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tv   Lockup Raw  MSNBC  July 20, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons to has world of chaos and danger. now the scenes you've never seen. "lockup, raw." when lockup producers travel to the facility in illinois within they walked through the corridors of one of the nation's historic penal innings tugss. this castle like prison. was built in 1857, four years
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prior to the civil war. and the friction between staff and inmates seems every bit as old. >> you just hit me in the head. so [ bleep ] cloak [ bleep ]. >> during our shoot at joliet, a disruptive main mate had been removed from his cell and taken to segregation. our cameras were there as the captain attempted to make the transfer. first a brief stop to process paperwork. >> [ bleep ]. dude hit me,man. >> this particular ma was from the r and c unit. we just received him in from the coun county. he was upset for one reason or another. i don't know what it was. he was at the front of the bars being aggressive. i told him to have a seat in the back of the cell and remain quiet. he wouldn't. disobey disobeyed.
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it progressed. >> why you got handcuffs on me. >> nobody hit you. >> you did hit me i swear on my momma [ bleep ]. you hit me again. don't touch me,man [ bleep ]. >> as carpet morgan processes the paperwork -- >> he hit him in the back of my head, handcuffed me and twisted my ankle. >> the inmate continuing his tirade against him. >> my momma, man. >> kopt morgan completes the paperwork and then escorts him towards segregation. a 23-hour a day lockup unit for inmates who violate prison rules inchs was taking him to north segregation to look him up in the seg unit. >> when the inmate turns on him, morgan tightens his grip but the situation would seen get more intense that's when he tried to
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pull away from me and turn around on me. that's whenever i secured him to the ground until i could get more security held. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> i'm going to walk on my own. >> no, you ain't walking. >> those particular charges i charged with inmate with, direct order, assault, he attempted to spit on me as well as turn around on me. he'll go to an adjustment committee, a panel of hearing officers and he will plead his case against my disciplinary report that i give him and they'll do whatever is just. >> while this inmate received an extended term in segregation, kpat tif inmates always risk
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suffering physical consequences as well. if extreme violence breaks out, these officers may use lethal means as a last report. but they usually stop most assaults through verbal orders. if that doesn't work, nay have an arsenal of nonlethal weapons, including ones that firewood blocks. though not deadly, woodblock rounds can leave a lasting impression as we discovered at the state prison in california. >> shot the [ bleep ]. >> no. i don't remember getting shot. i don't know if i got shot. >> we often talk to corrections officers about the nonlethal weapons they use but i's not often we end up actually seeing what those weapons do. and such was the case with george johns. this was something that happened just the night before. we were lucky to talk to him. >> escort. >> during our shoot at concern valley, inmate george johns
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serve eight years for being involved in a high speed chase while on parole, started a fight in the cafeteria and was hit in the head by a wooden block. we met him the following morning. >> tell me the story. tell me what happened. >> i had a personal problem and i ran over and handled it and i didn't make it all of the way. i was in the chow hall eating, got irritated and finally decided i don't like this guy. so i'm going to bite him. that's it. >> next thing you remember? >> they're dragging me out. telling me i got hit in the head with a block. >> let me see your head. >> the shooting left john with seven staples in his head and a wound still cakes with dried blood. he said the scar running down the back of his head was the result of getting run over when he was younger so you knew the guy you got into a fight with?
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>> kind of, sort of. apparently i didn't like him. >> i was eating my dinner at a table way down the chow hall. the guy was running, i didn't see him. >> jeff aheart is the inmate who johns attacked. while asked a number of times by our producer why he started the fight, he was never specific. >> i just told you as far as ki go. i ain't going to tell you why i didn't like him. he didn't spit in any soup or nothing. he just progressed to the point where i felt like i had to kick his ass. that's it. i just exploded. i have a bad impulse problem. >> but aheart has his suspicions about why the attack occurred. he thinks john wanted to be sent to the hole in order to be segregated from other inmates for his own protection rnlts he
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chose to attack me right in front of the cops so i consider that to be a protective custody pcp move on his part. >> she was saying that johns was doing a pc move. he's trying to say he owes drug money on the yard and the reason he's doing that is he's in the hole now so he doesn't get stabbed on the yard or what not. when he's in the hole, he doesn't have contact with the other inmates. they do something in front of the cops, get locked up and sent to the hole and stay here. they're eventually going to have to deal with it. but for a short time he's safe in here. >> johns did in fact get sentenced to time in the hole, but never confirmed whether it was on purpose or not. >> so was it worth it? >> not really. uh-uh. but at the time yab w, i didn't think about the consequences. i didn't think about tag down and getting pepper sprayed. u didn't think about getting
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staples. i didn't think about none of that. up next -- >> prison made whiskey. got prunes in it. >> alcohol inside our correctional institutions are a very big problem. >> when inmates get drunk. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? yeah, we help with fraud protection. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you're really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. just to be clear,
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you can't tell how wild a prison. inmate might be just by looking at him, but sometimes you can learn a lot by his nickname and it seems in prison almost everybody has one. >> my name is alvin whims, everyone calls me gator. a lot of us has animal names.
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>> calvin williams got his nickname while working as a sparring partner to a heavyweight boxer. >> he'll jab me and hit me real hard and i'll get upset about it. he kept doing it so i snapped my gloves off and i attacked him. i knew i couldn't beet him hand-to-hand so i bit him. when they broke us off, when they wiped the blood away, it was in the shape of a gator. i don't know how i did it. >> any anymore names? >> the name hustle got me here too. sometimes it ain't good to hustle. >> while nicknames are common in prison, we've discovered something else is as well, but it's not as harmless. >> what is that in. >> prison-made whiskey. got prunes in it. open they just wait until it
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ferments good. >> what does it smell like? smell it and tell us. >> kind of a strong whiskey aroma. >> it goes by a lot of names, whiskey, hooch, white lightning. we've heard about it, smelled it and it exists in every prison we've been in. >> it's a very big problem because it only take as small amount of time to make the alcohol and just about everyone does it. it's a constant cat and mouse game. >> this is a bag of prun0 we discovered. a regular garbage bag and inside you can smell the sweet smell of the prunes and the apples. >> how much could that serve in. >> actually i would say it will serve up to five or ten people
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all depending. some of the inmates actually sell the pruno. >> i guess if you go to the right person, i'm sure you could. i don't know the particulars of it. i said i've got caught with it. i don't know to the makeup and how to do it. and even if i did, i probably wouldn't divulge that. >> but we've met plenty of officers and inmates who would. >> we give them everything they need for pruno. you need fresh fruit which we have to give them, you need something that has sugar in it, most fruit have some. extra sugar helps. we don't give them that. but you can get candy from your canteen issue. you need containers to keep it in while it's heating. we give them little milk cartons. if they want to destroy state property, the mattresses and the pillows are all in plastic cases. they can be torn apart.
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then you need a little heat. you have a fixture in there. lamps give off heat. fruit, sugar, water, container and heat. three to five days and you got brinkable pruno. >> like a nur-- inmates can cho from a wider variety of ingredients to brew their hooch. >> cool aid. >> kech chep. >> pineapple. >> prunes, peaches. >> drinks. >> sugar and yeast. >> they g get their hands on prunes, that's what they like to use. >> of the many experts we've met, the truest con sewer had to be tyrone. located right in the heart of california's central wine valley. >> we have pruno made from
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oranges and fruit and pour it into a bag and make mush out of it. let it set in hot water with a lot of fruit in it. take it and pour it into a pillowcase and then strain it, putting the liquid in the bag to be used. apples and two boxes of sugar, you'll come up with three gallons of pruno. once you're done, you can sell it. you can sell them $15 a piece if you want or get drunk off of it all you want. >> outlaw then told us about a much more potent concoction. >> the second is called white lightning. that's similar to jack daniels. it's like 150-proof. >> according to outlaw, white lightening has a very dark side. >> pruno can get you drunk and riled up and get you that
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intoxication under the influence trip whereas white lightning can cause you -- you can drink half a cup of white lightning and if the they were to come and ask you a common question like can i see your id card, because you have the white lightning in your system, you immediately get violent. it will take six or seven to bring them down. >> at pelican bay we saw the inmate's guide to white light inning. >> a hand made illustration in white lightning. >> i found that in his cell, how to manufacture pure alcohol. what they're making there is ever clear, the 150 proof. that's not your regular pruno. a little more sophisticated. >> this is the final result. this here is about the equivalent of grain alcohol. extremely potent.
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>> how does this stuff taus? talk to me about the taste. >> white lightning tastes exactly like whiskey without the cut. some guys in prison will cut it with cool aid or something because it's too strong. then you have other inmates who just down it just raw. a lot of the guys who make this stuff, they fail to realize that the bacteria in what they're drinking gives them diseases because it's nothing but rotten fruit that this stuff is made from. >> correctional officers are constantly on the lookout. >> the officers are out there serging cells. they'll find it. three days later, the same cell, they're making alcohol again. it's constant. we have over 3,000 inmates. coming up on "lockup raw". >> one of the items he makes the
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most of would be scorpions and spiders. >> the confiscated artwork of america's most infamous inmate. ♪ in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. nationwide is on your side. it's how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke
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while some inmates might spend their time behind bars creating mayhem, we've met plenty of others who choose a very different path. they news their time in prison to do something constructive. for many, that means turning to art. paul majors had been in and out of prison for most of the last 23 years when we met him at the rir bend maximum security institution in tennessee. >> it's therapeutic for me because it gives me a chance to escape and release a lot of tension. i can look at the situations in the world today and what i can't say verbally i can say in a picture because they say a picture paints a thousand words.
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this is my way of saying a thousand words. i use achrissics, water colors, pastels. they give me a stick and mud, i would use it. >> and some prison artists, especially those confined to high security cells nearly have to do to such length to create art. >> i got different techniques but times i take the color off of an m&m. >> because of his high security level as a confirmed gang member, we could only shoot his art outside of his cell. a correctional officer offered to hold it in place for our camera. but at another california prison, one inmate's artwork is
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immediately confiscated and destroyed or kept in a secured location. the inmate is charles manson. >> we have some manson memorabilia that charles manson has created since he's been incarcerated. >> during one of our shoots at california state prison cork ran, our crews barely got a glimpse of manson before he covered up his win cow. but his artwork provides a unique insight. >> here's a scorpion that he's made. basically just taking thread from various types of items, socks and t-shirts and towels and he creates it and uses a marker to color it. this is probably one of the items that he makes the most of, would be scorpions and spiders.
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this is, i would assume, something like a harp and he's made it out of coil let paper and newspaper. this looks like some dental floss, a small stick and probably for the colors he used cool aid to get the coloring for it. >> why do you guys have this stuff? >> he's not allowed to have it. 0 occasionally we go through and do cell searches and confiscate all items. he doesn't have a hobby card. other inmates try to sneak it out and put it on ebay so we go in and confiscate it. >> how does he react when you guys take his stuff. >> sometimes he's passive, occasionally he gets pretty angry and threatens us. but for the most part he's pretty passive because he knows all he's going to do is make some more. >> there's one other reck innocent of the artist tick
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interest hanging on the wall of the investigative services center. >> this is when he was out in the protective yard and the inmates were out in a maximum security yard were able to defeat the security lock and got through there and manson was out in the yard playing the guitar and they ended up breaking it. i don't know if they hit him with it. but they ended up breaking his guitar. he wasn't hurt or anything. we quelled the disturbance pretty quick. the guy that same in was more scared than man son. he came in real quick and broke the guitar and got down. complied with the orders. >> any song what he was playing? >> no, i have no idea what he wu playing. yeah, i don't know. want to know how
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