tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 21, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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across the globe and it will come here soon. >> impose sanctions on gas companies, sanctions on energy and military companies. >> he's trying to be thoughtful, it comes off as weak. >> you've got to leave that putin individually. >> the united states needs to end its toughest response to this whole operation. >> ron reagan rallied the world community against russia and what it was dealing with. >> my preference continues to be finding a diplomatic resolution within ukraine. that is my preference today and it will continue to be my preference. >> good to have you with us tonight folks, thanks for watching, here's what's unfolding. to the relations between the united states and russia arguably are the most tense that have been around since, what, decades? we just can't seem to get along
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with puty. although george w. bush said he looked in his eyes and saw puti's soul, that's out the window. we're coming up with solutions on how to handle this crisis in ukraine. they are now suggesting that maybe if we could get the oil companies to make more money, we would be in better shape. could we just focus on being americans and what's best for the globe right now, without any political play either side. we still don't know who gave the order. we don't know who fired the missile that shot down flight 17. these are kind of important details in the world community. all signs point to the russian backed rebels, no doubt about that. but there is no public, concrete proof of that. the rebels were actively blocking international investigators on the ground, that was remedied today. earlier today, president obama had some harsh words for the rebels and their russian backers. >> we have to make sure that the
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truth is out. and the account. exists. investigators are on the ground, they are organized, i have sent teams, other countries have sent teams, unfortunately the russian separatists that control the area continue to block the investigation. they have repeatedly prevented international investigators to gain access to the wreckage. they have fired weapons into the air, these separatists are removing ed from the crash site. it all begs the question, what are they trying to hide? these russian backed separatists are removing body from the crash site without the care that we would normally expect from a trajs like this. this is an insult to those who lost loved ones. russia has extraordinary influence over this investigation.
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russia, and president putin in particular. has direct responsibility to compel them to cooperate against the separatists. >> the world should have basically the same outrage that the world should have on 9/11. i can't disagree with that. earlier today russian investigators allowed access to the crash site, it's about time. president obama is right, making sure that the investigation is not blocked. we need to know exactly what happened before any hardline action can be taken against russia. don't rush to judgment, right? if it's proven russia was directly responsible, europe is likely to come on board with more severe sanctions. isn't that what right wingers in this country want? meanwhile, republicans, basically, what they're doing is flying off the handle. it's another opportunity to bash
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the president. th just another big jab. this time -- of course we can't leaf this guy out, south carolina senator lindsay graham is crying over the fact that president obama didn't call, we're into name calling now, didn't call vladimir putin a thug? >> he didn't call putin the thug that he is. he didn't call for arming the ukraine, so they can defend themselves against rebel separatists supported by russia. all of the enemies of our nation are being well supplied. how about sanctions that would hit putin as an individual, their energy sector, their banking sector. the kbrueuropeans are never goio lead on this issue. it is indispensable that america will lead. there's a battle of --
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>> you know, kind of get down to the basics of it all. you got to look past that, don't we, senator? lindsay graham is exploiting an international tragedy, no question about it, to make the president look bad. arming ukraine would only escalate the situation resulting in more bloodshed, who knows where it would go from there? can't we be a little bit slow about this and give the sanctions a chance? as far as sanctions go, they are working, russian billionaires are in the hook now, they are in horror as sanctions continue to mount. russian billionaires feel that the isolation will affect direc affect their pocket book and the national community. it's flat out shameful. so let's start with the chairman of the house homeland security committee, mike mccall, he thinks we should lift the united
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states crude oil ban, which has been in place for 40 years on oil exports. >> you know, there's a crude oil ban that he could lift tomorrow to allow europe and ukraine to have crude oil to get off of this russian dependence which strangles them and not only would that be good from a stability foreign policy stand point, it would also create a lot of jobs in the united states. >> let's make the oil companies more money. speculation, speculation, and more speculation. lifting the ban in the short-term is not a long-term fix at all to this problem. the united states and europe will eventually have to abandon fossil fuels. there is a reason the export ban was put in place in the first place. now back in 1973, arab countries producining oil proclaimed an o
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embargo, this resulted in an oil shortage with report high gas prices, in response, congress passed a ban, congress passed a ban on u.s. export of crude oil in 1975. now eventually, the ban worked. gas prices returned to normal and the global oil market sta e stabli stablized. so there's no doubt, the export ban has a direct effect on keeping u.s. oil prices lower today. but that's no guarantee either. there is a reason republicans are looking to lift this ban, in recent years, u.s. crude production, what has it done? it has skyrocketed. in 2013, he produced more than 7 billion barrels of oil. it's the most in a single year since 1989, a large part of this is because of north dakota oil fields. you can see the natural gas flares clearly from space. in march of this year, in march of 2014, just a few months ago,
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north dakota produced over 30 million barrels of oil, it was a record month for the state of north dakota, the united states is running out of refineries to process this sweet crude. so now republicans want to make oil companies even richer with this crisis, they want to lift the ban that would result in massive profits for the oil companies. it's shameful they are exploiting the malaysia airlines tragedy to get their way and to slam the president. the facts are simple, lifting the began would be a short-term fix, maybe. it would increase global greenhouse gas emissions, which i think most countries are concerned with, and it would jeopardize stability of the united states oil market. basically what the republicans are saying to the president and the democrats, the oil companies haven't made enough money and we got to use this as a real business opportunity and oh, by the way, we might even create jobs in america because of this.
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hogwash. we would be going in the wrong direction when it comes to climate change. these sanctions just, what? five days old are already got billionaires in russia shaking in their boots wondering where this is all going to end. the good news is we have a president who's playing it close to the vest, not showing all of his cards and you can see puti sweat early on. that's a good place to be. because no one on the globe has ever questioned our military and how strong we actually are. because if putin wanted a showdown with the united states, he would be shooting already. get your cell phones out, tonight's question. do you think the united states should lift its crude oil export ban? text a for yes, text b for no. for more, let me bring in congressman jim mcder molt of washington, congressman, good to
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have you here tonight. >> good to be here, ed. >> what would this lifting of the crude export ban establish, if we were to follow what the republicans experts are saying right now, what would is that do for us? >> this is the war department talking. they're trying to get us into syria, they're trying to get us into iran, and now this one comes, they want us to be arming ukraine they're using this for a long time, some of them. they say this will do it, if we put our oil on is market, suddenly the russians won't have anywhere to sell theirs, they're making deals with the chinese. they're selling it all over is
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word. this is not something that's going to be good for us or the environment. but the question is do you really believe that the oil price at the pump will go downing if we suddenly start selling our oil across the world and don't keep it here at home and produce our own? there's no question that this is for the oil companies to make more money. >> your response to the rhetoric from senators mccain and also lindsay graham, the kinds of things they are saying, the president's a coward, across the board going against every move and not even giving the skangatiskang ati sanctions a chance to operate. >> i remember president bush saying we're going to go in there and drag them out from where they're hiding. the president is showing statesmanship and he's showing reserve and thoughtfulness. he's what we really needed in a
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leader in 2011, a long time ago, or 2001, i mean. we really needed him then. but instead, we had a wild war party and away they went. he's keeping us out. we have got all kinds of crosscurrents with russia. we need russia to help us deal with the iranians, to get that iranian nuclear situation settled. we need them to help us in the syrian, the whole question of how we deal with syria. we can't be just going in there calling people names and running around breaking up the furniture. >> these righties, they think we should be arming the ukrainian oe army. wouldn't that spiral out of control? >> you're absolutely right, my feeling is that throwing more arms in on one side simply says to the russians, well, i guess we're going to have to arm the separatists some more, so we can have a real full-fledged war in
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iran. ukraine, without any of us having to pay a price. we'll just sell arms, that's all we do. >> is this a positive sign that russian billionaires are speaking to the international media, being concerned about their profits and their maneuverability in the financial worlds and also the economy for the russians? i mean they don't want a bad economy. >> no. >> i mean is this really going to have an impact? >> the president has got his hand on their possibility and they know it and they don't like it and they're going to tell putin, scale this thing down. that's why today he announced that the separatists were going to let the dutch investigators in, they were going to let the bodies be taken and treated appropriately and taken home to amsterdam. >> so you think the financial guys are going to tell putin to back off? >> absolutely. >> okay. >> there is no way that they're going do let him roar around and start another war. >> congressman jim mcdermott,
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great to have you withous tonight, thanks so much. for more let me bring in mike pappan. >> mcdermotted had a goods poun, it re-enforces the proof that if obama weren't in control of american missiles, an irani president would have us at war with new yorker ran and syria. for these last six years, there's continue wally been logic tied into this oil industry expansion. >> are republicans lifting this began just to help their oil buddies? do they really view this as an opportunity here? >> it's big money for them. listen, we heard it when republicans told us that russia's invasion of georgia showed us the need for more
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american drilling and more expert experts -- exports. the same mouthpiece told us that the american-syria conflict showed the need for more drilling. and the need to invade iran. they don't talk got why we have the ban, they don't talk about in 1973 economists determined that the unregulated export of american energy created chaos, it created a volatile u.s. energy crisis that almost shut down our economy, so the arguments that gee whiz, conflict equals the need for more drilling, that's been worn out, it's been worn to death by the republicans, but they still seem to be willing to make that argument and not really talk about the truth and the truth is, without that kind of ban regulation, we would be in trouble. >> don't you find this comparison to reagan comical. clearly there's a difference in
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reaction, in the timing, and also sanctions, all of these things, but the republicans keep going back to reagan. don't they have anybody in their party right now that they can point to for any kind of leadership whatsoever? the answer to that is no. >> the thing they have in common, they would take us back to a cold war mentality in a second. i mean if you listen to the volatile nature of the discussion about putin right now, this isn't a guy that you just push around like you do some third world country, this is something that obama has to be very wise in the way that he hand handles, what he's doing should make us feel safe. one of the talking points when obama rather than gaeragainst romney, what will obama do about syria? and we call felt secure that we elected a president that will use some diplomacy rather than this cold war mentality and he
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certainly won't buy into this oil sergeaargument that every t there's a conflict we have to drill more and there's a way to make the oil industry more money. that's the talking point when you drill down to the history of their discussion about conflict and oil expansion. >> they just don't miss an opportunity to make the big boys more money. >> good to have you with us tonight, thanks so much. remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen, share your thoughts with us on twitter @edshow. coming up, the minnesota vikings special teams coordinator was suspended on friday among allegations of homophobic remarks. chris clooney join us us next to talk about this. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality
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yahoo! >> and today's top trender, joining the team. >> charlie crist introducing voters to his running mate. >> tadeo considered a rising public figure in politics. >> we need a change in tallahassee and the people need a voice. >> she truly is the american dream come true, she's a working mom. >> founder and ceo of her own company, chair of the miami-dade democratic party. crist, the newly minted democrat, now has a major player with him. >> crist chose somebody from miami-dade, someone that will help him win hispanicer e voterd women as well. >> together we can make a difference. >> joining us today annette tadeo. you have had a lot of success in your career, you've been involved in politics all the way
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back to college. but i think it's pretty clear that you certainly fit the demographic. a woman from south florida, a hispanic what do you bring to the table? >> just being a working mom and a small business owner, we need that seat at the table, and i'm so proud to be a part of the people's ticket. right now what we have in tallahassee is special interests, have a seat at the table. but us regular people, people who have been through the tough times, i have lived on minimum wage, i know what it's like to have to meet payroll and won't if you're going to be able to do it during tough times, you wonder about your elememployeesw is it going to affect them or my own family. certainly as women we do not have that voice at the table and it's a very important voice that governor crist really felt that was important for us to have that. >> annette, do you think that you will get out the hispanic
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vote more so than any other candidate on the ticket? >> well, it certainly doesn't hurt and i hope so. but i will tell you, this is about all of us coming together. when i say together we can make a difference, i mean all of us floridians can make a difference. and it doesn't matter if you're hispanic, african-american, anglo or asian, the fact is that we're all stuck with a scott florida and we need to be scot-free. and together we're going to be able to do this. sometimes i know that's a plus, because i'm hispanic, i speak spanish. but african-american issues, asian issues, anglo issues, moms' issues, those are all our issues together and we need to all understand each other and work toward making a difference and not divide us by our ethnicity. >> the miami herald reports that scott's campaign and pacs have
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raise $24 million since charlie crist entered the race in november. where is the money going to come from for the democrats, how do you combat -- >> we obviously are working very hard to raise the funds, there is no question, rick scott is raising a lot of money because he has special interests on his side and big corporations that want him to stay there. but we have the people and more importantly, we need to make sure that people get the message out. and there's no question, he said he might put his own money and even over $1 million he plans on spending on this race, which is why i need everybody watching this show to understand the importance of getting behind the people's ticket, working this campaign, we cannot keep our eye off the ball, we need to get rid of rick scott. >> there's been a lot of voter suppression effort in the state of florida.
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do you think that l factor into this election? especially in south florida? >> there has been and certainly rick scott did everything he could to ensure that president obama would not be re-elected and he tried to suppress the vote, along with many of his republican colleagues in tallahassee. what we have done has been fighting it and i am so proud to be on the ticket with charlie crist, because when push came to shove in 2008, he was governor and nobody in the republican party wanted him to extend voting hours and he said that's just the right thing to do to allow people to vote. i'm going to extend the hours, and there were amount of people mad at him on the other side, but i'll tell you those of us on the democratic side were so proud of him for doing the right thing, and that's what he's going to do when he gets back to tallahassee, win the race for the people. >> were is this race going to be won as you see it? >> i think it's going to be done knocking on doors, we're doing a
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ground becagame, we have a lot the obama team. it literally affects the future of even my daughter, my 8-year-old daughter, this is for the environment, we have just such a sharp contrast between charlie crist and rick scott. it's night and day, one is for science, the other one doesn't even meet with scientists because he doesn't believe in science. so there's a huge difference and people are going to see that difference and i believe we're going to be successful. >> all right. annette taddeo, you are worked your whole life to have this opportunity. we will visit with you again, thanks so much. a massive hole hundreds of feet wide in northern siberia has scientists searching for answers. but next, i'm taking your questions, ask ed live just ahead on the ed show on msnbc.
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welcome back to the ed show. the first question is from tom. he wants to know do you expect a ramp up of keystone xl screaming thanks to the downing of mh-17. no i don't. i think the moment has shifted on the keystone xl discussion. it's got problems and the president's not going to make a decision now because he doesn't have to. donna wants to know do you think putin will take responsibility for the shooting down of mh-17. if you could ever use the word never, no, i don't think he will do that at all, even with international pressure. you can take an old saying and ably it to the economy, stupid.
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>> it's going to politically squeeze putin, force him to make a decision, based on the politics of his own base. brilliant move, the clock is, shall we say that the hourglass has been turned on putin in some regards, that's what i believe. stick around, rapid response panel is next. i'm hampton peerson with your cnbc market rate. chipotle shares are rallying after hours, the company reported revenue and earnings that handily beat projected shares. and share of netflix are up slightly. profits came in a penny shy of
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liberty mutual insurance. welcome back to "the ed show" the fallout continues in the battle between the minnesota vikings and their former punter chris kluwe. the suspension came as a result of a six-month investigation into allegations made by kluwe who has been an outspoken advocate for gay rights and marriage equality. the former punter wrote an article for dead spin saying he was forced out of the nfl by two cowards and a bigot for speaking
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up. former minnesota vikings leslie phraser and rick spielman repeatedly tried to keep him from speaking out on the the issue. they berated him in team meetings giving him unfair evaluations saying things like we should round up all the gays, send them to an island and nuke it until it agrglow, cullen laughler told investigators he recalled the coach making the statement. quote, after becoming frustrated that laughler and kluwe were not focused during practice i, if he remembers me saying something on the practice field, i won't disagree wit. he will be suspended for two games if he completes sensetivity training.
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there's no evidence that punter kluwe was released from the team for performance. joining me is former nfl player chris kluwe and his trainer. chris, you first. why hasn't this report been made public? why is it so secret and what's your position on that? >> well, i think that's a very good question and i think it's one that the vikings should be answering, clearly there's something in those 150 pages and 1,600 pages of footnotes that the vikings don't want the public to know. i think the public should know. if there's a -- do you feel that you were run out of the national football league because of being an advocate for marriage equality? >> yes, i do, and is vikings say
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that in their stumry that they released. they try to walk a very fine line by stating that this was the activityism and not the subject of the activism, but i don't think the legal system will see it that way. >> clayton what's your options for the punter? >> we only have one legal option and that is to file a lawsuit this week with a number of claims that we believe are very strong. at the end of the day, once we get a jury hearing the different stories, i think there's no doubt that chris is the most credible. what i do know about the investigation by the independent investigators, were the management, spielman, every member of management, they all lied on a number of occasions about their knowledge about chris's complaints. so when it comes down to credibility, chris is the only one who has been consistently truthful throughout the entire investigation. >> you posted a settlement which included priefe being suspended
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for three games and the vikings donating a million to the lgbt groups, priefer only got suspended and the nfl was finvi fined $100,000. >> these investigations were completely transparent, they did it in other scandals and so i think we need to be asking why all of a sudden is it different in this case? >> your punter, your client here was one of the best in the nfl, i mean the numbers are what they r very productive. do u you feel like he was run out of the league because of this? >> there's no doubt. i mean, chris had no problems until he started his advocacy and then he was repeatedly told by his coaches and management to keep his mouth shut. and then within a couple of weeks of him making a specific
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report regarding priefer's comments about nuking the gays, that's when he was released. just the timeline alone and the specific comments that were made to him, we think there's no doubt a jury will find in our favor. >> chris, the vikings report did not cast you in a very favorable light. there are claims that you made fun of vikings head strength conditioning coach at the time by cutting the seat out of your panels to imitate a victim of the penn state child abuse scandal. what's your response to is that? >> i think it's interesting that in a 29-page report, three of the pages deal with the subject and 26 of those deal with the one who brought that complaint. i'm not denying that happened. i made a joke, apparently it was a bad joke, apparently it failed and to people who are offended by that, then i apologize. this is something where the way
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the vikings have painted this picture, they made it feel like i made fun of the victims of the penn state scandal. and it's personally very insulting, i made funk of the culture at penn state that allowed this to happen. when i made it clear to investigators that it wasn't the case, that to me says a lot about the culture over there. >> your response to that? >> you know what? i think it's unfair. i mean the fact is half the team was making jokes about that subject, and then to try to make chris look like the bad guy, i mean this is a sexual harassment case where you look at the alleged harasser and all of a sudden, it's the victim who ask the bad person because of their conduct. it's made an issue. and that's what they're trying to do with chris, they're trying to make him look like the bad actor when they spent no time dealing with the very -- let's remember what priefer said, he specifically said to destroy, to
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kill a group of people. that's horrendous, that's very hate-filled speech. this was a leader, this was a coach. he plays a very different role than chris played, so i think it's very different. >> chris, why didn't any other team pick you up? you had the numbers, you had the talent, you had years left? >> i had an opportunity with the raiders and i felt like they gave me a reasonably fair opportunity, it was between me and a younger guy and they were in a rebuilding mode so they went with with the younger guy and i can't really fault them for that. there were other tryouts that i had, one in particular where i felt i should have got the job and i didn't get the job. and then later on the team cut that punter they took, two weeks later to be specific, and picked up another veteran player. clearly it wasn't about my age, tvrsn't about my ability because i showed at the tryouts that i could do what they needed me to do. so it's about something else. >> there's no doubt, chris, this is probably going to get a little uglier as it proceeds. what is the end goal of this?
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what do you want to have come out of this as a result of this fight? >> the end goal, i want the vikings to release the full report so everyone knows what went on and if there is a culture there of trying to cover up homophobic behavior, fixing that, getting rid of that because there's no place for that. and getting rid of the idea that you can lie to people, simply because you're an nfl organization and you have a lot of money and power. to me, that is wrong. >> okay, chris and clayton, great to have both of you with us tonight. coming up, conservative congressman renee elmhurst asked her republican colleagues to bring it down a bit. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month.
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the north carolina republican is facing american idol clay akin in the november elections. she says the men in her party, the republican using too many graphs and pie charts to make a point. >> men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. many of my male colleagues when they go to the house floor, they've got you know some pie chart or graph behind them and they are talking about trillions of dollars and, you know, how the debt is awful. you know, we all agree with that. but by starting the discussion that way, we have already turned people away. >> elmers believes voters can't handlebar graph ares. she's also offered her solution to the republican war on women, bringing it down to their level. >> we need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman with's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life, that's the way to go. >> presenting data isn't a
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republican thing or a man thing. it's a smart thing. i have seen plenty of women in congress with charts. i also see plenty of people in congress without any charts at all. talking down to women is precisely the republican problem. if renee elmers thinks bringing information down a level helps women, she can keep on pretending. it's a complete checkup of the services your vehicle needs. so prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump. get our multi-point inspection with a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation, brake inspection and more for $29.95 or less. get a complete vehicle checkup only at your ford dealer. if you don't think "feed the then you don't know "aarp". our drive to end hunger has donated 29 million meals, and counting.
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who take a shower after work. global warming could be partially to blame for a massive hole in the earth in northern sbeer i can't. television aired helicopter footage of a giant hole. it's hundreds of feet wide and is located about 18 miles from the region's biggest natural gas field. people are scrambling for explanations. one australian scientist says it looks like a collapsed pingo, which is a huge chunk of ice under the soil. other scientists say the area's unique geology could be the reason. they say a natural gas pocket, combined with water and salt could have produced a large explosion p if the permafrost were punctured by climate change-induced thaw. a team is scheduled to arrive on wednesday. they plan to take samples of soil, air and water from the scene. the fundamental questions remain -- why? and how? dr. reese halter, author of the
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insatiable bark beetle joins us tonight. also a conservation biologist. good to have you with us. what do you make of this? what is this from what you can gather? >> good evening, ed. what we are seeing here is the summer of 2012 and 2013 were extremely warm. the permanent frozen soils are thawing. it is very likely that what we have seen here is a torrent of gas gushing out of mother earth just like a big old champagne cork being ripped off a bottle. if we look on the other side of the arctic circle in alaska, what we are seeing in alaska is our soils are drying out even faster. that spells epic fires. the anatuvic river fire scorched 386 square miles. it was the most devastating fire in 5,000 years.
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how this all relates is very clear because what's happening is hundreds of years of accumulated mercury from coal are being released in one event. these arctic fires are causing toxicity of an epic global level because mercury in the form of methylmercury is in our food chain from polar bears to panthers to bats to 175 species in the northeast to my sharks to the tuna, the swordfish and the largest living animals, the blue whales are full of mercury. ed. >> so this hole, you think, was caused by climate change, global warming. could there be more of these or is this the beginning of something? this is rather rare. no doubt about it. >> absolutely. this is what we call an
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unintended consequence. there will be more unintended consequences, but the take-home message here is this. what we do to our oceans, what we do to our soils, we do to ourselves. we've got to wake up, ed. we've got to wake up now. >> well, explain the permafrost and how the layer would have changed and the pressure would have allowed this to happen. >> obviously in the arctic circle in the olden days, these soils were permanently frozen. because the arctic is warming at least two but possibly three times faster than the rest of the globe, these soils are melting and we are talking about 50, 75 feet of accumulated ancient forest wood that's becoming pliable. anything and everything can
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happen up there. it's these fires that we are all watching. >> the fact that this happened about 18 miles from the region's largest natural gas field. your take on that. >> well, there is so much gas under ground the australian scientists, i believe, nailed it. what we are seeing is everything beneath the surface is also starting to warm up. and the oil field, the gas field is popping like champagne corks. >> yeah. it's rather interesting. sbeer i can't is a cold place. should we be concerned at the location of where it happened? >> sbeer i can't might be a cold place. let me tell you, ed. up around 70 degrees latitude in alaska is very cold. we should be very concerned with fires in the arctic and we should be very concerned about the methane that's happening in our soils that's bleeding into
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the air. >> all right. dr. reese halter, we'll come back to you. that's our time tonight. that's "the ed show." "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. good evening. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. we'll be talking tonight about the death of eric gardener, the 43-year-old father of six who died last week. it was caught on this tape after a scuffle with new york city police officers who took him down in a choke hold. there is no justification for this. we'll talk about police and emergency medical workers' actions. that's coming up later in the show. but first tonight's lead. dismantling the gop's blame obama first attacks. four days after the malaysia airlines plane was with blown out of the sky, finally separatists are reportedly set
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