tv Politics Nation MSNBC August 6, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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very talented people. but that does not on cure the income and equality, even in the micro systems. it must be addressed in this way. >> well, what we have seen is a person in authority that's made a decision and addressed income and equality. >> great model. great model. >> you bet. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" starts now. good evening, rev. >> good evening. thank you for tuning in. we are waiting on a news conference from president obama as the historic first ever u.s. africa summit draws to a close. the president, running about an hour late right now, but expected to start shortly. we'll bring it to you live when it happens. of course, some of this focus on foreign pollty. but some domestic issues surfaced earlier today. it happened when first lady michelle obama and former first lady laura bush shared the stage
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to talk about the role played by world leaders' spouses. >> first spouses, we don't choose this position. we just happen to be in it. and we do the -- >> we're saying -- >> right, right. >> and can't be fired. >> right. >> i guess we'll see. >> i guess we'll see. it appeared to be a light-hearted reference to the serious subject of impeachment. we'll see if the issues of executive actions and the gop's impeachment threats come up at this news conference. again, the president expected to start any moment now. joining me now, ryan grim and joan walsh. thank you both for being here. >> thanks, reverend. >> joan, as we await the president, did the first lady sum it up? is the political world watching and waiting to see just how serious republicans are about
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this impeachment talk? >> it cracks me up when i heard it, reverend al. i think that is partly what he is is alluding to in her own way. the president really should have a job for a while, but some people would like him not to. so i think that's what she was joking about. because as much as they tell us, the democrats are making up this threat and democrats are raising money off this threat. the impeachment talk just doesn't stop. >> ryan, this is the president's last press conference before he takes a short break. what does he need to say tonight? what does he need to say about both the global situation, about the summit, the sum that is closing down that he convened. and some of what is going on, not going on, in washington as it relates to his administration in the congress. what does he need to say tonight?
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>> the choices that are facing the president over the next two plus years are very much narrowed. you know, especially if democrats lose the senate come november. so that means that what people will be watching for is what action he will take at the executive level. and in some senses, he is actually boosted there by this impeachment movement being out there. and in other words, the presence of this more extreme friend of the republican party makes the democrats look good. the more that they elevate it. and the way it elevate it, is for the president to take bold stands. in other words, if he comes out and says, look, this is what we're doing when it comes to immigration reform, i'm going to legalize for the next two years while i'm president, roughly say 5 million people, that's a number that's been batted around, that will drive that wing absolutely insane. and it will put the spotlight on a part of the gop that the
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mainstream elite would rather not see. in this kind of paradox way, democrats, you know, more liberal democrats are boosted by having this extreme fringe out there. >> you know, joan, it occurs to me that this week, one of the few republicans who voted against speaker boehner's lawsuit, you know, he says that he feels the problem is it didn't go far enough. let me show you what he says. >> i'm one that believes sincerely that constitution says that when a president, be it republican or democrat, when a president exceeds his authority and you can't stop the president from exceeding his authority, then we do have what's called impeachment. use the constitution. that's what it's there for. >> i mean, isn't this the real problem that speaker boehner's lawsuit may not satisfy the far
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right? and just, they go ahead anyway and try to force impeachment, particularly if they gain the senate? >> i don't want to see impeachment, reverend al. but the people may have the fact and constitution on their side. speaker boehner probably has no standing for his silly little lawsuit, which is impeachment for cowards. i don't agree with them about any of it, and i don't want it see it happen. but they are kind of right about the role of congress. and if you continue to call this man a tyrant and dictator and say that he is breaking the law, making the law, then impeachment, you escalate it that level, then impeachment is the remedy. even as they refuse it pass a border crisis bill and then tell the president he should take executive action even though, because they won't do their job, while they're calling him a tyrant, they're setting this trap for him. but also for themselves. i think it would be terrible for them too. >> ryan, let's play that out. if there is a termination by the
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courts that speaker boehner has no standing, wouldn't that just fuel the impeachment crowd in the republican party? >> i think it would. especially if it comes along with the president continuing to take executive action, that republicans object to. let's say that he puts an executive action or executive order about corporate inversion out there, along with something on immigration. say he does something else on wages, and you combine that with the court saying, no, you don't have standing, then they do have a very valid argument to say, look, you have already said that you believe that he violated his oath. there is a very clear precedent, very set of clear instructions in the constitution for what congress should do if they believe the president violated his oath. like joan said, stand up behind your convictions. have the courage it say no,
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we're going to impeach. so they do find themselves in a boxed canyon there. she's exactly right. >> you know, joan, third ranking house democrat congressman james clyburn says he expects impeachment. watch this. >> if the republicans maintain control of the house, barack obama will be impeached. there will 225 votes for the lawsuit. well, beyond the 218 that's needed to impeach. that's my expectation. i hope i'm wrong, but i don't think so. >> is this a feeling that is among many democrats that president will be impeached after the mid term election is by republicans if they maintain majority? >> well, i think more people are seriously worried, rather than thinking it is just a vague possibility. and i think one reason is, reverend al, we saw john boehner tell us he would never use the
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debt ceiling as hostage. then he was forced to. we saw speaker boehner tell us that he did not want to see the fost shut down over the budget stand standoff last year, but then government shut down. speaker ted cruise is driving it. and so speaker boehner is not entirely in charge. he knows that impeachment would be terrible politically for republicans. and yet, he often gets taken away by the most extreme parts of his party. and i don't know that he can control this. even if he knows what the right thing is to do. >> you were watching live as we await the president of the united states to come at the end of this historic africa summit. africa leaders summit. and hold a press conference moments away, and we'll show it to you live, and then have reaction right after it
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concludes. let me go back to you, ryan. michele bachmann, congresswoman, she says republicans, if they don't impeach the president, they should at least go after his cabinet. listen to this. >> for instance, i would nominate the head of homeland he is security who will execute the laws. we are going to hold the person accountable who is fwoing to execute your law use is law, and we will bring that person up for betrayal of public trust and we will impeach that official. >> now they are going after obama cabinet members for what they may do. they want it get rid of them and try them for what they possibly will do. i mean, i've never heard of this one. but how do you enforce something that hasn't even been done yet?
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>> and who is going to enforce it. that's the problem that they come up against. you know, okay, so the house declares that somebody has broken the law or whatever. then they refer it over to the justice department. they don't have the power to go out to the justice department and when they tried to earlier, there was an opinion written by ted olsen during the regan administration so they are able to put the holy ronald reagan back at the house of representatives here. so they have all sorts of problems when they are going to try this approach. and the other thing i think that will moderate them slightly is that eric can'tor will be gone next time. jeff is not much of a threat any more to the speaker and you have an otherwise very weak leadership. so there isn't really an alternative to john boehner that
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has emerged yet, that the tea party could get behind the challenge's authority and john boehner knows that as well as anybody else. >> you know, i want to raise this as welling with joan, while we wait for the president to come and give his press conference, gop congressman brooks, he's been out talking about what these explosives comments. >> we have imbedded in federal statutes, what is the one race that can be discriminated against? as a matter of law? which one is it? >> white males. >> not just white males, but all whites. every other racial category under law has rights.
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>> the only one that can be discriminateed. >> ryan and i are here to tell you, it is hard to be white right now with this war on white people. thank you for having us on the show. we don't go get many opportunity in media or business or government. we are an endangered species. you are one of the few people who make us feel welcome. we appreciate that, sir. yeah. and also the president, he is waging a war on himself so the poor guy, this is just very tough for barack obama. you know, i just say they will not give up on the -- this used to be the glenn beck line. now we have people in congress, not just doing it once but doubling down and tripling down. >> and your view on mo brooks, now in expanded mode. >> yeah. lou eck has a great riff on this. not that white people are
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better, but that they have it better. to understand white privilege, just look around the country. they control more of the resources and have more of the opportunity. any other way of looking that the is just absolutely bizarre. >> you know, the hill reports that republicans strategists are really nervous about this rhetoric, joan. we're joking a little, you and i, on it, but they say that republican strategists are nervous about this kind of rhetoric. republicans say gop lawmakers make comments that democrats are waging a war on whites. this is what the hill writes. >> the mainstream party does this. one set of voices does this and one set says we don't want to be the white party any more. we can't afford to be the white party any more. then another wing of the party continues to gin up this notion that whites face discrimination, that whites are embattled, that
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affirmative action ruined what it means to be white. and so, they try to have it both ways. or it'll blow up against them. it won't blow up probably before to 14. it works to turn out their embattled, paranoid, older white base. >> and the president appears to be preparing to walk in and yes, there's the president, coming in. he will make a statement and then he will take questions. let's go live to washington. >> please be seated. >> to the president of the united states. >> i think everyone knows by now, this first u.s.-africa leader summit is the largest we have ever hosted. that includes about 50 motorcades. so i want to begin by thanking the people of washington, d.c. for helping us host this historic event. and especially for their patience with the traffic. as i've said, this summit
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reflects the reality that even as africa continues to face great challenges, we're also seeing the emergence of a new more prosperous africa. africa's progress is led by africans, including leaders here today. i want to take this opportunity to again thank my fellow leaders for being here. rather than prepared speeches, our discussions to the today were genuine discussions. coming around prag mettic steps that we can take together. that's what we've done this week. first we made important progress in expanding our traits. the $33 billion in new trade and investments that i announced yesterday will help spur african development and support tens of thousands of american jobs. the major new commitments to our power africa initiative, we tripled our goal and aim to bring electricity to 16 million african homes and businesses. today i reiterated that we will
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continue to work with congress to achieve a seamless and long-term renewal of the african fwroej and opportunity act. we agreed that africa's growth depends first and for most are continued reforms in africa, by africans. leaders here pledge to step up efforts to pursue reforms that attract investments. produce barriers that cycle trades, especially between african countries and to promote regional integration. and as i announced yesterday, the united states will increase support to help build africa's capacity to trade with itself and with the world. ultimately, africa's prosperity depend on africa's greatest resource, its people. the entrepreneurs, including through our young african leaders initiative, i think there's an increasing recognition that if cub try will are reach for full economic potential then they have to invest in women. their education.
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their skills. and protect them from gender-based violence. that's the topic of conversation this afternoon. and this week, the united states announced a range to help empower women. lifting 15 million africans from poverty and fight against hiv aide working with 10 african countries to help them double the number of their children on life-saving and anti-viral drugs. even as medical first responders to west africa to help control eet bowla outbreak. we are also working to strengthen house systems, to continue an african centers for disease control. i also want it note that american people are renewing their commitment to africa. today, interaction, leading alliance of american ngos is announcing over the next three years, its members will give $4
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million for children's health and delivery of vk seens and drugs. this is not just a government effort. it is also an effort that is spurred on by the private sector. combined with the investments we announced yesterday and commitments made today at symposium posted by our spouses, that means this summit helps to mobilize some $37 billion for africa's progress on top of obviously the substantial efforts that have been made in the past. second, we address good governance, which is a foundation of economic growth in free society. some african nations are making impressive progress. but we see troubling restrictions on universal rights. so today was an opportunity to highlight the importance of rule of law. open an account institutions, strong civil societies and protection of human rights for all citizens and all communities. and i made the point during our
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discussion that nations that uphold these rights and principles will ultimately be more prosperous and economical successful. we will step up our efforts fwens the corruption that cost african economy tens of million as of dollars every year. money that should be invested in the people of africa. several leaders raise the idea of a new partnership to combat illicit fie nns and there was widespread agreement. so we will develop an action plan to transparency to economic growth. third, we're deepening our security cooperation it meet common threats from terrorism to human trafficking. now we're launching a new security governance initiative to help our african countries continue to build strong professional security forces, to provide for their own security. we are starting with kenya, g
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gniger, ghana. the united states will launch a new effort to bolster the regions early warning and response network and increase their ability to share information about emerging crises. we also agree it make significant new investments in peacekeeping. united states will provide additional equipment to african peacekeepers in somalia and central african republic will support the efforts to strengthen its peacekeeping institutions and most importantly we are launching a new african peacekeeping response effort. we'll join with six countries that in recent years demonstrated a track record as peacekeepers. ghana, rwanda, tanzania, ethiopia and uganda. we are inviting those beyond us
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to be in the effort. in closing, i want it say that this has been an extraordinary event, an extraordinary summit. this is a critical part of our work together going forward. a forcing mechanism for action. we agree that summit will be a recurring event to hold ourselves accountable for commitments and to sustain momentum. i strongly encourage my successor to carry on the work. because africa must know that they will always have a strong and reliable partner tht united states of america. so with that, i will take a couple of questions. i will start with julie of associated press. where is she? there she is. >> you mentioned the ebola outbreak in west africa. there is an unapproved drug in the u.s. that appears to be helping some of the americans who are infected. is your administration
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considering at all sending supplies of this trug if it becomes available to some of the countries in west africa? and could you discuss a bit the ethics of either providing an untested drug to a foreign country or providing it only to americans and not to other countries harder hit, as it could possibly save lives? >> i think we have to let the science guide us. and ient don't think all of th information is in on whether this drug is helpful. what we do know is that the ebola virus, both currently and in the past, is controllable. if you have a strong public health infrastructure in place. and the first to admit are that what happened here is that the public health systems have been overwhelmed. they weren't able to identify and then isolate cases quickly
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enough. you did not have a strong trust relationship between some of the communities that were affected and public health workers. as a consequence, it spread more rapidly than has been typical with the periodic ebola outbreak that occurred previously. but despite the pain and hardship of the families of those affectsed, and despite the fact we have to take this very seriously, we have to remind our self that this is not an airborne disease. this is one that can be controlled and contained very effectively if we use the right protocols. what we've done is make sure that we are surging. not just u.s. resources but we reached out to european partners an partners from other countries working with the who. let's get all the health workers that that need on the ground.
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let's help bowl sters systems that they have in place. let's nip as early as possible any additional outbreaks of the disease. and then, during the course of that process, i think it is entirely possible for us to see if there are additional drugs or treatment to see what they can approve the survivability for the deadly and obviously brutal disease. so we're going to -- we're focussing on the public health approach right now because we know how to do that. but i will continue seeking help about what we are learning with respect to these drugs going forward. >> would you support fast tracking its approval on out? >> i think it is prema four tore me it say that because i don't have enough information. i don't have enough data right now to offer an opinion on that. john carl?
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abc news. >> thank you, mr. president. when you were running for president, you said, quote, the biggest problems we're facing right now have to do with george bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not going through congress at all. that's what i intend to reverse. so my question to you, has congress's inability to do anything significant given you a green light to push the limits of executive power? or put another way, does it bother you more to be accused of being an imperial president pushing those limits or to be accused of being a do-nothing president who couldn't get anything done because you faced dysfunctional congress? >> i think that i never have a green light. i'm bound by the constitution. i'm bound by separation of powers. congress has the power of the first, for example. i would love to fund a large
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infrastructure proposal right now that would put millions of people to work. and boost our gdp. we know we've fwot roads and bridges and airports and, you know, electrical grids that need to be rebuilt. but without the cooperation of congress, what i can do is speed up permitting process for example. i can make sure that we're working with the private sector to see if we can channel investment into much-needed projects. but ultimately congress has to pass a budget and authorize spending. so i don't have a green light. what i'm consistently going to do is wherever i have wbt legal authorities, to make progress, on behalf of middle class america and folks working to get into the middle class, whether it is by making sure contractors are paid a fire wage to workers,
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making sure that women have the opportunity to make sure that they're getting paid the same as men for doing the same job. where i have the capacity to, you know, expand some of the student loan programs that we've put in place. so repayments are more affordable for college graduate. i'm going to seize those opportunities. that's what i think the american people expect me to do. my preference in all these instances is to work with congress, because not only can congress do more, but it's going to be longer lasting. when you look at, for example, congressional inaction and in particular, the inaction on the part of house republicans, when it comes to immigration reform, here is an area, where i said before, not only the american people want to see action.
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not only is there 80% overlap between what republicans say they want and what democrats say they want, we passed a state bill out of the senate which was bipartisan. in those circumstances, what the american people expect is that despite differences between the parties, there should be the capacity to move forward on things we agree on. that's not what we are seeing right now. so in the faith of that kind of dysfunction, what i can do is scour our authority to try to make progress. and wur going to make sure that every time we take one of these steps that we are working within the confines of my american power. but i promise you, the american people don't want me just standing around, twiteling my
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thumbs, waiting for something to get done. i'm going to continue to reach out to democrats and republicans, leadership on both sides and in both chambers. to try to come up with formulas where we can make progress. >> do you believe you have the power to grant work permits to some that are here illegally? >> what i certainly recognize with what i expect in imfrags refom, and i've said this in past, is that we have a broken system. it's underresourced. and we've got to make choices in terms of how we aldate personnel an resources. >> so if i'm going to, for example, send more immigration down to the border, some of the unaccompanied children, that have i arrived at the border, then that's coming from some place else. and we have to prioritize.
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that's well within our authority and prosecutorial discretion. next would be a congress of immigration law. we already have a bipartisan law that would solve a bunch of these problems. physical that happens, i have to make choices. that's what i was eye elected to to do. >> thank you, mr. president. along the lines of city executive authority, previously said that executive range of government doesn't have the sthort to slow for stop corporate inversions. the practice that is patriotic, et cetera. now he is refusing options to do so. and this is an issue for a lot of good this is, probably including some of the ones paying attention to this summit. we're interested in. what prompted the reversal, what access are now under consideration? will you consider an executive
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order that would ban such countries from getting a federal contract an how soon would you like to see congress's contact? >> just to review why we're concerned here, you have accountant going to some big multinational corporations that are clearly u.s.-based and have the bulk of their operations in the united states and these accounts are saying, you know, we found a great loophole. if you just flip your citizenship to another country, even though it is a paper transaction, we think we can get you out of paying a bunch of taxes. well, that's not fair. it's not right. lost revenue to treasury has to be made up somewhere. that is typically, a bunch of hardworking americans that
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either pay through higher taxes themselves or to reduce services np in the meantime, the company is still using all of the services and all of the benefit of effectively being a u.s. corporation. they just decided that they two go through this paper exercise. so there is legislation work its way through congress that would eliminate loop holes entirely. and it is true what previous secretary treasurer said, we can't solve the entire problem administratively. but we are examining other elements that have existing statutes twr are intefrp raeted by rule, regulation or tradition or practice. that can at least discourage some of the folks who may be trying to take advantage of this
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lip hole. i think it is something really bother the african-american. the idea sma somebody renounces their citizenship but continues to entirely benefit from operating in the out of america. just to avoid paying a buksg of taxes. we're reviewing all of our actions as usual and related to the answer i gave jonathan. i objective would be to get something done in congress. keep in mind, it is still a small number of companies. because i think most american companies are proud to be american. recognize the benefits of being america can. and our responsible actors and willing to pay their fair share of taxes, to support all of the benefits that they receive from being here. but you know, we don't want to
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see this trend grow. we don't want companies who have, up until now, playing by different rules, looking over their shoulder saying, our competitors are gaming the system and we need to do it too. that kind of mentality something we want it avoid. we need to move quickly. as quick as possible. >> the federal fwum contramain contradicontr >> when i understand what our understanding it, i'll let you know. >> russia said it'll ban food
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import, about $3 billion last year. chuck hagel says this increases the likelihood of invasion. >> well, we don't know yet whether the sanctions are working. sanctions are work as intended in putting enormous pressure and train on the russian economy. that's not miestcation. if you look at market and of the maut in terms of capitol flight, if you look at projections for russian growth, what you see is that the economy has ground to a halt, somewhere between 100 and $200 billion. i'm not saying new investors are coming in new to start businesses inside of russia.
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and it has presented the choice to president putin as to whether or not he is going to try to resolve the issues in eastern ukraine, through diplomacy and peaceful means. recognizing the ukraine is a sovereign country. aeb that it is up to the ukrainian people ultimately to make decisions about their own lives. in the worst case, he will work himself and his people over the long-term. if in that sense we are doing exactly what we should be doing. and we're very pleased that our european allies and partners joined us and this process as well as number of countries around the world. >> having said that all that, the issue is not resolved yet. you still have quiting in eastern ukraine.
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civilians are still dying. we have seen the consequences of this conflict in the loss of the malaysian airlines airline. or jetliner. and the soober that we can get back on a track in which there are serious discussions taking place, to ensure that all ukrainians are hurt, they it work, they are represented. that forms offered by the government in kief are implemented. to protect russian speakers. assure centralization in power. and as soon as putin recognizes that you know, ukraine is an independent country. >> it rae only at that point that we can say the problem is
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truly solved. ? the truths mounting on the board or more highly trained. they seem to have more is you fishcate had weaponry. does that make you reconsider as a knew jackets have aid to ukraine give then those troop movements. >> keep in mind, the russian army is much bet are than the ukrainian army. the issue here is not whether ukraine and army has some additional weaponry, at least up until this point. they've been fighting a group of separatists, and engamed in terrible violence. but who can't match the ukrainian army. if you start saying an inconsideration by russia, that's obviously a different set of questions. we're not there yet.
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what we have been is providing a whole host of packages to the ukrainian government. and to their military. and we will continue to work with them, to evaluate on a day by day, week by week basis. what do you need in order to defend their countries and to afford the elements that currently are being armed by russia. but the best thing we can do for ukraine is try to get back on the political track. >> david? the standard. >> thank you, mr. president. you've been hosting african kids, primary and president for the last three days. so why would opportunities become creasingly difficult.
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in kenya, they have very bad lows. we need to ensure we have a strong leader and two, so many countries in threats of terror and i'm blad you mentioned a few make-up. and to terrorize in ma lieu, kenya, jenna, can not have visits. i don't understand. >> what was the last part of the question? >> could the terror threat the reason you kept kenya -- >> no, no, no. first of all, with respect
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to journalists in the media be with the last session we had on good governance, em if sized that good governance means everybody has a voice. that government is trance pirnt parent. and thereby accountable. even though leaders doesn't always like it, the media plays a crucial role in assuring people that, they have the proper information to evaluate. aechb so, we have been very conflicted. >> in pushing governmentance, not just around alaska but around the world. to respect the right of journalists, as a part of stage. >> a criminal part of any democratic norm. >> the specific issue of the al
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jazeera journalist in eej ip, you've been covered clearly and privately that they should be released. we have been trup troubled by some of the laws that have been passed around the ruled. that seem to restrict ate about ilt of journalist lick stories. part of what happened, over the last decade or two, is that there's a new media, new technology. that a few years ago wouldn't have been social to or effecting specialist. now you can pull up information that rel rant to their own lives and their own societies and community. we will continue to push back
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against these efforts. as is true ton o not a rab j of issues. many times we will work with kun fris, even though they aren't perfect on every issues. a country that is a good partner but not performing aptly, all of the categories of human rights, we can be effective by working with them on certain areas and criticizing them and trying to enlist improvements in other areas. even among countries that have strong food areas. there's true of the united states, by the way. the good news, and we heard this
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in the summit, is that more and more countries are recognizing that in the absence of good governance. in the absence of accountability and transparency. that will not only have an effect on the legitimacy in the government. it has an effect on economic development and growth. because you know, ultimately, in an information age, open society, have the capacity to innovate and and educate and move farder an be part of the global marketplace, more than close so site do over the long determine. i believe that. >> now with respect to terrorism, i think there's
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uniform concern of terrorist infiltration in many areas. a lost initiatives we put forward were designed to partner so that countries first and foremost can deal with these problems around the borders or regional. the united states doesn't have a desire to expand and create a big footprint inside of africa. what we want it make sure we can do is partner up with the union. with individual countries to build up their capacity. one of the encouraging things in the sessions is a recognition that fighting a tris many, that are officially, disciplined, not engaging human rights violations. that part the lesson that we've all learn bed terrorism is that
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it is possible in reaction to terrorism to actually accelerate the dicease. if the response is one that alienate populations or prarly ethnic groups or so the work we're doing including security initiatives i announced today can make a big difference in that direction. it is not just a matter of ut providing better equipment or better training, that's a part of it. but part of it is also making sure that these security forces and intelligence are coordinated and and not alienating populations. last point i'll make is on good governance, one of the best i mach lators, las decided in which everybody feels as if they have a stake in the existing order and they kneel this their
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briefances should be resolved through political rather than violence. that's just one more reason why, it has to be part of the recipe that we use for a strong, stable and prosperous network. last question. jer reason roman? >> thank you, mr. president. earlier today, prime minister described his potion as justified and permanent. do you agree these two word? are you hopeful if you fire at truce and what exactly can the u.s. play in the turn the nukes cairo? >> i have said from the beginning, no countries two tolerate lunch time, into their cities. a.
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>> a consequence, israel's wife to defend itself and that include doing what it need to do for that roblg et from arthur andersening on population centers. and more recently as we learned. puddles dung under their territory so they can be used to watch terrorist attacks. >> i also think it is important to remember that acted terribly responsible when it is tlif reciting, raufrnls launches. impopular transfer tags centers. >> putting populations at risk because of that particular military strategy. now. having said all that, i've also expressed my distress for what is happening to women and children during the course of
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this process. i'm very glad we have at least temporary achieved a seize fire. how do we move forward in a sustainable way. we intend to take the profit in egypt. i think the short term goal has to be to make sure that rock the launches do not resume. that war that was done in closing off these tunnels has been completed. and that we are now in the process of helping rebuild a gas na that's been really badly damaged. as a consequence of this -- the conflict. long-term. there has to be a recognition that gaza cannot sustain itself permanently.
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closed off from the world. and incapable of providing some opportunity, jobs, economic growth for the perception that lives there. particularly how dense the population is. how young that dense population is. we have to see a shift in opportunity. i have no impa think for hamas. i the question now becomes can we find a formula in which israel has fwraeter assurance that is gaza will not be a launching pad for further attacks. but at the same time,
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palestinians have pros secretaries for an opening for a guy. to not feel logged off an incable after. purr sigh suing the basic pros tarity. i think there are formulas that are available but they require risks on the part of political leaders p. they will require a slow rebuilding trust which is obviously very difficult in the aftermath in the kind of violence that we've seen. so i don't think we get there right away but the u.s. goal would be to make sure that the cease-fire holds and that gaza can begin the process of rebuilding. and that some measures are taken so that the people of gaza feel some sense of hope.
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and that the people of israel feel confident that they're not going to have a repeat of the kind of rocket launchers that we've seen over the last several weeks. and secretary kerry has been in consistent contact with all parties involved. we expect we will continue to be trying to work as dill jntly as we can to move the process forward. it is also going to need to involve the palestinian leadership in the west bank. i have sympathy for hamas. i have great sympathy for the work done for the international authority. they have recognized israel. they are prepare to move forward, to arrive at a two-state solution.
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i think he is sincere in his desire for peace. but they have also been weakened, i think, during process. the population in the west bachk may have lost hope in how to move forward. the delegation that is leading the palestinian negotiators, and my hope is we will be engaging with them to move what has been a tragic situation over the last several weeks and no more constructive path. thank you very much, everybody. and thank you all who participated in the african summit. it was an outstanding piece of work. i want to remind folks in case they forgot of the incredible
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young people who participated in our fellows program. we are very proud of you. we are looking forward to seeing the great things you do when you go back home. all right? thank you. >> rev, president obama wrapping up a wide ranging news connen from at first ever u.s.-africa summit. he spoke for about 40 minute, taking questions on foreign and domestic issues. he had strong words for rush why and hamas. he also talked about taking dysfunction and congress on and about taking executive action wherever he had the legal authority to do so. and he said the american people do not want him to quote -- he said they do not want him twiteling his thumbs while waiting for congress to act. joining me now is karen bass, democrat from california. and back with me, joan walsh and ryan grim. thank you for being here.
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again. and congresswoman, thank you for joining me. the president said he want the wentworth congress but the american people don't want to see him twiteling his thumbs. your reaction it that. >> i think that's right and i support the president issuing as many executive orders as he possibly can. i think congress has demonstrated over the last four years that they won't work with him on any issue. the american public want to see something get done to i aplaappd the executive order. for the president to have a press conference and there could be one question on the summit, this is an historic event. i frankly think there should have been a lot more attention to that. >> you're on the subcommittee on africa and you know how
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important this issue is and how it has been ignored. the president's statement was around the $37 million invested. about good governance, peacekeeping, human rights in africa. and the american press, i think, asked about ebola and then went totally into other areas. which kind of shows the point of the summit is that africa has been ignoreed. >> absolutely. and last week, for example, 500 young leaders here. this event was a legacy, event for the president. because i think it is a complete reset in terms of u.s./africa relations. but last week, there was a summit of a 00 young africa leaders. 50,000 young people from the continent of africa applied. 500 were selected from every single country. not only are we paying attention to today, we are also preparing
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for africa in the few tour. this is under his leadership. this is something i know will be written about in history and it's a shame there hasn't been more attention. >> written about it in history, joan. i was down there monday. what is -- what does this do to the president's legacy? >> it struck me, so many people in the country have such hopes for him and a need for him, but one question from a reporter from the standard, showed you the high hopes that africans have of their african-american president and for press freedom and recognizing -- >> and to get incarcerated journalists out of jail. >> yes. so much is expected of him.
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it is a himicrocosm and it is fm an african-american journalist and not american journalist. >> and a gentleman from the standard asked in the opening questions, so technicallily there was two. but about ebola and the use here being untested on those that had it, but how does that make us look to africa and the rest of the world when he's -- they are at the summit. and the media says okay, fine, that's nice, but let's's talk about a, b, c, d, e. and i'm not saying those issues aren't important but this is the closing press conference of the african summit. >> i'm sure it looked strange to foreign viewers. especially the setting. if this was in the white house,
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and the white house press corps was asking questions it might have looked a little bit more normal to them. however, the president knew that this was going to happen. if he wanted more questions about the situation in africa, there were a lot of african journalist there that he could have called on. that's not to say that the american journalist couldn't have asked those questions. >> maybe congresswoman, that's the point. letting people see how far we have to go. how far -- we're going to run out of time. how much does africa mean to the u.s. economy? we're not talking about a pity party they had the last three days. >> means an awful lot. there is a potential of what it could mean if relationships are strengthened but you could put gas in your car. that's what africa means to the u.s. economy. we have a significant amount of oil from the african continent. so i think that is no excuse to me, the fact there were african
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journalist there. american journalist should be addressing africa. >> since the united states was hosting it, we should have shown more interest. but congresswoman, karen bass, ryan grim, joan walsh, thank you for your time. and we will discuss tomorrow night a lot of other irissues. but today i think we should all acknowledge history was made. thank you. "hardball" starts right now. >> test of strength, let's play "hardball." >> good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. president obama just finished a news conference after completing his summit with african leaders here in washington. the president touch had on many issues today from the war in gaza to republican charges
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