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tv   First Look  MSNBC  July 28, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PDT

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. . good monday morning. right now on "first look" for you -- severe weather across much of the country including a weak tornado in tennessee that packed a punch. the deadly ebola virus in west africa has now taken a toll on the health care workers on the front line. and jeff gordon's record-breaking day at the brickyard 400. and it is granny to the rescue. you'll want to see the rest of this during a jewelry store hiess. people in 18 states waking up to the aftermath of severe weather. look at this rare but powerful
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tornado in tennessee. sparks from power lines as well as the tornado touches down. one of the dramatic examples of a storm system that left 100 million people at risk. nbc's john yang has more. >> reporter: large hail and dangerous thunderstorms pushed through several states including kentucky. triggering a dozen tornado watches. estimated winds of 85 miles per hour. trees and power lines were down and several homes damaged. heavy rains caused flash flooding in worcester, massachusetts. this round of dangerous weather produced a string of severe storms that made its way from canada to the great lakes and now stretches to the southeast. john yang, nbc news, chicago. >> also in weather, the los angeles coroner is trying to determine if lightning caused
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the death of a 20-year-old man on venice beach. more than a dozen people were injured. here's how one beachgoer described what he saw. >> all of a sudden, you hear this crashingle, this giant bolt up in the sky that i have never seen. all of a sudden, it was the loudest thunder that i have ever seen. i just high tailed out to get under the boardwalk. >> more on today's weather from bill karins in just a little bit. nine people were take on the the hospital by the way in that situation. one remains in critical condition. the united nationed security council wants an immediate cease-fire between israel and hamas. both sides once again began rocket attacks. president obama spoke to israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu again, he said that the israel has the right to defend itself. nbc's tracy potts joins us from washington, d.c., everybody watching the possibility of a cease-fire again. >> well, it's not looking good. overnight, the u.n. security council took action with a statement not a resolution. both sides are criticizing that statement. the palestinian u.n. ambassador saying it's essentially too little too late. they're going to stay on the u.n. to something stronger. not mention of the rockets coming from hamas into their territory. so, all of this still going on. the violence still continuing. with innocent women and children caught in the crossfire. this newborn is fighting for her life in. at a midnight meeting the u.n. security council called for an immediate and unconditional humanitarian cease-fire.
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>> including those of the u.n. must be respected and protected. >> reporter: israel accused of firing on an u.n. shelter says this is evidence of hamas using schools as human shields. >> we accepted five cease-fires acted upon them, hamas has rejected every single one of them. >> palestinian leaders insist that israel is the aggressor. >> you cannot place them under occupation and destroy them and then tell them if they act they're terrorists. >> reporter: washington is sided with its ally israel. >> israel has the right to defend itself. >> we can't use these cease-fires as simply a way for hamas to reload. >> very, very dangerous. >> reporter: after a short break, both sides launched new attacks sunday. the latest numbers this morning about 40 israeli soldiers just
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over 40 killed and three civilians civilians. on the other side, more than 1,000 palestinians have been killed in this latest violence. to intense military offenses in ukraine is complicating efforts of dozens of mh-17 crash investigators. they're in a firefight with a pro-russian separatists. fighting so intense 13 people have died and investigators can't enter the crash zone >> i tried to approach the site and we have been stopped out of security concerns. >> possible new evidence against russia according to the state department. the targets military units there. two u.s. aid workers have contracted one of the deadliest viruses on the planet.
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dr. kent brantly has contracted ebola. this shows dr. brantly in protective gear. 90% mortality and no vaccine. so far the virus has infected nearly 1100 across several african nations and killed almost 700. philadelphia police are offering 110,000 for information leading to arrest in a c carjacking that killed three young siblings. now, the siblings' mother and family friend remain hospitalized in critical condition, investigators say the carjackers stole an suv a mile
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where williams and her children were selling fruit. let's turn to sports right now and the baseball hall of fame. six baseball greatsen inducted into cooperstown. >> might as well cut to the chase, i'm here because of the new york yankees. >> joe torre. players greg maddux and tommy dmraifine. >> you can be somewhat special if you can work at it. i took it to heart, pops. >> so many great stories in coope cooperstown. >> vicenzo nibali finished on top to claim his first tour de france.
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indy motor speedway. indy mayor declaring jeff gordon day. just in time to win his fifth win at the brickyard. that's a record. espn host stephen a. smith facing backlash for his comments on domestic violence, getting a lot of buzz over the weekend. a man has no, quote, business putting hands on a woman. smith plans to address the situation on his show today. players pushing into the first row of the stands where punches were thrown all during a aaa baseball game. 11 people were ejected including reno's manager phil nevin. the colorado rockies committing an error in spelling.
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colorado handed out 15,000 jerseys to fans of short stop tulowitzi. foul ball. they forgot the second "t." >> no excuse. >> he was actually at yankee stadium this weekend. he's a little injured. he went to watch jeter play. >> that's kind of cool. >> everybody loves jeter. >> of course. you can't give him heat because he has an excuse. >> good spellers we showed you the crazy weather over the weekend. lightning strike on the beach in california, florida yes, texas yes. but california? that's a very rare event. unusual active pattern. with july here, it's incredibly
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hot throughout the southeast. but the cool weather, in the 50s yesterday in northern michigan. that cool air is rushing down and colliding with the incredibly humid air mass. lot of severe weather. five tornadoes. lot of those were in tennessee. one weak one in connecticut yesterday. not many spots that haven't seen thunderstorms over the last 24 hours in the great lakes and in the mid-atlantic. it's so humid out there and as the dry air moves in, we'll spark those additional storms. the rest of the country, boiling yesterday, 103 in dallas, you'll be a little bit cooler today. again, it's not really july, it's a weird weather pattern. we may have something form in
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the tropics. still ahead -- how malaysian airlines is hoping to change public perception. plus, caught on camera, an elderly woman, what she does to stop a would-be robber. you're watching "first look" on msnbc. she's still the one for you.
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let's get down to business right now with cnbc. very good monday morning to you. >> richard, let's start with the story about treasury secretary jack lew, publishing an oped in the washington post, urging washington to close the loopholes. a way for companies to lower their corporate tax rate. lew said that we need to reform the business tax code to make the u.s. economy more competitive. meantime a deal may soon be done for goldman sachs according to sources close to the situation, the investment bank
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is reportedly diss kusing a settlement with the finance agency for mortgage-backed. you may recall 18 lawsuits against goldman and other banks in 2011. this reported deal could cost between $1 billion and $1.25 billion. the new york times editorial board reigniting the debate on legalizing marijuana. more than 40 years since congress passed the ban on pot, might be time for a review. back to you, richard. >> thank you so much. some stories making news this morning. tale of two wildfires in the west, nearly 2,000 firefighters trying to put a lid on a blaze. it's now 50% contained. meanwhile smoke over yosemite national park, a nearby fire rapidly growing.
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it's forced 100 evacuations. two people walking on a florida beach get hit by a plane, leaving a father dead and his daughter in critical condition. the pilot and passenger were indiana jurd. the crash site of that downed air algerie plane, the two black boxes will go back to france for analysis. the crash is being blamed on weather. malaysian airlines is considering changing its name following go disasters in two months. the disappearance of the flight in march and the crash in eastern ukraine on july 17th. and europe's mt. etna ferocious erupting.
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just ahead momma grizzly goes online. plus, why lawmakers on capitol hill are banned from making changes to wikipedia. scrambled politics is next. tose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. come on, would i lie about this? frommy family and is to love ice cream. however some of us can't enjoy it without discomfort. so we use lactaid® ice cream. it's 100% real ice cream just without the lactose. so now we all can enjoy this favorite treat. ♪ fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites.
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the attorney general's office and the district of columbia considering an appeal after a federal judge tossed a citywide of carrying guns outside the home. first lady michelle obama trying to motivate democrats to vote this coming november, she's featured in a video as part of their effort to get 1 million vetter commitments. >> when it comes to the midterm elections this november, we need you to be as passionate and as hungry as you were back in 2008 and 2012, in fact, you need to be even more passionate and more hungry to get democrats elected to congress >> more gop vice presidential sarah palin launching her online channel for about $10 a month. subscribers can hear her political commentary. get a behind the scenes look into her personal life and more. congress gets banned from
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editing wikipedia after anonymous changes made from congressional ip addresses were made to entries on politicians and businesses as well as events like the kennedy assassination. donald rumsfeld, his bio was edited that he was alien lizard. end quote. you heard the top at our scrambled politics, we're talking about that va deal, bicameral agreement. doesn't mean the house or the senate will approve this on its own. what's in this deal and do we expect this to get through? >> the biggest thing is to shorten the waits but allow veterans to go outside the va
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system and get health care at other approved centers. the concern is the price tag so, in this case, this is a big important problem that both sides recognize needs to be fixed. >> so the conversation although it started last week the idea of tax aversions, some of those fingers are being pointed at the white house, a solution can come from there. do you think this might incite the president to take action? >> there's talk among republicans that a better way to do that is a big broad tax reform. in this koch or not congress may come up again. for the white house, already pushback from republicans we need to lower the top corporate
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tax rate. the president is going to try to do what he can but this is a problem that's bigger than the stroke of a pen. >> so, looking at the white house, being your beat here, you were with the president and speaking with the leaders of central american countries regarding with what's happening on the border, what did you learn in your conversation sfs. >> they acknowledged that it's a problem they have to help fix. the president of honduras said that the united states needs to do more there, they're asking for more money and economic aid from the u.s. the country need to do more to stop the flow of immigrants at the border. talk of a pilot program in the white house for honduras. it's a big complicated problem.
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it's also mexico needs to do more. it's up to congress as well to provide some of the resources for the white house in terms of money and other things at our border. >> david, thank you so much. first buzz just ahead including a baby elephant versus a cat, who do you think wins in that one? >> spur of the moment heroics during a jewelry store robbery. you don't want to miss that one.
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a guy that is so -- i guess -- sad and worried about paying his debts. what he does is he gets into this jewelry store to try to get some jewelry for them. he's got a meet cleaver here, bill and the lady from behind the counter tases him. the lady holding him back is 60 years old, keeping him from stealing any piece of jewelry. again, he was so deep in debt he didn't have money to pay off his creditors. that's why he's doing it. >> lot of people trying to rob stores with meet cleavers. i mean, it's big, it scarce people. baby elephants and a cat. >> you have you know one of top trending videos online. this is in thailand at an elephant nature preserve. there's the elephant and cat.
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this is the best part right here. who won that's the question. lot of people are giving the cat more credit. all right, along with bill karins, i'm richard liu, "way too early" with thomas roberts start right now. you hear this crackle. this giant bolt up in the sky. i'm from the midwest we see lots of lightning. then all of a sudden, it was the loudest thunder than i have ever heard. >> wow, wicked weather makes for a deadly weekend in southern california. the civilian death toll mounts with no end in sight for the israel/hamas battle in the ga sal strip. and on a different note, why is the tsa offering you cold, hard cash, the contest that all air travelers need to know about.
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this is "way too early"! hey, everybody. good morning. hope you had a great weekend. i'm thomas roberts. welcome to "way too early," the show that thinks that the tsa should run contests weekly. we want to begin this half-hour with extreme weather moving across much of the country, right now, hundreds of thousands of people are without power, now this was the scene over the weekend after one man killed after a lightning strike happened in venice beach, it happened yesterday afternoon. now, the national weather service said that the beach was hit at least four different times. and take a look at this. it's just one of at least four tornadoes that swept across eastern tennessee yesterday. really wild weather for them. officials say at least ten homes were destroyed including that of


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