tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 30, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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good evening, americans and welcome to "the ed show", live from detroit lakes, minnesota, let's get to work. i'm ready to go! ♪ >> congress has its job to do and so does the president. >> the most pressing issue that the house republican leadership has decided that we need to devote our legislative time to. >> they have announced they are going to sue me -- >> not to bring up a jobs bill. >> defund the executive branch. >> >> not to deal with comprehensive immigration reform. >> the world's sugar daddy. >> not to extend emergency uj unemployment benefits. >> this man is playing with the american people. >> what specific executive action are you planning to challenge in court? >> when i make that decision, i'll let you know. >> good to have you with us tonight. thanks for watching.
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for the record, i believe that we have a great country. that we've done a lot of great things for the world, we've overcome world wars and we have fought back against depressions and recessions and done social change, civil rights legislation, we've come a long way in over 200 years. but it just seems right now we can't overcome a congress that doesn't want to do the work of the people. ever noticed how it doesn't matter how you and i think on an issue whether we poll in the majority or not? it's all about what they want to do and how the corporate dollars are driving them. what is unfolding in the united states house at this time i think is a total embarrassment to this country. almost to the point where you can't recognize america anymore. it is seeded in hate and it is seeded it disdain for one man. and it is all about a law that they simply could not repeal. president obama ran on healthcare. he got re-elected on healthcare.
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but there's a political party in this country that wants to do election denying and they are going to do everything they possibly can to try to reverse this. it's a lawsuit but it's really all about taking down health care and making sure this country never goes to single payer. they are afraid of the first big step. tonight, we start with breaking news. at this hour, we're expecting the house to vote on of all things suing the president of the united states. going to happen within the hour. that's right. the guy that you voted for, the majority of americans elected twice, he's going to get sued. the vote is no doubt expected to pass along party lines. debate is currently underway. when the vote happens, we'll bring it to you live. we cannot be mistaken whatsoever here, folks, this is an unprecedented his tri making event in the united states house. never before has congress brought a frivolous lawsuit against the president of the united states and sued him.
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it's clear john boehner and do-nothing republican caucus have accomplished very little. they are currently by far the least productive congress in history of the united states. only 125 laws have been passed since january of 2013. but it's the obstruction that we need to focus in on. it's clear republicans can't accomplish the job they were sent to do. and they are fraudulent. they refuse to do the work of the people. they are hung up in political hedge row country. they won't extend unemployment. they said no to that. they refused to bring minimum wage to the floor for a vote, although many think it would pass. they won't pass a long-term infrastructure bill, although we do have bridges that are falling down in america and people are getting killed. they block president obama's jobs bill at every pass. republicans have no problem defaulting on the debt and no problem shutting down the government and costing you and me, $25 billion to the treasury.
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when republicans go home for vacation next week, the only thing they are really going to be able to hang their hat on is number one they hate the president and number two they think he's operating unconstitutionally and by the way, we sued him. it's a travesty and the republicans have no shame. house democrats, frustrated, no doubt, flat out mad about it. earlier today steny hoyer had no problem calling this lawsuit a loser. >> i think it's a waste of time. i think it's a loser. it is unprecedented and it is to gin up the republican base. to the extent they get a response, that should not be surprising to them, because the american people think this is a waste of time. >> congresswoman jackie spierer decided to spell out stupid on the house floor for republicans today. >> the republicans are trying to distract americans from the fact they have ruled over a do-nothing congress. while we are friterring away our last few days in session in this
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pointless childish exercise, we are not creating jobs, fixing immigration, renewing the export/import bank, doing tax reform or even completing a full appropriations process. words fail me in describing the pelt you lens of the other side. this toddler is more adult than some of my colleagues sfwl earlier today the man in the middle of this firestorm, president obama, also had into problem slamming the lawsuit. >> the main vote they scheduled for today is whether or not they decide to sue me for doing my job. by the way, you know who's paying for the suit they are going to file? you. no, you're paying for it. and it's estimated by the time the thing was done, i would have already left office. so it's not a productive thing
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to do. >> how is this a good use of taxpayer dollars? the lawsuit is disgusting, a waste of time and money. republicans have absolutely zero basis for suing the president of the united states. boehner claims it's all about constitutional overreach. >> i believe that the path we're going is the right one to defend our institution against the encroachment from the executive branch and to preserve the constitution of our country as it was written and as it was intended. >> so let's cut to the chase. this lawsuit focuses specifically on president obama's executive action delaying the employer mandate on obamacare for one year, what the public wanted. the republicans were complaining about the mandate claiming that businesses couldn't shoulder the responsibility it was going to be a job killer. obama goes along with it. conversely republicans themselves try to repeal this very same provision of obamacare.
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it's ridiculous and outrageous and as a taxpayer you should be fuming mad, probably now more than ever. but if you hate the president, i'm sure you understand what's going on. think about this for just a moment. are we getting our money's worth? there are 234 house republicans who get paid $174,000 a year. they have worked only 86 days so far this year. hold it right there. what employer -- what person running a business in this country would think that this is really the way we should be running our railroad? in fact, i'm going to do this for my employees, no one, they are gaming us big time. most of them have been -- most of the time they've been working they've been trying to destroy the president, that's been the mission. they aren't working to create jobs or build roads or bridges or help americans and the next step will be impeachment if they can swing it. now after accomplishing absolutely nothing, congress is leaving for a month-long
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vacation, something i don't think they deserve. so the narrative for republicans will be this, when they go home they are going to be saying the president has exceeded his constitutional authority. they'll keep it real simple, constitutional authority. that's all they want the american people to consume. don't understand why they are suing him, just understand that he's exceeding his constitutional authority. so what does this mean to you, to your family, to all of us? it means that once again we really don't mean very much and we have a very narrow window of opportunity to understand what's going on, comprehend it and then go do something about it in november and i know it's july 30th and we've got a ways to go yet. here's something that i think we need to be fair about. john boehner has taken statesmanship to a new low in this country. he has shown young people in public service that you can take the low road and still keep your
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job. character. there used to be a time in the country when character counts. in washington it doesn't count anymore. the only thing that counts, can you outgame your opponent. in the middle of this political game that's being plaled out in america, you and i are paying the price. just have a vote. just do something for the american people. but no, we have to sue the president because they don't like the law and they will take any opening that they possibly can to reverse what they don't like, whether it's 50 votes plus in the house to repeal obamacare or a lawsuit to go after a mandate that they were against to start with. they'll find and take any opening they can. this isn't the america i grew up in. it's not the america i want my grand kids to grow up in. the cooperation has gone. the states manship has left the building and now it's about power. it is about power. as a liberal, as a broadcaster,
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i would love to see president obama do one thing from here on out, forget the republicans, turn to the mid-terms and go on the road in every red district in america and tell the truth about what is happening to this country, that it's not about the people, that obstruction, the country doesn't deserve this kind of obstruction. mr. president, go on the road. bring it from your loins the way you did to get re-elected, the way it was described by axelrod, go out there and let them have it for the next 100 years and turn this around, keep the senate and give the country what it really deserves, a chance to succeed. republicans, all they want is power and only want to see america succeed in their view, which is horribly narrow. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, does this lawsuit convince you that republicans hate the president?
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text a for yes or b for no. 67622. go to our blog and we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for more, let me bring in george miller of california who has seen an awful lot in his career. i don't think he's seen anything like this. congressman, good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you very much, ed. >> you bet. what is the atmosphere in congress at this hour as this is unfolding? >> well, i think most of the republicans are embarrassed by this legislation to create the lawsuit. and most of the democrats are furious that we're not using this time to help the american middle class, help the economy, by creating jobs instead of giving tax breaks to send jobs overseas let's give them to company to bring jobs back to the united states allowing students to refinance their student loans and saving them $50 billion to the american families if we just did for students what we did for banks in letting them refinance those loans and providing minimum wage
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increase that so desperately needed in so many places across this country for so many workers. and making sure that women who work get paid equal to men in the job for the same kind of work. but the republicans have chosen something else. they've chosen to try to divert the attention, they've done nothing on behalf of the american people. this is the least effective congress in the history of the country. and they still got to go home. they are creating a cloud dust and diversion of this miserable, miserable suit against the president of the united states for successfully enacting the affordable care act which now means that tens and millions of individuals who did not have insurance, families and children and wifs and spouses did not have insurance now have insurance. they decide to sue them on the last week of the congress before we go home for the august recess. what they are really hoping is they might strike gold and this suit can lead them to impeachment. that would be ecstasy for the right wing.
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that would be ecstasy for republicans in congress if they could impeach barack obama. they are going with the lawsuit, testing the waters. it's a frivolous lawsuit, waste of money, waste of time. not going to be successful. this is what they've chosen to do with this country's time when in fact we have so many needs in this country to help middle class families and help those individuals working hard to aspire to get into the middle class. this is a brutal, brutal decision by the republicans to ignore the american people, to ignore the needs of the economy, to ignore the needs of families all across this country. >> well, that's exactly what they are doing. i want to play a clip from john boehner talking about republican priorities just yesterday. here it is. >> over the last 18 months, republicans in the house have been focused on the american people's priorities, whether it's growing our economy, creating more jobs, holding our gold accountable. last week the president signed in the skills act, signed it
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into law, a step in the right direction. >> congressman miller, how can john boehner say that with a straight face the day before suing the president? >> well, he's just delusional about the republican record. the fact of the matter is, this republican record in the congress on behalf of the american people is atrocious. it's a complete failure. and that's why they've turned to the lawsuit as a diversion. this is a diversion. they want to take this to the country and see if they can get the country to focus on this for 30 days or 100 days until the election rather than look at the republican record and the denial of opportunity for the american people in this congress. >> congressman george miller, i appreciate your time tonight. thanks so much. very passionate and on point, no doubt about it. thank you. this lawsuit no doubt opens up the door to impeachment as the congressman said. later on down the line. on tuesday night karl rove slammed the president for fund raising off the issue. >> the speaker of the house has said we will not -- we will not
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consider or take up this issue. there's no serious republican leader who stepped forward and said here's the bill of particulars that justifies this extreme action. yet the president of the united states sends out his press secretary last week to stir the waters and suggest this is real. how cynical. how pathetic. >> how pathetic? what's pathetic is the president is being sued after the united states people have said that a, we want health care and we accept health care sean re-elected the guy. the president actually did this executive order because he was listening to the republicans and some business owners across america saying can you give us a little bit more time on the mandate. let me bring in congressman steve israel, chair of the this lawsuit, will it have an impact on midterms? what does this arm democrats with as they go home to constituents? >> the next 70 days will be about the defining contrast
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between democrats and republicans. republicans have focus tds their time and taxpayer money on suing the president and talking about impeaching the president while democrats are focused on solutions for the middle class. that's what an election is all about. by the way, it is another example to the american people of hhypocrisy, these republican want to pass tort reform to stop lawyers from filing frivolous lawsuits who today pass a bill to spend millions of dollars to stop the president in court? >> yeah. >> it's another act of supreme hypocrisy that convinces the american people that they are badly out of touch and about their self-interest and special interest. >> congressman, are you raising money off this lawsuit? >> any time that republicans talk about impeaching the president and any time they focus on suing the president you can expect our base to be energized and it is. not only is our base energized but the fact of the matter is the republican strategy has badly back fired on swing
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voters. swing voters by their very nature do not want process. they want progress. they don't want one branch of government suing another branch of government. they want their members of congress to be focused on student loan relief. they want members of congress to be focused on growing their paychecks and want them to be focused on passing legislation to make sure a woman gets paid the same as a man for equal work. the more they see of this republican congress just completely obsessing in their hatred of barack obama, the more convinced they are that we need a different majority this november. >> do you agree that they just want american people not to know the minutia of all of this to grab the narrative that the president is lawless and president is operating outside the constitution? i mean, that's really the only message they want to send going home, isn't it? >> i believe that this is a
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campaign strategy they cooked up. they calculated this is a mid-term election and they have to gin up their base, why you have the benghazi hearings and now a vote on a lawsuit. this is intended to gin up their base. the strategy is back firing. it is also energizing our base and creating an erosion of support by persuadable swing voters for republican. >> will there be any democrats that vote for this lawsuit? >> well, if there is, it's not going to be this democrat. i don't know what the final fally is going to look like. but let's not forget this is a republican strategy, written by republicans to hire a bunch of republican lawyers to sue a democratic president. >> congressman steve israel, good to have you on. thanks so much for your time tonight. the vote taking place coming up here at the bottom of the hour. coming up, a former republican rising star sees his day in court on corruption charges. the trial has started.
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>> 4 sprs economic growth. >> holy cow, 4%. >> the u.s. economy, it appears to be bouncing back. >> the gdp jumps in the second quarter. >> you're looking at an economy that has defied a lot of expectations. >> consumers were investing and buying things. >> it's a bit of a sigh of a relief. >> you can see other countries buying our exports. >> first half doesn't look nearly as bad as we were thinking. >> the number two trender, lou we lawless. >> over 533,000 amnesties already. holy smokes, how unfair is it to the mext cans. >> that's not fair to all. >> gohmert attacks the president for following the law. >> said, no, if you're from mexico, we'll send you back. >> when they come from countries not con tig uous to the u.s. -- >> i don't know why this president is so extremely prejudiced against mexicans. >> you are wrong.
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>> this guy truly is fundamentally transforming america. >> that don't make no sense. >> and today's top trender, order up. >> america cannot wait forever for them to act. >> three out of every four americans want something done. they want immigration reform passed. >> oh, this is too hard. >> the congress will not do their job, ats least we did do ours. >> president obama muls executive orders on immigration. >> white house officials are making plans to act on immigration before the midterms. >> i'm beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as i can on my own. >> executive orders from the president could grant work permits to potentially millions of illegal immigrants. >> i think it's a mistake for the president to take on everything as a one-man band. >> my administration can take on our own, within my existing legal authorities to do what congress refuses to do. >> joining me now, mike p
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papantonio, i get the executive orders because of the destruction unfolding in congress and how the republicans hate the president and don't want to work with him on everything. i get nervous when i hear the thought of the possibility of undocumented workers, immigrants would be granted work permits in the numbers of millions. wouldn't this create, maybe not, wouldn't this create more problems than it would solve and legally what does it mean for the president? can we just pass out work permits to anybody who crosses our border? your thoughts? >> here's what the president knows, any attempt to use congress or courts to accomplish legitimate immigration policy is a waste of time. there are some things that he can do without the courts and without legislation. that's what he's looking at. for example, he can simply expand the same deferred action program that he initiated in 2012 that allows immigrants who
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enter the u.s. as children to apply for two-year deportation reprieve. that's one simple way. his authority to take executive action is broad, ed, he needs to use it. there are some pit falls. right now no action is the worst thing he can do. for example, what we see happening is election null fiction. we saw a few weeks ago a report from common cause that was released that shoal showed they are blocking legislation and both nominees that they actually support -- back home they say these are great nominees and this is great legislation. but they are blocking it because president obama is the person that's promoting it. their agenda, they laid it out behind closed doors before he was ever sworn in. that's to see obama fail. for six years now, it's worked. >> but, mike, to dish out work permits to millions of undocumented workers, i think that's a political loser.
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that's my view. there has to be a process and some unity. and there some things you're not going to get done and turn it over to the voters in less than 100 days. what's wrong with that? >> your concern is the same with everybody's, what's happening here it's another setup of why we should impeach this president. it doesn't make any difference, frankly, that they -- they were just weeks ago saying president obama take action. so kind of a rock in a hard spot. what you do -- the only thing he can control right now is the executive order. today we're finally seeing this president do what he should have done six years ago, that's to fight back. is it elegant the way he's doing it? is there a simple solution? no the point is this. he can't, it's uncomfortable for him to make a decision on immigration by himself but that's the position that the republicans have put him in. and if -- unless we get away from this election null fiction
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plan that the republicans have been going forward with, he's stuck. i think he has to take some action. >> i don't think any country just hands out work permits to solve an immigration problem. i think this would be a ground sweeping move by the president to do that. i think a lot of democrats would have a hard time with it, a real tough sell to independents and also all of a sudden start competing with american workers who are abuy biding by the laws. people here in this country are here for a number of different reasons but there are law breakers. to give them permits for working creates a greater problem. you have to have a legs lated. >> don't you think it pushes the republicans to do something? isn't he saying, this is what i can do. this is what i can do? this is possible. >> i get that, mike. i get that. but i think the american people get who the obstructers are. and to do something that would be politically damaging within
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97 days of a possible change of power in congress, isn't that even politically more dangerous? >> first of all, i don't think he's going to do it. he's going to keep this up there as a talking point which he needs to do. ed, my opinion is this president needs to use his power of executive order as often as possible in the last couple of years. republicans aren't going to stop their childlike obstruction and he needs to do what he should have started doing five years ago and that's to take action, whatever is available to him. if it pushes him back, he should do that. >> mike papantonio with us tonight on the ed show. appreciate it. coming up, mike mcdonnell's fall from political grace. the trial against him is heating up with new revelations. plus, a vote is expected soon in the house on the lawsuit against president obama. we'll bring you the latest. next, ask ed live on "the ed show" coming right back.
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thanks for joining us tonight. love this segment, appreciate all of your questions. tonight in our ask ed live, our first question is from chad. he wants to know, do you think fast food workers will actually get to unionize? i do. and i think you can't keep the working folk down forever. these 20 somethings and 30-somethings in our society who work in this industry, they are motivated and organized and they are vocal. i don't think they are going to back off. i think you're going to see changes in the industry. i hope they can unionize and i believe eventually they will. our next question is from david. did republicans realize they woke a sleeping giant with the impeachment talk? they are backtracking from it, that's for sure. they know it's a political loser. but they've been talking about it for a long time, months/years on end. and now when they are being pushed on it, boehner comes out and denies it all. don't believe him.
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if they get the power, they will try everything they possibly can to tarnish this president, impeachment followed by lawsuit, it's on the way. the vote on lawsuit taking place at this hour, we'll bring it to you live. stay with us. you're watch the "the ed show." we're right back. >> i'm hampton pearson, the dow falls 31 points and nasdaq is up 20 points. the federal reserve voted to cut the monthly bond buying program by another $10 billion and indicated its it no rush to raise interest rates. the private sector added 218,000 jobs in july. that's according to adp, economists expected a gain of 230,000. shares of whole foods are down sharp liply. the earnings beat estimates but same store sales fell short. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. produces up here creates something else as well:
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house members are getting ready to vote on john boehner's lawsuit against president obama,s had history making, republicans are expected to approve the measure. we will bring the final vote to you when it happens. but first in this segment, to bob mcdonnell, former governor of virginia, once the rising star of the gop. >> some people say they are afraid america's no longer the great land of promise that she has always been. they should not be. america will always blaze the trail of opportunity and prosperity. america will most always be a land where liberty and property are valued and respected and innocent human life is protected. >> they chose mcdonnell to respond to president obama after the first speech being elected
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but how the mighty have fallen. the former virginia governor was widely mentioned as a running mate for mitt romney in 2012. today they are on trial for corruption charges. a bombshell was revealed in the opening remark on tuesday. lawyers defending mcdonnell say the couple have not have been scheming together because their marriage was fall ago part. not only had the marriage broken doubt but the first lady developed feelings for mr. williams by the time the ceo began giving gifts. he became her, quote, favorite playmate, attorneys for the governor's wife said you'll even hear she had a crush on him, unlike the other man in her life, johnny williams paid attention to her. one called by the prosecution is the daughter, it was the $50,000 gift between her june 2011 that set off the investigation into the couple. attorneys for both mcdonnell's
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claim, johnmy williams deceived and monanipulated in order to further his business. bob mcdonnell apologized for bad judgment and repaid $120,000 in gifts and loans and denied breaking any law u.s. the mcdonnells are charged in a 14 count indictment with accepting more than $150,000 in loans, designer clothes and vacations and lavish gifts from johnny williams. the ceo of dietary supplements maker star scientific. if converted thicted they could decades in prison. joining us, dr. michael eric dyson and james peterson and lehigh university professor. do we see this as a dysfunctional love triangle as a defense unfolding here? we're hearing there's going to be e-mails that are going to be
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read by the former governor that will defend the fact his marriage is falling down. dr. dyson the defense is saying the couple couldn't have been conspireing because their marriage was falling apart. is this a good strategy? >> it's a novel one to be sure. i'm not here to cast dispersions on anybody, the political consequence of their however marital dysfunction will tell on them. the defense says that look, they couldn't have conspired together because they weren't hardly talking to each other. she's spending a lot of time, 1400 some odd e-mails and calls to johnny williams in two years does suggest a extra marital connection. to what degree, i'm not sure. i don't know if this is a ruse or if it's honestly a kind of romantic entangle emt because of the denial of presence of her marriage and spouse. in that sense this story is as
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old as eden and old as adam and eve and biblical narratives that people come together have distracting realities. >> professor peterson, is the governor doing right by his people by saying that he was being victimized by his wife? >> you know, i personally find it hard to believe but the truth will come out in the story one way or another. i find it quite ironic that two years ago we were talking about governor mcdonnell and trans vaginal probes has to do with privacy and public intervention and those issues in some ways being played out in a different and comparable way over the course of this case. then, you know, when you think about the climate of money and politics, ed, i think a guy like johnny williams exists in the world because of things like citizens united and the way we approached campaign finance reform. the very idea that johnny williams is the centerpiece of this case yet not on trial and not have to sort of face any
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charges for anything involved in this particular scandal, to me smacks of some of the challenges of our political system have too often trades money for policy and the proper ways of conducting business in terms of politics. >> so dr. dyson, this is just another example of a failed political system that people can wiggle their way in win influence and end up corrupting. look at the taxpayer dollars spent on this. >> exactly. >> what is unfolding. i mean, a marriage breaking down is one thing. but circumventing the law is something else. >> absolutely. between as dr. peterson has articulated between the lobbyist businessman on the lookout for somebody he can exploit. and then the governor and his wife and then the taxpayers of the state of virginia. and so that triangle there, but a couple of partners didn't know one of them, the people of virginia didn't know they were involved in that triangle.
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and it does underscore the fact again that part of the -- part of the real deal here is that the governor has in one serious and fundamental sense run his entire career based upon a kind of moral and ethical position that is dismissive of those to his left and as a result of that, when moments of severe vulnerability are revealed, there doesn't seem to be an outpouring of compassion because now you're falling back on the same kind of excuses that you chided others for before. when it comes in your house, then you find out how difficult it is. >> here's one thing that caught my attention. their daughter, kaelyn had only met williams once before his mother called to say he wanted to pay for the catering for her wedding. >> yeah. >> i know we're all parents. and our kids get married. i mean, do we let other people
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step in and say, hey, i want to pay for your kid's wedding reception? who does that unless they want something? >> exactly. the reality here, they are alleging he may have paid for things more than that, wedding dress and rings, put up $43 fon her own wedding. it's hard to think of a gift of that nature materializing that quickly as not being a pay to play scheme. the losers here are the citizens of the state of virginia. but i really want people to understand the broader issue here is about money and politics. you don't have johnny williams existing -- unless we have a system where pay to play is the norm as opposed to the exception. >> we will follow this story. i appreciate your time tonight. >> michael eric dyson james peterson, we're keeping an eye on the house chamber as republicans push their lawsuit
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against president obama over the mandate in health care. we'll have the latest ahead. very passionate debate taking place on the house floor at this moment. we're right back. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews.
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and pretenders tonight, kind of like real estate. location, location, location. scott brown, the man who lost his massachusetts senate seat is copy and pasting his losing campaign right into new hampshire. scott brown, high tailed it out of the bay state and started releasing ads. >> i'm scott brown running for the u.s. senate and i approve this message. i'll get health care back on track and focus on more good jobs for everyone because no one should fight for america overseas, only to return home and fight for respect here. >> scott brown wants new hampshire to think he's just one of the local folks. he chose a local venue for a different commercial using one of the log cabin looking
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outbuildings in straj am. it looks to me like scott brown has been using green screens as well. buzz feed pointed out he wasn't likely in a local feed for his local commercials. it look is like a scott photo. if scott thinks he can digitally insert himself into the senate seat, he can keep on pretending. ? or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything.
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welcome back to the ed show. finally tonight, the house is preparing to vote on speaker boehner's lawsuit against president obama. the focus of the lawsuit is the president's executive actions in particular the delay in the obama care employee mandate. and the republicans say that the president illegally changed the law to give businesses more time to comply. no one on the democratic side is buying it. >> the same people calling for this lawsuit shut down the government last fall because they wanted to delay the affordable care act and it cost us over $24 billion. so now they're suing the president over the fact that he did something they wanted him to do in the first place. the only other group of people i know who scream that they want something then throw a tantrum when they get it are toddlers. >> earlier today president obama called the lawsuit frivolous. >> a political stunt, but it's
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worse than that because every vote they're taking like that means a vote they're not taking to actually help people. >> let's bring in nbc news white house correspondent kristen welker. kristin, what's the reaction from the white house? is this view by the white house as disdain by the president or are they really concerned about stopping the health care law? >> well, i think that white house sees this as a political stunt, which you just pointed out, ed. and to some extent the disdain for the health care law. i think democrats do see a political opportunity here while republicans are using this to rally their base to try to get republicans to the polls in 2014 as they try to take back the senate and gain more peace in the house. the democrats say, look, this is rallying their base as well. in fact, the dcc just raised $3 million in recent days by
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telling their supporters that this vote was coming. they also say, it is a precursor to threats of impeachment. now, of course, how speaker john boehner said that's not going to happen. but i think that the white house feels as they they have a strong message here. you heard president obama signal that earlier today when he called it a political stunt, pivoted to the economy. the fact that economy grew by 4% in the second quarter. the unemployment rate is down 6 of.1%. lowest rate in several years. i think both sides see the possibility of political gain here. but ed, of course, the problem is this it underlines this perception that washington can't get anything done. that this is the most unproductive congress in history, particularly when you have the border crisis. and it doesn't look like the legislation that is pending right now in the house and senate will be able to make it through both chambers. so it looks like right now congress is going to leave for recess and not get something done on that bigger, broader issue that's impacting the
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country. so i do think that it just fuels those people who are sick of washington and feels though nothing is happening here. ed? >> all right. kristin welker at the white house tonight with us. thanks so much for that. i'm joined again by msnbc political analyst dyson and mike pappentono. mike eric dyson, i'll ask you first. >> they despise the president because he passed the health care act for those who have been denied thp this is the most important piece of legislation in the recent history. the benefit will accrue to the people and they do not want him to get the benefit of being acknowledged like the author of that criminal legislation. >> and like, where does this lawsuit go from here? a quick play by play of what to
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expect. dead on arrival. dead on arrival. you may get a federal judge that allows it to go on. you may get an appellate court that says this makes absolute sense. democrats tried it before. it went nowhere. this should go nowhere but this is kind of like, you got a congress with 14% approval rating and that's somewhere around what people tend to agree with as far as wanting a root canal. this is congress about to leave for recess. they are filled with campaign activities and to overcome the negatives they have to show the coo-coo base and it is dead on arrival. everybody knows that. this is just one more effort to say, look, our coo-coo base is out there. they need to be brought together. this will keep them alive and with plenty of red meat while we are raising money. it is also a good opportunity for democrats. i hope they take advantage of it. >> everybody raises money on things they don't like in washington. i don't know why they are so amazed by all of this.
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>> no doubt about it, michael eric dyson, mike pappentonio, great to have you with us tonight. that's "the ed show." politician nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight if birmingham, alabama. where we're kicking off a nationwide effort to fight for voting rights. we'll have more on that later in the show. but we start with breaking news in the house of representatives. where we're awaiting a vote to authorize a lawsuit against president obama. remember republicans want to sue president obama for delaying part of the health care law. something they wanted in the first place. democrats blasted the plan as the cheap political ploy. >> the only other group of
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