tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC July 24, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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"look out, obama, you're being impeached." >> the late night comedians get tonight's last word. the return of mccarthyism. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in san francisco. let me start with the return of mccarthyism. i speak of the behavior of senator ted cruz who accuses president obama of undermining the relationship with israel. it is cruz once again with the reckless charges of joe mccarthy in the 1950s. as he once suggested future secretary of defense chuck hagel was taking hundreds of thousands
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of dollars from north korea or saudi arabia he now accuses barack obama of working mischief against israel. didn't this country have enough of this stuff 60 years ago? when the reckless communist mccarthy was brought down? is senator cruz trying to mimic the bad old days or just so ignorant are of what those tactics did he's not aware of the horror of mccarthyism all over again. it makes cruz someone who doesn't care what he says as long as it rings the bell at the county fair, makes noise on the right. the place where he set his willful ambition. have you no decency? apparently not . joining me is joe klein and ed rendell, former governor of pennsylvania. senator cruz objected to a temporary f.a.a. ban on flights by u.s. airlines to israel yesterday, a ban put in place tuesday as cautionary measure after hamas rocket landed near the israeli airport. the decision also came in the wake of downed malaysian flight
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mh-17 last week. while some in israel and the u.s. objected to the ban because of the economic impact on israel senator cruz implied a for nefarious motive saying, "the facts suggest that president obama has just used a federal regulatory agency to launch an economic boycott on israel in order to try to force our ally to comply with his foreign policy demands." here is houma rhee harf responded to the allegations yesterday. >> senator cruz said the flight suspension is economic blackmail and the obama administration is doing this to punish israel. >> that's ridiculous and offensive. the f.a.a. takes these responsibilities seriously. they make decisions based solely on the security and safety of american citizens, period. for anyone to suggest otherwise is just ridiculous.
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>> in turn senator cruz doubled down on the allegations on fox news last night. >> yesterday we saw the f.a.a. make an unprecedented decision to ban all air travel to the nation of israel. i have asked today the very simple question -- did president obama just unilaterally launch economic boycotts on the nation of israel? is this a political decision? was it driven by the white house? by the state department? if it was based on airline safety, as they said, why did they single out israel? why not ban travel to pakistan or yemen or ukraine where a commercial airliner was shot down. instead they targeted israel. >> they did ban travel to ukraine. flights to israel were restored this morning after the f.a.a. lifted the short ban which lasted about 36 hours altogether. let me go to joe klein on this. let me say this.
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i know what cruz is up to. he's shouting from are the rooftops in a reckless way. making charges. he doesn't feel the need to substantiate. tell me what you think of this guy, what he's doing. >> it's gotten worse over the last few hours. cruz is now saying he will hold up all state department appointments until there is an investigation that gets to the bottom of this. we need our state department people out in places like israel and the palestinian area. this is just gamesmanship. you look at the larger picture, all the noisy investigators in the republican house like darryl issa. what have are they come up with? they have been talking about benghazi for years. nothing. this is a major smoke screen. it's a major smoke screen at a
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time where we have to be very clear about what's going on in gaza and in that region. also in ukraine. but, there is one difference between cruz and mccarthy so far. cruz is going after big fish like obama. mccarthy ruined the lives of a lot of average americans. i suspect cruz will be ringing the bell until he gets anywhere near a presidential primary at which point he'll be dismissed quickly. >> you and i grew up with this as did joe. i first caught this guy's act when he went after chuck hagel whose nomination was a problem. he wasn't going to be a slam dunk. not when he was most vulnerable cruz impugned his motives by saying he was out there taking money from the north koreans.
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that's a classic mccarthy charge. now accusing the president of me the -- nefariously going after israel. for better or worse we are israel's best friend at least in this incident of fighting with hamas. it's all over on their side. all over. >> what's shocking is number one he's made the charges without a shred of evidence as he did against now secretary hagel. number one. number two, it's idiotic to think a temporary two or three-week boycott of u.s. planes in israel would have a major impact on the israeli economy that would force them to do anything. it doesn't make sense. >> 36 hours now. that's all it was. >> joe made a good point. it's part of the republican assault on virtually anything the president does. what's disconcerting to me is two things. one we are doing it in the midst
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of tough times. we used to bind together, put partisanship aside when there was difficulties like what's going on in the middle east now. number two is this unrelenting assault on whatever president obama does. you know i'm not a guy who says president obama is right all the time. but they are holding him to such a standard. imagine for a second he didn't impose such a ban and a hamas rocket brought down a u.s. commercial flight into israel. the republicans would be screaming blody murder. why didn't president obama protect our citizens? look, if president obama discovered a cure for cancer today, tomorrow republicans like cruz would be saying 's done nothing for heart attack victims. >> this is standard f.a.a. behavior. cruz comes from texas. he's been spending too much time in washington. if he were traveling back and forth to texas he would know that the f.a.a. cancels flights on the nearest suspicion of a
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tiny thunderstorm. they have become very, very cautious over the last decade. it's baloney. >> take a look at the guys in action. first of all, cruz attacking haguen. then mccarthy. >> i will point out this committee knows absolutely nothing about the personal compensation chuck hagel received in 2009, 2008, 2010. it is relevant to know if the $200,000 he deposited in his bank account came directly from saudi arabia, from north korea. i have no evidence to suggest it is or isn't. >> here is senator cruz's role model, senator mccarthy. he says he's not concerned about low level spies in the state department. he's saying communists are making policy at the highest levels of government. let's listen.
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>> i am speaking of the group sabotaging foreign policy. you can bias bias. meaning the little fellow who will sell his country for 30 pieces of silver. it's the men in the top level of government and the second echelon who do the planning and shaping of foreign policy. they are the dangerous men whether they get 30 pieces of silver or not. >> does that sound familiar? >> absolutely. >> easiest tactic in the world to throw it out there and say, well, we don't know. it is mccarthyism. no question. the american people are better than this. i think republicans are hurting themselves with all of the shenanigans, anti-obama venom. they are trying hard to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the november elections.
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>> let's look at a reasonable person who disagrees with the president and the f.a.a. decision but did so in a reasonable way. here's michael bloomberg offering up a defense basically. the former new york mayor offering a defense of at least a character in good will of an administration he disagrees with on this point. >> if you don't feel safe here i don't know where you would feel safe. i think the state department is just over reacting in typical bureaucratic fashion. >> political reasons for that? >> why would you think that? >> i'm asking you. >> don't be ridiculous. it's an outrage for you to -- >> i'm just asking -- >> by asking the question, you are implying our government does things for political rchblt maybe once in a while they do. it is your job to prove it. just the allegation i take as an offense. >> that was well done, joe, wasn't it? >> yes. it shows you how the process works. cruz spews poison into the media
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atmosphere. people like wolf have to ask the question at that point. so cruz accomplishes what he wanted. the difference between cruz and mccarthy is that cruz is brilliant. if you listen to the way he used the words when he was kind of accusing hagel of taking money from the wrong places the construction was absolutely brilliant. you couldn't pin anything on cruz other than the overwhelming charge he's raising this ridiculous nonsense. >> it's innuendo. >> yeah. but cruz is a brilliant lawyer. mccarthy was not so brilliant. >> i disagree with that a little bit cruz might be a brilliant lawyer and may have phrased it in legalese but to the american people he looks like a jerk, acting against the country at a time we should be coming together.
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i think they are making big mistake. >> all i can say is he's making his opponent on the right, rand paul look like pope francis. thank you, joe cline and ed rendell. coming up, marco rubio calls a fake foul. remember those tricks? accusing people who support same-sex marriage as intolerant and opponents as victims. that's a tactic for you. plus, the story in iraq no one is talking about. the persecution of christians by islamic fundamentalists who have taken over a third of the country. i'm talking about isis. and a long shot senate candidacy got longer. there are charges of plagiarism against john walsh who was behind already, trying to hold the montana senate seat. finally this is what happens when you get too enthusiastic at the closing of the new york stock market.
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[ applause ] >> oh! >> well, that's "hardball." this is "hardball," the place for politics. there's only two of us... how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [ doorbell rings ] what's this? what's that? swiffer sweeper. [ lee ] i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise! and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives,
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swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. see that plank being removed example, the pro gay marriage plank being removed from the democrats. >> let me go to governor dean.
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>> the country has been moving toward embracing same-sex marriage. everyone knows that. marco rubio and his allies may be losing it. i think they are. have they been victimized for their views? howard dean, former chairman of the democratic national committee. michael steele is a political analyst and former chair of the republican national committee. let me go to michael steele. let me ask you a couple of things to set it up. do you think the republican party will keep its platform, its plank which opposes same-sex marriage next time around? will they run on that platform of opposing same-sex marriage? >> i think in large measure they
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will, chris. it depends who the nominee of the party is. as you know for both parties, what is or is not in that platform. i would think right now given the current landscape, i don't see that plank being removed just as i don't see, for example, the pro gay marriage plank being removed from the democrats. >> let me go to governor dean. do you think that's a winning issue for them to come out in 201? that's almost three years from now, well into the 21st century that marco rubio seems to be playing the champion of. at that point, still coming out against it? >> well, first of all, it depends who the nominee is. if rob portman who made noise about running for president is the nominee and i suspect that plank will no longer be in the platform. secondly, what marco rubio is
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doing is a sophisticated are version of what cruz is doing. it's a flop, as you called it earlier. there is no foul here. he took a flying leap. what he's doing is something quite sophisticated. the christian community has long felt victimized. they felt like they were a minority. that people didn't treat them with with respect. that's what marco rubio is playing to here. the truth is many religions discriminate against people. they feel gay people aren't full citizens and some felt black people weren't full citizens. the mormon church changed their views in 1974 on this. you're a catholic, i was baptized catholic. it doesn't permit women to be priests. there are limitations on the roles of women in the church. that's church doctrine. it discriminates against women. the problem is marco rubio is trying to make a religious argument for the civil matter.
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we have equal rights under the law. he may endorse a religion that doesn't dpree with that. it doesn't mean people oppose him are intolerant. >> i think he's right. i will give you time after my interjection. the republicans know they can't champion traditional marriage in 2016. so they will play the victim and say, it's not about whether you are for or against gay marriage. it is whether you are intolerant toward people opposed to it. i don't think the democratic party is ever going to attack people with a different view. 42% of the country oppose it. why would any party kiss off 42%. >> marco rubio gave examples. >> i'm talking about the democratic party. >> i'm including them. there were those on the left who supported to chick-fil-a and various ceos who have a personal view on this matter.
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not how they run their companies. not what they say is part of their business. but what they view personally. they have been villified. one ceo lost his job. i think there is a basis for concern about how the pendulum is swinging here. i think you are off base here. marco rubio wasn't arguing for or against the subject of gay marriage. he was talking about a political position, number one. number two the moral components of that political position. that's not endorsing a position, saying it's a catholic or protestant view. he's saying there are those of us in this country who hold the traditional marriage has value and right now there is a tendency for those folks to be
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vilified or criticized because of it. >> if you taken a position -- this is why i signed the first civil union bill. not because i had a big jones for gay rights. equal rights under the law means every individual in america has the same rights. >> true. >> unless people who fall in love who are the same sex can't get married they can't are have federal rights. that's the argument. i have no problem with a religion who says you can't have same-sex marriage. i have a problem with any kind of format that says equal rights under the law should not be allowed. that's the argument he's make. we should go after him. >> go ahead, chris. >> why do republicans keep getting back into the sex question when it has worked against them so often. i don't understand this kind of youthful ambition. maybe i have forgotten it. but he wants to be president so
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bad he's willing to pick up an issue and run with it today. why doesn't he relax a little bit, this guy? he's desperate. he's down 12 points to hillary. in his dream world he thinks he's a candidate for president against hillary. >> nothing could be further from the truth. i think marco rubio -- and i have to give him credit for a very sober well thought out argument he made. he was at a catholic institution, talking about a moral principled position. it was good. i don't think there was this category call leap to jump into the presidential race. yes. is he carving out new space? absolutely. my impression was that was not the driver here. >> i thought he was playing for the hard cultural right, the rick santorum crowd.
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he used catholic u. as a base of operations. he was talking to the right wings in the country. >> he went to the wrong place. the republicans are silly. people under 35 won't vote for candidates who talk like this. this is why obama got 67% of the vote. >> i don't know about that. >> they haven't so far. >> we'll see. '16 is a long way off. >> certainly true. among women under 35 you are definitely correct. they are liberal on these issues. they don't buy what's called the traditional view. nobody is attacking heterosexual marriage. there is no marriage in jeopardy because it is a straight marriage. if you worry are about people being coupled together in a same sex situation that's your problem, not a real problem. i love that word coupling. anyway, up next, strong arm tactics on wall street. but not the usual kind. the sideshow is next.
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for a flawless nude look find your trublend at easy breezy beautiful covergirl welcome back to "hardball." time for the sideshow. the latest recipient of the congressional medal of honor doesn't know his own strength. watch what happened yesterday at the new york stock exchange when ryan pitts rang the closing bell. [ applause ] >> whoa! >> what did he do to that gavel? it was all taken in good humor. the crowd laughed and cheered for the army paratrooper awarded the presidential medal of honor. next jimmy fallon points out
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toronto mayor rob ford is campaigning for re-election despite his out in the open battle with drugs and alcohol. he wants to hold onto his job. look at this. >> he wants to get re-elected so he's out there campaigning, talking to voters, meeting the people. he went to a play ground and this is real. this is a real video. i know. but this is a real video. >> oh, my gosh. oh, my -- >> be careful. hold on. >> yeah. he really did that. there was a girl screaming "oh, my god." that's his campaign manager. >> some politicians will do anything to get their favorability up. some have to because in a new poll one of the darkest characters in the galaxy far, far away has a better favorability rating, believe it or not than the current potential 2016 presidential candidates.
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in a poll from the 538 blog the favorability of star wars characters was measured. compared to national polling darth vader was viewed more favorably than hillary clinton, than mike huckabee or rand paul. the only "star wars" character to come in lower was jar jar binks who was still higher than congress. darth vader cut off his son's arm and blew up a planet but gets a higher rating than the candidates for 2016. this is "hardball," the place for politics. when you run a business, you can't settle for slow.
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we are back. here is a story from iraq you may not have heard about. the persecution of oh christians at the hands ofs i miracle extremists. christians in iraq occupied by isis are being warned to have are a choice. convert to islam, pay a steep price or face death. that was the message playing over loud speakers at iraq's second largest city mosul. isis launched an offensive last month and seized control of sunni regions with the goal of capturing baghdad. the offensive has crested for now. christianity which came to iraq in the first century a.d.
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remains under constant threat. iraq was home to 1 million christians prior to the 2003 u.s.-led invasion. ever since are christians have been the target of brutal violence, facing the bombing of churches and killing of clergymen facing many to leave the community in iraq to stand around half that size. 450,000 according to church officials. they are being purged by isis. jim, i guess you know me well enough to know when i saw the story i leapt on it. it's something i didn't know about. what do you know about the actual day to day life threats, death threats that the christian community is getting in baghdad or actually anywhere in iraq from isis? >> the threats are mainly in the m ork sul region where isis is in control. at this point, there are very
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few people of christian faith in mosul. the community has been down to a handful of people. they are being quite persecuted. the stories we are getting from their families in the states. that's a huge christian, iraqi community in the states. it's horrifying. the villages under threat are north of mosul. i'm pretty sure they will be safe. the purging is disturbing. it goes back to the iraq war itself. when the ethnic cleansing took place. they never paid attention to the issue at all.
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>> thanks for joining us. i went to school with an iraqi-christian. we knew there was a christian community there. what is the united states doing to prevent this or give any protection to this small christian community over there? >> catholic relief services is on the ground in iraq now as a matter of fact. just this week with officials from the u.s. government helping to plan relief operations. catholic relief services is responding to the needs of the christians who fled mosul, many with just the clothes on their back. those folks left. they had to cross checkpoints as they fled. when they crossed checkpoints they were stripped of possessions, money and even the rings off their fingers. we are providing them with food, basic cooking supplies and hygiene supplies.
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>> what is the attitude of arab people to arab christians? do they see them as outsiders or people who have been there for 2000 years well before there was islam as a practiced religion. >> christians in mosul have been there for 1500 years. they are integral members of the community. it's interesting. our staff on the ground told me this morning that the neighboring sunni, shia and other minority communities have been generously receiving christians who fled from mosul. most of the people in iraq are tolerant of their christian brothers. but isis and other extremist groups don't share that perspective. >> that's the problem. these groups were unleashed during the civil war period. they did not reflect that.
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it is a thuggish gang of criminals not unlike some of the mexican drug groups or some of the gang groups that exist in this country. this is a criminal outcast element that's adopted the language of islam as their political ideology but had nothing to do with the religion and coreligions who don't share their depravity or violence. >> is there anyone in the state department or white house. you do this all the time, fight for the cause. >> there are those who do. the leverage the united states has in a country like iraq is limited. clearly we don't want to support prime minister malaki. it's part p of the problem that unleashed the sectarian violence. we have allies we ought to be empowering to do more than they are doing.
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as bill notes relief assistance that's going to be required in the long run for the iraqi christian community. but the ultimate solution in iraq which is way down the road is to create a government that represents the iraqi people, all of them, in a nonsectarian state that's inclusive and tolerant and that we are a long way off from that, chris. >> we are trying to create a united america here at home, if you haven't noticed. this is an example of what's going on in cities like mosul. one christian resident said we had to go through an area where they set up a checkpoint. islamic state group militants asked us to get out of the car. we got out. they took our bags, money, everything on us. i don't know what will happen to us. our future is uncertain. what can people do? anything to help these people out or get fellow -- of americans. >> i think there is a lot people can do. certainly they can support the
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catholic relief services and other groups on the ground assisting those who have fled. they can also pay attention to the situation and encourage our government, the united states government to engage in ways that are going to bring peace to the region and help are bring the vision jim mentioned for an inclusive government to fruition. that needs to happen. >> we all have loyalties to the christian community of the arabian world. i feel it when i go to jerusalem. i care about those people. they have been there 2,000 years. thank you. up next, how a long shot senate candidacy just got -- well, longer. this is "hardball," the place for politics. i do a lot oresearch on angie's list before i do any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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well, here's a story for people who love newspapers and politics, as i do. name the president the "new york times" mentioned more often in one year than any other? the washington post did the research. i'll bet it's not the president you think. in fifth place mentioned in 6,220 the articles was gerald ford in 1976. in fourth place, jack kennedy in 1962, the second year of his presidency. in third, richard nixon in 1973 as water gate heated up. first runner up in second place, barack obama in the election year of 2012. in first place, the president you probably didn't expect -- jimmy carter in 1980 with 9,720 articles written about him. at the bottom of the list, rutherford b. hayes in 1877.
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in politics words matter, especially when you steal them from someone else and get caught red-handed. senator john walsh, democrat are from montana, behind already in his race to keep his appointed seat has been caught red-handed. in a great piece of investigative journalism the new york times reported today that walsh's masters thesis which earned him a degree from the united states army war college in 2007 is so riddled with instances of plagiarism that it's rivalled by few examples in recent political history. at least a quarter of the thesis, key parts of the conclusion and a third of the
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paper was lifted from other work without proper credit. this is a look at 19 pages. every one has instances of plagiarism on it. what's more remarkable is this part of the story. when asked directly if he had plagiarized senator walsh responded, i don't believe i did, no. the college's academic handbook leaves no wiggle room for fraud. the new york times reports copying a segment of another's work word for word, then conveniently forgetting to include quotation mark bus remembering to cite the source is described as academic fraud in the handbook. according to a memo to supporters senator walsh acknowledged his citations weren't all done correctly. sean sullivan is with the washington post and joan walsh, editor at large of salon. thanks for joining us. how is the story holding up today? large sections in the paper showing -- it was obviously
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lifted from other sources. so much of the paper. >> absolutely. this story has the potential to be very damaging for senator walsh. here is somebody who doesn't have much of a record. he was recently appointed to the senate and really he was going to be running on the strength of his military record and the strength of his character, and this is a development that cuts against both of those things. this got a lot of attention in local papers today. it was on the front page of almost every local paper in montana. so, you know, walsh was already behind in this race, but this damaging revelation to him, you know, makes things even harder for him heading toward november. >> joan, what do you make of the breadth of this? this isn't one of two oversights or failure to quote. this is large bodies of material. does that sort of suggest that maybe he was a little uneven in his thinking at that time, that he did suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome, that there might have been something wrong in his stability at that
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point that would justify at least morally what happened? >> you know, chris, i had the same thought. i mean, it's so egregious, it is worse than anything we know in recent history. and it's so blatant that it does make you wonder if things were entirely all right. i'm not defending it, and i also want to say, you know, senator walsh has not been well served by his staff. unfortunately, they've come out with really shifting explanations. they came out today and they've tried to say it was a citation problem. it's not. it's a plagiarism problem. and i also think this issue of ptsd, my heart goes out to him, i believe him. i certainly -- conservatives are mocking it today. i wouldn't do that. i think if he had gotten out and told "the times" that's what he thought happened, this story might have looked very differently from the start. it's very hard right now. it's not impossible. i don't want to say that. but it is hard right now to get the attention that maybe this deserves for a frank accounting of his struggles and also his treatment.
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he says he's gotten treatment and he's still on medication. that would have been a really great thing to say, i think, the day that "the times" approached him. >> well, i've never quite understood plagiarism. i always thought there's vanity in writing. i do a lot of writing. i like to take credit for my writing because i did it. if you didn't do it, why would you want to take credit? 1988, egregious case, joe biden was caught trying to pass off the words of a british politician as his own. ended up costing him a shot at the democratic nomination for president. last year rand paul was caught lifting chunks of wikipedia entries in his speeches and later found to have lifted sections of think tank essays in his books and opinion columns he's written. "the new york times" says, "mr. walsh appears to have gone considerably further." back to you, sean. what evidence do we have that he really suffered from a syndrome that might have shaken his ability to make sound decisions when he was taking this course? >> well, right now the evidence we have is basically what he's
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telling us and what his campaign is telling everybody about what happened. you mentioned earlier, you know, there have been cases of plagiarism in politics before. biden, rand paul. these stories tend to fade into the background. you know, a lot of people probably don't remember that joe biden, you know, had an incident similar to this and they would probably say, oh, oh, yeah, you know, that kind of sounds familiar. but, you know, in this case, it's really potentially damaging for walsh because his military record has come up in a negative light before. republic chance have tried to attack him over it. if this was on a different issue, perhaps this might fade into the background, but because this was an issue already at the forefront of this campaign, that republicans were already attacking it, it really makes it doubly worse for him right now. >> let me go back to my friend and fellow political observer, joan, i think we've been fair here. i don't think this is a partisan issue at all. i think this is the human condition, whatever gets in the water and makes people do this. people do it a lot on both size.
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what's this do for the outlook of the senate control issue? i never thought walsh was a strong -- had a great chance in a conservative state like montana, but everybody has a chance, i suppose intellectually. >> right. if his opponent fell apart, he'd have a chance. he has not led in a single poll. this is not something the democrats were depending on. this was given to republicans while other seats were considered stronger or contested for democrats. i don't think it's going to change the story line of what's going to happen in the senate. >> sean, the facts are he's been caught red handed. "the new york times," you've done a great job of showing this in a graphic form. it's clear anybody with an objective mind says this guy lifted the material. is there any talk of him resigning over this? >> you know, not right now. i think it's too early to talk about that. i think right now he wants to get his, you know, footing set back to where it was a couple weeks ago in the campaign. you know, there isn't much talk about resignation, but clearly at this point, you know, he was a long shot.
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he's a real long shot now in the campaign to win a full term in november. >> well, when the hammer comes down, that will be the u.s. army, when they come down on this, that's going to be the part that really hurts. that will be objective judgment. you can bet they're going to do a good job of checking this out. thank you so much, sean sullivan and joan walsh. an all irish cast tonight. we'll be right back. do you real? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover.
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11:59 pm
let me finish tonight with where i began. does ted cruz know what he's doing to this country with his reckless attacks of the people in the government? has he read about the mccarthy period when the country was torn asunder, communist aversion, loyalty to moscow? you have to ask what is behind these charges including his latest, the senator's latest accusation that the federal aviation had station is working some dark plot to bring our ally, israel, to its knees. why is he saying this stuff? who in this country responds to the charge that chuck hagel is in the pay of north korea or saudi arabia? or whatever other goblin? it's the tactics being used here. this reckless readiness to charge someone whose policy you don't share with working with this country's enemies. this is what senator cruz did to hagel, what he's doing to the faa right now. he's accusing it of being a secret punisher of israel. there's something in cruz's manner and tactics i just don't like. he acts as if he's ready to take a shot at someone no matter how below the belt that anything goes in his manichaean struggle against those he sees as the bad guys.
12:00 am
the trouble with that line of thinking and acting is you end up being one of them. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. they do battle with the armed and dangerous. >> pursuits are bad. shooting is bad. shooting pursuits, really, really bad. >> and handle the most unexpected predicaments. >> it's a hard thing to watch for a lot of people. >> and react quickly when routine situations suddenly turn perilous. >> first mental thing is that i'm a slaughtered man. >> police officers put their lives on the line every day. and in their arsenal, they have a silent witness that can speak volumes. >> put the gun down, man! >> in this hour, suspenseful stories seen through the unblinking eye of the dashboard camera. >> oh!
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