tv Politics Nation MSNBC July 30, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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>> no doubt about it, michael eric dyson, mike pappentonio, great to have you with us tonight. that's "the ed show." politician nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight if birmingham, alabama. where we're kicking off a nationwide effort to fight for voting rights. we'll have more on that later in the show. but we start with breaking news in the house of representatives. where we're awaiting a vote to authorize a lawsuit against president obama. remember republicans want to sue president obama for delaying part of the health care law. something they wanted in the first place. democrats blasted the plan as the cheap political ploy. >> the only other group of people i know who scream they
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want something then throw a tantrum when they get it are toddlers. >> a political stunt. time it peak in november as americans are head together polls in mid term elections. >> it is wrong. it is a waste of time. it is a waste of money. it is a disstraks from the important issues, so important to our people. >> as house republicans waste time on this stunt, president obama told them to do their job and lighten up. >> stop being mad all the time. stop just hating all the time. come on. let's get some work done together. the president wants to work on the economy.
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on jobs. on real issues. but the house doesn't. >> the main vote they scheduled for today is whether or not they decide to sue me for doing my job. no, no, no. first of all -- first of all, here is something i always say. do not boo -- vote. but think about this. they announced they will sue me for taking executive actions. to help people. so, you know, they're mad because i'm doing my job. and by the way, i've told them, i said, i'd be happy to do it with you. so the only reason i'm doing it on my own is because you don't do anything. >> they won't do anything.
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and today one republican congressman showed what this lawsuit is really about. he said they would vote no because they should really be impeaching the president. quote, why not impeach instead of wasting 1 million to 2 million of the taxpayer's money. if you're serious, use what founders of the constitution gave us. they aren't serious about this. they are serious about attacking the president. joining me now, is jess mcintosh and jonathan capehart. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> the vote on the lawsuit is under way. isn't it all about throwing a bone to the right wingers who want it impeach him? >> that's the absolute only upside. so i have to say, yes. all i can think is that house
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republicans like their caucus exactly the way it is. they don't want it to get any bigger. they don't want to let anybody else in. because all this will do is turn off voters in november. 2014 is supposed to be their year. they have the map. we're talking about mid terms and is it a republican wave? and it seems like the house republicans are just doing everything they can think of to make sure that no voter want to elect another republican. >> you know, jonathan, conservative talk and republican lawmakers have been talking about impeachment for years. but now, some climb the president is behind this talk. listen to this. >> the president of the united states is cynically suggesting a constitutional crisis in order to fatten the bank accounts of democratic fund-raising groups. this man is playing with the american people by suggesting a constitutional crisis.
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shame on him. >> i think this is a ridiculous game by the president. and his political team. and to try and change the narrative, raise money and turn off their base for an upcoming election that they feel is not going to go their way. >> now jonathan one say that ryan might want to dismiss impeachment, but he can't. i want to read you your piece, a quote from your piece. ryan said that none of what republicans rail against rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. but with all of the alarm talk about the president, how does ryan expect the less grounded of his caucus to be content with the lawsuit that won't punish obama while he is still president, if at all? gop leaders like ryan lost control of the base, this they really have to create, jonathan? >> that presumes they had
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control over that base to begin with. look, we have known for a long time that speaker boehner is actually following his caucus ever since the debt ceiling crisis of about three years ago, this time, 2011, when he and the president couldn't do the grand bargain. and they we saw it again in relief when the speaker told the american people there will not be a government shutdown and yet a government shutdown happened. speaker boehner, pursuing this lawsuit against the president, a lot of people think it's his way of trying to let off some steam of those folks in his caucus who want to impeach the president. but as i have written and you just read, thank you, on the show just now, when they realize, when folks realize that, one, this case may not see the light of day in terms of being heard by a judge, but two, even if it is the outcome will probably be -- will come. the case will be resolved long
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after president obama has left the white house, they are going to demand that president obama be impeached now. and so, that's why, you know, coming election is so important because the one thing that republicans who have been calling for impeachment, especially those in the house and including senator ted cruz over there in the senate is that because democrats control the senate right now, even if they have the votes to impeach in the house, which you only need a simple majority to do that in the house, it wouldn't go anywhere and democratic controlled senate. so if republicans take over the senate in november after the mid terms, i think guaranteed that there will be a move to impeach the president. that psychological barrier of the democrats holding the senate will be gone. and that's why you see democrats jumping to raise money off the increased chatter of impeachment. and quite frankly, to be perfectly honest, democrats
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would -- should be sued for malpractice if they didn't do this. karl rove is trying to -- >> you know, you know at the same time, jess, let me just break if here, jonathan. because at the same time, jess, republicans seem to have it both ways. they are saying that impeachment is still valid. but it won't happen. listen to this, jess -- >> there might be a ton of proof there to say, hey, he might qualify for impeachment. democratic strategy, like drawing up faux fear in terms of an impeachment call when this is just a call to hold the president accountable. >> people make the case for it, but have you -- >> you can absolutely make a case. >> have you heard anyone in power in washington, anyone, privately, publicly, actually make that case? >> no. >> but no one is calling for -- sarah palin brought it up. i agree on the legal side that
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there's merit. but politically, no one supports it. because it would back fire and boomerang. >> i mean, aren't they trying to have it both ways, jess? >> yes. and they are doing a poor job of it. jonathan's absolutely right. there are already top tier senate candidates, joey earnest in iowa, who seem open to the idea of impeachment. so they are absolutely trying to court it. the thing is, though, jonathan is also right about having the bases just run away. anyone thinking that the establishment is still in control isn't paying attention to what's happening either on the campaign trail or in congress. i mean, we know what voters want to hear in order to turn out in november. we know that women are the key to reelection. we know that they care about ending gender discrimination in pay. we care about raising minimum wage. we care about economic opportunity. access to women's health care. this is not rocket science. every single poll tells you
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exactly the same thing that voters want to hear. but republicans aren't able to deliver on any of the issues. in order to fill a vacuum, they come up with suing a president and talking about impeaching him. i'm not sure where they can go in order to woo voters that they need to win in november but this strategy isn't doing anything other than appealing to that base that is already completely co-opted them. >> jonathan wbt voters going down now as we speak. but this is really a joke, this lawsuit. the fact of the hatter is, is that the house voted on this republicans voted to delay the employer mandate last year. 229 republicans voted for it. today they're voting to authorize a lawsuit against president obama for delaying the employer mandate that they voted that he should delay. shouldn't they be happy? they got what they wanted.
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>> rev, that's a logical question for a caucus and base where logic does not apply. this case here, is that speaker boehner is saying he is sticking up for legislative prerogative, congressional prerogative, because they passed the law that republicans don't want and the president using his executive authority, on his own, saying to delay the employer mandate. they say because of that, because of that, he trampled over congressional prerogatives so they want to fight on these grounds to protect at. it's bananas. i talked to -- i talked to contusional law professor lawrence tribe over there at harvard and he gave me four reasons, i'm not going through all of them, but the number one reason he doesn't think this case will even have standings is because in order for someone to
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bring suit someone has to show they've been personally injured by the action. it's going to be almost impossible for congress, for house of representatives to show that it was personally harmed by the president an employer mandate that many people say that he had the authority to do just by nature of the legislation. >> well, i think i can show people personally injured by their wasting time on a vote on the lawsuit, it won't vote on immigration and vote on jobs and vote on infrastructure. but i'll have to leave it there. jess mcintosh and jonathan capehart, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> coming up, much more of today's breaking news. republicans voting to authorize a lawsuit against president obama. shouldn't theying focused on creating jobs, not court filings? also, i'm here in birmingham.
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holy ground for the civil rights movement. to talk about the next phase of the struggle. a new national campaign begins tonight. also, my interview with the star of the new james brown biopick. get on up. it's a big show tonight. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you don't think "i've still got it" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". life reimagined gives you tools and support to get the career you'll love. find more real possibilities at
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voting to authorize the lawsuit against president obama. a new low in their attempts to stop his agenda. don't think have anything better to do? like maybe work with him on creating jobs. that's next. vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come.
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get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. we're back with breaking news. watching the house vote on speaker boehner's phony lawsuit. republicans are playing political games in washington. while out in the reel world the economy is growing by leaps and bounds. under president obama, the economy is continuing to recover from the bush recession.
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expanding by an impressive 4% last quarter. and newly revised numbers show the last half of 2013 saw the fastest growth in a decade. today president obama called on the gop to stop with the political stunts. and start focussing on standard. >> so far this year, republicans and congress keep blocking or voting down just about every idea that would have some of the biggest impact on middle class and working class families. they said no to raising minimum wage. they said no for fixing our broken immigration system. they voted to give another massive tax cut to the wealthiest americans. they haven't been that helpful. they have not been as constructive as i would have hoped. america deservees a raise, and
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it's good for everybody. >> a minimum wage hike should be a no-brainer. and yet, republicans aren't just blocking progress. they are actually trying to roll it back. by attacking the safety net. today congressman paul ryan trashed the new health care law's medicaid expansion. >> medicaid, one size fits all top down expansion, which is going to be an unfunded mandate for obamacare mandate by the government -- >> paul ryan's attack on the medicaid expansion is not just out of touch. it's out of date. 49 years ago today, president johnson signed medicare and medicaid into law. since then, those programs have helped millions gain access to health care. half a century later, republicans are still on the wrong side of history.
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they need to drop the absurd lawsuits and support an agenda that helps real people. joining me now is jared bernstein. thank you for being here. >> thank you, rev. >> are you surprised at how well the economy is doing with republicans being more focused on republicans than jobs. >> last year the congress was wacking the economy pretty hard with what we call fiscal drag. that is their policies were actually slowing down economic growth. you actually heard the president talk about that very compellingly today. and yet, as you mentioned, the second half of last year was pretty strong. the first quarter of this year was a very weak quarter. in the underlying pace of job growth, in fact in the first six months of this year, adding more payroll employment than any other first half of the year
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going back to the late '90s. yes, despite the fact that congress, as the president said, certainly isn't helping. >> you know, here is what republicans in congress have blocked or suggested this year. they blocked minimum wage hike. they blocked the fair pay act. they refused to spend jobless benefits. and some have called for repealing dodd-frank. as an economist, what goes through your mind when you see an economic agenda like that. >> i'll tell you exactly what goes through my mind, it's a return to the battle days in a sense. so think about the repeal of dodd-frank. for that matter, the efforts, i think you said 50 vets earlier in the vote to repeal the affordable care act. we need financial oversight if we don't want a speculative market to go off the rails in such a way it brings economy to
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its knees the way we saw in the late 2000s. we also know that recovery act -- excuse me, the affordable care act is now leading to a considerable coverage among people who previously couldn't afford it. so it's interesting. you listen to the president. and i thought he gave a great speech. he really nailed this bit about the lack of cooperation from congress. even be a isn't their cooperation, he's made real progress and they seem to just want it claw it back. >> you know, recently president obama has been taking aim at a new target and namely big corporations, not paying their fair share of taxes here in the united states. here's what he said today. >> there's a loophole in the tax code that lets a small but growing group of corporation leave the country -- they
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declare themselves no longer american companies, just to get out of paying their fair share of taxes. they take the advantages of being an american company, but now get out of paying taxes. it ain't right. not only is it not right, it ain't right. >> you know, jared, did this tax appointing strategy known as tax inversion. it's expected to cross the u.s. treasury almost $20 billion over the next decade unless the loophole is closed. how bad is this practice and will republicans put a stop to it? >> let me start from the end of your question there. while that is precisely what congress ought to be voting on right now, closing this tax avowedanidance aversion loophol focussing on your show tonight, what they are focussing on, suing the president.
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let me make one thing very clear. they are talking about reincorporating under another country with a lower tax rate. that's what the reinversion thing is about. but the business doesn't move. the business stays here. so it is pure tax avoidance. and the tax code enables this. all the president is saying is let's close an obvious loophole. one that is costing us revenue on the bottom line and allowing the firms to reincorporate overseas when all of the business is staying here. >> jared bernstein, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, rev. >> still ahead, breaking news from the house floor. republican voting to authorize a lawsuit against president obama. also, my interview with chadwick boseman, who plays james brown in the new hit film "get on up." stay with us. you make a great team.
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we're following breaking news. the house voting to authorize speaker boehner's lawsuit against the president. extremists in the gop have been chomping at the bit for a radical attack like this. and now, speaker boehner is officially enabling them. it's a busy night. more straight ahead. ce is in ou. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we're using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. the trucks are reliable, that's good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that's good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company. ♪
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♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. breaking news. republicans have just cleared the threshold needed for the bill authorizing a suit against president obama. coming up, we'll get reaction from democratic congressman emmanuel cleaver. but first, we turn to a high profile murder case out of detroit. after five days and more than 20 witnesses, today the prosecution rested in the trial of theodore
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wafer. he is charged with manslaughter for shorting to-year-old anisha mcbride on his porch. the defense tried it offer a startling noou new theory on the case. while cross-examining the chief examiner, they suggested another person might have been on the scene trying to break into wafer's house with reneesha mcbride. >> you got information there could have been someone else at the scene. did you tell the officer you thought there was somebody else. but he said somebody else was running from the scene at 5:00 a.m. >> this is the defendant out there at like 4:00, 5:00 in the morning. >> he clarified with the police that the investigators have the wrong day. he did have information that there could have been somebody else there. and he didn't follow up. and i can just do it like that.
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>> you're going to lie to the jury and say it is someone else and not the defendant? >> my argument is that is there a suspicious -- >> the judge ruled the defense couldn't introduce this strange new theory of another person at the scene. but now that case is in their hand. how will lawyers for the shooter try to prove self-defense? well, theodore wafer testified. joining me now, criminal defense attorney saying st. george and former prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst. >> thanks for being here. >> what do you make for the defense attempt to introduce this new theory. >> i actually think it is a smart move, if they could get that evidence in. all about ramping up the level of danger. that mr. wafer felt at the time
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and therefore justifying his actions. so if you can argue the only thing scarier than one renisha mcbride, would be two. i also think it is important because there are a couple of indus puted facts in this case. one is that renisha mcbride was knocking on the front door of that home at 4:30 in the morning. the argument, common sense analogy, analysis to that argument is, if someone is going to break into your home at 4:30 in the morning, they are doing it because they think you are sleeping or you're not home. so why would someone knock on the front door and alert you that they are about to break in? it doesn't make sense with the theory she is knocking on the front door of that home if she is about to commit a burglary. it helps them to argue that someone else was there possibly helping her. >> also talking about common sense, if she add car accident, they are going suggest this they get it in some kind of way.
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they plan to have a car accident and that they used it to break into someone's house. even if they got valuables, they didn't leave with it. i mean, it just doesn't have a lot of logic to the theory. >> it doesn't have a lot of logic if you believe that set of facts. but what about the point that he can testify, if he takes the stand, or if can establish other evidence that he heard knocking on the side door. he heard knocking on the front door. that made him feel that there may have been more than one person. you add that testimony or evidence together with foot steps on an air conditioner on the side, who knows if there was a get away car with five guys in it and she is the ploy to bang on the door and he comes out and faces this. he has no idea. all the defense is trying to prove -- >> it might have been a get away car. set you will from somebody that they don't even know if he had anything. >> we got to work with what we have. where was she for the three
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hours? we don't know. we only can work with the facts that we have and the testimony and evidence that they can present. >> let's look at some of the key points that we've raised in this trial so far. both sides argued about the gun discharge. was it an accident or was it delivery? the defense has focused heavily on mcbride's past and quality of the police investigation. and we have learned that there were no fingerprint or evidence of break-in at the scene. based on this evidence so far, how do you see the trial moving forward? >> well, first, i think that defense focussing on whether or not there were fingerprint at the scene is a nonissue. no one is disputing that mcbride was there. no one is disputing she was knocking on the door. the defense just want to have a distraction and say the police didn't do their job. when it really doesn't matter. the fact is, she was knocking on the door and she was shot after mr. wafer opened the door.
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his intent in that moment wab was he in imminent fear of death or great bodily injury. as for as accident or intentional shooting here, that's something mr. wafer will have to deal with. the state is arguing he acted unreasonably. he had other options. he didn't have to shoot this young woman in the face. it is almost as if he knew that himself the night of this incident because he tells the police and the 911 operator, well, i didn't even know there was a round in the chamber. the gun accidentally went off. i think that supports the state argument that he knew there were other options an he overreacted. now he has come up with this self-defense case, which i think he will have to testify in order to get a self-defense charge before this jury. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. thank you both for your time tonight. >> sure. >> thank you. >> coming up, the justice department jumps into the fight over voter id in two critical swing states. the fight is why i'm here in birmingham tonight.
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also, my interview with the man who stepped into the james brown dancing shoes. chadwick boseman, the star of "get on up" is next. >> i'm going to quit. >> get up and quit, that's it. >> funk don't quit. >> afraid not mr. brown. >> we done? >> i think we got more funk in the trunk. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews.
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we're back with tonight's big breaking news. republicans just approved a bill authorizing a suit against president obama. joining me now is congressman cleaver, democrat from missouri. the congressman was with president obama today in kansas city. and flew back to washington on air force 1. thanks for being here. >> good to be here, reverend. >> what would you say it colleagues who voted to authorize this lawsuit? >> well, first of all, i think it is very, very silly. jim clyburn suggested that we not call it frivolous. that we ought to take it seriously, but there is still a very real interest and intent on impeaching the president of the united states. now i personally believe that if that's their plan and it is very likely their plan, that that's one of the best things that
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could happen to us. and sometimes reverend, the squeaky wheel doesn't get the grease. it's so noisy for so long that it simply gets replaced. and as we approach the november elections, we could have replacement that silly noise continues. i voted against this and watched people. many of whom actually believe they have a legitimate reason. they've been drinking their own kool-aid. they believe they have a legitimate reason to impeach the president for doing his job. >> well, some squeaky wheels are squeaking because they have come off the wagon. but let me ask you this. when you look at what is required for impeachment, high crimes and misdemeanors, how do you even entertain seriously that the president moving forward in the way he did even remotely comes near that? >> most of the constitutional lawyers that have been speaking with us, coming over here on the
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hill, talking to us, think that there are so many flaws in this idea, that they are essentially impeaching the president because they don't like him. because when you look at the list of some of the executive actions taken by presidents in the past, nobody ever thought about impeaching fdr, for example, who used an executive order to actually imprison japanese in world war ii or the emass pags proclamation or desegregate the military. i don't know, you have to have standing in the lawsuit, i'm told. i'm not sure there is standing. and you have to prove you've been injured. so who's been injured in in kansas city today, there are thousands of people cheering the president, particularly when he told that that they are voting to impeach me or sue me and they haven't voted on increasing the minimum wage. haven't voted on getting some kind of a plan through for an
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extension of the highway bill. we've done absolutely nothing, reverend. i think it is an insult to the people of this country. >> we've got to go. but do you think, let me ask you this quickly, do you think they will ever actually go to vote and impeach the president? >> i think that the base is demanding it now because they are giving false hope it is possible. i think they are going to do it. if they do, i think people can get ready to dance in washington in january because i think that the house will turn over to democrats. no question about it. >> congressman emmanuel cleaver, thank you for your time this evening. >> good to be with you, reverend. >> we'll be right back, with my interview of the star with the new james brown film "get on new james brown film "get on up."ea and make it happen. and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love.
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you have probably seen me talk a lot about james brown in the past. he was like a father to me. he was a great influence on my life and of course, he revolutionized music. he was called the godfather of soul. the hardest working man in show business. inspiring everyone from michael jackson to mick jagger. now, that amazing story is under the silver screen. actor chadwick boseman stars as james brown in the new film "get on up." >> what exactly do you call your style of music? >> well, i got a james brown
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music, because it is so far ahead of its time. ain't got a name for it yet. take another record, any record you got on your box at home, it ain't going to sound like mine. not even my old records sound like this new bag. papa's got a brand new bag. the bag is the base and the base never change. it's a groove. soon as you heard that groove, i know i gotcha. >> boseman plays james brown from age 16 to 60 and perhaps even more impressive, he mastered all those famous dance moves. check out this behind the scenes footage from the film. >>. [ cheers and applause ] joining me now is the amazing
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chadwick boseman. star of the new biopic, "get on up." it's an honor to have you on the show tonight, chadwick. >> it's an honor to be here, man. an honor to be here. >> what was it like it take on the role of james brown for this film. >> i had the time of my life. stepping into this man's shoes. learning about him. learning the dances. talking to family members. talking to dee dee brown. to deanna yamma, his brandson. i cherish it, really do cherish it, man. >> you know i had apprehensions about the film, even though when i was there with mr. brown when he started to talking to producers many years ago about doing it, but you captured it. and one of the hard of the things that i really didn't think could be done was trying
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to get those dance steps down. but you did it. let me show a clip. >> ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> how did you get yourself prepared to do those james brown dance steps that no one can do? >> well, i had to get up in the morning and sweat. i laced them up, and we had an amazing choreographer, aj. and he just put me through it five hours a day, five days a week. then send me home with homework. and i would look at footage and continue to dance at night. it was probably around seven,
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eight hours a day, of just movement. and once the first two weeks, it was really tough. i was aching. i was in pain all the time. and as i told you, when we were together, that i would have dreams -- i had a dream about him. he came to me and he said, you're going to be good. you're going to be real good. but you ain't going to be as good as me. after that, you know, i just threw myself into it. >> well, i can tell you, if he said, you're not going to be as good as him, that was definitely him. >> that was him. >> one of the things, though, i know about him, he was a perfectionist, and he drove the van hard. and you captured that in the movie. let me show a scene of you being james brown on his van and how he was a hard it is a tock master. >> ♪
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♪ >> we can't play that. we can change the part if you like. >> did i say change the part? huh? fellas, does it sound good? >> yeah. >> does it feel good? >> yes, sir. >> god made your ears. you didn't make them. you going to argue with god's ears? if it sound good and feels good, then it's musical. so play it like i say play it. >> why do some of the things, chadwick, like that, that out of your research you learn bed james brown. . >> i think the first and foremost, just seeing how his background, seeing that as a kid, you know, he was abandoned by his mother for a period of time. abandoned by his father for a period of time. even though his father went into the armed forces and the sent money home, he was raised in a
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broth el. so to see the individual spirit. the spirit that rose first probably out of loneliness, then rose out of the perseverance, ability to survive, what was created. you know, that the type of thing that gives an actifactor, you k everything they need. he is the type of person, character, you look for, in terms of roles. that there is that. then there's his individual spirit. he is a person who would be against vietnam but would play for the troops. you know, he is a person that would make a song, like "i'm black and i'm proud" but he would play for nixon's inauguration. sew had an individual spirit. he didn't look at things, the way that the politics works today is a very polarizing thing. and we need people like james brown really in the congress and house right now.
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sort of that individual spirit to make america what it should be. >> and he definitely was an inspirational film, because through it all, he persevered and you captured that. as i said, he meant a lot to me personally. in fact, something i didn't tell you and mick jagger when we were talking that night, the last time he sang on stage, this is a picture of it, he came for my birthday ten years ago. and he sang on stage happy birthday to me. he sang live at the apollo. but chadwick, i learned a lot from him about determination and inspiration, but i learned a few moves too. you think you can move? let me show you this. ♪ ♪ frts ♪ ♪ ♪ right on the set there. i did the jam brojames brown th on "politics nation." i'm not as good as you, but can i do james brown too.
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chadwick boseman, thank you for your time tonight. and be sure it see him as james brown in "get on up" opening this friday. >> thank you for having me. >> still ahead, remembering what happened here in birmingham half a century ago. these pictures shocked america. and now it's time to remember that sacrifice and renew the struggle. er. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips
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expedia. find yours. ♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. children here in birmingham, alabama earlier today. where i am tonight in my role as president of the national action network. today was the ribbon cutting for our freedom national headquarters. i met with our chapter leaders, local officials and activists to talk about voting rights. birmingham is hallowed ground.
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the sacrifice of activists on the streets changed america forever. but some in alabama, trying to turn back the clock. i talked about that earlier today. >> the same forces that wanted to deny our fathers and mothers the right to vote are trying to suppress our vote today. the same fondness that sicked dogs on us in birmingham 50 years ago, they are slicker now, they sent their kids to college, so they don't call it in raw terms now. it is more polished. but it's the same impact. this year, alabaleabam alabama
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voting laws. new laws are pending in 15 states to be in place for the first time this november. this is why we must stay vigilant. today the justice department submitted filings in voting rights cases in both ohio and wisconsin. continuing the effort to enforce the remaining parts of the voting rights act against restrictive state laws. the about the el continues. that's why we'll be training volunteers at new headquarter's here in birmingham, teaching folks how to register voters, fight voter suppression and help get people to the polls in november. people died, white and black, to give us the right to vote. they shed blood. we cannot now 50 years later allow that to be wiped away. we will not face the hoses from the fire hoses of police. we only face our own apathy and
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our own lack -- that we have an obligation it make america work for everyone. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. a cheap impeachment. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this evening's house vote to sue the president of the united states. is this impeachment light as some are calling it, a way to brand the president as bad, without the trouble and noise of putting him on trial? or is this the first bitter assault on the man in the white house? a tar and feathering to precede the worst? is this the beating that precedes the execution. excuse me, is there any
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