tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 31, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> the terrible, no-good, very bad bill gets that much more terrible. >> and embarrasses the new leadership team on their first day in office. indeed. >> nbc's luke russert, thanks as always, my friend, for the update. ezra klein will be in for me tomorrow "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show," i'm ready to go. let's get to work! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> america cannot wait forever for them to act. >> let's talk about what the president is doing when he's not golfing and that is executive orders. >> president obama may be secretly planning to take action? he said essentially i'm going to take matters into my own hands. >> you can't let your brothers and sisters in congress leave for vacation without fixing that problem down there when you're all so outraged, can you? >> this is a man-caused disaster. >> i think it's a mistake for
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the president to take on everything is a one-man band. >> the man that caused it is barack obama. >> he'll be sacrificing -- on the political opportunity. >> the congress will not do their job, at least we can do ours. >> rumor has it once congress goes away he'll do exactly that. >> you guys will register these 8-year-olds from guatemala to vote, right? pooh is he going bait the republicans to impeach him? >> good to have you with us tonight, thank for watching. >> we start tonight with breaking news with john boehner's do-nothing house of representatives earlier today. house republicans pulled their $659 million bill, after the bill was pulled some republicans were simply outraged. republicans called an emergency meeting to discuss the disaster and that's exactly what it was.
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a top republican aid told nbc news that house republicans are delaying their august recess until friday. you mean, they're backing it up all of 24 hours? they planned a conference tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. on the border bill. it's cocktail hour, can't do it right now. the republican party is an absolute mess. if there was a day that john boehner needed a good cry, it was probably today. john boehner and the house leaders released a statement after their failed vote saying this, this situation shows the intense concern within our conference and among the american people about the need to ensure the security of our borders and the president's refusal to faithfully execute our laws. through an inclusive process, a border bill was built by listening to members and the american people that has the support not just of a majority of the majority in the house, but most of the house republican conference.
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we will continue to work on solutions to the border crisis and other challenges facing our country. i've got some swamp land i would like to sell all of you in florida tonight. that statement is an absolute embarrassment to the body. it's a joke. a majority of the majority isn't good enough to pass the laws? once again house republicans are abandoning the american people without doing their job. here's where it gets really good. the day after suing the president of the united states over executive actions, house republicans are now urging the president to act on his own. the same statement from boehner read like this, there are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now without the need for congressional action to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries. i mean, this is unbelievable. does boehner even know the law?
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unbelievable failure for the republican party is what it is. they look like they're totally out of control. a new house republican leadership, well, they're in a tailspin at this hour, probably drinking pretty heavy. this was the first vote with mccarthy as the leader in the house and scalise as the whip. no doubt, a horrible first day on the job. john boehner can thank his good buddy senator ted cruz of texas for this rough day at the office. cruz was out rallying house members. yeah, out rallying house members against the bill. senator cruz was upset that the bill didn't defund president obama's deferred action for child arrivals. now, the program grants amnesty for children who come to this country without adult supervision. this is the law that was passed in 2008. this is how this country handles unsupervised minors. now it's clear senator ted cruz has more control over john boehner's house than the speaker
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does. congressmen in the halls right now are calling him speaker cruz. meanwhile, the democratically controlled senate. they have no problem. they got the job done. on thursday the senate approved their version of a border bill with a vote of 63 to 33. that was the number. the senate bill provides $2.7 billion in funding for border -- for the border crisis. earlier today boehner said the senate bill would be dead on arrival. he made it clear it will be his way on immigration or nothing at all. >> instead of addressing the crisis at hand senate democrats are talking up some nutso scheme to jam up the senate immigration bill even though they know it will never happen, and i'll say it one more time. the house will not take up the senate immigration reform bill or accept it back from the senate in any fashion including in this border bill, nor will we accept any attempt to add other immigration reform issues or
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anything like it including the dream act into the house's border bill. any attempt to exploit this crisis and these kids by ramming it into a brick wall here in the people's house. >> boehner is smacking up the republicans in the senate who voted for this. you really think john boehner cares about these kids? no, he wants a crisis and i have said numerous times on this program the republicans are never going to do anything when it comes to immigration reform in this country. it's a political boon doggel with them. it's something they don't want to deal with down the road. give me a break. that sound bite right there is why nothing gets done in congress. boehner can't get support from his own bill and then he kills the senate bill. there's no compromise. his way or the highway, right? he is the puppet of the tea party at this point. earlier today, nancy pelosi slammed republicans on their inaction. >> here we have a majority in
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the house, i speak to the house, that is anti-governance, anti-science and anti-barack obama. you see it in everything they do. a solution is there. it's bipartisan on a highway bill. they reject it. a solution is there on the voting rights act. it's bipartisan. they reject it. a solution is there on immigration reform, they reject it because they are anti-governance. >> antih-barack obama, i think that's putting it nicely. republicans are out to get the president at whatever cost. today is another example. make no mistake, impeachment would be on the table if they ever get the power. this is why i think president obama needs to tread lightly very carefully with his use of executive actions on immigration. we're less than 100 days away from an election. do we have to do it now? i think that they were baiting him with that most recent statement today.
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republicans would have no problem turning the work permit program into grounds for impeachment. it would be a trap. according to legal experts, president obama is well within his legal rights granting work permits to millions of undocumented immigrants, but the president should be careful, as i see it and think about the consequences before he acts on that one. what we need to do is to get progressives in his country to act, be at the polls in november and fix this with a majority of democrats in the house. the democrats, proof positive today have never been a problem when it comes to immigration reform. it has always been the republicans and they are scared to death that they are going to work low-wage workers right into unions in this country and strengthen the very bodies that they are trying to destroy. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think, tonight's question, does senator ted cruz wear the pants of the republican party? i'm voting yes on that one.
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text a for yes, text b for two to 67622 and go to and we'll bring you results later in the show. lots to talk about. let's bring in congressman elija cummings. great to have you on board. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> i want to start with this, yes, sir, it almost seems like the republicans are taking this personal, that if they were to pass something on immigration that it would injure their family, it would injure them personally, like they have something very personal at stake here which takes me to the powers, the money powers that run the republican party. it's almost as if they have given them marching orders, do not do anything on immigration. your thoughts? what's happening here? unpack this for us? >> i can tell you, it's clear, first of all, that they are in disarray, and it does seem to me, ed, that they are going to somebody else's marching orders, and i think it's a very
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conservative right of the republican party. no question about it. and i've got to tell you, i'm very disappointed in speaker boehner. i think he needs to be leading and he's not leading. he's basically following a tea party crowd and a very conservative crowd. think about the suit, ed. you've got a situation where they're suing the president because he delayed the employer mandate, but they have been the ones in the last year or two who have been trying to defund the affordable care act, delay it, destroy it and voted 50 times against it, but then when he cuts a little slack for the employers to to be mandated to ensure their employees, then they filed suit against him. ed, this is the epitome of dysfunction and distraction. that's what this is all about.
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>> and now they're telling the president to go do something on immigration saying oh, by the way, you have the powers to do this. what do you think of that? >> ed, i was shocked when i read that. so they tell them, you're doing your job, so we're going to follow suit against you and then they say, but, oh! we want you to do your job. it's totally confusing and the reason i think all of this has come about, ed, is because it does not simply make sense, and i'm sure the american people are getting tired of it. i mean, as a regular, everyday citizen, if i were watching this, i would be extremely upset. there is no way that we should be coming to washington and leaving the problems of the american people unsolved and unresolved. the reason why -- >> go ahead. >> the reason why we can't get a vote today -- the reason why we didn't get a vote today is
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because they were so bent on trying to make sure that they did harm to the president. that's what this is all about. they want to block the president in every single thing he's tried to do and it's very unfortunate. >> do you think they'll get the votes or is tomorrow just another moment of show boating for republicans? where is this going to go? >> i think it's quite likely that there will be another moment of show boating because again, i don't see speaker boehner leading. again, you've got the conservative wing of the party and they're saying, you know, we don't want to pay for any type of reform here. they say -- although they claim they want to address the problem they don't want po spend any money and they want to send these young people back to the various countries and probably in many instances, a harmful situation. >> i think we're going to -- >> and nothing, i can't see much
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changing tomorrow and i call for speaker boehner to stand up and lead. >> how much of a problem do you think ted cruz caused in the house today with republicans? >> oh -- >> i mean -- >> go ahead. >> i think he caused a lot of problems because keep in mind, it was cruz who met with the folks, the republicans when we sat down in the government. if you'll recall, ed, after the government was shut down, boehner came back a month or two later and basically said it was ridiculous that they set the government down. maybe they ought to stop listening to cruz because cruz doesn't seem to get it. they want us to resolve problems and they want us to resolve issues and they do not want us going on vacation without these issues being resolved and most are reasonable. >> congressman elija cummings, i appreciate your time, thanks so much. >> let me bring in ana logan. how bad is this failure for
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republicans today? i mean, what does this do all of the way down to the local level that they just now they're getting their image tarnished beyond that they're dysfunctional and can't get anything done. >> i think you said it right. they're totally dysfunctional and hijacked by the far right and can't make any decisions. >> poor speaker boehner, it it seems he can't get anything done. he is always cow towing to the far right. and senator cruz needs to remember which chamber he belongs to. he needs to run for congress and then run for speaker. the republican party is totally, totally dysfunctional. if it was dysfunctional before, it's even worse now. they can't seem to get anything done and once again, it's because they have been hijacked by the far right, the tea party whose only interest is self-serving and these elected
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officials need to remember that they have been elected to make the tough decisions, to make the tough choices and they need to be -- they need to stand up. the republican party has no room right now for moderates, for the centrist republicans. they're a trade to lose their primaries and since they're afraid to lose the primary, they're moving to the right. >> do you think the president should do something when it comes to executive orders on immigration at any level? should the president take action and be aggressive on this and how would that play into the midterms? >> well, it seems to me that that's the only thing that can be done in washington right now is for the president to do the executive orders because congress is broken. they can't get anything done. they're trying to do a quick fix here, a little band-aid on a huge problem when the reality is that what they should do is a com pro henprehensiv comprehensive, immigration reform and he's making decisions but then congress doesn't want him to make decisions and then
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they want him to make decisions. the gop just can't seem to get it right. they can't seem to get it straight. >> so ana, in florida, your take on this, who is the political loser here at this hour for florida voters, a pulse of the state, as you see it? >> the immigrants. those young children that are arriving lost, you know, those are the losers. the losers are the immigrants and if we go back, i mean, we're all immigrants and we all arrived in this country as immigrants and it's these children who have lost here. >> well, politically, is this damaging the democrats in florida, a state that has to deal with immigration? >> it is extremely damaging to the republican party. they can't seem to do anything with immigration. they can't seem to make any decisions. they can't seem to have any good outcomes here because they are totally dysfunctional. so, you know, it is extremely
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damaging what is occurring to the republican party and it will hurt them to the elections and it will hurt them in the general and it will hurt them in the primaries because what will come out to vote in the primary once again is the far right and the extremives. >> ana rivas logan, thanks a lot. i just believe that the republicans do not now nor in the future, in the near future want to do anything on immigration reform. it's the blame stick is what it is. they can just always put that peg right in the ground and point to a problem that has all been caused by the democrats. they're pretty good at doing that ask it's pretty clear what boehner did today was, you know, he ripped on the senate democrats and the senate totally for passing their immigration bill to save his own face with his own people except they have the problem. no, it's boehner and it's a house that i predict will do
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nothing tomorrow morning at 9:00. remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts with us on twitter@ed show and facebook. and coming up, deja vu. another pipeline threatens the midwest's wild life and water supply. jane club joins me to discuss the sandpiper pipeline, but first, yesterday, five conservatives voted against the va bill which would allow veterans better access to health care. i'm not surprised. senator bernie sanders is the hero at this hour on this bill. stay with us. we're back.
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find it at raw any ring of fire and on itunes. it's free, access is 24/7. we have great fishing videos up there right now. the ed show, social media nation has decided and we are reporting on today's top trenders voted on by you. >> oh, teach. >> the number three trender, leading lady. >> why would you sue somebody unless you want to prove something? >> we have no plans to impeach the president. >> you were thinking it. >> nancy pelosi challenges john boehner on impeachment. >> republicans are putting the special interests in the house of impeachment-hungry extremists before the needs of the nation. >> i don't know what we're yelling about! >> if you don't want the people to use the word impeachment as your people have done, tell them empeachment is off the table. that's what the speaker should do. >> the number two trender, on the spot. >> contraceptive protection is
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something that every woman must have access to to control her own destiny. >> do you believe that the five male justices truly understood the ramifications of their decision. >> i would have to say no. >> justice ginsburg says her male colleagues have a blind spot to women. >> you do think these five justices have a bit of a blind spot? >> i'm sorry. i did not see you there. >> in hobby lobby, yes. the blind spot, the majority had in lilly leadbetter's case. i hope his eyes will be open tomorrow. >> and today's top trender, serving our soldiers. >> there is a last-minute push today to reform the va. >> huge scandal at the va. a major backlog of veterans waiting for care. >> this bill makes certain that we address the immediate crisis.
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>> congress votes on the v affix before their august recess. >> funding for veterans needs must be considered across the board. >> a $17 billion in practice. the va is not sacred. the veteran is. this should should and must go beyond politics. >> the man who quarterbacked this whole thing and had it not been for bernie sanders we would not be at this point and had a chance to address this crisis in this country. chairman of the senate veterans affairs committee. good to have you with us tonight. at this hour, where are we on this bill? is this really going to happen? >> the house passed it yesterday by a strong vote and within a few hours right here and we will pass it. >> okay. senator, does it take a crisis like this for congress to do anything? and i -- i don't mean to sound terribly politically jaded here,
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but it seems to me that the republicans didn't want to go home waving the flag saying they support the troops when they left the veterans behind? how much did that play into any of this? that's exactly right. everybody understands that when you send people off to war and they come back with all kind of injuries with post-traumatic stress disorder, without legs, without arms, you have a moral responsibility to make sure they get the benefits and the care that they are entitled to, and right now there's no secret, there are very long waiting lines in va facilities all over this country and it's an issue that we have to address. this bill does that. >> how far does it go to solve the problems that are front and center weeks ago in dealing with the backlog? will this alleviate the problem some. >> it's going to go a long way, but not as far as i would like. it would be good for a year, year and a half. i think we'll have to come back and discuss the issue again. what it does do, ed, $10 billion
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to make sure that every veteran in this country who is in the va will get to see the doctor inside or outside of the community health center and we'll deal with the waiting list that way. we're putting $5 million to make sure that the va has the doctors and nurses, medical personnel in space that they need so that in the future when veterans come into the va they'll get quality care and they'll get it in a timely manner. thirdly, if you live a long distance away from the va you'll be able to go to a private doctor within your community and this is a good start and i have the feeling they'll need to do more good work and i think the va will be in pretty good shape. senator, how soon after this is signed by the senate, do you expect this to have an impact? when is it a different ball game? >> as soon as the rules are implemented. right now already, the va has
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reached out to those veterans on waiting list, getting them into private facilities and they'll be able to do that much better in the coming months. >> senator, does this show that congress can do something? i mean, there's not a whole lot happening. had it not been for you, this would not have unfolded in a positive manner. >>ie, if you have people who are serious about addressing real problems, of course, things can happen. in this case, john mccain, republican came forward and said he wanted to work with me and we were able to get it through the senate. >> jeff miller, the chairman of the house veterans committee, he wanted to make something happen and we were able to bring the house and senate together. >> bottom on line is this country faces enormous problems. if there is a will on the house part, on the republican side which we have not yet seen in most respects, of course, we can make things happen and is it an absolute disgrace that given the
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problems facing this country, congress has done so little. >> how hard was it for the republicans to fork out $17 billion? well it it will be 12 million because some of that is offset within the va. this is not easy for them because the case we made that the american people understand is taking care of veterans is as much a cost of war as much as the cost of war and tanks and guns. the american people understand that. that's what they wanted and that's eventually where the the republicans came to us with. >> senator bernie sanders, congratulations. great work. thank you for what you're doing for america. >> thank you, ed. >> i think that you're giving the taxpayers their money's worth. no doubt about that. thank you, senator. appreciate it. coming up, a new pipeline threat, the rapid response panel weighs in on crude intentions and the weirdest immigration conspiracy theory to date. michele bachmann lays out here
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welcome back to "the ed show." i appreciate all of the questions and we have a few every night. tonight on the segment, our first question comes from dallas, if president obama campaigned around the nation during the august recess to rally democrats do you think it would have a big impact come november? absolutely, yes, i do. the president is a great motivator of young people and that is the key demographic. the young folks, i believe in this country, understand what president obama has been up against, the 20-somethings and 30-somethings, they understand the obstruction, they just need to be motivated to get out there, and i do believe the president could have a huge impact on this election. don't underestimate his ability. put it this way, i don't think
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there is a whole lot of republicans that would like to see the president go into their district because he will get the base out and it will be a base election. >> our next question is from sheila. how can congress justify going on vacation when they've done nothing all year? >> they've done a little bit, but sheila, there are three things you just can't get around, death, taxes and elected officials' vacation time. stick around. rapid response panel is up next. we'll be right back. i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap. a steep sell-off on wall street as investors worry about earnings and another default in argentin argentina. the dow slides 317 points. the s&p drops 39. the nasdaq falling 93 points. as for the economy, jobless claims rose by 23,000 to 302,000, the reading was slightly above estimates and the report comes one day before the
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government's closely watched employment data and shares of linkedin are up after hours following the earnings report. that's from cnbc, first in business worldwide. two medium cappuccinos! let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. make one a double. she's full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos -- one with a double shot. heh, heh. that's not the coffee talkin'. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini wheats cereal. with whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other, it's a delicious way to get the nutrition you want.
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welcome back to "the ed show." a newly proposed oil pipeline being spell trouble for families and wild life across the midwest. a canadian energy company inbridge has the new sandpiper pipeline. the project would be the most expensive private construction deal in minnesota's history. double the cost of the minnesota vikings stadium in minneapolis, sandpiper would pump crude oil through critical minnesota wetlands and wild rice fields.
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the native-american led group honor the earth says the proposal threatens a region relying on its ecosystem as well as a native treaty. >> you're talking about taking an environment that we live in and putting a ticking time bomb in it and seeing how long we can continue to exist or flourish. all three of the greatest fresh water resources of the north american continent are at risk with one pipeline. >> the group also says that even though the proposed route doesn't pass through indian reservations, it still violates their treaty rights which gives them rights. >> which flows at the border of north dakota and minnesota. the sensitive waterway has had three hundred-year floods causing billions of dollars in damage. it is the waters of the mississippi. the oil line puts the great
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river in severe damage. enbridge wants to push 325,000 barrels a day straight across the beginning of the mississippi over to superior, wisconsin. residents and legislators are not sitting on the sidelines while the oil line threatenses their way of life. they're concerned. congressman rick nolan of minnesota has condemned the proposed route and community groupses are organizing to take a stand. >> joining me tonight, jane cloud, and steve morris, executive director of the minnesota environmental partnership. great to have you both with us tonight. >> what i'm hearing in this part of the country is that the ag community is very concerned, farmers are very concerned about getting their product to market because the trains are carrying a lot of coal and carrying a lot of oil and a pipeline is needed. this is the case that's being presented by those who are in
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favor of this. jane, what concerns do you have and what are you hearing from the people in the midwest especially in minnesota. >> it is trou that some farmers are having difficulty getting their grain to market, but the solution is not another pipeline that will be in the growth fund from anywhere from 50 to 100 years especially one that the threaten the land and water and the great lakes, you know, the states around the great lakes are facing a lot of threats not only from tar sands pipeline, but now from the balkan, but you have to ask when is enough? when will the oil companies have enough pipelines? never, they'll keep threatening our communities. >> steve, is there a path that environmentalists would say okay to? that there's just a different way it has to do or is it just this sandpiper pipeline and where it's proposed right now? what about that? foot pipeline really raises a lot of issues as jane touched on. it is here because of these extreme extraction measures both
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in canada and north dakota where we're increasingly piping more petroleum products across the state. we have a number of pipelines that transect minnesota and it's the wrong solution and that being said, this route is particularly bad there are 28 sites where it crosses rivers and wetlands where we don't have access. the state agencies if there is a spill it will have massive consequences in the areas and what we know is there will be spills. there always are spills. even the state regulatory agency has really recommended it go significantly further and move right out of the lakes area and so there's a lot of controversy here and the public utilities
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commission does need to straighten this out as does enbridge. >> it sounds like i've heard this story before -- go ahead. >> there is a public hearing coming up on august 7th where i was just with citizens in minnesota and they have different routes that they can bring and they are calling that the citizens route and they want that to be looked at. they feel that enbridge, that that citizens route will not be considered and i hope the puc will do a fair process. >> the democrats have the majority in the house and senate and a democratic governor in minnesota, but it sounds like we've heard this story before. enbridge says 96% of land owners have welcomed surveyors for the pipeline. have they been cash-whipped along the way and is this the same story we heard with the keystone excel? >> it's exactly the same story. when i was visiting with land owners and groups representing land owners and they had the same exact stories that i've
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heard from farmers and ranchers with the keystone pipeline. the pipeline companies essentially want to get on the farmer's land for the first survey, from their perspective in order to develop a relationship so they can get what they really want which is a signature on a contract for a lifetime easement and the land owners that have signed contracts with enbridge, they have that right and land owners have no recourse. >> steve moore -- >> it's important to recognize -- >> go ahead. >> i was just going say that the route has not been approved by the regulatory agencies yet. the company is out there buying these easements and negotiating these things and the route has not been approved by any government agency. >> okay. that's what i was going to bring up with you is is there a different political dynamic in minnesota? is this as much a slam dunk that the people think the keystone excel is? >> i definitely do not think it's a slam dunk and part of the
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reason is, yes, in minnesota, we're moving aggressively on the path away from the energy sources of yesterday any this is more of the same old type of energy sources. we're moving aggressively to wind, solar and other renewables and reducing efficiency and the consumption of gasoline and i do think there are possibilities and one of the most important things is that unlike past pipeline issues we've had tremendous citizen engagement. it's true, we have the ground swell of support. we've gotten over a thousand comments into the the early period. we're seeing more engagement which is going to lead to more transparency which i hope will lead to better decision making. i remain very hopeful because we have good people in government that we can influence. >> okay. and jane, finally, the native americans and the indians, are they making the case? do they have a legal right to this land that they can stop this sandpiper pipeline?
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>> they do. they not only have kind of water rights, but they also have hunting rights and this pipeline threatens both of those and so they have strong legal grounds, and i think you will see them if strong numbers on august 7th for the hearing and this will continue the cowboy and indiana, l allowance and citizens will continue to stand up and we will continue to stand up. >> jane club, and steve morris, thank you very much. we'll fl low the story. michele bachmann plays experimental psychologist. her outlandish take behind the motivations on the border crisis. that next in "trenders." in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste.
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on a right-wing radio show she explained why she thinks the kids are future victims of a liberal plot to use them for medical experiments. >> we have children in this country, and now president obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals and illegal aliens to the country and he has said he will put them in the foster care system. if you have a hospital, they're going to get millions of dollars in government grants if they can conduct medical research on somebody and awarded the state can't say no. a little kid can't say no if they're a ward of the state. so here you can have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation and a kid can't even say no. it's sick. >> slight change in tact for bachmann. earlier this month, the congresswoman described the increase in unaccompanies minors as an invasion.
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>> since april, we've had an invasion of 300,000 to 500,000 is the estimate. foreign nationals penetrating and coming across america's southern border. >> if michele bachmann thinks her views of the kids on the border are healthy, she can keep on pretending. they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins to help support your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth.
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partnership want you to believe this is going to create american jobs and boost our economy. they're wrong. and we've heard it all before. the u.s.-korea free trade agreement took effect, president obama was wrong on this. he said the deal would increase u.s. exports by $10 billion to $11 billion and support 70,000 american jobs. instead, the u.s. trade deficit with korea has incareered by 8.7 billion dollars, costing nearly 60,000 u.s. jobs, mostly in manufacturing. in a recent cerre, 82% of americans say they believe protecting american manufacturing jobs is more important than gaining access to products from foreign markets. those americans need to pay attention to the t-ppa. because they would be required to grant all firms operating in this agreement of the tpp country the same access to u.s. government procurement contracts over a set dollar value.
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what this means, folks, is the united states would have to waive buy american procurement policies which is why 122 house members are now speaking up. in a letter sent to president obama, lawmakers called the current provisions unacceptable. they call these proposed tpp terms could result in large sums of u.s. tax dollars being offshored and invested to strengthen many other countries' manufacturing sectors rather than our own. we urge you to reconsider. reconsider is a big word at this hour, no doubt about it. joaning me now, larry cohen, president of the communication workers of america. good to have you with us on this issue tonight. we're getting closer to this, although the deadlines have been backed up. but the more we look at this, it's a big loser for workers. if the tpp went ahead with these provisions, what would it really mean to our economy? >> that means the nation of origin is out for all the
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signers, all 11 other or more nations depending on the signing date. so what does that mean? that means u.s. procurement, which is more than twice government spending, which is more than twice all the tpp nations combined, has to flow in the other direction. again, we'll get told that, well, we can enter into, you know, manufacturing or services kraekts in those nations, but if our total is twice what all of them are put together, we have to lose again. just think of the irony of this. u.s. stimulus in a downturn, today, market were down based on soft economy. if we could pass stimulus, it would negate the value of the stimulus because it would mean you couldn't do favor of origin, even in our own stimulus policies. therefore, we would have no ability to stimulate the economy in an come downturn like we had in 2008. this is insane, and these 122 are saying to the white house,
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we won't support it and we're going to continue to organize among the majority of the democratic caucus and some republicans to make sure tpp will be dead on arrival if it continues to have these kind of provisions in it that might be good for foreign policy, but they're no good for workers. >> and you were recently in germany. i want you to tell us about that. they are not going to sign on to this because of this international tribunal which they want no part of, yet the u.s. negotiator in this thinks this is going to be easy to get through. what's the dynamic here? >> right, well, that's a related issue. that means that's investor state dispute settlement, which means corporate state multinationals can go over the top of national law and sue in private, secret tribunals, and there are 500 of these cases right now from other trade agreements, if their future profits are hurt. let's relate it to this topic. so if we have procurement legislation that gives advantages in a stimulus
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situation to u.s. companies, foreign multinationals can sue the u.s. or any state or local government saying those procurement policies favoring our nation cost them their future profits and therefore, they can sue for reparations for any less profits, but it's not just about nation of origin requirements. it could be we raise minimum wage and they have to pay more. that's a case going on right now, or public safety, environment, anything else. germany has said no. german bund astag, the parliament, is saying no. they won't take any agreement from canada or the u.s. that has though provisions in it. >> and how much weight do you think they carry in this discussion? >> well, they carry a lot when it comes to the canadian-european agreement. they can shoot it down because it had that in it. >> yeah. >> they carry a lot when it comes to the u.s. ttip, the tran trans-atlantic trade agreement. >> okay, we will follow the store a.
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it's getting to the 11th hour on it, no doubt. larry cohen, good to have you with us. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts now. >> thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, republican chaos on capitol hill. just before going to summer break, a stunning display of speaker boehner's failure of leadership and the tea party's stranglehold on the gop. the wild series of embarrassments started this morning when speaker boehner touted a gop bill cracking down on illegal immigrants. >> republicans are committed to addressing the humanitarian crisis on the border in a responsible way. first bill on the floor helps secure our border and speeds return of unaccompanied children back to their home countries. >> but just hours later, speaker boehner
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