tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 29, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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places like the great state of alabama. i'll see you back here at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is coming up next. good evening, americans, live from detroit lakes, minnesota. i'm ready to go! let's rev it up and get to work! >> congratulations, mr. president. >> this guy is doing this by executive order one after the other. i think it is time to start talking about impeachment. >> that would be in my judgment grounds for impeachment. >> our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny president obama a second term. >> have the guts to introduce a resolution of impeachment. this guy has committed, i believe, high crimes and misdemeanors. >> if barack obama becomes president in november again, i will either be dead or in jail. >> fox news is projecting that barack obama has been re-elected
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as president of the united states. >> so help you god? >> so help me god. >> almost an impeachment offense. >> i'm personally calling to impeach the president of the united states. >> should we impeach obama? >> this president is not a king. >> and replace him with a space robot? >> maybe it's me they don't like. >> the birther thing is over and black thing is over, now he needs to have -- he needs to be able to call for justice. >> good to have you with us tonight. thanks for watching. if you want to throw another log on the impeachment fire, i'm talking to the white house tonight directly, start signing executive orders on immigration reform. no, you can't do it. one man shouldn't have that much control. tonight, we begin with let's focus in on the republicans master plan first, we'll get to immigration in a moment. they want to impeach president obama, calls for impeachment of the president of the united
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states, they are nothing new. republicans have had impeachment on their mind since day one. meanwhile, speaker of the house, john boehner claims that he's against impeaching the president. really? boehner, in a reversal comes out today and said republicans have no plans to impeach the president. >> this talk about impeachment is coming from the president's own staff. and coming from democrats on capitol hill. why? because they are trying to rally their people to give money and to shoe up this year's election. we have no plans to impeach the plans. we have no future plans. listen, it's all a scam started by democrats at the white house. >> you believe that? speaker boehner must pay no attention to what people in his own party have been saying for months/years. the idea of the white house being behind impeachment talk is absolutely absurd. republicans have been talking about impeaching president obama
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for a long time. >> people may be starting to use the i-word for too long. >> i-word meaning impeachment? >> yeah. >> okay, but you live in the world of the senate, there's no way they are going to impeach this guy over anything, is there? >> i'm not talking about now, something that could endure to the next -- after the '14 election. >> will you consider impeaching the president? >> you know, this might be the first white house in history that's trying to start the narrative of impeaching their own president. ultimately what we want toe do is see the president follow the laws. >> would you allow us to default on our dealt? >> let's get in the elevator. >> that would be an impeach bl offense. >> these are lawyers, ph.d.s, tell me how i can impeach the president of the united states? >> impeachment is off the table. >> the white house wants to talk about impeachment and trying to fundraise off of that too. >> i'm asking you, sir. >> the white house will do anything they can to change the topic away from the president's
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failed agenda. >> not something i'm seeking and end game and what we're playing for. i was simply asked is that within the realm of possibilities, i would say yes, i'm not willing to take it off the table but not what we're striving for. >> yes is yes. some republicans don't agree with their colleagues. on monday, former senator scott brown, who did lose, said americans don't want to impeach the president. >> i think that there is no appetite for impeachment for the president. listen, here's the best check and balance. if people are sitting at the dinner table and complaining with friends about the state of affairs, failed obama policies and agenda, the best way to do is that is take back the senate. >> brown must be looking at the polls of as late, he's running for senate in the swing state of new hampshire. 57% of republicans support impeachment but only 33% believe
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he should be impeached. john mccain is on the same page, mccain said impeachment talk is a waste of time. mccain made clear getting votes in the senate would be no easy task. >> i remember going through impeachment of william jefferson clinton, there are not votes here in the united states senate to impeach the president of the united states and i think that we should focus our attention on winning elections. we win this election and regain control of the united states senate, we can be far more effective than an effort to impeach the president which has no chance of succeeding. >> with the current senate, there's no question about it, mccain is right. there's absolutely no way republicans could get the votes for impeachment. but, if republicans take control of the senate in november, it would be a different ballgame. the first order of business i believe would be in 2015 to impeach the president of the
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united states. and the main fuel behind the republican impeachment idea in recent weeks has been executive orders on the border crisis. this is where it gets dicey for the president. it looks like action from president obama could be on the way. the associated press reports white house officials are making plans to act on immigration before the mid-terms. executive orders from the president could grant work permits to potentially millions of illegal immigrants in the united states. the move would allow them to stay without the threat of deportation. hold the phone. this would be a mistake if the president were to do this, politically there is no way democrats can go home and campaign on across the board amnesty for millions of undocumented workers. i don't think that's a political winner for the democrats. there has to be uniformity and some process. i think handing out permits for workers to compete against legal workers in america is a bad
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idea. i don't think the american people would float that at all. beyond that, i don't think one man, no matter whether it's president obama or bush, i don't think one man should have that power. congress needs to stop the obstruction and put comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote. that's what they were hired to do. and i don't think president obama needs to add any fuel to the impeachment fire. he should keep doing what he's doing and let the republican party self-deinstruct. okay, mr. president, i get it, you've been obstructed more than any other president and trying to move things forward in the country. but i do believe if the president ar bit trarly starts happened handing out work permits it's going to give them more ammunition against democrats who have the wind at their back as they go home in august. amnesty can win at a certain
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level if there is a process. the brits don't hand out work permits. the germans don't do it. i can tell you canadians don't do and japanese don't do it. tell me who around this globe just hands out work permits to people to try to solve a problem of immigration? they don't do that. and i think the president would create a great deal of riff within the democratic party when they seem to be pretty unified because the republicans have done a lot of obstructing. the country gets that. i don't think the president can solve every problem with an executive order. he's made his point and done some good things but to go down the road of executive orders on immigration, the issue is too big and it could be an electoral death nil for the democrats when it's completely unnecessary at this point. there has to be a process. there has to be both sides involved. we all know who the obstructers are. as i see it going into mid-terms, that's all the people
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have to know right now. get your cell phones out. tonight's question, do you think president obama should issue executive orders on immigration? text a for yes and b for no, to 67622 or go to our blog and we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for more, let me bring in mitch ceasar from florida, who sits on the executive committee of dnc, florida is a hot bed in the political season. do you think -- >> thank you. >> the president's work permit plan is a good idea? >> i think it's very iffy propositi proposition, everything is a gigantic risk. they passed a crow mized bill in the senate a year ago and never heard in the house. john boehner rather sue the president, which the majority of american people are against, rather than take up discussion of that bill. even if you change the bill some
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extent, although it was a compromised bill, it shows some activity. he's not doing that. i think it's a mistake for the president to take on everything as a one-man band. this is simply politically risky and economy is coming back and to the president's credit. he needs to have a convergence and show leadership in trying to bring together, if at all possible all of the factions of congress. >> wouldn't it be harder for the democrats to go home and campaign on the heels of their leader of the democratic party, barack obama, the president of the united states having handed out or even thinking about handing out work permits to millions of workers in this country that are illegal? the fact is how many millions of people are we talking about? it would be viewed as an attempt to buy votes, would it not? >> i think it would. then the accusation, which has already occurred, it would be a way to try to produce a greater turnout by hispanic voters.
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i don't need a poll. i go out and talk to people every day all over the state and frankly many local coffee houses i have found and people are just saying, the economy is finally coming back. we really need to have an orderly process and good immigration policy and need to see and recognize humanitarian crisis and needs to be a balanced approach. what i'm afraid of and you said that or at least implied it, the fact that the republicans are baiting the president, saying we're not going -- >> absolutely. >> we're not going to do anything, so you go ahead and do it. >> absolutely. the country knows who the obstructers are and knows the president is for the workers and for minimum wage and has done great things on health care and defending his turf there. i get all of that. but to open up a can of worms and all of a sudden give work permits out would be fueling the republican desire to impeach the president of the united states. now, this is my opinion on this.
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i don't know what is gained. it is all about power. we're learning in the american system that you can't do anything because both sides are so polarized, you can't do anything unless you have power. how is handing out work permits and creating a bunch of animosity and firing up the right wing base, how is that going to make it a better climate for the democrats to win in november? >> well, the republican strategy is we're x number of days out from an election, less than 100, whatever it is, we have to make sure we don't come up with dme specific proposal because we might tick off some extreme part of our base. if we can't come up with a concrete proposal and republicans are polling in congress are lower than anybody perhaps even lower than morticians. they are going to attack the president, try to bait him as much as they can because they can't come up with a specific program. it's too dangerous to do that. if we can make as we used to say
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in sports, a forced error by the president, that will serve a greater purpose. >> mitch ceasar, good to have you with us tonight from florida. appreciate your time. let me bring in "washington post" columnist and msnbc contributor, e.j. dionne. you're in the beltway. is the president's possible work permit plan dangerous for him? would he have democrats lining up saying, yeah, go barack, go on this? what about that? >> well, i think -- i checked around today and what i heard is that that story is as somebody put it premature, that they are not there yet the sense i got that the story came out primarily the thrusts for the story came out of folks on the hill who would like him to do something like this. what he's in the process of doing is consulting with both department of justice and the department of -- at least that
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the president has legal authority just to issue work permits. where he does have power that i think cannot be challenged bill the republicans, would not be grounds for impeachment is about whom to deport and whom not to deport. whom to prosecute and whom not to prosecute. there's a lot of leeway there for the executive. i think that's where they are primarily looking. i'm not sure that you're going to see the president issuing a ton of work permits on his own hook. as i say, i'm not sure there is the authority to start doing that. >> well, if he did that, this of course would fuel the impeachment talk. that's the gist of my commentary on that. they are baiting the question, no question about that. here is -- when you think about all of a sudden ash trarly one man doing this, i think it gives us a snapshot of how in the corner the president feels right
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now. i don't understand why. what has the president done wrong on immigration? the president has deported more than the previous president. no question about that, which of course is following the law. and i know liberals are a little uptight about that, but the fact is the laws are on the books. if they are on the books, you've got to enforce them. the other thing that has to be enforced, the law that was passed in 2008, the signed by president bush dealing with these underage kids coming in and now being smuggled in, that they have to be processed. well, the congress has to deal with that law. e.j., where has the president gone wrong on immigration reform? he can only do so much. >> well, here's what i think is going on politically, if you look at the polls and look at where the president's numbers have gone down in recent months, they've come down to a significant degree among latinos.
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why are latinos upset? they know it's the republicans blocking immigration reform in the house but they were also promised that things would change and they are frustrated that obama said look, i'm going to do these deportations because that's law. that will give congress confidence that they can pass a bill and have confidence in me. it hasn't worked outs that way. some of the deportations you're busting up families, which is creating a lot of anger and i think understandable anger in the latino community. it's not a question of where is the president wrong on the law. he's been enforcing the law. it's what did people expect out of the government in washington and the fact is that we know that republican obstruction, even if it's done by them, ends up hurting the president because voters often blame the president as the guy in charge of the whole thing, even when he can't unilaterally get bills through congress. >> you know, i think the
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president has gone down the road correctly on executive orders and he's done what he's had to do to move the country forward. but on this issue, it's too big. i just think that there has to be some real process to this legislatively or it's going to be a big-time loser, especially for his party. now they'll go home and say, they'll be asked the question, do you think the president should be handing out work permits, even the conversation puts the democrats in a bad shot, i think. we have more to talk about. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter and on facebook. like us on facebook at ed show and wegoted. more right wing hypocrisy as walker sends jobs not in the heartland but overseas. but first, republicans have a long list a long to do list before heading home on vacation next week. they've got to buy sunscreen and pack the car and oh, yeah, sue
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the president. trenders is next. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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anything. time now for trenders, join us on twitter at ed show and wegot, ed, like us on facebook and be a part of the time, you can get my radio podcast, wegoted,.com and ring of fire and also free on itunes. we are reporting here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> is that a threat? >> the number three trender, hot air. >> the environmental protection agency plans to cut carbon emissions by 30%. >> rogue agencies that have been so em boldened under this administration they can do anything. >> you say president obama's war on coal is a war on lively
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hoods. >> you would think it is cryptonite and he's superman. >> wanting to protect big cole from the epa. >> you talk about terrorism, you can do it in a lot of different ways. when you terrorize the people who supply everything this country needs to be great, what have we become? >> we're going to stand up for coal and fight. >> the number two trender, robo calls. >> it could be hard sometimes to get the fans in the seats. >> great turnout. >> south korean baseball team that needs all the help it can get is turning to technology. >> a south korean baseball team has robo fans leading cheers. >> they have installed what they call fan bots. >> fans out there, it's a pretty neat idea. >> they hold up digital signs encouraging fans to cheer. >> batter, batter swing, batter! >> the team had no problem finding a place. the eagles have actually suffered more than 400 losses.
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>> trik three, you're outta there. >> today's top trender, cheap suit. >> the president's job is to faithfully executive the laws and inmy view the president has not faithfully executed the laws. >> they are going to sue me for doing my job. >> the republicans will pass the presidential lawsuit before leaving for august recess. >> this would authorize the speaker on behalf of the house to sue the president -- >> all the republicans got is suing the president and talking about impeachment. >> thgs not about executive orders he wrote but about future congresses and future presidents. >> this is not about the law. this is about politics. >> i'm joined tonight by msnbc contributor and "washington post" columnist e.j. dionne. e.j., john boehner wrote this lawsuit is about future congresses and future presidents. you know, if he would have worked with the president on a number of issues and maybe even passed a few things, there might be a shred of truth in that.
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but for him to make the case that this is about future congresses and future presidents, what does he mean by that, your interpretation? >> i think what he means, he wants to limit the authority of future presidents so that they don't do the outroijous he sehe thinks president obama is committing. >> i can pull out hoards of tape of dick cheney complaining about president bush not having the executive authority that he needs to run the country. i mean, it's like we're watching a movie in reverse here. congressman jim clyburn -- go ahead. >> there are several things. one, the republicans are always complaining about junk lawsuits and turning to trial lawyers and here they are bringing a lawsuit to settle what is fundamentally a political problem, which is why i think they are going to have trouble bringing it. secondly, they are suing the
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president for postponing the employer mandate in the health bill. they are against the employer mandate in the health bill. the president put this off to make obamacare work better to have a chance to make the employer mandate work right. and they turn around and say, we're against this whole law, we'll vote to repeal it 50 times, but you got to enforce this provision that we're against. and the third thing is, when you hear boehner saying what he says about the law, what really that leads to, the logic of that is not a lawsuit. it's impeachment but boehner doesn't want to say impeachment. he came out today and said he's against impeachment because he knows that plays very badly with the voters. and to have all of this impeachment talk out there, why the democrats raise so much money off of it, you seem to have a pattern here. if a democrat gets elected to the white house, eventually the republicans are going to start talking about impeachment. and i think that is really troublesome, not just to democrats, but to a lot of
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middle of the road voters who say, just govern guys, please. >> sooner or later, you have to believe what people are saying. we can pull out a mantaj of republicans talking about getting ready of president obama, to impeach him. congressman jim clyburn stepped to the floor today and said it in a profound manner, he think the goal of the lawsuit is to find a peg to hang an impeachment charge on president. do you agree with that? >> yeah, i think that's right. it's got that goal. but for boehner it was an attempt to avoid impeachment at any kind of serious move to impeachment before the election. he knows perfectly well this doesn't play well. do i think in his heart of hearts he wants to impeachment? i actually don't think he does. but he said he didn't want to shut down the government either and he feels under pressure from the part of the party that wanted to shut down the government and would like to impeach president obama.
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so i do think there's -- you can see a logic starting here and ending up with impeachment. >> well, i think the safe play for boehner has been played out for months on end. it's easier for him to do nothing and just blame the president. that way he can turn to the tea party and say, we didn't damage us because we didn't do anything. and i'm still kind of listening to you but not sure if i'm one of you. there's a lot of appeasing going on by boehner to try to keep -- if obama does something, he'll create a rif in the caucus. the house is planning to vote on thursday before leaving for the recess. so what does it mean to go home to their districts and they say, well, we sued the president. i don't think where -- how that plays well even in red districts. what are your thoughts on that? >> if you look at the polling, it's very clear. republicans like it, not surprisingly. but not only do democrats hate
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it but independents are against it and moderates are against it. any republican congressman who is in anything like a contested district who goes home where somebody says gee, guys, the last thing you did was to do this lawsuit against the president, i don't think that helps them at all. >> e.j. dionne, always great to have you with us, my friend, thanks so much. >> michele bachmann thinks there will be profound quenconsequenco gay marriage. may she should keep her not to profound consequences to herself. outsourced, governor scott walker ignores the most important part of job creation, not shipping them overseas. rapid response panel weighs in. next, your questions coming up. right after this. stay with us.
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appreciate your interaction with the program, thanks for following us on the ed team. tonight our first question comes from perry, he wants to know, who would be the best democratic candidate if the republicans nominate jeb bush? you know, that's a great question. it's not just the last name, it's where he's from. as i see it, california, new york, texas, florida, these are the mega electoral states but only one that's a swing state and that's florida. so i think you have to ask yourself the question, okay, what democrat would have the best chance of winning florida? bush would be tough to beat in florida and i think it would be at this point hillary clinton. >> our next question is from eugene. should congress get paid an hourly wage? you know, if they did, maybe they would do a little bit more work. in theory, that sounds pretty good but in a real world when congress is working and there are true statesmen going back and forth and doing work of the
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people, it's a job that needs to pay well to draw people into public service, i believe that. i don't bebruj what we pay congress or benefits of the retirement or health care, i don't. i'm thinking about future generations. we want people to serve and want them to be able to make a living. when they are working, it's very important, obviouslobviously. right now, since they are not doing anything, how about below minimum wage? stick around, rapid response panel is next. >> i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap, gop political worries weigh on stocks, s&p off nine and nasdaq down two. twitter shares are up more than 20% after hours. the earnings and revenue beat estimates, guidance also surpassed targets and american express is out with results, profits came in ahead of expectations while revenue was
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liberty mutual insurance. welcome back. thanks for watching tonight. new developments this evening on scott walker's failed promise to american workers and workers of wisconsin. the governor vowed to crack down on out sourcing jobs and crafted the economic corporation to boost wisconsin jobs on one hand but his office has been doing just the opposite. >> both eaton corporation and plex us corporation received millions of dollars in financial awards from we d.c. only to later layoff workers and their jobs were taken by the foreign
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facilities. that anchor did say millions of dollars. the governor didn't take responsibility for the blow to the workforce. he pointed fingers. scott walker accused his challenging to the governor's seat of doing exactly what his agency was guilt of. >> mary burke is trying to sell us on her experience at her family business. but she forgot to mention that they make 99% of their bikes overseas in places like china, where her company is outsourced jobs for years. >> tonight, we've got more light to shed on walker's hypocrisy. four more companies outsource jobs after receiving millions in tax credits. and now a democratic state representative is calling for the oversight walker should have had in the first place right from the start. walker says he's all for it. it's too little, too late for the governor as i see it under his watch. millions of dollars in wisconsin taxpayer dollars have been flushed overseas. scott walker doesn't want to boost up the american worker or
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wisconsin workers, he just wants to create a facade and get re-elect re-elected. and the companies that have received these benefits from the wisconsin economic development corporation have been contributors to his campaign. joining me tonight in our rapid response panel wisconsin state senator chris larson and also ruth coniff, editor in chief of the progressive magazine. great to have both of you with us. senator, what kind of investigation is going to take place in wisconsin on this when you have the republicans in power? >> yeah, there's likely not to be one. this is the chicken guard be the hen house. when this agency was created, the wedc, it was created under walker, under his supervision with republican senators and republican legislators guiding it and turning over control over what had been a very public part
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of government that invests money in businesses and turning it into a private public entity which has limited disclosure and limited public oversight and has not just governor walker as a member of the board but the appointing authority for who else runs the organization. through that we've seen a lack of job creation and loss of jobs within our state and loss of control of actually where the money is going. and we've seen delayed reports and delayed oversight. one thing you missed, he's actually proposing less disclosure from wedc and what companies are asking for money from the state. that's -- it's disturbing when $1.2 million from people who receive money are giving directly to the governor. it's very disturbing for the public. >> okay, now i want to clarify, did you just say that the governor is on this wisconsin economic development corporation, he is an attending member and board member of this or chairman?
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>> chairman of the board. >> chairman of the board? >> yeah. >> so it's not as if this was going on and he didn't know anything about it, correct? >> yeah, governor walker knows more about what's happening than any in the public. he's showing he wants to say we want to cut this off and cutting off disclosure, every time a report comes out, there's a new scandal associated with what's happening at wed.c., the biggest of which is wisconsin is last in the midwest in job creation. dead last in the midwest, that's frustrating for people. >> ruth, we're learning about more and more of these companies. we really don't know how many companies have received these tax credits, do we and have outsourced jobs. another point i want to ask you, do we know how many jobs have been outsourced through this organization?
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>> well, as tsenator points out they have been reluctant to talk about this because there have been a series of scandals, gave $12 million in loans and didn't bother to collect on the loans. $12 million of taxpayer money is floating out there. some were never required to create jobs. there was no job creation attached to it whatsoever. we learned today four more companies that have outsourced. there are probably more. we have more revelations on this coming out at the progressive magazine. my colleague has been uncovering new information talking to people within the state, figured out about 5,840 jobs is what walker who promised to create 250,000 new jobs, for these millions of dollars is about what they created at the same time the state lost about 13,600 jobs. the outsourcing is amazing and walker is really brilliant politically to try to accuse of opponent of outsourcing for being part of a company that
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outsourced jobs. it's a drop in the bucket compared to the wisconsin taxpayer money that governors paid the companies -- >> the global economy is here. there's no question about that. when you take tax dollars to create jobs in state and don't do it, the question is for the bicycle family and burke family, did they go create jobs elsewhere, isn't that the issue? >> they didn't. >> what about that, ruth? >> they did not get one of these grants. that's another area where the governor tried to muddy waters and blame the commerce department because mary burke, his opponent also led the state commerce department, that doesn't exist, he replaced it with a privatized entity he leads. 60% went to folks who contributed to his campaign. so these are walker campaign donors and donors of the republican governors association
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who received these grants. and the money hasn't been tracked -- created a new category of jobs impacted and can't say jobs created, maybe if you impacted a job somehow you should get this money. >> senator what about -- this is borderline fraudulent. to take taxpayer dollars under the umbrella of create be jobs and that not happening and it clearly being done overseas, what is the legal arm of this as you see it? >> yeah, i mean the fun part of why governor walker did with approval from legislative republicans was that he would have total rule over money going out, appoints the person in charge of it, other people on the board are people he directs. and they get to decide who gets the money and for what projects. like ruth said, for a lot of this money, millions of dollars going out, you don't have to create a single job to be able
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to get the money. that's something that's frustrating. they've gone further to say just impacting jobs is enough. the end result is we are last in the midwest and falling and it's frustrating for the unemployed and people looking for work in our state and they are sick of it. >> state senator chris larson, we'll look for your great journalism as you continue to follow the story. thanks so much. joni earnst misfires on state rights, a precivil war notion being resurrected by the grand old party. let's show 'em what at with whole grain fiber can do. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. make one a double. she's full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos -- one with a double shot. heh, heh. that's not the coffee talkin'. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini wheats cereal. with whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other,
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government coerce force speech and behavior. and it's being pushed and advocated by the gay community. this is their ultimate goal, not allow for diversity of opinion on this issue. i think also they want to abolish age of consent laws which means children, we would do away with statutory rape laws so adults would be able to freely prey on little children sexually. that's the deviance we are seeing embraced in our culture today. >> accusing the gay community of deviancy, tyranny and child rape is far from her message of let's love people. she gave her own timeline and historical context to gay marriage. >> it wasn't until the year 2000 that the world has embarked on the radical experiment of
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marriage between others than a man and woman. biology tells us that marriage is between a man and a woman. >> and our bible. >> that's right. when we have something generated by the creator of the universe there are profound consequencs s we haven't yet realized. >> if she thinks equality is a radical experiment, she can keep on pretending. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything. [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite
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joan any ernst takes aim at wasteful spending and once she sets her sights on obamacare, joanie lun load. one more thing. she doesn't miss much. >> give me a shot. i'm joni ernst and i approved this message. >> welcome back. ernst may want to rethink her tag line. looks like she missed important u.s. history lessons n. a 2013 video from the daily beast she reveals herself to be a tenther. >> why should we be passing laws that the states are considering nullifying. we have gone 200 plus years of federal legislators going against the tenth amendment, the states rights. we are way overstepping bounds
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as federal legislators. no, we should not be passing laws as federal legislators, senators or congressmen. that the states would consider nullifying. bottom line. >> let's recap. the tenth amendment read this is way. the powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or oh to the people. she isn't trying to protect the constitution. she's trying to rewrite it. because of the supreme court the final interpreter of the federal constitutional law has explicitly rejected her interpretation. pro slavery advocate john calhoun tried using the same flawed argument leading township the civil war. it failed. seg gre investigationists tried in their opposition to the civil rights movement. it failed. in 1958 cooper versus aaron, a
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unanimous decision signed by every justice on the court made it clear states cannot just nullify federal laws or supreme court decisions they don't like. of course it hasn't stopped the far right conservatives from trying. joining me tonight, zerlina maxwell of the just how out of step is this? >> completely out of step. this is nothing new. there's been a lot of tenth amendment extremism in the obamacare error. as soon as he was elected to office you had people come out in the extreme right and make the argument which harkens back to a time when segregation was legal or even before that when slavery was unfortunately legal in this country. >> this is iowa. ernst and her democratic opponent congressman bruce brauley are neck and neck in the polls.
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what does it say about the state of iowa which is so fiercely independent? >> it might say something about iowa. what it says is when you have someone endorsed by sarah palin who is then funded by the koch brothers you can have arguments completely out of the main stream and make it through the primary. that electorate is extreme. you have ted cruz, sharon engle in 2010, joan miller back to the elections in 2010 that that made these wrong arguments. they are completely wrong. voters will reject them because it's completely out of the main stream. does she think segregation is okay? does she want to go back to the jim crow era when states were allowed to discriminate against african-americans? it's a question voters in iowa should ask to see if she's really outside of the main stream.
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>> the tenther argument has been used to justify ugly historical position ps. it mystifies me why conservatives revised this to oppose federal regulations or obamacare for that matter. >> also social security. she wants to get rid of all abortions and most forms of birth control american women use. iowans need a long hard look at her and say, we reject this. we won't allow sarah palin and the koch brothers to dictate who we elect as senator especially when they have positions out of step with where most americans are. that includes iowans. she wants to abolish the minimum wage. said iowans should make only $7 at no time 25 and that's appropriate. voters in iowa, once they hear about her positions will vote against her.
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>> good to have you on. appreciate your time. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight in atlanta. tonight's lead, republicans pretending to do their job right before they go on vacation. just two days before a month-long break, house republicans are spinning their wheels with new ways of not dealing with the crisis on the border. in a fast-moving day in washington, speaker boehner first unveiled the plan guaranteed to go nowhere. one senate democrat shouldn't try to pass real solutions on immigration reform.
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