tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 21, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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flight over four hours. and nasa rename one of the centers in honor of neil armstrong. too early." "morning joe" starts right now. >> good morning. it is monday, july 21st. welcome to "morning joe." with us on set we have the president of the foreign relations, contributor john heilman, host of "way too early" and john roberts is running into the room. peter baker joins us as well as bbc correspondent kim gatis. thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks. let's get right to the break nugs this morning. the death toll is mounting this morning in gaza.
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ayman mohyeldin reports on an air strike of a suspected hamas member has left more than 27 members of one family dead. more than 500 palestinians have been killed since the conflict began. 110 on sunday alone. this is the deadliest day yet. 13 israeli soldiers were killed as well. two of them, americans. the rockets continue to rain down on israel, and they say they have killed 10 soldiers. ban ki moon has called israel's actions atrocious. and security council has called for an immediate cease fire. the situation from hour to hour going from bad to worse. >> the situation does keep
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getting worse. it is getting worse, in part, because hamas has built a series of tunnels. those tunnels are being destroyed. it sparked action. of course, then you had the deadly killings of the three israeli youth and the palestinian youth and it spiraled out of control. two weeks later over 500 people dead. and the situation going from bad to worse. a lot of action in the international community. i think you're going to see a ramping up this week. >> richard haas, at one point, will israel's military operation be counterproductive in terms of both sides agreeing to peace at some point is this. >> israelis face a real dilemma. hurting a lot of innocence, they've got to put more troops on the ground.
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when you put more troops on the ground, as we've seen the other day, more troops then get killed. it's a real problem for them. hamas has rejected the cease fires. israelis then feel they have no chance, no choice. on the other hand, the way the israelis are doing this, using massive fire power as well as troops, you are having all these casualties being caused. this is one of those situations where it's going to take both sides to stop this. the real question is whether both sides are prepared to accept, essentially, a narrow, unconditional cease fire. can't do it in the short run. the real question is both sides are essentially willing to put aside their long-term goals and just stop. >> secretary of state john kerry made the sunday morning rounds. prior to an appearance on fox news sunday he was caught with an open mike speaking candidly with an aide. >> it's a hell of a pinpoint
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operation. >> it's escalating, under score the need for a cease fire. >> we've got to get over there. thank you, john. i think, john, we ought to go tonight. i thenk it's crazy to be sitting around. >> secretary kerry, when you said it's a hell of a pinpoint operation, are you upset that the israelis are going too far and, in fact, do you intend to go back to the middle east tonight, sir? >> i think it's very difficult in these situations, obviously very difficult, chris. you have people who have come out of tunnels. you have a right to go in and take out those tunnels. we complete support that and support israel's right to defend itself against rockets that are continuing to come in. yeah, it's tough. it's tough to have this kind of operation. i reacted, obviously, in a way that, you know, anybody does with respect to, you know, young children and civilians.
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had. >> obviously, it's latest challenge for the obama administration in terms of their foreign policy. >> right. mika, how long has john kerry been in the national spotlight? >> long time. decades. >> probably well over -- three decades, four decades, if you go back to his testimony -- >> sure. >> -- in 1971. do you think john kerry knows that when you speak on a set with microphones around that people are going to hear you? i'm just curious, after doing this for 30, 40 years. >> look, i think he is probably very frustrated in the situation. >> come on. yes or no. yes, he is frustrated, from what i understand, obviously, with the israelis and with his own administration. and it's time to get moving. i think he wants to be far more engaged. i think that's why we're heading over there.
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>> to kim and ayman mohyeldin is standing by as well. this is how he framed it on "meet the press." >> the facts could not be more clear. the united states of america has never been more engaged in helping to lead in more places than we are now. one thing i've seen for certain, people aren't worried around the united states, sitting there saying we want the united states to leave. people are worried that the united states might leave. the american people ought to be proud of what this president has done in terms of peaceful, diplomatic engagement, rather than quick trigger, deploying troops, starting or engaging in a war of choice. i think the president is on the right track and i think we have the facts to prove it. >> and as to secretary kerry, he gave the most ridiculous and delusional summary of american foreign policy i could imagine. it scares me that he believes that the world is in such good
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shape. america is the glue that holds the free world together. leading from behind is not working. the world is adrift and president obama has become the king of indecision. his policies have failed across the globe and will come here soon. >> nbc news foreign correspondent ayman mohyeldin joins us from gaza. ayman? >> reporter: the comment that secretary of state john kerry made we see it here on the ground. israel has said time and time again it is using surgical strikes. they describe what's happening here nothing short of a massacre. in the eastern part of the gaza strip yesterday, the single deadliest day since this conflict began, the most people killed in a single neighborhood. air strikes and shelling that took place that have now pushed the death toll to more than 500 over the past two weeks in
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fighting. israeli bombardment. you can probably hear some of that shelling taking place behind me. we are getting reports that overnight an israeli air strike targeting a member of hamas killed him but also 27 members of his family. it is precisely that type of casualty toll that palestinian officials and medical sources say is disproportionate. human rights organizations are saying it is disproportionate the type of force that israel is using to try to stop palestinian rocket fire out of gaza. the situation here on a humanitarian level begins to worsen by the hour. 80,000 palestinians are taking refuge at u.n. shelters. at least 61 shelters are housing those people. it gives you an idea how densely populated those schools are now becoming and how much pressure,
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health services, food and basic necessities. mika? >> ayman, thank you very much. clearly, this is spiraling. peaceful diplomatic engagement, i wonder how possible that is and what is the sort of diplomatic dimension of israel's strategy at this point? >> the strategy is simple, to stop hamas from being able to fire rockets into their country and kill their people. unfortunately for israel and tragically for the palestinians, it is disproportionate right now. and also disproportionate in so many ways that this will obviously -- the international community will end up actually doing exactly the opposite of what israel wants to be done. so, kim, talk about the international community's reaction, what it is so far and
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what you expect it to be in the coming week. >> well, we heard from the united nations yesterday, the security council meeting calling for an immediate cease fire. the problem is that once the ground operation starts by the israelis, it takes a few days, perhaps even weeks, for the israeli generals to feel they've done what they need to do before the diplomacy can kick in. yes, the pressure is mounting. we've seen this movie before, whether in gaza or in lebanon in 2006. the generals are on a roll. they have the backing of mr. netanyahu. the ground operation, unfortunately, and the military action we're seeing will probably continue for a bit. what is complicating efforts to reach a cease fire is also divisions within the arab world. in the past you had more or less unity calling for cease fires, calling this an outrage. right now you're seeing deep divisions, complicating efforts. that comes from what we've seen
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over the last few years with the arab uprisings, governments being toppled. you have a general in power now in egypt, the new president. he is no fan of hamas or the muslim brotherhood and sees both as an existsential threat. and calls to bomb gaza. that complicates the situation because egypt is unable to broker that cease fire with hamas. >> mika, kim talked about lebanon in 2006. i was struck -- i was visiting over in 2006, london, and i was struck between the disconnect between the american news coverage of that event and world news coverage of that event starting in london and going across europe. this obviously will not only outrage the arab world but
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what's happening now will outrage allies across europe and the rest of the world. >> that's right. we'll be following these breaking developments throughout the show. ukraine where a new operation was launched overnight. it comes as russia suggests it could support a u.n. resolution as soon as today that would ensure investigators full access to the corrupted crash site of malaysia airlines flight 317. outrage is growing as they have stacked bodies in box cars at a train station. those loyal to the kremlin, they say, are tampering with the investigation, which rebels deny. ambassador to australia says moscow will back the resolution as long as it does not blame russia. but the u.s. says there is growing evidence that moscow has been training the rebels and supplied them with the missile
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system used to shoot down the plane. that led to harsh criticism of russian president vladimir putin on the sunday talk shows. >> i would say, putin, you have to man up. you should talk to the world. you should say if this was a mistake, which i hope it is, say it. even if it was a mistake, it's a horrendous mistake to make. >> this man has shown that he's really incapable of functioning in a civilized world. this is going back to stalin, krushev and breshnev. this is what mafia does, not a world leader. >> we're waiting to hear, again, from more world leaders. putin released a statement overnight promising to do whatever he can to end the crisis in ukraine. i have a hard time even saying that with a straight face, joe. >> hard to say that with a
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straight face, mika. we've been talking all weekend about the absence of foreign leaders that have come out and been tough on vladimir putin. david cameron wrote a blistering op-ed. other than that, the silence remains deafening, especially after the shooting down of a passenger plane killing 200 civilians with technology obviously shipped there by russia and with vladimir putin propping these thugs up. nothing. the silence remains deafening. >> it -- you know, we were talking on friday as we were covering this story, richard haass, about tragedy being, unfortunately, a time of opportunity for leadership. >> absolutely. >> we're missing the opportunity here, and we're missing it because of this silly, pathetic dance around the facts. we know what happened here. can we say that? can i say that? >> can you say that. >> we know what happened here. >> we have extremely high
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confidence what happened. i don't quite understand the focus on the crash site and the black boxes. if they haven't been totally contaminated we're going to find out that the plane suffered a catastrophic event. we know that. >> yeah. >> we have a pretty good idea of what that catastrophic event was, the plane was shot down by the separatists and they were facilitated in every way ext c teenlgicc teenlgiccaly by russia. the united states does have a certain burden, ironically enough, because the iraq war where people are saying we can't trust american intell and all that. there may be reason to let this play out. >> but we're promoting a cease fire right now as opposed to -- >> again, the real question is, against this backdrop, is there some place for creative diplomacy? does putin decide he has
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unleashed the dogs of war, these powerful groups that could come back and undermine him at home? he may just be interested, may, in some kind of settlement here. >> it does seem like there's real opportunity here where putin is on the ropes, in certain ways. are european leaders ready to step up? especially european leaders who have been really silent throughout this problem with russia and the ukraine? >> right now that is the critical question. can we get them to put pressure on putin? if so, the odds of diplomacy go up. >> president obama has no plans to cancel a three-day fund-raising trip this week despite the crisis in ukraine and the middle east. abrupt changes in the presidential schedule could, quote, unduly alarm the american people. >> he doesn't want to look like
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his schedule is hijacked by events. and the idea of suddenly whip sawing your schedule and rushing back to washington, especially in a crisis where you have limited amounts of options anyway, they feel the white house looks reactive, looks somehow less than decisive. on the other hand, obviously, they are making adjustments to the schedule. they have him doing casual photo-ops, lunches with voter whose write him letters and that kind of thing. go for a walk or go play pool, something like that, at a time when the world seems to be falling apart. you have to be careful of the split screen images. they're trying to find a balance between allowing the world to dictate his own schedule and not looking out of touch. >> joe, i'm curious, from your standpoint, what peter just talked about, the president obviously having to carry out this balancing act.
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if you were in the white house right now, advising president obama -- not on the policy but the politics of how to look strong in addition to being strong. >> send a strong message. >> what would you tell him to do right now to put helm in the right place relative to these crises? >> i would change my schedule, first of all. when you have 500 people killed in the middle east, a disproportionate amount of those people being plirchs and you know it's going to look horrible for your best ally in the middle east, it's time to be a little dramatic. when a plane of civilians is shot down over europe, 200 people die, i think it's okay to cancel fund-raisers and start working the phones. i think it's okay to do what ronald reagan did. he had just started a vacation. he immediately came home, canceled fund-raising and all campaign events for ten days. he refused to go out there because he knew he had to immediately be briefed and immediately get his people out
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to hold press conferences, he had to immediately get forward and condemn the soviet union on the strongest terms possible and get ahead of the crisis. that's what reagan did. president obama didn't do that. the silence was deafening the day of the shootdown. the fund-raisers continued. i don't mean to interrupt. i need to ask john really quickly, what's with all these fund-raisers? democratic congressman last week saying you're holding three fund-raisers in texas while there's a humanitarian crisis on the scale of katrina happening on your border f you're going to do the fund-raisers, at least come council and see. he said i don't do photo-ops and then he did a photo-op drinking beer. what's with all the -- i know all presidents fund raise. there's no problem with fund-raising. it seems he's holding two,
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three, four, five fund-raisers every time we turn around. >> i think what's going on is that he's hearing that the party faces a really difficult situation going into the mid terms. if he wants to maintain the control over at least the senate he needs to fund raise. i don't think that's a justification, by the way, for not doing some of the things you're talking about, joe. and texas congress people complain about him not going to the border while he's down there have a point. for not caring about the fate of congress and one thing that he could do to help his party at the congressional level right now is raise money for them. >> kim, the white house talking about not unduly alarming people. isn't there an argument that some might be alarmed that he's not publicly commenting as sort of the leader of the world community on what is an
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escalating but already very big crisis? >> perhaps mr. obama feels because of the technology of today he doesn't need to do things exactly the way mr. reagan did. the split screen images can be a problem. with a specific focus on the site of the crash. i think that part of the frustration in washington with europe has to do with the fact that the europeans have been lagging behind when it comes to putting pressure on russia, pushing for sanctions. right now over the next few days, what the europeans are mostly concerned with, what their key priority is, particularly with the dutch, for example, is to make sure that they don't inflame tensions even further just for a couple of two days just to make sure that they get access to the site of the investigation can get under way and then they can recover the
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bodies. it will have to wait a couple of days until things are under way. >> perhaps there's a window to work with here. we're going to make the turn now to the passing of james garner. >> fondly remembered by so many because of such a successful hollywood career, and his career spanned nearly half a century. he passed away of natural causes. lester holt has more on the man whose good looks and dry witt -- >> maverick in 1957. he played dry witted gambler brett maverick, more likely to talk his way out of a situation than pull out his gun. acting opposite marlon brando, steve mcqueen. in 1964 he appeared opposite julie andrews in the americanization of "emily."
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>> i really liked that film. i felt like i could really get my teeth in a little bit. >> 20 years after his first television hit, he found fame again in the "rockford files." it earned him an emmy. garner was also a celebrity pitch man. korean war veteran and purple heart recipient found a new audience in 2004's "the notebook." >> i've never seen anything so beautiful. >> neither have i. >> actor james garner was 86 years old. we asked people what they remember him best for, what role. what role do you remember him best for? >> first of all, i am an old, old man. when you hear opening notes of "the rockford files," that takes me back to a place. >> i'm with you. >> i was introduced to james garner. i absolutely loved him. one of my favorite actors. i'm surprised it even made the
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bio. the americanization of "emily." i stumbled across that in high school somehow. and that is an incredible movie. if you are at home tonight with your family and you have a little bit of time, it's -- i think it was '63, maybe 1964. it was a hilarious movie. of course, i've been in love with julie andrews forever. >> there you go. >> those two together, it gets no better than that. james garner, what a great, great actor. >> really. >> he will be missed. >> i love the rockford file. >> whole generation of people want to live in a mobile home. >> exactly. >> really glamorous bachelor lifestyle. second generation, we grew up with maverick. >> exactly. >> then "rockford files." >> kim gatis, thank you very much. still ahead, how willing or
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able is washington to act in the fallout of the middle east and eastern ukraine spread? >> also, a scary scene in massachusetts as a hot air balloon explodes over a small town. we'll tell you what happened. >> plus, how much weight does a political endorsement carry in this year's most critical mid term race? a new poll has surprising results. massive wildfires continue to burn in washington state, covering the region of nearly 250,000 acres and forcing hundreds of evacuations. thousands of emergency crews are battling the blaze, which has been fueled by unusually dry conditions. let's go straight to bill karins, who is watching this all. any relief in sight, bill? >> not this week. maybe rain again on wednesday. mika, over the weekend, the winds really flared up. because it's been so dry and very windy as of late, they all merge into one big fire, calling it the carlton complex fire.
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there's only two populated areas within this. brewster and pateras. even the evacuation center, which was in pateros, had to be evacuated. we lost a lot of homes there yesterday. in total, 100-plus homes lost or damaged. 1,000 or so evacuations in total. this fire is only 2% contained. the forecast for today again almost like yesterday, near 90 degrees. what's important for the firefighters, yesterday they had gusts of 40, 50 miles per hour. the winds will be much lighter today. they're hoping to get those fire lines down and protect the homes that are still endangered. otherwise, hot weather returns to the midwest. we're watching 90s, even as hot as 100 in nebraska. this will lead to very large thunderstorms and dangerous storms in the northern plains.
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you have a chance of dangerous storms late tonight, including damaging winds up to hurricane-force gusts. washington, d.c., midatlantic and the northeast, we just finished eight weekends in a row of beautiful weather and it continues on this monday. we'll be right back. at every ford dealership, you'll find the works! it's a complete checkup of the services your vehicle needs. so prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump. get our multi-point inspection with a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation, brake inspection and more for $29.95 or less. get a complete vehicle checkup only at your ford dealer. hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. yup, you get it free each month
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time now to take a look at the morning papers. we'll start with "the new york times." edward snowden is revealing more, this time about the actions of some of the people working behind the scenes. in an interview with "the guardian" he says nooud photos were frequently passed around this an e-mail. the 31-year-old former contractor has been living in moscow since leaking thousands of top secret documents.
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we'll have to get more on that. thomas? "the boston herald," five people were injured following a hot air balloon accident. the balloon dropping low toward the ground before slamming into those power lines, triggering two huge explosions. two people were treated at the scene and three others were taken to a local hospital, the cause of the accident now under investigation. >> "tampa bay times," several homes were evacuated and intersection closed off after a sink hole opened up on saturday, swallowing part of an intersection in spring hill causing structural damage to at least one home. the hole is 30 yards wide and 40 feet deep. one house remains evacuated. >> florida famous for that. the sunshine state, pensacola news journal, jury has awarded $
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$2 $23 billion to a widow of a smoker. rj reynolds officials call it a, quote, runaway verdict, saying they are going to go ahead and appeal that decision. dutch cyclist, cheated death twice after narrowly avoiding both malaysian airlines disasters. he has been traveling the world, trying to get a spot on the malaysian cycling team. he switched out of flight 317 to save moni and was originally scheduled to take a flight on 370 which went missing. he says he's lucky twice, not afraid and will continue to fly on malaysia airlines. >> that's a wild one. >> time now for politico.
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big polls out this morning. >> mike allen with with the morning playbook. good to see you. >> good morning. >> there are these brand new politico polls out which could give key insight. let's talk first about the polls and get a little data about it. hays the situation? >> zooming in on the hot spots. of course, unlike presidential election where every state matters, mid terms there's only a couple of areas where the action is isolated. this poll interviews voters in the 16 states with senate races and the 66 most competitive house races as ranked by larry sabito. >> we have 89% that said foreign policy would be an important factor when voting but 11% said
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it would be the most important factor. which party controls the congress. nearly three-fourths of voters said they disapproved of congressional republicans. and then we look at the president, also under water in this poll with 57% disapproving of his job performance and 43% approving and 45% of voters said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by president obama. 2016, if hillary clinton runs for president, 32% of voters said she did a poor job running the state department. senator elizabeth warren, frequently mentioned as a possible challenger. a warren endorsement could have this november, 22% of voters said they didn't know who she was. in the battleground states, 55%
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say the country is on the wrong track and nearly a quarter are unsure if it is on the right or wrong track. it's really interesting as we talk, mike. obviously, foreign policy is huge in the news right now. what people think about that and where we're going. >> really consistent story in this poll. that is that mile an hours want less intervention. it doesn't matter if you ask about afghanistan, iraq, syria, ukraine. in every single case, americans think those areas are not in the u.s. national interest, dangerous sign for the white house, very focused on the president's legacy already is that now people trust republicans more on foreign policy. that was the decades-long default position of the american ele electorate that has changed. 28% of people in this poll say they don't know which party to trust. if you're president obama and
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you're looking at these numbers, you say, see, this job is harder than it looks. at same time that you have michael o'hanlan arguing for more troops in iraq, you have americans saying they don't want it, this is also encouraging to rand paul, who wants to pull back. every single number in this poll bolsters his position. >> peter baker, i want to ask you about the foreign policy of this poll. 88% say it will be an important factor in voting, yet there's that sort of other desire for less intervention that has been brewing for years now as we find ourselves engaged in endless wars. having said that, with crises escalating in the middle east and with russia, is there an opportunity for the president to be effective in terms of leadership? >> what's interesting is the contradictions, both in this poll and in the op-ed pages.
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disparity between the establishment in washington, bipartisan establishment that believe that is washington ought to play an assertive role in places like the middle east, john kerry ought to go there and make peace, so forth. and the broader sense that we've done enough. stop expending so much american resources outside our country. president obama gets a lot of criticism on this channel and others for not being more engaged in foreign policy. but in some ways he is in tune with a country that doesn't really want to be. there's a disparity between the opinion makers and public at large. >> contradiction certainly in terms of what the american people think and what we hear from the right. >> thank you, mike. >> peter baker, thank you as well. rory mcilroy won the british open at 25 years old. why that age helped his dad cash in. at legalzoom you can take care of
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to complete the wire-to-wire victory. mcilroy finished to win the british open. the win puts him behind jack nicklaus and tiger woods as the third youngest to reach that, with three in the bag. mcilroy stands a good chance of winning that fourth major. >> northern ireland has 1.8 million people. out of the last 18 golf majors the last 4 1/2 years, people have northern ireland have won five of those out of 1.8 million people, five of the victories. secondly, yesterday, onl two americans in the top ten at the british open. golf is showing the way as we move into a more global world. >> golf trivia savant. >> can you believe he's only 25 years old, though? it's fantastic, taking home a $1.6 million payday. he is not the only one cashing in on this.
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over $300,000 is being paid out to his father, jerry, and two of his friends aof they placed bet nearsly a decade ago that rory would win the open before turning 26. at 500-1 odds pays $171,000. two other bets were of 200 pounds at 250-1 odds in '05, combining for a nearly $137,000 payout. >> should have been bigger. >> amazing. >> but what have you done when you're 25 years old? news make iing you feeling less than. >> i had won no majors at that age and still working on them now, right? >> no major nous either. >> your best days are ahead of you. mika has her hands on the pen. don't go away.
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all right. time now for the must read opinion pages at 46 past the hour. we have a great one by ann applebaum we'll get to. sticking to his travel plans at risk of looking bad. this is interesting, especially given the parallels that are being made. as smoke billowed from the downed malaysian jetliner in the fields of eastern ukraine on thursday, president obama pressed ahead with his schedule, a cheeseburger with fries at the charcoal pit in delaware, a speech about infrastructure and two splashy fund-raisers in new york city. the potential for jarring split screen imagery was clear, and yet white house aides said no
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consideration was given to abandoning the president's long-planned schedule, even when word suddenly arrived that israel had begun a ground invasion of the gaza strip with some rare acceptings, the public relations team around the president has remained consistently stubborn about refusing to let the never-ending stream of crises affect mr. obama's daily schedule. this week he plans a three-day fund-raising swing in seattle and california. the whole we don't do theater attitude or comments they make. at the same time there's these parallels being made to ronald reagan and how he responded to the korean airliner. and it took him four days to go back and make the strong statements that he made, just for some perspective. >> he immediately canceled his vacation. >> no, he didn't, actually. >> yes, he actually did. >> no, he didn't immediately
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cancel. >> yes, did he. he immediately canceled it, immediately went back to the white house. he immediately canceled fund-raising events and campaign events. yes, he did. and -- no, he did. you can go back and look. ronald reagan didn't keep campaigning. he stopped when the korean airliner went down. what's wrong with this picture when you have an administration, mika, that says we don't do theater when asked to go down and survey a humanitarian crisis and then he shoots pool and then he does theater of drinking beer? and then there's a downed airliner and they don't do theater? and he's doing campaign events, fund-raising events and eating hamburgers and french fries as public theater? everything the president does is theater. they engage in theater. it just appears that they engage in really, really bad theater.
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>> i think that's the opportunity, if you can call it theater, the white house can say we don't do theater, john heilmann, but it is an opportunity to send a message that i am worried is potentially being missed if we don't hear something strong from the president like we've heard from david cameron who writes in "the times of london," we must turn this moment of outrage into a time of action. >> i loved listening to your father on television talking about this. he said he agreed with the president on most issues of foreign policy but he wanted to see a stronger articulation of those issues, showing more active public leadership on the global stage. to get to joe's point, i don't think there's no reason why you can't do both of these things. >> i know. >> there's no reason that a president cannot be doing some of that stuff and stay in tune with the american people, which we saw in the poll are not
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looking for a lot of active american intervention. >> i think the american people would welcome american leadership on the world stage. they want to avoid boots on the ground and we're not talking about this here. coming up, joe, i don't know how we did here. but we take our comedic talents to nantucket. take a look. >> oh, dear. >> joe, you got the best show on tv. oh, mr. president, you're the best president that ever was. is your hair as good as mine? i don't know. let's look in the mirror together. we're so gray. we're so gray. i don't know. are you tall? i'm tall. i don't know. look at that. look at us. >> okay, republicans, do not believe that, okay? >> more from her event this weekend. i don't know why they chose that one, joe.
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i don't know who i was talking about. it must have been someone else, another president, right? >> you're so negative. >> we'll have much more of that when "morning joe" returns. since robert taira openedsion king's hhis first bakeryd, in a small hawaiian town. making bread so good, that people bought two loaves one to take home, and one to eat on the way. so good, they grew from here. to here. to here. but to grow again, to the east coast they needed a new factory, but where? fortunately, they get financing from ge capital. we not only have teams dedicated to the food industry, we're also part of ge, a company that's built hundreds of factories. so we could bring in experts to help king's hawaiian make sense of transportation routes, supply chains, labor pools, and zoning
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and i stopped and i turned. and there he was. he looks at me and i looked at him and i'm glaring. he's looking at me and he goes, hey, it's joe scarborough. he knows my name! the president knows my name! he came over, started doing that full clinton thing. i sure do love you. i love the go down to pensacola and meet you and your family. his hands are all over me. he's bill clinton, man. he works you, right? well, listen, i was fresh off the farm. i didn't know any better. i was seduced. >> come on. >> i was seduced. >> okay. you were good, joe. the crowd loved him in nantucket. very good job, joe. you're funny. >> that was a good event, wasn't it? >> it was. >> important thing they're doing. >> listen, i actually was very
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impressed with it. we supported some good causes. stand up and learn. dick cavet followed us. >> who was funnier, joe or dick cavit? >> who did a better bill clinton? >> joe. hints at why this violence is different than the past. plus a live report from ukraine. the impact on the hundreds of families mourning a loss in their loved ones on the attack of flight 317. we'll be back with much more "morning joe." from 2000 to 2011, on average 17 manufacturers a day shut down in america.
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house by house and street by street, this was the battle today. >> this has been the deadliest day in the fighting in gaza. >> there are so many bodies being brought in they have no more space in the morgue. >> reporter: in between them, families run for their lives. >> we've asked them please leave. >> where can they go? >> they have paths to leave. that's not an issue. >> it's a hell of a pinpoint operation. i think it's crazy to be sitting around. >> mr. putin, send my children home. >> little dignity for the dead here. >> rebels are now holding the bodies inside these train car. >> the stench is unbearable. there are flies all around the
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door. >> closely guarded by the rebels, the very men accused of shooting down the plane. >> putin, have you to man up. if this was a mistake, say it. >> uncertain course in his foreign policy. >> every fundamental issue of conflict today, the united states is in the center, leading. >> secretary kerry gave the most ridiculous and delusional summary of american foreign policy. it scares me. >> welcome back to "morning joe." john heilmann still with us. and from "the new yorker," david rennick. and bobby goetsch, good to have you on board as well. the death toll is mounting in gaza. ayman mohyeldin reports an israeli air strike on the homative suspected hamas member has left as many as 27 members of one family dead.
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more than 500 palestinians have been killed since the conflict began. 110 on sunday alone. the deadliest day yet. 13 israeli soldiers were killed as, well, two of them americans. rockets continue to rain down on israel. israeli leaders say they've killed ten armed palestinians who entered the country via tunnels. international pressure is mounting on benjamin netanyahu and his government. secretary of state john kerry is headed to cairo. u.n. secretary ban ki moon has called israel's actions atrocious. and the security council has called for an immediate cease fire. secretary of state john kerry made the sunday rounds talking about all the major foreign policy stories breaking over the weekend. he was caught on an open mike speaking candidly with an aide. >> it's a hell of a pinpoint operation. it's a hell of a pinpoint
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operation. >> it's escalating. under scoring the need for a cease fire. >> we've got to get over there. thank you, john. i think, john, we ought to go tonight. i think it's crazy to be sitting around. >> secretary kerry, when you said it's a hellative pinpoint operation, are you upset that the israelis are going too far and, in fact, do you intend to go back to the middle east tonight, sir? >> i think it's very difficult in these situations, obviously very difficult, chris. you have people who have come out of tunnels. you have a right to go in and take out those tunnels. we completely support that and support israel's right to defend itself against rockets that are, you know, continuing to come in. yeah, it's tough to have this keend of operation kind of operation. i reacted, obviously, in a way that anyone would with young children and civilians.
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>> joe pointed outd that he's not so certain that secretary kerry was caught off guard. >> i think he spent an awful lot of time in television studios and is pretty aware what a hot mike is. tell me what netanyahu is thinking right now and what the calculus is for how world pressure, domestic politics, of course he has to face as he looks for the short and medium term of this crisis. >> i wish i knew. he is a tactician and not a strategist. no question what netanyahu is reacting to. rocket fire coming out of gaza. if not killing many, many israelis, it is certainly terrorizing cities all over
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israel, no question. as the president has said, as john kerry has said and many people have said that the hamas strategy is unconscionable. on the other hand, killing dozens and dozens and now hundreds of people in gaza, where is this leading? what strategic end is this leading to? what moral end? it is a terrible mess. we've been here before so many times. only the capacities of the weapons grow more sophisticated. certainly not the politicians. >> do you agree? >> yes i do. as a tactician he will have to take into account the number of israeli dead. 18, already larger than the number of israeli soldiers and civilians killed in 2007-2008, a very large operation. so the casualties on his side, which may seem very small compared to the palestinians,
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are certainly mounting. he will have to figure out if this makes any tactical sense let alone strategic sense. >> it wasn't long ago that john kerry had the notion and maybe the il llusion that he was goin to carry this ball across the goal line, that somehow he was going to get middle east peace. this was a terrible failure. on the one hand, we understand who netanyahu's enemy is here, hamas. why has he never made fully, a full commitment to making peace with the best partner, however flawed, thaeps ever had? mahmoud abbas, however flawed. the equivalent effort has never been there. i have talked -- it was very clear from those discussions that the israelis were doing
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these talk in the past year for our benefit and were not completely serious. they don't trust the palestinian side. deep mistrust on the palestinian side toward the israelis. you can be damn sure that's not going to get any better after this episode in gaza. >> breaking developments that seem to be changing hour by hour. no ukraine where the country's military launch aid new operation overnight, targeting rebels in eastern ukraine. get the must read from "the washington post" ready for this conversation. this comes as russia suggests it could support a resolution to the full access of what many are calling the corrupted crash site of malaysia airlines flight 317. close to 200 bodies have been stacked in five refrigerated box cars at a train station.
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malaysia jet disaster in ukraine, keir simmons joins us with the very latest. keir? sfw >> reporter: mika, good morning. forensic team is now here, saying they should be able to move those bodies later today. fighting broke out at another train station nearby. how will investigators be able to get the time to xm debris like this in such a volatile atmosphere? western investigators finally arrived this morning. a dutch team trained to identify bodies inspected the refrigerator train cars where the victims have been taken. they say they will be able to move them today. four full days after the crash, pieces of metal are still unguarded.
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this morning, the international outrage is growing. >> it is an absolutely shambolic situation. it does more look like a garden cleanup than a forensic operation. >> reporter: recovery operation is basic. a car and a bit of rope they're trying to haul some wreckage out of the water. they bring an old fire truck, then the only crane. most of the bodies have been recovered. from minnesota, lost his brother and sister-in-law on flight mh-17. >> wanted to conquer the world as it were. >> reporter: in the midst of tragedy, he speaks of for giveness. >> in our perspective, everything does happen for a reason. that's again why we feel that we can forgive those who did this. >> pro-russian rebels accused by some of the shooting down the
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plane seized the black box. they will hand it over, they say. two miles away, family photographs found in the wreckage alongside teddy bears, belongings a grieving relative somewhere around the world may want, arranged by someone in a makeshift memorial. grief like this should bring people together, mika. instead what's happening is pro-russian rebels and ukrainian government are accusing each other of zbrupting this investigation. mika? >> in terms of the investigation, i'm not sure what more we need in terms of determining what happened here. >> ukraine is a sovereign country. >> yeah. >> what russians are doing, having anything to do with this investigation, corrupting this investigation, much less what they're doing eastern ukraine or their proxies are doing.
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>> shouldn't this be respect for the dead? >> absolutely. when you're piling bodies in trains like that, that problem is -- that situation -- i'm curious, keir. when you talk to these ukrainian separatists, do they have any perception of global opinion that's going n, or do they simply not care? i'm curious about that. >> reporter: yeah, they don't care. perhaps there are others who aren't speaking up but they are certainly pro-russian. we have nbc news team with us who are russian that really helps us to work here, because that's the kind of region this is. all you're saying about the diplomacy, about president putin, the reality on the ground here is there is a big group of people who are pro-moscow and
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don't like the ukrainian government and kiev and want to have their own local governments, if not break away. that's what putin is using, approximate that's your view, in order to disrupt things here in the ukraine. >> i want to get to ann applebaum's piece, from the world community, president obama, angela merkel. david cameron, times of london, had a pretty strong piece out saying we need to turn this moment of outrage into a moment of action. we must fundamentally change our approach to russia. here is what ann applebaum writes. russia's fairy tale ends.
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if it has done mog else, the crash of flight 17 has just put an end to the "it's not a real war" fairy tale both for the russians and the west. tragically, this unconventional nonwar war just killed 298 people, mostly europeans. we can't pretend it isn't happening any longer or that it doesn't affect anyone outside of donetsk. the rugs can't pretend either. so far there is no sign of shock or shame in russia but in truth, this tragedy offers vladimir putin an opportunity to get out of the messy disaster he created in eastern ukraine. he has the perfect excuse to denounce separatist movement and cut its supplies. if he refuses, then we know that he remains profoundly dedicated to the chaos and nihilism he created in donetsk. we can assume he intends to and
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if we are not prepared to fight it, we should be prepared to embrace it. >> last week from obama, merkel. the singular actor here is vladimir putin. he has whipped up a frenzy through his own state-controlled media that you would not believe if you watched it. i was just there two weeks ago. to watch russian state television is to see an absolute fantasy world about what's happening in ukraine. a kind of neo imperialist fervor in some area that is very scary and it's under putin control. proxies in eastern ukraine, but
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also calming down his own populous. it's gotten out of control, the politics of this. >> the point ann applebaum was trying to make -- i disagree with her saying the russians can't avoid it anymore. yes, they can, thanks to the media. they are and can completely avoid facing up to the facts here. it gives putin an off ramp, yes, it did give him an off ramp. that was last week. >> enough. >> he has decided -- no, he's going to continue down this road. >> it's the basis for his popularity. >> that's right. >> economic growth, now there's zero growth. the basis of 85% popularity, 85% is the annexation of crimea.
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>> the question is, why not action, strong words, more sanctions immediately? >> there just were a new round of sanctions. >> before the plane went down. >> yes. >> cloerly, we need a response to this, do we not? i have the former director of the central intelligence, as well as nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell. i would love for you to jump in and ask some questions as well. >> sure. >> key strategic and national security questions in terms of the downing of flight 17 are what? >> i don't think there are any more major questions. it's pretty clear that the pro-russian separatists shot the airliner down. they presumably thought it was just a transport aircraft and they would only kill six or eight ukrainians rather than 300
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passengers in the aircraft but it's pretty straightforward what's happened. this is all kind of part, chug the situation in eastern ukraine, part of putin's continuing effort to take over and doll nate as much as central and eastern ukraine. moving right along, so far up until this -- he would call it a hiccup probably from his point of view. he has been largely successful. >> andrea mitchell, jump in. the black boxes, the investigation at the site. i believe it's a matter of respect at this point, the black boxes aren't going to tell us anything. we know how this happened. what do you think are the questions the white house is dealing with now in terms of moving forward? >> first of all, they do need to get to the crash site.
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it's cloear that it's been compromised beyond repair. there are still obviously some things that they could, in that large area, still find. they have to get independent investigators in and have to get rid of these armed thugs from the so-called republican of donetsk who are guarding it and keeping people out. the fiction that vladimir putin could turn this off with the press of a button is pretty ridiculous. david rennick knows this place better than anyone. let's say the russian media were to change and the propaganda would stop spewing out. would he then be able to or want to change the attitudes that have now been instilled? a vast portion of his public believes all this stuff and certainly the people in eastern ukraine. a lot of damage has been done, to say nothing of the horror of the lives of those people and their families who can't get
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there and be reunited with remains. this includes the dutch and others, with great sympathy for the dutch. they and others have been the least forward leaning. vladimir putin was there for the anniversary of the netherlands a year ago and were celebrating him. merkel has been a little more forward leaning. the french and italians have held him back. another meeting at the security council. what will the security council do? nothing with russia president and with russia having a veto. >> bobby? >> all the information we are hearing about the rebels having attacked this plane comes from u.s. intelligence sources. putin keeps using the line that u.s. intelligence is flawed.
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is there a way to get european intelligence agencies to speak snup surely they have intelligence as well that confirms what the americans are saying, that this rocket was fired by the rebels? >> i don't think anybody who has any credibility is not speaking up. the only people who are speaking on the other side are those that putin controls, as part of what russians call disinformation. they spend a lot of time and effort on disinformation and te have a network, television network in russia that puts out lies, frames people, as they call. in terms of european press, scholars, public figures, there's nobody with any kind of credibility who doesn't believe that the russians aided the ukrainians that are trying to split off from ukraine and that somebody, one of those two groups with a finger on the
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trigger. there's no credible belief or statements on the other side. >> let's be clear who is in eastern ukraine leading the show. igor strelkopf, former leader of the military intelligence not of ukraine, but of russia. >> right. >> and he has been writing for a hard, hard reactionary newspaper which means "tomorrow" for years in russia. not ukraine. this is a proxy operation. my only hesitation, little bit of difference is that we ought to be a little more cautious and say anything is absolutely 100%. it stands to reason that either the russians or their proxies did this. considering our own experience, whether the you united nations or elsewhere, we ought to have
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the patience to wait till this investigation is completed no matter how marred it is. >> these questions about whether putin will or will not take the off ramp. is he, in fact, a rational actor or is he delusional? >> that's a great point. >> nationalism and whether it was now on the brink of getting out of his control, that it might consume him. does he see that danger? >> this entire business with ukraine has been an improvisation from one day to the next. and, by the way, the west in the early stages of this did not always act intelligently either. i'm not suggesting for a second there's some sort of moral or political equivalence. since then, the action and the wrongdoing has been on the side of vladimir putin, both
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domestically and in the ukraine. >> he is capable of rational action as well as irrational action. he is not moammar gaudafi. you can check out the new yorker website at new all of the content going back to 2007 now available online. that's fantastic. thank you, david. andrea mitchell, stay with us, if you can. still ahead, a look at the financial impact the conflicts in the middle east and ukraine are having on the u.s. later, walking the line with joe biden, how the vice president remains a critical part of the administration while keeping an eye on 2016. you're watching "morning joe."
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welcome back to "morning joe." former adviser to the bush administration, dan seymour c l calling me hawkish? >> i was listening to you all talking about russia. >> hawkish? >> your microphone is on, by the way. >> hot mike. >> my hot mike moment just happened. and in washington, the new yorker's evan osnos, behind the scenes look at joe biden's vice presidency, based on a series of introduce with the vice president over three months and also a lot of other key players. he speaks to obama. richard haass make ace cameo. in part he writes, in our conversations biden took pride in his contribution to the
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administration. biden said for all my skepticism about taking the job, it's been the most worthwhile thing i've ever done in my life. he added i can die a happy man, not being president. he rose and put on a navy blue suit jacket and gave a slight shot of his cuffs. he had a national security meeting and a swearing in ceremony. if the growing competition for obama's ear or the fading dream of a presidential bid leaves biden anguished then he hides it well. the conversation with vladimir putin. he told him to his face he doesn't think he has a soul, evan? >> that was quite a moment, flying back from kiev on air force two, talking about his personal impressions of vladimir putin in 2011 when he went to putin's office at the kremlin. he said he went into his private office and said to putin, ooirm
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looking into your eyes and i don't see a soul and he said putin replied with a smile, we now understand one another. and i think for joe biden, this is an important moment. perhaps more than anybody else in the white house, he invests, he thinks he reads people well, takes pride in cultivating relationships over the long term. over the course of this administration, one of the people early on who said i'm not sure, necessarily, that we can be in business with vladimir putin the way we would like to be. he looks back with some degree of satisfaction that he read that right. >> a lot of his instincts, richard haass, haven't they been more on mark than people give him credit to? personal, almost joking interactions with people can be effective in sending a message. >> he is comfortable with himself. >> very. >> advantages of having been in politics for four plus decades,
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biden is totally comfortable being biden and isbling to speak his mind. inside the white house he's willing to speak his mind or with maliki. in some ways he has become the other voice. if john kerry has the formal role of secretary of state, joe biden is the roving envoy of this administration. >> evan, you point out that he's a major close talker. >> he is. joe biden -- in a sense, one of the things we know about joe biden is what we see on tv. the full biden. he brings you in, takes your hand. he has some of the clinton about him in the sense that when he is talking to you, everybody else in the room essentially disappears. that's been to his advantage, whether it's in wilmington or ultimately in baghdad or beijing. they have very different
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personal styles. >> i'm joking about the close talker thing. i doubt he was far way from vladimir putin when he said that. and he gets right in people's faces. as the article points out, he will touch your forehead with his face to get close to talk to you and send a message, whether it be a sweet, personal one or the opposite. >> this is a man who loves politics, loves people, which is the anti-obama, who has to be, according to all reports, dragged into the shmoozing and all of that, sees it as anti-intellectual. i'm struck by what evan is reporting. a plane is shot out of the sky. joe biden talks to porchenko and says in detroit at a public gathering it's a shootdown, then apparently, puts in the caveats.
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the white house, the president -- obviously, he has to preserve his relationship with putin and worry about international reactions and not jump to conclusions. they pour overall of this intelligence. as you were point out earlier, don't change his schedule. he comes out with at a rally in wilmington, ironically, comes out at a rally, is about to give the pep rally speech and says there's first this serious thing and then goes on to the pep rally speech. it's in contrast to how the vice president reacted. >> there's such an effort on the part of the white house sometimes to be careful that there is that void that joe biden feels. >> yeah. >> he kind of just speaks from the heart. >> one of the best lines from one of jay carney's exit interviews, biden's one of the only politicians who can serve
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in washington. on iraq, shortly after the administration came into office, president obama turned to vice president biden and said you're in charge of iraq. you've got the iraq file. where iraq has been -- i'm not suggesting this is all swroe biden's fall. he did make some strategic recommendations on iraq over the last couple of years and laid out where things would head. has he taken a hit? >> no. i think there's a feeling that everybody owns this. from the very beginning, this was his portfolio. there was a moment when president obama turned to him and said, joe, you do iraq. he made a decision at a certain point and that decision was that he was going to support the
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government led my nuri al maliki. his team will tell you, what option did we have? we thought if we rallied around him, this would get us closer to our end game which was, after all, as they would say, efficient, honorable and safe exist of americans from iraq. he didn't live up to american expectations or joe biden's expectations. the vice president embraced maliki personally, they'll push back on. joe biden came into this administration with a clear goal, one that's important to his family. after all, his son is in the military. to the degree they accomplished that, it's messy. it's certainly not the iraq they would want to see today. i would think that he would say he fulfilled that objective. >> evan, thank you so much. we'll be looking for your piece in the new issue of "the new
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yorker." up next, joe remembers his days of running for congress and how his toughest critics were among his own family. more from the nantucket festival next on "morning joe." at every ford dealership, you'll find the works! it's a complete checkup of the services your vehicle needs. so prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump. get our multi-point inspection with a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation, brake inspection and more for $29.95 or less. get a complete vehicle checkup only at your ford dealer. it's been that way since the day you met. but your erectile dysfunction -
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i've got to go to washington, d.c. and run against earl hutdo because i want to stop bill clinton. my dad, i'll remember it as long as i live. he looked down at his shoes and then he looked up at me and he said, that's great, joey, but i'm voting for earl. i turned to my ma and go, ma, help me. she said, i'll vote for you. >> that was the nantucket comedy festival. joe and i performed. i think he was funny. joe was funny. everyone was laughing. i was very nervous up. >> who was the competition, though? >> dick cavitt.
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carolyn rae. he was hysterical. >> how long was your routine? >> 25, 30 minutes. i'm stressed out. >> did they have the laugh signs? >> i'm getting hives thinking about it. >> so people were did. >> really laughing. at us or with us. >> 20-minute routine? >> why do you keep calling it a routine? >> it's what we do, thomas. we talk politics, talked about the humor. >> being themselves. >> in the political world. if you're not going to laugh, we'll end up crying, right? such big news this morning. we haven't gotten the rapid slem sle sle slemts developments. up next on "morning joe."
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welcome back to "morning joe." live look at the capital. andrea mitchell and senator pat t och toomey is with us. >> good morning, mika. >> there were sanctions that had just been imposed on friday, i believe. >> right. >> putin and obama were on the phone, discuss iing that. the plane went down. what were those sanctions? and what kind of impact are they having? and what are the possibilities next? >> why aren't we moving forward with more? >> they're so new, i can't say there are any actual effects yet. it's time we be very, very clear about who putin is here. this guy is -- clearly, he is a thug, authoritarian dictator at this point with a very aggressive and dangerous foreign policy. we don't need to know exactly
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the precise role that russia played in the downing of this jet. we need to find out eventually but what we know now that putin deser deserves some blame for this and he is a parriah in the international community. the president needs to do everything he can to bring the europeans along. it's been a tough sell. >> andrea mitchell, jump in. the questions about putin, the calls for him to be ostracized or treated like a pariah. if the president has other constraints, what would they be? and i have the same question, why can't we be more forceful in our communicating and effective
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messaging about exactly who putin is, what his intentions are and what we will do if he doesn't get his act together? >> senator, your perspective on this, the problem is that we don't have as much leverage as, obviously, the european leaders have because of the difference in their relationship economically, their dependence on energy, finance, trade relationships, armed sales from france to russia as well. france, italy, certainly germany have really close ties. uk has tried to stand up, despite their banking relationships. what do you think the president can do as a sole actor given how weak europe has been? >> part of it is his ability to persuade european allies on the importance of stepping up. obviously, of course, they have more -- exporting american energy will undermine the russian economy, so dependent on
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energy exports. one thing that we can do is go after financial sanctions that hit putin personally, the people close to him, kroeny capitalist buddies who have robbed the russian people from so many billions of dollars. we have some ability to do that and we should. >> you talk about the world community. they hosted the olympics, they have the world cup coming up in 2018. how do we use our allies, especially angela merkel with germany, push back and try to get vladimir putin to be a better actor on the world stage? when someone shows you who they are, we should believe them. i think he is showing us who he is really is. >> he has been showing us for some period of time. you won't get him to be a better actor except maybe in the short
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run out of his own personal interest. two factors, the other is the practical political reality. when you are a thug and you have the blood of your own people on your hand, you have crushed democracy and robbed billions of dollars, a peaceful retirement is not necessarily a viable option. he will continue with this sort of thing unless and until we push back so hard that that undermines, threatens his power more than continuing. >> here is my question, it's actually siding with you, pat toomey. andrea mitchell, put the analyst cap on. you have attributed to an appalling tragedy. david cameron says they're willing to take further sanctions targeting industrial goods. obviously, things used for defense purposes. so if david cameron the only one at this point? am i missing other news reports
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of other world leaders condemning putin for what happens happened? >> there was some reporting that the dutch and others didn't want to dial it up until they had the bodies and remains back, until they access for organization of security and cooperation in europe investigators who had been blocked for days from getting real access to the site. that said, you are not hearing the same kinds of voices from others involved in this. look, vladimir putin is one of the richest men in the world. he's got his money salted away. i assume swiss banks or other interests outside of russia. so he has been agrandizing himself and enriching himself and only talks to a couple of former fellow kgb guys. doesn't trust his foreign secretary. john kerry learned that when he was negotiating with the wrong
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person. nobody speaks for putin except for him and his three or four cronies. >> senator pat toomey, always good to have you here. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me, mika. >> hard to cover all the stories today. coming up, we've had such horrible news, it's just bad. this is the sweetest story ever. that's all i'm going to say. we'll show the video. a little tease for you. the cutest thing you'll ever see coming up on "morning joe." [ fe] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we're not just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. transamerica. if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark?
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oh, my goodness, we need this. very cute. >> good for a monday morning, right? >> yes, it is. >> you never know how your dog is going to react when you bring a new baby home. this particular dog definitely had a little bit of a guilty conscience so we show you the video of charlie trying to redeem himself. you can see the baby starts to cry after the beagle steals the baby's toys so the pup tries to make things right by bringing the baby a tennis ball and every other toy in the room until the baby is covered up. maybe this is charlie's way of saying out of sight, out of mind by covering it with toys. >> did the baby cry when he took it away? >> whose dog is charlie? >> the owners of the baby. so the parents. >> we spent too much time on this story. i think that is so sweet. stop it, stop it, stop it. how can you say that?
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that's horrible. >> vicious dogs. >> he said that. go on, thomas. move on. >> it's been a wild morning next to john heilemann. >> he hates dogs. >> we should all be so lucky to have this happen while skydiving. >> what happened while skydiving. >> this is video of a woman's shoe flying off her foot while making her way back down to the earth. it all ends okay, though, look. >> oh, my god. i can't believe that happened. oh, my god. >> i caught my shoe. >> you caught it? >> you see this? the shoe just came off her foot, hit me in the face and she caught it. this is the most impressive tandem that's ever happened. and my face hurts. >> cat-like reflexes there. as you see slow mo, these were
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some chuck taylors that were still tied. ridiculous. >> i'm not into ridiculous video, but i'll take it today. >> it's great how he's like reporting live from the scene. >> is that a gopro camera? >> john is trying to change the subject about the digs he made about the dog. >> that was disgusting. still ahead on "morning joe," gaza under fire. we have the very latest developments on israel's operation against hamas. plus confusion over the investigation of the malaysia airlines flight 17 crash site. we'll show you why the victims' families are outraged. and then video you don't want to see if you're thinking about getting into a hot air balloon. yikes! we'll tell you what happened to six people on board, next. we'll be right back. what's my advice for healthy looking, radiant skin?
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5:00 am
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good morning. it is monday, july 21st. welcome to "morning joe." with us on set we have the president of the council on foreign relations, richard haass, with a lot of news developing over the weekend, "morning joe" contributor john heilemann, thomas roberts is in the room and chief white house correspondent for "the new york times" peter baker joins us as well as bbc correspondent, kim ghattas. kim, thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks. >> let's get right to the breaking news this morning, along with joe and me here. the death toll is mounting this morning in gaza. nbc news' ayman mohyeldin
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reports an air strike on the home of a hamas member has left more than 27 members of one family dead. more than 500 palestinians have been killed since the conflict began, 110 on sunday alone. this is the deadliest day yet. 13 israeli soldiers were killed as well, two of them americans. the rockets, meanwhile, continue to rain down on israel. new this morning israeli leaders say they have killed ten armed palestinians who entered the country via tunnels. but international pressure is mounting on benjamin netanyahu and his government. secretary of state john kerry is headed to cairo and u.n. secretary general moon has called israel's actions atrocious. the security council has called for an immediate cease-fire. joe, this situation from hour to hour going from bad to worse. >> the situation does keep getting worse. as "the wall street journal" wrote this morning, the situation is getting worse in
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part because hamas has built a series of tunnels. those tunnels are being destroyed. it sparked action. then of course you had the deadly killings of the three israeli youth and the palestinian youth and it spiraled out of control. two weeks later over 500 people dead and the situation just goes from bad to worse. john kerry obviously desperate to get over to the middle east. he's going to do that now. but a lot of inaction in the international community. i think you're going to see a ramping up this week. >> richard haass, i'm just wondering at one point will israel's military operation be counter productive in terms of both sides somehow agreeing on peace at some point? >> the israelis face obviously a real dilemma. in order to do this in a way that doesn't cause a lot, to use the awful phrase, collateral damage hurting a lot of innocents, they have got to put more troops on the ground. when you put more troops on the ground, as we've seen the other
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day, more troops get killed, so it's a real problem for them. hamas has rejected the cease-fires. the israelis feel they have no choice. on the other hand, the way the israelis are doing this, which is using disproportionate fire power is alien agt a lot of the international community because you're having all of these casualties being caused. this is going to take both sides to stop this and the real question is whether both sides are willing to accept a narrow, unconditional cease-fire. if you try to get ambitious and solve a lot of the underlying problems, too hard to do. can't do it in the short run. so the real question is whether both sides are willing to put aside their long-term goals and just stop. secretary of state john kerry made the sunday morning rounds, but prior to an appearance on fox news sunday he was caught with an open mike speaking candidly with an aide. take a listen. >> it's a hell of a pinpoint operation. it's a hell of a pinpoint
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operation. >> he's escalating and it just underscores the need for a cease-fire. >> we've got to get over there. thank you, john. i think, john, we ought to go tonight. i think it's crazy to be sitting around. >> secretary kerry, when you said it's a hell of a pinpoint operation, are you upset that the israelis are going too far and do you in fact intend to go back to the middle east tonight, sir? >> i think it's very, very difficult in these situations. obviously very difficult, chris. you have people who have come out of tunnels, you have a right to go in and take out those tunnels. we completely support that and we support israel's right to defend itself against rockets that are continuing to come in. yeah, it's tough. it's tough to have this kind of operation. and i reacted, obviously, in a way that anybody does with respect to young children and civilians. >> obviously that's the latest, joe, in a series of challenges for the obama administration in
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terms of their foreign policy. we'll get more to john kerry on this situation in just a bit. >> well, let me ask you, mika, how long has john kerry been in the national spotlight? >> a long time. >> probably well over -- >> decades. >> well, three decades, four decades if you go back to his testimony. >> sure. >> in 1971. do you think john kerry knows that when you speak on a set with microphones around that people are going to hear you? i'm just curious, after doing this for 30 or, oh, 40 years. >> look, i think that he is probably very frustrated with the situation. >> come on, yes or no. >> yes. >> i think he is. he's frustrated. from what i understand he's frustrated with the israelis and he's frustrated with his own administration. and it's -- it's time to get moving. i think he wants to be far more engaged. so i think that's why we're heading over there. >> i want to get to kim and
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ayman mohyeldin who's standing by as well. first here's how secretary kerry framed it on "meet the press" followed by republican senator lindsey graham. >> the facts could not be more clear, the united states of america has never been more engaged in helping to lead in more places than we are now. one thing i've seen for certain, people aren't worried around the united states and sitting there saying we want the united states to leave. people are worried that the united states might leave. the american people ought to be proud of what this president has done in terms of peaceful, diplomatic engagement rather than quick, trigger, deploying troops, starting or engaging in a war of choice. i think the president is on the right track and i think we have the facts to prove it. >> as to secretary kerry, he gave the most ridiculous and delusional summary of american foreign policy i could imagine. it scares me that he believes the world is in such good shape.
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america is the glue that holds the free world together. leading from behind is not working. the world is adrift, and president obama has become the king of indecision. his policies are failing across the globe and they will come here soon. >> all right. joining us now from gaza, nbc news foreign correspondent ayman mohyeldin. ayman? >> reporter: good morning, mika. you know that comment that secretary of state john kerry made, we actually see it here on the ground. israel has been saying time and time again it is using surgical strikes. but over the past 24 hours palestinian medical sources are describing what is happening here. nothing short of a massacre. in the eastern part of the gaza strip yesterday, the single deadliest day since this conflict began, more than 70 people killed in a single neighborhood. that is in addition to some of the other air strikes and shelling that took place across the gaza strip that have now pushed the death toll to more than 500 over the course of the past two weeks of fighting. in gaza today it has also been
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an unrelenting day of israeli bombardment and intense fighting taking place in that eastern strip on the border. you can probably hear some of that shelling taking place behind me. we are getting reports that overnight an israeli air strike targeting a member of hamas, killed him, but also killed 27 members of his family. it is precisely that type of casualty toll that palestinian officials and medical sources say is disproportionate. a lot of human rights organizations as well are saying it is disproportionate the type of force that israel is using to try and stop palestinian rocket fire coming out of gaza. the situation here on a humanitarian level continues to worsen by the hour. the united nations now says at least 80,000 palestinians have been displaced from their homes and are taking refuge at u.n. shelters. at least 61 shelters are housing those 80,000 people. so it gives you a sense of how densely populated some of those schools are becoming and how much pressure is on the u.n. to try to accommodate them with health services, food and other
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basic necessities. >> ayman, thank you very much. joe, clearly this is spiraling. and john kerry was talking about peaceful, diplomatic engagement. i just wonder how possible that is and what is the sort of diplomatic dimension of israel's strategy at this point? >> well, the strategy is simple. the strategy is to stop hamas from being able to fire rockets into their country and kill their people. unfortunately for israel and tragically for the palestinians, kim, it is disproportionate right now and also disproportionate in so many ways that this will obviously, the international community end up doing exactly the opposite of what israel wants to be done. kim, talk about the international community's reaction, what it is so far and what you expect it to be in the coming week.
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>> well, we heard from the united nations yesterday, the security council meeting calling for an immediate cease-fire, but the problem is that once a ground operation starts by the israelis, it takes a few days, perhaps even weeks, for the israeli generals to feel that they have done what they think they need to do before the diplomacy can really kick in. so, yes, the pressure is mounting, but we've seen this movie before, whether in gaza or in lebanon, for example in, 2006. the generals are on a roll. they have the backing of mr. netanyahu, so the ground operation, unfortunately, and the military action that we're seeing is probably going to continue for a bit. what is complicating efforts to reach a cease-fire is also divisions within the arab world. in the past you had more or less unity in the arab world calling for cease-fires, calling this an outrage. right now what you're seeing is deep divisions and that is complicating efforts. that comes from, you know, what we've seen over the last few
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years with the arab uprisings, governments being toppled. you have a general in power now in egypt. he's no fan of hamas, he's no fan of the muslim brotherhood, he sees both as a threat to his country, so in essence he is kind of on the side of israel with this. >> right. >> we've heard members of the egyptian media call on the egyptian army to bomb gaza. so that complicates the effort because egypt is unable to broker that cease-fire with hamas. >> we want to move to ukraine now where the country's military launched a new operation overnight targeting rebels in eastern ukraine. it comes as russia suggests it could support a u.n. resolution as soon as today that would ensure investigators full access to the corrupted crash site of malaysia airlines flight 17. outrage is growing as pro-russian rebels have stacked close to 200 bodies in five
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refrigerated boxcars at a train station. several countries in the west say the separatists, those loyal to the kremlin, are tampering with the investigation which the rebels deny. russia's ambassador to australia says moscow will back the resolution as long as it does not blame russia. but the u.s. says there is growing evidence that moscow has been training the rebels and supplied them with the missile system used to shoot down the plane. that led to some harsh criticism of russian president vladimir putin on the sunday talk shows. >> i would say putin, you have to man up. you should talk to the world. you should say if this was a mistake, which i hope it was, say it. even if it was a mistake, it's a horrendous mistake to make. >> this man has shown that he's really incapable of functioning in a civilized world. this is going back to the days of stalin and breznef and yet he
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goes underground. this is what a mafia guy does, this is what a goon does, not a world leader. >> we're waiting to hear from more world leaders. meanwhile, putin released a statement overnight promising to do whatever he can to ending the crisis in ukraine. i have a hard time even saying that with a straight face, joe. >> hard to say that with a straight face, mika, and of course we've been talking all weekend about the absence of foreign leaders that have come out and been tough on vladimir putin. obviously you have that happen with david cameron who wrote a blistering op-ed but other than that the silence remains deafening, even after the shooting down of a passenger plane killing 200 civilians with technology obviously shipped there by russia and with vladimir putin propping these thugs up. nothing. the silence remains deafening.
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>> you know, we were talking on friday as we were covering this story, richard haass, about tragedy being unfortunately a time of opportunity for leadership. >> absolutely. >> we're missing the opportunity, are we not, here, and we're missing it because of this silly kind of pathetic dance around the facts. we know what happened here. can we say that? can i say that? >> you can say that. >> we know what happened here. >> we have extremely high confidence what happened. i don't quite understand all this focus on the crash site and the black boxes. if they haven't been totally contaminated what we're going to find out is the plane suffered a catastrophic event, we know that. we have a pretty good idea to say the least exactly what the nature of that catastrophic event was. this plane was shot down by the separatists. they were facilitated in every way strategically by russia. the only way to pursue this line, i would think, is if it creates a context in which politically it makes it less difficult for european leaders to step up and do the right thing, which is put greater pressure on russia.
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it maybe gets rid of some of the looniest and they're out there conspiracy theories, and the united states does have a certain burden ironically because of the iraq war where people are saying we can't trust american intel and all that so there may be some reason to let this play out. >> but we're promoting a cease-fire right now? >> again, the real question is against this backdrop is there a place for some creative diplomacy. has putin decided that he has unleashed the dogs of war, he's unleashed these powerful groups that can come back and undermine him at home? he may just be interested, may, in some kind of a settlement here. >> real quick, john heilemann. >> it does seem like there's a real opportunity here where putin is really on the ropes. it's a very bad situation for him. are european leaders ready to step up? especially european leaders who have been really silent throughout this problem with russia and the ukraine. >> that's the big question. the germans and the french in particular have been holding back. if that is -- that is right now the critical question.
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can we get them to put pressure on putin? if so the odds for dplemacy go up dramatically. >> let's get peter baker in here. according to "the new york times" president obama has no plans to cancel a three-day fund-raising trip this week despite the crisis in ukraine and the middle east. the white house says abrupt changes in the presidential schedule could unduly alarm the american people. >> well, he doesn't want to look like his schedule is hijacked by events. the idea of suddenly whipsawing your schedule and rushing back to washington, especially in a crisis where you have limited amounts of options anyway, they feel the white house looks reactive, looks somehow less than decisive. on the other hand, they are making adjustments to the schedule. you know, they have had him doing casual photo ops lately, lunches with voters who write in letters, that kind of thing. they're very conscious of the fact op-eds can be bad.
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you can go for a walk or play pool at a time when the world seems to be falling apart, you've got to be careful of the split screen images. so they're trying to find a balance between allowing the world to dictate his own schedule and not looking out of touch with what's going on outside of the country. still ahead, at just 25 years old, rory mcilroy wins the british open. but why it's his dad who's the big winner this morning. plus, cheating death. one man who was booked on both doomed malaysia airlines flights explains what he thinks is responsible for his survival. and more horror stories of oversharing on the internet. how the nsa intercepts private, explicit images of americans and showing them around the office? oh, god. but first here's bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill. >> thanks, mika. this forecast really the concerns are with the dryness and the heat. we haven't really talked about that all that much this summer. we had the big cooldown last week and finally when we look at
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the weather map and the temperatures to start your morning across the country, really only the northwest is the cool spot. finally it's warmed up and looks and feels like summer. humidity is also returning. it's shown in the green up through the central plains. so combine the heat with the humidity. we have heat advisories in effect for numerous areas. kansas city, omaha, and even a heat warning for minneapolis, first of the season, i believe. it's been a cool summer. all of these areas in yellow, it will feel like 100 to 110 today, easily one of the hottest forecasts we've had. 97 in denver today, 92 all the way up to fargo, but the problem is that we have another cool shot coming. remember i showed you that cool air in seattle? that sweeps down and will spark large thunderstorms in this area. damaging wind event for bismarck to fargo, maybe duluth to minneapolis. the other story the fires in the west. it's another warm day in the intermountain west and this fire over the weekend grew humongous.
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it was four separate fires and combined into one. it's called the carlton complex fire. right now it's only 2% contained. 150 structures have been burned. 1500 firefighters are on the scene there trying to protect additional structures. but it's going to be about 90 degrees today and the only chance of rain is wednesday. then it heads back up to 100 toward the end of this week so the firefighters have a hard time with this one. as far as the midwest goes, it's a hot day for you. in st. louis, about 90 to 95. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!"
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time now to take a look at the morning papers. we'll start with "the new york times." edward snowden is revealing more about the nsa. this time about the actions of some of the people working behind the scenes. in an interview with "the guardian" snowden says nude photos were frequently passed around via e-mail by young members of the military who worked for the intelligence agency. the 31-year-old former contractor has been living in moscow since leaking thousands of top secret documents. we're going to have to get more on that. thomas? >> from our parade of papers "the boston herald" five people were injured following a hot air balloon accident in clinton, mass, over the weekend. look at this, because video captures the balloon dropping low toward the ground before slamming into those power lines. that collision triggered two huge explosions that knocked out power to nearby homes. two people were treated at the
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scene and three others taken to a local hospital. the cause of the accident now under investigation. the "tampa bay times," several homes were evacuated and an intersection was closed off after a sinkhole opened up on saturday. it swallowed part of an intersection in the community of spring hill and caused structural damage to at least one home. authorities say the hole is about 40 yards wide and 30 feet deep. some residents were able to return home, but one house remains evacuated. >> wow, florida famous for that. also out of the sunshine state, a florida jury has awarded over $23 billion in punitive damages to the widow of a chain smoker. now, the woman claims that her husband died because tobacco company r.j. reynolds hid the negative risks of smoking from consumers. jurors were swayed by some of the company's past marketing campaigns, especially those targeting teens and young adults. r.j. reynolds' officials call it a runaway verdict and saying
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they'll appeal the decision. a dutch cyclist has cheated death twice. after switching flights and narrowly avoiding both malaysian airlines disasters. martin de junge has been traveling the world trying to get a spot on the malaysian cycling team. last week he switched out of mh-17 to save money. he also was originally scheduled to take flight on mh-370 which went missing back in march. he says he was lucky twice and says he's not afraid and will continue to fly on malaysia airlines. >> wow. >> okay. >> that's a wild one. time for politico. some big polls out this morning. >> with us is chief white house correspondent for politico mike allen with the morning playbook. mike, good to see you. >> good morning. >> let's get through this because there are brand new political polls out which could give key insight into how voters are feeling ahead of november. let's talk first about the polls and get a little meta about it.
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what's the bigger indication? >> this is designed to zoom in on the nation's political hot spots. the most potent areas in midterms. of course unlike a presidential election where every state matters, in midterms there's only a couple of areas where the action is isolated. what this poll does is interview voters in the 16 states with senate races and the 66 most competitive house races as ranked by larry sabato. >> let's drill down and look at some of the results that have come out of this. we've got 89% say that foreign policy would be an important factor when voting but just 11% said it would be the most important factor. so with the midterm set to decide which party controls the congress, we look that nearly three-fourths of voters disapproved of congressional republicans but democrats fared only slightly better with 63% disapproving. then we look at the president, president obama was also under water in this poll with 57%
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disapproving of his job performance and 43% approving. then we go with 45% of voters also say they would be less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by president obama. then if we look ahead to 2016, if hillary clinton runs for president, 32% of voters say she did a poor job running the state department. then we look at senator elizabeth warren, who is frequently mentioned as a possible challenger to clinton. when asked what impact a warren endorsement could have, 42% of voters said they didn't know who she was. 55% of all voters say the country is on the wrong track and nearly a quarter are unsure if it is on the right or wrong track. so 24% unsure about the track at all. but it's really interesting as we talk, mike, because obviously foreign policy is huge in the news right now but what people think about that and where we're going. >> really consistent story in this poll and that is that
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americans want less intervention. it doesn't matter if you ask about afghanistan, iraq, syria, ukraine. in every single case, americans want the u.s. to do less. they think that those areas are not in the u.s. national interest. a danger sign for the white house, which is very focused on the president's legacy already is that now people trust republicans more on foreign policy. that was the decades-long default position of the american electorate. that had changed and sort of gone back. although you sympathize with the 28% of people in this poll who said they don't know which party to trust. so if you're president obama and you're looking at these numbers, you say, see, this job is harder than it looks because at the same time that you have michael o'hanlon arguing for more troops in iraq, you have americans saying that they don't want it. this is also encouraging to rand paul. rand paul wants to pull back.
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every single number in this poll bolsters his position. >> peter baker, before you go, i just want to ask you about the foreign policy part of this poll. 88% say it's going to be an important factor in voting and yet there's that sort of other desire for less intervention that has been brewing for years now as we find ourselves engaged in endless wars. having said that, with crises escalating in the middle east and with russia, is there an opportunity here for the president to be effective in terms of leadership? >> yeah, what's really interesting is the contradictions both in this poll and as mike pointed out in the op-ed pages, on the tv channels. there's disparity between the establishment in washington, largely bipartisan establishment that believes that washington ought to play an assertive role in places like the middle east. john kerry should go there and try to make peace and so forth, and the broader public disengagement. we've done enough, stop expending so much american resources outside of our
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country. president obama gets a lot of criticism on this channel and others for not being more engaged in foreign policy but in some ways he's in tune with a country that doesn't really want him to be. so there is that interesting straddle right now and disparity between the opinion makers and the public at large. >> up next, coming off its deadliest day yet, the conflict in the middle east is entering a new stage of violence. we'll explore israel's objectives and its means to achieve them next on "morning joe." she's still the one for you.
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hamas wants to kill civilians on the israeli side, and the amazing grotesque and gruesome fact is they want to have as many civilians killed on the palestinian side because it gets you to ask me these questions. what they're doing is a double war crime. it should be -- it should be condemned with the most forceful action because these people are like isis, they're like al qaeda, they're like hezbollah and the other iranian proxies. they don't give a whit about the palestinians. all they want is more and more civilian death. >> that was israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu with his thoughts on hamas. just this morning, four people were reportedly killed when israeli tank shells struck a hospital in gaza, in the gaza
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strip. that's according to a palestinian health official who says 60 people were wounded. joining us now, ido aharoni, john hieilemann, dan senor back at the table as well. good to have you back, sir. >> thank you. >> on israel's part, is the goal a peace supported by both sides? >> the goal is to destroy the infrastructure hamas created in gaza. they created two systems of strategic caliber. the first is the rocket system, 12,000 rockets. we had to endure 2,000 rockets in the last two weeks. i think it's unprecedented in terms of an onslaught on a civilian society in the western world. the second system that they built is the tunnel system. the tunnel system, we suspect they have hundreds of tunnels, some of them one mile long. they're deep, six floors down. they penetrate israel's
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territory. the purpose of this is to allow them, to give them the operational capability of sending squads of terrorists into israel to pop out and attack civilian communities. only three days ago we averted a catastrophe when 13 of them popped out of the ground threatening to slaughter the entire place. >> so this is all incredibly important in the grand picture here, but i guess my question is, in the destruction of the infrastructure that you're talking about, is it still possible and a goal on the part of israel to attain a peace that is agreed upon by israel and the palestinians or is that not possible at this point? >> if you're asking about the overall negotiations between israeli and palestinians, the conflict we have with hamas is not a national conflict. this has to be understood. we do have a national conflict, which is territorial in nature with the palestinian authority. and as you know, we negotiated. but with hamas, just as the
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prime minister mentioned, it's the same kind of intercivilizational clash that you have with al qaeda. they're not interested in compromise or interested in the palestinian state. they're interested in our destruction. it is not only our right to defend ourselves, it's actually our duty to defend ourselves. >> so, dan senor, it sounds like the answer is no. >> i think one of the big changing dynamics in the region that gets to what you're talking about is the arab world is now split on this issue. if you look at the recent conflicts between israel and hamas, go back to 2008, 2009, go back to 2012, the arab world rallied, totally unified, behind hamas. now there's this huge division. you have the president in egypt who's been facilitating the cease-fire and is implicitly saying, israel, keep bombing. so i guess ido, maybe you could talk a little bit about how those relations with the arab world are impacting things on
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the ground. does it put pressure on those who want an end to hostilities to kind of back off? >> look, hamas, there's no question hamas is in a tough position. they lost syria, which was their number one backer. their number one provider of arms and ammunition. they lost the attention of iran. iran is now preoccupied with the international community. of course they lost their historical ideological patriarchs in egypt, the islamic brotherhood. and even within the palestinian world, the palestinian authority is now distancing itself from hamas. and the reason is because they know that hamas is wrong. hamas is wrong attacking innocent people. hamas is wrong using its own people as human shield. and hamas is wrong in entering this with no exit strategy. >> all right. ido, aharoni, thank you very much. still ahead, we'll look at how turmoil around the world is
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impacting the markets this morning. business before the bell is next on "morning joe." thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them.
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it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy whitetm. power to your mouthtm! business before the bell now with cnbc's brian sullivan. brian, what have you got? >> we're taking a look at these markets, guys. obviously you've been hitting the geopolitical issues all morning long. great job on that. but once again the u.s. stock market continues to shrug off pretty much everything. dow futures are down a little bit but far from falling in a big way. here's the point. we again appear to be what appears to be the cleanest dirty shirt in a bag of laundry. as all the problems of the world grow, we continue to see capital coming to the united states. we've seen it for the last few years. of course the fed being very accommodating helps. yeah, the stock market may drop
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a few points today, at least at the open that's what's indicated, but it's amazing how resilient this market has been. the dow is up a few percent year to date, even with all the concerns about maybe inflation, maybe higher interest rates and now, of course, what's going on not only with the malaysian air jet but also israel and the gaza strip. so i think the story so far has been the continued resiliency of the u.s. stock market. 70% of companies, by the way that have reported earnings, have beaten wall street estimates. ultimately it is what it's supposed to be, just a future measure of earnings. on that basis, things have gone reasonably well. >> brian sullivan, stay with us. i have a segment that's just for you coming up. >> is it about dirty shirts and bags of laundry? >> no. >> everything is going great. >> yeah, it really is. all right, we want to take a moment to mention a great event that's happening tomorrow night. do you guys want to join me? do you soul cycle? >> campbell used to be a soul
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cycle addict. >> tomorrow at soul cycle in new york's west village, we ride at 7:00 p.m. >> where are you riding to? >> it's -- >> what's it to support? >> it's a charity ride to raise money for the organization grace outreach, which is fantastic. and it helps women go back to high school, get their g.e.d.s, help them get jobs. it's a fantastic organization. we're all going to ride to raise money for grace outreach. for more information, visit up next, we'll pull back the curtains or one of professional golf's multimillion dollar problems. counterfeit golf equipment. really? good gracious. the host of critically acclaimed "inplay" jimmy roberts joins us next. ♪ in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you.
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we raided one location that was a small building, three rooms, and we found over 10,000 golf heads in that one small location. >> so there's a little shop in china, a garage operation, and that can really harm the industry? >> it's not just one little shop in china, there are tens if not hundreds of them and they're producing thousands and thousands of products every year. >> raids like this one seized
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fake titleist, callaway and taylormade clubs all from the same location. >> joining us now nbc sports' jimmy roberts, an on h-course reporter for the golf channel and host of "in play" and that was a clip from tonight's ep side. counterfeit putters. >> golf clubs of all kinds. >> what? >> look. have you ever bought a bag on the street or a wallet on the street? >> i would never do such a thing. >> listen, it's all part of the same operation basically. >> is there a lot of money in this? >> there's a lot of money in it. nobody likes to pay more for anything than they have to. so you see an advertisement online for a golf club that sells for $150. something that retails for $550, $600, so you think why not? you order this thing and in point of fact, these things are all part of an operation that basically supports organized crime. it supports things like human trafficking and narcotics and
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terrorism. the bottom line for golfers, who may not care about something like that, is they may not work as well. and we went to -- yeah, that's right. they don't care about human trafficking or terrorism, they only care if their drive ends up in the fairway, right? so we tested some of these counterfeit clubs to see how they play. >> and, and, and? >> you're going to have to watch. >> brian sullivan from cnbc is with us for this segment because he's obsessed with golf. brian. >> my question is a little different here. jimmy, hey, how are you doing? i understand counterfeiting a huge issue but my question is this. you wrote a book five years ago "breaking the slump" about the mental aspect of the game. tiger woods won five tournaments last year. i know he's had his back problems. do you think tiger's problems are more mental or physical? >> that's a good question. i think they could be a combination of both. i've had back surgery. anybody else who's had back surgery and plays golf knows that that's just a toxic combination. i think -- what was it yogi
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berra said, it's 90% physical and half mental and 90% physical, whatever he said. the point is golf is a game which is all about what happens between your ears. for the most part. >> so, first of all, i'm glad that you let me know that that big bertha i bought for $19.99 on canal street is probably not going to help my game. rory mcilroy yesterday, incredible performance. he is a phenom. is he the next tiger woods? is this going to be a kid who's going to make a real run into the history books? >> i don't know if he's the next tiger woods. i've said it for many, many years now. i think tiger was a shooting star we're not going see anything like that again, because the rate at which he won was a rate at which nobody had ever won before and nobody may ever win again. that said, i think that rory mcilroy is the genuine article. i think the proof of that is the fact that he's come through a slump. he won two major championships by the time he was 22 years old and then he encountered some really, really tough times and
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kind of basically fell off the face of the earth in terms of golf. and now he's come back, so he's won three majors and that puts him in some pretty rarefied air. >> he's also got that personality. he's a likeable star. >> and i think the proof of that was about a year ago, he had basically petulantly walked off a golf course on a pga tour event. the very next week he came back and owned up to it, faced a press conference and was genuinely seemed to be honest and contrite about it. i think he's a very appealing young man. >> really quick, thomas. rory mania. he is likeable. >> likeable guy. the next episode of "in play" airs tonight at 9:00 eastern time. jimmy, thanks for coming on the show. that's the golf channel. it's really cool. it looks like a great, great special. >> they test the clubs. >> you'll have to watch to see what the results are. >> don't tell, jimmy. >> we'll be right back. ks thinkt what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here
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it's time to talk about what we learned today, dan senor. >> i learned that you, when it comes to russia, you have some neocon instincts. i was shocked. >> oh, come on. i'm sensible. when something is wrong, you say it's wrong. when someone is doing wrong upon others, evil even, you say it. >> so soon we have to discuss
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what the logical extension of your frustration is but we'll save that. >> how about we pick it apart tomorrow and look back at history as well. john heilemann. >> i learned just one little act of kindness can reverse decades of the reality of what you really are. take, for example, this beagle. bringing the toy to the child. earn now loves the beagle. the beagle is a vicious breed. >> you're not right. >> you're a sicko. >> i don't want to know what it is. all right, thomas. >> the only thing worse is a dalmation. >> he's dark. >> i learned i'm going to soul cycle tomorrow night in the west village for you. >> if you want to see thomas and i there, apparently soul cycle in the west village is going to have a charity ride. we're both going to go. to support grace outreach. for more information on the event and the mission for this nonprofit, visit i'm so excited. >> you'll get yelled out by the
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soul cycle instructors. >> new york city the instructors -- >> the instructors yell at you. they're actually mean. >> they berate you. >> there's an abusive relationship. >> there's something wildly exciting about it, i have to say. >> join us. that's what we've learned today. if it's way too early, it's time for "morning joe." now it's time for "the daily rundown." ukraine's conflict rages on this morning near the plane crash site was more fingers point at putin and the u.s. tries to rally europe to take reaction reacting to russia's role in the tragedy. also this morning, the worst blood shed in two weeks of fighting between israelis and palestinians. is there anything president obama and the u.s. can do to stop it? plus just four days left for congress to do something about the border crisis and now texas governor rick perry says he's taking things into his own hands. good morning from washington, it's monday, july 21st, 2014. this is "the daily rundown" and i'm luke russert in for the great chuck todd.
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we start today, though, with ukrainian forces launching an offensive in the city of donetsk this morning. the first major fighting since malaysian airlines flight 17 was shot down last week. u.s. officials now say russia provided the missile that took down the plane and trained separatists how to use it. >> we picked up the imagery of this launch. we know the trajectory. we know where it came from. >> kerry said video and photographs released by the ukrainian government but not verified by nbc news show three mobile missile launchers leaving rebel territory headed for russia after the plane was down with at least one missile missing. rescuers recovered 272 bodies from the crash site but a train with the remains of nearly 200 victims has been stuck in the station in an eastern ukrainian town. the ukrainian government is accusing pro-russian rebels of blocking access to the bodies. today the first
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