tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC August 6, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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more pain, no gain. our new poll finds festering frustration over washington and the economy. the midterm vote will steer the final years of the obama white house, but it might not be a wave either way. meantime as a cease-fire continues to hold, our new numbers also show what the country thinks about the month of fighting in the middle east. plus this economic anxiety is leading to electoral anxiety for kansas governor sam brownback. believe it or not, he barely pushed back 60% in a primary that wasn't supposed to be competitive. this morning we'll talk to his democratic opponent who is suddenly the favorite in november. paul davis. good morning, it's a special edition of "the daily rundown" here on august 6th, 2014. america is still digging out from the great recession in a way that politicians are not understanding. let's get right to my first read of the morning. it's a new nbc/wall street journal poll. welcome to the summer of our
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discontent. the country still has not mentally recovered from the recession that ended five years ago and it has a message for its leaders in washington. this economic distress that we're still feeling is directly your fault. americans believe they have worked hard to dig themselves out of a tough economy. and washington, though, didn't pick up a shovel. as one of our pollsters put it, the public has put beyond feel our pain to the angrier declaration, you're causing our pain. while it's not new that the public is angry at washington, now feelings have turned from frustration to exasperation. folks are throwing up their hands and giving up on washington and the numbers are grim. 79% dissatisfied in the political system. 76% do not feel confident their children's generation will have a better life than they do. 71% say the country is headed in the wrong direction, the highest number this year, up 8 from june. 64% dissatisfied with the state of economy despite supposed
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signs of improvement. 62% dissatisfied with america's role in the world and 60% describe the country in a state of decline. the political polarization layered on top of the weak economic recovery has created a toxic funk and that frustration is taking its toll on the president and every member of congress. just 40% approve of the president's job performance, an all-time low for our poll. the president also hets a new low for his handling of foreign policy, 36%. by the way, even 30% of democrats disapprove of how he's handling foreign policy these days. and he had the worst favorability rating of his presidency, just 40% view him positively. it mirrors his job rating. it means it's hard to see how he regains his footing any time soon. there aren't folks out there anymore who say they like him personally but disapprove of the job he's doing. those folks did exist before 2012 and was a recipe for his re-election but they don't right now. there are far fewer persuadable voters. if the president's numbers are bad, though, congress' are
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worse. 14% approve of the job congress is doing. that number has been under 15% for six straight polls. if the president's job rating is a warning sign for democrats, this number should be a yellow flag for the gop. americans dislike republicans in congress even more than they dislike the president or democrats in congress. just 19% of americans have a positive view of congressional republicans. 54% have a negative one. our poll to get over 50% on a positive/negative because we offer neutral is a huge deal. congressional democrats score somewhat better, 31%, hold a positive view, 46% negative. this is why republicans may not score the gains they should given the obama job rating. if you take one thing away from this poll, it should be this. americans are fed up with their leaders in washington. a whopping 57% told us they're so upset about something that they would actually carry a protest sign around for a day if they could. and that discontent hits just about every segment of the
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population. 70% of self-described tea partiers, 60% of liberals, 61% of democrats, 60% of independents, 54% of republicans. all want to protest something. what would the sign say? it depends on who you ask. if you ask democrats, it's things like focus on our country, do your job, congress, fix health care, stop republicans, fix immigration. if it's just republicans, they tell us enforce immigration laws, follow the constitution, impeach obama, stop abortion and stop obamacare. folks feel tremendous frustration, but the survey suggests that america is full of a thousand points of view, and that means its unlikely voters will coalesce around one issue in the fall. if anyone expects the voters to storm the barricades, think again. our poll found some signs in improvement in how americans view the economy. less than half the country, 49%, thinks the country is still in a recession. that's down from 58% last summer and 77% in '08.
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while 50% believe the economy is improving overall, just 27% believe it's improving for everyone. and a full 47% believe the economy isn't improving. by the way, where have i seen that 47% figure before? anyway. hiring has improved and job openings are at a seven-year high but growth in wages has stalled and americans know it and feel it and they feel the imbalance. a majority believe the widening income gap in america undermines the idea that every american has a chance to move up the economic ladder. think about that. a majority of americans basically believe the american dream isn't true. 44% still believe it. 71% say they were personally impacted by the recession. 64% say they are still feeling that recession's impact. 40% say someone in their household has lost a job in the last five years. 40%. 27% have more than $5,000 in student loan debt for either themselves or a child. 20% have more than $2,000 in
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credit card debt they are unable to pay off month to month. 17% have a parcent or adult chid living with them. when it comes to the economic problems, a full 71% believe the country's economic problems are mostly problems with the inability of elected leaders in washington to get things done to fix the economy. 23% believe they are deep and long-standing economic problems. by the way, folks, go around the campaign trail and find me one candidate running on the economy with some new idea that isn't some sort of gobbledygook idea. the public thinks these problems are solvable and the leaders are the obstacle to solving them. this is a public that voted for change for three out of the last four elections and don't believe anything has hands. now they leave the political landscape in an election year. let me bring in democratic
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pollster fred yang and republican pollster bill mcin tur. bill, let me start with you. the numbers are daunting. this is a political landscape i don't know that we've seen before. you tried to historically mark it, 74% on the wrong track. usually that's watergate, vietnam, iraq, but there's no one event here. >> one, it is the great recession and people telling us they have not been able to move on. it has had incredible devastating personal impact they have not dug out under and two, i think it's a cumulative story that all of this news around the world has just helped unsettle people and pushed people to the point where they throw their hands up and say it's not working. and i think for the president and for the country, we had 70% wrong track during the shutdowns. those are temporal events. the concern i have is this could be continuing going forward. >> yeah, this is -- fred yang, pat goodell in 1978 might write
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a memo to the sitting president and use the word melees, i hate to bring that up, but this is a funk. this feels like it's going to take a long time to get this country out of this -- i guess it's a political depression now. >> i think it's deep-seated, as bill suggests. it's political. you know, i'm not sure i'd use the "m" word yet. we did find in our survey, two-thirds of americans are happy with their lives right now. look, i think you hit it very well, chuck, in the intro. i think this is a political problem. i think americans think this is solvable. the missing element is no one in washington seems interested in solving the problem. >> and i guess that brings us, bill, to, okay, you guys are the professionals, you guys have a bunch of people running for office this year. what does this political landscape look like? on one hand you look at the president's job rating. bill, you've been a big pro opponent. president's job rating, wrong
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track. that's good news for an opposition party. but boy, you can't ignore how the country feels about the republican party either. so this uncertainty, what do you see? >> i think republicans will pick up a few seats in the house and i think today they'd win the senate. it's going to be a very good republican year. a wave is sort of an irrational exuberance. that's what i think may not happen because of these numbers. the other thing that i am learning from this data is to say, look, our undecided voters, the folks who do not want to commit for a candidate are deeply, deeply economically distressed. and what they want to hear about is what are you going to do to fix the economy and what are you going to do to work with the other party to get something done. boy, those are buttons i would be hitting after i've read and gone through all the data that i've seen in this poll. >> you know, fred, it's interesting. we offered people what message do you want your vote to send and you had a very core 22% say
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they wanted more republicans to be a check on obama, 24% more democrats to help obama enact his agenda. the number that got the most -- the issue that got the most answers on there was 33% saying they would love to see more incumbents lose. but if independents are not interested in this election, then you're not going to see that, so are we headed for a base election which then is automatically small advantage gop? >> i think we -- look, i think in wave years, as bill said, either pro-democrat, pro-republican, one of the things that helps crest the wave are the independent voters. and in our poll, they are just not enthused the way they were in 2010, 2006. so i think this could be a wave election. and you were asking, chuck -- >> you mean could not be -- >> could not be a wave election, i'm sorry. you are asking earlier what are some of the things bill and i are learning as not just survey researchers but as political practitioners. i think the thing i'm learning and is very clear in this poll
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is i think the public think that say washington is ready to turn the page on the economy and move to something else and i think they're saying stay on this page. you're not even reading the same book that we're reading. >> it's funny, bill. i watch a lot of tv advertising around the country that's sort of a pathetic weird part of my job sometimes. and i am stunned at the lack of talking about the economy beyond just sort of clap trap talking points. there isn't a new idea that either democrats or republicans are campaigning on around the country. >> by the way, this is why the republican governors have a little different stake because they can talk about the tangible things they try to do in their state to push things forward. that doesn't translate to a federal campaign. but yeah, i think that, again, as fred said as a political practitioners, i think that it tells you that you've got to go back and tell people we get it. i think you would identify and put people on tv commercials to
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talk about this guy, man, woman candidate, understands that our lives and our economy needs to be fixed and here's what he or she is doing. it might be in a house race district specific just to help get a few more jobs in that specific district. that could be very powerful in the local campaign. >> fred, i've got to ask you, how do you handle the president's numbers if you're a democrat? today, for instance, bill clinton is campaigning for alison grimes. i start to wonder is this the official baton-passing where in 2006 the democratic party wanted to be an obama democratic party and barack obama was the most popular surrogate. now it feels as if the baton is being repassed and democrats are trying to rebrand themselves as clinton democrats, not obama democrats. is that what you would be telling a client? >> well, i think in some respects we as democrats are in the same position republicans were six years ago. or eight years ago. look, i think that we said earlier this could be a base election. sure, president clinton is
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popular with democrats and independents. his support by the numbers goes a little broader than the president's. but barack obama is still a very strong surrogate and validater for base democratic constituencies, even though his numbers have dipped a little. still 80% with democrats and african-americans. if this is a base turnout election for democrats, he is still a very important marker for democratic candidates. >> interesting. could be maybe he's on the trail more than we thought come late october if this turnout is as low as we think it's going to be. anyway, fred, bill, a very important poll. i'm going to spend the entire show dipping into different parts of this. a real dive into the great recession and ongoing recovery. thank you both. coming up, even more reasons why americans are down on president obama and congress. first, a third incumbent loses his seat ahead of the midterm election. that story plus the race results giving us a new picture of what will drive voters come november. before the break, a look ahead at today's planner.
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the president will speak at the final day of the u.s./africa summit and have a press conference at the end of the day, perhaps his first comments about the tragedy in afghanistan. and of course what i just told you about, bill clinton on the trail in kentucky. how does he not say the word "coal"? that will be interesting. more on our poll in three minutes. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. yoplait greek 100!
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i tell you, roberts is lucky that basically the right wasn't united around wolf. wolf would have run had they had the same energy mcdaniel had. roberts warned republicans that they have to unite in order to win in the fall. >> unity must happen if we are to keep kansas red. republicans in kansas and nationally cannot afford the kind of intra party fraticide that we have seen recently. friends, we can't afford to waste scarce resources and energy tearing ourselves apart. >> roberts now will take on democrat chad taylor. he's a shawnee county prosecutor. he won a surprisingly close primary, 53% of the vote. an independent candidate is also expected to run but given wolf's loss the seat is not going to keep republicans up at night.
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democrats essentially recruited an emergency candidate the wolf won. the governor's race, sam brownback only had 62% of the vote against a no-name challenger who spent no money and may have been best known for a past personal bankruptcy and the fact her son was charged for murder over a drug deal last year. yes, that candidate got 37% against brownback, folks. he's in big trouble. brownback moves on to a toss-up race against paul davis. the third incumbent member of congress lost last night. an accidental victor two years ago, michigan congressman and former santa claus impersonator. he won when a candidate forgot to qualify. he was defeated by republican lawyer dave trott. it was a pretty good night for incumbents. the gop's business wing did hope
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to oust justin amash and staged a reverse tea party challenge but amash easily defeated brian ellis. he got 57% of the vote. tim huelskamp also survived a close primary. but republican congressman mike pompeo crushed todd tiahrt and clarke came in third. brenda lawrence is in the lead in that race when the a.p. has still not called. that's for the seat of gary peters who left it open to run for the senate. republican state senator john moolenaar will almost certainly represent the fourth district in the fall and mike bishop won the republican nomination to replace mike rogers in the eighth. and then there's the 12th
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district. debbie dingell won the primary to succeed her husband. john conyers is poised to become the new dean of the house, after he was nearly bounced from the ballot because of a signature issue but he's now the nominee. by the way, in washington state, also holding primaries, former washington redskins tight end clinton didier came out ahead to replace don hastings in the fourth district. didier will take on another republican, dan newhouse in the fall. incumbents did well last night but when it comes to november, voters may want to throw the bups out. we asked voters what message they hoped to send. 33% of them hope incumbents will lose so congress has new peep e that's good news for challengers in general election races. though the instinct of voters may be to throw the bums out, if folks don't show up to the polls
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you'll end up with the government you got. enthusiasm is not just down among voters overall, it's cratering among independents. just 42% say their interest level is at a 9 or a 10. that is a good almost ten points lower than past wave elections of '06 and '10. up next, getting to the root of the president's all-time low approval rating. i'll show you why it stretches far beyond frustration about congress and u.s. economy. first, today's tdr 50 trivia question. remember we're in tennessee today. so how many u.s. representatives from tennessee have served adds speaker of the house? the first question tweet the correct answer will get the on-air shoutout. the answer and more is coming up on tdr. projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian.
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the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. well, president obama's job approval rating sits at an all-time low of 40%, it's clear from our poll that for the president this is being driven almost exclusively by his
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handling of international issues. his job rating on foreign policy sits at an abysmal 36%. even 30% of his own party disapproves and it's the multitude of foreign crises dominating the news cycles that are taking a toll on the president and his administration. when it comes to how americans view the country's role in the world 62% say they're dissatisfied. 43% are dissatisfied with how the united states is handling the conflict between russia and ukraine. 42% of americans are dissatis dissatisfied with the situation in iraq and the rise of the terror group isis. 37% is not satisfied with the syrian civil war. only 18% are satisfied. and 37% say they are dissatisfied with america's handling of the downing of the malaysian airliner over ukraine. that will tell you a lot about why the president's approval rating is so low these days. turning now to new details, speaking of international
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affairs, on the deadly insider camp at the military base outside of kabul in afghanistan that killed two-star major general harold green. the 34-year-old veteran arrived in his first combat ever. the assailant was an afghan soldier and he had no history of suspicious behavior. outside of major general green's virginia home his family issued the following statement through an army spokesperson. >> they believe that the army as well as afghanistan and america has lost a true hero. he really believed in what he was doing over there and was really proud to serve. the family would like that to be known. >> general green's mission as to train and lead the development of afghan national security forces, but one of those soldiers opened fire with a machine gun, killing the general and wounding eight other americans. the assailant, by the way, was killed by return fire. as a two-star general, greene is the highest active duty soldier to be killed in combat since 1970 in vietnam.
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his death is calling attention to the threat of insider attacks. in 2012, 53 americans were killed in 38 so-called green on blue insider attacks. last year that dropped to 16 killed in ten incidents. so far this year there have been three killed in two attacks. u.s. officials are preparing to fly the body of major general greene back home to dover air force base in delaware today. meanwhile, u.s. and afghan officials are continuing to investigate why the assailant opened fire. turning back now to our poll and foreign policy impact on the country, russian president vladimir putin's popularity, if you want to call it that, continues to plummet here in the united states. 68% of americans have a negative view of the russian president. somehow there are 4% who view him positively. that number is actually down from when we asked it five months ago back in march. 63% viewed him negatively and 5% viewed him positively. the ongoing conflict between russia and ukraine has created a cold war feeling with the american public when it comes to
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putin and the downing of the malaysian airline flight have contributed to this idea that the cold war is back. meanwhile, this morning, "the new york times" is reporting that a russian gang has hacked into and stolen over one billion user name and password combinations from people across the world, including 500 million e-mail addresses and confidential information from 400,000 websites. you know what that means you need to do today, spend a bunch of time redoing your passwords. coming up, does the current three-day cease-fire offer hope for longer term peace prospects between israel and the palestinians? top diplomats from both sides join me live. plus, a democrat is trying to do what was thought to be unthinkable in a red state these days, although kansas has actually done it a couple of times. paul davis on his battle to try to unseat republican governor sam brownback. he's of course in big trouble for tax cuts that some even republicans believe went too far. details ahead. (vo) friday night has always
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well, we're almost 33 hours into a 72-hour cease-fire between hamas and israel. the truce has lasted longer than any other cease-fire declared by either side. delegations from both sides are in cairo for talks on a more durable peace deal. meanwhile the cease-fire has allowed people to go back to their homes and even some markets opened in gaza today. some families are seeing the destruction in their neighborhoods for the first time since the exchange of hamas rockets and israeli air strikes began 29 days ago. israeli troops and tanks were deployed near the gaza border this morning preparing for any potential violence. here at home, today's poll shows a pulurality of americans beliee israel is justified in taking action. 24% believe israel has gone too far. 34% believe the u.s. should favor the israelis over the
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palestinians. a majority continue to say we should treat both sides the same. joining me is former israeli ambassador to the united states, michael orin, ambassador, good morning to you. >> good morning, chuck. >> very quickly, i want to wrap something up. i know you had an interview with andrea mitchell, we had some technical issues. let me just repeat the question that she asked and that is simply about this idea that israel has been eavesdropping on secretary kerry's phone calls, sort of his unencrypted phone. he wasn't using an encrypted phone. is that something that you know the israeli intelligence to do from time to time? >> thank you for the opportunity to respond to that. when andrea was asking me the question, the audio fell and people in the blogsphere had a bit of a field day thinking i was trying to dodge the question. israel doesn't spy on the united
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states, doesn't eavesdrop on the united states. no eavesdropping, no spying. >> hang on. israel has been caught spying before in the united states. there's somebody in jail -- >> 1985. >> all right. >> in 1985. >> but you said declaratively israel doesn't spy on the united states. that's not true. they have in the past. you're saying it's not happening anymore. >> that was the last time. >> okay. >> it has not happened, almost 30 years. >> okay. i want to ask about the process in cairo here. number one, whether you believe the united states still can play a role in this, it does seem as if the prime minister would like the u.s. to be on the sidelines and that they want egypt to play the main role. is that the fair way to look at this? >> i don't think so. i think israel would welcome an american role. it's been traditionally america's role to step in at a crucial time in negotiations to
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close gaps between the parties. and that was certainly the case in 2012 when secretary of state hillary clinton stepped in to mediate a prolonged cease-fire. but going into these negotiations in cairo, the prime minister is coming from a position of strength. earlier on in your broadcast you talked about the low support for president obama in foreign policy issues. just the opposite is happening here. a singular majority of israelis support prime minister netanyahu's handling of this crisis. interestingly enough, among the few who oppose his handling are some of the demobilized reserve officers and soldiers. i saw numbers in the street just before in tel aviv, they wanted to go on and keep on fighting. i think that the prime minister will look for a positive american role to deny hamas a victory in this, to make sure that the gaza strip would be
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demilitaryized of hamas rockets. >> how do you demilitarize gaza? >> yeah, it is possible and there are interesting press dents. one very recent in fact and it was a singular success and that was removing chemical weapons from the arsenal of bashar al assad in seyria. that was done through international efforts and the persistence of a credible military threat, so israel, as you mentioned earlier, is maintaining its military deployment along the gaza strip. now the international community can mobilize to get those missiles out of gaza. >> so you would like to see a syria-like plan that we dealt with chemical weapons around the world. ambassador, i'm going to leave it there. thanks very much for coming on the show. >> good day to you. >> i'm joined now by ambassador
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arikat. ambassador, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let me start with what you want to see out of the cairo talks. >> well, what we would like to see is a long-term solution to the gaza strip. the gaza strip has been under blockade siege by the israeli military since 2007. in order to avoid the cycle of violence from erupting again, the underlying political issues must be addressed, lifting the siege, allowing the palestinians in the gaza strip to move freely and to -- you know, to feel that they are free and living in dignity there. >> well, let me ask you this. can that happen with hamas as part of it? can they really be part of the solution given that they appear to be almost inciting the violence? >> i don't agree at all, you know. hamas is a part of the palestinian political social
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fabric. nobody can count them out. we have been talking to them as the plo to bring them into the fold of the plo. had israel accepted the palestinian national consensus government announced on june 2nd instead of undermining it, we would have been able to pursue certain political steps with hamas to spread the rule of the palestinian authority to the gaza strip and hopefully bring hamas onboard for a political resolution to the conflict with israel. >> well, if you're in israel's shoes, though, and you are bringing on a partner that hamas believes israel does not have a -- basically have a right to exist, how -- why shouldn't israel react the way it reacted? >> you know, it's interesting. everybody asking palestinian faction to recognize the so-called conditions. why not ask the israeli government, the current israeli government to accept this conditions. this current israeli government does not abide by its previous agreements with the plo,
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continues to violate them. does not recognize the right of the palestinian people to an independent state. yes, they say it in public, but in effect what they are doing on the ground is undermining, preventing the palestinians from establishing their state. so maybe the question should be directed to this current israeli government. >> let me ask you this. do you think that president abbas and prime minister netanyahu, do you think they could ever be the two people to strike a deal that actually gets us a two-state solution? >> i don't know about prime minister netanyahu but i know about president abbas. he's a very courageous leader, took very brave positions in the past. said that our goal is to end the conflict, to end all historical claim, two-state solution on 22% of what used to be historical palestinian, end the conflict, have full comprehensive peace with israel, exist with israel. i think that is a very courageous position that has not
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been matched by the israelis. >> ambassador, thank you for joining me this morning and sharing your views. i appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. up next, democrat paul davis on his battle to unseat kansas republican governor sam brownback. is what's going on in the kansas republican party a sign of things to come for the gop nationally? do they need to be paying attention to kansas in ways they hadn't thought about before? first our soup of the day comes from cafe 4 in knoxville, tennessee, where they're serving up roasted tomato bisque. if you're in knoxville, you're always singing "rocky top" constantly and driving everybody else crazy. we'll be right back. that's why we switched to charmin ultra mega roll. it's charmin quality and long lasting. with more go's per roll, it pays to use charmin ultra mega roll. charmin ultra mega roll is 75% more absorbent so you can use less with every go. plus it even lasts longer than the leading thousand sheet brand. for us, mega roll equals mega value. cha-ching! we all go.
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vote inside the republican party and democrats are obviously hoping that tension propels them to victory in november. when brownback won his first term he pushed for unprecedented tax cuts, especially for businesses. today's poll shows most americans agree with that approach overall when it comes to dealing with the economy. 85% believe companies should get tax incentives to bring back jobs from overseas. 66% believe lowering business taxes does help the economy. but contrary to brownback's tax plan, 64% also think increasing taxes on the richest 1% would help. so in a sign of how vulnerable brownpack is, the republican governors association is already out with an ad that looks like this. >> when few supported barack obama, there was a liberal lawrence legislator who believed. paul davis helped organize kansas for obama. then davis was an obama delegate at the democrat national convention and four years later after the failed stimulus, massive bailouts, record debt, a
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stalled economy and the obamacare disaster, paul davis was right back at the democrat convention with obama. >> well, there you go. we know how sam brownback wants to run against his democratic opponent. i'm joined now by his official democratic opponent for kansas governor, paul davis. mr. davis, good morning to you, sir. >> good morning, chuck. >> you're the minority leader there, of course, in the legislature. let me ask you this just to respond to that ad. obviously republicans want to tie you to national democrats. are there significant places where you disagree with president obama that you think kansas voters should know about? >> well, chuck, what we know sam brownback is going to do is take every opportunity to try to change the subject in this election and not talk about his dismal record as governor. you know, i've got a 12-year record in the legislature of being able to bring democrats and republicans together, and i think that differentiates me with barack obama, who has had a
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very difficult time building bipartisan consensus in washington, d.c. we're going to need somebody who can unite people if we're going to be able to address the issues that we have in kansas and start to clean up the mess that sam brownback has created. >> all right. so if you get elected governor, the first thing you're going to do is repeal his tax cuts? is that the first thing on your agenda and essentially raise taxes for a lot of kansans? >> well, chuck, what we've proposed is that we need to freeze the rates where they are at, starting on january 1 of 2015, and then we need to take a look at our tax code from top to bottom and figure out how we can get our economy moving again. i think this is a common sense way that we can actually get support from democrats and republicans and a good first step to cleaning up this mess that sam brownback has made over the past three and a half years. >> so by freezing rates, i know it's sort of a -- correct me if i'm wrong, it's a two-step process of his cuts. so you would codify some of his
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tax cuts. do you think some of them have been justified? >> well, what we've got to do here, chuck, is find a way to get our economy moving again and we've got to be able to bring democrats and republicans together. the state of kansas is facing a budget deficit of well over a billion dollars from sam brownback's tax experiment. we simply can't afford to do that. it means cuts to schools, cuts to transportation and all those critical services that the people of kansas depend upon. we've got to figure out a way to get our economy moving again and get out of this mess. >> well, let me ask you about a couple of issues that you may be dealing with if you are elected governor. number one, health care exchange, medicaid expansion in kansas. that's something that i know often on governor brownback has been negotiating with the obama administration at least on a minimum at medicaid expansion. where are you on that. if you are elected governor, do
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you want to push to have kansas have its own health care exchange? >> chuck, we've already missed the boat on the exchange. our insurance commissioner, sandy prager, who is a republican and has done a very good job was well positioned to form our own state exchange and we should have done it. we could have avoided the whole obamacare rollout mess for all the kansans who were looking to purchase health insurance. during this campaign i've spent a lot of time talking to people in health care. when i'm hearing uniformly from them is that medicaid expansion is critical to the health care providers in our state. many hospital administrators have told me that if they don't have medicaid expansion, they're worried that they may have to close their doors, especially in rural areas in our state. >> so you're definitely going to do that. it's never to late to start an exchange according to the obama administration. why do you think that ship has sailed? >> well, that's my understanding. certainly we're willing to look into it if that possibility
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exists, but i think sam brownback absolutely made the wrong decision. whenever we have the opportunity to do something the kansas way instead of having the federal government do it, we ought to seize on that opportunity. >> another issue that some states are deciding to do on their own, i'm curious about the minimum wage. if elected governor, do you plan on calling for an increase in the minimum wage in kansas if the federal government doesn't do it? >> well, the minimum wage in kansas does not affect a very significant number of people who are in the workplace. i think that there are other ways in which we can get our economy moving and we can unite employees and employers. what we need to do is use proven ways to grow our economy, because our economy is lagging behind our surrounding states and the rest of the country. kbo governor brownback's approach which is trickle-down economics has been tried before and it just isn't working and it's not going to work.
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>> i'm going to stop you there. you say proven ways. what are they? i understand you're running against brownback saying it ain't working and that's what a challenger does to an incumbent. what are these proven ways. you're not for raising the minimum wage. what are you for? >> the proven ways are partnering with communities. the folks in russell, kansas, know a lot more about how to grow their local economy than folks in the state capitol. we have to understand that a one size fits all approach simply isn't going to work. i'm sure senator dole, who is probably watching, will note you made the reference as well. thank you for coming on this morning. >> good to be with you, chuck. trivia time.
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time now for today's take away. a few more numbers from our nbc news wall street journal pot. the border crisis. two-thirds of americans are not satisfied with how the u.s. is dealing with the influx of illegal immigrants. the country is split over what to do. interestingly 51% said they believe the country doesn't have the resources to with the influx of minors from the central american countries. however, it's a higher number than i expect eed 43% believe ty have a responsibility to look after the children before sending them home. more of a narrow split than folks may have thought. don't expect a lot of democrats to be campaigning on that 43%.
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