tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 25, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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welcome to "the ed show" live from detroit lakes, minnesota. i'm ready to go! let's get to work. >> we're in the midst of a serious financial crisis. >> ask yourself. >> dz hard to find an economic measure where we're not significantly better off. >> this new normal under the obama economy. >> i don't have to tell you about the stock market. >> wall street record breaking day for stocks, new all time highs. >> unemployment now lower than it was prelehman. >> the auto industry recovering. >> let detroit go bankrupt. >> when it comes to deficits, we cut them more than half. >> obama economy is not working. >> are you better off than you were -- ♪ >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching, it is july 25th and nfl teams are going to
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training camp and folks around the country who love the support are thinking about their fantasy football team coming up this fall. who do you pick? when you pick, you want performance and numbers. you want some hard stuff to go on when you say yeah, i want that player. well, tonight, i'm going to give you numbers you can't argue with. we want to start tonight with the undercovered story in america, it's the obama economy. the biggest piece of hidden news in recent months as i see it is graze news surrounding the economic recovery. it is almost amazing. obama economy is booming. how can we not make that case? typically the president is always reluctant to talk about good economic news. he's always been so concerned about the downtrodden and don't want to oversell how good things are. they don't want to hurt folks out there still looking for work. hold the phone. on thursday, we saw a reversal in a different tone from the
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president. president obama had no problem highlighting america's recent economic success in an interview with cnbc. >> if you think about where we were, steve, when i came into office and where we are now, it's pretty hard to find an economic measure we're not significantly better off. i don't have to tell you about the stock market and where that's gone. corporate profits, record highs. but also unemployment now lower than it was prelehman, we've seen housing market recover, although not as fast as we'd like, auto industry recovering -- >> mr. president, just a little bit more enthusiasm there, this is great stuff. and they, of course we are trying to pin all of the doll drums on you. remember in 2009 after the inauguration and everybody was talking about the conservative side. admitting the economy needs
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improvement, the president is spot on. here are the facts. he's right about the stock market, it's hitting record highs, dow jones routinely tops 17,000, we've seen the market surge through international crises in recent weeks, have we not? the most recent job report shows we added 280,000 jobs in june. we have had 52 months of private sector job growth, uninterrupted, 52 straight months, headed for 53. 9.7 million jobs have been added since early 2010. that's significant because there was some bill called obama care that passed back then. everybody said it was going to be a job killer. the unemployment rate dropped to 6.1%. it's the lowest rate since september of 2008. let's not forget the automobile industry, that's booming too. the republicans didn't want to do they said quote, the bailout, it was a loan being paid back
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and saved a lot of jobs. the housing market has rebounded. your home is worth more today. corporate profits are through the roof and record highs in many cases. this thing called obama care that they have voted to get rid of in the republican house, where's the march to get rid of it? people kind of like it, it's working better than ever. everything i've said is a fact. everything i've said is a fact. it's truly a remarkable turnaround in the midst of the nai sayer, all of this was done in the face of blatant republican obstruction, a congress that will not work with this president. president obama made it clear if republicans did their jobs, america would be in much better shape. >> there's some things holding us back. main thing that's holding us back is inaction by the federal government on things like infrastructure and raising the minimum wage and doing some things that would help middle class families feel a little relief. if we do those things, then
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we're going to be in pretty good shape. >> that's a big if. it's going to be a real hard sell to get the republicans on board with anything with this president. they are back to claiming a wage increase in this country would kill jobs. >> i want the american people to realize every member the senate that votes for the minimum wage is voting to tell up to 1 million americans, your jobs don't matter to me because i'm voting to tail away your job. >> you don't believe studies that suggest it is not going to be a game changer -- >> that's correct, i think it will hurt the economy. >> i disagree with that. i think it will hurt the economy because it raises the price of labor. >> liberals offer up taxes as ways of helping the struggling earn more. they don't tell you they would result in many people like christine potentially losing their jobs. >> republicans are wrong. states that increase the minimum wage created more jobs than
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states that did not raise the minimum wage. over the past several years republicans in fact have been wrong on nearly every facet of the economy. let's roll it back to 2012. we were told repealing the bush tax cuts would hurt the job creators. >> that was money they were going to invest in creating a job or spend into the economy. now the government is going to take it. >> you want to talk about a train wreck? you're talking about a big one. >> you can't be for jobs and against people that create jobs. >> our friends on the other side are practicing what could best be described as thelma and lieu ease economics, let's just march the whole country off the cliff. >> let's extend where we are now as opposed to looking at the cliff in january that would cause -- real distress for the economy. >> again, republicans were wrong. it's all theory, pie in the sky, none of it came true. they were wrong on everything
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xgt after the bush tax cuts we have to point out when they expired corporate profits went through the roof. president obama said that the business of america would move forward with the expiration of the bush tax cuts, well the republicans were telling us it was going to be a job killer. the green line is when the tax cuts expired. we've seen 18 straight months of private sector job growth since we went back to the old clinton rates. well, republicans told us obamacare was going to kill jobs. >> when obama care was debated in congress we screamed from the roof tops that it just wouldn't work. that it would be a job killer. >> obamacare is the biggest job killer in the country. >> let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens, let's not do that. let's love people. >> there's only one escape hatch that will fully help those trapped by this law.
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and that's full repeal. >> in my opinion, obamacare is the biggest job killer we have in america today. >> job killer. republicans were wrong again. this is where it gets really good. if you look at the numbers it's clear, obamacare did not kill jobs. if anything, obamacare created jobs in this country. after the law was signed the economy added over 9 million jobs since president obama put his name right on that piece of paper and signed the affordable care act. how could the republicans be so wrong by millions of people? republicans as i see it in the final analysis as we roll to the mitd-term, they have zero credibility on the economy. they have been wrong on everything and they continue to be wrong. americans need to remember this when they hear the argument against infrastructure investment and minimum wage, when you look at the ledger,
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it's amazing where president obama when he took over, this economy and where we are today, democrats need to stop being so shy. democrats need to stop being so shy and tout the obama economy. if democrats can't go home and run on these numbers, then maybe they should think about a different line of work. this is part of public service. making people feel good about america and the way this country is moving forward. there's a lot of negative news out there. it would be easy to start the ed show every night with negative story, negative story, negative story. wait a minute, democrats you want to win in the south? go home and talk about the numbers. go home and talk about the absolutes. go home and talk about how no one from the republican camp has been on board with this president from day one on the economy. they fought him on automobiles and fought him on the stimulus package and voemted to repeal obamacare, won't do anything on minimum wage and want to help
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the corporations outsource jobs overseas. everything this president has tried to do with the economy the republicans have said it won't work. they have failed every single time. if you can't run on that, don't run. if you can't run on that, don't run. it's easy. it's a slam dunk if there ever was one to be able to go home and say, america is headed in the right direction. the democrats have been correct on the economy from day one. the progressive agenda has brought this country back strong. and nobody in the corporate world is crying about the bottom line. in fact, i read a story earlier today that said layoffs aren't as frequent as they used to be in our economy. we're moving in the right direction. if you are a fair minded american, and you care about jobs and you care about our economy and your kids' future,
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whether you're a liberal or conservative, middle of the road, green, pink, blue, whatever, do you think it's worth a phone call to your representative and just ask them, why can't we build bridges and roads in america? because everything else has been going pretty good. why can't we raise the minimum wage in this country because everybody at the top seems to be doing pretty well. things have more than stabilized. it's a booming economy. get your cell phones out. tonight's question, do republicans have any credibility left on the economy? text a for yes and b for now. you can go to our blog at ed at one more thing, use your imagination as i started to talk about fantasy football, fan at a size what it would sound like if mitt romney was the president of
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the united states right now. this is mitt's economy. it's a good thing we elected mitt in november of 2012. in fact, this mitt -- mitt is probably the best economic president we've ever had. i make the case that's what we would be hearing. for more, let me bring in two gentleman who know the economy, david johnson and dr. arthur laffer, great to have you with us tonight. >> thank you, ed, it's a pleasure. >> you bet. can the democrats officially say the obama economy is booming by the numbers? >> well, it's getting better. it's getting better ad, i think it would get better if the republicans would invest in the future of america putting money into basic research which government always funds and by putting money into education, especially higher education. but we're doing well, going in the right direction.
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we could be getting there a lot faster but for this ideology that makes tax a four letter word. >> we were told that if the bush tax cuts were to expire, and we would go back to the old clinton rates that it would be a job killer. why were they wrong on that? were they wrong on that? your thoughts. >> i loved your mondolog, ed, te democrats should run on the economic record, i agree. you're incorrect on the numbers you use. i don't mean to get into details but employment, you've seen the unemployment rate come way down just as you said it did but what you didn't mention, that the participation rate has fallen ee kbaully as rapidly and every person gone off the unemployed roll has gone into the employed department out of the labor
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force. if you look at the unemployment, it's been flat for seven years, that's not to say w wasn't as bad as any president we ever was. he was and i said so back then. obama has not done nothing to make the employment go. if you look at gdp, last quarter, it was down by 2.9% in real terms. it is below the long term trend by more than any period in the last 67 years so it's a real serious problem -- >> mr. laffer, i respect your answers but it sounds like you think the bureau of labor statistics is cooking the books -- >> i don't think so at all. i think you're not mentioning the participation rate. that's equally as important as employment rate. >> all right. i asked you if the republicans told us that if we don't extend the bush tax cuts it would kill jobs. that clearly didn't happen, would you agree? >> no, jobs had been created
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only at the rate of growth of population. now if you want to say population has grown for the last 17, 18, 35 years, that's true, it's grown every single month. that's why employment is grown because the population is grown. but the employment to population ratio has not grown. there's not been a recovery and that's what's happened. >> all right, your thoughts on that, david cay? >> i agree with arthur, written about this repeatedly, especially during the bush years and at the end we had the population growing at one point at ten times the rate of job growth. >> exactly. >> why don't we have job growth? it's because instead of using tax money to invest in the economy, in the ways i've described, we're in this mode of oh, oh, if we kept the bosses taxes i'll lose my work. rewe raise taxes in california by voters, roughly a third on
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million dollar plus and the job growth is 50% higher, a lot of complex reasons but you cannot make the case anywhere that raising taxes on the incomes of those at the top is suppressing jobs. you could make the case if it was say doubling the social security tax. >> can i respond? >> i want to go to minimum wage -- >> go ahead. >> i do agree with that you should of all government spending the most productive education, infrastructure, those are all the right things to spend on. no economist would disagree there. the question is i have never heard of an economy being taxed in prosperity when the money is quaunderred as they were by bush and obama and stimulus packages that just threw the money away. that makes no sense but spending on good programs is great. >> all right, mr. laffer, we heard obamacare is a job killer and bush tax cuts expiration would be a tax killer. what about minimum wage?
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do you believe that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would kill jobs? >> i think it would hurt the job market because you're taking the money exactly away from those companies who are employing the minimum age workers and they hire less people. if you take more money -- >> it's a theory. isn't that a theory, corporate profits are through the roof. wall street is doing good and dow is reaching record highs. we have seen gasoline go up since 2009, 44% and food prices go up. we have to help folks and they are earning -- helping create the wealth. i don't see -- >> but the profits. >> i don't see raising the minimum wage would kill jobs in america? >> it would. imagine if we raise the minimum wage to $200 an hour, a hypothetical, just so you can see -- >> we're not doing that. that's a hypothetical -- >> the hypothetical shows you
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the effect this would have, although it would be much, much smaller, you're completely correct on that but taking the money from the companies that hire small low wage workers. those are the companies you want to support. if you want so plemt the minimum wage, let's do it, but let's not do it on the backs of people who employ them. >> we're going to talk more about this. i'm going to have you back again. i appreciate both of you being on. david kac johnson and arthur laffer, i'm a demand guy. the economy is going to cook, that's where i'm out, not a supply sicider in that record. like us at wegoted as well. senator sanders joins me ahead. over 1,000 fast food workers are expected to gather in chicago other the weekend in the fight for 15, trenders is next. we're right back.
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time for trenders, keep in touch, join the ed time, like us on facebook. this is where you get my podcast just like the radio show, and ring of fire all free just like the radio show. commentary, sound bites and latest news. we are reporting here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> saddle up. >> the number three trender, pumped up. >> the frustration felt in the town of semer set is a feeling shared across south kentucky. >> prices could be $3.40 and next day $3.70. >> just simply ripping off the public and doing it because of
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greed. >> a kentucky town takes on high gas prices. >> the city run-fuel center is the first of the kind anywhere in the u.s. >> fill her up. >> and a little bit extra. >> supporters call it a benefit for motorists. >> it is the roll of government to protect us from big business. >> the city run station is having a big effect in the prices dropping them all over town. >> it is our economy an we can't is allow anybody to gouge us and take money from us. >> number two trender, cashing in. >> i think i won the lottery. >> the jerry lottery, eight plays to dream. >> 17 siblings came forward to share the $20 million jackpot in new jersey. >> new jersey siblings win big by carrying on mom's tradition. >> a game played by years by their mother. >> play my number on the way home. >> two of the family members will use the money to repair homes damaged by hurricane sandy. >> couldn't come at a better
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time. >> things are looking up thanks to the state of new jersey and my mom. >> today's top trender, food fight. >> fast food workers around the country are expected. >> we're making it different, getting bigger and bigger. >> meet in chicago to continue the push for higher wage. >> going to strat guys and develop plans to campaign for higher wages and better working conditions. >> you make over $3 billion and pay workers bare minimum, not right. >> higher profile protesters are coming. >> make our wages super size. >> joining me tonight is reverend dr. william barber, pastor at greenleaf christian church and president of the north carolina state conference of the naacp. reverend, great to have you with us tonight. what impact do you think these strikes and these protests are going to have for these workers? will the industry bend to their wishes? >> well, ed, ultimately they
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have to. this is a moral issue, the bible says stop exploiting workers and pay them what they deserve. this is a moral crisis and must be raised in that way. when you think about the fact that ceos make 1,000 times more than the workers, i think about crystal in north carolina recently, a mother with two children with cervical cancer and doesn't make enough money to afford insurance and yet in north carolina she can't get medicaid expansion because we haven't expanded it in our state. another lady who goes to work and lives in the parking lot with her children but works full-time in fast food at mcdonald's, these are human stories and i believe they will ultimately win. >> so when you say ultimately win, you think that thsz the beginning of maybe a wage movement in america? >> i think we have to. remember last movement dr. king
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led was about wage movement. our new president and ceo brooks talked about how the moral math does not add up, we when deny unemployment and labor rights. at our national con sengs i was on the floor when the entire delegates voted to support fast food workers in their call for 15. remember opponents of this are the same people -- they are against earned income tax credit. they are against unemployment. now they are against raising the minimum wage and use the same arguments that people use when franklin roosevelt sought to raise the minimum wage. they said it's bad for the economy but it's not. >> well, reverend barber, the conservatives are against raising the minimum wage and republicans and radicals don't want to pay workers in the country. it's very clear what their position is. these are the same people that
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tout family values and same people who, for instance, support groups like focus on the family. bottom line here is, are they hip krits? where is their morality on it? >> well, the reality -- i believe is that when you say i support the moral position of christian belief, you cannot be against wages and health care. if anything, the scriptures talk about we ought to preach good news to the poor and word poor in the new testment means those made poor by systemic discrimination. you have to deal with systems and denial of minimum wage, keeping minimum wage at the rate it was in 1968 is a form of exploitation, they are more than abortion and praying in school. we must talk about wages and public education and helgt care, the real moral issues of our time. >> reverend, dr. william barber,
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pastor at the greenleaf christian church in north carolina, great to have you with us. we'll have you back to talk about this issue. it has to happen for the young folks in this country, no doubt about it. thank you, reverend. coming up, americans have hurt the feelings of former senate -- corporate inversion, stay with us. we never thought we'd be farming wind out here.
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manufacturers. the decision comes aweek after the commerce department announced new tariffs on south korean steel being dumped on the united states. for months leaders have said china cheets when it comes to trade and reeled in this day for solar panel violations by the united states commerce department. stay with us, you're watching "the ed show" on msnbc, we're right back. i'm bertha coombs with your cnbc market wrap. the dow plunging 123 points and s&p lost nine and nasdaq dropped 22, stocks ending on a down note. durable goods rebounded up for commercial aircraft and machinery and oil prices closed just above $102 a barrel. pandora shares dropped 11% and music streaming company beat expectations on earnings but saw a drin in audience growth in
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welcome back. thanks for watching tonight. greedy u.s. corporations are skipping out on paying their fair share of taxes. in the long run it will hurt middle class americans and being a trickle down we'll have to pay for it. a tax code loophole known as corporate inversion allows us companies to reduce to the treasury by moving part of the business offshore. companies are setting up shop in nations with lower corporate tax rates and calling the countries home. it allows companies to dodge u.s. taxes they would otherwise have to pay. president obama said corporate tax dodging is bad for america. >> for you to continue to
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benefit from the entire architecture that helps you thrive, but move your technical address simply to avoid paying taxes, is neither fair, nor is it something that's going to be good for the country over the long term. it is taking advantage of tax provisions that are technically legal but most people would say if you're doing business here, if you're basically still an american company but simply changing your mailing address in order to avoid paying taxes, then you're really not doing right by the country and by the american people. >> corporate deserters are growing by the year. cbo reports 47 companies have done inversions over the last ten years. the white house estimates corporate inversion could cost the treasury up to $20 billion over the next decade. the latest example is a pharmaceutical company named addvy, seeking to merge with an
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ishish company to dodge taxes, dropping from 22% to 13% by the year 2016. this was the last straw from bernie sanders from vermont, he'll file an amendment to the defense authorization bill targeting tax dodgers, it would prohibit the government from awarding federal contracts to companies that incorporate overseas to avoid paying taxes. these inversions are a blatant example of corporate greed and make no mistake about it, middle class americans will end up footing the bill for the tax dodgers later on down the line. it's not fair. congress has to take action and there's very little time before the end of this session. let me bring in senator bernie sanders from vermont. great to have you with us. it's long overdue. what do you want to say to corporate averters?
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>> what has to happen, they can't enjoy the benefits of being an american company in they take advantage of tax benefits in those countries. the american people are catching on, that many of these major countries, major corporations have no allegiance to the united states of america, only allegiance is to the bottom line. if they can move to china to save a few bucks and throw american workers on the street, that's okay. if they can move to the uk or switzerla switzerland, that's okay. we have to say, really, that really is not okay. being a deserter and betraying your own country is not okay. if you want to move abroad, number one, and you're making profits here in the united states you're going to pay your fair share of taxes. you can't put your money in the ok cayman islands and pretend it doesn't exist. in terms of the defense authorization act, if you want
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to call switzerland or u.k. your home, you're not going to be bidding on defense contracts for the united states government. i would generalize that, you're not going to bid on contracts for any agency -- wahl greenz wants to hook up with a swiss company. they get billions from medicare and medicaid. you can't get money from medicare and medicaid if you want to be a swiss company. the other thing i would say, there are huge loopholes they are already taking advantage. one out of four corporations pay zero in taxes including ge, verizon and boeing. they are not being beaten up with horrendous tax rates, trying to make an extra nickel at the expense of american people. >> of course, they are going to come back and make the case the corporate tax rates are way too high and forced to do this to keep profits which absolutely is hogwash. the numbers are staggering, $20
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billion is a lot of money. will you get help from republicans? this is an economic populist move, no question about it. >> i sure hope so. ed, your point is exactly correct. nominally corporate tax rates are 35%. the last study i saw in 2010, the effective tax rate was 12.6%, that's what they really pay. one out of four companies pays zero in taxes. they give any excuse in the world to save a nickel and double cross the american people. and we've got to be firm on that. two things weaver g've got to d i'm sorry, ed. >> the two things you've got to do. go ahead. i didn't mean to interrupt. >> number one, if you're going to stash your money in a tax haven it ain't going to work. you have to pay taxes on your profit. number two, if you want to go too switzerland and u.k., you're
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not going to bid on contracts with the united states government. that's what happens if you're a deserter. >> i want to switch to the veterans affairs committee which you chair that committee. this was a huge story not long ago with the story that unfolded in arizona. why can't congress get something done on this? what's the holdup? it doesn't sound like anything is going to get done with the latest setback. tell us about it. >> ed, we're working really hard on this. as we speak my staff is working with the republican staff to see if we can hammer out something in the remaining few days before the august break. here's the issue, we have enormous needs in the va. and the reason we have these long wait lines in arizona and elsewhere has a lot to do with the fact we don't have enough doctors and don't have enough nurses and don't have enough space in many cases. we don't have the medical personnel we should. what i am fighting for is to make sure the va has the
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resources it needs to deal with the fact that in the last five years, some 2 million more veterans have come into the system, many of them with very serious problems like ptsd and tbi plus the fact we have an older population from world war ii, korea and vietnam who need help as well. if we're serious about providing the help that our veterans need, wee we've got to do that in addition to emergency help to make sure we deal with the waiting lines immediately through private care. >> and of course, the story that we're seeing now, 116 democrats have signed on an appeal to stay in session until something gets done. you know, we can't get anything done on immigration, nothing on minimum wage, even with our veterans who served this country, can't move the congress closer together to get something done. senator, what does that say to the state of our government? >> well, it says we're
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dysfunctional, that's what it says. people put their lives on the line to defend the country and many have come back hurt, physically or mentally. we have an absolute moral obligation to say number one, this is a cost of war. it's not just planes and tanks and guns, the cost of war is taking care of those people hurt in the war. if we don't have the money to take care of our veterans then you should not be sending them off to war in the first place. right now i've got to tell you, we're working really hard to see if we can come up with compromise between the house bill and senate bill and i hope from the bottom of my heart that we'll be able to do that. >> senator bernie sanders, with us tonight on "the ed show", thanks for joining us. appreciate your time. coming up, the outlook for 2016, cloudy with a chance of my shell bachmann.
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welcome back to the ed show, this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. female candidates could control the headlines in the 2016 presidential race. elizabeth warren says she won't be one of them. calls for warren to run for the democratic nomination reached a fevered pitch last week until detroit. she was campaigning on behalf of senate candidates around the country. she told the boston globe, i'm going to give you the same answer i have given you many times. there is no wiggle room, i'm not running for president, no means no. that's pretty absolute. on the flip side, soon to be ex-minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann isn't ready to quit being a politician yet. the 2012 republican presidential
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candidate told real clear politics on tuesday, she's considering a second white house run. a potential presidential run by bachman will likely bring about more gaps like this. >> let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. let's not do that. let's love people. >> you may have heard that there's a break in at the british embassy and the british had to pull their people out. that's exactly what i would do, we wouldn't have an american embassy in iran. >> we've heard from a number of different countries calling for this new expansion of the international monetary fund removing the dollar as the standard of exchange. >> run, michelle, run. that's all i can say, it would
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be good for all of us. let's turn to lionel. as we see the list of candidates starting to grow a little bit, what's your reaction to her threat of running again? >> we haven't had a nuclear presidency in a while. nobody runs in the tv any more, what is he going to say today? let's face it president obama's policies are one thing, he never makes a gap. at the moment that michele bachmann gave me that moment, that light, whatever you like, i think we're on to something. she's from there. tell us a little bit about the terrain on fox news, she said, waterloo, with a wash the home, john wayne, a great american.
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john wayne, she was partly right, it's the home of john wayne gacy. not john wayne the duke. it's that kind of confusion with america, south america, what's the difference. as a person who loves the great gaffe, granted it would be the ruin of the free world as we know it. elizabeth warren, i love her. and i'm sorry, do you know what her -- you remember what her first bill was? trying to get the fed to basically give the same rate for student loans, a generation, that's a trillion dollars in debt. point 75. they were looking to raise the stafford loans to 9.75. and her very first bill. >> there's a lot of -- there's a lot of people who are disappointed when they heard warren say that last week, no means no. there's no wiggle room there. let's get back to bachman for a
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moment. do you think there's anyway we could motivate sarah palin and michele bachmann and orchestrate this to have that be the super ticket? >> again, this is terrible. the american in me says no. but the media person says, imagine this, a debate. a debate. i guarantee you, vince mcmahon, wwe, the birth of little ricky, the end of m.a.s.h., nothing in television history could in anyway rival a sarah palin/michele bachmann debate, no holds barred in the octagon, think about that. it's heaven. i'm abdicating any responsibility i have as an american, my country will go down in flames. but we'll sure have a good time laughing about it. >> well, okay, now, on the serious end of it, michele
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bachmann, is she wasting the republican party's time by thinking about running again? who would support her? >> who is running the republican party? who is -- this is a fractionalized mess. let's put our hats on, if we were to advise them. you have tea party, paleo conservatives, ultraconservatives, reledgeous right. all good people, mind you. then you have a fight within it, you have the rand paul contingent, the rick perry, and don't count rick perry out or m.i.t. romney, it's a hodge porch of political gumbo. >> you just gave us six different conventions we're going to have to cover. >> all of them with different agendas, the shining light, michele bachmann. >> lionel, good to have you with
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us on this friday. we'll do it again for sure. that's the ed show. politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening and thanks to you for joining in. i'm talking tonight some big news on the eric gardiner investigation tuattorney genera eric holder is speak out. i'm going to give you the insight of my meeting with the u.s. attorney. we start with tonight's lead. and breaking news out of washington. 116 house democrats just signed a letter to house speaker john boehner and harry reid encouraging them to not let congress leave for the august recess before they finish work on a bill to reform the veteran
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