortly thereafter they mailed him his diploma. it was very special. >> since receiving his diploma, badgett spends his time studying his case work for an upcoming trial that is still more than
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eight months away. >> wednesday's my birthday, my 20th birthday. i'll be 20 years old on my first birthday being in here. hopefully i'll be out before my 21st birthday. coming up -- the cadets meet the inmates for the first time. >> hands behind your backs, palms up. >> so do four boys from boston. >> you got boogers dripping down your face. from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet?
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at the suffolk county jail in boston, the new class of 40 cadets are about to get their first experience of direct inmate interaction as part of their training to become jail deputies. among them are kareem mallard abrianna spagnolli. >> we're going to go down to the 2-2 unit for a shakedown. a total of 34 cells. make sure you have your
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protective gloves on and verbalize what you want from these people. inmates will only allow you to do what they're allowed to do. if there's any issues, contact one of us. if there's any questions, contact one of us. is that clear? questions? >> sir, yes, sir. >> all right. >> a shakedown is a little bit different from a room search whereas you actually handcuff the inmate, bring them out of the room, search the room with a three-person team. >> forward, march. >> and then at the end of it, they get stripped search and placed back inside their room so you can be virtually assured the room is clean. >> sir, stand up, please. >> hands behind your back, palms up. >> separate your feet, sir. >> behind your back. >> looking for nuisance contraband. health and welfare type thing. milk, food they might have taken off the feeding line. also looking for contraband, weapons, drugs, anything like
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that. >> what's in the pocket? >> tea bags. >> tea bags? >> guys, make sure all that milk comes out because you don't know how long it's been there for. >> so far, we've been in here for about, what, 15 minutes and this is as far as i got. so it's like you want to get every inch. i'm breaking a sweat, so i feel better taking my time and finding something or not even finding nothing than rushing through it and overlooking four or five things. >> they did very well. they did what they were trained to do. they've been doing an outstanding job. >> shakedowns like these will become commonplace should the officer candidates make it as jail deputies. >> every day we conduct random cell searches that are computer generated. however, in addition to those we do targeted cell searches based upon our prior knowledge of inmates, based on intelligence we might gather throughout the facility that contraband might be present. whether it be drugs, weapons, et cetera inside the housing units. >> today, the sheriffs emergency response team or sert is focused
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on an inmate with a history of assaultive behavior. >> we're about to go into our 1-5-2 segregation unit for a creme search for contraband inside inmate deven gallop's cell. >> back away from the door. >> inmate gallop is known for making weapons. usually doesn't go too many days without trying to manufacture something. you know, periodically every couple of weeks we'll take the opportunity to search his cell. and most times it's lucrative. >> i know they're coming. i can hear them. i know what cell they're coming to. they're not coming for nobody else but my cell. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> just let us search your cell, all right? >> they just refer to me as someone who causes trouble. probably don't trust me, probably always think i got a weapon on me at all times. >> because creative inmates can turn almost anything into a weapon, deputies must be
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especially vigilant. during his six years as one of the jail's senior investigators, jonathan spinelli has amassed a significant collection of inmate-made weapons. >> this piece of evidence is a wall plate and this is a piece of metal but this can be filed down to a very sharp point. an inmate could use this as a cutting instrument where they could use it as a knife or some sort of sharp instrument to cut them in the throat, the face. these are metal rods filed down, most likely this looks like it was part maybe of a chair or the heating vents. they have these slats on the heating vents they can rip them off of. that's pretty common. you can carry this and no one would know it's in your possession. you can walk out of your cell with it and stab somebody with it, stab an officer with it. >> the ingenuity behind some weapons is almost beyond belief. >> this is a paint ball. it's very hard, probably about very similar to a small rock. and what inmates do with this is
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they chip the paint off the walls and they stick it in a container and they heat the water and they soften the paint too with it and makes it very pliable and they can use it and round it into a ball such as this. and what they would do with this then is drop this into a sock and they could make some sort of weapon out of it. it's an extremely difficult substance once it's molded together and dries and hardens. they're very difficult to break. if you will take this and if you were using this as a sock, you could -- and again -- with the significant amount of force i slammed it against the desk here, it didn't break, it didn't even chip it. >> this time, no weapons have been found in gallop's stuff. >> keep your hands over your head. stand up, face the window the whole time. >> i don't know why i act up sometimes. it's like sometimes i just get bored. i look for excitement. i just look for somebody, you know, some attention sometimes
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is why i act up sometimes. something to do, you know, get the sert team up here and have them come up here for no reason. it's excitement sometimes. >> shirt, pants. >> i think anybody would be lying if they didn't say when they come to work everybody knows that the threat is always there, the possibility of being injured is there. and that's why we can't be complacent. we have to continue to be very vigilant at what we do. you know, the majority of us do a very good job at that. we only have each other to look out for so -- coming up -- >> pick up your feet and move. >> four boys learn what it means to be an inmate. >> is this where you want to go? look around. >> and sherman badgett gets a special visit. >> i'm just glad that i seen her on my birthday. with
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minister and reiterated concern about escalation of the conflict and civilian deaths. the ground operation in ga so could last two weeks. 20 militants were killed. one israeli soldier died. violent protests erupted after the anger of the ground assault in gaza. now we take you back to "lock up." >> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. the deputies who manage the day-to-day operation of boston's suffolk county jail have numerous responsibilities that all fall under one primary goal. safely securing the men and women who are incarcerated here. >> are you all right? >> but jail officials also put resources into keeping young
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people from ending up here in the first place. >> because jail is glamorized so much in film and music and other places, they really don't have any idea what it's actually like. and this shows them what it is actually like. >> today, four boys ranging in age from 12 to 16 have just arrived at the jail for a visit. all four have had run-ins with the law. >> everybody stand up. >> deputy justin plaza heads up the program known as jailbreak. >> jailbreak is geared towards kids that are headed towards -- in the wrong direction. >> put these uniforms on over your clothes, hurry up. >> not doing the right thing, making bad choices, and we bring the kids in and show them what jail life is really like. >> how old are you? >> 12. >> why are you here? >> i cut a teacher. >> you cut a teacher? look at me, you're talking to me, right? >> yeah.
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>> so why are you looking down at the ground for? i'm the one talking to you. you're the one talking to me. you look at me. >> they have this false sense of toughness to them. so those are the ones that i really have to go after to break them down. why are you here? how old are you? >> 16. >> are you kidding me? you're going to be in one of these units if you continue to do the things that you're doing in a month. i give you less than that. 17 years old you will walk through the backdoor and you will not leave. you will not leave. you understand me? you will not leave and that's what's going to happen to you. that's where you're going. every single one of you, all right. 12 years old and almost 17 years old, take your hands out of your pants. don't let me see you with your hands in your pants again. keep your mouth shut. i'm tired of you. all right. shut up! >> the boys are cuffed and escorted into the jail. >> congratulations, you guys made it. pick up your feet and move. >> i was born and boston, raised
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most of my life here in boston. i did go to boston public schools. that's why i went through a lot of the things that these kids went through. >> get your nasty faces off the wall. get your face off the wall. >> i feel like i made it. so if i did, i'm not anybody special. if i did, they can make it also. >> one, two, three, and four. this is all you're going to move from now on. everywhere you go. there's four cells down here. okay? one, two, three, and four. look for that cell with your number and go. hurry up. hurry up! pick up your feet and move. you better start moving with purpose. is that cell number one does that look like a cell? is that cell number one? stay in school. learn your numbers. >> they feel like because they're angry they can do whatever they want to do and anger will solve the problem. oh, i was just angry and everything's going to be all right. and they have to realize that even if you're angry and you make the wrong choice, you will end up in this place. >> you ready the for a cell mate? >> no, sir. >> you want a cell mate? you want somebody to keep you company in there? i've got the perfect person for you.
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>> what's up? what's up? pop this door right here. shut up. shut [ bleep ] up. pop this door right here. why you crying? what you crying for? what are you [ bleep ] crying for? >> tough guy. what are you crying for. put your [ bleep ] head up. take these off. take them off. take those off. it's going down in here. >> going down in here. >> go down in here. >> put your hands up. put your hands up. >> you know why we ain't yelling at you like the other [ bleep ] in here. >> put your [ bleep ] hands up. put them up like this. >> because you're 16, you'll be up here in, man. >> you don't get privileges. >> we're liable to see you in one of those units. i'm going to clown you. >> you spent your mother's money on weed huh? >> what's up? we crazy. what's crazy? take these cuffs off. take these cuffs off. take these cuffs off.
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>> are you touching my wall? put your arms up. >> give me your hand. why are you crying now? >> you got [ bleep ] boogies dripping down your face. you want to be in a room with me? you want to be in a cell? you want to be in a cell with me? >> no, sir. >> no, sir. >> time's up, you little [ bleep ]. >> it's really not to scare the kids, just to show the kids, jail's not where you want to be. maybe if i went to the programs and seen how jail is really like, i wouldn't end up in here. >> welcome to nashua street jail. >> is this where you want to go? cutting people? stabbing people, this is where you're going to end up. look around. everybody follow me, let's go. >> did it scare you. >> just kind of. >> you want to cut people, huh? i'm going to put you in there with them.
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i'm going to put you in there with them. >> put him in there. put him in >> yeah, he's going in. you want to go in there? huh? let's go. >> you got a bed for him? >> he can sleep on a bed with me. that's my kid. get in here! there you go. >> you ready to go in there? you wanted a roommate earlier. you want to go in there now? no. you want to cut people, though. >> no, i don't. you want to cut your teacher? >> no, i don't. >> you're going to be my girlfriend. >> i don't. >> yes, you do want to go in there. >> come here. >> i don't. >> you don't want to go in there? >> seriously, i don't. >> open the door. open the door. >> come on! >> you want to go in there? no, are you sure? you want to cut people, though. >> no, i don't. i don't. i don't. i don't. >> waste of time. >> you hear me? i'm here for murder right now. trying to take the rest of my life. they don't never want to let me go back to my mother. you hear me.
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tighten up, bro. >> take your shoes, merry christmas. get out of here. >> i saw you crying. >> no i wasn't. >> think about what you're doing. because every time you do something stupid, this is where your mother's going to visit you. >> i wasn't. >> step on out. >> big man. three weeks. before you end up in here. that's life for you. you don't want this. >> you really have nothing in here. you only got yourself. that's crazy. >> never come here. it's not good. especially for little kids. >> don't know how to fold clothes, huh? >> that's not the way. fold it the right way. >> in boston, there's a lot of problems out on the streets. the population here in the jail is getting younger and younger. and it is just out of control. >> you're a good dude.
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you do your job well. >> so even if we get a group of five kids and we could reach three of them and we'll keep those three from coming into the jail, we did something, even one. and we did something right. >> while the jailbreak program attempts to keep young men out of jail, it's too late for some others. 19-year-old sherman badgett was a senior at his school for academically gifted students when he was arrested on suspicion of gunning down a young man outside a high school dance. he is charged with first-degree murder and has pled not guilty. for nearly a year, he's managed to cope with life behind bars thanks to the support of a friend on the outside. >> this is a picture of naomi. she made that picture look good. this is mainly all hers right here.
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>> today it's badgett's 20th birthday and naomi has come for a visit. >> turn around. face that way. >> now i feel like she's taken a lot of pain off my shoulders, all the stress off me by coming to see me, visiting me. she's doing a lot for me right now. >> he used to date my sister, so that's how we became real close. >> and? >> and we're kind of talking. yeah. my sister at first was upset about the whole thing. i guess she felt like because her and sherman's really not together anymore i shouldn't be helping him or doing what i do for him. but like i already told my sister and i explained it to her that, you know, when i make a promise, i'm going to keep my promise. and i promised sherman that no matter what i'm going to always be there for him. >> you're allowed one brief embrace. remain seated. there's no kissing allowed.
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>> my sister was upset, but she came to understand that it is what it is. i already made a promise, so it's going to happen. >> the jail does not normally allow contact visits for detainees, but due to filming restrictions in the visiting room, they set aside an area to accommodate our cameras. >> okay. okay then. >> hey. >> hi. >> what's up, man? >> how you doing? happy birthday. >> how long's it been? >> a year. >> oh, my god. >> and you didn't even write me for like -- >> a month. >> more than that. >> i'm not writing. you better catch up to all of the letters i wrote you. yes, sir, i'm not writing you. >> don't be -- no -- >> in order to continue seeing badgett, naomi must visit the jail for quite a while.
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badgett's trial is still eight months away. and even then, his future is uncertain. >> okay, guys. you got to finish up your visit. it's almost over. >> i don't want to let you go. >> i love you. >> i'm going to call you tonight at 9:05. >> time to go. >> get a hug? >> love you. >> it's sad. just to see him leave, not being able to touch him for a while. i just really want him to come home. >> i'm just glad that i seen her on my birthday. it was a -- to me it was a gift.
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it was a gift to me. coming up -- >> he cannot make it. he cannot rec with anyone. >> a new chapter for deven gallop. >> we had to do something about that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse?
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at boston's suffolk county jail, maintaining the safety of inmates and staff is a top priority. key to that goal is identifying and segregating inmates with violent histories, inmates like deven gallop. >> he's pretty notorious here due to his gang affiliation and willingness to fight not only inmates, but staff, he cannot make it housed with anyone, he cannot rec with anyone, and so we had to do something about that. >> the first step was housing
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gallop in a one-man segregation cell. now, even though he has an open case in a nearby court, jail officials have appealed to the state prison system to take him back where he can be better managed. >> we don't like to keep inmates in segregation for extended periods of time. we know that it's not good for their mental health. we've been working on a transfer for him to the state for about four months. and they said no twice, and this past time they said yes. sometimes they'll accept inmates if they are extremely violent here and there's nowhere elsewhere we can put them. >> gallop will now transfer to state prison while he awaits trial on his charges. how long he will stay depends on the outcome of his case. >> if i'm found guilty, they're probably going to give me 15 years. if i'm not found guilty, then i go home next year. hopefully i get not guilty. you got to survive one way or another.
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i've just got to maintain, that's all i know. >> gallop's transfer might solve one immediate problem for the jail. but the cadets who might soon be deputized to work there know they could encounter the next deven gallop any time. they are now in their final class, firearms training. >> man with a gun, top, rack. grab a light. re-engage. >> though deputies don't carry firearms inside the jail, certain positions such as transporting inmates back and forth to court require that officers be firearm certified. >> all right. baton drills, good verbalization. >> to pass the course, the cadets must fire 26 rounds at targets from various distances. >> you know the deal, all right?
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>> i shot 26 rounds. three ended up outside the target. so i can only have two outside the target, so i can make up two rounds for my one outside. what i'm going to do is go back there and just shoot twice from the farthest away and have to get it in here. if not, i have to redo the 26 round course two more times. which i've already done once. >> cadet kareem mallard has even a greater challenge, he missed four times and must now be perfect to avoid retaking the course. >> take your time for me, all right? here we go. >> police, don't move.
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>> don't move! gun! >> all right. in front of your target. >> i don't know. >> got it. >> thanks. >> all right. >> means i can carry a gun for the suffolk county sheriff department, right? >> but mallard was not quite as accurate. he only landed two out of the four shots in the target. >> wednesday, you'll be coming back, okay? >> very frustrating. very frustrating. >> two out of two. little things that make this, i guess, perfection. you know what i mean? it's little pieces that you've got to get right.
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and one little thing, if you screw it up, this is where you end up. i got one more next time. i'll keep trying. get better and better every time. coming up -- >> and behold all things have become new. >> sherman badgett seeks renewal inside the suffolk county jail. >> and of the son and of the holy ghost. ♪
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turn around. as new inmates flow in and out of the suffolk county jail, there's turnover in staff, as well. 23-year-old abrianna spagnoli is the newest officer to graduate from cadet to probationary deputy. today is her first day on the job after months of training. >> sometimes during a day-to-day basis you're not going to use a lot of the training that we received. so the standard thing is to keep that in the back of your head in case you do need to use it.
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>> while he may not hold the reputation of a hardened criminal, 19-year-old sherman badgett is facing a charge of first-degree murder for an alleged shooting. since coming to jail, he has participated in a bible study with pastor timothy allen, who knew badgett on the outside. >> you've got to be involved in your life. >> he's a very likable individual. he has a smile that will light up a room. if you spend any amount of time with him at all, sherman will have you smiling. >> what's your week been like? >> tough. >> what you been reading? there's a bunch of stories in corinthians. >> always knew him to be an intelligent, smart young man. certainly someone that would've benefited from a mentor. just more, again, more an individual who needed to be motivated and not someone where
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you think, you know, unless something is done, this person is on the path to destruction -- no, not that kind of individual. >> while badgett's future is anything but certain, today he will become one of dozens of inmates baptized at the jail each year. >> he was very excited about the opportunity to get baptized while he was here. in fact, you know, in the weeks leading up to this, or in the days leading up to this, all he was talking about. so in my mind, you know, this is going to serve as another source of encouragement for him. this is a symbolic thing that we do. and it's indicative of the burial and the resurrection of jesus christ. old things have passed away. and, behold, all things have become new. so the old you goes in and the new you comes out. so unless a change has taken place on the inside, then this won't matter. the only thing will happen, if you haven't changed on the inside, the only thing that will happen today is you'll just get
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wet. amen? praise god. you need to take off your shoes and your socks. >> you are going to be the light of 6-2. >> amen? not to just smile. >> get in. face that wall. sit down. exactly. there you go. extend your legs and your back, back here. come back here. there you go. bring your body over here. cross your arms. praise god. sherman, in obedience and the commands of jesus christ and all your professional faith, my brother, we do now baptize you in the name of the father, the name of the son and the holy ghost. amen. amen, praise god. you need to get up. amen. >> amen. >> praise god. amen. >> there you go.
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amen. amen. >> all right. >> it felt good. i can't remember the last time i was in water like that. >> you have to always hold out hope and especially in a place like this. giving up -- giving up is the worst thing you would want to do. there are different ways of dying. you don't have to die physically, but to lose hope, you can walk around from one place to another, but there's no life in you. >> i feel fresh. i feel like i just made a change.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. somebody like me with my mentality does not belong in society. >> after a horrifying act of violence, the kokomo slayer displays his brutality for all to see. >> most murderers get 60 years. i got sentenced to 72 years. >> two brothers pay a harsh penalty for their dealings in methamphetamine. >> he messed up his life trying to save mine.
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