tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 23, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> the president has to be more engaged. >> drill baby drill. >> what is the united states going to do to prepare for a future with renewable energy. will the united states become engaged providing energy needs for europe. >> there's a crude oil ban that he could lift tomorrow. >> economic dependence particularly with regard to energy. >> germany build offshore wind farm. >> still need to drill baby drill. >> good to have you with us. thanks for watching. it was just a couple nights ago on this broadcast i said that republicans would take any chance to make the casey for big oil. drill baby drill. more, more, more. it took 48 hours. republicans just simply refused to give up on their crusade to make big oil companies even richer.
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they are again using the conflict in ukraine to lift a 40-year oil ban on u.s. exports. you know what, i've always wondered, 40 years. we had a republican president since then? yeah. how come reagan didn't lift it. earlier two ukrainian fighter jets shot down by rebels in eastern ukraine. jets brought down in the same general area the as malaysia airlines flight 17. this video, not confirmed by nbc news, apparently shows wreckage from one of the downed jets. the ukrainian government claims missiles were fired from inside russia. it's not clear what happened to the pilots. meanwhile it took republicans all of just a couple of hours to get out and talk about liberating europe from russian energy. >> i think one of the things tim mentioned before me economic dependence on russia. makes the argument why it's so
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important we open up to l & g exports european market and united states become more engaged trying to provide energy needs for europe. i think that will take some of the economic dependence away and hopefully free them up to be able to put more pressure on the russians. >> now to give definition to what senator thune from south dakota said, we need to drill more. that's right. go to the bottom line. we've got to drill more. that's what they want. look, energy independence is certainly important for our country but there are no guarantees if we pump out more oil out of our soil that it's going to affect geopolitical situation in ukraine dealing with putin. the united states providing europe's energy needs is not the answer. it's not a guarantee. it's not just republicans talking about more exports, the united states energy. this morning senator tim kaine of virginia came up with the
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same line, same argument as thune. >> we need to be targeting their energy sector and we need to be helping europe develop their own energy resources, potentially shipment of potential gas from the united states to help them break reliance on russian energy and finding other energy suppliers. algeria wants to build a new energy pipeline under the mediterranean that can help supply europe. we need to be working to sanction russian energy sector and move europe away from overreliance on russian energy. >> okay. senator caine that's more detailed than john thune but still in the neighborhood of maybe we should drill more. democrats and republicans need to leave the pockets of big oil. everyone knows consequences of oil production and consumption in this country. i'm not advocating we get off oil completely. to drill more, that's the wrong direction. as oil production in the united states sky rockets so do the events of negativity.
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in 2013 there were over 7600 spills, blowouts and leaks. that's about 20 events a day. in 2013 more oil spilled from trains than in the previous 38 years combined in this country. recently we've seen oil disaster after oil disaster. a burst pipeline turned up in the streets of los angeles. of course a river of oil was just a few months ago. in december, an oil train derailed causing massive explosions and evacuations in castleton, north dakota. last year a pipeline burst in mayflower, arkansas devastating the suburban community. they still haven't recovered. in march, just this past march, 168,000 gallons of crude oil leaked into galveston bay, texas. wildlife and local fishing industry, well, it took a major hit. the list i'm giving you just scratches the surface of what unfolded.
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of course lets not forget the time 210 million gallons of oil leaked into the gulf of mexico over the course of 87 days. politicians, i'll tell you what, they seem to have amnesia when it comes to this story. there is no talk of the deepwater horizon oil spill in washington, d.c., because they have been watching bp commercials. we're open for business. everything is good. we cleaned it up. it's fixed. yeah, right. now, lets take a look at the consequences of oil consumption. we are literally trashing our planet. noaa reports, anybody going to pay attention to this, noaa reports this june was the warmest june on record since we've been keeping records back to 1880. the month of may this year 2014 was the hottest on record. these warm temperatures are causing record drought in california. residents there have been forced to cut down on water consumption. not far away from the state of washington, they are currently
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battling the largest wildfire in the state's history. the fire burned roughly 400 square miles of land, 150 homes have been lost and 1200 homes have been evacuated in 12 towns. local communities have been devastated. >> you see the hard break when you come across those houses that are burnt to cinders and all you see is the metal frame themselves. >> i myself and family members have lost our home. i just want you all to know that we, as community, are going to pull together. >> it was probably the most insane thing i've ever seen in my life. >> the backyard. that was our shop. my mom's house where the wheelbarrow was, everything lost in there. >> is it all happening because
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of climate change? well, it's whatever you want to believe, right? president obama has declared a state of emergency for the state of washington. tuesday the president said a lot of this fire has to do with climate change. the consequences of oil production and consumption, they are very real and dangerous. what is the solution? we could try renewable energy. we talk about it a lot but can't seem to get there. wind and solar, guess what, they work. places that invest in renewable energy are reaping the rewards. go to the state of colorado where 800 new jobs have been created because wind turbine orders are on the rise. over 13% of colorado's energy comes from wind. a dutch company working on a turbine that could generate half a house's electricity. the design catches wind from any angle. inventions like this are the
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answer to energy independence not americans drilling more oil and throwing more oil on the open market. there's no guarantee that's going to affect anything. have you noticed it seems like everything that comes up, the republicans, their answer is always, well, we just need more oil out there. hogwash. we need this country, the united states to realize, maybe we can do better on wind and solar, better than 5%. get your cell phones out. want to know what you think. tonight's question. is it time to declare war on climate change? i'm asking this question tonight because lets see, we've seen conservatives have a "war on christmas." we've seen them have a war on christianity they claim is happening in america. war on women. yes, we do think a war on women. lots of wars out there. we haven't had a war on climate change. go to our blog and we'll bring
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results later on in the show. so let me bring in senior vice president of government affairs for league of conservation voters. teernen, how can we fight the oil lobby to get more renewable energy in our country when the answer to everything, whatever question comes up, is all about big oil and their influence? >> you are absolutely right, ed. thanks for having me on and thanks for calling attention to this incredibly important issue. it was really important to see you call attention to the devastating effect extreme weather and climate change is having. to see big oil cynically pushing for things like lifting the ban on crude oil exports at a time like this is absolutely horrifying. the good news we're excited about, obama administration is really starting to make a tremendous amount of progress when it comes to fighting climate change, promoting clean energy throughout the obama administration's time in office.
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they have doubled our use of clean, renewable energy. they have done a tremendous amount to increase efficiency. fastest, cheapest, smartest way to address the energy problem is use less of it. we're focused on energy efficiency, great to hear you talk about it. it is definitely time to break free of the failed energy policies of the past rather than double down on dirty, polluting big oil, we should focus on efficiency. >> every story that comes up, they want to drill more. before long they are making the case this is why we have to have keystone xl pipeline. we're not far away from that. this event today, couple of jets shot down. here we go, got to drill more oil on the market. i'm not convinced no guarantees that is going to create any more political problems for putin his own country. that really is the mission to stabilize things again.
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>> we couldn't agree with you more. if we are serious about reducing dependence on russian oil and reducing dependence on all oil for that matter in order to really truly improve national security we need to get off of oil. we need to definitely stay away from dirtier forms of oil like tar sands. senator markey from massachusetts has a bill to help ukraine increase energy efficiency, a tremendous amount of loss energy. those are common sense practical solutions we should be pursuing. >> now, if we drill more, the risk of transportation, the risk of spills, i documented how many spills and events we've had in recent years and how we're producing more oil. 7600 spills, blowouts, leaks, 20 a day in this country, if we drill more, these numbers are going to be worse. >> right. we absolutely need to heed all the devastating events happening
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increasing our dependence on oil is the exact wrong direction. we should be learning a lesson from the failed policies of the past and moving far more toward focusing on renewable energy. point out the benefits. win, win, win. it's good for the economy, consumers, saving money, good for creating good paying jobs in the country and those are the priorities we have and so pleased to be working with the obama administration to advance. >> okay. teernan settenfeld on the ed show. turn to senator brown from ohio. senator, good to have you on with us. >> sittenfeld is from ohio, two ohioans in a row. well done, ed. >> i love ohio. >> a few victories in ohio. >> big on tubular steel and all of that so thank you. >> you know, we can win. people get engaged, get the right information, things
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happen. a lot of attitudes turn on that. congress department made the right call. we'll get to that story. we've got a lot more to talk about. senator, is providing europe with more u.s. energy meaning oil, is that the answer? maybe i'm wrong on this. i want your thoughts on it. >> first, republicans never miss an opportunity to front for the oil industry. this is a terrible thing that happened to ukraine. it's about foreign policy, about hundreds of people who died, and somehow they turned that into lets export more fossil fuel energy to europe. i was at the german embassy and sitting next to a german manufacturer who has a plan not far from where i live in cleveland. he said u.s. selling natural gas to europe doesn't save money even though natural gas is $4 or $5 here, in europe $12 or $13.
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the liquefaction, transportation, gasification in europe would bring the price up the same. the point is we have an advantage. when you talk on this show so much about energy policy and about manufacturing, if we're going to create manufacturing jobs, the biggest advantage we've had in a generation is the low and stable and predictable cost of natural gas. that helps in steel production, chemical production. it helps in making the kinds of things ohio leads the nation in and rebuilds middle class for so many workers that benefit from competitively priced natural gas and give u.s. an advantage in manufacturing that we've lost for a whole host of reasons over the last two or three decades. >> clearly stated republicans and some democrats are making the case that our energy resources can make putin squirm a little bit more with this economy. do you believe that? do you really think we can shift the balance?
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>> first of all, it would take two or three years absolute minimum to get the natural gas. the gasification or liquefaction facilities built and the gasification plants in europe to be able to do that. even so, it's not our role to compromise our economic principle or compromise ourselves economically to bring peace to central and eastern europe. it won't work, number one. number two, that just doesn't make sense. to hurt our manufacturing, do something to bring peace to ukraine. the kind of thing we should do. >> senator, they are suggesting lifting 40 year ban not on remind oil but crude oil. that ban has been in place. why didn't reagan lift it.
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now pressure on president obama to lift that ban and congress to lift that ban. >> well, it's always president obama fault. when they step in front of the house at republican headquarters, that's not the solution here. he's not to blame. whatever ties to the russians and anti-aircraft russians apparently provided to them. that's why this is aimed at going to war with russia. sanctions and doing what they need to do working with other european powers. it's not about selling our energy to the ukrainians or germany or russians. >> is big oil blocking renewable energy efforts and investments? >> big oil still has far too much influence.
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a long-term lease on the entire republican party. can't take away tax breaks. we've tried and tried and tried. tax breaks for oil were not able to give the government the authority it needs when price strikes take place and we know the oil industry is gaming the system, a whole host of issues. they blocked real serious, genuine efforts on the part of a lot of senate and house democrats. to do what we need to do as miss sittenfeld is talking about on renewable energy issues. >> senator from ohio, great to have you with us. thanks so much. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen, share thoughts on "the ed show." we've got ed. like us on facebook. we'd appreciate that. coming up former nfl head
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coach tony dunkee misspoke. home of a private prison ceo. a lot to say about that. he'll talk about the governor and ties to private prisons when he comes back. stay with us. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing
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vo: she no longer smells it. used to the odor her cat leaves in the couch, yep, she's gone "noseblind" (sfx) we staged an intervention to help her sister break the news. sister: to the left... this is exactly what your house smell like. angela: for real? sister: yes. (both sisters laugh) angela: oh you are trippin'? really?! vo: febreze fabric refresher eliminates pet odors you've gone "noseblind" to. sister: smells good! vo: one of many ways febreze helps you and your guests (inhale sound) breathe happy. say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth.
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clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. [ barks ] . what's hot, what's not. time for trenders social media, join the ed team. facebook.comed show. also he we've got wegothe, top trenders voted on by you. >> the number three trender. may flies by the mega millions.
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>> up and down mississippi river. >> may flies taking over towns along mississippi river. the aquatic flies so thick they showed up on weather radar. >> sometimes have to follow the bridges. >> only reproduce in areas with high quality water. cleaner oxygen rich water is making it a perfect place for the bugs to mate. >> number two, birthday block party. >> what a year for the future king. >> captured hearts and minds across the world. >> lego celebrates prince george's birthday at blocking ham palace. >> they have made a miniature lego birthday party, lego versions of the royal family. >> your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. >> made up of around 1,900 legos.
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>> today's trender, private dancer. >> private prisons funded through government contracts, profit off the taxpayer and have a disturbing relationship with politicians. >> we have over 2 million people behind bars right now. >> i think private prison population in the united states grew 37% between 2002 and 2009. >> a private prison ceo met with protest. >> going to be in a fundraiser, the ceo of geo group. >> led for prison in the state. >> geo in a strong growth mode. >> nearly 9% of prisons run by private firms like geo group. >> their business model, very simple. put people in prison, make money. >> jing me tonight is america's mayor, attorney, should i say,
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host of the ring of fire radio show. great to have you with us. you can unpack this better than anybody what's going on. there is a close connection between rick scott and the governor of florida and the ceo of geo group. so much that of the state has seven private prisons, so happens geo group has five of them. what's the connection here. >> ed, to understand the importance of the story, it's critical to recognize who geo is and what their sorry history looks like. you start with the u.s. justice department who determined that rick scott sweetheart contributor geo wreaked havoc on geo prisoners it had locked up in its facility. at one facility they have hardened gang bang members acting as guards overseeing juveniles. the justice department looked into that and determined sexual
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exploitation of those juveniles was the worst they had seen anywhere in the nation. that's their words, not mine. but rick scott still embraces this organization as one of the gop gang as he calls it, a gang that he's proud of. if you're honest about it, it looks like a mad max caliber of violence and chaos that seems to be the brand that defines geo but it doesn't seem to bother rick scott. he's willing to have fundraiser's with them. penny pinching, understaffing actually left juvenile inmates with permanent brain damage involved in one of the incidents the u.s. justice department looked at. >> if it's a disaster, why do they keep getting contracts? >> he's controlled the money since the day he came into office, establishings, near
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death beatings, sadistic guards that encouraged juveniles. >> has he been asked about it? >> he knows all about it. all he has to do is look at the record, ed. this is an organization -- the ceo of this oregon actually paid $20,000 to rick scott so he could redecorate the governor's mansion. understand rick scott knows this line. the federal judge that looked at this organization said that it was an inhumane cesspool that geo has put together. this is a scott who has been a governor shield for geo for years now. he helped geo earn multimillion dollars every year. scott describing geo as a bold, innovative cost saving private prison group who is an example of the american dream. in fact, it's the american nightmare. >> none of this analysis by the justice department phased the governor at all. he keeps cozying up and has no
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problem doing more deals and owing more private prisons for them? >> this is a guy -- this rick scott was going to have a fundraiser with a guy who was a felon, a criminal. at the last minute he said i'm not going to have it with this criminal, i'll have it with the geo folks. he ignored it, knows how bad the conduct is. the u.s. justice department looked at this. you know what, he's had access to all the records, knows what the u.s. justice department found but he's very happy to put his arms around this disgusting organization and say these are my pals. they represent the republican party in florida. that's how bad the story is. >> mike, thanks so much, appreciate it. we will continue to follow the hot politics in florida. coming up steve king thinks he knows a thing or two about president obama's upbringing. pretenders coming up. plus tony dungy takes a hit for his comments about openly
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gay football player michael sam. response panel coming up to weigh in on that. next i'm taking your question on ask ed live on the he had show on msnbc. we are right back. if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens?
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thanks for joining us. love the questions. our first question comes from debbie. she wants to know, what do you think of the latest poll showing scott walker and mary burke almost tied. this, of course, was the governor's race in wisconsin. what a great opportunity for progressives in wisconsin. as much money as walker raised out of state and as much money as he spent already and it's close, it shouldn't be. what an opportunity for lefties in wisconsin. our next question is from keith. he wants to know what gets you fired up? personally, professionally, recreationally? ten pound walleye works every time. we have a response panelist next.
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[ female announcer ] f provokes lust. ♪ it elicits pride... incites envy... ♪ ...and unleashes wrath. ♪ temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus. welcome back to "the ed show," the tide is turning on intolerance in professional sports. tony dungy under fire for his
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comments about sam. he told tampa tribune he wouldn't have taken the defensive end on his team. dungy said he wouldn't want to deal with all of it explaining things will happen, he said. dungy is an outspoken marriage equality opponent. in 2007 he cited his brace with the gay marriage ban. speaking with a group on focus on the family organization, football coach said this of the ban, we're trying to promote the family, family values the lords way. the intolerant stance from dungy received very little backlash seven years ago at the time. the nfl issued, only issued a statement saying the coach had every right to express his views. the story has changed drastically since then. tony dungy's implication a player's sexuality would affect his work with him received criticism, the firestorm.
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dungy clarified his comments confirming michael sam has a right to play in the league but without challenge. i do believe the media attention that comes with michael sam's sexual orientation will ab distraction. dungy wants to reject the distraction not the player. whether tony dungy would accept a player or not is not the question. his unwillingness to confront the diversity head on has reshaped the nature of inclusion in professional sports. joining me tonight on a rapid response panel, terrence moore, national sports columnist and also with us michael eric dyson georgetown university professor and msnbc analyst. gentlemen, great to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. >> michael, tony dungy, first african-american coach to win the super bowl championship. he knows the challenges of a minority status in the league and what this all means. he overcame a lot. what would be different from michael sam. >> not much at all.
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i was there in miami when coach dungy secured his place in history. i'm very proud of him. he's a wonderful human being. this is one of his low moments. this is the attempt to justify prejudice and bigotry under the rubric of having questions about distractions. you mean you coach in the nfl, you're associated with an nfl who has people who are criminals, people who have committed murder, people who have committed manslaughter, people who have committed domestic violence, killed drugs, this is singular where you would not draft a man and give him the opportunity. the light racist views by white people who were not in the ku klux klan but still resisted the progress of african-american people by undermining it. tony dungy here, wonderful human being as he is, is really undermining the possibility that sexuality should have no place in the nfl and he's using this
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excuse for, i think, a shield for his own bigotry and his own homophobia and it's remarkable lamentable. >> there's no question tony dungy is a class act, has been his entire career, a revered opinion around the league, highly respected. ter en, he said things will happen. i think speaking from the perspective of a coach, he doesn't want any problems, or at least not this kind of problem. it would also lead there's a level of discrimination, he would be open to that. your thought on the intolerance there. >> first of all, ed, and also michael, i'm going to defend tony dungy and i'm going to say this. even though tony didn't say anything wrong, and i'll explain that in a second here, he cannot say what he said simply because if you are associated with the nfl in any way nowadays, former
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player, current player, coach, what have you, you can't say anything that is perceived as negative against michael sam, otherwise you're going to be considered the worst person on the face of the earth. now, let me tell you what tony dungy said and why i say he didn't say i don't think wrong. nothing to do with michael sam's sexual orientation but 99% of all former and current nfl players hate distractions. you've got this thing on hard knocks hbo a reality tv show that comes to training camps. coaches hate that. the nfl has to force teams to do this on a rotating basis. one other quick thing along these lines. one of the dirty little secrets that's been the case forever, 40 years i've covered nfl, there have always been gay players on these teams. there's no question in my mind that tony dungy knew of gay players ont tampa bay teams and
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indianapolis team. he doesn't have a problem with gay players. what he's saying is he knows now that the focus is on this guy, if you ar coach trying to get your team to win, this is going to be a very difficult situation to manage. >> what about that, michael. >> first of all, the distraction has been created by tony dungy himself a few extra cameras as jeff fisher said, the coach, a few extra cameras at otas, a few extra cameras today but otherwise it's been normal. the point is tony dungy himself in anticipation of a firestorm of controversy created that very controversy. let me go back to this. yes, he did say something wrong. it's like we don't mind to have black people in the coaching ranks. tony dungy himself was afforded an opportunity because somebody didn't follow tradition, a distraction to have race brought up just as much as their sexuality. yet some brave souls said no. rooney rule in place, you at least have to look at a black coach before you hire somebody else. rules in place because
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discrimination is unacceptable. soft bigotry of resistance and beliefs put forward by tonz dungy and others doesn't mean it's right. he's using it as a smoke screen. it's hypocritical. as an african-american he should understand vitriol expressed. >> do you think the rams coaching staff this conversations about how they are going to handle something if, as tony dungy said, things will happen. >> there's no question about that. jeff fisher is considered a player's coach, coach of the st. louis rams. the other thing is rams will probably have fewer problems than your average nfl team. because remember, they are in missouri. he played at missouri. there are players on the rams team who played with sam. you've got that situation going on. i'm going to say something quick. i know tony dungy. i've known tony dungy for years. he's not afraid to speak out, give his opinion. i can remember 20 years ago,
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about race, very outspoken about that. charlie ward was not drafted. he was a heisman trophy winner, african-american winner. both myself along with tony dungy got blasted for talking about that, how the nfl needed to get something done. i suspect somebody has been whispering in tony dungy's ear and needs to backtrack on this issue otherwise he would stick to his guns. i still say this has said nothing wrong, nothing to do with bashing gays. if i was were a coach, all these coaches being honest -- >> he said he would not take this player because things will happen. if you've got a player with a police blotter out there, can you draw the conclusions that things are going to happen possibly with that player, too. it's the kind of event he wants to stay away from or the kind of scenario which might play out.
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i think a lot of people think that's discriminatory. >> it is discriminatory. look, with all due respect to terrence, citing the fact tony dungy is willing to speak out. he's willing to speak out about race. that's the hypocrisy here. he's willing to talk about issues related to african-american people but not willing to speak up for another black man michael sam who happens to be gay at the same time. there's competition between blackness and gay, his own belief, conservative religious beliefs, which he certainly has the right to express. but when you keep saying he's brave, bull conner was brave. a lot of white racists were brave when they spoke up. i'm not suggesting a relationship between bull conner and tonz dungy i'm saying this. just because tony dungy speaks his mind doesn't mean what comes out of his mind is correct. has he a right to speak it. now he did. now he has a right to be challenged and put into a perspective this is a historic legacy of inequality you should be sensitive because you're an african-american as well.
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>> that comment puts the spotlight and makes it tougher for michael sam right there. of course he's got to make the team. >> i do think, though, that tony dungy is being unfairly portrayed here from a person who knows tony dungy. what i mean by this. again, two separate issues here. distraction from an nfl standpoint. the gay standpoint. i submit tony dungy is not attacking michael sam's sexuality. >> i don't think he is either. i don't think he's attacking him but i think he's labeling him that i'm not going to take him because of his sexuality. this is 2014. i think we've all gone beyond that. do they have any adults in professional football. >> he would say that about any player, if he were a coach, tonight dungy, he thought was a distraction. he would not want that player. >> he took on michael vick, supported michael vick in the midst of his situation. >> we have to leave it there. great insight. appreciate your time tonight. thanks so much.
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2:50 pm booking.yeah! pointing to a foreign upbringing steve king says the president is unamerican. >> his vision of america isn't like our vision of america that we know. i don't assert where he was born. i will just tell that you we are all certain that he was not raised with an american experience so these things that beat in our hearts when we hear the national anthem and when we say the pledge of allegiance, doesn't beat the same for him. >> did i say low brow? i can say a lot more. but i'd like to be back tomorrow night.
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steve king won't assert where the president was born but he's never had a problem casting doubt. >> little baby with ink on their forehead stamped right there on the birth certificate. there's one in this country we haven't seen. >> it would be awfully hard to fraudulently file the birth notice of barack obama being born in hawaii. that doesn't mean there aren't other explanations on how they might have announced that from kenya. the list goes on. i don't know where he was born but i don't see the indication where he was born anywhere else and i have said that consistently. >> well, king's opinion hasn't worked for two cycles and isn't likely to work now. creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country,
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switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. welcome back to "the ed show." this is a story for folks who take a shower after work. some are working to take an important step in protecting low wage workers from theft by employers. it's unfortunate something low wage hourly workers government contractors and folks on the restaurant industry have become victim too. with bipartisan support for a measure to be added to the house spending bill, the measure would prevent taxpayer dollars from going to companies that have recent wage theft convictions or civil penalties reported in the government's contracting data
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base. now the amendment passed so far only paying to certain government agencies. several big business groups are now determined to stop any further amendments in their tracks. the senate health pension committee found 8 million workers most of them women, have low wage jobs funded through federal contracts, analysis showed many, most flagrant violations of workplace safety and wage laws are recipients of large federal contracts. wage violation lawsuits have been brought against well known celebrity chefs such as mario votali and keith mcnally, clear that wage theft is a legitimate problem among contractors in the economy as a whole. keith ellison joins us to talk about this. congressman, appreciate your time. wage theft, we don't -- we hear
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a lot about minimum wage being raised but don't hear much about wage theft. how prevalent is it? >> it is a serious and very prevalent problem. as you pointed out, the senate committee did a study, found as many as up to a third of federal contractors had some sort of wage theft violation in their background. it is a serious problem. and when you look at it nagts wide and take in all low wage workers, they lose on average, in the neighborhood of $2500 a year. which is a lot of money if you're making $7.25 an hour. >> sure. >> so stuff like, you know, people making you work but not punch in. not getting your breaks that you are supposed to get during a shift, and they dock it out of your pay. >> you have become a target of criticism because of this. >> yes. >> building contractors association say this amendment that you champion would be a job
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killer and create a black list for contractors. what is your response for that? >> my response is simply this, the people of the united states, taxpayers of the united states believe that our hard-earned money ought to go to contractors who treat their employees fairly. there are enough contractors out there who are willing to do a fair job and fair wage by their employees so we should do business with them, not those with a demonstrated history of wage theft. i don't understand trade association that will not try to trade its members to be fair and honest and straight up with their work -- with their members. and instead, stand on the site of the wage theft. that's kind of shocking to me. >> does the restaurant industry deserve special scrutiny here? >> of course, they do. the fact is, many people who complain us to the most come from that industry. i don't want to say that everybody is doing it. i argue that not everybody is doing it. and the federal government
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should do business with the people not doing wages. there are lots of them and the federal government, uncle sam, should help set high labor standard, not to the bottom. we aught to be the place that sets good solid labor standard that can radiate throughout the rest of the economy. after all, the federal government is the largest purchaser in the company. you think that the federal government should be the one to set higher labor standard in the private sector as well? >> absolutely. i think that if we are going to say, it is wrong to cheat workers out of their pay, i mean, the last people, last entity that should be doing it should be the entity that represents all of us which is the federal government. we should be the place where good solid fair dealing is the order of the day. and i don't care if you are a republican or democrat. if a penny is earned, that penny has got to be paid and anybody who says otherwise is not fair and they don't deserve to have the federal contract. >> all right.
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congressman keith ellison, you did get republicans on board with this as well? >> yes, we did. we have a hearing tomorrow, 2:00, and you can live stream it. you can see it. >> good to have you with us can be congressman. reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks for tuning in. tonight's lead, are americans hurting president obama. if republicans get to choose, it's no contest. they are so obsessed, so obsessed with attacking the president, they don't care if real people get hurt in the process. take health care for example. a new poll finds 72% of republicans think the health care law hasn't helped anyone. really? not one person. what about the $20 million who got coverage under the law? whbo
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